ready uh the Red Bank Zoning Board of adjustment will come to order this 18th day of this 18th day of April at uh 2024 the time is 6:30 uh roll call and Tor here Raymond Mass absent I Hogan hereo here Sharon Lee absent Vincent light here Paul kagu here Anna Cruz here amenda thean absent eudene Horwitz absent and Chris Havens absent okay adequate notice of this meeting has been posted at Burrow Hall filed with burough cler and mailed to the Asbury Park Press Two Times in the star lger the meeting is being tape recorded and in the event the applicant uses the services of a court report order transcribe the tapes the board requires a copy of the transcript we will break at about 8:00 pm for deliberation of testimony heard thus far in the conference room on the first floor the public is invited to attend however discussion between board members and the public is not permitted at that time no new cases will be heard after 900 PM the Red Bank zoning Board of adjustment has maintained a policy cut off hour of 9:30 pm for its hearings applicants not heard this evening will be carried over to the next schedule it uh Pledge of Allegiance Pledge alance States indivisible agenda item there are no administrative matters is that uh so I guess we can go straight to our applicant 140 148 stre yes good evening ladies and gentlemen of the board thank you very much for microphone Clos great to it to just swallow it good evening everyone um Michael dupon from the law firm at McKenna Dupont Stone and wurn on an application uh for this 14048 address on Broad Street we're here specifically for a sign variance and the sign variance uh in particular is on the uh south side but it doesn't fit in within the area Allowed by the ordinance so that's why we're here um we are asking uh and again I I refer to Sha's um memo of April 17 2024 uh we are asking for a c variance uh to permit the signs placement outside the signable area um I have Mr Phil Smith here should there be any questions he is going to be installing the sign but I believe you all see have seen the um uh the exhibits that we put uh on the application and because of this right here this particular sign on the South Side on Broad Street that is the requirement for the variance the other three signs are already up there's one here there's one above the door and uh the fourth sign is on the side of uh on Reckless um so why we're here now is just because of this particular uh sign here it's not in the particular area allow um on we're putting it here and I think Shauna has specifically um uh referenced it that Broad Street is a corridor for vehicle and particular pedestrian uh traffic the pro the pro proposed sign um would allow vehicles to understand that Hey listen I'm Broad Street this is where UBS is it's located here we're open for business and that's why we need this sign here because it allows vehicle traffic to recognize it versus because these kind here these signs here and here are kind of small and you'll pass it so the um the there they are illuminated um there is no thirdparty uh signs going on here there's no digital signs what you see is what you get there'll be lighting behind it and um I think other than that that's the only reason why we're here is because of this particular sign and so I just refer to Sha's memo um that we're agreeing to comply with all of the building and housing General ordinances we also obtain all the required permits from the Construction office uh We've complied with all the other signage ordinance uh we're excited to get this building uh completed get people on Broad Street that that side of Broad Street has been kind of quiet for a few years so we're we're excited to have employees and customers come to that particular area and I believe uh those are the only particular uh matters or issues that associated with sign um I'll answer any questions and Mr Smith can answer any questions that you might have Bo maybe before we just uh just ask questions oh sorry for just before we ask questions let me just get a few things on the record um so as far as what was submitted with the application we had the denial of the development permit dated October 11 2023 we have the to proceed dated November 17 2023 there's the sign rendering prepared by Allied environmental signage it was consisting of one sheet stated February 10 2023 revised February 16 2023 and the plan's titled addition alteration lighhouse Red Bank 64 Northbridge Avenue Redbank New Jersey prepared by Jeremiah J Reagan AIA consisting of one sheet dated May 21 2021 revised October 2 2023 and I believe those were all that was submitted with the application correct that's correct um in addition to that uh the uh notice has been reviewed and it is acceptable so that the board does have jurisdiction thank you and again just um um I think you all know it but the sign will be externally lit by Halo illumination with white LEDs the letters will be read uh as your exhibits have have um said so that's exactly what the sign's going I have a the one um on Reckless place there's one right there is one already up though un Reckless that light does that light also yes it's Alo illuminated okay see that the front's not lighting up it's just the lighting behind the against the wall okay but that's already up there and is that on 247 Mike or does a sign turn off sign on 247 or end at certain time I no I believe they have it on a Time clock and it shuts off at uh I don't know exactly what time they have it shut off but they do shut it off at night time does the uh the U method of elimination does that require any variances no because it's externally lit thank you Mr dupon would your client agree that to to have the light off during matter of fact we'll provide the timing for the resolution okay matter of fact Phil will get that to me tomorrow and we'll provide that directly in the resolution other questions is that letter um um is that letter that you have there is that what it looks like um this is for I it would be something like this but the back lights up and it would shine up against the wall so it's you envision this as being the front of the sign the back and the back lights up the wall behind it okay oh it's kind of like this one it doesn't project outs back okay and you said that your client will agree no U you said that your client will agree to no third party advertise correct oh without question that's what I wanted to clarify um in the letter and I forgot to put it uh UBS operates the entire building correct um I believe it's not the entire building I think there's portions of the building on the I guess that would be the southide I think there's some other tenants um on right in the middle you know where the old um Dancing Studio yes I think there's some tenants on the right side but they will not have they'll be they will not have any signage yeah than correct um anybody else questions or comments I don't think so you know I mean the sign doesn't blink it's static it Remains the Same color Yes Yes lights no stroke lights no nothing does anybody want to make a motion on this I'll make a motion to approve the application second subject to the to the conditions that we talked about second okay Andor yes I Hogan yes Beno yes Vincent L yes PA K uh yes Han Cruz yes and now we usually rely on our attorney to summarize some of the conditions sure that we talked about if you don't mind I will do that so um the sign that is proposed for the varant is on the south side of the building as indicated with UBS in the symbol uh there will be no third- party advertising it is a c variance because the sign is outside the signable area there it'll be back lit with external Halo illumination the front does not light up uh it'll comply with the letter provided by Shauna it is it will be on a timal shut off and the applicant will provide the timing for the lighting to be included in the resolution uh UBS is not the sole ten of the building uh the other condition is that the sign shall not blink uh strob flight or any other it'll be um fixed is that acceptable to the applicant yes ma'am we're good very often but it's all con thank you very much for your service thanks for being so prompt and quick a motion to ad motion okay who second I'll second all in FA all in favor oh that was a brief moment of Glory for