date and time of this meeting roll call Deputy Mayor pin here council member Reynolds here council member whites here council member winegrad here mayor vaganos here will you all please join us in a salute to flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all and before we go to public comment I know uh that there's been quite a bit of discussion about uh some contaminated soil at uh shedler property and I just want to say that yesterday uh myself uh Keith Chris ruteshouser had a zoom call with Tom Farrell who is the head of the contaminated soil division at uh D and uh we discussed the parameters of what's going to happen which is we are now testing the soil again according to their directive and we have agreed ahead of time that we're just going to do whatever it is that they ask of us to ensure that the entire site is clean so and with that we will go to public comment good evening uh ell Gruber 229 South Irving I'm not here about the soil so big surprise uh I just have two points please uh at the last meeting council member quoted the ad hoc committee report as proposing coconut-based artificial turf I was a member and as I've said that this is correct giving the information that many years ago since then many more scientific Studies have proven that no artificial turf no matter what the plastic Pebble replacement I without with significant significant chemical risks we didn't know about pfas at the time and we do now also like some restaurant menus the ccil member chose from a column A but not from column B of the same report when it specifically says a midsize field walking paths midsize midsize the one agreed upon by residents the committee and two previous councils a need for young soccer players so you choose to pick one part of the committee recommendation as it suits this is not transparency it's deceptive all of the sports groups who would rather kill any plan that was decided on in the most democratic manner in favor of trying to overturn years of study and agreement why all this has done is to ensure that nothing nothing will be done on the property for years for years and what has been done because of your insistence that a professional size field be created you've caused such damage to the area by Savage cutting of some ageold trees the ghost of George well must be laughing right now you have a calendar dedicated to trees you call Tree City you did a great job downtown thank you but to savagely cut down trees in a neighborhood that has been traumatized enough I find it funny that the group who wants to use the house and I thank them that nobody even knew where shedler was this is a neighborhood a town taxpaying neighborhood that has been ignored without a school without a pack your plans are killing a neighborhood and why are we concerned who live miles away because we are nervous that you might be coming after us next thank you thank you Ellie and loving 342 South Irving Street it's uh great to hear that you plan to comply completely with the D I mean we would expect nothing less of course you're going to comply with the government's request to make sure the soil is clean my biggest concern is not that the soil is contaminated my biggest concern is that this was known on the 11th of December and we the public did not find out till the 31st of January Ary I don't ever want to hear the word transparency coming from your lips again because that was a complete coverup not to tell people who spend their time in that Park who walk their dogs in the park who take their children to the park you knew you knew the soil was contaminated and you didn't tell anyone until the 31st of January it's disgraceful thank you an anyone else in the audience no we'll go to uh our hybrid access uh Mony you're up hello monton 494 East River Road um excuse me could you speak up a bit we can just about hear you yeah my name is Monon I live in 494 East Sal River Road so much better thank you sorry I'm a little bit sick all good okay well uh first of all I would like to um thank k for taking the time to visit each our houses along um the s River Road s s River and I think he got a clear impression of the difficult situation that we are in with the increasing frequency of flood EV flood events so um I just want to reiterate my and my neighbor's commitment to cooperate in any way we can and I would like to um keep receiving information about the progress with the Army Corp of Engineers and finally I know that kid um visit the bridge going under Route 17 and I would like to know his ass assessment of the status of the bridge given that this is um the bottleneck that guarantees future flood events along East sou River Road thank you thank you Mony uh next up Susan you're still on mute Susan um hi hi hi I'm Susan ran 705 Kingsbridge Lane um I'm I want to thank Keith um The Village manager for coming out to um view the the homes and the flooding on Saddle River um I know was on a Saturday so it was time um personal time that he was taken to do it um oh I apologize I didn't know if I was still on um also so um I wanted to bring up the um a few items one is the shutler that it was um that there's a contamination I know that Orchard had contaminated fields or contamination as well um I hate seeing good money follow bad but yet if you're going to be turfing something that's contaminated are you going to follow the same path as Orchard where they're going to be spending time cleaning that up over the years because the contamination is never really um fixed um the second is um um with the with the flooding on um on the rivers I would like to make sure that money is allocated for River maintenance from the budget I know I didn't call in on Monday for that but that is something that is an on going problem for all the waterways that we now have to um deal with the increases of flooding in all the streams not just Saddle River not just hokas Brook but there's other places that are also getting flooded um with waterways and then finally with a change in Topography of shedler back to shedler is um I just want to make sure that that that's not going to be causing additional flooding down down to us I mean I've been talking to Residents near the high school field and they are promis 16 years ago that there wouldn't be an increase of flooding because to make it Turf and now they have seen the opposite so um that is something now that we now are really concerned about all right thank you thank you Susan next up Ed you're on mute Ed still on mute gotcha there you go hi how you doing Ed fleshman 518 East s road uh just want to thank Keith for coming out and uh taking a look at the homes on Saturday um in regarding the foot bridge on East Sala Road in tur uh Turon Road um we were just curious to see if he thought that that also would uh an agreement that it creates a choke point in the river and if he's going to have the Army Corp Engineers uh come out and look at the situation can they review that as well and see if there's a something they can do at the bridge thank you thank you Ed next up ruic and you're on mute Ruck there you go good evening uh roric halay excuse me one Franklin Avenue as I think of some of the uh criticisms that have been uh mentioned about the operation of the the present Village Council I can think of two beautiful English words one is bited the other is disingenuous bited and disingenuous look them up in the dictionary I mean for anyone to charge you with lack of transparency let's go back to September 8th 2022 when a senior member of The Village Council prided themselves on and I quote while updates and information on the house and property have been light and almost non-existent I think we were avoiding interference I think In fairness this has worked out quite well yes no the four of you have not have not and I repeat have not been light or non-existent with all the information you've been providing also the idea that Turf is bad and that grass is good just black and white is ridiculous I mean a grass you have to fertilize it you have to use chemical you have to mow it you do so many more things to it than you do with with the artificial turf sure there are disadvantages to both so I would just stick to your path don't get uh in any way riled up by these charges that are ridiculous now as far as the the burm and the soil that was moved I remember making a comment way back because as you all know I'm 100% against the BM which eats up one acre out of the Seven Acres and not one member of the so-called uh shutler people have said said anything about it and my comment was that D burm is being built on the cheap and on the sly on the cheap and on the sly and I stand with those words and I wish I had support from certain members of the community and when they see the burm with with the miserable miserable weeds growing on it it looks like an absolute eyesore anyway you guys the four of you and I'd like to one day include a fifth of you but you have been driven by what is good for Ridgewood you have been as transparent as an open book and don't let anyone anyone talk about your lack of transparency don't let anyone talk about you misleading the public you are as honest as the days long and I support you fully thank you very much thank you Ruck Denise you're up next you're on mute there we go not anymore good evening everybody Denise Lima 39 East glenv uh just a few topics to go through I ended the uh budget meeting um the other last week great to see the open conversations with everybody um just you know reminding that you know we can't have another 6% tax increase year-over-year and continue to ask everybody to really push the envelope on musthaves versus nice to haves and challenge every department head to you know relook and reinvent the things that were being charged for or whether it be Services uh garbage leaf pickup um you know or shared services so I look forward to the next version of that um the web page um you know my comments are you know yes it's it's faster some of the things on there are much better uh kudos to Dylan I've been sending over probably a dozen or so recommendations and changes um that he's been making and uh I think that's great I still don't understand why we have a a a second you know web uh page that we're supporting we have multiple click-throughs we have still broken links um so I I think there's some ways to go there um last year we didn't do any updates on the master plan we spent five years $500,000 I have a message into uh the council about looking for an update we haven't implemented anything from the master plan so I'm looking forward to that um I had mentioned the Town garage uh last year on February 7th we filed a complaint The Village filed a complaint against the contamination on that site and um what's the update on that what are we doing I know it's not our property but I think we have uh some issues with the contamination and you know where do we stand with that um hybrid access yes that's an accomplishment I would say let's not stop there how do we get the sunshine binder online for the hybrid access conversations how do we get the planning board and board of adjustments to at least do Zoom um maybe they don't do a full you know uh a full hybrid like we're doing here but you know baby steps is great so why don't we get them on Zoom like what's next for the hybrid access because um I I think there's more to come there and I'm looking forward to everybody giving uh giving some feedback on that and last is the zoning um planning board rather you know they scheduled for 22 meetings last year and only met um less than 50% of the time so I don't know whether there's no applications or you know why we're getting cancellations but uh yeah just thought I'd bring that up to thanks everybody thank you Denise and that's all we have and so let's move on and can I just ask a question Oh by all means thank you um so I think a lot of the nervousness about the soil possible contamination is just the unknown is there anything Keith that you could tell the public I mean there was soil taken from six different places correct correct and I assume all six were tested correct and all six came back negative all all six were tested satisfactorily at the time um keep in mind that this complaint that was sent to the DP was sent in September of 23 that is what caused the D to take another look at all of this we resubmitted all of those testing letters to the D and they came back indicating that we had certain test results that were slightly above the current standard okay they were okay for back then so to address your question council member and also miss Loving's public comments the first thing we did when we received that letter was Chris rudes Houser and I reached out to Tom Farrell at the D he is the point person on this issue and the first thing I asked him was there any threat to Public Health and his answer was no okay at that point we had to evaluate this letter understand what testing standards were slightly above average and then talk to professional Consultants who actually do this work in the field there was no lack of transparency there was no threat to Public Health there is no threat to Public Health but as the mayor indicated at the top of the meeting we have an obligation to meet the regulations and the rules that are standardized by the Department of Environmental Protection and that is what we are doing I asked Tom Farrell point blank is there a reason to close this to Public Access completely he indicated to me that there were not there was not um so I was comfortable and Chris was comfortable in vetting this information understanding it with the professional Consultants who do this for a living and then it was disclosed to the public at the time that we were ready to award a contract to test this soil I can assure you that if there was any threat to Public Health or any direction by the DP to do anything with the public access to that Park we would have immediately alerted the public to what the D requirements were in that situation okay thank you and just just to go on with that um in a former life 150 years ago I as a deputy attorney general with the environment of prosecutions task force so I did work with this um in this area and one of the things that you have to keep in mind is that there are different standards and not only do the standards change from time to time um but there are different levels of Standards so what was being discussed in the letter is if there is anything it is a marginal um uh it is marginally above the most stringent standard and that's what they're looking at and so that's why this uh that's why when Keith spoke to Tom Farrell he said no there's no need to close the park it's not a problem it is not a danger and um they they were reac acting in response to complaints um by uh a neighbor or neighbors who said that this is a problem and so so they have asked us to do additional testing to ensure that it is safe and to determine what if any remediation needs to be done and there's no there's no determination yet if remediation needs to be done and do we know you know we're awarding the contract tonight do we know when this company would be able to per we're going to try to engage their services immediately okay yeah they're they're our first call tomorrow morning the sooner we can get this done weather weather dependent um you know we want these answers um what I was encouraged by on the call yesterday and again this is no guarantee but some of the soil has been placed for four years and apparently the soil has the ability to correct itself for lack of a better term and I I value the mayor's assistance on this because because he speaks the D language cuz he was an attorney for them um but it has the ability to aate over time so some of those tests that may have been taken back between 2018 and 2021 some of that soil may have self-corrected to to be under standard um now that it's been sitting there in the burm for four years there's no guarantee that that's the case we have to wait we have to see what these test results uh yield um but there is that possibility and that was discussed on the call yesterday with Tom farell okay thank you you're welcome anybody else yeah I I had a couple things to say just because um it was in with respect to my comments sometimes when we talk about shedler we forget about all the other elements and yes the 2017 plan said several things and there was an ad hoc committee and I have gone on the record that the singular change in my my position was the size of the field but I did want to because this has been a discussion here the recommendation when went as far as these other elements which we've honored all of them planting more trees along Saddle River Road that's included in the plan installing fencing and at least the Saddle River Road Site that's included the plan on the recommendation of the ad hoc construct a burm with tree lines across the top to address concern that's been done constructing walking trails that's in the plan constructing a 44 space parking lot between the house and Route 17 that's in the plan installing two da compliant bathrooms with an overhang shelter that's in the plan building a children's playground also in the plan with respect to the size of the field the recommendation from the ad hoc according to the bull you know the minutes and on the record presented was that the field would be 75 yards by 50 yards the full-size regulation lacrosse field will get you at from 75 to0 and only from 50 to 60 this is important to me because because um Evan and I are here we draw on information and sometimes a sound bite comes out that is a fullblown plan honoring many points with respect to the turf it's equally important to know that the prior Council funded the turf so while we talk about transparency when we came in here we have a fully funded Turf plan we have estimates so I know people want to say that I've changed my mind on the sides I have the turf the question I would have is when did the prior Council change it from Turf to grass and if that was why did we fund there's no doubt it's fully funded a full turf field there's estimates and things like that I hear people and their concern concerns about Turf but that doesn't mean I was drawing on fake news or false information I value what the committee did I understand the recommendations and I've incorporated as many points from that committee the park side and the sports side but to say that there's been a radical change when we've honored so many of the points that's not really correct or fair in addition in the plan when I went back was that it was acknowledged by the ad hoc committee that that field would be used by approximately a thousand children so when we come in here and there's prior discussions and we draw upon them which I did it it's always been Turf to me I'm unaware of any change that was publicly disclosed unless somebody made a different deal and in addition to that the only change is that for me the size all these other things are included in the park and we seem to take all that good effort and just get into two discussions which I hear you their discussions the size of the Field and Turf versus grass and you know I pulled that out because people continue to come up and say that this was a meaningful recommendation between neighbors and sports community so I just I'm sorry that I belabor it but things are written and I do have a touchstone I have a documented Touchstone and I think this whole Council does and if it wasn't going to be Turf my big question is why did we fund it like it was Turf um so I hope that makes sense I did also do you want to address the planning board meeting sure okay um I I am going to address in my report um what happened last night at the planning board but the reason there weren't that many meetings of all the ones that were scheduled for 2023 is because there were not applications in addition when we were looking at the um at the 2023 budget and everyone was a gas uh the The Village manager made the decision that if there was no pending application that we would should not incur the costs of the professionals who have to attend planning board meetings so I think that was the right decision at the time that's all anybody else um and and since since you raised the point um I'm going to just comment briefly that uh I know that uh the fields for this spring are in Jeopardy of not being opened in time which means that if they are not open and I don't know that a final decision's been made on that that that would be two of the last three spring Seasons that many of our Fields have been closed and the reason that we started this was because we do not have enough fields to begin with which is why they were closed two seasons ago because of overuse and we had to give the grass an opportunity to um uh to grow again and second excuse me and and the other one was flooding which we've seen what happened we've had three major floods in the last 6 months and our Fields may not be in condition to open and so that's why we started this for those reasons how many seasons do we have to lose before we decide that we need more fields and with that let's go to our manager report thank you mayor um actually I I'll start with Fields um it's in my report we have met with Parks and Recreation uh we have three quot well we had we solicited three quotes for the restoration of Maple Park and I'll just remind everyone that when we had the flood in December uh because of it being in the thick of winter and us not utilizing the fields on a daily basis like we do the rest of the year we held off until we received insurance payments um before we did before we were planning to do the restoration subsequently we had the January flood event so thankfully we hadn't done any restoration because we experienced the second flood um we're now in the process of scheduling out the work for both Maple and vets field uh we do have some restoration that needs to be done on the natural grass at vets as well um the low quote for Maple is $21.76 that was submitted by the lantech group who did the restoration of the field back in the fall after the September flood event um and at tonight I would like um consent from the council uh to have a special public meeting um on the 28th in order to approve that L Tech quote in order to get the restoration underway so that we can have the field ready to go for March 15 when our spring season practice is open you want us to discuss this now I would like the consent of the council um if we can do that special public meeting on the uh on the 28th anybody have any objection to that no objection I just have a question is the 41,000 our expense or is it going to be partially covered by insurance we receiv received a $225,000 check for insurance so it's 41,000 minus 25 correct correct okay all right I'm fine everyone good mhm yes you have your direction okay uh subsequently in an effort to get vetfield um ready to service the children in March um we have one proposal thus far from Advanced ath athletic Services uh for $2,750 uh there is a certain portion um in the Southeast and Southwest side of the field uh that needs to be restored um what I would like to do because we are soliciting a second quote which I anticipate to have by the end of this week um I would like to do a not to exceed of that mount um with whomever the lower quote is um so that we can schedule that work subsequently it will be a different vendor than we'll be servicing um our needs at Maple uh but I would like to be able to get both of these scheduled for the end of February so that we're up and ready for the middle of March that would be great okay um is there a seepage tank under that area at all any kind of mitigation or is the water table just too high no I believe the water table is is is high I also believe that the the the the brook overflows its banks in that area um this last storm in January left an excessive amount of silt um and other type of um riverbed debris um on the fields this also subsequently happened on Saddle River um along those folks properties who live along the river which I I'll report on in a moment uh but some of that mck and some of that silt uh needs to be remediated before before the field will be ready and playable so so the restoration is is cleanup yes it's it's not installation of any kind of no the only install that we'd be doing it would be a separate work effort working with the baseball and softball Association um is the turnover and the additive of new clay um on some of the baseball and softball diamonds uh but that would be the that would be a separate work effort from what's in this quote but still the cleanup sounds necessary right and so the is any of the grass covered by insurance I I don't know that there's a lot other than the cleanup I don't know that there's a lot of restoration for the the the grass the only way after a flood to really um do anything for the grass is either fertilizer at the appropriate time or some lime deposits that need to be put down um but Matt is working with Advanced athletic services and the second company that's submitting a quote to make sure that um everything we need to do to get the natural grass field up and running uh will be done so but out of pocket you're looking at Turf being less when you factor in the insurance than the grass um yeah about that it's 25,000 the 41 minus the the um the 25,000 interesting all right so everybody's comfortable with both work efforts being on the agenda all good okay very good thank you all right um as I mentioned uh as was mentioned during the public portion um and I want to thank uh myy who was actually my tour guide on Saturday along East Saddle River Road and in the um Kingsbridge neighborhood she was extremely helpful took me to every house introduced me to the neighbors we were able to see 15 uh property owners and we actually walked 13 properties who are susceptible to flooding um it was extremely beneficial to me uh to be able to talk to the residents and actually hear what they experienced and when obviously most of the residents were affected if they were here this long by Floyd in 1999 and then in subsequent storms like Irene in 2011 and then Ida in 2021 which a lot of these residents were were very hard hit um some experienced water infiltration into their homes in September December and January um which is a lot I mean people recover from a flood things calm down you're not dealing with it for four or five years then you have another one that's sustainable when you have three floods in a four or five month period it's a lot and and you could tell one resident joked with me that she still suffers from PTSD because of the the the repetitive flooding um so we garnered a lot of information we had a lot of great discussion I actually took notes at each address um I encouraged all of the residents who we were able to visit um to access our flood portal which is online and open through March 1st I want to thank Neil from the GIS department and Dylan and it who helped put that whole program together we're encouraging all residents who have been affected by flooding throughout the village to access the flood portal submit descriptions submit information um you have the ability to upload up to five pictures for each event um where you experienced flooding and also a video so we're trying to compile all that information after March 1st um our next step will be to hand over all of that information in addition to um some pictoral submissions from the different departments especially our Emergency Services groups and we're going to submit all of that to the Army Corps of Engineers for their review um so that is the next step in the process I'm hopeful that we'll be able to have a community meeting with the Army Corps here at Village Hall sometime in late spring or early summer um but I think having two meetings one now where they're just talking to us and then a subsequent meeting with the army cor which is going to be where the the the real discussion takes place I think it's redundant and my experience is you always get more people at the first meeting than you do the second and if the Army Corps is not at the table at the first meeting um I don't think we're maximizing the ability for the community to come together and have this discussion um so that is that is our path forward um with regard to flooding um one issue that had come up and it came up with almost every resident that I spoke to on East Saddle River Road was the question of whether whether the bridge at the end of Kingsbridge Lane is a choke point um and that is a discussion that I'm going to have to have with Chris rudish Houser uh to get an assessment on that um there seem to be varying opinions um as to whether that bridge should be funded through the capital budget this year um again we have it slated in the Capitol budget at the request of many residents who have spoken at these public meetings um but the folks on East Saddle River Road a lot of them believe that it's a threat that if it becomes a choke point and debris is under that bridge it's going to worsen the amount of water that backs up to those residents who are Upstream from the bridge um so I think that this is a discussion we're going to have to have with engineering maybe a discussion we have to have with the bridge engineer who's um putting together the quote for what the repair is going to cost um but that may be a discussion we have to have going into the to finalizing the capital budget uh in early March I also want to uh mention that the bond ordinance uh for West Glenn and Kingsbridge is on tonight um authorizing the money does not mean that we're spending the money so if we do make some sort of change at some point um the council has that prerogative and has the ability to do so after hearing from the residents uh but I would still encourage that that Bond ordinance be introduced tonight so that we can at least get the process moving forward um couple announcements that I have um first janere uh will be they're all rehearsing right now you see the uh the posts out on social media but jambur is going to be held on February 8th 9th and 10th this year's show is entitled smooth sailing it's the 78th year and uh the first year was in 1947 and we encourage everyone to attend um as it's a great fundraiser here in the village of Bridgewood February is American Heart month uh want we encourage everyone to join Valley Health System Ridgewood health department and the Parks and Recreation Department for a conversation about Women's Health on Thursday February 15th at 10:30 a.m. here at Village Hall registration is through Community pass and we will have senior bus service provided to bring people to the event all Village offices and departments will be closed on February 12th that's this coming Monday and the following Monday February 19th in observ of Lincoln's birthday and President's Day there will be no garbage or recycling pickup and the recycling center will also be closed on both days please check your village Cal calendar for garbage and recycling pickups for these two weeks as they will change due to the holidays you can also access the recycling coach app to receive that information as well please join the Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department on their trip to Philadelphia Flower Shop on Tuesday March 5th tickets are $80 and include admission and bus transportation you may call 20167 5560 with any questions upcoming Village Council meetings um our public meeting is next Wednesday night Valentine's Day February 14th we have a budget meeting on February 21st at 5:00 pm where the office of emergency management Ridgewood water and sanitation and recycling will present their budgets February 26th at 5 p.m we will be finalizing the capital budget and doing a budget s uh summary with our CFO Bob Rooney on February 28th it'll be the next work session March 6th is a work session March 13th is a public meeting and March 27th is a work session all work sessions and public meetings start at 7:30 p.m. all budget meetings start at 5:00 pm and that concludes my report mayor thanks Keith and let's go to council reports sioban sure I only have one um meeting since last week we had the fields Comm meting meeting yesterday morning at 7:00 a.m. we are back to a hybrid format we were all Zoom for a bit and so we had it at the board of ed on the third floor was very well attended and we had people attend online um I want to thank Keith cook for setting that up um so we talked obviously a lot about the condition of the fields there's been an ongoing petition from the lacrosse Community um sort of highlighting all the reasons why they need the fields back in circulation from you know the actual playability to the mental Wellness of our student athletes and the fact at the school side that they're not even able to host outdoor gym which um was you know was it was very lovely conversation but sort of heartbreaking all at the same time because the kids really all the kids with the the lack of gym class have sort of suffered um their fields are in a slightly different situation than ours because they're Downstream so they have a three-step process they too have sought three um I don't want to repeat what Kei said they too have sought three quotes and they're working through their process added to that Orchard while it's remediated is still unplayable for large or youth feet um because they're worried about the under part of the barrier coming up um it was a again the it was a great discussion the older adults have decided that they're going to partner with RSA so you will see our older adults I I can't call them seniors because everybody gets confused if seniors at the high school or senior citizens um but they were very happy about that we were equally pleased to hear that the High School tennis courts which for anybody who's played there have been in rough shape are going to be resurfaced this summer and uh there was a loose discussion about non-traditional uses and the charges associated with the space um the village is up and running on Master Library last week there was a training session for all the sports groups it's going well I want to thank it's not completely rolled out but we are better than we were and we're bringing things on board the Board of Ed has had some hiccups and we are grateful because they're letting us know of things that didn't work well for them and I want to say thank you to Katie fry for running the training session and to everybody who's gotten on board with populating the data and we're hoping that will make planning more efficient and help us even things out and it will also sadly make us more responsive in a flood situation because we'll be able to see the demand on a field online and move move it somewhere else um and that was it great thank you Siobhan Evan sure just a couple quick points so first one again thank Keith and all the village management for the second budget meeting I thought it went very well uh very well run looking forward to the conclusion of budget season um also want to Echo some of Siobhan's comments around Fields uh for any of you with kids in the school like I do um you're getting barrage with emails about the state of our Fields um the fact that so many of our kids likely will not have a field or potentially could not have a field to start uh playing on a March and April um Keith very much appreciate your work getting the um getting our Fields up and running so that hopefully some of the kids from the schools can use ours um I did read in the emails from the superintendent that we're looking at trying to use Fields elsewhere outside of Ridgewood um I am sadden that we have to resort to that but glad that he's pursuing that so that we do have Fields but again comes back to the discussion we've been having all along which is why we need shedler and we need shedler field up and running now and we need a full-size field now um also want to congratulate um hungu and all the other folks that were part of the Asian American Pacific Islander uh Lunar New Year celebration on Sunday I know there were a bunch of us from the council there a very nice showing um from um um The Village management um really really wonderful event um you know the diversity that we have in this town is one of the things that makes this place great and events like that are just such a gift um for all of us finally uh as I mentioned last week February 10th from 1: to 3 Arts Council sponsoring the cookie decorating contest at Paris Baguette I will be there hope that some of you are as well I think we have a couple spots left um thank you to Paris bagette for hosting and thank you for the r Art Council for putting that together thanks Evan May mayor if I may I just just to piggyback off of councilman White's comments I just want to stress that with our it was a decision that parks and wre and my office made we strategically held back working on the fields now part of that obviously had to do with weather um and when I I say weather I mean at one point the fields were snow covered at one point they were Frozen um but in addition to that we had no idea if we were going to experience another potential Heavy Rain event that could result in flooding so we were strategic about holding off on engaging anyone to come in and actually start the work effort um until the time was right and that it was timed out properly to have it ready for the spring season I I did I also want to add one other thing because the fields was such a topic of conversation with respect to the petition that's going online and the current users they were looking for um Ridgewood adjacent Fields um their criteria one of their criteria is turfed so Keith and I have been sending them recommendations trying to make some connections we did do an Outreach to Faber which is really right next to Orchard um and Keith had made some other connections but I while all that's good it is I want to Echo what Evan said it is sad that kids can't walk to practice now and they're they really want to be placed and their parents in these boosters organizations are really going to foot bills to take them out of District so um that is going on I want to thank Keith because he has more connections I only went to Glenrock he has a wider Network and we're hoping at the very least we can come up with a short-term Interruption plan for both the board of AD and US good Lorraine thank you uh the cash shell committee met last week this year the summer is going to be different than the typical summer they have decided to have just one show a week it's going to be instead of being Tuesdays and Thursdays it's going to be just Thursday nights at 8:00 pm but it will run for a much longer period of time it's going to start on June 6th and go through September 5th with um the last concert being the Nerds scheduled for September 5th if others get rained out during the summer and they can't reschedule it someplace else they are leaving September 12th and September 19th to reschedule some others so they're going to see how it goes this year with just one day a week and hopefully it will be a great success tomorrow Thursday February 8th the village is holding a meeting regarding the safety on Clinton Avenue this will be a continuation of a meeting that was held on January 23rd residents from Clinton Avenue as well as concerned parents whose children walk to school on Clinton Avenue have been invited there will also be representation from The Ridgewood Police Department engineering department and myself and mayor vaganos from the council uh I look forward to the continuation of this very important topic and the meeting is in the senior Lounge tomorrow at 7 pm that's it thank you thanks lorine Pam thank you uh the central business district advisory committee will meet tomorrow via Zoom at 8:30 in the morning we will be discussing a possible prospectus uh to market the downtown uh also our priorities for 2024 and of course the closing of the Warner Theater if you would like the link just let me know and I will forward it to you I also want to reiterate what uh Evan said about the Lunar New Year celebration the Chinese American societ uh Association and aapi got together and put together such a colorful um musical afternoon it was really delightful they're already planning next year's and so you might want to calendar that um the planning board met last night we had a reorganization meeting the chair uh was voted in again uh Richard Joel and vice chair Diane O'Brien um we had an application to re subdivide a lot or or um change an easement into fee simple which is a much better situation up near the upper Ridgewood tennis courts and uh that application was granted um there will be no change in what you see up there there will be no building of of anything additional um it's just transfer of the ownership and we also spoke about a proposal uh regarding the highway commercial Zone there are two properties on Route 17 southbound that fit within that zone and the proposal was to amend the zone so that um a uh a use as a drivethru coffee shop could conditionally be granted and we discussed it at length L and people were concerned about the safety um the imposition on neighbors and also that when you looked at the five conditions it really only applied to one of the properties and not even the other in the within the same Zone and within the HC Highway commercial zone so we basically concluded that this is an issue that would be more properly brought as a variance to the Zoning Board of adjustment uh we we also discussed the new storm waterer management ordinance which the state is mandating that every municipality pass um it's a 33 page ordinance and we've we've done some of these mandated ordinances before you may remember that we did the salt storage one so this is all all connected with the idea of improving the quality of runoff allowing runoff to percolate or they use the word infiltrate where it falls into the Earth um and using best management practices green infrastructure best management practices such as swes and Rain Gardens and that sort of thing to um slow the the the velocity of the water um and uh we do have the option this is the stat the ordinance sets the floor it is a minimum of what we have to enact but we can make it more stringent and so our engineer has added a portion that would make it more stringent it's actually what we already do here in Ridgewood uh but it really is a complicated ordinance and I would like to pass it by the green Ridgewood committee and get their input to the council uh before it comes to us here we have to pass it by well ke uh Chris rudus Houser thought it was June so we have a little time so I um so that's what I would like to do there green Ridgewood is also uh starting a contest uh in anticipation of the daffodil festival and Earth Day Fair the we are inviting public school students to enter this contest to create a poster along the lines of what Earth Day means to me so that is the The Prompt and all entries will be displayed at our daffodil Festival in Earth Day Fair on April 21st between 11 o'clock and 2:30 at vaness square and um the the winners first place second place and third place will be announced at that event and you can drop off any physical posters at the Library by April 5th and digital posters can be mailed to emailed to Green Ridgewood NJ that's all one word at also if you have any questions you can email that address green Ridgewood NJ I also wanted to alert you to um we've mentioned this before the Department of Environmental correct uh Environ Al protection old habits die hard um uh is giving a presentation on their blue Acres Program whereby homeowners whose homes have been flooded can sell their property to the state um and and hopefully have enough money to move to a another home at Higher Ground um and that for the that presentation is tomorrow night in Loi one one Memorial Drive um I'm going call me if you want to hit a ride thanks Pam I have two quick items one of which you've heard a lot about the Lunar New Year celebration um I just have to point out this is only the second year that this has been been put on and there had to be over 500 people there by the way they also fed 500 people and the food is amazing so um I I think that if uh once tickets go on sale um for next year we which won't be for a while better get them soon um because they've they're they're going to outgrow this um uh this venue very very quickly um it was it was a smashing success um and again quickly but really importantly something that we're all very proud of here um uh standard and pores awarded the village of Ridgewood a uh AAA Bond rating again and that is something that we are very proud of because we are at the end of the day stewards of the taxpayers money so this is is something that's very important to all of us and with that we will go to our regular uh agenda and the first item 8A the bond ordinance for installation of West Glenn Avenue sidewalks and repair of the Kingsbridge pedestrian bridge Keith so mayor as per the uh council's Direction at the budget meeting um we are moving forward um with a supplementary Bond ordinance um for both of those projects as I mentioned earlier um it is my recommendation that we move forward um with introduction of this ordinance tonight um it'll be adopted I believe on the 28th Heather um so there'll be a special public meeting as part of that meeting in order to adopt this um and listen if there is some debate um and we need some answers that we need to attain with regard to Kingsbridge and you know how it affects flooding um we can certainly do that between now and then um and even if this money is appropr it doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be spent if there is any change of mind um but a commitment was made uh to move forward on this project and this would be the first step to funding both West Glenn and Kingsbridge questions anyone I is oh sorry is the cost of West Glenn like how accurate do we think that is because I've been you know a lot of numbers have been thrown around the last so so you know we asked Chris to his pencil based on the fact that some of the retaining walls that were in the original plan are no longer necessary especially on the upper section of West Glenn um I think he was being conservative here so that we had enough to be able to complete the project um we're you know obviously once we do the bid um you know we'll have a better idea of exactly what the costs will be um but I think this is an estimate that we can feel comfortable with at this time okay thank you so um with with the the bridge I mean because you did the residents walk through I mean how many you know how from a citizen's engagement standpoint we've heard a lot of clamoring for the bridge and how many people had the theory that the bridge I probably met with I met with four residents actually I take that back I met with I met with four I met on I met and toured four properties on East sadle River Road I actually spoke to five residents um all of them mentioned the concern about whether the bridge could become um blocked underneath the bridge during a high water event um and whether not that could cause additional flooding Upstream so every one of them mentioned it to me um in some way shape or form um and one of them also acknowledged that it's an access point you know from the the the neighborhood on the other side of the river to that side of town um so they were weighing out the pros and cons as we were having the discussion um but I again what I didn't want to have happen was not disclose that and actually I believe Ed brought it up tonight and I think M brought it up tonight too during the public portion um because obviously if we move forward with this project you know and we do have a flood event and it does create a problem I don't didn't want anybody to come back and say that it wasn't disclosed as part of the consideration process were there any pictures submitted I mean it seems pretty high to have a damning effect the it do it does seem high it it is it is it is sloped upward um you know there is there's a pretty good Arc to that bridge um but I will also tell you that the and I I don't have any pictures of the actual Bridge during a a flood event but I can tell you that um without question the water gets very high over there um people have built retaining walls in their backyard uh to keep water out of their living quarters um some successfully some not as successfully um those retaining Waters have W those retaining walls have also pushed water into properties further off of the bridge um this is more on the the West Side than on the east side um but I I do believe that this is an engineering discussion that we have to have at the staff level um just to to assess the um the possible outcomes of this I mean I I'm certainly in favor of pushing ahead tonight I know we've been talking about this for as long as I've been here I feel very strongly that these citizens deserve to have this bridge restored with that said I don't want to ignore these concerns I I too I'm having trouble picturing it because the bridge is pretty high I very much want to move ahead tonight authorizing would just ask that we ask Chris we and officially if he thinks that this is a possibility and if it is to consider that and however we construct the new bridge right right I mean I feel like the bridge is already there it's we're going to repair we're really not changing the shape or height of corre the current structure so I've never heard in the past that people had felt that the bridge was an obstruction this is the first and I'll be honest with you until the most recent flood event in January I had never really thought about it being a a choke point for the river it was until the residents started participating mostly in hybrid access to the council meetings where this started to become a theme and then I did hear it when I was out in the field on Saturday so again I'm bringing that information back to you um just to relay it um as you as you consider this expenditure I think it's good to move forward I think we're all on the same page and see let get in position let's be ready to and we will we at staff level we will be doing our due diligence on this topic before you're asked to consider this for adoption on the 28th and even then before you award a contract to actually commence with the project if that's the direction we go great and before we go to um the motion to suspend the work session can we jump to 12 C3 to get because I know Sean is here come on up sea and this way we can get him out of here so 12 C3 um I think that information came to you today um and um Sean is here to talk about this this is the award of contract for the landfill disposal of solid waste so Sean the floor is yours hi Sean hold on one second TR can you guys hear him yeah I don't I don't think your M on is the green light on is on there it is is that better now I can hear myself so we've been working with iws uh for about uh I think 12 years now um and back in 27 17 there was a a huge increase a hike in the increase we were paying $65 a ton and uh in 2017 it went up to uh to $849 so back in 2019 when we went out to bid we came into uh to propose our budget and we thought we were going to get another big increase and they did not so they stuck with their price at $849 when we did our research based on uh we were we were I think planning to go to $90 a ton then based on what everybody else was paying but they stood firm with their price at $849 and that was a a huge Plus for us because you know those were you the pandemic happened after we went out to bid and uh so that was a big help for us and when we went back out to bid I think we were budgeting for about $85 a ton and the bid the bid came back at $928 was more than we proposed however uh the other option would have been Waste Management with is which is in Fair View and uh they even though they're within the 15 miles that we put into our bid they got really cute with uh with their Map Quest and how to get there in 15 miles which would which would have taken us down a lot of uh a lot of public resident residential roads where I think we would have come into a lot of problems um the most direct way there is to take 17 to 46 to to rout nine and uh so I went out to uh to check that route and I was in a pickup truck not a garbage truck and it was on a Wednesday in the middle of the week 11:00 in the morning and it took me two hours to get there and get back and it's it was going to cost us a lot of time and a lot of fuel so even though the bids came in a lot higher uh I think that we you know I'm happy with sticking with iws because they've been really they've been really good to us you know we can get there in back in under an hour and uh I think now we're we're at the point where we're paying what everybody else is we're not getting that home count Hometown discount anymore how often do you have to go um some trucks go four days a week some go three depends on if they're a 25 yard or a 29 yard truck there's a lot of money there both in or actually in fuel in wear and tearing our trucks and in time that we pay for for our staff which uh I don't know that anybody's done the math but it certainly sounds like it's more than a couple of bucks it is a ton so anybody have any questions no I'm good we're all good thank you so much for your time Sean thank you have a good night and now let's entertain a motion to suspend the work session and convene our special public meeting so moved and the second second parin yes Reynolds yes lights yes WRA yes and vaganos yes and so this is the Village Council special public meeting the date is February 7th 2024 the time is 8:35 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall by mail to the Ridgewood news the record and by submission to all persons entitled the same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting roll call Deputy Mayor aarin here council member Reynolds here council member whites here council member winegrad here mayor vaganis here resolutions the following resolutions number 24-34 4 through 24-35 will be adopted by a consent agenda with one vote by The Village Council they will be read by title only authorized temporary capital budget award contract shedler property imported burn material evaluation may have a motion so moved second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes windrad yes Banos yes I move to the first reading of ordinance 991 second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes windrad yes and vagianos yes so ordered will the clerk please read ordinance 3991 by title AB Bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements in and by the village of Ridgewood in the county of Bergen New Jersey appropriating $159,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1,433 $500 bonds or notes of the village to finance part of the cost thereof I move that ordinance 3991 be adopted on first reading and that February 28th 2024 be fixed as the date for the hearing there on I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes I move the first reading of ordinance 3992 I second pen yes Reynolds yes White yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes so ordered will the clerk please read ordinance 3992 by title an ordinance to amend chapter 265 of the code of the village of Ridgewood vehicles and traffic at section 26567 parking prohibited certain hours and section 26569 time limit parking I move that ordinance 3992 be adopted on first reading and that February 28 2024 be fixed as a date for the hearing thereon I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes will'll entertain a motion to adjourn no we and reconvene oh adjourn the special public meeting and reconvene the work session I second no I need a motion motion so moved second okay all in favor I anyone opposed okay and let's get back to our work session agenda mayor tonight um under Ridgewood water this is item 12 A1 um we have Awards Soul Source contract for the skada Software System um on December 8th 2021 resolution 21361 was adopted for the renewal of a three-year skada software support agreement for the Ridgewood water department with Emerson Process Management Power and Water Solutions Inc Emerson is the only supplier and provider of this particular software the water utility has had the current system in place since 1992 and rich calby is recommending the award of a three-year contract to Emerson processing management and Water Solutions of Pittsburgh New New Jersey uh Pittsburgh Pennsylvania not to exceed 9,869 12 and this is going to be funded through the operating budget for the water department for 2024 questions nope all good okay we have nothing under parking this evening so moving on to uh C1 under budget uh this memorandum is from Chris ruter Houser in the engineering department uh during the flood event of January 9th and 10th of this year uh the qual quantity of incoming flow um at the Wastewater uh plant in Glenn Rock was overwhelmed um as was the B air pump station causing it to bypass uh the B air pump station um the incoming flow and the wet well was found to be clogged um after staff diagnosed the issue with grit and debris significantly reducing its effective volume uh they contacted the national water main cleaning company for assistance they are on the Pake Valley sewage commission Cooperative purchasing program um under a state under a contract um which expires in January of 2025 um we need to do this work as soon as possible uh they provided an estimate that will not exceed $45,000 uh Chris is recommending the award of this contract questions good okay um just I wonder if there's a way we can um be proactive rather than reactive in this kind of a situation well I'm going to tell you that the um and it's it's in the memo that you'll read um for the next request uh from Wastewater you know the last plant upgrade was in 2005 um so as we sort of start to finish out some of these Investments that we're making on the water side um through Ridgewood water we are going to have to start to shift our Focus from an infrastructure standpoint to the Wastewater control facility um so I think as we start to develop that plan um and that's probably going to be a multiple year capital investment um I think that will address some of these issues but in the meantime we are going to be working with some Band-Aids I I do also want to say that this is from extreme weather as well yes because the brook is right there next to the tennis courts and it's a tiny Brook until it's not and that is it's you know right between the tennis courts and the back entrance to Orchard next to the putting green so to the to the council memb Point um we are dealing with somewhat of an aged infrastructure at the at the plant um however both of these issues um arose because of extreme weather I mean when when you're getting 4 in of rain in that short of a period of time just as we're dealing with flooding in residential homes and flooding on fields and putting up dams downstairs to make sure the water doesn't infiltrate this building you know we have those those same type of After Effects um at the Wastewater facility as well um it looks like there are three pumps and and we we're replacing one as per this next contract and and then you know if we could replace three at once we'd perhaps benefit from some some economy of scale U so because if I look at the difference there's like a $14,000 difference um but I guess we can afford we can afford right I mean I I can go I can go back to Chris and have that discussion see if there's an appetite to to up the amount um I'd like to try to get this approved tonight so that at least we can get um the ball rolling so to speak mhm um and then we'll move from there okay okay any objection to that mayor all good okay good all right item three we addressed already we have nothing under policy tonight um under operations E1 I'm actually going to turn this over to the deputy mayor um this is a program that's being launched by Green Ridgewood uh with the inclusion of graduate students from Columbia University um assisting uh the greenw Ridgewood team so deputy mayor uh one of our new green team members graduated from the Columbia University School of International and public affairs sepa and um they have a Capstone project basically a thesis that they do collectively every year and it's it's very rigorous uh and here they there's sort of a contest about which project they will choose to do and luckily they chose ours usually it's something federal or International that they choose but this sort of recognizes that that mitigating the climate crisis really has to happen at the local level and here they're going to look at what our carbon footprint is and come up also with strategies to minimize flooding in the village um and to reduce our dependency on on fossil fuel energy and how we can use more renew able energy uh and then they're going to develop some a a future road map as to how we could uh operate more sustainably in the future and this would mostly be for Village and school facilities but they'll also make recommendations as to commercial and residential so it's really exciting we're we're trying to make this um an academically legitimate experience for them and a really beneficial result for us uh two of them came out uh the last week and met with me and Green Team and Chris rudus Houser and we really had a very robust discussion for a couple of hours we're also going to take them on a tour of Ridgewood sometime later this month so there are 11 of them and I think at least one of them is is an engineer um so it's it's a really interesting project and this will be during the this spring semester so we're going to welcome them with open arms questions some that's awesome so mayor the request is just an endorsing resolution um for this program obviously they'll be here on the ground with us that endorsing resolution will cover all of insur any insurance concerns and any liability concerns as they commence their work here in the village terrific this is very exciting um Pam thank you so much for putting this together um along with the Greenwood Bridgewood member team teams um Team this is really um exactly what we need at this at this juncture and I'm I'm so glad that my alma moer is doing this so I just want to Echo that I think this is so great for the kids I'm so happy about it and if you need help from any of us because sometimes you know having we had interns in parks and rack and it was nice to have other people who wanted to show them other things I think the whole Council would be available for that but it's such a great thing I think it's excellent agreed great and finally tonight mayor we have a memorandum memorandum from Dylan Hansen our director of it uh with which is a request for a resolution for Surplus property uh the it equipment is no longer of need by The Village various printers monitors desktops laptops um the analog telephone system that was formerly used here um and in addition just for the council's awareness all hard drives and memory cards have been removed and destroyed separately uh so we're looking to uh to remove some of this equipment questions well good that's all I have under my my agenda mayor wait wait I jumped in too quickly um do we only have one color printer in the building uh I'll actually I'll yield to Heather on that one one color copier we have printers that print in color but we have one color copier gotcha I know Beth leaves the office when I need something in color great mayor that conclud my portion of the agenda thank you very much and let's go back to public comment uh good evening mayor and Council Boyd a ling 342 South Irving Street uh I'd like to thank the council for moving the uh awarding of the contract for the soil evaluation up a week as you know I spoke at last week's meeting and I expressed my concern that the the njde had provided you a 60-day window and uh had you awarded the contract on the 14th as you had originally planned to award it it would have been outside of the 60-day window so I appreciate you moving it up one week and uh looking forward to um having that work done and I'd also like to recommend if possible that the full report from Matrix that's the full report from Matrix be posted on the new Village website there has been so much concern about what's going on and a number of people cons have expressed concern about the transparency involved in this that it would be beneficial to the public and I think beneficial to the council if the full report from Matrix was posted on the website so everybody could read for themselves exactly what is said and posted uh relatively quickly after it is received by you on a minor Point uh I read in detail the letter from the njde that was dated December 11th 2023 and I also read the in detail the proposal that was submitted to you uh by matrix and although your contract award the award of the contract says that it is being for imported burm material evaluation there were comments made in the letter from the D and in matrix's report concerning the evaluation of undocumented material on the site that is material that isn't found in the berm so I would suggest that the contract is actually being awarded for more than just material evaluation of what was placed in the burm it is a contract that is being awarded for an evaluation of all the material that is uh spread out throughout the site not only on the burm so that undocu undocumented material needs to be evaluated as well also there has been some discussion about the fact that material was received from six sources uh I think we're forgetting also that the police department has records which I've obtained of illegal dumping on that site so that material has to be accounted for too uh I received copies of two summonses that were issued by the police department for material that was dumped on the site and we are waiting for reports from the police department of people who saw material being dumped on the site but by the time the police department got there there was nobody to issue a summons to so if we can recall if we can remember also that in addition to the material that came from from the six documented locations there are also reports including two documented reports of illegal dumping that took place on the S as well thank you very much thank you Boyd Cynthia o'keef 542 West Saddle River Road um I just wanted to ask a question I think I heard and and if I didn't hear this correctly please correct me um Keith I thought I heard you say on the fields call that an outside engineering firm is working on the shipo application um and that was the first time I've heard this I don't remember a resolution or a budget item popping up for that so I'd like to know what is the company engineering company and how much is um is it costing thank you anyone else in the audience let's go to hybrid access Susan um hello hello hello can you hear me we can hi I'm calling in regard to the Footbridge I um I want to say thank you state your name and address please oh sorry um um Susan Ruan um 705 Kingsbridge Lane um I was listening to the meeting tonight and I heard the various discussions about the um foot Bridge the East Saddle River Road foot Bridge or Kings um Kings um Bridge Lane Footbridge and um I'm not certain how residents or I think there's a lot of misinformation coming from a source about about the foot Bridge causing um debris getting flooded and stuff because I have pictures which I have sent to the Village Council as well as Keith The Village manager of the foot Bridge um during um hurricane Ida and the um and debris flowing underneath it and that those that debris was not clogging the foot Bridge it literally was floating underneath the foot Bridge um right before the foot before the river went over its banks so it's extremely high that Arch um again there was no um what do you call it the there's no Drone footage of the foot bridge and that normally um like they was at Focus there is a route 17 bridge that goes over the highway that call cuses the damn like effect again I believe there's misinformation being spread about which bridge is causing the um damn like effect it is not the foot bridge and I will send you additional pictures if you want to be refreshed about how how the foot bridge is not the arch helps prevent that damn likee effect um again I'm a little bit upset to hear that especially since there's no proof of that except hearsay and yet there's a bridge that's up the road that I know people who who actually saw that get CED and yet no one has discussed that bridge or how to fix that bridge all right um I thank you for your time bye thank you Susan Leo you're up Leo are you still on mute there we go hi good evening uh Leo Ruan 705 Kingsbridge Lane yeah I just want to reiterate here I think is there some misinformation in regard to the um bridge at Kingsbridge uh causing flooding every single time there's a flood Ida the last three storms I've been there every time looking and there's no trees blocking everything goes underneath the bridge uh that bridge has not cause does not cause any uh flooding I just want to um say that every time there's heavy rains and there's any chance of any type of flooding I am there I'm looking at it and I want to reiterate that the that bridge does not cause any flooding thank you for for your time thank you Leo are we all good great if I could just make a couple remarks um first of all with regard to um Mr loving um the proposals that were submitted to the engineering department for the soil testing at shedler were created based on both engineering firms or both soil testing firms having the d letter so anything that was addressed in there will be addressed by the soil sampling just want to make that clear um secondly with regard to Illegal dumping I had heard that there were issues with illegal dumping on that site um the police department has subsequently placed cameras on the site uh so we do have the ability to evaluate if that's happening within the sight line of the cameras uh Cynthia um with regard to your question um it's Suburban engineering um their quote was $2,600 I have the ability because it's under the quote threshold to be able to award that contract um with the qpa sign off um so that's what we did and this was just to get a a set of outside eyes um on the shipo application as it's being developed um Susan with regard to the foot Bridge um again I have no evidence that it is a choke point I am just relaying information uh that I was able to gather on my tour of East sadle River Road um and the flood prone properties on Saturday I will tell you that Mony did indicate to me um while we were out there that there were concerns about the Route 17 bridge I actually VIs visited that on my way into work this morning and that is going to be a conversation that we're going to have with the New Jersey Department of Transportation um as to their monitoring of their infrastructure to make sure that that does not become a choke point in the future that's all I have M anyone else yeah I had two things um one with Su Suzanne um I would love to see the pictures I mean Keith has a source and we are moving the bridge forward but if there's pictures particularly during a hurricane I think that would be helpful for all of us because A hurricane's the maximum height we could see it so if you could send that to the full Council that would be great and Keith would it be possible for us to have copies of the police report so we could see what was dumped and when because there's such public interest about I can I can speak to the chief about that okay anybody else no then I'll entertain a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I I anyone opposed okay thank thank you