e e e e e all right we're going to it's 505 we're going to recall I'll resume our meeting today for the public hearing on Administration setting the max millage date and time place for tentative and final budget hearing Julian yes sir thank you chairman we have two items today the first one is um the um board is required by motion there are two separate motions so we'll take them one at a time the proposed fiscal year 2425 budget is balanced and reflects a millage recommendation to remain at 8.84 41 for the general property tax millage and the fire mstu millage is recommended to remain at 1.1 Mills the calculated roll back rates respectively are 7.9 559 and 9882 by motion the max millage rate needs to be set and allow approval for me to transmit to do the dr420 okay all right any questions from Commissioners any questions from our audience this is a public hearing so we'll give you a chance to speak see nobody coming up to speak board what's your pleasure Mr chair I move approval to set the maximum millage rate at 8.84 41 for the general property tax millage and 1.10 Mills for the fire mstu and approved dr420 to be submitted to the Department of Revenue we have a proper motion we have a second second thank you any discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose like sign I the eyes have it thank you chairman the next item by motion is that the board is required to accept by motion ass set the date time and place for the tenative and final budget hearings the proposed dates for the tenative budget hearing is Tuesday September 10th 2024 at 5:05 p.m. in the boardroom and the final uh budget hearing would be for Tuesday September 24th 2024 at 5:05 p.m. in the boardroom so mve is a public hearing just read the motion so the public hearing so is there anybody in the public want to speak okay hearing none we have a proper motion we have a proper second right any further discussion on the motion hearing done all in favor sign by saying I iOS like sign the eyes have it this meeting is a jour who no not yet it's un adjourned un adjourned I'm sorry y have Item B we it draft budget y yes sir the draft budget is uh included here it is required again uh for me to present to you a balanced draft budget as we move forward um a few uh items that need to be addressed in here or at least explained is the draft bud budget does include the current uh 3% cost of living adjustment as well as uh an increase in health insurance which was estimated or proposed the state revenues had not been posted and still have not been posted largely at the time that we developed this budget for publication the bcc's hold back was largely used the only fund we have that is operationally not balanced is your transportation fund they're at a 1.9 approximately million dollar deficit we have been seeing this over the course of many years uh the general fund has contributed uh funding to the transportation Fund in order to keep them whole this year the TR the general fund continued their about million dollar contribution and then we took about a million from the board's hold back for which we take that top 20% of the new revenues in order to make them operationally sound we're seeing that in transportation because as we talked about today in our budget Le reports uh gas taxes continue to decline and so those revenues that come in to support the transportation fund um continue to see the declining numbers you also are going to see quite a bit of change from this July budget to the September budget because we do not did not have the true up done for fiscal year 23 when we began creating 25's budget and also as part of the normal process we do not do project carry forwards until the next round of budgeting because departments are still very active active in their 24 projects so you're going to see a little bit larger variation this year than you have in the past of what you're seeing from the July to the September budget for those reasons part of the discussion today for the board is for you to advise staff on any additions deletions or revisions that the board would like to see considered through the rest of our budget development process as we work to finalize fiscal year 25's budget thank you Mr Turner you have the floor yes the um the million dollars that we gave Transportation last year that we've historically been doing has it um does that become reoccurring so now we start at that point with the added million from last year and now we're putting in another million this year which will become reoccurring yes sir it is out of reoccurring um that does not include any Capital request at the transportation at this time so all of those are reoccurring operating costs again last year um we put in about 1.5 some of that was a onetime but the general fund in reoccurring dollars put in a million this year you're at a million n it became reoccurring that is reoccurring yes sir okay thank you Mr chairman you're welcome Mr Turner Mr Adams at the costs for the employees for the insurance increase what is that cost they're incurring total do we do we have that number the insurance Committee just uh finished a meeting which will come as a recommendation to the board of county commissioner but the uh recommendation from the insurance committee was a 20% increase in the employees portion do we know what that dollar amount would be changes for each plan so each plan has a different amount of the premium so I I can give you a matrix but there are 12 different right depends on what people choose right correct okay commissioner Wilkinson um commissioner Adams act to your question um on The Matrix for example for the core plan of an employee and spouse that would be about $43 a month increase to um our to our employees what I would like to see in this budget would be a revision to increase our cost of living adjustment for our staff I know before we talked about 3% but since we've had this addition in health insurance and I know there's some that's going to say we can never give them enough however our staff are taxpayers too and they rent and mortgage has gone up their insurance has gone up as far as auto insurance AO I've did some research homeowners insurance has increased from 7 to 10% on average across the State of Florida auto insurance has increased from 10 to 15% and health insurance um as we just seen uh is 20% and you know I'm concerned about our employees I think it's important for our County to recognize that whenever you keep employees you end up on the backside saving money because when you have to continually um train them and train them and train them you lose more money that way than you do so you're spending money in training you're spending money in downtime and to me if you can keep those employees you're you would um save money I don't have the exact numbers but I really truly believe that in my experience um as a as a business owner and you know our employees they work in the heat they work at night um sometimes they get yell that sometimes they get um bad comments on social media while we expect that as County Commissioners our staff has to endure that as well and I have I just struggle with only a 3% increase um I'm aware of a 5% I said that before and I would like to see a revised budget with those numbers in it and based on what you had given us before um that would only be in the general fund with our new numbers um 5% would only be um across the board roughly $689,000 a year out of the general fund where a 3% is of roughly 400 if I'm reading this number numbers correctly roughly you're about I'm sorry roughly you're about 100,000 when you move up each percent so right from from three to five you would be talking about probably just under 200 right and a $15 uh hour employee and I'm glad that we got there and I know commissioner Turner's comments before when we spoke about this um was you know it took us years to get them there and I agree and I am so proud of the ones who are on this board that were able to get us to a minimum of $15 an hour however when we only talk about a 3% increase that's 45 uh cents an hour which equates to $18 a week and $72 a month and 3% is better than nothing I'll you know I I get that but at the same time they have so many more expenses and we all have felt that but but we're not at that smaller scale of pay and I just pulled a report from HR and there are 60 employees roughly that are in that $15 an hour that are full-time there's also some part-time uh employees and so I would like to see again a revision to the budget for a 5% increase or whatever we want to call it if we want to call it 3% and then a 2% Cola or cost of living adjustment uh I don't care I just think that our if if the Sheriff's Office can give his their staff 5% out of the same adorm taxes that we're using then I think our staff deserves the same because like I said before they work in those maybe not they're not taking bullets I get it but they are out today it's 100 degrees it's 100 degrees and and they're working in the heat they're working at night and like I said they they have to endure their own set of challenges you know heavy equipment uh a variety of things animals you know they're dealing with dog bites so I am U always going to be proponent for our staff and that's where I'm at today I would like to see a 5% thank you that's my comments for now commissioner Adams that yeah I'll add one other thing that's going to increase their their property tax is going to increase 11.29% with what we're doing here with keeping the millage where it's at um we're increasing our our revenues by 10 11% and we're not passing down to our employees I get that it's not a one for one and normally even in business your Revenue Zone 100% go to employees because you got the bottom line other things but uh less than 50% of it and it's only not 50% of the total revenues it's just of the percentage at 5% I I could get there all day um people are are busting their their butts for us every day we've seen the results we've gotten a lot more positive feedback in the four years I've been here than the first week I was here the first 3 months I was a county commissioner I was getting all kinds of crazy calls um that has gone down extraordinarily um our people are doing that for us we're not doing it we're just the face we're just the people that maybe we take some of the questions a little bit of the heat but we're not doing any of the work we're we're just helping them get it um I think if we don't do what's right by them and and we raise taxes 11.29% we we're doing disservice to our employees and uh I concur with you 100% thank you thank you Mr Adam that Mr Turner um I guess I wasn't prepared to have this day I thought we'd already had this discussion and voted on it but I appreciate the passion and tenacity to continue but you know when I came here six years ago we we were paying people in the neighborhood of $9 an hour we're paying them $15 an hour faster than we're supposed to in the state the state uh decided to give 3% so we we're going to match the states but not only is the money that you just said we got to put on there we've got to raise every constitutional budget too because they all budgeted 3% that's not in the numbers that you just came up with you can say what you want but that's the truth because uh that's what um Tim Parker said during the meeting that we had with him is that that his budget would only hold true if it was 3% that if we went up higher he he was going to need his budget to go higher he said that in the meeting so it's not just what you're saying um you're acting like we don't care that we don't we don't believe that our employees are important or you're trying to make that out and that's just not fair and not accurate cuz like I said we started out we started out six years ago at $9 an hour and they hadn't had a raise in 11 years and we've given them a raise every year either equal to or more than the state and we we increase the minimum wage faster than what the state required us to do it because I think we'd be at either 13 or 14 in this upcoming budget year that we're at 15 with a 3% pay raise so it's just not it's just not fair what you're asking that we got to go through this again that's all I got Mr chairman thank you Mr Turner Mr Adam that yeah I ran for this office because some of those past commissions were failures in my opinion so that was one of the failures is they didn't do right by their employees so we made up for that and we tried to make up some of that ground and I think we did a great job of making up some of that ground that doesn't mean you stop you don't go out we're there you're never there CU inflation always increases cost of living always increases it's been moving in that direction since 1928 since the Great Depression it has never gone the other direction except for maybe a dip here and there for a year or two and uh even when we supposedly had a dip instead inflation went the other way so um even when we think it might dip it doesn't so we make the motion it'll either pass or it won't okay commissioner Wilkinson well um thank you commissioner thank you commissioner Turner for comments I um I did think that every time we look at this that I thought the from what M Julian just said that she was looking for if there were any revisions um I didn't know that the first time that we passed 3% that we never got to have any further discussion about it I feel like that um you know we have a 233 million budget and I'm not trying to insinuate that you have you and our fellow Commissioners haven't done a good job I am I am pleased to see that we're better than where we were with our staff and I'm not trying to indicate anything negative um or saying that we don't care I'm just saying that we all have seen the pinch that this economy is in and I would just like to see three three more than 3% I mean Taco Bell pays $15 an hour I mean I'm a little employer who pay who has five employees and I pay $15 an hour and to the guy who's sweeping the you know sweeping up and changing tires so um I don't think I'm asking for anything that's huge out of this budget um we're just looking at a couple hundred more thousand doll um and and again um I just feel like that we to retain those employees that we have that um we need to continue to um continue to take a bite at the Apple give them a good a good wage a good Liv and because they spend their money here in putam County too and like Commissioner Adam Zach said their um their property taxes are going up too so that's where I'm at thank you thank you m won I do want to say something before we get off the topic too far I was here years and years ago March 14th I remember the days that the sheriff came in threw the keys to the jail at us and said y'all run it and I remember the days that Tim Parker the property appraised just said there was no growth in the county and yet there was a major major incentive to try to keep our employees and to keep the sheriff's department funded and keep the fire department and our First Responders and it was darn right difficult it was terrible I never want to go back to those times so um I don't mind taking a bite of the Apple um I enjoy that but um Got to Be Frugal we got to still look at what we can do so I'm willing to take a bite I don't know how big of a bite Mr Pickins your you have the floor yeah with that um you're you're correct we definitely need to take care of employees and we have that's past tense we need to continue to take care of um but commissioner Turner is right if we move this a notch or two then we move other departments or other constitutionals um a notch also so it'll be more than this particular figure correct as Mr Parker he stood there and said and it would get him over his allotted percentage if he went to 4% I think so there a lot of percentage so we would have to kick in more money which throws the percentages out of whack plus also I thought we had set this as a base to be able to get some concrete numbers to move forward because I think the conversation was we didn't want to move it to four or higher and then have to adjust it and lower it I think we had that conversation so that's what I thought we were doing is setting a base to move forward at a time where we could have a further discussion when we got the final numbers of exactly where we were yeah so the July budget is always the time where we have the conversation what what do you still want to see updates right and so when we had the Personnel conversation we gave you several different scenarios you guys started at three and said you would at at your will decide whether you're going to come back the only constitutional office that can come back and change by state their percent allocation is Mr Parker he's already not within the parameters for which we set um rough math if you did just Personnel on Mr Parker I can do I can so these are scenarios where I can run for you guys right this is the feedback I'm trying to get for you what do you want to see looked at um if you will remember and I don't again I don't have these numbers right in front of me because I didn't know what your initiatives were today but um some of the Constitutional offices were their request came in under what their appropriation was going to be to begin with so there's likely I'm already giving some of the offices more money than what they are going to ask me for um in their budget request assuming the raises and assuming insurance so we can have those conversations I just need some direction on what you guys want to see what What scenario we did the budget based on your last scenario now what else do you what else do you want to see changed modified reviewed looked at um I that's the direction that we're seeking today and we can have all of that my turn now yeah yes Mr Turner you know on top of this we make out like we're not doing anything for them but on top of this we just left an insurance committee meeting where we only where we had to go up $21.50 per pay period for that line item of insurance but that that means that we've all that we and the Constitutions also have to take a 20% hit on the other side so it would be that's going to be like aund $120 that they've got to go up that we've done we've already know that we've got to put a million dollars in from somewhere to make health insurance get right this year and that doesn't include the increase that we just made on next year's budget we it's going to be a million plus even with the health insurance trending down so on top of the million we we're going to put in you're saying that we need to put in the million dollars for the health insurance to keep premiums from going up any higher than what it was and give them a 5% I'm sorry I can't get there I want to do everything I can for our employees I truly do but fair is fair and taking it the hit that we're going to take on we have no option here taking the hit we're going to take on health insurance when we do the true up is more important to me than the extra 2% so it just is if we had to pass that million dollars of increase this past year on to our employees it would be hundreds of dollars a month more and blow up the whole health insurance system so I think you got we've got to look at this as a whole here I wish we could give them 10% I wish we could but we can't and be physically responsible and take health insurance on the chin like we've got to do in my opinion I I just don't see where we've got an option we can't pass on any more money to the employees on health insurance and it would be way more than another 2% that we're going to put in it'd be probably more like six six to 8% that we would have to pass on if we didn't take it on the chin and eat that million dollars worth of health insurance so I can't I can't get on board with more than the 3% I just think it's very fair Mr that yeah the first meeting I proposed 4.1 and that was based off of CPI plus them um CPI has dropped a little bit so I think 4.1 is actually really fair right now so I'd like to see us propose it at 4.1 I me if I need to make that a motion or just ask for you to draw it up I whatever the commission prefers but I'd like to see what that looks like um and uh before the next budget meeting I guess that was is that how would work right and uh well you can request any information you please I believe but if you want it to be part of the budget or part of the Budget moving forward I believe it would have to be a motion all I make a motion that we do an increase to 4.1% as part of the moving forward budget second second we have proper motion proper second further discussion on the motion I got some I got a question so all right I guess I missed it this is my eighth budget I missed it I thought we would be at this point in our next meeting but they could request a scenario to bring forward so we initially kicked off budget development and brought you forward five or six different scenarios for what personnel could look like at that meeting the direction from staff was to start at 3: and develop our initial budget and then y'all would give further Direction you can give it now you can give it at the next meeting you can give it at the next meeting you can give it at the next hearing it doesn't there there's no time specific date for which you have to give me that information um it just all depends on when you're ready to to give me that decision then of course we will begin revising the budget from today until our final budget hearing and then the following meeting after that where we make some final adjustments every single day that budget changes just like when we talked about all the disclaimers you guys want to see a scenario at the next meeting I can bring you a scenario you want to tell me to move forward balance the budget I can move forward balance the budget I can do anything in the world for you okay okay Mr Turner how can we had this conversation the other day that you have a pretty good guess and a grasp but where our ending numbers are from last year especially from now but how can you balance how can you balance a budget and continually because you told me the other day we were balanced but there was no Capital no anything and we were balanced okay so that means that in order to make if we're balanced right now with a 3% and we go up to 4% or five or whatever it ended up being that money's got to come out of somewhere else correct you're right or we're going to use reserves to balance our budget which done in years no that's not a balanced budget and you cannot use reserves to balance your budget we have for every year for which I have been a part of the county use reserves to pay for Capital right plan because those are onetime expenses we do not use reserves to pay for any reoccurring cost not even the reoccurring deficit that we transfer over to the transportation fund that comes from reoccurring Revenue because we cannot say we have a balance understand that but that's not the conversation that I'm trying to have the conversation I'm trying to have is you told me the other day that we were budgeted right now to what we had the money that we had with a 3% so we've got to take the other one or 2% from somewhere that you've budgeted in that budget if you're numbers turn out to be accurate and we also had the conversation that that the numbers will not be accurate because you don't have accurate end of years you don't know what's with what's gone until we get those audited numbers from map we're making an educated guess it may be a well educated guess but it's an educated guess and so yeah you're right and so but I want to make sure everybody understands the numbers that are coming from Matt are going to effectively be Reserve adjustments so it will not impact what we do with fiscal year 25 the things that will impact and this is what we did talk about right is our final projections from the state that tells me where the revenues are going to be so if I need $100,000 from the general fund and the revenues come in with 60,000 then I might be looking for 2% in each of my expense divisions in order to make that percent possible and that conversation becomes a conversation with department heads is it worth you to you to make the 2% adjustment in your expense division to offset the employee change or is it not if you guys tell me to look at a percent I might come back to you and say we can't get there I might come back to you and say we can today is just you guys give me direction for what you want to see I'm going to bring you a balanced budget and we'll talk about the impacts of it we do not have yet we have not received the request form the medical examiner's office right so some of our expenses are still volatile as well we have a lot of volatility in this budget at this point in the year and we do every single year but if I don't get your goals and your priorities then when the volatility comes I don't know exactly what you want prioritized on a first tier second tier third tier and and that's what the direction is is seeking well I guess whenever we have a motion and it passes we're just going to keep having the motion until it gets to work somebody wants it to be I thought there had already been a motion that we were going to proceed at least to the point to where we know how much money we got how much rollovers how much reserves are going to change basically how much money we got and like I said a minute ago it hasn't changed we can have the conversation for three hours but if you're budgeted fully at 3% and we a change it to four or five the money's got to come from somewhere that's correct and it's not Reserves that's correct so that means you if you're already fully budgeted you've got to take it from somewhere else you can take it from JT's budget the million dollars that we just agreed to add to his or we you can take it from what you can't take it from the fire fund so you've got to take it from somewhere else it doesn't just manufacture itself so you're taking money from necessary expenses in order to pay the additional Monies to the employees you're you're setting your priorities and then it may not be that you're taking any money it may be the state's Revenue comes in a percent higher or a percent lower and it pays to offset that difference I don't know where your final is going to be because the state hasn't released the revenues because all the things that we talked about the other day there's so much unknown at a July meeting that comes to fruition as these numbers get finalized right I don't know where we're going to be with ambulance billing I don't know where we're going to come out with permitting all of those Revenue generating fee Based Services which continue to we get a an real average over the next 60 days is what the final pieces of this puzzle that come in if your priority is to change the allocation from three to four to 5 to 10 to two I don't care it doesn't matter to me please tell me what your priority is and and I'm going to seek to do my best to hit your priority I just don't see how we can do anything different than what we're doing until we actually get some numbers well we have a motion on the floor and I have a com we still have discussion commissioner Wilkinson you have the floor um you know I this is a draft budget and um you're asked for what we thought for about revisions and so that's why I brought up this issue and I seconded uh commissioner Adams acts 4.1 because I did the math and the math is it's $138,000 difference that's what the difference is out of a $233 million budget it's nominal to us but it's huge to our employees and so um I this was the sheet that she gave us it says scenarios with the 3% 4% 5% 6% she' given us that I'm just on the math it's pretty simple but it was $138,000 difference so we're not talking I mean yes 138,000 as an individual is a lot of money but out of the grand scheme of things it's very nominal in this budget and again we're still in the draft I have one question for you uh can and and maybe this is just because I'm newer and I'm still learning what about the hold back that we have does do are we allowed to use that for this you absolutely are so um the original hold back and again I I don't I can get you that final number um we did take a million of it to transfer over to Transportation it leaves the board Bo roughly uh just over a half million dollars that is unallocated reoccurring Revenue dollars for the board to determine what they're going to do it okay all right and then um um guess that was my only question on that 138,000 all right I have a question for while we're in discussion when we started the conversation we were 1.9 million short in transportation is that correct and you are op operationally off $1.9 million in transportation before we take money from the general fund and make it balanced so are we balanced now with the 1.9 you are balanced now that's that was the conversation we had right the general fund is using just under a million dollars of reoccurring dollars and the board's hold back which is roughly 1.5 and some change million dollars is taking a million of that and transferring it over which is also reoccurring which leaves the transportation fund completely balanced and it leads the boards hold back of just under half million dollars or right out of half million dollars of reoccurring Revenue to be allocated as directed by the board members but we do there's still some anomalies we don't know medical examiner things in that nature that we don't know about oh there are still anomalies we don't know that's the word draft budget okay so we have a motion on the floor we have a second so be further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign I let's do a roll call because I didn't hear no yes no yes no okay any other business to come before well we still have to pass this I think we just got to wave our that we're good for to move forward with what already has been there's no motion required this is a draft budget for the board to to set initiatives if you want to make a statement I do want to look forward to our numbers coming in to see what else we can do for employees at that time so thank you if there's no further business this meeting is adjourned e --------- e e e e e e e e e all right we're going to call our meeting to order we do have a few people trying to make it in but for for the most part everybody's in today is Tuesday July 23rd it is 9:00 um invocation today will be read be done led by Pastor Rick Haynes from the new life church and I like it if you'd make your way up to the Das of Pastor Haynes and the Pledge of Allegiance will be led by commissioner adamac All Rise if you're able to do so pull that hold that okay like this Lord God Almighty we thank you for this day that you've given us Lord we ask for your wisdom for your peace God we thank you for your guidance for each and everyone thank you that today will result in your will your purpose and your plan to be accomplished for this County and all its residents and individuals involved we give these thanks to you in your precious name and we say amen amen i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Pastor Rick thank you very much came all the way from Texas to do that today I'm and commissioner Adams that we appreciate you too we're going to recess The Bard of County Commission meeting call to order our solid waste collection and disposable District do we have any of our other Mayors in the audience that serve on that and seeing n we're going to go right into adopting the resolution setting the waste assessment user fees for fiscal year 20425 Mr chair I move approval of the resolution setting Solid Waste assessments will you read it by title the resolution I don't think he heard you I did U this right here adopting you can do it on page 11 up on top it just says resolution 2024 resolution number 202468 establishing Solid Waste special assessment and user fees do we have proper motion do we have a second yes any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing done all in favor signify by saying I I pose like sign the eyes have it now we're going to go back to our board County Commission meeting and our first thing is our presentation for Lori Parker Miss Parker if you'll come forward and we have the employee of the month and employee of the quarter good morning good morning um for this presentation we're here to um recognize the employee of the month first for the employee of the month for June is Katrina Williams from Parks and Recreation if she could come up here she's here oh [Applause] hey uh I've worked with Katrina she's been here 20 years and I've worked with her since then she first started with sweet Owens as you all know and Cheryl when they work there they hired Katrina and Katrina has been really great at what she does even back then she just grafts to everything so if you need know anything and that would be Katrina especially way back to 20 years ago Julian thank you Commissioners for giving us this opportunity to highlight Miss Katrina um Lori said it best she's been here for many years and does a wonderful job she is the heart of that department without a doubt she's the one that helps uh parents through registrations and us through staff needs and um she's just the first one to jump in and figure it out it doesn't matter what it is she's always the one there and opening the doors with a smiling face and answering the phones and figuring out how we can fix it so um we we are excited to have this opportunity to just tell her thank you and how much she's meant to us good deal thank you good morning first of all I'd like to thank everyone and I am so grateful and honored to be um employee of the month and employee of the quarter thank you thank you thank you all right all right I'm going to announce the employee of the quarter now I think she already did the employee of the quarter is Katrina Williams [Applause] surprise that was a surprise yes she is presented with um two um certificates and also uh the employee the month is $100 check from all of you to her and the employee of the quarter is $500 oh wow yes I know who's bu who you're welcome who's buying lunch today I wonder come on up and get your picture take should we stay up here you think up to you sir yeah we'll stay up here Parks W people come on family congratulations how you gonna hold all that you need help hold them check everybody in good all right three one two three don't move she said don't move and you all done you done did it two that's it you're good you can move congratulations this next presentation um we'll need a bigger camera just like with Katrina but we are here to present the retirement plaque for Todd Adams Todd Adams come on on up and your family yep yay Todd um Todd has over 33 years of service he started in 1991 with public works and he's been there ever since uh he um and his wife were both in the drop program Karen worked at sanitation as all of you know when she retired was it two three years ago three years ago so now they're both retiring so um congratulations on your retirement did you I'd like to tell everybody thank you the most of all the the guys behind me because 20 years I was a supervisor we spent many nights and holidays out moving trees and wash outs and those guys behind me we was right there together through all of it and through the complaints happiness but we always got it done we worked every storm every major storm the county had and we did it with bells on but I would like to say thank you to you guys but mostly to the men sitting behind me back there thank you thank you Todd hey Todd I've been Sean hang on a minute commissioner Pickins wants to say something yeah I just like to say something when I was elected eight years ago um Todd was my district manager uh down in the South End and I felt that um Public Works was going to be one of the Departments that I had a lot of contact with especially because we had just had a hurricane and didn't know in 12 months we'd have another one so I went out to the um the yard across from Huntington Landfield and and met Todd and introduced myself and we had a discussion and I told him I said one thing I will never ever do as a commissioner I will never tell you to do anything he said well that's good I said why he said because I wouldn't do it anyway so anyway I just want to thank Todd um his knowledge even though he's not from the south end was fantastic he knew a lot of the residents he knew so much about the drainage the roads and everything and you have you were a pleasure to work with so I hope uh you and your wife do a lot of traveling and a lot of uh seeking waterfall uh as my wife and I do so good luck and thank you okay I want to personally thank Todd because he's been an inspiration and he's been very guiding for me coming in from a smaller municipality to hear and you've been a team player an inspiration and I very I thank you very much thank you Todd was always very approachable when I got into this position a little over a year ago uh his knowledge of everything that we do in public works is great and he was good at helping a new person that was stepping into a leadership role and guiding them and helping them with make decisions and he will very much be missed so I appreciate you very much [Applause] Todd you want to take a picture of your family and then your guys from public work how do you want to do that this is your show you de okay yet Matt you want to be in okay on hey Todd y'all might want to take two steps forward and bring them in the back of you there you go y'all come can we get the taller ones in the back we get some going up the back all right y'all tighten up a little bit gonna go why is he out there are we good good well congratulations [Applause] yeah yeah thank you congratulations brother enjoy it all right Todd congratulations that clears out half the room right off the bat next item get out your pen and paper you're going to be tested on this after it's over with but Item B Julianne young um she's got our countywide project update thank you chairman as a reminder this is not aant to be an all-inclusive list of every or initiative underway by County departments it is intended to be a brief update of those projects deemed most important to our citizens our Administration or our County Commissioners with that we begin with an update with Port putam the port development plan is currently in data collection mode Port staff is pursuing multiple funding sources to finance the bulkhead replacement at Port putam the animal control facility the main office building and both kennel buildings are currently under construction the Jerry beeden ball park playground fence shade and concrete laab have been installed concrete are on order St John's uh I'm sorry John theold Sports Complex Turf refurbishment is underway the light project is complete South putam Sports Complex the LED light project is complete and turf refurbishment is underway East Paca Community Park the basketball court resurfacing as complete exercise equipment and the gym uh as well as the shade have all been installed Johnson Community Park the basketball court has been resurfaced and LED lights have been installed the shade structure is complete the old swing set has been replaced the volleyball court has been relocated Fort Gates fairy Landing the fdot bridge report was obtained for The Landings on the West Side Public Works is reviewing the required repairs to determine the best course of action to allow for pre-opening of the ferry St John's Avenue resurfacing Palm Avenue to CSX Crossing at the Paca fire department the infrastructure is in place and reconstruction is well underway dirt to pave project 2022 the bid for phase two roads which includes fisherman Road Creekside Road Edgewater Road Paradise Point Road and Paradise C are due July 29th 2024 dirt to pave project 2023 survey and design in-house and project contains roads in sarataro Harbor Gibbs Ingram Lake View Butler Drive Eagles Nest red fish ridg line and the Ridgeline Road the survey are completing the two final roads to send a design design of the remaining roads is 90% complete East putam drainage and flooding mitigation phase 4 the contract between putam County and the lowest bitter SE diving is fully executed once the payment and performance bonds have been recorded the notice to proceed can be issued St John's Avenue drainage improvements State Road 19 to County Road 309c segments one and two are substantially completed segment three infrastructure is underway segments four and five are substantially completed the project is on schedule with a completion deadline of December of 2024 County Road resurfacing project State Road 20 to State Road 100 the contract for the project was awarded to Anderson Columbia count County Road 315 resurfacing project designed from State Road 20 to the county line the surveying is substantially complete Port bu Vista Waste Water Treatment Plant conversion and seain extension construction is 100% complete we are waiting for final as builts to close the project out Paradise Point sewer hardening system and Generator installation we are at a standstill we do not want to sign the amendment and they do not want to modify the amendment until we finish the job we are negotiating East Baca septic to sewer project phase 4 we have 30% design under review in May estimated date of completion is uh October 29th 2024 East Baca water plant retrofit project installation is 100% complete we are waiting on the final as builts to close out the project sanmo water Expansion Project we are approximately 85% complete and are ahead of schedule the project completion date is scheduled for December 12th 20124 North putam drainage project the project is working through design South puam drainage project viid 2414 came in over budget and funding expires in 2025 Public Works is discussing how to proceed with additional D funding East Paca water main expansion arpa funded the preconstruction meeting was held 618 of 24 puam County Water infrastructure project US Army cores of engineer new project manager at the Army Corps has approved the plans and we are working through the EA study Ash Street drainage project Paving is expected to to be completed the week of uh this week RI Vista and Overlook Point sewer project they're approximately 90% complete and are ahead of schedule the project completion date is 10:15 of 24 hmgp putam County Boulevard lift station generator project the design is in progress hmgp Paradise Point retention fund the executive funding agreement has been obtained and a proposal for Design Services is under review by the County engineer countywide resurfacing fiscal year 20 3 the roads were awarded to three contractors and all contracts have been fully executed asphalt resurfacing 24 the design is in progress the central landfill the construction of the new sanitation office is about 80% complete at the landfill the scale house outbound scale project has been completed and again at the landfill the tower grinder project is complete thank you did everybody get that okay good lot going commissioner Turner yes uh Miss Young could you expand a little bit on what the negotiations are going on between us on the generator on the hardening project so the original application they put in for a 200 KW generator to run two 7 12 horsepower pumps when it was designed it is not needed it's it was a huge astronomical number it came before you guys before we asked them can we modify the scope bring it down a little bit put a generator and it's appropriately sized so it's not truly I mean in no better terms a waste of money um also the the design they had for sealing off the manholes in the area there was a much cheaper alternative to be done than what was designed we took it before them we're trying to get them to change the scope of the project so that it actually costs less money um when you say them who is them it was it was through F fdm FL Department of Emergency Management the problem is is our 25% match of the project is less than what we would spend on a generator if we were just to buy it outright so we'd spend more money on our 25% than what it would be if we just went out and outright purchased a generator and put in the project and we're trying to get them to change the scope of the project so that it doesn't cost us that additional 75% we end up paying more money for a generator okay and you'll keep us in the loop on that one yes sir okay Mr chairman if I may the you may um also J.R you and I have had this conversation before is it time that we started having it again about how many project managers that we have um in uh in Rel to the amount of projects that we got going on and my question would be in that is are we holding the projects up because we don't have enough people to actually manage the projects so are they waiting on us to be able to get our part done or are we still treading water or keeping up with them on that I would actually say our engineering departments up on a plane um I mean I don't think that at this time that I wouldn't tell you that we needed another project manager some of the stuff is starting to come out the closing documents are getting completed um so they their projects are starting some of them are starting to wind down as we're ramping up for the next one so at this point I think we're flowing very well Mr nolles may have a different opinion but we've really made some huge progress with with the additional staff that we've have with Mr nolles on staff uh we were able to put a um a drafts person that's able to complete whenever he makes a set of plans be able to put them on paper so he can stamp them and move them along at this time I would not say that we need another project manager um just some of the stuff just takes time because every time we submit back to fdm they come back with their comments we have to answer them so it's kind of just voling back and forth right now but we're going to come up to resolution and it may be at some point just to say you know what we're cheaper just to buy our own generator and just shut down the whole fmgpy4new that's really speeded up a lot of the projects that we've that we've got going on but I was just wondering if we needed to look into another project manager or something so you'll you'll keep your eye on that and let us know if you think that changes or whatever the the area that we really struggle in today would honestly be in surveying because I mean we have so many projects out in front of our survey as we're trying to do these inhouse he can only cover him and his team can only cover so much ground so I mean as we're waiting on the design for for a dirt to pave list besid spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to the street we're able to do it in house and we can put more money in the construction he's just behind because he can't physically get to the locations fast enough so that's been our struggle truly is is either we're going to have to hire an engineering firm to C do some catchup work or he's going to have to have some help in the future well I think that that would probably be the not too distant future is that's where the if that's where the slow up is I mean I've said many times up here that one of my frustrations is how long it takes to get something done in the government and so if there's something that we can do a key position a key something that's got us held up how about let's looking into that and seeing if we can't speed some of this stuff up yes sir we'll do thank you thank you Mr Turner any other comments by the board okay we're going to move right into our Planning and Development do you want to bring your attention to something that we're going to start doing if you notice there's a item a b c d and e item a is the second of two readings Item B is the first of one meeting the other rezonings C D and E are one of two so what does that mean to you anything over 10 acres we hear it today we can't act upon it we're just going to sit on it and then we're going to make a motion and set a date and a time when we hear the second part of it and that's when people will get another opportunity to speak but I just want you to know that this board a few months back uh State Statute kind of changed so anything over 10 acres we have to have two public meetings on it so it's very important because some people walk out and go why didn't they do something about it today we can't do something about those three items today so our first rezone is rezone Rez 24- 00003 putham County School District ordinance number 2024 -14 this is the second of two readings Jennifer you have the floor thank you good morning for the record Jennifer gazelle planning and development services the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from agriculture to public use light P1 to allow for a new Public School the applicant is putam County District School Board the agent is playay Swagger parcel is 18.11 Acres located at 156 Horseman Club Road in palaka the parcel is designated public facilities on the adopted future land use map the subject parcel is vacant and has approximately 600 ft of Road Frontage on Horseman Club Road the parcel does appear to contain approximately 60,000 Square ft of wetlands and is located within flma FEMA flood zone X which is not a special flood Hazard area the current zoning of agriculture does allow educational uses by way of a special use permit however the existing future land use and the existing zoning are inconsistent the public facilities future land use designation is meant for Community facilities and services according to table 2.1a of the Land Development code the public facility's future land use designation is only compatible with public light P1 public P2 and plan unit development PUD the previous School sighting would have been classified as a type 1 non-conforming use as identified by LDC section 45813 non-conforming uses have Provisions in place which allow for maintenance repairs and insignificant renovations to occur however any significant renovation expansion or Redevelopment require the site to be consistent in regards to zoning and the designated future land use category the only method of compliance for a new school to be built is to request an amendment to the zoning map to make the property consistent with the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan construction of public schools by the putam County School District are exempt from obtaining building permits from putam County in addition the public the putam County School Board is exempt from submitting development plans to the development Review Committee School building plans and site development plans are preempted to the Florida Department of Education and neac for approval by certified reviewers specializing in the development of public school buildings we have our aerial view future land use zoning flood zone map wetlands staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from agriculture to public use light P1 as the proposed amendment is consistent with the adopted goals objectives and policies of the putam county comprehensive plan and is compatible with existing development in the area at the scheduled public hearing on May 8th 2024 the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the resoning application questions thank you commissioner has any questions for staff I have one okay commissioner Wilkinson you have the floor uh just to just to be clear this is truly a non-conforming situation yes ma'am so uh we would not normally have allowed zoning to be in inconsistent with the future land use map correct okay thank you any further questions all right then we're going to go to our applicant would our applicant like to come up and present please state your name and address for the record good morning um I'm Stephanie Sutton with Eda consultants and I have a short presentation today um I also have members of our engineering team here with me as well as members um from the architectural design team and some staff from the school board that's here if you all have questions about the project so I'm going to summarize some of the um information that staff presented but also give an idea of some of the specifics of what's proposed on the property which might help explain um and answer some of your questions is this going through appropriately let me see okay all right so this is um another aial of the site you can see here the previous um school that was cited on the property that's now been demolished so this has been a School site for a long time off of Horsemen Club Road um so it's approximately 18 acres in size it was home to the former eh Miller Elementary School for several decades and now there's a new school cited on the property um and actually a construction has begun um clearing the old school and getting it ready to build the new school um the school board has funded the Redevelopment of the school to better serve the public and the citizens of putam County because the former school was just in disrepair um it's currently zoned agriculture as we heard from staff and it has a future land use designation of public facilities so the zoning category is inconsistent with the land use and we are asking today to change the zoning of the property to agricultural to public land public use light P1 um which allows the school to be built there by right this is a copy of the comprehensive future land use map as we just saw so it's currently public facilities um the current zoning is a as we've heard um and we are proposing to make it P1 so it would be consistent with the future land use category on the property um this is just a little bit more detail about the P1 zoning category it would allow um public buildings and its lighter intensity than the P2 zoning category so we feel it's most appropriate for the school use per opposed and you can see here this is the table that go that shows both the land use categories and the allowable zoning as we heard from staff um we have worked with them to come up with this application to go to P1 we feel it's the most appropriate zoning category and then this just demonstrates some of the consistency with the Land Development code we've completed the application required um we had the pre-application meeting required and the full application was submitted in a compliance with the required deadlines um Eda is the authorized agent on behalf of the school board which is the property owner and we've submitted all of the required documentation for the application consistency with Comprehensive plan um as stated we're doing this change to be consistent with the future land use and the current um the current future land use category on the map we're changing the re the zoning to be consistent with that and so this just reviews um the public facilities category which allows the community facilities and services including schools we um have gotten all of the other permits for the site already so this is a list of some of the permits that we've gotten for the site as mentioned the building permit does not go through the county it goes through an educational review um but we have gotten the Fire Marshall approval from putam County as well as the rideway use permit for the improvements along Horsemen Club Road through putham County um we have a permit from the St John's River Water Management District as well as utility permits from the city of Paka and fdp to serve the site so everything is ready to go this is the final step um this is kind of a highlevel view of what's planned on the site and it calls out some of the transportation related improvements um we are are proposing and have designed a separate bus access from the rear of the property along Brandy Lane and so all of the buses will come up an improved and paved Brandy Lane and come through a separate area um there is some staff parking along that bus route as well so we've tried to provide as much parking as possible on the site um but the buses will come through from Brandy Lane and then parent drop off parent parking and some additional staff parking will will be out front along Horsemen club or Horsemen Club Road um as I discussed we've gotten um approval to build a southbound turn lane into the site from Public Works um and there will be a southbound turn lanane and a Northbound turn lane just to ease access in and out of the site at those busy times you can see this yellow highlighted area um on this exhibit is where we'll have stacking for parents dropping off their children so there's a total of about 80 stacking spaces for for parents that are coming and just dropping off their students and they'll be able to move through that quickly but it does allow places for them to wait if they get there before school is released and things like that as well and then there's also a surplus of parking spaces for those parents that choose to park and walk their children inside so in summary we're requesting to rezone the property from agricultural to public use light P1 to be consistent with the proposed use and with the existing land use on the property um we have a staff recommendation of approval and we got a recommendation of approval from the Planning Commission um as I mentioned we have members of our team here this morning to answer any questions that you all have thank you any questions first I have one okay commissioner pck you have the floor on on the um the stacking how did you arrive at 80 spaces because I understand that the school is going to go from three 400 to closer to a thousand students so and I know that would probably be a concern of a lot of people that live in that area or even trying to pick their children up so so we tried to fit as many stacking spaces as we could and we've actually gone through the software and put the little cars in to get that number so that it's accurate um I can show you some summary numbers that we came up with um this may be small in front of you but um there are a total of just over a thousand student stations proposed um we've added up the parking spaces and there are a total of 237 parking spaces proposed which is a significant number um and we assume 85 of those will be for staff and faculty that's the number that's proposed um which leaves 152 for parents to use um we have assumed that about half of the vehicles 50% will have two children or more either s Lings coming to school together or maybe parents car pooling so we've applied that um which would allow 228 students in those parking spaces um with their parents the drop off and stacking spaces um we have 80 total spaces as I mentioned that's at any given one point in time um which would be 120 students assuming you know two students and half of the vehicles now a number of students will also be coming to the site on school buses and so the total number of students um on the eight buses and the three ese buses will be 550 that's the approximately half the population um but when you add all of those together so you add the parking spaces the drop off Lanes um and the buses you get to 898 students um which is about 85% of the capacity of the school that number does not accommodate for that's a point in time so that doesn't accommodate for the line moving through quickly at drop off or pick up um and so this is significantly more than most of the other schools in the county um we've really done our best to accommodate as many vehicles on the site as possible thank you thank you Mr Adam Zach you have a question how are we accommodating the children that live within the two mile area that normally would walk or ride their bikes to school you know with all that traffic from cars coming in and out this is been a concern that this is in my district that uh several residents have set a concern about and then also the the district I've been notified by several parents has a policy where they don't allow parents to walk their children or let their children out through the line so the parking spaces and all the other schools aren't utilized for pickup and drop off is that going to be different for this particular school I am not familiar with that particular policy if someone from the school board would like to speak to that they're they're welcome to come up um we have we are making improvements along the road um and I believe that you know you can see that there's sort of two connection points into the site um if students can kind of walk along the edge of the property that may keep them out of the drop off line um but as far as the policy I'm going to let someone from the school board respond to that so as far as the uh policy is concerned currently districtwide we have a willson uh policy um we in we evaluate each individual situation but I think for this particular project Wills only would be appropriate as well um you asked about oh and let me quickly say um the stacking that we have for this particular school is about three times any other school we have um so we we we use Kelly Smith as a model and we looked at the Aerials of their busiest time and this plan accommodates that and then some so it would do Kelly Smith times 1.5 um is what we're looking at here with this particular plan um and I think you asked about um children in the 2-mile radius um if they um are not um transported in a vehicle by their parents um and it's unsafe for them to actually walk to school um which would be the majority in the surrounding neighborhoods then they would get a bus Mr bowling would you state your name and address for I'm sorry Thomas bowling uh 200 Street Paca associate superintendent putam County School District Mr adamack any more questions not at this time anybody else Mr Turner I'm sorry um yes I I what I was going to say I think Mr bowling just covered is that um the stacking on this project is much larger than it is on others and I've noticed last year when I had to pick my grandson up from high school a few times that the uh it's not like the stay there they park there and they're there all day they come in pick the kids up and even though the lane may be full whenever it's done it doesn't take them long to clear out and get out of there so it it was very little impact on the street beside it from parked cars they're in on site so I just wanted to bring that to the attention I think that Mr bowling had already covered that but well thank you thank you very much appreciate it all right this is a public hearing so we are going to open it up to the public is there anybody who would like to to speak in favor or against this project please start making your way up to the podium in favor or against going once going twice and a public hearing Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chairman I I move that we approve resoning case Rez 24- 00000000 Z3 a proper motion second second you have a second any further discussion on the motion to approve hearing none all I have my yes I'm still concerned about the safety for the general public coming in and out of school there um that's been the main concern from anyone that lives in the area was that I think they what they just said there is without utilizing with it being a wheels up only that takes over 200 students from the Transportation perspective out of the numbers um so are we going to do more buses that type thing I I don't think that um this meets our needs and I think it puts the county at risk in the future based on statute 101 3.36 of uh having to put in some bike lanes and some sidewalks and other infrastructure that is not there um based on the the school district if a future superintendent is there decides that they want to demand that there for the safety of the students and I just want to make the commission aware that that is a risk of this all right and I will be voting no for that reason thank you Mr adamac all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign I the eyes have it thank you very much next case would be rezone Rez 24- z0000 Z5 Gary and Robin Blake again for the record Jennifer gazelle planning and development services the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from commercial professional office CPO to residential 2 R2 to allow for a residential single family residence to be built the applicants are Gary and Robin Blake so a 1acre parcel located at 1580 County Road 309 in Georgetown the subject site is Zone commercial professional office CPO and has a future land use designation of rural residential the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment for approximately 1 acre to allow for a new construction of a single family residents the parcel has approximately 640 ft of Road Frontage on County Road 309 and is vacant being described as part of lot one of the JC Blanchard subdivision recorded in 1923 the majority of the JC blanchart subdivision south of County Road 309 was re subdivided and developed as Driftwood Cove subdivision and recorded in Matt book 4 Page 65 on on March 30th 1961 the remainder became part of lot one the parcel was rezoned from a residential zoning District R2 on April 24th 1979 for the purpose of a real estate office however no development occurred should the requested reone be approved the parcel will be eligible for building permits to construct a single family residence adhering to the regulations for the residential two zoning District your aerial view future land use zoning flood zone and wetlands staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from commercial professional office CPO to residential 2r2 as the proposed amendment is consistent with the adopted goals objectives and policies of the putham county comprehensive plan and is compatible with existing development in the area at the scheduled public hearing on June 12th 2024 the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning application questions any questions for staff Commissioners all right hearing none we'll go to our public the applicant is the applicant in the room would like to speak don't see the applicant here is there any public comment either for or against this project project and no one's rushing up so we'll close that portion of it and Commissioners what's your pleasure Mr chairman I move approval of um application Rez 24-5 resoning from commercial professional office CPO to residential 2 uh because it meets the goals and objections of the comprehensive Pan and the B development code second proper motion proper second any further discussion on that motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign okay audience remember that that was less than 10 acres the next three are more than 10 acres so we'll be hearing those today and we'll be setting another date in the future to hear them again um next item is our item C reone PUD 24- 00003 Kings Family LLC again for the record Jennifer gazelle planning and development services the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from residential 1 r1a and Commercial neighborhood C12 plan unit development PUD the applicant is King Family LLC the agent is pendulum Properties LLC this is an 80.9 acre parcel located at 1160 County Road 309 in Crescent City the applicant is seeking approval for the purpose of establishing an overnight recreation park consisting of up to 600 RV sites no more than two caretaker residences cabins lamping sites Camp store restaurant bathroom bathing facilities laundry facilities RV boat storage events meeting facilities Park office and outdoor recreational areas the parcel is designated rural Center and Rural residential on the adopted future land use map the parcel is currently vacant and has approximately 350 ft of paved Road Frontage on County Road 309 and 2600 ft of paved Road Frontage on County Road 308 according to the putam County GIS reference map there is approximately 18 Acres of wetlands the submitted site plan indicates the majority of those areas to be avoided should this p UD be approved the applicant will then submit to the development Review Committee DRC to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations as it pertains to this property the DRC will ensure the placement of RV lots is acceptable based on the development agreement and the Florida Department of Health will review the plans for portable water and sanitary sewer other agencies including but not limited to putam County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's riverwater Management District review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding Properties by complying with each agency specific regulations associated with new development our aerial view future land use zoning flood zone Wetlands conceptual plan staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from residential 1 r1a and Commercial neighborhood C1 to plan unit development PUD with staff proposed development agreement as the request is consistent with the requirements for PUD zoning consistent with the future land use designation and consistent with other comprehensive plan goals objectives and policies at the scheduled public hearing on June 12th 2024 the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning application questions any questions for staff I do want to make a comment not to you Jennifer but U I did get up from my seat and asked the attorney if we needed to do expar communication and he said we did so if there's no other questions I will go down the line commissioner adamac any export I have had n Mr Turner I have none M Wilkinson I've had none Mr Pickins yes I have I've spoken with the applicant both of them and also a couple of citizens and I may have discussed it with somebody from the Planning Commission that's it and will it affect your ability no it will not affect my vote thank you and I've had none so is the applicant here all right Mr Kennedy if you'll come up and state your name and address for the record please Patrick Kennedy 673 Third Avenue Waka Florida here on behalf of the applicant pendulum properties um and you know obviously we agree with the staff recommendation Planning Commission recommendation we have our own analysis analysis in your uh package so we don't really want to belabor all the points that have really been made and would like to welcome any questions you may have regarding this application any questions Mr I have one question goad this is across the street from another RV type Park isn't is this one that's it's across 309 from uh the Renegades okay yes thank you Mr Pickins you have the floor yeah Patrick um with this I guess this is up to 600 RV sites is that correct depending on how everything plays out and staying out of the wet lands and setbacks and things like that correct uh the concept plan you see shows 450 uh but the uh wording of the document be up to uh 600 which is 7even units per acre and that's Five Below what the uh the 12 units per acre that might otherwise be allowed and the idea is is to develop around the wetlands and flood hazards uh to the furthest extent possible because that's a costly Endeavor if you try to even attempt to do that if you can do it so all right the turn Lane's plan for this that has yet to be determined uh we'll have to get with uh the county uh staff in the DRC process uh once this is approved to determine what's necessary we anticipate that there may be but uh until we have those conversations we don't know what's going to be required okay last question the multi-purpose building area can you kind of describe that because my conc concern is is Amplified sound and I have dealt with that um from the Planning Commission to as a commissioner with Renegades um and I have I do believe that Mr King with Renegades has made multiple improvements to to help with the sound and so that was just a concern there and I don't see any uh hours of a quiet time that may come later um of when any of the activities would would cease but can you address that multi-purpose and will it be outdoor entertainment uh there is a potential for uh outdoor entertainment it's not intended to be Amplified sound though uh client is well aware of the uh the early concerns that happened with Renegades and and what's been done and so be consistent with the or even uh perhaps tighter than what Renegades currently does as far as that particular issue is concerned but they do want the opportunity to have a possible uh Erie and and and and entertainment that goes with it similar to what Renegades does but the intention for this one is to be primarily almost exclusively for the occupants of the uh okay okay thank you facility yes that's all I have Miss Wilkinson you have the floor uh Mr Kennedy I appreciate your uh comments on the quiet time however I feel like that we need to make that part of the development agreement I think we should have quite hours uh specifically mentioned or or brought into the development agreement we've done that in other RV parks and other situations similar to this I don't want to leave it open because I feel like that anything could happen um and so I think we need to to close that and put a quiet time hour specifically in that development agreement I don't think my clients will have a problem with that if we uh let's see about adding some language that would satisfy you um and still allow them to do a meaningful use of that yeah so since this is the the first reading I'm hoping that when you come back on the second reading you could have that included thank you thank you thank you any further questions for the applicant all right we'll move on to the public hearing part do want to say to everybody in the room I think we've got some children here or young people on a field trip with their family um expar basically we're trying to act like a court system we're hearing um testimony basically um from our commissioners that they've had comments and we're going to hear testimony from the audience but we we apply that towards our Land Development code in our zoning so it's t it's supposed to take the U emotion out of the decision so just for your knowledge is anybody here would like to speak in favor or oppose this application please come up and state your name you come right up Deborah Rush 112 Thomas Road Crescent City good morning M Rush okay I'm here for my husband he had something to do we're concerned about that where the entrance will be to this RV park will it be on 309 or 308 okay we live approximately one half mile from the partial of land that you're talking about and we're concerned about noise um we've had trouble with the pub plan music real late they only did that once after 10:00 but we called the police on them okay and then um that's our big concern we live we moved to that partial of land cuz it would be quiet and our concern is about noise and will it be a family RV park and they were concerned about the septic you know the kind of septic they'll [Music] use and so that's my questions okay thank you and so we're against the park obviously thank you okay thank you anybody else would like to speak in favor or opposition into this all right seeing no one else our job now is to set another meeting in a time to hear this case I'll move that we um move PUD 24-3 um to the next border County Commissioner meeting which would be in August August 6 August 6th uh 13th oh sorry a August 13th um at 9:00 a.m. or soon after second proper motion proper second any further discussion Mr adamac yeah so I'll be voting against this motion purely based on the fact that it's not an evening meeting um so just it's not anything to do with the applicant I do want to make note of the difference between this and some of the other ones we saw in the the noise is they and I think maybe if we put some wording in there where that build that's going to potentially be the noise Creator as long as it stays where it is I think that alleviates some of the noise just because of its approximately in the middle of 60 Acres um however I still think we need that barrier but I I think we could be a little bit more Lex than we were maybe with that one that was just like six acres and there was neighbors right on top of it if that makes sense all right thank you Mr Adam that there's no more discussion all in favor say Mr chairman I'm sorry before you call that can we just check to make sure with the applicants that that gives them enough time to modify the text in the development agreement so we have to proper properly notify and things like that from from now to August 13th it would make one sentence just want to make sure we we can make that happen this is I think it's pretty simple we'll get with staff and we'll get it done by the end of the week thank you and that will you get with Miss Rush about the U concern she had too EX those points oh right now you want me to address those you it's later on it's fine okay okay yeah thank you just chairman before we go to could we just ask that question sure go go right ahead go ahead and I'll ask the question from Miss Rush where does the where is it going to access from uh currently the conceptual plan shows access from County Road 309 okay good thank you thank you all right any further question all in favor signify by saying I I POS like sign I the eyes have it thank you very much next we'll we'll hear it again on August 13th at 9:00 or shortly thereafter next one on our our list is item D reone of PUD 24 00004 Charles aler Jr and Katherine clap ordinance number 2024 d07 017 Z you got that yes thank you good morning Commissioners for the record Zachary Baker planning and development services uh this is an application to amend the putam County zoning map from agriculture to planned unit development uh the property owners are Charles Alford and Katherine Clap the agent on these application is uh Joseph cirley and uh Bob Porter of Dr Horton the property is approximately 165 Acres comprising four Parcels located along uh State Road 207 and Alfred Road in East Paca the applicant is seeking approval of a proposed uh to establish a mixed use development with a maximum 700 single family homes uh that's a residential density of approximately 4.2 units per acre the future land use for the property uh is urban service which would allow for up to 24 units per acre approximately 60,000 Square ft of non-residential commercial space will be included an amenity Center and a park and infrastructure within within the subdivision includes an access road along State Road 207 internal roadways sidewalks lift stations uh and storm Water Management areas the parcels are designated urban service again on the adopted future land use map the a zoning district is inconsistent with that future land use designation the vacant undeveloped Parcels have approximately 3500 ft of paved Road Frontage along State Road 207 and 3500 uh feet of Road Frontage along the unpaved Alfred Road according to the putham County GIS reference map there are approximately six acres of wetlands on site uh should this PUD be approved of course not today at a a date in the future um the applicant will then be required to go through the uh DRC and Subdivision plat process the development Review Committee will review the preliminary subdivision plat for compliance with local state and federal regulations and those site specific regulations listed within the accompanying development agreement agents and agencies excuse me including but not limited to the Florida Department of Health uh putam County Public Works Emergency Services St John's River Water Management District Florida Department of Transportation and so on will review the plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties once the development Review Committee is satisfied with the preliminary plot County staff will arrange public hearings uh for formal consideration by both the Planning Commission and the board of County Commissioners uh furthermore the putham County Board of County Commissioners May authorize the chairman to sign a preliminary development order for the preliminary plat once the preliminary plat has been authorized the developer May proceed with an application for site work permit to install underground utilities grading and storm water facilities once all site work for the associated subdivision has been complete the developer May submit the final plat including as built depictions of the supporting infrastructure the final plat will be presented to the putham County Board of County Commissioners as a consent agenda item any member of the board of County Commissioners may pull that item for further discussion if no discussion is to be had on the final plat the board of County Commissioners May authorize the chairman to sign the plat and accompanying resolution any commercial development not associated with the residential subdivision will also be subject to its own review by the development Review Committee here we have an aerial view of the property here you can see the future land use map designation uh notice that surrounding the property is also urban service here we have the zoning designation uh the FEMA flood zone map indicating flood zone x uh your Wetlands map showing some wetlands in the northeast corner of the property and then this is a uh a plan provided by the applicant after the agendas were completed for today's meeting uh this is their preliminary Water and Sewer um conceptual plan so this is where we can kind of start seeing what the development could look like as it takes shape with the water and sewer that would service those homes staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from agriculture to planed unit development um at the June 12th 2024 public hearing the Planning Commission voted 5 to two to recommend approval of the subject application today we are just seeking um the the date of the final hearing of the entitlements portion of this uh project project I can take any questions thank you any questions and before we do that let's go to expart communication commissioner Pickins we'll start with you yes I spoke to um representative from Dr Horton I've spoken to at least um two residents and somebody from the Planning Commission about this and it will not affect my decision commissioner Wilkinson I did meet with uh Bob Porter from Dr Horton um it will not affect my decision I also want to give a disclosure at this time I do have a real estate license uh with Coldwell Banker Ben bat's office this transaction is being represented by another agent who also holds a license within the same brokerage office I'm not a party to this transaction and have no financial gain or anything to gain from this transaction and it will not affect my ability to be fair and impartial thank you commission Turner I've had a Communications with the uh developer and also several members of the community uh and it will not affect my decision Mr Adam's that I've had email Communications with developer and several conversations with citizens it will not affect my ability to make a decision thank you and I've had meetings with the developer and I've had a ride around with Mr Tilton and I've spoken with Mr count so that is and it will not affect my ability to make a decision on this case so um the applicant is would like to make a comment come up and do a presentation very thank you very much official Bob Porter with DR Horton 4220 Racetrack Road hang I need to ask a question is he the official applicant on this that I don't see his name listed as we were listed his agent on that he is a representative of Dr Horton who is one of the agents for this application thank you go right ahead I just want to make sure things are above above board here thank you you've already seen this site map I'll go through this quickly the staff did a pretty complete um the one thing I did want to show about this site plan is you'll see that we are picking up water from the uh Southern corner there there's already a 16in water me stubbed out and the sewer is directly across the street so the county has already extended utilities to serve this site we plan to do a nice looking entryway we want to do something that that we will be proud of and that the county will be proud of and that the alred family will be proud of we have use the name Alfred Farms to try and memorialize the their history and a nice presentation this is what it will look like as you're going down 207 on the front of the property we've already talked about I think most of this um the urban Services future land use is designed to encourage the development where the utilities water and so so forth are are present and as you've seen they are present here so this is consistent Urban Services actually allows 24 units of the acre and as staff pointed out we're just a little bit over four so well under the permitted density and the land use at uh the planning we had several people talk about economic impact and I just wanted to just quickly point out without having the engineering I don't know exactly how many homes we'll have and and Market will be determined will determine what the sales prices are but we're expecting about 650 homes with an average sales price of of 350,000 if we're close to that it is over $200 million worth of of homes to be built and sold there so huge economic impact uh if everybody has a $50,000 homestead exemption based on those numbers at last year's millage rate the property taxes would be about $3 million a year last year of course it's it's under an agricultural exemption so the taxes that this same 150 acres paid last year was a little less than $1,700 and then I just wanted to point out a few things from the staff report I know you've all seen this uh we are consistent Urban Services is intended to encourage this sort of thing at again at the planning we had questions about traffic you can see from the staff report that even after we build the houses 207 will still be operating at about 50% or a little less than 50% of the capacity staff recommended approval for all of the reasons you've seen and and of course the planning board did did as well so that's it and let our questions thank you Mr Turner you have a question uh yes Mr Porter um I'm not going to be able to support this project in its current form there's going to be have to be some changes and the changes are back to what we discussed whenever you we met I think that the sizes of the lots have changed the roadways changed unless I misunderstood our original meeting the biggest problem that I have with it is that we have a u our land code calls for a 70 foot minimum lot width and I understand that doesn't work and we've set a precedence in the past by allowing a 50ft lot width in the past this commissioner is not willing to go less than 50ft lot widths I also believe in talking to our um in talking to our director of of safety for the county is that we need to have farther in between the houses than 10 foot uh so I'm also not going to be I'm not going to be in favor of of having less than a 10t size setback with a 50ft wide lot that would still give you the same footprint for a house that you would have had with the 40ft lot in the 5 foot setback I can only think to myself what rolling heels would look like today with 10 foot in between houses instead of 20 I could only think of that it would be a disaster so I'm not saying the project overall I'm not against it I'm just against certain aspects of it I noticed on the I noticed on the uh the drawing that you submitted to us today that you had a 20ft perimeter buffer around the property on the perimeter of the property is that in addition to the setbacks that you're requesting so that would be you're requesting a 10-ft rear setback so that would give a 30 foot minimum setback on the perimeter property lines yes sir okay so I think that would probably be adequate um but like I said that's just me speaking but I I believe that I'm going to I'm just not going to be able to vote for a 40 foot lot I'm just not uh 50 foot because we've set presence in the past at 50 foot I can go there and I think we need 20 foot in between the houses for safety reasons uh for uh public safety reasons so that's where I am I I guess and another thing that I add some heartburn on I know that that you've got in there that you want um the interior streets to be 20 foot are they going to be curbing gutter streets yes sir okay do you think that's enough room to have a curbing gutter street with a 20 foot 20 foot street instead of a 22 I think so but that's not critical if you're more comfortable with 22 we can change that well those were those would probably be my request would be the five the 5,000 square foot or larger Lots instead of a minimum of 4,000 U 50t minimum uh Frontage the um the 10t setbacks on each side and the 22t roadways and I noticed that on item eight of your waivers that you've requested that says if a Community Development District will be formed it will assume the maintenance I think that needs to change that a Community Development district will be formed and will assume the maintenance obligations instead of if it's if it's done that's that's fine that was our intent uh I cannot commit that there'll be a a Community Development District simply because the establishment process you guys have to to vote for it but we can change it to say that either a Community Development District or homeowners association so that you know the County's not doing it CU that's our intent yeah that's what I would like for it to read is what you just said to where the county is not going to be required to go in and maintain the internal roads of this subdivision and um let's see the other one was the set the rear set back on the perimeter but I think 30 foot makes me a lot happier than the 10 foot if it's on a perimeter so do you agree to all those that I just I'd like to discuss just a couple of them first let me say the 10-ft rear yard is only on our very biggest houses typically we have at least a 20 so it won't be as close as everybody's thinking in all of the jurisdictions around here uh St John's County has Sid set backs that basically are 5 feet to the eaves which is about 6 A2 ft uh duall clay the rest of them and even a lot of the stuff in St johnes County are typically five foot side setbacks and five feet does meet the the fire code requires at least three feet so we have not had problems with with the five foot setbacks and if we have to change to 50ft lots and I understand that I don't have a problem with it being able to keep the 5 foot setbacks would be a huge help well I'm not allowed to negotiate for my fellow commissioners but as as me talking to you one commissioner talking to you could we meet in the middle at 7 and A2 certainly that's a proposal right now so I got some work to do we'll we'll get it revised and get it back to uh hang on there's more I'm sure Mr Turner you done for now yes sir okay Miss Wilkinson you have the floor did um your development did Dr Horton do the treaty ground or treaty Oak and brof Road Extension in St John's County we did one section of that um kind of across the street on 207 is one that is called inada uhuh on the on the opposite side of 207 which is a mix of 40 and 50 foot Lots if you'd like to get an idea what with the five foot setbacks either five or six and a half I can't remember right off hand but would give you an idea of what the place looks like well that's where I was going because I was going to mention in trada it looks like it has a mixed uh size of and of widths allowed from all the way up to 63 ft 43 to 53 and 63 and um so I wanted obviously that's what you're doing in other areas um so I wanted to ask about that and also Cross Creek in Lake Asbury has a mixed width from 40 to 70 right yes ma'am okay um and so all of these homes would have a garage yes and two parking spaces includes the garage yes there'll be well no there'll be a two-car garage so then there will be also of course the driveway out front so really it's like four parking spaces okay I don't know that that's what the development agreement says so I needed to make sure I don't know if it specifies but certainly it can it just says two parking spaces so I want to make sure that we clear that up um and then um because I'm concerned about people parking in the road obviously L um I mean we just went camping and we had three vehicles in a camping spot let loan at home so I know you know you're going to have more than two cars per vehic per per in most cases per house and so I want to make sure because though if you only have a 20 even if you have a 22- foot Road you have you know people can park on the street I assume and so you want to there's a safety component there for me um but allow having four so you're saying every house is going to have a two-car garage because I thought when I read I thought when I watched the Planning Commission you said one you know I don't I don't recall but okay our intent is to have a two-car garage and parking for two cars okay all right and we can we can put that into the narrative okay and then in also reading 3.7 of the development agreement it says the developer may be required to contribute in part or in whole to the extension of water and or sewer L into increase capacity of the county infrastructure providing such utilities I think it say should say shall um I am not okay with um any developer coming in since we do not have impact fees in place I'm not okay with any developer coming into this County and putting the expenses on the backs of our current citizens I don't think that's right I think we should have a fee set up whatever that is whether we discuss it as a board here today or you come back with a proposal I know the city of Paca for their water and sewer hookup is around $5,400 per home um so I just do not think that again our citizens should pay for hookups and for any kind of connectivity to these houses that's fine we're we're accustomed to doing that anyway okay all right thank you thank you Mr Adams at yeah first thing I'd like to say is we're not these other jurisdictions we have our comprehensive Planet commitment to maintain a rural and agricultural nature in our community and uh I think this does exactly the opposite of that um just because it's Urban Services just means that there's Services there that could be utilized at some point in the future um I think that jumping the ship from seven miles away to the closest dense population to several miles down the road is exactly the definition to me of urban sprawl so I think this is an example of urban spr sprawl and then a lot of developers do this throughout the country not just here in putam but throughout the country they find the this point of the urban service then they can easily backfill from that point forward once they get commitment from local government to give you that that access there there would never be a way for someone could vote no to backfill that because it's already committed to um I think this is urban sprawl I think that filling has to start from where there already is population centers and work its way out that's the whole purpose of putting infrastructure in in my opinion and I think that's why we did it um I'm only speaking for myself but when we are making those decisions at the time the decisions to vote for the comprehensive plan I think that uh was what was in the nature of this commission when that occurred um but again I'm only speaking for myself but uh I'm absolutely against this project in this location because I think it's a exact definition of urban spraw thank you Mr Adams that Mr Turner you have a comment so Bob the entrances will all come off of 207a is that correct the entrance we have one entrance off 207 which is the existing Alford Road be the intersection will be straightened out a little bit we'll do whatever improvements fdot ask us for and obviously we don't know what those are yet and then we will pave the part of Alfred Road that is within our project the Alford road is already open as a County Road it's a dirt road so we will pave the part that is with an hour so there'll be the entry on 207 and there'll also be a dirt uh access that goes out to the to the South toward cracker swamp Okay thank you Bob before I move on I did have a question on offord road are you going to close that part that you're going to pay where you just is public going to be able to drive from Cracker swamp through off a road out back to 207 through your subdivision they will be able to go through the subdivision and out to the back it'll be a public road okay thank you uh commissioner Pickin you have the floor yeah since we're on um offered Road you'll pave it and it'll be a full width 66 is that what it is right away should be I I think we're showing an 80 foot right away okay but it'll be full width yes sir okay um I appreciate the concerns that the commission has brought um forward today because I had many of those concerns um one of them is is the road I've not been to many subdivisions like this but what a lot of people will do will move in and they're downsized and they'll fill their garage up with stuff and don't want to rent a mini warehouse at the time so you can't park in the garage so then you're parking out in the driveway so the road width is a concern so you're going to have friends over so they're in this on the road here so you're Meandering through it's 22 fet enough to put cars on say either side and then and drive a fullsize vehicle down the road without having to to drive in and out if you see where I'm coming from I I do see where you're coming from and I I think at 22 feet I don't think there'll be much trouble with with navigating it um if two people Park directly across from each other then obviously it's going to slow down traffic but I think there's still room to get through and some of the other subdivisions that you mentioned that y'all developed is that a standard are they 20 or 22 or four most common is 24 and if that is a concern we will change this one to 24 okay all right thank you all right any further questions not at this time okay but I do have one again going back to offer Cod um if that's going to maintain a public throughway you're only going to pave up to the back of your subdivision correct that is our intent I don't want to PVE it all the way to Cracker swamp one of the biggest concerns we have been hearing from Neighbors is they're afraid that there's going to be a lot of traffic from the neighborhood thrown on to Cracker Swamp Road if if we leave that as it is today then I will tell you that 95% of the folks that leave the neighborhood are just going to pull out on 207 because they're not going to want to go down though to being that I have over 300 miles of dirt roads in my district I know a little bit about that I know people like the idea of living near a dirt road until they live on a dirt road and then they want pay Road um so they're going to take the path of least resistant and 207 I understand is at less capacity but it's a nightmare some days to be out there it's even scary for me to drive that that road um I guess it's like a guess the older I get I don't need to be in such such a hurry as I used to be so um and I guess there's still a lot of people younger than me that are in a hurry but I'm just concerned about what that would look like what when we start putting these kind of numbers on people and they start using off a road to get out to Cracker swamp or something what's that going to do to that road and you know I have a little concern there so that's just my concern do have another concern I want to talk to staff about um the capacity and I think Comm Wilkinson brought it up very eloquently about improving sewer um we talked about that our capacity at right now at the sewer plant for this is um where are we at right now I don't want to put words in your mouth but percentage wise with a riy rate we'll have a capacity of 300,000 gallons a day of fluent treatment currently we're taking in roughly between 130 and 150,000 a day so roughly 48 to 50% so do are we anticipating getting the new rib rating is that what you're saying yeah that's in process I think it's final stages of at the D at this time so that's been applied for and how much will this how much affluent will this cause our station to receive studies show that you'll see 300 gallons a day per residential family roughly 50 50 gallons or so per day per person so each rooftop would produce roughly 300 gallons a day um and that's on a small side small scale I mean we see residents Now using 4,000 gallons a day so if they use 4,000 gallons a day or 3,000 gallons a day of treatment you times that by the number of homes that they're going to put in the subdivision if you easy math 3,000 a day times 700's 210,000 gallons a day of affluent um which puts us over the capacity in our current sewer plant I guess my concern was when we we had that other case come before us and then we saw that PUD that's sitting out there along EAS a road you know if that thing ever really took off and got built um our plant would be over capacity pretty quick at that point and the obligations we' made from the river trying to get people off the Seth the tanks we made some obligations and I don't want to say promises but we've we've got a long-term plan to improve that area and um we know that development's going to come but it's going to be it's going to put a strain on our system there is my point it will and just for clarification we have applied for a grant through um fde um for an expansion to the sewer system it was it was cut by the governor but we have planned and we have applied for the um Grant application I think it was last week we applied for it so we do have a $10 million Grant ask in for expansion of the sewer plant just for what you're just saying there um the subject to sewer phase 4 conversion it's got 400 homes sitting in it that are existing um in the duns Creek area that's in design right now so I mean you start start stacking all those numbers on it it won't take you long you'll be over the capacity of your current sewer system thank you Jr I appreciate it Mr Turner you have a question oh yes it's along the lines of what you were just discussing I totally agree with commissioner Wilkinson that we need to have some kind of a a utility connection fee without a doubt I mean it's got to happen but what we've got to be careful of we can't let anybody no matter who it is come in and stroke a check for to hook up 600 houses ahead of time and then we guarantee them capacity cuz what we'll do is we'll place a moratorium on any other any other growth in in the East black area so as long as all the guys coming in absolutely upfront understand that when we get to a certain point you can't build any more houses unless you build a new sewer plant that's all there is to it um because we and I won't be here but in my opinion I think it would be very prudent for the county to maintain at least 15 to 20% of the of the capacity that they have at the present time for future commercial development within the East palac area or we'll shut it down and so we need to make sure that we do that now I've also been an advocate for many years that running our sewer plant at 40% is ridiculous which is what we've been doing for throughout the years so we've worked very hard at trying to get it up to in the 60 to 70% range where it could be uh closer to being a sustainable product instead of all the other citizens putting in their money to make the East PL of water or sewer system work and the plan that we have in place now is going to make that happen within the next couple of years I think and Jr's on board with it um and and and I think he'll continue to implement it if they don't if the commission doesn't change their mind that they want it to be sustainable and uh and it'll get there but what putting a a a u development of this magnitude in in the area we need to just let everybody know straight up it's first come first serve until we get to a certain capacity and then at that capacity there will be no more other than the the reserve capacity that you keep for your commercial business in the area to keep from a supermarket or a big box store or something else that's going to come in at some point in the future we've all heard for years rumors about a another grocery store or whatever in the East black area and they're I don't believe they're going to come unless we have sewer services for them sewer and water services Waters I don't think is going to be an issue I think we've got plenty of capacity for water for all these different uh things coming in sewer is going to be the issue and it just needs to be on the first come first serve basis and it's not going to be very long until we have to go back I don't think we ever dis we ever discontinued having a hookup feed for commercial at the current time we've got residential hookups waved we will furnish you a a tap and then you have to hire a plumber to buy your own lift station everything else come hook up to our system but that's probably other than the than the arpa money that we set aside to hook up so many so many users but when that money gone and it pretty much is now it's been spoken for we're going to have to go back to the way it was before which is you have to have a connection fee or a tap fee or whatever you want to call it to hook up water and sewer to try to cover some of these impacts and that's going to happen I think sooner rather than later even in my opinion it should happen sooner rather than later U and just just exempt the ones that we've already got on the list or that we're already going to hook up up or whatever that's all I have today M all right any further comments by the commission hearing now we're going to take a three minute break thank you e e e e e e e all right we're going to get back into our Board of County Commission meeting I do want to bring to your attention the blue cards that you fill out are not a necessity we're going to allow the public to speak with or without a card we're going to ask that you keep your comments to three minutes we're not going to gel you down if you go over a little bit so don't worry too much about that we understand three minutes is is kind of daunting at time some people can get it done some people can't can everybody hear me so we are going to keep our comments to three minutes but we're going to let the chair will will allow this to continue so don't worry too much about that so we're going to go uh in the order of who's for the project first and then we'll go who's against the project and again keep in mind that we're not going to vote on anything today other than any changes that might the board might decide um to ask the developer um if they decide to do that so our next our four is is Roy Dublin and Maria Gonzalez Mario Mario Gonzalez sorry I am so apologized I messed up your name so no problem um good morning Commissioners thank you for the opportunity to speak before you I'm Rory Dubin I'm president of the northeast Florida Association of Realtors which includes the majority of the realtor in putam County our membership has 12,000 members um we were presented with this project um at one of our board of directors meetings our board of directors voted in favor of supporting this unanimously and we come before you today to uh support that as you know um or or or I believe would know that um housing has been in a shortage in uh not only in putam County but really around the country and in Florida um Florida's population has been growing and this particular proposal for single family homes in a subdivision does bring as was previously stated a good economic impact uh both in the tax millage rate and and the impact on putham County so um our members including putham County and the greater northeast Florida are in support of this proposal and we wanted to come personally to um attest to that thank you sir Mario you want to say Mario thank you Mario Gonzalez uh thank you Commissioners we appreciate that again the president of the northeast Florida Association Realtors um there'll always be people in favor or against we speak in favor uh we thank you for your preliminary support if you will uh and the hard job is up to you so I appreciate the comments that you guys have been given to those putting forward in the project and we know it's not the end and it's not finalized it's just a beginning and those Communications should continue so we speak in favor thank you very much thank you for both coming down and we appreciate it very much next Mr Mark Linton it looks like Dana Jones is in we would like to express our support for the housing projects lated for State Route 207 I would like to State a few reason reasons why we desperately need Workforce housing we recently announced over 100 new jobs at the certainty gypsum facility on uh us7 North and many of them will need homes over the next 5 years our strategic plan's goal is to attract 750 new jobs that aren't here today and all will need housing our agriculture Acres have increased unlike some counties around us that have declined our housing has not grown were developed over the years many in our local Workforce are having to rent outside of putham County and drive here to work every day they are looking for affordable housing and this project provide much needed homes adequate Workforce housing can attract and expand our local labor force this project will generate construction jobs and will Infuse money into our local economy extending the water Wastewater along State Route 207 has made it the ideal place for development of this kind and it is coming from St John's County if not puon Northeast Florida is experiencing an unprecedented Surge and growth and we all need to work together to manage it we must provide infrastructure and support for projects like this so our growth is positive thank you for your time and consideration of this project thank you Mr Linton thank you the next is I have a comment Mr Adam Zach so at the average sales price of $350,000 per home that's not affordable housing the majority people in this community couldn't afford that house um the majority of the new jobs at certain teed couldn't afford that house with the current interest rates and taxes um so that's only looking to bring in people from outside this community is not looking to serve the people of this community or the job growth that we have lined up based on the fact that we're not attracting the six figure type jobs to this community at this time thank you thank you Mr Brett Dennis good morning Commissioners uh Brett Dennis Paka gas Authority uh 518 Main Street in Paca Florida um I'm going to read a statement too but I I want to start by saying thank you for the questions that you've already asked it's obvious to me that you're thinking this through and and want to make wise decisions um my statement would be uh Commissioners pla of gas Authority has long and proud history of meeting the gas energy needs of the citizens and businesses of putam County County over the past 65 years and most recently with our gas main extension to the fire station on 207 we have built a natural gas infrastructure that is positioned PGA to assist in the development of the 207 Corridor we are strong proponents of strategic economic development in putam county and plan to join the county with their uh water main extension project in East Palaca we are confident that putam County Board of County Commissioners and the putam County Planning Commission will make wise decisions uh regarding the details of the Alford Farms planned unit development and we stand ready to meet the gas energy needs of those customers thank you for your work thank you sir thank you now those who are against our first Speaker Mr Lynn Hoffman Mr Hoffman will you please come forward and if you will stay your name and address for the record please excuse my summer cold my wife and I both have the same that's why she is not here um honorable Commissioners uh regarding PUD for we are ly a Hoffman and my wife is Mary E Murphy Hoffman uh 500 County Road 207a Edgefield on the St John please add our names to the list of obes to the planed unit development of the Charles offer l in other words P4 our reason our reasons are many but primarily we object to taking 152 more or less Acres of prime farm land out of production we are rapidly losing this precious resource which we need to ensure that we produce the food we eat so many people do not make the connection that we must first grow our food or raise it to maturity it does not magically appear on the shelves in our grocery stores but it's about a yearlong process from Farm to Table what one sees in the food stores other than fresh produce has been harvested and process about one year ago you are pro proposing to reone a tract of land that is in the tri Tri County farming area of St John's putam and flager counties right in the middle of the farming District such a development will be a blight on our community on our farming Community we wish to continue living in our quiet peaceful community where it is quiet and traffic is is relatively sane nor do we want to see the massive stick type apartment housing units going up that we see every time we travel to St Augustine for doctor appointments we understand your wish to increase the property tax base and 700 housing units would certainly do that but it will increase our property taxes that we cannot afford we we have been told by you folks in a previous hearings you should have planned for the future we did we had a charitable remainder unit trust the trust worked for several years then got to where it was running out of money and in tenable to manage we chose to disolve it and the charity was properly given its portion meanwhile the property taxes continue to go up and our fixed incomes do not you will say then move to a different place that isn't on the river that is not acceptable to us I am the daughter my wife is the daughter of a great grandfather John Bland Hazel who moved here from Edgefield South Carolina and purchased the his land in November 1860 hu the recipients of the Florida Pioneer Family uh family award Mr Huff will you try to wrap it up sorry um I'm running down a little uh Pioneer farmly award established by the agricultural commissioner Doyle Connor in 1985 we are contributors to the county as historians a former puam County archist and the creator of the putham County Florida Cemetery website Mr Huffman I need you to wrap it up I can't can you wrap it up please you went over your time will you wrap it up just real quick only only a little all right thank you sir we also help solve mystery I'm through sir thank you very much thank you very much okay I've asked Zach to wipe down the microphone since you have a summer cold it's okay you're okay thank you before our next speaker haard may come with this thank you you're fine okay next speaker Mr Wade offer if you'll make your way up please and if you will state your name and address for the record please good morning wa offer 237 War pona Park my great grandfather was Bryant Sanders offord bought the first piece of this Farm on October 25th 1899 he and my grandparents expanded a swarm through World War II my father learned to plow on this property in 1937 or 38 at the age of 8 with a mule okay so let's put in motion aside all right that's all nice to know the facts are this does nothing for affordable housing it's inconsistent I have asked Planning and Zoning since before I went to the Planning Commission for documentation staff reports all these things I have gotten nothing I was there in person last week oh you can get it on the internet I still have nothing okay so how am I to organize an opposition to this yeah putam County increased a little bit of Farmland in Northeast Florida last 10 years we've lost over a million Acres of silver culture I am a farmer I also work four days a week in St John's County for a dood contractor in business management I moved from puam County to St John's County because of the commute ride time inter thing with Dad a lot of reasons I came back to putam county put my residence back in putam County because of what St John's County turned into that forlane of 207 took both of my grandparents properties their homes I own the other end on the other end I own one in St North County 207 is a nightmare already we don't we don't need all that this is lack of information from your planning his Zing is an issue I want resolved I wouldn't even Mr Pickins you're my commissioner can you please direct them to give me the PDF file whatever it is whatever information they have I Want It All um it's quite interesting that the land use future land use map this deal was initiated right before the future Man luse map was finalized quite interesting so you know you you guys are looking at a fight Mr Adams seems to be on board yeah we increased our grow crop land a little bit but look outside we don't just live in putam County we live in the state of Florida look at what happens in St John's County look at affordable housing right over there my my grandchildren Bryant Sanders offred's great great great grandchildren need affordable housing my daughter needs affordable housing this does not provide affordable housing I just really frustrated request and pertinent documents and not be able to get them and uh I think my story is as far as leaving going to St North County I'm done with that now I'm back here and I see this turning into St no County and that's really a problem I appreciate you guys consideration of say no thank you Mr aler I appreciate that okay next Mr Larry Tilton I'm Larry tillen live at 340 East Kracker Swamp Road been there almost 60 years so I'm well aware and well acquainted with the area with the traffic that has increased over the years out of St Augustine and blackler Estates Mr T will you pull that microphone right to your there you go and flat okay I'll start over no you're fine you gonna start my time over yes sir we'll start your time over okay there you go I'm Larry Tilton I live at three I got it son I live at 340 East cracker Swamp Road and I've lived there almost 60 years so I'm well a away I'm well acquainted with the area the growth of it and the uh negatives of the traffic coming out of St Augustine and Flagler Estates the property owners are requesting this foolish change is in between uh that lies in between 207 and cracker Swamp Road which ties into 207 making 207 the only corter of Ingress and egress for the proposal 207 is already stressed with the morning and evening commutes the property is approximately 150 acres and it was told to me that they're planning on building 700 I've heard 600 whatever houses per AC u in the process which comes between four and five houses per acre this is nothing more than a ghetto they may as well build an apartment building with 700 hous average uh yeah it'll be about four to five to the acre with the 700 houses at average a car and a half to the house that's a thousand cars a th000 trips a day in the morning 1 th000 trips a day in the evening 207 does not need this additional stress Highway 17 and 100 which 207 Deads into many times lets like a parking lot all the way from 207 to uh of Paca it's already overc capacity even though Maps May indicate subdivisions in the area most are cultivated Farms this foolishness will destroy the farming in that area already the it has been reported that uh those who want to do this have contacted neighboring land owners to see if they can expand this thing this is nothing more than a cancer uh you can call it development if you want to I've heard it said you can't stop it yeah we can and now and time and now in this place is the time to stop it it's not good for the area it will destroy the area it will destroy it's the beginning of the end of Agriculture and in East paca I think I've hit the highlights of what I've got to say it's a bad situation it's not for here and I heard the buzzer so I'll quit uh don't do it thank you thank you thank you if there's any questions for me I'll be glad to take them right now thank you Mr Jody counts I'm Jody counts 331 East cracker Sal Road um we're against it fully it'd be a terrible terrible deal to put into uh you don't put a farm in the middle of town so don't bring a town to the middle of the farming community in East FAA it is the dead center and like Uncle Larry said it's a Cancer and that thing will spread and it'll consume all agriculture down 207 and uh it's just not a good deal and the back road just because you keep offer dirt won't mean the people won't stay off of it Flagler States has a big pretty entrance with their name on it but a hell of a lot of people use the back entrance and they clog up cracker swamp every day running into farm equipment going off the roads running through fences and that little intersection off and craer swamp it ain't going to hold that many people coming on and off of it and it'll be bad and uh yeah i' like turn the rest of my time over to my dad Johnny counts thank you next is Jack counts my name is jet counts I live at 120 Turner Road about a half a mile from where the subdivision is proposed to go I like 95% of the people in this County am against this subdivision it is a terrible move for putam and will have a detrimental impact on the surrounding Community if this passes it will be the start to the end of agriculture in East PKA all them Yankees and city folks are not the type of people you want to be moving into the heart of Agriculture the first thing they will be complaining about is a smell of rotten cabbage and ters dust from the fields farm equipment moving too slow on the roads Farmers spraying their crop because it smells like chemical gats and flies buzzing all summer and the list goes on political push back about these things will aggravate and stress the farmers so they won't even want to be here anymore many already want to leave now who do y'all care about your farmers and ranchers or the Yankees that want to move in and change our way of life in the Planning and Zoning meeting we went to last month which was a waste of time the big determining Factor on this was whether it complied with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive development plan it was clearly conveyed that it did not apply but somehow that dictating woman Susan conjured half the board to vote for It Anyway the goal of this plan is to maintain and manage the County's natural resources and Quality of Life by establishing a pattern of development that is harmonious with the Count's natural environment and supports the rural and agrarian nature of the county while providing a desired lifestyle for County residents first off covering cultivated land with concrete and houses just seems like destruction of Natural Resources it has been stated many times by numerous people that a subdivision like this greatly decreases the quality of life for everyone in it and everyone around it after that you've got to be a sure enough idiot to actually believe that development is harmonious with agriculture or supports the rural and agrarian nature of this County and it is definitely not the type of Lifestyle the people of this County desire the only people this is going to benefit are the few very wealthy people putting this this deal together and the politicians that are in their back pockets after hearing all the negative impacts and discuss from lifelong putam County residents and people from surrounding counties also y'all's vote on this will determine whether you actually care about the people of this County and the East Baca Community or whether you're just a bunch of scurvy bastards in it for the money thank you for your time and than deeply about your decisions yeah thank you but a lot of that was unnecessary no one's in the back pocket of any body Cheyenne Smith I'm Cheyenne Smith I live at 8845 Barrel Factory Road in Hastings um I live right down the road from my family's cattle ranch and that's where Jet and Jody also live um and I help them work and we're there a lot um and I just don't think this is a very well planned opportunity for development um around here um we have farm equipment we have livestock cattle horses dogs that we used to work um there's just so much so many people on the roads already that we can't we can't keep up we get ran over all the time over there like it's just they're zipping around us um this is only going to bring more conflict to our way of life and how we can do things um I I don't believe leaving the access open in the back down offord road to Cracker swamp is a good idea also um because yes they will be using that and it will be a big problem um and then the the zoning is not consistent with the surrounding area um yeah you can't put put houses in in the middle of farms like that of that capacity um it's it's only going to move towards us and it's going to affect our properties and and our taxes and and things like that and it's just we're just completely opposed to it um thank you thank you very much Mr Johnny counts I would allow that Miss Gina my name is Gina Tilton counts I live at 9470 Barrel Factory Road in Hastings we own and operate a cattle ranch that has been in my family a few Generations the ranch borders cracker Swamp Road part of it is just across the county line in St John's County and the largest part of it is is on the putam county side in East Baca which borders cracker Swamp Road my husband Johnny and I are two daughters their husbands our three granddaughters our two sons and their wives all live on the ranch our property is 310 of a mile from the proposed development I'm here in opposition to granting a special variance to allow a high density residential planned unit development that borders an intensive agricultural industry this type of change is not compatible with The Agrarian nature of the surrounding lands we already know of the obvious impact that a high concentration of people in such a small area is going to bring forth such as traffic issues pressure on the natural environment overcrowded schools increase in property taxes and the list goes on that area has been producing an e economic value not only to the benefit of the farmer but to the county and the community I can see what this type of development has done to St John's County and as far as I know this type of development does not exist in putham County but will create the same effect that St John's County is having to deal with now and it's not good the Planning and Zoning meeting that I attended and spoke at pertaining to this was very confusing and contradicting as a majority of the board had the opinion this this was not a correct fit for the area however they seem forced to vote for it at least one board member had a conflict of interest or at least an appearance of impropriety that was not disclosed also with this kind of impact on the area it is designed to stab in the heart our way of life that we have known for several generations and create adverse conditions that will further burden our lifestyle our property and our Pursuit of Happiness along with our neighbors other family farmers and our friends I want to emphasize to all of you to not take this lightly and use all the wisdom and discernment in making this decision thank you for your time thank you Miss Jean I appreciate it Mr Johnny K thank you good seeing all of y'all We Hold Us in the right place I might have to get Uncle Larry to hold it for me I'm Johnny counts 9470 Barrel Factory Road cracker swamp Florida I oppose the granting of a special exception to allow an unprecedented density of residential homes in a highly intensive agriculture Corridor I say let them build under the arbitrarily imposed zoning policies that has been placed upon the surrounding land owners as it stands uh I also oppose it becoming a Community Development District which which granted uh imminent domain powers under State statutes I asked for redress of the planning and development that meeting that had conflicts of interest and those appearances of impropriety of board members not disclosed or a true reflection of the majority of the board members stated opinions that this development does not meet The Agrarian nature of the surrounding area as is written in the purpose of the comp plan and the attempt to vote their conscience in this matter I disagree with the premise that this will be a benefit the community or the county a residential subdivision is not compatible with a highly intensity agricultural industry for the obvious reasons of the nature of AGG production being the sights sounds and fragrances of nature of a production uh growing the sustenance to our Survival on this Earth and those that don't like to mow grass have very little tolerance for it commercial or industrial type of businesses can coexist with an agricultural Community but we all know that when people come the problems become exponential and the finger always points to the easiest Target I'd like to see a report from the staff that shows the cost benefits comparison showing the economic impact to the county by changing this land from a production which has been continuous since before there was even a green belt exemption we're talking a century here at least and has been continuous since there was ever even a uh and and this type of UT utopian residential development that has transformed some of our neighboring counties into a spiral of unsustainable cost for infrastructure and Services I disagree with the premise of the county comp plan and the Land Development code creates the conditions that if an application checks the right boxes it has to be granted the creation cannot control the Creator and we must not tie the hands of its future Governors the powers of our government come from the people this development that is paying three times the going rate for agricultural land is the machinations of men with an agenda to get the proverbial camel's nose Under the Tent that will be their stick to continue overpowering the surrounding Community many who have been here many generations and contributed as well as sacrificed to BU homes their family and their Industries in putam County heel said we learn from history that we don't learn from history and it doesn't take have to look back very far to see the irreversible damage that's happens when we stop planting potatoes and cabbage and start planting Yankees on some of the most agriculturally productive ground along St John's River Basin we must find a way to protect our most wisest pursuit of Agriculture mitigate the loss of valuable tillable soil like we are compelled to do for the frogs and the lizards we are our very existence depends on 6 in of top soil and the fact that it rains we are living a parallel to Patrick D Smith's nozzle a land remembered it's a story about transition change remembering Our Roots and has always been a part of our identity as native Floridians Mr Council you start wrapping up Adam putam gives us great words to ponder at this time I have often said that culture eats strategy for lunch and so here it is our culture must be preserved never lose sight of the people the industries the Traditions the Heritage that we all fight and work for every day always remember where we came from the shoulders of the Giants we stand on and always remember our Roots I emplore you as a governing body to pray for the wisdom and discernment to choose what is right and let the consequences follow May the spirit guide you in this most important decision that will have far-reaching effects and implications to be forever constituted thank you Mr counts thank you uh trelin Davidson and I messed up that name I know I yes ma'am I should have said that no no I'm not criticizing but I you understand the connection then yes ma'am all right um I grew up here um went to school here I love the people of this County I love them dearly I come back often to visit uh I still have family here as you noticed my emotional brother over there but um I understand where he's coming from um this land was um my grandfather's land and his 10 kids farm that land with him and it goes back 125 years and I the owners of this land right now are offer also and I will say that I'm not going to get into a family fight but my grandfather did not they did not inherit that land from my grandfather and if they had he would he would not be allowing this to happen if he had any possible say at all because um it's just against everything everybody else has said and I'm not I had I was so frustrated with the last meeting I was so frustrated and I'll have to even go into that because you've heard that from everybody you guys need to do something about that I mean it was confusing uh it really was but so that I can get to all my points let me go first by saying no this is not going to be affordable housing okay because of the way things went last time I said you know what I've got to do my research I have got I've got to really get in there and find some ways to show how this is not right I looked up the census uh it's called the census AC s oneyear survey it states that the median household income for putham County area was $3,370 in 2021 now we're talking about houses $300 to $400,000 I was told previously this this development is not going to bring people from it's going to bring people from other places say putham county is not going to be able to afford this most people and that's what I don't want to see I live in St John's County now I wish I could be back here I've watched my our Farmland I've watched our forest just disappear and every time I go down State Road 16 to visit my brother in the nursing home I see more and more and more of it but anyway I um also wanted to say that I went back and I looked at your comprehensive plan because although they agreed last time time um all but two and originally it was all but four that this is in alignment with your comprehensive plan it is not goal A1 says maintain and manage the N the County's natural resources and Quality of Life by establishing a pattern of development that is harmonious with the County's natural environment and supports the rural and agrarian nature of the county while providing a desired lifestyle for County residents that was one thing then there's policy 8142 the Land Development code shall provide protection measures for the continuation of agricultural uses within the county the county shall analyze land use changes and development activities proposed adjacent to existing agricultural areas to ensure compatibility with agricultural uses I'm wondering if this has been done urban sprawl yes I look that up and it's all over the place in this is that really my ding yes okay that's okay just wrap it up all right I it I mean I'm I'm he he explained urban sprawl I was going to give you the definition that are in your that's in your uh comprehensive plan in Your Land Development but he's explained it and I will say I have heard you are from up North and evidently you get it down here and I appreciate it I also want to say you guys you guys have been awesome because you have have picked up points that we have stated before you've asked questions you're trying to make things clear you're trying to hold them accountable and I appreciate it and I hope you'll continue to do that and I would like to say a lot more about my thumb's up thank you would you do me a favor and state your name and address for the record okay it is on the sheet but my name is Trevin offred Davidson and I live in St John's County at 1528 Green Circle West St John's which is Fruit Cove Florida thank you very thank you very much all right is there anybody else that would like to speak that has not done a card please um okay there's four I saw you first so come over here and state your name and address and if you all line up we can move this pretty quick so uh my name is Ali Alford uh my address is 101 Retreat Lane um I don't live in East Paka I do live in puam County but not East Paka and and um as a single mom um my biggest issue I think is the affordable housing we keep hearing that it's affordable housing but then they said $350,000 was the median or the average house price that these houses are going to be um I do raise my kids here I have four kids so these people are going to come from out of town to buy these houses because like they said the Medan uh income is $33,000 for a person in pu County so if the people come from out of town where are these kids going to go to school how is this going to affect the people that live here and do raise their kids here how is it going to affect their day-to-day life my kids my oldest son he rides a bus to school every day and if we don't make it to the first bus stop and we have to make it to the last he doesn't get a seat on the bus so how's it going to affect the people that try to raise their kids and like single parents I don't have much help with my kids so it's going to affect us a lot to have all these new people come into putam County and I really believe that this is not a good thing for our area for our County and that's all I had to say I didn't prepare anything so thank you Miss Al appreciate it please come up state your name and address for the record my name is silver Chell I live at 130 old Spanish Bluff Road East placa Florida and my concern is the wetlands on this proposed neighborhood have a Creek in them all the water coming from the neighborhood is probably going to run off into that Creek that Creek then goes to I think edille parcel which I think this man used to own and donated to the county County ly Hoffman that then goes to another Creek called cat Creek which runs through my yard so all the trash that's going to run into this Wastewater is going to eventually come through my yard and every time there's a storm all the debris is going to come in my yard and it's not just the debris it's the fertilizer the chemicals everything else that are going to go in the St John's this is direct path to the St John's and I haven't heard anything about water management but it will go straight into the St John's river it will affect the algae bloom and everything else it'll affect the fish populations the N it'll smell and it's just going to be bad and I'm just wondering if they're going to implement some kind of filtration system to block things from entering I know the Edgefield parcel is supposed to help with that but we need more that's not going to be enough and I'm not totally Pro or against the neighborhood um I'm kind of on the fence but I think there's a lot of things that need to be addressed and the water runoff is one of them for sure thank you thank you thank you very much morning Commissioners morning y' get to see my face a lot I'm the agriculture agent here in putam County my name is Wendy museline I grew up in East Paca my current permanent address is 122 Old Brick Road in East Paca there is no culture without agriculture um I have worked in agriculture the majority of my career I'm a Prof professional engineer I have lived in agriculture in Europe and I am here because I love my county and I want to see agriculture remain economically environmentally sustainable I've heard a lot about acreage increases in agriculture in putam County I have statistics they did an A sensus and if you just kind of take that top layer yes agriculture as a whole including silver culture livestock acreage and crop acreage as a whole has actually increased in putham County when you compare a census from 2017 to 2022 which is in total contrast to St John's County which is decreased by 31% in their acreage and in contrast to Flagler which is our other kind of big a partner which has decreased by 9% but what you need to understand when we break down this census we have thir 14,000 Acres of what we consider crop land that has not changed that's actually gone down in the last five years and break it down one more time if you pull out the line item vegetables melons potatoes sweet potatoes that's 4,800 Acres so yes 150 acres means something it means we're losing 4 .5 million tons of potatoes per year this land has improved irrigation tile drain funded by 75% by the government by D by St John's Water Management District at $4,500 per acre so this is not just silver culture land that you clear and cut pine trees down okay this is highly productive V vegetable land in our community I am offended by that last meeting that had contractors on that board that had a realtor on that board that voted against this and yes it is absolutely inconsistent with Goal A1A in the in the comprehensive use plan which was actually their vote I I did not understand that vote I was there didn't understand it not going to read that again passionate about this a lot about economics one more um 62.2 million a year AG crops bring in now that's that's a that's crop land that's for putham County and that's part of this census 62.2 million per year it is part of our economic structure it is our economic driver for putam County so let me just say there is no culture without about agriculture so please please strongly consider this in your decisions thank you Wy good afternoon my name is crystalin McClure and I live at 210 cracker swamp dirt road um this is not good I'm not I'm I'm new to the community I will say I actually moved here from Miami and watched the Redlands do exactly what this community is going to do here they bought up little bits little bits until there is nothing left and it didn't take more than 5 years we moved here because we wanted this kind of a lifestyle we don't want all of the people packed in all around us I live directly across from all the farmlands I get to watch them on the roads having to deal with the traffic the accidents the people getting severely injured because they are running into farm equipment running off the roads on cracker Swamp Road and it will impact that area greatly it will definitely it'll impact the farmers it impacts the people that are coming here because we don't want to live in that congestion and my kids went to school here I know that the average person here isn't going to be able to afford these houses at all there's just no way that's not that's that's totally untrue um that these are going to be affordable for people in the community is I totally agree with everybody that is going to bring people from outside and not support the actual Community here I have friends that want to move to the area because they also want this kind of a lifestyle but they don't want to come if this development happens because it's it's is going to just impact all of that as well so that's all I have to say I hope you guys take into consideration all of those things and everything that everyone else has said because it is very important thank you thank you very much okay good morning I think it's still morning um council members my name is Jacqueline Green I live at 546 LX Street in Jacksonville Florida but I spend all of my time in putam County for the last two and a half years um my daughter who's here with my granddaughter and one of their best friends um are horse girls and so two and a half years ago um we made the decision to spend a lot more time in a rural community so that my kids could you know grow up um in this kind of an environment um I am an attorney um I am not used to being this ill prepared I found out about this meeting last night um didn't really know my my finger my my my uh I'm I'm not in tune with what's happening in this community nearly enough um been busy but um this is clearly something that is very important I think um and I'd like all of you guys to know that I appreciate y'all's attention that I've seen y'all um take on this point um and I want to just know put kind of give you a little bit of a different perspective um I am off I stay off of cracker swamp um dirt road and um basically um the things that y'all have brought up about the sewer I think is you kind of can't bypass that that sounds really important um and so you know I think that's one of things that really before you make any movements forward I don't know how you just ignore the fact that it's going to overwhelm your sewer plant um I'm not on sewer where I stay there is a septic tank and so would it be nice to have sewer yes it would I want youall to know that I've been looking at properties myself I'm going to disclose here that the properties that I'm looking for are in the 500 to an $800,000 range anything that's something like 40 acres or larger to 100 acres is what I've been looking for for myself just so you know that are other people out there who are looking to come to putham County and make this their home that are looking for agricultural space one of the reasons why I have not looked as much very locally is because of what I've seen happening here that it's starting to look a lot more like St John's County so I'm going farther north farther west because I don't want to end up living where I was living which is Jacksonville and I have never looked in St John's County because of what is there so um I think that there is an issue $3 million of taxes that's a lot I can understand how that is very enticing but I think there's probably another way to come up with that Revenue than this plan um so I would be happy to try to you know assist with brainstorming that like I said I'm Ill prepared because I didn't know about this meeting or even this really this issue until last night um but I felt compelled to to be here and just say that there is another perspective um there is definitely you know some brainstorming I think that can be effective in trying to get everybody's needs met I'm sorry to the Dr Hortons of the world but if you guys turn Paca or putham County into St John's County people like me aren't going to want to be here people who have horse girls aren't going to want to be here so you kind of got to decide what do y'all like about this community this is what I fell in love and why I spend my time in this community is because it is Ral because of all of the farmers because of all of the people who are in agriculture because of what they mean to what we have going on and what we need we need food you know we obviously need more vegetables but you know so I just really appreciate everything y'all have done in your time and I would just ask you to really face the issue of the septic that's a big deal or the um sewer and let's brainstorm how else we can come up with $3 million okay thank you thank you so much for your time all right last speaker I'm Ralph heggy 112 Paul drive and Hollister um I just been hearing you know about this project and uh I'm just wondering did anybody do any research on how much the family makes a year here I mean that they're not going to be able to afford these $350,000 homes that's ridiculous if you think about it can you all reord it I know I can't and I'm a landlord so I I'm just telling you it it's ridiculous I don't know what's behind it or what's going on but it's all about the money because nobody can afford $350,000 homes that's all I got to say just want to put it on record thank you thank you thank you this is going to close our public portion meeting of this and we're have commissioner deliberations commissioner adamac you have the floor I do want to be clear there are places in putam County this is appropriate so that is definitely a fact um my background I am a Yankee I moved here from Buffalo New York I grew up in an agricultural Community the town that I moved from had 160 people on the C Center New York um we fought developers we fought all that stuff tooth and nail like you all are doing um not when it was appropriate there was developments that went right by the town center and expanded out and over time it did take some Farmland that was appropriate it filled in some areas where there was houses where people had 10 acre Estates 20 acre Estates and there was 100 acres in between that the farmers really didn't want to farm anymore because they were surrounded by people that moved from other towns and things like that and eventually those 100 200 acre Parcels became small developments um that's normal what's not normal is jumping several miles out of a town center and creating something that's a standalone entity that drains the resources of everything around it and changes the Dynamics of the surrounding environment um to me that absolutely is unacceptable I I listen as every person that's up here ran for office every one of us said we want controlled growth that doesn't mean we all think controlled growth is the same as one another um but when I said it I I meant what I'm telling you right now now I meant that we need to grow from City centers and town centers out and we need to focus on backfill and not focus on jumping the gun and creating situations where we're making it backfield occur which is exactly what this does this creates a situation where we jump out of the city center of East placa and obviously City's it's not a recognized City at this point but it basically is one of the biggest communities that we have in putham county and you create a backfill situation from there that basically eliminates you know traditional Agriculture and traditional what this community is based on why I live here why I chose to move here and buy 20 acres in the middle of the woods why a lot of people choose to live here and have one to five acre parcels and have that that ability to have some chickens or to have a little bit of growing vegetables and stuff I managed to 450 Acre Farm we we own 450 acres we just sold the last 80 acres literally last year um and we made sure we sold it to a Dairy Farmer and a trust holds that mortgage for that Dairy Farmer CU we understand that farmers today can't afford to go out and just buy lots and land with the way developers are inflating the prices so at some point in the farming Community you all have to decide whether it's more important to keep your community and maybe lose a little bit of your you know your land's value but to keep it in the farming and I spoke about that to a couple groups in the past year um that's a decision some people in some s some parts of the country are decide and to preserve it these land trusts aren't necessarily the best idea in the world either um again I'm I'm against this project for all those reasons it goes against everything I believe in the whole reason why I live in this County why I believe in what this county is and uh and it goes against our comprehensive plan and what I believe is the core beliefs that formed it thank you thank you Mr Adam that Mrs Wilkinson you know this is one of those things I'd uh question whether I was going to push my button on um I've only been here it's my second year here but Mr item Zach I know you've made lots of comments today and um I'm still very open-minded about this and taking in all the facts but I'd like to know did you vote on the future land use map that included this parcel in East Palaca to Urban service I I voted no on the comprehensive plan okay and did you vote to expand Water and Sewer to East paca I have voted no on every sewer thing that's been in front of me since I've been on this board okay thank you any other comments from commissioner commers Mr chairman yes sir Mr could I ask Mr Porter to come back up please you may Mr Porter did you have any issues with any of the statements that was made earlier that the the request on my behalf as far as lot width lot size um the side set backs at 7 1/2 ft 22t streets that you'd either have a CDD or a homeowners association that would maintain the roadways inside um and that the U and that there would be a minimum of a 30 foot set back on the perimeter locks 20 foot that you have drawn and the other 10 foot did you have an issue with any of those no sir I was going to make a 24 fet of Paving instead of the 22 because as well wider the better okay Mr chairman I move that Miss Wilkinson has a comment if you don't mind to okay I'm sorry no you're fine um are you putting offence on the are you putting a fence along the perimeter uh regarding on cracker Swamp Road side we certainly can okay I know the development agreement says or so I wanted to to just see what your if uh if everybody would prefer fence I have no problem with putting the well I'm trying to figure out how I I do understand the Intensive agricultural use in that area and there have been some good concerns that have been brought up today by residents uh regarding noise and dust uh those are all true things large equipment in in the area um so how would you address that with your residents If This Were to move forward whenever we think that we're going to have a problem with a neighbor or that kind of thing that will upset residents we typically as part of our contract will'll have a disclosure they sign that that tells them what that condition is if they're next to a natural area or they're next to a wetland or close to something that's going to be noisy or whatever so what we would do as part of our our purchase and sale contract on the houses is to do a disclosure that explains that they are next to uh they are next to active farmland and that there will be dust and smells and noise and that sort of thing okay all right thank you that was but but I remember as a young boy and people would say what's that smell in Paca and it smelled like money it's called Hudson Pulp and Paper back then my grandfather came out of up north to start that Mill and my daddy worked out there and um I was supposed to but I was kind of a rebel and didn't want to follow Daddy's footsteps out there um but I guess my concern is that everybody's fine with knowing we live next to agricultural until that cabbage field starts smelling on a hot day and it does smell you have to turn your air conditioner off sometimes driving through there because it it'll come right on in your car but at the same time it's the way of life and and my concern there is as much as much as you try to tell people in my business I could say it every day you moved out there knowing of that condition but yet you want it changeed once you get there and that's a big problem the other problem I had when I talked to you was about that property and the wetlands that surround that and that water trying to get over to the river I have been out there with Mr Smith who drove me through that property with water FL coming in his his floorboards on his property and that water all trying to go that direction and I understand you got a lot of ponds and retention areas and but it's it's wet and right now we're dry and we're we're getting almost to a to a concern level out in West putam as dry as it is so I do have concerns there and my other concern the rural nature is one of them but also that offer Road you know people are going to come out there they're going to think that that's a way out and they're going to take that dirt road through farmland and they're going to hit cracker Swamp Road and then they're going to get down there to 207 and what then it's bad enough now it's scary bad at times um and I do understand I see the farm equipment trying to turn in to unload their potatoes and cabbage and they can't get off the road and the trucks that are deliver or taking the product out can't get on the road it it's it's scary out there so there are times that it that I'm worried about but I do think we got some situations that we need to address if this project moves forward and I I'm really probably more against it based on the fact that I want to see some I want to see some concessions um that that address the concerns of the neighbors out there so that's my concern Mr Adam did you have another comment or Mr Pickins I'm sorry okay in the comments with commissioner Turner you were going to move the road widths to internal roads to 24 feet yes sir okay now you'll still have sidewalks in there yes sir there'll still be sidewalks okay and as for the Alfred Road I would have no problem it's it's an open road I don't have the right to close it without permission from from from the board I assume I would be happy to close it off and just have uh a crash gate something like that so if if a fire Tru or ambulance needs to get through they still can but that way we would not have any regular traffic if that if that helps take care of that concern thank you Mr turny you were going to make a motion well let me start by saying I think that we need to have more discussion on offer Road by all means but it needs to be carefully thought out and the reason being if you go and pave offer Road from end to end then you're guaranteeing you're going to turn all those people out especially the ones that want to go down cracker Swamp Road and get to to St John's County or the ones that want to go to town but there's a little bit of traffic up at the other intersection so I think we need to carefully think about do you really want that road paved cuz then most of the people are going to go out to 207 which is where we'd want them to go so I I don't I don't know I think that discussion needs to be had but it just it needs to be carefully thought out um and I don't really think that closing that road would be the the good option either because there's just too many people that use it right now so um Mr chairman I move that we that we move this forward to the next hearing on um August 13th at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as possible with the caveat that the applicant change to 5,000 square ft minimum Lots 50t minimum width side setbacks of 7 1/2 ft 24t interior streets that the language is put in there for a CDD or a homeowners association that will maintain all interior roadways and the perimeter set back a minimum of 30 ft Mo a proper motion do we have a second um Mr uh commissioner Turner would you also add a connection fee or tipping or I think we not not to my motion but I'll certainly talk to you about it after okay I'll second your motion we have a proper motion we have a second any further discussion yeah one one question I should have done it before the motion you mentioned offence um Leota you mention the fence I did I wanted to Perimeter offence okay okay uh what kind of fence something that's going to separate them a little bit better than a not good with it that's no problem privacy a privacy fence well I mean that's not just a clear hog wire chain link fence you're talking about a a an opaque fence of some kind that would give them separation yes sir Mr chairman I'll add that to my motion will you you in your second I in my second okay so there is going to be a fence of a privacy fence of source perimeter perimeter all right any further discussion on I do have a question to make sure everybody understands and I understand that the decision will be made at our next meeting at our next meeting yes all we're doing is voting to move it forward is what we're doing but moving it Forward under the new conditions that they've requested the new minimums okay and that doesn't guarantee it's going to come out that way so I mean right now we're just in discussion Mr Adams that we have a motion just for clarification I hope you've already know on this motion because it's not an evening meeting I'm sorry would you repeat that IA it's not an evening meeting gotcha gotcha all right all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose like son I guys have it thank you very much thank you all very much for coming next case is our reone PUD 24-5 Greg Kimble commissioner Wilson commissioner Wilson I I I would like to have that discussion under commissioner comments that we were just talking about what's that the um what was he going discuss stuff okay okay all right staff are you ready again this is one of two readings guys if we could we got to move on for go ahead Jenner for the record Jenifer gazelle planning and development services the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from residential manufactur home park RM and Commercial General C3 and residential 2 R2 to plan unit development PUD the applicant is Greg Kimbell this is a four 15.94% located at 1488 State Road 20 in interlam the applicant is seeking approval for the purpose of establishing an overnight recreation park consisting of up to 130 RV sites no more than two caretaker residences 10 primitive camping sites and a bath house the submitted development agreement outlines the construction to be one phase with completion occurring by December 31st 2030 the parcel is designated Agriculture and commercial on the adopted future land use map the applicant removed 40 mobile homes leaving two mobile homes which are occupied by tenants of the prior mobile home park and may be used as the caretaker residences in the future the subject lands have approximately 850 ft of pave Road Frontage on State Road 20 and approximately 85 ft of Road Frontage on Southwest 59th Avenue an unpaved County maintained Road according to putam County GIS reference map there are no apparent Wetlands should this PUD be approved the applicant will then submit to the development Review Committee DRC to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review the plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations as it pertains to this property the DRC will ensure the placement of RV lots is acceptable based on the development agreement and the Florida Department of Health review the plans for pable water and sanitary sewer other agencies including but not limited to puam County Public Works Emergency Services Florida Department of Transportation and St John's River Water Management District will review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties so our aerial view future land use zoning flood zone [Music] Wetlands conceptual plan staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from residential manufactured H Park RMH and Commercial General C3 and residential 2r2 to plan unit development with staff proposed development agreement the request is consistent with the requirements for PUD zoning consistent with the future plan use designation and consistent with other comprehensive plan goals objectives and policies at the scheduled public hearing on June 12th 2024 the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the resoning appli thank you so this is one of two readings of minimal so miss WI other FL uh thank you um Jennifer Jennifer um so will accessory uses be allowed or not allowed um because when I look under section 3.32 of the development agreement it said last sentence says accessory uses uses normally associated with residential uses will be not be allowed so is it will be or is it not because you have both in there I think it's just a typo I'm just trying to figure out it may be a typo in the development agreement I'm going to defer to the applicant on that question okay um that's my only question okay Mr jerman yes sir um the only really concern I have with this CU obviously it's it's an existing mobile home park right now and so this is definitely an upgrade to in my opinion is that they have one parcel that's parcel number four I think it is is that goes over on the Fifth Avenue or wherever it is um I don't can with this being a PUD can we request or can we say that we don't want the we don't want them to have access except emergency access on the fifth that's a a dirt road it is and he don't need to bring all those those RVs in and out of that dirt road to get into this thing it need needs to come in and off of the actual Highway itself I believe it's part of the msbu system out there too that road I think we can require that as part of this process can't we that they can't get that they can't use that as a primary Ingress or egress I don't believe that there's actually access from that road at all when we went out it shows that every every piece of pap paper I have shows it I think what you're saying is you want to stop them from using it for Access cuz you could not access from there I mean cannot use it for inass and eass except for emergencies on the side road on the side road can they just take that partial out thank you can we just exclude that parcel from this P well I think there's some validity for emergency situations that he kind you might want to have it for an emergency situation to get ambulances in and out or what have you um but I just don't think I've been to quite a few RV parts in the last year or two and it seems like they all have a second Ingress and digress but you can't use it except in in case of emergencies so I don't know that's just my opinion whatever y'all think I agree with it I agree with you yeah I just want to say this is out there between kind of where Larry and I live almost if you went made a line it's probably in the middle and um I don't know when they purchased it but I know since I've lived out there and I used to live behind there now I live the other end um in District 5 it's they've already shown great Improvement to the property so um I think it's a blessing that they're they're doing it and obviously no matter what we do we don't know who's going to own it in the future whether they'll maintain that but uh I think it's a great project considering what's already there yeah I I agree I think I've seen vast improvements in this Mobile Home Park been out there over 45 years and uh very very very cleaned up and looking forward to the final but I do I have a concern on that partial four um I don't know if you really want to include that in your PUD but if you do um emergency access but if you did it's going to come through your doll Park and then you've got other your your facilities there number 70 and and 69 so I don't think you're going to be able to is the applicants here okay why don't um come on up to the and let's let's move this a little forward real quick if you will go ahead and state your name and address for the record and then we can talk about that I'm Laney Kimbell it's 1488 State Road 20 in interlockin okay Greg Kimble same address okay good if you will speak right into the microphone okay so I guess the question that Mr Turner had is the accesses off of 20 seem to be appropriate and they look really good y'all done a good job but off of 50 Southwest 56 Avenue which I believe is part of our msbu West putam msbu system I'm not sure exactly you've got partial 4 are you familiar with that partial right here yeah okay take my map then see okay so yeah this one down here where your finger that one yeah you have to go to the um yeah go to the go to the podium because I guess my question is if you what's your plans for that commissioner Turner thought it might be an access but no we were planning on closing that off unless it's deemed necessary for emergency use what would you do with it would you close it off just sell it out right or just sell it yeah then I wouldn't include it in your PUD is what I'm saying okay so I think you could carve that out that yeah Mr chairman if I may can can we check with Rich on because it's been advertised accordingly for that property to be included are we able to just omit it at this point in time yeah you can reduce what's part of the application okay so we can I mean the effect would be the denial of the P so okay if if the property owners are okay with that then I I don't see an issue with striking the inclusion of that lot on the east side of the you're okay with that clear we're talking lot would you state that publicly that you're okay with doing yeah I'm we're okay with it um is there any issue with emergency access though I want to make sure that's not you weren't going to use it as such anyway correct so yeah and and the two accesses off of 20 you know should be three yeah okay so yeah and I do appreciate y'all cleaning it up it's been I used to get a lot of complaints I get none now and I am your commissioner out there in that area so all right so we're good any other so the any other comments you'd like to make while you have the podium you are the applicant you're good okay good thank you did we get the question ask about the accessory um uses that's in the agreement that will or will not if I may on behalf of the applicants I believe the intention is to allow accessory uses for the residential units that would be entitled on the development agreement um but not to allow accessory uses for the RV spaces within the the park so can we clear that up on this agreement because it's it's not clear is that up with the applicants will you define accessory units so I make sure I might sure yeah an accessory use would be a garage a pool uh a balcony for single family residents storage facility things like that no we don't plan on having that other the the homes that are there okay thank you can I have my map back now thank you thank you okay this is a public thank you Miss Kimble I appreciate it thank you this is a public hearing so is there anybody in the audience willing wishing to speak in favor or opposition of this request all right seeing no one running to the podium to speak we will table we will close the public portion of this and Commissioners there's been a request on this to move it to a date of September 10th was that correct is that correct September 10th okay chair will entertain a motion Mr chair I move to um move this next reading of PUD 240000 00005 to September 10th 2024 at what time at 9:00 or shortly thereafter okay okay I'll second it but um are we going to put in there that a partial four is no long is no longer included like he offered to do where they don't have access to that side Ro yeah they're handling that well they're they're amending their application to support okay so any further discussion on the motion at hand hearing that all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign I guys have it okay next portion of our agenda public comment on agenda items um is is there any public comment on any of the consent item 6 a b and c any public comment on that then we'll close the public comment period and Commissioners is there any items you like to pull commissioner Adams at commissioner Turner none commissioner Pickins I have none commissioner Wilkinson I have none and I have none chair will entertain a motion Mr chair I move approval of consent agenda items a b and c a proper motion do we have a second per har for second any further discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I oose like sign the eyes have it Thomas are you ready for codes enforcement is there anybody in the audience for the fine reduction case codes 2006 d312 or 2020-1 164 is there anyone in the audience for those two codes cases or any of the code cases okay all right the chair will entertain a motion there chairman with regards to U code case 206 01312 I move that we reduce the f a 4 staff recommendation of $4,102 of paid within 90 days second proper motion proper second any further discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign the eyes have it Mr chairman with regards to case number 2020 00164 a move that we ac staff recommendation and reduced to $1,797 if paid within 90 days second proper motion proper second further discussion hearing and all in favor signify second I have it okay thank you Thomas appreciate it any appointments commissioner Pickins I have none commissioner Wilkinson I have none commissioner adamac I have none today commissioner Turner I have none and I have none today either going right down to new business Administration third quarter budget reports good afternoon Commissioners this is your third uh quarter fiscal year 24 budget reports um as we've discussed numerous times although we are theoretically 75% of our year is complete with the close of quarter three we do not uh travel a normal cycle I.E you will not expect to see 75% of your revenues or expenditures expended um I do have a few notes um in the general fund we receive 90% of our revenues that is largely coming from your taxes um the uh intergovernmental revenue is down a little bit that is because we're changing the way putam County Sheriff's Office is receiving and expending gret revenues so you're going to see that um reflected in the midyear trup when we do uh the the account adjustments we will remove those revenues and expenditures um they're receiving them directly instead of indirectly through the board so you just don't see that Revenue reflection there expenditures are at 63% which is uh under under Target for where we are in the year and the transportation fund again our revenues are at 42% you are seeing your gas tax revenues um trending at about 53% of the year they are more cyclical I.E we should see them closer to 75% although this trend has been something that we have been seeing for many years which is you're seeing declining gas tax revenues um we again will likely not hit our projected uh Revenue collection for transportation fund uh this year and we will uh likely see a decline again next year your expenses are at 59% in the transportation fund uh all those are on target the fire fund um has 102% of the revenue collection completed some of that again is you're seeing a a grant Revenue post where the expenditures post differently um but their taxes are right on target with 9 27% Collections and 42% expenses uh year to date the sanitation fund is at 81% uh Revenue collection and 44% in expenses and your um water fund East p and water fund you're seeing at 16% Revenue collection that is a metric of the fact that the intergovernmental 1010 million a large portion of that are our grants and large projects that we have for which you won't receive Revenue until you do the work and submit reimbursements so you have an hmgp Grant you have an Army Corps Grant you have quite a few um large Capital project grants there um but you're also only seeing 29% of your total expenditures so if you will they're kind of mirroring each other and we expect to see that when we have those large grants coming in and out of those accounts any questions for staff Julian thank you very much next item on our agenda will be uh Episcopal Children Service contribution Julian do you have that yes sir I do uh received a request from Miss Britney Spangler uh the senior director of programs this is the first time we've received this first time I've received the request since I've been here I did look back in the history the county has not made a contribution to them since 2010 but they did send a letter asking for a contribution in this year's upcoming budget and I believe Miss Britney is here with us um yeah you're welcome to come up BR M britley you've been very patient to sit there so thank you problem can you hear me y excuse me can you hear me okay yeah okay sitting here um my name is Britney Spangler as she said I'm the senior director of programs with Episcopal children services we are the contractor for the Early Learning Coalition in North Florida so the reason why I'm asking for money is we are required to reach out to all of the counties that we serve and ask for our six% uh matching funds what we would do with this $5,000 um the state would give us $ 78,3 33 and33 cents and then also they would match your 5,000 uh one to one so that would be an additional 5,000 so your $5,000 contribution which run into $83,400 um our funds do usually come from the state of Florida um in the federal gram uh as I said we require Community match of 6% for Direct Services and these um this again helps meet that requirement and um Wanted to note that basically all of the funds received would go directly to childcare cost no administrative cost or anything like that so it directly goes to the families that we serve um kind of give you some numbers we have currently um about 950 average per month is the number of children that we serve and we currently so far starting July of this year have um it's oop Sorry's my number 32 contracted School Readiness providers so that's local Child Care programs within putham County both centers and family child care homes so not only does this money assist families who need assistance paying for child care so they could go to work this also then helps your small businesses within your community as well and that brings families to their programs that will help them um I do have two handouts I don't know if I'm allowed to pass those out or not if you will give them to Miss Ashley right here and she'll take care of her from there and just as she's passing those out the second handout is just an overview of the School Readiness program from the state of Florida and basically the requirements who qualifies the benefits and those sorts of things the other document I gave you is statistics from childcare Weare of America and in Florida one of the things I like to point out it's not just Florida but everywhere um typically the an annual cost of child care is more expensive than the annual cost of a college tuition which really puts things in perspective of how expensive things are if you look on the bar chart um if you have two children in child care it kind of shows you versus your home expenses that that's the most expensive charge in your household so just wanted to kind of put that information out there and I'm happy to answer any questions you have thank you Mr Adam Z where are your locations in putam just for record uh we have one One-Stop office which is in the same complex as the wind Dixie across from the Walmart I guess where are your locations that you have the the child services the the actual programs yeah it's actually private providers so they're throughout putam County um the school district does not contract for School Readiness they contract for a voluntary prer Garten program but it's if you want all of the contracted providers with us I'd be more than happy to get that list for you and get it sent in you said you had 32 in pum M no that was fine I just was curious you serve 950 students is that what you're saying or children on average in Pam County alone in Pam County alone I um am aware of your services and I have certainly um met young families especially single moms like the young lady that was in here earlier Miss Alford who uh um if it weren't for these child care services they would not be able to work yes and then they would be even in a more dire situation so obviously we want our young parents to be able to work and afford to be able to work so it doesn't cost them so much um so I appreciate what you're doing in putham I know there's a a daycare facility across the street from my husband's shop and I believe you guys are over you know they use this uh program as well so I do know and I have reached out to a lot of people in the community that are involved and they do say that that you're here you're not just saying you're here you're not just handing us paperwork but you're actually here and you're providing uh the financial means to help um through Episcopal services and $5,000 for a return on investment of 83,000 makes good sense to me um I know that it's been a while since you've asked or since the agency's asked and you explained that yes um I have just started taking this over this year um my supervisor is in the process of slowly retiring um and she mentioned to them me that she actually ended up just stop asking putam County because year after year after year um the funds just weren't available right so I just said well I'm just going to try and see what I can do so here I am asking for 5,000 currently right now the only other funer that we have for puam county is the United Way of St John's County and they just added putham County to Their donation list um this is the second year and we get 10,000 a year from them and then the state will be matching their funds as well yes so they're 10,000 I have this um it brings in if I can read $156,600 so I say 5,000 but obviously if anyone ever wanted to offer more we're more more than willing to take that but we also understand if you're not able to include it in your budget any amount that you would be able to include we would be more than happy to accept Okay thank you one other thing I should mention um not only do we have the School Readiness program but we also have the childcare resource and referral program so any family even if they do not qualify based off of income and their household size it's a free service where we can help families locate different Child Care programs or other community resources that they need based off of where they live um the type of services they need and all of that and that is completely free yeah and that's one of the things I see as the biggest issue for our citizens is finding the resources and getting the information so thank you for doing that no problem thank you commiss any other questions where do you want to go from here I'm in favor of this but um you know um I I know know like I said i' I've spoken with people in the community I know families that this is affecting it really is making a difference in our community but I see Mr Pickins has his light on Mr picks I think the lights are just going crazy I think they're just going crazy so can you can you explain again that you say a $5,000 donation turns into 80 83 we have a 6% match requirement even if we cannot actually get any funds in we are required to make the ask um so we are basically it's your 5,000 goes into that 6% and that's why it brings that much money down plus the one to one I don't know if that helps or not if anybody that we ask basically goes they will give us take that money and divide it into what the 6% would be okay you said you had how many um 950 yeah 950 kids and then how many different facilities I guess are people sure um on average we serve 950 children per month and we have currently uh 32 contracted School Readiness providers if you want we also have a voluntary pre kindergarten program that we oversee which is um the free preschool for four-year-olds and um because we are in the process of doing that for this year um just looking at last year's number we had 25 um including the school district providers that offered that program as well okay thank you problem Mr back I think I was just trying to get the light to stop Lincoln okay they're not working at all so I can't I'm I they're working now no no not working not working but that's okay it's the government would you expect L just holler at me I guess I'll go I'll make a motion that we approve the $5,000 to Episcopal children services based on the requ for 2025 second that's for the next budget year correct we have a proper motion proper second further discussion I do have something I want to say you know I understand these services are very needed I just kind of have to to wonder where government steps in I don't mind us stepping in but I look forward to the day we step out and let somebody else step up well that was pretty that was pretty good wasn't it but you know I just don't I'm very comfortable with helping don't get me wrong but there is a time that we just can't keep spending government money on on because everybody has a worthy project trust me everybody does so chairman I don't think this thing Mr Turner there you go you're working all right um I'm not going to be able to uh support this and it has nothing to do with your calls um it's just that everybody charity is the best one and I have a basic belief that the government shouldn't give your our your tax dollars to charity I just have that belief um I believe that I give money almost daily certainly weekly to different causes but that's my choice with my money it's not me spending Mr Count's tax dollars so I'm just saying that I I I can't support it for that reason that reason only thank you Mr chairman thank you all right any further discussion yeah I have a comment I'm I agree with with commissioner Turner um but if this is going to turn into that many dollars that's a little different there in my opinion how will we get deliverables that this is actually happening whatever you request we can provide different we have several different agencies that we get our funds from some just want um a report at the end of the year how many children that we were able to serve with this money some request it quarterly some just want more specific information so whatever information that we can collect that you would like we'd be able to provide that for you could you come back quarterly to update this board absolutely do you need me to amend the motion do we want amend the motion saying contingent upon a quarterly report yeah I'd like I'd like that in there I'm not going to be here but one more quarter I have no problem me to amend it yes sir I'll amend the motion to say contingent upon a quarterly report on the status of the number of students that are being served and agencies serving them locally in putam we have an amended motion an amended second thank you any further discussion Mr Turner uh yes uh Julian do we have to have an mou with them seemed to me like a while back we couldn't give money to a charity cuz we had to have anou for an audit we had to have clear defined deliverables but it sounds like you're going to be getting those clear defined deliverables back to you in a quarterly report that's going to be a public public report okay all right let's call for the vote all in favor signify by saying I I oppose like sign I the eyes have it thank you very much next on our agenda is Administration Florida Small Business Development Center funding request for fiscal year 25 Julianne thank you chairman um uh we received the proposed mou between the spdc and putam County and this year they're asking for an increase our prior funding level has been in the amount of $112,000 this year they're asking for $22,000 um we requested some justification or explanation on the increase in the funding and Mr um Rick Paul sent the email that is attached and um list a couple of main reasons one being that the University of North Florida which is uh one of their funding Partners has lowered their contribution and they've had increased operational cost um so the item before you today is simply uh to ask you if you would consider or would like to consider their increased funding request all right so the lights aren't working so commission Turner what was it last year it spend 12,000 for as long as I can find okay and now they're asking for 22 yes sir okay any other commissioner comment Mr Rick is also here today if you'd like to if you have questions yeah ask you to come up Mr Rick would you come up please sir and if you will state your name and title for the record please good afternoon Rick Paul Small Business Development Center 1100 Reed Street good afternoon everybody been here a while I guess um thank you Julian for the the information that I shared with her on the reasons for the increase uh I do want you uh would like to make you aware that we are having an SBA Workshop this afternoon everybody of course is invited to that so that's part of the programming that we bring to the county uh also we had some of the your fellow Commissioners show up at the the CRA workshops that we've had uh a couple of those trying to bring the city and the county together trying to encourage the the business environment so this is a very active program that we've got going with business Consulting and so forth uh year to date I'm a little under where I was last year and amount of funds that I've helped secured for businesses last year it was about 6.8 million right now I think I'm at about 1.4 but I've got about 3 or four million out there that may or may not get approved so um very active trying to help out the community uh help support all the mom and pop businesses that make putham County so great and are there any questions I mean it's a basically an inflationary increase uh for the the funding everything's inflation increase right now trust me Mr Turner who cuts your funding Rick you said you had some funding cut well that would be the University of North Florida how they cut it I'm not exactly sure but it got cut a little bit and so the the new policy for the sdc's uh is that the counties theoretically are putting in $50,000 to get a full-time consultant now uh so the increase in funds here along with what the CRA does r brings it right about to that level all right so clarify that for me so you okay so the so University of North Florida wants a $50,000 match well it's the the State of Florida Small Business Development Center okay uh is now requiring outling counties I guess it's the best way to to call it um that they provide uh $50,000 worth of support to get a full-time consultant so that's part of the reason for the increase is that this 22 along with what the CRA provides uh comes right to about that did the CRA give you additional funds over last year's amount I believe they have but I haven't been over to check out uh whether it passed or not I haven't really seen that I'm on the c um so I'm not sure when the sbdc started back long before you've been here when they first started the program there was a waiver with uh the university that because we were a smaller County that we didn't have to come up with the amount of funds that we have to come up with the they're saying they want us to come up with this year uh personally I don't know that this program would have ever been started if they hadn't done that so the county gives them money the chamber gives them money the city gives them money the there's multiple funding sources so are all funding sources raising their amounts and none of them have cut their amount from last year but you want the extra 10,000 from putam County uh yes sir the chair chamber just provides the office space they don't actually provide any of the funding so it's an in kind uh contribution for the office space one time they did a little bit of the funding it's been a long time though I think since we've been here been established into the into the community and quite a long time I think since there's been an increase in the ask this is the first time that they've in asked the county to increase how much did they ask CR increase uh I believe that went from 20 to 25 so it's the CRA doing it not the city itself it's the CRA doing it yes sir the CRA 25 and then the county was 12 and now it's would be 22 okay it leaves you a balance though short where do you do you get your extra your other monies well the the 50 is just kind of a a figure that they put out there so would be a little bit shy but that's okay I feel this is a good enough increase I don't want to increase it too much you count your in kind towards the 50 uh no sir no okay all right any other questions can U Can we table this issue to the next meeting I need to do a little bit of a additional research on it yes sir we can table it look any other I agree with that um where does this funding come from in our on our cers out of the ultimately it comes from the general fund yeah okay just wanted to confirm that thank you yeah I would like to see it tabled as well so we're going to table it to our next well to a future meeting I not going to say next but we got some questions that we need to answer so thank you for attending today okay thank you Commissioners all right next item is our Public Works acceptance of drainage Jr I guess you got that yes Excuse me yes sir um move approval we have proper motion do we have a second second okay any discussion hearing none all in favor signify but saying I I great presentation thank you well I think we all dealt with this for a long time it's we don't need to hear it over and over we've been trying to we've been trying to get this taken care talk about that one till we about run out of something to talk about for years yeah to try so it bring that plane in for a landing thank you the next item on our agenda is public comment on miscellaneous items this portion of our agenda is to design to allow the citizen opportunity to bring matters to attention to the board it is not reasonable to expect the board will engage in debate or deliberations about matters on which the board has received no prior information as part of the agenda please limit your comments to 3 minutes public comment cards are conveniently located in the back of the room and can be given to Miss Ashley over to my left your right uh keep in mind also that it is not expected that the board will engage any type of conversation other than to listen to our citizens and the concerns that they have is there any public comment on miscellaneous items any public comment on miscellaneous items and seeing no one Rush up we'll close that portion and go to our Clerk of the Court The Honorable Matt Reynolds good morning Mr chairman uh the only thing I'll bring up again is is the audit the external Auditors um have spoken with them they're still planning on issuing our financial statements this Friday U commissioner Turner I had a discussion with them last week to put them on notice again after our discussion the other day about timeliness of next year's audit so they are they are well aware thank you thank you thank you sir County attorney Mr Rich Commando just that I need to speak with each of you IND individually about some pending litigation shouldn't take more than five minutes but that's all so if you can Avail yourself to Mr Commando after this meeting or before the next meeting Mr Commander can I request to go first because I have a um canvasing board meeting at 1:30 absolutely thank you I'd like to go second okay one two all right we know who first and second is we'll figure out the rest as we go County Administrator Mr Terry Suggs no sir I'll uh I have no comments on this time if if that changes I'll talk at to 505 I'm glad you're doing well too by the way thank you commissioner comment starting to my left commissioner Pickin yeah thank you chairman Harvey um just want to say that um it was it's pretty exciting to go to the o grand opening I guess of the people won uh to see that facility and meet some of the doctors and staff there um and a lot of U our staff was there and a lot of them were uh making appointments and so hopefully this is going to work as planned to um try to just uh create a a healthier atmosphere for for our employees and also and I I hope that uh Rich Commando who's actually the the chair of the um Foundation board I guess for um St John's River State College but I was invited to um the groundbreaking for the new student housing uh that is already in in progress um and it will house the flow students and also student athletes and that's going to be just a tremendous addition uh to St John's River State College that's been something that's been needed for years because my brother tells me when the flow art students want to come their parents want to know where are they staying where are they sleeping and also the athletes so anyway it's a it's a big move um progress for St John's and I commend um President Joe Pickins and all of his staff um for the that and Rich I know that you've been heavily involved in that as being on the board so if you I'd like for you to make a couple of comments if you would well you know it's actually um it's a really good investment in the community in the county and the college and you know the college is growing in different areas where you see different Specialties um in St Augustine you see the criminal justice in uh clay you see some of the nursing programs so to build up blacka so that the college grows evenly is really what's needed at this time so the board of directors really kind of champion that cause and in addition to the student housing they're investing a good amount of money into the forarts building to do a remodel um and you know it's one of those things I think is going to pay dividends long past our 10 years here so thank you okay thank you that's what I hold that's all I have Mr chair thank you Mr Adams at I have nothing today Mr Turner uh yes um the boat ramp at duns Creek I think we're we're still in design but it's getting close the they got the uh the last survey done that was the outside survey so hopefully within a few weeks we'll have preliminary if not final design on the and I'm assuming that the boat that they started permitting on the ramp itself but the plan's always been to kind of do it in a two-phase to do a a soft launch type thing along with the boat the parking lot and what have you and then when the actual ramp gets permitted then it could be done with the the existing funds that will roll over um also I want to have that that uh conversation about the connection fees I think that's very pertinent to what's going on right now I know at the last meeting we had a conversation about uh increase in in existing due uh fees for water and sewer services and what have you but I think the next thing we need to do and Mr chairman I'd like to request it happen at the next meeting um if we have enough time is that we go ahead and have a conversation about reenacting connection fees for water and sewer to residential and commercial but not but exclude the ones that are already on the list or that we're already got included in our arpa because I understand that we've got more people than we've got money if if I understood Jr correctly if I if I may um I think it's really imperative like in our existing um areas where residents are already established um I think we were able to oblig to about 300 connections we have over 400 people in existing where with between the araas and what is existing for the since 2015 I think or 2009 when they started running the system and it and that number keeps growing every day and I think that's really imperative it's in these areas where we already have the very very small lots that is very difficult to drill in difficult to put a septic tank in and as we're following up with our septic to sewer I think that's imperative that we at least make it affordable to those residents that the system is already sitting in front of their house um I agree with you wholeheartedly and an expansion when we're talking about new development um the one thing I would like to say is even with our current fees and that's where I think we had to talk about this today to prepare ourself for the next Workshop is I don't think even if you put that large of development in there that already going to take up all capacity of doubling our current sewer system so that doesn't leave us a lot after that is done that we even have real to expand for B commissioner Turner spot about the commercial development in the area so as currently we're sending at $8,000 for an existing tap for the sewer but that's inclusive of a lift station pump that we supplied that we would put in for them so that that covers those are today about $4,500 just to buy that thing so we're going really to talk about what are we going to what is the county are we going to put in a standard for allowing somebody to buy a lift station and put onto our system that meets a specification no no what I want to talk about is that they pay the $8,000 and then they hire a plumber and they hook up our system that way the $88,000 we Supply a tap and that's a future fee on the system a future dollars towards the increase of what was going to cost us to maintain and grow that system so I know that in the past for $8,000 commercial or whatever we on sewer hookup we gave them a pump and we hooked it up or whatever all we've got to do is develop the the criteria of what that pump's got to be within that window I don't care if they buy XYZ or AB BC pump if they buy it and their plumber fixes it and they do whatever as long as the pressure a head pressure is in the range that it won't blow up our system I don't care what brand so each plumber is going to have their own brand they think's pretty but they need to hook it up when when uh somebody comes to town and they open a commercial business or an existing Commercial Business wants to hook on to to our system then it should be a flat fee for them to hook on and residential probably not as high but but I'll agree to that because they don't use the facility to the extent but there needs to be a fee there too except for the ones that we already have and the ones we already have hung up we probably need to try to figure out a way to fund the ones that are already on the list I mean there's like 400 I think we had enough to hook up 300 maybe so if we've got another hundred let's try to identify that maybe we can come up with the money in the new budget formulation for next year perhaps to either that or we could take some money left over from this year in the TR in the true up if we ever get to have one and U that wasn't a hit at you Julianne I'm sorry I knew you you weren't going to let that pass oh I'll be in trouble forever um so but anyhow I think we also need toh take some money and fund the ones that we already have through the true up roll forward dollars or whatever and then we need to we know we're over we need to go ahead and cut off a list and then it cost you x amount of dollars for residential or commercial to hook up so if we could have that discussion that can have that discussion um that's all I had today Mr chairman even if we have to do it on a special Workshop we need to I like the idea of a workshop about that we need to solve that that down Miss Wilkinson you have the floor um thank you I did attend the um St John's River State College groundbreaking for their student housing that's certainly exciting times in putham County um I am a static that we're going to have that opportunity um also if you haven't been by I would encourage you to to stop by the anal Services building it is moving along and um somewhere underneath that building I think I have a set of keys but anyway I lost but anyway um it when you drive out there please take the time to go and look at it exciting things happening in putam County I'm also want to thank public works for repairing uh a a section of Barden road that really really needed it there was a bad bump that would people were it was like the Dukes of Hazard out there for a long long time and so I appreciate that the I know it's just a patch but I appreciate the fact that you've done that I think there's a couple more pieces out there that you still have to do so uh kudos to you guys for getting that done and to this board for the equipment because we had to purchase some equipment to get that done and if we had not been in favor of that we wouldn't be able to help and I think that was a big reduction of cost um to our citizens and also I wanted to just say thank you to St John's pickle ball uh group they put out some uh they went out and painted some pickle ball cour out in the Boswick area the Boswick Community Center and they provided netting and things that could be moved around um and not per permanent that way people it would be a multi-use it could be either basketball or um pickle ball so now that Community has the ability to also engage in some additional outdoor activities so I wanted to thank them for that and of course Miss Julianne for handling all everything that she does so that's that's all my comments thank you thank you m chair I have a man I just want to make uh for Beyond record that the U the machine that they used to uh resurface out there b was the brand new uh Paving attachment that we purchased to uh go on the skid steer and it did not go to district one first knew that knew that we have it scheduled to go second so the only reason why is it would probably needed between here and JT's house Lord don't don't say that don't say that that's not good okay thank you for those comments commissioner wion I want to emphasize something and I'll be very short um people won we had a great time at their at the and I I really had a lot of fun uh working the window I've never been able to do that and that was fun sitting behind the window and and just just having fun with our employees but I want to give a little background I walk into people one I walk into the office and the doctor says you talked to me I've already met you and I went what and she said yeah you came out of a chamber function at the Ravine Gardens and me and my friend looked lost and you came up and told us all about this community and all the assets you have and all the great things that are going on in the community I feel like that's our job our job is to promote putam County at the best of our ability and uh she said that really made an impact on her when she made her decision to come here so anytime that if somebody looks lost or doesn't look lost and you have an opportunity to promote putam County please do so uh this area deserves it and our citizens deserve it and those are my final comments we're going to recess this meeting till 5:05 and that'll be our next public thank you very much