good evening everyone welcome the Red Bank planning board will come to order this 15th day of April 2024 I hope everyone has paid their taxes the time is 7:03 p.m notice of this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the aspbury park press the two of our times and posted in the main lobby here in the municipal building as well as the municipal website can we have a roll call please mayor Portman absent rgal absent Thomas wsh absent Christina bakis D manuso Lou Demento Barz ABS Megan Messi Wilson B Hernandez here frerick Stone here Brian Baran welcome again everyone we have um Kevin Kennedy our zoning board attorney filling in for uh Mark Lex tonight we have no minute minutes or resolutions we have one public hearing which is 54 Northbridge Avenue block 2 lot 18 Two River green LLC in the br1 zone additional use and site plan approval the applicant seeks conditional use and minor site plan approval for licensed cannabis retail facility that the applicant proposes to operate at 54 Northbridge Avenue app applicant proposes no site modifications other than addition of a van accessible parking space and handicap ramp to meet requirements of ADA Mr minardi welcome back thank you Mr chairman which side much Mr chairman as the applicant uh Team comes forward may I uh with your consent and permission uh do a couple preliminary procedural things all right so first up uh let's swear in um Shauna Ebanks uh a professional planner and Burrow's director of Community Development and we'll also swear in Jacqueline durman our board engineer uh ladies if you could Raise Your Right hands do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you provide any will be the truth the best of your knowledge to help you God yes all right let the record reflect that both uh Witnesses have been sworn and um Mr chairman I'll I'll uh Mark into the record what we as a board have before us already just so we're laying a clear Foundation uh A1 is going to be the uh zoning application package A2 is the uh Red Bank uh floro Red Bank plans for conditional use permit prepared by TCA group dated November 11th 2022 consisting of four sheets A3 is the updated survey plan dated June 30th 2023 A4 is the denial of zoning permit dated March 31st 2023 A5 is the application checklist dated August 15 2023 A6 is a narrative of intent A7 is the preliminary and final minor site plan uh prepared by Dynamic engineering dated January 26 2024 last revised March 26 2024 consisting of 13 Sheets A8 is the response letter prepared by Dynamic engineering dated January 30th 2024 A9 is a secur plan um prepared by the applicants and it's uh dated December of 2023 A10 is a response letter prepared by uh James Henry and Matthew Burch of dynamic engineering dated a I'm sorry dated April 4th 2024 a11 is a trip and parking generation uh letter prepared by uh Bowman Consulting Group dated April 2nd 2024 uh for the me for the record will Mark as a12 the owner's letter of consent a13 we have a uh review email memorandum from the buroughs environmental commission dated February 24th 2024 A4 we have a shade tree commission email uh review memorandum dated February 18 2024 and a15 is the TM Associates review memorandum dated April 12 2024 and sha somewhere in my um package I saw the traffic uh report or analysis but then I saw one page there's both that's yeah that's other one so then sure so we'll mark this as a16 I'm sorry sorry I think a16 was part of A1 oh was it part of A1 I think I that is something I okay sueded by the traff okay in the application so we'll just put that as part of your okay so we will not Mark that as a16 and then uh Mr chairman the only other thing before we turn it over is just uh sometimes I find it helpful uh the name of the applicant uh we should probably just for the record disclose who the principles are so if we know if we hear ABC Inc we might not uh think we have a conflict but if we hear that the principles we might say oh that's a client of mine or uh something like that so it the uh record suggests that the uh individuals who have a 10% or greater interest in two riverg greens LLC are Selena uh mford and Kent Yang so is there anyone hearing those names Mr chairman does that cause any conflicts or questions about conflicts or okay thank you good evening thank you councelor ladies and gentlemen my name is hold the mices it real close and if I could just make one quick announcement to to the public just so everybody knows the way we're going to handle this is the applicant is going to um bring up folks to testify if anyone has any questions at the conclusion of each person's testimony that's when you can ask questions comments will be held till the end thank you Mr chairman as I was saying I represent Two River greens LLC I'm sorry full rockar we want to make sure it gets on the record very good this is Ed minority minority minority representing the applicant to River greens LLC as floral LLC and underw the main change early on this process this is an application to convert the existing laundr at 54 North M to a retail cannabis store the store would take up the entire building no change to the footprint of the building is proposed the this is located in V the business residential one zone it's a conditional use of that zone the applicant seeks minor site plan and conditional use approvals it meets all conditions of the conditional use testimony will show that we seek no variances there are some pre-existing non-conforming conditions that will continue um the application will remove certain design nonconformities others will remain we'll get into that with the engineering testimony there's no change in the building footprint I'll be calling tonight as Witnesses a a fact witness uh who is responsible for licensing and opening and operating Cannabis stores Beal of this and other applicants a the design engineer of the site plan and a traffic engineer unless anyone has any questions I would propose to call Alexander and Mr chairman if I could just ask one question to Mr Mardi and uh just to make sure and I definitely don't want to jump ahead but I just um again filling in for the the the planning board attorney and I just wanted to se up just so that I'm clear and I think there might have been some discussion uh with the applicants attorney but I'm I'm not sure but if this application were to be approved is it then that they would also need a license from the burough of Red Bank that is correct okay I just want to make sure you're aware of that Mr manard aware that okay thank you I just to be clear I'm not cidate Council for this act I'm just land Ed guy so if you have questions about that sorry let's ask somebody else sure so I'm sorry I didn't get your name Alexandra delator and just spell your last name please it's three words d space l a space t o r r e okay and if you could just raise your right hand do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be the truth to the best of your knowledge to help you God and just for the record uh he'll get your credentials momentarily but you're testifying in Your Capacity as a licensed I'm a licensed California attorney however I have worked on 42 cannabis licenses um specifically I've obtained 24 licenses and the state of New Jersey start naming cities if that helps thank you so you're a fact based witness correct making not thank you so uh what is uh your relationship with the applicant so I am an attorney uh for puzzle Group which is a cannabis consulting firm um puzzle group is a vendor contractor for Two River greens formerly known as floro AR um and in this capacity we assisted in identifying the retail location um drafting the conditional State application and then also drafting the con annual conversion State application that was just submitted on uh April 4th 20124 can you please um describe the the property that's the subject of this application so Two River greens is proposing a class five retail dispensary at 54 Northridge Avenue also known as block two lot 18 at this time there's no deed restrictions the property is located in the business business residential one zone where cannabis retailers are permitted as a conditional use the property has one fixed commercial structure that's approximately 2,224 square feet um there's only one unit and the applicant will occupy the entirity of the unit um it's a pretty straightforward retail operation with no delivery planned at this time and the hours of operation uh will be 800 a to 10 p.m Sunday through Saturday in compliance with the bur of redings I'm sorry 8:00 am to 10 pm Sunday through Saturday thank you give the board um a description of the applicants history in terms of certifications and things like that so on October 26 2022 uh floro rbl LLC obtained a resolution of support for their proposed retail dispensary from the bureau Council and I'm sorry that was the dated that was October 26 2022 thank you uh on October 27th 2022 we received a zoning verification letter from zoning officer Ebanks um informing us that the property complied uh and met all sensitive use requirements including the thousand foot buffer from uh School Drug Free Zones um the applicant received their woman-owned business certification on June 1st 2023 and then received their conditional license of approval from the state of New Jersey on January 18th 2024 it's a Canabis license it's a conditional uh license correct that does not authorize you to operate a cannabis facility um and so in order to operate the Cannabis facility and obtain the license you have to submit your conditional conversion and that was submitted on April 4th 2024 so let's discuss the nature of the property itself um one question the B asked in the reports was about utilities what what kind of utilities are going to be using on so all utilities we will the applicant will utilize all the existing utilities um there will be no new utility needed thank you and what about eating ventilating and air conditioning um The Two River greens will also utilize all existing HV vacum um will there be any outside generators or noise making devices at all no outside generators or other use of electrical equipment of any kind what kind of improvements does the applicant plan to make to the outside of so the applicant intends to apply a Fresh coat of paint resurface the parking lot restrike the parking lot um also if you notice the building there's um several windows that cover the north side of the building and also East Side those windows will be covered with a thin opaque film as to render the um visib ibility no visibility to be able to look in however it will allow light to be able to shine through um and the interior the interior will receive Renovations as well thank you so what kind of products is the afcan propos to sell to this so Two River greens will only sell prepackaged tested and sealed labeled cannabis and cannabis products this can include flour concentrates Edibles tin drops um and no alcohol or tobacco will be permitted on the pris consumption of cannabis be permitted on the premises no I'm sorry I don't think the mic's picking you up just oh I'm sorry will consumption of cannabis be permitted on the premises no consumption of cannabis will be permitted on theis thank you can you describe the um operation of the facility in terms of what happens when a customer comes to make so before I jump into that really quickly if I could just point everyone to the diagram because I think that'll help with the operations it'll explain it it'll tie into the operations that's Mark that in or has that been marked already marked it as Sorry probably yeah A9 yes okay was also in A1 as well okay thank you I just want to describe the control access areas um so that when we go through the operation it just um easier to understand how traffic will flow or customers will flow um so to prevent the unauthorized entrance into the areas containing cannabis and to um prevent any cannabis theft each area within the floor plan is colorcoded um the the each color demonstrates the different types of access that limit access uh to authorized individuals only so unrestricted access is green right here this is where customers are permitted retail access area is in yellow right here and that's only available to people who show proper ID verifying that they're 21 years old the limited access areas are notated in red and these areas are limited to only those authorized to have access so any employee or city official that is um specific access and permission from the CRC uh within the limited access area the Secure Storage area and the office are considered highly restrictive and that's right here within um this highly restricted area is limited only to management and will require a two-factor identification including an access card and a pin code to access the only areas of the building that are accessible to customers include the reception area and the restrooms the retail sales floor once ID is verified and all other areas will be restricted to staff customers enter the facility at the north side of the building so this is the north side um they will come through meet the receptionists this is where the ID check will occur um any unauthorized person will not be allowed to enter the facility once the ID is verified the customer will be permitted into the retail sales floor right here with the access control um once since side the customer will have the option to browse menus view displays look at different products uh they will be able to order on their own on a kiosk or approach one of our POS systems here and have uh an employee help them obtain whichever products they prefer to manage customer flow we um propose curbside pickup and online orders which will help manage traffic before coming onto the site while the security and the receptionist will help control the reception area and the retail sales floor area once the transaction occurs the customer then exits right here through this store so as to separate um the incoming members and the outgoing members so that way there is no one that gets past security without being properly identified excuse me where does that exit door leave into the it goes right back into right here right into the lobby so you enter here enter there and then you exit right here go right back out okay you mentioned Access Control C structure you describe the access control sure so going to the access control this prevents um the unauthorized entrance entrance into areas containing cannabis and the F of cannabis as I mentioned earlier um Access Control devices are on every door leading into a limited access area as shown on the diagram by AC um so when you first enter the facility and once your ID is verified there's an access control right here to enter onto the restricted access area um there's no way for a an customer to be able to access the restricted access for employees because this also has an access control as well um each time an employee enters a restricted access area the access control device will log and authenticate member who wishes to pass through before unlocking same so so the access device um works by a code or something like that it's a it's a key fob and so then if you want the the restricted the highly restricted access where the storage area and the office is this requires a double Factor authentication so this would be a fob and a pin code okay how about the admission of the public from the green area reception area into the retail store area how that that access is controlled by the receptionists so once the ID is properly verified that the person is who they say that they are and they are in fact 21 and it's a a real ID then um there is an access control with the receptionist where she buzzes the okay and in terms of the handling of the product itself are the customers handling the product while we're examining it they are not so there is a case right here on the retail store or floor right there um it's locked and enclosed in glass so people are not able to go and just touch the product um there's also glass cases all right here where the POS systems are uh that way customers can come in and look at the product that they like um they would take their order from the employee at the POS system and the employee would automatically pick the product right then and there and that the transaction would occur thank you wanted to talk about odor mitigation but if there anything else on traffic flow customer traffic flow you want to address there's any questions question yeah chairman okay um so does the applicant propos to have any mitigation devices in place yes so Two River greens will have equipment sufficient to mitigate odor although retail establishments don't typically emanate odor because of the nature of their products being prepackaged um Two River greens will install multiple carbon filters around the facility near intake points and at points of air exhaust to filter any odor that I'm sorry multiple carbon what was it carbon filters got it thank you to filter any odor that may come from cannabis within the facility we will also as mentioned earlier not permit any on-site consumption on the premises um all entrances to Two River greens facility will be locked and strictly controlled there's only two entrances into the facility one entrance is limited to the customers here the second entrance here is for deliveries and employees only which will remain locked during all times um additionally Two River greens will only store cannabis products within Secure Storage area which is well within the building and also within the glass case um so that no product is visible to the street also the windows are opaque so there should be no visible on the street um and finally Two River greens will regularly clean the facility to prevent odor employees will perform light cleaning um as part of their opening and closing thank you please address issues concerning waste Generation by the facility Well as mentioned due to the products being prepackaged and open off site it's not anticipated that the retailer will generate significant amounts of trash uh we anticipate there being three types of trash recyclables trash from employees and in in the normal course of business and the third is cannabis waste um all recyclables will go into recyclable containers all trash from the business and employees will um will be designated for the two 95 gallon trash cans outside within a locked enclosure and all cannabis waste will be separated from all other waste and all other usable cannabis um and and this will be secured actually within the secured access area and we will have a special uh facilitator who will come and pick up the waste products on an as needed basis you describe uh whe tell the board please whether there will be any environmental impact from this Resort there shouldn't be any hazardous materials or Wastewater or any type of industrial or agricultural waste materials generated um Two River greens will Implement Implement a plan to have renewable energy reduce water waste conserve conserve water reduce emissions and reduce the impact they have on the environment thank you describ uh youarm be sure so the premisis is going to be monitored seven days a week 24 hours a day 365 days a year um they will have a professionally installed and maintained alarm system that is monitored at a central monitoring location off site the alarm system will cover all entrances and exits um if you look at the diagram we will have door contact transmitters marked by DC on each of the doors um the alarm magnetic door contact sense whether a door is open or closed and whether the two parts of the sensor are together apart um there will also be audible alarms indicated by the megaphone right here this is generated by the manual activation of a device intended to alert the monitoring company that a lifethreatening or an emergency is happening there's also another manually activated alarm indicated by K and this is the alarming keypad directly on the retail sales excuse me the reception area um there's also Panic alarm buttons to alert authorities of any emergencies um and this is indicated by H it's next to every single posos system also at the receptionist area and within the Secure Storage area as well which is also considered the off also the office excuse me right here um and in addition to that there will also be uh manually activated alarms that have interior access spaces that are covered by passive infrared motion detectors by MD and that is within each of the secure access areas and also the retail sales floor and reception area please describe video Sur so the the entire exterior of the premises will be covered by video surveillance if you take a look at the diagram it hits every single window so there's no windows on this side of the building but it does cover this wall um there's a camera right here that does 180 degree view also covering these two doors from the X exterior and the interior um as well as within the secure access storage area and within the reception area there's also going to be surveillance over every single POS system and this ISS um Le tape stored how U there's going to be at least 100 terabyte of hard drive storage on site and then they will also contract with an appropriate internet service for remote viewing and remot remote access so it's the digital images correct and will it be available to the police uh upon request by The Bu of police yes talk about delivery of merchandise to the property inventory control things so delivery is done in vehicle much like a Ford Transit van it's very small delivery vehicle that can fit into a normal parking space um this should be done anywhere from two to three times a week and it will be done before hours of operation um deliveries will be made through this door right here on to the right which will be limited to only employees and for deliveries regarding inventory control to maintain quality control and inventory uh two River greens will utilize a track and Trace system that is integrated within the P system um that records inventory and the movement of cannabis to and from the facility has be handled in the site so every transaction that occurs will be reported by the POS inventory system show secure access area all cash received except that needed for retail custom Custer transactions will be kept in a secure drop once the employee reaches a certain threshold the employee then um takes the cash and puts it into the secure lock drop a drop safe correct it's a drop safe um there will be armor card pickups um and that will also occur periodically how secures Secure Storage area um it's pretty secure it's reinforced with maximum security ASM 50-13 mesh which creates a penetration area behind drywall that's used to secure government uh commercial and Retail buildings all over the world security mesh is then fastened um to the metal studs to inhibit bending or the ability to cut and will be finished with fire resistant G finally will there be any security guards at the property uh two River greens will contract with licensed security guards and there will always be one security guard per shift to guard the premises uh their function will entail monitoring the premises during deliveries surveying premises for criminal activity and suspicious Behavior theft and diversion prevent loitering and onsign consumption ensure all people entering the premises are over 21 report any Intruders or emergencies and maintain security logs there anything else you'd like to add um although Two River greens doesn't anticipate being a nuisance they will establish a community relations contact for um anyone within 100 feet of the facility so in case that you know there is an issue or some sort of complaint they will be at one designated person that will receive those complaints who will be an OnStaff employee um and they will be available any time uh either before business hours or during business hours to to take in process complaints if any I have no further questions I have a couple questions uh is are the transactions all cash uh no credit cards if if permitted they debit cards not credit cards well will the security be armed if the burrow police would like them to be armed then that something that we could speak about but as of right now the plan is not to have we submitted to police for comment and they had no com okay um how how is your product what what type of packaging not end user packaging delivery packaging is used for the product to come to the property so it's it's very minimal packaging of course you have to understand that yes the packages need to arrive in something so um it's it'll be minimal bulk packaging and we'll also utilize vendors um who have uh recycled programs uh to incentivize using less waste so as far as your [Music] non-cannabis um trash and recyclables how often do you anticipate the TR the tra regular office trash pickup to B I would anticipate it being regular pickup times so you'll schedule that with a private huler to pick up at Whatever frequency the operator would like to do priv arrange falling right correct okay well are are you meaning cannabis waste or no I know you've got a separate plan for cannabis waste I mean office waste and as well as recycling we just want to make sure you're using a private hauler and you you obviously don't have a lot of space to store this correct so you've got a plan for that correct yes okay um we will try to set up a pickup for before operate hours of operation that would help uh my last question you mentioned curbside pickup maybe the engineer can cover this do you have designated parking or spaces for the curve site pick up at this time nothing is designated set in stone but we can anyone else from the board have any questions for the applicant or Miss Tator I have one question go ahead I was just gonna ask if you could uh describe a little bit better the the film that you mentioned would be in place in the windows do I understand correctly that that would allow light in but not out it will allow light in but it renders it opaque so you can't see whatsoever it's just it's it's a thin fil that you so there would be no light from the inside visible to the outside I don't believe so I have one more followup to that that's a lot of glass any security concern with that much Open Glass no security conern conc ER there are um on every single window there are blast brake detectors and we have uh surveillance cameras covering all of the windows so no concern okay a you mentioned that uh you don't plan on having a backup generator uh but you have an expensive security system what is the uh energy fallback uh system for the for the security the line doors and I mean I know some of them come contained with their own battery resources but lot going on there is there is a backup system that's battery operated the UPS system um and I can get you more details on that but the way that the the if there was a failure then the UPS system would prevent the failure from happening or any tampering so there would still be sufficient energy to continue to operate services and there the power did go out for you know amount of time that felt say a couple days I would say a couple hours to stop business at that time in order to to fix the issue right I I think I'd be curious uh you know what the backup power system is it some type of power wall you know can get you more information on it I just know it's a UPS battery back up system Mr B did I pronounce that correctly you're correct I just ask a couple of questions that might well professional firm who's called yes design it for you yes they will and you're not a security specialist I am not it'll be a professionally designed systemate and from the board have any questions I have question I have a question um the CRC just passed the law allowing for um consumption areas within um these retail stores um can you confirm that your client will not allow consumption rooms or any of that sort even if they plan to do so in like the future confirming there will be no consumption Lounge now or in the near future okay that location no no consumption period no consumption period no consumption Prem are you the person to describe how many employees be on site so we anticipate there being anywhere from four to six employees of course um certain holidays we would anticipate there being more employees however we would um adjust but any given day would be anywhere from four to six employees including one security guard I'm sorry is that four to six maximum at one time correct on a normal day of operation how many people do you anticipate to be their customers uh this we anticipate there to be about eight to 10 customers per hour so about 24 customers a day chair could I ask a couple questions if you don't mind just out of curiosity thank you um you said you're from a cannabis Consulting Group and just and I don't know if this is a a stupid question or not is this a smaller facility that you would normally have a larger facility is there anything unique here about this uh setup and surrounding uses that that differentiates from other whether it's better or worse anything like that well the location is it's you know right when you're coming up off the bridge so it's front and center in the Gateway um as far as a square footage it's right within the Sweet Spot of a normal cannabis facility right around 2,000 to 2,500 square feet and what about the is there an appointment process or is just all walk-ins uh there is a queueing system that we would have online to incentivize people to um order online our online system would allow us to cue people because let's say that you know we know we anticipate 2:15 p.m. and I'm just naming a name to have more traffic then we would um eliminate those time slots and only allow people to register time slots where there would be um more parking spaces or more you know opportunity for them to be helped quicker because when I've driven by some other establishments and I In fairness I don't know what type of establishments they are but I sometimes see lots of lines lots of queuing outside is that going to happen here and why or why not it's not going to happen here so every every week that goes by more and more cannabis dispensaries are open um I mean I believe I checked two weeks ago and there was 114 dispensaries open so of course when they first open there's going to be you know crowds of people we would anticipate that early on and make adjustments as necessary um however I don't anticipate especially given that this this um the population here and it's more of a summer um you know destination area for people we don't anticipate that occurring at the location and then you you had referenced the employee shifts what what what are those shifts if you know um I believe there will be anywhere from two to three shifts in a day opening and closing just depending on uh how busy we anticipate being for that week and what about what what type of employees is there a pharmacist on site or no pharmacist no pharmacist and what what type of employees we'll have a receptionist a security guard and some sort of manager on site um at any given time there'll also be Bud tenders and um in terms of um is there a limit on does a CRC have limits on how much product one individual person can purchase or it there is no regulation on that there is a limit okay and how do you govern that that's that's governed by the POS system that it has track and Trace so as soon as you come in you're instantly identified by your ID barcode and that tracks how much um cannabis that you have purchased in any given day and just out of curiosity is it networked with other dispensaries or is it just unique to yours it's all of one track and Trace system so there there's several track and Trace systems but they all have this they all enter into the same data but there's different systems different platforms I would say and and just Mr chairman I'm sorry just for the record is there any cultivation or wholesaling or manufacturing or growing on site no cultivation no manufacturing and I'm sorry what was the last one um we said wholesaling growing manufacturing okay thank you Mr all products will be free packaged I have another question you mentioned that there's people can order online how do you manage if there is a queue out a walk up queue outside and someone has a timed slot to for their online order how do you manage that physically from the outside they wait in the same line as everyone else uh no so when when you enter onto the retail floor area so people aren't automatically going to come and go to a POS and Order their products sometimes people you can order from your own kiosk which will be there will be Kiosk for them to order I'm not sure if that one is but there will be kiosk place so people can order individually for themselves um but as far as online ordering we would anticipate they come in they get their ID checked and they would go directly to the POS give them their name verify the ID on to ensure that they are who they say they are and then hand over the product um because payment would be done online so it would be a pretty quick process so how many people how many customers maximum do you anticipate being or could you handle in the property at one time inside um I mean it would really just depend on how long each person you know took to to order their product that with a ticket time of anywhere between you know two and eight minutes um probably help anywhere between between 10 and 12 people per hour so will there be a limit on the number of people you'll let in in either into the green reception area at one time Andor into the yellow customer area at one time what's your maximum load you'll let in at one time that would depend on how many employees are on the retail sales floor at at any given time um if I would I just don't want to guesstimate well you don't have to guesstimate but I'd like an answer I mean think you know business is booming you you can max out the number of salese you have how many people are going to be in this place at any one time at your highest well if there's four to six employees and there's a reception person and a security guard that would mean that there would be anywhere between two and four people at P's so during that time we would be able to permit anywhere between four and five people onto the retail sales floor at one time and how much room do you have in the green reception to cue people let's say it's horrible weather they don't want to wait outside how many people do you anticipate is too many for you to have in that room that you that your reception person would feel uncomfortable with X number of people queuing inside um we would limit that to how many chairs there are in the facility and so right now I believe that there are just the two at the reception in the reception area so we would limit that to two Okay any else from the board have any questions um you mentioned that there is a bud tender what does that mean like what would that person do they're the employee who actually grabs the product and educates them on whichever product they that's the sales stat sales oh that's the sales that's what you call the sales stat general for the public have any questions for our applicant at this time regarding the testimony given so far just gonna and by swear her in you know what we're just gonna swear you in if you could just state your name and address please my name is syvia Constantino I resed rambling and thank you good evening and welcome do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be the truth the best you knowledge to help you go yes I do thank you and like everybody else pull that microphone real close need to gra a do go ahead I got good you noted that you are an attorney license in California not right just bring the mic a little bit closer is any of the the testimony that you've offered today based on any legal knowledge um of the state of New Jersey yes and what do you specialize in as far as heating ventilation air conditioning systems do you specializ in that could you go out to the um post site and inspect their heating ventilation and air conditioning system not do you know if it's if it's currently located on the roof pris it's not know I'm sorry the microphone is not picking you up I'm sorry know where it is uh they're in various locations can you tell us where they are I believe there's one on this side of the building next to the employee entrance and then also the and what is on top of the building to did you know that there's several um aluminum tin docks that were pointing up into the air which are now extended over the building are you aware of what's there now not did you testify that you would the site would be utilizing the current ventilation system if it was found to be sufficient yes are you aware of what the back of the building currently looks like yes or not as a it's conditioned today no do you know that there's several duct holes in the back of the building as well no do you know how close the uh existing the subject site is to the building immediately next to it 19 I believe that would be for the engineer can you tell me what the impact um of the cannabis store would have on the immediately immediate surrounding areas residential homes the other businesses have any it would not have any impa I'm the owner of 58 place and I am 7et from the applicant as his um establishment is right on the property line are you saying that there would be absolutely no impact on my Law Firm well the location is within a a retail area and there an ice cream place directly in front of it so the uses are compatible the uses compatible with an establishment that predominantly serves Children and Families it's compatible for people who utilize the product and what of um any safety issues with regard to the outside surrounding areas not a safety didn't you testify us to the Safety and Security plan is being proposed I I testified as to how the operation of the security plan did you cond any studies on security you testified that there would be surveillance for the inside of the store correct correct is there any surveillance for the outside of the store correct all outside as I pointed on the diagram here here this is 180 degrees you know I'm sorry for the record just don't say here sorry it no thank you um on the front door there's a a camera that 180° um angle there's also on the East and the west side of the building there's two cameras that are facing in opposite directions that also cover um the front door and the perimeter of the property is that one on the back of the building I see this correct this is 180 degrees that's 180 degrees and it's surveils my building as well correct how many feet does that go out really need to know how far take picture the microphone yeah to me it doesn't make sense if you live if you lived seven feet from that camera that it would yeah I mean it would if I lived seven feet from that or my office whatever if I had a bathroom in my office seven feet from that camera I'd want to know how far it takes picture so I think it's a reasonable answer a reasonable question and if you don't know the answer that we'll get it somewhere else I don't know the answer and if there were a problem that you were able to see on that camera how would you gain access to that area when he does not have access to the back of his building because he is on the property line and my property is f in so what would happen if how the police and um are you saying that there's not a heighten need for security no so um the security plan that you proposed or that you testified about would discourage loitering suspicious activity criminal Behavior theft and diversion of cannabis products is there a concern that that would occur no concerns or precautions why do you need precautions if they no concern grocery stores have security gs do they have armed security guards AR they won't be armed they won't be armed unless the bur of Red Bank and and then there's no safety or security concern to the children outside of the establishment if there's armed guards I just testified that there was no armed guards unless unless the B Red Bank is requested it but there's a need for this tight in security policy but you're telling me there's not a concern for safety I mean I believe that it makes an area safer if anything now you have surveillance all around you so now you have an extra precaution for your building the applicants um paperwork says that the store will drive business to other retail businesses including White House and bino um but there was no study done on the negative impact of my Law Firm the security firm behind me or the residents that live on the street is that correct there's no comment about the impact to the rest of us as I've read and more than happy to take your comment well well it was this is not a time for comments it's time for questions she wanted to know was there any study done of any negative impacts on the properties around there was a traffic study done okay but no study regarding crime or the uptick in crime that c that wasn't required did you consider the location of the other Cannabis stores that are in the immediate vicinity or that will be up and operating shortly yes and how does that impact the amount of customers coming to the proposed site you're being speculative because nothing is open at this time well there's one month of ver that's open on Bridge Avenue so can you repeat the question so given that there is um four approved sites all within Stones Throw with one another how does that impact the number of um trips to this store I'm not a traffic expert do you believe that um by situating four or five of Cannabis stores um within a very close proximity to one or another breeds of destination dra no grocery stores I would compare them to grocery stores to a we talked about minating odor home what what plan is in place for that just aside from the carbon filters it's an odor mitigation plan the carbon filters all product will be sealed um it within the Secure Storage area it will also be all free packag we will have and maintain regular cleaning on a daily basis did you say that the employees would do light cleaning correct what would that consist of sleeping mopping making sure all the are clean and free the and what steps would the store take if if there were to be odor emanating from the store because that could sely impact my business my building and the rest of the residential homes on the Block so well we have an odor we have a a complaint Community it excuse me we have a a complaint system where we have a community contact that you would be provided with a name and phone number and if there was any issue from odor emanating you would be able to contact them um at whatever time of the day to inform them of the issue they would do an investigation and if the um you know the complaint was substantiated they would take the necessary uh steps to make sure that those are no longer disturbing yourself or any the person who did who made the comments or the complaint with regard to customers possibly queing outside and then mingling with the customers from White House ice cream again predominantly families and children or loitering about the sidewalks how would you control that uh well sidewalks is not our if if they're loitering I ice cream the ice cream store is not our property so I can't control anything what happen isn't that doesn't happen on the property sorry say that most ice the ice cream storm what happens you said that they're mangling in the parking lot I can't control what happens on another business's parking lot do you think that you have sufficient capacity for all of the customers like the board said in the event of inclement weather or backing up with que yes and how did you arrive up the estimate of 74 customers per day we figure that the traffic report that the traffic expert will testify to that we would have about eight to 10 customers per hour given that the premises is open between 8 and 10 p.m. we roughly calculated about 74 per day so I understand there was a letter issued on October 27 2022 um to you from the borrow Red Bank stating that the subject site is not located within the boundaries of the Burrow's drug free zone or specifically within a th000 feet of any school Park Housing Authority public or private Youth Center is that correct that's correct would you say that an establishment like Lighthouse ice cream that prominantly serves children and families could not be considered to be included in that group I don't know the definition of um Community Family Center that you're speaking of okay but isn't it possible that that could be included in the definition your speculating private center ice cream caror attracts children and families do you really think it's in a drug free zone yes for the letter that was addressed on October 27th 20122 did you know that a school bus stop is in front of mon verie with the Red Bank Elementary scho no have you conducted site visits yes what days have you gone out to the property to see it I've been working on this project since July of 2022 I don't have the exact dates can you give me the amount of time that you've been out to the property I was out there um this morning I was out there April last March sorry this year I've probably been five times 2023 I've probably been about five times were you able to walk the surrounding areas yes did you not that there were family residential homes across the street yes did you notice that there was a la firm in close proximity to the Cannabis retail strap yes did you notice that that um there was a security firm uh in very close proximity to the Canada shop yes and you don't believe that any of those businesses will be impacted by the applicant yeah and what do you have that answer to base on based on what my personal knowledge of Licensing many dispensaries and what um New Jersey dispensary um did you get a license for that is located within the very near of of this community saddle New Jersey how far is that may thank you does anyone else from the public have any questions come on up Sir name and address please CHR Chris 35 pleas all right good evening and welcome do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you provide any will be the truth to best your knowledge to help you guide thank you said there would be no at the facility in the near that mean I'm sorry I didn't hear that say that again please representa there will be no consumption of Canabis at the facility I could I think the chair made it very clear that he didn't want to see anything we clarified n at all ever so imp there be it'll be in the resolution so has the resolution already been drafted is this no no not at all I'm just saying that that would certainly be a condition for us if we were to Grant approval for this application tonight many of the things that we're discussing now would be conditions that would go into a final resolution if there was ever an approval so you so you that coming into tonight no I wrote it down when we talked about it earlier very thank and and just to clarify I apologize I was just going off of the question and I believe the question to me was in in the near future and so I just played off of that there's going to be no consumption whatsoever on the premises just to clarify um coun when Mr Kennedy asked you what's G to happen if the cars for the patrons outside of cars are stacking up outside of the facility because there are too many for business to handle your first response I can correctly if I'm wrong was that's not going to happen is that correct I might have said that and then after that you said well it will happen when we first open is that correct correct and then go ahead please and then you said if it does happen we're going to limit prospective buyers who are trying to given the queue online is that correct correct so you've given three different answers to the same question well those are all online orders so you would be able to go in and and it's like scheduling an appointment so this is when I would go in to to buy my product just from where I'm sitting don't you think that I would credibility given three different answers to the same question and about your ability to respond in a in a knowledgeable way based upon real um anticipation um and experience that you had don't you think it would cause me to have concerns about you as a representative of this company no because the questions were asked the the answer that I provided were responses in different aspects different it just wasn't I think you took them out of context so for example if there is an overflow of traffic the security guard will come out and help direct traffic and in the flow of customers so let's talk about that so security guard is going to be credential to direct traffic they're not credential no they just help manage the flow of customers you said traffic traffic is flow of customers so so so pedestrian traffic inside you're building and on your lot is that what you like to is that what you were were representing or are you talking about vehicular traffic be you do you have that plan to provide to the members of the of the planning board how the employee of the business is going to direct traffic thank you so you you indicated that this spot that you chosen for the business ideal location expand on that sure so typically with cannabis businesses uh many operators prefer it to be a alone building much like this location as I mentioned it's right within the Sweet Spot of between 2,000 and 2500 square ft and it also um exceeds all the buffer requirements therefore making it an ideal location so um are you familiar with Rec CL uh somewhat familiar yes tell me what you Mr faant direct questions about the testimony please thank you so RoR place is a residential street it has been a residential street for 150 years uh is it your testimony that uh the place of business is an ideal location even though it opens onto a residential street with families and young children all the respect you're talking to the microphone please with all the respect to Mr fabrick if if he's trying to challenge the appropri of the zoning of the site that objection should be brought to the governing B the zoning is what it is and this application complies with it I don't see how it's relevant that he thinks these Zing is inappropriate given nature of the surrounding properties I I I understand your point Miss Del to did say it was an ideal location I believe she's was testifying to the fact that it's an ideal location for the applicant it it's certainly not an ideal location for the obors I think we all can agree on that but um Mr manard is correct it is permitted in the zone so if you could focus your questions outside of anything that is beyond our control uh or that's with within our control it would be helpful because the fact that you might not think it's an ideal situ ideal location isn't quite that relevant because it is permitted in the zone so it's not relevant to you Mr chairman that that the site is located on residential street or it's or look zoning zoning covers an area V1 covers a pretty wide area sure does and um what I'm trying to get out here is Rector place is so different than the rested V1 for 150 years it's been a a residential stream Rector is a residential street this property does not solely front on Rector place so if you've got another minute or so you want to talk about the Zone great otherwise stick to the rest of the whatever else you have anyone else in the public on up Sir just name and address please yes John Tarico 47 Rector place all right Mr Tarico thank you for attending if you could just raise your right hand do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you provide any will be the truth to the best of your knowledge to help you God help me go thank you question you know just into the mic sensitive mic question I have is that you EV have a lot of experience of based on that information and all the experience that you have you have a a profile based on experience so what after they become established they on up G down do profile or analysis done on it I have never done a profile or analysis but there have been several studies that have come out that have reflected that crime is actually decreased I but that's in other cities real not specific Massachusetts things like that but this one was for California yeah correct okay and then the other question was along the same vein um values is some kind of study that says that property values have gone up or come down because record place has gone over if I for a moment a massive renovation homes have been renovated homes have been fixed up and so our concern is the investment we made into the we call homes we want to know if we're going to expect a decrease in evaluation or not based on experience and based on your solely my opinion that you're asking for no I thought maybe had some kind of data there again there's I know I but I just interject for one second now and I don't want to not have you testify but if you're not and I'm not saying this but if you're not qualified to testify as to values I don't think you can testify and like I said but if you are qualified you can not qualified that's why I was asking wait is this an opinion so I apologize no so are you aware of any are you aware of any studies that that reflect a change up or down in property values after a cannabis retailer opens in a neighborhood I am aware of the studies that have occurred and property values have gone up I don't have the title and give you the name of the study but just given um you know economics when you look at a property um typically the lease rate is much higher than a normal business also the purchase price typically is much higher um on a commercial building therefore driving the property values up are you aware of any studies relating to residential values because I think that's what the folks on recor play are asking so if you're aware of those if you could provide those to Shauna at some point I cannot imagine we're going to finish tonight so if you could provide that to um our office we appreciate it and we happily share that with the public squeeze it in one more question this is more in terms of the building in light of recent reports and crime reports that you have gangs that come in they break the window and they with people robing everything I would be worried more about the glass that you have of that a question no it's not a question but I share your thought which is why I asked about the glass okay I was going to say question was are you planning on reinforcing some kind of wall or something behind that glass or something maybe even some kind of metal graining or something like that so fair question um we would take that into consideration if that's something that the board would prefer but at this time there's no plans for that okay thank you you're welcome and just so everybody knows this the security plan there's obviously a lot of detail from the state when security plans are created and they have to be acceptable to the local police department we're not going to get into specific security issues here it was a thought for me because there's a lot of glass there but as far as your security plan it's okay with the state and it's okay with the the chief of police and Red Bank we're certainly not going to get into the fine details of that here then also in the public have any other questions so far there a comment section there is it is unlikely that will be tonight but yes we do comments at the end um and people can speak for five minutes um each and then if we still have time and you've got something new to say you're welcome to come back up at that time any other questions from anyone I have a couple questions just to follow up sure why don't you pull that other mic over so we can get it on please so there was a question about um surveillance cameras and the coverage of surveillance cameras am I correct that state law requires exterior surveillance cameras and and okay and then um on odor mitigation am I correct that an odor mitigation plan has to be prepared as part of the Cannabis application that's correct the application to the local government or the state of both every municipality is different Red Bank did not require that when we received our resolution but we did it was required an aond conditional application to the state old plan was old mitigation plan was approved correct okay I have nothing else if I could just ask one question just for the record um just the applicant is to River greens LLC now and this might not be a question for you m and if it's not we can direct it but what is do they have experience in the Cannabis industry or is that question that we'll get someone or else um they do so one of the um owners Selena mord she has been in the Cannabis indistry um opening stores in Michigan owning and operating stores in Michigan under an Affiliated brand and how long is okay and how long has that been roughly if you know I believe since um I I'm not sure okay well fine and then the last thing is I know you talked you testified about the loading and unloading process and just generally speaking borrowing something unusual how long does that process last I know you said two or three times a week is it is it does it last 20 minutes deliveries yeah um I mean they they try to view in and out as quickly as possible just because they are getting there before business hours so can be anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes at Marx thank you thank you Mr chairman next Mr all right good evening if you could just uh state your name please Matthew bur b r s b r CH okay um Matthew if you could just raise your right hand do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be the truth the best your knowledge to help you God yes I do and just for the record you're testifying and your capacity as a licensed certified professional engineer thank you first would you give the board benefit of your professional qualification absolutely so my name is Matthew bur be and with Dynamic engineering 1904 Main Street I'm a licensed profal engineer in the state of New Jersey I have a bachelor's of Science and civil engineering from Ruckers University I have over 12 years of experience in the field of plan development I'm a principal at Dynamic engineering I've been accepted by over 30 boards throughout the state of New Jersey Main Street where like okay you didn't say I was just wondering Main Street Lake sorry okay um if no one has an objection I'm happy to um accept you as a an expert in the field of profal engineering thank you thank you Mr chairman Mr B you prepared engineering drawing you know the mic's not picking yet we're gonna someday we're gonna get like Tailor Swift headphone mics rightel right have you prepared engineering drawing you on behalf of your firm prepared engineering drawings respecting this application yes prepar the drawings okay did you describe nature of the op to the board please absolutely um so I think it would be best to to describe the existing area I know everybody's and should I mark this into the record have we marked this aerial view this is an aerial map that was submitted as part of our site plan oh it was submitted okay thank you I'll just R through existing um conditions the location everybody's familiar but I'll touch on it briefly and then I'll get into C very good so this is the aerial map sheet two from set SL suris 326 2024 for the board's orientation North is to the right side of the page so the subject property although small it's located directly in the the center of this page it's outlined yellow uh the site is uh just over2 Acres uh so it's only 8,000 790 Square F feet uh the lot is a unique shape it has Frontage on both um Rector place to the west and Bridge AV uh to the east as you're you're aware the adjacent uses to the north is the lighthous ice cream uh with Riverside a Beyond which is Route 35 to the east is Bridge AV with office and residential uses Beyond to the South is the the law office and a commercial use which is Maran security and to the West is right place with residential uses Beyond I'd like to note that all of the adjacent uses to the Northeast and south are all located in the same br1 zoning District uh with the uses to the West um and the rb2 district so the existing site contains a 2,224 foot laundromat with existing site improvements uh such as driveways sidewalks parking stalls dry BS uh and access to to the existing sites provided via two full movement driveways one located on Rector place to the west and Bridge have to the east this next exhibit is an existing conditions exhibit this was not previously submitted um so this was prepared by my office data three sorry it was updated 415 2024 all right so hold on we're going to mark this what are we up to a16 and A6 is a what are we calling it site existing conditions exhibit existing conditions uh exhibit prepared by Dynamic that's correct all right and dat April 15 2024 thank you how is this different from page 13 of your submission sit photo exhibit. PDF dated March 4th I'm just wondering because I can see this one better because it's in front of me is there any difference in these photos we we just updated um The Clarity of the photos on the left side there's really no difference the photos are the same they look pretty much the same yeah they're they're pretty much the same just slightly updated all right so the the images on the the left side are taken from Google street view uh the image on the right is from a site visit um from November 2023 should say the Google street view images are from November 202 um so the view on the the top left corner is from bridge EV you could see the the front of the laat facility um if you can see it there's faded parking stall striping on site um the site is really devoid of landscaping um you could see the the driveway here on bridge AV it's really just open Asphalt from the site that leads to the street there's no sidewalk there's no curbing uh and the existing building also has wall mounted sign directly in the center the image on the the bottom left here uh again this is from Bridge Avenue just a slightly different point along that Frontage shows a different angle of the site again you can see it's the void of landscaping um and really in need of of some updates and then the the last image on the right here is a view from the recor place side of the the site again it's looking at the the front and side of the the building could see some existing Utility Equipment um the wall pack lighting that's on the site around the building small decrepit sidewalk along the building Frontage and just off the image to the right side there's um called a refuse area it's really two dumpsters that sit out in the open in the Asal area just to the right here so these existing uh conditions images really just show that the the building is relatively small the site is relatively small the extents of the the existing improvements go to the property line um as mentioned earlier the building is almost directly on the property line to the South Side um so there are some a number of existing uh non-conforming elements about this site just given site size size of the building um and the previous build out this next exhibit is the site plan sheet which is sheet four from the site plan set last suris 326 2024 so I believe it's that be entered uh this exhibit has the same orientation as the the first uh aerial map that I had presented with North being to the right side of the page so the the proposed development is obviously a retail cannabis use it's conditionally permitted in V1 district and it meets all of the conditional use requirements uh the cannabis dispensary will obviously occupy the existing building on site um with no modifications to the the footprint uh some upgrades that are being proposed osed um and it's really minor um as we're occupying the existing site existing building the the pro pro improvements are limited but we are making modifications to the driveways circulation parking lighting landscaping and sidewalks first I'll start with access so there will uh remain driveways located on Bridge Avenue and recor place and generally the same location that they are today however we are cling um to channelize those driveways so we're going to shrink the the curve cut for each use we're going to install curving uh in order to do that along both rages and we're also going to provide concrete aprons and sidewalk across each driveway and um the bridge AB driveway uh will be reduced from a curve cut of 49.5 ft to 31.9 feet I'm sorry said what's going to be reduced the have curve cut thank you for the driveway existing is 49.5 proposed will be 31.9 and along Rector place will'll be reducing the driveway curve cut from 66 feet to 35 um so while mentioning the modifications to the driveway it's appropriate to mention that we will be modifying the circulation and traffic movements and exiting this facility Bridge AV driveway will become an entrance only driveway so two movements right in left in uh and the Rector Place driveway will be an exiting driveway only so right out and left movements at both driveways both driveways uh have adequate site visibility um the recor place driveway is stop controlled uh it is designed to be safe and efficient for both customer vehicles and pedestrians another dimension the the driveway movements um in turn the interior Drive vial is being modified from two-way to oneway with a minimum width of 20.5 ft off of that one-way drive a which runs east to west uh we're proposing 11 parking stalls including one adaa stall and two compact stalls uh whereas nine parking are required for this I'm sorry so nine are required and you're proposing 11 uh 11 proposed and I'm sorry how many Ada one is an ADA stall and two are compact thank you uh so the parking stalls are of some different size and orientation um there's six angle parking stalls located along the the building Frontage uh these are 9 by8 there's also one angled stall that's 9 by6 located along the the western side of the frontage uh close to the record Place driveway way uh we are also proposing three um parallel stalls that are 9 by 22 along the northern property line uh and there's one 9 by6 compact stall located on the east side of the the building quick question what was your distance again from the parallel spaces to the edge of the angle spaces the with of your drive a it it's modified um slightly in different locations but the minimum is 20.5 so essentially 20.5 oneway Drive L okay um there's a small location on the West Side uh where it expands just over 25 and the perpendicular stall can back out um and all all movements from all cars parking on site um can be done without entering the rway or approaching over the property all stalls are also going to be striped as hair um so we are requesting a few design waivers with respect to the the parking configuration uh we're parking within a front yard uh between the building and the right way um that's out there today there's actually multiple parking stalls on the west side of the building and on the uh east side of the building we're eliminating those parking stalls that are actually on the sides of the building and uh shifting them to I shouldn't say them we're shifting all parking um to the north side of the building um and the parking stalls it's really just a portion of parking stalls that gother into the front yard um it's not the entire St and that's along both branes that's an existing condition it's an improvement over an exis talking I can't follow you have a laser C over there oh he does but I'm showing it on a different so I mean I would I would recommend people here in the meeting look at the laser pointer that to the page he's pointing at over there and if you want to stand closer or sit over there in that first row of seats which are empty you're welcome to we we recognize the problem of sitting over there and looking at that it's worse for us so I would recommend moving over if you want a better view welcome to sit there we're also requesting a design waiver as we're not providing nonced Island where there is parking in the front yard we do provide a curved Island on the east side uh The Bridge Avenue Frontage however there is not a a curve provided on the west side as that's where the the trash activity will be taking place and again that that condition is already existing right that is correct uh and we're also requesting One More Design waiver um 8s in the the bur ordinance are required to be 12 ft wide we are proposing an 8T wide 88 stall with an 8ft access tile which is standard in the industry and is there any handicaps at no I'm just grabb the mic I'm sorry I just want to make sure that the record is perfectly clearer right now I I'm not sure okay um we're improving the the sidewalk along the building frage so that's the north side of the building uh we are proposing a six foot sidewalk at the head of the angled parking stalls uh replacing the existing sidewalk that's there today uh this sidewalk will be mostly flush along a majority of the um building facade and we are proposing ballards at the head of each of those parking stalls that fronts on the building um the the sidewalk decreases to four feet uh as you head West along the front edge and then along the the Eastern Front Edge we are providing an accessible route from that building sidewalk out to the Bridge Avenue right away they're proposing a 6 foot forward on board fence trash enclosure along the the west side of the building again there's the existing trash operation for happens in that location now right now there's two dumpsters out there we will be proposing that screening uh with a a front gate and we anticipate there will be uh four 95g black trash cans uh Wheels within that enclosure so now that I've outlined the really the majority of the the site improvements um I'd like to note that there are a few existing non-conformances associated with the existing building um we're building so these these elements are aren't Chang here's an existing front yard setback of 194 19.4 ft along Bridge Avenue um whereas ft will remain or is is required that setback will remain uh there's a 0.5 foot setback along the southern property line uh whereas 10 ft is required again that's to the existing building that's not changing um to the extent that I have to note the existing nonconformance for lot Frontage we had noted it as complied as we totaled up the the lot Frontage from both recor place and Bridge Avenue however uh the board engineer noted that uh we may have to note this as an existing non-conformance and that's uh the lot Frontage along recor place is 74.8 Ft whereas 100 ft is required again existing condition um there's also an existing non-conformance for open space um existing there's 1.23% open space on the site so it's almost entirely previous coverage uh we are improving that condition to 4.28 uh% 15% is required V it is an improv so with that said we we are not requesting any new variances or exist exacerbating any existing non we are proposing a new um paneling of the existing wall mounted sign um that sign will meet all state and local standards as well as the requirements of their conditional use that not be that's we're proposing 51 uh new Evergreen and deciduate shrubs on this site as I showed you earlier in those existing conditions photos there's hardly any Landscaping onsite Today show us where those are please with your pointer so everybody can see um there's pockets in all four corners of the site so uh behind the trash enclosure uh and the the northwest corner adjacent to the the driveway right to place uh and similarly on both sides of the frontage the driveway lead out to to Bridge Avenue down here in the the northeast corner and the southeast corner so the Landscaping is spread out throughout the development to the extent that it can be uh we're also providing um those evergreen shrubs that do grow um larger than this trash osure to assist with screening there was a comment in the board Engineers review letter to modify the species of that uh we would agree to do so to the satisfaction of um I'd like to note a couple of design waivers that are needed um associated with the landscaping again we're limited on open space uh we did what we could to improve the situation um we are required to provide a 5 foot landscape strip along side and rear property lines um that is our Southern property line um which again our building is only a half foot from the property line um and the extent of of the parking area both an exist in proposed conditions uh is directly adjacent to the northern property line and then we are also requesting the design labor from providing the the one tree uh that is required as we are we do have 250 square feet of open space one tree is required um the applicant would prefer to pay a fee in R of providing that one tree some additional improvements include um new lighting we will be providing two po mounted fixtures both in the Northwest and Northeast corners of the site uh those are mounted at 12 ft uh and there will be six wall scones four of them located on the the northern facade one on the west and one on the east all of these fixtures are LED fixtures uh they're low profile design full cut off uh and downward facing to reduce stage off site um we are proposing a minimum of 0.7 foot candle um throughout the the customer um pedestrian uh space in the parment um the board engineer noted a hot spot in the lighting design that somehow made it up to 24 foot candles uh we will work to reduce that um significantly to the satisfaction of the board engineer um all the lighting is designed to be um safe uh it's adequate for this use the driveways are well with the parking areas are well with um there is a a design waiver for uh some minor light spillage um in ESS of 0.5 foot candles along the uh the rec thir Place Frontage there's two foot candles at the driveway location and along the the bridge driveway uh there's 1.4 bot candles uh again that property line how how far do those spell out I was just going to touch on that um they're less than 0.1 foot candles at the middle of the road along both rages um and then on the north side this Northern property line um the light levels will be 1.2 foot candles at the property line the lighthous parking lot and the board engineer supported that design over as well and I should mention there is no spillage to the South as all the lighting is focused on the the north side of the building um as far as storm water uh we are not proposing any new storm water facilities as this development um doesn't uh exceed one acre of disturbance and we're not proposing more than a quarter acre of imperious coverage so we're not requiring to comply with any of the strong water requirements um of the state or the burrow but we are maintaining existing drainage patterns um and I noted before we are slightly decreasing cious coverage on site I'm sorry and when's the decrease they're slightly decreasing it s okay I don't have exact somewhere around 200t and then as far as utility connections I was mentioned earlier we will be utilizing the existing utility service connections to the site and the applicant does agree to pay the offsite a order vulnerability today we will work with the the board's professionals to address any of the technical comments that I didn't address directly really in summary proposing a conditionally pered use that meets all of the conditions uh it doesn't propose any new variances and it's it tough to do on a uniquely shaped lot such as this with two fres and being through lot we are updating the site by modernizing it cleaning up the driveways uh cleaning up circulation um adding Landscaping I think it better integrates uh with the surrounding area um and as I mentioned there's minimal really minimal site work um there there's really nothing all that new that we we will be proposing to the exterior of the site it's really just enhancements in upgrades um you might not have the answer to this question but you mentioned the the the back side of the property on your survey there are many vent pipes noted coming out of the back of the building what is your plan related to those pipes so it's my understanding that some of the utilities that are on the exterior of the building are related to the existing use and necessarily be needed under proposed conditions for the proposed use um so uh it's my understanding they will be removed to the extent that so these these appear from I'm guessing these are vent pipes for the laundr map I I would have the same assumption that you has so I can help with that sure I've been involved with some laundr mat work and the way these things work is each dryer has its own stack because if you combine two ducts they the air be back up into the facility so they put separate stacks for the dryer so so the dryers will be REM Stacks would be out service so the stacks will be moved and there won't be any more vent pipes for the dryers out the back of the building right okay um I'm not uh seems to me one of the plans I've been looking at indicates that they there to remain um so I think there's an open question about um what the configuration of the hva syst this is the vent pipes out the back of the building as you're concerned Mr as a civil site engineer I don't think we'd have a a full grasp on all the utilities that happen inside of the building and every single thing that comes out of it especially when it's on the raised above above the ground these look like 6in sheet metal elbows coming out of the back they look exactly what you would need for high capacity drivers yeah to the extent that they can be removed the proposed use they will I think they need to be removed if they're if they are drier vents I think they need to go okay we'll agree to remove all drier vents Mr chairman along with that I I think uh I need a better sense of what the HVAC systems are going to be where they're going to be located rooftop uh along with any uh odor mitigation venting uh there is no schematic that I've seen so far tonight that indicates um those utilities Mr Mayor do you have someone to testify to that or do you have a specific plan or would you like to submit the engineer drawing depicts the existing hbac units on the ground to north and south building right next to the building yeah they they look like a neighborhood in Shanghai that just got air conditioning last week it does not look like a modern facility with well as Mr BB said there doesn't appear to be any specific plan for odor mitigation but these really look like you slapped them not you really looks like they were slapped on the building you know when air conditioning was invented and haven't been touched since well actually they look much newer than that which is even worse so I I think we would like to see a plan on where they would properly go because it looks horrible understand does anyone from the board have any questions is it Burch or Burch b b or Mr B I it down I just wasn't sure anyone from the public have any questions for Mr bur Miss costantino was first so grab that mic speak closely into it please and remember you're still under Ro thank you have you been out to the the proposed site to look at what the top of the building currently looks like I not top the building did you know that changes were recently made to the top of the building to the Smoke Stacks and they were extended out several feet over the top of the building that was notw did you know that that is a result of the M County Department of Health reiring that a ventilation system be um added to the building because they're currently is not one I was unaware Mr BR that closer please are you aware of the amount of dryers currently in the facility I'm not what may we can if I could do you have any knowledge at all what was on inside of the building I do know so you don't know where the air intake is whe those holes in the back of the building are actually air intakes I know from Vis visual inspection that there's air conditioning units and split units um around the perimeter the building you testified that you were not or the applicant was not exacerbating non-conforming uses would you say that being off the property line and now changing the use to a cannabis store uh does not exacerbate a non-conforming use I object to the question be honest with expertise I'm sorry speaking to the Mike I'll object to the question is being Beyond this witness's expertise he's a planner isn't he no he's an engineer just an engineer plan that's my best friend's an engineer okay I'm not knocking Engineers please he testified that it is not exacerbating a non-conforming use and there's a 10 foot setback that's required and right now we could reach out and punch one another and I'm not at all feeling that there is going to be Mitigation Of Odor Control because there isn't right now well he testified that that the design waivers he's asking for not being exact acerbated by the change of use correct correct there there are no modifications to the building so so ask ask your question again so I'm I'm clear exactly what you're asking him you had testified that you were not exacerbating a non-conforming use and the one that I'm referring to is that uh the building is 6 in from the property line making it 7 foot from my building are you aware of that close proximity um I have to go back to the first thing you said um I didn't say that we're not exacerbating a non-conforming use so we're not exacerbating any existing variances and design waivers that's what I understood he testified to if I'm wrong I'm wrong but I don't think he testified to the use he testified to the design waivers there are no variances he testified that the design waivers weren't being exacer my comment is I I can't do comments ma'am or I have to let everybody do comments you testified that the traffic would be entering on Bridge Avenue and either a right or left outside of um enta place is that correct yes and did you study the traffic flow or was that would be the traffic expert that would be the traffic engineer are you aware of the impact that the train has when it comes into town onto Vector place I don't believe the train is on Cor their place the Train on not not technically the road right see technically technically no but yes it does but I think that's a better question for the tra I'll tra I have the same question anyone else from the public M vomi come on up all right just St your name and address 25r Street hello good to see you do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you provide any will be the truth to the best your knowledge to help you gu thank you my first question is you highlighted parking spots um just for the record how many parking spots are exactly there we are proposing 11 so earlier they testified what 68 employees so let's say it's six you have five parking spots open to the public and ear testify people you're thinking of coming in customers to service um and prior um I guess retails that came in you had only you proposed to buy other parking spots in town where do you propose overflow would go I believe it was mentioned there would be four to six employees you got to pull that mic close like like you gotta pull it close I believe that it was mentioned there would be four to six employees But ultimately I'm going to have to defer that question to the traffic okay but still six it's doing valid question but maybe not for Mr bur okay um when there's snow coming down where do you guys soon the plow it so you're not coming par so there actually is some additional um space on both the Western and Eastern side of the building um it's not occupied by a drive a uh doesn't impact circulation doesn't impact parking so I imagine those areas would be used for not St thank you is there I I might have missed it is there oneway traffic from bridge to Rector through the parking lot or is there two-way traffic with Ingress egress at both bridge and Rector oneway traffic from bridge to Rector and I thought I saw a design is this an iteration of a previous design that didn't have the anal Department places or is that is that how it's always been I can't answer that all right so um you said at driveway what does that mean the Bridge Avenue driveway people can turn left in and turn right in got it and then at the recor place driveway people can turn right out or left down right um um said that there would be safe and efficient driveway movements can you can you expand on that the driveways meet all of the the local ordinance requirements for WID of driveways with of Drive BS there's adequate site visibility at the exiting driveway on recor place and the driveway on recor place is also stop control so when you make that statement um efficient do you take into account traffic pattern I think to an extent um when I say efficient I mean that a car can make one swift movement exiting the site during the site there's not any need for turning around stopping halfway um going abnormally slow or fast to make that movement it's it's a normal movement so so if I your your remark did not take into account traffic pattern and or congestion at the S I would say it's based on site design lay right so it's not based upon the unique features of this site relative to congestion and we work with the project team um to develop this layout and develops so was a good question so you didn't take a well we're here for questions so as and and I think where you're going is probably best the efficient comment was his fair not but I think where you're going is probably the traffic engineer but if you want to wrap this into some kind of question please go ahead I think you're right thank you Mr CH anyone else from the public have any questions anyone else from the board have any questions I'm looking at the clock what next engineer that be our last how long do you think his testimony is going to be you're not a lawyer I love your answer bre it's like when I asked my mother what time dinner was and she said soon which could mean anything okay come on up all right good evening and welcome to the Red Bank planning board if you could to state your name and business address please my name is vctor name is sp a n o s i k e okay and your business address is 46 Veterans Drive do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide will be be the truth to the best of your knowledge to help you God and for the record you're testifying in Your Capacity as a licensed and certified traffic professional engineer specific in traffic engineering traffic operation thank you you have a seat right next to right next to the evening would you can give the benefit of your professional qualifications um I have a 30 years experience 25 years of that has been in traffic and transportation um I have testified before several boards in Jersey I also Bo anding a lot of benefit of being the board side and the private flying side without any objection to the board I'm happy to accept the qualifications as a professional you're specializing in traffic thank thank you have you um done a traffic and parking analysis of the sub project um explain to the board results of that study okay um in interest of time I'm just going to go straight to the key issues um I did the traffic a trip generation to estimate how much traffic that side will generate once you see oppression um let me say the the this the building itself is 2200 24 square foot by all standards it's a micro site it's very minimum so you can see from the traffic study the number of trips that generates D signicant from New Jersey do uh the it standards will deem any s that generates 100 new trips or above as significant but this site uh in the worst case scenario generates 64 trips uh on a Saturday now bear in mind that when we're talking about trips we're not talking about vles trip it's a oneway movement so when a vehicle goes to the site it's one tra when it leaves the site it's another tra so 64 trips will 32 vles in the it's not 64 we talk abouts so just in mind for those famar with so um I also looked at what uses are compare assuming that this is not built what else can be buil here um we looked at what are zon in that area convenience store the convenience store would generate on the start of day 176 trips fast food restaurant the drive to will generate 121 coffee donut shop without a drive-thru we generate 207 trips in the morning now this cannabis will be generating only 64 trips on the satday so you can see why you can conclude and consider the trips very insignificant in terms of traffic um I also I also looked at the stps that's existing on Rec the county road County Road 13 there's Jersey do count station count that they have about a mile away from there and the daily trips the annual daily trips on at that location is about 17,000 vehicles per day so this side will be [Music] generating approximately 141 Vehicles a day is less than 1% of additional traffic on that roadway now uh the daily fluctuation of traffic Monday Tuesday Wednesday traffic fluctuates ranges in the uh neighborhood of 5 to 10% so on a daily basis you can see traffic fluctuating within that 5% this site is only going to be adding 0.8% Which is less than 1% so it's actually less than the actual daily flation traffic again that makes it very very significant um I'll touch quickly on the S culation uh it's uh one way in and out it's two movements so less conflict uh when you talk about traffic operations you trying to me conflicts so there are two conf there there actually one conflict Point left TS the right TS do not have any conflict just look for Gap the to so by making it one way from One Direction the other direction you have reduced a lot of conflict points that makes the operation very very safe I went out there and uh two counts of the number of gaps that are available for cars to merge on 613 um the PE hour of this sit operation I was able to count over 120 gaps acceptable gaps now a gap is the time it takes you if you Mar a point this case it's going to be the driveway the time it takes from the rear bumper of the first car that passes that point to the uh front bumper of the next car that is coming that's the Gap it's the time you take uh critical Gap five four five seconds most drivers accept different gaps um it's depends on some people some drivers might accept a gap that is less now and accept another one that is longer next time depends on but in t General gaps are between six to 10 seconds was able to uh determine that you have more than 100 gaps in the big hour and the site like iped before in the worst case scenario on the Saturday will be 32 vehicles in a big hour so there'll be more than enough gap for them to into the roadway also um I looked at the parking the township requirements based on the township requirements nine spaces are required by the township ordinance but I didn't stop there I wanted to look at what the it uh also it it The Institute of Transportation engineers and it's a national recognized standard which is most townships either use it to develop their own um uh ordinances so the it standard has average rates based on the average rate 12 spaces will be required I got a comment from Township engineer BOS engine wanted us to look at the 85% rate uh 82 percentile rate paring demand paring demand is 26 say 26 uh whereas well let me let me kind of uh pause it a little bit there some comments that need to address the the parking demand parking demand is used in two ways one way is the number of parking spaces that should be provided or recommended to provide the other one is the expected accumulation of vehicles te design hour so those are the two ways canate parking demand now the number of parking spaces that should be provided could be uh over need so for example in this study that uh the 85% the it has done for a 30,000 square footage um dispensary the parking demand is 26 spaces which is what should be provided what let me let me back off 50 percentile for those who don't understand is the L they studied 11 sides so 85 85% of all the sits that were studed that's what the % out of the 85% of all the sites that were studed they had 26 spaces that was for how many square feet for like 3,000 3,000 average okay okay outside again is lower than that but they also found something else this sites that provided 26 spaces had 55% occupants average so at the pig time which suggested that only 12 spaces were parted at the pig time and the rest were the rest of the parking spaces were empty so again uh it ties to the uh townships uh um requirement of nine uh if you if you look at the it analysis BR about 12 which it at least for the for this uh land use is a little conservative um the land use that itd has is a marijuana dispensary the marijuana dispensary was based on studies that were done at the earlier stages when the marijuana dispensary the medicinal and the retail the recreational use in place in places like Colorado Nevada not even here so what happened at the time those studies were done because they were also new people traveling from different states going to that place because of the uh emerging uh business so the it rates are more conservative they kind of a little too high in terms of numbers uh experience has shown and we've done studies one of the bigger dispensary in New Jersey um the Zen leave I don't know if anybody is familiar with that lence toship um when they when they opened when they started first in 2021 there was a whole lot long line on off root one which is like an inter St so there's a lot of pass by traffic a lot of people stopping by to Noy the notive phe of it so but now with did studies while you know as a sitting on the board in Lawrence did extra studies after and found out that the traffic is trending has been trending low the lines that we saw at the beginning no longer there with every business when they open there's always that Rush the novelty when people get familiar with the way the business traffic will eventually so having said that um the [Music] parking who have provided 11 spaces uh I believe one of the residents uh had a question about um um the employees five employees now the the Cannabis retail business has it's not it's not your typical retail where or shopping center where people Park to an extent length of time there's a turnover rate it's it's regulated by the operation the online ordering they can stagger you know when people come to pick up they can regulate how many cars can come at a time by using those measures so typical turnover rate is within 5 to 10 minutes you know initially when they started it was 10 to 15 but now people are getting used to it they know what to do they when they know the products to order so uh transaction times are now between 5 to 10 minutes now in an hour that will give you an equivalent of six to 12 times Tel so so for 11 spaces you can actually service anywhere between 66 to 1132 vares within that hour I this site we only generate 32 PE hour vles so I don't think based on the numbers size circulation the gaps that are available for operation uh the traffic impact will very minimal and there will be no adverse operations expected on either the County Road 13 which isor place Brien um I think I'll stop there and I take any one question you mentioned you just Mike I'm sorry mentioned Mr that you relied on some traffic Counts from the site about a mile away and the municipal engineer takes exception to that in her report and what your response to that is well I the the the information we put there is to put the impact into context not required to do a count on Rector bles there's an existing count a mile away way um the only there's no major trp generator in between it's only driveways residential driveways of streets uh the traffic volume between that spot that it accounts were taking driveway uh whether it's a drop the sink or an increase cannot be significant so the information was put there to to to compare what how much of our the new site traffic will be adding to the existing that is very insignificant um I I don't think that the fact that the location was a mile away we changed the the conclusions and one of the members of the public pointed out that there's a economist dispensary pretty much across the street from this location what is the impact of that on your n if any if any again the existing the existing use at this site is a la in the analysis we did we didn't take credit for existing traffic so if anything traffic will be spread the the the the traffic we estimating to come to this side will actually be reduced if there are competing uses around it's going to spread around them so it's a good thing if there are competing uses it will reduce the impact of traffic to this side you have any questions I do sure um so in terms of the 85th percentile I would just need um to maybe you could send me the section in the it it says that the 85th percentile is based off of the number of parking spaces that are available in those sites that you mentioned because it's our understanding that the 85th percentile is the peak demand of an equivalent size cannabis facility and we can't you can't take 55% and apply it to the peak because that's the peak that's the the highest that it could get so if you so what it in our opinion is saying is that the site could generate what would need 26 parking spaces and you don't have that so if you could send me the section in it that explains how you explained it we're more than happy to look at it but we don't agree with with that at this point you won't have you won't you won't see an it anywhere the it explains but it's Theology and terms that are the things that are overrided the the parking demand even in that 8% in the and I I put all that in the you can see that it he also has two methods there is the average the rate of which the rate gave you but if you use defe equation get 14 which is still more than what you have I understand and I I I didn't I didn't say anything in our report we did say that it's 14 that it say so the it cannot have two different values can't have 26 10 for the same uh number so it's only when you apply the occupancy rate to that you will find that both of them are 14 so again we would just need you need to show us where that says it an it because we've never seen that applied in new traffic report the 55% against the peak rate the peak rate is the peak rate you don't take a you don't get a credit for it so if you can show us that again we've reviewed different many traffic reports it that's never been for cannabis for for any facility including cannabis including Canabis if if you look at if you look at the 85% for shopping center right for example the rates are lower than average rate the 83% rate is actually lower than the average rate okay but in this cannabis the 83 percent you're asking because of this limited data that they have the 85 percen average rate of the ADP percent is much higher than the site average the parking rate itself and that's why it who a not there and gave an additional not and say of all the sites that they studed the 11 sites they studed they also gave some information about the parking ratio that the parking ratio is actually 10 spaces for 1,000 square foot in the parking ratio if you use the parking ratio you get 22 spaces you will not match 26 and then the further say that the study the size that they study the average parking occupancy for the all the sites that they saw was 55% these are the things you have to put them together to come to a realistic uh number you can't just I I'll tell you what what I'd like you to do I'd like you to write a memo for us explaining that so that we have it because our engineer saying they don't see that anywhere so it would be easier because by the way if you completely failed at being brief by the way I just want for the record that was not brief I know you lost it five minutes ago um so and we're we're g to take questions but if you could put that together for us it would like I said we're not going to finish tonight so we would like see that in writing so we can take a look at it in advance of the next me thank you um also in terms of the traffic counts so they're a mile away and they were also from 2019 um do you you know do you don't you think there's any significance with the newer Vehicles the vehicles that are coming today versus 2019 well again like I said it's just to put the site traffic into context the amount of traffic that the site is generating right it's what I want I'm using the existing traffic of the road for you to have an idea of how much impact will be but it's not existing it's from 2019 yeah that's the only data that NJ do has that is that location so would you object to getting new traffic counts so that it is existing and does it do you when you say 64 trips is it based off of that number it it's based off of it it okay it projection and like I said we didn't we didn't take credit for the existing sit right that will reduce the traffic those traffic that will normally come for the l Mar will will leave the road no longer come there I think if you studied the site you would see that the overwhelming number of customers for that laun do not arrive by a car yeah so I think I think some updated counts and traffic would probably be a good idea yeah would would didn't take credit for the any traffic from the long yeah what I'm saying there almost none yeah so it's worse anyone for the board have any questions I have one quick question where does the Assumption of five to 10 minutes per transaction uh come from from experience from other locations over time it's experience from what other pa um your experience or is that experience that you're you're Gathering from experience that I'm aware of from Gathering um information from uh being on board uh you know from operations of existing locations anyone else anyone else have any questions any the public have any questions heard from you sir come on up good evening name and address1 I'm sorry SP your last name I'm sorry T Tom okay good evening do you swear that the information and testimony you're about to provide to the extent you provide any will be the truth the best of your knowledge to help you guide thank you okay uh clarification if I could get one yes discuss the traffic on mentioned something about gaps between Vehicles is that correct so what is the relevance of that gaps the the relevance of that is uh how traffic can you pull the microphone close please thank you how traffic from this site will be able to merge do they have gaps to be able to merge and your viewers of the you have yes yes they do because one because of the low amount of traffic that the sit is going to be generating out a low amount of traffic on Elric PL no no no on the S on the site cars acting the S how do you know there's gaps for especially for going out of the premises under re Place how do you know there's gaps there I live on the street I would not agree with that wow even in New York City goad there gaps talking about I understand place might canot be as wor as New York but I said I went out there take stopwatch see the driveway as the first car passes the the re the car when they passes right watch just bring the mic closer please sorry you watch for the next car that comes and you time it okay that's how you you determine how much Gap you have and you record how many of them that are would the critical gap for un signalized intersections four seconds when I pull out of that parking lot turn left on the rec how many lanes of traffic in Practical Lanes I'm not talking about Lane markings how many lanes of traffic exist on that Ro on on Rector it's one L there's three L there's two that are turning [Music] North I don't get it you said if I pull out from the site from my site you have to cross two lanes of traffic when this car is there to get to that other lane where you want to go left there's three lanes of traffic okay so that Gap may be irrelevant especially when people number one waiting for the light because you use up both LS and number two when there's a train there there's cars backed up all the way to the cor okay and I I understand what you're saying um GS also also provided by signals provides gaps the option signals there provide gaps traffic operation is dynamic it's not a static thing but everybody is going going going like that the prod gaps they happen right the the the train when the train is is is crossing like you want to call it right it creates gaps on on on on 13 but we fuing about 400 vehicles coming out of the site it's only about 12 in the big hour I agree would you agree that when those Firs have to turn have to deal with they're Crossing two trying to get into another one that's going in the other direction yeah but it's not it's it's not a lot of traffic that's the point I I I I I would disagree because I live on that street there all right let me ask you this then if you come out from your on your driveway do you do you me to ro are you are you able to get make left because you never made a left on no no no no ask you're asking if I can it's possible to have gaps it's always possible but it's not easy for me to get out because people don't want to let you in there people coming down Route 35 are frustrated because no longer going 50 to 60 miles an hour they stuck on my street Waiting for a Train or late they don't want to let me in so sometimes it takes a long time get on the street so you agree I want to put the for question so you agree that there's actually three lanes in traffic right by the Yeah the the two lanes that they have to for left on yes okay keep in mind it's not officially marked back that far you're right I mean you're right it's only 35 ft wide which is not really wide enough for three lanes and it's not marked back that far but yes many times it is two lanes heading North traffic splits yes that's it thank you Mr fabricant would you say that vehicular congestion is a major issue at RoR place in the area known as the northern gateland what we would you say that vehicular congestion is a major issue at Rector place and the area known as the northern dayway uh I wouldn't say that unless I study it nothing great way so so so you're saying you haven't studied it I don't know what you're talking about let me let me hop in here the site this the triangle of Rector Route 35 and Bridge Avenue did your traffic study rate those intersections no I didn't do an analysis of the intersection that's what you asking I didn't do again like I said the amount of traffic whatever what would trigger traffic analysis of an intersection be when you generate 100 new hour trip that is the trigger but this side does not do that thank you you say that the area is recognized to be particularly unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists I I I wouldn't know for you for you for you to to make a conclusion on safety you have to do safety would you say that the area is a Hotpot for crashes of vehicles I um are you aware that if you break down 177,000 vehicles per 24 hours down to seconds that's one every 5 seconds on average no it doesn't work that way okay um between the hours of between the hours of 12 midnight to 6:00 a.m. will not have the same amount of traffic from 6:00 a.m. to 12 noon so it's the peak it's the peak hours that really really drive the daily uh daily uh traffic volume it's not again like I said it's not it's not some it's not a calculation you make and say well you have 24 hours every minute is this veicle that com there's a there's a distribution of traffic which you know in the night you don't have a lot of traffic on that they're not going to be zooming the night so there's a distribution so I wouldn't say that is every car every every seconds or whatever you said I can't remember exactly what you say I said on average there's one every five seconds just break it down that's what I'm saying that's what I just said it can be one vle every 5 seconds on average no You observe you You observe what you described as many six to 10 second gaps right did you make that observation and BR at the side existing side what day what time what time what day and time what day um I I believe you said June 13th yes what what time of day would be helpful I'm sorry it was June 13 2019 or no no no that's that's the that's for the okay so was the Gap is that what you're asking Mr the Gap count day of the the time of of the Gap count yes okay when he said many yeah I I said over 100 yeah right what on a Tuesday um mind Tuesday yes what time of day if you if you're between two and 3. not dur R yeah but this is this is actually the peak operation side that's okay that's fine thank you so so how many cars need to be stopped at the intersection where Rector Place meets side and and uh 20 cars have to be stopped at that right to completely obstruct the only Drive exit for your property how many C yes I didn't how often might that happen I don't know and if it were to happen when the light turns green and the car start to move forward but one of your one of the vehicles exiting your lot wants to make a left turn as Mr timov was said that car would would that car have a view of traffic tra theor place from the point of exit at your property or would the view be obstructed by the lineup of cars two lanes wide moving forward toward the way that that's that's your that's your typical operation that I discussed with last SC there you you're going to have to have traffic that will accept gaps before they get done when the light turns to green or red whichever one it is that's not the question gaps are going to be created for the question is a line of sight to observe oncoming traffic that is on the road and Lane that you're trying to enter now let's say let's say uh you have my experience and you know that you was obstructed you can't see traffic heading south andly place so you pull out your car across maybe one or two of those Lanes trying to get a better View and while you're doing that and while you're doing that you're obstructing traffic getting North toward the green light aren't you well what what's what's your the question is please me you're setting a scenario that is hypothetical if you asking me if there are good sideline at the stock line good St lines now you as what the site what the sine is can they see he's answering your question there are good sight lines right there are SES of course there are there are standards that ashto has for calculating what the sidelines are and those your physical impediments trees walls branches it doesn't mean other cars the proper sight line is can I turn my head and see if there's a truck there of course you can't see you have to wait for the truck to pass but let keep in mind something the traffic in this neighborhood is not this applicant's fault and we do I would very much like to see a traffic study I'd like to know what these these intersections are rated so if you want a little extra work while you're gone you should talk to your client about doing an actual traffic study I'll bet you those intersections are failing we absolutely abolutely can't deny an application because the intersections are already failing so this site in my opinion has great sight lines because there's nothing blocking your view except a car which you'll have to wait for like you will everywhere else on the planet so i' really rather we not talk anymore about traffic I wanted to leave 10 minutes ago if you've got a questions unrelated to sight lines how long you're going to have to wait I think we're going to talk about that again next time and I if there's some other people that want to ask questions about other parts regarding traffic or circulation on the site or parking I'd rather skip to that and you're over your five minutes anyway so I'll give you one more no I understand your desire keep moving M Momi then Mr terer 25 CER Street um you testified about turnover when you talked about the turnover rate did you include the employees cars and parting St cars want to stay went your employee you're there what 16 hours well what the analysis was based on you got to pull the microphone in the analysis was based on the number of parking spaces that are available I'm not my car not turning over than somebody else in right so again like I said the the the parking turnover based on the 11 spaces right you can service between 66 cars to 132 so even in the worst case scenario that you're talking about right three employee spaces right six employes assuming that all the employees are going to be driving they could car the I've been in a decides to uh yeah provide a vehicle that brings the employees to the site okay so but if you take the worst case scenario that you're saying five employees okay and you take out five parking spaces that's six with the turnover rate the same turnover we still going to be servicing all this uh uh traffic that theci to generate okay you think that's SC but one of the spots a handicap so we're not going to have a handicap person on time for to turnover I would think a handicap spot would be less utilized in the regular spot wouldn't I take that kind of a little bit out of the equation so it doesn't seem like you're but I mean Dr I mean did any [Music] guys um how many people have questions I did say so I said Mr Teller on next yes I can say next time Traer I think the next is May 8 if we carry it to May 8 um well I can't help that um Mr tall I'll give you the final word from the public for tonight John cico 47 place um complete respect to what was presented and everything else based on the experience many years experience but collectively here in rep place we have a 100 years of experience of dealing with traffic so the request is can we instead of making it one way one that way into repor place why don't you make it one way going out the branch to uh to the other street because is less traffic so that's my request we can we can certainly ask them to relook at the circulation our engineer can do the same and did you have something specific just the applicant uh when they return should uh indicate to us what they intend to do with employee parking because I think that's relevant I agree that that your number of spaces your number of employees and the number of potential customers per hour you've testified to is concerning to me I'm not speaking for the board we point out Mr chairman that the ordinance is only ordance required nine spaces we're providing 11 so we're exceeding requirements of the ordinance okay uh we're good for May 8 is there a motion to carry this application application with no further notice to the public to May 8 and Mr chairman if I may just for the record um council do you on behalf of your client consent to extend the time frame within which the board has to act on the matter yes may and U let's just go over we're hang on one second let's get a motion so move second second all in favor of carrying the May with no further notice to the public any opposed um real quick before we go over that ladies and gentlemen just so that you know there'll be no further notice regarding this application this is your notice that we are carrying this to May 8th there'll be nothing in the newspaper there might be something on the website but May 8th is the next time we're going to talk about this to ask if we're asking talk about that so I'm I'm I'm interested in a tra an actual traffic analysis I'd like to see an analysis of those intersections um and I understand your point you're saying you if your answer to our concern about employee parking is that you've met the variance that's fine that is your'll provide proofs yep but Bo has to deal with the case I get it understand so go ahead um so terms of extra additional information uh the board is requesting is microphone intersectional traffic study really necessary as the the witness has testified his impact traffic is less than 1% so what I mean if if the municipality has a problem I understand that it shouldn't become the applicant's problem to provide a solution for it overwhelmingly the number of traffic studies that have the number is overwhelming of applications that have come before this town that include 56 page traffic analysis that I really don't read every page of but they're in almost every application that comes to for this board with ratings of the intersections all of which are terrible and I have to explain to the residents what that means and why that is if you don't want to do it it's not a requirement you don't have to do it but the board and the public want information on it yes we do I st and you know what if if I could I I took the liberty of writing a cheat sheet of some of the things that we're looking for thank you I just want so just you know and I might be wrong so just double check but I think there was a request for more information on the HV HVAC details and the Dr vents in the rear I think Mr chairman you expressed some aesthetic concerns is that about the dryer vents yes yeah out all of them and the hanging units on the sides of the building I mean you guys are are are investing a tremendous amount of money in this site the outside of it the way you're talking about the HVAC and those pipes yes does not reflect that okay I think there was a request for I believe some additional information on the odor eliminating plan details I believe there was a request that um if they exist you submit those studies that showed to suggest higher lower crime rates with these types of uses and the study about uh increase or decrease in property values residential property Val residential property values thank you I think there was a request for um some uh uh information on the backup battery system details I believe there was some question about uh the you know does that glass need to be reinforced from a security standpoint I believe there was a request that we send our uh board engineer Jackie uh information on that 85% section memo I guess is what you want and then Mr chairman you later on said why don't you write a memo and just explain it um and I believe there was also a discussion about how the board and the public would like to see updated traffic counts something more realistic and Jackie just ask me a dumb legal question does that need to include other sites that have been approved but not built or we don't worry about that no we just need a TR traffic count of um in front of their driveways okay both driveway both driv yes and then I think there was a request for additional information on um employee parking details how it interacts with the whole site and that was my list I'm just for the record I I need to get out of jail free card in case there was something else we asked during the hearing just because I'm not not mentioning it now doesn't mean you don't have to bring it traffic I'm sorry rever flow across the thank you which I see both sides of the first time I looked at this I said you should reverse the tra reverse the traffic flow if it was my place I wouldn't reverse the traffic flow because you want people coming over the bridge but as a resident I like the reverse traffic flow so traffic counts w't capture how well those counts could include gaps based on a more uh closely dated analysis the study be from amm and Saturday midday they can do they can do the study when we want that when they want it's up to them I think it's in their interest to do it in a peak hour but there's obviously disagreement of what a peak hour is do you want the peak hour that the place is going to be operating you want the peak hour of Rush Hour whether or not they submit something that we like or not is on them listen guys guys traffic here stinks okay it's not their fault legally it really isn't but I want to see it too parking demand overl parking for the 85% P Parking demand of 26 par parts or up to 46 Park Parts because if you have five dispensaries that ultimately begin operating where's where's all this as much as I agree with you they don't need a parking variance they don't have to do this it's a great idea they did but the other dispensaries in the neighborhood have no impact on this application and we can't tie them all together and say we hate you because there's two other dispensaries in the neighborhood and a Chick-fil-A with a triple drive-thru the law doesn't work that way so they can bring as much as they want at the next meeting to make us as happy as they possibly can or have to it's up to down and Mr chairman I would just add one last thing is is just um uh Mr U Mardi um just so that we're all clear you can have this information submitted 10 days in advance of the hearing so that the uh board professional and the board members will have a chance to look at it and just as importantly so that our good friends from the public here can can see it and view it and be prepared for the meeting as well I understand okay thank you yes we can to that thank you can I just add sorry when you're looking at the reversing the traffic flow maybe maybe take a look at restricting left and rights out of your driveways or into your driveways don't restrict any rights out consider restricting lefts in and us look at it it's up to you and you know I'm assuming that that have you sent anything to the county yet for shwb Avenue not not yet okay all right that's a long enough list um so we're moving this to May 8 with no further notice of the public ladies and gentlemen I say it every time I love it when you come I really appreciate it I know it's thanks having to spend three hours out of whatever else you were going to do tonight but this is important and I'm glad you did so thank you all for coming motion to adjourn no move any all in favor thank youone