[Music] I don't know I don't think I did but I'll try it again well let me log on and see okay if you're good there I'm good we ready I am [Music] Jesus [Music] anybody else I'm G to see right now are we ready yes I'm ready okay let's begin Burl ramse the C dime meeting Wednesday January 3rd 20 24 this meeting is also being conducted telephonically dialing number is 425-436 6365 access code 23563 the meeting may also be viewed on the Ramsey YouTube Channel please go to the B website for access to that YouTube channel may we have a roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here thank you here we had the flag salute and I will ask for administrator Jose to Le Us in the flag salute United States of America to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and Justice the New Jersey open public meeting meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of of this meeting of the mayor and Council was published in the Bergen record on December 15 2023 do we have approval minutes yes madame mayor this is Council woman cusk and I would like to motion to approve the minutes dated 13th December 2023 I second that Madam mayor thank you any comments or changes to the minutes not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you uh Communications yes madame mayor I make a motion that the communications as listed on the agenda this evening be received and filed I will second that thank you roll call call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman got wer yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you can I have a motion to go out of order so that we can get a re um a report from bur administrator Vose motion to go out of order second Madame Maya second thank you all in favor I thank you Mr Bose thank you i' just like to make some comments about the resolution on our agenda tonight first one resolution 236 is U West Bergen mental healthc care has proposed a project for replacement of the air conditioning units at their Ramsey location on Cherry Lane they're submitting a Grant application for funding through the Bergen County development block grant program as the host Community the program requires a confirming resolution from the buau this resolution is endorsement of their application resolution 239 is adoption of Municipal Tor claim form the Bergen County Joint Insurance Fund which the burough belongs to is provided and recommended a Tor tort claim form for the municipality to adopt formal adoption of this form through resolution May in defense of any claim provide better protection for the burrow the form is also going to be posted on the burough website resolution 240 is the renewal of a bond anticipation note the burrow uses Bond anticipation notes for Capital Project funding these mature in one year and the burrow then at maturity will go back out to bid for a new Bond anticipation note after paying down a portion of the principal plus interest through the budget we have bands that mature in both January and March of 2024 this resolution is for the January ban which we have received a net interest cost of 3.86% this net interest cost is a reflection of the strength of bur's financial position and competitive rates that independent third party investors provide Ramsey in this higher interest rate environment and this bid Piper Sandler was the winner with the lowest net interest cost resolutions 241 and 242 authorize the purchase of a vehicle service body and equipment for the mechanic division of the Board of Public Works mechanics truck and our vehicle maintenance division of the DPW is beyond its useful life and needs replacement funding was put in place in the 2023 budget these resolutions award the purchase of both the vehicle and its service Body and Equipment which in addition to all the supplemental compartments needed for tools and equipment for the mechanic include items such as a transfer fuel tank and pumps air compressor or power inverter both purchases for the vehicle and the service body with equipment are being done under Cooperative purchasing contracts resolution 243 is Al authorizing the renewal of our group dental insurance through Delta Dental our Burrow's risk manager Frank cavil has worked with Delta Dental on a renewal for employee dental coverage the Burrow under a two-year agreement will have its dental insurance rates Frozen with no increase for the two years this resolution Awards the renewal at no increase resolution 244 is authorizing the annual interlocal agreement with the burough of waluk for well baby Clinic the buau and the Ramsey Board of Health have been entering into an interlocal service agreement with Waldwick to provide Public Health Services to Ramsey residents through Waldwick these are Services mandated by the public health Council of New Jersey and provided to infants and preschool children the resolution renews our participation for 2024 resolution 245 is a budget appropriation transfer number three as mentioned at previous meetings the budget appropriation transfers neutral budget item moving unutilized funds from one line item to another that may have been under budgeted uh for needs throughout the year again there is no overall budget or tax impact just the formal shifting of on funds from one line item to another and resolution 246 approves various 2024 salary adjustments the resolution authorizes 2024 salaries for a number of positions some of whom are not covered under Collective bar bargaining agreement and then some who are that have seen changes in their position they include certain part-time non union employees the municipal job and and prosecutor receiving 2% increases for 2024 the recreational director salary and is being set at 18,000 the community Senior Center facility coordinator set at 12,000 uh Court our court employee PJ anastesia who has worked in municipal court office since 2019 is completed the necessary coursework for certification as a deputed court administrator with his cap Capstone project to be completed based on this court administrator Teresa has recommended a salary adjustment below those of a fully certified Deputy Court Administrator but above Court employees who have not taken the court administrator courses PJ's salary will be set at 56,000 plus the 2% annual uh CBA increase for 2024 Jim truth has been with the Bur since 2018 he wears many hats as an permanent full-time employee serves as a shade Tre coordinator assistant zoning officer Property Maintenance Recycling coor and previously has obtained his RCS building inspector license he's now completed additional courses with the state to move further along with his building inspector license resolution sets his salary at 65488 prior to the CBA 2% increase for 2024 that's all I thank you a motion to go back into order motion to go back into order m second Council mcus I second all in favor I I thank you okay let's go to consent resolutions uh thank you Madame mayor uh be it resolved that resolutions 236 2023 through and including 246 2023 having been considered by the governing body of the Bor of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved may I second that thank you any comment on the consent resolutions in addition to the burrow administrator's report not hearing any roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you I'll open it up to public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name and address as a courtesy please speak in an audible tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a 5minute time limit for speaker please note public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all present there will be no interruption or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing B's body's comments or as directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official timke keeper anyone Chambers wishing to make a public comment okay is there anyone on the line wishing to make public comment first call for public comments for anyone on the line second call for public comments for anyone on the line third and final call for public comments for anyone on the line not hearing anyone I willot close public comment once more is there anybody in Chambers who wants to publicly comment not seeing anybody step up I'll close public comment we don't have any unfinished business we have no new business can I have a motion to rejourn the CNA die please I'll make a motion to adjourn thank you second second May thank you all roll call councilwoman cusc yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you okay we're done with CA die we will start the reorganization meeting at 7 o'clock