gu let me get to Facebook here oh somebody all right good evening this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the ASR Park Press the two of her times and the Star Ledger and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal website opma authorizes municipalities to conduct public hearings public meetings through use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms the Red Bank Council and meeting in person as well as providing an option for the public to participate via Zoom video meetings please note that the option to attend is being provided as a courtesy therefore Zoom becomes unavailable during the meeting and it cannot quickly be fixed Council will continue with the remainder of the meeting for those joining us via Zoom please raise your hand during designated times to be recognized for a comment whether you are appearing in person or via Zoom you must provide your name to be recognized please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag United States of America small is definitely campaigning he even stood for the pledge yeah all right roll call please council member Cassidy pres council member FY Blackwood here council member pres council member Jan pres Deputy Mayor Triano here mayor Portman here council member Bonas is excused jump over are they have we heard from the Boys and Girls Club no okay well if they roll in a little bit later we'll get to them otherwise we'll skip it um let's jump right to uh public comment can I have a motion to open public comment on agenda items only make such a motion I have a second second all in favor I all right anyone have any comments on agenda items on yes sir no everyone good all right can I have a motion to close the public comments on agenda items only I'll make such a motion I have a second second all in favor I can I have a motion to approve the minutes from July 11th 2024 so moved I have a second second all in favor I I all right next up uh public hearing and Adoption of 2024-25 ordinance amending chapter 9 boards committees and commissions and chapter 608 streets and sidewalks of the Burrow's revised General ordinances to create a complete and Green Street advisory committee and establish a complete and green streets policy can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so move I have a second second all in favor I I anyone online I'm sir anyone here in this packed Meeting Hall want to comment on this no can I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second all in favor I I have a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-35 so moved I have a second second roll call please council member B talk us is excuse council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Faris yes council member janon yes Deputy May yes mayor Portman yes thank you um does anyone have anything they want pull out or focus on the resolutions or can we do them all on the consent agenda no objection mayor okay all good and and I have a motion to approve resolutions 24-1 149 through 24-1 182 149 and then 174 through 182 I'm sorry all right so can I have a motion to adopt resolution uh 149 and also 174 through 182 oh I have a second second roll call please council member Bon talk is excused council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member CL yes council member Janome yes Deputy Mayor yes may Portman yes okay fly's going to set a new record um I have a motion to open the floor for public question and comment I'll make such a motion Mr Mayor I have a second second all in favor I great anyone have any comments on the agenda anyone online J no she meant everything no public comment no it's public comment it's public comment yeah on anything oh I'm sorry I apologize yeah public comment on any on anything Cindy bam 71 Wallace Street um I came across this came into my possession his letter and I would just like a little clarification as to what what exactly is going on here um it's from aohan toas okay uh environmental resolutions it's engineering planning okay here's the letter the prop uh they're talking about property um he's writing to somebody in M County the property is owned by the Redbank school district and the buau of Red Bank has developed it into an active Recreation field football baseball Etc the property is also considered a contaminated property due to the presence of historic fil which leads me to think it's count Bas um a restricted use response action outcome was issued by myself as lsrp for this site in September of 2023 the district has asked me to reach out to your office to determine if the use of open space funds by The Bureau prohibits the district as owner from potentially selling the property to a commercial or residential developer current remediation issues notwithstanding please let me know whom in your office would be able to provide the requested information know nothing about this I know nothing about it it sounds like someone I don't think you would know right the district just so it's what it is is somebody well it sounds like the district wrote the request correct the Board of Ed and I think they're trying to sell the property I think there's it sounds like they're looking at what their options are right I don't even know what the Yeah I can't even speculate though but it doesn't it's something that the bur wrote the bur did oh okay because they're trying to sell they want to know if they can sell obvious ly it's under yeah and I and and I don't want to speculate but it's it's that that draft is not from the burrow okay you guys knew nothing about this no thank you I appreciate you bringing it yeah anyone else yes sir 25 C Street one uh I got a call this morning um there was a dog attack incident at East Park there was dogs off the leash and there was another gentleman walking a dog on leash and they had a little dog fight there I thought the rule was all dogs are supposed to be on leash in public and if so who's enforcing it well it used to be we used we used to have our own Animal Control right now it shared services so they wouldn't but Animal Control would not be going around town making sure I mean poli police the do yeah that's police that's correct for safy so that is danger I've had my dog attacked by Unleashed dog in my neighborhood but at the time he had animal control and he came and took care care of the situation prbly and it was done so now you don't have it I got a call I said I know said call dispatch I guess you would call the dispatch the same way that you would call that's what I said um sorry today another question uh if someone was cutting down a tree and they put the tree Stu and everything in the street who is responsible for moving is that a service from the town or is the person who cut down the tree responsible for moving the the trunk and everything off the street yeah I think it really depends on like the size of branches andu you can brush and St yeah if somebody's having a tree removed they they should be removing the the actual tree trunk and everything else and if the town picked it up would you build back the res who did it I don't know the I expect yeah probably not so if I was going to cut down a tree a bad gber and just stick it on the street and the town saw they picked it up I'm a fool for paying for my treating I mean it's a balancing act right I mean we don't build people for litter right so there's a balancing act between having a street a treat on a tree on the side of the street and just removing it and solving the problem and moving on to the next day you know as a DBW or trying you know it's obviously something with the registration or titled like a boat or a car or something like that there' be further investigation but you know it's a balancing act that it would really be Jim's discretion someone might call and say hey someone left the tree in the road there's information about where it was we might chase the person down if there's not we're probably just going to pick it up and try to keep the streets clean yeah there's um a lot dumping on my street there's a lot of trees and brush every other day there's just more and more and there's not that many trees on my street like I don't see them coming down I see landscapers well look if you're so you can dispose of that stuff at a yard and I've had this issue frankly in my town where I'm a councilman um it's probably one person who doesn't have access to the yard anymore because he didn't pay the yard bill so you can probably keep an eye on it and figure out who it is and when if you do we'll let code know um that on your street and they'll keep an eye on it and they person will eventually get caught when it's the same kind of debris material all the time it's typically a contractor who doesn't pay their bill for the yard and you can use your eyes see something say something tell your neighbors you'll eventually figure out who it is um you know like they ultimately had a Stak out in my town where we waited until the gentleman dumped it all over the Middle School field and they turn lights on on it so you know that that's usually what that kind of issue is it's difficult um until someone gets a lead but it's usually the neighbors that it was the neighborhood that figured it out my town so keep an eye on it and we'll tell code and we'll try to figure out who's do it I mean it's a safety issue it's a parking issue there's a lot of parking spots on street it's illegal I'll see what's on my street and I I know they're not coming my street it's definitely not legal and but obviously you know neighbors of ring cameras if it's on the street need another angle i d but I can't get the license plate there have the video can't get to play so yeah I mean that's that's how it happens is there a name on the side of the truck or anything because you knew where the camera was because you live heck down when you have a commercial car you're supposed to have a name or the license on it with commercial plates but a lot of cars on wi street that have commercial plates do not have the correct lettering on the truck I don't see get tickets for that so no if if they follow the rules yes I'd probably able to see the the numbers but they don't so you know yeah the doesn't you just keep keep us updated it sounds like you're already CAU on the case that's literally how it happens because bottom line the person usually knows the area so if you see something say something and we'll we'll make a note of it and tell code um and we'll probably find them eventually when you change the angle of the camera and he doesn't notice one night and I'm speaking for myself not on behalf of the school board or Library board but I am I'm appreciating um Saturday there's like some kind of event going on at the library and we're told that um the police and everybody's in informed that everybody's aware you know if you agree people or not they still have the right to use public space so um I W toly thank for their your help anyone else anyone online no sir no or try have a motion to close the public comment thank such a motion Mr Mayor can I have a second second all in favor I right um got anything right ncy um yes uh the shet Tre committee wants to thank DPW for going out and watering the gator bags and making sure all the trees are watered so that they they're doing very well so I wanted to let Jim know that the DPW is doing a great job and personally I did see the guy I think his name is Nick with the water filling up a gator bag and I also want to personally say that I did see the parking um car on the west side of town patrolling and making sure that you know everything is copasetic so you know I just wanted to let you know I appreciate the work that the town is doing um EC has no report other than that I'm good all right thank you all that right councilman Forest well I just wanted to uh I actually heard a compliment for the first time I think it was at the senior center on Wednesday of our part working enforcement on the west side I hope it's true on the side some uh resident commented that they're doing a nice job doing enforcement on the street so there you go Jim um so Parks and Rec is very busy and we have started our movies in the park seems to be doing well we also have jazz tonight uh we have Westside jazz concert starting on August 8th for the whole month and the annual Hispanic heritage celebration September 15th uh our parks and recck meeting is this coming Tuesday everyone is welcome of course us they'll be right here that's my those are my reports Mr Mayor unless you have any questions for me thank you Laura hi um couple things from the library um they have they're going to have a warm welcome to the library September 7th from 11: to 1 uh it's National Library Card month they activities snacks photo booth jackets for all children they partnered with the Red Bank Elks so um that's on September 7th and they're going to have weekly drop-ins to make and take crafts um at the library their summer reading program comes to an end on August 15th with a wrap-up party in the meeting room from 5: to 7 join us for food games and prizes and Animal Welfare we're going to be having dog days again um so we're going around getting donations for baskets and Gifts um it'll be at Riverside um Gardens this year it's on September 7th from 12 to 4th and do we have an update on maybe another yappi hour down at the bro I think um Paul was working with Tom on that right good thank you yes you matter uh no report uh from CE commune Equity engagement uh but I did want to highlight um a partnership that I'm extremely proud of for our municipality uh for many years uh we've been fortunate enough in Red Bank uh because of the work of a few key activists in town uh to have the Mexican consulate uh visit Red Bank um consulate Embassy the the services provided by the Mexican consulate include birth certificates Vital Records passports um this is stuff that you know is integral uh for many of our residents in Red Bank um for years these were taking place in church basements and places of that nature and myself and others truly felt that government business should take place in a proper Municipal Building government business is government business uh so this Saturday at 10: a.m the Mexican consulate will be here in red ban and they will be utilizing the senior center um there were many pre meetings uh Jim has been integral uh to this I'm happy to report that all appointments with the consulate have been filled 100% um this is a really big deal I can't stress that enough um we are having very uh wonderful people come and visit our town not just the consulate um but also uh key members of Mexican government um including Roberto and I always forget his last name yeah he's the chief officer of North America and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico he oversees All Foreign Affairs in America and Canada um for Mexico and he's going to be coming to Red Bank so that's a really high honor I'm really honored that we are here off offering these services in red bang of course they are open to neighboring municipalities if these are Services they need and they also need these Services there's people you know coming from other places um but this is really this is something to be extremely proud of so thank you to everybody for their forward Vision here and for understanding that this is a really important service for our residents to have the consulate be in a government building thank you all right thank you now I got nothing nice uh nice slow week for a change so um I'm going to uh I'm going to enjoy it Jim you got anything just a couple things M um Nancy I don't want to steal your thunder here but the Red Bank police making Grant I didn't know if you wanted to mention that yes um the for those of us those who usually come to our Council meetings you'll recall a couple weeks ago um Bruce Shapero from the New Jersey realtors association mentioned that they would have a grant available to help us get um bicycle racks and a bicycle pump along with a um repair station so um we did not receive the grant through a ARP so we decided to P pursue this Avenue and we did get the grant for the full amount that we asked for y so yes thank you for reminding me where would those go all over town but um with a recommendation that we put the bicycle pump and the station at Bor hall because you have 24hour 247 monitoring right by the police station I think that would be awesome great uh the parklet at Mammoth Street and Broad although not the bur's direct project it's a River Center project uh I do have information that the contractor has given the notice to proceed uh with the notice to proceed they have a certain amount of time that they have 30 calendar days to complete that project um so that project shall be completed by Friday August 23rd there will be some traffic disruption there as they have to demo that area and uh cing that area up before they can actually start working on it so um just look out for any sort of traffic disruption there I don't have the exact day but it is going to be pretty imminent and within the next um week or so that the contractor should be out starting on that project Le service line replacement phase two that we've been discussing we did have a pre-bid meeting last week with a number of interested contractors I was happy to see how much interest there was in that project so we had a pre-bid meeting so that we can answer any of the uh potential awardees um answer any of their questions and and give them as much information on the project as possible so they all understand the project in total and then lastly next week we have um I've asked for us to start a dpu working group which would be for the public works facility so just looking here we do have a meeting next Wednesday on the 3 first I've asked uh councilwoman janon uh Nancy and Dave Cassidy to be on that working group along with Terren our dpu director and the DMR architects who are the buroughs architect to join us in that meeting as well and then in same ve through probably our special projects Engineers will be naming an engineer for that project as well so looking to get the dpu facilities project started moving forward keep that keep that Vision going and obviously uh bringing a new facility to that area in due time that's my report sir all right thank you I think we do have uh some stuff to discuss in executive session so I'd like to make a motion to adjourn to executive session I'll make such a motion I have a second I'll second it all in favor I take a five minute break Mr Mayor yes and for the Public's benefit the subject of the exective session is pending litigation uh the garden at Red Bank versus the burrow of Red Bank and the executive session will take about 20 minutes and no action will be taken thereafter did you have something to say I'm sorry I just wanted to make what Ben said the first in the park on Sunday is oh okay thank you thank you