e good evening this is the r Ridgewood Village Council public Workshop the date is March 6th 2024 the the time is 7:37 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall by mail to the Ridgewood news the record and by submission to all persons entitle the same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting roll call Deputy Mayor parin here council member Reynolds here council member whites here council member Winograd here and mayor Ranos here will you all please join us in a salute to our flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all good evening everyone before we get to our public comment SE section of the agenda I want to let everyone know know that there is a danger of flooding in our Municipal parking lot so if anyone is parked there might want to move your car up to Maple there's parking up there available now but I would do it sooner rather than later so and now we will begin uh let's go to our public comment section I'm going to try not to break the mic Tonight Frank the bman Mortimer 426 fan Bean Street Ridgewood New Jersey I'm here tonight um to represent the Parks and Recreation board we met last night and I wanted I know that you're going to have a presentation from Nancy and wanted to let you know that our board is fully in favor of uh the lights at vet vets as well as uh The Pavilion at heracle when you look at the field situation that there's two remedies one find more places to have fields and to utilize our Fields longer and more efficiently and ENT interesting like at our meeting last night we had um the block of how hour by hour all of our parks are filled by different sports teams and so by adding lights to those fields will then allow it to be extended obviously into dark which will mean that much many more kids will be able to play and as Keith told us last week about how many hundreds literally hundreds of teams play it's an invaluable resource for Ridgewood and so it is unanimous on the board that we support that where it comes to heracle I mean everyone that's been there knows it's the most beautiful setting or one of the most beautiful in our town and having a pavilion there will then extend the use to so many more residents and it'll be open to all residents and just make the park more functional as well as having um an area to go in case there's a lightning alert and then finally you know having a bathroom outside is great for uh older people as well as younger kids so with that in mind I would hope that you would all vote Yes for it and uh you have the parks and rec blessing thank you thank you Frank good evening mayor and Council manager kmor my name is Chris Wern I live at 35 East Glenn Avenue My Views tonight are the personal opinions of my wife Ellen and myself as residents of the village we would like to thank you for hearing us for realizing the concern with our block and for your support to include East glenv between North Maple and Oak Street as part of the sidewalk project when we first reached out to Mayor Vos in early 2023 and attended a seesac meeting regarding our safety concerns with our section of Glenn we were politely told that we were heard but that there were already a lot of ongoing projects in the village that would need to come first not being a family that tends to make a fuss and not wanting to distract from our neighbors throughout Town who were already rallying for various projects we accepted that and we stayed quiet but our concerns remained and now they are being heard and we are grateful we understand there will be a presentation tonight regarding the sidewalks and that the presentation will include East glenv between Maple and Oak and we want to voice our strong support for this project and we thank you immensely for yours thank you thank you Chris uh good evening mayor and councel boy a loving 342 South Irving Street uh I'm here tonight to express my concerns again I had expressed my concerns previously about the selection of Hackle Park as the location for the proposed $340,000 Pavilion and restroom facility uh comment made by councilwoman Winograd during this week's Fields committee meeting suggests that the reason that that uh Construction is being proposed is because the barn was demolished and there's no longer a place for the children to seek Refuge during lightning storms and the barn never had any restrooms uh I just wish to State at this time that as far back as 2014 specifically on October 22nd 2014 there was Council discussion concerning the barn and at that time the barn had never been opened as a shelter for children so demolishing the barn is really not The Pavilion is not being built or is not being proposed to be built because the barn is being demolished the barn was never used as a shelter at that location um what I've passed out now is taken from the Village website and that is three Parks that're basically similar in nature and I question why the selection of Hackle was made considering that there are two other parks that also fall into the same category and that is Citizens Park has no restrooms and no shelter facilities and neither does PL Pleasant part so I'm wondering what the prioritization process is was that designated heracle as a location where this was built and it has been said by the director of parks that it is necessary or not necessary but it is ideal if there is a shelter facility and a restroom facility at these Parks so why wasn't citizens considered and why wasn't pleasant Park considered why all of a sudden did somebody come in and say we're going to build one of these things at Hab nickel does Hab nickel have the most number of games that are played there does Hab nickel have the most number of children that are using the park or are these other Parks busier and should they have been considered also uh as I mentioned the last time there is a commercial Enterprise at Hackle I'm concerned about taxpayers funding a facility that is going to be used by that commercial Enterprise if that commercial Enterprise isn't going to be uh have an increased rent or be paying anything towards that so I'm interested in hearing tonight again what the selection process was why heracle was prioritized over the O other two parks that have similar facilities and how it's going to be funded uh considering the fact that there's a commercial Enterprise on the property and in all likelihood the commercial Enterprise will benefit from it thank you very much thank you Boyd hello good evening I'm ni mystery 4 16 Cowell Court I just wanted to talk a little bit about the West Glenn sidewalks I was grateful to see that they're included in the budget this year um I I have become aware that there's some push back from the county uh about uh not allowing retaining walls which is part of the plan that we uh we believed that was going to be part of the plan I just wanted to express some concern from some of the res residents that have existing retaining walls we're wondering if those retaining walls are going to come down um really questioning the if you know from an engineering standpoint um How Sound it would be structurally without the retaining wall I think there's some real concerns about that um so there's uh structural concerns and also just aesthetically I think the retaining walls would look so much better there are also existing retaining walls from uh South Hill towards Oak street that are already in place and it would look really nice and I hope that if there's a way to push back um and fight for the retaining walls I know they cost more but I think overall you're going to get a better product you're going to get a a a structurally sound better looking um product and and I also support the East Glen sidewalks because you really want a continuous walking path from Midland Park not that you want people walking onto 17 but you want to be able to have that continuous walking path um so that's it and I'm I'm sure Chris will answer those questions so thanks thank you nidy good evening Council my name is Alexander Miller this is my wife Alex Lipton uh we live at 33 East Glenn we're here to talk to you about the small stretch of uh East Glenn between Oak Street and North Maple Avenue uh we obviously uh we appreciate the diligence the council did in sending their letter to us this past week uh we thank you for the diligence and we're here to speak in support of that portion uh we think as as really been championed by the wolf Stern family who have been at this for years we're we're just tager on here uh we I think the safety concerns as were just mentioned a moment ago of having a a uniform sidewalk that extends the entire uh portion is is necessary uh we see that you know with kids walking every single day I sit right in my office at the front of the house and I see it every day and uh you know obviously goes straight to schools so it's a major issue there um but most importantly I think what I've heard from talking to council members is that this is a largely uncontroversial addition I think everyone was generally under the understanding that when we thought of West Glenn that included the tiny stretch of one block west of Maple Avenue so uh you know I think this is controversial I appreciate the support we've heard from Council Members winegrad my conversations with you and I understand laurine you've been a champion of this as well and as a view mayor of Pagano so I I appreciate all of that and just want to express our strong support especially given my wife is 35 weeks pregnant so excited to have you know a a new our first daughter our first kid and uh want to just make sure we can push the stroller thank you very much thank you thank you thank you both good luck hi I'm Lind deur MC Bernie I live at 17 ex could you speak up and into the mic a little bit just so we can hear you better I'm ly Dewhurst MC Bernie and I live at 176 West Glenn Avenue you've heard from me before for several years now the residents of West Glenn have been asking for sidewalks we ultimately suggested the sidewalks run down one side of the road connect with a crosswalk at Alpine on the straightaway that can be clearly seen driving both uphill and downhill and connect to resume on the other side to connect with a sidewalk at Heights um we do deeply appreciate the work done to clear the corner lot at West Glenn and S Hill so that people walking in the street presently have more room to do so um but we are still awaiting the sidewalks of course initially we were told that the village had budgeted for the expenditure associated with such a safety measure on our street but now it's been turned into a bond issue which I take to mean that our fellow residents and voters can decide not to fund worryingly so if I'm incorrect on that I'd love to be disabused of that notion okay now the issue of the retaining walls has been raised um there are eight homes on the south side of West Glenn that have such walls uh specifically we've been advised that the county says we can't have retaining walls but the thing is we do have retaining walls and we've had them since the homes were built in 1951 um I have to imagine they were put there for a reason they're not decorative because they're all different there's no uniformity to them they're higgledy piggledy um the importance of the retaining walls was never more important than uh in the rebuilding of one of them at 204 West Glenn a couple of years ago after extensive damage caused by Hurricane Ida as well as the rebuilding of one at 192 West Glenn when a tree fell from a neighboring yard and crushed part of the wall so again rebuilt replaced ostensibly because it was important the idea that the village or the county can remove retaining walls that keep our H's Lots from shifting um soil movement uh which will ultimately compromise the Integrity of our homes foundations and the home sites on our Lots is unfathomable to me um I'm here to vifly register my concern and public objection to the removal of any retaining walls currently in existence without a replacement for those walls um even if all of us are longone on when such soil movement takes place the probability that it will take place needs to be assessed by a competent independent soils engineer the future dimunition in the safety of and the value of our homes and our property is unacceptable if the sidewalk must be a certain width to satisfy the county or to satisfy the constraints of the Ada I understand that but the retaining walls on all lots that currently have them must be moved Inward and reassembled to accommodate such width parenthetically I note that what seems to to have happened here is that someone's fancy design idea took precedence over what is required under the Ada or under County rules and and that in particular should not dictate the removal of those walls that are necessary to the Integrity of our Lots we need a sidewalk but we don't need an extra green Verge or trees at the roadside especially since those things will just obscure driveways already at risk thanks to drivers flying down West Glenn thank you for your time thank you very much uh I'm Brian mcburn I'm Lynn's husband I also live at 176 West Glen I am not a soils engineer or an arborist or qualified to speak in detail regarding these things I in my before I retired however I was a lawyer and I did try some or uh negotiated some soil movement uh cases in California where I was originally practicing um to me this is a concern if the uh we we had a neighborhood meeting we went through to review the design we all I think all of the neighbors enthusiastically approved the retaining wall design uh I certainly did um if we're going to put in the sidewalks which again uh uh we fully support completely support um it seems to me that you have to do something about the retaining walls with respect to our house the slope between the street and the wall is already quite Steep and if it's going to be regraded to take the three and a half or four feet out um to to put the sidewalk in then I can't imagine that that isn't going to cause problems we already know that the soil in the area is subject to movement because as Lynn pointed out we recently had a problem where a the soil movement caused the existing uh retaining wall along our neighbors uh driveway to collapse um that was only a couple of years ago and in addition to that uh we happen to have an oak tree in our front yard which is only I think I looked to today I think it's only about 5 ft from the edge of Where the Sidewalk is planned to be and if that is regraded you're going to have to take away a lot of soil from the front edge of that oak tree and I'm afraid that the oak tree is going to end up in the street as well as soil and our house in the most extreme uh cases um that's all I have to say I like the Plan before the plan before was was great the staff did a great job let's try to keep our the the original plan thank you very much thank you Brian I'm much shorter than him um I'm Julia Bender from 239 Claremont Road I'm here representing 70 plus parents who signed a letter in January asking the Village Council to fund sidewalks on the west side of Clinton to ensure a safe route to school for the ridge school students Ridge school is the only Ridgewood school with a designated direct route to school that does not have a sidewalk the Ridgewood police and Engineering departments maintain that sidewalks are the safest options for kids to get to and from school on Clinton Avenue for many years this road has had a soft closure which closed it to through traffic but allowed residents their service providers and staff to access the street while this was considered a viable option in the past is no longer working the ordinance that closed the street to non-residents is unenforceable per the village lawyer and police I would like to thank the members of The Village Council along with the village manager the chief of police the Ridgewood police department and engineering department for meeting with us the concerned parents and the Clinton Avenue residents on multiple occasions these meetings have provided the opportunity for everyone's voices to be heard and now it's time for a decision to be made please consider the safety of our children as the first and only priority thank you thank you Julia and we have several people on our hybrid access line the person designated is ajk is up you're on mute thank you yes hi my name is an kelman I am at 625 Belmont Road I'm sorry could you repeat your name again a little more slowly sure an kelman thank you of course um thank you for the opportunity and um calling on behalf and speaking on behalf generally for 700 plus children engaged with the Ridgewood Lacrosse Association uh calling in to support the improvements for the lighting at vets um along with other aging infrastructure um at fields and areas of activity in Open Spaces uh vets is one of those spaces in town that I think of really not even for athletics I mean lacrosse really doesn't even touch there for anything organized but it's there as a playground for families it's there for the Gren uh pool uh excuse me the the camp it's there for walking path of young and old strollers couples as well as the shell for theater is one of those multi-purpose fields and the proposal for new lights to be on that field and the LED form minimizing spillage you know taking into consideration what light pollution potentially could present um is you know a wonderful consideration and just wanted to take this opportunity to voice our support an hour meeing the Ridgewood Lacrosse Association um to present these lights and offer the Improvement because it really will benefit the entire community and I really Thank The Village Council for playing an active role above and beyond and uh offering the opportunity for the community to speak for and against um and to listen and uh to move the ball forward so thank you so very much and appreciate uh all your considerations in improving all of our open spaces for our community thank you Ann thank you Lise you're up and you're still on mute perfect ready when you are Louise NOP you just went back on mute and you're better we're not hearing you I'm not sure why Dylan can you help us out here we can do that and then maybe you can straighten this out Luis we're going to jump ahead and and circle back on you Stanley okay oh wait wait Louise was that you may Stan what was that Stanley sounded like Stanley you can tell these things oh that was L that was Lise we're going to jump ahead to stand and we'll Circle back Stanley you're up and you're here we go ah yes hi good good evening Council and and fellow residents um my name is Stan kakula I live at 500 East Saddle River Road um I just like to first start off by saying I like to thank Keith for coming out and visiting with myself and my fellow Neighbors on the saddle River over here in on um East sadle River Road um we have submitted our pictures I know I have of all the past flood events all these many years it's it was kind of painful to look at but uh it's done um I'm hoping going forward this will help the residents here I know he spoke to about the D and having a meeting with the D maybe and then speaking to um state and federal agencies hoping to get a resolution to our issues and helping us me and my fellow neighbors um also I have an issue with um drainage issues in on Norgate which comes down off the one side of the road across from my property down in the other sides of the river um I know there's um I've heard about there was supposed to be a brief pavement scheduled for for Norgate I think within I don't know maybe a year um I'm just hoping the drainage issues when that P when that Paving is done is um looked at and tested to make sure the drain when when water coming down Norgate comes down it catches into all the U drainage pipes easements which is I have an easement on my prop between my property and my neighbors and um so I've submitted our our picture and we'd like to know how uh this goes forward from here thank you thank you Stanley and let's Circle back to Louise hello can you hear me now we can hear you and now we can't hello yep we got you go ahead great thank you so I'm I'm calling because so same as stand just to remind everyone that if we get have your name excuse me Louise we need your name and address please yes sure my name is Luis Lopez 494 East Saddle River Road okay um so I want remind hurricane season starts June 1st even into December and and we also had one in in January so uh just as stand I would like to thank ke for for coming and and visiting all of the houses along East Saddle River uh and then my questions are about the the followup right so it is there uh how many can we know how many families submitted images uh to the flood portal um have we has the state been notified of the flooding issues in in Ridgewood New Jersey that is Governor Murphy or Congressman go Heimer uh has has Rich would apply for the the flood mitigation assistant and I think a lot of people along East C River Road we we got the letters from from FEMA about this program but it it is something that the the town has to apply for we it's not for individuals to to apply um and then so finally when when uh are we going to have the when is the Army Corp of Engineers going to come to to evaluate and lastly the last point I I want to make is that in in past meetings uh when the the issue about dredging was brought up we know that it it is not allowed because it could damage the the town's Downstream which I I think it's something reasonable but also by by the same rational do we know what towns Upstream are doing because we are receiving uh all the debris that comes from uh towns upstream and and it causes the issues for us so when the water comes uh under the bridge that that goes under 17 then that uh all all the debris will will cause damage and and will cause flooding on our town uh that that's it thank you very much thank you Louise anyone else seeing no one I'm going to close public comment and we will go to our manager's report excuse me um does anybody want to respond to any of the comments made I I did um to the the woman whose name I missed from Glenn uh we don't bond that way um so the we we Bond meaning the five of us so there is no need for a public referendum which I think was your question so um that that's one two with respect to how we ended up at Hackle a couple things um so we received many complaints on the I'm the PRC rep and we received many complaints where people came in person to complain about the barn we meaning me Matt Rogers and Heather prior to Keith we went and visited Hackle and we a couple things to not about it not only is it used for Recreational Sports a ton of Girl Scouts use it Boy Scouts and it's in constant use from other organizations there was a public request for a bathroom there believe it or not can spare you all the details because the council here's well then public bathrooms are a big um request on our Fields because of the supporter John so we received multiple issues regarding Hackle and the need for improvement and shelter in addition to that we did over the summer when Keith was here take a tour of pleasant Park both the we went with the Board of Ed and um members from the fields committee and we did a tour of both Orchard and pleasant Park and pleasant Park is nestled next to Haw and HW does have protection on the outside of the building in the event of a storm and because the school is there if they were opened that had less demand we also on that tour it's important for me to say this um Orchard was highlighted as an issue of opportunity for the Board of Ed and pleasant Park was ours so we felt that there were other things to do to improve the condition of pleasant Park we have not received any request on citizens for a public bathroom and added to that we have received several citizen complaints regarding the need to spend more money on citizens at the top so um we ended up at heracle for a lot of reasons but most importantly because there's so much public care the first one was we had a lot of public input regarding this regarding the barn the need for shelter and the bathrooms and we do you know on PRC and on fields we do take field trips and whenever these things come up we go out and we assess so I hope that answers the question as to how we got there um also on Tuesday at the meeting there was a great report on what we're doing at citizens so each of these parks that we own are receiving time care attention and funding the structure shirt Hackle is just one of the more expensive ones anyone else and um I I can assure everyone that the discussion about retaining walls we're going to get into that more deeply when um when we have our presentation on U the sidewalks on West Glenn so we'll be discussing that in detail uh with our village engineer so mayor in light of the fact that many of the agenda items uh were discussed at the public portion and in effort not to be redundant I think we'll just answer those questions as the meeting progresses I think that's just the best use of time uh but under the manager report tonight uh first I want to report that we had a very productive meeting this morning at Ridgewood water with members of the state legislature uh we had Senator shapy assemblyman off assemblyman def Phillips and assemblywoman Swain we also had representatives from Senator C's office assembly manar's office and other representatives from District 39 um we talked at length about the need for supplemental funding to offset the costs of the $150 million investment that Ridgewood water is making with regard to the buildout of the posos treatment centers which will be concluded by the end of calendar year 2026 I want to thank director calby and his staff at Ridgewood water uh for putting this meeting together I think we certainly captured the attention of the state legislators who will now need to go back to Trenton and Advocate on behalf of the 61,000 ratee payers in the four towns that are serviced by Ridgewood water to try to bring some State money and some State resources to offset the costs for these Investments that are being made so rich thank you and your staff for the work that you've done in that space um last night we concluded our last 2024 Municipal budget meeting I think we left last night's meeting with a consensus of the members members of The Village Council uh to move forward to introduce the budget a week from tonight at our meeting at our public meeting um and tonight we will finalize uh some of the discussion with regard to the capital projects inclusive of the investment that's being proposed to retrofit the lighting at Veterans Field uh build the shelter at habernickel and the three sidewalk projects which includes West Glenn East Glenn and Clinton Avenue um we are Pur uing multiple grant opportunities and I know director beos from our Recreation our Parks and Recreation Department is here tonight um we have we are in the process of submitting an an Grant application to the Department of Community Affairs um for an adaa accessible playground uh which would replace the playground at habernickel as well I think the shelter which will be presented later on the agenda tonight and the Ada playground because the current playground is a wood structure um and does not necessarily meet all of the safety specifications uh that are for today's current standards so we are submitting that application in the next few days uh we are also on the agenda tonight for discussion is a Grant application for The Pedestrian tunnel which goes under the train station um connecting the east side of west side of our business district uh we are applying for uh the restoration of that pedestrian tunnel um to the New Jersey historic trust fund and we have a cost estimate that was submitted by Conley and hickey the historic Architecture Firm um with regard to that which will be discussed on the agenda tonight we also plan to make two applications to the Bergen County open space trust fund one is for the Veterans Field lighting which again will be discussed later on on tonight's agenda and a second grant for the historic uh restoration of The Pedestrian tunnel um will'll make an application to the Bergen County historic trust for that as well so we have a lot of grant opportunities that are being lined up uh and I want to thank all of our professional staff and our Consultants at Millennium strategies uh for helping us in that regard some good news today I learned from chief judge over at the fire department that we received a $75,000 Grant from the American Rescue plan uh to purchase turnout gear which will offset some of the pressure on the capital budget um and also for a Decon washer which will help clean some of our equipment and I'm very proud of the fact that we were one of the towns who received the maximum amount in Grant award money at $75,000 so I want to thank chief judge for his due diligence and trying to offset the burden on taxpayers as well with regard to the flood portal um officially it closed on March 1st um off the Record it's still open until March 8th so if we do have any stragglers that need to submit information with regard to past flood events uh you do have the opportunity to do it up until midnight on March 8th um as of Monday we received 95 submissions from residents who have been affected by past floods um we will be vetting that information um starting Monday with our GIS staff over at the water department uh today uh superintendent Mark Schwarz and I met with a half a dozen residents from North Irving Street which with regard to flooding um where their properties about the high school properties um we're talking about doing some covert work work over in that area there's a stream that runs um parallel to the pcng right of way Chris Rouser our Municipal engineer has scheduled the cleanup of that because it does exacerbate some of the flooding conditions in that area uh we also cleaned out any of the blockages as a courtesy to the Board of Education under the pedestrian bridge uh there was a large stump that was uh that was um underneath that bridge um and that work effort has been undertaken and we're currently in the process of um REM continuing to remove any trees or debris along both the Hocus Brook and the and Saddle River um with regard to next steps uh to Lewis and Stanley's uh comments during the public session um we have not yet received any response from the Army Corps of Engineers I met with Congressman goheer on President's Day um and I prioritized uh his involvement in trying to get a response from the Army Corps um I think submitting these 95 submitt misss uh to their attention next week um will'll probably um amplify the need that we have here in Ridgewood um so that is our next step my hope is that if the Army Corps um gives us a favorable response which I'm hopeful that they will uh that in late spring we will have a resident a resident meeting with the Army Corps here at Village Hall so that folks can speak directly to the folks who will be making a decision and do this and commence the study uh to make recommendations as to how we mitigate and Abate some of the flooding conditions here in the village um I want to congratulate and welcome our two new firefighters Thomas Malone and Tyler baji uh both are transferring from other Municipal departments here in the village to the fire department um and they began their training at the pay County Fire Academy this morning so we wish them luck and we uh we hope that they stay safe um and finally tonight U before I make some announcements I just want to address a document uh that was sent to the state historic preservation office in response to the application that was made on behalf of the village for the shedler property um there was a comprehensive submission to shipo uh from a gentleman named George Wright and I just want to read from the conclusion of this document because I have grave concerns that misinformation is is going to be spread uh throughout the village and quite frankly I think we can all recognize that shedler has almost become a regional issue when it comes to public attention um I have people where I live in Pay County who ask me about shedler all the time I find it quite interesting but it certainly is um is an attention grabbing issue and I just want to read Mr Wright's conclusion um it discusss that the Village Council would like to obliterate the registered 7 acre shedler property so first I want to say that when shedler was deemed historic and it was put on the national and state registry it was placed on the registry for only one set of criteria which is called criteria C and that has to do with the historic architecture of the house it was not registered because there were any type of historic activity on the property but exclusively because of the type of architecture of the home secondly it goes on to say that the Village Council has taken a position publicly that the 1825 house in property and considers the house of no use um I take exception to that because I have sat in multiple meetings in the eight months that I've held this position um many with council member winegrad who has been a vocal champion of trying to find um an appropriate use for the house longterm so much so that newcomers was here and and made a pitch uh to be able to utilize the house once the certificate of occupancy is issued um but at no time has the village the manager's office or the Village Council taken any position that the house has no use I think to the contrary um we've worked hard to try to find an appropriate use for the historic house moving forward um thirdly it's mentioned that the Village Council um is indifferent to the 260 year old major Thomas Lambert biles Heritage tree um and that the village does not um differentiate between that tree and the other trees that will be removed from the property should this project progress let me say that there has never been discussion under any rendition of the plan developed by engineering where the sugar maple was slated to be removed if anything the village in the past has invested in the health of that tree to try to preserve it as it complements uh the Aesthetics of the historic house now there was an issue with big tree and Heritage tree designation a number of months ago um however currently the shade tree commission is not only considering that for design that tree for designation but multiple other trees in the village on Village property for similar designations um when we do something we want to do it right when we do something we have to make sure that all the legal paperwork is in order in order to seek a designation like that and once the tree is evaluated um by our internal arborists once it is um reviewed by the shade tree commission and the entire list of potential designations for trees in The Villages reviewed by the shade tree commission then this Council will appropriately be asked to adopt a resolution authorizing me as the village manager to sign off on the uh right of access agreement which is required by the D so at no time has the tree been proposed to be removed in fact we're going through the proper channels and working with the proper committees here in the village to make sure that that tree is designated in a historic way um and finally um I just want to emphasize that at no time was it ever proposed that that the house be demolished at least during the latest rendition of the plan that's been submitted to shipo in fact the house has saw an investment of $2.6 million from this and prior Village councils we are probably a month or two away from having a certificate of occupancy the only issue that is currently pending is the need for a certificate of occupancy which is contingent upon Ada access from the parking lot and the use of the gravel parking lot which needs to be approved by the state through the state historic preservation office and once that is done everyone will have access to the historic house so again to the contrary this Village and I know there's been a lot of varying opinions on this has invested $2.6 million in this home and at least in the discussions that I have been privy to there has never been an assertion that the house should be knocked down so I just want to put those issues to rest because I have a feeling that this is going to seep out into the community that these accusations are being made and that they have been officially submitted to shipo and much of it is misinformation and outright erroneous so I just wanted to make that clear just a few announcements under the manager's report uh the health department along with Valley Health System will be hosting the Mediterranean diet workshop on Tuesday March 19th from 10: to 11: at the Ridgewood Library anyone who's interested in registering should call 201 67-55 extension 2312 the household hazardous waste collection event sponsored by the Bergen County Utilities Authority uh will take place on March 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. um at the bcua foot of Empire Boulevard in munaki they will accept waste collection uh aerosol cans antifreeze batteries black top sealers any type of paint and varnishes uh photographic chemicals and it will be held rain or shine the only thing that they do not ask is that anyone brings a commercial vehicle icle on site our Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting a su summer job fair for anyone 16 years old and older looking to work this summer at Gren pool at summer camp or uh with our maintenance crew on Wednesday March 13th from 6:00 to 8 p.m. in the community center on the lower level of this building Village Hall will be closed on Friday March 29th in observance of Good Friday there'll be no garbage or recycling pickup on that day and the recycling center will be closed the Ridgewood chamber of Commerce presents Easter in the park at Memorial Park at Van Square on Saturday March 30th from 11: to 2 there will be the Easter Bunny will be present there'll be an egg hunt sponsored by Ben and Jerry's and fun for everyone anyone interested uh or would need more information should contact the Chamber of Commerce and finally our Village Council meetings that are upcoming March 13th is our public meeting and I'll add that that will also be the introduction of the 2024 Municipal budget March 27th is a work session April 3 3D is a work session April 10th will likely be the public hearing and final adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget at our public meeting and April 24th is our work session all those meetings start at 7:30 and mayor that concludes my report Keith thank you for that report and thank you for clar clarifying that misinformation that's being disseminated uh we're really trying to keep this um factually based and we appreciate everyone's efforts in that regard and with that let's go to our Council reports Evan you want to kick it off sure and I'll be brief it's only been a week since we were last here at this meeting um again just want to repeat my comments from last night from last week thanking Keith and the entire uh Village staff for delivering a really wonderful budget I know came up during public comments was really proud uh yesterday to endorse a budget that uh brings sidewalks all the way on Glenn all the way to Maple Avenue uh provides for sidewalks on Clinton uh provides for The Pavilion at Hackle uh lights for vets uh field so many other things uh really a testament I think Keith to you and your staff that were able to come up with a budget that funds all these critically important um projects at the same time uh with a really modest uh tax increase uh one that's below the current rate of inflation and one of the lowest we've had in the last several years um so really want to thank you for the professionalism but I think making it so much easier for me and my colleagues to really vote on these critical critical uh improvements that we're going to see other than that just want to remind folks uh Richard Arts Council uh March 27th uh we're going to be sponsoring at the library at 2:00 uh an exhibit from the um Newark Museum of Art so no need to go to Newark you just come here to Ridgewood uh similarly on April 3rd at 2 o'cl uh in this in the library we're going to have an exibit presented by the M CLA Art Museum again super excited about that and finally I'm really super excited uh on May I'm sorry April 11th uh Richard's own Elena corova who's a local um writer written several books um they phenomenal on the Immigrant experience um she herself comes from uh the former Soviet Union um she'll be speaking uh about her books and the Immigrant experience that one's going to be at 7:00 at night uh again on April 11th uh at the Ridgewood uh library and would really encourage everyone to come out that all three should be wonderful events and really appreciate the hard work of the volunteers of the Ridgewood Arts Council um that have put this together thanks EV Siobhan sure so last Thursday um we had a meeting with Park shade tree and the shade tree commission to go over a couple things and I'm excited to announce that on that list was um discussion of the big tree program and as Keith said we discussed several new nominations for the big tree so big trees in general have greater benefits to the environment they they do their big tree job and um because there's new people here I'm going to talk a little tree um trees are measured by dbh which is the diameter at the breast height so you know before superstorm sand we had a ton of big trees and the storm took them out you know rapidly changing weather has really taken out a lot of our big tree population in addition to that we've lost pretty much all of our ash tree because this tiny bug decimated it so we are looking for big tree submissions on private property we've received several for municipal property which we're nominating in in a bulk thing and I will also tell my whole Council because some members did not know this we are oak rich so if you have another tree that's not an oak that would be great um and the reason we are oak rich is because the state tree as I found out last month is the red oak so if anybody knows of any big tree in the area and would like to nominate it it's great if you have kids in the house you do get a full-blown report as to what that tree does environmentally and slurping up water and um the Forester from the state of New Jersey who is an actual person comes and inspects and we're looking forward to nominating our trees from the municipality and we hope the public joins us Us in nominating private trees we also discussed um adopta sapling and I know most of you are on Glenn but if you have friends that live in the Somerville area our area of planting saplings which are tiny tiny trees um they need to be adopted because the number one cause of death will be lack of watering we are heavily promoting the adoption in the Somerville area L rain so um I'm trying to get a member of the council to be the first adoptee it's not really taking track but she's going to do it this week um on Saturday I had the pleasure of sitting in on Council chat with mayor Paul and again because we have a little bit of a larger newer audience Council chat is where you can make an appointment to come in on a Saturday between 9:00 and 11: if this is all a bit much you know and you're you don't feel comfortable publicly speaking or there's something you wish you could have said a little differently outside of three minutes you can book an appointment through the clerk's office all the dates for these Council chats are listed in our calendar which is both printed and online now um and the two topics that we talked about which were sort of Novel was how to free up some parking out here particularly when we have the senior citizens downstairs because a lot of Staff Parks out here and then some accessibility issues regarding some public areas for entrance so it was a great meeting it was fun to hang out with Paul and meet members of the public um yesterday morning I started my day at 7 a. with the fields meeting and again that's great is a committee wholly dedicated to Recreational Sports and the balancing of our fields and our infrastructure including basketball even though the village does know basketball the Board of Ed does um a couple updates that the turf remediation at both the schools and here is underway the weather is not cooperating it making it very difficult to do anything the weather is also delaying on the board of ed side the opening of their grass fields until March 25th and then we also discussed that Orchard school is still unplayable and onopen for recreational purposes um last night I Loosely before the budget meeting went to my Parks and Recreation meeting which was wonderful we had several members of the public and rbsa there I do want to um it's the first time I've been back to my committee and I want to thank everybody for all the work there and there'll be more on what happened there later when Nancy speaks today we had a meeting about Pride um pride is obviously June and because of the senior prom We are which is June 8th the kids want to have pride day June 1st so I hope everybody marks their calendar for June 1st in vaness where we will celebrate pride in Ridgewood um we're working on a speaker lineup so if anybody has any ideas for local the kids in general we partner The Village partners with the schools and Saga um which is the rebranded GSA that's their new name um they love the local appeal so if anybody would like to be involed involved in pride has an idea for a speaker we would love that we've lined up some great singers some good songs and it's going to be wonderful and lastly I don't want to be redundant to Evan but I do want to say thank you to Keith Heather the staff and everybody for all the work that went into the budget um I feel very lucky especially after hearing public comment that so much of our Capital spend reflects so much of what this community wants so um all of that's and I thank everybody for their advocacy because last year I didn't feel as informed from the public side and I think when we rolled this budget out it's something that I know all five of us are proud of and I think the public should be proud of because you definitely all influenced it a lot that's it thanks Shavon Lorraine I'm gonna I'm going to pass on my time because I want to hear these represent you know these uh oh I can't speak the presentations that's exactly so good go ahead Pam um I had the pleasure of going to the 36th super science Saturday green Ridgewood had a table there and we were lucky to be right in the main hallway and whenever there was a bottleneck of people they had to look at our display which was about Earth Day which uh daffodil festival and Earth Day Fair uh will be April 21st that is a Sunday and um the egg drop uh contest if you've ever seen it is very funny but my favorite exhibit was the artificial kadav because you could pull out a heart or the the intestines and stuff them back in the way you wanted anyway it was a lot of fun um green Ridgewood uh the the um students from Colombia will be making a presentation at the end of their semester with regard to decarbonization in Ridgewood the um road going forward what they suggest for Ridgewood in terms of sustainability we received their second draft yesterday and um green Ridgewood will meet tomorrow night 7:30 downstairs in the senior Lounge the public is welcome we have a pretty packed agenda um the planning board did not meet last night however the master plan subcommittee did meet and made made progress through another element of the master plan tracking the accomplishments of or progress of um the action Matrix the items that the master plan suggests um with regard to The Pedestrian tunnel the uh cbac subcommittee Plus members of uh the public who are artists met to discuss what should go in the in the tunnel um and that's a long-term project and I really have to thank Keith for making it possible going forward the project manager is Carol balowski our new communications director and spe and special projects right director of communications and special projects so this is her first special project okay and um I also did want to remind my fellow council members that the councilman's meeting um in Mawa is happening this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and if you'd like to go up there with me I do plan to attend thank you thank you Pam and I'm GNA be redundant I'm gonna Echo evans's comments um budget time can be especially difficult um and the Village Council budget is the foundation for everything that gets done in town and um I I have to I have to thank Keith and Bob and Heather and the entire staff the directors because they really pitched in they got so much done with such a diim increase in the property tax rate which as Evan pointed out is well below the rate of inflation and I looked at this and I was very impressed and so again I want to I want to thank Keith and Company and I want to present this to the residents because it's something we're incredibly proud of so thank you very much and with that we will go to our regular agenda thank you mayor um tonight we have uh two presentations one from Parks and Recreation and one from engineering uh Parks and Recreation is going to address uh the proposed haical Park uh shelter and restroom facility and then following that they'll discuss the retrofitting of the Veterans Field lighting uh athletic lighting and then we'll move on to engineering who will present the three sidewalk projects so I'd like to turn it over to director beos to discuss habernickel and Bets field welcome Nancy good evening my friends it's good to be with you first of all I want to thank you thank you for the opportunity to share with you that with which I am passionate about um I'd like to thank the Village Council for your support in developing and upgrading the infrastructure within our Municipal Park system within the last decade together us the community uh we've worked together to make a significant difference in that infrastructure within our Park system to give you idea of some of our accomplishments briefly I just want to share with you a major renovation took place at Kings Pond Park using both County and Municipal funds to turn a neglected Barren area into an enjoyable buic um park with a walking path along the Waterway new benches shade trees bicycle racks um in an area where our residents can go and truly enjoy nature in its natural setting within citizens parked I've worked really closely with the engineering division to completely redesign and install a larger parking lot giving our residents the ability to utilize that park because as we all know that there was a limitation to how many visitors could utilize the park because the parking lot was too small so working with Chris and his team we've actually done double to number of parking and I I think it's made a significant difference we've added restrooms to the Cashel shell building this building is used throughout the year primarily in spring and summer months but also for special events so whether it's the rbsa opening day the 4th of July our summer day camp um this shelter not only this building not only provides a program for entertainment but also for a shelter for our children when they're in these programs um and I know that we were questioned earlier tonight about how we how we prioritize those Selections in our Parks those parks that are the of the greatest use is where the majority of my concentration has been in regards to shelter and restroom facilities so obviously Veterans Field is one of those that's been on top of the list and together we've accomplished that by putting those restrooms at that facility um I would be remiss if I didn't share with you the gift for the from the Conservancy for Ridgewood public lands in that beautiful children sensory butterfly garden that truly is a very special place for our children um and a gift from the Conservancy free and clear to our village I have the deepest gratitude to my friend David Bulger and the Bulger foundation for their gift of $675,000 who paid for the in the the Ada accessible indoor and outdoor restrooms at the stable um he also supplied a conference room and a new kitchen to this building this addition provides shelter and restrooms um for those participants within our summer day camp at the skateboard park Maple Park Gren pool and those residents that are walking throughout our Park system in that area new permanent lighting was installed at Maple Park which made a significant difference also all each and every one of our Municipal tennis courts has been resurfaced as well as the four Pi the four pickle ball courts so you can see together we have made a significant difference and I'm truly grateful my focus tonight is to bring you two areas where I think our Municipal tax funds should be spent in enhancing the quality of life for for our Park users the first I want to share with you is um harber nickel Park and this conceptual um idea of a shelter um which would truly make a difference um within that Park system the reason that I chose hackel contrary to the blog and opinion of some of our residents is based on its Park use we have looked at our bigger Parks which number one would be um Veterans Field as our Municipal recreational complex second would be the shedler property and I know that that plan is moving forward and then habernickel Park these three areas are our main stay within our Park system utilizing the the greatest acreage the most numbers of Park users and participants so those those are the reasons where my main focus is now in concentrating our our funding and our Improvement moving forward Hackle Park property um I can share with you that during the crew engineer um master plan recommendation in 2005 cited as their goals as one of their goals is to create a clean safe and enjoyable place for citizens of our village vill to preserve the natural character and parcel by utilizing open space shade areas treelined areas and natural areas to offer both passive and Recreation opportunities for all Park users to offer a walkway system that can be shared by Walkers joggers strollers and bicyclist to offer Park amenities such as trash receptacles water fountains restroom facilities benches sitting areas visually attractive and uniform um signage offer a shelter for children that during uh in Clement weather they may utilize safety and shelter offer adequate off street parking and con convenient access to the park at all times this was stressed again during a presentation um during a memo that was sent to the Village manager in 2013 that says from me to the the acting Village manager at the time presently we are in phase three of development where Park amenities and future anticipated use take hold the necessity for shelter and restrooms are highest on the list this was in 201 3 that I sent this to the acting Village manager also of high importance is the need for restroom facilities good health exercise and fitness encourage outdoor use for extended lengths of time and there is a consistent regular use of the park throughout the day heavier use after school and on the weekends whether it be for team members Spectators Co coaches referees Park maintenance or a passing Bist bicyclist the need for restroom facilities becomes more and more important with increased Park use the process began for me in determining our priorities with a clipping um from the recreation management magazine n can I just interject a second Dylan's going to put this power so if we just a couple but I just have a question um with regard to the memo that you sent to the acting manager in 2013 you were advocating for a shelter similar to what's being proposed tonight absolutely and and that advocacy was before Health Barn was in the other building yes okay I just wanted to be clear on the time frame thank you so and there were still two houses then yes Dylan we're on the next two more up next there we are so my process began with this um this photo which was a tear out from the recreation management magazine the process always begins in the design design phase a conceptual what could it be what would the use be the next step is to consider the purpose the need the use and then the design process begins we think about things like use traffic um circulation um pedestrian traffic vehicle traffic children in their their passing back and forth the need for shelter where will they come how will they be picked up how will they be transported out of the park when you design a park um all of these all of these incidentals become important and you prioritize them when you relocate or locate your facilities then you start to think about other needs in looking at this shelter so thoughts like um picnic tables and security lighting and cameras and electric outlets and water fountains trash cans become next the next slide shows you my dream right my dream so this is where we are right here we are looking uh taking a close look look at Mary Park shelter and Pavilion this is the Mary Park system um Park system this is their smallest and one of five within this Municipal Park system it best exemplifies the look and the feel of Hackle right if you look at it it's got the the roof line right that looked like the old barn it's got the stone that is on the front pillars to the park the river rock right from from the Saddle River um the footings the gray metal roof the open air shelter open space and visual the next slide shows you maray park shelters in Mary Utah so this is this is where my design thought came from um and as you can see what's offered within this park system um our ours is very similar I would hope the next page is from polygon who is the designer the manufacturer of this system that I'm I'm hoping that you'll consider for me tonight and the next few sh uh shots will show you the typical architecture and engineering drawings that illustrate the structure the framing the roofing um and what all is involved in the next stage the final Dylan we're on the final yep framing Roofing framing is next right and then the final is a schematic of the park um I worked with the yovon this morning um now that the barn is down I I have a really good visual of the open space that's been created um what I would like to be able to do is um move move that propose shelter to the back of the park therefore um giving the children a uh the children Park users a place to gather out of the traffic but then to be able to enable um the vehicle cars to come in if they're picking up these Park users um in the back of the park if there were to be a team party a a church picnic the boys Scouts the Girl Scouts whoever is utilizing the park an opportunity for them to utilize this shelter for a picnic so when you would bring in supplies for that type of activity a rocket launch right you would be able to um Park towards the rear of the building unload your supplies and then utilize the rest of the park but centralizing the activity um for this shelter this um space to the rear of the property so those are my thoughts um I my apologies that this is truly a conceptual um but I'm open for conversation and discussion with you Nancy could we just talk about the procurement aspect of this um this is available on state contract yes it is okay and it essentially comes as a kit right this these are they're prefabbed corre they just have to be site um how does the inst work from a procurement standpoint so the way that the so the way that this particular product um it is ordered through um Recreation I'm drawing a blank on his name through polygon he's he the manufacturer's polygon it's a state local vendor um who would order the equipment and then the installation um because of warranty and liability is a professional um Construction Company who deals directly with polygon so it can all be it can all be both the the purchase of the of the kit the prefab in addition to the installation would all fall under the state contract vendor correct okay thank you so there would be no need to bid no no no okay questions so first I love the idea I I've been to Boy Scout events at Hackle I've been to soccer games at habernickel this is be such a welcome addition for all the reasons you've laid out the ability to do like a dinner there or a lunch there afterwards um when gets really hot have a place where people could um you know get out of the sun because hle especially if you're watching a soccer game there's not a ton of shade um so that's I'm fully supportive of this um I guess my only question is in terms of safety and my concern is at night um avoiding sort of shenanigans um if we're talking about um bathrooms that'll be closed so obviously you can't see in from you know from a street into the bathroom um have we given any thought to making sure that you know it's not a you know Gathering Place For Shenanigans underneath this thing at night um I'm sure we've talked to the police a little about it but Nancy if you have any thoughts in terms of just making sure it's not used for the wrong purposes after dark as opposed to All the Right purposes that I know will will really rich the neighborhood thank you councilman absolutely um sadly you know um Park use is not only during the day so the so when I when I started to think about this and the reason that we would need electricity would be for cameras and security lighting in the evening um I would think that motion light detectors would be a a uh solution to this um to be honest with you because we still are conceptual um those would be the next phase I would love to have electricity um you know those are the things that we will plan as we move forward but I'm definitely working with the police department and being able to secure Security in the evening right and and through you mayor if I may to the councilman you know we've we've had Chief lions in all of these discussions not only about the design at habernickel which obviously other than the restroom piece is you know you can see right through it um but also in the discussions that we're having about the bus station downtown that's we want we want to make this as easily patrolled by the police department as we possibly can and some of those considerations are automatic door locks because now the technology exists where our staff could actually open and unlock and lock bathroom facility restroom facilities or for that matter the bus station um via a cell phone um so that technology exists just like we can turn the lights on and off at at the ball fields um so that's there um in addition to does to do motion lights make sense or would that be an impediment and and affect the neighbor so those are discussions that would be ongoing um but obviously there are also um camera Tech there's camera technology now that is effective at night as well so to to to assure you the police department's involved in all of these discussions as we figure out how to best maintain them and prevent any type of vandalism or unscrupulous activity yeah and I love the fact that it's open for that reason so that it'll be easier to sort of to patrol I'm going to obviously defer of the police on this I'm very happy to hear the police are involved with it but just ask that whatever final design get blessed by um by Chief lions that will certainly carry a lot of weight with me um so I'm glad to hear that's thinking that we're thinking that and just the final point was uh Keith I know you brought this up but I think it's worth repeating the fact that Nan that you had advocated for this long before Health Barn was even there I mean full disclosure I'm a huge fan of Health Barn I hope they stay there for a really long time but clearly this will likely outlive you however long Health Barn is going to be there so this is something that to me will be there long before or long after health bar is gone again hoping health bar is there for a long long time and to me we shouldn't not do it because potentially could help you know not just the community but also one of our renters if anything that's more reason to do it because just more people who enjoy this right and and just two comments on that one the priority for this building is for the community it's for the community and it's for Public Safety that if your child is playing baseball or some other sport at that location and the lightning detector system goes off that there is a place for your child to go with their his or her coach and be safe I mean that that is that is a a major emphasis on this and I just want to stress too that if there was any use by the current tenant um at the gate house that would have to be negotiated through the lease agreement that exists and it would also need njd approval okay because they are governed by the Green Acres Program and Green Acres needs to sign off on every aspect of that lease including the schematic of the area in which they can use within habernickel Park so again this is not there's never been any I have not even had any discussion with health Barn about this this primarily is going to be a community use and if there's any change with the lease obviously that will be visited and I'm sure it will be opined upon by members of this Council and the public if that day was ever to come but that's not the intention who else um I have two questions my first question is once you take down that Barn what will down excuse me okay but it's not down in the picture uh what are you expecting to do with that part of the property so the property right now um has been seed it's been graded it's leveled it's been seated and spread with salé um it's been quaron off um with snow fencing so we're hoping to be able to just grow lawn which is valued for me um any open space is is viable and welcome and we're going to let the park settle and um um be able to just use it as is um until the fall my my expectation is um that I would like to be able to do a little bit more research fine-tune some of this um I don't know honestly what the lead time is on on the infrastructure for this so we've got a a couple of months moving forward and then you know hopefully get to work this fall and um put the pad in and the the the electric and the utilities and the structure and have a dedication and and keep in mind too that the barn now being removed and the slight um repositioning of the garden I think just makes for better Aesthetics better access you know the that's a beautiful park it was always a little awkward to me having been up there the first time with Heather I think on my second day on the job she couldn't wait to take me up there but that with the garden right up against against the barn it was limiting and it it felt tight I think the the idea that yovon and and Nancy have come up with to move it and reposition it slightly it'll just give a better aesthetic a better natural feel and you'll have more access points it it seems to me a much better flow um and utilizing that open space the best that that I can design for sure my second question is you know when you go to the national parks they have EV charging stations can we if we're bringing in electric can we bring in um a Make Ready station not necessarily have a EV charging station today but you know provide that for residents for the future just like we did at the at the Ridgewood water headquarters right and and I think if we bring electric to that building that ask becomes much easier to accomplish and that's something that we can talk to to Rich about as we move forward plant that seed we we do have EV highlighted in shedler we have on the plan so I I love it I think it's great it's next to a garden promotes the sustainability yeah you know every every national park has has EV charging stations thank you for the support I think you bring up a good point Pam because as we as we do new construction this is something that we should definitely be putting the infrastructure in so that I mean it's it's literally it's not even around the corner it's not the future it's today so all our new construction should have the infrastructure for EV charging stations it's a good point who else Lorraine thank you hi thanks Nancy um so I have a question about the picture so I see the new rectangle where it says redesigned teaching Garden correct yes so that's going to move closer to the walking path but but then there's a another square like on top of that what is what is that so that is the least um that's the designated area for health Barn according to the lease that is the area that um according to Green Acres is exclusively their property for use but it covers the walking path so people can use the Walk of right but it's okay but that's the area where the kids play yes okay it's also where they have permission to pitch the um mobile tents okay all right and then I'm not that familiar with the property lines of Hackle like how far beyond the walking path is heracle property and where do the resident property start quite a distance which was another thought to moving this back further on the property is that it takes it centrally located for the property not for the park but um for the entire park um but not for our use because where you see the proposed shelter you see Lorraine that fence there's an incredible slope down towards the Saddle River from there and that is all still our Park property um and on the other side um on the West Side it would be the same to the residents on Andover okay on the other side of the parking lot that's Andover correct okay well there's a body of water so Bridge the bridge that we used to use for Girl Scouts sling is that way and there are no neighbors that way it goes in the back that's that's what I just want to make sure because I know that the residents of Andover were very unhappy when we put the lights on in the parking lot so I wouldn't want this if if this shelter had lights or anything it's not going to affect any residents it's further away from their properties yes okay all right um what other question oh so I mean the design is beautiful I I love it but I didn't see anything about a bathroom so the bathrooms would be the next phase of the project to be honest with you um there are many considerations in regards to designing this restroom portion of it whether it is a self-clean whether it's compost whether it's a uni um one one um shared restroom facility that's the next phase so the 340,000 is strictly for the shelter for the structure and the installation correct okay so the bathrooms are next is for another year another Capital Improvement yes okay well and again I think I think that depends on where the numbers come in depending on you know the size again this is conceptual the the thought process that Nan and Chris and I have talked about is that the restroom facility would be built under the roof structure within the shelter so essentially what we would do need to do is some masonary work to develop the enclosure for the restroom facility and then obviously um do the plumbing aspect of it um so we'd have to coordinate some of that because obviously if you're going to be laying a laying a foundation um you know a um or you know the concrete pad that would sustain the the shelter we would need to take into account those Plumbing aspects and things of that nature so what I what I think I'm getting at is while Plumbing is you know somewhat expensive the concrete walls that would need to be built underneath the existing roof are are not that arduous of a task what in its current you know design do you have a a size that you're proposing for the shelter um the shelter we are proposing is 30 feet by 64 ft 30 by 64 and within that 30 by 64 for you're also picturing a bathroom correct and how much of that do you think the bathroom would be to be decided um I would have to be able to work with the engineering division to figure out what the code is and the specifications on that and do you have any idea like so I don't know I almost think a bathroom under the shelter would it's so pretty the way it is like so my thought um councilwoman would be to be able to design that under that shelter kind of where you see the r and the D um the D in proposed and the r in shelter towards that corner um so that it's still accessible right to to Walkers to bikers to those in the parking lot um but not the visual right want to be able to let your Park users utilize the shelter the open air shelter so pretty yeah and keep the vestibule open the vision open for them okay and then the next question I have maybe is more for Keith I'm just you know I like to get multiple bids you know let's see what's out there like well when you do a state contract the state's already done the bidding for you that's the beauty of the state contract is you don't have to do the bidding internally the state has already done bidding that resulted in the best pricing and now the municipalities get to take advantage of that okay so you're confident that's the best pricing Chris will tell you anytime we could do something off a state contract that makes sense that's the easiest and least expensive for the municipality okay and and the most vetted yes and so do we have a price on a 30 by 64 shelter from this company yes so that and the installation is under is within the $340,000 okay so it doesn't sound like there's any leftover for bathrooms or well again it it depends on how we go about building the restroom structure there I also have Bob looking into after talking to Nan and Chris today whether there's any open Capital from from habernickel um because I don't think that the restroom piece is going to be all that expensive but again that will be a separate work effort from what the vendor who's under State contract will be doing which is why it's being treated separately okay and then the last question I mean it's it's just a thought I have no idea is there any thought in if if people want to have a family reunion there and like you know make sure that that Pavilion is theirs for three or four hours on a particular day would there be a permit process where absolutely so we could you know possibly get some Revenue right so it will be considered um a permit process like our Fields right it would have to be reservation so any the way that the county Works their facilities is that any group of 10 or more would require or permit okay and they would have first priority and if you want to reserve the time right and I I always I always make the comparison to you know a father and son throwing a a ball around out on the field you know they can they have free use to do that until you know the Maroons baseball team and the fairlong Cutters show up to play each other and then they have to leave the field because they have a permit to be playing a game on that field at a certain time the same thing with the use of this type of facility if you want to rent it for an anniversary party you have the ability to do that through parks and wreck and if somebody is there picnicking and someone comes to set up for their anniversary party and they have the document that they have the permit and they've paid the F the fee then obviously the other people would have to would have to vacate in order to accommodate and that's the way Green Acres looks at all of these types of things we have the ability the legal ability to permit people to use it as a c at a certain time but when there is not a permit in place then it's open to the public for for fre use okay all right thank you can I sorry go ahead can I just voice one teeny tiny little misgiving this is such a beautiful structure that you're proposing the idea of putting a bathroom inside it kind of undercuts the Aesthetics it could could the bathrooms be next to it not underneath it does anybody else feel the same I no I mean that's just in the back of my mind are you asking me to talk about bathrooms again well I think I mean I think everybody agrees bathrooms are great I think we're also like well how's it going to look I mean I guess that comes actually to my question which was what's the time on this are we going to see final designs are you guys going to come back to us with a final project or since we you know pay you know since we're authorized the budget you guys can push ahead without us and then just what is the time like when something actually going to be built so so once the mayor once the uh Village Council introduces and adopts the ordinance we have to wait for 20 days after that for the ordinance to take effect and then at that point um Nancy and her staff can engage with this contractor officially um and put a time frame together unfortunately until that aole period has passed after the bond ordinance is adopted um it's really not appropriate to engage until we um until we're ready can that certainly we get to see any any um any designs before it actually gets built yeah we can absolutely keep in mind the scheduling of something like this similar to why we wanted to get the barn down before um the spring Sports season starts you know we have to schedule this around different activities at the park so that we're not affecting you know the normal operations there too so how when this would be installed is really up for a discussion as to when the contractor would be available versus is when the park is best suited to have this type of improvement and we also don't know as Nancy stated um what the lag time is when you order this um it could it be uh two weeks yes could it be significantly longer it could be so we really don't have a handle yet um you know we'd love to have it in this year but I don't know that that is possible so and we'll find that out as we as we go forward in the process real quick just just another question with all of the um open air Pavilions that that one Park Murray Park in Utah had that you said they had five within their park system do any of them have bathrooms like so we could visually see what it would look like can you go back to that Murray Park system yeah so um so you see Lorraine the one on the um upper leftand corner yes definitely um and maybe the one on the lower left lower left yeah so in the back so to Lorraine and Pam's point in in Woodland we have something similar to this it's not as nice and not as decorative um but we have a um a um shelter so to speak um that's open aired probably 3/4 of it is open aired and then the last part um is a is a block um interior space space we don't use it for restrooms we use it for um summer camp and storage and things of that nature I'll send you some photographs of that so you can see what the block structure looks like under some under an open air Pavilion like this so I'll take some pictures of that and I'll I'll circulate it to you again it's not the Aesthetics are a little bit different but it'll give you the idea of what it would look like utilizing that roof structure okay thank all right great um I have I have a couple questions um actually just one or two which is um the the $40,000 does not include electricity correct no um we had conversations within the signal Division and engineering and we felt Comfort comfortable that we could do that inhouse oh that would be terrific terrific um and now I just want to make a comment um I I know in my conversations with Keith he mentioned that in in Woodland Woodland Park which is a much smaller town they have four similar type structures um in that town uh I know that when when uh my daughters play played Sports 20 or so years ago with uh one of your daughters as a matter of fact um that we most of the place that we went to had a facility like this and it was always stunning to me that Ridgewood did not do this um and and I will just name the reasons that we were so grateful to find them there number one bathrooms number two shade oh um number three rain and uh and number four safety from lightning and and we use them for all of those every single one of those um uh issues and so it's you know the the the parks are one of the many crown jewels of our town they're utilized they're they're utilized so much that they're over utilized and that we don't have facilities like this simple basic facilities is beyond me and and I want to say that uh Nancy I I greatly appreciate what you do for us um I I've been in town almost 30 years and for 30 years I've watched you this is this is a mission for you it's not a job it's not a career and and like so many of our department directors engineering recycling water signal streets list goes on and on it's a mission you you you and I know that from watching you the last couple of of years when you get something that you have wanted for in this case 11 years you're celebrating when you don't get it you weep I know you're sad when that happens and so thank you and in and in and in this case this is something that will we will get as a community Decades of use out of by generations of our residents this is this is obvious viously got a very very long life and so this is an investment in our community you know I I I always look at at investment versus spending money when you buy a car you're spending money because that car is going to be gone when you buy a property or you build a building or you you create a facility it's an investment because we're going to have it for a very long time so I want to thank you for the time and effort on this um for your staff because and and there are obviously lots of unanswered questions about whether it's electricity bathrooms timing all of this but we got a good starting point and and I think we're ready to go could I say could I say a couple things just I want to Echo that because Nancy this is awesome I think it's so great I I want to say that habernickel was our first open space purchase and it's been decades and I think it goes to Nancy and because Chris is in the back row this is how parks are developed over the course of bits and bites and I I love this one of the things that um we left out of the discussion is the generational effect that it is close to the walking path it is not only for the kids it's a nice little resit spot um the shade in the shelter for grandparents who wish to come and watch their grandchildren play I mean obviously it's handicapped accessible I can't tell you how many times I couldn't bring my father to watch a game simply because the sun exposure so the kids are definitely the biggest beneficiary but the multigenerational effect is so awesome you know to think of a grandparent taking shade and watching them and otherwise they'd have to sit in the car which would probably not work because it'd be too hot I just think to our engineering department to the people who developed the open space tax I mean that used to be a home when I was a kid literally my sister used to sleep over this property we used to say hi to the horses and there were cows too at one point um and it's just such a nice park development I think this is the perfect way to do it and I'm just obviously so proud of you so proud of your department so thankful to engineering and I love it and I just want to double down on the bathrooms because they're going to look great they're going to look great when we went to Atlantic City there's a lot of innovation in public bathrooms and I will not I promise I'm going to cut it short but there's there's new ways for this to be implemented that are less intrusive and there's no doubt it's prettier than a Porton um so not to not to disappoint you but she's not done yet because she has a whole another presentation to do on Veterans Field let's go let's go so next um Dylan next I want to share with you um the vision for this upgrade in the lighting the permanent lighting system at Veterans Field um just a little bit of history for you the original system um was a musco lighting system and it was installed in 1979 we have had one upgrade and that was in the mid 80s um but this new retrofit is a long time coming so what you have in front of you right now would be um solutions for sports safety security lighting at Veterans Field and this very first slide just really shows you Optimum lighting situations in various different types of scenarios you know so whether it's it's a building whether it's a sports field um whether it's a monument a bridge lighting is important um for a variety of different reasons the next slide will show you um Veterans Field the way it looks today so if and when you're looking at this slide the green dots will dictate for you that those are the eight current lighting pole locations that we have throughout the park the white dots on this diagram share with you the portable light towers that we have on the property so that you know these portable light towers belong to the youth sports groups and they maintain them explicitly it's their responsibility so they put them on the field they take them off the field they take care of the maintenance on those the next slide shows us the existing musco light poles that we physically have out there we have four poles that are 40t tall and we have four poles that are 50 foot tall it also demonstrates to you the portable generators that we have and we I mentioned to you that we do have eight of those out on on this park property next slide shows you glare right isn't that the first thing it's kind of like wah that's the glare and this is um Maple Park this is Maple Park um with the portable lights so you know this is is what our Park users saw this is what our neighbors saw was glare from portable lights um the the next the next uh slide will show you challenges of the current lighting system I will tell you it's obsolete lighting was originally designed for practice only there was no security factored into it there was no gamepl factored into it it was just practice um the current lighting does not meet any lighting standards for football Soccer Gameplay purely practice lighting um has no glare control which we know right um and both the low permanent and the portable poles have no control for glare diesel generators as all we already know are incredibly noisy smelly and the glare is obnoxious um um the older metal hin lighting is costly requires maintenance and is energy inefficient the next slide um you've probably seen before those of you that were on the council when we presented Maple Park um this is the evolution of glare control technology today so what we have is on the far left 197 7 those are our existing lights and what we have now at Maple Park and what is proposed for your consideration is the LED lighting to the far right dramatically different in the technology today and Nancy if I can interrupt I think this is the pivotal slide for the Neighbors in and around Veterans Field to see that you know your the technology that has evolved over time and the directional lighting fixture that you see on the far right is far superior to what currently exists out on Veterans Field so the next slide Dylan um just shows you what this new fixure looks like um those of you that took your trip to Maple on Monday I hope that you learned a lot um I hope that it was what I shared with you that that visit would be um I can tell you that there when the lights are on and I'm leaving the office and that that Park is behind me I have no idea that the lights are on um except for that I hear children playing and that's a that's a good thing for me so I have the opportunity to look over and say yep the lights are on the kids are playing um the next yeah there we are um this shows us the eight existing po and then what is proposed to you so I know that it's really rather difficult but if you look at the new polls would be B1 2 and four and those would be um in the out the third Bas line all the way at the end by Third Base by is is there any way can we like laser it or can you I'm sorry is there any way you might be able to see it behind you better okay yeah oh yeah it's much clearer have this side yeah yeah so B1 2 and four would be the new poles that will be installed and those would be 80 foot tall what we have at Maple Park are 80 foot um what the lighting technician explains to me is the higher the pole the less glare the more direct the light comes down definitely onto the per onto the playing field um and not out the next slide shows you um is the lighting gra uh diagram for the field use um The Illuminating engineering Society standards for recreation ational lighting um suggest 30 foot an average of 30 foot candles per field so you see summer 24 summer 30 um the idea is is when you're looking at this lighting diagram that you take the average um of each one of these and you put them you you add them all together you look for the average and that's what we're hoping to do so our new ligh will be able to provide that 30t candle average for those individual Fields the scope of work is the next slide and the so we will be reusing the existing eight poles and replace the current lighting with energy efficient shielded new LED lights We'll add three permanent poles to eliminate all portable lighting and expand the lighting coverage we'll we'll have to install a new electric service um for lighting all of the fields and that will meet the code with um building and engineering and then we'll be able to obtain benefits of the LED lighting they're energy efficient we'll have wireless control which I think Matt demonstrated to you on Monday on off we'll have assistance from the national helpl line flu muscal 247365 um and it's guaranteed the warranty is for 25 years parts and labor so we'll be maintenance free for the next so that's on every like anything goes wrong for 25 years doesn't cost us controls lights yes the whole system so the next slide shows you right Perfection it's what we're looking for right that's the 30ft candle illumination on a typical soccer field and I think this is another slide that needs to be displayed to the residents so that they can see I mean I think that encompasses exactly what the directional light that we want to show them that the glare from behind is not going to impact their properties nearly as much as what exists today but are those are those poles only 30 ft tall I thought we said 80 ft it's 30t Candle okay foot candle FC is foot candle that's the measure so the height of the pole is 80 ft correct okay correct um and then the next slide just shows you the references if you want to visit any of these facilities nearby the closest to us obviously would be the Wayne I mean the walwick high school soccer and the Upper Saddle River um new park which I heard is phenomenal I haven't had a chance to visit that facility but um Bob zoler our technical lighting expert said that that's premium I do have colleagues in Wayne at the elps park and um they highly recommend this lighting so I am here for you for questions questions questions so um again I will start with comments um this is a great idea I have spent significant amount of time on both Maple and vets and you're absolutely right the the portable lighting I it's a necessary evil CU we need it but it doesn't work well light goes everywhere it smells bad it's loud it's an absolute embarrassment that in Ridgewood we're having to use us portable lights on what is really our Premier Municipal field in the village um so thank you for bringing this to us um my only real question and I I want to thank Lorraine for this um there's a gentleman that showed up I believe last night who then wrote an email to you he one of the neighbors along um the side and he had brought up sort of when lights went in several years ago um you know discussions with the neighbors around some parameters and he was eminently reasonable in his email in discussing this um and one of the points he raised and I'd like for us to explore if we don't already have this in place is a curfew on the lights so the idea being is that you know we would tell the sports folks if there isn't already there unless you tell me what the rules are now let's say 9:00 you guys are done maybe 9:30 if it goes into Extra Innings but like have a hard stop so that you know whatever noise or light does leak over into the neighbors and there's going to be some but you know I I do think this is actually going to be better than we have now for the Neighbors um but there is at least a deadline you know you know um an ending at the evening at the end of the evening of curfew do we have anything like that in place and if not is that something we could maybe think about so that the lights kind of click off what's that I said you should have received the fields policy it was only a few hours ago so on page just because the Public's listening to Evan question so we we we are all not allowed to talk but we all kind of talk one off so I talk to the as the fields rep and um there's an existing policy called the fields policy that I believe Matt Matt Rogers at some point authored and it's us you know couple dozen pages and all of our lights and the board of EDS have restrictions on page 18 through 19 you can see it there's a little grid chart and there's not one answer because there's like weekend lighting at the stadium is different there's things like you know it can go till 10:00 but not to exceed 20 games so um the one consistent is all lights are off at 7 pm on Sunday so the on the fields policy which is on our website and was circulated to all of you thank you line is um are all the rules that are in place when we get these residents letter when we do something new it doesn't mean we're changing the policy and putting in the lights the new lights would be under the old policy um so I hope that makes sense so is it enforced CU I know it's great that it's written down so they're they're set on timers and they even here you can read this and there's two there's the bard of Ed and here and they are strict like have you ever been out here at like 10: and been left in the dark like they turn off and then you have for about 10 minutes and that's all in the policy you you get like kind of like airport lights to get out but if you're not a fast Walker you're you're in trouble still that's great that's really but I have a question cuz sometimes times you know I'll be passing Stevens Field and I know that's B ofet and the lights are on and there's no game there's nothing like is I hope that for our Fields the lights will only be on if there is scheduled use yes and and the beauty of this system to be honest with you as Matt demonstrated to you um Katie myself and Matt all have controls and and it's on our phones can can I just ask a question about that still considering myself The New Guy how how do you deal deal with that on vets when it comes to people who are using the walking path oh I'm sorry when folks are us I I've left here and the lights have been on on vets right but more accommodating people who are using the the The Walking path than accommodating a sports team is there a set policy on that no okay well if the field is not in use we we're now experiencing this because there's like Fields like B I saw the lights on and no one was there the sports organizations if they booked it and don't use it are supposed to notify us notif us okay and if they don't notify us then R jfa finds out that soccer didn't use their time and then we give a letter anyway no and and by the way and there there have been mistakes there have been things that course malfunctioned along the way um and so you know that's going to happen from time to time mayor i' just like to speak to the funding aspect of this um you know as we are required and and Bob Rooney and I have spoken about this at a number of budget meetings now um we would ask the council um to authorize the full $700,000 for this project with the understanding and the commitment that the manager's office and the Parks and Recreation Department are going to aggressively pursue offsets in Grants contributions from the respective Sports organizations and the possibility of psng incentive rebates um which have been achieved by other min municipalities who have retrofitted and upgraded their field lighting um that that $700,000 is not really a true number that the taxpayer would ever realize in debt service because there are many opportunities for us to get offsetting funding sources for this particular project so I just want to be clear that when we talk about the bottom line and our number normally when it comes to Capital bonding on an annual basis being that 7.5 number we're at 7.8 but with the understanding that this particular project project is going to be offset by other sources of funding which will bring us probably below at the end of the day the 7.5 which is the target number for our capital budget on an annual basis one last question do we have a use for the portable lights elsewhere they don't belong to us oh they are rented by the individual sports groups um they belong to the sports groups and I'm sure that they will welcome the opportunity to return these to the vendor that they rent them for gotcha and not incur that cost and and on that point Pam um I um they are diesel powerered they are gross yeah terrible for the environment yeah they are necessary evil as as Evan Evan uh commented earlier but they are they smell they are loud um you know the lighting that we have is wholly inadequate um it it is it is the neighbors I can absolutely understand why the neighbors complain about the current lighting this however um I know that you set up a a time for the council to view the lighting at Maple I would like to see we uh us set up a time for The Neighbors to view the uh lighting at Maple because the portable lighting is terrible the current lighting is also terrible this is an upgrade for the Neighbors as much as for the participants on the field and and that's the part I really want to stress that this is something that I think once the neighbors understand look field lighting can be a dirty word um and when you talk about lighting a field it impacts the neighbors this is the kind of lighting that will have a significantly lower impact on the neighbors it will it will better their quality of life um this is what we should be doing for the Neighbors as much as for the participants on the field so through you mayor uh my office has already developed the list of Neighbors that we're ready to direct mail to why am I not surprised and once once we know that the council um that there's support for this project um that's going to be our next step is to share with them portions of this presentation that um Nancy so eloquently shared with h The Village Council on the public tonight and we'll also do a site visit to Maple similar to what we offered to the council to do on Monday night so they can see it um in real time do you know if Northern Parkway is on that list they are I developed a list I sat I sat there Northern Parkway Irving Warren I want to say there's like 25 maybe 27 homes that we identified um but I I did it looking at Google Maps and and I went pretty far in so that no one could say that they weren't contacted okay so I I have a couple more questions um the eight existing polls which side of the walking path are they on they're on the far side of the walking path correct correct so that's where the the new lights are going to be cuz you know when we went to Maple I agree there's like no spillage but if you're standing you know on the other side of the light say like you're in the backyard of somebody that lives on um North Irving if they're sitting in their backyard you know wanting to have a fire pit or something and they look and it's literally only 20 or 30 ft from their house it's not shining into their yard but it's bright lights it's I mean it's not like glare but it's you know there's a difference between sitting in your backyard when everything is dark and the star stars are lit and you have a fire pit versus you have all those same things but you look in 30 F feet away is a lit you know ball field um so I wanted to know if there's a way cu the walking path I mean I really like the idea of having lights on the Walking path even when there's not a game or anything going on it would be nice for people to be able to go out and walk around vets at night there's no place we really can walk at night it's danger our sidewalks you know are lifted from the trees I don't like walking around my neighborhood at night I'd love like a a nice safe place but is it possible to have the lights on when there's no games or anything but at a much lower level so that it's enough to see to walk but not so intrusive to the neighbors so absolutely and that's that's the beauty of this new technology and I hoped that Matt would have shared that with you we talk we talked about it briefly he thought it was you know doable he absolutely okay yeah and you know I can come back to you and we can set those parameters you know and have a conversation um we would follow the policy of the recreational field facility but you know if you if you know if we want to put together certain days that they're open till 10: and the field policy says 9:30 or if you want lights out at 10: um so that's kind of my next question I mean for right now what we have with the portable generator lights I mean there's really no games at night are there yes there are there's mostly practice at night okay and the games are held um either at the stadium or away depending on the size of of the children that are participating and what time just keep in mind fall Sports you know you have daylight savings so you'll start out really going strong and by four o'clock through Midway through like a football season it will your practice will be lights out dark right no I'm just thinking to what time now typically would lights be on would would people be playing on the field where the neighborhood would hear people on the field it's not that late right now correct so if we had lights it it would to Paul's point you know it wouldn't you're saying it wouldn't change the quality of life but I do believe it would because I think there would be more days and later days where people would hear games and see lights I'm not saying I'm against bear in mind yeah and and the part of the fields policy that you missed was that there you you can only use it so many days a season so you know that that policy is still our policy saw that no I understand that but I don't think the policy is being used to its full extent right now is what I'm saying and it will be it is just to go back to the policy we have one of the issues why we've reviewed it is that the stadium so for example when you think 20 games at night per year we we're having trouble now that the girls flag football's On The Rise because you have to be you know sensitive with Title 9 and it's capped so it is followed it is followed neighbors neighbors are very diligent with it all the neighbors know about that policy they you know they frequently and and there's no exception to it like I said you know have a scary moment go at 5 minutes before the time those go off and wear sensible shoes because the lights are going off and we have I know from us when even when the fields are flooded we've taken to keeping the fields completely dark because that's just the way we go so there's what I can't understand is with some of the emails we've received from the public putting in new technology that is a quality of life Improvement in my opinion and uh noise pollution and air pollution deterrent like it's better everything no I totally agree does not translate to more playing time it it just doesn't you might get more effective playing time tell you might get more games at night because you can't even like you know the size of the ball like those practice is different than a game you may get or Quest but there's still a grass field out here and we can't like overutilize our grass field because it would be chewed up and destroyed so I don't see this impacting anything other than the positives that I just said it'll it'll improve the quality of life it'll improve the noise the air pollution I mean you can't if baseball or like football said we want to run twice as many games it's grass it's there's we wouldn't allow that because it would degrade the quality of our field yeah I I think what we have to keep in mind is that there is an existing Fields policy and as Nancy clearly stated these lights fit within the existing Fields policy and so it's only for those amounts of time if that policy were to change that's you know that's a whole different thing but remember that policy was implemented because of the concern and and outcry of the neighbors said wait a minute you can't run games till 11:00 you can't do it 7 nights a week you know and so that doesn't change and keep in mind that the policy covers fields that are already lit I mean the best point of all because again we're not talking about should we put lights here it's should we improve the lighting here so that there's better quality lighting again as I said before for the participants and for the neighbors and that's why I know that's why Keith is is going to be contacting all of the neighbors so they can see it for themselves and again it's not a question of don't put lights there I think that I think that once everyone sees this by the way I wasn't at the at the um uh exhibition of these lights the other night because I've seen them and it's it's it's it's not even a close Co in terms of what it's going to do for the neighborhood um sure you know you're the example that you gave about somebody sitting and you know by their fire pit and 20 30 feet away they're going to see lighting I know yeah but trying with the current lighting they're going to be lit they're not going to see it they're going to be under the lights from the spillage so so I think that that's really the the the issue here is that this is going to this is going to help the neighbors as much as it's going to help the participants I just want to make sure and I and I totally believe that everybody will work with the neighbors and listen to them and you know try and help them understand that's our go about these new lights you know cuz I don't I don't even know how many of the neighbors know about it you know um they're going to know good we're going to we're going to reach out to them by you know we're going to send them letters just like we did with the folks who are affected by the sidewalks and then the last thing is again it sounds like musco is great they have a lot of experience their warranty is fabulous is this something we put out to bid they're also State contract okay and and quite frankly in in many respects they're really the the only game in town premere yeah yeah so assuming the neighbors um don't have strong objections and I agree with Lorraine we should to bring those folks in I also agree with Paul I think it's going to be an improvement but they they need to you know we need to get their their Buy in on this any chance we get this for July 4th with love love love love at the end of the fireworks to bring the lights up at the end and also have it lit up for um four can we get it for July 4 July July 4th 25 you know Keith you delivered a stellar budget this is your chance to shine and then with the new wi at all at the same time wor it there're the lights are on back order for six months right oh was that I was out of you your for those of you in the audience you should have seen n's the look on ny's face when he said that and and with that I'm getting the the hook over here we're to move to sidewalks now saying let's go so Nancy thank you so much really appreciate it and thank you for your for all your hard work on this thank you and let's move on to sidewalks with that I'd like to uh invite up our Village engineer Chris Razer to walk us through the uh three concept plans for the three sidewalk projects that were previously mentioned Chris welcome good evening mayor and Council good evening Chris hi Chris I guess it's time to talk about sidewalks um all right that one could you go up a little bit to show the bottom of the picture all right that one is that's the Westland pardon six foot side yeah West GL uh good evening uh I have four plates that uh will show some of the sidewalk work we are proposing to do in the village um three plates deal with the West and East Glenn Avenue first one up on the screen courtesy of Dylan is the West Glen one this is the shall we say the missing section uh between North Monroe and roughly Heights uh what we're looking at doing now now uh we met with the residents a whole bunch of the residents not everyone uh I believe it was like last August uh got some feedback uh we're looking at now putting in a sidewalk with minimal or no retaining walls um we believe we can do it there may be some properties that will need a retaining wall or have existing retaining walls that we'll seek to preserve if they're not within the public right away um just there's any questions from the council I'll try to answer them as best as I can can you guarantee there won't be a landslide what's that can you guarantee there won't be a landslide never I'm not stupid is can we get a copy of the County's position on retaining walls um Matt's been in communication with County councel okay what's their reasoning yeah can I ask can we ask question uh they don't when we approached them about putting in retaining walls um they said not within their right away which was a bit of a surprise because the county in regulating the right away has always taken the position of all they cared about was from the face of the curb to the opposite face of the curb never behind it now they're saying they don't want a retaining wall um I think they have concerns on liability so where we may need some walls uh we'll have to talk with those residents so so so did that letter sorry L did that is that a technical letter that came to you from County engineering or was it a legal letter regarding the it was a letter from County Council went back a number of months I believe it was uh emailed yeah but it was a um it is something that I think can certainly be spoken to again and massaged hopefully depending upon what the plan is and what how it's going to work out but it was just a an Abrupt you know no we don't want anything in our right of way and that was it so so do we have discussions uh ongoing with with the county about this there haven't been any further discussions along with it because there hasn't been any further planed so I think I haven't had any discussions I don't know if anybody else uh other than the email conversation we had with the county that resulted in their edict on no retaining walls in the RightWay um we haven't got much further uh if we get this if this is funded at next week's capital budget presentation we will start the conversations with the county uh one thing we definitely have to do with the county is uh the Ada ramps any of those along there they have to get the County's blessing uh the County's policy on those is one we're very familiar with with the county roads we design them I sign and seal the drawings they approve them usually their contractor builds them but we inspect them and sign off at the end in this case we would build them because it's a village project so Chris what is the width of West Glenn Avenue I believe it's a 50 foot RightWay okay and what is the is the actual width of the street different as you go down it or is it approximately 30 feet wide it's I would say approximately but there is variations there are also variations on the RightWay Glenn um when we get to the Drawing Near East Glenn if you look very carefully some of the houses have little jogs there's not a uniform width of the RightWay that the county has okay so for West Glenn because I was there today and I was walking up and down I took some pictures there are existing walls that I you know so to me if the road is 50 and the right of way I mean if the road is 30 the right away is 50 about 10 ft in from the road on either side is the easement is that correct that's a good rule of thumb uh we're going to try to get a little more precise uh we may hire our surveyor The Village surveyor to locate things if we're concerned that we are very close so do you know if there are any current walls that are in the easement now I don't know which ones but I believe there are some I mean to the visual eye to me I thought there were several that I'm like that's got to be in the eement that's got to be an asement that would technically be called an encroachment so so is the county saying you have to take those down they haven't gotten that far yet so is the next logical so I'm just going to speak freely and then people can say what I think all five of us want to do sidewalks on West Glen and Alex I've renamed section the the fake East Glenn which is actually West Glenn pardon and because it's it's it's west of maple which and but it's really called East Glenn the lower part so I'm calling it the fake and nobody knew it was called East Glenn so I literally live he lives around the live 200 feet away I've never heard it called West Glen before one of our meeting East Glen see that's what I'm saying in one of our meting Trestle is the demarcation line spending too much time on on the F on the fake name um so we so there's this General sentiment from the community and this now this retaining wall issue bubbled up so would the next step be to issue a survey and see which walls are affected and then have our Council go back and see if the County Council was as serious if the scope is two houses I mean how do we move because you have this whole Long Street right and the fake East Glenn is really there's nothing there right because it's not the slope is small well that would be a different drawing uh yeah no no I know but if we want to move the whole project through because it's been waiting and we want to like help make this happen in terms of capital do we do a survey next and then find out which houses have the most of their front yard affected uh if capital is approved we're going to go forward with the final design in the final design process we'll see if we have any questions or concerns as to whether any existing structures walls or anything on the street is an encroachment in the right away of Bergen County uh we'll probably discuss with the county what their thoughts are on that and what their position would be on it and make it abundantly clear to them that we The Village was not the instigator of that encroachment and let's and we'll have to see how the county will regard it I mean I'd go one step further I mean I think I speak for everyone here when I think it's our hope our desire that we do as little change to the whatever is in the encroachment now is possible obviously it has to be safe um I also don't want to have two years worth of back and forth with the county over this I want to get these skywalks done um but it is also my hope that we respect what the neighbors have there and to whatever extent we can preserve retaining walls are on private property we should but again I I also don't want this to be a two-year long process either I mean past practice in my experience has been that if there's existing infrastructure in the county right away very rarily unless there's a reason for them to request that it be removed will they impose themselves in that regard I think what the county has conveyed to Chris is that they are not looking for new infrastructure to be built within the county right of way and that's where you know we have to consider whether or not we're going to push back on that we may get the same answer that was given at the onset or do we consider put these putting these retaining walls um if they're necessary Neary on private property outside of the municipal right of way but then we get into the concept of needing easements which is going to have to get our legal ccil involved quite likely personal legal um representation from the individual Property Owners so that we can consumate these leases and have them um recorded at the county clerk's office may I suggest Keith that we open up a dialogue with the county to discuss this yeah um because again you know we're sitting we're sitting here talking about it you know until we we sit down and talk with them about it we'll we'll do that I would not be overly optimistic that they're going to bend that's that's that's my but we'll find out position and can we all see the letter from them are we allowed to yeah I I I think it was verbal at this point right I think it was it was an email to us okay there may have been an email I I'll look for the email and I'll forward it over to your office that'd be great and then I'll whatever we have whatever correspondence I'll share with the V for it to us and and again and then we'll we'll we'll discuss our next step in terms of the retaining I'd like to Leverage The Lawyers up here see who who can who can solve this I'm not advocating for the County's position but their issue becomes maintenance who becomes responsible for that if it's built within the right away and and again not to say that it's it's going to get resolved because I really do understand and agree with what you're saying but those are issues that have the potential to be worked out right as to who maintains if that's the issue and and I'm not defending their position I'm just trying to manage expectations I understand I I will say I'm not a fan of placing our resources on private land I you know that was one of the options I I don't feel I feel pretty strongly we shouldn't do that that opens up another set of liabilities just like the County's concerned about the liability on their RightWay before before we build without retaining walls we're going to get a definitive answer about them right Chris because and I know if Chris I'm sorry lorine I don't know if Chris spoke to to this but my concern when we were even throwing around the concept plan of not including retaining walls when we first started to talk to the residents is I have concerns and I'm not an engineer but I have concerns about runoff youut again we're we're talking about you know we started off the meeting with the public session talking about flooding and you know drainage and more intense storms due to climate change and all the things that we discuss up here every few Wednesdays right the reality is is we could be creating that type of runoff effect where now you're going to have sidewalks that have um you know silt and rock buildup and all the different things that you run into when you have that shearing effect um on an incline like that I think everyone in the room is on the same page on this so let's let's step step away from the retaining wall aspect of this for just a moment and talk about the rest of it all right the next plate uh Dylan could you get the the East Glen one all right East Glen we have two options I think the first one you're looking at should be is that the 5 foot strip yeah 5 foot sidewalk is a 5 foot sidewalk uh with a 5- foot Parkway strip that's generally considered a strip between the edge of the sidewalk and the curb this would be on the westbound direction of Glenn a East glenv uh from North Maple Avenue to Oak Street um at the corner of Oak Street we will definitely have to put in an ADA ramp compliant uh rounding out in the corner uh what you also see on the eastbound Direction on the south side is narrow strip that is an existing sidewalk uh we believe most of it is asphalt it's not in very good condition um we would consider also replacing that uh the cost cost for that actually is uh about 20,000 very minimal 20,000 just repair it right okay that sounds good but how come everything else sounds so much there a mam sidewalk and to replace the maam with concrete with concrete yes the so on the westbound side you're you're proposing a 5 foot wi well this is the there there's two versions that uh Yan and our office uh has designed for me to present this one is the 5-ft parkway strip 5ft concrete sidewalk the next one would be uh a three-foot Parkway strip and a 4ft sidewalk uh a 5- foot Parkway strip just sounds really wide wide W what what is the what is the purpose of of such a wide strip uh that could be a location The Village could plant trees if they so desired no would that also would that also go into the roadway further no we can't we can't narrow the roadway got it just wonder is the easen in that area 10 ft yeah you could if you look very carefully this is the section where you'll see a little jogs um for example the second house in from Maple when you go to the third house there's a a several foot jog in it's hard to see you really have to blow it up but there is not a uniform right away limit for East Glen in that area yeah there can can uh trees be planted in the 3-foot recommend it you what I'm sorry well you say small trees yeah uh time has a bad habit of making them big trees smaller I meant smaller by arborous standard you know how de ranking them um I think if you look at some of the details we already we're already considered considering underwire trees okay because we have overhead wires in that area and that will fit in three I don't want to recommend it I don't I would rather also defer to Dean and get his opinion but a 5 foot if you want trees gives him a a much better bed to grow in are there wires I believe there are we have to go with the small so we have to no we have to go with an underwire species do we have any like I can't think of a Parkway anywhere in town that it's f 5 ft and then the sidewalk actually I think Phelps Road has a very wide uh Parkway strip and a pretty wide sidewalk and that's the portion of Phelps from I believe Heights Westward that's what I know of all right but it's not common no it's not okay and can I ask if um D if you can maybe go a little bit know other direction go towards yeah there you go right stop right there perfect so I did a field trip again because it's like 100t from my house but um on Oak Street if you see I see you have you're doing um you said an 88 ramp there there's no sidewalk uh on Oak Street for like 10 15 ft and then the starts the sidewalk are you thinking of filling that in so that if you're walking down the street and you make the right turn onto Oak you don't have to step into the street for those 10 fet before you go back on the sidewalk well one of the things we would do here is we would stripe a crosswalk across Oak Street right um very similar to what there is just on the eastbound Direction existing because you have an existing sidewalk existing Mark crosswalk going to the older asphalt or bituminous crosswalk but I guess going in going here going north on Oak Street right where the yeah you just had with a curse yeah where the mouse was other side other side yeah right there there's no sidewalk there for like 10 ft and then there starts a sidewalk so is there any plan to build a sidewalk on that side of the street to connect it uh not at this time if we find ourselves in a fortuitous position to have maybe some surplus funds once we're done with all the work that's in the budget um I could talk to Keith and Bob Rooney and you folks on the council to see if you would like to do that so I I would strongly urge you to do that because my concern is that if you're if you're walking uh Westbound and you make the right turn you're going to step into the street for a little bit and if you're a car making a rightand turn onto Oak Street you and you're you could very easily especially at night because the light that that's a horrible intersection to begin with very easily hit somebody on that street um I would really strongly urge us to think about it's like 10 ft but it's literally only 10 how much could it cost how far is the side Sidewalk on Oak from that corner Chris if you know on the the Oak Street southbound side I believe you could see it it's concrete M I think where Council whis's discussion would be on the Northbound bound side of Oak Street North going north from a um excuse me Glen so again so in other words if you continued That Sidewalk that we're putting in on East Glenn around the corner onto Oak how far would you have to go to connect it to an existing sidewalk I have to measure I don't know I don't know that answer I'm guessing about 10 ft like i i l i 10 ft is nothing that's like two slabs I don't see I don't see a sidewalk there there is no there is so it starts so if you see where that drive that driveway is that back driveway where there's a car right now there there's definitely a sidewalk on the north side of there so it's maybe from that drive yeah we're running out but it's definitely from that driveway down to that intersection a portion of that has no sidewalk that that's a lot more than 10 ft that's that's got to be that's 100 100 so somebody should go look at it cuz I'm clearly not a construction an engineer but it starts somewhere in the middle there 10 feet is from like Heather to me it's not I'm telling you I live there tell it's not that big but it's going to cause a huge problem at night if you have people walking around there and stepping in the street to make we'll take a look at it uh we'll see how how much it is to extend it yes I I think that that's a that's a we'll take a look I mean again we you know if we're going to do it let's do it yeah right big question for the council here is looking at this drawing and the other one that looks very similar is how wide a Parkway strip would you be in favor of and how wide a sidewalk well in that regard I I'd like to know if and I I know that the neighbors are in favor of this sidewalk um but again it's it's going to impinge on their front yard so and I know everyone's in favor of it so the question question is do they want another two feet taken from their front yard cuz some of the Yards are deep but some of the Yards are not yes and I noticed I noticed the gentleman looking at his wife looking for an because he either doesn't know or doesn't want to say because he's a smart man um so you know I I think that that's that's important here because it's it's and whether we put you know and what type of trees we put there it's really their yard so I you know I would I would love to get some input from those eight neighbors um as opposed to making the decision for them I mean to me it sounds like a 3ot grassy strip and a 5 foot sidewalk is and that's the way it sounds to me but I don't live there and so maybe they want the bigger trees I do just want to say with the addition of the curb is also because I walk the neighborhood there is no curb there so it would be you get an added benefit just so you have Curb 3 feet which is a traditional sidewalk cuz you're new homeowners that's nor that's like the regular en Ridgewood sidewalk the question that we're having is because we're trying to plant appropriate size trees because those trees can mess up your sidewalks that you'll one day be responsible for um well that's true it is true so we don't want to put a tree that will overpower and rip up your sidewalk um so I think that's where I would be I think Chris was saying a five foot sidewalk not a five foot not a three foot sidewalk though five foot sorry so three foot and then 5et and then front lawn and and just just to move this along um are there other specific questions because otherwise what I'd like to do is move on to Clinton Avenue but leave Chris with the with the homework of um uh uh finding out how how much more in terms of both linear feet and money to connect That Sidewalk to the sidewalk on Oak and also um the input from the neighbors um there's only eight homes um would they prefer the 5 foot or the three and if we could confirm with Dean to the listing of appropriate sior if we could confirm with Declan if it's three feet that's our arborist what what plant we're looking at underwire trees yeah but I mean so they cuz we're going to have neighbors and there's eight of them what an underwire Tree by definition cuz you will learn a lot about trees in this you will learn but Chris or maybe somebody would like a big tree in their front yard we wouldn't plant it because of the wires it's CU eventually we'd have to cut it down way no Red Oaks right but because 50 years later oh they a problem um did you did you show us two drawings one were what was the width for the the tree was it 3et in the east east Glen comes in two flavors 3ft strip 4ft sidewalk 5ft strip 5ft sidewalk okay so any tree whatever you choose is going to be happier in a five foot strip than in a three- foot strip I would agree okay thank you sounds like where the trees want to live yeah I mean I think my gut tells me the bigger one is the better option but again not my front yard so there's only like eight of them Let's go ask and see what the eight want okay Chris you have your homework assignment on that pardon can we you have your homework assignment on that can we move on to Clinton Avenue unless anyone else has any other questions we good good let's go all right all right Clinton Avenue uh what we propose for a sidewalk on Clinton is on the west side of the street which would be the southbound Direction uh southbound from westr Avenue down to Godwin um the work is GNA as we've looked into it this there's going to be more work than we initially anticipated or I estimated um we're thinking we have to relocate probably two utility poles work with PSC and to do that uh there will be a number of trees that will be removed um I think Chris Pearson and our office is trying to get an accurate tally on that um some of those trees are large uh the what you could see on the drawing the red lines is I believe the existing roadway because the roadway is meanders a bit in width and we propos that a final roadway be 28 ft that gives two 12T lanes and a 4 foot Lane for anybody parked on a side that you can then be able to pass them what is the recommendation size of the parkway strip and the sidewalk um right there I don't know if what he I think we're looking at sidewalk possibly right up against the curb it may be something where we have to look how close we are to a tree whether we push the sidewalk close to the curb to preserve the tree or we move the sidewalk further back within the villages right away cuz the village has a 50ft RightWay on Clinton that's and it's a narrow Street well it appears to be narrow right exactly um the current pavement generally varies about 28 to 24 feet I mean I just for a residential street to have a sidewalk right up to the curb to me is V you know you have a sidewalk up to the curb in more of a a city setting I thought we I thought we had discussed having the the strip curb strip three foot strip and well now we're talking about Clinton that's what I'm talking about and Chris is now saying we I mean right now what Chris and our office Drew here shows a very minimal Parkway strip um if the council would like a wider Parkway strip for providing better planting we can certainly look to see what we can do H how would that impact the telephone pulse Chris that's what think we'd have to see we may have to move in one additional I think there's two that certain need to be moved just by line of sight two or three by line of sight would need to be moved but I think the intention and I don't want to speak for anyone but I think the intention was that the telephone poles would be in the grass right of way between the curb and the sidewalk right and because because it would appear to fit that way so and and I think that the the idea that uh I I know that there was an initial um idea of expanding the width of the roadway but it was something that the residents really didn't want was to expand the width of the roadway and and the idea of putting the the sidewalk on on the western side of Clinton is for the most part that is where the deeper Lots were and so and and in fact um several of the houses had retaining walls that this would essentially for the most part be outside those retaining walls so not in their in their more usable front yard and so uh and so I I think that's that was the plan and that we would we would put a curb on the other side just to curb so that which would which would help with runoff because as you can see when you go to that street that end of the street which has no curb it's just Madam actually has a a lip or a burm of Madam and I believe I was told that that was that would appear that that was designed to channel the water into the street and to keep it in the street so putting a curb on the other side would not impact um significantly the width of the street um and and I think the idea is to keep it as much in place as we can the the character of Clinton Clinton Avenue um you're correct mayor we when we pave streets and we have runoff concerns we often times put uh a hump in within the RightWay again to keep water that may be flowing down the street from jumping through the curb cut opening and coming to the Resident Properties uh curb would give us a 1 and 3/4 to 2 in height we would probably still consider a little bit of a hump in the driveway to give maybe a total of 3 4 in again the intent with that effort is to keep water flowing down the street within the street not jumping into the properties but again we're not talking about widening the street uh we have proposed minor widening uh and centering in the right away because the street is offc centered what do you mean by sorry what do you mean by minor widening uh we propose as I mentioned a 28t street uh that'll be some additional Pavement in various locations uh the drawing up there you can see the difference right near Godwin is several feet what's the current width of the street if you're go uh generally I believe it was like 22 to 26 it varies it varies depending on down by Godwin it gets narrower um and and what I would suggest is di Minimus if any widening um I think that the the singular change of the sidewalks which I know that all the current residents of Clinton Avenue are not uh or or several of of the current residents are not in favor of and and so we want to impact that street as little as possible while at the same time providing a safe route for children to go to school so I I I don't my own personal opinion is I don't want to change the street scape any more than is absolutely necessary to provide that safe sidewalk but a just one little thing a 22 foot wide Street off of a busy street is very very very narrow when you're turning yes bear in mind one thing that and and I think Chris will bear me up because I I believe I learned this from him is that if there is a narrower Street people drive more slowly than if it's a wider Street which which is which also lends to the safety um uh on that street and I could understand if down by Godwin it might be necessary to tweak it a little bit right because it is so narrow but for the balance of the street I would like to personally avoid that if it is possible all those streets off God when are I mean South Murray's got to be and that's two way I mean all of them when I was a kid you'd walk up one way to the other because ridg is like where you said the gymnastics I mean Murray's got to be less than 20 and so people who are making those turns off of Godwin typically that narrowing effect on that mouth on the whole way up to Midland Park is that way and and by the way that the the house on the corner of Godwin and Clinton on that west side where we're going to put it a sidewalk does not have one of the deeper front yards on that side so if you're taking um if you're if you're going to make it wider there um it's it's going to have a more significant impact on that home so I I I don't I don't I don't want to cure every ill on that street I just want to create a safe sidewalk which side of Clinton or is it both of them down by Godwin where we're now having the issue since they paved Godwin and now water is pooling and freezing is it on both Corners down by Godwin or is it just on one or the other uh the corner where we have the seeps because of our high rainfall quantities it's not related to the paving the county did oh it's not no so how come there was never an issue before and then all of a sudden right now our rainfall totals are 5 to S Ines more for this time of year than usual we're in a very very very wet cycle but the residents really said it h happened almost immediately after the paving that that they notice the water you know puddling up we've investigated uh the Water company has done I believe some checks for residual chlorine to see if it was a water main leaking um the topography from that area goes upwards uh so water percolates into the ground hits a rock ledge or something goes along that until it pops out yeah it's it's coming from a natural spring um further down and I think just the I think the paving because now you don't have divots in the in the in the paving I think it's just it's ping up more because you have fresh pavement than it did when the payment was less I mean can it be fixed because it it's it's a dangerous situation uh we'd have to discuss it with the county if we can put an inlet um that's the easy part the hard part is finding where to connect the inlet too because from what I'm understanding now from the residents the children that are coming from across the street or from across Godwin instead of crossing at the crosswalk the crossing guard is telling them now to cross earlier and go on a diagonal like to avoid the the puddling or the ice when it's really cold so that's a dangerous according according to the police the the water issue has always been there it's been exacerbated because of the new pavement yeah and and and I and and I could be wrong on this but what I noticed when I was there was that the ponding was on the west side of Clinton more so than on the east side which is which is where where we're going to put the sidewalk so I don't know so hopefully it can get I don't have any idea if if one will have any impact on the other but I like I said I do want to stress that I really don't want to widen that street um really at all um and again if there was a if there was a tweak that that was necessary nothing more than a tweak other questions comments yeah are we putting trees in after the sidewalks go in it depends on the parkway how how wide is that is it three or five only if we have a wide enough Parkway strip it's only it's only going to be three so I mean is are trees included in that cost in the Clinton Avenue not yet okay that's something that if we're successful with decent prices there may be the ability to do that okay and I I did say Lorraine and I went back and forth that there is some money in the tree trust if it's not in the plan maybe we could take it if there's room and put some of them there because it is nice to have nice sidewalks and and new trees question other questions or comments so so mayor with that just to sort of surmise the capital budget just going to look at you because what these presentations uh Were Meant to do was to sort of finalize the capital budget so that we can have that parallel the introduction of the operating budget and what we would need to do is if everyone's comfortable with the um the summary sheet that we presented last night that would authorize um Heather and Bob bruny to reach out to bond Council um to start the preparation of the ordinance um to um fund the remaining Capital items that we haven't already introduced does anyone have any objections to anything in items a b 8A 8 b or 8 C as set forth tonight okay and and all the other items that we agreed to At Last evening's budget meeting we can also include the capital side and and you got that consensus last night ke just I'm just reconfirming I understand so so we are we are good and Chris thank you so much for your comprehensive presentation I know that you have you're going to come back to us with uh what you're learning on East Glenn and we are going to I know Keith is going to be reaching out to the county on the retaining wall issue on West Glen so that we can know how best to proceed anything else for us Chris nope I believe that's it thank you so much tonight thank you sir um mayor at this time I'd like to uh call up director calby to take us through the requests on the right's work session for Ridgewood water on tonight's agenda Rich has items one through nine under the uh the Water been long day director very long day yes uh we were we were together um about 14 hours ago I was picking up breakfast at 7 a.m. sounds like a plan should have picked up dinner I I do want is hungry we had to bust out the emergency snacks up here do I want to thank you mayor Deputy Mayor and uh Mr kasmar for your assistance this morning I think we presented unified front that if not gaining us anything immediately has lay the ground work for a lot of help in the the fut near future and and and you set it up very nicely so um uh it was it was a great team effort thank you so much R so with that can we cast one unanimous consent for all nine items and get you out of here early um why don't you at least walk us see them quickly rich but understand we've all read them before uh so we've all the opportunity to review them so but again we should go through them I will yeah and and and I and I believe that and again certainly if anyone has any objection to anything please jump in questions whatever but I I as as Evan said we're all pretty familiar with these things so I think the the um condensed version would would be fine and if someone has questions we can go beyond that we'll do that thank you so first item is 9 A1 this is a word of a soul Source contract Auto furnished corrosion inhibitor this is the annual treatment we utilize throughout the system since 2016 on successfully controlled our corrosion of lead and copper in the system it's a natic seat contract to ESC environmental of Glenville New York in the amount of 260 2,720 for the 2024 year paid at the per unit price is $16 42 cents per gallon this is in the water operating budget I have a question uh by 2031 we have to replace all the lead pipes at that point do we stop buying the poly orof phosphate no the uh the state will not allow it um and part of the reason is that the corrosion Inhibitors created a layer protection throughout the system not just in the lead pipes um if we were to stop it that scale would break off from not just the lead pipes or service pipes but our distribution pipes um and this the state has not allowed other utilities that have met that goal already like the city in New York Newark from doing that because lead still exist inside the homes people have fixtures and and pipes anybody else other questions any objections I love that he has the answers every time tried and let's move on all right next item 982 is award a contract to Line stop insertion Valve Services we received three bids on February 8th um the lowest responsible bidder was determined to be Conquest Contracting of hackin saac New Jersey um this is also unit price bid uh we're requesting a not to exceed amount of $100,000 for the 2024 year um and the water is the the funding is in the water operating budget and and I had a question on this one it's not to exceed 100,000 per year which line item are we talking about because I see a total base bid of 437,000 and at least one item that is over 100,000 the total base bid amount is a calculation just for determining lowest bidder there's a formula that's written in small print under the the table MH and and we the $100,000 is for every unit as determined as we would need it and some cases some years we don't use every unit we may use one of one a or one of 3 C you know depending on the need got it other questions objections nope let's go all right next next one's a big one and very important one that's a big one award of contract for construction of the am posos treatment facil this is in the township of wof uh six bids were received on February 22nd uh bids were reviewed by the consultant M McDonald and by Richard water and Mr Rogers uh low bidder copis Services of Ringwood New Jersey in the amount of 9,948 1890 uh this facility um will serve seven Wells and have a capacity of 2.88 million gallons a day and is part of the p F master plan will comply with the New Jersey D administrative consent order and is ultimately subject to approval of the New Jersey ibank so recommending award this contract to copal the services and this funding is in the water capital budget questions is this the biggest of the 12 treatment facilities that will finally be built one of the big four yes other questions any objections let's go sticking on posos the next uh item 984 is also an award of a contract but this is for raw water mains this is connect satellite Wells to the treatment facilities that are going to be constructed in Midland Park and wof the W Dy and Cedar Hill facilities 11 bids were received on February 23rd uh those bids were also reviewed by m McDonald rigid water low bidder was underground utilities Corp of Lyndon New Jersey in the amount of 600 and $ 73,9 38 uh these are again necessary as part of the posos plan um and part of New Jersey DPAC um and part of the administrative consent order uh we recommend this award to util underground utilities Corp and this funding is also in the water capital budget questions any objection nope let's go next item 985 water Professional Services contract on this is for construction Administration inspection uh for the next two projects to be bid for posos facilities East Ridge and West End treatment facilities firm is M McDonald they're the engineer of record for the designs that's why we're recommending them for the construction Administration and inspection full-time inspection is required per New Jersey ibank funding uh that we're seeking on the projects so therefore I recommend Award of a Professional Services contract not to exceeding amount of $775,000 to M McDonald of Freehold New Jersey funding in the water capital budget as well I have a question we're paying $775,000 for one engineer full-time no there's two parts uh to the 775,000 there's two attached proposals tell me what I missed 345,000 of the total is construction Administration so what that is once we have a Contractor on board part of what they do is they submit shop drawings of every item that they are going to construct that gets reviewed by entire engineering term team in M McDonald electrical engineers mechanical engineers civil engineers water Engineers so it's not just one engineer the construction inspection SP part which is the balance of the funding that's one to one and a half Personnel that'll be in the field every day monitoring the construction over about a year and a half you say every day 5 days a week s days a five days a week five days a week so that's $430,000 yes for one engineer well and oversight within the office there's a project engineer managing it reviewing the pay requisitions doing all the ibank compliance um and how how long is the duration of the project 15 months 15 months y so is this really a a an engineering team effort because again my my review of the documents and again I may have missed this is is we're paying for one person for 15 months and and and at times an assistant so true it's eight hours a day five days a week one Personnel on site consistently but what about the that Team part review because I'm I'm look just looking at this and it scares me because I think think one engineer $430,000 that's a lot 18 months I could provide clarification before next week if you'd like me to do that I'm sorry I could provide clarification before next week if you could um and again I the part I didn't understand was it says based on an overall project timeline of 18 months that the resident engineer to cover the two sites for 15 months so um again I just it just seems like a big number for one person sure um and and it scares me because we're spending $150 million of which M Mountain McDonald is a big part of that and and I wonder how much if if we're spending a four if we're spending $400,000 for one engineer full-time I just get concerned sure it's a $10 million project I no I understand I understand um so yeah if if you wouldn't mind it would be no definitely that's that's why we're here good thank you and and we can get the clarification on that I do want to stress though it is a requirement of the ibank funding yes that we have someone fulltime on site during the duration I'm not arguing that we need someone more for the public edification because obviously you know it sound it's it's a big number but I just here $10 million to build a giant thing whatever it is that I have no idea how much it really costs and what it takes to build the giant thing is fine I know what one engineer costs right and $430,000 sounds like a lot of money and and and and we'll we'll drill down on those numbers and we'll push back I just want to again I'm with no I'm with you my drob to set expectations up here so I just I just want to set the expectation that this is requirement of the ibank funding and it is highly technical highly regulated across two locations I'm not saying that Engineers are not worth every nickel that they're paid however we we will do our due diligence this is not a road and a sidewalk this is a water treatment plant I got I had asked him the same question earlier today yeah so and we're gonna fight those engineering comments next next all right 986 uh Award of additional funding this is for our 2023 pipes and apperances contract this was awarded back in February 8th of 2023 as a not to exceed contract to Ferguson us Holdings of Howell New Jersey at this time we're requesting an additional amount of $3,312 um we had an order of piping equipment that arrived in December and received the bill and at that time determined that it had exceeded or not to exceed for the year you know the equipment was needed and utilized so we're asking to raise that not to exceed on that that purchase order to pay for that all good on this let's go 987 uh this is an award of allowance of funds for support and Training Services for the rigid water scada this is supervisory control and data acquisition system that's utiliz to control the entire water system on February 14th of this year on Village Council awarded an annual software support agreement that agreement also um includes a a pricing schedule for on Call services so at this this point since our new scada employee is new and untrained um we're requesting an allowance of $25,000 for support services and for training for three employees that will include that new scada employee and for two employees out of the village it Department all good let's go 988 this is to authorize a lease of Park land uh between the village of Ridgewood and rigid water um this is a very unique lease um it's required by Green Acres um you know the rigid water is a department of the village so um this is something that may not have ever been done before um but Green Acres requires it and it's a temporary lease just to allow for the construction of the well head apperance and the piping on the ground so that we could put this well in operation before the final green acors approval um is is completed by the state yeah I I only have two comments about this one is it's a very weird thing um uh and second I think we could have gotten a lot more than a dollar at order for this so m i represented both clients neither were happy yeah they're both lost next uh 9 A9 this is a request for a refund um any refund over $1,000 has to be approved by the Village Council um we had a customer uh who sold his property um but forgot to turn off the automatic payments um as a result they had an over pavement payment of about $3,612 94 so we're recommending a refund to that that customer how long did that go on for till he I could find out I don't think it's worth I don't think it's worth yeah that's all good rich thank you very much I don't know if you want me to take the thank you the recycling truck oh let's do it uh so we have item it's uh I believe 9c1 yep Award of contract under sourcewell Cooperative uh purchasing programs for the recycling truck um this is a result of the ordinance that was passed by the Village Council earlier this year U the proposals put forward by Sean Hamlin recycling coordinator and supervisor of solid waste it's her one leech uh Model 25 cubic yard rear loader um that will be mounted on a Kenworth dual steer chassis provided by Gabriella um you know it's a 2025 truck a total cost for the whole truck built out is $349,990 36 Cents within the uh ordinance amount that was appropriated U the full specs are provided if there's any questions you have questions all good all right all right thank you thank you Rich thanks for moving it along mayor moving to parking um we had a request from the deputy mayor uh to evaluate the Prospect Street lot and the number of ADA handicap parking spots at that location um we she and I met last week uh with members of the Traffic Division um that lot holds 59 parking spaces currently only two are reserved as handicap uh Ada requires that a third spot um be added due to the number of parking spaces in that lot uh Traffic Safety Bureau is recommending adding the additional parking spot um as required by the Ada um so it outlines the number of spots if anyone wants to go out there and see which spots would be um would be modified to accommodate the Ada um and this would access aisles to provide wheelchair users uh and those with mobility issues to be able to transfer to and from their vehicle safely question question or objections certainly no objections I got to ask why do we really have to approve this like is this something that like the Village Council has to opine on I would think this would be well within the powers of parking and and and yourself Kei no I I I believe that in order to add a handicap spot we do need Council approv be it all right Pam thanks for picking this up yep honestly that was in our my my individual meetings with uh with each of the council members when I first got here this was on Pam's radar and we finally wrapped it up last week so great job okay okay um we discussed um item one under budget item two was removed so we're moving on to uh 9c3 award a contract for disposal of ground yard waste and grass clippings um we have a memorandum here from Chris ruteshouser our M engineer uh we've received two replies um in request uh to this solicitation um rvh submitted a quote of $22 per cubic yard for disposal of yard weight in grass clippings uh the attached resolution Awards the contract to HV uh to rvh in the amount of $75,000 for the uh disposal of yard waste and grass clippings for the Year everybody good okay yep let's go okay the next is a resolution for overpayment of taxes on Colonial Road uh that payment will be made to core logic uh who is the bank all good yep let's go um number five is the purchase of Polaris allterrain vehicles uh Jeremy kimman our OEM director is here in case there are any questions on this but this is for two um UTV vehicles uh this is a capital purchase um this will allow uh for um our Emergency Services Personnel to utilize these vehicles during special events and emergencies as outlined in the memorandum from uh Lieutenant Chuck from Ridgewood OEM questions um can you give me an example of where this would be used under what circumstances um Memorial Day uh 4th of July um various other large group Gatherings that we have during the year where it's more difficult to be able to use traditional uh vehicles um we'd be able to maneuver this in and out of spaces public spaces at vanest here at vetfield throughout the village Jeremy here come on up Jeremy yeah these are small Jeremy if you could speak into the mic this way I don't think the mic's on it's not for it's not for us we can hear we can hear you but there you go okay there you are um you can sit down these Polarises I'm hoping not to be here too too long theseis also will um are the only vehicles that will fit on the bike path along the Saddle River oh okay got it so we can get in and out of thanks for that got you you know uptown during you know special events where the RADS are closed and we need to get emergency Personnel around to and my husband would really like UTV stands for what terrain vehicles what's the U you're asking the wrong person I calls you get the idea okay any objection um item six is um just the the a new funding mechanism uh for the employee assistance program um during our budget process um and with some of the uh requir IR ments changing for the grants that the health department has um we're going to uh charge the employee assistance program moving forward even after the grants expire uh to a line item in the budget all right questions all good okay under policy um item D1 authorize application for the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs local recreational Improvement Grant this is for the upgrades to the hackel playground um this is a Department of Community Affairs Grant and we're working with Millennium strategies and the Parks and Recreation Department to make this application uh for the upgrades to the playground everybody good just a question so so is this going to cover the entire cost or is this a like a 50/50 type of thing um we actually have some open um capital and then I think we have some open space money um we would need to match this not necessarily 50/50 depending on what we what we get but there would be some Village funds that would go into this but we've already identified them through Finance yes okay so so I have one question so should we cycle this through access would it make us more Grant worthy listen I think I think if we can get a uh a letter of support from access we can have Millennium submit that as a supplemental to the application so tomorrow will will you send that the whole thing what you want me to get them but I think it this is I I'm sorry I know it's late but you know non-traditional playgrounds are really emerging they're very important and we did well I did I don't know if you guys on the shedler plan we already had somebody wanting to have uh a more inclusive playground at shedler for kids who have different needs so if we can you could actually send them this document y okay and if based off of this they want to write a letter of support we can have that submitted with the can you send this to me electronically okay cool I thought the open space fund is is used to um pay off the the bonds a portion of it is a portion of it goes to that service the interest yeah I thought all of it goes to it every year no there's there's a there's an allocation that's uh that's uncommitted I can get that number for you but Bob Bob confirmed that for me I've not seen that in Prior accountings okay I'll talk to I'll talk to to Mr roone I'll get that for you okay uh the next application under policy is for the New Jersey historic Grant application um that is for the train station uh pedestrian tunnel as we discussed earlier tonight and this is the um summary of costs uh that were preliminary summary of costs submitted by uh colie and hickey oh good when she says um 5050 um is that so is that 50% from Bergen County 50% from the historic New Jersey historic trust no so so so as we discussed in the the committee meeting on this I guess that was yesterday uh Deputy Mayor we're going to be um we're going to tap a number of different funding sources for this um and the beauty of this as opposed to some of the things that we're talking about in capital specifically the field lighting we have a whole year before we're going to consider any Capital funding for this so whatever money we're able to put together from the New Jersey historic trust or Bergen County and as I mentioned yesterday I think we'll have two rounds of both of those grants the 24 round and the 25 round and then we'll be able to determine how much we need to bridge in capital so there will be um a capital request for this next year um and we should anticipate that uh but we'll we'll be able to match that through wherever we have to bridge the gap through in capital for next year okay we didn't discuss these numbers yesterday no no no no we discussed the concept of the fact that we would be able to apply for Grants before we need it to make the capital allocation Goa okay so just a quick question because this is like an incredible amount of money is is there anything wrong with it structurally yes it is yes if you go on the the West Side uh there are actually there's actually a section of it when you get down to the bottom of the ramp that's actually shorted up um that was short up by engineering um so there are some structural issues there are some seepage issues um obviously the Aesthetics of it are are not terribly appealing and then there's some Ada issues that need to be addressed as well okay and then but meanwhile it is safe it's safe yeah it's shorted up it just doesn't look pretty yeah and on the east side um if you if you look at the ceiling there's leaks and and you're looking right up through the glass work it's it's pretty bad also on the outside a car has hit the brick work and that has to be repaired also in a historic way otherwise it would look patched listen and this look the seepage is really the major problem that's what that's what causes the structural issues and that's the most expensive part of fixing this thing is fixing the seepage issues so that um so so that it is good for another 50 or 100 years so but could we be required to change the ramps to be adaa that that's something that we need to talk through with Conley and hickey okay um I mean I could tell you right here as you go down this you know the site work is 213,000 the concrete work um is um is 165 the Mason area is 120 so I mean the these things add up um the um there's there's a lot of aspects to this um but again the the the beauty of this project is that we have two funding rounds to be able to secure as much grant funding as we can before we'll have to uh put pencil to paper as to what the what the Village's allocation would be through capital in future years a huge part of it I mean just under finishes it's 485,000 right so line one of the things with the historic declaration is our pool of vendors is more premium and more expensive so that's why you see a cost driver because you can't you have to use a certified pool and I'm imagining you know I will say that is one of the most if not the most Charming train station and and Lorraine let me tell you that the finishing some of that's the artwork component which the committee plans to fundraise for so you're going to have grant money and then you're going to have fundraised money that goes into offsetting the cost of this total project okay all right okay um item E1 is uh the authorization for the municipal Alliance Grant in the amount of $457 any objection Parks and Recreation good let's do it and um item E2 uh is to endorse the Community Development Block Grant application for Family Promise of Bergen County in the amount of $30,000 all good and mayor that concludes my portion of the agenda thank you Keith and we're going to return to public comment um a quick question how's the parking lot looking boy it's still raining but is it is it not flood just no just wondering just wonder thank you the the parking lot is okay and the Hocus Brook I just checked is not at flood over flood stage yet it's getting there though um Ann loving 342 South Irving Street a couple things I wanted to say um first of all I think the the presentation about the lights at vets field is fantastic um I think they really look great I was thinking the same thing that councilwoman Reynolds was thinking that it would be nice if they could have separate lighting going down just onto the track because sometimes when I've walked home from here at night it's really dark on the track um and evidently that is going to be possible so I think that's great I'm also very happy that now the neighbors are going to be included sooner rather than later because certainly when this was first brought up um and councilwoman Reynolds had asked a couple of members said no no no we're going to talk to the neighbors later so I'm glad the neighbors are going to be included and in fact the neighbors a lot of them already know um the train station price tag for the tunnel of 1,144 870 is really high and I went through it and I don't see those convex mirrors um I think they cost about $30 to $40 on Amazon and I think it had been told uh that they could be put up right away um they need to be in three places uh at the bottom of the ramps on the east side and the west side and then when you come down the stairs on the central thing it's really helpful you can come down that ramp and suddenly there's somebody with a huge dog or some kid coming through so I think you can probably do that in advance of spending the 1.144 million uh lastly um I always find it kind of ironic when there's all this talk about big trees and green Ridgewood and Earth day but approximately 200 established trees are scheduled to be removed at shedler unless shipo gives you a big fat now um it just seems really contradictory thank you thank you in uh good evening again uh mayor and Council boy day loving 342 South iring Street I'd like to thank the manager for clarifying this business about what's going to happen at Hackle with respect to the commercial tenant nobody has said this previously that the leas will be changed if she is going to be entitled to use that space it seems to be something that people avoided or it said well it's a public park and anybody can use it um so I'm I'm happy to hear that the lease is going to be altered uh if she intends to use that space and I hope that it is pleased um councilwoman Winograd shared a story at the last Fields committee meeting about somebody who got into the master scheduling system and booked things out for months in advance I hope that that doesn't happen with this tenant that she can get in there and book it for months in advance and be willing to pay a few hundred bucks each time and box the public out so I'm hoping this whole thing is placed so that the public gets access to that so thanks to the manager for being on top of that I remain convinced however that there was no scientific approach taken to putting this thing at Hackle that this was somebody said hey it would be nice to have it there the squeaky wheel got greased on this um the director of Parks and Recreation pointed out that this was done based on acreage you will note by the handout that I passed out that the acreage at the pleasant Park is larger than the acreage at heracle again no scientific approach taken fine and dandy but don't try to cover that up that this was the squeaky wheel got greased on this everything is working out okay but in the future it would be nice if some data was used instead of somebody just saying hey I'd like to have this up here and the council's agrees to that thank you very much yeah thank you boy um and and actually a couple of points um oh sorry yes you're absolutely right thank you very much I didn't see we have someone on uh hybrid access Cynthia you're up absolutely you're on mute Cynthia there you go okay can you hear me yep okay good evening Cynthia Oki 542 West SLE River Road um just thanks I just need a couple of minutes I just wanted to mention a few things um with regard to uh The Pavilion at hackel unfortunately I had I was on the phone and I I couldn't see the schematic but it sounds lovely um and I'm sure Ridgewood will put it to good use um my only concern and and something you know maybe it's a little premature but something for consideration because um I've heard it mentioned a few times that it will be the same conceptual design at shedler um please keep in mind at least when I looked at the last plans and and you know I may be mistaken but um this Pavilion and bathrooms would be very close to um residents homes where there's very little buffer for noise um if there are lights um like Evan said earlier we wouldn't want any trauma sessions from the neighbors so um you know that would be unfortunate if you know we also have to consider that that would park would be a good neighbor to the people that live live there there are a number of homes that AB but the park um so if that Pavilion with bathrooms and lights and you know like Evan said um mischief and people hanging out um would really be a concern because I believe the last I heard was that there was not going to be a gate to lock shedler um and the hours would be I guess dawn to dusk so if kids are hanging out at night it's something to consider um if that needs to go next to somebody's house I know I wouldn't want to live next to a public bathroom or a pavilion where you know people are going to be making a lot of noise um there's also you know vandalism vagrancy when kids are hanging out so again something to consider um and then just one point um I wanted to to point out to Keith he may or may not have been um you know had joined Ridgewood as a village manager at this point in time obviously I know you weren't here for April um uh but you might have been here for the July Peter Prima um 90minut um presentation where he did actually specify and I don't have the time stamp because I didn't have time to look for the meeting for you but um you could you know go and do that yourself but he did say that engineering told him that um the sugar maple was on its last legs it was like a cancer patient that was dying and that it was held together by cables and he thought it should come down so you know again when we hear little sound bites from people that are you know we're considering him an expert based on what you um had told us about him um then you know we hear these things and and that's probably where that rumor got started was actually from your um expert consultant so I just wanted to clear that up you could probably go back and listen to those meetings all right thank you very much everybody s thank you Cynthia anyone else seeing no one I'm going to close public comment um I just wanted to address address uh couple of comments made tonight um Boyd um and I'm just going by my notes of what um Nancy bigo said was that Pleasant park has a protective place right now um and what she said was that um it went by she went by acreage and participation and by whatever metric she used that habernickel after I believe vets um had the greater participation and that's what she said you could certainly check the tape um but that's that's what I have in my notes um and an as to the mirrors which I think are a great idea and I only have one concern is because it is a historic site can we put mirrors up there right now because it would be great to do it I think we'd be replacing them they used to be yeah I think we're replacing them and and and my recommendation is certainly if we can do that you know why wouldn't we do it now sure and and we we are I I have to check with Rich Charlton tomorrow to to get this mayor just a just a couple of of responses if I may um first of all I I was the one who um made the public comments about having the a meeting with the residents surrounding Veterans Field um I did not want to do that unless we felt that there was support amongst the council to consider this project and move forward it as part of the capital budget um I'm I'm not I don't want to have a meeting and then have that not be supported by Council so we wanted to have an acknowledgement from Council that there was an interest in this project that you were comfortable with it before we met with the residents and we'll be setting up that meeting in short order so I wanted to be clear on that um I will check with Rich Charlton on the mirrors at The Pedestrian tunnel um Mr loving with regard to um the lease agreement um that's a matter of law I mean it is that use um of Health Barn at the habernickel park um is very regulated um Matt was involved in the negotiations of th that lease including the map uh that delineated what uses could be used up there and of course if there was to be any expansion of that which again is a hypothetical at this point and I want to stress that that lease would need to be renegotiated and revised and also approved by Green Acres um with regard to the comment about some scientific methodology to determine where this shelter would go um I don't quite understand that and I say that with all due respect um I think what we're trying to accomplish here at Hackle Park is to finally finish that Park which I believe started to be developed in Circa 2004 um and bring It full circle and have it complete um with an updated playground that meets Ada standards and meets all the necessary safety inspections that are required in addition to having the shelter and as we talked at length tonight um um would provide a safe venue for for people who are using the park to go to in inclement weather and also to provide ultimately the restroom facilities um to miss O'Keefe um the there is a shelter and restroom uh that is proposed at shedler I don't know the dimensions of it off the size of my head so I'm not sure how it compares to the dimensions of what we discussed tonight um but what I can tell you is just as we have with hackel and as we have with the bus station downtown the police department has been and will continue to be um able to be part of the decision-making process when it comes to any of these types of amenities that we're putting in the park so that they have the optimum ability to patrol make sure it's lit when it needs to be and make sure it's secured when it needs to be so rest assured that Chief Lions is involved in those conversations and the last thing I'll say is with regard to the remarks by Mr Prim Vera I did sit through that meeting I think it was one of my first Council meetings um it was lengthy like tonight um but I will tell you that um I don't while Mr Prima may be um a professional in his historic um in the historic space um he is not an arborist he is not a tree expert um I will tell you that Chris rudus Houser has not been shy um about his opinion that that tree is in Decline um but that does not mean that it is a safety hazard or that it should be removed and I can say with certainty that my time here as manager and I can tell you that I've never had a conversation with any of the Village Council Members who have ever suggested that that tree be removed so I just want to clear that for the record and I'm just going I'm sorry I'm just going to add to that and we've gone to Great Lengths to sustain that tree which is not in the best of health and and and it's it's very fair to say that um and so uh but we are trying to keep it for as long as it will last right there there there is cabling to that tree we we have um fed it special food I don't pretend to understand that that's not my of expertise but we've we've we've um invested in trying to preserve that tree and I have no doubt that the village will continue to do that um and I will say this Mr Prim Vera may have made that remark but that does not in turn lead to a conclusive submission by someone from the public as to the Village Council or the village as a whole intent when it comes to that tree that again we're submitting a document to a state agency opining on an official application that was made by this Village I don't know that a a half-baked remark during that testimony back in July constitutes that being written and submitted to shipo by Mr Wright yeah and and and to the and to that end not only did we submit our application with that tree in in in place but as was stated earlier tonight we are finally ing for big tree status for that tree so it has never been anyone's intent other than to preserve the tree to honor the tree in every way that we possibly can and with that unless go ahead yeah I have to because you you out tree talked me I just want to say that the the record that we have from the big tree is that Chris expressed his his feelings and I think Peter may have encapsulated Chris's thoughts he did um okay so and then with respect to the in the leaves there are that we have conflicting over the course of the years we've had conflicting arborists say the status we've had from fair to good we are bringing in another arborist in the state Forester this when and when the trees in bloom we have spent and tree food is a real thing Keith it is a real food we the taxpayers have spent $6,100 feeding that treay and we are very committed to its safety it is old um it's it's an older tree the cabling is there and we need to be mindful that trees don't live forever um I also want to add with the shedler structure that whatever structure we put there will have to be approved by shipo so it'll probably have a different aesthetic because it's on historical land and just because it was referenced um and I'm sensitive because Master library is new and our Department's doing such a good job um it's not actually on historical land it's on land that has been recognized by shipo because it has an architectural STR on it and and to follow the line of line of reasoning of of an A A remark which again we all know what me the going blow it out of right but it's all been declared historic because of criteria C yes architecture thank you lawyer Paul um my last comment is that um with respect to master Library which is a software we're very proud of the village in the steps the what happened with the funny haha was on the board of EDS side with basketball and it wasn't really somebody overreaching in terms of time it was just you know it was it was Rood Hoops basketball getting a little heavy with their basketball requirements so I do want to say thank you for the Board of Ed because now that that act accident happened we will not allow that here um and I just thought the story was sort of hilarious um so that's it those are my only things and tree food is real any other it's called root feeding tree any other or anything else before close no motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor I let's go