of 1975 chapter 231 inadequate notice of meeting has been provided by notice since the Asbury Park Press and the tour of times posted in the main lobby of Municipal Building as well as the municipal website can we have a roll call please may Forman Greg fitgerald here thas wel present Christina bonis here Dan manuso here Lou D here Barbara bis here Megan Massie here Wilson B absent Hernandez here Frederick Stone here Brian kigan here great welcome everyone we're going to do a a slight change in the agenda not a significant change so don't worry we're going to move the minutes in the resolution till later we're going to quickly bring up 54 Northbridge Avenue block two lot 18 um just so that I I want to make a notice to the public we are going to carry this application assuming that everyone votes for it the the carry they submitted some uh plans this afternoon our engineer has not had an opportunity to review them those new plans that they submitted in our opinion would require another look um from them to update their traffic report and in light of that um and the ability to have this all in one meeting rather than bifurcated we I'd like to make a motion to carry the 54 North Bridge Avenue to the April 15th meeting chairman before you do that you want me to swear in Mr my apologies we have a a member swear in raise your right hand and repeat after me I I say your name do solemnly swear do solemn swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially partially and justly and justly perform all of the duties perform all of the duties of the office of a planning board member the office of a planning board member Red Bank planning board Red Bank planning board to the best of my ability best my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you it's wonderful uh do we have a second to carry the application to April 15 second all in favor any opposed I look at the accept sorry Mr chairman I'm Edward manard Minard representing the app tonight we had submitted notice to uh so I have with me original outdated publication and proof of notice I can file with the board I've already sent copies to the board clerk wondering if if we could just have a declaration that's sufficient absolutely your notice is in order and I was just about to say to the public we're going to carry this to April 15th with no further notice to the public the applicant is not needed to Ren notice this is your only notice that this is being carried to April 15 so if you're interested in coming back then please do thank you everyone sit down make sure the micro sit over there please um make sure the microphone's working and pull it up real Rockstar close we very much need to hear you on the recording good evening I'm Santino I'm the owner of 58 record place which is the property right next door to 54 North PR and I Rec noticed I have my print out from the computer um from the United States Post Office that I received it uh eight days seven days before the meeting and I have not had the opportunity yet to retain counsel I will be retaining counsel as as well others um in the surrounding um neighbor so we will be ready to go with that but that's seven8 no the notice is very critic and that um and I have a copy of it although my to be part of it um it's very small it does not say that it's currently operating as a long that and everybody that we talked to do not even know that this is actually the address for the laundr map because it's very misleading because it says 54 North Bridge Avenue but it it faces Lighthouse ice cream so people who are not aware we need time to be able to make sure that everyone else that we speak to understands what is exactly the property that is seeking um this planning board um approval well you now have 40 days to do that okay thank you I I mean I the notice would went out it was was it mail within the 10 days yeah and just to be clear it's the proof of mailing date it's the proof of mailing date that counts in terms of in terms of the 10day not the actual receipt date uh in this case you'll have more more than enough time thank you thank you the notice was in the form prescrib by y yeah that's that's fine as I said we accepted your notice and consider Val thank you everyone I to ask how another letter won't go out saying about the adjournment how will anybody know anybody who was interested in this application and wanted to speak or learn more about it needed to be here tonight so that my my notice that we're carrying it without further notice is all that's needed okay thank you you're welcome okay let's do 101 Harding Road we have the Middle School Mr chairman I need to recuse myself turn off your mic please thank you good evening good evening you guys see her right has to sit and pull it real close while it is the 21st century our technology is not yes I'm Itor Taylor from okay if you could both raise your right hand to be swor swear you both in do you swear the testimony you are to give here tonight she be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do and could each of you just state your name and spell your L for the record Taylor t a y l o r okay tell us what you're doing okay so um we're doing some work Middle School um weeling the fields two Fields we've got existing GRE space anding a that through used by um replacing a old Maintenance building at the north of [Music] strcture we're also redoing as you can see the space in the CER and that's building which an outdoor classroom with 12s um and then we're also providing on the outside of path the dark green um an separation between the pathway and the neighboring properties two spaces um and also which will Sports in that area ch I think just couple other things there is a pavilion proposed adjacent to the steps you need build the left side of the plan to the paring lot uh it is important to know there are no new structures there's no building addition it's essentially just the fields and a widen of the roadway to buses we do have an increase in appr coverage of square fet have a small scale infiltration Basin proposed to ACC com the additional runoff that is propos from Project it's going to be located on the just I stated there is a proposed building we are maintaining the accessory use setback for that building believe it's 12 feet to that new structure there are two existing trailers there in a shed they will be removed as project so and there is no changes to the access access is going to continue as it is in the existent condition and as far as utilities the only thing is as Olivia stated we will have a new irrigation system but the school serve with exis utilities and there are no ility does anyone from the board have any questions I just just one Dan what is the disc com mik please what is the distence between the old building where the proposed is and the actual brick building where it gets narrow where it comes out to paring I believe it's about around 20 20 this is about right thanks truck up there yeah we got in there I know that's good does anyone else on the board have any questions any engineering concerns with have uh just uh what is the path going to made up the as as it was felt best option for maintenance longterm no other questions you like you don't like that answer no no I mean permeable would be nice but asphalt is fine as long they're mitigating it so it's fine any from the public have one more thing the no lighting no new lighting we have lighting building which provide sunlight to and then we're running additional conduit to both the area and to the Future provision of lighting no field lighting for this project but it will be provided for you for the future so where the pickle ball court is now that there there's a possibility that that may have some lighting later on or potentially we're providing a cont for it if it's gotcha the idea is not right now we're trying to keep the lights as down as possible because nebor but it it's to be used by anybody at any time or there the is used by anybody any time I believe just asking because I know pickle ball is loud I have one behind my house so imagine that might be a new element if later on people are out there at night and because there's lights on it gotcha thank and if you do end up wanting to light it you'll obviously have to submit plans for that especially because you're you're up against makes sense anyone from the public have any questions the school coming and presenting to us this to us is really a formality there is no approval required by the board it's just a nice old friendly thing to do although I'm sure there's a law that says they have to do it but um Shauna will simply provide a letter to the Board of Education that there were no objections from the planning board and uh we thank you for your time thank you your outlet fixed all right so we have two um meeting minutes January 8th and January 16th we will do them individually but before we do does anyone have any comments questions or Corrections for either of those minutes um thank you so we'll do January 8th is there a motion to approve the January 8th minutes so move second second all in favor any opposed have tostain everybody here yeah I should not have done it all in favor we're doing the we're voting on this based on who was here go ahead yes gregal yes uh Christina bakis yes D yes Megan Messi yes Hernandez yes Frederick Stone yes and Brian pan yes same for January 16th if there's no additions we'll do a vote on that for the folks that were here oh I'm moving second who's second second Fitzgerald yes Christina bakis yes Dam yes Lou Demento yes Megan manie yes Hernandez yes frerick Stone yes ban fan yes and we have the resolution of approval for 199 Riverside Avenue block one lot one which is the old Exon station Mr chair um asked about the dumpsters whether or not they should be mov I do have no that meeting think that a part of the condition is that dumpsters would so would so there are no dumpsters that's in the resolution they they're just using Refuge fins they are using private cage which is in there but what's not in there is the movement of that trash area to the side of the building I'm pretty sure we talked about this being on the northwest side of the building to get it away from the residential use everyone recall that I I recall that but I think the discussion was was kind of mixed up because we talked about that particular thing oh I'm sorry um I I think we I my recollection is we had talked about moving the dumpster over there but I don't and but I don't actually recall saying that the garbage cans would be there too well there's not going to be a dumpster anymore there no know that I know I know so so does that mean that they understand that they have to put the garbage cans over there well that's what's not in the resolution I would like add it to the resolution okay that the we'll just call it the refu area right is going to be on the Northwestern side of the building yeah at that point in time almost True North so the Northwest side of the building yeah there will be room with the for the garbage their testimony was that they were not going to have a tremendous amount of tray no they shouldn't since most everything gets carted away by the vendors so if that change is anyone want to make a motion to approve the app the the resolution so move is there a second was that blue blue oh wait but he wasn't here he can see Mo um you weren't here for that meeting yeah that the six remember I I'll I'll I'll second it and we'll keep going do a roll call Dano yes barbar Boz yes Megan man yes Hernandez yes yes so our next meeting is cancelled yes the meeting will not well the January the March 18th meeting is cancelled so our next meeting is going to be April April 1 Ming 10 we're making a slight adjustment in our schedule which will be published I hope this doesn't inconvenience everyone we're moving temporarily or perhaps permanently from the first Monday to the second Wednesday our first meeting of the month so the first meeting of the month will now be the second Wednesday of the month the third meeting will still be the same I will s and'll a new only temporarily and we'll work on it I'm we're extremely sorry for the circumstances but um convenience but some circumstances and we're just trying to so our next meeting is April 10th and there's also and the 15th so Wednesday and then the following Monday it's gonna be back to very weird but and hopefully it will only be temporary so that's where we are right now Shauna is going to publish a schedule she'll send you all an email you can adjust your calendared anyone have anything else motion to rej Second all in favor be a long one