e e e you do not thank you there is one other participant in the conference please announce yourself so I this red button to the right that says re EC it's good thing I was in the AV club you let me know you ready y I'm ready okay on okay thank you good evening good evening welcome to the burough of Ramy the mayor and Council regular session AG regular session on Wednesday May 22nd 2024 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dial in number is 426-436 6365 with access code 21356 3 and the meeting may also be viewed on the Ramsey YouTube channel which is accessible through the burough website may have the roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gow here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy is not here councilwoman Woods here thank you can we have the flag salute council president kman I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 2024 um I'd like to start the meeting with having a moment of silence for Chuck sh um a very dedicated member of the Ramsey ambulance Corps very dedicated um and he was just laid to rest this past Saturday thank you let's move on approval of minutes please thank you madam mayor I'd like to receive and file the minutes as listed for the date May 8th 2024 I'll second thank you does anybody have any comments or changes to the minutes no roll call please councilwoman fusk yes councilman gutwetter I will abstain as I was not in attendance that evening councilman kilman I also abstain I was not in attendance that evening councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you Communications yes madame mayor I would like to move that we uh receive and file the communications as listed on the agenda this evening Madame mayor this is councilwoman kusk and I second thank you do we have any comments on the communications not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman yes thank you we'll open up to public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address please speak in audible tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a five minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume of business on the agenda please note public comment is your time add of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or is directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official timekeeper if anybody wants to make any public comments if you want to make a public comment on ordinance 07 2024 which is the um pet store ordinance that should be done during the public hearing for that ordinance later in this meeting right is there anyone from the public that wants to make comment please step up to the podium Council greetings your name and address PA Schultz 19 Carol Street okay can you spell your last name please s c u l z okay thank you the address is also known as 45 North streets um it's almost it's mentioned in here uh I mean I had a couple things I wanted to discuss for a while but uh ordinance 62024 doesn't pertain to my location I'm sorry I can't understand you ordinance 624 mentioned in your agenda for this evening 06 2024 uh yeah that's for Dixon and Bon and Bonnie two other streets but anyway on Carol Street this past Friday the town DPW came by and brought up no parking signs at any time um on both sides of the street no no but there is an old ordinance I guess on the bo that mentions no parking between um Church Street okay um the history of my property my mother-in-law bought the house in 1995 and my wife and I began living there in 2000 um it's a two family house I have a four family house behind me on Spruce and then I have two two family houses next to me on the west side of my property front on Church Street both being two family houses and obviously no parking at any time is going to be a major problem for the area I could not contact any of the owners of the other three houses and I wasn't aware of this ordinance going on I don't at the record I'm not sure published but um it's going to hurt property value there there there's no place for people to par I mean outside of on Carol spr and parts of spruce or church and I you know I need I know my mother-in-law had the house there were um I think the similar parking signs that are found further on further east on Carol Spruce I think no parking between uh 6 and noon 2our parking committed between six and which I think is violated on a steady basis in the area um no but the no parking again it's going to if it prohibits parking in any way um we've got a problem there tenants having place to par I have single ten girl if she had a husband or two cars I'd have problems with definite problems as it stands right now I don't but I know how it's going to affect the area and um of course there something to think about the Ral coming up um but it is I feel it's detrimental to property value not to mention the inconvenience that it causes but they were never to my knowledge for since 19 any no parking of any kind or whatever it was something that was far more limited or less limited you know for parking so I'm just wondering can something be done about that yeah we'll look into it I'm sorry go ahead are those temporary like the temporary no parking signs went up no these are not the temporary I mean I that with the little league trades and everything else you know no that's but but they're not temporary they put up regular okay they put up three signs between spru and church okay and it was it was somebody in the neighborhood complained from what I gaed okay did they always have that 2hour strip because I actually saw those today when I was trying was that was it always just two hour parking on that there were no signs there I mean since I came in in July 2000 mve that I've been in Ramsey for over 30 years and used to live on deor um but the there when we went in there in 2000 there were no signs watch no parking signs or signs relative to par it still doesn't alleviate that there's no parking overnight on any of the streets I understand that understand but during the day it's an issue right yeah and you know I I I hear well it'll only be enforced maybe if there's a complaint file in this instance I believe there was a complaint file I'll leave it at that okay um can you follow up please with Mr Vose just email him so you know we have to speak with the PD with Sergeant konico we got to look into this so if you could please follow up with him yeah I mean I would think you're going to hear from my neighbors again it's it's such a short period of time last Friday okay okay I do know the two-hour parking was in implemented because of the commuter issue we had people coming to town and parking on the streets and taking the train so I think they did a two-hour parking okay one one more quick comment please um the Carol Street is is a nightmare spe I know the police have been out there at times doing their thing but I'm sure they got better things to do could you discuss putting a four-way stop at Spruce and and C of course you got cars park byka you're talking about byka the intersection by varka yes yeah I we'll we'll speak with Sergeant get very serious at times and this Fender vendor I've seen two of them this year but it's it's it's a problem and it's there's kids in the area but four-way stop parking on Carol Street if I can get that and as far as the four-way stop and the parking is concern when our cars parked in front of my house people slow down they can't speed like they do now okay all right definitely we'll make sure that you know Sergeant can look to all of that he's the head of the Traffic Division okay I appreciate whatever you can do yeah no worries of course thank you and have a good night you too thank you yes please anybody else wishing to make a public comment okay anyone on the line wishing to make a public comment second call for public comments for anybody on the telephone third and final call for public comments for anyone on the telephone okay we will close public comment at this point Thank you so let's move into advertise public hearings for final consideration ordinance 06 2024 thank you Madame mayor this is councilwoman cusk this is the final ordinance for 62024 and an ordinance amending chapter 7 of the code of the bur of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more particularly section 7- 7.4 thereof entitled parking prohibited at all times on certain streets having been brought up for public hearing and all persons interested having been given an opportunity to be heard pass final reading by title and that said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the buau of Ramsey and and be it further resolve that the burough clerk be and she hereby is directed to cause a copy of the title of set ordinance to be published in an official newspaper of the buau in the manner provided by law together with the notice of the date of introduction and Adoption of set ordinance I'll second that thank you are there any comments on this ordinance yes madame mayor I I would like to make a few and if um bough administrator Bose would like to um to complement these I'd be happy but this ordinance was Rec uh recommended by our Ramsey police department and it prohibits the parking on one side of Dixon and on bonavie Terrace um these two dead end streets off of Lake Street are narrow and they are because I've I've parked there before and the streets um the the parking on both sides has led to Residents giving feedback and complaining about the parking situations um um many times the parking is not about residents but it's about people coming to use the parking areas as they attend events at the Board of Education Fields behind Eastwood College um this causes an issue for the homeowners on these streets so um this ordinance has parking prohibited on one side of each Street with the Restriction of the east side of Dixon and the west side of bonavie thank you thank you madam mayor you anyone else okay we'll open this up to public hearing is there anyone who would like to comment on ordinance 06 2024 regarding parking on Dixon and Bonny View hi Daniel Kennedy 49 and you can see I have a long thing written about parking of the field and my end suggestion is can we just have it as parking as one side and I think I'm hearing that's what the ordinance actually is that's what the ordinance is proposed perfect y thank you Mr Kennedy okay anyone else anyone on the telephone wish to make a comment regarding ordinance 06 2024 second call for comments on ordinance 06 2024 third and five fin call for comments on 06 2024 not hearing any I will close the public hearing can we please have a roll call councilwoman husk yes councilman gut wer yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you ordinance 07224 thank you madam mayor final ordinance 07 2024 an ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the code of the burough of Ramsey County of Bergen state of New Jersey so as to establish subsection 3-33 entitled pet store prohibitions having been brought up for public Hearing in all persons interested have been given opportunity an opportunity to be heard pass final reading by title and that said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the buau of Ramsey and be it further resolved that the burough clerk be and she hereby is directed to cause a copy of the title of said ordinance to be published in an official newspaper of the burough in a manner provided by law together with a notice of the date of introduction and AD option of said ordinance I will second that thank you any comments yes Madam mayor um this ordinance seeks to protect animals and consumers from the puppy mill to pet store pipeline which is becoming more and more prevalent across many states this ordinant is similar to those already passed in over 140 New Jersey municipalities and others across many states some New Jersey pet stores are sourcing puppies from Midwest or other area puppy mills which keep the dogs in cruel conditions and the puppies many times become sick these puppies are then sold through the pet stores to Consumers buying these puppies unaware of their background the ordinance prohibits the sale of dogs or cats by a retail pet store as defined in the ordinance and I would like to add that we still encourage um pets being um transferred through Humane ways and um I just wanted to add that we allow for uh rescue organizations to help okay okay perfect thank you k is there anyone from the public that wishes to make a comment on ordinance 07 2024 hello uh Richard jety that's J A TSK KY I live in Clifton and I was here last time on the first reading and I just want to say of course I urge you to all vote yes thank you thank you anyone else hello my name is Bara alale New Jersey can you spell your last name please d s like Sam n Allandale and I just want to say I have many relatives in Ramsay and many close friends and we are all again you know want you to vote Yes on this against so I love Ramsey I'd like to move into Ramsey because I'm very close so I just want to say that thank you thank you you guys need to stay after the meeting Madam mayor I I was going to add this in Old business but I'm so well I am grateful for this ordinance proposal Mr jeski can you wait till the end of the meeting I would like to speak with you about another issue that's come up please thank you okay Wonder okay anyone else from the public okay not seeing anyone anyone on the phone would you like to comment on ordinance 07 2024 second call for comments on 07224 third and final call for comments on ordinance 07224 not hearing any I will close the public hearing can we have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you you I make the following appointments Alise laruso to Ramsey rescue squad Eric parks to Ramsey rescue squad and Olivia parks to Res Ramsey rescue squad let's move on to consent resolutions thank you Madame mayor uh be resolved that resolutions 112 2024 through and including 118 2024 having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved uh there's a special permit West tonight the St Paul's Roman Catholic Church at 193 wof Avenue in Ramsey is requesting permission to lead a Eucharistic procession on Sunday June 2nd from the church to the post office on the sidewalk 11:00 a.m. to 12: noon celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christie a couple block party requests Brian Drews of Elbert court is requesting permission to hold the block party on Saturday June 22nd 2024 from 1:30 to 9: M and Alex Sten of SCH Lane is requesting a permission to hold a block party on Friday July 5th 2024 from 12 noon to 10 p.m. M mayor I'll second that thank you any comments on the resolutions not hearing can we have a roll call please Council woman husk yes councilman GW yes councilman kilman yes councilman pap yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you committee leis on reports let's go with councilman GW finance and administration thank you again Madame mayor my report for this evening I just want to congratulate uh those who uh received their appointments tonight to Ramsey rescue thank them for their service to their burough uh for the library board the uh HV vag renovation project is complete the children's room renovation is underway and the target is for a reopening near the end of June friends of Ramsey Library ran their spring youth book and jewelry sale in late April and the proceeds go to support Library services such as the summer reading program museum pass program and the Sunday concert series the library collaborated with the Ramsey environmental Commission on several Earth Day events in April and May the summer concert series will return with concert scheduled uh from June through September more details to follow and Li Library con was held this past Saturday and was a very successful event uh the Recreation Commission summer camp at Finch online registration is now open through June 18th and is nearing the 300 children capacity uh the camp July 1st the 26 the link to register can be found on the Burrow's website spring sports are nearing completion as well as a new volleyball Clinic which was very successful and finished recently Home Run Derby is scheduled for Saturday June 15th 2024 and a new K3 basketball clinic is in discussion for the fall and lastly the Ramsey run uh is in planning stages for September 21st Ramsey Farmers Market Market is now on extended hours from on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 2nd the annual Strawberry Festival hosted by the women's buba Ramsey we're also hosting at the farmers market a Peach Festival on August 4th an Apple Festival on October 22nd and they sponsored the heirloom tomato sale this past Saturday there were various children's activities from May through October at the farmers market and this past Sunday in the record the far Ramsey Farmers Market was one of three North Jersey Farmers Mark markets featured in their uh addition that's all I have for this evening thank you Public Safety Council president kilman thank you madam mayor congratulations to Elise Eric and Olivia on their appointments to Ramsey rescue and we thank them for their service we have several brief reports one is from former councilman and Military veteran Joe veroni uh regarding VFW Post 12148 vfw's annual poppy donations began on May 1st raising funds for poppy donations will continue to run until June 30th donation locations are at various retail establishments throughout the buau on Thursday May 9th several VFW members attended the woff YMCA annual roll call for veterans program in luncheon approximately 300 veterans from the area attended the keynote speaker was Master sculptor Sabin Howard Sabin Howard led the team on the World War I Memorial monument a solders journey which will be unveiled in Washington DC this coming Monday May 27th Memorial Day the SCH schu of events include from 9 to approximately 9:45 there will be a BFW memorial service for fallen soldiers at Union Cemetery at 10:30 to 11: parade Marchers will gather on Maple Street at 11:00 a.m. Memorial Day Parade the Memorial Day Parade steps off onto Main Street up to Ramsey High School and at 11:45 uh the BFW memorial service will begin at Veterans Park moving on this past Sunday councilwoman Judy kusk and I attended the 200th anniversary celebration of the First Presbyterian Church in Ramsay it was a glorious event on behalf of the mayor and councel Judy and I presented them with Proclamation dedicating May 19th 2024 to the First Presbyterian Church in recognition of the ongoing service and valuable contribution this congregation has provided to this area since 1824 this congregation has had various names since its Inception in 1795 as the Dutch Church of Ropo it occupied various locations in our area and its name evolved jumping ahead of it in 1908 the year the burough of Ramsey was established the congre uh the congregation voted to officially join and Incorporated its current name the First Presbyterian Church there is so much wonderful history connected with this congregation I want to sum up by quoting a paragraph from their 200th anniversary commemorative program quote as we celebrate this Milestone we are mindful of our place among our Ramsey neighbors our location next to burrow Hall dater school and the police station serves as a reminder of the Good Fortune of the 14,500 residents in this wonderful town and we are grateful Ramsay is our home a town governed well with citizens who care about their children and their seniors alike a town where all can find spiritual care a place where young families can put down roots in comfort and safety and peace just as we put down Our Roots here 200 years ago we look forward to the future with confidence and I have a quick Public Safety report for regarding the Ramsey Emergency Services complex um that continues uh the design work with uh the committee and with meta Architects uh they are looking at that plan and also resolving any issues that need to be answered in order to replace the 70-year old structure on South Island Road currently we don't expect the emergency service complex to go out for bid until the fourth quarter of 2024 when the design plan for the complex is ready and the outstanding issues are resolved a date will be set for it to be presented to the mayor and councel and open to the public in the meantime time any information that is available can be found on the bough website under the Community heading on the landing page and all plans and pertinent information are posted once they are finalized and that concludes my report thank you councilwoman Woods for public building Planning and Zoning sorry thank you madam uh I'm going to start with um so on Sunday I was pleased to attend the eagle scout ceremony at the community center and represent the mayor and Council it was a beautiful event and honored um Glenn Beck Jr who is an outstanding young man and there were several outstanding young men there um because at the ceremony they read through all of his accomplishments it was going to be redundant for me to read the proclamation so I said I would read it into public record tonight because it's a lot but you should all hear how wonderful this young man is Proclamation Eagle Scout resolution for Glenn T vck Jr whereas Glenn's Trail to Eagle started as a Cub Scout with pack 175 in Ramsey and he Advanced through the ranks of tiger wolf bear and wee blows earning the Arrow of Light the highest award in Cub scouting and whereas he bridged to Ramsey Boy Scouts troop 31 in 2018 and attained the rank of scout Tenderfoot second class first class star and life through hard work and dedication to scouting and whereas Glenn attended many activities offered by troop 31 highlighted by annually attending the summer programs in Camp noi NOCO while enjoying outdoor activities such as kayaking canoeing hiking the trails of Gettys in Gettysburg National Park volunteering service hours at St John's soup kitten the New Jersey State Police camper and seagert and navigated an island and the Gulf Coast on the highway on a high adventure trip in the Florida Keys whereas he served in leadership position positions such as senior patrol leader assisted senior patrol leader and patrol leader all while while earning over 45 merit badges toward Eagle achieving Eagle palms and attending National youth leadership training in 2022 and whereas Glenn's Eagle project took place at St Anthony's Roman Catholic Church in Hawthorne where he demonstrated leadership and problem solving skills through the process of original planning and executing the restoration of the Jubilee Garden later to be blessed by Bishop Kevin Sweeney and whereas Glenn is an accomplished student Focus ing on a career path as an engineer he participates in academic activities such as the robotics Club forensic science club and Military Club all while while maintaining a positive balance of academic and other extracurricular interest including Shooting Sports video games robotic competitions an active member of Ramsey rescue and will continue his academic Pursuits at a four-year engineering College in 2025 now therefore be it resolved on this 19th day of May 2024 that the mayor dear Dyan burough Ramsey do hereby congratulate and commend Glen T Bei Jr on his achievements thank you wonderful one job it was just amazing thank you yes the rest of my report is very short uh I want to congratulate elely uh laruso Eric parks and aiyah parks on their appointment to the Ramsey rescue squad thank you very much for your service um the design review board will be meeting on Tuesday May 28th the senior trustees board meeting was held on Thursday May 9th the senior Gala is set for Saturday June 22nd from 12:00 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the old gym um and the mayor and Council will will serve the food they are looking forward to attending the new Resident mixer on June 11th from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm and uh they are looking to acquire shades for some of the windows in the in the senior center because they disturb some of the classes and the office so we will talk about that uh line dancing has 30 people signed up and people are clamoring to join it's really popular um and um as June 13th at 9:30 they are hosting a presentation uh from off officer Bean on senior scams which I think will be very enlightening I'm so glad they're doing that the Zoning Board of adjustment meeting on May 15th heard one residential hearing which was approved one application was carried until June because it was not complete um I just want to quickly mention again about the uh Flight Radar 24 app to get information on planes that may be flying overhead I've discussed this several times but um as we're outside more and we noticed air traffic and if there's air traffic low and it's disturbing you please um submit a complaint to the Teterboro Airport noise hotline this will be on our website for information but I want you to be aware that there is a way to voice your concerns thank you thank you councilwoman just as you were saying that honestly a plane flew over I don't know if you timed it but well done sorry M call in all props awesome wow hey utilities buildings and grounds councilwoman cusk thank you madam mayor this is councilwoman cusk's report for the 22nd of May 2024 Memorial Day serves as a reminder of the cost of freedom and the responsibility to foster a peaceful world it's a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by service members in their families to protect the values and Liberties that the United States cherishes happy Memorial Day everyone as Madame mayor said my sincerest gratitude for Chuck Shuck's service to the Ramsey UL ambulance Corps he was a dedicated and recognized member of our community my prayers are for his family and for the ambulance extended family family congratulations to Elise laruso Eric parks and Olivia parks for their appointments to our Ramsey rescue my report tonight will provide an update regarding our planning board our shade tree commission and the Board of Public Works the planning board met yesterday the 21st of May there was one site plan wait uh I'm sorry there were um there was one one site plan waiver approved there was one public hearing which is continued to the June 4th meeting and there were three resolutions which were approved the the board will next meet on the 4th of June our shade tree commission last last met on the 16th of May the next meeting will be the 20th of June and there's information on our bureau's website regarding the shade tree commission the buau of Public Works last met on the 20th of May the next meeting is in June Pur and poly fluorinated substances posos are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer Coatings and products that resist heat oil grease stains and water EPA issued revised posos water quality limits on the 10th of April which impacts our water supply h2m our consultant met with the Ramsey water department on the 10th of May to review conceptual floor plan plans and site plans and are working on the draft of the treatment evaluation report which will drive recommended treatment for each of our water facilities and Associated feasibility the lead service line replacement our board continues planning regarding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections lead service line replacement legislation this is a project that requires all lead service lines served by the water system to be replaced by the year 2031 the lead service line inventory and replacement progress report will be submitted to the njde on the 10th of July 2024 our consumer confidence report will summarize the results of the 2023 drinking water quality data there were no water quality violations during the 2023 calendar year a CCR postcard will be mailed to customers in June and will indicate that the entire report will be available for viewing on the Ramsey website starting on the 1st of July 2024 and that also meets our New Jersey D requirements and by not mailing the report out in my opinion is very sustainable and finally our Ramsey Water and Sewer Department are making repairs to the fire hydrants that were noted for corrective action during the hydrant flushing if you see a hydrant with a black plastic bag over it it's in need of a repair and it's on the list thank you madam mayor thank you okay Publican governmental relations councilwoman poppy is not here this evening does anyone have comments for her I have a report oh well there we go thank you um councilwoman Sarah Poppy's report States first I would like to express my condolences to the family of Chuck chook his endless contributions to this community will not be forgotten and he will be greatly missed Ramsey lead I was asked to be a judge for the lead's Got Talent for the fourth year which was held this past Saturday as per usual the fifth graders put on great show displaying amazing talents such as singing instrumental routines dance magic and more I'm so proud of you all all the participants and I congratulate them for their bravery I would also like to thank councilwoman cusk for taking a spot on the panel this year her enthusiasm and commentary was welcome and uplifting Ramsey Municipal Alliance as a reminder the meet police and Drug takeback event will be held on June 9th at the Ramy far Farmers Market Gizmo D robot will be back to entertain the crowd and teach about healthy habits and the kids will be in encourage to interact with an officer than take photos the police department will be bringing their mobile takeback box bring any unneeded unwanted or expired medication for disposal but sorry no liquids or Sharps the municipal Alliance is looking for volunteers if you are interested in getting involved email ramsum Municipal Alliance all1 word lowercase gmail.com or attend a meeting on the fourth mon day of the month in council chambers Ramsey municipal pool the pool will be open on weekends starting at 10:00 a.m. on May 25th the next meeting is June 19th 2024 at the municipal pool and also and lastly the new Resident mixer the mayor and Council would like to remind residents that if you've moved to town since January 2022 and local organizations to sign up for the new Resident mix to be held on June 11th there'll be live music fun and food and it is sure to be a great time as it has another years and that's uh councilwoman papy's report Madam mayor thank you health education Social Services councilman Papo thank you Madame mayor uh congratulations to Elise Eric and Olivia on their appointments to Ramsey rescue and thank you for their service I'll start off with Ramsey is for everyone R uh the softball season continues with an upcoming game against a powerful MAA access for all team in a couple of weeks hopefully we get a w June uh planning is underway for our June 22nd Gala event at Ramsey High School and discussions have begun for annual July Boulders game and the August po pool party that'll be scheduled uh for environmental committee uh we met on May 14th with the working teams you know continuing with their activities the committee did stress the presentation for Mark jael's uh Eagle Scout ceremony uh as the environmental committee provided financial support for that so they did ask for everyone to attend uh the June 2nd at 1M uh ceremony which will be at the Ramsey Community Center uh Board of Education we met last night with an announcement of a new principal for Harvard school I will uh announce also Andel citer uh will be resigning and stepping down at the end of the month uh they honored a 25-year service for teachers uh and I will note the combined number of years was over 600 for all those teachers that uh were were honored for 25 years of service uh they also recognized roughly 10 teachers that will be retiring in June and that concludes my report thank you thank you for my comments U congratulations to Glenn the pre Jr on his Eagle Scout that is such an accomplishment and also congratulations to the Presbyterian Church on their 200y year anniversary I'd like to thank councilwoman Woods for covering the Eagle Scout court of honor and councilman kilman and councilwoman cusk for covering the Presbyterian Church as I had a family event that day so I was not around to cover them so thank you um once again condolences to Chuck shot's family um his wife Cindy son Chris and daughter Alice it was quite a moving ceremony on Saturday um Reverend lindaman did a very good job on it and it was standing room only it was really an amazing ceremony and I'd like to thank Jake Englishman because he really coordinated all of it he did a wonderful job and it really seemed to go off with without any problems you so condolences to the Chuck Sho family I'd like to recognize um earlier this evening I was down in Glenrock for a special celebration presentation um for several outstanding young people in high school for a couple of them from Glenrock and two of them are from Ramsey High School Lola Callahan and Francesca Muno who were involved in a movie um with an office from Glenrock for noran and it the movie focused on substance abuse mental health and the connection between substance abuse mental health and Naran and we're hoping that it can be used as a tool to teach young people about Naran to hopefully save some more lives so congratulations to them they did a wonderful job on that movie and also congratulations to Elise laruso Eric parks and Olivia parks on joining Ramsey rescue squad and I think that's all that I have thank you for administrator Mr Bose thank you Madame mayor I'll comment on a few of the resolutions that were on our agenda tonight resolution 117 that resolution designated Ramsay's representatives to the Bergen County community development program which ultimately is a Fally funded program that the county administers the burough has been very successful in obtaining grants through this program for such reason projects as the new bathrooms at Burl Hall and at Finch Park in the multi-purpose community room or the V FW and obviously where we will use as one of our voting locations coming our appointed Representatives uh designated in the resolution or myself as the burrow administrator and burrow clerk bendian as the alternate representative resolution 118 uh is the authorization of preparation and issuance of 2024 estimated property tax bills that would be due on August 1st each year we do a resolution authorizing the prep ation of estimated property tax bills in advance of the third quarter billing which is due August 1st this is necessitated by the fact that the county of Bergen must first certify all four components of the property tax rate from the Board of Education the municipal component the county and the library prior to the final 2024 property tax rates being set since that county certification has not occurred yet and it's not anticipated in our discussions with the county to come in the next few weeks the burrow will be sending out bills later in June the law requires that property tax bills be issued a minimum of 30 days before they're due in this case August 1st once the county certification process is complete the final 2024 rate will be implemented and reflected in the fourth quarter property tax billing the Board of Education Municipal and Library portions of the 2024 property tax rate have already been set tending the certification and along with this estimate for the county component these are are reflected in the total estimated 20204 property tax rate of $2 and. 821 which overall is a 3.0% increase over 2023 um couple notes uh councilman kilman talked about this but I'll just briefly mention it again for Memorial Day it's N9 o'clock BFW service at Union Cemetery uh parade lineup starts at 10:30 on Maple Street the parade will step St off at 11:00 from Maple Street go up Main Street to Veterans Park and after the then there will be a Memorial Day ceremony uh done by the veterans at the park and then post the ceremony there will be hot dogs at the Island Avenue Firehouse uh one other Note coming up in the next uh few weeks I'll just just a heads up with the successful implementation of a change in operating hours of burough hall for the summer period over the last three years and Adoption of a burough ordinance last year burrow Hall hours of operation will again change for the summer starting with Monday June 24th as a reminder in the non-summer period burrow Halls open 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday for a total of 40 hours the summer hours from the last Monday in June through Labor Day weekend are Monday through Thursday 8: am to 5:00 pm and Friday 8: am. to noon as noted this provides the same 40 hours of Public Access with extended time each morning Monday through Friday and extended time at the end of the day from Monday through Thursday offsetting the earlier Friday close and that will conclude my comments burough attorney nothing thank you ma'am bur clerk nothing thank you thank you um one thing I just forgot to mention is that the lgbtq event at Ramsey high school is on June 1st from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. it's on the front lawn I attended last year but I will be at the Challenger game against MAA that night which is at the same time I just want to let everybody know and it is on the electronics sign board at Finch Park okay we have any introduction bordens none any unfinished or new business not hearing any well then let's have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I thank you have a nice evening go Rangers