okay thank you I am I am good to go thank you you ready yes thank you good evening burough Ramsey mayor and Council regular meeting Wednesday January 24th 2024 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dial in number is 425 436 6365 access code 23563 the meeting may also be viewed on the Ramsey YouTube channel which um you can find that address on the burrow website may I please have the roll call Mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here Council councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here thank you flag schue I'll ask Mr Parker to please lead us in the flag SCH even United States stand nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanc notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 20124 do we have approval of minutes yes madame mayor I make a motion to receive and file the minutes for the seni on January 3rd 2024 and the reorganization meeting on January 1st [Music] 03224 this is Council woman husk I second thank you do we have any comments on the minutes any changes not not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you do we have communications I would like to make a motion to accept the communications listed on tonight's agenda and I second Madame mayor thank you do we have any comments on the um the communications yes madame mayor this is councilwoman cusk and I would like to make some comments regarding our shade tree commission okay at times there are differences in opinions and how to approach something and I fully respect that it goes without saying that I'm thankful for their years of service thank you very much Madam mayor thank you any other comments on Communications okay not hearing any roll call please councilwoman husk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we'll open it up for public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address please speak in an aable tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a 5 minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume of business on the agenda please note public comment is your time add of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seed to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or is to recy the chair the burough clerk is the official timekeeper any comments from anyone in council chambers I knew you couldn't resist Mr Parker that's why I'm here partially anyway uh chance Parker PR K Ramsey New Jersey uh I do uh council members uh Madame mayor I I do greatly appreciate uh and grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve uh the residents of Ramsey in a more formal uh and official capacity uh as a pending uh part of the uh the environmental commission so uh I have said in front of uh you all before uh I'll say it again right um it's the uh the commitment and the dedication of volunteers that really build uh the threads which establish a very strong social uh you know fa fabric uh which ties this community together and and I do believe the volunteers uh here in Ramsey are second to none so uh with that I am uh slightly conflicted uh in the the loss of over 80 years of institutional and uh you know subject matter matter expertise uh with the Exodus of of three very senior um very committed very dedicated volunteers for the shade tree commission um and in my new capacity I I certainly look forward to uh better uh collaboration and cooperation uh between uh government uh bodies and organizations uh to ultimately again uh benefit the uh the residents of Ramsey thank you very much thank you Mr Parker anyone else okay is there anyone on the line that would like to make a public comment second call for public comment third and final call for public comment not hearing anyone on the line I will close public comment we have no advertised public hearings for final consideration of ordinances and I hereby make the following appointments um and Miss bendan just know that I'm adding a person for it okay Dr justtin Monroe to the Board of Health Brian Dylan shade tree commission James Kennedy shade tree commission molis aast shade tree commission James Lewis shade tree commission chance Parker environmental commission alternate number two thank you do we have consent resolutions then and I'll do the swearing ins after the consent resolution hang on just one second yes okay thank you madam mayor the resolve that resolution 032 2024 through and including 045 2024 having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved we have some special permit requests this evening the Knights of Columbus is requesting permission to hold their annual collection of funds for people with disabilities on a weekend of April 5th through 7th 2024 they will be at the Bottle King Ramsey liquers Bagel Boys Bueno Bagels B&G Bagels Walgreens and Farmers Market The Academy of St Pauls is requesting permission to hold their annual Carnival April 24th through April 28th 2024 hours are Wednesday through Friday 6:00 to 10: p.m. Saturday 1 to 11:00 p.m. Sunday 1: to 7:00 p.m. uh the manetti dentist group is requesting permission to hold their annual townway garage sale on Saturday May 4th 2024 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 400 P p.m. and that uh request is being tabled and there are no black block party requests this evening thank you do we have a second I'll second that thank you any um comments on the resolutions not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes Parker perly performed all the all the duties theice enironmental commission Al environmental commission alterate the I further swear I will support I will support theti state of newey and I willar and ALG uned States of congratulations and thank you I do all [Applause] to unit States [Applause] can you hear me should confed byoun confed byoun okay there we go committee and Lees on reports Finance Administration councilman gut letter uh thank you once again Madam mayor you know what I'm sorry y Mr Bose raised a good point um let's have a motion to go out of order so that we can do the new business the Hamilton driveway permit application I have a motion motion to go out of order Madam mayor second I'll second that all in favor I I gentleman I imagine you're here for the Hamilton Drive driveway permit application come on up I'll turn it over to Mr scandar oh you sir are you the applicant yes okay okay why don't you make a brief opening statement we reside at 189 South Central Avenue and uh we're currently in the process and have been approved for the zoning to deconstruct the original garage that's there and construct a new garage that will attach to the dwelling and some other zoning improvements around the the neighborhood which is get rid of our the white picket fence that surrounds the property and as part of that the the issue I guess at hand really is the width of the driveway which is existing at 32 ft and I know the the zoning uh board had asked us to ask for permission to retain that at 32 ft rather than the typically 20 ft I think that's in the uh in the ordinance so that's the request that we would have and uh I brought Ken keer here who's the architect of record with the the drawings and the applications are you going to testify or just going to be this gentleman I'll ask testify fo sir would you raise your right hand please do you swear testimony about to give this matter is a truth whole truth nothing but the truth truth yes youate your name spell your last name and give your business address please Kenneth kaer Ka e f 712 Summit Avenue Franklin Lake please okay the issue this evening is um approval of the 32 foot wide driveway um it's existing that that way now now and U we would like to have this uh 32t wide driveway approved by the mayor and councel now it encroaches into the setback does it not well the driveway encroaches into the right of way okay step back the property what about the yes it does on the side yard sidey setb okay and it's about 3 foot off the set okay it should be 5T correct correct all right why is that necessary um well one of the reasons is U Orchard Place is very narrow and it doesn't allow for any really street parking uh so this driveway would allow to have three cars parked in the driveway three cars in the driveway two cars in the in the garage in the garage total five cars correct how many cars did Gan have three there now yes I'm sorry three okay uh but it allows for some guest parking it would allow for guest parking allow for guest parking but Jess can park on the street can't they uh not really because it's a very narrow Street the paved area is only like a little over 20 ft wide okay continue well that's basically the uh basically well I have to say m Mr keer it's my understanding that on the Hamiltons when they appeared before the board of adjustment they did not seek relief from the 5- foot setback um that's true we don't have authority to grant that 5 foot set back really for that that's so it's either you go to 30 ft so you have 5 foot set back or you go back before the board of adjustment and ask for another waiver we could live with 30 ft so you'll agree to 30t so that there's a 5 foot step back from the adjacent property yes okay thank you um do we have to do a motion no no anybody the board anybody anybody have any questions for the applicant or his is architect I hear anybody from the public have any questions for the applicant or the architect not hearing any okay does anyone from the public have anything to say either for or against this application thank you all right so do we do a motion motion yes motion for or against all right um I need a motion are there for or against the approval of this application with the modification that is a 30 foot driveway as suppos to 30 ft so that the 5 foot buffer is there do I have a motion for Madame mayor this is Council wusk I motion for thank you do we have a second second thank you all in um roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gut wer yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you congratulations all right have a nice evening okay do I have a motion to go back into order I'll make a motion to go back into order second was there oh she was no she was there at the re she was was reorder okay I'm sorry can I have a motion to go back into order s I'll make a motion to go back into order thank you second I I second thank you all in favor I I thank you okay finance and committee reports councilman GW Finance Administration thank you again uh okay first off I just want to uh express my congratulations to those that were appointed this evening and thank them for their service to the burrow uh for my report on my committees uh for the library board the uh HVAC project continues with a few delays but looks like the end of February for completion uh operations have continued with a minimum of interruptions the children's room renovation will be the next project as a year progresses and report on a specific timeline for this one that is now uh events held in last month include the holiday party for kids uh an imperson yoga that was held at the Nights of Columbus uh property uh baby story time and grab and go for take-home crafts uh the Recreation Commission held its reorganization meeting this past Monday night uh the Civic rate reg Civic Rec registration is now fully open and operational to the public uh winter sports continue with basketball and wrestling and run to mid-march and a new K through three basketball clinic will be view in the fall a volleyball clinic will run in for 6th to e8th grade girls uh Ramsey hockey spring League registration is open and um the rec commission is looking to create a Ramsey Parks and Recreation Instagram page and update the Facebook page uh as for the farmers market uh the farmers market is open every Sunday in the winter from 10:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. weather permitting with some but not all of the regular vendors about 12 to the 15th per week uh Mador farms and Orchards of conin are always there for your fruits and vegetables that's all I have this evening thank you Public Safety councilman kilman thank you Madame mayor uh first off congratulations to all our appointments and in particular uh Miss Kennedy thank you uh Mr Parker who's still here um Mr Dylan uh Dr Monroe um M Quest and Dr Kennedy or excuse me Mr Kennedy and thank you for your service in continuing to do what you do our community as Public Safety lays on um at our past mayor and Council meetings we have continually provided regular updates on the new fire department rescue squad OEM station house project that will replace the 70y old deteriorating structure on South Island Road the goal of this Capital project is to build a First Rate emergency Services complex that will serve Ramsay for many generations to come the current design development and construction documents will be presented by Neta Architects and by members of the building committee to the Ramsey planning board on Tuesday February 6th at 7:30 p.m. the original one was cancelled due to weather in the minutes from past mayor and Council meetings we have outlined what's included in Neta architect's contract of 1,1 152,000 over the four main phases of services which will cover a timeline of approximately 2 and a half years that is contract fees also incorporate the cost of netta's outside engineers and professionals working with them on the project this combined approach with Neta Architects on this project will save the buau money and time and will provide greater project efficiency and coordination by having all these different disciplines working through Neta we have set up a page on the buau website for this project under Community uh that's the heading on the landing page and It's featured in the left column sidebar the folder is titled fire rescue OEM building project where anyone who is interested can find plans and pertinent information as it becomes finalized or you can simply type in folders in the search bar and it will come up as listed again the current design development and construction documents will be presented by Neta Architects and by members of the building committee to the planning board on Tuesday February 6th starting at 7:30 on the next topic Board of Health uh Topic near and dear to everyone's Hearts deer population Management on January 13th at the Bergen County mayoral meeting the topic dear human conflict was discussed from Ramsey councilwoman Sarah poppy Board of Health member Chris hos and I join mayor Dylan to attend the New Jersey Department of Fish and Wildlife presentation regarding the latest research and thinking of deer population management their comprehensive research examined a number of areas such as deer birth and development rates survival rates natural and predation death rates human cause deaths from car strikes and fence entanglements to Legal hunting they cover deer trapping and relocation deer overcrowding sickness and disease birth control and surgical sterilization methods as well as monitoring immigration and immigration rates between municipalities a lot of material was presented and discussed and for the sake of time I will jump ahead to their conclusion and that was that lethal deer management that being legally controlled hunting by professional licensed bow Hunters saw the most significant and measurable results it came as no surprise year after year the Lether approach has proven to be the most successful and least costly to call growing deer populations in particular United bow Hunters of New Jersey presented to the group and explained their approach this group is the only state hunting organization named in the New Jersey state communitybased deer management law and they work closely with the New Jersey Department of Fish and Wildlife and are fully insured their bow Hunters must pass stringent qualifications and background checks and must exhibit bow shot placement expertise saddle Riv has used them over the past three years with a high degree of success and the venison has provided to programs that feed those in need through a program called Hunters helping the hungry resulting in 40,000 meals served a year over the past several years mayor Dylan has regularly brought this topic up to other mayoral at other mayoral meetings in Bergen County without reaching consensus on a workable solution until now it's a sensitive topic but the voices of residents have grown increasingly louder requesting municipalities for an effective deer management process to protect home ornamentation gardens fear of diseases carried by ticks and there are reports of deer unafraid of humans becoming antagonistic to people and dogs on homeowners property not to mention commercial Nur nurseries are not only losing business but they're also being decimated from Hungry deer as a result mayor Dylan has asked Chris hos On The Board of Health to spearhead this effort with the goal of developing a workable approach that would commence that could commence this Autumn we will also encourage neighboring municipalities to join us in this effort and there will be more to come on this topic in future meetings as things develop and that's my report Madam mayor thank you sir building Planning and Zoning councilwoman wood thank you Madame mayor um I have a short report I would like to congratulate the latest appointees thank you Mr Parker for your service um I would also like to um just mention that the um zoning board meeting was canceled this last week we look forward to having the meeting um in February the uh design review board meeting also did not happen because there were no applications and um but the seniors were very active I won't read all six pages of the minutes but I will just point out that they are very very active and they have almost 500 members uh as of January 10th um they continue to do cell phone workshops book club they had uh the president of the Ridgewood Symphony um come and speak with them and they're going to be doing a concert attending a concert in March um they're looking for a new venue for the holiday luncheon with the country club closed so that has been a challenge to find something affordable that will provide enough space and um yeah there's really they're just super busy and I think that covers the most um and that's all I have tonight Madam mayor thank you youtil buildings in grounds councilwoman cusk pass thank you Madame mayor congratulations to all our appointments from our time together last time we met on January 3rd and in addition thank you Dr Monroe Mr Parker look forward to seeing your um wonderful contributions to our community and in a time where uh in in the day where time is such a precious commodity with deepest gratitude I I do thank you for your commitment to serve um I want to thank councilwoman poppy as the mayor and Council hosted a new residence Council coffee with the Council on Sunday I'm I'm sure that Miss poppy will speak more about this um to all those folks who Brave the cold and joined us for the morning it was wonderful to connect with you my report tonight will provide an update regarding our planning board shade tree commission and Board of Public Works the planning board will next meet on the 6th of February the meeting on the 16th was cancelled I want to congratulate Mike Palumbo Roger iorio Steven strollo Brian garas and Christian gron for their appointments and commitment to serve the shade tree met on the 18th January 2024 the next meeting will be on the 15th February there's information on our bureau's website regarding our shade tree commission I want to thank Brian Dylan Melissa qu Judy Kennedy Jim Kennedy I'm sorry James Kennedy and Jim Lewis for their commitment to serve the Ramsey Board of Public Works last met on the 22nd of January the next meeting is 24 26 February 20124 congratulations and thanks to Chris Coronado Douglas EMT and Dr Bob bof for their appointments and commitment to serve the lead service line replacement project continues this project requires that all LED service lines served by the the water system be replaced by the year 2031 the lead service replacement program Phase 2 h2m our contractor is working with Ramsey for the next phase of our replacement program which will include test pit e test pit excavation and replacement of discovered lead service lines to be performed in the spring and summer of 2024 there are now 71 sites that will be included as a part of the phase two project construction is expected to begin by the beginning of May 202 for uh the Ramsey leaf removal has been completed and I thank the burrow team for their hard work and the residents also for your cooperation during the leaf collection process and thanks to our Board of Public Works and our road department with the snow and ice removal thank you Madame mayor thank you public and governmental relations councilwoman poppy thank you Madame mayor here it comes here it comes okay on Sunday January 21st we held a new Resident mixer for anyone who moved to town since January 2023 at the Ramsey Community Center approximately 40 residents attended it was a warm and uplifting event thank you to the mayor and council members who attended and those who supported the initiative um our next mixer will be on June 11th at the Ramsey municipal pool be open to about two years of uh residence the rain date will be June 8 um I would also like to extend my thanks to the Scout Troops who came to do crafts with the with the children they were able to um obtain service hours um and it was it was great fun for the little ones too so thank you everyone for your support on the initiative um the Ramsay Journal believe it or not is coming up again um I will begin scoping for the spring edition um so I beg planning on dates um dates and topics for that um there was no ramsy Municipal Alliance meeting in January they will have their next meeting on February 26 uh the pool commission met on the 17th and mainly discussed rates for next year they will vote on these rates at the next meeting uh the third week of Fe uary and um I would also like to extend my gratitude to our appointees on the agenda tonight Mr Parker thank you for coming in person it's always nice to see those who come to be sworn in at the at the meetings that they're appointed at so thank you thank you for your service thank you concludes my report thank you health education Social Services councilman Papo thank you madam mayor uh I too congratulate the uh new appoint appointees and thank you for your uh commitment and serving and taking on those roles uh congratulations to councilwoman hoppy on a great new Resident event I thoroughly enjoyed it I thought it was um really fun to sit down and talk to the new residents and look forward to the next one um just for my my uh committees uh I only have really one with re uh they working on two events for uh February which we're looking at uh a a dance and we might even have an art night or a um a karaoke night for it and they did begin Challenger basketball which started in January and that will go through mid-march uh Board of Ed will'll meet next week uh to for their for their meeting and environmental was canceled in January and we'll pick up in February that's all I have for tonight thank you ah thank you all right for my remarks I want to say thank you to the former members of the shade shade tree commission for their service and I wish them well um thank you to councilwoman poppy for organizing the coffee with the mayor and Council on Sunday that was a great event of course thank you to the Girl Scouts and Jackie G for um doing the craft it's always nice to see the Girl Scouts thank you to Dr dustman Rowe and Judy Kenny for being on the board of health to Brian Dylan Jim Kennedy bissa cost and Jim Lewis for working on the shade tree commission and to Mr Parker for the environmental commission uh a little more on the color for the remarks that councilman kilman gave um the mayors that were in attendance at the January 13th meeting included Saddle River Upper Saddle River Franklin Lakes hocus Ridgewood Allendale and Waldwick mob was the M Bob mayor was not there I was able to speak with him earlier this week and get him up to speed and he seems definitely interested in being part of this potential solution and the reason why this is so important because if one town does deer management the in the surrounding towns don't that's not a solution because the deers do not know Town boundaries so we all have to do this as a group and Mawa is extremely important because how large it is and how many wooded areas they have now the next thing that we're going to work on is trying to get the county to engage engage with us because so far the county has refused to engage with us on deer management even though we've asked several times um so that is something that the Northwest ber County mayor Association will be working on collectively and I also want to let everybody know burough administrator Bose was at the meeting and in addition so was Chief Lyman and Captain Sheran because any solution we do with United bow Hunters if that is the solution that we ultimately agree upon we have to work with the police department it's absolutely necessary so I just want to make that very clear to everybody you know there's a lot of work is going to go into this and I thank Dr hos for agreeing to lead the effort on on behalf of the burough of ramate because it's going to be a Herculean effort on his part and he's already started working on it okay and I think that's all I have thank you Mr Mr Jose burough administrator thank you Madame mayor all right I'll first discuss some of the uh items on on our agenda tonight resolution 40 is authorizing the purchase of a 2025 Western Star chassis for a hoist truck for the Department of Public Works in 2023 as part of the burough capital budget funding uh we approved ordinance 4- 2023 which had funding for a hoist truck and related equipment for the Department of Public Works this resolution is the first part of completing that truck with the purchase of the chassis under Cooperative purchasing agreement from Hudson County motors for $16,917 other equipment including the Hoist will be subsequently purchased to be mounted on this base chassis resolution 41 is an appropriation Reserve transfer number one as we've mentioned at previous meetings an appropriation transfers a net neutral budget item moving unutilized funds from one line item to another that may have had unbudgeted needs throughout the year again there's no overall budget or tax impact just the formal shifting of funds from one line to another at the end of the budget calendar year that prior Year's budgets unexpected funds become appropriation reserves for bills from services or equipment that occurred in calendar year in this instance 2023 that are not invoiced until the new year 2024 in this case we had bills received in 2024 that require this net neutral transfer from one 2023 budget line item to another resolution 43 is awarding the contract to bgd Contracting for bathroom renovation at Finch Park the burough had applied for and received a grant from the Bergen County Community Development block grant program for funding to renovate and make ADA Compliant improvements to the bathroom in the Burham meeting room VFW or and polling location in Finch Park three quotes were sought for the work and bgd was the lowest quote received bgd had previously performed the renovation work on the B Hall bathrooms also funded by a cdbg grant work should be shed started shortly and we plan to have the project completed by late March resolutions 44 and 45 on the agenda are confirming the Board of Public Works purchase of two Replacement Service Vehicles including the vehicle service body snowplows and emergency lighting the Board of Public Works at as last meeting this past Monday passed a resolution approving funding for two replacement vehicles for its main service Fleet the two vehicles being replaced are 16 and 18 years old and at the end of their useful life and coming up on some major repairs the these two resolutions award contracts for the purchase of the trucks from Frank's Truck Center and the service body and snow plows from Cliffside body Corporation the purchase are being made under New Jersey state approved Cooperative purchasing contracts the trucks are 66,800 one58 each and the service body and snow plows are 27,37 each we have a ordinance for introduction on the agenda later tonight that will be amending chapter 19 of the burough code reg code regarding fees for water usage over the last 10 years uh from 2014 through 2023 the Board of Public Works did not raise Water and Sewer rates in five of those 10 years and is also only increased rates one time since 2019 the other five years of the last 10 the rate increases when they were made were under 2% for 10-year annual average rate increase of 0.91 % or less than 1% a year over the last 10 years due to the inflationary operating cost increases and increased regulatory cost the Board of Public Works faces at their January meeting they passed a resolution to adopt a 3.91% water increase and a 3.96% sewer increase effective for 2024 the water rate changes are confirmed and enacted by ordinance of the mayor and Council while the sewer rate changes are confirmed and enacted by a resolution of the mayor and Council the ordinance number one on the agenda tonight is the introduction for the water rate increase and the resolution for the sewer rate increase will be at the February 14th meeting when the final hearing is also on the water rate increase um I have a couple other comments I would just make I would first thank the shry commission members um who have left their service um for all of their dedicated service over the many years to the burrow they spent a lot of hours and time and we thank thank them for that um I would just also speak about um what happens when tree ordinances are alleged to or suspected to be violated whenever someone is suspected of violating a burrow ordinance regarding tree removal they will first receive a letter from shry coordinator or the zoning officer we will ask for compensation determined by the tree restoration fund schedule this fund is used for the planting of trees in the future at various locations within the burrow if an agreement canot not be made then a summons will be issued at that time and a fine would be determined by the judge in the beginning of January for example we received the check though of $7,000 um from an agreement made due to unauthorized tree removal there was no need to take up the Court's time for this the process works in fact it it's a process that both the municipal judge and the shade tree attorney have counil the commission as the most productive path to a resolution rather than going through the courts so I would just clarify that what is the process that we're doing under this ordinance now and that it has uh seemed to work many times over the years and has been productive for the burough and its residents and that's all my comments thank you appreciate that bural attorney yes madame mayor in response to the resignation of certain members of the shry commission I intend to issue the following letter uh tomorrow letter States your correspondence dated January 18th 2024 stating your desire to resign as a member of the burough Shad Tre commission is acknowledged the self-serving content offered to justify the abandonment of your appointment is untrue un warranted and requires immediate correction proceedings before the commission have become increasingly adversarial while your length of service is noted that Draconian measures imposed are well beyond governmental authorizations and will not be tolerated the responsibility of the Shater commission is to advise not enforce the ordinance a copy of the Burrow's resolution dated today accepting the the resignation will also be forwarded thank you mayor that's all I have thank you bur attorney bur clerk Miss bendian thank you I have nothing okay great now let's move on to introduction of ordinances thank you Matt May sure sorry thank you Madame mayor intro ordinance 01 d202 4 be it resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 19 of the code of the buau of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more specifically subsection 19- 2.1 thereof entitled fees for water usage pass the first reading by title and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 14th day of February 2024 7 P.M prevailing time or as soon after as the matter can be reached at the municipal building in said burrow and be a further resolve that the buau clerk be and she hereby is instructed to publish in an official news paper of the buau in the manner provided by law a copy of said ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for final passage and adoption thank you do I have a second I will second that does any member of the council have any comments in addition to the comments by Mr Bose no no hearing thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you right we have no unfinished business uh we've already done the new business so do I have a motion to adjourn Mo to adjourn Madam mayor I'll second thank you all in favor I all right thank you get home safe folks it's like PE soup out there not very nice out good night take care apprciate the