yeah um so has that cost gone up too substantially the cost of buying water from American I mean the yes but I don't yes it has gone up um the exact amount I think Tom had the exact amount it's not here tonight but it has not thank you get back to I I would like to know um how much that is I think Tom back so I can get you that exam good Gau might be the past 10 years when you stayed at zero how much has it g up every year in just like the past year just you something I just I just want I just want to thank you for your thorough work I was on the council at the time when uh this was authorized um it was actually something that we all agreed on it was voted on we agreed that this study had to be done um I believe it was uh Council mirandy actually who had you know brought that forward and said this was an issue and I agreed with her I said we do need to look into this this is concerning uh you know so to know that you did such an indepth valuable CIP and that everything is accounted for uh and everything is extremely comforting to me as somebody you know like with the direction we're bringing the burrow where we're going we're now extremely formed um to hear that the average increase per quarter is around $20 um you know I I discussed it with my husband this is something we can handle but we are as a governing body always extremely aware of the reality of the cost of everything uh from real inflation from reflation um from everything that we're experiencing uh but for me I'm just grateful to hear that we can make these changes and continue to as the manager had said in the other Forum um have control over faint um of course me the American Waters R got up they're a for-profit company um we're not running our water utility in Red Bank for profit we're running our water utility to provide Clean safe drinking water for our residents we're not looking to our utility to you know generate a ton of revenue for our B we're looking for our water to be clean water period whereas New Jersey American water is a four profit company so I can't stress enough how important this is to me that e e e e e e e e e e e e e to a bill is that still this going to be the same formula it's roughly the same formula because I had heard that that's too much our former uh DPW chief head had said that 100% is the norm and that 125% is too high do you find that in other towns or so it's $5 32 for water compared to $665 tour that 100 okay well I just wanted to ask about that Brian did you I just want to check Brian Porters on from CDM as well too if you had any comment on that hi everyone um yeah so it is 125 just hang on one secj volume for you you're doing a good job today Jim like you're getting your steps in can you hear me now okay yeah yes perfect okay excellent yeah as um I think Steve was saying it's 125% and as part of this we just did the percent increase across everything um just for consistencies basis I think the question is whether kind of the the costs are align in terms of what water and sewer expenses are um so you know we didn't take a detailed look into that um as part of this but it it's not um just sort of out of the ordinary for the two for water and sewer to be sort of different um just given the expenses that go into each can I can I just make a comment or does St to just be questions as long as it's about the uh okay well when I was running for counsel 2013 May David when you remember the water conversation I ran on the water thing and um you know I found out that Red Bank uses the water utility as a slush fund and it pays a lot of things other than just the water it paid for the for administrator it paid other salaries and paid other things and that's really basically wanted to keep it but you know Red Bank is not in the infrastructure water business and New Jersey American is so if we get a catastrophic uh problem then Red Bank people have to pay for it whereas if it was New Jersey American owned it would be spread over all these different towns and my thought was um just to have New Jersey American come in and look at our system and to see where we are deficient and you know what would they pay us and yeah they are for profit but I mean you know our water I don't think anybody's really happy with our water I mean it's always a different color uh now you know we've known for years that we had lead pipes but that was always poo food and so I I just think that you know maybe we're at the point where we need to get out of the water infrastructure business for our little pwn I just wanted to say that and uh if you know if you need more money why don't you um instead of making the restaurants pay pre pre pre pandemic prices for their Streeter Street eateries because they're not bringing any Revenue in make them pay what they were what the old Council was going to make them pay you know it would be bringing in more money and then maybe the Cannabis money can go there too doesn't have to all go to parks and red that was just my thought thank you okay thank you someone uh I don't see the hand raised any longer yeah okay um can I can I clarify one thing yeah the Sur if there's a surplus on the water rates do it go is it held into it it's it's held for reserve for the water or it goes back to the general fund or how is that accounted for any surplus that there is annually this is definitely a Tom Seaman CFO question however to answer that as far as you know parts of certain salaries out of the buau are accounted for in the water utility um something I oversee as Bureau manager therefore part of my salary should be of course um you know Terrence Walton director of dpu part of his salary Bobby holiday you know there's there's definitely certain salaries and employees that are accounted for they're they're working on the Water Utility they're working on the Water Utility um so there are things that are split up and seen in the water utility to potentially not have to you know you don't have the water utility then you're raising all of that through taxation so there is that that balance that give and take but to answer your question specifically I said how Tom accounts for that on a ledger basis I yeah I think that's part two but I think that your answer is a good one and I appreciate it so thank you yeah B so I've been here with Cindy and others over the years for a long time listening to the debate about privatizing or not privatizing the um you know our water services here in Red Bank and um you know am I against ever sitting down with American Warner and listening to what they have to say say no however I have to say that having I pay bill on another property in one of those towns and their water rates are very high higher than certainly higher than ours here and I would also like to point out that in other towns um they frequently come in with I'm going to use the word low ball rates they'll say well we'll you know sell us your water and you know we'll drop your rid and we'll give the town or we'll give the town some nice so I you know as a politician I know I'm not going to name the other town but I have a gentleman that I speak to as a former councilman in neighboring town where they did exactly that and they were able to have some nice little tax windfall for a couple of years and then boom as soon as that five years were was over their water rates were went very high and of course those financial incentives for American Water were part right up so um you know I'm never against listening to some proposal from them but American Water by law is um you know they are required really to make a profit I believe the utility the utility agency of the state make sure they make money so it would be I'd be a very hard sell on privatizing this and I don't know it seems to be very difficult to unprivate tize once you privatize something yeah so um but I would listen um I'm not encouraging it I don't really want to go through that we have a lot of things on our plate and I think the I mean water utility uh seems to be doing okay I've had trouble with water from American Water also so I can't say that you know it's any worse or any better than American water and um uh you know generally when somebody's trying to sell you something it's not for charity they're there to make money that's it thank you yeah Jimmy Jimmy 48 the question I have for you you said everything is going up I understand that bo b be the cheapest thing you know that's been here time so water that's because said uh didn't happen Bo to go up then I think the answer is I think yes because you would still have inflation we've just seen higher inflation rates right so as the as Jim just said it covers salaries salaries go up there's always a cost of living adjustment it covers chemicals it covers a lot of things and the price of the water Ms price of infrastructure everything's gone up so yes it would still have gone up but U I had to shoot this question up this way even though Co happened that's was nature of man whatever how it happened but since things went down why should this thing go up everything dropped businesses lost money a lot of people lost money so the restaurant was going down some place was closed up so I always think think sitting back there I said watch did things go up and things went down if you trying to make up for what they lost the L part look I can just tell you from in my business as a contractor the quotes I give have gone up because the cost of the cost of materials have gone up whatever the economic reasons are that that govern that things are more expensive so regardless of the cost of the water the cost to hire a company to replace a water main it's more money they got that money from the federal government to jump in there to help replacement this could have been combined you know since this happen now all sudden the water goes up and I said could they combine it together got you know this is plenty of grant money you can get from the federal government to do you know I a Clean Water Act I don't know that anyone's giving Grand money for you to keep your your water rates I mean they might like there might be a program specifically targeted for seniors right like I know that there's I don't know about this but there was one for property taxes but one thing one two question things don't really uh how can I say um that's like the candidates the biggest question I would think what are they gonna do with this C money why they take some of that CID money and take care of this problem make you problem what are you g do with all this money in the P bank now let me answer that real quick so the the water utility has to be self- sustaining we can't be transferring money out of our general fund to going to the water utility so we have to raise the rates in order to go towards that Capital project for the next 10 years of the burrow I mean so the rates have to reflect what's needed for the water utility one major question I was say what are they doing with this canid money just like this we're goingon to hit that later on the in the agenda just we're just doing the presentation right now Jimmy for the water I'm saying is because I've been no on the internet looking at this and then I going ask them just like you got those fold paper shouldn't be hand down given to the people so they can sit down and really have knowledgeable so you won't be say I'm sitting here another year two years and I should have asked this question why these people here and asked them do you have fers and stuff because on the Internet is very little coule sent but it doesn't State why and then the other thing but this reason I'm hitting on this Canabis thing is breaking in millions and millions of and you see it all the time it's on TV but never say what are you going to use it for it's just like a hidden again we I think we we laid out what we're going to use it for at the last meeting too but we're going to probably go over it again because it has to be it's on the agenda so and mayor we've received one $3,000 check from Cannabis so far we are not running a water utility on a $3,000 check or even1 ,000 check or a 200 and and as he said a utility has to be self- sustaining and it would be really deceptive policy actually if you had a governing body up here that wanted to finagle this in some way where we weren't being transparent with the public if we were doing things like you know what instead of doing it with utility why don't we just raise it through taxes instead that's deceptive that's the old way of governing that people like me want to get away from I'm hoping that by being a transparent government and by telling people exactly what is needed for you to have clean drinking water and exactly what we need to do to make the system better and exactly where that money is going and where it's coming from that people will understand that we are up here representing our own town and telling you what we need like we all live here we all are experiencing this so we're being as transparent as possible I think doing it any other way actually is extremely deceptive yeah the reason I'm saying this because I'm a quick example up in Alaska it it was so bad up there in Fairbanks they signed a petition even today now I was keep ta with it they said they throw the taxes because the people couldn't keep up with things was going on and I said you know like you keep saying everything keep going up but sooner or later I said couldn't they do the same thing here this yes they can so they said you know you keep going up and up and up and you keep saying salaries but I mean you hitting the tax people with this stuff and I'm saying to me basically thing is saying you give somebody a piece of paper or that's let people know I'm just I'm G say this this this B on let people know generally what's going on all the time because other than that on that internet it there three lines and that's it so I can't ask the the cell phone excuse me why is this why is that why so I burn the phone now I did I did find the whole presentation on the B webbsite I just clicked on link and and watch the whole thing right you know main thing you got something but I said salar don't have to but I mean you can burn a home you know like so many said because of Co everything has to rise real fast because we lost and I said you can't BL that's Mother Nature or whatever you want to call it and I'm just saying it would be nice to have those you know paperwor out and even I was ask I I rather ask y'all because of the internet is not understandable but that would be better just to learn I said I don't want to wait two or three years I said I had a chance they sit to ask I'll give you Jackie phone number time you got a question put I just want to ask have here Ian we could we have the capit Improv plan we can finalize it the one thing we were debating back and forth is because there's certain things that I would you could read it and decide um there's certain things like the location of your sanitary St and youres and your lift stations that I'm sure you're okay with that being but but there is also some pretty detailed specifics on your drinking water and the location some of those things you may want to read that from safety infrastructure logical reason yes um I don't have a problem with matching your Revenue to your expenses I agree with you 100% you have to allocate your salary and everybody else's salary what I would like to see if you guys would commit uh you said we're basically possibly raising our R for about 10e period in that 10e period we can we commit not to move any surplus out of the fund to the general fund excluding what we just said about obviously your your um salaries and any any other um expenses built on the Surplus so again I would have to rely on Tom Seaman how he does the accounting for this I don't think anybody's going to commit to anything right now because we've already bested our budget for this year um as far as that goes however the Surplus that's in the water utility stays in the water utility it's the the accounting over like again for salaries for different things like that that I don't think that anybody's going to commit to do to school we allocated to expense match Revenue basic principal so you're saying that no time was any surplus money from the board fund ever gone to fill any holes in the general again I I'll go back to Tom on that and see as far as the accounting goes for but I haven't been through a full Year's worth of yeah and I have Gover bodies decided to do either the last years but again moving forward with this water study the water rates that are haven't been raised in the last 10 years I think you said that we were raising for the next 10 years in no they haven't been raised whenever time you're GNA have this inflated cost to cover a reserve that is what it is we need to inflated cost well you're gonna increase our rates inflated it's not inflated that's ra money's coming out of my pocket at the end of the day you're gonna take extra money in my pocket what I want to make sure is that beyond the typical accounting principles which Revenue mates expenses which your for example your trash you would give a piece of that trash to the water just a piece from municipality Department TR gets allocated your salary gets allocated 100% agree with it County principal but I'm saying if there's any surplus I want to make sure if there's any surplus that we raise we commit to keep it in the and not plug holes in theal F thank you for that consideration thank you anyone else yes hello for sa V when live in street I just want to say I think the water plan here execution is just another example of the council doing a sensible job and the right thing I think many friends here many people I appreciate what you're doing with you right here on than you anyone else on all good sir anyone else okay I think we can let you guys roll out of here thank you very much for your time much appreciate I want to um can I get a motion to open the flooor for public comment on agenda items only I make such a motion you have a second second all in favor okay so we're opening the floor for agenda items only public comment on agenda items only resolution 4 last coun about a report Pages Ling standard operation procedures this resolution I didn't see that in curious why not being transparent or republishing it to showing the changes that was an error on my part I didn't when I got the update I should have included it I didn't that was an oversight on my how could you vot on that today what if we had questions and you guys are voting on it the council all received it but it wasn't posted to the public say the public has questions on it may I'd be happy before we even get into that I think at this point just stating what the things were that were adjusted because generally the document virtually stayed the same 34 Pages uh there were provisions of the that were in the document that as far as the uh the dating policy we made consistent with the current burrow policy so that there wasn't a discrepancy which is part of the reason why I pulled it the last time because I noticed that there was a discrepancy in the the the document that was provided so that's consistent with the Burrow's dating policy um also an appearance policy I lightened up the appearance policy as far as tattoos and things like that because I've worked in several municipalities now where our police officers may have tattoos and the policy that was presented last council meeting was pretty strict on that so that was loosened up a little bit and then the third one was um there was some Provisions to the burrow code and there were some errors oh there was errors with all code Provisions references to some of all the code Provisions there was a numbering error that was uh found in that as well so when we reach back out to the burough labor attorney those were the fixes that were made in reference to the appearance one it was about tattoos and facial hair specifically um so are you gonna publish the one at some point again and great you can help me out here as B manager under this form of government This falls under my authority to to move forward to set the rules of Regulation this the appointing authority anyone else have any questions comments on agenda items anyone on line Jim no sir okay can I have a motion to close the public comment on agenda items only I'll make Mo have second second all in favor I thank you next up uh we're going to approve the minutes from 6:13 2024 can I have a motion to approve approve the minutes from 6113 2024 so moved and a second second all in favor I all right next up we have um couple of ordinances public first off public hearing and Adoption of 2024-25 [Music] can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second second all in favor anyone yes 71 Wall Street my question is why I can answer that again sure sure I covered this in the last meeting um because I was part of the ad hoc the group that met to form this legislation and and I explained the why the last council meeting so I can go over it again okay so essentially um when we opted into cannabis and when you look at what it says it really there's a lot of language about Community benefit right and what will the community benefit be for you know oping to us and I know that you definitely were not for opting in uh to cannabis and Red Bank uh but I think one of our things that we're dedicated to up here is to make sure that there is a real benefit by the residents of Red Bank from that Revenue so when we got the first check recently from the one dispenser that's open that I mentioned before that I believe it's around $3,000 36 3600 all right there we go um this conversation started right where we met it was myself Dr La Jan the mayor CFO Jim and without dedicating this to a specific area this money was going to go into miscellaneous revenue from a policy perspective which is why I'm speaking on us this is a policy decision um with being informed by the CFO but it's a policy decision I don't believe and from what I heard from my governing body and my people up here with me last meeting we don't believe that this money should get lost in miscellaneous Revenue we believe that it should go towards something in the community that is an improvement that is felt in scen by the residents so in order for that to happen it can't sit in miscellaneous Revenue because it could go in all directions and then poof There It Is Well what did we get from this decision so I'm I'm not done so the idea is in the recreation trust that money then has to go towards a public benefit right Recreation is always a public benefit whether it's a small amount of money for a swing set or for I'm still not done thank you whether it's going for programming for wellness which is another really big focus with the legalization of cannabis it can go towards a public benefit and another thing that was stated at the last council meeting was that this does not have to be permanent if down the line in the future this winds up being something very different in a very high number something and we feel like that this has to be shifted or another governing body comes in in the future and feels like that needs to be shifted and it's their prerogative that can be done but that's where we are right now that's the reason why this is happening I'm meeting with the CFO and the manager they both felt that the CFO said hey you know it's great to know what money is there for these projects and something that is also been said is that there's never enough money in this town for the parks for maintenance for all these things right these are you know big ties and they felt like this would be good to know that that money is there and allocated so that's that's the policy decision behind it well it sounds good it sounds really good it because it is good well that's why it sounds good things you say you guys have a very good way of saying like but no not the truth thank you anyone else have any comments or questions on agenda items only no anyone online on the this ordinance right I'm sorry yeah this ordinance sorry correct and no nobody online no okay I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved have a second second all in favor I I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024-25 very good and appropriate dedication to these funds and I vote Yes council member Jan yeah just hold on you there Lord so the mute keeps going in and out but I see that the LA is saying yes okay Deputy Mayor Tri yes mayor for yes thank [Music] you okay um next up is a public hearing adoption for 202 24-33 ordinance amending chapter 85 mayor and Council of the burs revised General ordinances to include discretionary project policy issue specific Committees of the burrow Council can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved have a second second all in favor hi public one one online hi yeah this is uh Dan Reen 20 Irving Place um I just had a couple comments uh one I'd I'd like to see the the uh the section revised doesn't have to be in this order but maybe another ordinance um where you uh these committees are created by a resolution so that the public knows what committee is being created what it will produce when it will produce it who's going to be on it um those would be uh that would be very helpful and would go would make the process much more transparent um so for instance we learned about this uh cannabis committee after after the ordinance came up no one no one knew that there was such a committee um I think it would be helpful if we knew ahead of time the other thing is um this you know what to do with the Cannabis income strikes me as something that could have been done in a workshop meeting it could have been done in public there wasn't anything confidential about it um it wasn't going to affect any negotiations um I don't think there was any reason to do it outside the public eye so I'd like to see uh more things workshopped than go to committee I understand some things are going to have to go to committee but um that's all thanks thank you anyone else have a comment on this ordinance only okay I have a motion to close the public comment on this ordinance only so moved have a second I'll second it all in favor I I have a motion to adopt ordinance 24-33 so moved have a second second roll call please council member Bonas yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member flis I wanted to comment for Mr Mayor response Mr comments um I think that committee that was was created as part of that ordinance so I don't know it's not a committee I mean I mean it's in the I remember being in the organ it's a working group I mean we have to work on policy somehow sometimes I don't so I mean my recollection it was it was in there um when was adopted so the second thing is that um I don't have it was workshopped it was workshopped here in the sense that um it was proposed at the last meeting I mean I don't disagree with it you heard me say I agree with it I mean if I the problem with you know one of those funds dedicated to something else I would have said let's dedicated to something else and I think I we could have had a discussion here but I didn't disagree with the decision of dedicating it to the parks of recreation trust fund so anyway I just wanted to respond to you Dan and I'm GNA vote Yes council member J she's saying yes give me a thumb give me give me a thumbs up or thumbs down Universal mayor yes mayor pman yes pass thank you next up this is an introduction of ordinance 20243 amending chapter 695 Water and Sewer of the Burrows revises General ordinances to revise the water and sewer rates charged to customers can I have a motion to approve this ordinance on introduction so moved have a second second roll call please council member Bonas yes council member Cassidy yes council member FY Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member Janelle comes up in a yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes thank you the public hearing on this ordinance will be on July 11th okay uh resolutions um we had a few that are being pulled because we just did not get the uh answers on a timely fashion from the ABC so we will be pulling uh 24-1 149 and 24 it wasn't even numbered right yeah um and we've also I think it's an additional page there um we add resolution 24-1 163 um pedestrian intersection Improvement project and I believe we have a a deadline that we're trying to meet right so um does anyone have any issues on approving these resolutions on the consent agenda anyone anyone need to pull one out no objection there no okay I have a motion to approve resolutions 24-15 54 through 24-1 163 on the consent agenda I'll make a motion that was second second roll call thanks council member Bonas yes council member Cassidy yes council member Tracy Blackwood yes council member par yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor trano yes mayor foran yes s really was really messing up your flow with that okay uh special events committee um we have four events that we are looking for our approval first is the mor repl block party July 3rd the all for one and one for all at count Bassy field on July 13th The Spence Foundation 8K at count basy field on July 27th and the townwide yard sale on September 21st uh anyone have any issues with any of these in particular do you know where Mo place is I might I might know where that street is funny it's one of the little it's a beautiful little Street yes yeah um it's around the corner from me sure is um have a motion to approve all of these uh special events I'll make that motion Mr Mayor have a second a second see all in favor all in favor by all right um have a motion to open the floor for public questions and comments I make motion have a second second all in favor I I all right J you're up first hold he was actually you mind just see who wins this I'm very excited Jimmy 4 I have a major question GRE part when it was hit with Super strongar S right was that over 17 18 years ago it was 2012 was it years ago 12 years ago going up then and I always you know you hear it all the time I'm thinking what did Money set when that U the federal when that place was torn up what did Money uh the federal government was coming in there to fix this place that was torn up during that time and I say was it something they already waiting to get it done it's still there I'm not sure that Marine Park received any like FEMA money you're talking about I'm not aware of any yeah we currently have outstanding no we don't we don't have any current outstanding feemale money from Hurricane stand that would be the the answer to that I just wonder wasn't flip on the uh people place was T up so long they kept going whenever we G fix it up now it's in the process they talking about you know these bonds and stuff and I was saying like I've been when asked a question 17 18 years ago and the federal government can come and say this place it's disaster it's torn up like some people said you know what about the tennis cour what about where the kids can play was it something there like insurance money they forward to then no there still there just go ahead we should have been there there to do it without waiting all this time well yeah yeah it shouldn't have waited all this time this park should have been you know funded and paid for and done instead the GTH majority got a concept plan and they sat on it and they didn't go to the engineers and have it priced out and we did that's why it's on track again but I agree they took far too long and for us what you said about par down going back I can't I'm not trying to tell my AG but going way back then you didn't have to worry about saying you know people GNA abuse their park and thing down it's always back then you didn't have that problem and I'm saying why is it problem now it wasn't no problem say 30 years ago you go down there you know it was nobody taking advantage of the par now it's a problem I just wonder why if you said you should come down here and you come not saying somebody come up to and go down just wonder why why is there no problem years ago yeah good point and so said it shouldn't be like 30 years ago a grab around somebody's ankle they said they gonna go down there park and walk way up town and so I'm just wondering about that far you talking about enforcing parking yeah 30 years ago was no problem that's why I'm said now problem I listen there people now in the existing parking they park down there and they go walk up into town I mean you know it's a a tricky one to enforce but thank you thank you yes ma'am you totally by the way you outweighed jimy Debbie n William Street um I have two questions the first one I plan on asking I just curious though how many cab shops are we opening only three okay yeah that's good um I'm here um I'm curious we've been reading about that you're looking at limiting the size of certain vehicles on the streets at certain times where where are we on that and is this something that's seriously moving from and my motivation in asking is we own an RV it's not stored in Red Bank but we do bring it like to our house when we're going to load it up before we go on a trip and from what I'm reading it sounds like this won't be allowed anymore first of all I I don't if you're if you're bringing an RV to your house to load it up to go on a trip you're I imagine overnight it'll be there overnight I imagine you're gonna you're G to be okay the the the the motivation of this was just we had really large work Vehicles being parked on the street overnight um on both sides of town and we're trying to get a handle on that so you know but mayor I just want to preface that if it is a violation of the ordinance and the Police Issue a parking ticket there you know you may even want to reach told me I'm okay got driveway you know how many people say that it's a great Street a great Street a lot of D it's honestly it's things like this that are the reason why we were taking that by five by approach with this legislation so we have act some people wanted to move faster they're like why hasn't this part been included yet some people like why isn't that part have we pass something that impacts this already yeah it's recreational vehicle is not allowed to be parked on the street overnight as of the everyone as of six days from today when the correct and I'm I'm asking these questions hypothetically that we can work through this right now recreational vehicle and you know I assume it's a a large one uh it has to be over 10 it's over 10,000 pounds can't be parked on the street overnight that's that was the new ordinance that was adopted when was that adopted last meeting two weeks ago and so it's 20 days to be effective so it'll be effective next week so it was introduced four four weeks ago how how were we informed on that like how is it that we it was published in the so it's there was an introduction four weeks ago was on an agenda in between uh four weeks ago and two weeks ago it was published in the newspaper it was workshop and and published on the board outside um it was work workshop six weeks ago as well was on the agenda six weeks ago um and then there was a public hearing at the last meeting in which a number of residents from Spring Street came and talked about the ordinance and actually wanted to go further so what what's the penalty it's a parking ticket parking ticket I mean look if it's your residence and you're parking your RV right the police have discretion in enforcement so if you say hey we're parking this thing you can call the desk at the front and let them know what you're doing um and I'm sure that they would use their discretion them to come over and give me a right turning your in easiest ticket in the whole told me I'm okay believe it's on the you can absolutely say that they might it'll help but you're I mean you know common things been you know leaving a note on the window we live here we're leaving at 6:00 a.m. things like that will keep you away from the ordan is in there for people who are parking it there living there and it's sitting there for three weeks and you know yes so we have specific complaints about large commercial you know basically trucks in places that was the focus of the ordinance there's not going to be proactive control but if you are going to park it overnight should definitely leave a note on the window that says I live here we're leaving in the morning I think that will absolve you for a ticket and we can keep control of everyone else in town I think that's the most likely scenario thank you very much thank you for coming I live around the corner from you I have never seen your RB on the street so you are to be like the most courteous you have to be some of the most courteous neighbors like just absolutely no impact so thank you for being so courteous of everyone cuz it is it's a beautiful Street it's a narrow Street and y'all are obviously doing it the way I would hope that everyone would do it you know so right but when there's when there's cars on when there's the cars on there I can it can be yeah it's beautiful Street yes she park on side that's where I judge everything by how easy it is to get the truck one time members and neighbors and Zoomers I and my name is Geor shandley black party Road and I just want to remind everybody but for the last eight months there has been no letter in the killings in Gaza and in the West Bank there are 37,300 people have been killed in Goa mostly women and children there are 502 people killed in the West Bank by settlers and by the IDF also there are many many people who are missing remember in Gaza all the exits are blood nobody can get out it's like the largest open air prison or concentration camp in the world and people are starving to death and there loads of food and trucks outside it's really tough I just saw a panel of doctors yesterday who had served in Gaza West Bank and they had pictures of children who were cut into two devices and they all believed that the medical profession and children and women are being targeted using artificial intelligence a lot of reporters 108 journalists have been killed it's it's really awful we do have a convention on the rights of the child and it had the highest number of signatures ever from the UN 196 countries and the United States is the only country that has not ratified it because it encroaches on us sovereignty and I just saw an an interview with Chris Christine am for and with the former head of shin vet internal security in Israel his name is Abby Alon and he said we are losing our identity as people as Jews and as human beings and I feel that that's what is happening in Ocean in red b i really implore you to call for a ceasefire which is calling for peace in Gaza delivering of humanitarian Aid and the release of the hostages how controversion is that I mean I have the letter that you wrote Mr pman I'm sickened by the brutal attacks in Israel this past week where is your sickness about the thousands and thousands and thousands of children who have been killed in Gaza and they can't escape and saddened by the senseless loss of life but let me be clear I stand with Israel there's simply no justification for the brutality inflicted upon Israeli citizens especially teens and children I agree with you but why don't you take a stand for the human beings who have been slaughtered in Gaza I don't understand that I don't know how you see it could be divisive and how it's not a local issue it's a human issue and one would hope that if you were in trouble that somebody would be out there trying to fight for you I mean the same thing happened with the Holocaust dragged on and on and countries knew about it but people didn't do anything about it and I appeal to you I don't know why I don't know why at this stage eight months into it with no end in sight and the place being totally demolished people being told to run to the South run to the north run to the east run to the west and they're all bombed when they get there and of course a red line was drawn by our president with Rafa and nothing nothing deters it so I think more pressure has to be put on the government more pressure has to be put bid and Loan votes for all of this stuff all of the military cre to Israel there's no let up in that and I'm appealing to you to reconsider come out with the passion that you've had for Israeli people I know we're all equal but we should all be treated equally and it is extremely extremely discriminatory to choose one it's Tribal to choose one group of people as being more important or as more valuable than any so I'd like you to reconsider your denial of this resolution and to have courage and take a stand for human rights and for Humanity and for our own identity and put it on the agenda and vote for pass thank you very much thank you anyone else yes yeah my name's Alex Thompson I live in par Haven 95 Jackson Street um I'm to also appalled by the lack of action on the council um it like like Georgina said it really is just it's a human issue it's just a basic issue of Human Rights and just not just stopping the want and the want and Slaughter of women men and children um it it just it also it's just yeah it's just incredibly upsetting and it's also so I in I attempted I didn't I wasn't able to come to to the full meeting the last time I was here but I was able to catch the very end and one thing that PO that struck me that I noticed a lot was um I I forget who it was it may have been you deputy mayor who was talking about like the how you've reformed um like some of the way like the council works and how now things are like able to be run much smoother and able to like you know get a lot more done in you know a time when you know past councils weren't able to and I fully support that that's great I you know compared to seeing you know like Congress getting nothing done it's a miracle to see anything getting done at a local level too it's fantastic but then it also comes up to the point if this system is so streamlined and so efficient now why can't a ceasefire proposal be at least brought to the table and then at least voted on it sounds like it could be you know brought on Within like this span of time between a council meeting you know two weeks so I don't see why it wouldn't why it can't be put on and at least voted on and then you know then at that point the will of the people have decided but it's but until then there's there's been no movement on it it's just a shame I live so close and I you know like this town a lot it's one of my you know places I've gone to for years and years and it's it's just a real shame to see just just to see the the uh the lack of humanity reflected both at you know nationally and also local LS it's just it's very upsetting to see so I do hope that the council will consider taking this up um for Palestine and thank you thank you anyone else Chris you got anything motion to close the public comment so moved a second I'll second all in favor um round the horn Christina you want to start got anything no um just briefly uh we've been through a heat wve I want to acknowledge the uh hard work of our DPW uh First Responders uh our contracted uh uh first aid etc those who are working on behalf of uh this community outdoors in in ideal um in ideal conditions they're doing a hell of a job and it's not it's not great I don't like putting my turnouts on today and I did it and a lot of other people are and it's it's it's hot so I just want to say how much I appreciate everybody getting out there and doing it but uh otherwise Happy 4th of July happy Independence Day everyone no report Parks Rex met this week and um a lot of things have been happening um go to our website for more details uh I believe there's some room in our soccer programs for the summer um they had a great month um juneth and pride great also I want to thank deputy mayor for dropping by on Tuesday for the meeting so um anyway that's my parks and W meeting um and I just want to comment to Georg that I appreciate her coming and being an activist um I've already given you my assorted reasons and you may not agree on it um but I do appreciate you here and uh thank you so much for coming I have no report thank you okay um just wanted to read an email I got last week without saying a name Dear Mr Mayor I wanted to give a shout out to our public works department employees who are unsung heroes keeping the town's infrastructure running in all kinds of weather and often under difficult conditions I would just like to recognize their dedication and efforts that may go unnoticed as we go about our day very cool email to get I noticed them picking up all the brush from the last storm because more rain was called for and they were out there hustling so kudos to our DPW um that is also it for me I want everyone to have a a great fun SA 4th of July and our manager report all right looking to be quick here tonight as well I did want to um let the public know and everybody else under the burough manager form the ability to assign employees uh where they need to be and quite frankly Captain frzy has been doing the job of the chief of police for the burough for some time now however with some procedural processes of um disciplinary hearings and public hearings it delays a bit of the process of getting permanency in place uh for that position so I did want to recognize that I've authorized a $20,000 stip in to Captain frzy for executing the role of the officer in charge of the police department he's done a tremendous job I feel incredibly confident in his leadership uh I know you're hanging out in the back room there Mike but you know you've uh you've been there when I've needed you for various things um most impressive to me is the fact that you oftentimes go out to people's homes and meet them in the street and call them right away when there's concerns and you kind of drop everything to do that and I've been really impressed with that I get I did get two of those freezy emails also I just didn't read them this time but yes doing exactly that exactly right and that's what's most impressive to me so you're fulfilling that role that leadership role in this Police Department very well and I know it's difficult when you're not given the title necessarily to do so however you're doing it very well so I did want to recognize that obviously on a monetary level as well uh burough Hall will be closed on the fourth and 5th of July just to make that note um I want to thank everybody for coming out for the biking and pedestrian Forum that we had this past week uh we got a lot of feedback during that Forum uh you know the the council members were in attendance there as well and uh I think we had a full room here several people online that video don't know lur if we posted that yet that link um but that will be posted to the website as well for review and that Zoom link so that people can review that captain frzy and I have already been begun disc discussing some things that we can do initially right out the gate uh we did give an overview of our engineering projects as they relate to biking and pedestrian movement in the burrow uh some of the challenges that we have a lot of the challenges that we have and how to overcome them or just come to terms with the fact that some things cannot be overcome um also from a planning perspective getting that love Dan being honest from a planning perspective we had Shauna give us a review of the the master plan as it relates to bking and pedestrian movement uh we had our um company that we've been working with just this year viol litics give us some updates about some things that they're adding to their program as far as identifying areas of striping and signage in the buau as a relates to biking and pedestrian movement and not just road conditions and um we also had our Police Department on hand with us to give an overview of bike safety bike laws pedestrian safety and laws and to give a little bit of Statistics smooth forward um so there's a lot of work to be done there um you know we didn't just close the book and say hey thanks for coming you know we're looking into what we can actually do and what action we can take um in the in the near future the mammoth street street skate project and we're looking to finalize that proposal uh we've got an njdot approval there's a $675,000 grant for that street skate project which includes uh driveway apron sidewalks curving um and reconstruction of the entire length of Mammoth Street to Broad um as far as the sidewalks goes not touching the roadway and some drainage uh improvements there as well so we're looking to do a bid opening on July 31st for that so we need to wrap that up and put that out there b rather soon on a tight deadline with an August 15th award deadline in front of uh mayor and councel and that's all I have mayor all right um I'm sorry I did I did need it to First some time Mike Mike's probably like what do you what you talking about but yeah Mike if you could just come up I every you know couple meetings I want to make sure the police department is providing an update to the community as well so I did ask Mike to come tonight a record time tonight so I'll be be pretty quick stay um I just want to continue to thank the mayor counsel and the B manager for your support of not only me but Department um you know continuing to see a positive growth in the department positive move move forward um actually I'm seeing Smiles on officers faces which is telling up you know makes me happy makes um that's some stats uh so far this year our calls for service are about 8,600 here to date our moving violations were somewhere around 1250 could be give or take 100 in between there uh parking tickets for the p only doesn't include the parking enforcement we about 4 I'm sorry 350 we have 227 arrests so far this year I think this past month somewhere around 32 um our uniform Prime report which is uh a report that we give to the state every month also goes to the FBI and a report that overall crime rate is down and quickly I'll just rattle off some numbers the salts for the month month of May I'm sorry May or or five when I was a younger detective or whatever we were mid 20s 30s burglary we had one larsy seven motor vehicle FS one um that's that's something that I think our guys and girls should be proud of with their deterrence and you know just being out there in the street so with good news there's always some bad news um you know we continue to receive complaints for speeding and parking violation something that very hard it's very difficult when you're driving around you know somebody May park for five minutes and they're gone but the off's on the other side of town we're going to try to cut down on on those kind of issues um our plan moving forward is with speeding and stuff like that is uh continue with specialize enforcement in certain areas um we also we going to continue with u those are radar details and things like that we're also going to continue with um the decoy officer in the crosswalk the officer a decoy stress and plane clo crosswalk viol violators Captain fre yes I by any chance will you have any officers on bicycles this summer you know what I have run into a pro I am I Pro if it's myself I will be out I I ran into a problem with getting them trained classes were fil okay at the police academy however I'm looking at possibly if we can do our own inhouse just to even if we can get a few out there to show our faces to get involved with the community stuff like that um yeah I guess that's a that's a big that's really nice yeah with the uh I was a little depressed I W say depressed but um you know not getting us not getting us into the classes on time but but I'm still looking I'm still looking make sure none of them get hit by a car while nightmare 911 um I'm looking to hire another fulltime not fulltime part-time SL2 we have one resign you got HED fulltime by Ocean Township so we're down one issue we fac today I don't if you guys heard we had the train breakdown in the station today for over an hour y CL chaos chos Crossings major Crossings shury Avenue Bridge in Mammoth Chestnut myself included I was out there TR guys out um people weren't happy around also like to give kudos to fire department and police department today that a vehicle drive through a doctor's office on Maple Avenue today for her appointment it there on time uh one more thing the uhing our first the unity in the community supposed to be a night of prayer at the Riverside Gardens Park um to help bridge the gap between the community and the police department yeah hold on I have was it like one of those houses that are set back doctor's offices or was it like right on M no it wasn't good it's not it was you pulled it was across from the old white okay yeah so it was okay it like she was kind of turning into the spot and kind hit G exactly it's unfortunate is she okay yeah she was okay she they were both she actually and and to acknowledge also our Buildings Department made an IM they were called and made an immediate response to inspect the building for safety all the employees were outside police where their fire was there and I got to help give Mike Green a lesson how to use the spreader today pop that hood so of hands-on experience but yeah it was it was fortunate she wasn't uh hurt to my knowledge but yeah resp yes sir um I just wanted to thank you for I mentioned it before Mr Gant mentioned it year on the 5K day I had a constituent who was very alarmed about something on Hudson and you went and talked to them appreciated that I wound up spending another hour and a half after was okay um but I appreciate I very ni I wanted to say one thing I meant to mention during my report but since Mr Gant giving his report I wanted to comment that this is the Oney year anniversary of our changeing government right Nancy I think so yes and it's so nice to have a report from man I don't remember the many years I said of getting reports from our administrator and going through the progress on things and sometimes if place would give reports and I think there was some intermittent reports from the manager and business administrator whatever it's called it's very nice to see all these things being addressed and get and getting us getting us through so much uh and it's such a pleasure to be up here in a small part of next all my little editorial comment Mr can I ask you a question about the Union Community thing is this a multi-denominational night of prayer yes okay so is it um do you know who's representing or who's going to chap uh Akens he's the prosecutor office be I think um it's going to be aoup a special group of everyone religion awesome I just wanted that clarify you know open up with a prayer we'll do some Community you know interaction maybe recruitment your son's interested we'll just close with a quick prayer do we have an explorers program in town or no I got a young man didn't get the big responsibility thank you K appreciated great job you're doing a great job I can never remember the wording of it motion to how we got to go to Executive s to Executive yeah there we go can I have a motion to adjourn to Executive session a motion to what a purpose will action be taken oh yeah he's doing so the subject of the executive session is 21 Broad Street um and uh a RightWay encroachment connected to a land use approval there will be no action taken after the executive session it'll take about 20 minutes and the council finds it appropriate to exclude the public for reasons of contract negotiations um regarding this matter all right thank you thank you I don't want you with the up at the door down to you all right I'm watching you this is a private meeting now you a two-minute break Mr Mayor yes