e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] all right e e e e for e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah so yeah just to I'm just going back to the ordinance that was passed this year um criteria for designation and and when you're drafting your letter you know you may want may want to allude to the criteria for designation um which is character interest or value number two association with events that have made a significant contribution association with the lives of persons embodiment of distinctive characteristics and to me that was the deramus building for example um identification of a work of a builder designer artist AR architect embodiment of elements of design unique location or historic resources so um it's it's not just you know like the facade of a house or something it's it's deeper and that's I think that's where we need more of a narrative available to the to the public I I I doubt all four of you knows this but the building we're sitting in the old Auto Body Kus Ford yeah oh Auto yes cardio yeah um it is called a ghost sign yeah a g sign it's a old hand painted advertising sign that has been preserved on a building for an extended period of time so that's yeah g you know over by the Wrigley sign I know this is bad I'm interrupting but there's also a citarella sign now you folks know citarella Prospect yes well that's where they started over there by yes that's right another interesting aspect and something that's was here for the longest time was the Red Bank register on White Street up high it was written up there and then one day it was gone I remember I mean we may want to consider doing adding to our list oh we can always add to the list GH SS well I mean you know that sort of stuff around Red Band an inventory of them oh I'm pretty sure that if you look into like some that there is something like an ordinance that says like a historic preservation ordinance um that says something about like Go Signs and and designating a go sign I don't know I'm pretty sure that's out there okay so yeah that would that be part of part of your letter well the council that wasn't going to be the focus of it but that could be part of it I I mean it's an example of it's yeah I think it's a good idea so so really we we want to protect obviously the things we see things that are out in the open that those signs that can be seen now I think we already have the ability to add them to a list okay to designate them so my primary concern was here was something that had been plastered over or otherwise covered over for years and what appeared to everyone who would walk by to be a totally unremarkable building right and then they demolish the totally unremarkable building and here it is yeah um I just was Googling those signs and um Milwaukee has an app that you can download and if you hold it up to a it makes it vibrant again and you can tell so oh even yeah interesting so like with a QR code or yeah I guess but so if there are were certain signs around town even if they disappear and you had an app and you can you can go around and find them you know know that so yeah in Milwaukee though not here I I mean designing an app I I designed an app with some kids from High-Tech high you know the one that's the Red Bank History app um you know maybe maybe it could even be that a Milwaukee specific app that works only for yeah they yeah it only works for the ghost signs that they inventory made it oh and and then what they've done is they've brought it back to life just on the app so if you hold it up making a good compromise where you can see what used to be there like like putting it in their Lobby another thing would be let's take pictures of it and and put it in this app yeah something like that could be added to like a walking tour map of Red Bank fascinating she just had all these QR codes that you can well we already have an app that has four tours on it so maybe even the kids inting it into that at add another tour so it do organizes that right now is that River Center or uh margorie did oh Margaret oh okay yeah that's like in um I don't know what it's called a space app where you hold your phone up to the sky and it yeah location right so so this is what it looks like it around what it looks like right uh I haven't even seen that that's interesting the QR code is by Riverside Gardens and also by the train station now uh or you could just go to your app and download download Red Bank history and then there's four tours on it now well yeah see something like that maybe we can work with the uh with the River Center on promoting so that there's awareness of it I I don't know have no idea this this exists now then right yeah so I don't know I mean this particular one I just worked with some kids from Hightech high on on brookdale's campus so I don't know if anybody there once if we keep going it's it's another Avenue like the the Tas Fortune Cultural Center pays for the app so all they have to do is renew it every year with a dollar and you know there it is but I think that's really good idea yeah that is a great idea okay um so the all right so Lou you're going to follow up with dropped in a letter to the council um all right number three that I added to the agenda is collaboration with the River Center so that's something that really just developed over the last day or two um Lou and I are on the the email chain so it was a introduction by uh uh Christina from the council to Bob Zuckerman who um runs the River Center and uh they would like to meet to see if there's ways that we can uh collaborate with them um to help you know I guess um bring businesses and tourists and residents who are interested in in uh businesses that would highlight the the history of the town somehow be you know sympathetic to to a historical uh places so that meeting has not been set yet but we're working on that and I think anyone from the council who wants to attend that meeting Canen well I think um I would just suggest that sure there's not a quum so all right quum not a quum so that yeah that was my the one question so if it's has to be less than three people so two people can attend so two people from our historic preservation commission could attend that meeting I probably will be out of town but if you want to decide amongst yourselves who who to go um well it probably be best if you get some dates and then to see who's available on those dates yeah okay well so for the Quorum for for the communication on coordinating it can we have more than two people no okay so that's the first step is if you would reach out to to Bob and ask him to S Suggest some dates in July and then send the dates to all the commission people and see if there's two people who can attend and will attend you want to attend I think that's the steps to take great yeah okay so I I'll send out that that letter and see Bob has already suggested some dates so I'll send those out to okay our commission and then we can see who's available yeah all right so final comments public comments on uh anything okay I have a comment it's a it's it's back to uh what we were just talking about I think you can get uh when you dig through stuff and you find old stuff and you everything can become an archaeological site you know because every things here put on before all these houses we here I I dig I dug my fence out in the back I found a revolution Cannonball right so should all work stop and dig out the site and see what else is you know what I mean it's just it becomes like um you like everything stops in its place because because everything is is is now historic and has meaning so I don't I don't know what the it's it's I I think this is what you're talking about modernizing it and making an app and celebrating what's there is as old is fantastic and it's also modernizes something to look back in the past which is really cool to me but um but I I don't know how much you want to be able to like you know stop the build bance to struck um and there's judgment calls to be made right but I think the point should be we should give people guidance and and have an ordinance that requires that one sign we have to Define it well that you I mean obviously that sign um caused a stir on social media okay so and frankly you know it suggests something about history I mean it's I very clearly to me that met the criteria okay a cannon ball found in your backyard I'm just saying it's I understand I don't think that would you know Hey listen if you go to Middletown pory Brook you find all kinds of fossils I you know I get it yeah no but there it's it's it's you know can I can I say I don't know what you did with your Cannonball but if you consider oh well if you consider that in New Jersey it's mandated to include in your curriculum for fourth graders New Jersey history and if it were my backyard um I would talk to the principal over at the primary school and see if because because kids especially young kids love to be able to touch things and if they were studying New Jersey history and fifth grade is also kind of the Revolutionary War the first time the middle school they teach it again the second time so to to allow kids to actually hold hold a part of History um I would gladly donate it would be an awesome thing so so so it's it's it's really your initiative talking to maybe the superintendent um I I'm on the library board and if he doesn't attend his representative sometimes attends so I will mention to her this find and I did I me I did the research myself and I I assume it's that because it's it's definitely preil War it's no doesn't make sense it's all yeah but I I will make a note to myself to mention to the because if the if the superintendent is not at the library board meeting um one of the curriculum coordinators is so be great yeah I agree with you the idea tangible object to touch and talk about the historic yes yeah so okay cool so I I just wanted to say anecdotally because it's juneth and we were talking about the the West Side being predominantly a black part of Red Bank but when I was growing up here in Red Bank there were different uh pockets of uh small black communities on the east side of Red Bank as well uh namely lynen place and then goo toown um but my uh I was talking to my father about this before I came here tonight and and he said that um he he was uh insurance salesman for Metropolitan Life Insurance and a lot of his clients were these families in these different neighborhoods and um he got to know a lot of them pretty well and uh he said uh when count basy used to come back to Red Bank long after he was famous uh he would sit out on the porch and on the the steps with his neighbors over in goo town there and uh and uh talk to them just like they were his old school CHS and stuff so anyway I just want to say because you know juneth and um uh that the wests side was not the only predominantly uh black part of Red Banks community that we did have these smaller pockets of small black neighborhoods that are part of red bank's history as well okay do we have a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll second that okay the meeting is now Jed thank you okay thank you