e e e e e e everyone on the Das ready set and on the we're good too D too huh you're call detention all right good evening everyone tonight is the mayor and Council regular session agenda for Wednesday June 26 2024 normally this is hosted by mayor Dylan who is under the weather this evening we wish her a speedy recovery this meeting is also being conducted telephonically the dial in number is 425 436 6365 the access code is 23563 pound sign meeting can also be viewed on the Ramsey YouTube channel and you can find that on the B website click on it and you will see us In Living Color can we have roll call please mayor Dylan is not here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here and councilwoman Woods here thank you can you please rise for the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of amerat the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have the advanced not of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 2024 do we have approval of minutes yes council president like make a motion to approve the minutes from work session June 12th 2024 I'll second that thank you um any comments on the minutes roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman uh I recus myself I was not at that meeting okay councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you Communications do we have a motion yes council president kilman this is councilwoman cusk and I would like to accept the communications as noted in the agenda please and I will second that any comments on the communications that we receive not seeing or hearing any um may we have roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman copy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you now it's time for public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling your last name and giving us your address please speak in an audible tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a five minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume of business on the agenda please note public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or as directed by the chair the buau clerk is the official timekeeper so at this time does anyone have any public comment please I can start hello my name is Anthony anari I live at 158c East Main Street in Ramsey New Jersey can you spell your last name please anari a an a r i and is in Nancy thank you my home is located directly behind the island Firehouse in the northwest corner I recently received a letter from the njde regarding the construction and planning of a new building in our neighborhood along with several of my neighbors I share some concerns about this project and its potential impact on our properties and quality of life both during and after its completion I want to emphasize that I am not here to object with the project after reviewing the report online it is clear that our town needs this updated building however this project is exempt from our Town's own zoning ordinance ordinances and given our proximity to the construction site we have some concerns that we hope will at least be heard and taken into consideration we understand the importance of this project and we are supportive of anything to improve our town that said we hope the that said we hope to be given the opportunity to voice our concerns with the board and that our voices will be heard our primary goal is to ensure that my family along with my neighbors can continue to enjoy our home enjoy our homes as they have been for the past 50 plus years thank you ask what's for you again I live on island um I'm sorry I live on East Main Street my property sits directly behind the firehouse okay there's two groups of town please U hi we had spoken on the phone councilman council president kilman is the the public safety person okay from the council who would be the leaz on to that he was away overseas so that's why I told you we will be setting up a meeting understood outside of like this meeting for for just you guys who have more of an impact to that understood I your phone number and contact information on my desk and now that he's back we can coordinate a time I appreciate that very much we only came here to put something on record if we were ahead or behind on the project that was the only reason we came here today y thank you thank you very much anyone else for public comment in the audience uh these are my neighbor okay okay that'll be great um anyone on the phone public comment second call for public comment and third call for public comment not hearing or seeing anyone for public comment we will close it at this time I don't do a no we will move on to advertise public hearing for hearing for final consideration of ordinances thank you thank you council president kilman this is the final ordinance number 08-20 24 an ordinance amending chapter 19 of the code of the burough of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more particularly section 19-5 thereof entitled storm water control having been brought up for public hearing and all persons interested having been given an opportunity to be heard pass final reading by title and that said ordinance be adopted as an ordinance of the burre of Ramy and be it further resolved that the burough clerk be and she hereby is directed to cause a copy of the title of said ordinance to be published in an official newspaper of the bureau in the manner provided by law together with a notice of the date of introduction and Adoption of set ordinance thank you do we have any comments on this particular ordinance council president I I'd be happy to give some comments um this ordinance is based on the current recommended storm water control measures from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and their new stormwater guidelines and um their model ordinance recently adopted and published so the burough has adopted the previous state model ordinance from 2021 and now is moving to incorporate these new adopted updates to be compliant with the current njd guidelines thank you Council not seeing anyone here in the audience we will now open this up for the final consideration of of the ordinances we have a public hearing um I think I need a second no I'll I'll second second okay thank you we will open up for for a public hearing for this particular ordinance and anyone on the phone have any comments for ordinance 08 2024 second call for public hearing on this ordinance and third call not hearing anyone we will close public hearing for ordinance 08-20 24 roll call please councilwoman husk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you appointments um the mayor has appointed ow and Les to the ram Ramsey Municipal Alliance and that is the only appointment that we have for the SE we are moving into the consent resolutions and before we do that I just want to make sure um that I bring to your attention um resolutions 13224 that deals with the renewal of liquor licenses and 13 9 2024 which is specifically geared toward the renewal of liquor license 0248 36- 01-04 with conditions this pertains to an establishment on Route 17 South is there any public comment it only be on the phone uh regarding the liquor license or the other issue with conditions second call third call all right moving along I pass it over to councilman gutwetter for the consent resolutions thank you council president kilman be resolved that resolutions 128 2024 through and including 139 2024 having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved um there is a special permit request uh the 47th Annual roundo rally sponsored by bicycle touring Club is requesting a permission to hold a bike rally on Sunday August 18th 2024 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and there are no block party requests this evening do we have second thank you councilwoman any comments on this none may we have roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman [Music] toy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we'll now move into the committee and liazon reports once again councilman Michael GW finance and administration uh thank you again council president kilman uh first off I would like to offer my congratulations to all the recent graduates of the Ramsey schools that took place this past week uh from the elementary middle and high school students congratulations and good luck in the next steps of your education for the library board after about 18 months of planning and preparation along with another six weeks of renovation the library is very excited to reopen the newly designed children's room it was a grand opening with a ribbon cutting uh this afternoon at 1:30 at the library uh they also built out a tween space for children of that age to have their own space in start a library which they did not previously have immediately following the grand opening ceremony for the children's room the summer reading kickoff event took place at 2 p.m. event spam spanned most of the library and included music crafts games giveaways registration for the summer reading program refreshments and more summer reading program officially began on June 24th program features a great array of prizes and incentives for kids teens and adults to read throughout the summer summer concert series will return with concert series scheduled on June 9th which is now passed so the next ones are on June 20 July 21st and August 4th and consult the libraries website for more details on those Ser concerts and and there's two upcoming um presentations for adults on June 27th the national park travel advice program will be conducted through the library at 7 pm and the origin of the Declaration of Independence uh is going to be held uh a hybrid presentation on July 1st at 7M for the Recreation Commission the Herman Derby was held on Saturday June 15th this past uh couple weeks ago uh registration for full boys and girls Recreation soccer leagues is ongoing for the Farmers Market Market is open Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2 PM um Women's Club I think I've mentioned this before uh the next event that they're hosting will be a Peach Festival on August 4th and the farmers Mark Ramsey Farmers Market was voted first as the best farmers market in Burgen health and Life magazine for the 12th consecutive year and the farmers market is celebrating its 15th anniversary of operations this year thank you very much thank you councilman thank you Public Safety this is my report first I'd like to congratulate uh Owen Les to the Ramsey Municipal Alliance and thank him for his service I have a report um from former councilman and Military veteran Joe Veron we this is in regards to BFW post 12148 on Tuesday June 11th Ramsey BFW participated in a new Resident mixer at the Ramsey pool it was well attended and once again the BFW was happy to participate on Sunday June 15th members of the Ramsey BFW Waldwick BFW and the Waldwick American Legion held their annual flag retirement service at Crestwood Lake Park in Allandale an estimated 1,000 flags were officially retired by burning in accordance with United States military procedures also in attendance were several residents from the pamus Veterans Home a barbecue lunch and all the fixion were served as well the BFW will have a barbecue food booth in front of the VFW building on Ramsey July 4th celebration which will be held on Saturday July 6th and the vfw's um annual poppy donations will continue to run until June 30 30th donation locations are at various retail establishments throughout the bureau and the BFW thanks Ramsey and surrounding communities for their support guarding Public Safety design due diligence continues on the new Ramsey Emergency Services complex the development committee and thata Architects continue to make progress on issues that need to be resolved in order to replace the current 70-year old building and infrastructure currently we don't expect this emergency service complex to go out for bid until the 4th quarter of 2024 when the design plan for this complex is ready and all the outstanding issues are resolved a date will be set for it to be presented to the mayor and councel which will be open to the public in the meantime we have set up a page on the bureau website for this project under the Community heading on the landing page plans and perent information are posted uh when finalized and that is my report and I will turn now to woman Jane Woods for building Planning and Zoning thank you council president kilman happy summer everyone uh congratulations to the Ramsey high school graduates the graduation ceremony is actually one of my favorite events even though the speeches are kind of long um I'm glad it was able to be held outside with only a little rain uh I'm sad to hear about Captain Kevin chevron's retirement from the Ramsey Police Department he will definitely be missed and I also want to congratulate and thank Owen Les for serving on the Ramsey municipal Alliance the design revieww board uh meeting was held last night um on June I'm sorry 25th and uh there was one application for Luna aul the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday July 3rd the senior trustees board the senior trustees board meeting was held Thursday June 13th the seniors thoroughly enjoyed the senior Gala on Saturday at the high school from 12:00 to 3: um the decorations from the night before were adorable they led the cruise ship theme they danced like crazy I want to thank the mayor councilwoman cusk and the many volunteers from Ramsey C and the Ramsey Girl Scouts and boy scouts that helped make the event successful and thank you to councilman gutwetter for U coming as well uh the Zoning Board of adjustment met on June 19th and they heard one residential application and one commercial application but they both were tabled the commercial application will be heard again at the July meeting and on July 17th and the residential application will undergo some changes and be heard again in September as an update about zoning uh in general and the sign ordinance is being clarified and strengthened to include penalties for unapproved signage we have been experiencing a significant number of pop-up signs around town that are not permitted window washing Etc uh this includes signage for garage sales and lost pets as well often times the signage is stapled to utility polls we are constantly on the lookout for this and we will remove remove them and contact the people to let them know it is not allowed if you do come across signs that are not permanent please feel free to text or email me with a picture my email is Jay Woods at Ramy nj.com and my cell is 20264 5312 that might have been crazy um regarding parking on Carol Street uh it's out there anyway uh I met with Sergeant Mike canano and we discussed changing the Ordinance 7-12 one to include parking signs between Church Street and North Spruce to reflect time limit Park paring on the north side of the street parking will be permitted on Sundays and public holidays and we will add timed parking for Monday through Saturday we determined that this will not impact the Walgreens semi-truck trailer um access to their loading dock we also discuss the four-way stop sign and think it is a good idea and we'll slow traffic the four-way stop sign will be placed at the corner of um it's actually on Carrol Street and it'll be the corner of North Spruce and Carol by varka that's great and that concludes my report thank you thank you councilwoman Woods um utilities buildings and grounds councilwoman Judy cus thank you council president Hilman this is councilwoman's report 26th of June I attended and enjoyed our Burrow's Ramsey Library children's room grand opening it was joyful congratulations and congratulations and thanks to Owen Les for the Ramsey Miss Municipal Alliance my sincerest gratitude for Captain Kevin shervin's service to our Ramsey Police Department with happiness for your retirement we are blessed to live in a country that affords us freedom and speech religion press and assembly happy birthday America land of the free because of the Brave and I'm looking forward to our um Ramy Borough celebration my report will provide an update regarding our planning board shade tree commission and Board of Public Works the planning board last met on 18th of June there was a hearing for Ramsey Auto Group and the application was approved the next meeting is the 16th of July 2024 our shade tree commission met on the 20th of June the next meeting will be on the 18th of June of July um please note that there's information on our bureau's website regarding our shade tree commission thank you to Jim truth and to our Meredith for representing our shade tree commission with an information table at our new Resident mixer our Board of Public Works last met on the 17th of June the next meeting is the 15th of July 2024 per and poly fluorinated substances posos or a group of chemicals used to make flop polymer Coatings and products that resist heat oil stains grease and water the EPA issued revised posos water quality limits on April 24th which impacts our water supply h2m our architectural and engineering firm is working with our ramz water department regarding treatment approaches the lead service line replacement our Board of Public Works continues planning regarding nj's lead service line replacement legislation this project requires that all lead service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 the lead service line inventory and replacement progress report will be submitted to the njd on the 10th of July our consumer confidence report the 2024 consumer confidence report will summarize the results of our 2023 drinking water quality data there were no no water quality violations during the 2023 calendar year a CCR postcard was sent to customers earlier this month so I brought in a showand tell for everybody um I received mine the entire report will be available for viewing on the Ramsey website starting on the 1st of July meeting the njd requirements in addition if people like me want to see a printed version there will be one at hall or and and one at our library as well thank you very much council president thank you councilwoman cus I turn now to public and governmental relations councilwoman Sarah papy thank you council president kilman I had the privilege of being in attendance for the 2024 Ramsey High School graduation held this past Friday we have so many smart and talented young individuals in our community and it is amazing to see them Reach Milestones congratulations class of 2024 the Ramy po pool committee met on June 19th the pool has been busy and is now open fulltime from 10: to 7: daily bad Friday concerts begin on July 6 and the pool will remain open until 10 p.m. on those evenings please note that membership is nearing capacity out of membership is now closed and residents will have until this coming Sunday to purchase their passes the next meeting of the pool commission will be the 17th of July at 7:30 p.m. at the pool complex the Ramsey Municipal Alliance met on June 24th they have secured funding for six students to go to the lmci leadership conference and they will be holding an information session tomorrow thank you to Owen Les for joining the committee I look forward to working with you the next meeting will be held on um July 22nd at Burrow Hall the Independence Day celebration will be held July 6 at Finch Park please visit the burrow website for more details on the schedule of events and bands that will be playing the rain dat is July 7th and that concludes my report thank you thank you councilwoman health education and Social Services councilman Glenn poo thank you council president kilman um all the best who Police Captain Kevin Chevron on his retirement and congratulations to Owen Les on the appointment to Ramsey Municipal Alliance I'll start off with uh with W Ramsey is for everyone again had a very very good Gala on 622 and thank you to Mayor and councel for supporting and helping over 125 guests for three hours of just fun and dancing that they that they had the next event right now is scheduled for 8:21 and that'll be our pool party uh at the Ramsey pool again usually another very very big event so if you can mark your calendars that'll be great uh and also working on the 2025 uh roid Grant uh with the state which is due on 72 six so we're working on that to get that updated and submitted uh to the state uh for Board of Ed uh like the rest of you congratulations to all the families with graduating students from all the Ramsey schools uh we did participate with the uh Ramsey High School on 621 uh which was just a great event uh to go to uh their meeting on 625 was rather brief but focused on New Jersey train training that they that they kind of had for environmental uh we continue to work and discuss the styrofoam recycling uh I don't have really any update other than what we spoke about before but uh they will work on that program to see if we have something that we can roll out uh for styrofoam recycling and there'll be no meeting in July for environmental committee and that concludes my report thank you councilman um mayor dear D Dilan I have her report she forwarded me her comments um she like to congratulate Ramsey High School class of 2024 best wishes for success and happiness in your future endeavors thank you to the senior Gala decorating committee the decorations in the gym were spectacular and they were enjoyed by the senior citizens on Saturday afternoon and by R on Saturday evening congratulations to the library for the ribbon cutting for the newly renovated children's room the room is lovely and functional and also she says I hope everyone has a safe Fourth of July and I look forward to seeing you at the Independence Day celebration on July 6th thank you burough administrator Mr Bruce o thank you council president um I'd like to start my comments off tonight uh just uh in regards to Captain shervin's retirement uh Captain Kevin Sherin will be retired iring in August from the Ramsey Police Department I want to thank him for his dedicated service to the burough over an almost 28-year career starting as a patrolman he was promoted to Sergeant in 2008 lieutenant in 2013 and then captain in 2021 in many contributions to the Burrow's police department and Public Safety one of those which I would like to highlight is along with Chief linman earlier in their careers they were at the Forefront of training and education on school safety and preparing for the potential of active Shooters in schools they were Regional and Statewide experts in this field and I commend them for all the work they did in that area and helping keep our schools safe as well as contributing to Public Safety around the state with his upcoming retirement the burough Public Safety Committee will work with Chief Lyman to start the pro promotional process U to succeed Captain Sheran uh couple resolutions on the agenda tonight I would also like to comment on resolution 135 this authorizes the B to participate in the state local Cooperative housing inspection program with the New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs for a one-year period of July 1st of 2024 to June 30th of 2025 the bureau has entered into the agreement whereby we will directly contract with inspectors to provide the necessary inspections required by the state for Cooperative housing locations in Ramsey and they will provide specific funding for those inspections du to be conducted in the upcoming one-year contract period uh resolution 136 authorizes the burrow to purchase uh self-contained breathing apparatus air packs for the Ramsey rescue squad this continues their annual program to replace a portion of these air packs uh maintaining compliance with safety guidelines on useful life of this lifesaving equipment this purchase will utilize a portion of remaining funds from the American Rescue plan fun the burough received with the remainder of the purchase funded from the equipment purchase line of the 2024 budget the total amount of the purchase is $64,800 34 for the nine air packs with about 70% coming from the American Rescue plan funding uh resolution 137 on the agenda the burough is disposing of an old electronic check recer located in the finance department which needs replacement and is of no value currently this is a fixed asset T tag number of 1011 as a reminder all of our fixed assets valued over $500 are tagged in part of the Burrow's fixed asset inventory and we do resolutions for disposal to remove them from the inventory list resolution 138 uh authorizes the bur to apply for a grant through the fiscal year 25 Recreation opportunities for individuals with disabilities grant program the bur will be applying for this grant funding through the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs program for this roid as the acronym Grant the application is the amount of $220,000 the burough has been successful in past years obtaining grants under this program for our Challenger and R programs and I would just remind everyone that uh bur Hall is now operating on summer hours Monday through Thursday our hours are 8 to 5: and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12: p.m. this provides the same 40 hours of Public Access as we do year round Monday through Friday uh we add Time Monday through Thursday uh extension and then that offsets the time earlier Clos dat and that would conclude my comments thank you thank you very much counselor do you have any comments I've spoken with Peter he's advised me he has no report okay thank you B clerk Miss bendan I have no report thank you okay we have no introduction of ordinances um no unfinished business no new business I do want to remind everyone that the next mayor and council meeting Wednesday July 24th only one in July again that's Wednesday July 24th do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I thank you very much good night everyone thank you Sarah good night you byebye night bye