public portion of the December 20th 2023 Richfield Park Board of Education meeting the time is now 7:48 apologies for the delay let's begin with a salute to the flag Mr bison can you please read the open public meetings act yes the New Jersey open publics meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the public meeting the public meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting interest is discussed or acted upon in ordance with revisions of this act the ritual Park Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time plac therefore posted in a Burgen record Star Ledger Municipal Building Board of Education offices and the district website please have a roll call sorry right before the roll call public participation will be conducted by both inperson and virtually through Zoom all public will be muted throughout the meeting public participation comments are limited to five minutes the public will able to speak and be seen by the board when participating virtually telephonically via Zoom individuals participating virtually that wish to make comments during the public participation will need to raise their hand by clicking a blue hand icon at the bottom of the zoom window individual participating by telephone that wish to make comments during the Public Presentation will need to hit star n phone to raise their hand the business administrator board secretary will unmute individuals one at a time in order that their hand was raised thank you may I have a roll call yes Mr Cathcart Mr Cooney yes Miss craft here Mr fos Mr Gomes here miss mcneel here Miss Rodriguez here miss valz here miss orth president Martinez here we have quorum we have uh no minutes to approve I'm sorry Bernard since you caught me uh would you move the minutes for November 15th I still move the minutes for November 15th second any questions oh I have a vote Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes Mr Gomes yes Miss mcneel yes Miss Rodriguez yes Miss valz yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes minute to pass with regards to correspondence from the public uh today the only correspondence I received since the last meeting was a letter from Dr Angela Bender um you will see on the agenda tonight is her retirement and she has requested that I read a letter from her to the public uh dated December 15 2023 dear president Martinez and members of the Board of Education it is with motion please accept this letter as a full notification that I will be resigning from my position early childhood education effected February 1st 2024 this decision was not easy and has come after much thoughtful consideration after almost 20 years of dedicated service to the student staff inal Park I have reached the point where I will be entering into a New Journey in my life I incredibly proud of the work we have accomplished in my administrative various roles inal Park I have had the privilege of witnessing the growth and development of countless students collaborating with and leading talented and dedicated colleagues teachers and staff and contributing to the success of school district during my tenure we claimed a USD Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School status onet toone technology devices for all students and staff successfully navigated through covid-19 infused many necessary curriculum initiatives with a unique summer enrichment program much needed facility improvements and upgrades including a new high school gym floor and ceiling all new bathrooms and Grant Roosevelt in the high school new science labs and a culinary arts room new Junior Senior High School curtain walls new boilers and windows and the new teachers cafeteria are just to name a few and I would be remiss if I did not mention the building of a very talented new administrative team while I'm excited about the opportunities that Li ah had I began my journey in education 40 years ago in April and I will undoubtedly miss the daily interactions and sense of purpose that come with working in education I will unquestionably miss the relationships I have built with my colleagues students their families and community members I have the utmost confidence in the continued success of Richfield Park schools thank you for the opportunity to serve the children of this community I wish you all the best in the future respectfully Angela pooi Bender thank you okay we will now move on to committee reports buildings and grounds trusty Cooney thank you president Martinez building and grounds committee met on December 18th at 5: PM in attendance was Dr vinani missia Mr bisc Mr igu myself president Martinez and vice president or agenda items discussed were the committee formerly met with Mr igu our new director of operations Administration the district is that Mr U has hit running and that he is putting fresh eyes and new ideas into improving our facilities and Technology projects regarding our Rod grants we received the rod Grant final eligible cost which is known as the FEC we they have been received and the district was awarded an additional Rod grant for the window replacement at the high school Dr V and his administrative team will review to decide which area of the high school will receive the hbac upgrades and now the current four Rod grants are as follows rphs HVAC upgrade with the location to be determined grand school HVAC Lincoln School agback and the additional Rod grant for window replacement we had also discussed the Lincoln School water remediation continuation along the existing cafeteria wall that had not been completed during the original project due to cost limits the high school and Roosevelt School new snow removal equipment was discussed this is regarding ATVs with snow plows for the sidewalks this tractor style machine will ensure efficient time management when preparing Roosevelt and rphs while currently custodians remove snow using shovels and snow blowers since some areas around the high school and Roosevelt are not cleared completely when it snows this vehicle will also allow easier transport of supplies to the fields and will pay for themselves in sades custodial overtime the cost of that will be determined by the model qac progress updates second floor bathrooms in the high school have been cleared of obsolete technology equipment two dumpsters full of old equipment have made these remodeled bathrooms reusable once again in addition the auxiliary gym has been cleared of excess technology and boxes the back of the stage and the hallway behind the stage have also received a face lift by removing excessive boxes and have having the floor resurfaced a dumpster was provided by the DPW to discard broken furniture and equipment and obsolete supplies that have been cluttering the high school and additional storage containers have been placed behind the high school to store equipment that had cluttered the high school and is in need of inventory and assess for functionality Andor disposal technology infrastructure and Equipment assessment excuse me this week's power outage and the work of our outside technology consultant have revealed several vulnerabilities to our technology infrastructure that will be outlined in a forthcoming report and targeted for modernization in the new budget one in particular is that all of our building networks run through the high school which means if the high school is down the entire district is without internet additionally we will be placing an electrical engineer to assess our current generator at the high school and explore other or additional measures we need to make sure that a power outage does not affect our technology and food preparation both of which come out of the high school lastly one of our custodians has been enlisted in a long overdue cleaning of all district carpets which is much cheaper than Outsourcing our meeting was adjourned at 5:46 p.m. our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 16th and that concludes the buildings and grounds committee report I want to wish everyone a happy holiday thank you thank you Mr Cooney policy truste Rodriguez thank you before presenting the before presenting the last Poli committee for for 2023 I want to extend my heartfelt to to Mr Gomes for his dedication service to this committee and and the board your commitment to our cause has been instrumental in our achievements over the past three years we have made significant strides but we recognize that our journey is far from over as we continue our efforts I'm proud of the collaboration this board um and um as we continue efforts I'm proud of this and um we demonstrate to everybody that we're involved and we're not afraid to ask questions I would like to take a moment to acknowledge a p moment from three years ago and when as myself a newcomer to the board I propose a prek stud Mr Cathcart your support and seconding of that motion um and I also want to express my sincere appreciation for your ongoing dedication to our community as a board member um especially for our children and taxpayer to the current board our Collective efforts um are steering Us in the right direction I'm hopeful that we will continue working together to address the needs of our diverse Community to our community members please continue to ask questions like um president Dr Martinez ask questions that's our job and that is your job continue to ask questions voice your opinion and participate in the Democratic process your involvement streng strengthens our Comm commitment to transparency and accountability as we anticipate the reorganization meeting in January um we have to make sure that we work together we collaborate and hopefully we will shapen the future of our community okay I just wanted to mention that I just want to thank you and I'm happy to see um schmith and kathcart thank you so much um for being on the board and for your dedication okay thank you very much and um the policy committee met on December 18th present were Dr vatti assistant superintendent um Dr Martinez Michelle orth trusty orth and Carol vas I was not present at the meeting um Dr vasani was able to to provide um the minutes the subjects were a policy for second reading um followup was eligibility of residents and non-resident students um SI leave notice the committee felt that it was prudent to have disler present at the next committee so he can provide guidance on the rights of privacy and eligibility of residents and non-resident students the feedback on option was February 1 consider to adding certain grade levels um and um other and do not collect um tuition regarding the sick Le the I'm sorry regarding the recent sick Lea policy on page five section e readmission affability there was not there was not an option to adjust if needed and the RPA shared um certain concerns and we have um the committee felt that we have I'm sorry the committee felt we have removed the section in terms of sending a staff for Fitness of Duty because we have certain protocols in place can you please update us on the home to school connection committee sure I was present at that meeting on December 7th the home school connection committee met Dr V presented a brief recap of our initial events held on November 2nd the committee under Dr V guidance um is exploring different Avenues in which we can effectively broadcast events sponsored by the parent Guardian Academy weekly principal newsletter School messenger Etc the next event which will be sometime in February will be a bilingual night focusing on mathematics in grade K through six the committee discuss having a mathematic and language having the mathematic and language Honor Society students assist participants and facilitators during the event we anticipate hosting this event at the high school and for our third event of the year the committee anticipates having a mindfulness event and the target group would be the middle and high school families and hopefully we will have a guest speaker thank you faculty and programs trustey craft good evening everybody happy holidays uh the faculty and programs committee met on December 12th president were Dr VES bani assistant superintendent of schools Carmela triglia Dr Martinez board president myself trusty Rodriguez and trusty goms items discussed were the review of The Faculty and uh programs proposed agenda items for today's meeting second reading of policies on support staff one for support staff and one for teaching staff the revised supervisor of uh business art and music description was discussed at length I'm sure that will be in the Personnel committee report as well so I won't get into that so we don't repeat ourselves uh Dr re spoke at length about the learning walks taking place in the district with his administrative team lots of listening and learning uh Trend analysis looking at instructional strategies and student engagement and basically trying to learn what our classrooms look like uh they visited Loi high school for a uh visit um and a half day was spent there with his administrative team looking at programming and classroom visits um to get some inspiration for future programming hopefully here at Richville Park Junior Senior High School uh we discussed report card revisions at the k6 level um teachers have been trained on the new uh language that is standards based and rubrics are being created for all of the report cards parent friendly rubrics are also being created to help parents understand grading Dr Martinez inquired about having um that information being sent to multiple languages to our community we have an update on preschool there's new hiring starting on Monday and there were visits to both sites The Homeschool connection sub committee also met on December 7th do trusty Rodriguez to shared her report about that an update on the social justice subcommittee they met recently to gather information on the history of of the committee um and a needs and discussion of the presidency needs with regards for social justice and what the board involvement is is is on the agenda for next STS uh we also discuss block scheduling at the high school our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 9th 2020 thank you very much finance and insurance trustee gones thank you good evening the finance committee met on Monday December 18th present were Dr V intendent M car Tri assistant superintendent Mr Scott big inter Roomba Dr Martinez board president Mrs McNeil trustee Mr Kar trustee and myself we began our meeting with review items on the agenda which led to an extended discussion of the busing program while the amount of busing over time this m is significant it was budgeted for by the athletic department the primary reason for this large amount of overtime is due to sports which was far dued to some of our athletes making it to state competitions we also discussed the separation and release agreement that Dr B presented which is supported by the state monitor this was followed by discussion of the new Frontline program which is also on the agenda this new software will make onboarding of new employees more efficient our next discussion center around the audit and budgeting for the next school year the ba is still waiting for dates from the Auditors for when they will come to conduct the audit for the upcoming school year Dr B and the ba would like to have small group meetings with board trustees where they can present the budget and answer questions PA explained that he's looking to streamline maintenance and is looking to purchase two snow removal Vehicles additionally we are still getting leaks in several buildings and he would like to have them catch propes until they're replaced the cost of these items will require 2,000 from the main finally M shared good have been awarded 154,000 in Grant for tutoring district will use a combination of internal and external sources to provide this much needed service to our students and this concludes my final financi commit report thank you thank you trusty Gomes and thank you for your service to this community uh Personnel trusty orth uh the personel committee met on December 12th at 5:00 in attendance were Dr vinani miss triglia Mr Bisk um Dr Martinez truste craft trusty Cooney and myself some key highlights of the meeting we discussed um approved an individual for a hard-to-fill interm math teaching position at the junior high school the candidate had been certified out of state and was just waiting on state approval in New Jersey so he was approved um he'll be reaffirmed at this meeting um Dr V Was preparing to do a final interview with the candidate for the Student Assistance coordinator [Music] um that meeting apparently went well because they will see that on tonight's agenda um Mr bisc has been approved on a permanent basis by the county this decision not only brings stability to the position but aligns with the state monitor Exit Plan um a replacement for a recently resigned lldd teacher has been identified um tonight we'll be approving a revised job description that aims to fill the position of supervisor of bam I'm sorry business Arts and Music um the budget constraints allow uh for a pro-rated salary this year which will be mitigated by recent breakage in other positions um due to changes in Leonia Public Schools bus driver structure funds previously used for part-time salaries can be redirected to hire additional part-time driver for specific routes offering potential cost savings um notable Improvement in staff training compliance reaching a 9.86% for the current Academic Year non- clients is um has been noted in Personnel files um Frontline Central several board members met with Frontline during the school board convention this new service will allow us to continue to improve our onboarding process for new employees a draft agreement was dis uh separation and release agreement was discussed um with the advice that Mr D was recommending it is a prudent step for our district next Personnel committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 9th um this provides a summary of the key decisions from this and discussions from this meeting um but we'd like to take a moment to acknowledge some long-term employees who um are on tonight's agenda as retiring um the board would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the dedic service and contributions of these remarkable individuals Miss Linda artuso Administrative Assistant um a stal war of our administrative team is bidding farewell after years of unwavering dedication her role as an administrative assistant has been marked by professionalism efficiency and a warm welcoming presence Miss artuso's commitment to her responsibilities has left an enduring impact on our organization as she takes this well-deserved step into retirement we extend our deepest thanks for her years of service Miss Lois Salvatore a beacan of education has been a cherished ESL teacher fostering language skills and cultural understanding her passion for teaching coupled with a compassionate approach has left an end Double mark on the lives of countless students Miss Salvatore's commitment to educational Excellence is genuinely commendable as she embarks on this new chapter we express our heartfelt gratitude for her TI tireless efforts finally Dr andet Bender current director of early childhood education at warmer superintendent of schools Dr Bender has been an inspirational figure in our educational Community her leadership commitment to academic excellence and advocacy for the students in the districts have shaped the trajectory of of our institution Dr Bender's Legacy is one of leadership Innovation and the an unwavering dedication to the vment of our educational system as she steps into retirement we extend our deepest appreciation for her transformative contributions in acknowledging the retirement of these esteemed individuals we recognize that the departure leaves a void that cannot easily be filled um their um their Collective impact on our institution has been profound shaping the culture of Excellence that defines us today as they Embrace these new adventures in retirement we wish them Joy fulfillment and the recognition that their legacy lives on in the count countless lives they have touched thank you for that we'll now move on to the superintendent's report thank you president Martinez and good evening to the board and our community great to be with you uh tonight I'd like to start by welcoming our student Representatives we have Shay and Vicky welcome and we're ready for your report thank you thank you uh good evening my name and I the stud body president good evening my name is Vicky Lynn and I am the student body Treasurer we are repres at the board meetings this year uh we would like to give you an update on some of the activities that are taking place took place already at the Junior Senior High School the high school had a winter pep rally where all the winter in their respective Seasons the student of each class part in somebody school spirit it was well re and everyone had a good time on Thursday December 14th Miss's Spanish grammar and literacy 3 with Miss morales's AUM of Modern Art in New York City the students had the opportunity to see firsthand works of art pieces by Pablo Picasso Freda Carlo Diego Rivera Jose Clemente David and many more students were given a Smalling they had the opportunity alongside the fellow Center Christmas tree the rual park High hosted their annual holiday concert the concert was coordinated by Mr good and Mr Stephan AI it was a huge and a great way to kick off the holiday season both con featured several different groups from the music department and case with a talented and diverse group of students we have here at our repeat the petta project s by the raise money for Education Central the sale was held for two weeks and were able to raise $200 for the organization instant decision day was hosted by the high school counseling department on Thursday December 7th instant decision day allows seniors the admissions process process to one day the advantages include less wait time and uncertainty allow weight fees and some schools admitted students Mar scholarships on the spot the annual event once again success 30 seniors and nine colleges took part there were over there were a total of 118 applicants process process all of which were accepted the overall savings and applicant fee waivers was $695 and our seniors were awarded a total of $149,000 in Merit based scholarships per year the student government hosted a ginger bed House contest for middle schoolers on the 14th overseen by Mrs Santiago Mrs Summers and miss cavens the event had participation from 11 teams hosted from 600 p.m. to 8 p.m. a Google form for the whole student body to vote with holiday Refreshments for everyone the participants and org all had a good time that concludes our student body report and have a happy holidays thank you thank you shay thank you Vicky we appreciate uh your report uh I just wanted to uh pause and formally welcome our new District operations manager Mr Paul igle Mr igle thank you for joining us it's been a pleasure working with you you hit the ground running in terms of uh hi related matters there are no new hip cases to report and just a few notes on items I'm pleased to be recommending the Student Assistance coordinator which was discussed and reported in personnel and faculty and program uh this will be a member of the new Wellness Center that we are developing here at the junior senior high school so we look forward to the impact uh pending board approval this evening uh I'm also pleased to be recommending Mr Scott bisig as a permanent business administrator which will be effective for February 1 and and we appreciate B's efforts as an interim so that contract would run until approximately the end of January in which case this new permanent contract as approved by the county office would begin on February 1st uh I'm also recommend to the board again as reported in in some committees the revised supervisor of business art music and CTE Career and Technical education job description uh to be clear this is an existing FTE it is not a new position uh this will have oversight of developing career pathway programs for our students among other uh job responsibilities uh but also oversight of Grants such as the Perkins Grant I wanted to share and highlight some news across our schools uh across the district uh our holiday concerts concluded uh wrapping up a Grant Elementary and a massive thank you to our music uh teaching staff for all their hard work and efforts it was great to uh enjoy some of the concerts and um see our students and families come together for these events the k6 level Grant School School PTA sponsored a breakfast with Santa on Saturday September 9th families participated in some crafts and colored pictures to donate to a local hospital at the Lincoln Elementary uh they hosted an elf party for our preschool which was uh really wonderful to participate Miss trigle and I were able to uh join in the fund and a huge thank you to the old school special needs for donating uh the items and at Lincoln and Roosevelt the PTA hosted their annual holiday fairs uh we heard from our student Representatives but just to Echo some of what they shared uh I had uh the pleasure of attending the instant decision day it was really wonderful to see the smiles on of our students as they uh accepted the scholarships and it was a really well organized event and really great to uh uh participate in from a from a witness perspective uh really enjoyed um again you know seeing our students uh actively participate in this really important event uh winter season started uh with the pep rally so come on out and um support our student athletes as our winter season is launched and in terms of my superintendent report items note on the agenda twice per year schools have requirements to report information to the state through the student safety data system as examples the report shall include the number of reports of Hib the nature of Hib training conducted programs implemented to reduce it uh this must also be documented on a board agenda uh so tonight I'm uh just sharing that the 22 23 school year reporting period from January till June please let the minutes reflect that the district has reported the information in the state system and it has been documented on this agenda going to turn it over to Mr bisig uh in regard to the transportation report uh essentially a status update on items related to Transportation thank you Mr bisc thank you Dr V upon my arrival back in August I was detailed by the district and superintendent to take a dive into the current District transportation status so between myself and M who the District transportation cordinator we have made the following revisions upgrades and assessments item one revised payroll submissions part-time dress drivers are required to submit time cards time sheets that have been automated through the transation coordinator prior to each payroll to officially confirm that the parel submission sequence which is then approved by business all overtime costs are reviewed by the transportation coordinator for the district surrounding all the athletic bus runs that are done after school hours all bus driver have been modified to eliminate before my arrival the double time card system that was happening before so now time cards go in they're not double paid they're recessed they're reviewed and they're paid accordingly to what's been submitted no double payments all bus AIDS now follow the same automatic internal system for submitting hourly for daily work as our bus drivers creation of a Daily Dispatch sheet for the daily bus rout changes for additional runs has been has come online surrounding field trips bus runs for athletics and so on that way everything is timed and coordinated through the transation office so we know where the buses are going and what time they're arriving second fuel use certification all F all fuel use costs are reviewed by the treasury coordinator and the business office before submitting the requisitions for payment so everything now has a new key fob that we run down through the DPW the few our bosses everything is automated and timed out and scheduled so we know what we're paying for when we get gas compliance in trading and testing requirements full-time bus drivers we have seven we have one part-time one more pending approval all drivers have been approved in accordance with njsa 18a 3 39-17 maintenance Complete bus reconditioning initiative throughout the summer months to address any outlining concerns has been completed the continuation of this process runs through December 23 in preparation for the state bus mandate inspections that'll be held in January down at the Village DPW now surrounding fuel again all district buses were reissued new fobs to address the ongoing issue of documenting fuel expenditures correctly drug testing all drivers are mandated to follow the state guidelines for drug testing and are required to to uh proceed with random testing based on District discretion note as per the Federal Regulation I have asked our testing facility to make sure that they send me an annual sum report at Year's End of all of our drug testing so I can have a summary sheet all current driver driver records are on follow with the state and are in compliance with the with the federal guidelines and our store with a transportation office daily Health and Welfare inspection performed before each bus driver leaves the yard the yard is where he parked the bus here at the high school every bus is walked through checked serviced before it goes out on the fleet since October 5th no District bus has been subject to the the DMV out of service sticker so all buses have been running on schedule All Buses now have a GPS device and complete camera systems installed throughout all of our bus fleet so we can see what's going on on the bus and we know where the Bus locations are at all times all routes run through the Google Sheets and are now becoming are now beginning to roll out excuse me have postco cough run out of the new Tyler technology automated transation and routing that would help streamline moving for all of our bus routes and so we get a better of what's going on day-to-day monthly and yearly with all bus flead requirements that concludes my review thank you Mr bisc for that update and before I continue with my uh superintendent's report I wanted to pause to see uh if any Clarity regarding that report um from the board was needed I no Clarity I just wanted to point out that it's since August 5th not October 5th so better than you it reported I think the only comment that I'll make um you know Mr Mr Egan always reminds us to keep it moving forward and not look back but I did want to just pause and look back very briefly because I know that this time last year uh we had a busing audit and we had many questions about busing many concerns and that Mr Green and now Mr bisc have done an excellent job of making sure that our buses are in compliance uh that the training is going on and I'm I'm really thrilled to hear this report I've been looking forward to it for years please extend our thanks to the bus drivers to the AIDS and to Mr Green thank you very much I'll pass right along all right and moving on as a former High School uh soccer coach I'm uh very uh pleased to welcome some of our uh student athletes and their coaches and families this evening for some fall Athletics uh recognition for um really some excellent and exceptional um achievements uh I'd like to welcome our athletic director M RI to the podium to highlight some of these great success stories welcome Mr rundi good evening everyone um before I begin with the sports presentation I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge and thank the Board of Education this evening for the outstanding accomplishment of hiring Dr vinani um outstanding and and with his hiring along with with the process uh Mr bisig miss triglia Mr igu just a tremendous team it's it's it's um you know I've shared with some people when I'm driving to work in the morning I feel like a first year educator again it it's it's a hard feeling to describe but I appreciate you know the search the process and I appreciate the leadership I mean there's there's they're providing clear and concise structure order and discipline creating an environment where teachers can teach and students can learn and there's wonderful things happening here in this District every day and it's so I'm so appreciative of it and uh so thank you for that I really appreciate it and we appreciate your leadership so it's a pleasure to work with you guys so at this time let's let's and the one thing that I've noticed is the absolute thing they have first in their minds every single day is our kids and that's refreshing so I'd like to call up at this time our girls cross country team and Coach Mary you guys could just stand up there and yeah be careful now this is the uh the big North conference American Division Championship team that stands before you this evening those not familiar with cross country cross country is one of the most underappreciated sports that there there is these kids got to go out and they have to be mentally and physically tough because they have to run a 3.2 mile race which is not easy to do their training is not easy they have an outstanding coach in Mr mury who's won many many division titles he he's a he's in the Hall of Fame as a coach here in Richfield Park so these young ladies are very lucky to have Coach muy and Coach fauler as their coaches this season in particular they showed a lot of grit and determination because I don't think there was a weekend you guys ran where it wasn't pouring rain am am I right about that so they had to warm up freezing cold wet run their races and doing that you know they won the big North uh American Division which is not an easy thing to accomplish so I'm going to announce them coach if you'll help me hand out the certificates uh I have it in alphabetical order hopefully I have that right so first is Riley fusy Briana Harrison Kimberly Marshall Shania Perez NY La bayz Gabriella Ramos and Juliana Heraldo tabaris once again this is our big North conference americ division Champions the Richfield Park lady cross country Scarlets Mr RI can we get a picture with can we get a picture with the athletes sorry can can the board get a picture with the athletes yeah Dennis get in there okay you ready guys on three you ready one two three good only one we're going to be we're going to be tough in the future all right next I'd like to call up coach aanac con and Britney Lee Yes or you whatever you want to do all right hold on to your seats as I go through some of Britney's accomplishments now Britney's a sophomore here at Richville Park Junior Senior High School she's our first singles on our girls tennis team she was first team all league First Team all County First Team all North Jersey First Team all state group two and third Team all state all groups Britney made it to the quarterfinals of the tournament and that's every first singles tennis player in the state of New Jersey she lost in the quarterfinals to the eventual winner had she not drawn her in the quarterfinals I think they might have met in the finals and the the wonderful thing is that she's a sophomore and has two more years I I don't know some of you the guys that have coached and participated in athletics um Can grasp how difficult it is to be an Allstate athlete it's not something that happens all the time and Britney's a a a very special athlete but what makes Britney more special than her athletic ability is the type of person that she is if you stop by Fellowship Park uh during tennis practice you'll see a whole lot of beginners out there and Britney circulating the courts working with all the kids helping them become better tennis players she is one of the most humble gifted athletes that I've ever come across talking to Britney on a daily basis you would never know that she's an absolute tennis star and I think that's how she prefers it um and I respect that greatly about you um we look forward to having Britney for the next two years um I think coach aanac con can also thank Britney for receiving coach of the year because without her he would not have won that and I'd like to thank Britney's Dad's here with her tonight uh and also the cross country parents that were here and Britney's mom dad sister sister and their dog Coco are her number one fans at the tennis matches uh that's always fun when when we're there watching her and we also look forward to having Britney's younger sister is will be here with us as a freshman next year who is equally as talented as Britney so the uh future looks bright for Richfield Park uh Scarlet lady tennis so Britney I'd like to present you with the certificate on behalf of Dr vinani and the Board of Education picture time get in picture oh yeah Dad get in the picture one two three and in closing I would just like to wish everyone a happy healthy and safe holiday season thank you very much thank you Mr amundi for sharing that great presentation and for joining them this evening and Miss Cav for joining us as well to support your um students and again congratulations to uh the coaches our student athletes and their families for this exceptional uh achievement and we look forward to celebrating our winter sports at an upcoming board meeting and to conclude my superintendent report I want to entire Community a joyful holiday break and a very happy healthy New Year uh the board and the administration will be sending the traditional holiday card we'll be doing so in digital format this year uh the art Honor Society students provided the submissions and I'm pleased to announce the card submitted by ninth grade student Tomas shpo was selected and I'll be attending the art Honor Society uh meeting tomorrow afternoon to all of our students for their submissions uh they were very wonderful to view and very inspiring uh and to personally congratulate toas happy holidays everyone thank you thank you Dr vasani can we have state monitor's report yes uh just briefly uh once again uh a review of the financial reports uh as prepared by Administration um definitely certify that there's definitely enough funds to uh carry the district through the end of the fiscal year without uh any problems uh and then also secondly that the um the district's uh uh attempts to or direction to uh expand uh Early Childhood is moving along um we had our first uh formal meeting with uh the vendor uh concerning uh coming up with a a a uh uh and addressing the the details and in setting up a a program in uh the vendor the venue in Richfield Park um everything else is going good uh so ends my report thank you and I'd like to just release our student Representatives thank you for your report thank you have a good night go home and do homework please and if I may have a motion to read new business into the record so as to allow the public an opportunity to comment on these items during the on agenda section Mr bison can you please read and to record the walkin items yes new business finance Insurance resolve that the Rital Park Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools accepts the reports of the board secretary and it is entered into the record for the months of July August September and October of 2023 Pursuit into njac 620 d2.2 D the board secretary certifies that as of October 23d 2023 no major budgetary line item accounts have been overexpanded in violation of njac 12 um as just a point of order I didn't to do what we just did please have a motion to do what we just did I'll make that motion take a take a vote Mr capcar yes Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes Mr Gomes yes Miss mcneel yes Miss Rodriguez yes Miss bz yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes and I'm glad the resolution passed since we before we go into public comments uh on behalf of the board I'd like to express my gratitude to several individuals who have provided much service to this District during challenging times uh first I'd like to thank Bernard Gomes and Dave cathar for their service on the board during arguably one of the most transformative three years in this District this job is volunteer and when job is taken from a perspective from a pure perspective your community gains from your sacrifice and our community has gained from your sacrifice among other things Mr Gom has relentlessly and when I say relentlessly spearheaded this board's focus on developing CT opportunities for many for the many talented and hardworking students for whom College will not be the path to success uh tonight that that that his impact is already felt uh we will continue that work on your behalf as for Mr Cathcart who has served this community domestically and abroad in just about every capacity possible so may not remember and may regret it recruited me for the board grown man who I allowed to scold me publicly I thank him for my service to this I I thank him for his service to this board to this community and especially to our country I'd also like to reiterate the words of trusty orth regarding the retirements of Miss artuso Miss Salvatore and Dr Bender uh retirements are more beginnings and endings at least I hope so wish you I wish you all well earned peace and prosperity and life to the education and again thank you all for your service trusty Rodriguez could you please read the guidelines for public comment for tonight's meeting there will be two public comment sessions one on the agenda and one off agenda item there is a signup sheet on the podium we will call your name in the order that you've signed in each member of the public will have five minutes to speak during each comment period time cannot be transferred to other individuals the public comment period will be 1 hour for on agenda items and one hour for non-agenda items the board will now entertain public comments please remember to name and Richville Park meeting address and to keep brief to allow sufficient time for members of the public to speak if they wish thank you your support thank thank you hi Janet Mal 163 East Grand AV um I'm looking at the agenda and I have a bunch of questions uh first I do want to um congratulate our cross country and our tennis player and what I found especially um interesting is that they were both actually all girls team so to Big so to speak and I know when I went to school we didn't have any of that for girls so we've come a long way um the first one is 9.03 um I guess I'm just a little puzzled but maybe this is a jersey thing and I I say that a lot because I'm really used to a New York System how we lump business art music Career and Technical education into one person's position I just find that kind of fascinating interesting don't necessarily see the connection but um so this is like a supervisor like you would have a supervisor of English Department or math department okay um the next one is I'm looking through here going to get to the page I marked some of these out okay [Music] um it was my understanding that we hired uh and I could be wrong a HR person yes we have an HR person then and Dr V I know has a um an extensive background in HR so I'm kind of curious why we need Frontline like what what their purpose is that we couldn't accomplish from the people we have on staff already um that I'm just it's not a huge amount of money but it's still a cost added on when we've gone to the point where we've hired people to do that type of a job um next I was a little surprised at the amount of people uh taking medical leave or um maternity leaves that was kind of just interesting to see people will be at least tentatively replacing um next is 1305 says separation agreement um does this mean that the person that's no longer going to be employed was let go or because it it's just worded a little oddly to me um I was just trying to figure that out because it doesn't say retirement or a leave or whatever um and I could have just been you know an employee that doesn't even not even a teaching staff person um and that I don't have a problem with keeping that person's identity private um let me get to okay this is another one I don't know where it starts 1311 okay I'm trying to figure this out so we have somebody we have a leave a leave replacement for a math teacher at the high school that's going to be employed from November 16th which so obviously they've started through April of 24 so they're not doing a full it's not like they're picking up the year and finishing it so is it customary to pay a regular step salary okay because that's different than what I'm used to usually you um in my experience it's a subp pay but at a higher level because you're okay so that's why I'm questioning it um and I think there was one more um can someone explain what a student assistant coordinator so that's not a teaching position is it um I that was kind of a role that I never really took much note of until today um is it like a guidance counselor or part of the admin or in other words and will this be what level will they be dealing with as my other question um and is this person actually on staff now or is it going to be a new position with a new person or the position is there and it's just a new person coming on board that was what I was trying to figure out and let me see if there was anything else here um I think that was it as far as this goes um I would like to say that I will miss seeing sry too so as I used to come in to the high school um in the past many times um to just deal with things related to the Arts Association or Garden or whatever and um I would like to also congratulate Dr Benda on her retirement uh it's um I met her actually when she was in element when she was at Grant for the very first time and we were just starting the garden and we asked if we could come down there we're having a book sale and I got there early and it was the first time I had met her and I have to be honest before I had met her and I heard a lot of things about her and I was think you know what was so special until I really got to know her as a person and as an educator and through working with her through the Arts Association when she would come down when we were when the student a few years ago did the mural and she came down to the opening on a Saturday and actually took the time to speak and then there was a second mural done that was not done was done privately and we said you know you don't need to stay and she said it was done by high school students so I will so I I always respected that that was as superintendent and one time even when we did the Arts Association um Village um Art Exhibit during the pandemic or just in that time frame um we were trying to work the PowerPoint and for some reason I just couldn't get it to go and I was running the program and she just immediately stepped in and she says this is what I've done for years and she just ran it so I appreciate the um the different situations in which I worked with her and I wish her well so that's it okay thank you thank you miss m M Miss Schmid this is your last time before you're on the board you wanna is it on agenda Mr gos and Mr Kath carts leaving is that on agenda no no um and and yes congrats to everyone on their retirements I know Linda are to so obviously Dr Bender as well so best of luck to everybody in their future endeavors and I'll save the rest for off agenda do we have anybody to elevate I'm sorry uh hi Miss G you're muted but welcome hi can you hear me now yes L we got lead 464a Liberty Street Department 102 I was looking at the change orders for the new I'm going to call it the cooking room um that were in the agenda and I found that one of them was kind of interesting in one way they said you got something dented and you got $300 off and you were able to fix it I just found that interesting um you know I've never seen that room so I can't really comment any further than that but it's up and running um it's all all complete now right okay yes that's all I had to say thanks thank you m k anyone else Elevate I just said I had to have a little fun with that one elate we're going to take a chance with this one good evening s Mr s pleas good evening everyone um just want to say uh the best of luck to all the retirees um Miss artuso has been here a long time I uh appreciate all she's done uh special thanks to Dr Bender for all her leadership at gr School uh which was originally a teacher in the high school and certainly her time as a superintendent uh unfortunately um again we're losing some good people again but uh people do retire and um uh I wish her all the best I'm sure she'll succeed in anything she does um other quick question uh is you have an outside technology consultant do you tell me who that is and when the board approve them I'm writing your questions if it answer it'll be answered at the end okay thank you you have another question no that's it I'm sorry Mr Sant were you gonna ask another question no that was the only one okay okay we will we will try to address that question at the end of the session thank you have anybody else nobody else t Okay some of your questions give us one minute we're researching some answers thank you uh president so uh I can comment on some of these first in regard to the and the keyword here is revised uh job description for the supervisor of business art music and CT the previsor of business art and music CTE Career and Technical education uh was actually embedded in that job description but we've placed it more prominently in the title and really have um increased in terms of the oversight because uh when I share uh uh developing alternative Pathways careers these for our students um so again this is not a new position rather it's a revised description and to oversee several departments many of our supervisor so um when you think about it art and music are typically couched at and Performing or practical Arts business actually gets needed some of the business uh does not relate to CTE and other areas do um so it whereas the job description might seem robust in terms of oversight there's actually a lot of among those particular uh departments uh in terms of Frontline Central happy to comment on this further um this is think of this as an electronic um personnel file a database where we can confidentially uh with confidentialities store uh all onboarding documentation so the existing onboarding processes we are sending now PDF zero copies of the email to our new HS and then they return those either in person or they email them back it's not ideal whereas this program uh not only electronically timestamps the submission and tracks and monitors uh but it's proficient from an a perspective and from a business office perspective because a lot of onboarding uh touches upon payroll and pension and things of that nature uh it's uh much more feasible to be able to monitor that through um H have an HR background but in regard the H we did not hire a new HR position that exting position that needed to be filled and we went through an end process over this to fill ited and hopeful the you know Frontline Cal will will move forward it's a a really great opportunity for to reflect well on the district uh in terms of uh how we are onboarding our new hires because it is uh a much more streamlined process in addition to that Frontline Central also sides our current staff uh with access to forms that at present they are again using copies an example approvals we can also send contracts out rather than sending uh them uh via inter office mail um so it's a a much more streamlined process and again it's secure and and and it provides confidentiality to the process so thank you for that question um in terms of the leave replacement yes depend the length of the certification and the oversight of that individual uh typically leave Replacements are are then placed on one of the RPA contract uh in terms of the Student Assistance coordin position which I should on the board meeting uh one District at one point in the district uh there was a uh common referred to as a sack there was a sack um uh from what I understand that position uh was then cut from a budgetary perspective uh but here I'm recommending this evening um someone to fill it so it is not currently filled but I'm recommending to the board um the finalist uh which we're excited to have on on board and I believe those are the areas that I can comment on the last one um in regard to the uh Technology Group this was approved by Mr Egan thank you thank you very much everybody for your questions this will close it and we will now move on to um our agenda items trustee craft please move faculty and programs 901 to 906 make a motion to move FP 901 to FP 906 a second do we have any questions or comments discussion on these items seeing none can I have a roll call Mr Cathcart yes Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes Mr Gomes yes Miss mcneel yes Miss Rodriguez yes Miss valz yes Miss or yes president Martinez yes resolution passes trusty Cooney can you please move buildings and grounds resolutions buildings and grounds 10.01 through 10.03 ISO move I second it that goes to Dave um uh do we have any questions or comments or discussion on 101 to 103 buildings and grounds um I would just like to say we um we viewed uh the board viewed the um improvements in The Culinary labs this evening um and they look outstanding they're really you know job well done to all those involved it was really um it's been a long process and long overdue so it was nice to see what a great job they did I'll also comment that this that project did start a long time ago and I want to give credit credit the prior to administrations started initiated it and we're in the process of wrapping up when I said it was complete the I just want to clarify that ground see can Mr capar yes Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes Mr Gomes yes Miss mcneel yes Miss Rodriguez yes Miss valz yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes the resolution is passed trusty Gomes can you please move finance and insurance for the last time yes I moved fi 1101 to 1112 and 1601 I said any questions or comments seeing none can I have a roll call Mr Cathcart yes but I'll be an extension 1101 1102 noted Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes Mr Gomes yes Miss Neil yes Mr Rodriguez yes to all exstension 1101 Miss valz yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes the resolutions passed we have no consent agenda we'll move to very robust Personnel trusty orth I so move 1301 to 138 second do we have any discussion or comments on Personnel matters seeing none can I have a roll call Mr Cathcart uh yes and all but it be an extenstion on 1308 Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes Mr Gomes yes Miss mcneel yes Miss Rodriguez yes Miss BZ yes Miss orth yes Miss Martinez yes the resolution passes [Music] sorry [Music] uh you're obing on 1305 okay 1308 and 1308 I think it's just 1308 1305 and 1308 Mr trusty cathart did you intend to abstain on both of those or just 13 no no I'd be I apologize I'd be an extension on 1305 also okay thank you okay I'm sorry I lost track where we were the resolution passes okay those were the last ones um before we listen to Citizens comments off agenda uh I believe that trusty Gomes wanted to read a statement thank you I'd like to start off by thanking the public for trusting me to serve as a board of education trustee for the last three years it's been quite an education from me and I've learned a lot our district has a sending relationship with little furry and I'd like to thank the little furry board of education for working with us on several occasions inside of your board rep Mr fighter have been critical and very valuable I would also like to thank Mr Egan our state monitor for engaging and working closely with the Board of Ed and our Administration your input has also been invaluable to us krie Wright and David dler I know we can sometime drive you nuts and it's helpful to know that you were cool heads in a room thank you for guiding us through some difficult decisions had to make next I'd like to thank Dr vasani and the administrative team for all the critical steps you have taken since you started working for the district your vision for our district and our students is one that I fully support as you already know I'm a big proponent of CTE and special education so I'll will continue to send you information and push for all options for our children I'll be able to answer your questions provide a SS when you're ready to increase and grow our CTE in special ed programs finally my fellow trustees you all had different reasons why you chose to run for the board of educations now that you're serving your community many of the things you vote on will have an impact on equ quality of education for our children for many years to come in closing I'm charging each of you as a board trustee with the following tasks one taking steps to improve our test scores two increase our CTE offerings three create a work-based learning programs and four create a plan for the district for the next five to 10 years thank you for continuing this important work welcome the new trustees and happy holidays to everyone thank you trusty Gomes we will now listen to the citizens comments off agenda and again we will ask you to keep to the generous five minute limit and respect the board's attempt to stay out of trouble by being more Mindful and deliberative in addressing your concerns Miss Malo Janet M 163 East Grand Avenue um first of all I would like to know how we fared with the flooding and the storm the other day I will say it was pretty wild um I'm curious to know if uh we incurred damage that we had to call outside help in to you know plumbers or electricians or whatever to fix the problems um and um I'm curious about so far since this reorganization has occurred um how we have manag to cover any tasks that needed to be done I can tell you I was kind of shocked a few weeks ago I needed my kitchen sync declog 45 minutes to just root a router under the sink $33 so it was like a lot of us are in the wrong business you know electricians and um Plumbing HVAC I'm hoping with the from what I was I'm my understanding of what was being alluded to um with some of the new curriculum ideas coming in that those are addressed because you know what there are a lot of kids out there that do not benefit from college and they do wonderfully when they go into the trades and we're always going to need the trades and that's one of my pet peeves with education today everything seems to be about acceleration and how many AP classes a kid can take and they get to college and then they get out and they're not even using the degrees they went for and let's face it if you've got kids in college or you're paying college loans still they are like a medical degree used to be um so I would really um look forward to seeing you know some new programs come in that address those needs too so the kids don't have to leave here to go to one of the specialty schools to have that hands-on experience or the technical experience of the trades um I know years ago we had a lot of that here um I remember my husband talking about them assembling and disassembling a car or doing somebody's oil change and it was just part of a course and and that's pretty pretty cool in my mind um I also kind of question there's been a lot of change in a very short period of time and um even tonight new hires some things yes you have to do but I just kind of question typically the last meeting of the year um hasn't in the past been where major um appointments or things like that were done so I guess that's another new change that has come into play um usually years ago you waited for the new board to come on the next month and that's when you voted those things in as they were the ones that were going to be needing to follow um and um I think that's really about it um I want to wish everybody a good holiday I think everybody needs the break at this point and um and I will be still coming up here and speaking my mind um as we move into the next year and um whether I've agreed with some of the comments or the actions of Mr Gomes and Mr Cathcart um I know it is a thankless job um I've watched that for years when my husband was on the board and I'm guess we're going to be watching it again and I know the amount of hours that go into it and you're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't and I understand that um so I wish you guys well as you get some time to yourselves again and um I guess that's about it for tonight thank you thank you miss m m fit were you going to come up change your address yes Jennifer 138 fth Street okay so I wanted to say thank you to Mr Gs Mr cathart um for your service um for putting up with me for three years and um all my emails I really appreciate it and of of course I value your volunteerism and especially in the role of a board of education member who puts in more hours than a lot of other volunteer positions um I did actually find out remember that I have a lot to talk about um while I have the chance so I have a lot of questions and concerns about a Wellness Center I know it from what I understand we've had a wellness center for some time um and obviously I haven't been a student here for for many many years and I want to understand more about that because a quick Google I can find you know what is a wellness center in schools and it seems like it could be anything from a fun place to hang out when kids just don't feel like doing their work in class they're going to pretend they're having a mental breakdown and they need to go talk to this um Student Assistance coordinator number one number two um you know when a student goes to the wellness center are their parents notified um are they receiving mental counseling um do you need some kind of approval first from their parents in order for them to go to the wellness center and why do we need a Wellness Center specifically as opposed to just you know if you're having a bad day go see the nurse let her talk to you and if it's really that bad call the parents and let the parents handle it um and I also might have missed it I know I've read the job description a while back for the um Student Assistance coordinator but um they're credentials again are they like a certified psychologist um what exactly are they can this I know this is wild but I don't have a lot of faith anymore in in what goes on in the schools not our school in particular but just things um I mean do they have the capability of of prescribing medication it's I'm just asking the question because you know these days I don't we giving information medical advice um I have a lot of concerns a lot of questions and I think it would be very um important for parents to be made aware of exactly what a Wellness Center is if it's in the schools I would be sure that most parents have no clue these things exist um and I certainly would not approve of my child having mental counseling that I'm not informed about or having any kind of emotional distress at school that I'm not informed about that's it thank you thank you m do we have anyone to elevate can we Elevate them good evening Mr DeSantis Mr dtis again yes um 15 Homestead Place I uh asked earlier about the um the new outside consultant of Technology um I'm not sure why State monitor would hire somebody and the board wouldn't ratify it on the agenda uh such an important position in the district uh usually handled by an employee uh and why wouldn't it be on the agenda I also asked who is the company who was the outside consultant and that wasn't answered so please uh Dr Martinez drani please would to answer that question Dr V is gonna follow up you have any other question okay um pH you don't know who the person is or the company is I don't know right now Dr is writing stuff down right now but you will get an answer right today okay I'll have an answer by the next meeting Dr V is gonna follow up with you directly all right thank you any other questions or comments y that's it thanks thank you Mr santis good evening um Miss artuso that's me are you able to hear me perfectly great thank you um I hate to be a rule breaker but I would like to just make a brief statement regarding item number 1306 uh so please just indulge me while I so humbly brag about how valuable Linda tuso has been to the school district over the course of 21 years she has served the district in many capacities but most recently as an administrative assistant to the athletic director Mr rundi although that is her title on paper uh one second although that is her title on paper she has also served as a main office secretary a position she probably wasn't ready for but as she has always done in her life she Rose to the occasion and did what was expected of her she went from working on schedules and writing purchase orders to helping students with any problem that crossed her path no matter how trivial it may have seemed to a tired teacher I've never seen anyone work harder than her especially with the benevolence that she demonstrates all the time the virual Park School District is losing someone special but she is the most deserving person I guarantee nobody will miss her more than I will but happy retirement to my mom thank you so much thank you Mr artuso and thank you for those insights um some of none of us on the board I think or maybe some of us on the board uh have been to the schools here uh I may know her better but it's good for our community to know her so thank you for sharing her sharing her with us for all these years and especially for testimony for your testimony to her uh service this District tonight thank you thank you one else okay then I will close oh I'm sorry ahead of myself again thank you for stopping Miss Dr V thank you president Martinez just to respond to some points that I can do so this evening otherwise I will I will certainly follow up as I have in the past but uh thankfully the district fared well in terms of flooding uh we did have water have rain in places that we don't normally um but we were able to amarate that without the need to go to any outside contractors a special thank you to our Delta uh custodial staff uh as well as our maintenance uh employee Mr John ogrady who was on site um day and night and did a fantastic job realistically the issue was the psg1 uh it was not internal uh but what we discovered throughout this process um and just further highlighted connected to a later point in terms of the technology infrastructure and we were able to come across you know some areas that uh the administration is taking a look at so can hopefully avoid these types of issues down the road but again thankfully in terms of of flooding we are are in good place and I think that's um indicative by the fact that we were able to open the very next day after delayed opening in ter terms of the um Wellness Center so it's a generally a broad term uh but there are districts even in Bergen County uh utilize that in terms of the Student Assistance coordinator that is uh a certificated position it's a certificate um required by the New Jersey Department of Education so it is actually a Student Assistance coordinator certificate um certainly in terms of um you know students uh who are in need of going to the wellness center yes it's it's it's the the idea not a student hangout but it's for students need uh to be clear the district has an existing um School social worker who is housed here at the Junior Senior High School uh that office um going to be relocated to the center and that individual was an existing employ work in tand new students assistance in terms of confidentiality yes you know certainly um you know these individuals keep that in mindpoint they follow all requir apparent notification yeah is is the model I mean mid asked when a kid is having a rough time uh is the model intended to to kind of get the kid back in the game so to speak that they may they may need to go there for a period and then they're able to collect themselves and go back into class and not miss an entire day well ideally yes uh but you know really it would depending on the unique needs of that that student right of of that child um you know specifically A Student Assistance coordinator has um experience in and um process processes examples when we have substance abuse um and connects families and uh the student with resources to do so and in times where we need to send a student out due to substance abuse also performs the the re-entry back into the school system and just in regard to uh just a bit a bit in terms of you know the technology and um you know what we've been able to uncover in in my time here in regard to the infrastructure is that we do need to turn some attention to it um that was noted actually just recently in terms of you know the the the heavy rain because our our current structure is is situated in terms of when the power goes out you know here at the Junior Senior High School it can disrupt for example the internet uh in some various schools that's not always the case um but it does it's entirely uh possible that that happens and and it has in my time here um utilizing an outside consultant is not new to this District um you may not be aware that we actually Outsource uh and utilize a consulant company for our firewall on Creative Associates uh being that um so it's not uncommon not only for this District but other districts to utilize um you know services from a Technology Group um to provide um not only levels of support but also to identify um areas in need of of improvement um which we're able to do and that concludes my responses and I will follow up as needed any questions that you feel we haven't we haven't adequately answered as you know you don't have to wait for the next board meeting you can just reach out to us you can CC me or CC board if you need answers to questions were not answered tonight with that I believe I will ask motion to CL I make to close my final meeting nice try Dave you're second oh what the hell yeah I'll second it thank you Dave thank you thank you everybody have a good night Dave than you Dave thank you