very good good evening the r and Township planning board is now in session call to order the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied by the placing of a notice of this meeting on the Bolton board at the municipal building filing the notice with the Township Clerk and transmitting the notice to the hundon county Democrat The Courier News The Star Ledger and the Trenton Times very good thank you Mr Bardo roll you're welcome chairman Mr Edward gennings here Vice chair Miss Donna Drews here miss Robin Fatu here Mr Scott McDade here Miss Judy d John Domenico here Miss Michelle kavaki here Mr Dennis conanan here Mr James Miller he is asked to be excused Mr Glenn soosi here board professionals board attorney Mr John Bardo here Township planner Mr Jeffrey bagarella here and all other board professionals have asked to be excused okay very good thank you I'm going to ask everybody to please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our men and women in the armed services to flag of the United States America [Music] theice thank [Music] you okay first up this evening we have approval of the minutes from our February 14th meeting we had uh Taylor had circulated those to everyone in preparation for a meeting this evening does anyone have any comments or concerns with the minutes I do not can I have a motion for approval of the February 14th 202 four minutes motion second chairman Mr Edward gettings yes Vice chairman Miss Donna Drew yes Miss Robin Fatu yes Mr Scott McDade yes Mr Dennis conanan yes Miss Judy djn Domenico yes Miss Michelle kavaki yes okay thank you next up is Citizens privilege if there's anyone here this evening or online who's not who's with us remotely who would like to address the board on anything other than items that are further down on the agenda now would be the time to do that so please speak up and Mr Bardo is the only one online oh he's the only one okay thank you very much thank you okay resolutions we have resolution 6-22 4 this is the Caitlin Ryan pers five Leslie Court application from several weeks ago and we have a uh well that's the resolution the application was denied and uh nonetheless we need to approve this resolution anyone have any comments on it it's pretty straightforward so with that can I have a motion to approve resolution 06- 2024 so moved Don okay we'll take Donna and Michelle okay Vice chair Miss Donna Drew yes Mr Scott McDade yes Mr Dennis conanan yes Miss Judy djn Domenico yes Miss Michelle kavaki yes just a question how unusual is it for an applicant to not provide escro for you to be able to do a traditional resolution I I think Vice chairman Drews it's it's somewhat unusual but um as uh the Taylor would indicate they were significantly behind in their escrow fees and finally paid to cover the uh cost up to and including the uh denial at the meeting in in September um there was a realization that if we did a traditional long resolution that um we likely would not be reimbursed um and therefore I afforded the applicant the opportunity to do a somewhat mini resolution which only um took less than an hour about an hour they paid the hour fee and so they're up to speed with all their their escrow fees um had we had a controversial application where we thought there would be a a a challenge or an appeal um we would have done a much longer resolution and then chase them but um trying to work with the the homeowner here um this is where we ended up okay I was just curious thank you no it's uh it's a mini resolution because they apparently as Taylor would indicate um didn't have the funds or didn't want to pay the funds so that's where we're at thank you you okay we were to have a uh public hearing this evening on the F Greek development Inc this one's had some starts and stops for the past few months and as you saw in the package we received a letter from their attorney uh adjourning this to the the um March 27th meeting without further notice correspondence there is nothing that I am aware of Jeff nope no okay all right next up there are two items that are referred to us from the township committee the first one is uh authorizing the vacating of a portion of Big's place in clarage Lane these are some uh culde saacs that if any I'm sure we all looked at the map and there's certainly no culdesac so this gets vacated uh pretty straightforward unless any body has any questions or concerns on this one it it takes them off the map right Jeff takes those two c sacks off the map pretty straightforward and it's not inconsistent with the master plan yes okay okay um you need a motion to find it's not inconsistent with the master plan yes second very good thank you chairman Mr Edward gettings yes Vice chair Miss Donna Drews yes Miss Robin Fatu yes Mr Scott McDade yes Mr Dennis kincanon yes Miss Judy djn Domenico yes Miss Michelle kakiri yes okay next up is next up is amending section 296-1488 the the laws on flag poles and Lighting in both residential and non-residential areas I think it's pretty straightforward anybody have any comments or concerns about this Jeff I was just yeah wondering what precipitated this um anything specific or just some accumulated I think accumulation of uh just clarification of the ordinance of what's what's considered a structure and what's being decided on on the on whether or not the flag poll because it it prompted by conversations from applicants and then from it's always been determined some some applicants have gone to the board requested relief for a flag pole when in the past they didn't so now it's kind of just for clarity of clity for residents and for applicants yeah I see the KNX boxes the hot boxes meter vaults the things that we struggle with a lot are now going to finally not have to be variances or yeah okay so can I have a motion to this is not inconsistent with the master plan that's important to State second okay K chairman Mr award gettings yes Vice chairman Miss Donna Drew yes Miss Robin Fatu yes Mr Scott MCD yes Mr Dennis panan yes Miss Judy d John Dominic yes Miss Michelle kavaki yes okay thank you in terms of comments uh just a reminder Taylor had sent out a note a couple weeks ago to all of us that the township committee will be talking about the land use and we all got copies of that document and several of us worked with both from this board and from the adjustment board worked with Jessica for uh quite a while on this so there's a lot of changes I think it's a good product but the township committee they have it and I'm sure have all reviewed it and there's a discussion presentation next week that we are invited to so that's next T Tuesday right next Tuesday evening so I just want to remind everybody of that um any other board comments this evening no Jeff any comments we do not have our planner with us this evening Mr Bardo any comments I have no comments on Co by the way oh you're you're welcome that's still winding its way through as I'm sure all of you are aware because you probably get updates from the New Jersey League of municipalities that came out of the budget and Appropriations Committee on Monday it has not yet had a full vote in the Senate and that's it okay all right thank you all right then our next meeting is March 27th and I understand from Jeff that we have two public hearings that's correct Flemington industrial and F Creek and F Creek Okay so busy evening that night all I'm GNA say is yeah go ahead what what do we have on the 10th the 10th is um the Robinson uh subdivision as well as the 1200 County Road what is it 523 523 uh site plan waiver oh site plan waiver okay yeah I gave that one to you a while ago so it might not be familiar but I will just say just be prepared it seems like it's going to be a busy spring for us so we'll be seeing each other regularly I have a housekeeping recommendation what what one of my boards does in this section under schedule of of meetings they they list the meetings and then meetings that have been filed but are under review they they put those there as well it's kind of a way of keeping track of things I something you can or can't do but I just throw it out there it's a good thought yeah I believe Taylor you do something like that for Board of adjustment I know we get list of applications that that's what he means I didn't know talking so it's basically what's been submitted what's pending well now we can because now we actually have enough applications yeah so just give that to this group yeah because you already do it y it's very helpful you got it and every um application tonight the F Greek I only included Jessica's report because that's the only one I've received regarding the revised sets of plans the rest they'll be coming in very soon I hope any F Greek plans we have then that are not recent should we throw away they don't matter yeah you supersede that okay I just want to be clear thanks for asking it it'll help my basement it piles up some just the site plans just the site plans okay very good thank you everyone we returned have a good night bye bye bye thank you John by enjoy the warm weather I will yeah that's a record