just uh go live on Facebook good that means the meeting is set to start 6:30 yes good evening everybody this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice this meeting has been provided by a notice sent the Asbury Park Press the two over times in the Star Ledger posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal website PMA authorizes municipalities to conduct public meetings through use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms the Red Bank Council is meeting at person as well as providing an option for the public to participate via Zoom video meetings please note that the option to attend is being provided as a courtesy therefore Zoom becomes unavailable during the meeting and it cannot quickly be fixed Council will continue with the remainder of the meeting for those of joining us via Zoom please raise your hand during designated times to be recognized for a comment whether you are appearing in person or via Zoom you must provide Prov your name to be recognized please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag un United States of America to the it stands indice roll call please Laur council member Bonas here council member Cassidy pres council member facy Blackwood present council member flest pres council member janal pres Deputy Mayor Triano here mayor Portman here thank you um our attorne is running a few minutes late but he's should be on his way but we can um move along with uh Jim you want to take uh talk about our uh open County open space Grant yeah this is the open space uh it's actually a cdbg application uh for 138 Dr Jane Parker which is a burough building however it's currently occupied by the Boys and Girls Club um and because there's some work that needs to be done in that building that we do own I'm looking to solicit a Grant application or request a grant from cdbg Mammoth County uh for based on our estimates maybe upwards of $200,000 which is the maximum that they would award for um a cdbg project in the burrow and because it's in a census trap that would qualify um you know I feel like it's a good fit for use of funds because it's a g that we have to maintain so this would be opening a public hearing and for May I think you ask for a motion a second to do that um for that Grant application it's a process that's required under the cdbg application to have a public he do we know do you have an idea what needs to be done from just my initial talks with dpu I know there's some Mason work that has to be done on the outside of the building the stairs the sidewalk potentially some roofing issues and uh window issues but we have a meeting set up with boys and girls club I believe next week to hash out a little bit more of that but the Grant application is due at the end of next week so it's a matter of course that we we hold this hearing I guess regardless of however the Le how the meeting goes with the boys and girls that we got to fix the buildings exactly right Mr Mayor just for a point of order I believe we need a motion uh to open the public hearing technically I just i' like to make a motion that we open this public hearing properly I'll second all in favor I all right um if anyone has any uh questions or comments on uh this is on the corner bridge in doctors's James Parker right now it's it's it's uh again as the manager mentioned it's occupied by the Boys and Girls Club it's one of the few we don't own a ton of property in town so um we do have this building apparently so um yeah it needs a little work I went and toured it a couple months ago and I definitely could use a little TLC so one quick question manager is there any is there any issues with the building right now is it functional it's being used for its normal course of normal course of use yeah they they've brought no immediate issues to our attention as far as where it wouldn't be inh uninhabitable um Mr manager would it any of these changes involve making the building more energy efficient as they go into Roofing and you know they surround the building fair question I'd have to see if that would be a qualifier under cdbg okay anyone else have any questions no all right then can I have a motion to close the public hearing on this issue so I'm second that all in favor right uh can I have a motion to approve the minutes from 62724 some moved I have a second second all in favor I I have a motion to approve the exact session minutes from 62724 I'll make a motion have a second second all in favor I all right let's jump all right right thank you um I want to open the floor for public comments on agenda items only can I have a motion to open the floor for public comments except your motion I have a second second all in favor I all right members of the public any questions on the agenda items only yes you smell thank you I've been sweating but I didn't know I smelled that bad well then you better move I'm sitting right in front Okay okay please please come on we should be evicted from this meeting go ahead please saying that with your your comments please that's why she doesn't work at the senior center too sdy Burnham 71 w streight um I just wondering if that public hearing is a matching Grant no it's not okay and also I was curious about um you know when you did the water study the water rate study um why wasn't there any competitive bids why did you just pick one anybody I believe actually I can't speak to that it was in 2023 before my time that that um that Professional Service was brought on board but under Professional Services as long as you do it as a non-fair and open process and posted you don't have to do it through comp okay I didn't know that now whether or not it was done that way I'm not 100% sure without looking into but there is a process for that and also I had a question you know you're you're raising the water rates and Sewer rates for the residents are you raising them for the businesses too very good thank you thank you anyone else anyone else have any comments or questions anyone online Jim no sir all right can I have a motion to close the public hearing for agenda items only make have a second second all in favor I okay next up is a public hearing and Adoption of 2024-25 in ordinance amending section anyone on line yes sir I have a motion to close the hearing public hearing on this ordinance only so moved have a second second all in favor I I I have a motion to adopt 2024-25 still moved I have a second second roll call please council member Bon Takis yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Floris yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor trano yes mayor Portman yes thank you next up is a public hearing and Adoption of 2024-25 water and sewer of the Burrow's revised General ordinances to revise the water and sewer rate charges sewer rates charged to customers I have a motion open public hearing on this ordinance only have a second second all in favor anyone have any comments or questions on this ordinance only anyone online sir no sir M to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second second all in favor I have a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-34 so moves have a second second roll call please council member vas yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member fls yes council member janon yes Deputy May Trio yes fa app yes pass thank you next up we have an introduction 20 24-35 creating a new chapter of complete and green streets I have a motion to approve this on introduction so moved have a second second roll call please council member vonas yes council member Cassidy yes council member FY Blackwood yes council member flis yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes thank you public hearing on this ordinance will be on July 25th um we have a handful of resolutions is there any that anybody wants to pull out or can we just do them on the consent agenda let me know good no objections Mr Mayor all right and I have a motion to approve resolution 24-65 through 24173 so I have a second second call please council member Bonas yes member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member flis yes council member Janome yes uh Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor pman yes thank you uh discussion and action items um is the the first one from sustainable Jersey is that just something we need to discuss yeah doing that one I think La yeah I'll do that one okay so we added this year um hold on one second Laura are are you guys from Mechanic Street by any chance no all right all right I can wait block party approval you know it's very I wanted to make sure you know right go so Sustainable New Jersey um as a health and all policies um the mayor and Council approved health and all policies resolution 24102 on April 20 April 11th helping to ensure the governing body and departments would work collaborative to promote health health and all policies it's collaborative approach for incorporating Health considerations and decision across government sectors and policy areas the resolution created a health and all policies task force to carry out this effect that it consists of Shauna Ebanks director of Community Development Jackie Reynolds senior centor director and myself the task force was Char with identifying new opportunities to improve the health of Red Bank residence in policy and development and implementation budgeting and service um we went to a training an all day training on March 8 2024 um held virtually by rers University training was an introductory session focused on bringing Community Health and Equity into Municipal planning processes and decision making um we did a data collection tool that we formalized for collecting data on local levels although the bur reviews the information from the US Census Bureau and the American Community survey Community survey data at the local level annually will help the government body create the appropriate assistance to help those in need um additionally the B would conduct a health impact assessment to further investigate key health issues and public concerns uh there'll be budgeting and funding for this uh data sharing and um the municipal departments bar departments sometimes need more information to identify potential Community Health impacts on their projects and administrative task um will help the task force will continue to seek opportunities for the bar to appr approve this consideration for Community Health um so that was put into the Sustainable New Jersey um and just recently I started working with one of the dreamers we're working on a um uh information or on breast cancer for the Latino Community it'll be open to everyone but we'll have translators there and we have Dr Coley who's a breast surgeon from MTH medical coming to talk um and we're meeting with people at the RWJ Barnabas to start that program um a thank you thank you you um looks like Mechanic Street is having their block party on July 20th have convenient walking distance I'll have to I'll have to crash it um can I have a motion to approve the Mechanic Street block party on 72024 I make such a motion Mr Mayor can I have a second second all in favor all right um can I have a motion to open the open the floor for public questions or comments make such a motion Mr Mayor can I have a second second all in favor I public the microphone is yours any questions yes all righty baram 71 Wallace Street um I just had a question about resolution uh 24171 39 varant you might know is that follow no I believe it's the house right next to the pickle yes oh I believe CC's house okay thank you just perous anyone else anyone online Chim thought you said no sir I thought you said yes sir and then we just stared at each other all anyone else uh sh um a lot of people have been asking why the flag wasn't lowered to half Mass when mayor unknown past I had this discussion with Jim um because you you Jim tell me what the law says the and you know something I looked up as well um actually in a previous town that I worked in the flag code of the United States is that the president or the governors of each state have the authority to issue flags at half mass and if local officials do it we're actually violating the flag code in the United States I had to do a little research on that he was you know the mayor for such a long time and we have moments of silence for IR men yes no we'll absolutely have a we have a few moments of Silence actually that we're going to have and I did go to his uh Kate and I went to his uh his wake and I got to meet his kids and tell him uh how much he meant to the town so but yes didn't know because you didn't know him I did meet him actually I did meet him yeah very nice guy I was not here when he was there no I was just curious about that thank you all right thank you anyone else have any questions or comments no all right I'd like to make a motion to close the public comment so moved can I have a second I'll second that all in favor hi great thank you I was looking for something um so yes as many of you are aware uh we had a tragic incident that happened yesterday or guess it was yesterday morning at 3:00 a.m. uh there was a shooting on the West Side young young men lost his life um are we has his name been released to the public yet yes well I mean I I know his name they didn't release it I know I'm not sure let's on the side of CAU all right so we're not gonna say his name but I am going to ask everyone if we can just have a moment of silence for this senseless loss of life thank you and as Cindy mentioned earlier um Red Bank lost a longtime public servant mayor ourown who served in the assembly too I believe right he was on the council in Red Bank he was the mayor for a while uh I met him when I was first running for office just knocking on doors didn't even know who lived there and uh he answer the do he was just a couple years ago so he was close to high 80s if not 90 sharp as attack was following everything that was going on gave me some really good advice and uh impressed me in the brief moment I had with him so I would also like to ask for a moment of silence for former mayor arnone thank you um Christine you got anything yeah uh just a quick update uh I'm happy to report that yesterday uh a few members of the historic preservation commission uh were able to meet with reverse Center's visual Improvement committee who interests overlap and hopefully align in our beautiful Broad Street historic district so mostly uh just get to know uh the each other and what they do but also share some exciting ideas for maybe future projects wayf finding how we can uh integrate historic narratives into the downtown uh so hopefully beginning of a fruitful work relationship thank you I have this I'm gonna email here um I have a little statement I'm gonna read and I'm gonna jump around a little bit um as many might have read we had a fire on Ambassador Drive on July 2nd came in as a smoke condition at 9:30 was upgraded to a structure fire and um I just want to give a little perspective as a resident volunteer um first I want to acknowledge incredible leadership of uh Incident Commander Chief Frank Woods I mean he handled that job it was a two-arm fire incredibly but it was reported that a firefighter was injured and I I'm writing this because I have not publicly stated it that was me I was that firefighter and after 16 years of Serv service I was the person on a scene that needed Aid and I wanted my friends and my neighbors to know what our First Responders paid and volunteered go through um we've been in a heat wave I talked about it literally last meeting and I worked for about an hour and 15 minutes with my pack on my gear on we took the door to the second unit next door to go inspect for inspection for extension we call it I got to the top of the F of stairs and said I think I'm going to faint my partner my brother Nick um in that situation worst thing you can do is push through you don't want to create a make a bad situation worse put other people in danger and I tapped out I reported to the in sitting commander and went straight to the EMTs and uh my heart rate was quite elevated we took my turnouts off um I was drenched in sweat my heart rate was peaked uh the EMTs on scene told me that they watch the color come back to my face and the number one killer of firefighters on incidents is um heart attacks I had no interest in going to the hospital but I said to the EMT in charge I said I do my job and you respect it I will respect yours and he said you have to go to the hospital so I want to acknowledge Red Bank police uh taking care of me the EMTs from hackin sack Meridian and Fa Haven first aid in particular Who provided me transport um on the ride over they I was already pretty confident I was laughing we were joking uh I was asked where I live and the EMT the firefighter who rode with me said is that right near the uh the the new Cyber truck I said it was about a block and a half away we had a you know they made something where I was already kind of calm I went easier but I couldn't get a hold of my wife and I'm in the back of an ambulance calling from phones that are not mine I can't get her and you know just that Community aspect of things that come along and um a brother firefighter grabbed his phone on his break got a hold of his wife who got a hold of my wife went and got my wife so she can come on over to the hospital um I was treated with nothing but the utmost respect and dignity uh a volunteer firefighter from per Haven was my assigned nurse I went through an EKG I went through a chest x-ray I went through two rounds of blood work two bags of fluids um my heart checked out perfectly everything checked out perfectly it was heat stroke or heat related event which is to be expected on these days um I I never was really nervous my wife was really nervous and uh I I I can only say I was visited by uh two Fire Chiefs councilwoman came on by uh Kate uh uh two members of the officers line of my company and I was getting texts and calls um from a farway as Baltimore where Chief holiday was unfortunately uh uh at a distance I was released at about 1:45 a.m. and I I I I say this because it's so hard it was so hard I was just wrapped with guilt I was listening to that call and all I could think about was I should be there I should be working that scene I should be putting away ladders I should be wrapping hose I should be washing masks at the firehouse afterwards and as the night went on you go well everyone else was doing their job for me you know they were taking care of me and um I'm sorry it happened I'm sorry not that I not that not this happened to me I'm just sorry that this fire happened and I'm sorry that it got wrapped up that we couldn't I don't know we tried to revive the their cat and it didn't work out and we we did we did so much on that scene and I'm just so proud of this community because sometimes the best you can do is um stop something and that was a row house and it was a great stop by this fire department and by our neighboring fire departments that came in our Aid little silver Fair Haven Middletown um it was just such a great piece of work but most of all it's just that sense of gratitude and that sense of community that comes with being a volunteer and a first responder in a town and just having an opportunity to see people in your moment of need come to your Aid just as you keep coming to their 16 years I've sat I've watched that happen to other people and to get to kind of see it from the other side it just shows you the system works and it just works how people take care of each other and um I just wanted to say thank you and I wanted to put a little bit of a public face and a name to what people go through in volunteering we know what we're doing and we know what we're getting into and we do it willingly and um I just I just wanted to share these thoughts with this community and I just wanted to say thank you and I I I I'm so honored to serve this town and I'm so honored in the way that this town served me on that particular night so um there nothing but gratitude dud and uh I just wanted folks to know that thank you thank you Dave thanks Dave thanks I'm glad you got the care that you needed no good to us dead remember that take care of yourself um sure I'd like to oh can you hear me now yes okay I'd like to talk about the complete and green streets ordinance that we introduced part of it was for sustainable Jersey but it was also timely because um ever since I've been on the Green Team then later in the environmental commission and as they emerged one of the things I've been uh very involved with is getting streets that are safe for all users of the road so I was very proud to see that this ordinance is finally taking place and yes there is an advisory committee made of people like within the Departments but there will be a lot of um public engagement as well as looking at it from looking at streets from an equity perspective knowing who's using the streets and how they're using the streets I'm very happy to say that um another action for sustainable Jersey that I I'd like to discuss is also um the community equity and diversity profile report and this is just an analysis of our community as it is Laura talked about the health and all policies assessment which sets a platform as we look at health and Equity as we're doing our policies about making Red Bank a better place to live and so mine is just a little bit about um who's in our community so if you don't mind I'll read and I'll try to read really quickly and um Laura you will get a copy of this um this report was also shared with the planning board as well so the community equity and diversity profile is an action developed by sustainable Jersey and was initiated by the borrow sustainable Jersey coordinator that's sh Ebanks fil this report serves as a look at at the borrows diversity based on the available demographic and spatial data another focus of this report is to identify the socially vulnerable populations within the municipality and now the Bor communicates with them this exercise helped compile basic information about Community diversity and the communication necessary for Designing and implementing monitoring and evaluating Equitable policies decision-making processes programs and practices the Bor will use this information to better understand how to provide more Equitable Communications public engagement and the determination of the appropriate assistance resources to address the needs of certain social groups it goes into the 20 uh 23 master plan the Red Bank today report of the borough's 2023 master plan provides a det DET analysis of the borough's demographic and economic Trends the study compares the trends of the county to the borrow for specific data sheets please see the master plan for further breakdowns red bank's population growth increases at a slightly higher rate than the overall County the younger populations have grown in the borrow while declining throughout the county the age cohort of 65 and older grew more within the county than the borrow and the borough's household growth was lower than the counties red bank's housing unit growth was lower than that of the county red bank's median household income increased by 26% from 2010 to 2019 which is slightly higher than the county which increased by 21% the borough's demographic profile and the master plan coincides with the information gathered for this report and then it goes into the key takeaways Okay so this is the demographic P um data the total population according to the American Community survey 20122 is 12868 60% of the population is between the ages of 20 and 66 62% of the population's race is white non-hispanic 7.4% of the residents have some form of a disability 31.4% of the residents household income is under $50,000 51.8% of the residents own their own homes 45.5% of the residents rent is more significant than 30% of their income 35% whose primary language is other than English 25% of the total population were born outside of the US and the majority of the Immigrant residents are from Mexico it goes into our communication networks how do we reach out using the information gathered from the ACs and census in addition to the experience and Community engagement response from the 2023 Master planning process the following presumptions can be made regarding communication networks for vulnerable marginalized social groups social groups are people with similar demographic characteristics but these are not mutually exclusive categories individuals may simultaneously belong to several such groups vulnerable populations include lowincome communities of color immigrant populations people with limited English profic proficiency children older adults and people with disabilities so what they found was under the vulnerable marginalized social group with distinct communication needs were the Hispanic latinx population elderly lowincome africanamerican the unhoused and unsheltered the communication channels for these marginalized um and vulnerable social group is face-to-face meetings non English literature Word of Mouth within cultural and linguistic communities faith-based institutions tabling or announcements at community events or venues and social media so here are some examples of community organizations and networks that are used by vulnerable social groups the Red Bank Senior Center lunch break Parker family health Redbank Public Library St Anthony's Church Pilgrim Baptist Church First Baptist Church which has the feast heartwarming Center jbj Soul Kitchen VNA American friends service committee vinal civic association food pantry and Family Support Center the Red Bank Police Department with the volunteer translator program as well as the police department again with the social worker partnership program so the next steps are is that the borrow has taken steps to hire a community engagement coordinator who will be more than likely bilingual and will take on the role of being a liaison for the municipality to to the public and residents the coordinator will be familiar with social media and other online platforms to interact with the public and provide them with upto-date information Additionally the coordinator will work with the different departments to assist and identify engagement needs and communication strategies for public involvement they will ensure that all literature and messaging presented to the public is delivered in English and Spanish furthermore there will be collaboration with the coordinator and existing community organizations to assist all the groups within the board so that's what I have then I don't think have anything new from Parks and W today um I do want to respond to um Aid's story of his um heroic actions and and the whole department over there at the fire and I do thank you for sharing that it's amazing to hear like that in the first person you know actually hear it usually in the first person up here and so grateful for you and all the other volunteers um for the many services whether it's first aid or firefighting or just with Samaritan ship something we can't take for granted um you know it's a chilling we I mean murder yes is in my neighborhood and their other victim um you know and as a lot of disturbance about it in our household as well as many others there have been a number of murders in Red Bank since I've lived here since I guess 96 when we moved in and it's chilling you know um this you know it's affected definitely affected us um and the last thing is that I wanted to you know we have the Nan I staff the office sour at the senior center and it's one of the best things as a counsilman I think I've done um I appreciate Nancy always coming every Wednesday morning and some of you others visit us too uh like this week we heard about zoom and it reminds me how many how much interaction I have with residents who actually watch these Mee Facebook uh Zoom YouTube sc's channel or whatever and um you know it's it's important that we have this digital availability of these meetings so that people who are not able to get here for one reason or another can here and take part um you know we don't always have perfect digital computer support here because it's multitasking our manager multitasking and probably we need to invest in upgrading our system and I think we're working on that I think it's on your list um but that's it those are my comments Mr Mayor thank you very much for your time thank you Ben Laura hi um a few things first of all I want to thank David and Kate for both being at that fire um I know that it was I reached out to a couple of my friends that live in that community and I know it was Tak care of very quickly and I'm glad you're okay Dave thanks for all your service both you um happy to serve on a council with both of you um couple things you know as we're here for a year now I can't believe year already um a few things that I thought we highlighted um the Committees that I leaon to we're getting the three aeds in the library which we I thank hkin sack M and review for that um they look great they're on every floor which I hope we don't have to use them but now we have them if we need them um we also the library just to update people that the elevator contractor um that's moving along the architect came to measure the doorway so maybe soon we'll have an elevator um some other things from the library these having Campfire Story Hour every Wednesday at 6 PM in July and August um there's still time to sign up for summer reading read books attend programs and get cool prizes and Fridays in July at 2m join us for baby and me yoga at the library um the Animal Welfare um we did collect over a th000 pounds of Joel food and cat food for the lunch break this year which I think we've done really good with that we hope to have a couple more YY hours um while broadwalk is still open and that's pretty much it for me thank you thank you l k me just pull this report up okay um so I'm just speaking as the Le on to the community Equity engagement committee um and this is basically just a summary of their diversity report all right so CE said survey to committee board and commission members to understand the diversity of our members at present time and make recommendations for the future this project originated as an action item for Red Bank sustainable Jersey certification can everybody tell what season it is um so once again it has cannot be overstated thank you so much to councilwoman Nancy Blackwood for her work on all sustainable Jersey actions for years I know she was actually also the person who wrote uh this survey that went out through the C so always credit words do um so the goal here is to have diversity of our commit of our committees reflect the diversity percentages of our community so the CC compared the data from their survey to the data of the 2020 US Census primary areas of focus were age gender and race and ethnicity and then they highlighted some major findings but I just want to point out before I state that that this full report and the graphics to go along with it will be shared on the community Equity engagement committee's Facebook page um so these are the notes they gave you gender according census male versus female is pretty well split however the survey showed 63% of members are female R is and ethnicity most notedly we need to recruit more Hispanic members the sensus showed that nearly 24% of Committee of the community is Hispanic with just 7% as committee members um Next Step brainstorm sessions on ways to reach out to a more diverse audience the session should include representatives from the CC and other committee members burough employees and mayor and councel full report will be available on the C burough page and their Facebook page next week any questions or comments can be sent to RBC e at Redbank nj.org or posted to the Facebook page and I also just wanted to take this moment to highlight that the uh volunteer uh recruitment form that we have on the Bure website is still up and it's a rolling submission so if there's anybody who's interested in joining any of the Committees um the form is still up there that was something that we started when we took a form government to do more Outreach to people to find new members and we've had success with it there's people that we don't know in this town that wanted to serve so it's been a really great new tool so thanks thank you Kate um it's been just over a year since this Council was uh sworn in although I was here a little bit longer and Kate obviously uh longer before that and um I thought I would you know if you could cue like the you know the Kenny Loggins music through the years I thought I'd go through some highlight some of the things that we um we had a hand in accomplishing this is by no means a comprehensive list um we got the pickleball and tennis and basketball courts resurfaced at East Side park uh we got new decking done along the water Riverside Gardens Park we started the social worker program we um we revised the historic preservation committee documents we completed phase one of our leadline replacement we started work at Marine Park we revised our short-term rental um ordinance and made it enforceable uh we replaced the playground at Camp basy fields we revised our film ordinance we awarded three cannabis licenses and one cultivator license regardless of what you might read only three licenses have been awarded three licenses three did we mention three licenses three LIC three three licenses um we expanded our single use Plastics band that include takeout Cutlery and condiments uh we codified the broadwalk so it doesn't have to be a resolution every year we rewrote the municipal code and hired a manager we revitalized the mayor's Wellness campaign we've been holding consistent weekly office hours of both mayor and Council uh we took a shot at revising the um parking ordinances to try and deal with trailers and commercial vehicles and that's still a work in progress so uh very happy to be working with this team Jim you've been an excellent addition we rehired Mr Canon here Laura has been a rock star and I'm not just saying that because her and her me and her dog have a thing going on that's not why I'm saying that is doing great um yeah oh there you go you got the music that all right that's all I got Chim what music do you want for your report Chim Metallica all right hey my report is not as exciting as that but I did want to uh this did make it to a notification by the burrow today although not a burrow project um and not a b contractor that was hired we did have a sewer forc man that was struck by a contractor at the New Jersey Transit lot unfortunately with a force main it can't be shut off so we've had an extensive amount of uh sewage discharged to the uh storm drains in that area um obviously all parties will be held accountable the D has been reported to and on site I was out on site several times today U made contact with the project manager for that that project it was geotechnical um environmental board rings that were going into the ground so it's a it's about like a 4 to six inch augur that goes into the pavement to collect uh soil samples um they went in an area where our water utility department specifically Bobby holiday told them to avoid um they didn't avoid and they struck the sewer Force man y we immediately called in Mark vasek who has been working on our water and sewer in the bur since the 1970s uh I know Mark V from working in Seager bur as well he works in I believe 28 municipalities well known throughout Mammoth County um he stopped his contracted job that he was doing in another town and immediately mobilized in Red Bank today so that work is ongoing uh they're looking to put a coupling and clamp on that pipe and get that hole closed up as fast as possible um we did put out notification to avoid any River activities water activities on the river um any shell fishing and you know fin fishing and to avoid that until some water samples are taken and cleared by DVP it's an unfortunate event but one that we handled immediately um and again I can't overstate enough was not created by the burrow um the Marine Park parking lot is underway there's work going on there now on the new parking lot at Marine Park um the mayor myself and I and mayor myself and Oscar um from Recreation met with the school board this past week to discuss the Green Acres application with the count Facey bleachers to see if we can get to some resolution on that lease agreement as they are a party to that lease agreement as well we have a current Green Acres lease agreement with um the the school board through 2034 this new application would require an additional for a total of 25 years which is what those uh lease agreements have to be in additional 15 years on top of that so we are requesting that the school board um work with us to to get that grant money about a little over a half a million dollars that is available to us to complete that wheer and Press Box project um but it's contingent upon the school board's agreement there um I've also met with verada who's a camera company and they do a number of different Access Control Logistics um we have 2017 available funding to do some sort of it camera upgrades oh that money is available and once I became aware that it's available I saw a need for cameras in multiple areas of the burrow specifically our parks to help with deterrence um you know obviously in times when it's needed by the police department and just to monitor uh public spaces like our parking lots and things like that for you know security and safety um so we have met with them to discuss that project in Greater detail they're going to be coming on site on Tuesday to do a full walk through of the burrow uh with multiple sites down Sunset dpu 90 Mammoth all the parks and and a look at the parking lots as well so I don't have a full overview of that project yet that's what I'm looking to get from them but they are also a part of a co-op which guarantees competitive pricing so uh next meeting I'll ask for resolution to just become a member of that Co-op it's no commitment by the burrow other than becoming a member so then you can obviously apply for that funding through that Co-op and I did just want to state in reference to the homicide on on um River Street yesterday um I was contacted by Captain frzy pretty immediately when that happened I want to State and I can't overstate this enough these guys have been working around the clock they have not let up to figure out what happened what transpired and who is responsible and I am confident as the bur manager under the leadership of Mike frzy that this is going to get solved that they're working extremely hard these guys look tired but I'll tell you what they have their boots on the ground they've been all over that Community talking to people and um I'm fully confident in them with their work with the mammoth County prosers office so um it's definitely a coordinated effort and um they're not GNA be on the street for much longer thank you Jim do we have exact session right then uh can I have a motion to adjourn second all in favor hi all right in two weeks what