I just want to say our e what's that I just moved it over yes well everybody does have a mic but there were one over and I tried to use it once was over there and gave me like a stink eye so I it's not a problem we ready good evening this is the Village Council regular public meeting the date is February 14th 2024 the time is 7:30 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall by mail to the Ridgewood news the record and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting roll call Deputy Mayor parin here council member Reynolds here council member whites here council member winegrad here mayor vaganos here will you all please join us in a salute to our flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and jce we're going to go right to the approval of minutes I move that the Village Council minutes of January 10th 2024 having been reviewed by The Village Council and now available in the village clerk's office be approved as submitted I second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes windrad yes vagianos yes and we have a few proclamations we're going to begin with one for read Across America thanks so much whereas the National Education association's read Across America day will be conducted on March 2nd 2024 as a national celebration of reading and the birthday of Theodore Seuss Geo better known as Dr Seuss and whereas read Across America NJ will be observed Statewide by the New Jersey education ass Association in partnership with the New Jersey state League of municipalities the New Jersey Library Association and their local affiliation across the state to promote reading and adult involvement in the education of our community Stu educ sorry our community students and whereas the citizens of the village rdwood stand firmly committed to promoting reading as a catalyst for our students future academic success their preparation for America's jobs of the future and their ability to compete in a global economy and whereas the village of Ridgewood has provided significant leadership ship in the area of community involvement in the education of our youth grounded in the principle that educational investment is the key to community's well-being and long-term quality of life now for be it resolved that the Village Council the village of Ridgewood calls on the citizens of the village of Ridgewood toensure that every child is in a safe place reading together with a caring adult on March 2nd 2024 and be it further resolved that the Village Council of the village of ridgewoods enthusiastically endorses the nea's read Across America day and recommits the village of Ridgewood to engage in programs and activities to make America's children the best readers in the world and now we have a proclamation for super science Saturday Siobhan sure whereas Saturday March 2nd 2024 is the 37th annual super science Saturday which is a CommunityWide Family Fair dedicated to the idea that science is both fun and exciting whereas this event is buil as quote the greatest science extra Panza in northern New Jersey end quote and whereas more than 1,000 science lovers from Ridgewood and the surrounding communities will flock to rdwood high school to see a host of science exhibits workshops and demonstrations and whereas students from all of Bridgewood schools will be participating in the Hall of Science and whereas super science Saturday appeals to everyone from the Casual Observer to the aspiring scientist sparking an interest in students adults and organizations wishing to further explore their passion and whereas some of the events will include an interactive show by the Liberty Science Center indoor and outdoor drone racing the great paper airplane contest and the 30-foot egg drop challenge as well as a live rocket launch whereas this event was started over 30 years ago by award-winning science teacher Mr Jim Wallace to encourage families to share their scientific interests and talents and is now run by a parents Committee of dedicated volunteers whereas this valuable service to our youth has become a Hallmark of Goodwill and cooperation now therefore it be resolved that the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood does hereby Proclaim March 2nd 2024 as super science Saturday in the village of Ridgewood and invites all science enthusiasts of all ages to come to Ridgewood High School to join in the festiv activities thanks Shon and I just want to say that as a formal Lum I elbowed everybody out to read the next Proclamation um we have another former Alum here Matt Rogers who is a former chairman by the way and he's not even ashamed of it so nope whereas the village of Ridgewood Treasures its children and whereas our school system supports and nurtures our children and whereas dad's night has helped our schools by raising hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past 80 years and whereas dad's KN is dedicated to providing this service to The Village's children and whereas this year's event will be titled dad's night 80 where everyone where everybody knows your name now therefore the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood does hereby Proclaim Friday March 1st 2024 and Saturday March 2nd 2024 as dad's night 80 where everybody knows your name at HW and Somerville elementary schools in the village of Ridgewood in honor of all of the dads here this evening as well as all those who have volunteered before them um I just want to say that this is one of the great experiences in Ridgewood and for those who have been fortunate enough to live in the H and Somerville school districts um This was um just such a a great great great uh experience um when I was first buying a house um and my realtor who was a former dad's night chairman um was looking at houses with me and and he would give me all of the advantages and disadvantages of a house well this one has central air and this one has a big backyard this one's in Dad's night territory and it was something to be proud of and that we were grateful for um I know we have the current chairman Mike Higgins and Mike selento would you please come up and accept your Proclamation and if you'd like please say a few words on all of the accomplishments the money that you raise the amount of people who are involved uh thank you I guess um first of all I'd like to say that uh if you'll if you'll just speak into raise the mic and you need to speak right into it thank you okay thank you on behalf of dads Knight we're pretty excited for this year's show it's March 1st and March 2nd uh this year a couple of the things that dad's and night did is we're about to put on a we're about to build a library in Hall's Elementary School we're revamping the entire library and in Somerville they put in air conditioning for their uh school events and they're going to put in sound so we continue to raise money for the schools in the better of Ridgewood and we're our show is March 1st and March 2nd um we're not really actors but we pretend to be for two days got anything um yeah it's definitely a wonderful organization I'm really happy that I'm in this position I'm grateful for it uh I would say every year we raise around anywhere to 80 to 125,000 going back to the schools and the community when uh issues arise um we're 8th year it's going to be a fun year it's two weeks so it's a a little nerve-wracking because it's a there's a lot that takes place but uh we're looking forward to it and thank you guys for for tonight Mike and Mike thank you so much for all the work that you do in keeping this tradition alive for 80 years thanks thank you thank you everyone thank you and now we will go to public comment anyone and no one online and with that I will would you like to say something no no just anything you want public comment wait iote my okay didn't know didn't know if you wanted to make a comment okay all right I if you wrote a letter to one of the council people and you want everybody to know she did she did oh okay okay all right um seeing no one I will close public comment and we will move on to our manager's report thank you mayor and good evening um first I want to report that over the last two Saturdays I've had the opportunity to meet with many residents who have been impacted by flooding since the initial flood back in September and then subsequently the flood events of December and January um it has been very educational for me it's been a learning experience to be able to stand in folks homes who were actually impacted by the flooding see what their families have dealt with and the challenges that they faced in the aftermath this past Saturday I spent some time on North Irving Street with some of the residents there we walked their properties we walked the PSC right away and we walked some of the Board of Education property and Facilities um we do have a punch list of certain items that the village will be taken care of in order to try to clear uh some of the areas under the bridge and work with the Board of Education to clear some of their property as well um I do want to encourage anyone who has been impacted by flooding who has not yet completed the survey on the flood portal that we announced about two weeks ago uh to please take advantage of making those submissions all of this information that we collect between the time that the portal was launched and March 1st is going to be transmitted to the United States Army Corps of Engineers for their data collection review what we're trying to do here is we're trying to expedite that process we're trying to uh be able to hand over as much information about how flooding affects both residents and Village and Board of Education infrastructure as we can right from the get-go so that we don't have a prolonged data collection period after we're acknowledged by the colonel and by the Army Corps so we're encouraging everyone to do that the link is on the website it's also on our social media outlets and we encourage everyone to complete that flood survey between now and March 1st I also want to announce that we are probably within the next 10 days going to be able to submit the application for the shedler property to the state historic preservation office down in Trenton um we've been working with our engineering department with our parks department with our historic preservation consultant um and with Suburban engineering uh to complete this application um it is in its final stages um I want to be abundantly clear that we will be completely transparent about the submission of this application once it is submitted it will be prominently displayed and available for public review on the Village website uh we will put out on social media uh that the application has been submitted and we will place links to the website on our social media Outlets so anyone in the village or outside of the village or who has a Ved interest in the future of this property will be available to be able to look at everything that has been submitted to shipo for their consideration as we move for forward just a few reminders um in light of the most recent storm um I just want to remind everybody that garbage pickup during snow and ice events um if it is in fact snowing when you leave your home in the morning or if it's icy we're asking you to please Place garbage cans at the end of your driveway until we have a clear path to access them on your property we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our village employees safe in light of yesterday's storm and the suspension of recycling collection in area one we are rescheduling that collection for this Saturday February 17th so those people in area 1 who would have traditionally had their recycling collected yesterday on Tuesday that recycling pickup is rescheduled for this coming Saturday all Village offices and departments will be closed on Monday February 19th in observance of President Day there will be no garbage or recycling pickup and the recycling center will also be closed please check the village calendar for garbage and recycling pickups for the next week as it will change due to the holidays we also encourage you to sign up for the recycling coach app which will remind you about changes to garbage or recycling pickups as well as your weekly pickups uh please join the Ridgewood Parks and Recreation Department on their trip to the Philadelphia Flower Shop on Tuesday March 5th tickets are $8 which includes admission and bus transportation folks can register online through community pass if you have any questions you can call the recreation office and finally upcoming Village Council meetings we have a budget meeting at 5: pm on February 21st we have a budget meeting on February 26th at 5:00 pm our next work session is on February 28th at 7:30 we have a work session on March 6th Village Council public meeting on March 13th and a work session on March 27th all of the regular meetings and the work sessions begin at 7:30 and that concludes my report mayor thank you Keith and now we'll go to our Council reports sioban I am so excited to report that I don't have any reports because I always have a report and the snow canceled so many of my meetings so happy Valentine's Day to my Council who always listens to my longwinded apports that thank you sioban Evan I'm not sure I could top but I do have three very important things to to cover um so first uh historical preservation committee met last week um really excited about some new businesses coming to town and really want to thank the volunteers of hspc um really really great meeting and um really proud to be part of that I'm also really excited the um ridard Arts Council sponsored uh the cookie decorating contest at Paris bagette last Saturday um for those of you watching at home you should be pleased to know I guess also the folks here uh your Council works together uh my wife was ill I had to be on carpool Duty and Paul was kind enough to fill in for me it was a tough job having to help to um judge all those cookies and presumably eat some of them um but in all seriousness I think we had at least 30 families show up um Ridgewood residents great family fun activity uh and the Ridgewood Arts Council they just a tremendous job advertising and putting it together we actually ran out of space which is a wonderful problem to have uh and again just really super happy for them uh finally Fourth of July uh committee had their kickoff meeting uh on Monday a lot more coming on that tremend amount of work that's got to get done over the next couple months and you'll probably hear me repeatedly thank the volunteers which I will start again by doing tonight to thank you for all the Fourth of July volunteers as we start the process to make sure that the next Fourth of July parade is just as good as the 100 plus we've had uh before then thanks Evan and thanks for inviting me to the cookie decorating contest it was hard job Paul but somebody well somebody's got to do it he uh Lorraine thank you um so last week on Thursday there was a second meeting of of um safety on Clinton Avenue it was run by the village manager mayor was there I was there members of The Ridgewood police department and the engineering department were present along with residents of Clinton Avenue and um parents of children who walk up Clinton Avenue to go to school um I think it was very productive meeting there were lots of ideas thrown about and um we're waiting to hear updates on some of those ideas but in the meanwhile the I can't even read my own handwriting uh oh the barricades are going to remain up which is good the sign and they we've talked about getting signs so the parents had said you know they're trying to teach their kids you're supposed to walk up against um traffic traffic so they walked to school on the west side of the street so they wanted to have signs they didn't want to have cars parked in the street because that would impede the kids from being able to walk as close to the curb as possible so we're working on getting signs on the west side that say no parking between 800 and 9:00 a.m. and then when the kids walk home from school having signs on the east side no parking from 2:30 to 3:45 so that's in the works um and then also we did the mayor asked there was a bit of a consensus if certain things could not happen would they oppose sidewalks on one side of the street being the west side of the street and there was a general consensus that yes they would be okay with sidewalks if other things could not happen so we're waiting for updates on those so stay tuned and we have our next CC meeting is tomorrow night downstairs in the Garden Room at 7:30 if anybody wants to attend that's it thanks lorine Pam thank you this was jambur weekend and it was just a a rolicking good time um I would have to say it was the best jambur I've ever seen and they raised over $244,000 in in um scholarship funds so that was just amazing uh let's see the central business district advisory committee met and we are considering a prospective for businesses that might be considering coming to Ridgewood the special improvement district steering committee has also been meeting every two weeks um considering big issues uh a very overarching philosophical discussion is going on at this point blue Acres I went to one of the blue Acres meetings uh this one was in Loi and I thought it was going to be a presentation but it's much more customized than that if you have had flooding in your home it's it's sitting down with one of their representatives and really talking about your situation and what you're eligible for and um the application is not hard to fill out so uh if you have been flooded and you you need compensation for what your losses um and are considering selling your home do speak to Blue Acres uh green Ridgewood meets tomorrow night at 7:30 downstairs in the senior lounge and uh there are so many different projects going on in that group uh that I won't outline them all but uh let's see and then with regard to the Warner Theater closing the theater the theater owners were kind enough to offer The Village their seats all the that Theater seating and um it was Keith's idea that we should sell them and uh and and put the money towards some charitable or um other other 501c3 organizations so I approached the uh Ridgewood historical society and they are indeed selling the chairs for $50 per chair and if you would like one you can sign up uh through PayPal at Ridgewood Historical Society all one word or you can pay by ven Mo at Ridgewood Historical Society um and if you need any more information on this you can go to museum Ridgewood hisorical society.org the seats are very comfortable they are not brand new however but they are in good condition um if you want to buy a seat you have to come and pick it up this Saturday the 17th between 10:00 and 12:00 behind the Warner Theater so the entrance is on Dayton Street and um actually tomorrow is the last time you can pay in advance uh because the day after that they're coming to pull them out of the theaters themselves so um if you want a slice of history in your home this is one way to get it and that's all I have thank you thank you Pam um and and I just want to comment first jambur and Dad's night what are the community raises $350,000 every year for need-based scholarships and to support uh the needs of their elementary schools uh this is my favorite example of my favorite saying that you hear me talk about all the time that many hands make light work and they've been going on decade after decade after decade it makes me proud um to have been part of both of those organizations um the cookie decorating contest it was a heavy lift but I suffered through it um you had to see these kids making these cookies they were having more fun than you could possibly imagine um it was just just a great event and um the Clinton Avenue discussion that Lorraine Lorraine brought up I have to tell you this is this is a group of people there there aren't two sides to this there are people with different perspectives and they they all recognize each other's perspectives and I am uh cautiously optimistic that this is going to work out to everyone's U uh agreement uh because at one point we asked and and and Lorraine mentioned this um you know what about this option if it goes this way and I said who would object to that and I looked around the room and I thought maybe they didn't hear me so I asked again and there wasn't consensus there was unanimity so we're not there yet but I I have to say it was something that that really U uh I I really enjoyed being part of um and as far as the Warner theaters seating um this was Pam's initiative I'm I'm it's such a great great thing and and listen it was Keith's idea it was Keith's idea that you implemented I only had the idea she did all the work yeah look look he's got a lot of ideas trust me it's you know but but you having an idea and putting it to work that's that's that's the real work and uh I right it was a good idea F and and Deputy Mayor I also made a note I think we'll send out an e notice tomorrow about this program so maybe in the morning you and I can collaborate on that and we'll get that out before before the mid afternoon so sign up own a piece of history and with that we will move on to our resolutions okay there are no ordinances for introduction or public hearing for Ridgid water so Ridgewood water resolutions the following resolution number 24-37 through 24-54 will be adopted by a consent agenda with one vote by The Village Council they will be read by title only award additional amount of Soul Source contract furnish corrosion inhibitor award Soul Source contract skada software support award emergency contract repacking of air stripping Towers 20 water treatment facility title 59 approval servicing and repair of electric source award contract servicing and repair of electric source title 59 approval servicing and repair of portable water wells and pumping facilities award contracts servicing and repair of portable water wells and pumping facilities title 59 approval annual posos laboratory analysis Services award contract annual P laboratory analysis Services title 59 approval cold water meters and accessories award contract cold water meters and accessories title 59 approval annual laboratory analysis Services award contract annual laboratory analysis Services title 59 approval water billing and data collection Services award contract water billing and data collection Services award contract under sourcewell Cooperative pricing system maintenance of generators accept Ridge with water annual maintenance fee and establish interest rates for delinquent payments to the water utility for 2024 and set grace period for payment of water utility bills may I have a motion so moved second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes and the following resolution is number 24-55 through 24- 56 will be considered separately and read in full be resolved by The Village Council of Village Ridgewood that the specification specifically entitled as tree maintenance services for Ridgewood water prepared by rwood water 111 North Maple Avenue Ridgewood New Jersey being is hereby approved by the Village Council of the village of Ridgewood this resolution is adopted pursu pursuant to the authority of njsa 59 colum 4-6 I have a motion so moved second and I'm going to recuse myself in this matter pin yes Reynolds yes whites yes and winegrad yes the next resolution be it resolved by The Village Council of the village of Ridgewood that the bid for the provision of tree maintenance services for Ridgewood water for which bids were received on November 23rd 2022 be and is hereby awarded for year two of a two-year contract to the lowest responsible bidder down street service 65 Royal Avenue Hawthorne New Jersey and an amount not to exceed $80,000 be further resolve that the Chief Financial Officer has certified the funds are available contingent upon the Village Council appropriating such in the temporary budget for the year 2024 and subsequently adopting a 2024 budget to fund the full amount of the contract as it applies to 2024 Services may I have a motion so moved second and I'm also going to recuse myself from this matter okay perin yes Reynolds yes whites yes and winterr yes and we move on I move the clerk read ordinance 3981 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes wad yes vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3981 a bond ordinance providing for the paving of various roads in and by the village of Ridgewood in the county of Bergen New Jersey appropriating $2 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $1,900,000 bonds or notes of the village to finance part of the cost thereof the public hearing is now open seeing no one I will close the public hearing second I will move the public hearing be closed forgive me thanks thank you and she seconded parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganis yes I move that ordinance 3981 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes I move the clerk read ordinance 3982 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second parin yes Reynolds I'm recusing myself on this okay whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3982 an ordinance to establish regulations for inspections of certain rental dwellings for lead based paint the public hearing is now open seeing no one I move the public hearing be closed second parin yes whites yes wad yes and vaganos yes I move that ordinance 3982 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law I second the motion parin yes whites Yes W grad yes vaganos yes I move the clerk readed ordinance 398 three by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened I second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes Winograd yes vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3983 an ordinance to amend chapter 265 of the code of the village of Ridgewood vehicles and traffic at section section 26538 deposit of money required overtime parking prohibited the public hearing is now open seeing no one I move the public hearing be closed second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes vaganos yes I'm sorry I sorry somebody's got to move it I seconded it by accident sry yeah I'll move it um I move that ordinance 3983 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes I move the clerk readed ordinance 3984 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3984 an ordinance to amend salary ordinance 3909 fixing the salaries wages and other compensation for White Collar employees and to amend salary ordinance 3908 fixing the salaries wages and other compensation for the blue collar employees of the village of Ridgewood County of Bergen and state of New Jersey and to amend salary ordinance 3971 fixing salaries wages and other con compensation of non-union employees of the village of Ridgewood County of Bergen and state of New Jersey the public hearing is now open seeing no one I move the public hearing be closed closed second pin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes vagianos yes I move that ordinance 3984 be adopted on the second reading and the final publication as required by law second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes vaganos yes I move the clerk read ordinance 3985 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second pin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3985 an ordinance to amend chapter 145 fees of the village code for Gren pool membership fees tennis pickle ball membership fees and summer day camp fees the public hearing is now open good evening An Loving 34 to South Irving Street I'd like to thank you for keeping the fees at grade and the same and although this is not part of the ordinance I would like to thank the village manager for um continuing uh the tradition of supporting camp ydp and the citizens for swimming program in Patterson that um we provide a discount of $10 a day per child for that program and then it's subsidized by donors individual donors and churches and whatnot thank you thank you Ann anyone else seeing no one I move the public hearing be closed second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes windrad yes vaganos yes I move that ordinance 3985 be adopted on the second reading and the final publication as required by law second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes vagianos yes I move the clerk read ordinance 3986 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes Winograd yes vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3986 an ordinance to establish a new chapter of the code of the village of Ridgewood entitled anti-nepotism policy the public hearing is now open seeing no one I move the public hearing be closed second pin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes I move oops excuse me sorry I move that ordinance 3986 be adopted on the second reading and the final publication as required by law I second the motion paren I pushed for this and I'm glad to see it on the agenda and I hope it passes this gives Clarity to anybody who wants to run for a Village Council or serve as the village manager I think it's a very important measure and I vote Yes Reynolds yes whites agree very much with pams I'm very happy that we have some transparency on this and I proudly vote Yes on this one wad very happy to vote Yes vaganos yes I move the clerk readed ordinance 3987 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be open second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3987 an ordinance to amend Chapter 3 of the code of The Village at section 62 entitled alternative hiring civilian titles to establish a new section c entitled entry level Police Department hiring the public hearing is now open seeing no one I I move the public hearing be closed second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes vaganos yes I move that ordinance 3987 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes I move the clerk read ordinance 3988 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3988 an ordinance to amend Chapter 3 of the code of the village of Ridgewood administration of government at section 3-43 Police Department the public hearing is now open seeing no one I move the public hear hearing be closed second I move at ordinance 30 minute oh sorry pin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes I move that ordinance 3988 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law I second the motion parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes wnr yes vaganos yes I move the clerk read ordinance 3989 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes wiad yes vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3989 an ordinance to amend chapter 265 of the code of the village of Ridgewood vehicles and traffic at section uh good evening mayor and Council Boyd a loving 342 South Irving Street um can somebody please explain what the Genesis of this ordinance is it's my understanding that you do not wish to permit anybody to park all day on Cottage Place is that correct between Franklin and 500 feet north of Franklin that's my intention we did get an email from the police uh Keith do you want to respond to it yeah I was GNA say no emailing me on this we did look into it and we did get an offal the email if it just give me a moment I I'm concerned about unintended consequences in adopting this ordinance I communicated with councilman whites about this um again my concern is unintended consequences and I'll explain after the manager tells me why this is so this this recommendation to adopt this ordinance came directly from the Ridgewood police Department um councilman whites had asked multiple times uh for some clarity on this and this is an email that was written by um officer Torino um who was involved in the process of moving this ordinance along approximately 6 months or so ago the signs on Cottage Place needed to be replaced due to fading the sign said 4H hour parking 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. prior to the replacing of the sign it was confirmed that the signs themselves were wrong there was no ordinance to back them up so Ridgewood signal division made the signs to match the ordinance for cottage which is what is currently signed as of this date which make absolutely which which which do not support any of the current laws in place because there was Zero enforcement possible due to the word the existing wording the 3-hour limit from 700 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 900 p.m. that verbiage is unenforceable as there is no time that a vehicle will be over the 3-hour limit so all day parking on Cottage so what the recommendation was was to fix the ordinance to make it enforcable there was already a limit in place the original 4-Hour signs that were being enforced improperly we were trying to fix an error what we have seen since then is that we have had to stop enforcing a time limit as employees and commuters parking on Cottage all day since there is no enforceable limit this ordinance will Rectify that should we allow commuters and employees to park on the street all day in front of a church in a store that could use more more parking this has become a challenge North Walnut is regulated um there won't be any un unintended consequences uh from the position of the police department every street within the CBD is regulated for this reason Cottage was thought to be regulated also but again we need this ordinance to support that and that comes from office Torino who worked with the chief to establish this ordinance okay I I understand that the previous signs didn't make any sense and that there was no ordinance that you could enforce all day parking uh the prohibit Pro prohibition of all day parking I understand that but my concern is that I don't understand what is wrong with parking all day in an area that isn't residential there is a supermarket there that has a large parking lot and both of the churches there have parking lots what is wrong with somebody parking in a nonresidential area all day it's almost like you're trying to force people to have to pay for parking in one of the the Lots um what's going to happen here is if people can't park there I know some people who park there now some of the letter carries in the post office this is going to force them to park on North Walnut north of Lynwood Avenue in a residential Zone if they don't want to pay for parking so my concern is that you're going to push this situation into a residential area right now it's in a commercial area it's really not bothering anybody the Stop and Shop has adequate parking the churches have parking you're going to take this problem that's in a commercial area where it's bothering nobody and push it into a residential area if you've ever driven on North Walnut Street north of L Wood Avenue you'll see that there are many cars parked there all day long and those are for the most part people who work in the post office and other areas that they Park early stay there all day when they get off their shift they move their cars typically what I've heard come before the council is residents who were complaining about parking all day in front of their homes so now you're going to have a situation where you may have some of the residents in that area who are coming in and saying hey we' noticed an increase number of cars parking in the area and that is because they can no longer Park on Cottage Place so again my cons my question is what is the issue with parking in a commercial area a supermarket two churches there are no residences in that area Franklin 500 feet north of up sorry Cottage Place 500 feet north of Franklin I I don't understand what the situation is well and and I'm happy to answer that one Boyd okay um uh I'm going to say 10 15 years ago uh we had our Lots open to all day parking and what happened was uh commuters from all the surrounding towns came to Ridgewood and parked there all day and the harm was to the stores because those um the the point of having a Time limitation is to have turnover for each parking space when a commuter comes in at what ever 7:30 in the morning and stays there till 6:00 at night that space or maybe that whole lot is locked up all day and so there's no place for Shoppers and diners to go and that's the purpose of the commercial Lots in the central business district is to uh fa is is to service the um the stores in the surrounding area so that's the problem with with having an all day parking of anyone is it hurts hurts the central business district but this isn't a lot this is a street right and that is and this new ordinance is consistent with all the other ordinances downtown in the commercial areas you don't get to park there all day long because then the employees will just park there and there won't be room for for the Shoppers and diners and visitors to share the share is also there I mean this is consistent with other other things and I mean there is coming and goings there uh all around for B of Ed and it's consistent with everywhere around town that doesn't allow somebody to just stay in place all day I also want to say that we did just recently defeat um a proposal on North Walnut that I don't have in front of me but the residents expressly did not want to put the cap there and so we sent those letters out and I I remember this man came and I remember I was the one who defeated it because we got so much feed feedback that the people on North Walnut did not want us to restrict that because they like parking in front of their house and they wanted the the limitation okay well I again my concern is that the people who are parking all day there now on Cottage are going to move someplace else they're not going to move to a lot they're not going to you know they're not going to pay in a lot they're not going to move to the garage they're going to find another spot the park and I think you what you're going to see is they're going to wind up on North Walnut Street north of lywood Avenue and you know maybe you'll have some of the residents here complaining about that we'll just have to wait and see what happens thank you very much thank you Boyd anyone else seeing no one I move the public hearing be closed where are we may have a second you yeah is it me we I've lost our place me I second the motion okay pin yes Reynolds yes whites yes wad yes and vaganov yes I moved it ordinance 3889 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law have a second I second the motion okay parin yes Reynolds yes whites Boyd I thank you for your input um I do also vote Yes on this though Winograd yes and vaganos yes I move the clerk read ordinance 3990 by title on second reading and that the public hearing thereon be opened second pin yes Reynolds yes whites yes windrad yes and vaganos yes will the clerk please read the title of ordinance 3990 a bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of a rear loader rearload Packer garbage truck in and by the village of Ridgewood in the county of Bergen New Jersey appropriating $437,500 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $415,500 bonds or notes of the village to finance part of the cost thereof the public hearing is now open seeing no one I move the public hearing be closed second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes rrad yes vaganos yes I move that ordinance 3990 be adopted on the second reading and final publication as required by law I second pin yes Reynolds while I agree that we need this Packer truck desperately um I disagree with where money is coming from we already have money appropriated that we could use for this so I'm going to vote no on this okay whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes the following resolution is number 2457 through 24-72 will be adopted by a consent agenda with one vote by The Village Council they will be read by title only award contract annual maintenance for software for finance department award contract restoration and Remediation of Maple Park field award contract restoration and Remediation of Veterans Field title 59 approval landfill disposal of solid waste award contract landfill disposal of solid waste award contract under Somerset County cooperative pricing System Solar Tech Message Board trailer award contract under New Jersey Wastewater Cooperative pricing system Bic Valley steage commission siphon and Pump Station cleaning services for water pollution control facility or contract under New Jersey Wastewater Cooperative pricing system Bic Val Valley sewage commission replacement pump for water pollution control facility authorized partnership with green Ridgewood and Columbia University School of International and public affairs develop plans and proposed strategies for sustainability projects establish interest rate for delinquent taxes and non-payment of Assessments and other Municipal leans for 2024 and set grace period and due date establish interest rates for delinquent payments for significant sewer discharger bills for 2024 authorized cancellation of tax overpayments and delinquent amounts authorize tax collector to charge for mailing of tax sale notices authorized mailing of estimated 2024 third quarter tax bills authorized electronic tax sales and declare property surplus of it equipment may I have a motion so moved second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes winegrad yes and vaganos yes and the final resolution be it resolved by The Village Council of the village of Ridgewood that Matthew lindenberg is hereby appointed to the open space Recreation Farmland historic preservation committee as a resident member to a term which expires on December 31st 2025 and be a further resolved that this appointment is effective immediately I have a motion so moved second parin yes Reynolds yes whites yes windrad yes and vaganos yes and that's the end of our agenda so we're going to go to comments from the public seeing no one I will close public comment motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I anyone opposed thank you wow this is