##VIDEO ID:P8zssO2f0X4## still technically have one half a minute here a second [Music] noting we can start good good evening this meeting is being held in importance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice this meeting has been provided by a notice sent the as Park Press the tour of times and the Star Ledger posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal website opma authorizes municipalities to conduct public meetings through the use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms the Red Bank Council is meeting in person as well as providing an option for the public to participate via Zoom video meetings please note that the option to attend is being provided as a courtesy therefore if Zoom becomes unavailable during the meeting it cannot be quickly fixed Council will continue with the remainder of the meeting for those joining us via Zoom please raise your hand during designated times to be recognized for a comment whether you are appearing in person or via Zoom you must provide your name to be recognized please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance flag United States of America to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all I have a roll call please council member Bona Tas here council member fa Blackwood oh here council member Cassidy present council member flest council member Jan here mayor Triano here mayor pman here all pres okay um we have uh some guests from the Red Bank Boys and Girls Club and they're going to do a presentation for us with an overview of their program there take it away d I'm G speak into the mic I'm guessing please well first uh mayor deputy mayor council uh city manager City attorney I just want to thank you all for inviting me here uh to be with you this evening and share with you a a little bit about the work that we do uh at the Boys and Girls Club it it's an honor it's a pleasure um I love the work that we do so I'm excited to be able to share it with you all and I hope when I'm done sharing with you about the work that we do that you will love it as much as I do so um so if you uh I have some slides that that we're going to go through if we could go to the next slide I'd appreciate that so for those of you who are not familiar with the the Boys and Girls Clubs we are um we're nonprofit organization focused on uh uh empowering young people especially those who need us most uh to ensure that they can become uh responsible productive uh caring me members of society um you know we we do that through a variety of different ways and I think when when people think about uh Boys and Girls Clubs I think a lot of people first thing they they think of is oh child care you know they they babysit kids um and that couldn't be further uh from the truth we do so much more uh than watch kids after school um if you could uh go to the next slide uh when we think about the work that we do um we we envision ourselves creating an ecosystem of opportunities for young people to explore their interests and their passions uh and so uh every day when school when school bell rings and uh kids leave school the the the doors to the Boys and Girls Club open up for for kids to come in and we provide them with an array of different programs and services uh that are designed to uh meet them where they're at and provide them opportunities to grow and to develop and to set them on a path uh for future success in life um there a dog an affirmation bark that's right so uh some of the types of programs that we run uh character and leadership development uh educ education and academic support uh Career Development College and Career Readiness programs uh health and wellness Arts and Technology sports and recreation uh when kids walk into the club every day they they have an opportunity to choose the types of programs that they want to engage in um I'm going to go through not not all the detail if you could uh move to the next slide um we have an array of programs like our hour hour that's probably the parents most uh important program that we run it's a homework help program um when when uh kids come to the club and and they get picked up after Club is over the first thing the parents want to know is that we help them uh help their kids get their homework done uh but beyond that we uh have programs like our smart moves program or Y media program which is a digital media creation program uh if you go to the next slide as well we have uh programs like Project Lead Project Lead is our our youth Workforce Development program where we hire uh freshman uh high school students and uh begin them on a four-year journey of helping them to learn what it means to be successful in a professional environment uh we we pay them to be Youth Development Professionals in our after school program uh where they're learning soft skills during their freshman year and when they move into so into sophomore year they're focused on community service projects uh still while working in the club and participating in uh some of the professional development experiences or what we would call wraparound services that we provide them uh when they become Junior uh juniors in high school we're we're focused on College and Career Readiness if they're interested in college what are the things that we need to do to set them up to uh uh find the school that's right for them and apply and and get the financial aid that they need if they're not interested in college uh we encourage them to come up with a plan and we help them come up a plan for what they're going to do when they graduate high school because they have to do something we want them to be prepared for that uh passport to manhood SMART Girls programs that um help help our young people as they go through their different developmental stages uh learn how to navigate the social and cultural and emotional uh things that that come along with growing up um these are all programs that are uh again designed if you could uh move to the next slide uh these are all programs that are designed to um capture their attention keep them engaged keep them coming back to the club um we also do programs in partnership with uh lots of different uh organizations uh one that I'll highlight uh tonight is our math and literacy tutoring program we partner with New Jersey tutoring Corps to provide very intensive uh one-on-one tutoring support for uh our club members we want them to uh feel comfortable uh in their academic setting and they want we want them to when they leave the club know that they are are set up uh uh better to succeed in in their schooling uh if you could move to the next slide uh so I want to talk a little bit about the the the types of kids that come to our club um the club is open to kids uh who who uh any kid that wants to come to the Boys and Girls Club is welcome whether they're Red Bank resident or not um we don't discriminate we we make it available to whomever is interested that being said uh mostly the kids that do attend the club are are from the communities that uh uh surround the the club sites where we're located so here in Redbank on the West Side uh it's mostly kids that are coming uh from the the communities that are close to that facility uh 96% of our club members are black Hispanic Asian or other people of color uh 91% come from lowincome households uh 74% come from single parent households um I'm sharing some of these statistics with you because uh when we think about the value that the club offers to the Greater Community um you know 74% come from single parent households these are parents these are single parent households where uh a mom or a dad or or sometimes even a grandparent are working hard uh at sometimes two or three jobs just to make ends meet um if you put yourself in that situation for a second and you have a kid and that kid gets out of school every day at 3:00 are you able to focus on your job thinking about what's what's my kid G to be up to uh you're not you're not gonna be able to focus on your job you're going to be distracted trying to wonder what's going on with your with your son or your daughter um but with the club there we are able to ensure that parent and and give them Peace of Mind in knowing that their kid when they walk through the doors of the boys and girls club they're going to have people there who care deeply about them not just caring deeply about them but want to invest in the lives of their kids in the same ways that they as a parent want to invest in the life of Their Own Child uh we partner with families in that way and we want to uh do the best that we can to ensure that those kids are set up to succeed um so I I just want you guys to get a sense of the the types of families that we're serving the value that we provide to those families if you could um yes all right you're you're ahead of me good thank you so uh this is just a little snapshot of the total uh number of kids that we serve uh over over the past three years uh the blue column is what we call registered members those are kids whose uh parents fill out an application and those kids come on a consistent basis to the club uh you know three four five times a week the orange column is what we call other youth served those are kids who maybe don't come regularly to the club but have in some way benefited from uh the presence of the club in the community whether through some of our Outreach programs or some of our holiday parties uh and then the gray column is just the to youth served uh through the club that year so in 2021 we had 281 kids that we reached uh in 2022 224 and last year uh 339 now I want to stress uh if we just look at 2023 for a second in the blue column uh registered members 231 youth served um I'm sorry 231 registered members if you were to go to the facility you wouldn't see 231 kids in the building it's a small facility it's 4,000 sare F feet we're a licensed School AG child care and they cap how many kids we can serve at any given time the facility and and and the layout of the facility as it is we're Capp at 70 kids can be in the building at any any given time so um this includes summer camp uh you know during summer we have a lot more kids that are registered uh on any given day uh thankfully my staff is really creative about how we uh um schedule out trips so there's never more than 70 kids in the building at any given time even though there are more kids enrolled in summer camp than uh the space might allow for you could move to the next slide I want to talk a little bit more uh specifically about the impact that we have um on our our community here in Red Bank um one of the things that we do is we we do a lot of data Gathering to understand the impact that we have uh on our kids so we do a lot of surveys we do a lot of uh preest and post test to to know whether or not what we're trying to accomplish is actually happening so some of the data that I'm going to share with you tonight comes from from some of those surveys so uh the first data point is that 97% of our club members performed on grade level in 2023 uh we we need to know that information so that we can Target our services in ways that help our kids ensure that they can maintain their grade level uh parents take comfort in knowing that when they send their kids to the club we're partnering with them and with the schools to ensure that uh the academics that they're learning in school is being reinforced in the context of the club uh the next uh uh data point I want to share with you is that uh between 2021 and 2023 we provided uh over $25,000 in financial support to our club uh families every year at the end of the year we do a uh family needs assessment to uh see what uh what critical needs some of our families might have utilities rent food um and then we prioritize the ones that are most acute and we are able to through private donations provide uh small grants to those families to help alleviate some of the financial burdens that they might be uh struggling with at at that particular time uh this next data point I want to share with you is uh not Rel not specific to our Red Bank Club it's a it's a national study that Boys and Girls Clubs Of America did about the the average impact economic impact that a club has in a community like Red Bank so for every dollar that's invested in a boys and girls club uh Boys and Girls Clubs return $9.60 in current and future earnings and cost savings to communities now if this was adjusted for for the Red Bank community that would be a higher return on investment uh but the idea being that um our literal presence in the community of Red Bank provides an a long-term economic return uh for those kids who are able to participate in in our programs and then the final data point is that uh 65% of our Red Bank uh members qualify for free A reduced lunch at at school um and when they come to the club uh during the school year we provide a hot meal every night to every kid that comes through our doors during summer camp we provide uh breakfast and lunch to all the kids that come uh and over the course of the year in 2023 we pres we provided 8,000 uh meals and uh 5,000 nutritious snacks to all of our club members uh I want to talk briefly about our economic investment that we make as an organization in in Red Bank uh over the last three and a half years we've invested just shy of a million dollars in uh in running our operations out of uh facility on the West Side here in Red Bank out of that number uh roughly uh $700,000 is uh is is staff and salary wages uh of the 22 staff members that we have working at our Red Bank site 16 of those are Redbank residents uh so those are those are Red Bank residents who are are earning a paycheck and spending their money in this community and I think that's a it's important for you all to recognize that value that we're uh that's completely not even associated with the the mission value that we bring uh but just the the direct economic benefit of of having Red Bank residents working at the club uh the staff salary wages I think a you know a lot of people are always shocked like what about all the programs the the the the the magic sauce in the work and the impact that we have on the lives of the kids that we work with comes from our staff if you all think about when you grew up and you think about uh what was the meaningful thing that that changed the trajectory of your life it's not going to be a class that you went to or a program that you were exposed to it's going to be a teacher it's going to be a coach it's going to be some some person that that that's shared a a word of inspiration to you that's what our staff do for these kids every day they uh they they Inspire these young people and they help shape the trajectory of their lives over the long term um Talk briefly about just the broader impact um you know according to surveys over 80% of of parents agree that after school programs help them keep their jobs and give them peace in mind uh peace of mind about their children uh we also have a broader Community impact um after school programs lead to better outcomes for Youth and families higher earning potential improved school performance reduced crime all of this resulting in in reduced burden and cost on communities and society as a whole uh and then we we have a crime prevention and Public Safety impact uh studies show that communities With Boys and Girls Clubs experience fewer violent crimes and lower rates of drug related activity because those kids are engaged in constructive activities at the Boys and Girls Club instead of out on the street where they can uh be exposed to potentially risky behaviors now we don't operate in a vacuum uh we uh have a lot of Partners here in Redbank uh various community service agencies that we uh collaborate with because we know and recognize that uh the club alone can't move the needle in the impact that we want to have in the lives of the the families that we serve but collectively with all of our partners we can have an outsized impact on uh what can become of these kids so we partner with groups like The Tour theater and count basy Center for the Arts project right now uh lunch break all of these uh organizations help provide a richer more textured experience for our club kids not just in the four walls of the club but when we go and do site visits to some of these other organizations and they're not all not all of our partners are are uh listed here I'm thinking about the Tom's T Fortune uh we have a great partnership with them as well uh and then finally I'll just close with we are a tax exempt organization um we rely on uh people recognizing the value that we bring and wanting to invest in the work that we do by making Financial contributions and I want to thank uh the Bureau of Redbank uh The Bu of Redbank uh you know we would not exist here doing the good work that we do with these families and with these children were not for you all opening the doors and allowing us to operate out out of 138 Dr James Parker Boulevard uh so I just want to take this opportunity to publicly thank you for that uh and then finally for anyone here on on Council or anyone uh in the room or online if they would like to learn more about the club if they want to come take a tour of the uh the facility please reach out to me my email is uh is up on the screen and I would welcome uh having you here and uh and showing you firsthand the impact of the work that we do so with that uh I'll hand it back over to you and and thank you for your time thank you thank you appreciate does anyone on the council have any questions Ben does Ben does yes yes question or comment uh I just want to thank you actually because my both of my kids took advantage of your programming that's great in them walking distance of where they grew up and you m oh Mike I just want to thank you because both of my kids took advantage and you know the thing is you helped us as parents I remember two things the summer camp okay um but I also remember that when we would have a little crisis of like you know I'm working and my wife can't do that this and you know our plan after school fors we would be able to go there yeah I don't know if you have the room but we would be able to go there and yeah is that okay you guys are usually fine with that absolutely um that really you know helped us as you know struggling parents so I just want to thank you for that I mean I remember the place being tight hopefully you've expanded since I was there 12 years ago with my kids um and you were redoing the backyard with some sort of yard yeah um I have a couple questions though do you have like transportation bus or do you walk everywhere or you pick up kids or how does that work all the above uh yeah some some kids make their way to the club on their own we do have uh buses and vans where we send them out to the middle school and the elementary school to pick kids up I also liked when I was there and I'm glad to hear today you you employ local people there A lot of local residents neighbors that work there and I really appreciate that on many levels um let's see um I also had a question about how you're funded where does most of your money come from yeah so it's a it's a pretty Diversified funding stream we have uh everything from uh small Family Foundation grants all the way up to uh federal government grants uh we have uh special event fundraisers I am the professional fundraiser for the club I go out uh regularly trying to raise money uh so we have individual uh donors that contribute um uh we have uh we're I mentioned before that we a school-aged child care center so we're licensed by the state and so we we partner with the the state subsidies to provide subsidized care for those families who are eligible to receive subsidies so that also helps def Fray the cost uh and makes it a little bit easier on the fundraising but those are the main sources uh you know uh foundations grants uh everything from government all the way down to uh private uh family foundations individual donors uh special events uh and then childcare subsidies now you've mentioned one you invested a million dollarars does that mean you budgeted in the last three years million dollars or what is that a capital investment you made and I'm just curious what your Red Bank facility's annual budget is if you don't mind sharing yeah that's the reflection of the actual uh expenses incurred for operating uh the past three and a half years um I don't have the breakout budget our total budet is$ and half million dollars for the boys and girls clubes of MTH County I can get back to you with it's okay I just for the Red Bank send me an email yeah 100% yep that's it Mr Mayor anyone else just really quick it was wonderful thank you so much it was wonderful to learn some things that I did not know about your organization so I appreciate you sharing with us thank you um just had a quick question how do parents usually find out about your services do they tend to be referrals from the schools awareness in the community so both um our staff go out to back to school nights uh we we get permission to set up tables during lunch uh to recruit um partner agencies uh like lunch breaks is a great example um you know they're able to always Direct people uh have kids that need services that we provide and get referrals that way so uh a lot of his word of mouth uh kids vote with their feet and if they're excited about what they're doing and they tell their friends and their friends kind of pull on their their their parents and say hey we'd love to go to the club and so it's kind of like that thank you appreciate that know while we have you here I just want to see if there's anyone from the public that has any questions we done no okay thank you thank you very much appreciate you coming here appr you right can I have a motion to open the floor for public comment on agenda items only I have a second second all in favor right public the floor is yours for agenda items only anyone has any comments anyone online no sir have one person one person yes okay your appointment just state your name and address please in Miss Kristen grazioso and I at 19 Leroy please all right so hello thank you for having me today this is my first red men council meeting I've had the honor of working with K Triano and council member Blackwood um with my clean ocean action program that I run called the student environment mental Advocates and leaders it's a program that um they got funding for in 2020 when I was hired so I kind of saw it from the start in a virtual world to now a very inperson world with high school students who are inspired to get involved with their community and make environmental impacts um positive environmental impacts for their communities so I just moved to Redbank from Middletown and immediately texted um Deputy Mayor Triano to get involved and see kind of how I can um give back to the Red Bank community so I am really excited to be appointed to the community equity and engagement council with Pat pinto and um work with you all to Advanced our shared goals so thank you so much for having me and looking forward to meeting you all in person a little more face to face you I was so happy when she submitted her volunteer information form she just a shining star and what she's pulled off with the Seal program is phenomenal and I think she's going to contribute beautifully to the community Equity engagement committee so thanks for moving here and immediately being like I want to get involved I want to do something and not you know being open to something new I didn't know where we were going with it until I till you got to the appointment I was like okay that's like I would hate to cut this off this would be awful like this isn't on the agenda no sorry I should have started with that no it was great thank you so much you're a gift thank you and Kristen always say welcome to Red Bank yes and thank you I've worked with you over the years you've sent us some great students they've done a lot to our community so thanks thank you if you have students that are interested in environmental work she's unbelievable so you guys should know each other for sure anyone else have any comments on agenda items only no okay can I have a motion to close the public comment for agenda items only Mo I have a second I'll second that all in favor hi can I have a motion to approve the minutes from 7:25 2024 make such a motion can I have a second second all in favor I can I have a motion to approve the executive session minutes from 7:25 2024 sure I'll make that motion I have a second second all in favor I I okay next up introduction for 2024 36 an ordinance amending the salary ordinance of the bough of red bank's um no no no that's not right oh yeah some reason I got streets on that copy okay let's try that again introduction of 20 I'm like a like a a bad um Network anchor just reading whatever's on the to there um have a good night see you um first up is an introduction for 202 2436 ordinance amending the salary ordinance of the burrow of Red Bank can I have a motion to approve the ordinance on introduction big motion I have a second second uh roll call please council member vak us yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Floris yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes may Portman yes motion passes thank you public hearing on this ordinance will be on August 22nd um next up is an introduction for 202 24-37 ordinance amending losap can I have a motion to to approve ordinance 2024 37 on introduction moved have a second second roll call please council member bakis yes council member Cassidy abstain council member FY Blackwood yes council member Floris yes council member Jan yes Deputy Mayor trano obain mayor Portman yes motion passes public hearing on this ordinance will be August 22nd it's the length of Service Awards program the firefighters which is why uh David and and Deputy Mayor um L Service Awards program if um our volunteer services members answer enough calls basically perform the volunteer service um they get an annual award that goes into an deferred compensation account functionally um and becomes a retirement benefit there's also other benefits which I believe involves the fireman's home and potential care long-term care as well if you're a Lowa member um Nation um probably but anyway it's definitely New Jersey we're not St but it's it um inide advises the volunteers okay next oh next up is an introduction for 2024 d38 ordinance establishing requirements for lead based paint inspections so I have a a motion to approve uh ordinance 202 24-38 on introduction I make that motion have a second second roll call please council member bonais yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor trano yes mayor Portman yes passes thank you public hearing on this ordinance will be August 22nd um we have a bunch of resolutions anyone want to take a look do do any of these need to be done separately or can we do them on the consent agenda yeah I think we should award Montana oh okay so um any any others anyone needs to pull out no okay so um I I have a motion to approve resolutions 24-1 184 through 24-1 191 on the consent consent agenda I make such a motion can I have a second roll call please council member Bona Tas yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member flis council member Jon yes Deputy Mayor Tri yes mayor Portman yes thank you next up is resolution 24 um 192 awarding a contract to Montana construction for the lead service line project phase two I have a motion to approve this resolution I'll make this a motion I have a second second and then I would just I just want to make a comment uh we had this was kind of quick moving with the Montana award we did have a bid opening process that took place um two days ago now and of course when that happens there's a lot that has to happen to get to that actual award and in this resolution lur I just want to clarify that there is the stipulation that the award is contingent upon the authorization of the D right um so D is currently reviewing the submissions of the bids specifically Montana's Montana did our phase one lead service laundry Replacements and test bitting on the west side and they are the we did have a low bidder that ended up pulling out of the process because they realized that they had a a clerical error that we acknowledged um by way of our per attorney under the statute they were able to um pull out of the process because it was a qualifying error on their part and then Montana was the second lowest bidder on this project and you know we're we're satisfied with that because we know Montana's work already and we've established that relationship with them with the work that was done on the West Side already so phase two um is is going to be underway pretty much in the next couple weeks uh they're going to start with around um you know significant number of test fitting on the the rest of Red Bank so there's going to be a lot of work going into this next phase and then phase three we have until 2031 to then replace the rest of the service lines under the statute but we're not going to wait till 231 our best all right um I guess roll call I think we already did a second council member bonais yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member fars yes counc member Janome yes Deputy Mayo yes mayor Portman yes motion passes thank you uh we have a special event request Red Bank uh Hispanic heritage celebration on September 15 um do we need any any questions about that go ahead I guess a motion to approve the special event request yeah we're good yeah need a motion second it might as well finish it all in favor um I would just thank the Red Bank Public Schools um for offering the rain date location for the event um they're um offering to host it in the Middle School in case of rain so that was very nice no thank you can I have a motion to open the motion to open the floor for public questions and comments I such a motion have a second second all in favor I all right public you good evening everybody good evening neighbors my name is Georgina shandley 115 Harding Road Red Bank New Jersey and I'd like to quote Orwell in this univers in this universe of Deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act and what we're here today tonight is to see if you would pass a resolution calling for the end of the killings to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank to allow full humanitarian Aid release of all of the hostages we don't even know how many hostages are left from the 250 or 240 taken on October 7th we don't even know what condition they're in and also release of the 10,000 Palestinian prisoners who've been taken since October 7th many of them t tortured brutally and with documentation to show this and also an end to the arms shipments to Israel to prolong this war and it seems to be expanding what what Israel's government is doing is barbaric it's starving the people it's telling children women men disabled people they can move to a safe place and when they get to a safe place they're bomed like even today there's not even statistics in the news anymore 11 were killed and 30 seriously injured and they were told that this was a safe spot in a refugee camp so it's it's really um a situation that's a great disgrace to the whole world to humanity um in March of 2024 this year the international criminal court um said from the evidence they have there's reasonable grounds that three Hamas leaders two of them have been killed recently the three Hamas leaders have probable uh was was it have committed war crimes there's evidence to show that theyve committed war crimes and also Netanyahu and Galant the defense minister um they could be arrested too for war crimes and most recently last week the highest court in the world Mr Cy you'd know the international court of justice it said it's O the occupation Israel's occupation and annexation of the territories including the West Bank Gaza and East Jerusalem is unlawful and violates the prohibition of racial segregation and apartheid H they called for an end of the occupation I'm sorry for my FR disband the settlements dismantle them give back East Jerusalem pay reparations to the Palestinians for Damage Done to them the whole world is watching and more and more videos firsthand videos are being released and showing torture of Palestinians I saw one video by a soldier I stop in a minute um by a soldier that broke into a woman's house in the West Bank the woman was in her 80s in bed and said a big German Shepherd on her and we saw her being beaten a bitten I mean there's just know Humanity I don't know what's going on I don't know what kind of condition these soldiers are going to be in when they return to their Banks and to their IT jobs because most of them are reserves it's it's horrendous all around all that we want is equality and human rights for everybody that's all and the Palestinians have been waiting a hell of a long time for this and they've suffered greatly and I think it's time for everybody to get together and make that push so that we do see that there is equality that there is human rights for everybody and that Israel's government is not an outlier where it can it can break every international law and get away with it so I'm appealing to you to do your part on behalf of the citizens of Red Bank in sending a resolution to Mr palone who's voted for everything to do with this genocide um and and see if pressure can be put on these people to do what's right thank you very much go ready said you go first boas 135 Branch Avenue the only Corner in Red Bank without yellow lines um yeah that's exactly what I'm here to talk about again free chain I'm just being factious and silly no I I do have communication with the county you're talking about yeah but part of it is Red Bank West the East Bergen Place side is Red Banks right and the other night there were three cars parked in front of my house which I don't care it's a public Street they can park there except one of them was sticking out into Branch Avenue um and the way they drive on Branch Avenue and take the corners there I'm surprised that there wasn't a bad accident um those bright yellows owners do help they're not the be and endone but they do help and I I I just see them being painted all over town and I feel ignored um feel feelings are I don't want to ignore bar oh I'm I'm only teasing you know that um but that's that's one thing that I wanted to talk about and I also want to thank the council for bringing to the Forefront such organizations as the boys and girls club and doing that because it's been there for years I mean and I didn't know all of those things that they did and it it was really very very enlightening and you keep doing that and it it really it really helps those of us who live in town to understand what's going on in the town better appreciate that thank you thank you bless you Freddy Bo PO Box 2074 good evening mayor CS uh a couple things I want to thank the uh Parking Authority police officers that gives the ticket out they're doing a fabulous job uh these cars parking on the wrong side of the road they really they really let them know that they're not supposed to do it and it's making a different on the west side it really is they they they nice young men's they very nice young men's the other thing is a couple weeks Ago by the train station Bridge Avenue and Mama Street I went in the diner to get something to order something so when I went in there it wasn't ready so I came back out and I set my truck across the street and this young lady came across railroad tracks and she double parked right there at the lightake and the gates came down she went inside and I guess her food wasn't ready she stayed in there for a period of time and the gates went back up the caruse was coming caruse had to stop that this would go to come around this one if I remember I counted it was the third car the fourth car was a police car so I said oh she gonna get a ticket I said he got to give a ticket and police slowed up and went right around them my concern is this that is a unsafe area to do a double park right there and the police ride by at least he could have stopped and say he look you can't park like this you kept going can't have this when you got people coming into town doing this and they seeing it happen it's going to start all overtime you're getting it now some of these liquor stores people double parking they have to stop these cops have to do their job maybe they don't want to write tickets but they have to do their job that's a safety issue and it should be taken care of I spoke to Ben about it the other thing is these young guys these young kids got these cars around the town and they flying up and down the streets from Dr Parker Boulevard when you come over that hump from Bank Street all the way to Lena Street is a Zone and Ben came up there a couple months ago to get out the car on westbon the car came by so fast that I'm ly been car came by so fast Ben had to step back out the way these young kids going to hurt somebody sooner or later they're gonna hurt somebody and they zooming up and down the streets and we need more police on the West Side control the area stop these kids I know Red Bank Police Department can't do everything they can't be everywhere I understand that but you have to stop these young kids for doing it somebody's going to get hurt you got the leaves falling now and when you hit these leaves you're going to slide right out in the street they don't know that that's what's going to happen so we need to have more cops patrolling the area and the other thing I got is some of these people in this town is getting paid good money and they're not doing their job they need to do their job that's all I got to say thank you okay thank you I had a question for so that car the the first story about car so when say double Park was stopped to pick up lunch they were stopped in the middle of the street she she went in there she went in there to order something and her order wasn't ready neither so she had to wait so she parked next to another car that was parked in a parking spot she parked right there in the street yeah she was in park was in the street park yep she was in the street and then police a Red Bank police C came right around her didn't even say nothing and I said right there truck I I it was too late that I could snap the picture because I was on the phone I say my God I I can't believe this okay I just want to make sure I understand thank you thank you yes Ste Stephen H 135 Branch Avenue question about the um um the new ordinance for lead paint and such I do see that um it will apply to those um multiple dwellings where there are three or more units but I wanted to ask um what is the impact on individual residences um for example um I'm assuming that it would be necessary to clear um the the lead paint to get a certificate of occupancy if you sell your home um is that true not this supplies only to rental properties um if you buy or sell a house in New Jersey there's a there's a lead law um there's attum if you use a realtor there an attendance to every realtor contract that discloses the risks of Lent pay to the buyer if the structure is built before 1978 and that's how your individual owned premises is no impact on individual residences no I mean I as you know the town has limited jurisdiction over you know um owner occupied properties essentially because when it comes to trees uh well that's outside the house fourth amendment protects the inside generally but um in any event you're just generally deemed as the owner of a property like that to be responsible for your own the what allows the state to pass this law um about rental properties is that you're engaging in commercial Enterprise with the property and and therefore it should be safe for any consumer tenant who um who takes it that's the jurisdiction single family homes it's really um it's up to you to your house thank you that makes sense but the reals are required to tell you yeah by law thank you thank you anyone else yes hello good evening uh 601 Cornell Street this is my first time in Red Bank actually I am from perf Amboy New Jersey I've been working to get a ceasefire passed in my town and unfortunately over 3 months it attending every single uh city council meeting it did not pass so I'm here today uh to express support for the ceasefire resolution and I am very disappointed that it was not passed today uh I heard that it was on your agenda or it was communicated with you all I'm not sure the specifics uh about the Seas fire resolution but I know in January it was communicated that residents of Red Bank did want this so I just don't really know what to do anymore I'm a New Jersey resident and it's very clear our government is committing genocide and American people do not care every American does the large majority of Americans don't care enough and it's really appalling and It's upsetting when one of the average ages of people dead is 5 years old it's the majority of children and women being killed I am a Latino and I can imagine the horrors the horrors that the Arab and Muslim Community are experiencing right now and I know that what the US is doing is not making the Israeli people any safer is actually making it more dangerous for them both here and abroad all the people are asking is for equality and equal rights I'm not sure if you heard recently because it's not being covered on the news so even I have to go to Independent sources to see what is really happening on the ground because CNN and our ABC NBC is not going to cover this for you and the American people so recently the icj uh I believe it was icj or ICC found that Israel is an apartheid state so if anyone is unfamiliar with that means it means that there are unequal rights for Palestinians that are living in Israel uh and it's similar and even South Africans have called it worse to the parthe that was taking place in South Africa and I know many of you probably see Nelson Mandela as a hero and it's very upsetting to see people who are fighting for equal rights to be called and labeled ter terrorist or anti-semitic and it's just awful because it's conflating Jewish people with the fascist state of Israel and I think it's wrong and there are many Jewish people who are fighting to create an equal state where everyone has equal rights and everyone can live to a full age and as public officials you have a duty to listen to your residents and American tax dollars are paying for this so if you do not pass this you are all guilty and ex you you have an association to genocide and that I I would never imagine anyone want that with them I'm sure you have children you have family members and genocide means killing everyone it means militants it means innocent people going to school little children and what we're doing right now is awful and will be remembered for decades and you have to take a stand where you were standing with genocide thank you for listening me to today thank you anyone else Alex Thompson 95 Jackson Street next door in Fair hav um I just have two quick words I may PR mispronounce them so bear with me but stman the stman torture camp in Israel in this torture Camp I recently as recently as two days ago CCTV footage was leaked by a whistleblower within their military the fact that I witnessed this with my own eyes is something I I don't think I can ever it will take me years of therapy to fully process this I saw Israeli soldiers holding Shields up so that one of their comrades could rape another Palestinian rape r a and then not only that two weeks before that or a week ago before that it was still very very recently the the these right-wing militias and like other people in Israel are going and charging at their and like basically having their own version of October of uh January 6th where they're attacking like government institutions because they're trying to protect these soldiers that are raping Palestinians and then they're having discussions over there on on channel 12 basically they're equivalent of like ABC saying do do we as Israelis have the right to rape Palestinians who are you know terrorists the right to rape ex what like it blows my mind that then when and that like I understand yes there's a lot that is not covered in the mainstream media but just just hearing any of it's just like where does it end where where does it end like it's we like the murder of women men children the rape of men women children like it it it doesn't end it doesn't end and no one seems to care or you know I mean half people barely even looking at me so of course you know I mean what does you care you just the point I'm trying to make is that it is every day that there is like no action being taken whether not just by this but by any council is just another Testament to how morally bankrupt our society is America like we we like like the gentleman back there said we are funding genocide we are supporting genocide we have been doing it actually for centuries our entire existence whether it's been Filipino people or I mean African-Americans it's I mean like there's like every minority on almost every minority on Earth in in some way been affected by the United States and we and that we're just continuing to just you know oh we'll just whatever let's send the money because who cares it's to keep our precious freedoms no why don't we take a second look at ourselves and say maybe we should you know look at who we're supposed to be like friends and allies with and like make real change and say you know what if you behave this way no we're not going to support you you need to there will be repercussions for your actions but I but you know whether I it's been what 10 11 months so I don't know if any of these words are going to get through to you but that's all I have to say thank you anyone else anyone on L I have a motion to close the public comments make motion mayor have a second second all in favor all right Christin you got anything for us sure uh just a quick SAA the uh historic preservation commission is uh currently considering the nomination of the properties on Irving Place as a local historic district so that would be in addition to our two existing historic districts on Washington Street and also Broad Street uh so there's criteria for that uh and there will be a hearing relative to that I just want to make sure folks know that the date was changed from this month uh to September 18th 7 p.m. in this exact room there will be a hearing uh relative to that consideration uh and certainly you are welcome to come if you have any interest or any comments on the matter thank you Dave um just briefly a couple meetings back we approved a special event for a block party on a mechanic and I just decided to go after seeing it I was like I G meet some new neighbors it was really great I don't know what else to say like I just want to encourage residents to know that it's a very easy process it was a great way of neighbors getting together meeting new neighbors people were walking by curious popping and that's literally what I did and I just thought it was so so so great so I just really want to encourage uh folks if you'd like to find a way to meet new people especially in this age where we're all kind of like online just uh think about those BL parties it takes a couple signatures and uh the police were wonderful and setting off the uh the street and it was just it was just great so um good way to spend an evening in Red Bank and I hope uh folks Avil themselves of it um inclusive of myself for that matter sure uh the report from the environmental commission is that uh sustainable Jersey um actions have been submitted special thanks to our csj coordinator Shauna um and they've scheduled a date with the middle school again for the green fair for 2025 that's scheduled to be April 10th so it's before Earth Day and no holidays in there uh the other thing is that we would also like to um thank Our Community Development coordinator in helping us get the environmental resources inventory it's now in progress we've received um some initial chapters and it looks very good from what uh from what I've been hearing um uh let's see what else do we have uh there's a sidewalk sale this weekend I just want to remind everybody about that and with the sidewalk sale comes free parking so just throw that out there that's all I have mayor thank you thank you uh parks and W apartment continues to be extremely busy we have I went to movies night myself with my lovely wife to see Gilla versus King Kong right here in the park um our Jazz program is going full blast and um I think we're having it over at Johnny Jazz Park as well as here um for details please go to our website um where summer camps are starting to wrap up I think um oh Freddy's pointing out that I don't have the speaker thing thank you Freddy you you're good I am good okay so anyway our parks and W is very busy in the summer and so we are rocking tickets what's that look at my phone oh the block party yeah block part oh the Red Bank Community block party oh yes the red bank community block party August 17 2024 okay a longtime Red Bank Tradition always fun and really good cooking yes yes so please do and actually um Georgina I just wanted to say that I I think everybody I don't know about everybody I certainly listen to you and appreciate your coming I don't feel like I need to kind of revisit the issues that we have you know you've heard speak as well as others up here I know that not all of you have been here before um and I just you know I know that's not what you want to hear but um I do appreciate your activism and determination thank you that's it Mr Mayor um the library the elevator is still being worked on um and we're really busy with uh the animal welfare working on dog days which is September 7th it's going to be in Riverside Park um getting lots of gifts and sponsors for that um I wanted to mention we're going to have a w William Women's Health Forum it's actually done by one of our dreamerss from uh Red Bank she works with a group that um she got some grant money through and it's going to be part of the mayor's wellness program so um it's going to be on next Friday August 16th 3:30 to 5:30 Dr um Coley who's a rest surgeon at MTH medical is going to be talking about early detection it's going to be bilingual patient Navigator be able to provide educational interance on importance and mography screening and early detection um and there'll actually be someone there who can help them make appointments there'll also be blood pressure screenings blood sugar screenings we're going to have refreshments and uh care it's I have F in English and Spanish thank you Laura for helping me with these um and um so we hope we get a good turn out for that it'll be at the library at Red Bank Library yay and that's it thank you thank you de mayor thank you Laura I just wanted to thank you for jumping right into action um Betsy verella she's a recent graduate at our at Red Bank Regional um she was def directly impacted by losing a family member to cancer and she's also a member of Latino community here and part of the project that she wanted to take on was making sure that these communic these conversations are happening within the Latino Community um to prevent you know this from happening or impacting some of the way it impacted her and I know that you've just been just so supportive and wonderful and that you and the mayor's Wellness campaign jumped right in to coordinate so thank you uh National Night Out got rained out this week the new event uh the new date is August 13th um for more information you can visit the Red Bank Police Department Facebook page uh and I just wanted to highlight that uh we had the Mexican consulate uh come to visit Red Bank basically like a mobile Embassy um they have visited the town in the past for years we've had a relationship with them um this time it was in a proper government Municipal facility 120 appointments were satisfied uh this is for everything from Mexican passports um and other documents and also for people if they want to move to Mexico and they want to get to mexic want to go to retire to me they also the embassy provides those Services as well uh so this was a major accomplishment for the burough the head of Foreign Affairs for Mexico with USA and Canada was here in our little Red Bank uh and he was very impressed um with our government relations for being you know a little municipality uh so this was really a big goal for us as a council and you know and so far as Community outrage and services offered to the burough and it was wonderful to see the space of the senior center used so properly uh to service so many people at once uh and that's essentially all that I have right now thank you I forgot to mention Indie Street oh yeah Indie Street Film Festival is coming up thank you for the reminder I think we have another meeting before it um but yeah I'm honored I serve on the Advisory board for film festival in town and David Cassidy also is going to be a juror for it as his profession is documentary film making and the mayor his son Max is also involved in the film festival uh because he's involved in the film industry so it's really it's really become a real Family Affair for all of us um but everybody please please please check out the Indie Street Film Festival it's it's my favorite time of year uh in Red Bank the programming is um unique and Powerful there's films in it that have wound up in Sundance uh directors com through our town the opening night documentary is actually um about a refugee and the refugee who is uh the main person in the film will actually be joining us um for a Q&A with the director um and the dates are August 19th through the 25th uh so it's full week um before they were they were attempting to do daytime programming but now it's mainly been shifted to the evening and just more days so uh just check out Indy Street film festival for more information thank you the um Olympics is going on the United States Women's National Team is in the gold medal match against Brazil uh it's Saturday morning at 11:00 and the reason I'm telling this all to you is because count basy is doing a free screening of the game on their screen which I believe is the largest screen in MTH County so I will certainly be there to cheer the ladies on hopefully some of you will join me I also saw that they're showing The Godfather with a live Symphony orchest August 18th that's that's pretty cool also um I got one more yeah it's kind of a sad one um so uh we lost a member of the community his name was NL he was a wonderful bartender at Dublin house he was a good friend of mine um and chances are somebody listening to this was probably a friend of his as well um so there's going to be you reminded me of it because I remembered that we're asking people to go watch Chelsea play um for him so an informal celebration of life will be held Sunday August 11th 10 a.m. at Dublin house to watch n's favorite team Chelsea so if anybody you know out there new n as a bartender at doublin house come watch Chelsea fly thanks right um no I don't have much I'll be out of town for a few days uh doing college tours that was my son that just came in to get my car keys um so I'm sure you guys will hold down to Fort for me I'll be back Wednesday leaving Sunday and uh that's all I got Jim I had one thing Mr Mayor sure I apologize um I wanted to acknowledge uh the sign off from John Ward from Red Bank Green and I just wanted acknowledge what he built here in Red Bank um it's probably the most important media Source in Red Bank it was started by a guy who had this uh vision and tenacity and uh bless him I don't know what else to say has served this community I haven't always agreed with 100% of what he's written or how he's written it but we are so much better for having had John uh engage his community and uh and build Red Bank Green it's what it is today and he handed it off beautifully he did it with dignity and and I just want to wish him nothing but the best for all the time he now has with Trish and uh it today went by without me acknowledging it's just such an important institution in this town at this point and John deserves a lot of credit for it amen we will we will still see him around town his first official day of retirement I saw him over at the Indie Street pick off event he's looking right he's looking to right a screen place we do some sort of you know why don't you do like acknowledgement it's service to well I think we were maybe planning we put together we're going to probably put a little Proclamation together just uh thanking him for his service good idea yeah go ahead Chim thank you mayor uh I just wanted to obviously acknowledge the the rain events that we've had in town but particularly the South Street flooding that's uh taking place I've been in contact with our burough Engineers uh both CME and tnm tnm was a part the project of the the paving and curbing on South Street so we were seeing if there was some connection there um I do want to read from tnm what they provided with for me today uh with some recommendations that they replace the inlet heads and ensure that the grates are free of debris so the inlet heads that were placed at Spring Street are the ones that are required I'm sorry uh South Street thank you um on South Street are the ones that are required by do and and the njde as far as storm water management goes now they do have smaller openings than some of the other ones you some of the older ones that you see around town which we do feel is contributing to uh the flooding that's going on there after taking a holistic look at it um it's definitely something that the residents there have noticed and specifically pointed out um so we did take a closer look at that and because of the amount of water that goes down South Street into that particular area having those smaller opening grades seems to be actually contributing to the problem um at this point we're going to have to make the executive decision to swap those out and uh discuss with njd and njd de what our issues are there to see if we can get some relief um but I'm going to enact dpu to do that rather quickly so that we can see if that mitigates some of our flooding in that area and then have those discussions with those respective agencies um but if that's not sufficient then they're you know they may have to recommend the installation of additional inlets on South Street to accommodate the flow there because it seems like there's additional pipes underground that are coming into those inlets that are creating a lot of water flow so we're on it we're looking into the the problem um it it was definitely well documented from Facebook which was appreciated in the sense because you know we took those uh those videos showed our Engineers what was going on in real time um the dpu project which we talked about last meeting we did have a committee meeting amongst the ad hoc Committee of council that was created along with uh the architect on that project Netta who's the buroughs architect and we named off the special projects engineer list we named um masor Consulting I'm sorry cers take a time which is once masor cons but Ker's uh engineering who will be spearheading that project so I anticipate in the next week to be having an on-site meeting with those Professional Services along with our dpu and uh start moving forward on that project marine park has seen a little bit of a delay I would say only due to um supplies uh we're waiting for some electrical conduit supplies to come in um last I I got word this past week is that that electrical cond it's in so they'll be able to do that underground work and then start working on the the curving and Islands in that in that uh parking lot at Marine Park then again as I've stated they'll move over to the White Street Lot which we have an easement that needs to be uh put back in the White Street lot and then head over to the Green Space to complete that area in front of uh the nav syn there um I did want to mention that we have a perspective uh bike lane but we have Harrison a which is part of our road project but we're looking at a perspective bike lane on Harrison app so there's going to be a little bit more information specific to that Community there on Harrison to see how that works we we anticipate we're working out a little bit of the engineering specifics right now but we anticipate doing a temporary uh bike lane hopefully in time for porch Fest um to see how that all works on Harrison and uh possibly tie that into River Road which goes out to Fair Haven uh to their bike lane into their downtown right tying it into River Road which would then Connect into Harding so it creates a loop Harding creates the loop to U biking to the school so we're hoping to to and this is this is all in response to what we heard from that biking pedestrian Forum number of the different suggestions that people have given this is just one of those facets of the biking report or the biking pedestrian report that was done in the burough in 2010 0 which we're trying to then start acting on some of those recommendations in that report and then most importantly tonight for me is the announcement of our community engagement coordinator um this is a position that was created it's something that I I felt there there's a great need for in this community uh I'm I'm pleased to say that we received about uh I want to say definitely more than 30 applications probably closer to 40 applications uh we interviewed somebody that you know was out in Idaho that's relocating back to Red Bank that that does the job however you know like I said we we we interviewed a diverse group of individuals uh we did an initial process we sent it to a second round process where it was narrowed down to three candidates I had those candidates uh complete an actual project uh some a work product that I wanted to review and in the end um I've recommend recommended and have offered the position to Adriana Medina Gomez who accepted the position and uh Adriana is a supreme candidate for this job uh she's bilingual which will help us with our 36% population Or Hispanic population uh she's been in Red Bank for over 10 years working in Red Bank she was a Red Bank uh she went to Red Bank schools um she believes in inclusive public messaging she's a translator uh she's currently a community engagement coordinator in her current role um and we are happy to and she just has a great resume as far as boards and committees that she sits on Red Bank Early Childhood advisory Council Red Bank Hispanic Heritage Month planning committee she's on the Red Bank juneth committee uh Redbank Resource Network provider Council she's a Dei task force leader uh count basy strategic planning committee member um she is multiple certification and trainings in Dei um certificate in all ship in the workplace so she's going to bring a lot to number one the burrow she's gonna inhouse and she's going to bring a lot to the burrow at large so I'm very happy to make this announcement I plan to put out a a formal announcement tomorrow morning by way of a press release let people know that Adrian is coming and we are thrilled to have her and we anticipate her start date of September 9th that's some good news thank you J do we we don't have ex session all right so then can I have a motion to adjourn to Executive session motion I have a second second all in favor take a five minute break Mr Mayor yes ex The public's benefit um Mr Cen how long would this executive take approximately shouldn't be more than a few hours okay and you might be doing it by yourself Jonathan we'll say we'll say about about 15 20 minutes depending on we'll go 30 to be safe and no action will be taken after executive session the topic of the executive session is uh Personnel Employee disciplinary uh matter thank you