I don't know if my phone was giv feedback so I just moved my phone over there okay mayor I'm ready you ready okay ready good good evening everyone thank you for attending the burough reorganization meeting we'll get going welcome to the Bur of Ramsey 2024 reorganization meeting we have the color guard please did we lose them oh I see something I see sorry there's a baby down here we go some stand I will ask Dr azer our newest legislator to lead us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay have a seat Theon yeah and Deacon Tom can you come up for the invocation please that's turned on right in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen amen oh good good and gracious Heavenly Father We Gather here tonight to ask for your blessing upon our new public servants we acknowledge your sovereignty over all nations and governments and we recognize that you have established authorities for the good of society Lord we pray that you guide these new public servants in their roles helping them to make decisions that are in the best interest of the people they serve grant them wisdom integrity and compassion as they carry out their duties and we ask that you protect their hearts and Minds as well as their bodies from any danger that may come their way help them to remain focused on serving you and the people they represent rather than seeking personal gain or power we ask this in your holy name we pray amen amen thank you Deacon Tom this meeting is being held tele Tel is also being conducted telephonically the dialing number is 425-436 6365 with access code 23563 the meeting may also be viewed on the bureau's Ramy YouTube channel which can be accessed via the bureau's website okay we'll start with oath of offices councilwoman cusk m hold hi hi Judith Jud will Faithfully I will Fati andly perform perform all the duties I fur F support of the state of New State so help me congratulations com I didn't see that States St the for help [Applause] congratulations okay I'm officially calling this meeting to order RL clerk will you please do the roll call Mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter here councilman Hilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here thank you the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted Contin Ure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen record on December 15 2023 okay we have resolution number one please uh be a resolve that the bylaws of the burrow Council of the burrow of Ramsey New Jersey dated 19 for and subsequently amended in 2020 be and are hereby adopted as the bylaws for the year 2024 M May second that thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gut wer yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you I'm going to open nominations for the council president can I have a motion to open nominations uh thank you mayor mayor Dillan uh I'd like to uh open a nomination for council president for Peter kilman I second that Madam mayor thank you any other nominations for council president not hearing any I will close the nominations for council president can we have a a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman I'll abstain councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you I here hereby declare the election of council president is councilman kilman this time we'll have remarks by reelected council members councilwoman cusk thank you Madame mayor hello folks from Ramsey I'm honored my name is Judy cusk and tonight's comments are overflowing with gratitude I want to take the opportunity to thank the Ramsey voters for their confidence in me by voting me into this office again I'm honored Madam mayor Dylan you deliver a wonderful Ramsay to our residents I'm grateful for your leadership and for your friendship council president kilman thank you for your support guidance and confidence Meredith Bruce Sher and Peter I'm so grateful to work with you as your C woman I will continue to work hard for our burrow and serve all I will continue to give to Ramsay and I feel that being a public servant serving others is an honor and a vocation I will contribute to the public good and I plan to continue spending my time as a council woman asking what can I do for Ramsay and upon the answer to that question I will take actions Chris and Kobe my husband and my son what can I do for you both coob is starting his list right now um I'm so blessed by you both thank you for your hard work and support of me for my campaign for my vocation you studied the map with me you stuffed envelopes you knocked on doors I couldn't ask for better campaign support thank you for your service to Ramsay I love you both I also thank my dog aie because he's so sweet um I want to thank those who helped with my campaign efforts I enjoyed every moment of walking through our fabulous Ramsay talking with friends and residents and meeting your dogs I commit to doing better than I did the day before I'm excited with my continued assignments I will bring my best energy to this position thank you again to my family and friends and to the burough Ramsey for your support thank you m councilman GW thank you madam mayor um first off I would also like to thank the voters of Ramy for showing their Faith in Me by reelecting me for my third term as a councilman in the burrow is an honor to sit up here on the de and conduct the Burrow's business as I reflect on these six years I am pleased with the positive result that the mayor and Council have achieved in keeping Ramsay a vibrant bustling town that its residents are proud to call home my focus this year as in the past years will be on finance Administration in the next few months working closely with burrow administrator Jose and CFO bada will be we'll aim to produce a fiscally responsible budget that will make sense for the burrow and its residents and businesses and maintain the services that we all expect it's not an easy task given the difficult economic climate but we are confident that the results will be sensible I also will be involved in public safety assisting in the hiring or promotion of process with the police department and the financing aspects of the public safety complex on island road you can always count on me to give my advice and thoughts in these areas as I have said on many occasions the safety and well-being of the residents of Ramsey is the single most important aspect of this job one that myself myself and each of the mayor and C members take very seriously and all decisions are made with this in mind in closing I look forward to these next three years working alongside mayor Dylan councilman kilman and Papo councilwoman woods cusk and po poppy B administrator Vose bur Clerk bendian and burough attorney scandi and lastly I just want to thank RZ my wife and my son Scott when he's here as compared to in school uh for all their support and love thank you [Applause] he remarks by the newly elected or newly reelected council president kilman thank you Madame mayor um I'll keep it brief um and some of it might sound a little redundant um I thank my Council colleagues for their support and confidence in electing me council president again the reality is no one gets things done alone and not only takes a concerned and involved mayor and councel but also the time and effort of our Ramsay boards commission departments and administration many of you are sitting in this room right now and supported by your families our Collective charge continues to be to preserve the beauty and safety of our town with its unique sense of community provide fiscal management as councilman gut wer said while delivering a high level of service to Residents and to keep r Ramsey moving forward to that end I am fortunate to work with this dedicated and hardworking Council team Michael gutwetter Sarah fiser poppy Glenn Papo Judy cusk and Jane Woods along with mayor Dylan whose commitment to our burough and passion for Ramsay does not go unnoticed so as I enter my ninth year as a councilman I look forward to serving this great town of Ramsey over the coming year thank you at this point I will open nominations for the class three member of on the planning board and the council representative to the planning board Madam mayor I would like to nominate Judy cusk I second that thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you I hearby declare councilwoman cusk is the class stre member of the planning board and the council representative to the plan [Applause] board resolution number two please uh be it resolved that the meetings of the burrow Council of the burrow of Ramsey for the year 2024 will be the 2 and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m the exceptions are noted with an asterisk in the council chambers at burall formal action may be taken at any meeting the meeting dates are listed in your agenda M mayor I'll second that thank you do we have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes you resolution number three please be resolved that the governing body adopts the burrow policy and procedures manual for the year 20 24 anybody I'll second that thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes yes roll call please um I'm sorry it's okay we just we have the second oh sorry councilwoman CK I second thank you for which one to counc resolution I'm sorry let's go to resolution I haven't ready yet there we go sorry but I getting ahead of our me a second and I'm seconded it Okay resolution four please okay be it resolved that the following list of Ramsey volunteer fire department officers be approved for the year 2024 line officers Chief Douglas Harvey assistant chief Christopher warnett Captain Thomas Lanning Jr captain Captain Michael scalone Lieutenant krie Concklin lieutenant Thomas Lanning senior Lieutenant David Burger Lieutenant Anthony dadus Lieutenant Anthony Maza administrative officers president Gregory hu vice president Jonathan creel Treasurer George fosik secretary Laura single Financial secretary Gary tunnan and Trustin sha Redfern Madame mayor this is councilwoman cusk and I wholeheartedly second this thank you will call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes wonderful gentlemen lady you want to come up and Carrie after and perform supp the supp EST in the United States United States and St conrat thank you Happy New Year guys Happy New okay right resolution number five thank you madam mayor be it resolved that the following list of Ramsey volunteer Rescue Squad officers be approved for the year 2024 line officers Chief Chris kosian assistant chief Hunter torun deputy chief Christopher Rego Captain David Brown first lieutenant Rick Brown second Lieutenant Cara labanca third Lieutenant Haley Thompson administrative officers President Michael y yevi vice president Jackie gers Treasurer Allison aai secretary re mawi Madame mayor this is Council wusk and I wholeheartedly second this thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes SAR swear I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially andly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties the my ability fur I fur swear support I support the state of New Jersey I faith and Al to the same the government EST to the government's established United States in the United States St and in the [Applause] state oh yeah you can yes yes oh my God so okay we ready for resolution number six thank you madam mayor be it resolved that the following list of Ramsey volunteer Ambulance Corp officers be approved for the year 2024 line officers Chief Mark Greenwood deputy chief deerra Duncan Captain kin beltramini Lieutenant Isabella LM Lieutenant Antonio navazio Lieutenant Ralph hurler administrative officers president Jane Simon vice president Maria Christina montang Treasurer Dean Alvarez recording secretary Alana delam mascola corresponding secretary Charles sh trustees trustee Peggy warnett okay Madame mayor this is councilwoman cusk and I enthusiastically second this thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gut yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes swear th Faithfully thally andly fur fur support United States and in this St St people people help me help me con conat thank you all thank you thank you guys for your second thanks a lot good night Jan you too okay I hereby make the following appointments honorable members of the council I do hereby make the following appointments Board of Education leaz on councilman Papo leaz on to the New Jersey Motion Pictures and television commission Dean cardier public Advocate Harris re Esquire for the Ramsey Municipal Alliance shaura Cella Sarah poppy Mike blasius Steven Hill Carrie Conlin sha Bean Sunny Roberts janif fry Oro Brian Kemp Dr Andrew mato and Council on councilwoman poppy Community Development ramsy representative Bruce fose and may fian as alternate recycling committee Henry Schumacher Stanley rowski Jeff K hary ransy Council Lees on councilwoman Kus for right R Reus for everyone lendy Tomaso Tera McDonald a man of edian Captain Kevin shervin Ralph ferini Glen barovic Dr Andrew mattio Harry Weber Angela Weber Donna Weber David L Roa and on the burough leis on and the council leison is councilman poy councilman Papo sorry the Veterans Affairs committee Anthony Bailey Joseph Barnes John wi rig cherry sherard and Joseph verdoni Council Lee is on councilman kilman hereby make the following appointments and the terms were is listed on the agenda for the library board Anissa Martin Betsy oan is mayor's alternate Caroline Canal is superintendent of schools alternate Council Le on councilman gutwetter for the planning board Michael Palumbo Class 2 Roger iorio stepen strollo Brian garaz Christian gron is all one Council leis on councilwoman cusk Recreation committee Patrick hesler Christine Fitzgerald Ryan Kim Ed Jers is alternate to the council Lees on it's councilman gwi shade tree commission Joe Melo and Ken goala Council Le on is councilwoman fi environmental commission Patrick Nery Elizabeth Ben fany Roger Canal alternate two and Council Le is on councilman papolo po would you like me to SAR you in right now let's do it [Music] s per per all the all the theice of the office I will support the constition I will support the constition of the state of newey state of newe I will bear truth faith and Allegiance and I will bear truth faith and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the government's establish to the government's establ in the united states in United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me [Applause] God okay I want to have remarks by the council members who have not spoken yet councilman Papo thank you madam mayor um just want to congratulate councilwoman Judy kusk on on her Council ship and also with my gutwetter on the same thing I look forward to working with both of you and continue to work with with both of you as well as with the other Council and and and mayor uh going forward uh also thank you for the appointments for the positions that we kind of have for what we're leading look forward to working with those groups thank you thank you councilwoman poppy thank you Madame mayor I would like to thank all of the volunteers who agreed to serve in the coming year they all contribute to the beauty of this community in their own ways and I'm just so happy to see such a long list of uh people eager to work so hard for our buau um we do have some changes that I I wanted to pay special attention to um Charlene mikov has come off of the uh Ramsey Municipal Alliance after five years of service Tammy aouri after nine years of service and Caroline and Roger canos after seven years of service I would like to just pay them special thanks because they've been involved with these committees for um for with the municipal Alliance for quite some time and they will be missed um I would also like to just take a moment to thank mayor Dylan for her leadership guidance and support this year it's been a great honor um to have the first female mayor as a mentor um it means a lot I would also like to thank council president kilman um as well for guiding us and always making time if we need to talk um and I look forward to serving with um the rest of the council um and our burough staff throughout the uh the year thank you so much thank you councilwoman Woods thank you mayor Dylan I just like to congratulate uh councilwoman cusk and councilman gutwetter on their reelection so happy to be working with you again and also just thankful to be working with this entire Council and our wonderful mayor um I am thankful for our wonderful volunteers I think it is what makes this town special and it nearly brings me to tears when I see the people who commit so much time and energy to this town um I would just like to end with I'm happy and looking forward to working with all of you in the next year thank you the the appointments that I'm about to make will all require Council confirmation to the board of adjustment I'm appointing Angela strollo Allison Jarvis and Christian gron is alternate to and for the terms as listed on the agenda can I have a resolution be it resolved that the above captain and appointments hereby be confirmed this is councilwoman cusk I second thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman got W yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you for Board of Public Works Christopher Coronado Douglas EMT and Robert bof do I have a motion to approve them yes madame mayor councilwoman cusk be it resolved that the above appointments are hereby confirmed and I second that Madam mayor roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gotw yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman Poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you for the pool commission Ed Jo Katherine H Hoffman Susie Suarez Hillary Meers alternate one Shan Bean is alternate two Council Lees on councilwoman poppy do I have a motion the resolution I'll make a um um make a motion to accept the okay here we go be it resolved the above appointments are hereby confirmed thank you a second thank you roll call please councilwoman qich yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you for the Board of Health Joan wearing Dr Angela delandro Dr bonfes guani Dr Kristoff Hof hos Dr Albert tartini and Judy Kennedy is alternate one Council Lee is on councilman kilman thank you madam mayor be it resolved that the above appointments are hereby confirmed second that thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you for Resolutions 11 through 21 we're going to move them as a group um however I would like resolution 13 for Professional Services I want to add rudderman Roth LLC to the agenda list of professionals Madam mayor i' like to make a motion to move resolutions 11 through 21 as a group as listed on our agenda and I would like to second that thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poy yes councilwoman Woods yes okay under resolution number 23 I'm making the following appointments as with the names as listed on the agenda and I have a council motion for resolution approving this yes be it resolved that the following appointments be and are hereby confirmed for the year 2024 for office of emergency management coordinator Ralph Vini for OEM no no no where are you where am I on the 23 yeah we're on resolution 22 122 Mike um the resolve that the following appointments Fe and are hereby confirmed for the year 2024 I'll second that thank you roll call please councilwoman CK yes councilman GW yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman but yes thank you resolution number 23 please thank you madam mayor I was just practicing the before be it resolved that the following appointments be and are hereby confirmed for the year 2024 office of emergency management coordinator Ralph andini om OEM Deputy coordinator Steven elad OEM Deputy coordinator Bruce Greenwood OEM Deputy coordinator Glenn karpovich Deputy coordinator for OEM Angela lman OEM Deputy coordinator Jake English and OEM executive administrator Carolyn green this is councilwoman cusk I second thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you g woman from OEM would you like to come up and be sworn in and Dr hos would you like to join them for board for Board of Health thank you No Cry all to the same to the to the Govern establ [Applause] did yep earlier yes yes resolution 24 please thank you Madame mayor be it resolved that those listed below the 31 names reflected on your agenda be appointed as the Ramsey office of emergency management and disaster Control emergency planning committee for 2024 Madame mayor this is councilwoman cusk and I second thank you roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you resolution 25 thank you Madame mayor be it resolved that the following names of 30 names is reflected on your agenda of the office of emergency management local eer Merc planning committee be appointed for 2024 Madame mayor this is Council wusk and I second thank you roll call please councilwoman kusich yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you resolutions 26 through 31 we'll move as a group uh Madame mayor I'd like to make a motion to move resolution 2 6 through 31 as a group has listed on our agenda mayor I'll second that thank you roll call please councilwoman husk yes councilman gut wer yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you here are the 2024 Council Council committee responsibilities for the committee of Finance Administration the chair is councilman GW and the members are councilman Papo and councilwoman copy Public Safety Committee chairs councilman kilman members are councilwoman cusk and councilman gutter health education Social Services committee the chair is councilman Papo and the members are councilwoman Poppy and councilwoman Woods building Planning and Zoning the chair is councilwoman Woods the members are councilman gwat and councilwoman cusk public and governmental Relations Committee the chair is councilwoman Poppy and the members are Council woods and councilman kilman utilities buildings and CRS committee the chair is councilwoman cusk and the members are councilman kilman and councilwoman councilman Papo um the Council on responsibilities are as follows her Finance Administration once again the chairman is councilman gutwetter Recreation Commission Lees on is councilman gutwetter pool commission councilwoman poppy Library board councilman gut wer Public Safety commission chair councilman kilman office of emergency management pH on his councilman kilman Municipal Alliance councilman Poppy and the traffic safety committee's councilman kilman health education Social Services councilman Papo is the chair Board of Health Le is on his councilman kilman Ramsey is for everyone environmental commission Ramsey responds in school board it's councilman Papo for all four for building Planning and Zoning the Council leadies on is councilwoman Woods design review board the ladies on is councilwoman Woods Shay Tre councilwoman councilwoman cusk Board of adjustment councilwoman Woods planning board class three member councilwoman cusk public and governmental relations councilwoman poy is the chair Chamber of Commerce and Civic organizations or sorry Chamber of Commerce Civic organizations the Le on Council woman poppy Ramsey senior citizens and the Ramsey Senior Center and councilwoman Woods is the leison Ramsey Farmers Market count the leison is councilman gut and the Veterans of Foreign Wars the Lees on his councilman kilman utilities buildings and grounds committee the chairs councilwoman cusk recycling committee the Lee is on his councilwoman cusk beautification committee Lee is on his councilwoman Woods for the Board of Public wordss the Le on is councilwoman cusk other Le on responsibilities Ramsey Day committee councilwoman Poppy the newcomers Outreach councilwoman Poppy and Technology councilman [Applause] kilman okay for my remarks I'll make them short sweet um happy New Year to everybody Happy New Year I hope it's a wonderful happy healthy joyful and prosperous new year for everyone thank you for all of your faith in me I appreciate all the kind words I look forward to working with of course nearly relected Council woman cusk and councilman gut wer and of course continue to work with councilwoman Woods council president kilman councilwoman hoppy councilman Papo of course our bur administrator burough attorney burough Clerk and Deputy burough clerk Miss bendian Mrs um Richards ramay is a wonderful town and I'm always amazed by the volunteers that we have in town who people so selfishly give of their time their talents their treasure and their family time to help serve the burrow they are truly the backbone of this burrow and I hope that they know that they are truly appreciated Ramsay is a wonderful community and it is my absolute honor and pleasure to be mayor and it's hard to believe that this is going to be my 10th year so um hard to believe never thought I'd make it this far but it's hard to believe so anyway thank you to everyone let's hope 2024 is a great year and that we get a lot accomplished we have a lot on our plate to do but I'm so there's no doubt in my mind that we will accomplish what we need to do to keep Ramsey moving forward and to ever keep Ramsey best burrow to live in all the county all right thank you all right um I'll open this up to public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address as a courtesy please speak in an audable tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a five minute time limit per speaker please note public comment is your time add of respect and fairness to all present there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the Govern body's comments or is direct by the chair the burough clerk is the official timekeeper hey don't be shy anyone want to make any comments anybody on the line first call for public comments for anybody on the line Second call for public comments for anyone on the line third and final call for public comments for anyone on the line not hearing that okay one more chance for anybody who's in Chambers not seeing anyone I'll close public comment okay can we please have we have no new buis business I think we've covered everything in the in the past 52 minutes um we don't have any old business so motion to adjourn motion to adjourn Madam mayor thank you second I'll second all right all in favor I thank you