I'm hope he did it was a little a little dated inside that location let me see if I can got to find contact info but yeah for e that's I am where's my We Ready Mark's standing back there does that mean he's ready okay did you get your Stu did you get your stuff from the I did okay good evening this is the Village Council regular public meeting the date is May 8th 2024 the time is 7:30 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall by mail to the W news the record and by submission to all persons entitled the same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting roll call Deputy Mayor parin here council member Reynolds here council member whites here council member winegrad here mayor vaganos here will you all please join us in a salute to our flag I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all I move the bills claims and vouchers and statement of funds on hand as of April 30th 2024 be accepted as submitted second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes and now we have several proclamations to read Siobhan will you take the lead on this sure we have some celebrity visitors in the front row who this is for so welcome um whereas James Rose a pioneering champion of modern American design built his groundbreaking home in Ridgewood in 1953 and it is a world-renowned example of a more sustainable approach to post World War II Suburban development and whereas the James Rose National Historic registered listed home has been recognized for its Excellence by the American Institute of Architects the American Society of Landscape Architects and numerous other National and international historic preservation and design organizations and whereas the James Rose Center as the historic home is currently known contributes to the bridgwood community by offering classes tours lectures exh exhibitions and other special events focused on the in integral sorry integral relationship between individuals and the environment whereas the James Rose Center explores the interr relationship between people and the environment to contribute a more sustainable Suburban condition through preservation research and design and whereas the James Rose Center also works to preserve promote and protect other modern American cultural resources now therefore it be resolved that the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood does hereby Proclaim and recognize the Jame James Rose Center as a significant cultural resource for the village of Bridgewood as well as for the United States of America and and be it further resolved that the Village Council of the village of Bridgewood recognizes the need to nurture the James Rose Center preservation and use and encourage all of its residents to participate in and otherwise support its continued presence in our community thanks Javon gentlemen I know we have you here would you please come to our microphone and tell us and tell our community a little bit more about the James Rose session uh excuse me Center and if you'll begin by giving us your name and your address thank you my name is Kevin Rose my address is 903 Hillcrest Road in Richwood New Jersey is the green light on the microphone on I can hear okay just speak into the microphone please if you could speak a little closer to the microphone that'd be great and hello my name is Daniel razik I live at 506 East Ridgewood Avenue Ridgewood New Jersey aka the James Road Center so thank you uh to the Village Council for recognizing James Rose Center and um the work that we continue to do there as the proclamation mentioned uh the house was originally built in 1953 uh so it has been there through um most of our lives uh here in Ridgewood um and yet at the same time it's often recognized as the house that isn't there or um that uh space across from the high school that I was never sure quite what it was um and it's something that uh while once you're on the the property it makes it a very special place to visit we do want to make sure that more people in Ridgewood recognize uh the the status of the the home and come and visit us as the uh Proclamation also mentioned um we continually do um tours and events and classes throughout the year uh we're open generally from May until the end of October uh from Tuesday through Sunday for tours um you can uh register online for those tours or if you have happen to uh find yourself there you're always welcome to just come in and we will be gladly greet you and and put you on a tour for the day again we're open from 10: am until 4M during those days you'll also find that we um one of rose's main kind of Concepts was that there was not so much of a difference between your exterior world and your interior world and so the classes and events that we do Center of course on architecture and Landscape architecture but we also look at the interior world and we have classes on yoga and meditation and breath work and different things like that we also look to preserve um and work with um local resources and U making sure that we have most the environmentally sustainable way of living it was one of uh James Rose's kind of Hallmarks he was very very resourceful in using the plants and Landscaping that were on an existing property and so we continue to make make the same efforts going forward so we do um event around um using local plants using um sustainable type of gardeningsmall knows about it we invite you to come and visit us um to whether it be just through a tour whether it be through a um an opportunity to volunteer we do have another volunteer weekend uh this Saturday so you're welcome to come a bit early because we don't open to the public until the 18th of May but this Saturday you can sign up and be a volunteer and see it a little earlier than everybody else um otherwise thank you again to uh The Village Council to the community and we hope to see you uh this spring or summer thank you so much and thank you for the work work that you do for our community thank you thank you so much thank you and next we have a proclamation for to commemorate the anniversary of Emergency Medical Services week Evan would you do the honors absolutely so whereas Emergency Medical Services is a vital public service and whereas access to Quality Emergency Care dramatic improves survival and recovery rate of those who have experienced sudden illness or injury and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services teams are ready to provide life-saving care to those in need 24 hours a day 7 days a week and where as Emergency Medical Service teams whether career or volunteer engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life-saving skills and whereas this year we recognize May 19th through 25th 2024 as marking the 50th anniversary of EMS week and this year's theme honoring our past forging our future reminds us to acknowledge the foundational work of those who came before us while also striving to build and lead the EMS systems we envision for our future and whereas in the 50 years since we've been celebrating EMS week the professionals has the profession has made enormous stride in the prehospital care data collection Emergency Management and community- based Healthcare comprehensive EMS systems have been developed that are ready for any kind of emergency 7 days a week 24 hours a day whether or not that includes going to the hospital now for be it resolved that the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood does hereby proclaim the week of May 19th through May 25th 2024 as a mergency medical services week in the village of Ridgewood and encourages the community to support Ridgewood Emergency Medical Services as well as to observe this 50th anniversary week with appropriate programs ceremonies and activities thank you Evan and now I have the honor of reading the proclamation for recognizing may as mental health awareness month whereas mental health is essential to everyone's overall health and well-being and whereas all Americans experience times of difficulty and stress in their lives and whereas prevention is an effective way to reduce the burden of mental health conditions and whereas there is a strong body of research that supports specific tools that all Americans can use to better handle challenges and protect protect their health and well being and whereas mental health conditions are real and prevalent in our nation and whereas with effective treatment those individuals with mental health conditions can recover and Lead full productive lives and whereas each business school government agency health care provider organization and citizen shares the burden of mental health problems and has a responsibility to promote mental health wellness and and support prevention efforts and whereas the village of Ridgewood is a stigma-free community standing beside Ridgewood residents to break down barriers and encouraging them to be mindful of their mental health and to ask for help when needed now therefore be it resolved that the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood does hereby Proclaim May 2024 as National mental health awareness month and calls upon the citizens of the the village of Ridgewood to recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental health educate our citizens on the steps they can take to protect their mental health and recognize the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people with mental health conditions and we will move on to our Proclamation recognizing pride month sioban sure whereas The Village Council of the V of Ridgewood recognizes the human rights of individuals everywhere and Embraces the rights of all people to live their lives freely in a world that is accepting and respectful and whereas for far too long members of the lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer or questioning lgbtq plus Community have been marginalized dehumanized and demoralized for merely living in a manner consistent with our national fundamental beliefs of life liberty and freedom for all and whereas sadly and regrettably persons of the lgbtq plus Community have suffered Prejudice discrimination and too many have had to hide or deny their sexual orientation to keep their jobs or live safely in their communities and whereas The Village Council recognizes there are still many challenges before us and we must stand together firm in our resolve to reject acts of prejudice acts of hatred and violence against any person for any reason and whereas as senseless hatred bigotry and intolerance has no place in society and it's incumbent that Village leaders and all residents Foster greater empathy understanding and caring for each other and whereas members of the lgbtq plus Community have made important and Lasting contributions to our village State and na Nation by enriching our lives and helping to encourage and develop a more inclusive and thoughtful world and whereas members of the lgbtq plus Community include our acquaintances our co-workers our neighbors our friends our loved ones and our family members and each and everyone deserves respect understanding compassion and the right to live and love whomever they choose and whereas the village of Ridgewood Embraces all of our brothers and sisters appreciating our similarities and celebrations as well as our differences now therefore for it be resolved that the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood does hereby Proclaim June 2024 AS lgbtq Plus pride month and encourages Villages residents to celebrate our diversity and recognize the need to embrace all members of our community with love and acceptance thank you Siobhan and Evan there is a very important one for National cancer survivors day thanks so much Paul whereas today more today more than 18 million Americans are cancer survivors thanks to advances in early detection treatment and research and where surv surviving cancer can leave a host of problems in its wake with physical emotional and financial hardships often persisting for years after diagnosis treatment with challenges including access to Cancer Specialists and promising new treatments denial of health and life insurance coverage Financial hardships long after the initial diagnosis and treatment employment problems psychological struggles and the strain on personal relationships and the profound fear of reoccurrence and whereas the village of Ridgewood has an active and productive cancer societ cancer survivor population demonstrating that cancer survivors can live active productive lives even though they still face many challenges whereas communities all across America will be celebrating National cancer survivors Day on Sunday June 2nd 2024 as part of the world's largest annual cancer survivors event now for be it resolved that the Village Council of the village Ridgewood does hereby Proclaim June 2nd 2024 as National cancer survivors day in the village Ridgewood and urges all residents to join in this joyous celebration of life thanks so much EV and the last one to close out is Pam will be reading a proclamation for National Gun Violence awareness day thank you whereas each day 120 Americans are killed by gun violence and countless others are injured with Americans being 25 times more likely to be murdered with guns than people in other developed countries and whereas protecting Public Safety in the communities they serve is one of the highest responsibilities of the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood which is why support of the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens go hand inand with keeping guns away from dangerous people and whereas June 2nd 2024 would have been the 27th birthday of hiah hadia Pendleton a teenager who marched in President Obama's second inaugural parade and was tragically shot and killed just weeks later and whereas a National Coalition organization was established has established National Gun Violence awareness day which was inspired by a group of hadia's friends who commemorate her life by wearing orange they chose this color because Hunters wear orange to announce themselves to other Hunters when out in the woods and orange is also a color that symbolizes the value of human life and whereas we renew our commitment to reduce gun violence and pledge to do all we can to keep Firearms out of the wrong hands as well as encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep our children safe now therefore be it resolved that the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood does hereby Proclaim June 7th 2024 as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in the village of Ridgewood and encourages all residents of the village of Ridgewood to support efforts to prevent the tragic effects of gun violence and to honor and value human human lives Thank you Pam thank you everyone on this Council thank you heather for preparing these proclamations these are very meaningful proclamations um so important to all of us and I am proud that this Council takes a few moments out of its schedule to recognize these issues and bring them to the attention of everyone and so let's move on um and before we get to our public comment section um I'd like to take a moment moment we're going to recognize a new business owner in the community masimo Sola who has just opened his restaurant Sola on South Broad Street masimo would you please come to the microphone give us your name your address tell us a little bit about yourself and your restaurant good evening to everybody my name is mimos Sola I am from Milano three days ago I became American citizen I'm so proud proud of that oh it took it took me nine nine years and a half to but I follow all the all the process and then I'm I'm so proud of that so I open this I've been in this business for 43 years so um I can tell it's it's my job I open this restaurant I'm very happy because it's a great location I love rwood I've been in rwood before two years ago and I fell in love with this town and and um I am a friend of Max uh Viola who was the previous owner at Pear restaurant that I bought from him the restaurant we still in contact I wanted just to retire so and it was the opportunity for me to keep going with h with this adventure um it's an authentic Italian restaurant I'm a chef I'm from Milano again so I wish I can put on the table a piece of my country uh with no no contamination I mean there's no Fusion it's it's authentic Italian the pasta is the pasta the main course are the main course and and uh I hope you come and enjoy my my food everybody okay thank you so much for the opportunity and thank you again thank you MIM I I would like to say um to begin with I have eaten at your restaurant several times I would like to say also that I um I own the building that you are in so that everyone understands that um even though I do believe me my my comments are incredibly unbiased food is outstanding um and I know you've been incredibly well received we wish you nothing but uh good luck good health and happiness in your new location and now we will go to public comment Frank the bman Mortimer 426 vanan Bean Street Ridgewood New Jersey just want to thank the council and the mayor for recognizing the James Rose Center it it really is a treasure and to everybody listening if you haven't been there it's amazing of how it just integrates um living with people inside and your outside and what's really significant especially after the Columbia students were here last week it doesn't flood it's on Southern Parkway in East Ridgewood Avenue and it doesn't flood and that shows was how James Rose really looked at the environment and how to build houses in it and I think that as we move forward in solving flooding issues in our town we can look to the James Rose Center for some inspiration what we can do thank you thank you Frank anyone else seeing no one we will go to our hybrid access participants Denise you're up good evening everybody um first thank you for mentioning about the cancer survivors I sure I've said this story before but I am an ovarian cancer survivor can't emphasize enough uh that people can beat cancer you just have to go to the doctors you got to get your annual checkup and modern medicine is amazing uh a few things about the state your name and address please name and address my fault sorry Denise no my bad Denise Lima 319 East Glenn you're new at this so I we understand I know I yes um okay so website um I noticed that the page for projects under popular resources is no longer there um it's moved so it's a few clicks down um not sure if that's a mistake or how we can move it back up um the one of the projects that are on there that I frequently talk about and ask about is the master plan we've been working on it since 2015 we've spent over a million do in uh Consultants fees people getting together a lot of residents putting a lot of time in it as well as the council it was approved in 2022 and we still have no update on the master plan at all we hear a lot it's coming it's coming we've done great things but I don't think we've seen anything concrete and it's certainly not listed on the project section there used to be the Town garage on the project um section there um I don't know why the public didn't have a chance to review or where the money's coming from but I'd like to add the Town garage to that section as well um zabriski shedler house is pretty thorough it's been built out uh I would like to see who is from an artifacts you know a paper trail maybe a list of the different Consultants engineering companies you know that we've hired to be working on it just in case you know somebody needs to go back and look at it um you know that's not there and you know people are asking who's who's now still working on it what consultants and so it would be good um if we just had that which leads me to um archiving so when these projects get archived I don't see the archive button anymore need to make sure that we can still get to that um um just like West AV pedestrian malls missing the archive for the Franklin AV Corridor um those are the type of projects that you know I can't find anymore and um last but not least uh to the Village manager I don't see any picnic tables yet in the Parks I'm just saying thanks everybody thank you Denise Cynthia you're up hi good evening Cynthia o 542 West Saddle River Road um it was really nice to hear those proclamations especially to learn about the James Rose house and it made me you know think a lot about the shedler property um and you know you you talked about sustainability on that particular property um and I hope you know that we will move in that direction um so that the zabriskies and the shedders looking you know down from above will um appreciate what was done with that land um that they loved so dearly and it was a farm and there's a lot of history there so um you know when I when I hear these proclamations it warms my heart but I you know it breaks my heart at the same time that we're going to tear all those trees down um and that we're still talking about Turf uh a year and a half later um so sustainability I think is the name of the game and we could probably learn something from communities that are already doing that um we talked about mental health we talked about cancer um all of those things dovetail into making the right decisions so I know as a municipality um that's your goal and I hope that we move in the right direction um last but not least I just wanted to mention that I tried to dial into the fields committee call on Tuesday and unfortunately um I'm not really sure what happened but the details that were posted the night before were not the you know correct details so I kind of sat on the phone for about 20 minutes until I figured that I should probably look for um some updated details and they also weren't on the board of ed site so just FYI um I know there are people who are interested in joining um I'm one of them and it would be great to just you know solidify those details in advance thank you so much thank you Cynthia and apologies for the snafu on the uh Fields committee meeting Susan you're up um hello um Susan ran 705 Kingsbridge Lane um uh thank you for the proclamations at the beginning that was very um insightful um for the various recognitions um I also um I'm just following up in regard to two items I'm do like the sustainability about the Rose house um I think that should be investigated hopefully when the US Army Corps of Engineers comes that they'll look on how to implement stuff like that for not only like hokus Brook but Saddle River and there are other homes that are not on major um river banks but they still get flooded um because some sort of Wells or something anyway um I was just also inquiring um when I know last year there was a posting on Facebook of what roads will be done um the timetable um will something like that occur this year for repavement um and also to get um more insight on what's going to happen when the US Army Corps of Engineers visits um I know the there's a there's a meeting meeting scheduled for June 17th with residents um will residents have like how long is the meeting are limit residents limited to a time period of speaking is it one person per time um just to get some sort of idea because I think um people need to put it on their calendar because you know a lot of that week I think ridgewood's graduating um High School soent might be gearing up to do other things um and that's pretty much it thank you thank you Susan anyone else seeing no one I'm going to close public comment uh does anyone have any comments regarding uh anything raised today Pam yes I wanted to respond to Denise Lima's inquiry about the master plan we did have a subcommittee meeting on the master plan uh this week Monday and we got through the utilities element and Recycling and uh I am also going to be conferring with the parks and rec conservation board and the um historic preservation commission to see what their input is on action items that are mentioned in the master plan um I hope to be able to make a presentation this summer CH I I want I want to add Thank you Pam I I don't believe we've spent a million dollars on the master plan either I think it was it was a quarter of a million dollars uh prior to my arrival here and to add to that and a little bit of self-promotion um this month in an effort to deal with overlap issues between open space and Parks were having a joint meeting between the two boards I don't have my calendar in front of me I think it's May 28th um it'll be on the website and we'll be discussing many things but there are elements of the master plan deliverable in that joint meeting so I hope everybody enjoys us and joins us um with respect to the website anything that people see it's much easier for us to respond if you want to Denise write that that'd be great I will say that with respect to shedler and who's doing what all of the um technical reports go on the letter head of the person who's technically delivering it so you would see Matrix report and Matrix would be on the letter head you would see grub on the grub letter head and we include that there so again if you'd like to see more please let us know and then just because I do want to let everybody know there are picnic tables at Gren there are tables there and Gren is opening and I hope everybody takes the time to go and enjoy Gren and one of the picnic tables um also I love the James Rose thing I promised Evan I wasn't going to do this but I have to when my sister was in college she came home with one of her friends who was an architect major and said that Frank ly Wright and like was an awesome architect and Ridgewood had another awesome architect and it was James Rose so I had to go there with my sister when I was 16 and they talked all about the integration of the outside architecture into it and it really is a gem and I wasn't going to say it but I want to say that um Additionally the difference between shedler and James Rose is Jame James Rose is privately held and they have a lot of fundraising capabilities um but in addition to that with the shedler house I think anybody who looks at that house would be relieved that it was saved restored and such an enormous amount of capital was spent on it um um so that's all I want to say um those are this the differences is we can't privately raise funds like James Rose can um and by the way everybody should look into donating to them or going to one of their events and I just wish they had been here for that story sorry Evan thanks Shan and you'll deal with her later on that anybody else um mayor just um on a few items uh we are assessing the need for picnic tables in the various parks in the village I spoke to Nancy beos about that during budget um she got a lot on her plate right now with the transition into the summer season um but it has not fallen off the list uh with regard to miss O'Keefe um I just want to stress that yesterday she did bring the link to the fields meeting agenda uh to our attention unfortunately the person who's responsible for that and does it on a monthly basis experienced a death in the family so there was a little bit of a a Juggle in putting that agenda together and getting that link out uh to the public public but I do want to stress that both council member winegrad and Christine corus the public information officer at the board of education did respond to miss O'Keefe's concern yesterday morning um prior to 11 o'clock so it was addressed in in short order um and we now have a mechanism set up where our communications director and the public information officer are testing each of these links for each of them individual Village meetings or if it's a joint meeting with the Board of Education to make sure that they're enabled before the meeting begins um and lastly uh with regard to Susan um we are in the process of uh soliciting bids uh for Road resurfacing uh once the streets are finalized we will certainly publish that as we did last fall um and with regard to the to the US Army Corps of Engineers coming in as we stated in the past and I was going to bring up in my report tonight uh we do have a meeting with them on June 17th it will be a presentation format where they will they will present to the public uh both their medium-term and long-term programs uh to address flooding in municipalities like ours uh there will be the opportunity for the public to participate um and share uh information about how it affects them individually um I can't say that there will be a time frame on people speaking however if we have a big crowd we may have to implement that in order to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to be heard that's all I have mayor thanks for explaining the issue with um the link um that's very important and so with that you're still on Keith because we're going right to our village manager's report so first I want to welcome masimo uh to the Village um it's interesting this is the first municipality I've been in where it's a tradition for the village manager to write a letter to each new business opening up in the village inviting them to come to a council meeting I think masimo was the first response I've had since I've been Village manager um but it is tradition for us to invite every new business owner to the Village council meeting to introduce themselves so I'm pleased to did this evening uh with regard to the fields committee um as per councilman White's request uh we did present the field lighting plan for a Veterans Field to the fields committee yesterday morning uh there were no objections there was a lot of support uh some questions about additional growth and being able to to light the softball fields at some point in the future uh but overall very positive feedback uh from all the members of the fields committee on that project we are in the uh final stages of completing the app appliation for shedler I think the final edits were actually being um implemented today uh so I anticipate in the next few days that that will be off to the um State historic preservation office for their review uh the fields analysis which will accompany the resubmission for the shedler application uh will be presented to the Village Council independently of the shedler application at one of our June meetings so I'm working with Heather right now to schedule that uh with Suburban uh Consulting and uh they will be present here at a meeting in June to present their findings uh with regard to the field analysis on June 8th uh we will have the open house at the zisi shedler house on the shedler property um they will be guided tours between 11: and 2 and there will be a sign up that will be announced shortly so folks can sign up uh to be guided through the house and this way we can manage the amount of participants that are in the house at one time and as I mentioned again uh it's worth repeating the Army Corps will be here on June 17th I do acknowledge that it is graduation week although graduation is Wednesday the 19th the meeting is on the 17th but we really were at the mercy of their Avail availability and we did set the start time which is going to be 7:30 p.m. under announcements uh just a reminder that the two-day per week irrigation is in effect odd numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate on Tuesdays and Saturdays even numbered addresses on Wednesdays and Sundays no irrigation is permitted on Mondays Thursdays or Fridays tomorrow is our truck Touch a Truck Event at vanest Square uh it will operate from 900 a.m. to 2: p.m weather permitting although right now my last update is that the event is on um so I want to encourage everyone to come participate with the little ones at our Touch of truck event project Pride planting is Sunday May 19th beginning at 7:45 I'm sure council member Reynolds will report more about that under her report the Fred Leah 46th annual Ridgewood run will take place here on Memorial Day on Monday May 27th of course starts at Veterans Field and is sponsored by North Jersey Masters all participants must be registered and they can do so at NJ masters.com the Memorial Day holiday is Monday May 27th and will be observed in Memorial Park at vanas Square at 11:00 a.m. with American Legion Post 53 uh they have a planned patriotic program and welcomes to the public uh to remember and acknowledge all of the sacrifices made by those we lost in the armed services the village of Ridgewood offices will also be closed on Memorial Day uh in observance um and to honor our W dead there will be no sanitation recycling or yard waste collection on that day please check the village calendar uh for the adjusted garbage Recycling and yard waste schedule the village the Ridgewood Guild will be sponsoring music in the night for the 14th season and will provide music in various locations on Friday nights starting May 31st through Labor Day upcoming V Village Council meetings May 22nd is a work session June 5th is a work session June 12th is the public meeting and June 26th is a work session all at 7:30 p.m. that concludes my report mayor thanks Keith and let's go to Village Council reports Evan thanks so much Paul I'll be brief it's only been a week since we were here last um this past uh s uh Sunday night um I had the privilege of attending the Holocaust uhor remembrance event at Temple Israel with Deputy May Deputy uh mayor pin um it's really moving event um where we reflect on the 11 million people who died in the Holocaust 6 million Jews 5 million non-jews um was really pleased to see police chief was there we had a number of other officials as well um but what makes this event special uh every year I've gone I think every year since we've done it is the fact that we have members from all other uh houses of worship in Ridgewood um that's just a wonderful message um especially in these times to be sending to our citizens and to be setting an example in our community in our state our country and our world and I want to personally thanks all um personally thank all of the clergy members here in Richard who attended the event um it was somber it was sobering um but it was um really remarkable and thank you uh Deputy Mayor as well we did do a um um she did a reading on behalf of the village U also really well done and again um thank you for showing up thanks Evan sioban sure um so I W to we had a Fields meeting yesterday I I do want to say if anybody ever on the fields we are relying on the board of ed for the zoom but we take about the first five minutes to get everybody on board if there's any future problems I know Mr loving thank you for calling in and saying to the group we can you can email any of us and I know that the Board of Ed responded very quickly which was was nice um the fields Committee Member we met for about two hours at 7: a.m. and it went very well um while the lights were very well received uh there was feedback that um you know we had um left the girls out and in some sense we had you know the the girls softball field is not part of our lighting um I think it's important because when these things are said the reasons we have these committees is to hear that and with no defense mechanism we took that we I Keith was there n was there um and we had a discussion and they were very articulate from the fields community that they'd like to see the girls also live as well you know we're not going to amend anything that we voted on but um it was an important part for gender equality on our fields and they were um I really want to thank the people who said it and you know we've we've have it on our list now it's pretty high up there we um we also had a presentation from rasa which I want everyone to get used to that super cool name of Rood adult soccer so rid adult soccer currently plays out of District our current field policy does not have a a space for them and they have created a 501c3 named Rossa which is again a very cool name um and they are petitioning us for equal playing time and rights to play Not only on Maple where the village has been sponsoring them but at the stadium and Stevens and this was great the superintendent was there um they put together a very thoughtful you know presentation you know some of them had binders and um I want to thank that Paul Cooper Smith Dwight Lauren and thank them for coming they've met with parks and W and met with fields and the general sentiment is that we do want residents of Ridgewood to age and play in place so that was a wonderful presentation we also received an update on Orchard um Orchard is still closed and the Board of Ed is working on it obviously because the remediation it's a delicate situation and the board of EDS making their determination between seeding and putting saw down um it was great to have Mark Schwarz there and I want to thank everybody for the early rise and you know working through a lot of issues um this morning I met with the pride committee and I just want to mention a couple things pride is June 1st it's in vaness Square we are all of you have gotten invitations I'm hoping you can all attend we are working on a draft letter to the business Community encouraging some of the businesses to do their own thing maybe a pride cocktail a pride bubble tea um a pride discount if they so be it so that note will go out to the business community in CBD and I hope everybody marks it for June first and lastly I did just want to take a minute and say happy Mother's Day to every mother in Ridgewood if your mother's not in Ridgewood happy Mother's Day to her and if anybody on this Council forgot now is a good time to remember thank you shvan and what was the name of that adult soccer association againa because I know you want to say it again these guys came prepared they really came prepared and they've been very eloquent with everyone who they met and uh I want you know they've just gone through all my committee me meetings and they're very it's very interesting to think we spend all this time on Youth Sports and then once you're done with the youth program there's no place for them to do it it's also interesting for the business Community because they play in MAA and they really would prefer to come back and dine in rid and by the time they get back here the kitchens are closed and there's limited menu and and the commute to go to the Mawa field is too much for them so um it was interesting and when you guys meet them you'll like saying it as well well thanks for that report lorine thank you I'm going to make this very brief I have a little laryngitis I just want to say that project Pride planting day is Sunday May 19th we are hurting for volunteers this year some of my committee members have can't make it so we really really need the volunteers this year I would appreciate anybody who's willing to help it's like 2 hours if we get enough people it's 2 hours you're in out and you can email me at L rennolds rdwood nj.net uh Sunday morning May 19th a week from Sunday at 7:45 in the morning thank you and it is a lot of fun believe it or not thanks lorine Pam I will say with regard to project Pride you get to see your flowers for three three more months right it's really nice you walk by the bucket that you planted and and you get to say hey those are mine um okay the Holocaust remembrance service at Temple Israel really made people think the Reverend uh his name was Reverend Pettit um from Indiana I think he was uh CA posed uh a thought that I had never considered before that a society can commit a crime or crimes and that the way to um prevent that is to talk to people oneon-one and to engage them and that's the way you prevent it happening and we never want it to happen again um the central business district advisory committee meets tomorrow via Zoom the thanks to Carol Bowski the agenda is on the on the website with the um with the link in there we won't always be meeting via Zoom once a quarter we meet in person the uh open space committee will be having its second parkwalk on Saturday May 11th at 10: a.m it's going to be in Pleasant Park the meeting spot is going to be the parking lot at Haw Elementary School which is at the end of South End of Stevens Avenue and um also our community gardens are down by the Hocus Brook and are frequently flooded and it's very dis disappointing for people who rent those boxes and spend so many hours planting and then to have everything flooded and destroyed is is very disheartening and so I wanted to mention to people that the old pamis Reformed Church also has raised beds that people can rent for $20 a season that's a pretty good price uh they have two openings um and I also wanted to let you know just in case you see people walking around town with paint cans on June 8th the Rotary Club the am Rotary Club uh uh will be helping to paint the fire boxes you know those big red standing things that we have around town um they are going to be painting them and that's all I have thank you Pam and with that we will go to our regular agenda and so I'm I move the clerk read ordinance 3998 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second will the clerk please read the title of par oh excuse me sorry yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganas yes well look I was so excited about this one will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3998 an ordinance to amend chapter 269 of the code of the village of Ridgewood water at section 2698 piping system compliance right of access the public hearing is now open seeing no one I will close the public hearing I excuse me I move the public hearing be closed second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes andrianos yes I move that ordinance 3998 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes the following resolution number 24-14 will be adopted by a consent agenda with v one vote by The Village Council it will be read by title only authorized refund 113 Circle Avenue I have a motion so moved second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes the following resolution number 24155 will be adopted by a consent agenda with one vote by The Village Council it will be read by title only authorized emergency appropriation water pollution control facility project I have a motion so moved second paren um I just wanted to clarify something I understand we have a a resolution on this as well and ordinance and a and the ordinance yeah oh okay this is the resolution but the ordinance doesn't go into effect for a while and that's why we need the resolution right yes okay um yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes I move the first reading of ordinance 401 second okay paren yes Reynolds yes whites yes rrad yes vaganos yes so will the clerk please read ordinance 401 by title an ordinance to amend chapter 265 of the code of the village of Ridgewood vehicles and traffic at section 26559 schedule 9 stop intersections and section 26560 schedule 10 yield intersections I move that ordinance 401 be adopted on the first reading and that June 12th 2024 be fixed as the date for the hearing thereon second perin yes Reynolds yes whites yes windrad yes and vagianos yes I move the first reading of ordinance 402 second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and V Janos yes so ordered will the clerk please read ordinance 402 by title and ordinance amend SE section chapter chapter it just be chapter sorry an ordinance to amend chapter 190 of the code of the village of Ridgewood land use and development to add definitions for a variety of uses and to expand the scope of uses permitted in The Village's business and Commercial zones I move that ordinance 402 be adopted on first reading and that June 12th 2024 be fixed for the as the date for the hearing thereon I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes lrad yes and vaganos yes I move the first reading of ordinance 403 second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes so ordered will the clerk please read ordinance 403 by title a bond ordinance providing for the water pollution control facility project ined by the village of Ridgewood in the county of Bergen New Jersey appropriating $478,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 44,000 bonds or notes of the village department Finance part of the cost thereof I move that ordinance 403 be adopted on first reading and that June 12th 2024 be fixed as the date for the hearing there on I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes lrad yes and vagianos yes I move the first reading of ordinance 404 I second paron yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes so ordered will the clerk please read ordinance 404 by title an ordinance to amend chapter 265 of the code of the village of Bridgewood vehicles and traffic as section 26527 taxi stands and section 26572 schedule 22 loading zones and section 26572 scheduled 23 taxi stands I move that ordinance 404 be adopted on first reading and that June 12th 2024 be fixed as the date for the hearing thereof on I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes lrad yes and thatas yes I move the clerk read ordinance 3999 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3999 an ordinance to men action chapter 190 of the code of the village of Ridgewood land use and development to permit freestanding signs and the pp2 and T zones and to modify the standards associated with blade signs ordinance 3999 has not yet been reviewed by the planning board which is required by law since it is a land use ordinance therefore the public hearing on ordinance 3999 will be continued to June 12th 2024 the public hearing for ordinance 39.99 was advertised for this evening so anyone wishing to speak on this ordinance may do so tonight or at the June 12th 2024 public meeting or both the public hearing is now open here we go Susan you're up do you have a comment on this public hearing yeah um Susan Ruan 705 Kingsbridge Lane um I have a question in regard to this particular how does this affect the billboard no is not about proposed excuse me this is um did you say you wanted to comment on the billboard no no no how does this ordinance affect the billboard or does it the billboard it does it does not I mean is this allowing um what is the ordinance for and how does it affect the billboard will it allow give get um change the master plan to allow um to allow the to allow the um conditions of the billboard to exist and I'm going to turn this over to with your permission U to our attorney Matt and I think he can address your concerns yeah Susan Susan it doesn't have any impact on the billboard application that's before the zoning board nor nor could it this has to do with signs that are going to be going up toit freestanding signs in the P P2 and T zones and the standards that go along with them for blade signs um this is not in the location or anything to do with signs in the area where the Billboard's going to be or is being proposed so it's got nothing to do with it yeah Susan blade sign I just don't understand the specifics be like with you when you just did the abbreviations but yeah as long as it doesn't that's what I was trying to understand um how one affects the other all right great thank you Susan thank you anyone else seeing no one I move the public hearing on ordinance 3999 be continued to June 12th 2024 I second the motion paren yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes I I did just want to add because this is important to us the blade signs have been discussed they're within the central business district HPC has reviewed them they're unbelievably Charming tomorrow Susan when I I walk the dog I'll take a picture and you can see what they are but they're they're totally something separate and it's it's a it's a very good ordinance for adding like awesome charm and something that our business Community has been clamoring for and vagan us yes and again Susan this is like an old world old old English pub type of sign that is now allowable um in the central business district and with that we will move move on to the public hearing for number 4,000 I move the clerk read ordinance 4,000 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be open second paron yes Reynolds yes whites yes windrad yes and vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 4,000 an ordinance to amend chapter 145 at section 145-40 as it applies to Department fees for chapter 67 entitled police services for extra Duty the public hearing is now open seeing no one I move the public hearing be closed second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes wad yes and vaganos yes sorry I move the ordinance 4,000 be adopted on the second reading and final publication as required by law I second the motion pin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vagianos yes the following resolutions number 24156 through 24173 will be adopted by a consent agenda with one vote by The Village Council they will be read by title only award contract train station concession disposal of recyclable materials award contract preparation of Village council meeting minutes through December 31st 2024 title 59 approval crossing guard Services award contract crossing guard Services award contract Ford F-150 Lightning Electric pickup truck for the recycling division award contract under State contract spatial data logic software award contract under State contract triband radios for the police department award contract under North Jersey Wastewater Cooperative pricing system through the lead agency pic Valley sewage commission B a sanitary sewer pump station repair of electrical for sewer pumps award contract under North Jersey wa Wastewater Cooperative pricing system through the lead agency Bic Valley storage commission emergency bypass sewer pump rental b a sanitary sewer pump station or our contract under North Jersey Wastewater Cooperative pricing system through lead agency Pake Valley sewage commission replacement of two sewer pumps belir sanitary sewer pump station award Professional Services contract feasibility study for a special improvement district phase two award Professional Services contract full service Grant Consulting and project Support Services award additional amount of contracts resurfacing and repair of various Village streets thermoplastic line striping Services authorized shared services agreement use of Styrofoam densifier with hocus authorize agreement US Army Corps of Engineers technical planning assistance accept additional grant funding from New Jersey Department of Transportation and approve modification number two to Federal Aid agreement safe roots to school Grant award contract authorized refund and cancellation of property taxes for disabled veteran block 3 3301 lot 44 I have a motion so moved second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes and I'm going to recuse myself from the next two matters and turn the chair over to Deputy Mayor Pam thank you the following resolutions number 24174 through 24176 will be considered separately and read in full be resolved by The Village Council of the village of Ridgewood that the plans and specifications specifically titled Department of parks proposal for tree irrigation Services throughout the village of Ridgewood prepared by the village of Bridgewood Department of Public Works engineering division for the parks department being is hereby approved by the village of the village of rwood this resolution is adopted pursuant to the authority of njsa 59 col 4-6 have a motion so moved second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganas recused oh sorry yep and next is whereas the village of Ridgewood received one bid for Department of parks proposal for tree irrigation Services throughout the village of Ridgewood in the village of Ridgewood on Wednesday March 27th 2024 at 11: a.m. now therefore be it resolved by The Village Council of Village of Ridgewood the award of the work of Department of park proposal for tree irrigation Services throughout the village of Ridgewood inclusive being and is hereby awarded to the sole responsible bidder downstreet Service Inc 65 Royal Avenue Hawthorne New Jersey and an amount not to exceed $18,500 and be a further resolve that the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds will available um upon the option of the 2024 capital budget may I have a motion so move second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes and winterr yes and then the final resolution resolution authorizing the application to the New Jersey clean energy program Community energy planning grant program whereas a sustainable Community seeks to ensure that its environmental economic and social objectives are balanced and mutually supportive and whereas the village of Bri strives to assure clean land air and water for current and future Generations whereas New Jersey's energy master plan Pathway to 2050 EMP established that Community level action is necessary to achieve the state's goal of 100% clean energy by 2050 and whereas the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has created the community energy plan grant program for municipalities to develop a community energy plan to meet the goals of the state's energy master plan and whereas the village of Ridgewood is invested in developing a community energy plan to help the state achieve the goal of 100% clean energy by 2050 and whereas the community energy plan grant program will help the village of Ridgewood to plan for and invest in renewable energy and to work work towards a better environment for all residents by using the state's energy master plan EMP as a guide to develop sustainable strategies that incre increase clean energy production reduce energy use and cut emissions and whereas The Village Council of the village of rwood has determined that the village of rwood should apply for the four mentioned Community energy planning grant program and whereas the village of Ridgewood will commit to providing staff support for the duration of the community energy planning process including for Gathering a relevant data and for convening at least one public meeting now therefore be it resolved The Village Council of Village of Ridgewood state of New Jersey authorizes the submission of the aform menion application to the njbpu community energy planning grant program I have a motion so move second parin yes indeed Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes and with that we will return to our public comments seeing no no one I will close public comment and we will entertain a resolution you have one on no I do not Mark you Mark says I have one oh okay her hand was not raised on our uh on my screen but Cynthia I am told that you have your hand raised there we go good go ahead um I was on mute I apologize all good so I just wanted to mention state your name and address oh cyth ke 542 West Saddle River Road um so I wanted to um just address you know Keith had mentioned that an email had gone out to me about the fields committee but I apologize I cannot find it I've like scoured my email I don't see it it was not in my spam folder or my trash so anyway if someone could just forward that to me that would be great I really appreciate it and that was all I had to say thank you well good thank you so much anyone else seeing no one I will now again close public comment so I just want to say Cynthia the email came you you wrote it to me c i responded and then a woman named Christine corus from the Board of Ed who was the she provided a lot of background uh I'll resend it of course and Keith will resend it as well but if you want to look on those names it was we responded right away that morning both both emails were sent in reply to the concern before 11 o' on Tuesday Morning anyone else from the de then let's entertain a motion to go into close excuse me a resolution to go into close session be resolved by The Village Council of the village of Ridgewood that the village council meeting Clos session on May 8th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or soon thereafter as a matter on the agenda can be reached and the dead Clos session will be held in the caucus room of the ridgew Village Hall 131 North Maple Avenue rgew New Jersey be further resolve that the matters to be discussed in close session are limited to legal matters to include the Town garage and Personnel matters to include tax assessor these matters are allowable under njsa 10 col 4-2 at SEC and be a further resolve that the minutes of this meeting shall be made available to the general public one such matters have been deemed completed by resolution of the Village Council you have a motion so moved second okay all in favor I opposed okay thank you thank you everybody uh they were concerned that we won't make it in time for the uh July 16th deadline but I assured them we could make a do do vote we could vote by special public meeting if necessary good