e e e e e e let me call our meeting to order today is Tuesday June 18th at 9:00 I've asked commissioner Pickins to give our invocation and commissioner Wilkinson to do our Pledge of Allegiance allise if you're able to do so let us pray Heavenly Father we just thank you for this day and all the blessings in it father God we just ask you to guide us as Commissioners and staff our constitutional officers father God just guide us in our deliberations and discussions and our decisions today in jesus' name we pray amen amen please join me in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you commissioner Pickins and thank you commissioner Wilkinson I do want to now open it up for the public if there's any public that would like to come up and discuss the agenda with us this portion of the agenda is designed to allow you the citizens an opportunity to bring matters the attention of the board so is there any public comment and seeing none we're going to close the public comment and go right into our workshop and I'm going to turn that over to Julianne thank you chairman um as included in your agenda packet is um a number of different reports and informational items we are in officially uh the 25 uh budget development so the first item that you will see as per state statute each of the Constitutional offices are required to provide um their budget appropriation request by June 1 and those are included in your board packet obviously um preparation of those budgets are done prior to an official estimate of values being released from the property appraisers so um each constitutional is doing their best to propose what they believe will be needed uh for the upcoming gear minus the information from the Property Appraiser's office um you will see that on June 1st or actually May 31st the property appraiser delivered our estimate of total taxable value for the county is 7.5 billion and fire mstu is there below it the following Pages give you value scenarios based on the June 1 2024 estimate of taxable values you'll see uh in that first block 24's assessed value the final millage and the budgeted Revenue remember we only budget 96% % of uh that ADV valorum revenue and then you'll see the current estimate for the 25 value our current millage and that budgeted revenue and then you will see the net new Revenue which would be the difference between 24 budgeted revenue and the proposed 25 estimated Revenue that gives you uh a net new revenue of roughly 8 million at this time based on our estimates we do not believe that GP will have a positive or negative impact on the budget based on their assessed values that's been provided by the Quattro plant and our current millage rate what we believe the economic payment will be that is subject to change and we would adjust all percentages from that in the bottom box you're going to see your um constitutional offices uh 24 appropriation as well as the percentages remember those percentages are a division of the Constitutional approved budget divided by ADV valorum budgeted revenues so uh each of those percentages have been calculated based on last year's appropriation and budgeted Revenue when we start talking about the way we have done budget in the past which is percentage based the first thing we do is take 20% for the board of County Commissioners to direct on any board initiatives that they may have from their we split it up um ensuring that each constitutional officer gets the full percent of the new ad Borum that would come to them in the next uh column you're going to see proposed fiscal year 25 Appropriations this assumes that we follow the budget-based budgeting or the percent based budgeting um with no deviation in the next column you're going to see the requested 25 Appropriations this is what was requested by each constitutional and then in the last column you're going to see the net difference in the 25 requests versus the proposed appropriation you'll notice if um if those columns stand true or if if the request stands true and the Appropriations the percent stand true um then the sheriff's ask would be underfunded by roughly 2 million the property appraiser by 24,000 um and then the clerk of court and the supervisor of elections would actually have a little bit of a surplus there again some things that we all need to remember this assumes that millage rate stays true and that the uh estimated value stays true as we move through the budget cycle and either of those two factors change it changes the whole um Dynamic that we have there below that in your next uh report you have Reserve account activity this is fiscal year 24 approved reserves for the four major operational funds that we run and then the year-to-date balances so you will see there in the general fund we've used $1.4 million of general fund reserves um 31 almost 32,000 in transportation 256 in the fire and 31 in East putam please keep in mind State Statute requires us to keep 10% of operating Revenue in restricted reserves as our ADV valorum increases that 10% number increases as well um then gfo a recommends 16.67% be retained in Prior years we've been pretty close to that 16.67 um however at this time we wouldn't make the 16.67 and I got a big act strict there because we H also haven't been able to do the mid-year true up which traditionally adds um to our Reserve account balances and so not having that information uh may change the impact of reserves and what you have outstanding the next report you have is insurance claims you have fiscal year 22 and 23 actual claims and then 24 actual claims up to the last billing cycle then in the bottom you have a projection as to where we're going to be if the average of the Year stands true and we could see anything happen right so um I will tell you that the first three months well actually the second and third month were very hard months we got hit very hard from those months we have recovered pretty well well in our trending average per month has gone down so we started out basically at a 40% overage um what you're seeing today is about 31% um I'm optimistic that May June July August and September come in pretty average from what we've seen in the past prior two years which will continue to decrease that um deficit that we have there in the Insurance Fund and there is also in the packet I must have skipped it but a Personnel scenario form um which gives you personnels scenarios for each of the options there assuming millage stays consistent which page is that 13 I had that the other day but I don't seem to I haven't seen that I don't there it is nope no um I think I don't think must have gotten stuck in the packet and not no provided we can get a copy of that then sir can we get a copy of that can you grab that original packet Lauren while you're doing that I would the chair would like to take a point of privilege to welcome our newly uh elect property appraiser Mr Clay dve Davis is in the room thank you for being here Mr Parker will be phasing out I'm sure very soon and moving on to a great retirement or whatever his choice is and also want to recognize Mr overturf who um ran unopposed and I hear that's the best way to run so uh as as Mr Davis did too and our sheriff is still in the uh race for to be the sheriff again so we look forward he a battle he a battle that's exactly right and believe me August hasn't even come yet I think y'all got Mr Davis you got out pretty easy on that one because August putting signs up is the test of all endurance at that moment if you survive that you can pretty much survive anything so all right we're going to take a three minute break while we're trying to get those forms e e e e e our budget meeting do want to say that to um commissioner pins has a momentous occasion in his family The Honorable Bobby Pickins is now judge and um commissioner page if you'd like to expound on that well we're just very um very thankful very blessed very proud of Bobby um he has um been uh wanting to U become a judge for a few years and he finally got the appointment uh last week so he will serve as a circuit court judge uh down in Delan in the seventh Judicial District so very proud proud of him and looking forward um for that career thank you thank you sir and we'll now be referring to you as The Honorable father so we'll move in that direction Julian you got the floor again thank you chairman apologize for that mishap um so the the last report that's been provided for you is a Personnel scenario report um this assumes zero FTE increase however it does assume a moderate increase in the employer portion of insurance um just based on what we have seen to date with claims I am um projecting both a moderate increase on both the employee and employer portion in order to keep that fund balanced and whole that being said I went ahead and for it on the employer side so you'll see the approved budget and then the Baseline has a a net difference um and that accounts for fs and that premium increase and then what you'll see there is uh four different scenarios with a 3% 4% 5% 6% cost of living um and the impact there the net impact is that bottom line from where we are today that being um calculated out we do have some department of labor standards that are changing that we're still assessing what the impact is going to be they're changing the threshold for salaried employees and the exemption status it may have some impact to um it would be individualized so it wouldn't be across the board but we will have a couple of adjustments that are required to be made by do standards um while it's early in the budget process we are already in receipt of notice from some of our external agencies with significant cost increase um the most significant of that to date that's been received a lot of them are still outstanding but share for matching fund for Medicaid um is going to experience a 21% increase that actually goes into effect July so we this year we will have to add funds to the Medicaid um or the the program in order to make it whole and then we're expecting obviously we've already been delivered notice of of that increase for next year so all of that said today is for the board to have some discussion and to provide me some feedback as we move forward in budget development the board is charged with setting a Max millage rate and um allowing me the direction that I need in order to reach and provide you a tenative balance budget by the end of July okay Commissioners this is our time to start talk you know what yeah let's let's do that Commissioners any comments so far before I open it up to the constitutionals if they want to commissioner Turner yes um so without us having year end numbers how are how is that going to impact our Reserve funds that we haven't been able to True up from the end of the year I mean basically we we we are going to have a true up at some point it may be a year and a half later but trying not to be factious about this but the um we haven't had a true up so we don't know what our fund balances truly are at the end of last year yet correct yes sir that's true um the impact to you all is that I would tell you that right now um we should be very very very conservative in allocating um Reserve dollars to any particular project or utilizing them For an upcoming expense until we have those true numbers um the is the Georgia Pacific additional numbers we give them a portion of it back I think we're down to 80% now I think is the 20% that we that County gets to retain and add Revenue included in the $8 million yes sir it is it went to 20% last year so this is second year so you're not seeing a increase right in net new revenue from GP because essentially um you're actually losing you're not losing money but their value increase so there's uh but it's a it's a net neutral right now offset assuming the value stays the same and stays the same now last year we were negative because the assessed value changed dramatically from the estimate to assess and so we ended up having to move money from general fund reserves over however because our millage rate is currently at 8.4 based on the number that we're at there's not going to be a net negative currently um and unless that value changes again okay um I see the clerk's not here today is he out of town or something I believe he is I don't really want to have this discussion about him being here so I'll hold off on the portion of the year end numbers and the audit and the operational not being or be is the operational audit taking place that is not required when the when the portion that is required is not completed I'll just I'll just hold off on that conversation Mr chairman until he's here to to discuss it with us too but all right Mr Mr chairman if I could uh received a phone call last week in the last week uh from The Honorable mat our Clerk of the Court uh with his very discussion and he's uh his anticipation is we will get those numbers this week and as soon as those numbers become available we will absolutely for those out to the five elected officials so you guys will have those as soon as we receive them but I was told here this week I don't really need his numbers I need him to get the the budget officer where she can go in there and and tell us what the mid true up will look like because it's very difficult for us to start this process without those numbers absolutely where we are and having to spend money from the general fund reserves on any item that comes along even in an emergency it makes you very apprehensive it it it does Mr chairman and uh you know so the numbers that we're hoping to get will be some of the draft audited uh so we'll be able to move those forward Miss younger get those as as we do we for them out good all right good I have a question Julian you and I spoke again this morning um our operating budget and our reserves um I was even though sometimes our operating budget's up in the hundred million range we don't have to count all the grants and things like that for um for reserves so this morning we kind of landed around $90 million operating could be more could be less in that range so at 10% we're pretty much good on our Reserve right now but if we were to the 16% we're pretty much short I mean it's just that that point right now so I think you know so remember don't I don't want anybody to take that incorrectly State Statute only requires the 10 gfoa that's their recommendation um which is a little different it's optional right so you're right you would be short of The gfoa Benchmark but it is a gfoa recom a benchmark not the state requirement you are compliant with the state's requirement and I think we do a really really really great job of staying in ranges that are comfortable for the board and comfortable for our budget officer um we also you know I remember when I first got here we were not budgeting quite to the point where we were receiving money so we might have been budgeting two or three points lower than what the average in what the average income was going to be um I appreciate the fact that you're doing it at 96 because I think that's very important it's not a pie in the sky number and I don't want any to think it isn't it's a number that we feel very comfortable with that historically we've been collecting 96% of avalor revenues or other revenues in that in that manner so I do appreciate that I want first first couple years of budgeting you got to figure out all the nuances and once you get it down a little bit it comes a little bit easier for you but commissioner Turner is right once we get that true up then we'll be able to know what our our reserves are should be or close to being and where we can budget at but right now this is the start of a conversation start of a budget process and um I'm glad we're having to talk about uh we didn't have to talk about money back then we didn't have to talk about increases or decreases we just Hold the Line don't get anything new U throw the keys down I don't want this department anymore that was a terrible terrible time and I hope no commissioner ever has to go through or constitutional has to go through those types of scenarios again Mr Turner you have your light on sir you have the floor yeah I had a couple other questions um the money the report that you that a Brier just brought in to us uh it says the approved 24 budget and the listed payrolls in that budget are those the actuals projected at the end of the year of last year no sir that's the approved budget the board approved budget for fiscal year 24 the one we're in right now do you have any projection of how of where we are going to be as far as the um the actual budget or the actual I know it's only middle of the year or past middle of the year but for personnel yeah for personnel I think you're going to see the same thing that we Trend uh normally so I don't think I think the only areas that you're going to see a deficit in is going to be your fire rescue divisions which is a a factor of overtime hours that we can't budget for I can't assume scenarios which is going to force overtime we budget a decent amount an overtime but traditionally each year um those scenarios inevitably some somebody gets deployed and then you're creating an overtime shift for every single day they're assigned to work and so um traditionally that's the only area where we see um a a deficit I also do not uh we are not showing high levels of attrition dollars because thankfully most of our departments are operating um at capacity or or full FES we've got one or two that may have a vacancy for a month or two but um for the most part most of our departments are running at at the FTE allocated to them okay at our last Insurance committee meeting we were showing that the in that the self-insured insurance was not doing well as far as budgeted Revenue as far as what we had budgeted for them to do I know that a a few moments ago when you were doing your initial analogy of for us that you mentioned that it was trending a little better than what it has and we need to find some wood to knock on when we say that but it was trending a little better um it seems like last year during our midyear true up we actually took some of the money and put it towards health insurance we did we did we did both health insurance and work comp right um which is another question I guess all together is our work conf reserves holding steady at the million dollars that we put in there for reserves you it used to be we didn't carry any Reserves at all we just budgeted for projected losses and we started carrying work comp preserves which you all you've got to and so we did that two three years ago so are they holding steady the work comp preserves we're doing an analysis now um because we've had we have a few cases that have hit the reinsurance level but the reimbursements and the expenditures fall at different Cycles so I'm I'm in the process of doing some analysis on are we truly um is it we're waiting on reimbursement or are we into reserves based on new claims so we're probably going to have our year end hopefully we're going to have our n our year end numbers within the next week or so because Mr chairman I don't I don't see how we can have a discussion on this budget without having those numbers I just don't and the reason being is our first decision has got to be made on this budget cycle is are we going to go after a millage rate reduction this year or not I mean because everything else depends on what the millage rate is going to be and so um with how it went down last year I don't know that we can but I but still without no knowing how much money we have to deal with how how do we have that discussion um we know for a fact that we've got to deal with health insurance that's not an option it's something we've got to deal with but we don't know if we had enough money from the true up to deal with it on the midyear true up or if we're going to have to deal with it on this budget but it's got to be dealt with it's not something you can not do and so without having that information I I don't have the information to know if we can viably ask for a millage rate reduction this year or not with the with the additional numbers that we know that we have to have to make ins meet uh for lack of a better term um I just I don't know that that decision could be made here today until we get that information from year end to know if we can fix health insurance and we can did we have any money from year in true up that moved over in different funds that would help offset some of the additional expenses that we run into this year so keep in mind Commissioners the only thing you're setting is a Max millage rate you are not setting a final millage rate you are setting the maximum millage rate and and it is really just it it doesn't have to truly be set until the end of July however we've got to build a tenative budget um so we are setting a Max millage rate that you all could adjust and did last year multiple times through the budget cycle I think we use a term that we're going to look at our millage rate if we if we're going to have a discussion um like you said we don't have to set the maximum until next month so we're good on that but we got to give you some direction on where to go from here to build and I'm with commissioner Turner although we do have reserves so we're good there um we don't know that true number of are true up yet so that'll depend on that but all things in all things put in perspective I believe that we can move forward with giving you direction today of where we see based on that but even I I agree even the um even knowing that we that we're thinking that we're going to have adequate reserves we don't know that because we don't have an end of the year amount from last year audit to amount on what what move forward in reserves and so we're basically I mean it's more than just a guess it's a it's a educated estimate more than a guess because Julianne's really good at this but by the same token it's still she doesn't have the audited numbers to move forward so but our year-to dat balances on our reserves are adequate I mean are accurate correct I asked you that today yes sir those are as of today those are yes there they're true it's the only thing is our budget's not from last year the carryover so we're not sure what that's doing right now all right any other questions are we going to have the constitutionals come up or if we need we can but I do want to say question I want to say one thing um we did take a we took a rate decrease last year millage rate decrease and we also took a big bite of the Apple about moving our salaries up and I want to say that publicly because I think that's very important that we didn't have to take that whole bite of the Apple at that point but this board decided to and I think that I know that has helped us in our Departments of being fully staffed you know um because it wasn't just a few years back we were we were begging for people to come to work for us but our salaries were low and this board made some some major commitments to that salary range which I thought were um very aggressive and I'll say that but I think we I know we've done the right thing and I know hearing today that you know that our our staffing levels are are very well taken care of so I just think that needs to be said because you know the public probably doesn't understand this is a very fluid budget and it's it's difficult to wrap your hands around sometimes but the things that we've done have created us to be in the position we are in today with lack of one thing that we don't know and we're going to get to that yes sir Mr Turner yeah Julian could you go over again the list of things that you've already been told we going to get increases on this coming year and approximately how much money actual not percentages but I know that I'm putting you on the spot but you know basically if we just in a scenario that we left the mil where it is then the um we basically got $2,365 th000 and if we do a 3% increase in our Wages that's 1,6 32,000 so we're we're bumping up against what those other increases are we going to have enough to cover increases without decreasing Services somewhere else to offset those to offset those so I did not include and I do not have for you today I I can run the reports um a lot of those external agencies haven't delivered their final information to date that being said Medicaid is the most significant and rough numbers we had about 1.5 1.6 budgeted this year and it's going up to 1.9 um sbdc is a optional we can decide to fund or not fund but they have asked for it a significant increase um 30 or 40% more than what they got this year well what is that I'm sorry the Small Business Development Center that we um co-fund through the county um and I asked for for reasons or if we were expanding services and they said just their expenses had increased so I've got that for you that one's optional so you guys can decide what you want to do with that um the tax collector's Revenue um assessment will increase I don't know by how much some of that is dependent upon the school board's millage being set but every time assessed values increase the 3% that has to go out to the tax collector for both the board and the school board because we're required by state law to pay for her Revenue collection uh or their revenue collection uh will have to increase um other Governor go or other external agencies that have already um expressed a greater need include your court systems Court admin public or State's Attorneys which again were required to fund um at some level so I do not have a comprehensive list to date because it is so early in the budget cycle um but I but to date so far our external agencies are requesting some increases and some of them being non non-negotiable the other one that traditionally is very high for us is the medical examiner office and we do not have data back yet on what count the putham county share of their budget is going to to be for the outcoming year and that's a usage based percentage so the three counties that are involved in um the um operation of her office so she serves uh St John's Flagler in putam and what happens is basically at the end of the year they reconcile the number of autopsies done and then divide by each County the number of utilizations right so if we did 100 and there were 300 done we have a third of her budget that has to be funded you good for now yeah okay Julian back when I first got here and I keep saying that we used to budget the Constitutional returns and we quit doing that along the way have we got any idea when we're talking about the 2.3 less than 1.6 that we got in the idea about what the um returns might be or what the tax collector so we're budgeting some returns but remember this is kind of where it gets hairy you're fiscal year 24 Returns come to us the last day of September and we're budgeted October 1 of 23 so for fiscal year 25 I'm assuming that I know what each constitutional office is going to use through October 1:24 to September 3025 and then I put a number traditionally we've used an average of what their prior return has been net any major initiative that we may know that that constitutional may be taking on um so traditionally um Linda Meers has had a decent return we usually budget3 to $400,000 um just virtue of the P the sheriff's office has traditionally not had a return so there's nothing there the property phaser the clerk and the supervisor of elections all have a significantly smaller budget to begin with so if you get a small return from each of them then you know again you're not talking about a material impact thank you all right any other questions okay so would you like to proceed with the Constitutional you said just have questions okay good so how who wants to be okay we're going to go let's see we're going to ask the constitutionals if you'd like to come up I think commissioner WI has a question so Sheriff would you like to go first I know you're looking at me so we'll just you to ask commissioner Wilkerson which one she do you which one would you like the only one asking questions oh but if you have a question which one like to hear from all okay okay good morning good morning sir don't mean to put you in the specific question commissioner w i do um let me look at your budget real quick so I guess and this is the question I'm going to ask across all of uh the constitutionals because I think it's very important um how much of a raise or an increase do you see or that you worked into your budget for your staff as far as a percentage I mean we're looking somewhere from three to six where are you guys at we're at 5% built into this uh current proposed budget 5% is built in and are you adding new new FTE yes uh built into this budget is a total of 10 positions six for patrol and foreign Corrections can you just help me understand the the need that you're having for these new officers and and staff sure so our jail population uh continues to rise as well as our call volume and even though our crime is at a probably a 40 to 50 year low uh we've seen a significant reduction over the last 8 years of almost 60% in crime uh but what we're not seeing is a reduction in call volume and it's primarily um Quality of Life issues uh speeding vehicles in neighborhoods and things of that nature um that really without these additional positions um our response times can you to grow and and grow okay and then as far as equipment will you be purchasing Vehicles new vehicles in this budget year uh generally speaking we uh we try and uh replace a portion of our Fleet every year so that we're not burdened with a significant um expenditure in vehicles in any given year and you've gone from leasing vehicles to purchasing Vehicles we have not leased vehicles at the Sheriff's Office since 200 six oh okay I think okay okay all right and so and I'm I don't mean to put you on the spot but I do need to ask this question when we went out to look at and for the animal con Services building uh groundbreaking I noticed there was a large amount of vehicles sitting there that weren't being used are those surplus vehicles or are those vehicles that are just there in case you're going to be wrecking a vehicle and you replace I mean I'm just trying to understand that no vehicles that were parked there have actually all been uh sold off uh those were old Vehicles okay um that were no longer serviceable most of those uh the Transmissions were shot in bad engines etc etc okay all right so you have a fleet that you're just and I understand how that works trating them in and out okay all right those are my questions for the sheriff so anybody else Sheriff there was a time though I I recall that you couldn't buy a vehicle we we didn't have the money for that and uh so I think some of those cars uh even though they seem to be a lot I saw that too the other day it's just that they were an old Fleet that needed to be replaced and then you had a problem during Co even trying to get vehicles I remember that too so that's right it was it's been a perfect storm in your department of trying to find new equipment and update what you had because we at number one we didn't have the money then Co struck and you couldn't get them and if you could get them you better take a check that day out and buy them so because people were just scarfing them up so that's that's absolutely correct okay well thank you Mr Adam z i yes I mean I don't see myself supporting 5% for our people let alone so how set are you on the 5% I know we did that last year we were trying to do as much as we could for everyone um as far as for for the pay increases oh I see I'm sorry I wasn't following with you um and I'm just speaking for myself as far as for the county I don't see us getner with frankly if uh if we're not able to sustain that 5% um I'm afraid what we're going to see is uh a mass Exodus of employees going to work for St John's Clay and Flagler and some of the other surrounding uh counties what's our I know it's different for each County but what how far are we away from I know weing it in Prior years so we have done some work to uh to close that Gap substantially uh from what I'm hearing from all of my counterparts uh in our surrounding counties um that Gap is continuing to widen um even more so year that's all I have for now thank you thank you Mr Turner thank you Mr chairman um Sheriff you know for several years we've tried to maintain a percent based budget and the only way that we can make that happen is if we all try to play the game I understand that there's always a need for more vehicles for trying to catch up with surrounding areas I I truly get it but we've also it's not like we've been stingy with anybody over the last six or seven years we've brought a budget from 16 17 million up to the $30 million range in the in the past six or seven years and it was necessary because we were way behind times and we needed to try to get as close up to Modern a modern department and you've done a good job with that I I absolutely agree with that um but the only way that we can give you more than your percentage this year is if we take it away from the board side which means we've got to cut services and we've got to do less with our money and we've got got to we've got to take the hit there's nowhere else for it to come from except for the board side of this um I understand that more money would be wonderful I get it um but I don't see how that we can give you $2 million now this is just me speaking but I don't know how we can give you $2 million more money than what the than the additional million dollars $1.3 million which you get on your percentage increase this year and that doesn't include All the Monies that the state has given you to help you with your pursuit of a of a better Department um I I just don't see where we're going to be able to come up with other $2 million above what the percentage would be and like I said that's just me speaking sure and my response to that is I uh I completely understand um from my perspective we're going to continue to be a good partner with the county uh I think we've maintained an excellent relationship with this board over the last several years that we've worked very hard to cultivate uh and we don't have any intentions of deviating from that uh we understand there's only a limited amount of money um we don't know necessarily what uh you know what our allocation is going to be before we start having these discussions and um you know my responsibility as a constitutional officer is to present a budget based on needs not on wants or worries uh but just out of necessity built into this um well just for perspective um we're beginning to see some maintenance issues that have been uh rather costly in the jail uh for example we're beginning to have problems with the uh the heating and AC systems in the jail we've to date this year I invested a little over $100,000 in uh trying to keep system operational I don't know how much longer it's going to be before we have to ultimately replace it um or continue to subst repairs to it but at the end of the day um we're going to continue to be good partners um just a couple of weeks ago we've had to uh sign a contract to replace the camera system in the jail and commissioner Turner you're intimate familiar with uh you know some of the cost saving measures that we had to build into the jail uh in order to keep the uh the project at or budget um that camera system was uh probably less than adequate when we put it in but it kept us going and kept us moving in that direction to uh complete the jail project um that upgrade that uh that we've just recently introduced um has had a net impact on our budget of about I think it was $492,000 that I just wrote a check for um so you know things are very volatile expenses continue to Rise um but in saying that we're going to continue to be a good partner just as we always have you know and I'll be the first to admit I appreciate the relationship we've always had with the sheriff's department I read in other counties where that relationship is sometimes very volatile to say the least and never been here we've always been able to try to get along and work out any problems we had or whatever so U that's very much ative for me um but I just I I guess I wanted to just make that comment that I just don't see how when budget it higher than the percentage that we've done when that gives you a 1.3 million not including your other state Appropriations that you've been very successful in U in in getting which is great by the way um that's all I had Mr chairman it's 3.3 million increase oh excuse me 3.3 million not to correct you but I just want for the public it's more than a 1.3 yeah so it's 3.3 additional sir yeah okay Mr Adam Zach you have the floor yes so I think this is the first year I'm not going to be beg you to ask us for more um I I don't see how we get to the two million either and I I think you knew that when you present it to us once you saw the numbers like you said you didn't necessarily have them that's basically what I'm hearing you say is you want to be a good partner um what else is I mean it's a $5 million difference obviously there's some cost increases and stuff but inflation is as high as it was the past few years where we had the bigger the smaller bumps from your office actually and um so it's it just doesn't align with and the 10 positions what you described is absolutely needed that's some my most calls as a commissioner are about people riding four-wheeler all the living things you're talking about and that's the biggest thing I ever reach out to Colonel welser yourself on are those living things like you know drug activity that's sudden or whatever or theoretically because you don't even know till you respond problem is a lot of times when you respond the activity is gone as well so we're also setting people out to respond how do we so the response time is part of the problem with those activities because if you can't get out there in 40 minutes the guy rid in the four-wheeler just gone right so you don't have any witness you have nothing to see um that's just one example of the many right whether it's a people arguing or fighting in the street like we had recently um other things like that so what else is in that five million or what is the cost of those 10 employees is it around so I don't have a breakdown but I can tell you that's uh that's probably a large portion of this increase that you're seeing um also not supported in this was the um the difference in uh the house bill three funding that we were able to uh get last year through a uh recurring legislative appropriation uh that appropriation did not increase um so that does not help support these uh these positions we've also seen a significant increase in our automobile liability insurance there's also a um an increase in our health insurance based on what we can see forecast um as an increase in in that as well and that primarily accounts for that increase all right thank you for now Mr Turner is there a any way that we could Julianne is there any way that we could earlier in the process get the percentages or I know that you do it as quickly as possible but is there any way that we could do it quicker to where the constitutionals would actually have an idea how much how much their their percentage of the revenue would be or well the the problem or the the date factor is that I don't get the information from Mr Parker's office until June 1st so I I can't move forward until we June that's right all right good thank you thank you Sheriff We Appreciate You Mr AR you want to be next m w you had some questions this is the same question I think I've already done the math you're looking for a 6% increase for your raises for your staff is that correct four four okay so your employee salaries oh because you had to budget in the the other portions I got it okay so you're looking for a 4% increase thank you for um your conservative leadership and your budget um I appreciate that and if you if if you don't mind I wanted to just say to the three of the five that'll be leaving this is your last time as far as budgets and I've always tried to be as Fair as I could and with the administration when I needed more I've asked and you all were willing to do it and when I didn't I cut back and and I I just want to say thank you to you all um you know for that and as the sheriff said we always try to keep the best relationship that we can canvasing board so you see the ins and outs of things that the public doesn't see what all we do so I just want to say thank you to you all for that and sometimes the unexpected um um ballots and votings that you end up having that you didn't actually plan on so thank you that's all I have is anybody else Mr trer red and black shirt really I'm teasing do you have any I know years ago we um we did some new ballot machines voting machines and we had budgeted we had money left in there and we were able to use that um what's the lifespan on those machines because I really thought she was going to so I saved that because I thought she might ask me do you have any thing um the administrator and I have had a discussion about a year ago and I said just to put it on your radar we're eight years into the equipment that we bought in 2016 probably we've got a couple more years maybe four maybe six you know again it sometimes depends on state requirements if a lawsuit gets passed and all of a sudden something is told that we've got to change something then of course we might have to do something sooner but I do want to keep that you all to keep that part of it in mind that at some point in the next few years we will have to reach out as you said we were very fortunate uh superviser uh hery had put and they don't allow that anymore but he had started a savings account for that purpose and there was $75,000 that he passed over to miss mul and then she passed it to me and we used that money along with I think Mr lry wanted to use better place funds to do that and so we purchased those not not leased them but we purchased that so at some point that is going to be a decision that that we'll all have to get together and make um you know and then again you know prices have increased we were able to negotiate in 16 a really good deal uh was about $100,000 less than what M mul had gotten an estimate for uh three or four years before that so we were able to really leverage a lot of stuff and I think it really worked out for the county and for the voters you know here but that is definitely something that you know we'll have to somebody will have to undertake that in the next you know few years uh so it's I'd rather put it on your radar and let you be thinking about it you know so we can all work together on it well sometimes if the state changes their what they want to do we could possibly ask for money from them but uh you know we'll see how that goes but I just want you to know I appreciate you I I know that you know every constitutional is important to to this County not one's any more important but elections you know they're very important and getting those numbers right and uh you know you hear about the horror stories throughout the nation and I just don't see that I don't see how that could ever take place in putham County but you know you hear about them and right you go how in the world does that take place but you know you know each state they everybody hollers about states rights but I have people all the time why don't you go to move to Pennsylvania and teach them how to run it or Arizona or Georgia and it's like because it is State's right each state has a right to to decide and then each county in the state you know and so we all all 67 of us in in Florida do the very best that we can to be as as accurate and as professional as possible and also we all try to do the exact same thing so if a judge looks at you he may say Larry I'm sorry you all did it wrong but that meant all of us so it's not sort of us out on the limb you know and it got cut off behind us you know that kind of thing and I'll go out I'll just kind of give an observation I was looking at a voting map scenario on the primaries the other day and U voters would be shocked if they looked in their neighborhood to see who voted in a primary based on mapping only you'd go oh my Lord I mean it's it's bad it's we need to get a better turnout that's not your fault that's our fault we need to get out there and work the streets harder and it is and and of course commissioner Wilkinson and Mr Suggs hear us talking about that in our canvasing board meetings you know and I've already had candidates ask me and I'm saying if you look back to 16 and to 20 in August of both of those years before our big presidential 30% turnout right so you start multiplying and if it's a one party only uh the scenario and you multiply 30% times that number you get 6 7,000 votes and it's a shame when we're at you know 45,000 that we can't get more than that you know to have a say so so I and if you look at the map Nationwide and see where the big counties that really control the nation yeah oh you just I mean Florida has what six counties but you know but if you look at Nationwide very minimal very minimal areas that control the major population of votes so Mr chairman I appreciate I know I know I'm going the you're you're you're welcome you gained knowledge today that Mr Adam Zach you have the floor yeah I guess I just wanted to say this out loud um I was looking like between the three and 4% for the county so I would I would hope that our constitutionals would consider that same across the board if that's possible so just from what inflation CPI is you know ideally we' do 4.1 but with the way the budget looks I don't think we could get there um so I would think somewhere around 3.8 that gives us we match CPI and then we or slightly less actually so our cost of living really isn't keeping up with inflation but it it's better than the three and it's within that range I think that we can afford based on the fact that would be an increase of like 1.72 and we really only have 2.35 that eats up a big percentage of our total increase for the county side of this if we go with the percentage budgeting which I've never benefit F of but we're there I don't have the votes to change any of that so with that I mean that eats up a good portion of the 2.3 65 right there on the county side 3% even meets up a big portion of it so I just think we got to take that into account when we all of us in this particular cycle all right thank you any I think it affects our ability to recruit and retain as well it honestly does so I I understand what you're saying from a sheriff's pers From 's perspective it's going to impact all of us in our ability to retain and keep yes sir Mr turn I think part of what the problem is has been identified and I don't really know a solution is that the constitutionals are they're required to turn in their budget about the same time that we find out what the numbers are so it wouldn't make sense for a constitutional to turn in a budget of 50 cents when they got $2 coming I mean in their per perent it just wouldn't make sense I mean if I was sitting in in the Constitutional shoes I would play I would do that same thing and so and it's the same thing with the percentage on employees they don't want to budget a 3% and then the county give a 4% that that isn't what you want to do and so you know I guess hopefully that um hopefully when we can make the decision of what percentage we're going to give the employee than that the other constitutionals will I I would hope would join in with the Commission in unity and try to give all our employees as much as we can but not that one didn't get more than others so I wish there was a way to fix that but I just don't know the solution to it you're correct all right thank you Mr over appreciate it Mr Parker Mr Davis you may as well just go ahead and let clay sleep for you got a I've got three qus of just Frank so I can go through our normal narrative that we go through each year but um in in absence of that I'll just kind of hit some of the highlights of course um you know there is going to be amendment five that is going to be on the ballot this year that would increase that second $25,000 by the CPI and between now and uh 2028 that's estimated to remove about $111 million from local governments so just need to be aware of that um won't affect schools um but it does affect local governments um so each year we turn our budget into the Department of Revenue and we've been going back and forth with them um this year and we've actually made a couple reductions in our budget request to them so ultimately we are a little bit under the actual budget that uh projection that you all have uh put out there from Julianne um so I think we're about $88,000 actually under where the formula uh would fit for us so we are looking at that and so we can only give raises based on what whether whatever the state does or whatever you do okay so currently in our budget is the state increase of 3% but we would match whatever the county uh comes up with if it's more than that 3% and any if we increase it in every 1% increase over that 3% is about $18,000 in our budget so if you go four it'd be $118,000 more and so last year we turned in uh 20 uh $2,863 in excess fees back to the county so I know there was some concern you know whether we actually we were actually over the projection at the beginning of the budget cycle but with that $200,000 increase we were substantially under what um we had expected and we turned in a two- wheel drive truck to the county um some un you know kind of back to your comments how hard it was to get vehicles you know during that time period um so we had to get what we could take and so last year we did replace the two wheel drive with a four-wheel drive but we were able to turn that two wheel drive in very good condition back into the county and this year we are projecting uh somewhere around a $200,000 excess fee um coming back to the county so we're short a position and we have an interview tomorrow so keep that in your prayers if you would um for a commercial manager position that we've been uh vacant for over a year so um I don't know if there's any other highlights that I wanted to bring up but we're here to answer any questions Mr chairman yes sir Mr Turner Mr Parker you you just said that you were 8,000 under your percentage but our our sheet so that you're 24,000 over has he turned in an amended budget not to me okay so you're going to turn in an amended budget and you project to be under under your at or under your percentage so we're not done yet talking with the state they have until July 15th to you know look at our our budget make recommendations but I can't I don't foresee it going up anymore from our side um I think there was one projection when we initially were talking with them that we had not used a correct formula that we actually had to increase a part of our budget in good I'm glad to hear you're going to be under your percentage thank you that work and you mentioned um you need to fill a position is that the additional position that you put in your budget or is that am I reading that incorrectly so I think I'll let clay speak to that because it's really his positions you know that we're talking about so I'll give it to him thank you Tim good morning Commissioners so that position is a separate position um Justin Edwards will be my chief Deputy Justin has he has a number of roles that he plays within the office there's no one that can do what Justin does quite frankly so we have to split his current position Justin wears Three Hats he's tax roll he in charge of TPP and he's also in charge of our C system so we have to break that apart just so we can fill those positions with someone who maybe at some point in the future was skilled at doing them so that's what that additional position is the commercial manager's position is position that we've been attempting to fill for a number of years but been unsuccessful much like the county faces and most any employers now uh finding skilled help is just almost impossible at this point I just knowed I just wanted to ask yes ma'am Mr Pickins you have the floor yeah thank you for explaining that and um Tim you said that's with a 3% 3% increase across our budget currently has 3% in there so we'll be paying very close to and communicating with Jan and Terry you know what your thoughts process was is you know going forward also in our insurance we have built in there uh based on some of Julianne's projections about a 30% increase for our insurance so we've got we think some of that covered but we don't know the final numbers and I think there's people on the insurance committee here today but because it was not advertised Insurance committee meaning they can't really speak to that particular component of it all right if the county arrived at 4% you would go with what the count would doing is that what you said yeah it'd be about $118,000 increase but we also project returning about $200,000 because we have that vacant position uh that we don't have so would bump us a little bit over you know we're under eight it bump us to 10 over but we'll be turning back in that was my question you answered it okay and we also anticipate returning another vehicle to the county so four-wheel drive two drop uh two yeah two sometimes we need that thank you all right any other questions thank you Mr Parker Mr dve that you want ask thank you for coming oh one thing that Justin did ask me to mention was that the uh as soon as you can get them the msbu rates we can put them in the trim notice I know that may be kind of low on your priority list I think they're working on it now actually so okay I told them I wouldn't mention that but our trim notices are going to get mailed August the 16th and so if we can have those new msbu numbers we can put those in there give us a a Time certain that you need to have them by say go to print I will you can email us and then we'll I know they're working on it right now yeah okay Mr Adams that because you said the word trim it popped into my head do you know about what the estimated trim would be based on what you know today obviously it's going to change before the final notice you mean what the taxable value is what the actual trim rate would be the yes to take the taxable value off the to bring it to even oh what the millage rate would be yeah the roll back that's one mill is worth what 6 point something million so okay I'll figure it out seven yeah 7.5 that's okay thank you Mr Parker and that'll end that conversation M chairman yes sir Mr you may I don't know if it uh Julianne what do you need from us today you need a maximum millage rate set these items down here on the bottom yes sir so any direction you can give me on Max millage um keep in mind that the Constitutional salaries and their portion of insurance coverage so like Mr Parker said his office has accounted for 30% increase which they'll cover then leaving a so the net impact there to the employee so what I'm looking for is the board's Direction on what your your intention are um for as much or as as much of this as we can determine that would allow me to set a tenative budget um and provide some some feedback to the constitutionals on on it for the rest of them that have had questions any further questions Mr well I'm reading her three her three actions that she wants and thinking about them um because this is a maximum Village rate that we're setting today maximum we're not going to set it today we're going to give her Direction well we're going to set the maximum mill rate today correct not till July well I'm not I'm not submitting it to do until the end of July but once you guys give me direction on your max millage those are going to be the factors that go to develop the tentative budget well I I'm probably going to make everybody in this room faint but the way things happened at the end of last year I think we ended up taking two years millage rate decrease in one year I agree because we endend up taking a decrease right at the end of the very year and we found out it was an all or none and we were going to take part and so we ended up taking it all to keep from not being able to take any so that being done and knowing what expenses that we've got come and knowing that we got at least a $2 million deficit this year our Health Care system or I say at least I'm that's my projection I guess but I bet it's not going to be far off um the I just don't see how we can take another deduction in in a milon rate decreased this year and like I'm probably going to make everybody faint because I'm I think you should do it whenever you possibly can but you also have to have physical respon fiduciary responsibility here too and to making sure that you can make ends meat without cutting services to the point where it it hurts um and I don't see how you can take a decrease in the millage rate after taking two last year two substantial ones last year and on top of that give a 3% or whatever the board decides 3% I think the state's talking 3% this year so a 3% pay raise um I just don't see how how that I can do it so Mr chairman I'm willing to make a motion that we set our Max millage rate at 8.8 441 proper motion do we have a second second further discussion on that motion seeing that all in favor signify saying I I oose like sign the I okay okay I'm sorry 4 to one and um okay the next item with so our millage rate will be eight maximum will be 8.8 441 next time is Personnel scenario could I ask another question move on from that Mr chairman uh julan at what point if we once the budget pans out a little more and we see that we may have more than what I'm assuming that we're going to have or whatever at what point without really messing things up can we decrease the millage or if we decided to do that in into the future I mean you pretty much need it now don't you for budgeting purposes or it would make my life easy though the legal answer is all the way up until our final budget hearing on September 30th and then well we won't do 30th that second meeting in September um and then assuming um the the small chance of an administrative action that would happen in the first week of October so legal answer is uh theoretically you could reduce all the way into the first week of October for administrative purposes but the second meeting in September would be the legal answer however there's a lot that goes into every time you we make an adjustment to millage the number of adjustments that have to be made to the budget to the to the percents so if it turns out that this year that at the end of the year the actual Revenue last last minute Revenue objections or higher or whatever it was that for two out of the last three years we were able to give a reduction in millage rate because it was basically found money for better for lack of a better term money that we didn't expect and so we were able to use that as a millage rate reduction we could still that do that right up to the end just like we did two out of the last three years correct yes sir the administrative function happens after we submit everything and usually it comes in like the 5ifth of October somewhere in there 4th fth that's where notice of those final values and whether or not there's an allowance for an administrative reduction okay Mr chair yes sir yes so the question holds true for um the scenario for personnel so if we if we say three four five whatever percentage we come up with today you're looking at building out your budget based on that but we could change it all the way up to September as well you can well you can change Personnel at any time right um Personnel is set by the we could change Personnel today if if all things is considered so there's no legal I guess requirement of when Personnel is the things that we try I I've try very hard to get you guys um the information or or understanding of timing is Personnel colas are in some form or fashion uh needed for your constitutionals because we although we can't dictate anything if we we know the sheriff's office is at 5% it's going to put a very difficult scenario on the county to keeping and vice versa right not just the sheriff's office because he's he's competing with other sheriff's office we're competing at some point with everybody um and so it's one of those things but the second factor to that is the compounding question what is the board going to pass on for insurance rates to your employees because the net difference there again brings out another um separation in employee benefits that has to be considered and so we can adjust Personnel at any time but and we make sure that our Personnel on our side say you know once they start hearing the boards made a decision to do X we say this is tenative it could change um so you can adjust it all the way at any time but by the if I may Mr chairman by the I I would rather knowing that we're going to have to put more money in healthc care this year to keep the employees from B paying a very larger percentage of the of what it cost than what they are now I would rather give a this is just me speaking but I would rather give the 3% match the state and then try to come up with more money for the health insurance to make it U sustainable or more sustainable at later in the later in the summer and then they won't then the employees maybe won't have to put in as high as they normally would even if we end up going up some like we did last year we had a very small increase in health premiums last year but obviously it was a very small percentage compared to what we actually needed because we're two million additional dollars upside down and so um I'm I'm willing at this point to make a motion Mr chairman that we we try to match the state and do a 3% pay increase so do the fiscal year 25 with a 3% yes sir I'll second it proper motion proper second further discussion Mr Adams that yeah I can't get there on this I think we have to at least do 3.6 to match CPI I really would prefer to see 4.1 to give actually a little bit of a bump above what uh an employee sees not just matching what they currently take in so that at least gives a a half a percentage of a raise against inflation um I'd be for 4.1 I could probably get convinced to settle for somewhere between 3.6 and 4.1 thank you m m Wilkinson I agree with commissioner adamac and in line with the rest of the constitutionals I know that it looked at Matt Reynolds had put in 3% in his budget as well um I understand where commissioner Turner's coming from is it's still if you you can still give them it's not really a raise but you could reduce their cost on their health insurance also affects their pocket but for somebody who's making $15 an hour 3% versus 4% you know it it means a lot and so to me our and I know we all feel this way that our staff as our most valuable asset I would just like to see I'd like to see us land a little bit higher than 3% I I'm I'm more at a 4% that's where I'm at commissioner Turner um you you can slice this cake up any way you want to for for sure but we know we're at a $2 million deficit we know that insurance premiums are going to have to go up some this coming year either we're going to have to eat them as a board or the employee is going to have to increase and more than likely some of both um we need to keep in mind that last year we bit off the whole apple and went all the way to 50 $ that's right and we didn't have to go but to $13 I believe it was last year and we went all the way up to $15 um but you know I understand that the people um in the lower paid positions in the county um that a percent makes a lot of difference to them but they also made $3 more an hour this year than they did last year on the lower paid positions the majority of the positions in the county I dare say I don't believe the $15 made any difference the 13 to the 15 I don't know how many of those it included but we had a lot of employees that made already made $15 an hour when we went up to $15 an hour but we also did 5% last year but it was 5% because the state did 5% so over the last few years this board has championed the cause of trying to give more money to the people who didn't get a raise for 11 years around here because there was no money to give raises there just wasn't any money well there is there was money after that and so we've given I think we gave 10% one year maybe we gave a a high percentage in several years and then last year if you take the percentage on the more paid somebody that was making $12 an hour went from 12 to $15 an hour figure that percentage so they got I just I just think it's more than if we give them if we give a 4% increase this year which is if you guys want to do that I'll get on board with you and we'll do the 4% but I'm not going to vote for you to put as much money out of the county into it because it's all the same in the end so if the county is going to put in an extra million dollars later on to keep them from having to put that million dollars in out of their checks every week then why not we we just try to put that money in there and then not just offset their their whatever pay raise they get with their health insurance premiums because we've got to balance this it's got to make common sense and if we're 2 million upside down that doesn't include the 7 million that we've had to pour in help Insurance over the last three years it doesn't include that that has became reoccurring because we put it in that 7 million has become reoccurring and now if we put in another 2 million this year it's going to be reoccurring again so I understand but you've got to balance these scals to some degree to where you're actually if if you give them if you give the employees for 4% now you're just going to have to give them less later in in health insurance benefits you there's only so many apples in the barrel I'm done Mr Adam that thank you Mr so the difference is every employee participates in a paycheck every employee doesn't participate in our insurance I mean I've talked to sheriff's deputies who are doing high cost health care plans and stuff out on their own because they don't find it affordable to to participate I've talked to employees that are seeking Insurance a on their own CU it's cheaper than participating now that to me is completely ridiculous because we have a risk pool that should be more competitive than going out on your own but for whatever reason we don't get the rates back from Who quotes us that compete with even their own rates of some people that are going back sometimes um there there's people that are insured through baits that get a cheaper rate out on their own through their risk pool than they do through the county just you know that exists um but that's besides the point but everyone doesn't participate so the point is we have to take care of everyone that participates first and then we have to do whatever we can for the insurance so that's why I'm at 4.14 is fine if that's where we want to go um but that's where I would be at thank you Mr Miss Wilkinson um so tell me where we are with people one and when do we do we expect to see a health savings from that once it gets going and when will that affect our budget yeah and just for clarification we're not in a risk pool we are in uh we're self-insured so we fund our own claims and we set our own rates the only thing that we pay Blue Cross for is basically their Network there's an administrative fee I think it's like $42 an employee so it the the the risk pool of sorts is is not uh we're no longer in that because we self-insure our own pool um for based on our claims go over correct no sir so we're we're s everything Mr that M has the floor yes sir okay um sorry people one is set to open July 22nd um that will be their first week in operation they're going to be down here um engaging with employees and and all of those things the week prior or several maybe we're going to open up a couple of opportunities in July to actually face to face meet the doctor meet the team so that employees who haven't had a chance to make a decision if it's right for their family have that opportunity um and then July 22nd we will the doors will open and patients will begin to be seen right you can begin scheduling your annual Health visits or if you have a cold or whatever you can call um so we are expecting to see the data that has been provided to us we are expecting to see a reduction in claims cost related to those chronic conditions that are out of control currently or our non-compliant members that is traditionally where our highest claims come from um is someone who sits at home and not feeling well s doesn't seek care doesn't seek care or even comes to work and doesn't seek care doesn't seek care doesn't seek care and then they seek care when it's an absolute emergency and they can't go forward right then they end up in an ER they end up with um something that had it been treated many months prior it would have been a different outcome or or different severity um and not to the employees fault right medic medic access to Medical Care in in our community is dwindling and is very very difficult um it is hard for most of our employees to get service even if they said yeah I really need to get something checked out but I can't get in anywhere we hear that over and over so we are expecting to see um a reduction in those occurrences now unfortunately this year's Trend in health insurance claims has been overwhelmingly a result of cancer diagnosises again um could some of them have been mitigated a a bit possibly but people one is never going to make Cancer Treatment available right that's not their that's not their purpose or or what their intention is so we will not see it we you don't know that we will see an increase or decrease in our in our cost for health care we just have to sort of work let this play out and see where we're going to be at the end of the year yeah I can only tell you what projected data has shown or what hisorical data with other groups has shown and it has shown a net decrease um actually a surplus so actually a profit meaning whatever they were paying people once saved them that plus a certain percentage however until our group engages and our group we see the real data come back I can't promise you anything but keep it one one other one other point that I'd like to make and I want to make sure that I'm reading your chart correctly um so your difference between on fiscal year 25 with a 3% and a 4% the difference between those numbers is $227,000 so to give to give um across all funds now remember that is not a total by general fund right that is across all funds for which the general fund would not have an impact for several of those okay so my question is if we went to 4% versus 3% that it would cost the county 227,000 across all funds yes ma'am okay your your your impact to the general fund is significantly less than that it looks like to be my rough math math tells you about 100,000 okay so we're looking at but in in total correct but but I guess what I'm telling you is like some of that is Waste Management right so sanitation will cover their own cost of employees and so you're not taking from adalum are you taking from general fund operations the entire amount of that it's it's breaking it down for you based on a totality of net impact and then each fund's net impact okay all right Mr an you had a comment okay Mr Turner um keep in mind when it comes to people one even if the county doesn't make a dime off of it if they can just break even you've raised the level of Health care for our employees from the basement to the attic no doubt so my my best case scenario would be wonderful if we made money on the deal but I'm just hoping that worst case scenario is that we break even and really raise the level of health care for our employees by having people want U like I said like Julianne said historical data shows that in the savings show up but they're not going to show up next year I don't believe that for a minute I hope I'm wrong but I don't believe that for a minute I think it's going to take a year or two for to start working out to where there's a savings and a historical savings over a period of time just not going to happen a month um so Mr chairman can we vote on the motion I'm going to I want to make a comment prior to that um I agree with a lot of things have been said but I do know been here long enough that the employees are watching us and if you say one thing and we can't deliver it's a bad situation uh I'd rather go with a number U and they understand our dilemma i' rather go with a 3% number and then always be able to help out on the insurance and then if we have extra money after the true up or whatever comes along our way that we can always increase that um this board's very been very very responsible to our employee even into the point where as Mr Turner said we didn't have to do what we did and we did it because it was the right thing to do and we're going to continue to do the right thing to do based on our employees but I don't want to mislead them into the fact that we get to a 4% or a five or a number that we just can't obtain and then we have a scenario that we have to dump more money into our insurance and then we can't deliver on the Promises or the suggested Promises of today so I'm going to fall down I like the three I want to look at very hard getting close to four as this process moves forward but today I'm going at three Mr Adam Zach you have a comment yeah I'm not willing to believe that we didn't need to do those raises absolutely needed to it was a necessity it it wasn't something we weren't doing anyone a favor we were helping people we were helping our turnover not be over 100% per year year over-year of employees so that we weren't spending more money retraining people to do the job because we were losing people other places so that's a fallacy to keep making that statement in my opinion that we did people if we didn't do any favors to anyone we did what other boards probably should it all along and people got screwed because of it doing this puts us right back into a situation where we're going below inflation we're g people a pay cut instead of a pay increase and we're starting down the path that got us to where we had to do that jump so I absolutely won't support 3% and hopefully if this passes we find a way to get to four point something thank you thank you Mr terer you had a comment no sir I don't have any more let's vote one way or the other need a motion we have a motion a motion we have a motion we have a second um any further discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I posos like sign no the eyes have it okay the next direction is the moving of the the dire for constitutional officer budget I don't really understand what that one means what do you want like we stick to the percentages and then everybody gets their is that what you're wanting Julian yes sir the requests have come in some of the requests have come in above the percent and I just need direction as to um I move that we stick with our percentages it's worked well do we have a second out second it okay we have a second we have discussion Miss Wilkinson I don't understand um if you have the clerk of court and the supervisor of election office is saying that we would be giving them $100,000 more than what they requested why don't we just give them what they requested why do we give them why don't we give them what they requested instead of well I just don't understand why we would do that Mr Turner you want explain a little in years past we've done the same thing we like last year Charles got a little more than what he asked for but it came back to us at the end of the year they don't go pill for it away but if you're going to stick with your if you're going to stick with your percentages if you don't do this then what ends up happening is every constitutional will start inflating their budget to make sure that they're above what their percentage is going to be so if you're going to have a true percentage budget like we've been trying to do for the last several years then and it's worked out well by the way then then you've got to give the people their percentage and then it's returned at the end of the year when they don't spend it I mean Charles returned the money at the end of the year that he got he got I'm sorry for the number but I think it was $24,000 additional dollars last year over his requested budget but whatever whatever y'all want to dist TR that yeah I've been against the percentages from the first year that we did it um that's obvious um which is which is fine and and the reason why is exactly what you're talking about and then we see where that the sheriff needs $2 million more um the first year I was here we had very good presentations from each each constitutional that said this is exactly what we want to do with the money in a great amount of detail um we haven't had that in the past three years um because we're just doing a percentage and use it um and that allowed us to understand better whether or not at least allowed me to understand better and I've had conversations with constitutionals through the years that's why in the past I've said say Sheriff are you sure we're giving you enough and I've asked Fire EMS are you sure we're doing enough for you um different areas Public Works same thing are we sure we G have enough for what we want to do um I just so I I agree I don't think we should give more that doesn't make any sense if anything it would be in reserve if they needed more they would come to us and they would say hey um we have overage because we didn't see it and you know could we need six0 I think we had a couple instances this past year with the cler courts where they needed money for some re Renovations things like that and we we did it I think how budgeting should work but that's just me thank you Mr Adams that Mr Turner um if we were in a falling R new year and it's happened before and we did the percentages then all the constitutionals would be requested to take the same percentages in a following year not less of a percentage in a following year of their percentage that they didn't get so that's not the case this year but it could happen sometime in the future you can't tell me that it can't look at 08 9 10 11 and 12 when property values went down in the county they didn't go up with so ad War Revenue went down in the county they didn't go up I believe that to be the case if I'm wrong Mr Parker tell me because he was certainly here then so the the case being is if I don't have an issue whatsoever if y'all want to or you want me to change a motion or withdraw the motion to include that the we give them a percentage or their ask whichever is lower that's fine with me but I don't know that that's a fair percentage budgeting the money comes back at the end of the year so anyhow I'm going let my motion stand Mr chairman and we have do have a motion we do have a second and no more further comment all in favor signify by saying I I POS like sign I the eyes have it thank you very much appreciate that conversation now we'll go to Clerk of the Court's not here today county attorney's not here today Mr Suggs comment No Sir Mr chairman I appreciate it I know this is going to be a difficult uh season just like it always is but I will give those to those that need to uh hear this today I believe your Administration has put you folks in a great position where you got folks here that are uh very uh good great uh awesome at what they do and we're very fortunate to have those fs and so uh I am confident that the budget that Miss Young will bring back uh to you five based on the information here today will be one that you'll be bu so thank you thank you Mr Thug Mr Pickins um thank you chairman Harvey good meeting I want to thank the constitutionals for everything that they do and presenting these budgets staff for what's already been done um and what you'll continue to do through this see Julianne and um for the board's discussions um I'm not going to you know beat this thing up much other each budget for the last seven years for me they've they've all been tough um this one's no different we just got to get work and and hopefully fund everybody to the point where they can continue the services that they've been able to provide and that also mean our our side also so anyway that's all I have thank you thank you Mr Adam that yeah no I appreciate the work that went into it by all the Constitutions staff I think that this is a great starting point um without having all the data obviously the starting point is the starting point and you know just like we said they didn't have all the data that we were going to present and we didn't have all the data for what the tax rates could be all that other stuff so until literally 15 18 days ago um so I think it's a great start and uh on several things I've never going to move off of so that's where I'm going to be so but understand that we have to do the best we can with what we have thank you thank you Mr Turner Mr chairman I would also like to thank constitutionals and I I want to State again something I stated earlier I wish we could figure out a way to give the constitutionals the information earlier in this process if there's any way that we could figure even if it was an estimate on what it I understand juli I'm not being critical I'm just saying I wish there was some way that we could do that because if we could then they could build their budgets around their percentages and this would be seamless absolutely seamless I think what you're missing is the estimates come from the constitutionals I understand that so I don't know how we would deliver anything back to them I've just said I'm not being critical Julianne I'm just saying that I wish that there was some way that maybe we can work with Mr Davis on trying to get the numbers a little earlier perhaps next year I won't be here but but it would certainly help the Commissioners sitting in this seat if they had the even if it was a projected number of what what these numbers would be and so then everybody's hopefully then everybody could build their budget around their percentages and this whole process would be seamless you'd come in and make the two or three decisions that you need to make and it just moves for them so thank you Mr chairman thank you m Miss Wilkinson um Julian thank you for put this together um in 18 days I appreciate that um I think that was really good um I want to thank the Constitutional officers and the relationship we have we do all have to work together I do wish that we all would give the same pay raise across the board I get that and I I I feel like that sometimes we lose staff to other offices because they're able to do more within their budget than we are and that's a challenge that we face as a commission and which is one of the reasons why I was leaning more toward the 4% because I feel like I just I mean I understand when people want to better themselves and they're getting a better job um at another office that's that's wonderful still staying in the Florida retirement system but it seems like we're sometimes competing entities and I don't necessarily like that um when we're in control of the budget um but I do appreciate the comments we had today it's continues to be a learning experience for me and um looking forward to seeing where we land our final budget thank you and and I'll close it out with the fact that I we all appreciate the constitutionals and what they do and wish the process would be faster but it can't well I don't know if it can or can't be but it's been a very good discussion today versus when I first got here and those were painful times and um they're not so painful anymore um but they were painful back then when you had no growth no it was just because we have a job to do by Florida statute 125 that dictates what we're going to do and it was tough times back then but um I think commissioner pickings you were there you remember some of those really brutal ones but we got through that we're moving forward the county is is excelling and I'm glad to see that and um I just look forward to the future and what we can do for our employees going forward so that's the end of my comments Julianne thank you Mr Suggs thank you Jr thank you and for for all the staff out there that come here every day to make putham County a better place to work live and play we appreciate it this meeting is now over