e e e you all ready everybody ready position okay here we go I'm going to unmute are we recording yep go ahead thank you car okay good evening everyone this is the mayor and Council work session for Wednesday March 13 2024 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dial in number is 425 436 6365 the access code is 213 563 pound you may also view uh uh this meeting on the Ramsey YouTube channel that you can find on the Ramsey burough website may we have roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here may we stand for the black Lo please I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advaned notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 2024 may we have approval of minutes council president kilman this is councilwoman cusk and I would like to make a motion to approve the minutes from the 28th February 2024 meeting do we have a second second thank you any comments on the minutes not hearing any roll call please miss bendian councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes may we have the approval and filing of communications yes council president I would like to make a motion to receive and file the communications as listed on the work session thank you councilwoman and I will second it any comments on the communications not hearing any um roll call please miss vendan councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and address please speak in an audible tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a 5 minute time limit per speaker unless reduced by the volume of business on the agenda please knowe public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or as directed by the chair the Burl clerk is the official timekeeper so at this time not seeing anyone in the audience I open it up for anyone who our audience on the telephone second call for anyone for public comment on our telephone and third and final call for anyone wishing to address the governing body uh during public comment not hearing anyone we will close public comment at this time and now we will move into the advertised public hearing for final consider consideration of ordinances ordinance 02 2024 councilman gwat uh thank you council president kilman uh this is the reading of the following ordinance number 02 224 it resolved an ordinance entitled ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank have been brought up for public he and all persons interested having been given an opportunity to be heard pass final reading by title that said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the burough of Ramsey and be it further resolved that the bur cler B and she hereby is directed to cause a tit copy of the title of said ordinance to be published in an official newspaper of the burrow in the manner provided by law together with the notice of the date of introduction and Adoption of said ordinance thank you do we have a second I'll second that thank you councilman any comments councilman got I council president I have a couple comments on yes please Mr O this is a Prof Forma or standard ordinance municipalities across New Jersey adopt each year ahead of adopting the municipal budget the state allows the municipality if they adop this ordinance to potentially increase their budget Appropriations within cap by up to 3.5% from the prior's budgeted Appropriations this does not impact the tax levy cap of 2% it deals with appropriation line items under the state Municipal cap and allows flexibility if in a given year certain line items need to be increased above the appropriation cap well Ramsey may not utilize this flexibility there's no harm in adopting the ordinance and any amount under the revised allowable level a town has may be bang for future potential use in on down in future Years thank you at this time we're going to open this up for our public hearing for ordinance 02 2024 to the public um at this time is the first call for public hearing on ordinance 0 22024 is there anyone on the line wishing to make a comment second call for anyone wishing to address US during public hearing for this particular ordinance 02 2024 third call for public hearing hearing for ordinance 2024 on the phone line not hearing any we will close public hearing for ordinance 02 2024 and Miss bendian may we have a roll call please councilwoman cusc yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes um I have a comment uh just uh briefly uh Mr V should I have uh done this out of order so you could do comments are we good we're good okay okay just wanted to check ordinance 03224 this ordinance um to be uh brought for final hearing councilman gotw uh thank you council president kilman uh this is the reading of the F ordinance number 03 2024 an ordinance authorizing a special emergency appropriation in the amount of 43 ,000 for the preparation and execution of a complete revaluation of real property for the use of the local assessor in the burrow of Ramsey County of Bergen state of New Jersey having been brought up for public hearing and all persons interested having been given an opportunity to be heard pass final reading by title and that said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the burough of Ramsey and be a further resolve that the burough clerk be and she hereby is directed to go as a copy of the title of s ordance to be published in an official newspaper of the burrow in the m provided by law together with the notice of the date of introduction and Adoption of said ordinance thank you are there any comments regarding this particular ordinance uh yeah I'll have a some comments oh I apologize do we have a second a second my mistake uh comments Please Mr Bose sure the county of Bergen Board of Taxation on February 7 2024 issued an order to the burough of Ramsey to undertake a program of revaluation of all real property within the burough of Ramsey the buau has met with appraisal Systems Inc an experienced firm in this area to perform the work appraisal systems has many Municipal clients in northern New Jersey successfully performed these services for Ramsey during our last property revaluation this ordinance will allow the buau to finance this appropriation over multiple Municipal budget years with at least one F of the amount in each Year's budget rather than have the entire expenditure in a single budget year thank you Mr oai are there any other comments from any of the members on the dice not hearing any uh we will now open this up for public hearing from the audience and not seeing anyone once again in uh in this room anyone on the phone line need uh wish to make a comment for ordinance 03224 second call for public hearing for final consideration of ordinance 03 2024 and lastly third and final call for public hearing for final consideration on ordinance 03224 not hearing anyone we will close the public hearing for this particular ordinance and Miss bendian may we have roll call please councilwomen cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you uh there are no appointments this evening and so we'll move to consent resolutions once again councilman go uh thank you uh council president kilman be it resolved that resolutions 065 2024 through and including 069 2024 having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved there are a couple special permit requests Ramsey High School band and guard parents are requesting permission to hold the annual door-to-door hogi sale for March 15th to March 24th 2024 with delivery on April 6 2024 and the Ramsey VFW Post 12148 is requesting permission to collect funds from May 1st to June 30th 2024 they will be at Bagel Boys Bottle King Dunkin Donuts bradies Aldi b& G Bagels Uncle G's Ramsey liquor shopright post office Chick-fil-A Ramsey Gourmet L gondala and Loos they have received store owners permissions in all cases and there are no bark block party request this evening thank you very much may we have a second I'll second that thank you may we have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you there are no special presentations this evening so we will move directly into committee and leaan reports finance and administration Council Michael GW I everybody's getting sick and listening no I am okay I'm going to keep this short um for the library board the HVAC renovation project is nearing completion and should be completed by early April the children's room renovation will start shortly thereafter the library recently held a Lunar New Year celebration at the community center with over 200 attendees and featured cultural music and dancing this Saturday March 16th from 12: to 3: p.m. is New Jersey J maker day which features activities and demonstrations on science technology Arts Engineering and math that's steam this year the event will feature project demonstrations from Ramsey High School robotics Club students experimenting and play with Library steam equipment including Robotics and circuitry kits and other steam projects and Tool demonstrations the library is reviewing the submissions for the young writer short fiction story contest for fourth and fifth graders and the winners will be announced the end of May the Recreation Commission the winter sports basketball and wrestling are wrapping up this month spring sports baseball softball lacrosse are getting ready for their seasons and adult softball leagues are forming and will play will begin in April and on March 23rd the recommission is partnering with the Ramsey fire department for an Easter egg hunt starting at 9:00 a.m. I will let one of my colleagues reveal who is stuffing 3,000 Easter eggs worth of candy cramy Farmers Market the market is open Sundays from 9: to 12 and the hours will expend in May March 24th will be a Touch a Truck Event sponsored by the Juniors and April 7th is a secondhand toy collection all for my report this evening thank you very much councilman gut wer Public Safety uh that is my report uh and mine's brief as well tonight um members of the Ramsey Emergency Services complex development committee and that Architects continue to work on the new Emergency Services complex development plan following their meeting with the planning board in February we have set up a page on the burough website for this project under the Community heading on the landing page and It's featured in the left side column bar the folder is titled fire rescue OEM building project where anyone who is interested can find the plans and perent information as it is completed when ready we will set a date for the updated Emergency Services complex that development design plan to be presented to the mayor and Council and that will be open to the public following on another topic uh Ramsey deer management um following the 13th May oral meeting uh Dr Chris hos who is spearheading this effort uh along with the team and that team consists of Mayor Dylan Chief Lyman burough administrator Mr Bose burough attorney Mr scandariato and my s continueed to perform due diligence to learn any of any issues pro and con that may have Arisen regarding deer management programs in other municipalities before formulating potential proposals on how to deal with deer overpopulation and that's where we stand with that and that concludes my report moving on we'll go to building Planning and Zoning councilman Jane Woods thank you council president senior trustees will meet tomorrow at 11:00 on March 14th the zoning board will meet on March 20th and design review board will meet March 24th I win for shortest report well you do thank you councilwoman utilities buildings and grounds councilwoman Judy Cy thank you council president kilman this report will provide an update regarding our planning board shade tree commission and Board of Public Works the plan planning board met on the 5th of March there were three site plan waivers all approved two public hearings for the Ramsey Interstate Center LLC they're going to add a Paris Baguette Bakery and Cafe right next to the workout place I just think it's funny and um the uh second hearing was the quality of Bergen LLC the interstate hearing was completed the quality of Bergen LLC hearing was carried again to May of 2024 the planning board will meet next on the 2nd of April 2024 the shade tree commission met on the 15th of February our next meeting is next week 21st of March there's information on our bureau's website regarding our shade tree commission and finally the Board of Public Works last met on the 26th of February the next meeting is 18th of March this coming Monday as I said prior per and poly fluorinated substances posos are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer Co boings and products that resist heat oil stains grease and water the EPA has not yet issued revised P water quality limits but in preparation h2m our consultant has begun reviewing treatment alternatives for our Burrow's water system also our lead service line replacement project continues the njdep has a requirement that all lead service lines served by our water system be replaced by the year 2031 h2m our consultant is working with the Ramsey um BPW and with um burrow for the next phase of our lead service line replacement program which will include test pit excavation and replacement of discovered lead service lines which will be performed in the spring and summer of 20124 thank you council president thank you councilwoman Judy than you sir and now we move down to public and government relations governmental relations councilwoman Sarah fiser poppy thank you council president Gilman um we have met since the last time the pool commission um met and adopted their budget for this year and settled on their member rates um the next meeting will be held Wednesday April 20 at 7:30 p.m. in burrow Hall all articles have been submitted for the Ramsey journal and the efforts on the layout have begun I'd like to extend my gratitude to Kelly Sylvester for assisting me with editing of the Articles and reviewing them as they come in the journal is expected to be in mailboxes the week of April 8th uh due to the light agenda the RMA will not meet this month their next meeting is April 22nd the mayor council and Ramsey police department will be holding a coffee with the council Event open to all residents in Ramsay on April 21st from 10: to 1200 at the Ramsey Community Center bagels and coffee will be served and we'll offer a craft for the children we hope to see you there and that concludes my report thank you thank you councilwoman poppy health education and Social Services councilman Glenn Papo thank you council president kilman um begin with uh R who completed our basketball program this past Saturday and thank you everyone who volunteered their time I know it was multiple changes on locations so thank you for sticking with it for the whole year uh art night is actually going on right now in Ramsey Community Center roughly 35 participants are uh creating a spring butterfly and that's what they're doing uh at this time and then the next event will be karaoke uh which is tally for 425 and that'll be I believe at the Nights of Columbus uh to ensure that yes poor environmental committee uh we met last night 7:30 uh the compost food scrap is underway uh residents are depositing their recyclables there uh we have about residents now that have been part of the program it can go up to 100 with the vendor that's what we agreed to um tentatively we have scheduled for a get together on Saturday March 23rd still working on the time but it looks like it'll be probably midm morning uh to do something there um just to advise we advised all the residents to park outside the DPW and walk in obviously to to kind of do anything there to not um have an issue with with the l of uh traffic going through and then the rain date will be the following Saturday so they were looking to do it on a Sunday but I said no we'll do it on a Saturday which would be three um March 30th if we have to have that uh reminder uh Ramy cleanup day is is April 6th 10 to 2 and then the plastic toy drive is the following day April 7th at Farmers Market from 9:00 to 12 bard of Ed will meet on the 19th of March that concludes my update thank you councilman Papo now that we've heard from our Council men and women I now draw your attention to our report from mayor dear Dillan thank you council president kilman this this past Saturday I had the pleasure of presenting bals um to all of the basketball Challengers which is always nice it's always a very enthusiastic time and um lots of smiles on lots of faces so that very special I was very happy to be asked to do so um regarding the library the HVAC repairs are coming along and we're hoping that the refurbishment of the children's room will start in either late May for early June we're very excited about this refurbishment um the room is going to be spectacular it's also going to be have a far better layout um and make it more user friendly and I want to let everybody know that for the first time there's going to be a Ramadan celebration on March 2nd from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Ramsey Community Center on East Oak 2 I'm sorry March 22nd yeah that's what Yeah March 22nd Friday March 22nd from 5: to 6: at the Ramsey Community C and that concludes my remarks thank you thank you mayor Dylan burough administrator Mr Bruce lose uh thank you council president a few comments on some of the items on tonight's agenda resolution 67 authorizes the sale of 430,000 special emergency notes for the property reevaluation uh this resolution allows the burrow to borrow the money that was authorized and discussed under for ordinance 3 of 2024 for the townwide property tax reevaluation pursuant to New Jersey state statute resolution 68 as discussed again previously tonight and at prior mayor and Council meetings the burrow must complete this townwide property revaluation appraisal systems had done the last burough revaluation is one of the leading companies for this type of work this resolution Awards the contract to appraise systems for the revaluation and five additional years of annual reassessments to maintain the Burrow's assessed value at Market resolution 69 approves a change order for Neta Architects under the contract for the firehouse Rescue Squad OEM project uh the change ORD is in the amount of $465 7.50 the change orders for additional work needed on a structural analysis and modification designed for the existing communication tower on the property to be pre uh relocated uh the budget timing is that we have uh the budget information appears on the website the presentation on the budget and the budget was introduced last meeting and the hearing will be the next mayor and council meeting on March 27th at 7 pm would be the public hearing and vote on adoption for the budget um one comment on the communic ation we received tonight this would be volume 23 in the suggestion series with suggestions 40 and 41 suggestion 40 involved information from the full property tax revaluation being posted on the website uh regarding the 2014 reevaluation as the reevaluation process moves forward for the 2024 one and once it's completed information will be posted on the burrow website in addition we will look to post a link on the website to the county tax site which maintains online property information uh suggestion 41 is redundant to a prior suggestion there are multiple ways and links on the site that go to the mayor and Council page where you can directly link to their emails so at this time the buau is not looking to add an additional link for quote suggestions to the mayor and counsel and that would conclude my comments thank you Mr Bose councelor any comment nothing thank you sir I have nothing Miss bendian nothing at this time thank you I see that we don't have any introduction of ordinances um do we have any unfinished business do we have any new business not seeing any or hearing any we have a motion for adjournment motion to adjourn have a second second all in favor I I