##VIDEO ID:maXBQ3U6wvA## all right we're going to call our meeting back to order everybody here that needs to be here and we're going to move to item e on new business Brian and Zach you got that page um 374 in your book are we waiting on anybody else no okay thank you Commissioners uh for the record Zachary Baker planning and development services really what this is is just an introduction of our Consultants uh his name is Robert Jordan from the northeast Florida Regional Council um and he's going to kind of go over at a very high elevation what the E is and what it means for the county Robert we'll get you all back to Jacksonville sorry we had to postpone for a while thank you uh Robert Jordan Northeast Florida Regional Council the ear process is part of State statutes it's part of it's part of the requirements of the state every seven years all jurisdictions have to review their comprehensive plan to address any compliance issues with recent legislative changes um so this is part of that process the year is coming up with the deadline in October so we've been contracted out to get these compliance updates in transmitted by that point to the state reviewing agencies uh the ear process is composed of not only text amendments that we're working on with uh addressing any changes to the comprehensive plan plan relating to statutory changes over the last few years and we know that you guys had an update in 2021 so looking at those periods after that to address some of the major legislative changes for an example there was one past last year requiring all communities within what's are called Basin management action plans to have a list of projects that are associated with nutrient reduction adopted in the comprehensive plan so there's just examples like that that are related to those legislative changes most of those are text amendments but there's also uh updates that are not as part of compliance with legislature but compliance with other Regional entities like the St John's River Water Management District uh the regional water supply plan was updated in December and within an 18-month time period of the update of the water Regional water supply plan all jurisdictional water supply plans have to be updated in compliance with that so they're dealing with the water projection numbers and demand numbers ass associated with that plan so part of that is updating some of those support documents as well and map series have also been proposed to be updated not necessarily addressing legislative changes but just data updates if there's more if there's better available data sources for those map Series so those are the changes we have proposed and we've we're putting forward the the county uh planning department has looked at them and they'll be reviewed and through the process we uh do have a meeting in two weeks where we actually have a presentation for all of you to explain and go in more detail about the changes and also we can go into some of the legislative changes that have happened over the last few years to explain some of the changes that have happened with planning one of the big ones is live local act so we can kind of explain a little more in detail of those as well uh hopefully we will have uh in the process planning board meeting in September and then transmitt by October to meet that deadline so that's kind of the process we have looking forward to that any questions yeah commissioner Turner I've been doing Land Development for a long time since the late 80s um I understand that when you go through the ear process as well as when you write or amend your comp plan or Your Land Development code whichever one it is that there's usually two ways to skin that cat at a minimum of two ways to skin that cat sometimes but it's very very infrequently is is that you have to do an ex exact certain thing you just have to accomplish the goal usually that they set out that you have to accomplish and how you get there is usually up to you I would just please implore you when you go through this to look at it with the same attitude that this county has looked at things over the last few years that we want to try and let people do what they can do with their land while we maintain safety for the citizens while doing it and we've done that and been very successful with it so what we don't want to do is have something in there that says we can't do something unless we can't do that that that there's safety built in there such as you could do this but you got to go get a special exception or you could do this but you have to do that in order to do this we don't want to have things in there that just says you can't do that why well cuz I don't like it and and this has nothing to do with y'all at all but we uh we had a planning director many many years ago when they were writing the U the U the comp plan and it came to the to the sign ele or the sign element in the comp plan it might have been the LDC but anyhow it was a sign the sign portion of it and he put in there what type of billboards we could have in the county and he wanted the ones with the big post that went way up in there that you can't see and all that kind of stuff and and when we we asked him well why did you decide that was the sign that needed to go in here he said well I wrote around and those are the ones I thought looked the best it ain't his decision so I guess the point of that little story is is try to try to skin that cat in a way that doesn't tie the hands of future people around here to be able to get something done if they need to and it's a desirable thing that they want to be done understood yes sir we uh when proposing these changes uh we we're just following the statutory these are just statutory required changes anything that's the local control if we have done ear compliance updates with other communities and the elected officials or from public comments and then elected officials at different workshops would come forward with potential local changes they wanted to make but that was entirely from the elected officials perspective the the things that we are proposing the text amendments or changes is just to reflect the statutory requirements gotcha all right any other questions good Z go ahead so just as a conclusion as as Robert indicated there's going to be quite a few more public hearings and and you'll you'll see these guys a little bit more um we're hoping to wrap this up by the uh October 24th transmittal deadline so after that you'll only get it one last time and that'll be our adoption we'll work with you know the commission as we get through the those steps um also as part of uh their research and completing this work for us um a survey is going to be going live on the County website and it's basically you know very um brief you know what is your affiliation with the county do you think anything needs to be changed do you see any issues with our current comprehensive plan and that'll really help engage the citizens um in the event that they're not able to attend these meetings so I have the link ready when when that data goes then it goes straight to Robert and his team um we'll be able to extract that data so that we can all see it too with our own eyes but it'll be part of of what they're doing so I just wanted it to be on record that there's going to be a survey on the website for people to participate in this as well good thank you all right Brian it good guys I'll see you all Thursday morning up in Jacksonville right thank you okay thank you so much all right now we're going to move to um we're going to start off a little backwards today but we're going to move item K St John's Harbor water plant up so we ready to have that by ready oh I printed that JT are you doing that one or Jr sorry just logging in here well he's walking up Mr chairman yes sir Mr Turner um I realize that this is not a good situation um and that's putting it as mildly as I have that ability to to do um I actually requested that this be moved up in the order because this absolutely needs to be discussed before our fee schedule needs to be discussed because I was trying to find it and I hadn't got to it but on the water rates and the new fee schedule and I couldn't find the page um but they basically in the fee schedule and I'm going to open up with this in the fee schedule it says that the the new rates I think were going to be were proposed to be changed to um I think it was 45 that we had already discussed previously um and they're paying 58 now it's if if my understanding is correct come on up JT and help me stay out of that's correct trouble so it was 40 for residential commercial is 45 they're paying 58 for 6,000 we're doing 40 for 2,000 okay does every commissioner know why we're here today about this they know we're taking over this plant yeah so yeah just so everybody's on the same page SE September 1st um St John's Harbor Water Association is turning over their uh water plant to the county uh they can't run it anymore they are for lack of a better phrase and I'll use their phrase aging out um they're just they're ready to be done with it and so it's coming to us and it does have a lot of upgrades that need to be done and work that needs to be done to come into D compliance by State Statute we have to take it we have to take it that's correct yes no choice for no choice from my understanding there's no choice here we than we're just in a bad spot we're in a bad so I think um Mr noes and I'm certainly not trying to throw Mr Noles under the bus I appreciate his hard work and quick quick but they sent us an email this afternoon that Mr Stout forwarded on to us that um that's basically got a $86,700 one thing we can do about it I was talking to Miss Young on Friday and feel free to chime in here if I misquote you um the I know you're not bashful but but she said she could track this in a separate line item fund or something to where it would carry forward to where we could track what it is and so instead of dropping it from $58 down to $4 $40 I think it needs to be $90 and until until such time at least until they pay back the amount of money that the County's fixing to put in this thing because we have no no option here none whatsoever so instead of dropping the rate to $40 I think we need to drop the consumption to 3,000 gallons and make it $90 and if it's a little less cuz you want them to pay out over a longer period of time that's fine but the county the the real of this situation is the County's fixing to Pony up some serious money here straight out of reserves because that's the only way that we've got to pay it we certainly don't have it in our utility reserves we don't have it anywhere else that I know of so it's going to come straight out of general fund and it's just as it's just as serious as somebody have walked in here with a gun to hold us up we have no choice here unless I mean I guess you'd have more Choice with that you could get shot but in in this case we just don't have a choice here so I think that the it's and I think it leaves a sour taste in everybody's mouth it certainly does mine but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth that that they've run this system for the last 20 years or whatever it's been and there's three more years of fines on it there's um there's payments of $10,000 a year there's all this stuff that's going to accompany this turnover to us I don't I think the last thing we should be discussing is dropping their rate we should drop their consumption down to 3,000 which is what most systems are around anyhow or less and and raise their rate U and I'll I'll stop with there until it's time to say some more Mr chairman Mr thank you Mr chairman yes sir um just to stay consistent with our current rate structure we at a 2,000 gallon consumption rate in East Paca and commissioner Turner just mentioned 3,000 that's going to be two different anomalies that our billing department has to run through is there a way to keep it consistent uh for our billing department whether one system shouldn't be on 2,000 the other one on 3,000 um just to keep it uh fairly level for Miss um Carol and the staff at at that billing hey JT and why don't y'all come I mean Jr come up here want yall to sit right Mr Reynolds usually is why don't y'all sit up there Mr Reynolds I think his point is to manage this one separately purposely yes so that the on purpose and I I agree with that so I I don't think we should consider the other one this needs to be managed as its own entity to try to recover costs um because this isn't anything we did to get this it's it's something that happened um it's the nice way of putting it um you have the so I agree with Mr Turner 100% that it needs to be managed separately now whether we do 2,000 and all of them I I don't care but the the amount shouldn't be the same because our system hopefully is manage better than the system are inheriting and doesn't need all this stuff that this one needs so um I was just trying to simplify it for our staff when it comes to billing purposes to keep it at the same consumption rate um ac across the board just makes it because they're very limited staff that they have in the billing department now just trying to keep it consistent I understand okay commissioner Wilson yeah I have um a couple things so there was a balance of the USDA loan I think we're going to have to have that discussion as well in this conversation but first want to ask the question so this say that again a USDA loan there's a USDA loan so we're going to have to have that discussion as part of this overall discussion but since we're talking about the rib my first question would be do can we do away with the reverse osmosis system and not be required to upgrade the rib so I think one of the problems we're going to run into with doing away with the reverse osmosis system is the way that the Grant and the loan was written um and that's I'm getting that from previous ation that I've had because that's how the money was granted to us was for an roor system so I'm what if we paid the loan off then we wouldn't have that I mean is that an option A bunch of it was a grant that they're not paying off the loan was just a very small portion of the total amount of money that they got that's a great question but I mean I think that that that we still have to comply to the terms of the grant because I kind of asked something along those lines the other day it would be something to definitely look into I mean and we can do that kind of research it's a good point I mean I just feel like that if if we don't if it's not required and we can provide water without a Reverse Osmosis System then I don't know I mean but I see what your point is your point is the grant that we had taken all right J.R thank you um just for consistency I spoke with Miss Wy yesterday uh with the water quality that's there too there is chlorides or salt for better term in that water there now and it is after the treatment you're still seeing elevated chlorides which means the RO system is not functioning the way the roor system should so it's going to have to be rehabed it's going to have to have new um filters put in the RO system um with that it's becomes a little dangerous to treat saltwater and the chlorine as we would normally without the chlorides I'm speaking to her that she had just got some fresh water tests back I would eror on the caution of remove and reverse osmosis a great idea when we don't have salts but with us having salts that water I think it becomes dangerous I know me you spoke the other day about it but I was just informed yesterday that they are seeing chlorides even in the um treated side of the water which tells me that the reverse osmosis system is going to have to have new new filters put in it okay and then I I know we got this um this estimate this afternoon um does this include expanding the rib or is this simply cleaning the existing rib are we going to what is what is this 860 that's in that that's rehabbing the current existing rib that's there um that's the unfortunate part is that thing's got to have a wastewater treatment facility similar to what we have in East Palaca you know we're using it as a dry bed for the industrial waste water that comes off that plant even though it's just stripped down water it's still considered an industrial waste so it's got to go through that rib system Mr Scott is much well versed in it than I am but I still think we're going to have problems trying to keep the water down in that particular pond it's much like a drain field that's below the ground surface water is going to intrude in that so I think we're going to have long-term problems and there's another better way to treat it I'd refer that to Mr Mr nolles that that estimate does include a bit of expansion for the rib okay um since the way it was constructed the pond is a little bit too low the groundwater is high enough that it's keeping it from uh infiltrating so to make it work we'd have to bring the bottom of that pond up about 2 feet which means we have to expand up the both of the pond because we need more surface area to infiltrate in so there is some expansion in there but it's not filling up the whole thing it's not like building another rib it's just making the ribs that are there work properly okay one other question once this if if we move forward and get this um done um would there be room for what's the capacity are we what's our capacity left good question the the best we could tell by the numbers that we were given from them they're running at about a 25% capacity so it has 75% left to grow um with what's currently there okay that's all my questions for now I have another Mr Turner I if we uh good question good question um if we um if we obviously we have to take this over and there 25% capacity if we were to get a grant or something would we be able to expand beyond the limits of the grant under the grant agreement and try to recoup some of the money and drop the fees by getting more customers on there and getting you know getting more people in the in the pot to pay other than just the exact exact residents that are in there right now absolutely as a matter of fact um when we spoke with with St John's Harbor um they're building a new school right across the street um and the school had actually asked if we paid for it would you allow it to come across the street because they need it for fire protection um so I think there is room to grow outside of that utility boundary cuz I don't there's not an established utility in the area other than this so I don't know why we would have any issues with we need we need to look because I know that there's another utility that I was involved in in another County and they they basically got a grant from USD kind of like this with a co-pay like they did but they couldn't extend past a certain area and a certain line so if you lived 50t outside out of that line you were outside the boundary and you could not tie on to that system for a certain amount of time for or whatever cuz somebody I know ran into that okay and so they had to drill a well and the water line was literally 50 ft from them okay they had to drill well so how do we determine that I'm sorry well I'll I'll get with um Sam Sullivan and we'll look at different grants that are available but we'll probably look at things that are similar to what we're already doing in the horse landing area with the water installation getting paid and getting people off of the wells I'm sure DP would be interested in something like that we need to First find out can we expand outside of the base of the limits we're currently working with Rebecca USDA on transferring both the Grant and the debt over that question will be answered in those documents we'll get that answer from Rebecca USDA and that might be the time to decide whether we pay it off or not if we can we need to expand and we can't then I really commissioner pick oh excuse me go ahead okay when when you said you're in conversations with Rebecca this is for the the debt on this this particular one because my questions are and and JT and I talked about this a little bit last Friday was it was only at 25% uh capacity so growing out of it needs if we can get some grant money definitely makes sense but how much are we on the hook for now um the total fines everything well fines I can't assess for you today because that's that's going to be a moving Target but um the debt itself is about $140,000 the total Grant between the state and USDA totaled about $1.7 million that $1.7 million does not have to be repaid as long as we stay within the um agreement that the grant was issued with the loan right okay and so um we're getting all of those documents because both the grant that's already been received but is contingent upon operation and the debt will both be required by USDA to be transferred into putam County's name and and obviously will'll be responsible for ensuring um those metric ter just not enough to take it over you got to assume the debt and everything too yes sir because the debt is pledging revenues all right okay or you could you could try to sell the utility if you could find someone to do it to buy it I mean much chance difficult yeah Oh I thought you were making Mr Adams so when they turn it over to us did we what was the convers do we say like it's going to be considerably more expensive for us to run it than you I mean because that's that's the truth I mean if we if we do it right we really need them to pay us back um mhm so I mean I get it that they're aging out but there has to be somebody in the community that could step up if I mean I I don't know because I'm not I don't live there but um it's going to cost them a lot more I mean that's the bottom line that's that's the risk they they're taking by giving it to us we can't tell all the rest of the citizens the mean how many houses it's only a couple hundred even if that is it it's 17 168 the total number of connections all right I just do they understand it's going to cost considerably more money if we run it than when they were running it every meeting that we have had with the current leadership of St John's Harbor has been made well aware that I don't believe that their rates are going to continue with the county operating it that they would probably see what it's going to take to break even in this system that has been told to them I think speaking with commissioner Wilkinson I think she did I think they actually sent a letter out to the residents that said that the county was going to take over the utility and I mean at some point yeah but I mean every every conversation we have had with them we have reiterated the fact that we are not going to be able to do this for the same rate structure it's currently in right especially now if they left it to deteriorate or whatever so we're not in like a perfect State yeah I think they one thing if they turn over a plant that worked perfectly and had no issues I mean they have to fix it um yeah I think their fine last year was 10 $10,000 that they had to pay for d for the the the being out of compliance with the with the pond or the the rib 9,000 I think they split it up into four payment so I think it was actually 40,000 in fines and they allowing them to pay at 1090 something hundred a year for four years unless I misunderstood when I read it Mr Turner you have the floor um yes sir um I think that uh we need to seriously consider paying that loan off uh when it when the time's appropriate the 140 or whatever it is um and we need to go ahead and just because we don't we do have a choice on that part of it but we certainly don't have a choice on taking it over um so I'm not for sure that we don't need to seriously consider paying that off and keep from paying that additional 60,000 in interest or whatever it is or more and plus having a a payment schedule but all way for the next to 2044 which is what I believe this uh the payment current payment schedule goes out to I don't think it's been determined yet unless it has in the last few days if they're going to continue under the same interest rate or not are they just going to transfer it to us I think Miss Young is actually talking to USD right now about what terms are they going to transfer to us on so that's correct and and um the the representative of s to us said she hadn't done one of these in a very very long time she was actually going to have to go back to to Legal um and get those answers for us so we're still awaiting that information um it has to be transferred to us but what that transfer looks like it may cost us nothing or there may be some cost associated with transfer of ownership I think the current annual rate of interest is 4.5% interest on that loan um the good news is the day I spoke to her their current interest rate was lower than that so we do have to transfer and we're going to continue the payments your interest rate may go actually down well if it's low enough it may behoove the county to do that you know when the when the time is right um so how are we going to get I mean obviously this is August the 13th um we don't have many days and we're going to be actually turn pumping water with the handle so um what do we how do we get there from where we are I mean obviously are they just planning on walking away on September 1st and saying there it is have at it so um a few ladies that we've talked to that handle the billing are willing to like help us out um on Ops system where the residents could come in there and pay instead of coming all the way to East Paca um and that's something that we'll we'll deal with but then uh Miss Wy may be required to go out there it's a one hour a day plant I think with one visit on the weekends yeah two visit visits on the weekends um so we may have to go out there but there's another option on the table if we turn this plant over to twofold to run it for us like they do out in Aquilla at another smaller plant uh and that's going to run anywhere from 36 to $43,000 depending on what we do for sampling and testing which would take most of the money that we're going to make that we're going to generate out of the current U the current deal um is the obviously they've got fines on the table current fines is the plan operating right now the D standards uh not with the ribs no they're not in complete so basically do does anybody know how much time we have before D Kip comes in like they did over buav Vista and got kind of hot about it and I mean they got pretty testy with JR about we were going to fix that whole thing for 30 grand and we didn't ask permission and it's not it's my fault as much as anybody's cuz I was pushing to try to get it done for 30 grand instead of 430 Grand and I just missed the fact that we needed to go get a d permit and it upset D and so they were going to make an example and show us that we weren't going to do what we were already doing somewhere else to rectify that problem just because we hadn't asked permission before we did it so nothing we could do about it so I just want to make sure that we're not in a situation right now D might be being a little bit flexible with them because they know they can't suck blood out of a rock the County's got some blood so if they start coming after us for all this money you know and all these fines and everything else how much of a grace period do we have from this thing being shoved at us and actually you know having to start taking fines and problems with d i mean are they going to give us a few months to fix 20 years of screw UPS or I haven't had that conversation um I'm sure Mr noes has a good relationship uh with d anytime that we've had something come up I can't imagine us not getting a grace period but I can't speak for DP will we be asking for one yes I would certainly call them I just going to tell you we're currently under a consent order and what we have learned in consent orders is we better have a plan what the plan is moving forward and so they're going to want milestones and they're going to want deliverables inside that plan so we can call and beg for forgiveness if we want but we better be able to tell them that hey we're going to be out of this and 120 days 180 days whatever it's going to be because they're going to want a deliverable I mean we learned that in these Paca with some things and they've been always been flexible with the time frame but we just got to tell them hey we're going to have it fixed by X date and the thing is we just better have it fixed by X date because then the hammer is truly going to come down on us well my suggestion s strict Ally a suggestion is that we try to face this the same way we're facing currently facing the East blacka system is that we're doing everything in our power to make it sustainable we are we're adding customers we're getting grants we spent some of our arpa money on it we've done everything we can to try to and we have a plan to where if it continues and doesn't get changed the second meeting and November or soon thereafter that it would uh that it's going to be sustainable in the next reasonable amount of time I'm not going to say two years or a year and a half because then if we don't make it somebody's going to say something but the plan is solid that Jr and them are working on right now to get the East pla water and sewer system sustainable I believe it is and with that being said we need to make sure this one becomes sustainable in some manner in the future either by higher rates or grants or expansions or whatever um the the one in East pla they put it in many many years ago but they did it under under the uh reasoning for economic development in the area I have a hard time believing that having a expanded water system out there is going to greatly expand the economic development on on West River Road and so it's a little bit different of an animal if the school comes in there bu it and the school will I would imagine that they would pay to extend to them if if the grant will allow us to go outside they usually pay for infrastructure extensions in school construction and so that may be a way to get it there but even with the school if they're using it for fire sprinklers and not for drinking water or what I don't know what they'll use it for then I don't know how much their consumption rate would be so I don't know how much of a fee that would bring in once we got it expanded to them so I know that we're getting way in the weeds here Mr chairman but I felt like we needed to get a little bit in the Grass at least uh because this thing's fixing to get very complicated very fast and we have no choice well I think we're going to provide a better water quality once that's up and running commissioner adamack you've been very patient thank you I guess you got to turn your mic on I I think talk about everything okay that I have what Jr what do you need from us to proceed I think just some direction that this fee schedule is written doesn't take effect until October 1 even though we take over September one I think we got to run out through the rest of the year and I don't if we St at their current rate but I think we need to set a rate for October one pending I mean I think it gives us a little bit of time to figure out if we can get if if it's eligible for a grant what the USDA is going to do during the transfer process I think a lot of those questions are still unanswered until we get all that stuff moved over um I just think we're going to have to have a expectation that they're going to have to go up to a certain amount I think you're probably really accurate on your number uh to to make it whole but um I think between now and then I think we can reach out um that I think that Grant cycle is still open at De and see if there's I know Scott they opened it back up is it still currently open uh no the grant cycle with DP has closed at the end of July it closed so they're in the process now of evaluating the grants okay we can we can reach out to Water Management we can reach out to DP and see there's any kind of funding out there eligible to try to fix this this rib um okay so the summary of highlights here twofold versus hiring another operat that's really one thing we need to kind of give you Direction on today right yes sir um I mean we spend a awful lot of money every year in both in all of our utilities to offset the cost of because Miss Wy as much as anybody else deserves a day off and every one of our plants are 7 day a week operation um and that means we got to go out to um St John's Harbor on Saturday and Sunday and Christmas Day and there is no break from those so my thought process was is we really need to look at how much we spend in sub contractural services for each one of those plants and potentially add an operator in to run those plants on the days that she's off because even speaking of Miss Wy we only have them to come in and run the plant they don't repair anything when they're there so then she walks into a plant on Monday morning that's got a chlorinator Tu blow blown out and that there's not a they're not not take we don't have them underneath a maintenance agreement they're there only to to satisfy the D permit so I think we spend pretty close to the amount of money that would cost to hire an operator and just subcontracting it out on a on a regular basis and we could split that operator between multiple plants on the days that miss that she can't be there that is correct where otherwise it would just be to pay for that one place that's correct but we have them for the sewer plant Paca Regional Paradise Point now were about to have to do some kind of services for St John's Harbor um and every and I think there's one more utility that I'm just not coming to the top of my mind we have pay them for operation every single one of those do they have to have the same amount of licenses yes sir so it would have to be somebody as it couldn't be somebody that worked under her license or worked with her with training it has to be somebody that's licensed to her level that is correct you have to have you have to have a licensed operator there I think that one requires one hour a day I think East Paca is at three hours a day Miss Kayla um and then Paradise Point is an hour a or there's there's a schedule for each one of them and each one of them is a different level of license when we hire a consultant they don't come out there personally they send somebody on their behalf don't they yeah but that person would have the same license whoever they send out would have the license okay makes sense yes sir sorry Mr chairman okay Mr Adam that I think we got to the answer there too so okay good Miss Wilkinson so just so I understand um when we say commissioner Turner to your point uh your proposal of $90 so that would be a minimum fee is that what you're saying everybody at least would have to pay $90 a month $9 a month minimum and 3,000 gallons consumption instead of six okay um so 2,000 whatever $90 three okay okay so go ahead the request was to try to make it uniform in our consumption so would you allow us to adjust the rate to assume a 2,000 gallon consumption I don't understand the problem with figure I just not understanding is all sorry because you're going to have two different billing rates in a very Antiquated computer system I got you and I think it becomes difficult for Miss Carol to differentiate on billing Cycles whether it's coming out of St John's Harbor whether it's coming out of the East Palaca Regional system I so I think base rate is easily established it's whenever consumption comes into play and then what we got to do is is the board has term I think it was 825 per th000 following the original consumption um if I'm not mistaken that was the number was either 8 or 825 850 850 per thousand so we need to establish what that's going to be per thousand over and so you're saying do 2,000 at 8150 instead of 3,000 at 90 basically that would work and then Char then charge the same consumption rate of the 850 per thousand gallons over the 2,000 that's that's a little bit better I mean obviously this is my district and I've ridden in that neighborhood several times and there's a very mixed use of houses you have some high-end houses some high-end mobile homes and then you also H have some people that you can tell that are barely getting by I mean when you ride by their yard you're thinking you know there it could be a struggle and so I don't want to put it necessarily I know that it's that this is a hard decision that we have to make but it's hard because obviously we don't want our kids having to pay for somebody else's water I get that but at the same time to jump something up so quick um for them could could really be hurtful to them so I just want to caution us on that I'm better with the 8150 than I think I would be the $90 um what does that get us does that get us how much so when we took over this or when we're were giving this obviously they felt like they were self- sustaining although they were band-aiding a lot of equipment but they were when the conversations that we had with them the money that they were taking in was covering their bills and so that's what I want the clarity on from staff is that is that the case Julian when you looked at the numbers no ma'am um it is not my opinion that they're self- sustaining I have requested a number of different Financial reports that haven't been uh they haven't been able to get to me yet again most of what they have operating as volunteer labor but um remember we can't assume self- sustaining by deferring maintenance and deferring the costs that are there and if you are then you're not and and you're theoretically breaking even then you're not truly breaking even right um and so many many of the costs have either been deferred or they've negotiated some sort of um partnership agreement where they aren't paying what we are going to have to pay to make that plant self- sustaining so um I I do not believe or I do not agree that they are currently um breaking even at their current rate okay so if we were at this 8150 for consumption um for 2,000 gallon what does that what where does that put us financially does that get us back to a certain unfortunately I think it's too early to answer that question because there's just so many things that are unknown but the things that we do know is I think we're going to put upwards of a million dollars in there to keep D off of us and I don't I don't think that includes them Ro filters and they're not 50 bucks you know they're tens of thousands at the very least for new Ro filters that probably haven't been changed out quite some time and so on top of the projections that Mr nolles made I think we're going to have other things besides that and I don't know that they've actually been out there or had had our water lady Marie is it tayor I'm very sorry but I don't know they've had her out there on site yet to where we've had our professional to be able to go through it to the level that she doesn't know that we're not going to need a chlorinator addition or we're not going to need some other addition I mean I think you've been there haven't you yes sir I I have been on site and there will be other work that needs to be done in addition my point exactly I I I think that we're just hitting the tip of the iceberg here and I don't want anybody to think that I don't have feelings for the people that are having a hard time in there that's just not the case at all but in I don't think that myself living on East End Road should take over their water system and my expenses should go up $20 a month where their expense won't go up to at least a level that's somewhere down the road sustaining yeah cuz it's not at 8150 it's going to be years years at 168 customers before they even come close to paying the interest on what we could have gotten and what Mr Reynolds gets us on our money that we have in in Investments right now off the million dollars that's going in there so you know the uh the 8150 we dropped it I'm I'm good with that if you are but it definitely needs to go up to somewhere in that neighborhood and I truly believe that next year whenever if y'all do if y'all are fiily responsible with with that system that next year it's going to go up to 11020 I do honestly believe that so um and I still don't think you're going to be sustainable at that amount of money and have some money to start paying back the cost of the original system that's why you're not going to find anybody to take this thing over no you're absolutely just doesn't make Financial sense at all to own this plant which is why it got shoved at the county it's definitely an ugly baby Mr Pickins we're going to make it pretty I was going to call it a pig and a poke but uh yeah this is just a rocking a hard place here I I do agree with you got to raise the the the rent or the U fees and um and I don't have a problem with lowering the gallones I do have respect for everybody's district is that uh uh you know you're going be answering most of the questions of why um will there be letters sent out with the with the next bills when we decide exactly what the rate's going to be and why we we we can we didn't to the to the people in East pla um but I mean we can also do that one we didn't send out I mean we don't usually send out rate increases to the I mean but I mean if that's the direction of the board we can absolutely do it but we haven't to our customers that we're going to raise the rates on these placque and October we didn't raise them as substantially though as what we're going to raise these if we end up going to 82 or right what that's what I was going to say so that that probably needs to be that needs to be looked at I I apologize Mr Stout did send a letter we did inform East blacka residents that the water uh rate was increasing um and we left it open until that everything was finalized with this meeting yeah because I got a couple emails about it yeah they were made aware that the rates were going up yeah okay and it also specified that it would be going up with a 3% increase each year after this year minimal all right say that again on the letter 3% as discussed in our last meeting we did say that um when we said the the board said $40 on residential 45 on Commercial and then it was also discussed 3% afterwards at a minimum increase every year not a maximum of CPI was minimum of 3% CPI Mr Adams act Ryan that needs to be probably somewhere in this one too but you may not cuz we may have to make bigger adjustments yeah I think one more one more question Julian oh I'm sorry I I understand I don't agree with it but I understand we have to take this back if ands or butts right so we got to fix it okay it becomes our responsibility I can maybe see um the grant or the loans I can't see the fines I just cannot see that is that is there any way to negotiate with them right that we we got a plan we're going to take it over we've got a plan this is what we're doing ask them to do away with any fines that have been occur that we would have to pay because that's just not right we are we have began negotiations with DP Scott can tell you more about that there D it is up to D's discretion as to whether or not they table those fines um to be imposed at a later date given us an additional performance period with the operation changing from St John's water Harbor Association to the count that is something that will be at dp's discretion but it would Aid Us in that conversation if we had a tangible Milestone plan that we could demonstrate to them that at the point the county took it over we immediately began to work towards the consent items that are there that consent item has a number of metrics already laid out and Milestones that are that some have some have passed and some are approaching um but St John's water Harbor Association has not been able to meet those compliance metrics we know what they are so if we were able to go back to De and say hey if you'll hold if you'll help us we would appreciate it here's what the board has approved staff to go and do and the milestones and timeline for which we would be able to bring that plant back into compliance at the end of the day we're going to get into compliance one way or the other right either working with the hand in hand or the is going to force our hand um so it's obviously beneficial for everyone involved at this point that we try to to make it as palatable as possible okay Mr Adams Z I promised you and I'm sorry yeah that's all right um so they obviously don't have any reserves of any kind of substantial to be determined I've asked for the bank accounts they do say they have multiple bank accounts um the only Reserve account required by the grant is to require 10% of an annual payment of the loan which which is not very much um however I do not have the bank account information at this time what is the loan payment do we if we kept it it's $96 a month six bucks that's not too bad but then you're paying interest on that so that's like $8 a month per household about um what about if we did a letter I mean I like the idea of us doing a letter letting them know but I think that letter in this case needs to explain what we're doing with the increase we're the stuff that's listed that's $800,000 you know we need to say this is what we're doing this is why we have to do this because we have to get you in compliance because your water doesn't meet the requirements set out by D we have no choice but to come into compliance we're not going to you know we're going to share the majority of the load because obviously we are um and try to recoup that but I think it needs to say something about all of that to to to have some justification more than just your rat's increasing because of inflation because that's not the case here your rat's increasing because you guys kind of mismanaged it and we have to fix it we have no choice I agree I don't know how you word that but I agree with that thank you right um so if we do that I think we need to do that you want you to turn on your microphone and on the letter we can make sure that uh we do a bulleted list on you know we have to redo the ribs there need to be updates with the RO system at the plant there just anything weekend list we'll put on there as to why the rate's going up yeah and say that this doesn't even cover everything because it's not going to be close Y and you're going to say that this is not what putam county desired to do this is what you correct put on us because we have to accept this the water ass right I get it Mr Turner but they're not just putting it on us they're putting that's what they do to everybody I don't think they're mistreating us or at least not like they did over there being they laid it to us cuz they were mad at us but anyhow uh Scott is the the pond that the uh that the ribs are in I'm assuming they're in the pond yes sir is that a retention Pond or is it like a supposed to be a dry bed Pond that you clean out every now and then like the sewer plant in each black is basically the same thing as what we have at the Gilbert plant they're Mo most of the time they're supposed to be dry except for when the water is going in to infiltrate in and the problem is the the ribs that were built at St John's Harbor were buil constructed at The observed water table that's been retained over the years we can't just put dirt in there and raise the beds up and leave that in there we have to actually clean the pond yes sir we we would have to remove what sement has been built up in there and then we need to raise the bottom of the ponds so that they will actually infiltrate yeah I was just wondering if we could raise it without without digging it out no I think the uh buildup of the settlement in there U with everything that's they had a a large number of suspended solids that are going in there I'm pretty sure that those voids are are well filled up and what infiltration that did exist no longer exists in those ponds okay so they don't have a spray field they actually used a seepage out of the pond to to dissipate their affluent yes sir okay Mr chairman I think Miss Wy has some information that may answer some of your questions um but I have spoken to D about the consent order um the easiest way to explain it is the consent order lives with the facility not the ownership of the facility so whatever was put in place at St John's Harbor we automatically get we don't have a choice in it um I have spoke to the representative I've had a conference call with him and they would be more than satisfied with just any forward movement since St John's Harbor was hit with the consent order all they did was pay the fine that was it for years absolutely nothing else so if we make just the action plan which is the number one step on the consent order they will be tickled pink so they will be easy easily made happy as long as we move forward but I did tell them that I am not touching the consent order until we have ownership so they will it will sit there until September 1 that is not my facility it's not the County's facility so until Keys have exchanged hands that consent order is not ours I think that's just smart U I have a question before I call on Mr Turner what do we do with the water why before while we're repairing the ribs the discharge well since we have two ribs there there is a way to um to rejuvenate one while we were using the other one so I think we could uh infiltrate the water that's going in there still operate the plant um and use one rib to pump into one rib to treat while we're rejuvenating it okay so and that's something we'd have to work with DP about uh they would understand that there's going to be a construction period where it may not be completely in compliance but we're getting it as close to compliant as possible while we're in the middle of construction without taking the plant down and some of the work that needs to be done out there will probably expand the surface area of the ponds before before we start dewatering because we're going to need more area to put the water to do any kind of work anyway okay Mr Turner um Mr chairman I I know that we've this has been great conversation that we've had today um I'm going to need to know how we get from here to Daytona I mean excuse that baly but how do we move forward and I don't mean us just willy-nilly talking about different aspects that we might need to do in D and the different things and I realize that a lot of it we do not know yet and that's why we're having to do that so personally and this is just me I'd like to know what we need to do today because we have no choice here that's not going to hold us up or get us in deeper water with D or whatever and then work with Wy and find out what we need to [Music] do Wy right yeah that's what I say okay oh okay I thought you was telling me no that ain't her name that's what they just told me I thought it'd be they would do that to me though W I'm telling you right now they'd give me the wrong name just to hear me say it um but anyhow I'd like to have a plan of how we get from now until the the next meeting and then I'd like to have a plan at the next meeting and I'd like to have the chairman I'd like to request that the chairman if we get in a tight here and we need further planning that he calls a special meeting on this in between because the last thing we want to do is show up here on September 1st which is what three weeks or something show up on September 1st with no and we're not ready plan yeah yep uh so I I think this is going to take a little more effort from here until September probably on this board now I know if this was in East plaque I'd go work with the guys like y'all gave me the authority and all that but this is not going to be a deal where one commissioner can go out there and get involved and you have a long-term plan that you come up with the time isn't available for this one so I think we're going to have to do it just like we are what do you need today what do you need today to get us through two more weeks where we're not behind Jr JT what do you what do you need today I I I mean we're going to have to move it forward I mean so I mean I think right now we need to have the conversations with d and see how far long we can actually move the needle you know it was just a written plan for them good and then Mr nolles has some opportunity to get some real true hard cost numbers together and then we got some decisions to make once we got some true hard costs because right now we're still in the Inception phase of taking um this plant I mean there's still just so many unknowns um I mean can we take over the operation of it yep is it still going to be out of liance day one when we get it yes sir uh but I mean we got to get we will work with DP to get it planned to get it out of purgatory for no better term a just a little bit outside the box yep a little bit how much would it cost or would it even be feasible feasible for us to run a line from the East pla water plant under the river and tie that on cuz if it's $2 million and we don't have a whole another plant we've got to deal with with anymore that might be a thing because we got plenty of capacity in East P to take care of this area and we know for a fact that that if ever it'll be many many many years before they just pay back the amount of money that it's going to cost to make that one on on the River Road work so it could be that in the long run it's kind of like buav Vista you know we got a grant ran but in the long run it was cheaper to do that especially I know we can't tie onto the pipe if it goes under the river but we could tie on to it down to the river and then on the other side we could tie on to it and that would also give us if we ran a large enough pipe it would give us capacity possibly on the other side of the river that we could expand the system to try to help the system we're trying to get sustainable on the other side of the river to work just thinking outside the box may not be possible whatsoever all that stuff is absolutely possible I mean we've talked I mean I mean at the end of the day the city Waters right there across the Rice Creek too right at the barge port and we're already paying for that you know so I mean we I think there's a lot of options that are out there on the table well the problem with the city water is is they charge us more for the water we get at bgep than what we're able to charge the citizens out there who use that water or very close to it yes sir so you know it may be that that's certainly an option and they don't misunderstand me that's certainly an option that needs to be explored along with the others but I'm not sure it wouldn't benefit us in the long long run as much as if we could get water in that area um and I just asked Miss Wy just just another outside the box question was can we put a Frack tank there and take the Industrial Way and hul it to our Waste Water Treatment Plant these Paca and not deal with a rib um and her answer was you you very well may be able to um so yeah so I mean that may save you a million dollars right I know mr's in the process now trying to get the same way we do the Lee basically what we're talking about doing with the Lee corre I don't know if it's possible but I mean we'll have all the those conversations to see if that's even even possible to take she's saying we'll get a 70 out of every 100 gallon return so for every 100 gallons we use we got 30 gallons of waste we may be able to put a couple you know 30 40 50,000 gallons of water out there and then just once we twice a week haul it to the waste water plant then we're not dealing with a rib right which has got us out of compliance so I think there's other options um so today all you need to do is have this conversation let us know yes sir we'll talk about the rates when we get to the fee schedule of the 8150 or 90 or whatever we end up doing so and the you know we'll do that when we get to the rate schedule but today do you have all the information you need from this board today right so um go go goad so the only other question I'm going to have for you is we've created a a separated fund um for this plant obviously September expenses are going to hit the county prior to the new fiscal year um we're gonna have to move funding from the general fund over into those expense lines in order to operate um we're going to be at best estimating what that's going to look like so um and when we the and then the other caveat is when we talk about that fee structure remember the fee structure on the agenda today goes into effect October 1 we need to talk about two separate items where this is applied one is we would have to modify or amend this year's fee structure in order to assess a September one rate and then next year's fee structure is what is actually on the board so both that budget amendment which likely is going to require a 505 because you're going to be moving money from the general fund and into a brand new fund I don't want to minimize the deal here I really don't but I don't know that we're not trying to do a lot of extra work for $3500 extra money for the month of September I mean I just don't know here and so it you know and and I don't I know I didn't do the math right but I'm not that far off so by the time we send out an extra letter telling them their dues are going up in September instead of October 1st and we do go through those motions I we I this commissioner understands that we're going to have to Pony up some money between now and September 1st at least to get us into the new budget year the pretty part about this is is that at 5:05 this afternoon we got $6.2 million in reserves that came over from last year into this year up to this point that haven't been budgeted for anything that could be spent on capital projects this is why you have reserves when you run into a situation that gets shoved down your throat and you've got to fix it we have the money to to fix this right now so I'm not so sure that we don't need to to you're going to have to tell me how to handle it but I'm not so sure that we don't need to go on and take a million dollars of that and true it up this afternoon at 505 and put it into that new water fund to get us in to get us into that Fund in other words we haven't changed a bit of what we're going to do at 505 except we took a million dollars out of that and put it into the new line item fund no can't do that can't but but you and I are on the same page that's what I'm trying to ascertain from the board how much money do you want to start this fund out with and you can't because a budget uh Amendment changing fund appropriation is required by Statute to be advertised in the paper showing where it's coming from and where it's going to we did not have that information in order to advertise it moving into this brand new fund at that time so we can't do it at 505 today however um that is exactly what I'm asking you do you want to start with a half a million do you want to start with a million what what are we wanting to start with i reasonably feel personally I reasonably feel that if we get out of this for a million dollars we going to be lucky lucky lucky because I think it's going to cost more than that I think by the time we rate we redo the ribs and redo the pond and get this thing running and change the roor filters and do all the things and get in compliance with do and if there's any money left see if we can prepay some of that other but I don't believe there's going to be any money left and so I'm not so sure that between now and the end of October we won't be paying off the loan once you figure out that might be in our best interest uh to keep from paying that additional money that's never going to be paid back in any of our lifetimes not at the rates we're charging 168 people and you can't charge them 400 bucks a month I mean that's just ridiculous but that's what it would take to make this work is you know $300 or $400 month per household for 168 houses and we can't do that so around this $80 to $90 that we're talking is about the most we can do at least this time around plus so so am is there board consensus on a dollar amount for the fee schedule or for the no no she's talking about for the amount the only thing I wanted to add to that if you don't mind go ahead um is that I think we probably should put enough in there to cover that loan too in case we decide to pay off that loan so maybe like 1.2 million they could always switch it over yeah yeah but a million dollars when we don't even know what it is yet we just have a really we were looking at the the 800 something thousand for the first part she's saying stuff's already broken so I agree with you uh quick estimate done by our engineer I right right and then really trust what he tells me I truly do but it's still just a first quick estimate right that's why I'm saying maybe we want to put like 1.2 in there commissioner wion she saying other stuff is broken just from a cursory look she's not even saying she like investigated aggressively she's saying this is obviously jacked up um I'm I'm at the million dollars with commissioner Turner because we know we've got 860 and and 140 so that puts us at a million and and we will have some income coming in also expenses going out but I'm I'm good with putting the million dollars under the next meeting I think that that that's that's prudent good thing is this some gun ain't recurring I mean so we're not putting a million dollars in and it's going to become recurring expense from now hope not anyway until until it's remember as soon as we take this over though we're going to have people coming in here with water s 6 months from now saying my water's Brown and all this other crap that we had from the other one so that's the facts of the matter once we own it they're not going to be like well hey it's my neighbor they're going to be like hey it's these five people up here that we elected brown Water guys coming out of my hose tap I mean that's that's that's what's going to happen you're not wrong Mr St we going to bring this in for landing yeah so I know that some of the repairs need to happen with the trains at the RO plant I was going to ask Kayla a question how comparable in size are the trains at the RO plant at St John's versus what we got at East Paca that's what uh length and width they're similar um there's just a whole lot less at St John's Harbor like a fourth maybe a fourth okay so what what's what would be your estimated cost on replacing those trains that's what we just asked we got a a budgetary estimate CU we have one of these Pac that needs to be done we capitalized budgeted that and then the original estimate we got for that was 70,000 to do to do the re to redo the trains so I mean I'm I guarantee you you're at 35 30 35,000 um the RO train there I still there's better water though I still think we need to just bite the bullet and put in a million because I we this is one of those situations that it's much better to have a little extra money at the end of the year than be a million or to be 100,000 short you know 60,000 short and then the next commission's got to deal with it again next year I'd rather personally put the million in Hope and hope that through the negotiations with staff and d and through the negotiations with Scott and D that we made can get there with this million dollars by negotiating the things that we need to do I don't know for a fact but it could be that and I'm a roofer so Scott knows that but um so when I say things like this take it in stride might be that he could do half the rib system this year and get by with the other half for another year I don't know I don't know the answers of them but those are the kind of questions that I'm sure he'll ask when he goes through this process so commissioner W I just have a quick question Kayla um have you um inspected the meters are we looking at some kind of a meter replacement I I know we you know this is getting in the weeds but it does also affect our bottom line so the meters they currently have you're talking per house right um they are older they are you have to handre them like someone is going out and reading 168 MERS every single month and so have we accounted for that in stff time I mean is that part of what the so when we when we met with the folks from St John's Harbor I hate to say this on the air the guy actually goes in there and reads the meters every month for a hundred bucks does I I remember that conversation I think he's still willing to continue on reading those meters for $100 I don't know we have a way to do that for the county with our minimum wage but if he will go up there as an Ops employee and read the meters in St John's Harbor he knows where they all are he knows what it is I think he's a perfect fit for somebody that can go out there that understands the system to be we'll probably require him to have $2 million in insurance and no no no no he will not be Ops he would be classified as an independent contractor um at sole proprietor if he would like to engage in that services for $100 the only other comment I would make to that is every other meter in the county is read by RF currently so it's plugging in a machine and populating where this would be Miss Carol and Hannah hand typing in all 6 168 meters every month okay so um how much does a meter cost roughly do we know so the ones we purchased for East Paca for the arpa were around $400 a piece just the cost of the meter that's not installed that's just getting the meter there with the RF head box and all are just the guts that's just that's just the meter and the RF head was about $400 a piece and then past the meter box is the responsibility of the owner that is correct just okay so that would still hold true so I'm I me thinking during our math as we're doing this math equation we need to keep that in mind yeah like I said 1.2 million I think we're getting there Mr Adam Zach Mr Pickins yeah as we're talking about this um Scot or JT with this plant operating at 25% with how many ribs can you go to 100% with the same amount of ribs or you have to add ribs down the road um that all depends on if we replace repair the ribs to the point that they're infiltrating properly they're constrained to their operating capacity right now because they can't infiltrate in the water fast enough from the from the spoil that's anine answer for maybe but the ribs that were if they were constructed correctly then they would be able to infiltrate at capacity and we wouldn't have this issue now they just so you would be able to when in the rebuilding process it would take care of it but so if we should be able toer if a future board decides to expand this we we go with the system we got expand it you won't have to add any more new ribs we're going to but in the plan that Scott's got once we get a a true scope of work and a design the surface area of those ponds will be expanded instead of just two acres we're going to have to make those a little bit bigger because we're going to have to raise the bottom of those beds so we need more surface area okay and with the million dollars I think that's that's fair I mean if we get out of it for that then we can always add more we can add more they need to the reserves aren't going to go away October 1 they're going to roll over again we haven't had time to spend them need a motion or wave of support no I think we should we got we have to you don't have a choice 23rd at 505 27th 27th and we're looking at putting 1 million or 1.2 million in I the one point too the other thing too is when you write that letter to the people you can say listen we we believe it's going to be around 1.2 to 1.3 million and this is why it's going to $90 um I don't know I just I or 8150 whatever we decided I'm fine with that are we going to I talked to you about this the other day Jan are we going to C capture this as a loan to this so one day we can try to get the taxpayer money back if we can so I've worked with Finance to establish the ability to at that point it becomes at board's direction for you guys to tell me whether or not you want this established as an interfund loan um which will appear as a liability receivable and if so what your terms are you want it payable in five years and 10 years and 15 and I'm going to give you a very basic analogy please don't take offense to it but it is much like loaning your child bunny right if if year five comes around and you aren't able to or can't or don't want to at that time collect from them you can renegotiate that uh long-term liability but I will have to capture the the intent of the board in what I send so if you can give me some direction on what your terms are I want it to be alone and I want it to be for a longer period so but one day if we can capture that money back for the taxpayers we should try to do that with no penalty for prepayment at whatever rate that the USDA is going to charge us there's no penalty period and interest isn't the issue it's you when you tell me longer term are you talking 30 years 50 years are you talking 10 years 20 years 20 20 okay consensus is 20 years ENT fund loan from the general fund to the what is now uh the 409 fund okay I have a question about that yeah go ahead I'm sorry um if we were able to get a grant in the future um whether it be through USDA or a state appropriation or something could we ask for that I mean we're if we have to do it before we get the grant we can't ask for reimbursement is that right you have to get the grant first and then put it okay correct I thought that I just needed to ask you would not be able to use the grant to repay the loan either I'll just try it okay if we loan ourselves the money do we require a monthly payment back or we just saying that it's a loan duee in a lump sum in 20 years that's correct it's a 0% interest there's no monthly payments or annual payments required but in 20 years um it would become due on the receivables Note right um um that being said if in 10 years we hit oil out there and we suddenly can pay it back then we could pay it back in 10 years with no penalties or even less can't happen but I've never heard of a grant that let us reimburse a current loan I've never heard of that we tried and tried and tried own other loans and never could get it done so but they might get a grant in the future that let you expand the system then then the money from that could go back to pay the loan so that you really get money out of it income from it but it comes back into the system to to repay the could repay the loan so let's say for instance we got and I'm just pulling this right out of my ear but let's say that the core of engineers on some of this $30 million they're talking about possibly giving us um 5 million in East blacka let's say they talk to them about maybe going out running water to all of of palet Bluff Road and down East River Road to run a loop in there and this plant had enough capacity to make that work if that's the case then we could take that Grant and run that and then keep all the income from all the people live up and down those two roads bringing it back into this plant to help them be more sustainable and if it if their income outweighed their expenses and they had money left over and they have a loan a loan coming at them if they made 100 Grand one year fine pay pay 100 Grand of that loan back that's coming in the future well I appreciate you explaining that because this is all new territory for me let me kind of set the why I said a loone years ago when I came in um everybody knows the landfill was up for sale and supposedly the sale money was going to go back to the the general fund but it couldn't go back to the general fund unless you could prove expenses against that money you just can't sell it and stick it back in there so the Enterprise fund which this would be is allowable to come back and pay the taxpayers of the county back for actual expenses that have incurred and we had that problem with the landfill thinking they could put the money back in general fund they couldn't have done that they just couldn't have done that so this way by setting up alone at least there might be a possibility for our taxpayers to be paid back into the future yes sir I sure don't want to muddy the waters and I do apologize if you do I'm going to get a r and I'm going to put a disclaimer out front that I'm not a math star okay um you're not what a mathematician but I did verify my math with Miss Julian sitting beside me that if we looked at it like you guys have spoke about as a loan right and a million dollar at 0% that's $33,000 a year payback over the next 30 years for this thing and you give us some kind of $30 $40,000 years an operational cost for that plant that's paying back $70,000 a year with just the base rate alone of what commissioner Turner said earlier if they did not use one gallon in consumption those 164 people would pay $164,300 I don't think we have to hit them that hard if we're willing to take it back as a loan and pay the loan back I think we don't have to hit the the people as hard hard there I'm just I think there's a math equation in between it if we're going to truly pay that back we and and the utility is not expected to pay 100% of that up front I just just wanted to throw that out there is once you start really doing the you know start breaking this down in math it it may be a little bit easier lift on the citizen I'm just looking out for them and that's all I'm trying to know not trying to but your math is but we're giving them we're giving them a a low a no interest loan they wouldn't get that on the outside world so we're giving them a no interest loan if you added the interest it over the years then it would take up the difference in in our Yeah in our monies that we're that we're talking right here you know the thing about it is it can always be adjusted down if y'all come back next year to the commission and you say hey we did really good this year they actually made $30,000 this year in their fund that's defunct at the moment if you ask me it's just defunct if you're a million dollar in the hole that makes you worse than the fun so if they come back next year and say hey they did good they made 30,000 if the board at that time wants to drop it down to 30,000 instead of getting the money paid back to the citizens that's their decision but I think we need to move this forward like we would any other business deal anywhere this is business here yes sir it would shoved at us but it is business you a com yeah and because we're not paying it back early either remember that so you're not necessarily holding them to give it 30,000 to the general fund next year that would be up to the commission next year year um so I don't think you can think like that just because of that but I also think that's also why we don't need to have it be such a long-term loan either because just like Julian said in 10 years we can be like ah it's going to be a 20-year loan it's it's it's so I don't know that we need to do 30 years because it's not like we're providing terms for payback either they can always extend it 10 more years so I mean I think a 10 year is more than ample given the fact that we're not actually saying well like it suggested that's twice in one day agreed with him I think perception is reality and I think people are going to take a hit anyway they're fixing a really good an eye opening experience out there so hey guys we got to move on so um are we in agreement do we need to start looking at hiring another operator that was why don't we put because if we're meeting on the next in the very next meeting we're going to put a package together that I think that gives us a really accurate number down to what it's going to take to operate both both facilities and we'll bring yall that number and that then we'll decide I think we need to jump to boat on that one I think we need to go on and start looking for that person because we are going to get this plant while he's already working seven days a week most of the time yes sir I I think we need to start looking for that person now and not you can make it part of your new plan but we've got other plant somewhere else that we've got to deal with too and it's not fair for her to work every day so um I this commissioner uh want him to do do you want a motion to do that Mr chairman Mr andam that needs a comment and then go ahead I'm with you on that I move that we authoriz Public Works to look into and possibly hiring another I don't know the name of it Jr a water technician a water a water plan operator water plan operator to back up uh Wy second we have proper motion proper second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I I would like on the eyes have it so my other comment I L the late for is the reason why I was saying pull the date in is because if you put it out 30 years it's very easy for commissions including us we we've looked at things like that where we go H that's not something that we really got to think about I'm going to be out of office before that ever comes about if you do it 8 10 years then there's a potential that some of the newcomers that replacing three of us actually make a decision on it and have to keep it in the Forefront of their mind instead of in the back okay with that just go to re in 10 years let's go to 10 on the term years okay that's 1 million at 10 years there interest so that would be about right that's it could go up if they end up needing 200 Grand next year to further go into this they hopefully the commission at that time would add that to you know the the top of that to where if they ever started making money they at least they had an Avenue to pay their Sal back so we're good 10 1 million 10 years we we'll run the scenarios in bring it back then we'll figure out where you guys want to land okay all right that takes care of that let's go to Item B the fee structure no Wastewater connection fees sorry item a page 297 yes sir um you guys are requested us talk about connection fees because right now they're currently waved and I know we wanted to talk about it before we saw the development we were uh just put kind of a agenda item here to speak about where we want to head there's currently some I was looking for them in the in in the current fee schedule uh do we want to continue to wave um the water rates Beyond we've waved the connection fees up to this point for the the arpa projects and such um Mr chairman yes I think this discussion isn't going to be a f minute one and I also believe that the u b is not going to be a f minute one could I recommend to you that we actually call a workshop for next Tuesday morning and discuss those two items in a workshop Tuesday morning at 9:00 nobody hates a workshop more than I do but only when it's not necessary it's necessary for these two items so if you even if you need to pick another time if we could take those to and send them to Workshop it would be better talking about an election day yes okay so I'm available in the morning that's fine okay that's what I was going to check on Mr sugu are you available too so let's do nine o'cl on the 20th what we can bump him yeah send him over to the room like we've done that before fool yeah I will not be available next Tuesday you do you want to find another date yeah Wednesday or Thursday it would be fine I me or do we want to try to get through what we have and see how far we get since we have to be here till going get through this we got a 50:05 this afternoon and that fee schedule just going to make this discussion we had look like nothing so we could what about the 21st has everybody I'm available in the morning Wednesday the 21st looks I look good okay what time 9 o' la la oh yeah yeah Y correct the 20 seconds better for me Thursday the 22nd how does everybody look on 22nd I can cancel a I feel like we're in a commercial I no it's all right hand me to pin I'd have it'd have to be in the morning how long is it going to last 22nd at 9:00 all right with you commissioner I'm good with it look yes yeah I'm good 9:00 we get out here by 12 by when by 12 well we should be able to 20 second not good okay 20 seconds not good so let's go let's go look at the 19th can we do Monday the 19th I can at nine o'clock I can we got pre agenda meeting but we can do that quickly maybe we can do 9:30 what are we talking about okay what date are we talking about now Monday the 19th at 9 o' that works for me I I can make that okay let's do Monday at nine o'clock and then we'll do pre- agenda after that meeting Julian yes sir okay and that'll be workshop on item let me make sure I a a and b which is the connection fee and the fee schedule A and B 9 amm okay yes thank you all right so we are going to take items A and B off the table today and let's go down to item D then Administration old Ronnie Clark building 365 Julian you got that I know bean counter that's really a difficult thing for you to do to me um okay um yes sir the ronic Clark building are that what we used what we refer to as the old Clark building was purchased um many years ago by boards for the purposes of Court operations the original intent in 2019 was to move the State's Attorney's Office out of the courthouse and over there and then to utilize the space the state attorney's office is using for other court operations most of our court operations um are in need of additional space so it's we in 19 we issued a bid and the bid came back for what the State's Attorney's Office needed far exceeding the budget and that was pre-co Era so you can assume where we would be today is triple what it was over budget at that time so there's been several different options uh on the table we did meet with the sa Attorneys Office this year um and kind of uh came to Mutual consensus that I'm not sure that this is going to be the best use of space for them we also met with Mark Weinberg who's the court administrator and judge case who's the chief judge for the seventh judicial circuit um and discuss the option of what it would look like or or if they would entertain us liquidating that property alog together disposing of it via Surplus and then coming up with a better longterm solution for court operations and what is down there both the court administrator and judge case gave their uh approval for that to be done if the board wants to dispose of it it would be declared Surplus and then a value would have to be ascertained at board Direction and then issued via sealed competitive bid for purchase on the street alternatively we can keep it and the board can tell us what they would like to do with the building it has been the interior of the Clark building partials one two and three have been demoed so it is truly just the shell of the building the exterior walls and the roof the one additional parcel there that's uh was was the Children's Advocacy Center it was remodeled um now Parcels one two and three were purchased with Court Improvement funds so the proceeds would go back to court Improvement partial one uh four was purchased and remodeled with general fund so the general fund would be reimbursed for their portion of that seeking board Direction Julian I have a question how much did we spend on the engineer do you remember that or do we capture that uh we can capture it I don't have it in front of me the total amount of the renovations was 144 4 256 so given what the the generally accepted is it would mean the engineer now I'm talking about Children's Advocacy you're talking about court Improvement or the State's Attorney's office which one are you talking about First State Attorney's office needs County hired Skinner yeah I can definitely go back and tell you I do not have that information available today so really what we want to talk about today is do we want to get evaluation on the building to set a minimum bid Mark for it is what we're talking about today right board Direction yeah do you do you guys want to deem it Surplus and and assess a value to these buildings or do you want to do something else with the building Mr Adam's that the building that's remodeled I mean what is is there any alternative use that we foresee that we could use it for like possibly it sure it is office space I I don't know the condition of it you could move any division or Department into that space at at any time I'm sure it would need a little bit of Renovations for whatever um the vision's going to end up there it would need serious Renovations not a little bit of Renovations the inside of that's gutted no the the one that we remodeled already that se to the west of the main CL building yes or the little small the cost to remodel and do everything I almost originally that was part of the or original remodel on that so like you said in today's dollars I'd be shocked if it wasn't 3 million to do but in all fairness when the uh the architect went and met with the um the court and with the uh with RJ and his team Mark and and and all they wanted quite a few things in there that may or may not have been totally necessary such as bullet f l bulletproof glass walls in every office all the way around the building and things like that but I still think it would be a couple of million dollars and it sounds to me like from what I understand that the courts are not really wanting to move over there anyhow to that building even if we did come up with the the two or three million dollars that would cost to to remodel that building well their remaining concern is still security and so if they're not opposed to moving but they would want full fulltime security um contracted security to be there and to um with the State's Attorney's office to to ensure that they're safe can I can I be clearer I guess because I don't think I was clear I suppose I'm talking about parcel for alone peeling it off for potential use so that we don't go and say someday we need office space and we need to spend a million dollars rehab the area down the road or something where we could utilize that um cuz we don't have that much invested in that and then selling off the other one 1 two and three is what what I'm suggesting I don't know what that use is I don't know if we have a group that needs it today but like he's saying to remodel one two and three would be millions of dollars we already kind of remodeled the other one that would use a little bit why would we not want to hold on to that for a little bit just to see if there's a need and potentially I mean depending on what happens with the tax collector and other things we have a new tax collector coming in we we have our it and upstairs to that there there could be a need for relocation of that and to be honest with you as an IT professional that data center isn't the best place for data center ever so it's just something to think about that it it'd be a lot less cost effective to hold on to that for maybe a year see if there's a need that comes up and slide off the other three just an idea commissioner Turner so two three and four was what we bought or did the court court bought what I have designated as one two and three four is the building in question that Commissioner Adam Zach is questioning whether or not we retain regardless of what we do with one two and three on page 367 I've tried to number them number one two three and four let me see what number so number four is the furthest west building four is the one furthest yeah by the First Federal building is it tied on to two and three there's that separate it's contiguous is that what you're asking yeah I think they share a wall they do correct they share wall yes they're connected they do yes they have mut wall I'm sorry they can be sold separately though I think they sell all the other buildings down there separately that are connected by walls how many square feet is number four do we have 2586 brownly 2587 according to the Property Appraiser's office so basically what I'm hearing you say Mr adamack is for 2500 square F feet keep that partial that we spent right around $210,000 right okay and that's a bargain for property down there huge margin right now and that's number four yes sir that's number four so what do we do with one two and three get rid of them yeah we don't H we can't just declare them Surplus hire fter and let let them go out on the street or I mean sir we've got to auction them off yes sir State Statute identifies uh the the way in which the board is allowed to do it and you can um It Is by sealed competitive bid and high bid wins the board must establish the minimum bid threshold did we get a base appraisal yes sir at at your direction so then when we put it up for auction we could put a minimum bid on it of whatever amount the board decided to at that time yes sir do we have any idea what it would cost to do an appraisal Le would you know you a commercial appraisal is going to cost more obviously than a residential I hate to throw a number out but um I would say you know a home appraisal runs 500 to 750 and so it's going to be above that for commercial and plus you've got three LS okay could we look into that I mean obviously this isn't time sensitive and got to be done by the next meeting or something maybe we could look into it and if I think if everybody can agree that they're interested in getting rid of some of these buildings I don't I really don't see a reason for the county to keep them if y'all seem to think you want to keep one of them for a while that's okay with me but um maybe we could look into what it would take and give us some advice and maybe tell us what an appraisal would cost and that sort of thing I definitely think we need an appraisal on one two and three if we're so authorized to go ahead and get the appraisal or you just want to know what it would cost well that's where I was that was what I was going to ask so um if we're talking less than a few thousand dollars do you have the option just call and get three quotes or is it something you have to yes ma'am it falls under normal procurement so under 5,000 would be one quote yeah I mean I would I I am tired of seeing this not being utilized downtown I think it's a blight in our downtown area um and even though we've cleaned it up as much as we could and I just think it's something that we do do need to deal with and I appreciate it getting to this point but I think that we need an appraisal because otherwise we're we're going to throw a number at it even if we base it on what the property appraiser says we throw a number on it and then what if we miss the mark and then give us an appraisal number Leota I can just tell you what the property appraiser is saying would you think three grand would cover an approval oh yes sir I think you're within that you just make a motion that says that you'll put three grand in or they can negotiate one do what okay well I don't know that we have to put a number on it do we I think she just we have to give them the ability to spend up to not but not to exceed that number then they can go ahead and hire an appraisal I don't really need that just tell me you want an appraisal yeah that's right Terry Terry can do that without any consent up to 5,000 would you get an appraisal would you get an appraisal on our building just in case you would need it in the future I there it can't cost much more in case next year they say you know this isn't going to work for us it won't fit it it won't fit this it's just sitting there we want to sell it so go ahead and get it too just make sure they do number four by itself and then they can appraise the other three because those three the other three are Court money we got to give them their money back so so my comment to that would be appraisals are usually only good for about six months and so if you got an appraisal today a year from now that appraisal isn't worth anything so you just spent good money after B but it at least give you an idea it does give you a baseline give me an idea Mr Adam you have a question yeah I just was wondering if we wanted to when we get the appraisal you want to do them separate or together one two and three I think we just said separate yeah I like that idea I just wanted to see what the rest of us thought all four so you put one two and three together and four separate so two appraisals two appraisal sir yes I got it yes ma'am all right good thank you anything else we need to do on that Julian no sir okay good item F enhancement of the golf cart Community move Pro I'm being serious we talked about it twice so far all right they basically got a golf cart community on both sides of the road they went and looked at it the only thing that I would like to add is as Public Works actually put it in there which I'm not upset about but Public Works actually put it in there that they uh that they recommended 11 signs help me out um yeah I had I had uh I believe there's 18 locations for sign like a piece and we were going to try to make somebody pay for them who you going to make pay there's 50 people or 80 people lives in this neighborhood you going to make somebody go spend $5,000 worth of time trying to get everybody to give $3 for these $600 worth of signs can we just pay for the signs and go on and do the commun we've been doing it for a year you still got a lot money I'll be happy to give a what is that 18 time 60 well 600 for $1,000 I'll be glad to give $1,000 of my money towards paying them signs for the golf cart let's just move to [Laughter] approve can I get a second Mr Turner I'll second it where you at all right I'm sorry I didn't hear you that's what the problem was this here going down he's got it covered okay all in favor see saying I I I like on the I thank you next item is item thank you for doing this JT and crew we've been they've been working on this for a year trying there's more to it than just it's a lot I know thank you okay the easement here on page 386 JT you got that yes so um EAS on Kingfish Avenue out in the Boswick area um there is construction that's going to take place on that property and the current drainage easement runs through the center of the property and they just want to move that to the edge of the property uh We've not done anything with it but the citizen is allowing us to keep that drainage easement in case we do need to do anything in the area so so currently it's not being utilized for drainage correct and they're going to move it now just move it to the border of the property instead of it down the so it's right now in the center of the property it's going to move to the side property that wouldn't interfere any future use of it at all doesn't matter where it is no we're good need a motion move approve second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing none all in favor sign saying I lik on the eyes have it okay next JT um the easements on amberjack street I believe we have three there's been a fourth one that's also come back and given us a drainage easement on their properties uh coming on the duns Creek Side of amberjack um our next step if these are approved is to talk to the property owner on the backside of these properties um so that we can establish some drainage going through through those properties to the creek on that person's property because the um neighborhood frequently floods with any rain and we need this to help get the water out of that area and what are they going to expect from us down there are we going to put in lots of money to fix this no um if these are approved we're looking at putting in a couple of cross CS right on amberjack to get to the other side and just redig the swes nothing really more than what we were doing on West River Road when we were just doing ditch work okay Mr Turner that's in ditch rer one is it no well that's why we're even having a discussion about it cuz it's not in district one I'm sorry get getting a little late I got to have some L Mr chairman um go get a Snickers bar what what what happens if the one in the back doesn't give it to you you're still going to be able to proceed with some drainage or possibly um they would just have to be uh retention swes instead of transporting all the way back but I want to talk to the person in the behind those properties before we do anything okay move approval they have a second second on in favor sing say I like have it drainage eement on cheffy road Jeffy Road also in in Boswick um area off of West River Road the end of cheffy Road becomes a private section and is frequently flooded with rain and one Gentleman on the road right at the transition where it goes from County Road to private has given us a drainage easement on the uh side of his property that leads down to the canal behind his house we're going to do a about a 10ft wide Swale um to run the and a water cutout to get the water off of cheffy through the Swale down to the canal and I will tell you that we've we've went out there when this first came up once I got elected and we got out there this has been an ongoing issue in that area and I appreciate the fact that you're coming up with a solution and you've reached out to the citizen and that we can get this going because when you're setting at the property that's being affected by this runoff it is truly washing out their land it is and and so they've got they've got some serious problem so I appreciate this going forward so move to approve got a proper motion we have a second second okay any further discussion trying to split it out all in favor say I I I those lik sign the eyes have it all right next item acceptance of sewer easements yeah these go with our septic to sewer um everything that's going into the ground when when we put in our grinder pumps this is just a Perpetual easement so that we can maintain those grinder pumps and we've already got all of the tcees uh and the user agreements from the citizens Rich should we have read their last one by resolution okay I'm sorry I missed that so I think if this is the one I help me out JT but I think if this is the one that we actually went and recorded some of them but they weren't officially approved and then there was some more of them after that that we need to get approved or whatever so by by approving this today we're actually accepting the ones that have already been recorded in error and these new ones that should have been that need to be recorded also I think if I'm not mistaken and with that I'm willing to make a motion that we accept these drainage easements second proper motion proper second resolution 202 24-0 76 any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify ban I POS like sign the eyes have it okay we've already done public comment on miscellaneous items we will come back to a special board meeting next Monday for item A and B and Clerk of the Court Mr Reynolds he's not over there County attorney Rich Commando thank you sir and and County Administrator Mr Terry sugs we'll go back to Mr Rich Commando to late you un lost your so at our next meeting if um everybody's able to come a little bit early we need to have an executive session uh there is one lawsuit where we've been provided some a proposed offer which I don't think it's going to go anywhere but we have an obligation to present it to you anyway you want to do this the 27th at 9: do you want to do early or do you just want to come in and and start the meeting go like we normally do it it's up to you if you want to about on the 19th thank you that's what I was going to say that's twice we agreed today commissioner the problem is on the 19th because you actually did three or four because of the election on the 20th Baker County moved their meeting to the 19th so I can't be here on the thank you all right so the 27th we can call our meeting to order then go into executive session right yes sir all right why don't we do it that way thenk I'm fine with that I'm fine with that okay Kenny administrator nothing for okay wow all right um commissioner comments commissioner Pickins um long meeting but good meeting good discussion this afternoon um school is started and so I'm sure all the kids are excited to get back to school it was uh kind of a crowded situation going by Middleton Bernie um yesterday and um but it's all good and then there'll be a a groundbreaking uh for the new elementary school Friday uh Friday morning in Crescent City at the new property so that's all I have thank you thank you did you have your light on for something you're not a commissioner comment you'll have to wait go ahead I'm sorry uh I just wanted to interject with uh Mr Pickins talking about the school system um I just wanted to bring if it's not to your attention uh please pray for uh the plaa Panthers the football team and the family of Robert Gillan uh he's a 15-year-old sophomore that uh passed away during the night uh they don't know why the young man uh died but he was deceased this morning I heard that sorry tragic it is tragic commissioner adamac any comments commissioner Turner um yes sir and I'm not wanting to to do anything about throw this out today that's it for future possible consideration um do we want to look at some of our boards and actually put term limits on some of those boards um I really believe that a few of them are getting stay and there's certain boards that we don't have the issue that you have to really work to find somebody to be on it I'm not going to mention any boards at this point or anything else I'm just saying that I don't know that it wouldn't be in the best overall long term for the county if we didn't have term limits obviously today we took one of them off the library but I don't know that that was one that ever needed to be on there in the first place it's like affordable housing it's very difficult to find somebody to be on the affordable housing committee um and there's certain ones that are like that and it may be something that we don't want that we don't want to consider but I'd sure like to at least throw it out there for consideration do we want somebody to start looking at the possibility of term limits on some of the committees or not I I think do we mind if I make a comment not to bit with the fact that three of us are outgoing I I really think we should defer that to the next board in my opinion just I don't have a problem with it I think it's I think it's a good idea and I there are boards that I think it makes sense for I just would like to have the whoever the new incoming people is they would be well I've noticed that term limits a lot of times are very passionate on both sides of the issue sometimes like I truly believe that a commissioner shouldn't serve over or eight years I know it's p it's the way I feel uh just because especially now that I've gone through it after seven or eight years you don't really want to be here anyhow that much it's not like you did when you first come in you are getting a little St I want to be here I want to be here well good for you I mean make it 12 then if that suits you but there you know I don't think we have that big of an issue it's not that big of an issue around here but they got counties in other areas they've had people around there for 20 something years years and they don't they don't perform anymore in a lot of instances they just they're there so I mean like I said term limits is one of those passionate issues that that you may or may not want but on the boards we do have a way to control that and so I um I think we need to seriously consider and that's where I'm going to leave it today I'm not going to mention any certain boards and I just wanted to open it for discussion if nobody else is interested in looking that other than me then we'll just move on no I could you repeat what you said Mr an I I I agree with the idea I just think that with three of us being replaced in basically a few months I think I I would defer to that board to be able to make that decision for themselves on the other side of that sometimes it's easier to do on the way out the door than it is if you're going to be here four years um see but I'm not trying to do that I'm not trying to pick just issues but you know it's just like there's other issues that really need to be worked on and decided before this board changes because of the experience of the current board and because of whatever I just I'm not sure this isn't one of those issues that needs to be discussed by somebody that's not still running for office my opinion my thought has always been if you don't mind chiming in on that not a bit it's why I brought it up it's possibly that the term limits that we appoint people fall off when we exit office you know and that gives the new commissioner I mean commissioner wilon did a an outstanding job not saying that anybody else did not but you came in and appointed a bunch of different people to board um I think the the new person gets the the ability to to but some ways in some of our boards they're tied up their hands are tied they can't appoint anybody that's not a bad idea yeah that if you're if you appoint somebody during your term that when that term's up if you're not he anymore than the new commissioner gets they get to do that now really not on all of them some of them are some of them go on they're cyclical they're cyclical they they come in Cycles right speaking of that Laura I was looking at the Development Authority today for some weird reason and we've only got two commissioner spots but the ordinance require requires three Commissioners so could you fix that it may not be right but on development authorities me and you and Mr Pickins right but at the current time but right now it's just me and Mr pickings listed here although it says three there so okay well they just got me off the list because I'm on the Development Authority yeah you are and we need to but we just need to clean things like that for a few more months yep okay commissioner Wilson comments were you through Mr Turner I've done enough yes ma'am okay okay so um I just want to say that to our staff if you haven't tried the people won please go get your appointment and try it I was pleasantly surprised my husband was too it um it will save you money and I think it will save the county money overall in time but um please your health is important to us so please make sure that you um sign up and go and go to people one if you don't have a primary doctor even if you do and you need some followup um it was a great experience so I want to thank staff who's worked on that and I want to thank people one because my experience was was really really good um also I want to thank um public works because you guys if you can't can't tell by this new business and and our whole packet there's a lot of projects going on in the county and um a lot lot involves public work so thank you um because we're getting more projects done than I think I've ever seen maybe it's because the more involved I don't know it just seems like we're getting a lot done and then lastly I would remind people to go vote I think it's important doesn't matter who you vote for just make sure your voice is heard and go vote matters to me who you vote well that's fine it's still your freedom I knew that was coming that's all I have to say thank you thank you commissioner Wilkinson and I want to say just a few things we did have a local technology planning team meeting this week um I hate to there's not a whole lot to report other than some of the people some of the businesses um have signed their contracts with the state um but some disappointing news that they're going to the lwh hanging fruit areas first uh which is not rural Florida so we're going to be very active in the association of counties of try to get them to come to the underserved and unserved areas um as they were as they were looked at and needed to be done but um and not allow these contracts to continue on past 2026 so that was something we talked about the other day U but as soon as we know more we will let you know I am the vice chairman of the for Association of County's future technology committee um so I'll be serving in that Arena and also serving as the chairman of your Institute of County government through the Florida Association of counties so those of you who are coming in and watching us please sign up for educational classes uh it is my home county and I expect 100% participation so there the story so if there's nothing else good for the order this meeting is recessed and we'll see you back here at 5:05