##VIDEO ID:QvOHQsEbdyA## e e e e e e e e meeting for Wednesday August 28 2024 thank you for joining us this evening this meeting is um also being conducted telephonically the dialing number is 425 436 6365 access code 213 563 this meeting may also be viewed on the Ramy YouTube channel through the burrow website have the roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poy is not here Council Woods here thank you we have the flag salute I will ask Chief lineman to lead us un States for IT stand One Nation God indivisible with liy and Justice all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights of all citizens to advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the rig with news on Friday January 19th 2024 do we have approval of minutes Madame mayor this is councilwoman kusk and I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes from the 24th of July 20 24 meeting please second thank you do we have any comments or changes to the minutes okay not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman poo yes councilwoman Woods I abstain okay thank you Communications yes Madam mayor I make a motion to receive the communications as listed on the agenda for August 28th 2024 this evening oh I second that thank you all right any comments on the communications not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you I'll open up the meeting to public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address please speak in order tone and address your comments to the chair there'll be a 5minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume of business on the agenda please note public comment is your time add a respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be SE to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or is directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official timekeeper is there anyone in Council chair chers that wishes to make a comment if yes please step up can you give your name and address please hi I'm Michael D pazza I live at 14 Partridge Court okay in Ramsey of course um I was just concerned uh about the proposed building that's going to be going on on Partridge Court there's a piece of land there and I represent the residents of Partridge Court and uh we're concerned of what's going to be built there uh do we know anything about that or well what is going on right now no application has been made to the planning board and this has to go before the planning board not the governing body but is my understanding that the lawyer has scheduled an appointment with The Arc the that is the um application Review Committee of the planning board for September okay and so as far as I know no application's been submitted yet and until the application is submitted and deemed complete by the burough engineer the application cannot be put on the agenda for the planning board okay so what I would recommend is that you stay in contact with maryan Lupo in the planning board office because she's the one who controls the agenda okay and so Mar will that be available uh absolutely and if they live within 200 yards of the property right Fe feet sorry 200 feet they have to be noticed by law okay and the applicant is responsible for doing the notice right okay all right thank you so just like I said please reach out to Mrs Lupo wonderful thank you you're welcome thank you anyone else okay anyone on the line wishing to make a comment first call for public comment for anyone on the telephone line second call for public comment for anyone on the telephone line third and final call okay not hearing anyone on the uh phone we will close public comment thank you at this time I would like a motion to go out of order so that we can um get to the main part of the show for this evening a motion to go out of order maam second I second m thank you um roll call please councilwoman cus yes councilman GW yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you I hereby make the following appointments Michael pery Captain Ramsey Police Department James WBA probationary officer Ramsey Police Department Connor fulman Ramsey rescue squad Bradley allinger Ramsey fire department here we have the consent resolutions please thank you Madame mayor be it resolve that resolutions 162 2024 through and including 179 2024 have they been considered by the governing body of the burough of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved we have a special permit request the Ramsey High School band and guard parents Association are requesting permission to go to doored door for their annual hog sale fundraiser on September 20th through October 14th 201 24 with deliveries on October 19th 2024 three block party requests this evening M Davis of North Street is request from permission to have a block party on Saturday August 10th 2024 between the hours of 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. b h henes of twinburger September 21st from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. and K Lizetti of West Cedar plays the requesting commission to hold a block party on Saturday October 5th 2024 from 3 p.m. to 7: p.m. excuse me to 10 p.m. I'll second that thank you are there any comments on the consent resolutions okay not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman WS yes okay well at this point we'll do the swearing in down [Laughter] here we go faithfully and all thees congratulations [Applause] um I don't think I don't think Mike needs an introduction um just a guy that soon as he got this Police Department put his put on the gas and hasn't taken it off since um there are natural leers there are people that other people just gravitate towards and listen to because they have a c about them confidence knowledge um and and they're just not afraid to go ahead and make mistakes and when they do they own up to them and they're just the kind of people that you put your trust into Mike G is one of those guys and he has been since he got here um he deserves this promotion there's no question about it he's brought into where this department is going what this community wants from his department and what the mayor and counil Ed us so without any hesitation Mike PR is going to be now and will be in the future the leader of this department so [Applause] congratulations thanks everybody for coming here us to see they have support of police department and we that all Faithfully that all fath impartially and justly perform andly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office of probationary officer probationary officer Ramsey Police Department Ramsey Police Department to the my ability the my ability you further f support the Constitution I support the constition from state of New Jersey state of New Jersy and that I'll bear TR faith and Allegiance bear TR faith and to the to the and to the government established government established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state conratulations [Applause] [Applause] so um Jim started working for us about a year ago as a dispatcher and um although we always make a commitment that we don't automatically hire dispatchers it is a good opportunity for someone to come into the building work for us and um and show us what their medal is and it's a difficult thing to come in as a young person out of college and earn the respect of the officers in the building and that's exactly what Jim did always went beyond what was expected of him knew hisob um good personality fit into the department well um and there was no hesitation after he took the initiative to put himself through the police academy um there was no hesitation on our end to offer him this job so I wish him the best before we leave I just want to commend some of the officers here today we had we had a tough day um hot out there um long foot pursuit lasted over an hour looking for this so these guys are a little exhausted little uh dehydrated maybe but I just wanted to make a point they did amazing job today busy day so you're out there doing what they're supposed to be doing Jim will be out there very soon doing what he's supposed to be doing so it's welcome aboard thank you depart Bradley and we have Adam was unable to make the last meeting same right all right cool welcome officer Barbara welcome thank you congratulations both of you Solly swear that all Faithfully all faithfully and partially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office ofy fire department Ry fire department ACC to the best of my ability according to the best of my abil I do furar I do further swear support the support the constition of the state of newy of the state of New Jersey and bear true faith and Allegiance and that'll bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the the government's established and to the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state The Authority people auth of people so help me conratulations [Applause] a big deal when people volunteer on the fire department because many hours 164 hours 164 hours of training on their own time they're going to volunteer for to become fir heartwarming and something to be truly respected so thank you [Applause] [Music] you are oh good good congratulations and thank you for doing this Con really cool how's everybody good Conor he's back there right do we have anybody no I don't Faithfully all the all the of the office the United States United States and in state St the authority of [Applause] congratulations the jaws of so they do that kind of work they also have Conor thank you con no no one no one ever St one of these days congratulations St you want to stay for the sign ordinance Sergeant can really interest we have your stop well you don't want to stay for the reading in the final you got the idea [Music] drinking I'm drinking mine thank you very much thank you for actually coming out in this weather and you rest of your barbecue water you need more water you're dehydrated are you dehydrated are you going to give it away I will not I will drink it I was getting a little than you Peter I promise to drink the drink than you you can give Peter's away give mine away people need it then there was one did I miss something no like class like last night oh got it okay like last night okay all right so do we have a motion to go back into order motion to go back into order Madame mayor I second thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you so we'll left off where we were before advertise public hearing for final consideration of ordinances ordinance 09 2024 thank you Madame mayor final ordinance number 09 d224 an ordinance amending chapter 7 of the code of the Bureau of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more specifically section 7-12 entitled parking time limited on certain streets and section 7-20 entitled stop inter entitled stop intersections having been brought up for public hearing and all persons interested have been given an opportunity to be heard pass final reading by title and that said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the buau of Ramsay and be it further resolved that the buau clerk be and she hereby is directed to cause a copy of the title of said ordinance to be published in an official newspaper of the B in the manner provided by law together with a notice of the date of introduction and Adoption of said ordinance I second it Madam mayor thank you um any comment on this ordinance before we open it up to the public uh yes madame mayor I would like to just um go over what we what we did here um this ordinance modifies two sections of chapter 7 of the burrow code and the first amendment is uh to section 7-12 time limit part parking to allow for up to 2hour parking on the north side of Carrol Street from North spr North Spruce Street to Church Street where currently no parking is allowed this amendment will allow for Time parking in this section consistent with other Street segments in the area time limit parking is in effect all days except Sundays and holidays the second section amended is 7-20 to allow for a four-way stop at the intersection of Carol Street and North Spruce Street these have both been reviewed and were recommended by the Ramsey police Department traffic Bureau thank you okay I'll open this up to public comment anyone in the public wishing to um comment on ordinance 09 2024 okay not seeing anyone in council chambers I'll open it up to anyone on the telephone line anyone on the line wishing to comment on ordinance 09 2024 second call for comments on ordinance 09 2024 third and final call for comments on ordinance 09 2024 okay not hear anything I will close the public hearing may we please have a roll call councilwoman cusac yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we'll move on to ordinance 10 2024 thank you Madame mayor uh this is the final reading of ordinance 10-22 B ordinance authorize the resurfacing of East Oak Street and P L West Oak Street from wof Avenue to Ferman Avenue and gr Street the entire l in by and for the bur of Ramsey in the county of ber and state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $150,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such Bond having been brought up for public hearing and all persons interested having been given an opportunity to be heard Past final reading by title and at said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the burough of Ramsey and be a further resolve that the burough clerk be and she hereby is directed to cause a copy of the title of said ordinance to be published in an official newspaper of the burrow in a manner provided by law together with a notice of the date of introduction and Adoption of said ordinance I'll second that thank you any comment on ordinance 10 2024 Madame mayor I have some comments on this ordinance uh this Bond ordinance authorizes the funding for the resurfacing of Grove Street and East Oak Street in their entirety and West Oak Street from wof Avenue to Ferman Avenue the project includes some ancillary Curbing and sidewalk replacement as well estimated project cost is $150,000 the burrow has applied for and received grants for this work in an aggregate amount of $371,000 77 from the state of New Jersey Department of trans Transportation mitigating over 35% of the Burrow's cost of financing improvements this project is currently out to public bid and a resolution rewarding the contract is on tonight's agenda and work is anticipated to be completed this fall that it that's it okay thank you anyone wishing to um make public comment on the hearing for ordinance 10 2024 okay not seeing anyone cancel Chambers anyone on the line wishing to comment on ordinance 10 2024 second call for comments on ordinance 10 2024 third and final call for comments on ordinance 10 2024 so I'm closing the public hearing on this may we please have a roll call councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you now ordinance 11 2024 thank you Madame mayor this is the final reading of ordinance 11224 an ordinance amending chapter 34 of the code of the burough of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more specifically section 34-7 thereof entitled signs having been brought up for public hearing and all persons interested having been given an opportunity to be heard pass final reading by title and that said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the buau of Ramsey and be it further resolved that the burough clerk be and she hereby is directed to cause a copy of the title of said ordinance to be published in an official newspaper of the bureau in the manner provided by law together with a notice of the date of introduction and Adoption of set ordinance thank you second yes Madam mayor this is councilwoman husk and I second this thank you any comment on this ordinance yes madame mayor um so this ordinance amends section 34-7 of the buau code code regarding sign regulations specifically 34- 7.3 for General regulations letters d and e the amendment to 34-7 point3d adds to the current regulations that signs shall not be internally illuminated without the design review board's approval the amendment to 34- 7.3e adds to the current restrictions that led type illumination is prohibited for signs at accent accents and raceways these amendments were recommended by the design review board to the council's building planning and zoning committee chaired by me and have been reviewed and incorporated into this ordinance thank you any other comment not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes yes all right thank you right we're done now with public hearings or the advertised public hearings let's move on to comments so committee and liaison reports Finance Administration councilman gutl uh thank you Madame mayor uh first of all I would like to offer my congratulations to Michael pishi on his promotion to the captain of the ram Police Department I'd also like to congratulate James wber on his selection as probationary officer with the Ramsey Police Department I also would like to congratulate Connor and Bradley on their appointments and thank them for their service to the bar as for the library board uh the summer reading program is coming to an end with significant increases in kids teens and adults participating in the reading challenge Library will be participating on Ramsey day and library cards will be available for sign up speaking of library cards September is national library card sign up month the new library merchandise will be available from from the library check their website and also check out the website for fall events including ESL classes starting in October for the Recreation Commission summer camp ended with a successful season full Sports full sports are starting soon a registration are still open but closing shortly new K3 basketball clinic will start in the fall Ramsey run is scheduled for Saturday September 21st details on the recreation website and check out the banners that are around the town organiz or advertising this event and believe it or not the Halloween parade is something that's in the thought process tly scheduled for satellite October 26th combined with the ramsy fire department's trunk and treat and the Ramsey Farmers Market is open each Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p p.m regularly there are 40 to 50 vendors with a wide VAR wide range of products check them out and your dogs are always welcome the Apple fest will be on October 22nd as hosted by the Ramsey Women's Club all I have this see thank you thanks Public Safety councilman kilman thank you Madame mayor um I would like to congratulate the appointments of Michael pesi to Captain Ramsey Police Department James gbba to prary officer of the Ramsey Police Department Connor fulam the Ramsey rescue squad and Bradley allinger to the fire department and I also thank them for their dedication and their service to our community I have two brief reports um number one when the design of the new Ramsey emergency complex Services complex rather um is ready um and that will be replacing the 70y old structure on South Island Road um there's also issues dealing with some infrastructure stuff that has to be resolved on a date that will be set and that presentation will be to present to the mayor and councel open to the public presently progress is slow and steady and we don't expect the emergency service complex to go out for public bid until fourth quarter of 2024 or early next year in the meantime we have set up a page on the burough website for this project under the Community heading on the landing page and plans and pertinent information are posted when finalized I also want to highlight the news that um mayor Dylan was notified that we had received an assistance to Firefighters grant for the amazing amount of $557,000 for equipment um the afg or the assistance to firefighter Grant abbreviation provides funding for fire departments and Emergency Medical Service organizations to enhance their capabilities and equipment I would also like to note and congratulate the grant application teams spearheaded by former fire chief Jonathan Creo anyone has anything to else to add on that happy to hear it okay okay is that good great then I'm all set Madam mayor thank you thank you okay building Planning and Zoning Council women Woods thank you Madame mayor I hope everyone enjoyed their oh let me take this sorry I hope everyone enjoyed their summer I would like to congratulate the following members on their appointment ments and thank them for their service congratulations to Captain Michael pesi we are thrilled to have him in the captain position um probationary Officer James WBA Connor Fulham to the Ramsey rescue squad and Bradley allinger of the Ramsey fire department it's wonderful uh the design review board was held last night uh Tuesday August 27th the applications for hydration station Paris Baguette and Simba Sanctuary were approved uh the next meeting will be the last Tuesday in September the senior trustees board met on August 8th the memorial for Doug reny was August 23rd and was lovely eating for strong bones represent uh presented by harp had over 50 people attend Rockland electric did an impressive presentation on residential Energy Solutions and the seniors held a pizza karaoke party on August 9th from 5: to 7:00 and 64 people attended on a Friday night pretty cool the senior picnic is September 4th and will be held in the community center author Tim Driscoll will visit October 4th to share his book Ramsey Golf and Country Club memories so hope you can make that uh lastly they are looking to start football Sundays in the fall the next senior trustee meeting will be September 12th the Zoning Board of adjustment meeting will be September 18th and I'm looking forward to seeing you all at Ramsey day on September 7th thank you welcome utilities buildings and grounds Council woman cusc thank you Madame mayor I want to congratulate Captain Michael pesi of our Ramsey Police Department and welcome James warber our probationary officer Connor Fulham thank you for your service as you're appointed to Ramsey rescue squad and Bradley allinger thank you for your service as you're appointed to the Ramsey fire department I attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the 13th North Central Avenue building and project um this is a heartwarming effort as it will provide an independent living facility for individuals with developmental disabilities in the bureau thank you Mr B and Madame mayor Dylan for these efforts Ramsey is for everyone um I also attended on Monday night and learned so much about active shooter situational training on Monday night at our wonderful Community Center want to thank Chief Lyman and his vision for our Ramsey Community safety and our Patrol Services Unit team um I appreciate our courageous emergency responders so incredibly much the Ramsey planning board last met on the 20th of August there was one site plan waiver which was approved the 3rd September meeting's been canceled and the next meeting is the 17th of September 2024 the shade tree last met on the 18th of July the August meeting was cancelled the next meeting will be the 19th of September please note there's information on our bureau's website regarding our shade tree commission the Board of Public Works last met on the 19th of August the next meeting is 16th of September per and poly fluorinated substances posos are a group of chemicals used to make floral polymer Coatings and products that resist heat oil stains grease and water the EPA revised issued revised past water quality limits in April which impact our water quality Supply h2m our architectural and engineering firm is working with the Ramsey water department regarding our treatment approaches another item which impacts our water supply is the lead service line replacement the Board of Public Works continues planning regarding nj's lead service line replacement legislation this project requires that all lead service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 the LSL inventory and replacement progress report was submitted to the njt um on time and on the 10th of July 2024 thank you madam mayor thank you public and governmental relations I believe councilwoman GW has the report for councilwoman poppy that's correct madam mayor you uh this is from councilwoman Sarah poy so it's her words first I would like to congratulate the appointees from tonight's agenda Michael grei James WBA Conor Fulham and broy allinger thank you for your service to our bur the Ramsey Municipal Alliance did not have a meeting this month but they did hold a subcommittee meeting on the first parent event on October 9th this impactful presentation by a former pro athlete is not to be missed our i' like to encourage all athletes coaches and parents and people from neighboring towns to attend the Ramsey Chamber of Commerce is preparing for the Ramsey day to be held on September 7th come and visit the booth of our active chamber members to learn more about our local businesses both brick and water as well as businesses with without the formal storefront will be in attendance as the season comes to an end I would like to commend the Ramsey pool Commission on their hard work and dedication this season I had a chance to visit with pool pool with family and friends a few times this summer I was impressed with how well it was run pool commissioner Kathleen yout and director Gary Bach as well as other commission members were in attendance each time I visited they all had new ideas to share for subsequent Seasons while diligently monitoring the facility to ensure that everything was running smoothly thank you for another great summer thank you thank you public I'm sorry health education Social Services councilman Papo thank you madam mayor I as well would like to congratulate all the appointees Michael James Connor Bradley and Adam and thank you for their their service start off with re um we had a tremendous full party on August 21st and completed that and thank you to all the volunteers especially to uh Chris hos Unico the mayor and councel and Gary Bach and his staff 180 folks attended uh that so a lot more than what we've ever had so we're looking forward to the next couple of years to see how that continues to grow uh next up for R will be uh Challenger soccer which will most likely begin in mid September and then continue on through mid November and that will be at dator school at 3M uh the environmental committee met on August 13th uh they are preparing for Ramsey day on the 7th we do have 85 families now on the food waste recycling program program which has grown which has been very very good uh they will set up uh something for Ramsey day as well on that table just for Q&A about that uh waste recycling piece and we're currently working on options for the styrofoam recycling so looking into a similar process of what the paper recycling we have something to that effect that that we might be able to do and that's the you know kind of almost the last thing for the recycling that I think we'll we'll cover which will be good uh Board of Education they met last last night uh to a whopping audience of one uh that we kind of had it with myself on August 27th uh at Smith School ruter provided uh training on collaboration with the Board of Ed members uh superintendent mattio then shared his strategic plan for 20 24 and 25 and that Ramsey has 25 new uh teachers which I believe you met uh this past couple this past weekend so that's all I have great thank you y thank you for my remarks um as just like everyone else congratulations to Michael paresi on being appointed Captain to the Ramsey Police Department um and that position open up because uh Captain Sherin retired last month um congratulations to Jimmy WBA and joining the PD as a probationary officer and thank you and congratulations to Connor fulman for volunteering for the Rescue Squad and to Bradley allinger and Adam Hutchinson who were sworn in for volunteering at the ransy fire department this evening as councilwoman CC mentioned we had the groundbreaking for Supportive Housing across the street of 13 North Central um this will provide Supportive Housing for six adults with special needs the burough has been working with Ramsey housing Inc which is a nonprofit to 501c3 the Bergen County United Way and melin's housing Partners just for background we've been working on on this for over 10 years this we started this when I was a councilwoman and mayor B was still in office he was still mayor so it's taking a long time but I know when it's done it's going to be absolutely worth it because the renderings of this project are absolutely beautiful so I'm so glad this project finally got off the ground um and thank you for the r pool party and to Chris hos for his wonderful barbecuing skills last week it really was well intended and we started an hour earlier this year so they got an extra hour of swimming in but not everybody swam because it was last Wednesday when it was a little bit on the cool side so not everybody want to ve you know wait into the water and that's understandable um also I wanted to thank Dr mtio for inviting bro administrator Bose Chief lineman and me to meet the new teachers on Monday um so we met them in front of the police department and we took a group photo so I'm hoping to see that photo in the near future and I just want to say how said I am that it's nearly the end of summer my favorite time of year um and look forward to Ramsey day and that's all I have for administrator thank you Madame mayor I have a few comments on some of the resolutions on tonight's agenda and then couple other General comments uh resolution 161 was the confirming of the appointment of Michael pes's captain of the police department as the mayor mentioned Captain shervin's retirement earlier this summer the pro promotional process began at that point the position was posted three officers applied and were interviewed for the position interviews were conducted by mayor Dylan council president kilman councilwoman cusk and as well as myself the interview committee and chief linman were in agreement that Lieutenant paresi was the best candidate for the position earlier in the meeting tonight mayor Dylan appointed uh Lieutenant paresi as the captain of the police department in this resolution is the council confirmation of that resolution 168 was the rejection of shade tree bids the burrow had received public bids for shade tree work on July 16th two contractors submitted bids for the work under a two-year contract the bids were approximately double of the prior two-year agreement for a similar quantity of work therefore it's the recommendation of the burough engineer and qpa to reject the bids for exceeding the engineer's estimate since the receipt of bids the burough has successfully utilized a contractor under a New Jersey state contract for tree work uh with prices that are significantly lower than those bid the burrow will continue to get quotes from the contractor under the state contract as well as quotes from other contractors to perform the work to achieve the best price resolution 169 Awards a contract to DC DS Meyer Enterprises LLC for the resurfacing of grow Street East Oak Street and a portion of westo Street the burough received bids for this publicly advertised Road resurfacing project the project includes milling and Paving of Olive Grove Street Olive East Oak and a portion of West Oak from wof to Perman it was a very competitively bid project with eight biders the five lowest bids were within 5% of each other Boswell engineering is the Burrow's engineer for the project and it recommends award to DS Meyer burough engineer qpa Pasto and bur attorney scander AO also reviewed the bids and have recommended award to DSM the bid is $834,900 resolution Awards a contract for that amount as we noted uh when councilwoman uh councilman gutwetter was discussing the bond ordinance and the funding the bur has applied for and received the arance of $371,000 offsetting a substantial portion of the Project's cost to taxpayers resolution 173 authorizes the buau to enter into professional service agreement with Burgess Associates Burgess Associates one of the leading plenty firms in the area successful provided services to the burrow and the planning board Burgess was the Burrow's planner for the third round of New Jersey affordable housing compliance Ramsey has successfully met all of its third round obligations for affordable housing the state has adopted new legislation and Deb lines coming up over the next year for affordable compliance and plant filings for the fourth round which will start in 2025 this agreement will be for those services in helping to develop the Burrow's affordable housing plan for fourth round confiance Serv services are to be build on an hourly basis and the agreement has a not to exceed amount of $45,000 resolution 174 authorizes the burough to enter into professional service agreement with first environment for project management Services New Jersey D permitting first environment has provided services in the past for the parcel of property where the north central field and the Board of Public Works facility are this work will be to provide expertise in New Jersey D permitting process and project management services for subsequent work under the permits services are to be built on an hourly basis and the agreement has it not to exceed amount of $4,280 resolution 175 provides for the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the burrow budget for spoted spotted Lantern grant that the buau received when the burrow receives a grant after the current year budget is adopted and intends to utilize the grant for Budget Appropriations under chapter 159 of the state code the bur can insert this special item of Revenue into the current year budget by resolution this is a grant the burrow applied for and received in the amount of $6,700 resolution 176 on the agenda authorizes the burrow to enter into professional service agreement with L Associates a covert on aadita place is in need of replacement this will be a multifaceted time du in part to the New Jersey D permitting process required for the project the bur has received an engineer heing proposal from L Associates for the project that we were recommending approval of the contract with L Associates the scope of work under the agreement is for Wetlands delineation site and topographical surveying covert design permitting construction plans and construction Administration the proposal for All Phases is an amount not to exceed $44,500 resolution 177 authorizes the buau to enter into professional service agreement with bwell engineering as mentioned earlier The Grove Street and East Oak and West Oak Road Improvement project is moving forward the contract was awarded tonight through public bid process Boswell engineer was contracted to do the project design and bid package early in 2024 this proposal from Boswell included the final phases of the project for construction management and inspection this resolution authorized the burrow to have bosel perform those services in an amount not to exceed $58,500 and finally resolution 178 confirms the appointment of James wber as probationary police officer to the Ramsey Police Department James was a dispatcher with the burrow and participated in the last officer hiring process the burrow offered him a conditional offer of employment earlier this year based on successfully completing the police academy which he had already enrolled in officer W has now completed all requirements of the police academy and the resolution tonight confirms mayor Dylan's appointment of as a probationary police officer with the bur two other items I would just mention as others on the day did tonight Ramsey day will be held on Saturday September 7th with a rain date of Sunday the 8th the day will kick off with the Ramsey fire department pancake breakfast from 8: am to noon at the South Island Firehouse the Ramsey Day Parade will start at 10:30 and go up Main Street to South Island AB boost and entertainment will be ongoing from after the parade throughout the day with the event Ending by 6 p.m. we encourage everyone to come out enjoy the day and support our many nonprofit organizations and our Chamber of Commerce businesses that are participating I would also mention that burough Hall summer hours end on this Friday starting next Tuesday September 3rd B Hall returns to operating hours of 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday and that's all I have for thank you bur attorney nothing thank you madam mayor bur clerk nothing thank you madam mayor okay not hearing any old business or new business can we please have a motion to adjourn May sorry mayor Dylan um sorry I just want to mention that our next meeting will start at 7:30 instead of 7 because we're going to have the 911 oh because it's that's right because our next meeting is September 11th so we have 911 service 7:30 meeting 7:30 okay and this and the 9911 service is at 6:30 at the memorial y y okay thank you thank you all right so no introduction of ordinances no unfinished business or new business do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn Madam mayor second second all right all in favor I thank you