good evening and welcome I would like to open the public portion of the January 17 2024 Bridgefield Park Board of Education meeting the time is now 7:35 let's begin with a salute to the flag Mr bison can you please read the open public meetings act in accordance with the state New Jersey open public meeting act statement the New Jersey o meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the ril Park Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time in place therefore posted in Burger record Star Ledger Municipal Building Board of Education offices and District website public participation instructions public participation will be conducted both through public will be muted participation comments are limited to five minutes the public will be able to both speak be SE by the board when participating virtually telephonically via Zoom individual participating virtually that wish to make comments during the public participation will need to raise their hand by clicking the blue hand icon at the bot bottom of the zoom window individuals participating by telephone that wish to make comments during the public participation will need to hit star n on the telephone to raise their hand the business administrator board secretary will then mute one at a time to speak in order that the hand was raised thank you Mr may please have roll call Mr Cooney president Miss craft here Mr fitos miss mcneel here Mr Malo here Miss Rodriguez here Miss Schmidt here miss valz miss orth here president Martinez here we have a quorum we have uh no new minutes to approve and we have had no Communications from the public no correspond respon from the public uh we will now move into committee reports buildings and grounds trustee Cooney good evening everyone the b& committee met on January 8th at 5: PM in attendance were Dr V miss triglia Mr B Dr Martinez president Martinez sorry um trusty mcneel and truste Schmidt we discussed this District goals progress and Dr V reviewed his goals surrounding the B&G facilities within his district goals special services programs and central office space were discussed Dr V and Miss triglia reviewed the pending Rec restructuring of the special education classroom configuration within the Lincoln School confines M Trier reviewed the ongoing significant increase within the special education student population and required Facility Services Dr V and Miss Tri also reviewed the current IND District student service president Martinez requested the latest student population within the special education students for for a future of 24 25 school year Dr V M Tria reviewed the current leadership office confines and suggested relocating of the Boe office as well prek update top floor within the proposed location within the the TD Bank old location um for the transition is for possible 18 21 transition program on the top floor first floor and second floor would house the prek district program and afford additional space for current prek inclusion program plus much needed office spaces for to support that program MRI reviewed the current pre-case St and reviewed the possibility of opening a new District pre a location at said space at TD Bank Mr Eagan is currently reviewing these options with the current owner of TD Bank to see if it is feasible uh on a cost- effective approach long term husack inspection and results for facility walkthroughs excuse me facilities were uh received a walkthrough check on status and we pending the uh inspection for qct through the county and um the review came back as outstanding the snow removal and athletic facilities uh with the Kabota was also discussed the Kabota is on order that is the machine the tractor machine to do all the plowing the purchase order has been processed as a currently waiting delivery districtwide removal of unused paint and chemicals also took place and it's waiting a proper removal power outage upgrades for the Junior Senior High School we reviewed the current ongoing power outage that occurred at the high school districtwide equipment assessment of things that are outdated and no longer serviceable Mr Eagle is currently assessing and reviewing all facility equipment on what is repairable and non-serviceable this also includes all prior prior priorly purchased it equipment excuse me the rod Grant updates and doas and Junior Senior High School academic Wing upgrade and the HVAC rooftop units were discussed review the current status of the ongoing Rod Grant approval process the state has not released the final approval letters yet to the various districts meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm. and we are scheduled to meet again on Monday February 12 that concludes the buildings thank you thank you trusty Cooney I will take care of the policy committee since trusty or is not there the committee met on January 9th at 7M uh president with Dr vinani uh Miss Carmel trigle John Schmid uh David dler and myself uh the committee was briefed on Dr vpan and his administrations District goals with several being completed on being completed on or well ahead of schedule uh recent attention is being focused on supporting principles and developing professional learning communities within each School uh most of the meeting uh focused on our policy regarding uh who move out of the district and what their eligibility will be to stay or their need to go uh the board is really working on this for quite a while and seeking outside consultation it appears that districts across the state are uh all over the place with regard to this policy both in what the policy is and how they enforce it we are trying to come up with a system that's Equitable and uh compassionate while also balancing the fact that we are stewards of the people's tax dollar and that we can't give that away that's all I have to report home to school connection trusty Rodriguez thank you con should met on January 11th 2024 at 10:45 a.m. committee members intendant um assistant superintendent of schools carella triglia Mrs Hernandez grand school principal Mrs anilan math coach District math coach myself um trusty schmith and trusty V we discussed about we discussed the parent Guardian Academy event on February 6th um and the focus will be mathematics with a multilingual lens will be provided title ones um there is going to be plan activities and it's going to be organized by different bands kindgarten through kindergarten 1 2 through third second thir um four through six family will participate in Hands-On activities using tools that are utilized in the classrooms um like previous divided into workshops in different areas uh we will be here in the cafeteria parents will be here in the cafeteria High School volunteers will present with advices to translating and um the the event will be promoted uh will be promoted through school messenger Flyers Google Classroom postings um and Weekly News um by the principal parents are not requir to pre-register for this event the committee um discussed possibly having a signin sheet and also um Gathering feedback and next meeting will be February 15th thank you trusty Rodriguez faculty and programs trustee craft the faculty and programs committee met on January 9th president were Dr assistant board president Dr Martinez myself trustee Rodriguez and trusty valz who's newcomer to the committee welcome trusty valz faculty and programs we discussed the progress on District goals uh we also discussed the absorption of the Personnel committee onto the faculty and programs committee moving forward uh Dr V shared that they are currently working on a district organization chart and they're looking to build a greater Presence at local Career Fairs we discuss professional learning communities this work is ongoing in each of our element each of our schools Miss trigle is pushing into support principles with this endeavor and our instructional coaches are working to provide professional learning opportunities for teachers they're currently receiving professional development on assessment they'll be teachers will be receiving professional development on the observation rubric report card rubrics the three-part objective and the assessment strategies in the classroom a discussion was had on ftis in panel reading benchmarks which is the district's reading benchmark assessment and the measures being used to report student independent reading levels we also discussed the mo MOA with our law enforcement that's on tonight's agenda we discuss the anticipated supervisor of bam and CTE which is on today's agenda the anticipated director of Early Childhood that recommendation is also on today's agenda we discussed our preschool update uh the work that our instructional coach has been doing she's been very active in our preschool she's currently conducting ERS assessments and visiting schools working on a budget and a Val evaluating screening tools the instructional coach is extremely knowledgeable in curriculum and has been meeting with parents and providing valuable feedback we discussed possibly the expansion of the before and after CARE program a discussion was had regarding EXP ing offerings to District families at the current time we only offer before and after care we discuss potentially offering enrichment opportunities after school and possibly in the summer for those families who don't need child care per se but would like to provide an enrichment activity for their child we explore we discuss exploring other districts who utilize their after school programs as a source of income for the districts we discussed the transition from elementary school to middle school trustee Rodriguez Express the need for closer look and how we provide support for students who are transitioning School to the middle schools our next report our next meeting is on Tuesday February 13 2024 thank you trusty craft finance and insurance trustee mcneel thank you on January 8th at 6m Dr vasani miss triglia Mr bisig Dr Martinez truste Malo trustee orth and myself we all in attendance um Dr V did give us a progress update on District goals and acknowledge Frontline HR uh purchase to help that uh goal move forward um we did discuss special service program central office space and the space at Lincoln School in the context of um keeping our special ed students in District versus the cost of them out um there was a prek update um with some information that shared those um conversations are ongoing and Discovery is still happening there um the audit process for the school year 2022 2023 um has begun January 16th was the start date with the anticipated completion in four weeks and um that is required in order for us to start um on the budgets for next school year um Rod Grant approval as Mr Cooney noted um we are still waiting the final letter letters in order for that to continue um there is however um a HVAC upgrade that was linked to other funding um that W has begun and should be completed by the reopening of school here in the high school the 20242 uh budget process was discussed in some length on on the call um the preliminary budget review is scheduled for March 15 2024 and um we will be having interim meetings prior to that to ensure board understands how the funds are being allocated for different programs uh across the district um we also talked about the loan to the state which final payment is in Spring of 2025 and our next meeting date is Monday February 12th thank you trusty McNeil we'll now move on to the superintendent report thank you president Martinez and good evening uh to our community thank you for those who are joining us both virtually and in person I'd like to begin with uh welcoming our student representatives for their report good good evening my name is Bri Cooney and I'm new your class president good evening my name is Vicky Lynn and I am theg starting off with seala by literacy test organ Rodriguez supervisor of w language and ESL last week over 30 seniors took the Sea by literacy test other than English literacy is an award given by a school of students who have studied and Proficiency in two or more languages by the Sea by ly students pursu by Honor the school they attain evidence and of skills that are attractive to Future and college admissions offices coach Gaskins coaches ver cancer on Saturday January 13th for the year in a row boys basketball host a Brian long classic in honor and loving memory of Coach Gas Pass answer in 201 Mr long was aective Police Department he left behind wife who at the time of his P have been donated to the long family and also to late County Sheriff officer [Laughter] Timothy to pass appreciations coming from the following including little teacher R Muer who donated DJ Services to the event and the Florio were donating an extensive snack stand and decor and L referees who the event free of charge throughout the last few years this event has increased for two games the support from the rich Park is greatly appreciated coach gasin stated benefit games appear yearly in many districts and ours has become an event that other teams truly look forward to being a part of but for me I truly enjoy schools from outside our leagues everything we have to offer while also while also producing a great event in memory of who I consider to be a brother future Friday presentation um Friday January 12th on January 12th our guidance Department organized a future Friday presentation in the court system with Kazar and Ed CLE Laurel Kazar serves as a core executive acting as a bridge between the courts and Community she manages a court user Center at the County Justice which helps the public navigate the court system they provide access to court forms procedural information and Community Resources as well as ensure that customers have Fair access to the courts is a training development and Outreach specialist the Judiciary Office opportunity and affirmative action which works Workforce Mr Castle's re role is to design training and Outreach programs to ensure diversity and support Workforce Development Mr Castle throughout the state and speaks to students in presentations and career Affairs to educate them about the RO of the courts and to Showcase opportunities Kazar and and Mr Castle presented on many career opportunities within the Jud J such as case managers probation Court officers it and Analysis analysts Court interpreters legal Specialists and accounting clerical Human Resources operations and Communications our high school Deca chapter accompanied by singer and Miss headed to Ramapo College for the DECA prepares emerging leaders for careers in marketing Finance Hospitality competition were given one or two role plays to allow them to demonstrate their knowledge on business functions these role plays can vary depending on each participant is in competition our students were able to experience examples scenarios that can occur and these real life problems thank you Bri and Vicky we really appreciate your report as always I wanted to begin my uh report uh by clearly indicating that winter is upon us uh I wanted to thank our leadership team Mr BC Mr and Mr oversight are prepared to open change in leadership and and you know that department you know we've really not skipped beat so thank you so much and also a massive thank you to our our maintenance and custodial staff for all their hard work and and of course the the town of Richfield Park the village for for all their support and assisting with us uh with with these Endeavors as well um I understand that closures and or delayed openings can create challenges for child care I'm living that as a a parent of preschooler myself uh so I do thank all of our families for their understanding and and as well as our staff for all the adjustments that they've made along the way as noted on the agenda I respectively submit the Hib report that was presented to the board in executive session and just just to touch upon some exciting School news in our k6 elementary schools all three schools uh will be participating in the great kindness challenge the week of January 22nd uh G T students in grade six attended the world peace game at Dwight Englewood School on January 12th at the Junior Senior High School 7eventh and eighth grade students recently participated in an assembly uh by Mr Dwayne West his presentation was interactive focused on a message of inclusivity character development and making good choices and kindness it's great to hear that kindness is spreading within our schools uh this Friday 19th will be the first ever electives fair for students in grades 8th through 11th to learn more about the various courses we offer uh here prior to their spring scheduling appointments and uh just out of the press uh our student reps had mentioned uh the basketball tournament and I'm pleased to share that coach gasin has earned his 300th career win congratulations to coach gasin quite an accomplishment to our Bo basketball go agenda I'm pleased to be recommending a supervisor of business art music and career in technical education as well as director of early childhood education we again had uh very healthy candidate pools uh which midye are sometimes CH develop so we really appreciate all of our applicants and those who participated in those processes the candidates participated in a rigorous process with mulle rounds including a committee round and a performance task and lastly um some flyers and information are being disseminated uh chusty Rodriguez had shared about our parent Guardian Academy event which has been organized by our home and school connection committee will be a k6 math night from 6:00 to 7:30 on Tuesday February 6 here at the Junior Senior High School uh Flyers are being um distributed this evening at parent teacher conferences and in three k6 elementary schools uh so we hope to have a great turnout which is really going to be a valuable event for our families and I'll conclude my report by once again thanking our student reps and excusing them for meing understanding you have many other commitments so thank you for your time and I'll turn it back over to president Martinez before we open up public comments um have a motion to read into the record new business items so I make a motion oh my God wait wait I'm sorry I checked off too early hi Mr Ean yes I'm here you're up thank you uh at uh just certification that uh which I'm I'm sure that the everybody is um confident in it is that uh uh the finances of the school district are in a good place and that there's definitely enough money to get through the end of the school year without any uh problems um and also that that was mentioned that the audit for the prior year has just started um and the the estimate which will take four weeks to finish the audit we need we need that um the the results of those audits which will be made public to everybody and to the board um so that we can finalize uh the preparation of our budget for the following year which is going to be challenging this year um in my mind uh so we'll see how that goes um but it's all going in the right direction and the only other thing I had to say is has to do with the the rumors that go through not rumors but uh information that was presided to the board and um it's out there to uh expand our uh Early Childhood Program uh and there's a lot of issues that have been raised about it uh the all I got to say is that it would definitely eliminate that Lottery that they they have that the dist district has about uh spots that are available for three-year-olds and foury olds uh going forward uh and expanding the preschool program it's going to be to totally funded by the state so I I I I think I just personally think it it'll be a good thing for the for the district uh but nothing is going to go forward until the lease is established for renting that property and that won't happen until the board has an opportunity to see all the ins and outs of the lease uh and and my purpose of bringing it put it on the agenda tonight which just to be totally uh uh transparent about this whole process so that we weren't looking to sandbag anybody but that's where we are with it and then uh hopefully uh we'll have something more definitive to bring to the board uh before the next board meeting thank you so so my report thank you Mr Ean may I now have a motion to read into the record new business items so as to allow the public an opportunity to comment on these items I'll move that you read them in second Mr M second vote we need a vote I please have a vote Mr Cooney yes Miss CFT yes Mr fos yes Miss mcneel yes Mr Malo yes Miss Rodriguez yes Miss Schmid yes Miss valz yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes resolution passes Mr bison can you please read the new business into the [Music] record yes under consent items this will be renumbered as 13.15 resolve the ritual Board of Education as determined that the student ID 3494 and student ID 32001 1845 shall be removed from the r Park School District 20 days following the date of notice Final in ineligibility unless a timely appeal is filed the commissioner of Education du to insufficient evidence to establish that the student presently is domiciled in the rual Park New Jersey location being further resolved the board of secretary is authorized to prepare with the assistance of the board attorneys necessary of Final in ineligibility to inform the parent guardian of student ID 3494 and student ID 32184 of the boy I'm taking over for Mr bof so under finance and insurance 17.1 um okay Che dispersement Journal 203rd resolved that the Redfield Board of educ upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools approve bills in the amount of1 5249 40 cents on the attached dispersement Journal General defense fund 1, 37,9 122 cents special Revenue fund 1,46 no I'm sorry $1,818 188 Enterprises $7 7,823 toal of 1, 54,923 17.02 November 2023 role resolved that the Richfield Park Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools approves November 2023 payroll in the amount of 5,267 58386 personnel 18.1 extra compensation Elementary program Park Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools staff extra compensation at the rate of $58 an hour current guide for the total of 90 hours weeks for the 23 2024 three funds on January 29 2024 through May 20th 2024 as follows title three paid from 2024 titled funds not to exceed 5,2 I mean I'm sorry $520 Alysa and Wanita Al Al 18.02 extra compensation grants title after resolved that the Ridgefield Park Education of schools approves the following extra compensation at the rate of $58 an hour current guide for the total of 74 hours across 15 me 20123 school year be paid from title 3 funds from January 29th 2024 through May 20th 2024 as follows school extended not to exceed $4,350 we have Alexander Alyssa ariso Juanita ald Delong and Amy Cameron 18.03 extra compensation grants title one act and support resolve the Ridgefield Park Board ofation upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools approves the following staff compensation at the rate of $58 an hour for the total of 154 hours across 11 weeks for the 2023 2024 school year to be paid for funds from January 29th to 20224 through April 19th 2024 um this is32 we have William Wallace math Monita out along along for math Franco AIO for math Carly McGrath for ELA Melissa for ELA Patty compei Ela and Brenda Morales for esis can you give me the numbers for new business can you give me the numbers for new business it's 13.15 17.01 7.02 18.01 18.02 and 18.03 we will now listen to Citizens comments on agenda Miss Malo Janet malul 163 East Grand da um okay I was going through the agenda and I have some questions first one being can you get a little closer to the microphone sure first one being um 12 10 board attorney I'm not sure which category this sits in they seem to repeat numbers and spots um this is the one to uh approve our current um legal team which is fine but then when you flip the page and you go to 1213 it mentions another Law Group and I'd like to know what the difference is oh of course yes I forgot that okay and the next is on Personnel gotta get to my page here um it's uh where is it okay um 14 and then there's also 1407 which I'll get to in a minute but clarification on 1408 is this a new hire um Mr Matthew talber or is this somebody that's already on staff that's repositioning so to speak okay I keep forgetting you don't answer questions all right going back to 14 and um for the new Early Childhood director and now supervisor supervisor of business art music career um I'm just getting really frustrated that every time I come to a meeting and I I skipped a few I think in between um there is new people being hiring all over the place and I start to look at the people and it may be sheer coincidence but I look at the people that are being let go and the people being brought on and it seems to me that anybody that has a real history in this District or not everyone but several of them all have a long-term um career in this District are the ones being let go or being overlooked for the positions that they put a lot of time and effort in to help establish and I will I've said it before I'll say it again it concerns me because I almost feel like if I were teaching here and had 25 28 years in I would have a Target on my back okay I've seen it done in other districts and I just don't want to see it happen here um and what else um is uh the TD Bank situation also on agenda or would that be off agenda off off agenda okay and the same thing with um the conversation that was just on about whether students are in District are attending schools here but don't live in the district is that on or off there's only we're only we're only voting on one particular case Dr Martin Dr Martinez mentioned that we're having policy discussions about it but we're not voting okay so that's an ongoing discussion okay that's what I was joh thank you thank you very much Mr Sanz Susan s 15 home 10 place um as Mr f been appointed as our rep their little fairy rep is there some reason why he's not being sworn in I don't know but I guess we should he's supposed to be sworn in um resolution 1101 um it was made very clear by the state when Lincoln School was open that these classrooms were not permitted to be used um that these rooms were not to be used as classrooms it wasn't permitted by the state I'd like to know if you have state approval for that um uh why hasn't the public been previously made aware of this that you're um considering rental property that that's something that the public should be aware of and um consulted on I'd like to know um who is um renovating these rooms and what the cost is going to be and why you're approving the renovation and change of rooms before you even have a contract with TD Bank um I'd like to know is there a conflict with TD Banks since you're going to consider renting from them when we're doing banking services with them M Mr s can you clarify your your the question before that excuse me can you clarify your question before that you kind of went through it a little fast okay I don't know which question that was um who's reating the rooms and the cost of the rooms was that it the rooms the from the change of use application item what what rooms are you talking about all right I'll go over them again why has the public are you talking about the ones that lincol at Lincoln School huh you're talking about the the ones at Lincoln School what's he saying I don't know what what you talking about oh um since we're doing banking services with TD Bank it's not on the agenda that's not on the agenda not on the agenda yes it says right here 1303 District banking service with TD Bank yeah but you're asking question so what what are you have any I have any questions here that aren't on the agenda that I have to come back and ask about the same thing I I don't know if you have questions there that I don't know your next question is you my question I'm trying to write down the questions but and I'm asking for clarification I'm doing my best here clarifications on what question on your question I didn't I didn't get the question about the rooms about the rooms yeah that that's the question I want the clarification on about State approval this is this is just an approval for for change of use of facilities it's not for construction or anything else all right I'll go over my questions again um why are you approving this before you even have a contract with TV bank if you're talking about moving the rooms that was a question um you're approving Renovations of a classroom before you have a contract and even know that you're going to be rental so and I wanted to know who's doing the renov and what the cost of the renovating is um and that were Lincoln opens the rooms were it was clear that the rooms were not permitted to be used for classrooms which is why the board office was there so do you have state approval now to change those rooms into classrooms and why hasn't the public been notifi this this was even under consideration because this is something that the public should be aware of and open for discussion on it okay and what the cost is going to be all right I'll get to that on or agenda thank you Miss Nan hello Donna Nunan 100 Grand Avenue um I just have some concerns about the pre PR the preschool program um I'm just really concerned about um our Co-op school with these other classrooms being in District and we are technically not in District we we are but we're not and I'm just worried that our school is going to shut down because these other classes will be in District in this other building so I'm really concerned about that and if if we go back to it being a co-op again I I think that we'll be out of business because I don't think it would sustain kids coming from other districts and you know the co-op has been there for 50 years so it would really kill me to have it shut down because you know of this District program I'm grateful for this program um it has increased my salary which is great because I've been there so long um and it's a great program but I I'm really worried about the District Preschool end of it because even though we are technically part of the district we're really not part of the district we are but we're not you know what I mean like there's some things that we are part of the district and some things we are not we are not getting a lot of the services we should be getting for these kids and if the other building opens up with all these other classrooms they're going to be getting all of these services and we still will be at the tail end not receiving services for our kids and we have a lot of services we need for these kids and it's I know it's a process with getting people in place to get these things done but it's affecting these kids and it's really sad because they should be receiving a lot of services already it's January and they are way behind way behind because we can't get anything done in our class because of these other students that really need a lot of help and we're not getting any kind of services so I'm hoping that with this new building opening with more classrooms it's not going to affect our preschool program that we have right now that's my only concern if that's going to be an issue with the other building classrooms that's all thank you thank you Miss n do we have anyone to elevate okay looks like there's no one to elevate so I guess we'll handle some of the questions uh I'll answer the first one about who the attorney listed the bush Law Group is uh that was an attorney that was um retained by uh the state monitor to assist with uh the looking of the any potential contract PES with the prek Expansion Project that we're undergoing thank you president Martinez I can comment on a few in regards to 14 uh8 uh the school psychologist is new position for the balance of this year it was going to be um recommended uh but in regard to this year's budget we do have the funds uh this is due to the uh amount of transfers and referrals that child study team has received and this is the Reed candidate regard to7 um to be clear these positions are are vacant uh one being the position was vacant for over a year and a half and the other was due to retirement um if there are internal candidates uh who are qualified apply uh they're certainly um you know considered to be included in the candidate pool depending on those qualifications and for those who participated um again we go through a very rigorous process in terms of multiple rounds and a performance task uh into of the 11.01 and the change of use of applications this is orinary um Step this is uh any prek expansion this is uh related to uh the need for space uh in terms of office space for central office administers and um the expanding of our autistic programs at Lincoln Elementary School require County approval at a later time but against step for the board to approve the change of use of applications for these two classrooms terms of the um Co-op and the uh potential expansion of a prek program um the the state's perspective on deliver um so we would maintain our partners our our providers support director being Rec agenda for the evening uh as the addition of the instruction that was that started in December uh will be able to uh better support our prek providers maintaining those Partnerships while also potentially expanding um if not this upcoming year then at a later time which is the goal of universal pre fre guy okay so that yep that closes that closes citizens comments on agenda thank you for your comment we will now move on to agenda items truste could you please move policy 901 second may I have a vote that is correct Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes M mcneel yes Mr Malo yes Mr Rodriguez yes Miss Schmidt yes Miss valz yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes resolution passes trusty craft please move faculty and programs make a motion to move FP 101 to FP 103 I second could you could you include new business it was U we're still on faculty and programs we're on faculty and programs yes we're good 101 and2 let's do that again trusty craft can you please move faculty and programs I make a motion to move FP 101 to FP 103 and I second can I have a vote Please Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes Miss mcneel yes Mr malul yes Mr Rodriguez yes Miss Schmid yes Miss valz yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes resolution passes trusty Cooney can you please move buildings and grounds buildings and grounds resolution 11.01 ISO move I'll second I just have one one question on that and I realize that it's a we're making the application do we have an anticipated time frame when the county gets back to us it'd be over the summer once all the changes are made the rooms are Reed they'll come out and inspect it thank you can I have a vote Mr Cooney yes Miss craft yes Miss mcneel yes Miss Mal Mr Mal Miss Rodriguez yes Miss Schmidt yes Miss valz yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes resolution passes trusty mcil can you please move finance and insurance I move um 1201 through 1213 and 1701 and 17 192 a second may I please have a vote Mr Cooney yes this craft yes to all except 12113 that's a no for me M [Music] mcneel yes to all except 1213 as a no Mr Mal yes to all except 1213 which is a no Miss Rodriguez yes to all except 1213 it's a no for me mm yes to all except 1213 I'm a no Miss FZ yes to all except 1213 is a no for me miss or yes to all except 1213 I'm and no president Martinez yes to all except 1213 the resolution doesn't pass the all the resolutions passed at 1213 correct trusty valz please move consent agenda I so move consent agenda 1301 to 134 second uh 1301 to 1315 second second I'm sorry who second Mr Mal may please have a vote Yes Mr Cooney uh I vote Yes for 13.1 through 13.14 with the exception of 1315 I will abstain Miss craft yes Mr mcneel yes Mr malul yes Mr Rodriguez yes to all except 1315 1315 I miss Schmid yes Miss FZ yes Miss orth yes president Martinez yes the resolution pass Pres CRA would you please move Personnel I make a m motion to move uh resolution 1401 to 1411 and 1801 to 1803 second may I please have a vote I'm sorry Mr Cooney yes Miss graft yes M mcneel yes Mr malul yes to all except 1406 and 1407 which I vote no he said 1406 to 1407 Miss Rodriguez yes to all Miss [Music] Schmid yes Miss valz yes Miss orth yes pres Martinez yes resolution passes okay we will now listen to Citizens comments off agenda and again I would ask that we keep to the generous five minute limit and respect the board's attempt to respond to your answers directly afterwards Miss Malo okay Janet M 163 East Grand um just a point we noticed that nobody's really online I'm assuming we're elevating um it's evidently tonight is PTA uh parent meetings so I would assume that that's probably why we have so few parents at the other end [Music] um just a comment again I guess whether it's on or off agenda on the preschool situation um my concern is and I think it's kind of been answered and I'm hoping that I'm understanding this correctly that regardless of how many spaces we have the preschool program will still remain with the co-op and I don't remember which is the other one that's this year um that I really think is super important because not only are you keeping the cover co-op in business you're also keeping that church afloat and that's one of our oldest churches and I know this program has actually helped them also and looking at from a community aspect um to me that's very important um second of all okay I had an incident on the hill today I went out to my car at about a quarter to three um clear off I went to pull out maybe five minutes later and when I got to a park on overpack the dead end of overpack um the lineup of cars naturally were sitting there for the most part they were allowing most of the driveways if they saw a car in the driveway they allowed them at least the space but a car was coming up up the hill and the school bus was coming down the hill but down the hill on the oncoming side luckily the car coming up was already on to East Grand not in that dead SP you know that um blind space of the curve so was able to sort of pull over for the bus to continue down the hill as I went to pull out of overpack going up the hill um I had to stop pretty quickly because there was a card that turned in from the other end of overpack and turned right into the oncoming Lane and so I stopped partway into the stop sign waited for him to go and they made my turn onto it another car did that and I pulled over as far as I could to avoid being hit by him and this is what the day was it's getting very dangerous I understand the weather is crappy today and we're still in winter but we really need to address this because if that bus had kids on board I don't know whether it did or not I didn't take the time to look at that I was just shocked when I see car coming up and a bus going down um what could have been um they're doing this on a regular basis they don't want to wait so they're coming down the oncoming Lane it's too narrow so I don't know what the answer is but I was really concerned today that there was going to be a head-on and that unfortunately that my car was going to be in the middle of it um so I don't know whether it takes having um police presence on that hill at that point um I I don't know what the answer is I know years ago we've I've mentioned this before the day was staggered here the 7 and 8 started earlier 9 through 12 came in a little later so their start and finish was skewed a bit um that may help that may not help at this point but something really needs to be addressed over this matter and then my other thought was if something had happened would we even get Emergency Services down the hill to you know deal with it so thank you thank thank you Mr President may I make a comment about this particular issue yeah it's it it's extremely bad um the cars are backed up almost to Teck Road on a daily basis the other day I'm in my driveway lights and siren on and I couldn't get out of my driveway because the cars were double laned coming down the hill to come down to the high school I had to go to a fire call I couldn't go it's out of control and I really believe that we need to have maybe High School administration and the police department come in sit down and resolve the situation because it is beyond out of control it's absolutely Sublime now thank you we'll talk about that or think about that further Mr santis good evening everybody at the santis 15 Homestead Place I hope you're all doing well um a few things uh that Miss Maloo brought up um one thing is that I would hope even with all the new hires we're getting a message out there that we still promote from within we have a lot of hardworking staff and it would be point of dis discouragement to them if they did not think there was some future to move forward so while new hires is fine um I don't want that message to get to the staff and to consider that when you are and you may already be doing that when you're hiring people um there were two meetings in February right is that correct or one this one okay on the uh TD Bank building um with the intention that business office be moving to I we going to comment on the end but I didn't hear the end of that question you're moving the superintendent's office right so I'm assuming the business office will be moving also if this works out okay we'll comment on that at the end I'm sorry we'll comment on that at the end okay mrani wrote down the question all right and um what is the temporary cost of using it okay and the plan is for 2025 September 2025 okay 24 I believe for 2024 yeah and that's yeah September 2024 I mistake um all right and you you know that any rental of property anything has to get State approval with the configuration Etc okay reminder I I just want to go back quickly to the power failure problem we had at the high school from what I understood the problem was had to do with the internet at the schools um going back I remember we put a bid in for emergency generator Mr Weber asked it was backup panels for the internet in the firewall and they were supposed to be in the storage room on the second floor which is correct right you remember okay um I also know that Mr daglas had put in extra outlets in in the data room and those emergency circuits uh were part of the protocol that when unless it was lights out no heat things like that those things would not be interrupted would not cause school to close so I don't know what was missed have we have we looked at back at the log books there should be no reason for an internet outage or well not a firewall compromised but an internet hour p cause school to be closed is there any other reason schools were closed that day but I would appreciate you checking into it and make sure that you're aware of the protocols we've never had to close the schools ever for internet or phones being down not that I ever remember for other things but schools still stayed open when the phones were down and the internet has a backup system that it should not be there so this is going back a while but I don't know if your new person or anybody else is aware that that was back up and safe Protocols are there so that's all I got thank you thank you Mr Sanz Susan Sanz you didn't answer any of my questions um but I guess I'll ask these anyway if if there's any question we didn't answer please email me directly so that we can because I was very unclear on some of the questions if we didn't answer the adequately please email me with the specific questions and I'll make sure that you get an email back with with very uh uh detailed answers what did he say I can't hear anything up here I'm doing this for you can't hear me and I can't hear her I think we're both need to get checked answer says wasn't really sure what you were asking okay um okay why hasn't there been a public meeting as required to make these moves to um I mean this this is a major thing to move rooms and to move the board office and Rental of property and um Department of Education approval and there has to be a public meeting for that because I can't imagine this is a small amount of money um I'd like to know the cost of the rental of TD Bank um what I had said before the cost of renovations to the board office the approval to from the Department of Education that the board offices can be used as classrooms because as I said when Lincoln school was open it was made clear by the state they could not be used as classrooms um and let's see is there any conflict of interest with TD Bank since we're banking with them to rent space from them the Department of Education Al has to also has to approv the contract and the other thing is always in the past when there's something going on in the schools there isn't a board meeting so my question would be why wasn't the board meeting moved when there parent teacher conferences or why wasn't the parent teacher conferences moved because there was board meeting because that's really denying the public access to the meeting if they can't be here because they have something else major like parent teacher conferences to do um and that's it thank you Mr santis Donna nun Donna Nunan sorry it's been a long day Donna noon in 100 Grand Avenue um I just wanted to give a shout out to our new preschool instructional coach she is wonderful she came in the first day she got to meet all of our staff she was very engaged she talked to the kids she already was giving us lots of um information and and came you know talked to us about the eer program um showing us things that we could do to improve our classroom um so she's really easy to talk to she's very personable and I just wanted to say she's doing a great job so far thank you thank you Mr n do we have anybody to elevate how many people are online if I can ask 38 I always asked but the portal is open for people to raise their hand okay okay I guess we'll answer some of these questions I have a couple that I just wanted to make a comment on one is that I've I've been assured that the model that the state is requiring for pre expansion is as Dr V said a blended model so that even if the district wanted to get rid of wanted to bring all of our pre classes in housee the state funding wouldn't allow um for the the hill I I I think I like your suggestion M maybe you can facilit is for to speak to the the town doesn't belong to the school as far as I know so the an issue of you know I I don't think we're going to change the traffic but maybe there at that level just the schools property starts at the old gate so when you come down East Grand Avenue there used to be a gate that was closed at Night by the custodial staff to prevent anybody from coming down the hill that stopped a number of years ago that's Nelson dve officially starts that's where the bo of property begins okay thank you but so so I think that you know that the administration heard you so we'll see what they can do uh I do have a comment about the prek expansion program because the board has been engaged in a very Lively uh debate discussion argument uh reflection uh does want to expand prek we think it's good for kids uh but the district is also well board I said this in earlier meeting today that most of on the board ran because of debacle that happened here with the last attempt to to release a facility to expand our our our buildings so this board is very very gunshy31 and the county and everything else we are uh cautiously moving forward uh we had a live who's of us expanding the programs but the board here is not uh just blindly uh following goal of expanding pre same situation like I said most of the people on this board ran because of that mess so we're not looking to repeat it and just for clarity in case I'm sure fani has on this therea but uh TD Bank is not the owner of that property um and again that's very preliminary anyway yes thank you president Martinez I can respond to a few questions as well um just to Echo what you had shared yeah the the model that the state um encourages districts who are participating uh in the state aid and the preschool expansion is to uh maintain and explore additional Partnerships with providers so we're very much interested in um maintaining those those positive Partnerships and providing that support in terms of uh space um and utilizing the TD Bank for administrative offices uh we did explore that space initially the Administration has been exploring various spaces throughout the town um and it's very much in the exploration phase um in terms of the power failure and the need to close to be clear in my letter that I sent to the U rual Park School community on December 18th was not limited to the fact that the internet um was not functioning as to where we would want to be and subsequently the phones uh but the real need here was that it was a PS issue in terms of powering the school and as a result if the Junior Senior High School uh does not have the capability in terms of power um the food services provider pomptonian is unable to prepare the food which it does districtwide uh without that power the generator that we have uh does not provide enough of the energy to support that uh so we would be unable to feed um the students districtwide due to the power outage um further we also experienced um due to the significant rain that we experienced on that day um May the um classrooms and shared spaces across all schools uh experienced uh leaks and flooding that it does not normally occur but with the extent of that rain unfortunately we had that so out of abundance of caution and for those reasons the difficult decision was made close that day and actually the next day right up until the very last minute when we had cold and delayed opening um we just had received U notification um through psng uh that we were able to power um the Junior Senior High School and as a result we're able to not have to close on the 19th of December rather uh just uh proceed with the delayed opening uh in terms of uh the again going back to the space at at Lincoln Elementary School again this is just a preliminary the county does require it does require count approval at a later time which which of course we would go through that process um those rooms realistically require modest um I wouldn't even call them Renovations I would need Furniture supplies to outfit them as as classrooms um but the the renovations to those two rooms would be would be minor and uh thank you uh in terms of um you the support that's been provided to our prek providers to our our recent H instructional coach that's really wonderful to hear and uh in terms of the parent teacher conferences yes I would agree um in terms of uh trying to avoid those uh conflicts in terms of having a board meeting and also an event um you know it's the schedule that um was somewhat set and certainly something that we put pinion for next year uh to ensure that there's not a conflict thank you thank you very much Dr espani I guess that closes our public session um may I please have a motion to CL I move we adjourn second M and M all right have a good night everyone thanks for coming sh