H oh so that's sorry Red Bank historic preservation commission will regular meeting on Wednesday July 17th at 7 o'clock in Council chamber 90 M Street Redbank New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting has been posted in burrow Hall filed with the burrow clerk provided to the ASB Park Press and the two M times the commission has maintained a policy to cut off the at the hour of 8 :30 PM for its meaning we're going to begin with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America yeah Lis Al Marini present Mar Cavalier present Liam Collins present Paul kago present chish mov pres do Miller pres Andy nor absent Betsy Valera present yes okay the first order of business is to approval consideration and approval of the minutes from June 19th has everybody had a chance to read them online yes yes okay um do anybody have any comments or Corrections the minutes see no comments okay is there a motion uh to approve I vote to approve it is there a second I second it okay um all in favor I I okay H for the record I was not at that meeting so I will not vote on that okay so the next item on the agenda is public comments on agenda items does anybody in the public need to see the agenda items or are they all aware those it's from the last one oh sorry yeah this is this one yeah okay so seeing no comments from the public on agenda items a report from the minor Works Review Committee yes so the minor Works committee did meet um and it was regarding 56 Wallace Street after further um discussion and um the minor work committee saw that it was best fit um to have the application reviewed by the entire board to their scope of work so that's why it's on the agenda for new business and so are we going to have a presentation on that in under new business yes the applicant is here to present their case okay fine all right so under old business uh the last time we the first item is Library presentation V historic preservation uh potential date October 22nd so one of the things we discussed at the last meeting was to make oursel uh more accessible to the public and to engage in collaboration with other organizations in town uh the library board uh presented us with some dates uh that we could have kind of an open presentation to the public for people to come and ask general questions about the ordinance or just get some Viewpoint so the date that uh Liam will be available and um I will be available I don't know if anybody else is interested in going to that because we can't have any more than three people there to meet at the public is October 22nd and uh tomorrow tomorrow I will give that date to the library board but it is one of the dates that they said that we could be housed in the library uh so I don't see any problem with that so going forward October 22nd uh at the Red Bank library on Front Street that's time um I'll ask them but usually their meetings start at 6:30 uh because they like the library to be cleared by 7:45 so all the presentations that they've been offering uh in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the library are on that date and also at octob on October 22nd Liam is going to do uh 30 present 30 minute presentation Liam did you just want to tell them what you're going to be talking about in addition to questions on the HBC uh yes I'm giv a presentation on uh on John Mount who was an early car manufacturer uh Carriage manufacturer and then car manufacturer in Red Bank okay so he thinks it'll be about 30 minutes and then we could have a Q&A if anybody comes and has any questions on it uh the third uh the second item is uh the Irving Irving Place district presentation and uh the published agenda said that that meeting would be on August 21st but we're going to with the approval of the commission change it to September 18th so um I guess a lot of the other members weren't here when we had to discuss discussion um we had a few uh me actually residents of um Irving Place that it showed up earlier um and they wanted to be here for the meeting um to speak on their property or to give an opinion on the designation however they will not be here for the August 21st meeting also um Lou will not be here for the 21st meeting the August 21st meeting so we and because that's a big um time for people to travel on vacation um we wanted to know if the board would be okay with moving that presentation to um the September meeting instead of the August and that's the peak vacation time um any thoughts I'm good with that September 18th will be the thir Wednesday yes so seeing hearing no problem with that we're going to move that to September sorry yeah to September 18th okay good any other discussion about itam or Paul that's fine with me yeah that's fine with me too will you be back from Scotland then I will not be back until the 1 of October but I'll I will attend virtually okay all right so I will Reen notice again with the paper um Reen notice to the um to the res again and I'll repost it on the website um so yes and then our attorney will be at that meeting so I will have to notify her hopefully she can make it yeah she just has to know in advance and she'll schedule it in so I'll probably uh shoot her a text or an email right now and to let her know okay thank you so the final item under old business is the historic properties information letter on that um that I actually spent the past two days putting together all the letters it's like over 200 individual letters um so I've spent the past two days doing that and it will be mailed out for sing a warning it's ready primed up to be sent and could you just tell us what date will appear on the letter uh it would be today's day okay thank you dated will be dated July 1 17 yes okay so that's all the old business um the new business um as Shauna mentioned uh came to the commission under the minor Works Review Committee um who recommended that we hear from the applicant as a full commission so the representatives from 56 W Street so when you come forward if you would uh give your name uh spell perhaps the last name and your address just give shaa a minute okay clear so so did you hear that if you could give your name and spell your last name and and your residence okay and general are you also speaking sorry out okay are you a junior or different person you no I'm just Ren okay just na if you're gonna it's good [Music] are we ready yes okay we're ready we are ready the that's on the property on just bring the mic closer user like all the way to do is to remove the side repl it with a vinyl flat boid siding very similar to what was originally on the when it was built and I'm look to the front porch on the house and the trim detail and scraping and reping that of giving that the no Trims on the side of the house C the trms on the side of the house the house basically that's that's really what all I'm doing okay so just I'm I'm clear on the front of the house the historic elements including the the top triangular window they're keeping the top cap of the windows all right and then but on the side I I don't see the picture but the side does not have those similar caps we can do that that's not a problem if that's not a problem I mean that would add to the appearance that to the maintain the historic appearance I mean I I commend you for restoring the wood on the front I think that's that's wonderful and we're responsible really for the streetcape so so that's that I think that's fine um anybody else like to comment all right and turn on your mic and uh thank you for raising the issue with the windows first and the trim on top because that is the one element one of the elements of your house that CAU our eye as to being um an element that isn't common on new construction certainly and therefore is something that we want to preserve um obviously if it's preserved with by replacing it with a monitor with with a material like ASAC but it has the same look that would be or if you want if it's in good shape and you want to preserve it by scraping it and painting it that is awesome it's gonna be a problem try to do that they don't they covering the sides and then just try I understand it's and um and the windows on the porch Now is it going to be an open is it going to be an open porch now it's enclosed it's an enclosed porch I'm keeping the same Windows I'm painting existing Windows trim on the front trim area would be just scraped have you decided on a color yeah I brought a sample signing it's it's a gray put orig on the page but u i WR a sample of the sting a twin lap this is Twin lap four I could you go down and just grab it and twin be a little bit wider than this which is was or this isuse common now careful on the would be five in instead four same that color also okay so so I just want to mention for the record it does have a wood grain look to it a wood grain look is that Hardy Board or is that just wrapping the house in plastic what it that's that's f so well do you know what is what is uh underneath the existing asbest s shingle right now is it uh clapboard originally the house or is it C shingle um that Center door that's green now the picture that I have looking at as green are is that going to remain green or you g to paint that white as well I'm GNA paint decided on col any I don't know whether I'm green that's I like to replace it but it's a tough door to replace because it's it's a 7 foot door size replace that have to be just replace that so I'm try okay yeah that I mean again that would be ideal because it matches already so I yeah goad what are you doing with the windows around the porch I have to add for myself personally I I just did something similar I'm torsors down from you and um I went through that process and I did preserve as much as I could as far as the architectural trim and I see that you're doing the same and um ASAC comes they do have a lot of products that that that uh what's it simulate simulate old and stuff like that they came out with a lot of things now because of the need for it and um it's it's kind of like it just makes sense it's just going to last longer it's just it's GNA have a you know little ASAC look to it but you could ASAC is paintable and all that and and I'm going to be painting mine as well so it's going to match I did I had to build some of the windows and the top uh Parts top where were were ASAC because they were it was rot it's either that or just paint rot rotten wood so I replace them and it'll join it together with um by painting it it'll just it'll it'll it'll be consistent that's all and I think it's uh it's coming out great so far it's just the process are there any other questions for the applicants um I have a I have a question about the sopit along the right under where the roof is there's big Cove like the original s on the house with placed about 25 years ago when the roof when the roof was that originally had a slate roof on it and I wor it and it was in real bad shape so so when that roof was replaced the uh built-in scutters were covered over all the was covered with a right the high up Stu was already covered is and I could tell from the picture just by the perpendicular lines that it's like vented aluminum so I I'm not I could see that below that there's like a Cove trim that um below the sopit is that aluminum I could bring this over this this here here even even this even the okay I have a couple questions okay uh it was the testimony for me was hard to hear was going in and out but I just wanted to confirm so the windows in the trim going to be the is going to be scraped and painted did I hear that correctly just the front por the sign windows and rear windows the trim around the windows are G be covered they're going to be covered with aluminum but the detail is going to be preserved on the be folding on the top on the side p on the front is going to be they're going to scrape the wood but but on the side they're just going to simulate the architectural feature of the front Okay and then the um is the siding different on the front as compared to the sides or is the all the siding going to be the same type of siding does that make sense like in other words is it going to be more of a shake up front or is it all the siding going to be similar surrounding the entire house G be all the same all around and then what is the width of the of the siding is it comparable to what the shingle width is eight 5 in lab that similar to what was on the originally sample a littleit more right show so I think if you look if you could pull up the picture it seems like you're you're copying the width that's inside the porch it was original yes that was original whereas the asbest shingle is wider yeah is probably almost eight or 10 inch right okay so the uh the interior of the front porch shows the original clapboard on the house that's correct the oral front porch was on still on the front porch inside are you changing the inside of the porch everything's going to stay the same inside that's just going to be pain is the gray color um has that been selected uh from the like a Benjamin more historic color selection uh I selected the the siding contract that brought me over the samples it's it's it says it's a mon mon wood textur SM by certainty yeah do you know if they offer any type of historic color selection or we just picking any old gray or I think that's probably important too to maintain a historic color I don't know what color it would compare to maybe it does compare to something on the Benjamin more pallet of historical counil familiar with Cindy W Street lik she a town council member so she approve gray um any other comments so I would somebody from the minor Works committee like to conclude the conversation and then we'll I mean it sound it sounds like it sounds like the improvements that Mr blumel are going to make or actually going to make the house look closer to what the original house looked like so um I think it's I think it's a good thing yes so I guess Mike question is procedurally do we ask the minor committe okay it's us okay so you make a motion I'll make the motion to to approve the changes and I I'll second it and maybe we should aoll guys can I just make a suggestion I mean if we're going to approve it we should probably list the conditions right of of the approval that he maintains the windows pursuing to his testimony I don't know if this testimony is being recorded but we should it's condition since it's already a part of his application that he's going to do all of this the condition would only be if it's something different from what he's already um proposed but the meeting is reported yes the the the only condition that you the only condition that I heard that is in writing the original application is Preservation of the window caps through either repainting or replacement with like basic that's that's it other than that I think everything's in here okay so subject you know I'd be willing to do a subject to that c you know to that condition as well okay so I guess yeah Louis approved margerie Cavalier approved Liam Collins I I approve Paul kagna yes kov I approved Doug Miller yes and Betsy Valera approve okay thank you so much for coming okay thank you very much than you uh as another sorry just GNA say as a member who was on that street also um I'm curious as to whether or not um the cost considerations of uh painting and so forth are Tak into consideration meetings talking about an 82y old man up on a ladder right I I'm sorry but I don't do pay me outside 7 I I I presume you're gonna you're not gonna replace the sliding yourself no okay that's good yeah so just like I'm saying [Music] it's I person now on my own house and my my house is not on your but it's in red back it's 98 years old I had this best sliding I had removed I put um Hardy plank I love Hardy plank I would recommend Hardy plank but it's out there if if you thought that was in your budget you would have come here with Hardy you're not insisting on Hardy P so that and that's a big cost difference there um so not to this house it's mainly pertaining to the committee itself and and we um I brought this up with Sydney right and I said you know and she loves the fact that the historical site in W Street is um is such an eye catching part of town and I agree it's beautiful however there considerations to to maintaining a house such as that financially I mean especially with the windows I mean they're gorgeous nothing nothing to say anything that you know I would want taken down either but what I'm saying what what as far as Financial incentives does a a owner of the property have um from the committee or from from the count or or federal and state grants like so for example recently the boat club on the navn right had to come to us to get a letter and then they applied to the state trust for a grant to to cover it okay and so every year people can apply for those grants and did the grants go quickly well usually the the process takes a year like you have to apply before April you know you you know in September and and then there the money is allocated in January so so the one of the advantages to historic places or residences is that there is money out there if you are willing to go through the process okay all right this for future I mean 83 is just around cor so I I just don't want this to keep happening without some sort of aid from the if I'm con it properly are we in agreement so yeah but but I would encourage you to to go online and to maybe even apply uh to be a member to get information they they publish magazines you know there there's a lot of information out there for historic places because people do love historic places and want to maintain it and recognize the value in living or owning a historic place right thanks thank you okay the final new business piece uh and I'm gonna turn it over to Karen to talk a little bit about that okay turn on your microphone three of us GL marer and I met with the River Center at their request and Christina was there as well and we uh to see whether we could go ordinate this was something that they want to do in terms of a lot of decisions they're making for their bit for the um for the River Center and so I the the only sense that I got is this was visual um Improvement committee and that I kept reiterating I also met with a member today to say we only have a certain um area that we would oh we only have a certain area that we are working within uh and it if it's not historic that we have to deal with it whether it's going to be historic or not we can't just go in and say we agree with you but I I thought it was a very productive meeting I learned a lot about it and they seem very very um eager to accommodate and to coordinate so um thanks to March who volunteered me as a um member of a a volunteer member of the Bic the official improvement district and so I will go to those meetings and then come back here and present the information anything yeah anything I any questions or Lou you want to add anything else no other than that I thought it was a very um productive meeting it was absolutely good to meet them and um they it's clearly an impressive group people the River Center board um each of whom has individually and then together as a group have contributed a lot yes more than I ever realized to make Red Bank look the way it does I agree I was quite surprised at all of the different things they have done so um my only thought was that they will come say we're working on this and I ask the uh the commission if I come back and say they're looking at this wondering if we could coordinate with them as far as I read it's not part of our agenda but do we want to think about that well I think one of the things one of the takeaways that I had with it is that they have various initiatives they go to the Planning and Zoning Board to comment on things happening in town one of the things they mentioned was their aim is to remove Billboards in town um so they were asking if we could present a letter of support and and what my recollection is as individuals I mean we can definitely spread the word and and be there for them but um unless we're talking about preserving you know and what came to mind was the goost signs for example if we wanted to do something with that um then I could see that the two would would come together uh the other thing that they seem to be on board with was something that I mentioned a takeaway that I had from the conference the importance of telling a story about the buildings and and they they seem to support that and we may be working on an example of that right that was one of uh one thing they accomplished very quickly was to have the area between Triumph and to River that little Street renamed for Edmond white who was Wilson well I'm sorry Wilson white is here edmin Wilson and so that was was already uh put into play I and one of the things that marer and I had spoken about before was the signage which developed out of the the uh 21 is it the durus building the durus building and uh the possibility of bringing in significant amount of signage um within the town so again that's something which we can talk about as that goes on but they uh do have their own funding and and they do have their own initiatives yes right so the one thing that they that I was not aware of uh was that their intention to Brick the sidewalks on Mammoth street from Broad Street to Bridge Avenue all the way down to the train station that's one of the initiatives that they mention that they're working on um I believe it has been approved by the council yeah so so I could see us working together and again the importance of the visibility of the commission that people know that we're here and opportunities to collaborate on other agencies in town so okay so thank you thank you Karen and thank you Mar for setting that meeting up it really great okay so uh that concludes our new business unless anybody else has anything to add to new business um so finally uh public comments on non agenda items public no Okay so so seeing no comments uh from the public the two people in the audience um is there a motion to adjourn I move toour okay is there a second a second okay um all in favor okay so I have the meeting ending at 7:40 and just for anyone who's online that's not a board that's not a board member on there is no no presentation for Irving Place on August 21st it is moved to the September 18th meeting um that's it see everyone in August all right good all right