it is not :30 I'm going to call the select board to order it's going to go over our brief agenda um we have public comment we have a Open session or executive oh sorry let me call the meeting to order that' be the first item of business sorry uh call the meeting to order I'm G to do a roll call vote as I see you on the screen uh Chris Haley here Melissa yes here Mark doer here Carlo here and I I don't see Karen yet is that I I have I have the full screen I think but I don't see Karen okay so now to the overview of the meeting thank you so we have open session or executive session discuss oml complaint filed by John Sullivan um on June 15 and then we have a little housekeeping on vasque uh just moving a few people around and then we have uh appoint someone to the kilum school building committee or reappoint I guess and and then we have another oml that was filed by John lipet that we have to respond to by the 16th um so even though we have a meeting on the 16th it has to be the reply has to be before that um you know so we're gonna have to have another meeting and we'll discuss that so um we'll go right to uh the motion for open session or executive session excuse me Carlo did you want to do public comment first oh yeah got I'm sorry I'm I'm All FR with this thing yes uh how many do we have for public comment so I can set up a time schedule Jackie um where how are you raise hand okay y I see three so far is there any more and I'm just trying ask people for public comment I see three hands and anyone else we don't have a signing sheet sorry so um so far we see three okay so I I think Jackie is gonna unmute people so it'll be just uh two minutes to be fair and uh so by going on the screen I see uh Linda snow doer um I guess I don't know if you can unmute yourself or Jackie can unmute you thank you hi can you hear me yes awesome thank you for this opportunity to give my input um I would like to publicly thank select board member Karen herck for all of her commitment hard work and all she has achieved on behalf of our town of breing uh her many years of volunteering L up to our election twice by the majority of reading residents the voters supported the voter support reflected residents awareness of not only her commitment but also her willingness and ability to V devote her time and professional skills as well as her commitment to our environment and diverse residents to making sure that residents are listen to and that things reading needs actually get done on top of this she has develop relationships with our legislators and legislative committees finding out about fun opportunities and promoting our Town's needs in the sea of other Mass cities and towns she has enabled us to receive funding and continues to do so which will be very helpful as we move forward in this very expensive economy our current select board has expressed concerns about being respectful to reading taxpayer concerns understanding our Town's financial status and process from her time on the finance committee and Beyond Karen herck has not only made it a point to spend our money wisely she has also brought funding to reading to lower the cost passed on to us the reading residents this will be especially important as we build our new elementary school hopefully with the well-being of our students and the environment in mind it's time for us to move on past personal attacks and the illusion of heroic protections of our past chair to the work before us I appreciate the commitment each of you has made to serve our community and the time you commit to do so please let's refocus on getting the work done and respecting our volunteers these attacks are just deterring other good people from stepping forward to volunteer thank you for this opportunity to share my perspective thank you uh I'll go to Mary Ellen O'Neal next Carlo I'm sorry before um Marielle and O'Neal speaks I just want um the record to reflect that Karen heric has joined the meeting she joined immediately before Linda snow doxer started speaking just want to make sure everyone is aware thank you Mary Ellen you have the floor thank you um I respectfully request that the select board reexamine its decision to appoint Mr guy manganello to cpdc it is always an unwise decision to appoint a developer to any of our committees with oversight Authority cpdc zba and the Conservation Commission there's always the inherent risk of a conflict of interest this is particularly true in the case of Mr manganello he is one of the two principal Partners in a large 40b project in town the Eaton Lake View um project this development received its approval from cpdc in March of 201 and 19 the majority of the project and thus the majority of its affordable units Remain unbuilt the applicant received a continuation uh of its order of conditions from the Conservation Commission in April 2023 promising to begin construction sometime that year that did not happen and when I was by the uh site recently within the last week There's no evidence of any uh progress on that site in addition Mr manganello is professionally and personally connected to the federa family which has multiple velopment projects going on throughout Town um Mr manginello simply has too many conflict of interest situations um excuse me I can't read my own writing which would be a burden to the functioning of cpdc and would prevent him from being an effective member of that committee um Mr maniello needs to be removed from cpdc and perhaps given a different appointment to begin his service to the town thank you thank you uh I see Angela bendon next please hello Angela binda uh Orchard Park Drive I'm um calling and I want to Echo everything that um Linda snow doxer just said I don't need to repeat it but I do want to say that um I have seen Karen's dedication to the kilum school committee um the kilum building school school building committee and with um the number of meetings she attends for that and for other issues that will um feed into that I see the detailed reports she gives and I know that she's very dedicated and Incredibly capable to continue doing the work that she has done I'm also extremely concerned that what has been posted for an agenda item is not just a discussion but a discussion and vote when this has not been brought up at any other meeting it is not the policy of the select board to discuss and vote on at the same meeting and I know Mr Haley brings this up all the time and says I will not vote if we haven't discussed this this isn't what we do so I am asking that if there is a vote to replace her that any vote be taken at a later date that there is a discussion that citizens have the right to see this meeting and any discussion and able to weigh in there was nothing in the packet that I saw about this and I want to Echo that also because this is a 9:30 on a Thursday morning and so I don't even know if people were expecting that there would be a meeting at 9:30 on a Thursday I don't know if people you know I I I learned about this it was very surprising um date and time and so again there should not be a discussion and vote at the same meeting and and there is no reason I can see why Miss Herrick um would be replaced thank you thank you uh would anyone else like to speak that doesn't have their hand up none all right do we have a motion Chris for executive session please yep one sec uh move to go into executive session under purpose one to discuss and potentially respond to the open meeting open meeting law complaint filed by John Sullivan received on June 15 2024 to invite IA freed from town council's office Town manager Matt caralis assistant Town manager Jane Wellman and executive assistant Caitlyn osella into the executive session and to return to open session to continue the discussion on this topic and to continue on with the rest of the meeting uh can I make a friendly amendment I have my associate with me Ryan holquest if it's okay with the board I'd like to also invite her into the executive session sure thank you is anyone else does anyone else have an issue with that I don't have an issue with that all right seeing thank you IIA Mark you were muted I think you were gonna say I was I was sorry thank you I was gonna second the motion yeah thank you Mark um any discussion quick question is is Jane Wellman online I didn't see her yes she is okay she's she's in the room with Matt and Jackie got it thank you sorry sorry we muted we're all here together save some any any other discussion from anyone seeing none so I it's the the way the motion is written we can you know choose to go into executive session or stay in Open session so um could you read the first sentence again we're voting to go into executive session correct correct right okay and we already had a second uh we had discussion all right I will do a I'm to get a pen I will do a roll call vote uh Chris no no Melissa yes yes Mark yes yes Karen no no and Carlo is no so we will be doing this in Open Session thank you if do you want to share some comments um we've all seen the complaint absolutely so I can um explain a little bit about the legal fabric that we're um addressing today so the complaint was whether an individual board member has the ability to require that the meeting be held in executive session considering that the executive session is being held under purpose one so purpose one for those that don't know allows a public body to discuss complaints or charges brought against a public officer employee staff member or individual when you are entering under executive Session One typically you need to inform the individual that is subject of the complaint give them written notice of the meeting inform them of specific rights that they have and one of those rights that they do have is the ability to require the meeting be held in open session so for example if there's a complaint against a staff member and the staff member is being brought into that executive session the staff member can say no I want this to be held in Open Session and the board could not discuss the matter in executive session so historically my understanding is that the Attorney General let public bodies discuss open meeting law complaints under purpose three which dealt with litigation but the some point in before my time becoming a lawyer it was decided that purpose one is really the more appropriate Avenue for discussion of executive session complaints um you know it's a little bit of a a rub because purpose one only refers to a public officer employee or staff member and not a public body and as we know open meeting law complaints are brought against the public body the public body has to respond to the complaint if a violation is found while the AG can decide that it is an individual violation at the onset it's a complaint against the body and so you could see how one could take the view that because we're entering in under executive session purpose one that any board member because the complaint is filed against all of the board members could therefore Force the matter to go into open session so a vote of four to one would require discussion in open session however the Attorney General doesn't take a broad view of the nature that I just discussed what the attorney general has shared with us is that it is a complaint filed against the body the body can decide whether to go into executive session and an individual board member's rights underp purpose one don't supersede that of the body so they can express their willingness to go uh to discuss it in Open Session by voting against the motion But ultimately it is a board decision where this matter is discussed and how the complaint is responded to there is not we are unable to locate a decision on point um we called our office called the attorney general um who's responsible for overseeing the open meeting law Division and Carrie bennison did share with us that that's you know she does take a broader view that there are no purpose one rights that an individual board member May assert that would supersede that of the body um but again there is no decision on point it's just typically this is how we've always done it um that it's viewed as a a complaint against the body so in this case here first we have Karen um herck abstained from the the motion so you know even if there was um you know some argument that Karen had purpose one rights and would have been permitted to force the discussion and or you know the board would have been required to discuss it in Open Session she didn't vote on on the matter clearly her view was shared but she didn't ultimately vote so I think that's something important for this analysis too not only do I think the law doesn't doesn't support the the allegations and the complaint Karen didn't ultimately vote um and then finally I couldn't find any decisions but I I wonder whether the complainant had standing to bring this issue um he particularly you know he wasn't harmed the harm runs to the complaint the the individ ual subject of the complaint in this case it would be Karen generally the Attorney General views that any member of the public has standing to bring a violation under the open meeting law but I I just sort of wondered whether there was another kind of question there around standing I think you know ultimately it's a complaint against the body the Attorney General doesn't view an individual's member's rights um as superseding that of the body so the body here voted uh 311 to go into executive session and therefore properly entered in in my view thank you does any board member have any uh comments or questions for IA I have a quick question yep go ahead IA um I'm just wondering um for the future when um persons are named in the complaint do we have a policy to send out a notification of their rights to request discussion to be held in open meeting law or are you thinking that was not required either because formal complaints are against the body yes so um Ryan which is why I invited her here today Ryan spoke with the attorney general about this because historically the practice has always been across all Municipal law attorneys we never notify board members of the rights and Carrie beneden said that that's right you don't have to send and express notice like you would to an employee the the board member does get notice they have to receive the complaint they have to receive the agenda and um and so that's sort of you know we're unable to locate any decision in which she kind of puts that in writing but that's the advice that we have um received from her office thank you I appreciate that any other comments or questions from the board members um seeing none I I don't have any questions I think every spelled it out correctly and um but we do have to respond um to this complaint and U you we need to do that in a timely manner and that's why we having this meeting a in the morning uh to accommodate our schedules and and Mark is away and was nice enough to uh come to this meeting uh being away and accommodating us so um uh public comment is over but I see John Sullivan's hand up I don't know if we need to address that he's the one who fil the complaint so legally there's no obligation for you Carlo to allow members of the public to speak including the complainant during this portion of the meeting so I defer to you as whether or not you want to allow members of the public to speak I'm just gonna move on thank you oh I see Linda snow doxa has a point of order in the chat can I speak so when I was on the school committee we were actually considered a type of employee I can't remember the exact term right now but we were called employees and held to the standards of employees I was under the impression the select board is under the same status so I was just wanted to ask Ia about that employee status for elected volunteers thank you yeah so uh Linda you are correct so under the state ethics law all public body members including school committee members and select board members are Municipal Employees for purposes of that law when I was talking about employees I was talking about you know a paid employee like a teacher if the school committee was going to talk about a complaint against um uh a teacher they would you know give that teacher specific notice now the you know the attorney general has taken the view or at least has expressed publicly on on occasions that you know notice is not required to members of the public body subject to the complaint because they are getting it um through the requirement in the statute that the um the complaint be circulated amongst them and then also they get the agenda themselves um so the point really is more um about what notice is required under purpose one and not whether or not it's an employee versus a public official thank you thank you eria um all right so is the board um I don't know we got a board discussion about the response it seems like from Town Council that the complaint that was filed is to me you know not not valid um based on what I've heard so I I guess you know I'll that that's my take on this um I'm not an attorney but it does definitely makes sense to me so I I'll defer to anyone else who wants to speak on the board um to comment and how we respond Mark thanks Carlo so um I I understand kind of what what I has described in some sense um I guess it doesn't make complete sense to me um um and the Attorney General seems to have taken a position I I think that we have you know look we should be respecting the rights of the people in the town individuals whether they're they're board members non board members I'm concerned when we say well we don't really have to yeah you can have a formal hearing you don't have to give notice you don't have to do any of these other things it just doesn't sound right and the Attorney General's point you know it hasn't come up before apparently um so I I'm I would be comfortable kind of saying yeah just don't worry about it I I would be much more comfortable thinking about us saying hey um we we don't think that that we did anything wrong here however we will be very cognizant of it and and you know thinking about it in the future I guess being more reflective about it I think that's the right response as opposed to kind of saying hey we don't need to worry about this just just push past it can I can I make a point Carlo yeah of course yeah I think there's um I think that's wise Mark you know I do think that there's an inherent tension between the Attorney General saying that purpose one is the purpose for public bodies to discuss exec uh discuss complaints filed under the open meeting law against public bodies and then also saying that individual subject of that complaint I.E the board don't have purpose one rights I understand that the Board needs to respond though so I can see where she's coming from but she hasn't considered it um in in a formal decision that she or I could identify and I think if I could Carla just our mission is not to all become lawyers right we're we're here to try to make decisions for the town and do the right things going forward this seems to me is something that relates to individual rights I think that we can respond um in saying that although we don't think that there was a violation um you know look we'll be we'll be careful be we'll be cognizant of it I think that that's the right resp response I think it's the right tone and I think it's the most respectful way to go forward we as a board more broadly need to figure out how to go forward and I think this is kind of a symbol in some sense of that to get it started I don't disagree I mean um I'll let Chris speak Chris thanks Carlo um for me we all got noticed that um what was in the open meeting law complaint we all received the email just like the other one from the other day it's the same scenario we all got noticed if it was some random member of public completely different scenario but we were we were served notice I don't see any difference um in that regard um so that's kind of where I'm at and the options that IA provided one two and three uh in her Memo to us uh and for option one which is nothing happened and uh let's move on to the next agenda item thanks Carlo may I add a point to that of course thank you so just to make sure everyone has all the facts so when I talk about notice under purpose one not only is it notification that um that the public body is going to be speaking about the matter but it's noticed that they can have an attorney present that they can record and and the executive session so there's all these other rights that they have and so do usually a pretty detailed notice that we would give to a school teacher or a DPW worker whoever we are you know whoever is the subject of the complaint so the question that Karen asked is whether that kind of more detailed notice needs to be provided um and what we are hearing from the Attorney General's office is that that is not required when the subject of the complaint is the public body because um you get it through other ways thank you Melissa do you have any comments oh sorry Karen's hands up Karen Melissa hasn't had a chance to speak so she can go first okay Melissa any comments or questions thank you I was just I actually I agree with Mark I think that um I don't believe that we violated any of open meeting laws but I do think that we need to be cognizant of of it going forward um I do have one question and I think I has kind of already answered it but when open meeting laws are um filed even if they name the individual board board member it still is against the entire board correct correct so the Attorney General in issuing their decision can find that it was an individual violation however the ability to F or to impose sanctions go to the entire board and this body can't decide you know can't make that decision for the AG the AG makes the decision of whether it's an individualized violation okay but it's a complain filed against the body okay great thank you for clarifying okay Karen thank you um so um I would like the board to move on and and do the work that we are elected to do um so um I'm inclined to agree with Mark's approach um I do however I would also like to suggest that that as a courtesy and an abundance of caution that we in the future provide anyone who is specifically named an open meeting law complaints with the notification as every adust elaborated that they have the right to request the discussions be have held in Open Session and even to have an attorney I wasn't aware of this there you know there may be boiler plate disclosure that we could do I think it would be good policy to let people not just um true employees but also special Municipal Employees know of about their rights this was very new to me and um I'd also like the record to show that we have some comments in the chat um I do recall that in past um open meeting lot complaints we have allowed the complaintant to speak um in our meetings and so I would like to be consistent and um however I defer to the role of the body thank you Carlo may I respond sure so um whenever the board discuss a complaint discusses a complaint um against that's been filed against an individual not the body the individual we absolutely provide the purpose one notice that you just talked about Karen that is something we make sure our office does I work with Matt he has a standard template so that happens my concern with providing that notice to the body is it's may not be accurate so to say in that notice that you have a right to hold it in Open Session I'm not sure that I necessarily agree with that based on conversations with the Attorney General's office so if we're saying to someone you know board member a you have the ability to have this in Open Session and the board votes four to one my position would be that you could still talk about it in executive session now this body could make a decision that not withstanding the vote if the vote is 41 we're still going to be respectful of that individual's wishes and discuss the matter in Open Session that hasn't historically been the practice as you know Chris has voted against executive session multiple times in the past and the board has you know entered so and Carlo has as well and so that would be something new for this body to consider but um I would be hesitant to just provide that notice when we may not actually be giving individuals the rights outlined in it does that make sense it it does to me thank you yeah I don't know about everybody else no just if I could quickly yeah to IA point of the notice being potentially outdated Etc um we already have to pay for IA to be here we have to pay IA for uh more work on every open meeting law complaint potentially in the future it's just compounding upon things so if it was Matt sending out a notice I'm fine with that if it opens up us to some legal thing because of it because some verbage was uh incorrect on there then I'm not good with that at all so that's why for everything else that was mentioned I'm good with that but uh for me I wave whatever magical rights that that you think that I'm getting because uh I got sent an email already with everything outlined so that's me then thanks thanks are we ready for our response I think option one with uh Mark's uh comments I I fine with that we always need to do better but um you know sometimes we don't so oh go ahead so actually I I was not suggesting that we do option one in fact I think that um we we're more along the lines of um either a a violation may have occurred or that we don't think it occurred um but in the spirit of transparency we're going to release the minutes and we're going to agree to uh commit to Future compliance Melissa um I don't think the minutes are already public because we're in Open Session and also I I'm not I won't agree to saying that we did violate anything because as AA says we have not violated violated any open meeting law violation rules but I mean I do agree that as a board we need to agree that we could do better and you know maybe listen to the person that the open meeting law is subject to but I will not agree that we violated any open meeting law so just to clarify so I don't think the executive session uh portion is is yet released so that's something that we do need to vote on and and move ahead so I I would suggest that we we do that um as part of kind of sharing you know kind of what what the discussion was and what went on um I don't I think that's the right response so so I think it it's you know I'm I'm I agree it's not clear to me that we did violate it anything but I also don't want to say that we definitely didn't violate anything I don't think that's right I think it's somewhere kind of in between frankly my mistake I thought you meant the meetings from this session I I apologize not from the executive session we went into yeah B based on what I've heard today this morning I I do not believe we violated anything um and that that's my stance I I I you know I I'd like to move on but I don't want to cut anybody off if anybody else wants any you know final comments on from the board I I think we did not my opinion we did not violate open meeting law and um as far as the minutes go we can release those separately uh but that doesn't have to be part of the complaint unless I'm wrong IA no so the body needs to take whatever steps it believes necessary to remediate the violation I don't believe that you are legally obligated to release the minutes because of the filing of this complaint but the board can absolutely do that if you want or you can go through your standard process and review them in executive session and decide whether they're right for release at that time um you know I think listening to kind of what's been shared you know maybe it's maybe we just say you know the board does not believe that it violated takes sort of a softer approach to it Mark and but commit to listening to its members and you know you know being more responsive to individuals that may want to consider complaints in Open session or is the is I believe too strong for for what you're thinking about sorry the I believe related to the response so telling Mr Sullivan you know the board reviewed the complaint um and relevant case law their attorney also spoke with um the bureau chief of the division of open government and you know it's our opinion and belief that the board didn't you know it's the board's pos position that they likely did not violate the law is that still too strong for you or is that sort of in line with what you were thinking no I think that's fine okay I think that's appropriate I I I think that adding the um the future consideration uh aspect of it is is important also uh in terms of talking about here's our thinking for the Futures to be just cognizant of of this and and um you know we be very reflective as we go forward on these kinds of items okay and if the board isn't going to release the minutes another thing for the board's consideration is you could put something in there like the board will review the executive session minutes to determine whether they're right for release keeping in mind this open meeting law complaint and the Public's interest in the matter you know so we're not committing or promising to anything but just showing them that when we think about it we will keep this complaint in mind that would work very well for me yeah I I I have no problem with that personally I I think uh given our our climate right now I think we need to review the minutes first as I suggested and then I have no problem releasing them um for for me as an individual I'm not speaking for anyone else so I think to me that is the right course of action right now um so so we can move on um and so is anyone else is everyone okay with that response I see yes yes yes yes okay area you have your we actually we need a formal vote so um I would suggest that the vote be um moved to authorize Town Council to respond to John Sullivan's open meeting lot complaint as discussed during today's meeting something like that so moved I can't make it Chris needs to I'll move it sorry go ahead Chris I'm sorry oh yeah I was going to say move to authorize Town Council to respond to the open meeting law complaint filed by John Sullivan um by informing the complaintant that the board discussed during the June 27th meeting I think you could simplify it just say as discuss like as discuss as discussed I'll second okay thank you any discussion uh seeing none I'll do a roll call vote Chris yes Melissa yes Mark yes Karen yes Carlo and yes uh thank you next agenda item is some housekeeping for uh vasque uh Chris if you want to read the motion please yep uh they do you want well yeah it's separate because there's du dates uh move to appoint John castrinos to a full member on the trails committee with a term expiring June 30th 2027 second any discussion what is if I could I I'm not aware of why that we didn't do this I can explain if you want if you could please so we you originally appointed them um John to an associate member and um David to the full member and they wanted to be opposite David wants to be uh John to be the fot member and David to the associate member okie dokie we just felt that a vote was appropriate thanks all right I'm sorry do we have a second or that was the question came first before the second I'm sorry Melissa second in all right so second in Chris had a question any other discussion seeing none all right uh roll call vote uh Chris yes Melissa yes Mark yes Karen yes and Carlo yes 5 Z next motion please move to appoint David wider to an associate member on the trails committee with the term expiring June 30th 2025 second second Melissa any discussion uh seeing none uh roll call vote Chris yes Melissa yes Mark yes Caren yes Carlo yes 5 Z thank you uh next agenda item got to exit out of my screen um this is the kilum school building uh discuss rationale for replacing the current select board member representative the kilum school building committee and to consider and vote to nominate uh nominate or appoint a new select board member to the kilm school building committee uh do we I'm trying to stick with the same uh order of things do we have a motion for this Chris or do we not have a motion for this we do it is uh I can read it and then it's and then we can discuss but it's moved to a point x as the select board member designate to the Kum School building committee okay yeah all right so we'll we'll we'll move on from that so I will um open it up to a discussion and you know we have the I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna call that the motion because we don't have a name um attached if we get there but I'll I'll open it up to a discussion from from the Bo Ken thank you Carlo um I would love to understand um I believe this was your agenda item I'd love to hear from you why this was necessary it it uh there's no technical reason that this vote and this discussion would be necessary well I I I would love to go to the vote I I have a list of uh nonprofessional Behavior Uh that was given to me by the chair of the kilum school building committee I would rather not read it out loud but if you I'd rather go to the vote but if you want me to read it I would I would I I would do so I I'm trying to um I guess be nice um and but um you since you're on the killing School building committee now I I have no problem saying what I have in front of me but I'm just gonna give you the option I guess if you if you want me to say it or if we can just go to the vote you know I don't know what to say this is um this is news to me um yeah I don't I don't know where we go from here it sounds like you're asking the board to reconsider their designate who's been serving in this position based on just trust me no no no I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm prepared to read what I have I'm giving you the option if you want me to read it or not I I I have bullet points and then I have detailed descriptions of what has occurred so I I I that's why it says rationale on the agenda item I'm not trying to be spiteful you might think it is but these agreement is that have been brought up uh to you um and you know it's been ongoing so I I I have them I'll leave it up to you if you want me to read them so point a clarification I just previously said that I have no knowledge of this what you what conversations you may have had with the current chair of the Kellum School building committee and so so I think you're going to lay it out you're going to need to lay it out you would need to I mean I I'm happy to address concern concerns which I will be hearing for the first time which also lends you know Credence to you know should we be violating our policy or going against our normal policy of voting in the same um meeting that we bring up a situation and again it's it's so it not again but you know it is concerning to have a select board member bring in some conversations that they may have had on the side substantiated or not that have not been brought up to the select board member in this manner it doesn't seem to be a good way to work with your board members but I I'm happy to um my plan today was to if this was the reason for this agenda item I am happy to go through all of the work that I've been doing since I was appointed by this board by a majority of this board I don't remember if it was um 5 um so I'm happy to to go through that um have a new member who may not be aware of the full history of what this project has entailed and and the effort and successes that I've brought to the table and U so again I have not not received any calls from the chair of the school building committee I am aware of some uh concerning actions that were taken not necessarily on my part in the past and I'm also happy to talk about them in in public uh in public today in in in order to make sure there's full transparency for the community if that's the way you'd like to do it yeah Mark thanks Carl so um there are two I guess two things I want to talk about one is from a process point of view I think that if there are questions concerns about a situation we should have a process C whereby board members are familiarized with some of the issues that are going on have a chance to explore um discuss respond whatever I think you can't do that kind of um I'm G to call it online you can't just kind of um you know not without preparation um walk into that I think we need to have some background to be able to explore understand you know what's happening um there's another side of the process problem where we can't be in a situation we're trying to be judge jury and executioner um I find that very troubling as a process if there is an allegation a concern a complaint it should be discussed in fact it should be discussed first with the individual involved number one um if there are other issues or or continues then it can be discussed further and then if this body is being asked to take some action I think this body needs to have some time to understand process discuss and see what action if any it may want to take um having this kind of come forward this way without any background didn't really allow us to do that and then um the part about vote was kind of a second piece that that again we typically don't do that you know if if there were something that um is it has to happen today or else then we've made a few exceptions to that I I I appreciate that I don't think that's the situation here I feel very unprepared um and concerned um from a process point of view that this just isn't right it feels it feels like um kind of taking something and just kind of driving it to a conclusion just so we can say we did it um and I feel very uncomfortable with that the second piece that I wanted to bring up the second Point really is that I think that this role as the liaison kind of representing the town from the select board side is really really important it is and should require a lot of time um a lot of involvement a lot of activity and frankly these are the only kind of sets of I'm going to call them checks and balances that exist here and I think that there should be some natural tension that comes from that in terms of checks and balance although it also has to be in a way that allows things to to move forward for the betterment of the project and the community um I don't you know I I I'm sure have heard certain um allegations from from individuals about it but again it's not okay to take an allegation and kind of drive it and say well that's the end of it let's just do it I'm very very uncomfortable with that I was uncomfortable with having this as an agenda item today and I'm uncomfortable even more so with the notion that the vote was added to it I think that that's really from a process point of view not okay um and really counter to to kind of sharing everything that's going on with ourselves as a board as well as with the community thank you Mark I'll just make a quick comment to that before I let the others speak that we have deviated from that process before um I don't want to get into a whole di tribe um we have done discuss and vote on the same night before I know what you're saying uh it better if we do discuss and vote but we have done things where we discuss and vote in the same meeting in the same night where we weren't fully prepared and not everything was disclosed it was disclosed at the meeting so I I as I I agree with you I also disagree disagree with you a little bit and I I I am trying to uh move this forward and if we don't vote tonight to today this morning uh we don't vote but I I these things that I'm about to say have been discussed and have been brought to Karen's attention so um it's again I'll let the other board members speak and then we we'll uh you know sit back and and and absorb it all so Melissa um thank you um for me I would um I don't want to be disrespectful to Karen but I I need a little more background so I would kind of like to hear what you have to say um and what some of the issues may have been I also um I I don't think that Karen's completely shocked by this considering her statement at the school committee meeting the other night um she knew there were issues when Jackie was chair um she knew there was uh this was brought to Jackie's attention um she said that the other night at the um public comment at the school committee meeting um but for me I do need a little more background information on maybe some of the issues that have been going on um yeah and that's what I would like to hear thank you Chris thanks Carla um I agree with Karen her dedication not only here everything else in general for the last 20 years or so uh you know I will never get to that point um I agree with Mark as well that that these kind of things have to be hashed out behind the scenes uh or or not behind the scenes or publicly however you want to word this um uh I completely agree with that Mark uh the issue with that is is it has been and it is before us us now it did it only got to this point because it got to this point this has been going on since when Jackie was chair I'm privy to the conversations uh that were done then uh and this isn't something that just popped up last month this Behavior has been going on for years and if you need any more evidence you can just watch last week's school committee meeting uh where Karen gave public comment and my reaction to that should be what everyone else's should have been is that I cannot believe she's actually saying these things publicly I really can't so I'm not jeopardizing a $100 million project uh the time for discussion on this is well over with it has been discussed as not at ad nauseum before it's even got to us here um and unfortunately it's time for Action so that's where I'm at on this this is not new news to anybody it's been discussed well in advance just like the cell phone thing with you and me Mark that's been discussed multiple times before it got brought up by me and here we are again with this uh different item also getting discussed and being brought that's where I'm at so thanks any any F well okay Mark one more quick just um the part of part of what's going on here also relates to how we as a board of five are going to work together and how we're going to do things and I think we want to try in fact we have a code of ethics that says that we won't bring up surprises that we'll we'll work together as best we can with the understanding that we are very limited because we can't we can't have more than two people talking about any topic and that's a constraint that we have to work within that makes it more difficult but I think there is an opportunity to try to talk things through um you know share more information if that's the right thing not kind of um you know here it is a public meeting let's just blast through it but hey here here's kind of where it is here's what's here's where it's heading um you know board members take a look here are some of the things that we're thinking about here's how we want to approach it um you know either things should change or you know the board's going to have a discussion um and and even where if some members if all members are aware of certain things those certain things some of them are going to relate to disagreements on process some of them are going to relate to um advocating for certain things and and I'm sure there are others that that are you know to some people they're going to be problematic I I get it and and it is what it is I'm not advocating that you know once you're somewhere you're there permanently but I think what we need to do is figure out how do we work as a board how do we get the best done that we can how do we work in a way that the process makes sense that we're not that we're we're helping we're all volunteers we're working together to try to get stuff done and understanding that yeah sometimes they're going to be problems and sometimes those problems are are going to reach a level where it's just too much I just feel that that discussion hasn't really taken place and to kind of you know go through and lay out an indictment doesn't doesn't answer that either in my opinion that that and that's that's my concern we're going to discuss it today thank you know I I appreciate that I do I know what you're saying and and if I was in the hot seat I I you know I I I get it I I I have no problem with what you're saying so let's let's move on uh Karen anything you want to add before I start reading yeah point of clarification what do you mean by let's move on but yes I from let me back up from what I heard you're okay with me reading um what the the Grievances were from the chair of the kilum school building committee and the nonprofessional behavior I'd rather not but I think you indicated that you want to hear it well I think and what I said the other night at the school committee meeting for those of you who haven't watched the video was that um we need to have a meeting between the school committee and the select board to discuss the role of the chair and the school committee because I recently became aware that members of the school committee were calling for my removal this matter hasn't been discussed um at the kilm school building committee this this matter never came up under a different chair of the B kilm School building committee so that that is I don't know where the great offense would be for me to rais some concerns in a school committee meeting and suggest that the select board and the school committee have a meeting later the summer to define the roles of the chair we not only have a code of conduct that Mark mentioned but the role of the chair of the select board is quite limited the role of the chair of the select board is to set the agenda with the town manager and um you know that's it no one select board member has any more Authority than any other and so my concern is that the uh K School building committee doesn't have the same sort of policies backing it as our select board does but the the role in the chair of the chair um and the vice chair shouldn't be a lot different so I do have concerns some concerns about overreach and inappropriate behavior and I did not name anyone and I didn't think that it would be appropriate to just ask for an agenda item to start discussing it in the select board meeting but I do think um we should have a meeting to to discuss this and and the Kum School building committee needs to weigh in as well all right I'm I'm a a little confused do do you do you want me to read the bullet points or not so let me understand let me just follow this so you read the bullet points and you and you allow me to respond with my concerns and then we leave this as it was suggested so that all board members feel like they're educated about the concerns and we vote at another time or you read a list of gripes in public you don't allow me to respond and and you don't allow anyone to consider them and then you just vote to replace the select court number is that you know I'm trying to figure out what move on means I I never said I allow you to respond I never said that okay that's good J now I appreciate that I I I asked you and what I what I what I what I mean by I'd rather not because they're they're not glowing comments and glowing Behavior so I'm just I I'm giving you the option uh to just go go to a vote if you don't want that option I I I will I've heard from Mark I've heard from Melissa I've heard from Chris I've heard from you uh G given this agenda item is is since you're on the kilum school building committee uh about you I I I I have a few pages not not a lot of different items um that uh have been concerning they were brought to Jackie's attention last year Jackie McCarthy's attention and she chose to um not do anything and these things were brought to my attention um and and it's just it was very concerning I heard about it like Chris kind of mentioned I didn't know all the details um but where the behavior kept on going from last year into this year uh it was brought to my attention that you know the we we need to reappoint someone else to not jeopardize do you feel that because someone someone's style doesn't mesh with someone else's style or someone is not appreciating that someone might have a difference of opinion therefore or that select board member needs to be replaced that's what I'm hearing and the question is whether to drag this all right now out in a public meeting because again like inviting Mark Delaney to our last meeting a member of the public you haven't reached out to me to talk to me about any of this I'm hearing rumors from people and I was definitely privy to what went on last fall and I did have conversations with our previous chair she immediately called me she didn't feel that it was necessary she felt that I was doing an excellent job on the committee and that her advice was y'all need to learn how to get along so I you know I I I feel I feel like there's only one outcome of this meeting today it doesn't matter that our policy isn't discussed one meeting and vote another because you've already made up your mind it doesn't matter that there's two sides to every story it doesn't matter that there might be a better process for resolving differences and frankly the km School building committee is going to reorganize um in their next meeting anyway as required by the charter so you know and again I'm being blindsided so I I just think this is a lousy way to deal with select board members and and I'm really not sure it's good for the select board or the community to outline this and today I came prepared to talk about all of my contributions since you appointed me but I did certainly not come with a list a hit job or any kind of a list criticizing a n member of the km School building committee that I was going to read today in public so that's where I'm coming from all right I'm I'm still unclear sorry I'm still unclear if you want me to read what I have or not read what I have I'm still very unclear Mark thanks Carlo I maybe there's a better process here rather than again reading a list and asking for instant responses and then taking it Forward maybe there's a better process that we can use here and maybe that process involves um sharing the concerns that a member of the school building committee has has outlined provide an opportunity for response let the select board then say hey I think either we should continue um having Karen represent us there or I think it's time to have someone else represent us there ra and doing that it can be sent out by the town manager send it that way it doesn't need to take a long period of time to accomplish this um in fact the way that our next meetings are set up and probably we'll have we have to have one related to the open meeting law complaint and then we have another one set up just a couple of weeks later in July maybe it's three weeks I forget what it is exactly doesn't add a whole lot of time necessarily but it lets everyone see it lets it gives a fair chance to respond and and frankly I think it's a better way for us to conduct business as board members as colleagues and as volunteers uh that that would be nice if that happened in the past as well so well you know point point taken I you know I I I again don't disagree but uh we have not had a 100% clear path onto what you're suggesting it's been uh a roller coaster uh on on my four years on the board not a lot but we have not been consistent and I'm not saying this is the time to be not consistent or consistent I I I I I you know we could be here all day discussing this I will ask Karen one last time do you want me to read these or can we go to the vote point of information Mr chair do you know why the chat was turned off in our Zoom today I am not the public the member of the public has reached out and said that a chat was turned off we don't usually have the chat on and I turned it off because I forgot to at the beginning of the meeting the chat is not a function of Zoom that we usually utilize okay thank you for that appreciate I'm not in charge of the chat just so everyone knows Carlo I think this process is inappropriate I think all of everything about this process is inappropriate I would like to um I came here today also thinking that if more people including yourself wanted to be involved in this project I would repeat what I have said earlier in the project that we could have another select board member on this project there's no reason we couldn't add it is a huge project there's plenty of work to be done we have a huge task ahead of us in the next 11 months to go Garner the support we need to make this project a success with the voters and and actually start building so you know this could have been a larger discussion about you know and a future agenda item could be the select board that this is a town project Matt is signing every single document Fidel signed everything before him moving forward um it's a great collaboration the schools Define what the educational requirements are our design help us build a school that will meet those requirements that hopefully we can afford and but the town is running this the town is respons the town owns I shouldn't I don't want to say too much the town is responsible for getting this building built and so the select board has a huge role in this project does anyone else want to be on the kilum school building committee Chris oh I was going to say yes but I do have comment as well but it's up to you how you're handling things I I I mentioned it three times it doesn't seem like gonna get anywhere so I'd like to Melissa sorry Melissa have a hand up earlier sorry Melissa sorry um I um again I I know Karen hasn't given a clear response but I need some background of some of the issues that may have occurred um before voting I mean I'm I I feel like I'm blindly voting here um I don't um so I I would like to hear what the chair of the building committee had to say um but I don't know I I I thank you I don't feel comfortable if if Karen doesn't want me to say it I really don't and and Karen is obviously part of all these comments um and and knows all of them uh whether they're matters of opinion um you know oh I completely disagree with you I'm sorry to interrupt I I may know some of them we talked about a specific kind of incident involving the prior chair but neither you nor the km School building chair has come to me with substantial concerns and specifically asked me to address them and and I don't think character assassination of either the K School bu committee chair or myself is appropriate and that's so my answer is I don't think this process is correct your process would be to read a list of complaints that you have and my answer is I don't think that is a good way to approach this I think it'll be damaging to the project damaging to the Public's faith in our um ability to do the business of the town so I can't be any clearer than that that's fine so it seems like we've discussed it and there hasn't been much discussion other than our opinions um Chris has volunteered to be in the committee um I will uh ask for a motion probably not from Chris um or Chris can read it and and then we can not vote or discuss it and not vote or vote Melissa um are these differences of of opinions between the chair and Karen are these issues of behavior are these overreaches of uh the position on the committee I mean I'm having a hard time um I need more information like I I need to know what's going on um I have it's this behavior and overreach it's behavior and overreach and being late many many times it's it's behavior and overreach uh Karen you can't be shocked every one of our meetings I mean don't be shocked by that and also I have you know this okay yeah again you're bringing allegations hold on Chris I have documentation so they're not allegations Chris you have your hand up yes thank you Carlo um I referenced one of the issues back at a prior select board meeting I I think during future agendas or something um and not that one incident in particular is going to sway anyone's opinion uh one way or the other uh of course that's not going to happen but there is an email from Karen Herrick that included the superintendent and Carla nazaro threatening to go to the attorney general over a drone photograph and you can shake your head no Karen but it exists you said I'm I'm not sure how the Attorney General is going to feel about this that is in an email to the superintendent Carla uh and maybe matter Jan I forget who else was on it that exists so you can explain yourself why that is okay Behavior to to comment on a drone photograph being a problem uh I'll let you explain that that that's just one basic one that I'm privy to but all of this has been happening for months if not years whatever Carlo is going to read I I've been privy probably to half of what's coming up and it's for anyone to be shocked and blindsided Etc most people would take corrective action after a couple couple or so different things being point out especially when Jackie spoke with you but we're at this meeting because it hasn't been corrected it hasn't I don't know I don't know else to say to say we're here because we're here Karen good thank thank you Mr chair um I'd be happy to provide that email there was no threat um I have it I have it here in front of me karon I have it here in front of me so so again but nobody's seen it it's it's I'm sorry can I just interrupt sorry Carlo so Carlo can I just say something so I haven't seen this email but I do want to just caution the board you know individuals that believe there's been something illegal occurring should feel comfortable and have a right to report that I don't know the situation but I just want to make sure we're not saying that individuals that okay not illegal not illegal it was an email that Karen sent like Chris said and you know again I I haven't been um authorized uh to to to say all these things and I'm I'm trying to be respectful a as a select board member hopefully someone would treat me the same way uh in a in a different scenario but we again it's we could go all the we could take all day for this you know this this meeting was scheduled for the open meeting law complaint and we're gonna have to have another one as Mark referenced um unfortunately and uh you know I I we had to add a few things to the agenda so Mark had his hand up Mark do you have a comment I do what I was going to suggest is that we set up a specific action to go from here which would be Carlo for you as chair to sit down with Karen perhaps uh the chair of the school building committee and I would suest a second person from the school building committee is there talk through these issues a little bit and then after that discussion see if anything can be worked out resolve fixed or not and then at that point I would feel at least there's a little bit more discussion that's taking place that then it would be appropriate to share with the other board members um the concerns and how they were or weren't addressed and resolved and then if it makes sense at that point to go forward and and move to to make a a change if that's the appropriate thing to do I'm feeling I'm feeling uncomfortable that there's either a accept things you know as they are or essentially go through a public humiliation session and and just to be clear when one side says X happened that's an allegation nothing more and it could be a difference of opinion or it could be something much more than that but we don't know and to to assume it's correct or incorrect isn't fair and I'm feeling pressured to either kind of listen to an indictment which I think is is a bad Road um or to just say okay well the only way to avoid that is to vote in somebody else which feels very uncomfortable as well and I'd like to suggest that we we find a way to at least have a discussion or two to have a couple of other people involved in that discussion staying clear of you know can't be more than two board members understood but to have that discussion to come back and what is just a few weeks time after having had that discussion if it makes sense to then at that point share hey here are not just allegations that were made here are some responses that were given to them then I think and Melissa maybe this is coming to your point a little bit also in terms of having information not just one-sided allegations but information and even responses I don't think it adds a lot of time to the process I think what it does however is it makes it feel much less like kind of a hey this is just done to we went through some stuff we had some discussions people are are allowed to to disagree or whatever but we can share opinions we can go through it we can take a vote I'd feel much more comfortable with that I'm not comfortable with either of the scenarios you've laid out of either taking a vote blindly or listening to the one-sided indictments and and I don't know about the rest of you I don't have the whole day to spend on this and I feel that's what it's going to take yeah I I don't either and I was brought into this I I did not choose this uh you may think I like this I I had a meeting with the superintendent and Colin aaro to bring this to my attention to get me caught up to speed I do not like this Mark people are gonna think that I do I don't this is not fun the past four or five months have been horrible all right and I don't want to publicly embarrass anyone the things that I have here in front of me are documented at public meetings they're not accusations they're not innuendo they're not he said she said these were things said in public meetings and in emails so I am not trying to disparage anybody just because I don't like somebody all right the five of us are very different I I I I do not enjoy this I have lost a lot of sleep over this in other matters all right I I I I we could discuss this at nauseum uh and have separate meetings it was addressed with our previous chair and yes Caren is Right work it out so from last fall to now it hasn't been worked out so it was brought to my attention so I'm sorry it was brought to my attention but but here we are and three or four other meetings is not going to change anything for me for me individually all right and I want to really put I want to end this or have a discussion about it if Karen doesn't want me to read these things I respect that and I will not read them but I am ready for a vote and to move on and we can agree to disagree I'm sorry but we have other things to discuss um for our next meeting and we have many other meetings for many other things to discuss including code of conduct and ethics and that we all need to do a better job so we to be self-reflective and and choose how we behave and to Melissa's Point Karen was late at the last meeting and was late to a zoom meeting all right that's Behavior that's been brought up many times but everyone's afraid to say anything to me that's a form of respect being on time and there are I don't know five or six documented things being late multiple times and and not just a minute late so I I I I we don't need to get into it I if if if it happens today fine but I'm not going to schedule another meeting I'll tell you that right now Chris if I could briefly I have a very hard time understanding one-sided accusations when it's literally in an email that Karen just admitted that did not happen where I said she says it'd be a shame if the Attorney General finds out about whatever like that's in an email Mark how are you spinning this any other direction other than what it is over a drone photograph that I took that's why I'm privy to set email like you might be okay with this Behavior I am not and like Carlos said a lot of us like to not say anything unfortunately I'm the only one who ever says anything because I you know I've come to a point now where you know it is what it is this Behavior cannot continue and everyone else is saying I agree with you Chris yeah and I agree with you too it cannot continue we're jeopardizing a project Karen has become a liability in this project Point Blank That's not innuendo it's doation it's inappropriate these are inappropriate accusations of course it is it's only inap you interrup for an apology this is not this is not fun to do on Zoom guys it's not fun to do on Zoom Melissa then I'm GNA go to a vote um I you know you say it's inappropriate to to do that but I also think it's very inappropriate that you lie to the AG and now it's a board we are going to be could be you can be shocked all you want we have the proof in the pr of Jackie McCarthy's text messages from you so as a board now we're going to be subject to maybe a fine because you lied so please don't say that things are inappropriate you seem to pick um have no problem pointing fingers at other people in their inappropriate actions but not yourself thanks Melissa this is what fourth meeting thanks for accusing me of lying to the AG didn't take it's not ACC it's not being accusing I we have the proof is and I you got the pack too Karen okay okay Chris raise his hand is anyone want to be in the K SCH seeing none let's have a motion Chris one second every has sent me a new one uh move to re send the board's prior designation of Karen herck as its designity to the kilum school building committee and appoint uh Chris Haley as the board's new designate to the kilum school building committee than second any discussion yes there's discussion Please Mr chair okay sure okay I think this will be appropriate to me to just recap the work that I've done representing this board um before we take our vote um Chad if if you don't mind I'd be happy to hear it can can you just you know condense it as best you can that's all Carlo there's some serious allegations being made here okay I'm just I'm just asking asking I I didn't say you had to do it I'm just asking let's recognize the work that I have done and and and for the record I don't have a problem with Chris serving on this committee except that this is quite a critical juncture and I can I am very concerned that it um by removing the select word member who has been on from the beginning puts the project at risk which is why I keep suggesting I'd like to request Mr chair future agenda item that we add a second select board member to the project committee Chris and I have worked as the aison in the school committee I welcome additional select board um involvement in this project but my statement is thus um I've been involved in this project since we were first invited into the program in March of 2022 the project is on time and under your budget I'm currently serving as the vice chair having been voted into this position by the full kilm School building committee um since January I've been meeting two or three times weekly with the communications and sustainability working group and I've also been meeting with the project leadership team which is a non Quorum non voting body um made up of um uh typically the chair and the vice chair of the kilm school building committee and related um or relevant professional staff I've attended all of the community me meetings I believe there were four or five I've helped plan them I've advocated successfully for NetZero School tours of Watertown and boxboro that were hugely informative for the Kent School building committee I advocated and planned Community updates at the Pleasant Street Center and for the select board um both designed to reach the broader community of reading and build support and increased transparency of the process um the coun school building committee has been undertaken taking I've attended every msba call and been invited and invited Forum since we were first invited to participate I'm the only kilm School building committee who has this member who has this institutional knowledge I am a Green Building Technology certified professional which is incredibly relevant for what we're trying to do in our new building I have successfully engaged rml in the project and they have been and will be a key partner for this building project I've been serving as the school's liaison for the past several years um I am the only select board member who actually served and worked as a pargal in the reading schools so I have actual classroom professional experience as a member of the mass Municipal Association I have regularly attended the annual meetings I have joined other communities in advocating for increased Project funding and as a fiscal policy member I attended just this week a relevant briefing um describing new resources the state is setting up a new office to make sure that communities like reading understand the inflation reduction act credits available for um geothermal projects which is very relevant um I've frequently speaking with all of our delegation about this project especially Senator Lewis who is the Senate chair of the education committee about the costs and the timeline and our goals for this project and and encouraged him to speak with school committee members and the superintendent which he's done I have run kilm School building committee members when the chair has been absent I have met a number of times with our CFO to update her and get feedback on financing project um most recently is this week after learning about these new resour at the state and kept her in the loop the entire time we are less a year way from the townwide vote that will make or break the project and the Ms and the msba inflation reduction act and rmld grants credits and rebates are literally worth 50 to $60 million my focus has been and will be to continue collaborating with all of the project team members professional staff in the msba in order to design a school building that is healthy for our kids safe for our kids complies with all state and federal regulations and that we can afford today and for the next 50 years I would respectfully ask that this body not remove me from the voting membership I'm also happy as I've St stated to uh be joined by another select board member on this committee there are no rules prohibiting this um it would need to be taken up of the Town School building committee um but if we were would be happy to make that motion and ask that ask for that agenda item and I will support that motion and so um in a nutshell since 2022 that has been my project experience the project is on time it is under budget and this is our second um Film School building um committee chair so so thank you for letting me say that Mr chair thank you no worries thank you any other discussion Chris thanks Carlo um I agree with everything that Karen just said as as she's mentioned it multiple times her dedication I will never be able to get to the level that she is the problem is it's everything else that's happened that's the problem certain things can't be overlooked that have happened publicly privately Etc that's gone on I I just I I I wish we weren't in this scenario uh I really do because you know we like to try to handle things behind the scenes not just with this with everything else that's going on that that's problematic uh here in town uh nobody likes doing what uh is happening now everyone might uh seem to think that there's agendas and all this other kind of stuff but when it comes down to it people say that we should listen to the the chairs of all these committees on who we should appoint a v ask and and all that and that's their opinion but at the same time the same individuals will ignore the chairs of committees when we are asked to remove somebody from a committee you can't have you can't have uh one of the other it's going to be both or none uh so for me like it's unfortunate I I agree that Karen has done a paramounts of of stuff in this town so Mark I I will never get to be to their level I I really appreciate what they've done um but there's some other things uh that Carlo hasn't referenced yet that that just should not be happening and I will not let uh this project uh be jeopardized because of those Point Blank end of story thank you all right any other discussion we already have a motion we already have a second did we have a second I'm sorry did we have a second did okay any other discussion Karen um I just like to add a final point that you're K you froze for some reason you're Frozen this project I Ken Ken student you were frozen for like five seconds if you want to start again you frozen sure sure I appreciate that um so this motion is to remove me from the committee meaning whoops can you hear me because my we can hear you sorry so if you remove me today I will be unable to vote on um forward progress on this project um so that's clear but what what this body can't do is stop a select board member from being engaged in the process from attending leadership meetings as a as an elected select board member from participating in working groups which are non-official bodies and for speaking and attending um the normally scheduled kilum School building committee meetings and all tours of that will be forthcoming um because I I you you just can't these are mostly public meetings I'm an elected an official elected by thousands of votes to work on this project and my goal would still be to support this project and if you choose to remove me I will I will support the select board member who has the vote but but just in all fairness and full transparency I won't be leaving this project it's too critical it's too important and whoever takes my place needs to also be cognizant of the history and the work that has been done and um it can probably be useful for that as well so that's all I want to say thank you thank you Karen all right I'm going to do a roll call votee as I see you on the screen Chris you're muted you're muted Chris you're muted sorry I was just saying can I just reread it so everyone's aware all right please do uh so it was moved to resend the select board's prior designation of Karen herck as its design to the kilum school building committee and appoint Chris Haley as the board's new design to the kilum school building committee which Melissa seconded that what we're we had a discussion thank you Chris uh yes Melissa yes Mark no thank you Karen no and Carlo yes thank you all right next agenda communist Russia communist Russia next communist reading next agenda item is uh the schedule so it's just a matter of uh what our schedule is we know the Fourth of July is next week um I will be out of town myself um I will be coming back uh uh I am coming back on the 6 so I suggest we have a meeting the week of the eth if everyone can pull out their calendars um you know mornings are still an option it'll be a one agenda item as best I can unless something else comes up but the week of the eth we could do it in the evening um as well I I I think I have a um a CPA uh let me just check my notes I think I have a CPA meeting I think you guys can discuss sorry I'm just looking up something I'm good any day that week uh if it's preferential for nighttime I know Mark had his stuff going on this week or something and couldn't make nighttime stuff so I just can't do the nth thank you I just can't do the ninth in the even unless we do it earlier um it shouldn't be a long agenda I have a 730 CPA um Community preservation at committee at 7:30 on the 9th but if the ninth Works um I'm okay with doing it 6 or 6:30 I don't see this being a long agenda item I saw a thumbs up from Mark Melissa what's your schedule the 9th in the evening works for me at 6 PM or 6:30 is that okay either Karen the ninth as far as I can tell that works okay so I am gonna well an email will be sent out for the the 9th uh Tuesday at 6:30 and that will give me plenty of time to have our meeting and get to my next meeting um thank you guys for that and unfortunately we have another open meeting a lot complaint U from Mr lipet that was filed several days ago hopefully you all got it and we have to respond by the 16th which doesn't give us enough time to do it at that meeting so um thank you all for this morning one if if you have any comments I think we're good I don't get any comments no I was just saying that the ninth works for me at 6:30 sorry but my no no no it's fine my apologies my apologies my apies um I'll entertain a final motion please motion to adjourn adjourn sorry Chris chis Chris got it first Mark you can second if you want I'll second all right uh thank you roll call vote Chris yes Melissa yes Mark yes Karen yes Carlo and yes thank you guys have a good week bye thank you have a good one e