:' we're going to have our invocation by Pastor Eddie SE from the church of the Heights and our Pledge of Allegiance be led by commissioner Terry Turner All Rise if you're able to do so let us pray father we just thank you for this opportunity to come together and just to take care of the business for put up county father I thank you for each one of the Commissioners I thank you for each of the staff father that work tirelessly to make decisions and to help our County to advance Lord I Thank you right now that um we have the best County in Northeast Florida and Lord I Thank you that the best is not yet to come but the best is here and now and father as we discuss business today I pray for Unity I pray for wisdom and I pray for insight Lord I pray that you would continue to bless this great County I ask you to continue to bless the Commissioners and their families would you bless the workers for our County and their families Lord let your favor be upon this County and continue to open up the heavens above and pour out your blessings in Jesus name amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Pastor Eddie and thank you commissioner Turner we're going to deviate from our schedule for just a second our agenda and bring up our friends with the Florida Air Army National Guard and they have a little uh conversation they want to have so if y'all will come up to the microphone and you can pull that microphone right up to you okay can you hear me fine yes sir thank you well good morning thanks for uh having us aboard uh we are um happy to be here my name is Colonel Steven Pierce I'm the uh 125th operations group uh Commander for the Florida Air National Guard uh I'm here today with several other members of the Florida National Guard we sincerely thank you uh for having us and for allowing us to make a statement uh this morning okay the uh Florida Air National Guard is conducting an investigation into the noise complaint that occurred the morning of March 2nd and the and the uh resulting property damage claims at this time we do not have information on the timeline of the completion uh of the investigation and since it's an ongoing investigation we cannot answer questions at this time about it the 125th Fighter Wing has been a proud member of the northeast Florida Community community for over 80 years and we're committed to being a good neighbor and continuing to do everything we can to maintain our Readiness while minimizing the uh any impact to the surrounding community and your constituents uh if your constituents have experienced damage the Air Force has a uh process to assist affected residents and we prepared a handout to help them through the claims process we will leave the handout uh with you afterwards uh to make copies with email addresses phone numbers uh etc for your constituents uh this is the only way to file a claim with the uh with the uh air force uh is through this process so each person or household will need to file individually the point of contact for the process is the Patrick space force based Legal Office their contact information is on the handout the handout we're providing has has all the contact information and instructions on how uh to file uh and please reach out to the Patrick space Force Base legal office uh with any questions regarding claims uh uh for this or any other questions uh if someone has damage or constituents have damage uh to their uh property and in preparation for their claim we ask that they uh take plenty of pictures uh and then please remove any uh dangerous items so broken glass Etc uh and then keep those photos uh Safeguard those to use in the uh claims process again we're Beyond grateful I I I personally come down here a lot we beyond grateful that for you to have us here today I I love Paca my uh as I told a couple of you my kids play down here uh with golf a lot so we we we love we love this area it's great to be uh back here uh but we're very grateful for the many years of support uh you've provided the uh the military uh and and the surrounding communities and we thank you uh for your and ask for your patience as we uh conduct the investigation thank you thank you so much I believe you gave those pamphlets to Ashley correct she has that so we'll get those ready for the public but we thank you for coming down and explaining that situation have a wonderful day and we can always move to putham County we'd love to have you okay reminds me where I grew up so we appreciate you and thank you for your service to our great country thank you have a great day all right thank you Commissioners our next item on the agenda is approval of the minutes Mr chair I move approval of the minutes for the board of county commissioner regular meeting dated February 13 2024 proper motion proper second Mr chairman I have a correction yes Mr Mr chairman I have a correction um on page 12 down about the middle of the page and it's a roll call vote that was pertaining to the bridge lights I believe the roll call should be district one no District Two yes District three no District Four yes and District Five yes and it has District three as a yes I made my second with the correction okay so let's let's make sure district one was it is a no no District Two was a yes District three was a no District Four was a yes and District Five was a yes yes I just want that to be corrected okay so the U the motion has been amended I am in my motion okay to reflect the changes is there any other discussion Mr Turner or not good good deal all right all in favor signify by saying I I POS like sign the eyes have it we're going to recess the board of County Commission meeting and call to order our Port Authority meeting and the chair will entertain a motion on the minutes Mr chair I move approval of the Port Authority regular meeting minutes from February 13th 2023 second we have proper motion proper second any further discussion on that motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I iOS like sign the eyes have it item number B the RFQ putton County Port development plan Mr Sam Sullivan are you taking that for us today commissioner procurement can take that as well that is the RFQ that is the uh rank order we are just here today as part of the RFQ process to allow the commission to approve the rank order we will return once that rank order is done with a hopefully negotiated contract which will be done in rank order thank you any comments you like to make Mr San no sir we had two two companies bid uh Mr Tilton and Mr Stout joined me on the evaluation committee we unanimously selected uh these firms in disorder and we'd like the board uh the board authority to proceed and allow us to negotiate a contract with the top firm okay Mr chairman I move approval rank order second proper motion we have proper second any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing none all in favor signify was saying I iose like sign the eyes have it Mr s your on I'm sorry yes sir no no no for after the vote that's fine Mr chairman just want to let you know that we've went ahead and scheduled a second Port Authority meeting for the month of March so that if we get this contract negotiated we can come back at the next meeting to get it approved so we can get to work on the good deal on the project moving faster than government does right thank you sir don't jinx it I hear you okay the next item is our cran removal discussion Mr Turner are you doing that I will okay okay I uh we have a business out next to our uh property at the port and um the crane that we've been wanting to take down for the last six years but just haven't seemed to get around to it uh we've had the gentleman that owns a business next to it because it's in the way of him being able to access our Port um he is offered if we if we can uh get with the attorney that he has offered to hold the county harm harmless and take the crane down at his expense um now that's still got to be an agreement that the attorney will that our attorney will will review and agree to and make sure we're not at liability but that should save the county in the neighborhood of about $45,000 which is the last price that I heard that we had to take the crane down um the next item on the list is the dockage discussion they kind of go hand inand Mr chairman okay um the as repayment to the to the business next door for taking the crane down um I would also like to propose that that for the next two years because I don't think anything's going to happen there within the next couple years other than some rebuilding of the bulkhead and he and he can work around that with us or whatever ever um I think that we need to let him use the dockage for 10% of the do regular dockage fee that we would use for the next two years to help him pay back now that would not keep him from having to um to schedule his barges coming in or any of that just like a normal you know any other business would have to do or the other business out there that from time to time uses our facility veritos um they would still have to go through Sam and have the you know the scheduling done or whatever to make sure this happens this gentleman's probably talking about using this dot if everything works out according to the current plan probably a couple of times a week for the next couple of years so I I think that would only be a fair thing to do if they can work out the liability that our attorney approved thank you um and also there's a drainage pipe right there that needs to be cleaned up on that in that little Cove area but I'm sure we can make arrangements for that so basically your qu your thing is commissioner Turner if I'm hearing you correctly is we're going to he's going to take it down at his expense but he'll get some sort of credit applied to him so he can dock there for the next few years I think about 10% of the normal dockage fee and it'll should work out to about the same money but I think that's very good and you know the thing about it is that's impressed me about this whole situation it seems is that they haven't ever come to us and asked us for any kind of incentives right any tax incentives they haven't anything and they've got a business going there that's employing like 15 or 20 people and and it's going to get bigger and bigger and bigger as they go on through this it's called gypsum the gypsum I guess they take old jip board from different places and they recycle it and they sell it to certained or whatever so and now I guess they're going to have to bring they're going to have to ship in gyps some from other places or something and that what he was trying to do was get it to where he could get it in a usable condition and then sell it to Gip to a certain te or whatever so we're really supporting two businesses in the county by trying to to make this happen which is what the port should be doing it's all about Economic Development helping the businesses and do whatever so I just when this was presented to me I just really didn't see a downfall a downside to it to the for the county especially if they're willing to work with us when we're going through our reconstruction in the uh of the bulkhead which we got if the governor doesn't veto it I think we got a legislative approvation this year to um uh coming to be able to do some of the work on that on that bulkhead U and so they'll have to do the scheduling or whatever just like anybody else would that wanted to use use the facility during that time we're not turning it over to them we're just letting them use it for a reduced price to offset cost of the crme so I think it's a great idea Mr Adam Z you have the floor yeah I'm all for that as long as we put some sort of DOA ex seed on it like 50 Grand or something like that like if they end up being there all day every day we don't want it to be where they're taking up the bulkhead completely so I love the idea I don't even mind if we gave it to him for free until that money was repaid to him even a little extra so I'd love to do that with it do not exceed of 50,000 if we think it would be 40,000 to take down something like that or I may the only thing that concerns me about that is is that the the the Development Authority the Port Authority that their number one reason for being in existence is to try to do Economic Development to try to help people we gave certainty um tax incentives we gave other business is when karco came we sold him the building for 3 or 400,000 under the appraised value of the building that's worked out well um you know it's a true success story so I I don't think I don't think this needs to be a dollar for dollar necessarily because they haven't asked for any other incentives they haven't asked for any other help that we could have asked for they're doing it on their own merits I thought it was very nice of them not to just come in here and ask us to tear the crane down and and they pay their own dockage you know so I really think that we just need to do this yeah and that's that's why I think I offered a little bit extra money for incentives so I understood Mr Pickins you have the floor yeah I guess in the agreement it would be if if for some reason there was damage duing to theage of the of the bulkhead that would that be worked out they would pay for that well I believe that would be in their dockage dock their dockage contract just like anybody else that uses the bulkhead any business wheresoever there'd be they would be responsible or liable for any damages that they perform while happens while they're there so it wouldn't be any different in that all that I could see okay Mr s you had a comment you'd like to make not a comment just a followup uh that of the uh Port authori has given direction to Administration on how they want to move forward with this I think it might be prudent for us to go ahead and and sit down with Mr Stapleton our County attorney and and and Mr Sullivan support manager get everything lined up as far as the agreement to remove the crane that down and talk with Mr Stapleton and get a uh an idea of what the uh next two years may look like and bring something back some type of formalized plan back to the Port Authority for final approval at that time that way everybody's on board with exactly what it is that we're trying to accomplish here thank you if the board doesn't mind I would like to attend that meeting I would not that is absolutely fine with with Administration yeah let me get to Mr adamac and we'll get back to you Mr Mr I'll just say this I I can't get there without some sort of limitation I don't know what that limitation looks like there is a limitation on every other project you mentioned um as far as how many employees they were going to do there there was there was requirements on both sides so maybe the limitation is a little more than 50 Grand something like that but I I can't get there without some sort of limitation thank you all right I think what we're going to end up doing if I'm understanding correctly is have this meeting and actually bring the deal back to the board for final approval so at that point maybe we can maybe it will be something in there that we'll set you will see so let me clean this up real quick so commission I have no problem with commissioner Turner spearheading this idea um and bringing this back I would like it to come back soon very soon if we could sit down and get this done uh maybe within the next 30 days have some type of at least concept don't have to have an agreement but we need to be moving forward and also if you'll keep in mind turn that drainage pipe that comes off of our building drains into that area so whatever we can do to kill two or three I don't want to say that solve problems at one time that might be the answer there so is that amable to you yes sir I don't mind at all I don't know if we can get it done in 30 days or not I will certainly try why don't you update Us in 30 I'll try to do that we'll try to update where we are I think this U okay you know we have Private Industry included in this also that is their time is very pressed okay and even though he is with us this morning thank you for coming Mr Stapleton um even though he's with us this morning I I don't I've got to get rich together me Rich the staff and Mr Stapleton all in the same room so yes we will do our best to get it done as soon as possible or update you at the first meeting of next month don't have coming good deal so we don't need to take a vote but I think we can wave in support uh so everybody on board to move this forward M everybody okay so you you've got the marching orders and we'll go from there thank you commissioner Turner bringing that forward we appreciate it very much is there any public comment on Port Authority items this is the time for Port Authority items only and seeing no one to the podium then we're going to move on to General discussions board is there any other General discussions seeing none I'll re support Authority and reconvene the board of Cy commission meeting and our first presentation is National safe place week I've asked Wilkinson to read that Proclamation is anybody here from the national safe place okay com on up please and Miss commissioner wilon will'll meet you at the thank you for being here today good morning Commissioners morning putam County Proclamation number 202 24-21 recognizing March 17th through 23 2024 as National safe place week whereas the Youth of putham County will determine the future strength of our county of out of of our country and be the bearers of our democracy whereas youth need a safe haven from various negative influences such as child abuse substance abuse depression and crime and youth need readily available resources to assist them when faced with circumstances that com comprise compromise their safety whereas the safe place program is committed to protecting the Youth of putam County by offering access to immediate help and safety for young people seeking assistance and guidance whereas designated locations where youth can get information and immediate help safe fa safe place is found at businesses such as restaurants convenience stores movie theaters and Community buildings such as fire stations libraries and public transportation whereas the success of safe place is based on public private collaborations between businesses school systems fire departments law enforcement and a network of volunteers whereas putam county is committed to demonstrating the importance of Youth safety prevention and Community responses to identify needs whereas the safe place program must meet performance standards relative to outreach and community relations to receive direct federal assistance as set forth in the runaway and homeless youth act whereas more than 1,500 communities in 38 States administer the safe place program at at more than 22,000 locations whereas more than 387,000 youth have been helped at a safe place location or received counseling by phone as a result of safe place information received at school and through Community presentations whereas since program Inception in 1983 more than 15 million youth have been educated through National safe place networks safe place Outreach efforts familiarizing them with a safe place sign and providing them with information about how to seek help in order to stay safe whereas increased awareness will encourage more communities to establish safe place locations where youth can readily access the help they need now therefore be it resolved that the putam County Commission recognizes the week of March 22nd through 29th 20 well okay let me change this this isn't quite right March 20 March 17th through the 23rd 2024 as National safe place week and calls upon the people of putham County and interested groups to promote awareness of and volunteer involvement in the safe place program and observe the week with appropriate ceremonies and activities Mr chair I move approval of proclamation number 202 24-21 proper second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes have it thank you very much congratulations thank you for this or do you want to say anything would you like to say something um my name is Alex cth I'm the regional director at CDs family and Behavioral Health Services here in putham County um I've been with the agency about seven years and we just want to thank everybody for their support um all the proclamations over the years um has you know shown a light on on the project so just thank you to everyone thank you thank you Mr Adams Z so just for the Public's awareness because this is a public meeting and it is broadcast out and some people do watch it where are the safe places in putham county today um they're all over the county um actually um every bus with ride solution is made a safe place um the safe place coordinator goes around the county um to every school um Home Depot um other places like that they're they're safe places it's it's just an education program and the places all over the county um are just instructed on how to recognize youth that um would be in the safe place program and instruct those Personnel at each site of how they can contact us and reach out to us at CDs family and Behavioral Health Services here in putam county or in other counties um the lead County that that administers that program um to get those children to a safe place and who's the lead county is that St John's for safe place uh it's it's all over okay yeah just the the lead as far as who is in that county like here it is CDS okay um so we we do that so um I'm not sure all all over who who does it in each County um but we we lead that here so we bring the children into the shelter we contact their parents to make sure of what's going on if other services are needed awesome thank you thank you very much would like you to get a picture with us we'll come down all right three two thank you commissioner wilon for doing that presentation that Proclamation our next item is Heather POG UF I for agent and Jamie duckery with an awardwinning speech that's very riveting Jamie thank you for being here and again feel comfortable with us okay good morning first of all of course as always we just want to thank you for the support of the putam county 4 program um we appreciate the opportunity to be here today and to let Jamie share a piece of her um speech that she did in our count events and we'll be going on to our district events in May and hopefully on to state in July so um thank you for having us and we appreciate your support as always all right good morning Commissioners my name is Jamie da and I'm a member of the boots and bow for each club and I've been in that since um for 11 years um the support you provide to miss Heather um and our program allows us to be able to do so many things within for each that we would be able to do without it um we really do appreciate all that you do for us um I recently competed in our 4 County events like Miss Heather said in the public speaking division um in May I will go on to District events with my speech that is titled the importance of internet and Rural communities and I'd like to share a few key points of my speech with you all today I have a friend who has to drive to the CIA parking lot in Keystone Heights to access the internet and complete his school assignments because because he lacks internet as at his home not only is this a tremendous inconvenience for him and his family it's not the best environment or the safest option for a teenager however this is what it takes for him to be able to access the same opportunities as other students in some parts of the country there have been buses set up with Wi-Fi routers that are parked overnight in residential areas that lack internet access ability that is not a permanent solution but it's a step in the right direction Farmers require internet access to facilitate online sales of their products or to connect with potential buyers that are interested in purchasing their goals most farmers use the profit they make from their products to help maintain their farms and when they cannot be successful due to the lack of Internet it becomes a substantial concern internet accessibility is an essential aspect of life that is often forgotten about when it should be one of the main focal points of a community's interest from the lack of Internet preventing a student from submitting assignments from the comfort of his own home to Farmers not being able to be successful due to lack of due to the lack of Internet accessibility we should be taking a stance on getting better internet access everywhere and not forgetting about our families and farmers in rural communities thank you thank you thank you Jamie how old are you 16 16 okay very impressive I would have never been able to do that at 16 years of age very impressive thank you for doing that and let me say this you and I talked prior to the to the meeting today and and the role that I play in Internet for Broadband for rural areas um it is very very important that we all beat the drum to anybody that hears us that we need internet you're right no one should have to drive to the Keystone Heights wherever and sit in a parking lot or the inar and Library they shouldn't have to if they want to that's a whole different topic but they shouldn't have to so I appreciate you doing that and we all need to be singing with one voice Mr Adam Zach has a comment I'll make the same comment I made a great speech I loved it um that I make every time internet comes up in rural communities and at somewhere in there if you're allowed to edit that if you could swap one of the accessibility to affordability because internet is accessible anywhere on this globe yes sir it's a matter of if you can afford it so some people correlate the two together affordability is accessibility but it's important that we keep telling that word as as we petition our legislators and everything else affordability because the problem is you can get star linkers up but some people can't afford $125 it's gone up to now um that's everywhere in the world for the most part um so just an idea but it was a great job I I appreciate it you did a great job speaking in front of us I can imagine you were nervous I know when I was your age I would have been so awesome Mr Pickins you have the four yeah again I'll Echo that uh you did a great job very poised especially for 16 and you'll use this skill the rest of your life trust me and um some learn it early and some had to learn it a little later like me um did you say you've been involved in 4 for 11 years yes sir since I was five wow I didn't know they came on that early so I think I think it's fantastic and congratulations thank you thank you for being here Mr sugs you have a comment yes sir I was stilling piggyback on yours Mr chairman as the uh role that you play at the state level uh looking for the uh ability to get internet accessible throughout our great state maybe you might want to think about inviting Miss Docker to come and speak at one of our meetings because that might be our secret weapon having someone from a rural community come and speak as eloquently as she did to he morning what you don't know is at convention when this first happened I dressed up as Flash and ran through no one knew I was going to do this to and I had the signs affordability reliability accessibility it was bad it was it was yeah you don't want to see it but but I had to bring awareness to the group because you're exactly right in Orlando as Mr adamac responded they pay a portion of what we pay in rural Florida but rural Florida is just as important as any other place and we still drive through this County going I'm fixing to drop you because we know where those dead spots are we know that should not happen because we live in a in a century now where internet is vital to our lives for everything we do and uh but again like I told you we could build the best internet service but if somebody at the back doesn't know how to use it we didn't accomplish much so we still got learning to do but thank you for coming and I will if you'll give uh give us your name and address I'll invite you to the next local technology planning team okay yes sir thank you for coming you want to get a picture with us sure okay three two one so commissioner Pickins you wouldn't have been able to do that at 16 or not as well I can tell you that agree I agree Miss Parker you have some presentations you'd like to make she here Lori Parker Jr J.R is going to do it that's not Lori Parker yeah guarantee you that there's no way in a world I could replace Miss Parker um but uh commission thank you this morning for the recognition this uh some of stuff is uh what a lot of us do is just you know take the opportunity to thank our employees for what they do uh the first one on today's agenda um is employee the month um if she would join me with um the EOC staff is Miss Sabrina Southern [Applause] she G to speak will she speak yeah uh chairman I was going to see if you give her like 30 minutes additional to speak this morning [Laughter] so we'll time her too okay yes sir if you could just give her well she can get a lot of words out in one minute so so she's she's she's very good um I'd like to start by saying uh thank you for Miss Sabrina she came to us um I think around a 2021 time frame uh she 's been in the county system for many many years she started I think her career at the Sheriff's Office and went to the Clerk of Court's office and she's I think at her final res in place now with her governmental career at Doc um couldn't ask for a more attentive um hardworking employee um I'm not sure that we're not going have to put in the budget for addition carpet funding for the EOC because she can burn it down from one end to the other buddy when she gets going she's in a hurry so uh but everything she does is very thorough does phenomenal work for us um as a Community if she doesn't know the answer she's going to find you um so which I have to commend because she is steady on the hunt for new knowledge and learning and the abilities that she's picked up in just the short time frame she's here and she just does a phenomenal job uh we'd like to thank her for um her service to the county and she is February uh 2024 is employee of the month um Sabrina Southern so here's you a wonderful certificate and a check from the board of County Commissioners I have to give a speech do you want to yes I I just wanted to add that I don't know what I would do without her she is amazing and not only does she learn if she needs to know something she shares the knowledge and that's important with her co-workers good deal so thank you all right ug C come on down we'll get our picture taking well going to stay up here that's okay you good bring all your family friends co-workers Aunts Uncles all that some people on this side you thank you I called you now if we got to keep calling y'all down here there's a problem just [Laughter] say all right we ready three two one congratulations Parker Miss Parker ma' I'm sorry Mr Grimes good morning once again um this is the one we're all jealous of um Mr Charlie Francis is retiring from put County um if if I could get him to join us up here at the podium please and uh Mr Stout and Mr lad as well uh like to thank Mr Charlie Francis for uh 21.7 years of service to the citizens of putham County as a crew leader for our public works department um that's a long time uh with with 21 years goes a lot of institutional knowledge of how work and especially in a public work system so I hope we've had time to get all that knowledge passed along over the last few months but we just like to uh congratulate Mr Francis on a retirement that's well deserved and we're going to miss him as putam County um Mr lad Mr Stout anything to say but congratulations to Mr Francis I also just like to say congratulations uh it is going to be a loss of knowledge that uh Mr Dylan's going to have a little bit of trouble feeling but he's going to get that taken care of for us I did ask your sister you know if she thought you were ready and she thought you should keep working but you said there was too much fish in do so uh good luck on the boat good morning I just wanted to say thank you as well I mean uh every time I've been in the field he's been diligent dumping in the hole getting in there being supportive to the crew and congratulations and I wish you the [Applause] best Mr Francis you want to say anything or like to say uh draw myself working there I'm on a motion be hard it' be good appreciate thank you sir come on down let's get our P bring all your family and friends and co-workers and wow we should have had y'all first where the roads could go back to get worked on there's nothing being done right now you have other work to do now now that you're going to retire you got things to do all around the house good going back a little bit more if you get your work done early you can go fishing in the afternoon out later let him enjoy his fishing [Laughter] sometimes thank you again Mr Francis enjoy your retirement thank you for the years Sir Mr chairman I understand that everybody came in to see this presentation except for the people in district one they're still working you you couldn't miss an opportunity could you commissioner attorne okay moving on to our next item it's public comment on agenda items this portion of the agenda is designed to allow citizens an opportunity to bring matters to the attention of the board it's not reasonable to expect that the board will engage in debate or deliberations about matters in which the board has received no prior information as part of the agenda please limit your comments to 3 minutes public comment cards are conveniently placed at the meeting room entrance and should be submitted prior to the meeting to the deputy clerk Ashley who sits to my left your right and is there any public comments on agenda items on agenda items do you have a you look a little confused sir I ask questions you may come up to the microphone real quick and ask I do need you to state your name and address and then you can ask your question okay you can pull that microphone up I'm George Van Brunt from Pomona Park and I like several other people up there had damage now uh the military people that were here and said the paperwork is here do we pick that up here you can pick it up right now from okay and would it also be made available like in the communities of Mona Park and we lack for people that can't come to get it is what I'm asking Mr Pickins I and I want to thank you all you Commissioners for getting right back to us on that on the day that I called you I'm sure we can make arrangements to get it down to the the spots down there town councils we can email it to the Town Council Emil jul ask we get that from Julianne and she'll give that to you thank you for for that thank you okay is there any other public comment on agenda items seeing n is there any commissioner like to pull any items commissioner Adams act commissioner Turner yes sir item G item G commissioner Pickins I have none commissioner Wilkinson h and k h and a k k okay I have no items so the chair will entertain a motion Mr chair move approval of consent agendas a b c d e f i j and l second you have a proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing none all in favor signify byan I I oose like sign the eyes have it Mr Turner you have item G and I'm understanding there could be a possible phone call involved in that which I don't know that we're going to need that or not that would be if your determination when we get done okay um we'll wait on that that okay the um I just felt like there needed to be a little more discussion before we move forward with this I know that we talked about it in Workshop there's been a little more relevant information uh since uh Miss Young has been talking to the uh consultant that we're hiring to uh do this study for this uh project um and I just wanted to give her the opportunity to to point out a couple of things that she's found out that we weren't certain of one thing's a schedule and another couple items so if you'd allow me Mr chairman to turn it over to miss young please do Miss Young thank you chairman um at the request of the commission I reached out and had some conversation with the consultant um for uh very detailed uh questions that had come to me uh one being the timeline and for the consultant um once the contract is approved their portion of the study it takes about a month to collect the data and then about six months give or take for them to analyze it and have something back to us from there the timeline is really dependent upon the County's um schedule from there how quickly we move with the information presented to us will be the final determining Factor on that final schedule that being the time question the other question asked to me um to get some additional information was how much flexibility the commission was going to have once that study came back and yielded some numbers and so understand the consultant's response to that is the purpose of the study is to give you the commission the information for maximum assessments that would be defendable per state statute from there the commission will have decisions they can set the fee at anything at that Max or below but not above so the the study is um the purpose of the study is to make sure that whatever fee you set for each of those respective disciplines is going to be able to be defended per the statute that governs impact fees so if they come back for instance and this is just round numbers and said this discipline's impact would be $500 the commission then would have a decision to make they could go 500 or below but not 501 okay um third the uh question came with um respect to impa in areas for where the discipline is not needed I.E um one of the big examples the commission talked about was the utility system is only in East Paka and in that Corridor so if we have an impact of a development in west putam or north putam would they be responsible would we have to assess that utility impact and the answer is no not only we don't have to but it we could not okay so if the if the development will not impact the discipline for which the fee is designed for then there is not a venue where the commission would then impose that impact fee okay um did that make sense commissioner you look at me funny no no no I like the idea I mean that's one of my oppositions to it all these years that I just didn't like the way but currently our general fund is subsidizing some things but sure yeah if you're impacting impacting an area you should in my opinion pay for that impact if that if that's the will of this board so one final topic that I was asked to get some additional information on was um if this would be um universally applied to all impacts new builds or if there was some sort of uh customized approach and so it is in some respects Universal however the commission will have an OP option to impose that impact fee on a sliding scale I.E a 1500 SQ foot home will not yield the impact that a 5,000 SQ foot home would yield and also the commission um allowable within law according to the consultant will have the option to work with the consultant to establish different subject matters or areas for which the commission would like to see discounts applied so if the commission takes on affordability as a a Prime Focus they could then apply a discount to the impact for affordable housing and then you obviously you'd have to Define all of that um all of that to say what this study is intended to do is to bring back all of those pieces of this puzzle that then the board of County Commissioners will make decisions and direct as to what we want in an impact fee if you want an impact fee all right so let me say this in in the timeline we're probably looking at the end of the year year calendar year yes sir before something comes back and then we'd probably be looking at first the next year of having sit down discussions of of what they could you know the hardest thing in this business is to know what questions to ask and what are other communities doing and and not based it on what other communities are doing but you know what what can we do what's the possibil like sliding scales and things in that nature I think are very important so we'll get that from the consultant after that seven month or eight month period and then we'll sit down and have that discussion in a workshop type environment yes sir the only other thing that commission as as stated in here the commission asked us um to definitely include law enforcement as something to review and to make it optionable for the school board we did both this uh proposal does include one um an impact for law enforcement it does not for the school board at their wishes my understanding is the executive team at the school board decided not to revisit or visit that at this moment yes sir they just didn't feel like they they wanted to engage in this at this time that's fine okay M Turner thank you for bringing this not done sir I understand U thank you um I hope that um when the commission hears this because it'll be after I'm gone but I hope the commission will give some thought thought to several areas um that one of those are is that um there's going to be more impact and I don't know how to do it but there's going to be more impact when a subdivision of 600 homes comes in than there's going to be if somebody builds a single family home on their property I don't know how to get that done because if we only do it by size of homes the homes in that subdivision May is this there's a lot of feedback um the home the homes in that subdivision may be of the same size as a slide and scale but they're the ones that's going to do all the impact in the area so I there's got to be a way I feel like that there should be a way that we could think a little bit outside the box and put the impact where the impact belongs which is on high density subdivisions coming in and not so much as somebody building their own single family home that and I hope that the that the commission will give thought to the part of this that what the last thing that putam County wants to do in this commissioner's opinion is keep somebody out of their first home because we're trying to Jack our budget up with impact fees I understand that we need impact fees where impacts are due but if we've got to figure out a way to where it's only going to work where impacts are are necessary I also thoroughly believe that um and I'm just going to pick one of the disciplin parks um I believe that if the commit decides to implement an impact fee towards Parks I truly believe that part of that is is that the impact fee from that Park needs to be used in the district that that impact fee was created because you if I know that there're talking about putting in a large subdivision up on North 17 if that's the case and that subdivision goes in there and there's impact fees charged on that subdivision in my opinion the the impact is for that District so the the impact fees for those pars should be used in that District where the impact fee is and not use down district one where all equipment is we just continue to go there all the time no I hear I think I um and and that was that was my my biggest concern about this whole deal is that we use the impact fees where the impact where the impact actually is um and we there's nothing that says when the commission's hearing this that they have to even Implement some of those impact fees at all if they decide that there's not a large enough impact on parts for instance the impact fee doesn't have to be in the first year doesn't have to be the max it could be a small portion for each one of them as long as we don't exceed the the maximum amount that our study says that we can do so if the study comes back and says an impact fee could be defendable at 15,000 a house that doesn't mean we got to charge 15,000 a house we could charge 2,000 a house and know that we have some climbing room as the impact doubles or triples or gets worse in the future but um I I don't know that that it's been done and I don't know that it is illegal we really need to look at using impact fees for what they were meant to be used for which is offset impact so when we get a 600 unit subdivision and they're coming ladies and gentlemen they're coming oh yeah so the 3,000 unit subdivisions and the 600 unit subdivision those are where the impacts are going to be I understand there's some impact from a one single family that's building a home somewhere but that impact is not near as as bad as bringing in 600 homes within a 5 year period that's a real impact so I hope that the commission at that time will consider the different factors and that's why I brought it up this morning because we did have the additional information that just wasn't available when we heard this in Workshop so uh are you ready for a motion Mr I got some comments okay go ahead Mr pickings your light came on and went right off but um excuse me in the um letter back from the school board it did say I think at the end that it was maybe asking or saying that that the commissioner somebody could come and present to them at a later date is this a jump on board Now or Never correct or they could not come in at a later date correct um no they cannot come in at a later date if if um they would have had to engage now essentially what that that's only for the study correct I mean they could their own study at a later date and still join the join the impact fees in a year later on yeah okay I figured with doing it as a group it might be a little less in pricing or something like that for them but I understand that it's just not their time and um I do agree that um that the money needs to be used where the impact is um is happening and um I I do agree with you probably not in the no as you I'm not a contractor but the growth is coming so I think getting this study done and and prepared um for a commission whether it's this one or the next commission um you know to um deal with and Implement um I think is a good thing what what time frame would be to get this on a particular tax roll does any Julian do you happen to know that this isn't a tax roll item this is an impact fee paid when you pick your permit up okay so it would be permit base rather than yes sir okay so it be a one time okay yes sir so it there is not a necessarily a timeline that has to be met like we do with the things that go on that noce okay we can impose at any time okay thank you that's all I have commission Wilson you have the floor thank you Julian for answering these questions and um getting this bid out and getting everything in front of us today I want to say that um I know that this is a hard topic and that this commission previously has not um even looked into this and I'm glad that we are because I I don't want to stop anyone from building are moving into new homes either commissioner Turner I as you mentioned in one the other meetings you know you got to start somewhere as a a young family or a new family and my husband and I start out in a single wide trailer on Wilkinson Road and Bon moved to a double wide on Wilkinson Road and Bon and now we live on Bon Road in a stick build home so we've had three homes in our entire life of being married in 35 years but at the same time I don't think that um that we're trying to jack up our budget uh by um having the discussion about impact fees and if we do go forward with it um Florida continues to see some of its highest rates of growth in um even after the implementation of impact fees in other counties and it should not be um I don't feel like our current citizens should have to pay higher taxes to offset or subsidize new development new development is less appealing um to perspective consumers or buyers if we lack good roads reliable fire and EMS services and so forth um these things are help impact fees are meant to preserve health and safety of citizens and they're help and they're meant to to truly offset the impact of new developments for roads water sewer Parks fire rescue libraries Etc and I feel like if this is used in the right way with and and it does have to stay in the area that it's impacting that is part of the rule um I think if it's used in the right way it could help us move forward like we should be in the county but we'll have to have that discussion once we see what they say but I I don't want to to have people not being able to move in new homes either I'm very well well very well aware of what your your point is on that and I totally agree thank you commissioner W commissioner Adams that yeah is someone who's supported moving forward in this manner since the day I took office I'm excited about this and I voted no every time that we've talked about impact fees as far as not renewing um on the opposite side not because I necessarily thought we needed to have an impact fee that day but because I think we need to do this study and we needed to see where it lies I'm very happy that the board has decided to include all the items and offer it to the school board um because the thing is if we went back and we said oh let's add law enforcement later then we have some more expenses of the technical analysis and data collection all that stuff which would be like double paying for something that we already have the data for so I appreciate that we're moving forward in that way I agree with everything the other Commissioners said some of these things if I was and I won't be on the board when this comes forward um some of these things I may not agree that we would do like I think someone brought up General government buildings how do you determine like if you have an impact in District Five what buildings would go into I mean some of that doesn't make sense possibly but for the $15,000 I think it's important that we explore it we have that option for the future commissions to be able to utilize that if they find it necessary so I'm very excited about this and uh don't know if at the time when whatever the future commission is deciding to do impact fees I might be standing out there talking about what I what I think they should do and uh I most likely will be I can tell you that so thank you thank you approval hang on just a minute I got I got something um I think it's very important that we go down this road we have as a board before not this board previous board looked at impact fees you know you got to look at them at the time and place that they're in and my comment more is about the naysayers in this political climate that's going to say well you've done studies before we've heard that you have to have current and updated Studies by State Statute uh that's defensible position so uh just want to bring that out we don't know what we don't know yet and we're going to learn what we don't know and then the future board will go forward and make decisions that are based good on this County at that time um do want to ask one question before I entertain a motion to Julianne um I think before in the past when I was part of that we uh individual Commissioners were interviewed by the consultant uh to start off with is that a PO is that something that they have looked at having conversations with individual Commissioners the conversations with the commission will really come after the study at this point is all data driven it is not commission initiative until they return with study results and then yes yes we can have those conversations thank you very much okay the chair will entertain a motion Mr chairman I'll move approval item G second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it commissioner Wilkinson you have the floor for item H um Surplus inventory we have one two 345 2021 Cabas I can't tell by looking at this what is it are they side by sides are they ditch diggers are they mowers what are they why are we Surplus them is it because of hours they're broken down I mean I don't understand it's kind of a misnomer but apologize the item I I guess was lacking some information those were the five tractors that were on lease that we had to return by the lease agreement and then we leased another five mowers But the lease is a capital tractors I'm sorry it is a capital lease which requires just a book it as an asset on our financials which means when we take it out of our financials we have to write it off really yes ma'am so even though that doesn't make any sense but okay it's a it's a it's an accounting principle it it is not um it's a gby standard you governmental accounting standard board they require us to do it now so this is really just compliance with with gby and accounting and and policy that that it's paperwork but it's required I tried to get them the Surplus him to district one but that probably had to pick them up out of district one to bring them in and trade them he did yeah we just sent them down to district one to pick up I think it was just four of them so okay so commissioner wilington I will say I I asked the same question one of the first meetings of that when we surplused something that was coming off Le and it it is confusing a little B thank you okay with that I'll move approval of item h on our agenda second a proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion all favor signify by saying I iose like sign the eyes haveit thank you commissioner that's very uh good it doesn't make sense sometimes when we're just trading in something listen I'm a I'm a it has to make sense to me I get it it really does I get it you have item K I just need to I'd like some further information um specifically I want to know how this benefits puam County I guess that's my biggest question and then Mr Tilton would you come up and explain the temporary situation here that's fixed to happen or you want to happen good morning Commissioners so St John's County reached out to me and their transfer station there in Vermont Heights which is right there before you get to 95 off of 207 at Tillman Ridge they have to redo the transfer station floor they reached out to me to see if we would be willing to take the garbage that's generated in the area for just a couple of weeks why they don't have a place to actually take it because they dump it out on the um um floor of that the transport station is basically a big shed and then they load it up and haul it to Georgia so they reached out to us um I told them we would charge them our gate rate which is our commercial which is $34 a ton um and that we would look to be able to help them for just a couple of weeks and it's Revenue that we're going to be able to help put into our coffers is that their only sanitation station in their whole County the only other one that they have is actually up in the North St John's County in Pon aidra and I guess they look at it from a travel standpoint that we would be closer okay commissioner Turner you have a question um yes when I started in the last six and a half years I've learned more about the damn garbage business than I ever wanted to in my entire life um but I know that that there's certain parts of it that are businesslike just the same as the utilities it's got to be sustainable the citizens just can't keep taking these different parts of the of the county and and taking the citizens money and making them operate into the future the landfill is the same thing we never wanted it to become a regional Landfill we don't I don't I don't think Mr Tilton does we have no interest in that at all but if you don't bring some revenues in from outside sources such as El and bunell who we have a contract with and waste management in or in Orman we still have that one don't we Jay we don't have a contract with them no not any longer sir okay but we did but small funding Partners to come in and try to help you then our assessment's going to be5 or $600 a year per household instead of 170 or whatever it is now 255 but that's both together but the 160 of that is pickup 155 so less than $100 basically for what what somebody has assessed every year to help the landfill stay alive here in putam County if you don't bring in funding partners that assessment will quickly rise where it'll be completely out of control because of these small funding partners and these small deals like Mr Tilton has here it has enabled us to bring down that assessment every year for the last five years from way over way over $100 to like 80 or whatever it is now um we'd uh we'd like to continue bringing that down every budget year I don't know if we're going to make it this year or not CU we got a couple of things that are staring Us in the face this year that's different from what it's been in years past and it will it'll unfold during the budget process where that fits out I'd rather not bring any garbage in at all but i' Le i' even less rather the citizens have to pay higher assessments to for that to happen we've got a lot of airspace at the the Landfield years and years and years of airspace we've got two more we've got it set up to where we've got two more um Sals that we're going to to mine out inhouse mine out we've already got the the trumel and everything to do it and the equipment that we've bought over the years we've got those that are going to be additional airspace and we got another th acres of land in the back that we can put a landfill on they won't run out of landfill space in the next 150 years for putham County even if they had a lot more funding Partners but it's always been and this is just me speaking you may have a difference of opinion and I respect that but I've always believed that we need a serious funding partner whether that be St John's County which we're not going to get and we rather that be clay which we just missed out on it so we need a funding partner we don't need to be a regional Landfill but we need a funding partner um the landfill business needs to have income and that's in the form of bringing in more garbage so this is for this is basically for a year at full gate I mean this is a year could be but in reality it's for two to three weeks while they're redoing their floor and they're paying full gate rate they didn't even have to have an interlocal agreement with us they could have just brought it over here and dumped it to our landfill at full gate rate cuz we don't keep anybody from just coming into the county as long as they bring in garbage that's acceptable to the county anybody can bring it in and dump it our gate if they pay full gate rate the funding deals that we have with the that we used to have with Waste Management I guess is gone now but the El they have a little discount a little small discount instead of 34 they pay 20 something but they bring 100 tons a day or they did or whatever and so um it fluctuates but those small fund Partners what allows the citizens to pay a lot less money and keep the the landfill operating 100 tons sounds like a lot but in the garbage world that's like a drop commission wion any comment my only comment would be um you know we hear a lot from citizens regarding trash that spills out of the trucks as are traveling through the county so if you could just have a conversation I would really appreciate it with St John's County to make sure that they're securing their loads when they come in through these will actually be on their rear loaders so they should be they should be closed off um I've had conversations with the highway patrol and with the sheriff's office um I don't care if it has a putam county sticker on the side or if it's blowing trash out to pull it over that's and use my parking lot to write the tickets right because what happens is we're spending extra money to clean up that mess and so while we're saving on one end if we're if we're hiring contractors or whether it's the inmate work crew or our work crew to pick up trash then we're not saving money and I appreciate you commissioner Turner for helping me get to there to that point and some education thank you yeah Mr Adam you have a comment and I agree with everything you said but I also looked at this particular instance as as counties sometimes we need to be neighborly as well right so we've been trying on and off in the time I've been here to build some relationships with different counties and we've even had some joint meetings and other things I know some of us speak to other County Commissioners and people on staff in the other counties surrounding us as well so I just think this also is like an olive branch to say listen we're willing to work with you and then hopefully someday that helps us get an opportunity if we need something from them and vice versa because we have interlocal agreements with a lot of the surrounding counties for fire service for other things sure so you know we got to also do the right thing for our community as a whole which isn't necessarily only just our citizens Regional in this particular case yeah given that it's three weeks um yeah if it went yours then I think we'd have to negotiate something different but well we just put that in there because it's I mean they got a redo a the a 1ot thick concrete floor is basically what they're doing so I mean that can come with its own headaches you know so if it goes a little longer than three weeks that's the reason we put the extra in there sure but I think I think it really needs to be said that they we don't even have to have an interlocal agreement you said that this is just nice you know that like commiss adamz said us being neighborly to do this but they're paying full gate rate well we pay full gate rate on their Beach so hey that's all I get it I get it I appreciate I appreciate the conversation um I will say this though Mr ton before you leave you know um when I first got here Landfield was up for sale and I fought very very hard and I often thought I'd wear a mirror on my chest on the way home for that laser that would bounce off and not shoot me on the way home it was a very terrible situation but traveling around Florida learning landfills Hanley Center Center of solid waste management University of Florida very very knowledgeable um so I know a lot about landfills too and I tell you it's a it's a it can be a money maker for a county and it can be and I tell you once we once you start mining all you're doing is creating more airspace and you know that and I know that and getting stuff out of that area so um I agree I think we need to be good neighbors and we need to move this forward so commissioner what do you want to make a motion I do I'd like to approve move approval of item K on our agenda item second proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing none all in favor signify by saying I iose like sign the ice have it next item new business Parks and Recreation LED lighting M Julianne do you have that yes sir I do thank you chairman um the item before you Parks and Recreation was approached by Paca Babe Ruth who has a representative here today who can can add um to the request uh they were notified that the contractor who has been a valued partner for putam County Parks and wrecks of all of our complexes has uh notified the them of their his intent to move to Montana this summer um with that time frame being known the request came from Paka Bay Bruth to finish um the field lighting for Fields five and six at Francis Field that uh which also provides a 15% discount he has been um a partner with us for all of our parks and generally will discount his cost pretty significantly Because he believes in giving back to the youth when we began to prepare to go to the recreation Advisory board with some conversation with commissioner Pickins he also requested that given the fact that the vendor is looking to relocate to Montana and that we would like to also look at options for finishing South putam um so we did have both of those items at the wre Advisory Board um South putam and Francis are the only remaining active complexes in putam County who do not completely have led field lighting for the participants that are there um we we of course at Francis Field have baberuth who is a partner as well and has contributed um and they also Franc has two area high schools who use practice and game day fields at that complex um so the the funding request is before you the wre Advisory Board recommended that the board fund all of the lighting projects so that we could get this done prior to Mr van leaving um so the total there for Francis and then the two fields and South putham there are several different viable options for funding but it is at the board's direction to uh advise staff what they would like to do I have a question we turn it over Mr Pickins will be first and then commissioner Wilkinson um does Mr van think he can get this project done he's committed if we uh are would like to move forward he's committed to getting it done prior to his relocation thank you Mr Pickins you have the floor yeah thank you chairman Harvey um when Julian brought this to my attention uh chair of Parkson Rex uh to have a special meeting to discuss uh the possibility of lighting the the rest of the Francis Fields I said well let's can we take a look at South putam and so we really were going to include just one field uh it was actually the one of the back fields that has no lighting it is large enough to to have two soccer games on it one time so that's how big that one is there's also an intermediate field and I said well let's let's see if we can get this one done and and that'll you know boost the lighting uh availability down there uh this was actually a recommendation from the board from the parks and wck board go ahead and look at that one too so that one's wise that one's on there we have a really good Parks and Rec board we had a lot of discussion on this it was a two-minute meeting uh George uh young who's the president of the Babe Ruth up here spoke a little bit and answered some questions he had some really good conversations but I really think with this we really need to look at this seriously because Julianne pointed out that the last two quotes that um this company won the next uh closest bid was twice the amount of money so we're going to light these in the future we probably need to really think about doing it now if we can come up with a funding NM so that's all I got right now thank you commissioner Wilkinson thank you um Julianne for bringing this and the detail that you put in the report I appreciate it in the agenda item this is very important to me Francis park is in my district and I uh was approached by somebody uh constitu who um also is involved with the Paca Bay Bruth and I realize how important this is to our community and lighting those fields and the amount of of Youth that come in into that into that Park and I'm willing to put a portion of my commissioner dollars uh toward them I believe I can do that I know we have some arpa funding my suggestion and discussion would be that we split the arpa funding as as uh noted in the agenda item of 91,000 between the two parks um and then that would leave a little less than a 100,000 for my for my Francis Field and I guess a little bit less same way with South putham and then you know I I don't know if I want to I could use the whole 100,000 I could use I don't I don't really know I'm really looking for some direction I guess as far as funding mechanisms the Commissioners um discretionary funds are available the local assistance and tribal funds uh for this year's allocation is available last year we used them at South putam on one of our Fields um so we could then again split them the general fund and BPP are all viable funding sources for these C capital projects well this means so much to me that I would be willing to to if I have to Pony up the whole 100,000 out of my discretionary funds which is half I would be willing to do that I don't know how commissioner Pickins feels but um Julian what was it and I asked for that this morning I didn't get it in the addendum What's the total for South putam with the second field on there I didn't write it down and it is 197 830 okay so if we split that it'd be a buck 50 out of mine split splitting the arpa yeah the arpa in half is nine is 45922 so it would leave a remaining balance in south putham of 151 908 and a remaining balance for Francis of 93 844 and 40 cents if we if we split that arpa funding mechanism let's finish our conversation we get right back to that Mr adamack I think you have the floor next I was next well it recounted again but go right ahead sir you're fine sir go go ahead Mr Turner then all my questions are exactly what they're discussing right now how we going to fund it who's going to pay for it and what have you you know because like Francis Field for instance we put 150 in it last year and we use the same reasons that we're trying to reuse this year that they're great members of the community and they are they absolutely are they go out there and they do their own maintenance and they do their own scoreboards and they do they they work on the concession stands it's a government partnership with the with the Babe Ruth organization and I think it's great but we still got we got other things to do in putham County other than just funding life so I'm not saying I'm against it especially now that commissioner Pickin and commissioner Wilkinson are are are adamant enough to do this that they're going to Pony up the additional funding out of their discretionary funds I'm on board I'd never go against what a commissioner wanted to do with their discretionary dollars I'll tell you that straight up so that was the only questions I had was how are we going to fund this not just straight out a general fund and it sounds to me like y'all got it going on so that's Mr Adam's that um someone who used to coach in West putam as well as Melrose um West putam more when we were in West putam we used to do tournaments where we would come into the Francis Field um because the West putton doesn't exist anymore my children aren't interested in baseball we've moved on to soccer so um but I'll say this I I fully support it that my my district butts right against the Francis Field unfortunately it doesn't to your South puttenham Field um so and I have people in that area right in Francis right because I have from Moz road back and then all the penile and I don't have a big Park footprint outside of the Johnson Park and especially not in in this Eastern portion of my district I might be willing to put 20,000 of of my discretionary funds towards the Francis as well thank commissioner Adams maybe what we need to do is take like a four minute recess and Julianne you could have a little sidebar per Commissioner of not all at one time I I don't I I think maybe I can propose something okay relatively you got it all written down that's fine um so the local tribal assistance funding if we allocate that um then that brings down the to the balances between Commissioner Adam Zach and commissioner Wilkinson's contribution uh Francis would be completely taken care of if commissioner Pickins if I heard him say he would allocate his 100 as well that would leave only 51908 to come out of General fund for the entire amount of the projects chairman I move what she just said well is that what you understood commissioner Pickins I'm good you good okay we got a proper motion on the floor do we have a second I got I got a comment I I'll second it okay got proper second you got a comment Mr yeah I do also in the Francis Field that field has some age on it uh my youngest son Bob's 31 and he played Babe Ruth there okay so have to I understand we have other needs but um that program out there used to hold tournaments as George put in his uh report tournaments and it it has the ability to do that again a place where people want to come from out of town to come to participate in in whether whatever age group it is so I believe this will really be another um a big step in in moving that forward I was incorrect in my numbers there there were 300 kids signed up for soccer this past year in South putham that's really the only fields that we have for them to participate especially um you know during the time frame that they play which is uh when it gets dark at five o'clock so with this I appreciate um commissioner Wilkinson I appreciate this whole board um to realize the fact that we need to continue to invest in our youth and this is a really really a big way to do it so that's all I have if I can have a few more comments you may you know this is important to me because I understand that you know there are we have travel ball out there we have high school teams out there we have pan Baptist out there Babe Ruth um I have I don't have any of my children out there or grandchildren out there but um it is one of the busiest athletic complexes in putam county and uh they host a number of tournaments throughout the year we bring visitors in throughout the county you know from other counties and it's good to have a good uh face for putham County especially and we need to engage our youth to be involved in sports and like I'd said before getting them out of the house and and out of off of the couch and off of social media and all of those platforms that you know Sports is where they they learn leadership they just learned so many things from teamwork all the things that we need to be teaching and our children and that's why it's important enough to me to to use my discretionary funds for that and I appreciate the support of the board so thank you thank you Mr adamac you a comment no you're good thank you Mr adamac Mr chairman we have proper motion yes sir um they've embarrassed me into it I knew you were going to come on board yeah I uh I'm going to put 30,000 of my discretionary funds towards Mr pickin's part down there in Chris and maybe he'll let me borrow a tractor maybe he'll let me borrow a tractor up in District three to mow my grass well thank you very much I'd come I'd come down and hug you but I don't want it on camera so so Julian with that number now where are we at yes sir 21 we're going to split the arpa funding so each Park will have 45922 in arpa funding Commissioner Adam Zach will have 20,000 at Francis commissioner Wilkinson will have 73 8.44 and4 cents at Francis commissioner Pickins will have 100,00 at Francis commissioner Turner will have 30,000 at Francis and the general fund will contribute $ 2,98 sou put I'm sorry South puam it's written down south just misspoke yes ma'am apologize Francis so Francis has 100% paid for and the only one that's lacking is South puam would the so and that will be 20 left there'd be 20 left to come out of General funds yes 21908 take it out of my funds it we be good to go good you zeroed out that's what else we want to negotiate today we on a road all right but let the record be known that I don't I know donated money few months back for Melrose lights so I won't be participating in this round of of hospitality if you will we just did it all out of discretionary funds Mr pick just put the other 21 in so it's just it's all paid for there's zero zero out of general fund all right so we have for a motion we have a proper second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it we're going to take a three minute break e e e e e e e e e um next item on our agenda is under new business the procurement approved design of the putam county fairgrounds building um who has that one uh I can take that one as well sir okay um we have Mr Malcolm and Jr Mr newold here with us today um they they have been along with Mr Marshall fulgram the point persons who are working with us to uh solidify the design of the building that we have um now received two legislative Appropriations to build and so they have finalized their conceptual design and are here to present it before you and I'm going ask Mr newold and Mr Malcolm to come up and and uh take the board through that design that you have laid out Mr chairman while they're walking up yes sir Mr um I only have one question and you can address it whatever you wanted to come say by the way a nice building impressive um if it comes in that it's above your your funding capacity with your legislative Appropriations or is the plan maybe to come cut out some of the storage or to make it a little smaller or is that kind of what the plan is at this time because no sir not at all and the only reason Mr Turner that's an excellent question but the reason we can't is one part of that Grant we got it it had to carry the name it had to carry the address and the square footage that we put in for it that was off the table there was no changes in that so what we did was we made it what we needed and you're correct we do as Julianne said just a moment ago we've got phase one we went back as four and a half five years ago we put in for it everything had changed so then we got phase two approved we were already told to submit phase three but we didn't want to because at that time we were just partnering with Biden Hall we needed to get this conceptual design complet completed so we could get it out for bid then when the bids came back in we will know then what we're really looking at in our vision and we hope to capture all that in the phase three and so far the support from the legislature with our Representatives that we've been talking to with y'all support all the county help here we have a very confidence level that the phase three Grant will go through okay well so I know that you guys have a real grasp on reality on the other projects that you've done and whatever so but if it turns out that that you don't have a funding I I would assume then that you would go and do fund it like you did the last two projects you would fund them within your own mechanism so if I guess what I'm saying is if we approve this today and that your conceptual design I would like it to be of with the understanding that y'all are going to do everything in your power to fund it without the commission having to to fund it with you you are 100% correct yes Malcolm I think I gave you that too is that was a concern of mine we love the public private Partnerships that we've been enjoying over the past few years but when covid taught us that people ran out of money and they the prices went up and expenses and it came back to the taxpayers of Pam County I'm not saying I wouldn't support that I'm just saying that we've got to be mindful of that going into this project I think it's going to be great for petam County I really do I think it's a beautiful design we need a building this big to do events they don't have anything like that right now so um I'm looking forward to it Mr so you had a comment you'd like to make before they do their presentation yes sir that's fine I just wanted to say also that uh you know as we do with every other project that has an Advisory Board capacity to it like a wreck you know the uh information came through uh from the uh the gentlemen who are spearheading the project so we I requested uh that they go back and hold a uh a board meeting to make sure everybody was on board so we could verify with with you five if that was a question here today and I want to just say thank you to Malcolm because they jumped right on that that was a conversation I believe on Monday and I believe on Thursday then you were calling me to let me know that the board unan approved the the project in in his presentation so I just wanted to say thank you for that and let the board know that it did go through the advisory committee as we do with the other projects good Malcolm you have the floor you go ahead and just to say excuse me go ahead commissioner I just wanted to add please understand that because I made that comment doesn't mean I'm not for this project or that I think it's a great project and a great design I just wanted everybody to understand that today by us approving these plans doesn't mean we approve funding it if y'all don't get it to a certain level that's the reason I wanted to bring that up I'm on board No Sir Mr Mr uh commissioner Turner I I absolutely know that for a fact that you're on board this was one of those things that each time we go through an advisory committee like to parts and Rec for anything and it comes to the board is one of the things I wanted to make sure that the fair board understood that would might be a question of the board that it go through the full committee and yes it has and just to just to add that and Terry I fully understood that was your point and respect it with all y'all we understand that's your position there to your constituents to make sure when y'all are proving something y'all are proving what you should and I fully respect it all of us do but um the one thing I do want to say is our our pcfa Putman County Fair Authority we've been on board with us since day one this has been going on for two over two years and with saying that I do want to point out Terry sugs Julianne young um Lee Duran Sam Sullivan we've had J.R Grimes and Jay Tilton even helped us in the evaluation this has been going on for a long time but our board has been up to date the whole time even when I was vice president a few years ago I was writing letters to our board on behalf of me and J.R updating them whenever we did these designs I shared them with the board we just had a board meeting two weeks ago and I told the board when Pat completed the design I was going forward out to all of them I mean we have we have this is a continuous loop with our with our board so just want y'all to know might have been the three of us on the committee but the whole board's been involved with the whole thing we just couldn't have 20 opinions in there during the design phase but we're very proud of it and if y'all don't mind we've talked a little bit about it but Malcolm hang on just one second commissioner adamac have one quick comment I don't have a question I just saying as far as the fair goes I'm excited about this project and um I think if we did take something it would be a a tough decision I don't think you can anyway but even with the facade like normally for the Animal Control building I'm like we don't need to make it real beautiful but in this case I think it is going to be a show piece at the fairgrounds so some of the extra stuff that the outward look of it is just as important as what can be done inside of it in this case in my opinion I just wanted to make sure I said that out loud thank you we appreciate that all right Malcolm you have the floor our long-term Vision y'all is that this would be a type of a conference center you know this is something that we hope that big companies like SEO electric Georgia Pacific out of the county entities which we know the TDC looks towards things like that that will bring more people into the county to use it when we started the design concept and discussion it several of you Commissioners had passed on to us that y'all like to see a type of a conference center here something to hold that would make putam County more viable for people to come in and hold these large meetings and that was kind of our vision from the beginning then when we all started working together we were trying to come up with a way to do it we brought in several design architect companies of which Biden Hall is successful one but anyone that's been to Clay County they have a similar facility that bid Hall was the successful bidder did the design implemented and it's it's a beautiful setting but we wanted to stay kind of rural we wanted to say something that represented putam County what we are I mean we didn't want to make something look like the Taj Mahal but we want something that was usable that was efficient that would be effective for what we're using the floor plan for the seating the training rooms in the back the kitchen the full bathroom area area even the frontage of it to where it would look very it would look very I don't want to just say putam County but would look very friendly warm and open and that was the whole point and we feel we've established that so I don't want to sit here and try and do what these gentlemen were paid to do but I'm going to ask Brian and Pat to kind of pick up on this part and explain to y'all the details of it and me and J.R is here to answer anything y'all have Mr chairman I don't I don't think we need details just give us an overall View and and like your your elevation or whatever for the public to see on TV and what have you I don't think we need a full-blown details I mean I'm a contractor I I've looked at these plans for a while so I mean other people may not have that experience but I just don't think they want it maybe like how many toilets are in a bathroom or so they don't care they they want bathrooms and they w't you know so if you could just give the overall floor plan and the overall you know elevation for the public to see I think that would be more than adequate to get you approved today yes thank you uh my name is Brian so with B Hall Architects I'm the principal you can pull that microphone up it'll work for you perfect um and thank you for having us this is an exciting project I I have with me um Pat Smith he's a senior architect in our in our firm and I can't take credit for it this is really you know Pat's design more than mine but um again we appreciate you know kind of the opportunity uh to to kind of present you know what we what we have here um I think everybody's spoken you know to to kind of the design and that was that was our intent all along is to make this building looked like it was always meant to be here and respect you know the community and respect kind of the people that are going to be you know coming to this place um so just some real real simple highlights um we do have a a large space uh a multi-purpose space that can accommodate gosh I think it's up to around 500 folks you know in in seats and and slightly less in tables and chairs so that it can accommodate literally almost any kind of function you want to put in there um and and that space is supported by a full commercial kitchen uh so that if you know meals want to be had there and or if they want to be brought in for for catering you know that we would have that facility available to us that same kitchen can also has an exterior uh serving window so that if the fair wanted to use that kitchen during the the fair they have that that function as well so it kind of can serve both you know both both purposes um and as as Malcolm uh we've got some then uh other features in the building some some office spaces I'm sorry some office spaces some uh training yes thank you some training room some conference conference spaces um that have exterior access so that that allows us the option to to not even bring the whole facility online if somebody wanted to just you know use that one singular space they could after hours or on the weekends or whatever and not have to to impact anybody else in the facility um and that's kind of H in a nutshell um oh I'm sorry I ski right over the the the storage area so the then the other third of the building is is a storage uh large storage Warehouse um that can be used uh to to store uh product J.R would you please cut in the microphone real quick space not only for the fair itself but as the county needs space during emergency programs that it's easy to access that it's safe and secure and and just kind of sticking to the idea that it's a a facility that's open in many ways to the the full County in many aspects not just the fair okay Mr Turner you have a question question then Miss Wilson I think Jr needs to give us his name and address for the record sorry sorry Jr Jr 566 Old Highway 17 ceson City Florida thank you sorry about that um I just wanted to bring that that a copy of these full plans a full copy of the plans are included in today's agenda so anybody that wants to see them in the public all they have to do is go on the agenda and the full set of these plans are in there for further review or for further comment or whatever so while it looks like we may be brushing through this pretty quick today is completely transparent by just going to the website and getting the uh today's agenda and it's it's uh in that agenda thank you thank you m wilon you have a comment or question yes I have a couple this is the first time I've seen this pardon me the only um uh involvement I've had has been when I was working for representative paying in the appropriation process so the two Appropriations that you've received and if you guys can't speak to it maybe staff can um those have time frames on them so are you how is that working out with the state when we got the first one Miss Wilson um it had a year we got the extension which took us to two years and then we worked with them this past year we started Sam Sullivan and sending the updates done and that continues the project moving forward okay the second one had another year which we haven't even started to it yet so time frame wise we're sitting good um there's really been no delays in anything with involving the project except really the holidays outside of the holidays it's been steady moving forward Sam's been sending the quarterly reports to the our contact in Tallahassee and we continue to move forward as soon as these bids come back in it's going to be moving very fast okay all right so the the time frame for completion will be based on the beds you are correct yes ma'am we receive that we'll have a schedule all right that was one of my other questions um and then the vision for the fair during the fair time uh I know the this building has restrooms will this be replacing the restrooms that we currently have are used in conjunction is it going to be open to the public during Fair times right now that's not the plan is to continue with the actual restrooms we have the facility and that's been meeting our needs now down the road as we grow that very well may become part but we look to involve that building in the fair process going forward right now we've not doing anything to it with the fair of of course because we're in the design part but when it is completed we we plan on making that part of our fair to what that visual roll out at that time we'll have to see as we grow but as far as bathroom facilities we definitely are not including that right now for the fair it's separate it's for that facility itself are we getting rid of any buildings at the at the fairgrounds no Ma we're by building this this will be a replacement funding for The Malt be building the new one but the old Maltby building is still there we just put the new roof on that Malt B building and we'll continue to use it the way it's been used similar to setting up for exhibitors and stuff and this building will be used totally separately in a different format so during the fair time we don't know that we're we we don't know what we're going to do with it we don't know if we're going to have exhibitors in it or or what most likely will not be exhibitors if we do something it will be something we'll add on like we'll bring in some type of other um venue not venue but we would bring in another event we would bring it in like we use the Tilt arena for certain things we use Pavilion one this would be another accommodation we could bring something else into but probably would not be on the exhibits we would try to maintain those in the Mal building the malb building one okay all right I think that answered my questions okay Malcolm I have a couple of questions started your your presentation you said that there was three things that could not be changed on the first appropriation what are those three things we had to maintain the name and Julian can jump in there might be more but we had to maintain the name of the Mal building it had to be at the same physical address it was and the square footage that we had requested in the grant we had to maintain that because when the first grant came back and the 1,1 225,000 that was 1,1 125,000 that was actually two and a half years it's been a few years yes okay it had been you know it had been up there and it took several years to get approved and then of course Co had hit us making everything in the supply chain double and triple so at that time we knew we were going to be in trouble and our first thought was to shrink it down Julianne was helping us we made calls that was a no no it had to be maintained there okay and the second appropriation is how much um I'm gonna look at Juliana 1.5 or 1.6 million I believe sir somewhere in that area yes sir that's fine now let me tell you a personal story that my wife and I are Florida Gator alumni and we bought into the Emerson Hall and you might wonder where is he going with this um they had great bathrooms and my wife did not mind spending the thousand a person for a lifetime membership to use the bathrooms before the Gator game if the bathrooms are that good you might have a VIP bedge that you can sell at the gate for those ladies and gentlemen who like to use nice looking bathrooms Mr picking you have the floor yeah thank you chairman Harvey the the outside of the construction is it steel concrete I mean is it a steel building basically yes sir it's a a pre-engineered metal building with a a a metal pan in the interior and thank you for all these other questions and um commissioner Wilkinson I was concerned about their timelines also because it State's good about giving money but also have timelines and when you use it um inside is looks like 560 seating uh will the completion of this have um uh audio and visual all high-tech stuff in there were for a company could come in like a Clay Electric and do a seminar three-day seminar or something like that all that yes sir yeah we have uh uh monitors on the front well which would be the top of that plan as well as along the sides we have Provisions for all that so yes they can do audio visual okay does the funding and I'm looking at malcol Jr does the funding include 560 seats and you know 400 tables and all of those things the kitchen equipment and those things is that in this funding or is that 100% our plan Mr picking yes sir and when this comes back in we'll have the pricing and then we'll know what we're going to do and then that will be included in our next phase our plan is when it's completed it is TurnKey that doesn't mean we don't have a plant to plant somewhere or maybe an extra TV to put somewhere but our goal is to have it TurnKey when completed that's been our everyone's goal since we started this staff included that's a good plan okay all right that's all I have Mr s you have a comment yes sir just on the funding concerns uh Mr Sullivan uh has notified me that all of the allocations each one of the Appropriations have been kept as a separate agreement in order to be able to maintain each one of the timelines moving forward so each one of them are separate so each time there's a uh a new agreement in place it starts a new timeline for each one of the phases of the project well I love the idea so are we done with discussion I have one question I MoveOn wait sorry go ahead M I just have I see your aerial map but where is that um located at on the property where are you going to be located you physically when you come in to the Fairgrounds Road the as fault when it turns and you're facing where our ticket booth is if you look to the right where the fence runs it will be on this side or the South side of the fence that's what I thought okay I just you just put the new gate at yes sir right between that and the rolling gate you're correct between that and the rolling gate yes sir okay very good Mr Turner you had a comment a move approval second a proper motion proper second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I POS like sign the eyes have it thank you very much for your presentation next item is of thank you for your hard work thank you Mr Smith too by the way you didn't get a chance to Pat Smith you didn't have a chance to talk but thank you uh procurement Surplus property Miss Julianne or Nicole which one yes sir that that'd be me thank you um the this is part of our normal process we've been contacted by um two different constituents who have offered their properties as donation one of those has 25 properties and so she would like the county to take all 25 if we going to um move F further forward of the 25 four of them um were found to be useful by Public Works to retain and then there is a 20 there is another um property a second separate owner which you will see on page two you can see the owner's name that last property is a separate donation in a area um of the total 26 staff Public Works staff has found five of those properties um that would be useful for drainage purposes for future or current need um the remaining if the commission wants to move forward then we would recommend staff would recommend that we issue a bid to Surplus them out and uh the board would set a minimum bid threshold if that's where we want to go thank you miss wion you have the floor um we reviewed with codes enforcements to ensure there's nothing on their side um we have not done anything further to date of course it would be the property owner's responsibility to pay um we did look to make sure there was no back taxes owed the only the current year taxes is still but that's still in a not overdue state right um and so the current owner would have to make payment um of any relevant proper tax prior to the transfer of ownership sure okay Mr Turner um well I have a lot of respect for staff and what have you I disagree I think we should keep more of these if we're going to take them especially ones up on the south side of Minnesota um they're all wetland in that area if they ever wanted to widen that road any further than what than what it is for whatever reason in the future they're not going to be able to do it because they don't have any real estate there to do it with um and these lots are not going to bring anything when you sell them they're underwater the ones up there on Minnesota so we have a program already in the county where when we come up with properties the county doesn't want we surface them and sell them I think Mr Goddard came up with it several years ago and it's been very successful I don't know that we need to be in the business of take somebody's tax ride off and turnning around and selling it for half the money uh um and I think I'm not so sure that's not what would take place here they would take a full-blown tax ride off for donating it to the county and then we turn around after that and sell it for pennies on the dollar they got to write it all for um you know if we actually have a reason that we want it I mean and I don't think when Miss Cole gave us the um gave us her recommendation on the four lots that we may want to retain I don't know that she would miss cold but um the I don't know that we need to be in business of taking somebody's tax right off and that's basically what this is for somebody is a tax R off if we're going to if we're going to take it I think we need to keep it or at least the ones that could be used for something in the future like the ones up around all these are right on the edge of a wetland if you look on page 231 of your package they all they're all around a lake and a lot of these are just underwater um so they're not worth a lot of money there's not even an Upland area on some of them so I don't know if I don't know that we need to be in the business of taking these at all Mr Turner I appreciate that I want to say something along those same lines you know a few years back um we bought some properties 17 Lots basically across from my place for water retention because it was swamp and they were going to go up and someone could try to fill it in it would it would really be detrimental to my community over there so I think you're right I think if there's something we can do to keep these because they're not going to be valuable anyway and they're going to be Wetland then we can make it a conservation you know impact thing like that Miss Miss Young you had yes sir I guess let me back up and clarify staff's role is simply to bring you the donation offer from the citizen and then as established by the board and in past requests preceden was to reach out to various departments and to determine prior to coming to you if they see a need staff has no recommendation on whether or not we accept any of these properties or or move forward at all we simply are taking the request of the citizen and bringing it to the board along with input or recommendation from the various departments on their perspective we're happy to do anything or nothing depending on what the board directs well I'll always go back to the Comm the commissioner in that District so commissioner Turner you've got the floor what do you what's your pleasure I I just don't know that we need them at all I think we're going to end up either owning them and taking them off the tax roll for no reason whatsoever because like I said I almost I know Den is probably watching this today but and I'm certainly not trying to put uh words in her mouth but it was probably that we could use those if we had them for but I don't know that we need them to the point point that we keep them four lots and sell the other 24 in there or whatever or 23 or whatever it was so I just don't know why we should take these at all and just turn around and try to sell them for less money than what they're going to get out of them I have some question yes commission so um have we done this before have we've taken people's leftover lands we've been offered it multiple times I don't remember one we've taken so far in the 6 and A2 years I've been here here um if it's something that somebody donates that we actually need or want or whatever or somebody said you know I'm going to give you this piece property but I want you to build a park there or animal services building or something and the you do it for that area and the county takes it for that reason whether we end up being able to use it or not like the Beck property out there by the school board turned out there was not enough up on it that we we it would have cost more money to mitigate land where we could have put it there than what we could have just built it where we're building it um so yes we do from time to County from time to time does take properties but it's usually for specific reason not just I don't want this anymore you can have it now yeah and I think that's a very valid point um from a real estate perspective um I can remember a time where people would call from out of state and say hey I bought a lot in inar and Lake Estates and I'm not picking on you Larry but no I would you list it and people we wouldn't even and take listings right because that's they weren't worth anything at that time um and and then if you were to accept them then you have the responsibility to upkeep on them because every then you've got people that could come by and dump tires we've seen that throughout the county already and um and so I understand your concerns about that and I do think that you're right on the ones that are most uh Northerly those are definitely and based on the aerial definitely wet um but then we're not in the in the business of conserving Wetlands that's what the Water Management does so those are my comments commissioner Pickins you have the floor yeah and thank you for the conversation on this um this is now it's for the first six years it was in commissioner Turner's District this part HUD Ridge correct was District three it's now district one after we redistricted but I appreciate commissioner Turner's expertise on this because I'm not that familiar with that area I've been through it a number of times so I'm not you know unless there's really a great value for the county I don't know that we need to accept these laws I just feel like it once we do it once we do it then every person back to my point on the real estate perspective every person who wanted to to list their land and there were hundreds of calls you would get in a year at one office from out of state all those people are going to want to donate their land so you know you just can't you know if we had a plan in place that oh we're going to take this property and we're going to give it to somebody and they're going to build a house on it and there's some good you know affordable housing aspect to it then I would agree but I don't even see that being being available well you know Mr Adam I'm sorry so I don't support us taking any property unless of our alternative use is a better use case than its current use and in this case I don't see that so I was against it from the beginning and Mr Pickins and then Mr Turner and we'll wrap it up or Mr Turner go ahead go ahead the only thing I want to say is I just I'm in complete agreement with commissioner Wilson I don't think the county need to be in the business of somebody else's tax write offs and clearly these pieces of property that they're donating to us are not worth what they were actually appraised for some of them as high as 13,000 I think the cheapest one was like 4,700 and they're under water and wor and worth basically worthless to build on or do anything with unless you want to raise minnows so um point being is I don't think we should I don't think we should take these I just don't think we should go down that rabbit hole and I'm willing to give a motion whenever commissioner Pickins is done okay yeah and I appreciate um the comment about affordable housing because um the ahat committee soon I think in the next few years we'll maybe be able to look at that because we'll be getting more money from the state we got we just approved what 58,000 but we're still focus and we have changed our lhap I'll update us on that when when we get through with it um to have a little few a few more Avenues to be able to distribute the money and help more people but we're not to the point where we can purchase property and actually start building homes so um but I appreciate that because when we look at taking some of this property in I look at that it it we're just not there yet so so and commissioner Pickins thank you for directing me of who the commissioner in that District really is I appreciate it well it's it was his district I didn't understand why but uh it was it was cut out years ago so now it's back well we just even if this was a aack deal that wouldn't work on these These are unbuildable Bo exactly right so Commissioners what's your pleasure I move we deny the proper motion to proper second to deny any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify saying I I so motion stands thank you next item Thomas are you here for codes Brian's here today brought in the big guns today so we're going to do this like we've done them before is there anybody here M chair would you find out is there anybody is anybody in the audience representing any of these codes cases the three that are listed in our agenda okay so just hang tight real quick chair will entertain a motion Mr chairman with regards to case number 2010 891 uh I move staff recommendation of $528 a paid within 90 days we have a proper motion do we have a second second proper second any further discussion do we that one has a tax Surplus so do we need to add any verbage uh maybe thanks for picking that up uh that one that's probably a rich question maybe even a honorable Reynold's question the um tax Surplus received of 39 2435 would be taken out before the S before the additional monies of 5286 are paid within 90 days yes sir okay a second except oh sorry Mr yeah will your second yes yeah okay good okay all in favor seing saying I I oose like sign the eyes haveit next case okay okay next case is uh 2019-23 yes sir um with regards to case number 19123 um there is a tax Surplus so I I move that we take $1,756 to clear the codes case out of the tax Surplus from from the clerk second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify say and I those like sign the eyes have it next case is codes case 202- 629 okay my only problem with this one was is there with the tax Surplus on this is anticipated but we don't know what that amount is yet could this is a to Rich question or to mat either one um the enforcement the recommended enforcement action cost is $1,500 but a surplus anticip ated could we make the motion that we approve the $1,500 and it be taken out of whatever tax Surplus that shows up yes that's fine and then we'll we'll deal with any addition be handled just like it is okay that's my motion then Mr chair proper motion do we have a second second okay commissioner am I guess I need to add to that motion that any additional funds over the tax Surplus has to be paid within 90 days correct amend my second as well thank you we got amended second any further discussion on that hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I those like sign the eyes have it thank you Mr Helms for presenting all those cases to us today little levity never heard anything right commissioner Pickins you're exactly right okay appointments Mr Pickins I'll start with you I have none Commissioner Adam Zach I have none I will announce I am looking for someone for better place plan oversight I think that's the only open opening I have um the person I had took a new position that just doesn't have the uh ability to make those meetings anymore then the person I thought would be good also doesn't feel like they can make the meetings at the time that it is so um we're still looking it's hard to find volunteers right now in some of these commissioner Turner I have none today commissioner Wilkinson I have none and I have none next item on our agenda is public comments on miscellaneous items portion of the agenda is designed to allow the citizens an opport opportunity to bring matters to attention of the board is there any citizens that would like to speak to us do we have any blue cards and anybody that would like to speak on any miscellaneous items today and seeing no one rushing to the podium then we'll we'll get rid of that item on item 10 and go to our honorable Clerk of the Court Matt Reynolds good morning Mr chairman and Commissioners um just real quick I'd like to take a moment to thank uh Tim and his crew with County General Services I've seen them down there a lot been running into them on on campus a lot and they go above and beyond to make sure that we have um that we're taken care of and I just wanted to publicly thank them for that they they do the best they can with the resources they've got and they're they're good crew so um thank you to them and um just as a side note we're seeing um very big increase in tax deed sales um April sale we have over 200 coming up that month which is about about twice what we normally do and uh we had a tax certificate investor a couple weeks ago walk into uh the tax collector's office and file to put 400 of theirs to tax deed sale so we'll have all of those coming forward in one month coming up soon so there's a lot of activity going on good deal well thank you Mr Reynold County attorney Mr Rich Commando nothing Mr chair thank you do you miss being called not called Colonel Commando or general Commando or any I appreciate the recognition no matter what okay I'm just asking I don't want to get County Administrator Mr Terry sugs you have a special one today right yes sir I do I I'll get to that one uh just a couple of things uh you know we brought uh Mr Scott NES on as County engineer just a couple of months ago uh and I tell you the things that are just churning out of Public Works is absolutely amazing right now uh he's doing great things over there one of the things that we've been working on is you know we got the uh the $30 million project from the Army Corps of Engineers on five phases of water project and since Mr NOS has been there uh we've already had the uh uh re redid the design that we had on the Shelf it's been approved I believe permit has been approved by d uh so we'll be bringing that forward to go out for a bid and so we'll be able to go ahead and start that project sooner rather than later which is fantastic so we can get phase one of that program going get some money back in the conference for that as well that has already been spent so kudos Scott for doing that uh Second thing is uh I had began doing uh some rans with County staff going out looking at different areas uh road with Mr Tilton yesterday uh no we didn't just go to district one uh so uh but we will be looking at some things uh just want to get a little more in touch with what's going on countywide uh you know I spent some time with Mr lad as well and then as you know uh Administration rides out quite a bit to look at projects and and and site visits so if you you don't catch me in the office like uh uh Mr uh or chairman Harvey yesterday please call me on the phone because it does ring and we do have pretty good reception throughout the county so uh that's where I'll be a lot looking to making sure that things are moving forward in the field and uh and that's only that's only available available to me due to the work of uh Deputy administrators young and and Grimes gives me an opportunity to get get hands on and see what's going on in the community so I'll thank them as well for that and uh would you be willing to wear a tracker while you're out in different District Hey listen Mr GRS would you would you verify I think Julie already has a tracker on I believe as County Administrator and City administrator I actually rode fire trucks and amp and things of that nature with you guys before right well some of the areas you might want to wear a Tracker yeah yeah yeah F you had an apple tag on he does we every once in a while we'll get alert that he's missing so he does have an apple tracker T him somewhere yes I appreciate that thank you all so much [Music] moving right along uh uh yes we have uh I would like to announce uh to the commission and and all and welcome some new members to putam County uh we've got two new members uh my brother-in-law and sister-in-law Steve and Debbie Masters uh have bought a home in Satsuma and uh Steve is a retired mechanic engineer and and Debbie is a retired school teacher so we brought some new new uh residents not only new residents but some very good quality individuals as well I wouldn't just say that if they weren't family uh but I'm telling you it's it's a blessing to my wife Julie to have a brother a little bit closer and so well I think it's unfortunate Steve is here today where I can give him hell about coming are they willing to serve on any of the boards well you know that that is that is part of the process but you know they they've been here just uh shortly but they've already attended a couple of functions and last Thursday they attended to Eddie Mooney uh dinner with us and so uh they're absolutely wanting to become members of our community and active members in our community and and we can't ask for more than that as as public servants so thank you'all welcome to putham County welcome to putam County kind of like chck Chuck Clemens with welcome to the Florida house welome to County and and last but not least uh I better do this because I want it on the record of uh it's within seven days now so I do this happy birthday to my lovely wife Julie who is also here today so uh and Mr chairman that concludes my comments seven days ahead or seven days late oh no sir no sir I'm always ahead on that one why don't you start the singing and we'll join in well no no that's that's okay boss we we're good happy birthday good all right anything else from staff Mr chairman that's good all right we'll start with commissioner Pickins then for commissioner comments okay uh thank you chairman Harvey and welcome to uh to district one I won't say exactly where it is but it is in district one so anyway I just wanted to um give you another update the Crescent City Rotary Club is after a fouryear absence we're bringing back the um St John's River catfish Festival uh a little different this year it's just going to be a one-day Festival from 10: in the morning till 5:00 p.m. but we'll still have all the offer we'll have a parade um we'll have live music we'll have catfish dinners Gator taale Quail frog legs Strawberry Short Cake and uh Uncle Buck buckles uh Swamp Cabbage who will also have that and I'll give you some information on helping me do that uh at a later date because I know all the Commissioners will want to come out and participate in that we will have kids activity a car show and arts and crafts so it will be Saturday April 6th so and commissioner Harvey or chairman Harvey will be our MC uh he is graciously uh off offered his Services again so looking forward for a a good day um and moving that forward in the future so that's all I have and in the in the South we say y'all come exactly y'all come commissioner ad that yeah there's been a lot of great activities for the past several weeks always in the springtime and the winter time there always seems like it amps up because it's cooler here obviously um so get out there enjoy our community um plenty of hiking opportunities fishing opportunities we had some relatives in town we went fishing I think almost every day my sons and my dad went somewhere um so it was great um my son caught a 21in bass and he's only 38 Ines tall so that was interesting um from a perspective of of growth and we we talked about a little bit with the conversation in reference to impact fees um there is growth coming from the west side of putham as well and they're they're jumping the opportunities in Elo I think part of that is because of some of the government and in our neighboring County there that there's some developers and stuff thinking about getting into West putam in both District 5 and four um so just something for people to be aware of it's you know there's people we talk to that don't want any growth don't anything as a commission we can't just say no um so it's it's happening there there are properties being transacted and things happening that we just need to be aware of so thank you commission Turner uh yes thank you Mr chairman um I don't think think I think we'd be remiss if we didn't mention that the borrow pit that's um that stirred up quite the fuss out in the floor home area is not coming to the board of County Commissioners it's going to the zboa I I myself and the only reason I know that y'all have had contact is because some of the citizens reached out to a bunch of us on the same email and so um I I think that the citizens ought to understand that it is not coming to the board of County Commissioners it is going to the zboa they are Quasi judicial and it will be decided there unless appealed to the Circuit Court that's just the way it is um the other thing last thing I want to piggyback on administrator Sugg's comments about Public Work Scott does there's very few people that are going to understand how big of an asset that he is to this County um what he's done up to date and he's been here like three hours or something but he's what he's done and I'm being facius for that but um he's only been here for a very short period of time but he is already proven to be a valuable valuable asset to this County every time we turn around he's taking a project that would take months and doing it in a matter of weeks um and it's his abilities and so I I just had to not miss this opportunity to piggyback on Mr suggs's comment that guy is going to be a hell of an asset for this County one of the best hires we've done to date so and with that that's all I have today Mr chairman thank you Mr Turner Miss Wilkinson well I'm a little bit surprised Mr Turner didn't bring up St John's Avenue and the fact that we actually have work going on and that it's being resurfaced from Palm Avenue down to is it South 18th Street is that the right the right address 19th Street so you know if we was in church we'd get a hallelujah or an amen or something right Hallelujah so we are making progress on St John's Avenue it has been a work in progress what people have to understand and there was a lot of work that needed to be done underneath that road we certainly didn't want to spend County tax dollars repaving a road just to have it pay just to have it you know torn back up to fix something underneath and we saw that happen many years long before I became a County commissioner where portions of the road would get torn up so thank you to staff it takes it from the procurement to the public works and everybody involved and so thank you for for getting that going because it's definitely much needed in the community um I have to bring up something that's a little um I'm not asking for any kind of uh Vote or anything but I want you to be aware um out in the Boswick area St John's Harbor we have a water system and um the citizens have uh brought it to our attention that that water system is um it's operational and they're still in the black however the uh people that are running it are basically aging out and at some point um they're going to want to hand that over to us and so we have to have some kind of conversation um our staff's gone out and taken a look and along with public works I wasn't able to go that day um but we're going to have to have some kind of conversation as to what that future holds you know we can either be proactive in the process and have a conversation with them up front and they can hand us the keys or some kind of phasing out why they're in the black and everything's operational or we can say no we're not going to help you and then at some point in the future they're going to walk in and hand us the keys and says it's your problem anyway because D is going to hand it to you and we're going to have a bigger problem so um we're still looking into it we I don't have a proposal today I'll work with staff on that but there is there is an issue out there and I just want to make you guys aware that some point in the future we will have to have that discussion Mr chairman yes sir Mr can we check see if there were any Bonds in place when they put that up and make sure that they don't get away from us if we end up having to take that over that the bonds that they had to put in place for that system originally to have it actually get paid out to the county if they have to take that over thank you for that the U also the uh speaking I meant to bring this up a minute ago and you reminded me of it with your deal talking water U ladies and gentlemen of the commission this come time when we got to raise water rates in puon County can we come back to you in just a minute sure on that okay commission she was done I apologize no no no I have one other thing I just wanted to mention that animal um Services held three adoption events this weekend with three with 10 dogs being adopted and you know they wouldn't be able to do that without the support of this commission allowing them to go out on the weekends and do that but certainly because they're dedicated um and passionate about trying to help the the animals in this County so 10 dogs were adopted this weekend and um but I do have a question I want to make sure that we as a county are applying for the spay and neuter grant for the annual I know we didn't get it before and I want to make sure that we're doing that Julian shaking her head yes yes ma'am we're in the process of finalizing that application packet at this time okay because obviously that's essential to help slow the population growth that we're seeing in putam county that it's been such a big nuisance and um I just want to make sure that we're we're going forward with that so those those are my comments thank you thank you commission commission Turner can I just tag on to what she just said about anal services um I think it's great that you update us on the number of animals that are adopted I think maybe I think Animal Services has a a Facebook page or something I think it'd be good advertising if they they put that out there like monthly we adopt it out and I yeah has the the flip side is if you had a month where you didn't adopt any but the community there's people in the community that think that we we aren't successfully adopting any dogs and and that's that's a misnomer and I I keep repeating based on what I hear from the animal services and yourself and uh if we just were putting that out there proactively that might be a good thing as well thank you I agree with that and then then we could share it as Commissioners right and and I think that'd be good um the other thing I just wanted and I meant to bring it up in mind so I apologize for if I can take one minute um there was a citizen that brought up the idea of educating people that adopt the animals and I believe we had a conversation inist with me but I'd like for us to consider and I don't know that it has to be like a course but at least having a pan pet of some sort that when someone adopts a dog I know we do a little bit of this but where it maybe has a list of all the veterinarians in the county has a list the best procedures what the vaccination requirements are things like that just so people have something handy that it's a one pager or something if we could work on developing and I know Brian you said you were interested in possibly doing something like that but I just wanted to bring it to the board's attention that it is something that we've discussed in a a short bit of time and uh it came from a complaint that really had nothing to do with that particularly but it was a suggestion that is a valid suggestion on the back side flip side of that complaint whether we agree with the complaint or not well I do know it I've been at to several pet adoption events and we do have pamphlets that are held that are handed out about being responsible pet owners what your responsibility is and and that's really a huge problem that we're seeing in the county as people aren't being responsible but I see what you're saying is taking that a step further right and given them what the resources are out there even even what the return if they had to return an animal what that looks like I mean just so they have that information all one spot so um so Brian I don't know if you want to work with me on that work with I don't know so however we do it I'd love to see something come from staff of an example of what the pamphlet would look like and and figure that out so thank you for the conversation commissioner are you done I'm done good commission attorney you want to talk thank you um we're going to have to wa raise water rates y'all charge me with try trying to make these P Utility Systems sustainable and right now we charge less money than anybody that I know of anywhere and we're probably less than probably around a third of what they charged in East plaque at the other Utility Services um I know that for a home that I um that I own over in Taylor County is $97 a month for water and sewer right now for water we're around $30 haven't had are rais in probably at least nine years um you you can't buy a shoe string for what you used could buy a pair of shoes for in N the last nine years with stuff that's gone up it's so high now even all the chemicals that makes it use all the equipment you use everything the nuts and bolts of it were operating off of a 9-year-old budget um Ive I've reached out to uh to Mr Grimes and he's agreed to look into it for me with his water staff to see how long it's been exactly how long it's been exactly um what the request would be and it's probably going to be in the neighborhood of if we're in 32 or3 it's probably going to be in the neighborhood of about $ 38 or 9 total not not above but we've got to have as part of this plan to make that system sustainable we' got to have a water increase um the most of the other plan that's been put in place over the years by multiple people is U is trying to grow our way into sustainability but part and we're doing that with all the additional water lines and sewer systems and we're doing we're able to put these in but a big part of that is going to be that we just keep up the rates of what we've already got going going on so that I'm going to I think Jr said he that he thought he could have that information to us within the next month and so I'm going to I'm planning on bringing it back to the board and asking for an increase in the what what we charge everybody for water rates thank you Mr you had a com so today is the first time that I voted yes through consent agenda on a phase of the septic the sewer right so and that was cuz that that phase actually made sense to me so separate that from this subject but I I do agree that the water rates are really low and I I think the SE rates are kind of low as well um so I think we should look at both of those and do some sort of comparison um I think whatever if we set it let's say whenever this comes back two months around we set our new rate um I think we do need to look at tying it to inflation in some manner um where it kind of gets automated a little bit not not obviously we have to approve any increase all every year but where we have a number that comes forth automatically that says this is really what the costs are whether that's an analysis by our staff of what our true costs are or it's tied to something um like Consumer Price Index or wherever we wanted to do it to um because we shouldn't be not doing it for nine years it doesn't make any sense make sense and uh so I appreciate that you brought this up and I I support that idea fully all right so we look forward to getting back for with the Boswick water system commissioner Wilkinson will kind of lead that charging commissioner Turner will do the East black of water rates uh my comments are very simple County Road 315 North has comeing along we're really close to getting that project off the ground been some hiccups but maybe that'll work out very soon where 3:15 North and the two sections of South will be in there would you like to say anything about that just for our listening public real quick because I know that's been a a few years in the works and and uh we'll be glad to get that one moving for forward so uh we were actually in email correspondence this morning uh with fdot with Sher mcgall and Paul web uh the last thing we're waiting on is the service and pavement marking plans uh to make sure that everything that's taking place is in the county right away nothing outside of the county right away um and that scope of work has had to change due to construction increases obviously um but once they approve that hopefully this week and like I said uh the designer submitted that this morning uh then we'll get approval to go out to bid and I'm hoping that that we can be out to bid in the next couple of weeks and let me say this real quick you know I kind of got a letter the other day and ask T Graham if you will about why is it taking so long it doesn't have to take that long we can fund $16 million out of our pocket if we want but we have a funding partner who wants to spend quite a bit of money millions and millions of dollars to go from 100 to Maring county line so that's what we we need those scrap and scop grants we go up to Tallahassee and we talk to our leg legislators about funding those and this is a good project because truly to take that kind of money out we couldn't we couldn't possibly do it so yes Mr ad don't you had a comment real quick the 315 South portion that's that's a couple two of them that's a little more the timeline that's further out though right that starts this coming July July the design phase getting ready to do an RFQ uh for design because the total projected uh construction costs are over 8 million 4 million per phase so we need to go out for um an RFQ on design before we actually did work it's probably two years out that's kind of what I've been leading people in the one and a half to two year minimum because it's it's going to take as soon as they started flagging North I've been getting calls about South I'd pay attention to the minimum part yeah yeah a minimum on year for design once we get the RFQ that's going to have to be out for 28 days and then go from there right I I've been pushing it a little bit further than that so trying to be conservative but I just wanted that update on that thank you all right thank you and I also want to thank this board I tell you it's a joy to be the chairman and it's a joy to work with each one of you all I'm going to miss you uh we worked very good together and especially today and I kind of knew commissioner Turner would have the pony up and be part of that process now we all have done lights we've all done lights so do want to bring to your attention on April 13th you can write it down because I will be sending you a letter sa robman Bass Tournament we'll be happening at Kenwood boat ramp and if you're really bored and have nothing to do the following Monday is a li night to help the puam first cancer fund some of you all attend to that and anybody that lives in Florida who runs the heat one in the morning and runs the air conditioner in the afternoon like we did at our house yesterday it's wonderful to be in Florida in this winter so if there's nothing else for the good of the order this meeting will now be for