##VIDEO ID:C8LoWNAGB4Y## you are 3:00 you're live I'm glad that uh e uh the meeting will come to order I would like to start with a pledge of allegiance led by Lieutenant Randall pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you very much folks uh the following matters will come before the reval License Commission today this is our regularly scheduled meeting uh the meeting previously filed with the city clerk uh the initial uh item on the agenda is approval of the minutes of August 21st 2024 i' move to approve I will second that the minutes are approved the next item on the agenda are applications submitted for consideration item number one city R Rose Burns is the event manager this is an application for a one-day malt wine common vular and entertainment license to be exercised on City grounds on Broadway between Pleasant Street and Chiva streets on Sunday October 6 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 6: p.m. the event is the annual Fall Festival expected attendance is500 your name and address for the record please hi Rose Burns um mayor keeps a281 Broadway mayor's office thank you can you tell us what you'd like to do with this license yep so this is an application for the one day um liquor license to sell we're going to have a beer garden at the Fall Festival in front of City Hall um and it's going to be Murray's Tavern is going to be providing the services so they have submitted their alcohol control plan to Maggie and Licensing um they will be in charge of iding people keeping you know crowd control and keeping everybody in their fenced off area where the beer garden will be held okay uh is is the beer garden going to be where it has typically been on other events um no so usually I mean the last couple events that I've been helping out with since I've been here um have been at the um MC in memorial lawn over in front of the Legion building this time it's going to be um in front of City Hall kind of in that grassy patch where the flag pole is um they're going to do the their same method of having their table there with all of their um products and then they're going to have it fenced in with their tape um and we're doing that because um the setup of the festival itself is going to be a little larger this time we're going to be between um Cher Street and Pleasant Street so there's going to be other events going on you know this is kind of a event for all ages there's going to be music activities games food trucks vendors so it's been moved over to that area in front of City Hall very good thank you very much welcome do any of my uh fellow Commissioners have any questions I don't everything seems to be in order very good um we'll close this section of the hearing thank you thank you and I just had one clarifying question I know on the form itself I don't think the correct date was noted I just want to make sure that we have it for October 5th all good perfect thank you October 6 yes it's oober October 6th is the rain date October 5th is the the correct date October 5th is the correct date yes October 6th is the rain date thank you thank you uh we'll close the section of the hearing are there any proponents anybody else like to speak on behalf of the Fall Festival we don't see her here anybody we'll close that section is there any body opposed anybody opposed to the issuing of this license we don't see or hear anybody will close that section you like to discuss this or would you like to make a motion I'd Mo to approve I would second that very good the application for a one-day license for malt wine common vular and entertainment is approved for the city rever the license will be exercised on Broadway between Pleasant and CH streets on Sunday October 5th 2024 from 1 P to 6p event is an annual fall festival and the expected attendance is 1500 thank you very much item number two peros Pas Ral I'm sorry Pisa Pisa thank you pero Pisa Ria grand opening 657 Beach Street Andre yario is the event manager this is a application for one- day malt wine and entertainment license the application of peros PESA rever for a one-day license to be exercised at 657 R Beach I'm sorry 657 Beach Street the date and time will be determined when the business is ready to open in late September the event is a grand opening of the business is there someone here from peros Pisa we don't see or hear anybody we will table lists until the end of the meeting we'll bring it up again uh item number three Mr Coffee House Corp 9A shirle have Nelson a Franco is the owner and manager this is an application for a common victual license the application of Mr cofly house for a common VI license to be exercised at 98 surely have requested seating is six requested hours of operation are Sunday through Saturday 700 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. your name and address for the record please sir my name is nson Franco thank you uh what would you like to do with this license sir he would like to open okay thank you do any of my uh fellow Commissioners have any questions so I'm just curious besides coffee what other what type of food no alcohol no just what type of food sandwiches grapes waffles sandwich and as far as the entertainment goes I see you you have two troop adors singers with two microphones and a speaker okay thank you so you're just looking for a common vix license for the coffee yeah and whatever other food that you want to serve do you have any questions for this gentlemen I don't very good we'll close this section of the hearing thank you uh are there any proponents anybody like to speak on behalf of the Mystic Coffee House I don't see hear anybody to close that section anybody opposed anybody opposed to the issuing of this license you don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section do you want to discuss this or would you like to make a motion I would like to make make a motion to approve second motion very good the application for common VI license for Mr Coffee House Corp is approved the application will be exercised or the license will be exercised at 98 Shirley Avenue the requested seating is 6 and the hours of operation will be Sunday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. thank you very much sir good luck thank you item number four prashi n Kupa LLC sorry if I buted your name there uh doing business at convenient Mark Market in Delhi 270 Broadway maish patal is the manager this is an application for a transfer and pledge of malt wine off premises and transfer of a common viula license the application for convenient Martin Deli for the transfer of the common vix license from mahavir Enterprises Inc said license to be exercised at 270 Broadway hours for alcohol Ser sales to be Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. your name and address for the record please sir Mr chair um attorney Tom Truax of Salem on behalf of the proposed transferee with me to my left is Manisha Patel she's one of the owners 50% owner she's also the proposed license manager and to my right is the other 50% owner who is Mahesh Kumar Patel um the underlying transaction is is fairly straightforward for it's a sale of the assets including the section 15 U beer and wine license um as well as the transfer of the common victual license um the entire purchase price is being paid by seller financing a copy of the proposed promisory note and pledge of license are included in our submitt um ask for experience Miss Batel the proposed license manager she's had I'd say two to six years and I'll explain of experience working at package stores um for years she worked full-time at Daisy's which is a package store a very nice package store down in Franklin Mass um that was a full liquor license but it was also a convenience SL delicate tessin um she worked there full-time for two years there was no license VI violations during that time in addition for the past four years her brother owns a liquor store in Bellingham which is called Fields liquor and wines and she works there seasonally for the past four years so that's pretty much on holidays um the major holidays um again she um no violations of that store and they've owned her brother's own that stor for 14 years been no violations at that store um in addition um she is tip certified and um and she should be ready for uh for taking care of the customers um I've explained to her and she knows the process she knows it better than I do in terms of carding requirements um for the Mass general laws and as I said she's IND as she's indicated to me there have been no violations any of the storees she's worked at um as for the store operation there's going to be essentially no changes it's pretty much a turnkey change TurnKey operation um the layout stored layout will remain the same the hours of hours of operation will remain the same um the only thing that's changed is there will be new ownership so there will be do people working there but um as I indicated she'll be working there um I'm trying to think 6 12 8 48 hours a week Sundays will be her day off um so um she'll be covering the store a bulk of the uh the hours and so they should be under good control and good ownership and uh any questions we'll be answer happy to answer any that you might have thank you very much councilor do uh any of my fellow Commissioners have any questions no questions for me commissioner o do you have any questions about this license you're asking for the hours of alcohol sales to be Monday through Saturday starting at 8:00 a.m. it's the same as it was before the current license which is the abcc hours are 8 to 11 and then sat Sundays I believe are 10 to 11 yeah same hours and those are in concurrence with what the abcc allows their actual store hours are going to be 6: to 11: all set all said very good um I mean the paperwork seems to be in order I don't uh have any other questions Let's uh close the section of the hearing is there anybody uh any other proponents that would like to speak on behalf of the issuing of this transfer we don't see or here anybody we'll close that section is there anybody opposed anybody opposed to the trans the uh transfer of this license you don't see or anybody we'll close that section do you want to discuss this further or would you like to make a motion I would make a motion to approve second a motion very good the application for convenience market in Delhi for the transfer and pledge of malt wine off premises and transfer of common vular is approved the application will be exercised at two I'm sorry the license will be exercised at 270 Broadway the hours of alcohol sales will be Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 11: p.m. Sunday through 10:00 a.m. through 11:00 p.m. great thank you much thank you very much sir here oh okay thank you item number five cafeteria last delas Colombian Inc 86 Shirley Avenue Maria arango is the manager this is an application for an alteration of premises sorry no after this one can you take because we got a city okay okay very good uh yes so uh this is an application for an alteration of premises can you just explain briefly what that alteration is and we will move forward so thank you U my name is attorney Frank R uh I'm sorry attorney Frank ravenol for the applicant um the alteration is the addition of a a new bar um with eight seats um in two restrooms and I believe the plan has been filed with the commission so the rest of the premises is going to be remain basically uh unchanged that's correct no no I com no no the the rest will remain the same yes good it's just an L-shaped bar with with eight seats very good um do any of my fellow Commissioners have any questions no questions for me question okay thank you very much counselor we will close the section of the hearing is there any proponents anybody like to speak on behalf of this license you don't see or hear anybody we'll close out section is there anybody opposed anybody opposed to the issuing of the license or the uh application for a u alteration of premises I don't see or hear anybody we'll close that do you want to just discuss this further or would you like to make a motion I would like to make a motion to approve can I take that motion very good the application for an alteration of premises is approved the application for cafeteria L Delicias colombianas Inc 86 Shirley Avenue for an alteration of premises to add a bar to the licensed premises is approved thank you very much thank you thank you very much thank you good luck with that we have the Affidavit of notice to a Butters I don't know do you need that yes item number two peros pus Riv grand opening 657 Beach Street Andre samario is the event manager this is an application for a one-day malt wine and entertainment license to be exercised at 657 Beach Street the date and time will be determined when the business is ready to open in late September this is a grand opening and the license uh will be exercised when the business opens uh can you tell us what you'd like to do with that license sir open he's saying that he for that day he wants to do like a Shar he doesn't he's not going to sell anything he just shares that event okay do you have any questions for this gentlemen when you slated to be open don't have exact they're hoping at the end of this month or maybe the first week of October okay good so relatively soon mhm I've seen some people going in and out doing work I think see practic the final steps I'm excited for it to be opened I'm going to come try some the hot dogs hot dogs hot dogs hamburger from fries empanadas chichon oh all the good stuff do you have any questions so what time were you thinking make sure he let us know when so he could stop by okay uh are there any other questions we'll close the section to the hearing are there uh any proponents anybody like to speak on behalf of the issuing of this license I don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section or anybody opposed is anybody opposed to the issuing of this one-day license you don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section do you want to discuss this any further or would you like to make a motion i' move to approve the application not second that very good your uh application for a one- day license for peros pus R for a grand opening celebration at 657 Beach Street is approved and that will be when you're ready to open thank you so much thank you good luck good luck with that okay that concludes the applications for consideration the next item on the agenda are our hearings we have item number six am Salgado LLC DBA lahasenda 2 306 rier Street Aldo cus is the manager this is a hearing into some disruptions and some noise violations uh this is continued from July gentlemen nice to see you name and address for the record please uh Alo kayas uh Walter P 133 School Street here Miguel East Boston thank you he is Brothers yeah yeah figured that so um we had the hearing couple months ago you guys made some changes I was actually in the place uh couple maybe about a month ago it looked like you made quite a few changes to the parking lot you have someone Crossing people someone out front um how is it going from your perspective it's going good um I think what really uh the warm weather people tend to stay out there longer so with uh Security in the parking lot moving people along making sure no one's trying to turn up their music loud what uh before they leave um the speed bump helped a lot people are slowing down before they take that left or that right on River Street um you know we've we've invested a lot into making sure that we met the standards that were set upon us last time we were in front of you so well we appreciate you taking it seriously and and taking steps to improve it um do any of my fellow Commissioners have any comments or questions yeah so um I was actually there too and uh I was happy to see how organized it was um I did see that uh there was the changes you you told us you were going to do I did see them too so I'm happy that you know you're doing what you need to do in order to get your place back track and I went in as well oh everyone wi it we like we like your place like place the the tortillas came out nice and hot first I was I was enjoying the to the tortilla chips with the salsa and they nice and warm the music the I think you had like a juke box there with the play different things relatively low volume it was a good vibe in there the bartender was amazing I had a spicy Margarita really good um you know but like I said I think Community loves the spot man there's something special about your family and in these two locations I hope you guys keep doing it um and certainly won't have any issues from us man your trajectory is amazing and we're certainly rooting for you guys I appreciate I want to say that on the record so at this point I mean we seem to all be on the same page we're all singing kumbayas so I guess um we can close this yeah just I mean we I'm good with I'm sorry did we yeah we we went back from 2: a.m. to 1:00 a.m. oh we rolled you back yes oh let's let's put that yeah I mean if you want to yeah we would love to if you want to stay open till 2 are you going to amend your entertainment license to include a DJ this time I'm going to we wanted to get the TM back and then make sure that we were keeping up to the standards and then ALS and then we want to uh go into that for the next meeting that's fine once time but you do understand that if it starts getting loud again if between 1 and 2 we're going to end up back here again so absolutely I'm hoping that you guys will you know understand what what got us here in the first place all right so uh yeah no I think uh are you all right with roll rolling it back to 2:00 moving it forward to 2:00 well depends on which way which way you yeah I'm certainly okay with that I all right so yes we would we restore your hours back to 2:00 and we'll close this matter excellent thank you so much thank you for taking care of the problem of course good luck with that all right thank you item number seven four Partners Inc DBA Antony is at the beach 492 R Beach Boulevard Rodrigo and julo is the manager this is a hearing in to violations including the unauthorized transfer lack of approved license manager this is continuation from the August meeting name and address for the record please sir hi uh I'm Fernando laa from Antonia rest well Fernando I guess all of your paperwork is all set yes so we can finally put this matter to bed hopefully thanks youve got more progress without the laer this time huh got I I yeah I spent a lot of money in in in lawyers and like I just didn't one day like oh my God let me do yourself my question to you is though this gentleman Rodrigo a gulo is he part of the business or not he's 5% I mean I I I didn't take it out a role until everything was right because so you going to transfer uh I mean everything is already done to us my daughter and myself mhm he's still with 5% on on the corporation uh the bigger issue was getting uh my my um my manager which is the bigger thing everything else has been like through the uh lawyer so make sure everything was all set so you have an on-site manager yeah okay I mean actually I had two my my uh girlfriend and my daughter there was there and myself very good well I think this is another matter we can um we can close are you Al are you all right with that everything very good thank you very much Fernando than good luck to you thank you so much luckk um that concludes the the matters for consideration the next items on the agenda are Communications the notification from the Massachusetts alcoholic Beverage Control Commission of a return of no action regarding the application for a change of manager for reveal Lodge 1171 of the BPOE of USA Inc also from the Massachusetts beverest Control Commission a return of no action regarding an application for a change of manager for R Restaurant Group Inc DBA T1 Margarita's Mexican Restaurant and a third notification from the Massachusetts Alcohol Beverage Control Commission of the approval of a transfer of an all alcohol restaurant license to proo Brothers LLC DBA black Cantina 2024 and that concludes the items on today's agenda October 16th I would make a um would someone like to make a motion I move to adjourn to October 16th very good that motion is approved thank you very much e