by thank you you are the only participant in the conference [Music] please check the number at di [Music] [Music] again there you go okay thank you which to the right this one y thank you good evening welcome to the May um bough Ramsey mayor and Council uh regular session Wednesday July 24th 2024 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dial number is 425-436 6365 access code 21356 3 and the meeting may also be viewed on the Ramy YouTube Channel please go to the B website to access that YouTube channel may have a roll call please mayor Dyan here councilwoman husk here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo is not here councilwoman poppy here and councilwoman Woods is not here thank you thank you we have the flag salute I will ask Mr Harvey to lead us Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law is enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or AC upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen record in the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19 2024 do we have approval of minutes uh yes Madam mayor I make a motion to approve the minutes for June 26 2024 thank you do we have a second I'll second thank you any comments on the minutes not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo thank you communication sorry I'm sorry councilwoman poppy yes sorry about thank you got it thank you Communications yes Madam mayor this is councilwoman cusk and I would like to accept the communications as noted in our agenda this evening second all right any comments um I'd like to note regret the retirement of Captain shervin he's been a great it to the police department for many years and he will be missed and I wish him best in his retirement roll call please councilwoman cus yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilwoman cofy yes thank you we'll open it up to public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address please speak in an audible tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a 5minute time limit for speaker unless reduced because of the B the business on the agenda please note public comment is your time add respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be giv during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or is directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official timekeeper anyone wish to make public comment in Chambers not seeing anyone I'll ask is there's anyone on the line that would make like to make a comment during public comment first call second call for public comment third and final call for public comment not hearing anyone I will close public comment let's go into consent resolutions please uh thank you Madame mayor oh sorry I have appointment oh sh hold on well we have to go out of order and so well you're not I think it's just the way it was stated oh okay sorry let's go oh yeah St wrong excuse me all right appointments I hereby make the following appointments Khloe Kaden to Ramsey rescue squad Dylan Hunt Ramsey rescue squad Theodore burglar Ramsey fire department Mario guini Ramsey fire department Adam Hutchinson Ramsey fire department Austin Reed Ramsey fire department Caroline McDonald Ramsey Municipal Alliance okay now we go to consent resolutions uh thank you Madame mayor uh be it resolve that resolutions 140 2024 through and including 161 2024 having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Ramsey C and are hereby passed and approved we do have a block party request that would be from V Snider of of dear Trail is requesting commission to hold a block party on Saturday July 27th 2024 from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. thank you I'll second thank you any comments on the consent resolutions not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilwoman papy yes thank you okay let's move in um move into well you want to swear yeah swear them in let's do that how many are here two un unit States [Applause] one more than thank thank you do I love that t-shirt I do too the tank pull seey thank you guys okay let's go into committee leaz on reports finance and administration councilman gut waterer uh thank you may for my report for this evening first off I would like to congratulate the various individuals listed on our agenda on their appointments and thank them for their service to the burrow uh for my reports on the library uh this is a report um given to me by director of leam uh as there's no meeting there was no meeting in the month of July uh this will cover their grand opening of their children's room back in the end of June uh for director lean we officially opened our children our new children's room to Great Fanfare last month uh we were even provided with a commemorative resolution for the New Jersey State Senate and assembly recognizing the opening of the children's room all 39 of our Representatives sponsored this resolution which was of our District 39 representative sponsored this resolution which was unexpected and for which we were extremely grateful uh we will be Framing and posting this resolution in the children's room soon several hundred people attended our grand opening and summer reading kickoff ceremony which is a fantastic turnout this included members of the Ramsey mayor and Council Ramsey Board of Ed Ramsay school media Specialists members of the Ramsey Chamber of Commerce and Friends of the Ramsey library and many more in addition the library uh has recently installed a new door counting system which is more accurate and provide better statistics for measuring Library attendance and usage in all kind and all kinds of metrics the library has seen very high levels of use for both both for The Summer Event but especially for the summer reading challenge program uh while they are still in the middle of the program they anticipate the far Eclipse previous year's levels for number of participants uh number of books read and number of pages read by our participants uh I myself I'm up to my fourth book of the summer which means pretty much nothing uh Recreation Commission the registration for Bo for for boys uh and girls full Recreation soccer is ongoing uh the ramsy run is scheduled for September 21st that'll be a 5K and a 10K and that will start off at the pool on East Oak Street uh the fin Park camp is coming to an end sadly uh ends this Friday and adult softball leagues are also wrapping up their schedules for the Ramsey Farmers Market the market is open Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. uh the Women's Club of Ramsey are hosting at the Farmers Market a Peach Festival on August 4th and down the road an Apple Festival on October 22nd and there are various children's activities at the farmers market from May through October and lastly uh director Boone just wanted me to um provide that farmers market is proud to um provide various monetary contributions to organizations throughout the town thank you thank you Public Safety Council kilman thank you Madame mayor first I would like to say thank you and congratulate Captain Kevin Sheran on his retirement after 27 years of service he certainly will be missed and I wish him all the best also I would like to say congratulations to Khloe Kaden and Dylan Hunt for their appointment to the rescue squad and to Theo burglar miio gorini Adam Hutchinson and Austin Reed for their appointments to the fire department and thank them for their service to this community um I don't have a BFW report this evening but I do have one other one um on the topic of the new Ramsey Emergency Services complex the development committee and thata Architects continue to address issues that need to be in place before we start to take steps that will address actually replacing the 70-year-old building itself as I've stated before we don't expect the Emergency Services complex to go out forbid before the fourth quarter of 2024 when the final design plan for this complex is ready and issues are resolved a date will be set for and be presented to the mayor and councel and that will be open to the public in the meantime we have set up a page on the bough website for this project under the Community heading on the landing page and plans and pertinent information are posted when finalized and that is my report Madam mayor thank you do we have a report for uh councilwoman Woods for Bing Planning and Zoning please thank you and from councilwoman Jane Woods she states I hope everyone is thoroughly enjoying the summer I would like to congratulate and thank the following members on their appointments this town would not operate with the help without the help of so many dedicated volunteers congratulations to qu kadum and Dylan Hunt on their appointment to the Ramsey rescue squad congratulations to Theodore burglar Mario gorini Adam Hutchinson and Austin Reed and their appointment to the Ramsey volunteer fire department the design review board was canceled on July 23rd because there were no applications the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 27th and regarding the sen senior trustees board the senior trustees met on July 11th the air conditioning thermostat was replaced toilets were repaired and the fire alarm was tested officer Bean scam fraud Workshop was excellent and attended by 40 people the yoga instructor is out for surgery but luckily uh elen elen the senior coordinator who can do everything will fill in stamps are going up in price by 5 cents but by mailing the newsletter emailing the newsletter the seniors are saving $4,000 a year the 2013 senior van needs help it has B body damage probably needs alignment as it shakes very badly and they are discussing how to get a new one perhaps some kind partnership with a new Lincoln dealership might work to be continued the folding chairs at the high school for the senior's Gallow were dirty and indust repair some actually collapsed when people sat on them Roger will reach out to Dr Thum principal of the high school and let him know some issues with the senior side parking lot and the pool back gate which are being discussed with Gary July 18th they had eating for strong bones today Rockton electric provided refreshments and had to talk and and had to talk about Energy Efficiency there is a Girl Scout project in coordination with the seniors they are knitting items that are donated to comfort accident victims when they are transported to hacken sack hospital by ambulance this has been coordinated with Ramsey ambulance rescue and police and lastly they discussed the senior think which is currently scheduled for the first Wednesday of September September 4th and it will be held at the community center Zoning Board of adjustment heard two applications on July 17th and the resident application was approved and the commercial application was approved with conditions and that is councilwoman Woods's report thank you very much utilities buildings and ground councilwoman cusk thank you madam mayor best wishes and a joyful retirement to our captain and Kevin shervin of our Ramsey PD and congratulations and thank you for our service for your service to our appointees to rescue and firefighting um for Khloe Kaden Dylan Hunt Ramsey rescue squad and Theodore burglar mtio gini Adam Hutchinson and Austin Reed Ramsey fire department I coached Austin and baseball I attended and enjoyed our buroughs Independence Day celebration it was beautiful and um a warm evening both to the heart and to the temperature um thank you for a beautiful event and to celebrate America I'm also very happy to see resolution 149-24 which reaffirms the existence of our Ramsey Community Emergency Response Team our clerk Miss bendian and I are C members and in the event of an emergency we can help my report tonight will Pro provide an update on the planning board shade tree commission and Public Works the planning board last met on 16 of July there was a hearing for Celtic Motors and the application was approved the next meeting is the 20th of August 2024 the shade tree commission met on the 18th of July and the next meeting will be 15th of August there is information on our bureau's website regarding our shade tree commission and in our new Resident welcoming packages there's information regarding our shade tree ordinances the Board of Public Works last met on the 15th of July 2024 the next meeting is 19th of August 2024 per and pollinated substances posos are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer Coatings and products that resist heat oil stains grease and water the EPA issued posos water quality limits on the 10th of April which impact our water quality our water supply rather um h2m our architectural and engineering firm is working with our Ramsey water department regarding treatment approaches another item which impacts our water supply is the lead service line replacement and the Board of Public Works continues planning regarding NJ D's lead service line replacement legislation this product project requires all lead service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 the lead service line inventory and replacement progress report was submitted to the njde by the burough of Ramsey on the 10th of July 2024 I live on Darlington Avenue and during the week of the 15th of July h2m and the Garcia team performed replacement of the lead service distribution lenses and my neighborhood the workers were professional the job sites were left in a neat and clean condition and finally our consumer confidence report this summarizes the results of the 2023 drinking water quality data there were no water quality violations during the 2023 calendar year the entire report is available for viewing on the Ramsey website starting July 1st it's there already um meeting our njd requirements thank you madam mayor thank you thank you public and government relations councilwoman poppy thank you Madame mayor first I would like to thank Captain Kevin Sherin for his 27 years of service to the Ramsey PD and congratulate our appointees to our um Ramsey rescue Ramsey fire department and Ramsey Municipal Alliance uh clody Khloe Kaden Dylan Hunt Theodore uh burglar Mario bini Adam Hutchinson Austin Reed and Caroline McDonald I look forward to working with Caroline on the municipal Alliance um the last pool commission meeting was July 17th and the next upcoming meeting is July 21st these meetings are open to the public uh they have uh lots of programming going on at the pool with their Fab Fridays I brought my daughter to First Responders night I'd been waiting for it for mon mon when it was announced in the in the spring it was well attended everybody did a great job it was so much fun I was very very happy to be there and it was also very exciting to be at the pool on a Fab Friday and see how much the um pool commission has evolved the programming um at the pool complex it's just I haven't been there in quite some time it's just amazing at um how different it is now in a good way way um the last Ramsey Municipal Alliance meeting was on July 22nd they may not have an August meeting on August 26th if they do not have a quorum um their next meeting will be September 23rd they're working on the next presentation at Ramsey high school on October 9th which is a big one they have a an MBA speaker Chris Haron coming in um to speak to the community on mental health awareness and substance misuse prevention he was on the Boston Celtics we're hoping that he brings uh a large draw the municipal Alliance is also working on bringing back the stigma free initiative and growing the organization with uh new and interested volunteers so if anybody's interested um you can reach out to the municipal Alliance or me directly I'll put you in um in communication and that concludes my report I do have councilman papo's report here as well wonderful okay um councilman Papo spoke about the uh Board of Ed committee he said that there is no update and their next meeting will be in August the environmental commission there was no meeting in July but they will meet in uh August as well uh for R they will have their pool party August 21st official communication will be sent shortly he worked with Kim Jones of Bruno Associates and they submitted the 2024 2025 RJ uh njid Grant to the state um this same activities for rif events and Challenger sports and that would be in the amount of $20,000 uh Glenn uh Council Papo also attended the healthy communities thriving events marketing fundamentals for local leaders on Thursday July 18th he said it was a good session with Q&A panel discussion from established and successful townships he looked forward he looks forward to beginning uh discussions on reinvigorating our ramsy stigma-free alliance so I suppose I should reach out to him on that thank you very much thank you all right good evening everyone um congratulations to the new volunteers and especially you know those going with Emergency Services because that is such a commitment to all the training and the time away from the families so thank you to them very well very much sorry and congratulations to the four Ramsey police officers for passing the probationary periods and becoming four becoming permanent officers so we now have four more permanent officers and by all accounts I'm getting really great feedback on them so happy to hear that uh the Independence Day celebration really was a great success thanks to everyone who made it happen a lot of lot of work goes into it behind the scenes so thank you especially to Bro administrator Bose and councilwoman Pap poppy sorry who helped pick out the U musical acts they were very very good so it was a very nice event and we did start the firor Works earlier um which I think that's good idea gets the families out of there with young kids gets them out there earlier so they can get home and get their kids to bed um I'd like to say just to let everybody know that um burough administrator Bose councilwoman woods and I met with the Hudson Hill group yesterday because we during our resolutions we um ratified a Grant application that they're making the Burrows has nothing to do with the finances they we just they needed some kind of endorsement from the buau in order to make the application however this is really good they intend to um have a group home for four adults with intellectual disabilities on Arc Street um they operate very high quality homes um they really are residences they don't look like group homes they look like individual residents very nice work and they're very excited when we explain to them R and Challengers because they said you know there's not a lot of opport unities for their clients so this is great they're very excited about moving to Ramsey and they want to um possibly have some of their clients volunteer so we'll see how that goes um but I just want to let everybody know we also get we will get six affordable housing credits on this too because you get one and a half credits for special needs housing all right and then we're also going to have um shovels in the ground the grand opening or whatever you call it first the sh groundbreaking thank you next month for 13 North Central for those six units that are being done by um Ramsey housing and United or Bergen County so that's everything I just want to let everybody know that's what enjoy the rest of the summer my favorite time of year okay for administrator uh thank you madam mayor I'll comment on some of the items on tonight's agenda uh resolution 141 we've talked about who amends the retirement date for police captain Sheran last meeting we had accepted his resignation which had an effective date in August it was modified to July 31st so I will not reiterate all my comments from last meeting on Captain shervin's dedicated service to the burough and his accomplishments I'll just say again thank you for all of his service especially in the area of school safety that him and chief lineman were at the Forefront of and I think ahead of many of the municipalities in town and providing uh that safety environment to our school system and then also share their knowledge in that field to other towns throughout the state resolutions 146 and 140 154 authorize the burough to share Municipal Court administrators with Waldwick which is resolution 146 in Upper River resolution 154 on a provisional basis in the absence of one of the town's Court administrators these agreements just allow for coverage in municipal courts with a licensed Court Administrator should sickness or another emerg circumstance cause the absence of that Town's Court designated Court Administrator so it just provides coverage with other towns in case something comes up you know if to cancel court session resolution 147 uh authorized the burough to enter into lease agreement for a mailing and postage machine which our machine is required to be replaced due to its age and postal changes burrow will be contracted with Jersey mail systems for replacement machine through a 63 Monon lease under a New Jersey state contract and the lease incl machine meter rental maintenance cost of $336 83 per month resolution 148 authorizes the burrow to execute an owner consent certification the burough is the owner of property at 601 North Central Avenue MAA New Jersey this location is controlled by the Ramsey Board of Public Works with the BPW as they have a water supply well on the property this resolution provides the Burrow's consent as property owner to the co- applicants McKay Brothers LLC and the BPW to submit an application to the Ramsey planning board resolution 149 as the uh I think Judy talked about councilwoman cusk spoke about C uh this is the process of updating uh the burrow is in the process of updating our emergency operation plan with the New Jersey State Police this resolution reaffirmed our SE program and therefore allows C's inclusion in the EOP resolution 155 the mayor just spoke about the Hudson Hill group about the Grant application this is just an endorsement of their Grant application and does not obligate any burrow financing for the project resolution 159 Awards a two-year contract for the removal and disposal of leaves to Nature's Choice the burrow went out to public bid for a two-year contract for the removal and disposal of leaves bids were opened on July 18th with three firm submitting bids the low bidder was Nature's choice of Home de with a bid of $973 per cubic yard on an estimated quantity of 50,000 cubic yards of leaves over the cumulative for the two years for a total of $486,500 under the contract bids were reviewed by burough qpa Jack dasto bur attorney scandar a both recommended award Nature's choices the lowest responsible bidder this contract is for removal of the leaves from the Ramsey DPW location and transportation to an authorized and LIC disposal site this is consistent with the current situation with the DPW performing the curbside collection and the outside contractor the removal from the DPW Yard to the land disposal resolutions 156 157 158 160 and 161 all confirm the permanent appointments of Ramsey police officers who have successfully completed their probationary period police officers hired by the Burrow under the collective bargaining agreement have a one-year probation period if offic successfully complete the probationary period they are then recommended for permanent appointment these five officers have successfully completed their probationary periods and have been recommended by the police Command Staff for permanent appointment effective on the one-year anniversary of their probationary appointment two of these were last December and three of these were were late June of last year first appointed and mid July this of 23 now pass their one year at this point we have three ordinances on the agenda for introduction tonight ordinance number nine which amends chapter seven of the burough code Rec regarding time limited parking and stop intersections this ordinance modifies two sections of this chapter seven of the Baro C the first amendment is section 7-12 time limit parking to allow for up to two-hour parking on the north side of Carol Street from North Spruce to Church Street where currently no parking is allowed this amendment will allow for time parking in this section consistent with other Street segments in the area with Time parking this time limit parking is in effect all days except Sundays and holties the second section amended is section 7-20 to allow for a four-way stop at the intersection of Carol Street in North Spruce Street these have both been reviewed and recommended by the Ramsey Police Department traffic Bureau ordinance 10 of 2024 is a bond ordinance to authorize the resurfacing of East Oak Street West Oak Street Street a portion and Grove Street the bond or ordinance authorized the funding for the resurfacing of Grove Street and East o in their entirety in West Oak Street from woff a to fir Ferman a the project includes some ancillary Curbing and sidewalk replacement as well estimated project cost is1 million 50,000 the buau has applied for and received grants for this work in an aggregant amount of 371,000 077 from the state of New Jersey Department of transort to mitigate the bur's cost of financing the improvements this project is currently out to public bid and award of contract is anticipated to be made at the August 28th mayor and council meeting ordinance 11 is an ordinance amending chapter 34 of the burrow code regarding signs this ordinate amends section 34-7 of the burrow code regarding sign regulations specifically 34- 7.3 for General regulations letters d and e the amendment to 3473 D adds to the current regulations that signs shall not be internally illuminated without the design review board's approval the amendment to 3473 adds to the current restrictions that led type illumination is prohibited for signs accents and raceways these amendments were recommended by the design review board to the council's building planning and zoning committee chaired by councilwoman woods and have been reviewed and incorporated into the ordinance for introduction tonight and that's all I have thank you that was quite a bit yes hey for attorney nothing thank you FAL clerk um I just wanted to remind everyone I wasn't sure if you're going to cover it but the next meeting is not until August 28th because we're still on summer schedule okay so August 28th is our next council meeting okay thank you thank you all right let's move into introduction of ordinances ordinance 09 2024 thank thank you madam mayor ordinance 09 2024 be resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 7 of the code of the Bureau of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more specifically section 7-12 entitled parking time limited on certain streets in section 7-20 entitled stop intersections passing the first reading by title and that set ordinance by further considered for final Passage and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor room council meeting to be held on the 28th day of August 2024 at 700 p.m. meeting prevailing time or as soon after as the matter can be reached at the municipal building in SB and be it further resolved that the buau clerk be and in and hereby is instructed to publish in an official newspaper of the buau in a manner provided by law a copy of said ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for final passage and adoption I'll second thank you any additional comment um no Bruce B did a cogent job explaining that I do want to highlight one thing that I'm glad we're putting a four-way stop at the intersection of Carol Street North Bruce Street I personally have seen some very close or near misses um and glad it's being taken care of thank you thank you madam mayor roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilwoman poppy yes thank you ordinance 1024 2024 thank you Madame mayor uh this is the introduction of ordinance 10-24 be it resolved that an ordinance entitled ordinance 10-24 Bond ordinance to authorize the resurfacing of East Oak Street the entire length West Oak Street from woff Avenue to Ferman Avenue and Grove Street the entire length in by and for the burrow of Ramsey in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $150,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds pass the first reading by title and that set ordinance be further considered for final passes and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 28th day of August 2024 7 p.m. prevailing time for soon after as the matter can be reached at the municipal building in sbor and be further resolved that the burough clerk B and she hereby is instructed to publish in an official newspaper of the buau in the manner provided by law a copy of said ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for final passes and adoption do I have a second oh councilwoman cusk yes I second thank you any comments no B administrator Rose did a great job of explaining his work thank you just want everybody recognize that we're getting a grant for approximately onethird the cost of this project to offset it a little more than a third so well done on getting that money absolutely well done he roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilwoman poppy yes thank you okay and finally ordinance 11 2024 thank you madam mayor be it resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 34 of the code of the burough of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more specifically section 34-7 thereof entitled signs pass the first reading by title and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 28th day of August 2024 7 p.m. prevailing time or as soon after as the matter can be reached at the municipal building in said burrow and be it further resolve that the burough clerk B and she hereby is instructed to publish in an official newspaper of the buau in the manner provided by law a copy of said ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for final passage and adoption thank you do we have a second I'll second thank you any comments Madame mayor um burough administrator uh Bose covered it but I I do believe that this is a a good aesthetic quality element that we're continuing to keep Ramsey a beautiful town so I'm very happy to see this ordinance pass and was also recommended by the design review board yes so there we go all right roll call please councilwoman cusin yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilwoman poy yes thank you okay do we have any unfinished business not I do okay I regret to not have have congratulated Caroline McDonald on her appointment to um the Ramsey Municipal Alliance so I now I do there you go congratulations and I mistakenly said during my comments it was four police officers it's five so I'm not licensed to practice numbers so do we do we have a motion to adjourn let make a motion all right second let's second a motion all in favor all right see you in August