e e e e are we live on all yeah we'll begin okay we're all set let me just thece welcome everyone hold on Peter okay ahead thank you we're good okay we're good yep welcome everyone welcome to the work session of the mayor and Council for Wednesday April 10th 2024 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dial number is 425 436 6365 with an access code of [Music] 23563 and if you dial in and you're on already and you want to mute yourself you can hit star six and then to unmute yourself you do the same the meeting is also being viewed on the Ramsey YouTube channel you can go to our website and click there and then you will be into uh the Youtube channel and see us visually may we have roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter is not here tonight councilman kilman yes councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here can we stand for the flag I pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with provisions of this act notice of the meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 2024 may we have approval of minutes please uh yes um I would like to make a motion to approve the minutes for March 27th 2024 I will second it um do we have any comments on the minutes not hearing any may we have roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes regarding Communications councilwoman Judy cus thank you very much council president kilman I would like to accept the communications as noted in this evening's agenda please and I would like to Second thank you any comments on the communications not hearing any maybe we have a roll call please councilwoman cusc yes Council kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you very much at this time I'd like to ask for a motion to go out of order to present the proclamation uh council president I'd like to make a motion in go out of order to present the proclamation thank you and I would like to second that very good thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes coun councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you thank you right May Dy thank you as everybody hopefully knows we're celebrating the 125th an 125th anniversary of the Ramsey fire department so thank you for the members attending this evening I have a proclamation that I would like to read whereas the Ramsey fire department was originally organized in 1899 as a fire department serving the B of Ramsey and whereas a vote was taken to incorporate where was the second oldest Department in mutual Aid whereas officers were selected and 32 men signed the original charter and a $25 deposit was put down on the Department's first fire engine an 1885 backcock chemical wagon purchased from the Rutherford fire department whereas in June of that same year the dater family deed property near the railroad tracks behind what is presently known as Brady for the Department's first Firehouse constructed for for $197 whereas in 1901 the department purchased its second apparatus from the Short Hills fire department for $360 a gleon Bailey por drawn lad whereas in 1927 the department purchased its first modern pumper a 1927 American lefran known as the best engine available with the 600 GPM pump and a price tag of $10,500 this engine would serve the the burrow for decades and is currently restored and sits alongside the Burrow's 1885 chemical wagon the Phoenix and the 1895 GLE and Bailey ladder Wagon at fire headquarters whereas in 1934 the department added a new pumper a Chevrolet with a 2 150 GPM pump and in 1939 the department added a 1939 Diamond tal ladder truck with a 50ft ladder to deal with taller buildings throughout the community whereas in 1951 unable to house all the equipment a new Firehouse was constructed on Island Avenue and the department added its first 1000 GPM pumper that same year with another Mac pumper arriving in 1957 whereas in 1967 the department outgrowing its Island Avenue location due to the size of modern era rigs began construction of a three Bay Edition alongside the Burl garage to be used as a temporary subst substation on the west side of town and from 19 67 on Island Avenue would be known as headquarters and the sub substation as Westside whereas the Ramsey fire department has continued to grow and expand providing uninterrupted service to the community for 125 years currently utilizing a state-of-the-art fleet of apparatus including two Tower ladders four engines a mini pumper and a squad truck with over 50 active members serving and protecting the citizens and businesses of Ramsey now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the B of Ramsey New Jersey to hereby recognize the 125th anniversary of the Ramsey fire department and encourage all residents to help us celebrate the role of the Ramsey fire department has played in our community's history on behalf of our community we honor the men and women who bravely served our citizens in the past and those who continue to hold that Legacy of service today a picture sure we'll airbrush them in's we'll airbrush them in this is just the photographer righto click click you congratulations thank you guys thank you for everything you guys do thank you thank you thank you and thank you all good so much thanks thank you everybody all right thank you thank you bye gentlemen bye oh sorry that's okay Jan and Sarah may I have a motion to return back into order please yes council president uh I'd like to make a motion to go back into regular order and I'll second it thank you very much uh roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you at this time it's public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address please speak in an audible tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a five minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume business on the agenda please note public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time will be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or as directed by the chair the buau clerk is the official uh timekeeper at this time do we have anyone on the phone or presently in this room who would like to make a public comment thank you I will ask a second time would anyone on the phone um like to make a public comment and third and final call anyone who would like to make a public comment this is your time not hearing anyone we will close public comment and we Mo move on to the final consideration of ordinances I will turn it to councilwoman Judy cus pH Downer yes thank you thank you thank you very much council president kilman this is the final ordinance of 04 d202 4 be it resolved that an ordinance entitled fond ordinance to authorize the undertaking of phase two of the water service line replacement project in by and for the water sewer utility of bur of Ramsey in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $650,000 to pay the cost thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issu issu issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds having been brought up for public hearing and all persons interested having been been given an opportunity to be heard pass final reading by title and that said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the Bureau of Ramsey and be it further resolved that the buau clerk be and she hereby is directed to cause a copy of the title of said ordinance to be published in an official newspaper of the bureau in the manner provided by law together with notice of the date of introduction and Adoption of said ordinance thank you councilman do we have a second I'll second that thank you councilman does anyone have any comments on this ordinance B administrator would you like to make the comments this see sure thank you uh this Bond ordinance ordinance 4 2024 authorizes the funding of $650,000 for Phase 2 of The Board of Public Works water service line replacement project this project is in compliance with the state mandate to replace any lead service Lines within the burough water supply system by the year 2031 this work will be performed in the upcoming months under a publicly bid contract awarded to John Garcia construction by the Board of Public Works thank you I'll have more comments on my report just for clarification this is mandated by the state correct correct this is New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection okay thank you very much this is time for public hearing on this ordinance for ordinance [Music] ordinance 04 2024 and third call for public hearing on ordinance 04224 not hearing anyone we will close public hearing and go to a roll call vote councilwoman cusk yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you very much now turn it over to Mayor dearra Dillan for appointments thank you I hearby appoint Leon Graham to the Ramsey rescue squad all right before turning over to consent resolutions I would like to turn it over to Bruce Bose regarding resolution 038 d224 uh this is uh I do have a comment on uh resolution 83 of 2024 and that is that there are no changes to the text of the resolution itself however I would like to modify the title of the ordinance as it appears on the agenda um but again the text of the ordinance uh resolution itself Remains the Same the title of the resolution would read confirming the Board of Public Works use of certain property under the exclusive control and jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works for the construction operation and maintenance of a Communications Tower facility and the associated lease between the Ramsey Board of Public Works and McKay Brothers LLC again that's all reflected in the resolution itself but I just wanted to reflect that in the title of the resolution thank you Mr Bose I will now turn over the consult resolutions to councilwoman Sarah poy be it resolved that the following resolutions here withth listed have been considered by the governing body of the buau of Ramsay and are hereby passed and approved resolution 077 d224 through an including resolution 085 d224 um there are no special permits or block party requests at this time thank you we have a second I'll second that thank you may we have roll call vote please councilwoman cusk yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you very much uh we'll now turn to committee and leaon reports does anyone have anything from councilman Michael GW even um I can give an update on Library oh sure please okay just let everybody know at the library they have finally finished the hbac project it was successfully completed they are putting the library back in order at the moment from the interruptions of it and in May they're going to begin the renovations of the children's room um and that'll take a few weeks and hopefully it'll be done in June and time for the kickoff of the summer reading program thank you very much mayor the next report is mine for Public Safety First I would like to congratulate Ates um the appointment of Leon Graham to the Ramsey rescue squat thank you for your service I have three brief reports tonight first from military veteran and former councilman Joe veroni regarding VW post BFW post pardon me 12148 the vfw's annual poppy donations will begin May 1st raising funds for the poppy donations will continue to run until June 30th donation locations are at various retail establishments throughout the bur on Sunday May 5th the VFW members will set up a booth at the Ramsey farmers market and sometime in miday BFW members will replace be replacing American flags of Fallen veterans at Union Cemetery Ramsey and Redeemer Cemetery in mael Thank you regarding um the Emergency Services complex on South Island Avenue the Ramsey emergency Serv Serv complex development committee and Neta Architects continue to work on the design plan these professionals are addressing all aspects of the project as well as matters that can arise not uncommon when designing a complicated facility such as this that is replacing a 70-year-old building and infrastructure the process takes time at this time we don't expect the Emergency Services complex to go out for bid until the fourth quarter of 2024 when the design plan for the complex is ready and ancillary issues are resolved a date will be set for and presented to the mayor and councel open to the public in the meantime we have set up a page on the bough website for this project under the Community heading on the landing page and plans and pertinent information will be posted as finalized regarding Ramsey deer management the deer management program led by Dr Chris hos from the Board of Health continues to explore all viable options for deer management in Ramsay the reality is to date the only effective options for reducing deer population are the least popular to Bergen County residents and the popular options have little to no effect I will confirm this later with Dr hos tomorrow but at this time to our knowledge there is no other municipality in Bergen County looking to implement a hunting type option which has been recognized by the New Jersey Fish and Wild life Association is probably the most effective way of reducing deer the deer population when completed Dr hos and team will re be reporting their recommendation in the near future as you might imagine this is a sensitive topic and that is my report for this evening I will now turn it over to councilman Jane councilwoman Jane Woods for building Planning and Zoning thank you council president um congratulations the Ramsey volunteer department on their 125th anniversary I'm incredibly thankful for their service to our community um I would also like to congratulate Leon Graham on his appointment to the ramsy rescue squad thank you for your service uh my husband and I enjoyed participating in the Sam Wright cleanup day it was a pleasure to reconnect with the right family and it's such an important day really sets us apart from other towns um the design review board will be meeting Tuesday April 23rd the senior trustees board meeting will be held tomorrow Thursday April 11th and the Zoning Board of adjustment meeting for April 17th is canceled because the applications received are incomplete and that concludes my report thank you very much councilwoman Woods utilities buildings and grounds councilwoman Judy cusk please thank you council president kilman thank you to our environmental commission for our 20th annual cleanup day this past Saturday it was wonderful to see so many burough residents lending a hand for our wonderful Ramsay and it was a nice tribute to Sam Wright thank you to the Ramsey Junior women's club and Shop Right for breakfast um and uh congratulations to our Ramsey Community Emergency Response Team class of 2024 and congratulations again to lean Graham for his service to Ramsey rescue and to our fire department My Heroes congratulations and thank you for 125 years of service and care I have so much love and respect for firefighters like you and for your families my report tonight will be an update regarding our planning board the shade tree Comm commission and our Board of Public Works the planning board met on the 2nd of April 2024 there were four site plan waivers all approved there were two public hearings a soil movement was approved and the planning board recommended to the mayor and Council a study for Area Redevelopment for one Constantine Drive block 3603 lot one the planning board will next meet on the 16th of April the shade tree commission met on the 21st of March the next meeting will be 18th of April please note that there is information on our bureau's website regarding the shade tree commission Arbor day is Friday the 26th of April for the Board of Public Works at last met on the 18th of March the next meeting is 15th of April per and poly fluorinated substances posos are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer Coatings and products that resist heat oil stains grease and water the EPA has not yet issued revised Posas water quality limits and preparation of the EPA finalizing posos regulations h2m they issued it this morning this morning oh my goodness well they issued them this morning and I can can um thank you thank you burrow administrator this will be a topic at our April 15 so HTM h2m our contractor has begun way ahead of the issuance of these regulations they have begun feasibility studies regarding our Burrow's Water Systems as I reported at every meeting the lead service line replacement is a project being supported by the board Board of Public Works and they continue planning regarding planning and actually activities regarding ndp's lead service line replacement legislation this project as burough administrator mentioned requires that all lead service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 and lastly it's fire hydrant flushing season the department is planning the springtime fire hydrant flushing program in April information is on our burough website um this is important information for our residents a hydrant is a valve and we exercise a fire hydrant like a valve to ensure that it works periodic flushing of fire hydrants is an important preventive maintenance activity that helps to ensure the Integrity of the water system and that we provide the highest quality water to our buau it flushes sediments from water main pipes to enhance verifies that fire hydrants and valves are working properly and that ample water flow is available for firefighting needs and AIDS in determining weaknesses in water pipes and related fittings and valves thank you council president kilman thank you thank you Council woman C now turn it over to councilwoman Sarah poppy for public and governmental relations thank you council president kilman um again I would like to Echo my um congratulations to the environmental commission for a great cleanup day we had a lot of fun out there on the bike path I got to bring my little daughter she was she was certainly um a ball of laughs and a hit and we had a great time cleaning up the uh the bike path um congratulations to Leon Graham on his appointment to Ramsey rescue um regarding my committee leison reports the pool commission will meet on April 17th at 7:30 p.m. in the front conference room burrow Hall pool registration is open early bird rates are available so definitely sign up prior to May 15th for the lowest rates the Ramsey Municipal Alliance they will hold their next meeting on April 22nd in burough Chambers at 7:00 p.m. and we are hosting a coffee with the mayor council and ramsy police department on April 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. we will provide Bagels coffee muffins and the scouts are coming to do a craft with any children so that the parents can properly network with one another and that concludes my report thank you councilwoman health education and Social Services councilman Glenn Papo thank you council president kilman um congratulations to Leon Graham on his appointment to the Ramsey rescue squad and also to the Ramsey fire department uh for 125 years I'll begin with R um couple of things going on with re On karaoke night on 425 right at the Nights of Columbus and I know everybody's anticipating the challenge of softball beginning uh will most likely be on 427 when we kick off and that'll continue on through through June uh for Environmental uh congratulations to a great and complete um annual cleanup for this am right cleanup day we had roughly 120 participants helping um through throughout the day and thank you of course to the mayor and Council here for participating and helping out in the cause uh plastic to toy drive was very successful three car loads uh taken to Falon on 47 and we also had a great turnout uh for the food scrap uh compost with three new families signing up we now have 55 families that are in that uh pilot program and participating the EV car show is 4:21 from 10: to 2 uh and um one other item is we talked about on the uh yesterday's meeting was the styrofoam project to talk about a proposal to begin looking at the best approach for the town on what we want to do for that uh Bard ofed is meeting at the end of the month on 430 and that concludes my report thank you councilman and now the mayor of the great bur of Ramsey dear Drew Dylan thank you council president kman um thank you to the Ramsey fire department congratulations on 125 years of dedicated service um takes a lot to run into a building that's on fire not think about your own safety and Welfare so thank you to the all the volunteers that make it such a wonderful department and congratulations thank you and congratulations to Leon Graham for the gramy rescue School Squad and I Echo everybody's comments regarding cleanup day we had a wonderful time cleaning the bike path um we cleaned a lot so and Sarah's daughter was very helpful good she found some very big ticket items as well some big ones yeah all right and also I'd like to congratulate The Sur class of 2024 um it it was amazing how many people completed that nine-week program there are over 30 people which is simply a astonishing that that many people did it so I give them a lot of credit thank them and um hopefully they'll continue their Journey with emergency services and join OEM or one of the other organizations and that's all I have thank you thank you mayor Dyan our burough administrator Mr Bruce H uh thank you council president i' like to just make some comments on a few of the agenda items tonight on the resolutions resolution 79 this resolution awarded contract to Garden State fireworks for the the Burrow's Independence Day celebration on Saturday July 6th contract in the amount of $968 garden State's been the burrow fireworks vendor for a number of years and has performed many s very successful displays resolution 80 uh Awards a contract for installation of electric vehicle charging stations to Brian electric for two 100 kilowatt fast charging stations and two 14.4 kwatt dual Port charging stations in the parking lot on North Central Crossing bur Hall it includes all rated electrical and sight work and is awarded under the New Jersey state approved Co-op and a state approved bid in the amount of $167,000 resolution 81 uh is the is an application for funding from the New Jersey Department of Human Services the division of mental health and Addiction Services the Ramy Municipal Alliance continues to seek out these opportunities for funding of their needed programs for the benefit of our community Community I know councilwoman poy in her previous role as Municipal Alliance coordinator and chairperson as well as shaa now serving in those roles have been integral in obtaining this funding and I thank them for their efforts resolution 83 is uh this resolution is the bu's confirmation and approval of the lease previously approved by the Ramsey Board of Public Works after a public viid process for construction operation and maintenance of a communication Tower facility Co located on the property where the board of Public Works water supply facility is on North Central Avenue as detailed in the resolution burough ordinance 737 enacted in 1975 provides that the water supply and distribution system and all its parts parcels and a per perces shall be under the exclusive control and jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works therefore while the burough owns the property is under the exclusive control and jurisdiction of the BPW as previously noted the BPW conducted a public bid and awarded a lease for this Tower project to McKay Brothers LLC which also includes Co collocation for the installation of the burough Emergency Services antennas and Board of Public Works antennas as well resolution 84 on the agenda uh the burrow had held the bid opening for the publicly advertised bid for a new pool heater for the Ramsey municipal pool on April 9th one bid was submitted the bid was for $54,500 by Naf Aquatics LLC doing businesses treatment Specialties this bid was below the engineers estimate the bid was reviewed for technical compliance by burough engineering qpa Jack tago and for legal compliance by burough attorney scandariato and deemed compliant from both the bid is recommended had been recommended for approval and award of a contract um there is an ordinance on the agenda tonight for introduction which is a bond ordinance for various public improvements in the amount of 1 million $115,000 the bond orance authorizes funding for three different projects in infrastructure improvements in the burrow the first component is $580,000 for the annual Road resurfacing program the next portion of the ordinance funding is allocated to the installation of electrical vehicle charging stations in the parking lot of North Central in an amount of $175,000 and the final component is for roof Replacements at three burrow buildings the Ramsey Police Department headqu ERS the DPW Westside combined Firehouse building and a partial replacement at the municipal building the flat roof area at an estimated cost in total of $260,000 I have a couple other items I would just mention um the bur that are upcoming the burough has submitted a letter intent to apply for a burn County open space grant for resurfacing of the pickle ball Courts at frch park at the April 24th mayor and council meeting will hold a public hearing on the intended application to be formally submitted in may also the burough has been reviewing a new health insurance program as healthcare costs continue increase the burough is looking at continues to look at ways to reduce our costs where possible the bur's health insurance is provided through the New Jersey state health benefits program with employees contributing a percentage of the coverage premiums in accordance with the state enacted chapter 78 contribution levels in 2023 a health reimbursement account program oper operated by an outside vendor the difference card was approved by the New Jersey state health benefits program to work with municipalities under their coverage in the state plan in efforts to lower the net health care costs Ramsey has over the last months been pursuing this option for the burrow and after a number of meetings with employees are working to implement this program the New Jersey stealth state health benefits plan currently has an open enrollment period ongoing that end ends on April 30th where employees may make changes to their health coverage which would be effective for July 1st I'm mentioning this in advance of the next mayor and council meeting as in order to implement this voluntary program option the burrow will need to at the April 24th meeting approve a number of resolutions a governing body resolution will be needed for Contracting with the difference card vendor and also resolutions approving contract addendums with the six collective bargaining units the buau has allowing for participation in the program again this is an optional program it will lower the uh net health insurance cost to the burrow and therefore the employees contribution as they pay a portion of the costs so look forward to implementing that uh later in the month and seeing how we've had a pretty good turnout so far and in I think people that were are going to choose to participate in the program and that's all I have thank you thank you Mr vag counselor nothing thank you sir M bendan nothing thank you Oh Come Back y pass it down to Glenn at this time we'll be introducing ordinance 05 2024 and I turn it over to councilman Glenn Papo thank you council president kilman um be resolved that an ordinance 05 2024 Bond ordinance to authorize the making the various public improvements in by and for the burrow of Ramsey in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 1,1 15,000 to pay for the cost thereof to make down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds pass the first reading by title and that said ordinance uh be further considered for final passes and adoption at the regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 24th day of April 2024 700 p.m. prevailing time for as soon as that as the matter can be reached at the municipal building in said burrow and be it further resolved that the burrow clerk be and she hereby instructed to publish an official News newspaper of the barel in the manner provided by the law copy set ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof the notice with the same will be considered for final passage and adoption do we have a second I'll second thank you councilwoman I know that Mr Ros commented on this already commented on this already um does anyone have any further comment not hearing any a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you do we have any unfinished business any new business not seeing any do we have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second thank you all in favor I I good night everyone thank you