red please yes for theing on hey good evening B Ramsey welcome to the mayor and Council regular session for Wednesday December 13 2023 it says card this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dialing number is 425 436 6365 access code 23563 the meeting may also be rewed on Ramy YouTube channel um which could be located through the burough website thank you roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here you flag I'll ask council president kilman to lead us I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation indivisible andice okay do it no it's New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public parties at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 13 2023 do we have approval of minutes yes madame mayor this is Council woman kusk and I would like to approve the minutes as submitted from the meeting on November 27th 20123 thank you do we have a second a second okay any comments on the minutes or any changes no all right thank you roll call please Council Moman cus yes councilman gutwetter I'll have to say no as I was not an attendance that evening okay councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you Communications I would like to make a motion to accept the communications listed on tonight's agenda I second those Madam mayor okay any comments on the commun ation not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we'll open up to public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address pleas speak an aable tone and dressure comes to the chair there will be a 5 minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume of business on the agenda please note public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seed to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governor body's governing B's comments later in the meeting or is directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official time keeper good evening uh chance Parker PR K Ramsey New Jersey um very uh pleased to see several um topics issues on tonight's agenda um starting off with the north central soccer field so certainly as a parent and as a coach I have uh uh way too much anxiety uh unnecessarily from uh utilizing that facility so um definitely appreciate that uh questions as to just like uh the 39 parking spots if that's like um you know more to make that uh facility um usable uh at a higher frequency um I assume that's going to well you'd have to take down the uh the pine the large pine trees there or maybe even encroach on some of the uh the playing field but um again universally all for that um hopefully if there's uh yeah a higher degree of Maintenance to utilize that field obviously we have constraints to field issues in town so uh drainage maintenance things like that um it it would all make sense if we're uh if we're um increasing impervious cover um by by that amount 39 spots just seems like a lot but if it's uh intended to utilize that facility more often all for it um also just uh wanted to ask about the the Darlington Avenue uh project I guess that's uh somehow related to uh uh potentially um I don't know if it's uh water supply uh lines or um storm water or or or what I'm not not not really sure but um I'm curious as to what the intent is um to um to to basically rebuild the sidewalk pedestrian pathway uh that runs out on on Darlington Avenue uh so that's an open uh open Topic open question um regarding the fire rescue oam building um obviously uh you know a critical life safety life safety facility that is in dire need of upgrading uh I'm uh interested to know if there's any uh you know energy efficient uh programming uh in the design of this facility um as a critical Life Safety uh facility it should also be a resilient building so um are we incorporating on-site uh Renewable Power Generation uh solar photov voltaic is their battery energy storage uh infrastructure uh being designed into this uh building uh an efficient building a high performing efficient building is is a very cost effective and typically a higher construction uh quality of of building so um you know a building maintenance and operation can be 10 to 20 times the initial cost of building that building over the expected lifespan uh so I think it's in the best interest of the burough um to uh to not only provide a high performing energy efficient building but uh also uh one that uh uh requires less maintenance and and less operational cost uh into the future um for um future uh residents uh and U uh board members um very happy to see uh buying uh our first uh four or three four uh EV Chargers uh on the docket today so that's that's very exciting uh curious if those are going to go out in the uh the lot across the street or or where those are are going um it does beg the question though what is the Burrow's Fleet electrification transition plan for our own vehicles uh on tonight's agenda also is buying a couple $440,000 I I assume their ice internal combustion engine vehicles uh for zoning or inspections which um I'm not really for U Ramsey being a fairly small burrow five and a half square miles right there's plenty of use case Duty Cycles dwell time that would justify um hybrid uh certainly um even more so electric vehicles so um I I cringe every time you know I see a new uh Ramsey Police Department uh Durango getting 9 miles an hour 9 miles a gallon around town because um you know there there's much better options out there and again from a um a budgetary standpoint uh Financial uh you know responsibility um you know the maintenance and operation of ice Vehicles is is certainly a lot more than hybrids or uh or electric vehicles for that matter so um just wanted to cover uh a couple of those topics and uh thank you very much much for your time uh have a happy holidays thank you Mr Parker anyone else okay is there anyone on the line that would like to make public comment first call for public comment on the on line Second call for public comment third and final call for public comment not hearing anybody I will close it to public comment I hereby make the following appointments Michael tosney Ramsey fire department Michael canonico office of emergency management I'd like to um have a motion to go out of order for the administrator's report yes madame mayor I'd like to make a motion to go out of order for the administrator's report this evening thank you do I have a second thank you all in favor I I thank you B administrator a CLE questions on the agenda tonight resolutions that just like to go through a little backgr on resolution 225 is approving budget appropriation transer number two this resolution reallocates in3 budget does not tax impact that ships funds from lines that are UND spent to other lines where actual actual expenses anticipated anticipated of The Bu adting some funds toase needed equipment with 2023 unutilized funds we made off adjustments to other discretionary L toate these inrees resolution 226 is the cancellation of unused Improvement authorization balances ordinances adoption of ordinance is technically not the actual spending of money it is authorization of improvement specified in that ordinance the actual spending comes with the public bid contract award process based on the amount of project therefore in many instances the actual spending on a project is below the am authorized under thein this is what we have funding authorization the improvements under these Bond ordinances have been completed debt repaid full so these balances may be canel these are ordinances 14 2011 in an amount of 14,680 47 ordinance 6 of 2012 in an amount of 86630 ordinance 10-22 in an amount of $125 in ordinance 4 2013 in an amount of 73684 resolution 27 to 27 cancels unused Improvement authorizations similar to the prior ordinance that this is for the Board of Public Works we are recen canceling the balance of unexpended debt authorizations under Bond ordinance 11 2014 for the Board of Public Works in amount of$ 42081 228 authorizes nonunion salaries for 2024 at a 2% increase all six of the UN contracts have been settled five of these contracts through 2025 one of them through 2026 all of these collective bargaining unit agreements have 2% annual increases exclusive of any employees on a step gu this resolution improves that same 2% for the six fulltime nony not indivual contracts resolution 229 is the purchase of two DC El St Solutions under a source Cooperative purchasing contract in a total amount of $14,290 the bur previously appli for an attended Grant New Jersey F charging station Pur as well as related inst electric will be separately from the equipment these charging stations will be located in parking Lal resolution 230 is a purchase of electric charging stations and the related equipment also from Rex Energy Solutions under Source Cooper purchase contract in the amount of 92 the F charging stations that were just discussed in resolution 29 resolution 231 is the purchase replac vehicles for building and Engineering zoning it's the purchase of two for Flo to be used by the building department zoning department they repl two vehicles which have reached the end of their use life optioned off the building department vehicle will also be equipped to be utilized by both vehicles are being purchased from coopertive purchasing prog with the loal purchasing system5 resolution 232 isting elag as a full employee Elaine is currently serving as parttime senior coordinator excellent job open for water en we received lieds approached us with interest in the position while maintaining her senior coordin Ro going forward she'll split her fulltime work week between the two positions we will have a base weekly set schedule for each position but both Denise and finance and seniors have discussed it will be fible each department time demand special events on calendar collectively work to adjust any daily changes to make departments resolution 235 on the AG the B to participate in federal government 1033 program this resolution allows us to do that for calendar 2024 program enables the police department to requ access Department of Defense equipment charge this is not related to Simply military equipment this includes office equipment generators medical first aid equipment as well as other nonmilitary items as an example we have OB number of portable generators uh also solar lighting that's the parking around across the street and all these can utiliz for different medical issues or other activities as we see North Central Field parking project address Mr Parker's questions just go through what mention about heing in MA as background been working on a project to enhance safy Central AI ELD improve safety in the providing off street parking to those utilizing the field it will reduce the the street parking and those crossing the street to get to the field changes over the years to safety parameters around water sources Ramsey has a water adj to the field and changes in the property across the street with a new project by the property owner going in there the parking get even more difficult without this Ry owns this property however it's located in Mal so we needed to in of Mal to OB approval theer industrial approval of the field0 the application Associates was the engineer testifying Steve L Pur Associates as the planner and I testified as well during the hearing the application approval also needed to be obain from commission the B County planning board and the B County Soil Conservation District of which completed we look forward to the project moving forward Ramy had also successfully applied for and Reed open space 72,500 to be used as to address a couple of questions uh first off the trees the field will shift away from North Central as I just mentioned a little bit the parking lot will between be between the street and North Central those large trees the county has asked those large trees come down parking s those large will be removed um trees if I'm noten going back other questions trees the paving parking lot will be perious pavement and there are the county is also going to be updating the at the the county uh other questions on the Darlington project that is an AR and Rocket project so they are running conduit from their substation Ina up underground so they're taking the over sidew for that area as well um just as a another note we had approved earli this funing we've gotten plans to replace some of the asphalt sidewalks on Darlington and a section of North Central that's asphalt daring would go basically Elbert up to thank you Mr Vose thank you Council thank you thank you I can I have a motion to please go back to regular agenda yes Madam mayor I make a motion to go back into our regular agenda and I second thank you all in favor I I thank you consent resolution uh thank you Madame mayor uh be it resolved that resolutions 221 2023 through and including 235 2023 having been considered by the governing body of the burough Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved there are no special permits or block party requests this evening thank you to have a second yes Madam Mar second thank you are there any comments on the consent resolutions in addition to B administrative for his comments not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you committee Lees on reports Finance Administration councilman gut thank you again Madam mayor have a brief report for this evening uh the library board uh met a couple nights ago um some highlights from the meeting the events held in November at the library including decluttering in 30 minutes Thanksgiving party for kids Pokemon man Club baby story time and greatest siom virtual presentation uh the HVAC renovation replacement project continues till about mid-February so far with minimal disruption to operations the staff has been planning for this for several months uh the children's room renovation will be another project in the new year as the final proposals have been reviewed and more information to follow and the budget process is ongoing and will be in place as a new year begins for the pool commission uh per director Bach the commission is eager to get back to work in January with the first meeting on January 17th upgrades for the 2024 season will feature installation of a new coal heater recommission uh basketball and R seasons are in process and the new Civic recre registration program is in place that's all I have for this evening thank you public safety councilman kilman thank you Madame mayor first I'd like to congratulate Michael tosy on his appointment to the Ramsey fire department and Michael kico to his appointment to the office of emergency manage management congratulations and we thank you for your service I don't have a VFW report um but moving right along at our mayor and Council meetings for the past several months either uh buau administrator Mr oose I will continue to provide regular updates on the new fire department rescue squad and station house project that will replace the 70-year-old deteriorating structure on South Island Road the current project schedule has both design and development construction documents drafted for a comprehensive review by January at which time the current plan is to present these documents to the planning board in January 24 we have set up a page on the burough website for this project under Community under that heading on the landing page page and It's featured in the left column sidebar the folder is titled fire rescue and OEM building project where anyone who is interested can find the plans and pertin information as it becomes finalized or if you simply type in the word folders in the search bar it will be listed in the minut in the minutes from past uh mayor and Council meetings we have outlined what's included in the Neta architect's contract of 1,1 152,000 over the four main phases of services which will cover a timeline of approximately two and a half years Neta contract fees also incorporate the costs of Neta outside engineers and professionals working with them on the project this combined approach with Neta Architects and this project will save the burrow money and time and will provide greater project efficiency and coordination by having all these different disciplines working through Neta goal of this Capital project is to build a First Rate Emergency Services complex that will serve Ramsey for many generations to come and Madam mayor that's my report this evening thank you building plenty and Zoning councilwoman Woods thank you madam mayor I would like to thank the Ramsey volunteer fire department for putting on a wonderful home for the holidays parade this year they really outdid themselves um congratulations on the very successful and power forming evening I would also like to thank the DPW and all the Emergency Services groups that participated and kept us safe that night um congratulations also to K9 Jack and off officer hamersma on their graduation from their 14we special training program it was really a special night and um I really enjoyed getting to know K9 Jack he's cute um I would like to congratulate and thank Michael tsne on his appointment to the Ramsey volunteer fire department and Michael kanano on his appointment to the office of emergency management I would also like to thank and I mean congratulate eleno Hagen on her new position um she's been wonderful as a senior coordinator and I'm we're just really lucky to have her very happy the design review board meeting will be held on Tuesday January 23rd so see you next year senior trustees board will meet on Thursday December 14th their holiday party on December 5th at the Ramsey golf and country club was a huge success and the Zoning Board of adjustment will meet uh next week December 20th I'd like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah and I hope this new year brings many blessings thank thank you utilities buildings and grounds councilwoman cusk thank you Madame mayor I want to also congratulate K9 Jack and officer H hamers for their partnership and for K9 Jack's graduation on the 7th of December the ceremony was a joyful event it was here and there were lots of tail wagging and smiles um congrats to our BAU too for the heartwarming home for the holiday celebration on the 2nd of December it was good stuff congrats to Elaine for her appointment and also to Mike kanano OEM and to Michael tosney for his appointment to the Ramsey FD um and thank you also to the Ramsey seniors it was a lovely holiday lunch and I also want to say happy Hanukkah we're in Hanukkah right now and um it was an honor to attend the first ever Ramsey manora lighting it was very festive my report tonight will provide a brief update on our planning board shade tree commission and Board of Public Works the ramsy planning board met on December 5th there were two public hearings during this meeting 500 North Franklin LLC was proved and the continuation of the quality of Bergen LLC which is on Route 17 South was further continued to February 2024 the December 19th meeting's been cancelled for shade tree it last met in November on the 16th and the next one the next meeting will be in December of 2024 as the December meeting's canceled there's information on our bureau's website regarding our ch3 for our Board of Public Works it last met on the 20th of November and the next meeting is this Monday the 18th the lead service line replacement continues and our BPW continues planning regarding the njd 's lead service line replacement legislation this project requires that all lead service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 our Ramsey leaf removal continues it started in October and it is running through December please help make this effort safe and efficient by following the rules posted on our bureau's website I wish you you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year thank you Madame mayor thank you public and governmental relations councilwoman poppy thank you Madame mayor um first off I would like to congratulate Michael tosney and Michael K canano on their um their appointments as listed on the agenda um home for the holidays was a great success um the Chamber of Commerce had a heated tent um the food trucks were lined up and it seemed like at least half the town came out if not more um so it was very well attended and lovely event um for my report tonight I would just like to state that the Ramsey Municipal Alliance will be holding their next meeting on December 18th um that will be this Monday in burough Chambers at 7:00 p.m. it's the last meeting of the year year and for new Resident Outreach the next new Resident mixer is coffee with the council the scouts will be um providing a craft for children so that the um adults can mingle meet with the council and enjoy um coffee and bagels and that will be January 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 12: p.m. at our beautiful Community Center that concludes my report thank you thank you health educ ation Social Services councilman Papo thank you madam mayor uh brief report tonight uh congratulations to Michael tosney and Michael canano on their appointments uh no update for R uh the next environmental commission meeting will be uh in January of 2024 and the Board of Ed will meet next Tuesday on 1219 that's all have for tonight thank you than [Music] sir okay for my report I'd like to thank Michael tosney for joining the Ramsey joining the Ramsey fire department and committing himself to those many many hours of training up at the law enforcement and Safety Academy and Darlington thank you to Michael canonico for joining OEM thanks to the Ramsey Fire Department and everyone who made home for the holiday such a wonderful event it was very well attended no doubt the weather helped but it was really well attended um thank you to Jen saour and everyone who put together the manora lighting event at the senior community center this evening it was well attended and I also want to say thank you to Jen I truly appreciate the honor of lighting the candles on the manora that she gave me that was very thoughtful of her and I appreciate that um regarding the building uh the new Emergency Services building the building will be energy efficient um there's been put into the design by Neta architects now there will not be any solar panels on the building's roof due to the um what's going to be used for the roofing materials those roofing materials are designed to last 50 to 60 years and to put solar panels on that would negatively impact the Integrity of the roof as well as potentially void the warranty the goal is to in the future try to get grant money to put solar panels on top of the covered parking that we intend to put in the back of the building on the property as part of phase two so that's where we are with that but it will be an energy efficient building okay I'm trying to think if there's any out that's it I just want to say happy and healthy holidays to everybody um and stay safe thank you B administrator you have anything to add thank you burrow attorney happy merry Christmas everybody thank you Bur work nothing thank you thank you all right we have no introduction of ordinances this evening no unfinished business no new business for the motion to adjourn I ask that the motion be to adjourn to the SC a die meeting on Wednesday January 3rd at 6:30 p.m. May I please have that motion we have a motion to adjourn to the Senate I meeting on Wednesday that will happen on that January 3rd at 6:30 p.m. thank you second thank you all in favor I thank you okay done1 good night good one take care may happening