e e e e e e e this meeting to order um before we get into any of the meet of the meeting there are a couple of things we need to do uh I would ask members has there been any exp parte communication concerning any of the four cases that we're going to hear this afternoon okay has are there any conflicts of interest that need to be declared yes yes sir uh first case 00006 uh Farm Bureau got a letter across kind of from the Farm office and the board of director homes F property and stuff I'm on that board okay do you feel that the letter or that you're being on that board will affect your ability to vote impartially no okay and then also the next two cases after that2 and7 dealt with go business okay will that affect your ability to act impartially on either one of those cases okay I thank you is there any other hearing none the other thing I would like to just briefly point out Robert's Rules of Order and also the Land Development code do tend to speak to the fact that we need to act in a positive fashion when we are making motions and we're working to move to a res olution on a Case instead of making a motion to deny make a motion let somebody make a motion to approve and then vote against it but if we have the Motions in the positive we don't get into the conundrum we got into last time where we had a um motion to deny be failed and then having to go back to square one so I've talk that over with Council and that's his advice to us so um if everybody's against something then we're all against it and I guess we'd be okay but uh let's try to um avoid that Pitfall we ran into zboa had the same problem last month so um I guess we're Trend Setters and I don't you know if that's what you want to call us go ahead and call us um this is a public hearing and we are the putam County Planning Commission we're the designated local planning Agency for the county is prescribed in chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes and we function under the authority of article 11 and 12 of the putham County Land Development code the primary responsibility of the commission is to serve as an advisory body to hear and make recommendations to the board of County Commissioners on matters related to provisions of and proposed amendments to the putam county comprehensive plan and the putam County Land Development code the members of this board will review each application and make a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners at their next regularly scheduled meeting on August 27th 2024 that's not their next meeting but that's the meeting where this will be brought up procedurally we will call each Case by name and number a member of the staff will then briefly explain to us the nature of each request we will then take any comments from the applicant or their representative followed by any public comments concerning the request please direct all comments or statements to the board and not to other people in the audience before speaking we will ask each person to be recogn ized come forward to the lect and identify his or herself by name and address after all peerc persons wishing to speak have been heard we will entertain a motion from the board the motion will be voted on by the board members and become our recommendation to the board of County Commissioners the board of County Commissioners will make the final determination regarding the application all applicants have the right to withdraw their request at any time during the application process to date we have had no applications withdrawn that are on today's agenda the first case to be considered is rez2 24- 000000 006 and Miss gazelle thank you for the record Jennifer gazelle the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from residential single family R1 and Commercial General C3 to residential single family r1a to allow smaller lots for a single family home subdivision the applicant is bwt Property Management their agent is Alberta hips is a 2.07 acre portion of an overall 6.96 acre parcel located at 144 South Highway 17 in Palaca the purpose of the requested zoning map amendment is to rezone a 2.07 acre portion of an overall 6.96 acre parcel of land from residential single family R1 and Commercial General C3 to residential single family r1a to allow for smaller lots for a single family home subdivision of the 6.96 acre parcel approximately 2.9 8 Acres remains commercial future land use plastification and Commercial General C3 zoning designation along the portion of the parcel that abuts the South 7 South Highway 17 Corridor the remaining 3.98 Acres maintains an urban service land use classification and a residential single family R1 zoning designation towards the north side of the parcel according to putam County GIS reference map there appears to be Wetlands on site the FEMA flood zone layer indicates flood zone X is present on site which is not a special flood Hazard area should this reone approved the applicant will then submit for a type one subdivision plot process the putam county development Review Committee DRC will review the preliminary subdivision plot for compliance with local state and federal regulations agencies including but not limited to Florida Department of Health putham County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's River Water Management District will review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties once the DRC is satisfied with the preliminary plot County staff will arrange public hearings for formal consideration by the Planning Commission and the board of County Commissioners in the event that the applicant pursues a subdivision in which no internal roads or other infrastructure is required staff has the discretion to present the preliminary and final plots concurrently to the Planning Commission and the board of County Commissioners your aerial view future land use zoning flood [Music] zone [Music] Wetlands staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from residential single family R1 and Commercial General C3 to residential single family r1a staff finds that the proposed resoning is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan and meets the locational requirements of the residential single family r1a zoning District provided in the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan are there any questions of Staff uh I had a question there's a it says a Highway 17 address but that's off Master's Road would you use your mic that correct okay yeah it's on okay as a matter of fact it's Echo it has a Highway 17 address but it's off Masters WR that correct or doesn't it doesn't have an entrance from Masters so the address is US 17 the the entrance is from Highway 17 it is I believe the development is going to have an entrance off Master's road but as of right now it has an address of us7 can you go back to that areel and see that okay all right is that part of another partiel there that fronts on 17 is there a piece of property it is this is a portion of an entire parcel that front part is the tire outlet okay so this is behind that behind that but one one piece yes okay all right thank you any other questions of staff is the owner or the owner's agent here please come talk to us give us your name and address please Laura hips 1650 Margaret Street uh Jacksonville Florida 32204 um we are in complete agreement with the planning Department's report and are here for any questions you have okay are there any questions of the applicant thank you if you would just please stick around in case we have questions is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak either for or against this particular case here hearing none I will then bring it back to the board close the public portion of this particular segment of the hearing and bring it back to the board ma'am were you here to speak either for or against the case in East Paca okay thank you um bring it back to the board for discussion Andor recommendation here I move that we recommend there it is I'm move that we recommend the board County Commissioners approval resoning of Rez 24006 as it is consistent with the goals and objectives and policies of putam County comprehensive plan that was Mr hoder second okay I have a proper motion and a second is there any further discussion hearing none I call for the question all in favor please signify by saying I I I chair votes I any all oppose nay okay it carries unanimously thank you very much and this will go before the board of County Commissioners in August you're welcome um our next case is CPA 24 c yeah CPA 24 00002 and uh Miss gazelle we're back with you the applicant is requesting a smallscale future land use map Amendment from agriculture to Urban service to allow for future development of many storage units the applicant is Pura Holding Group LLC and the agent is Cindy palenia fail it's 2.69 Acres located at 13304 County Road 308 in Crescent City the subject site is zoned Agriculture and commercial retail C2 and has a future land use designation of Agriculture the applicant is requesting a future land use map Amendment for two Parcels totaling approximately 2.69 Acres the applicant has also requested to rezone one of the subject Parcels ending in 001 0- 000010 1300 County Road 308 from agriculture to commercial retail C2 to commercial retail C2 that will be heard concurrent with this application the parcels have approximately 340 ft of Road Frontage on County Road 308 and approximately 3 50 ft of Road Frontage on Union Union Road the parcel ending in 00 60-00 1304 County Road 308 is developed with a 2200t commercial building that used to be a convenience store the applicant proposes to reestablish the use with the addition of a coffee shop which is allowed in the C in the commercial retail C2 zoning District the parcel ending in 001 0- 000010 13 00 County Road 308 is vacant and proposed to be developed as a mini storage facility should this map Amendment and rezone be approved and the applicant pursues the mini surge development the applicant will then need to petition the Zone in Board of adjustments to approve a special use permit for the Mini Storage use if the zboa grants the applicant approval of the special use permit the applicant will then submit to development Review Committee to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations agencies including but not limited to Florida Department of Health putham County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's River Water Management District will review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding properties we have our aerial view future land use zoning flood [Music] zone and wetlands staff recommends approval of the request to amend the future land use map from agriculture to Urban Service as the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of putam County comprehensive plan and is compatible with existing development in the area questions of Staff what's the deal with the little job on Union Avenue dides somebody personally own that I I'm not sure what you mean go back to your overlay the area yeah right there any one of those the little in little indentation on Union Avenue oh it's just not a part of theirs I'm not sure we can wait you to the appli okay all right anything else of staff this point then I ask the applicant and or the owners applicants agent to come forward and talk please State your names and addresses and uh talk to us Don Holmes um Holmes and young 222 North Third Street patka Florida um appearing on behalf of the owner which is actually a LLC but Mr uh Gio is my is the principal of that LLC the LLC is Pur VA Holding Group LLC and he's the principal of of that particular entity if you would sir identify yourself and give us your name and address javanni Palencia 730 North Park Street Crescent City Florida owner okay do we want to clear up that part about that little jog in first before we go I'm trying to find out that somebody owns it somewhere up north um I've reached out to them to see if I I can buy it because it doesn't make sense it's like 50 fet and so uh but I'm trying to get the everything reson because uh uh it's all one big piece as you can see but the convenience store was uh um C2 I believe right it was it was a little neighborhood store yeah so uh we appreciate staff's work and their recommendation and um they're noting that essentially one of the parcels is already Z on C2 where the store forly was located the other parcel is split zoning as I recall half or a portion a and a portion C2 so really his his intent is to try to unify the track it's only 2.68 or 69 Acres his his intent is to try to unify the whole track in C2 he to be totally candid with the board he's not sure he's going to try to do many Warehouse there but he does believe he's going to put some commercial use there as an Associated or ancillary use to the coffee shop that's primarily going to go where the old store was um where the old convenience store was so because of that to bring everything into compliance and make it consistent requires both the small scale land use map Amendment and then the zoning of a portion of one of the parcels the other one and and half of the the one parcel is already zoned and then the other parcel is already zoned so he's essentially trying to unify bringing under an appropriate comprehensive plan designation which staff I believe notes U given the projected development of that area would seem to be very appropriate in terms of a a land use uh under the future land use map something where growth would probably develop in that Trend or towards those those uh uses that are allowed under urban service and then just Z it all C2 that's he's on two roadways I think they're both listed as collectors are they not um so he's he's on two collector roads right there in an area that as you know is proposed I guess Thursday night the Crescent City commission is going to consider the School site there um uh for for consideration as to resoning I they think they do have a Planning Commission recommendation so he's looking to find a a compatible commercial use basically what it amounts to okay any questions of the agent or the owner thank you please remain around in case we need you is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak either for or against this partic particular case hearing none I'll bring it back to the board for discussion Andor motion make a motion we approve CPA 24002 as outlined is it inconsistent with the goals of the county okay I have a motion in a second Justin made the motion uh Aon seconded uh any further discussion okay and hearing none I will entertain the question all those in favor please signify by saying I I chair votes I any opposed unanimously carried Jennifer you want to go on to our next case the next case is re24 d007 the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from Agriculture and commercial retail C2 to commercial retail C2 to allow for a possible future development of Mini Storage applicant again is p Holding Group LLC agent is Cindy penia fil the parcel is 2.23 Acres located at 1300 County Road 308 in Crescent City the subject site has split zoning of Agriculture and commercial retail C2 and has a future land use designation of Agriculture the applicant is also requesting a future land use map amendment that we just heard for County Road 1300 I'm sorry County 1300 County Road 308 and 1304 County Road 308 total in approximately 2.69 Acres the requested rezone however is only needed for part ending in 001 0- 000010 at 1300 County Road 308 the subject parcel is currently vacant and has approximately 200 ft of Frontage on County Road 308 and approximately 350 ft of Road Frontage on Union Road the applicant intends on Commercial development of mini storage units it is worth noting that mini storage is not allowed by not an allowed use by right in the commercial retail C2 zoning District staff in the applicant agreed that commercial General C3 zoning District which does allow Mini Storage by right was too intense for the too intense for the surrounding area should this rezone be approved the applicant pursues the mini sturge development the applicant will need to petition the zboa to approve a special use permit for Mini Storage use if the zbo zboa grants the applicant approval of the special use permit the applicant will then submit to DRC to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations agencies including but not limited to Florida Department of Health putam County Public Works Emergency Services and St John's River Water Management District will review plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding areas have aerial future land use the zoning it's the same one it's the same lot it's just missing the P the southern portion staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from Agriculture and commercial retail C2 to commercial retail C2 staff finds that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plan and meets the locational requirements ments of the commercial retail C2 zoning District provided in the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan any questions did did I understand you correctly the C2 zoning is not compatible with Mini Storage it's not they would have to go for a special use permit okay Mini Storage requires a C3 which is a more intensive that's I wanted to make sure that's what I heard yep and also we're hearing two different cases because one is a land map Amendment and one is a zoning math or zoning Amendment so okay any other questions hearing none we will bring the applicant the owner's applicant agent up to speak to us there any confusion the listed agent is giovan's sister who's a legal assistant in my Law Firm she was busy today and wanted to know if I could stand in since she thought it was probably a light load so that's why I'm here she's not so I'm not going to take a lot of your time he did not want to try to go for C3 everybody agrees that would be a little bit too intense for the area and as I indicated he's not 100% sure he's going to try to do the uh many storages but if he did he understands he'd have to go back to the zboa for a special use permit and then they would be able to attach whatever conditions they felt were appropriate um to you know assure com compatibility with surrounding uses and so forth so this is basically just to try to make his parcel all unified under C to zoning okay anything else you'd like to add any questions that was my next line anyone have any questions of Mr Peno or Mr Holmes hearing none thank you very much uh is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak either for or against this particular case seeing none I bring it back to the board for discussion Andor action I will um move we recommend that the board of County Commissioners approve resoning Rez 24- 00000000 07 as it is consistent with the goals objectives and policies of the putam county comprehensive plan okay I've got a motion and a second on the table is there any further discussion hearing none I'll call for the question all those in favor please signify by saying I I chair votes I any oppos like sign thank you very much appreciate your being here and appreciate your time and your interest in South putam thank you um Jennifer you're up again the applicant is requesting a zoning map Amendment from commercial retail C2 to plan unit development PUD for the purpose of expanding and making improvements to an existing vested overnight recreation park the applicant is Celtic Investments f agent is Don Holmes 6.96 Acres located at 436 South Highway 17 in East pla the applicant is seeking approval for the purpose of expanding and making improvements to an existing vested RV park accommodating up to 77 RV sites the parcel is designated Urban services on the adopted future land use map the subject lands have approximately 370 ft of PVE Frontage on US Highway 17 according to the putam County GIS reference map there are no apparent Wetlands the FEMA flood zone layer indicates flood zone X is present on site which is not a special flood Hazard area on December 7th 2022 putam County planning and development services approved a vesting determination that acknowledged the parcel had an extensive history of being used as an RV park and has been operating in good faith since at least the 1970s as stated in LDC section 45-8 13 non-conforming land uses are not eligible for expansion or improvements unless a determination is made by the Zoning Board of adjustments allowing such alterations rather then petition the zboa for expansion and improvements the applicant has chosen to bring the campground into compliance by way of plan unit development should this PUD be approved the applicant will then submit to the development Review Committee to satisfy additional development requirements the DRC will review plans to ensure the development is compliant with local state and federal development regulations as it pertains to this property the DRC will ensure the placement of RV lots is acceptable based on the development agreement and the Florida Department of Health will review the plans as the Department of Health is the primary regulatory agent for RV parks other agencies including but not limited to puam County Public Works emergency Services Florida Department of Transportation and St John's River Water Management District will review the plans to ensure the development will not adversely affect surrounding Properties by complying with each agency's specific regulations associated with new development have your aerial future land use zoning flood map and wetlands staff recommends approval of the request to amend the zoning map from commercial retail C2 to plan unit development as the request is consistent with the requirements for PUD zoning consistent with the future land use designation and consistent with other comprehensive plan goals objectives and policies are there any questions of Staff hearing none then I will ask the agent or the agent and owners to come forward please yeah we don't know you thank you very much I did last time too by the way Mr H Don Holmes holes and young t22 North Third Street patka Florida and my clients who are the principles of Celtic uh Investments LLC which is the corporation that owns the actually technically owns the property most of you are probably familiar with this property it was a the old KOA back in the day way back in the day uh as staff know noted a vesting determination was obtained in 22 and it noted that the the property had apparently been in existence and been in use as an overnight RV park since before 1970 before the Land Development regulations and code however um at that time and uh up until recently the park uh had a mixed use of RVs many of which were not mobile and then some old mobile homes uh that were not mobile either um there was about I think the mix was somewhere around 37 to 17 37 RVs and 17 mobile homes my clients purchased a park with the intent of upgrading it and one of the first things they did was remove it from septic tank and well and pay to install the lift stations and other ancillary equipment on site that was NE necessary to access the central water and sewer system that Services these Paca which I think most people would agree was a huge step and then they began the process of removing uh the derel I shouldn't maybe say it that way but the older and maybe not as um uh state-of-the-art mobile homes and um RVs that were on site um which they have largely done it's been a process um none of that goes easy in world if you know what I'm saying so u in addition they have U done a number of improvements they've revamped the laundry which is open 247 they've uh revamped the office provide for provided for small game room and and store typical of what you'd see in an RV park sells limited uh items that are uh common to what you would see campers need or use uh they've started the process process of stabilizing and hardening the roadway in the park um closed off access to the back the park actually fronts or backs I guess old Sano highway but in order to avoid having multiple entrances they're closing that gate and locking it but part of the development plan would be to provide First Responders with whatever means of access they want whether that be lock box combination to a code whatever they they want so that First Responders could access it but they wouldn't have the the travel in and out that sometimes can provide for security or CA security issues um they've they are upgrading the propane fill it was not up to standards uh so they're removing it or have removed it already and are going to be re U or installing new propane fill equipment basically they're they were they are from Virginia they move in or they bought this with the idea of moving back down to Florida and this is their investment property that they are trying really hard to um to bring up to a standard that that that that is going to serve the purpose of a true overnight RV park so um you know as I said they were vested they could have uh continued to operate but not and they could not have continued to operate and make significant improvements to the property so um rather than take any other route they decide to go ahead and and uh seek uh put approval so that they could go ahead and and uh and and have sort of free reign to make the improvements they think they need we understand we'd have to go to DRC after this and you know the exact nature of the setbacks and site plans and things of that nature would then have to be approved by thec but they they have made a huge step towards bringing themselves into I think a line to to accomplish that when they eliminated the wells and septic tanks um so so these are my clients if you'd like to speak to them or have me introduce them happy to so Jim you want to introduce yourself tell us who you are and give us your name and address Jim carrian uh 436 South Highway 17 East patka this is my wife Cecilia my better half obviously well it sounds like what you're doing is a great Improvement yeah to this particular parcel yeah it's looks beautiful I invite you guys all to go to it we've been by it the pool is free great yes the pool is great no we would not take advantage of you but we're glad to know that you're here any questions we have of of the applicant or the applicant's agent you have a question Madam chair yes ma'am um of Mr Holmes probably um and I could be missing it and and maybe it's in our code and I don't know that but um I don't see anywhere where it says like a maximum length of stay anything like that yeah we we we are assume that we're complying with all of putam County ordinances regarding maximum length of stay we haven't asked for any waiver of of that uh leak of stay which I think it's two weeks is it not is it 90 days it's 90 days or 120 as long as it's not continuous oh I'm sorry I thought it was less than that but we're not asking for an extension over the length of stay um so we had in our development plan um you know proposals such as hours of operation quiet times all those things we're happy to add that to it you know we we have no intent to seek any waiver from the length of stay requirements of the code his intent is to do exactly the opposite what's been there has been in essence there's not been really a length of State uh nothing that's been enforced anyway right how how much of that parcel is existing and what is the expansion I mean I don't see a a section on here that shows what is expansion and what is existing it's almost all existing I believe I mean 6.98 I believe Acres I think it's almost seven acres I'm not mistaken uh and only what's in front of the of the camp store is not currently being used but the sites um as I indicated number one because of septic and well and piping and then also just I guess you could say the the the design is being upgraded to accommodate the additional units and if they they may not be able to get 77 they're going to try to get what they can to make the pro the site um you know profitable to justify the investment they're making but whatever DRC ends up we 77 was the maximum we thought that that that we could we could provide under the code and if that's not physically possible then it just isn't so the so the expanded that they're referring to is just reconfiguration of the Lots right it was to allow before I believe that they had vested it at 48 or 49 I believe that was the vesting was 49 Lots in in this based on the 22 letter um and so they're coming up about 20 more Lots but it's just going to be in the configuration of the of the site on the on the existing space okay all right got it any other questions thank you all for being here we stick around and we'll let you know what we do is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak either for or against this particular action seeing none then I will bring it back to the board for discussion and uh action Madam chair I move that we recommend that the board of County to the board of County Commissioners approve the resoning Pud 24- 00000000 6 as is consistent with the goals and objectives polic of put of County comprehensive plan I'll second okay I have a motion and a second both of which are proper um is there any further discussion hearing none I will call for the question all in favor please signify by saying I I all oppos like sign the cheriff V side you have a unanimous decision to recommend to the board of County Commissioners and again that's the August meeting when you will meet with them Madam yes sir can we practice this Deni this approved and [Laughter] we need to practice I'm not sure we can do that we can do that yes sir thank you so much we appreciate your being here and counselor it's always good to have you here we could practice that on the minutes I know they they usually talk behind you don't they should have been here last week or last month last month yeah mhm or the month before that you were here the month before that okay um and we can call this old business if you you feel like something needs to be denied you don't make a motion to deny it but you wait for somebody to make a motion to approve it now if everybody's like we're going to we don't like this everybody's going to sit there quiet and then somebody's going to make a motion to deny it and 100% of the people are going to say yes approve you wouldn't deny a denial it is odd but Robert's Rules of Order and the Land Development code do speak to the fact that motion should be made in the positive which I wasn't that totally aware of cuz we've never done that we've never had an issue but we did have a motion last month to deny something it was seconded it was you know on the table and it was a 3 to2 or 3 to four whatever against so the motion failed so when you've got a motion to deny that fails you're back to square one so that's why we then brought emotion forward in the positive which we could have actually taken care of it if somebody had made the motion to approve it and it could have been a split vote which it was still so it's technicality yeah we're buried in the weeds sometimes we come out of the weeds uh with all the money that we get paid we we're allowed to screw up once in a while I would think I ask for is that what you're going to put in your letter okay good thing ask for a rise see if you get it um is there any other old business to come before the board yes sir I'd like to ask the status of two projects uh the one that came last month when is it going to the County Commission which one was that the 207 the subdivision yeah so the first reading of that in front of the board of County Commissioners will be July 23rd at 9:00 a.m. and then because it's over 10 acres uh the board of County Commission will determine when the second and final reading will be conducted and the other one you were staty Boulevard contact your commissioner I really don't know um I don't know what the status of that is we haven't heard anything back from the applicant um we know that it did go to the circuit court system for an appeal um and then whenever those type of Appeals hit the Circuit Court they basically give the County Commission an opportunity to come to a terms and agreements with the applicant before that applicant can pursue that appeal completely um so I would anything at this point I would I would probably either get with you know Julianne young uh Terry Suggs or the commissioner for that District okay I'm going to let my halfer show here which particular case was that if I'm understanding Mr Hafner correctly it was a PUD for a uh lot leas mobile home community at the corner of putam County Boulevard and East River Road okay I'm with you now yes okay yep that was the retirement over 55 situation and that was uh taken to the Circuit Court yes ma'am that's correct well it went to the BC first and through several readings uh the BC denied that that applicant's request okay so then it went to Circuit Court that's correct and there she sits okay thank you appreciate you're bringing that up um any new business to come before the board Madam chair I do have some news for you all please share it effective uh effective yesterday through ordinance 2024 012 the new putham County Land Development code has been approved um we have not we've so we have not sent it to municode to my knowledge um one of the staff members that is on our legal team here her name is Tabitha she's out on vacation she would be the one that would transmit it to municode for the update on the County website um from what I understand they only update munic code twice a year unless we pay additionally for the update of a document I don't know whether or not the county is going to pay additional but we do have a link on the main County website main. puam dl.com right under the County seal for the new Land Development code so that it is accessible to not only staff but the citizens of putham County and if you are reviewing that document in your leisurely time and you find something that you feel may need to be addressed uh we do have an oblig ation to kind of keep up with that document on an annual basis um please let us know and we can try to figure out a way to do a county initiated text Amendment um if there's something that is unclear or you're getting continuous questions about something from the citizen you know we want to make that document easy to digest and easy to enforce so let us know if there's an issue with it okay any other new business any Monkey Business okay we have the minutes of the June 12th meeting before you are there any corrections or additions hearing none do I hear them I move that we approve the minutes I'll second okay uh any other further discussion on the minutes while I write those down all in favor please signify by saying I I sh votes I any opposed all righty well it is 4:44 that's a good number let's that you're in this meeting e