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district principal offices faculty rooms and the board office according to New Jersey Public Law 20001 chapter 226 the smoking or use of any tobacco product is strictly prohibited anywhere in the public school buildings or anywhere on school grounds including but not limited to the parking lots grassy areas and athletic fields violators will be subject to a fine not to exceed $100 thank you the mission of riverdell Regional School District is to provide a safe safe student centered environment in which each student is valued and respected to ch challenge each student to reach their potential to nurture every student's intellectual social physical and emotional growth to promote a healthy worth ethic a passion for Learning and a respect for oneself and others to develop responsible citizens for our diverse community and an everchanging world to continue to involve our community in an active partnership to provide all students the opportunity to achieve and exceed the New Jersey student student learning standards thank you this point I'd like to open it up for public comments on agenda items only hearing none we'll go right to the budget presentation all right I will fill in for uh Mrs angle who's not able to be here this evening for the budget presentation I know uh Trudy would would like me to start off by thanking the board uh for their participation in the budget process uh and a special thanks to the the finance committee for all the work that they did and putting in uh a lot of time and effort into this budget as you know we absorbed over a $300,000 decrease in our state aid which represents about 11% cut to our state aid this year which was uh challenging to say the least but we're very proud of the budget that we put before you uh and especially proud that we have not cut student services uh by one penny Okay uh just for your information as a point of information our enrollment is basically steady these are intervals of of five students that you see here you have uh all the years from 2016 to 2024 our enrollment is essentially stable during all that time there's not much transiency in our district uh which is a good thing and and helpful for our our district as well and for budgeting numbers by way of comparison our 2324 adjusted school budget is compared to our 2425 school budget as proposed uh you see the changes on the right side of the screen uh in our general fund our Capital outlay the most outstanding change you will see there is represented under the grants what that really is representing is the fact that the Esser money that that we've been receiving from the federal government over the last several years uh from covid uh is now ending and that's where you see the the big differential there this is just a graphic representation of our revenues our current revenues in the 2425 year budget our budget is proposed as revenues being 40 million $747 69 you see the majority of that comes from our local tax share which is approximately 87% coming from the local taxpayer and you see the other pieces of the pie there are a couple of different uh other Revenue sources that we have uh in our district including Federal sources some tuition and our state aid numbers and and some capital reserve as well uh the appropriation side uh the same kind of pie chart um looking at uh how we are appropriating the money that we are spending in our budget of course the same number that we are bringing in in revenue is what we propose to appropriate in our new budget the majority of this the majority piece of the pie is obviously instructional including General and and special education uh but you see there are a number of other areas that are uh counted for in their pieces of the pie as well in this graphic representation some fiscal efficiencies which I'm sure the board is aware of but the public at home may not be uh we do belong to to an insurance Consortium to bring down the price of of our insurance our different kinds of insurance health benefits uh and our um uh legally binding that we're supposed to have our our regular General insurance policies we of course belong to a Statewide Consortium to purchase internet bandwidth as most districts do uh we are part of a Cooperative purchasing program for instructional supplies for office supplies our technology um and our special education Transportation some of that is through Region 5 uh but a number of other sources as well uh and of course we'll participate in the eate program for telecommunications and receive rebates uh from the federal government on a number of purchases that we have mostly Hardware uh computers and switches and servers and wiring for the district um is all covered uh with rebates through uh eate the rate program uh just a quick budget overview this 2425 budget provides of course the the necessary District staff and uh academic offerings and extracurricular program and activities and as well as transportation for all of our students that we are required to transport and for all of our programs it maintains the instructional programs that we currently have and that are that we are planning to add in the next year and also meets our contractual obligations with our teachers and anyone else that we have contracts with IT addresses school safety and maintains our buildings and grounds which we have been accustomed to over the years and of course stays within the guidelines of the New Jersey statutory State caps the next slide will um talk about the municipal share the tax levy you have a history here from 1920 up to the current year um of the tax impact for River Edge and for idell resins we are currently at 47.8% um tax burden on the idel resins and 52.2% on River Edge you see it's actually very small but you see the impact on the average um assessed home in River Edge and also an ell uh based on this budget and the the current tax impact that you see before you and that concludes the presentation there are no changes from the initially submitted budget that went to the county it was approved from the county it came back to us we made no changes since that time so that's all information that you've already been uh privy to previously any questions okay thank you okay student member report uh so I'll be reporting alone tonight because Jonah is currently coming back from a baseball game that got delayed because of the weather because apparently it was storming up in pasca Hills so um I'll start with the high school report so over the past two weeks the high school has been as busy as always congratulations to our robotics team on their performance at the national robotic tournament in Houston Texas um from April 18th to the 20th after completing the qualifying matches the team earned the third seed and made it to the divisional rounds on April 19th rivell students participated in their last Hawk day with an early assembly for all grade levels all Juniors and seniors heard from Matthew balis a comedian and inspirational speaker on resiliency all freshmen and sophomores enjoyed a program by Tom Shoemaker who shared his story Nationwide on motivation and confidence building congratulations to lyanna stains for her recognition in a poetry contest as a part of Miss Silverman's creative writing class her poetry will be published in the American High School poets spring 20124 edition on April 25th Miss mcginley's AP Language and Composition class class had an open discussion with about the everyday uses of rhetoric with author and rhetoric expert Jay Henrik it was an excellent experience for students to ask questions and learn more about English language on April 26th the Riverdale marching band visited um River Edge and orell elementary schools to perform for all sixth grade classes we can't wait for these future Hawks to get involved for upcoming events over the first two weeks of May AP testing will occur for all students enroll in an AP course good luck to all students preparing for their exams and lastly um there are some exciting n of your senior class activities that are coming up soon with a senior class Hawaii Hawaiian luau on May 16th and a senior class Barbecue on May 17th and for the middle school report congratulations to the rdms April Hawk Spotlight recipients they are as follows sonv guar Matilda Syracuse Jake olendorf Daniel Lynn Arya advon Sydney lson Sean eninger and Eli Gonzalez these students were recommended by staff members for modeling the examples of positive behavior we often talk about at rdms way to go Hawks on Friday April 19th ptso generously provided students with the seventh grade in the seventh grade with guest speaker Tim Shoemaker to motivate students and talk about resilience and effectively handling stress students in the eighth grade travel to the high school to meet with current seniors for a panel discussion and building tours it was a great day for rdms and we thank Riverdale High School staff and students for volunteering their time and efforts during the week of April 15th the sigma free Club organized Mental Health Awareness Week the objective was to spread knowledge and support for various mental illnesses that affect our school Community throughout the week students were taught lessons in their elective classes to increase their knowledge on these issues and showed support by wearing colors of different mental illnesses cbh care hosted mental health Jeopardy for students to learn more statistics about mental health and earned prizes and lastly the environmental Club participated in the party for the planet at the Bergen County Zoo on Saturday April 20th the party for the planet is North America's largest Earth Day celebration with over 120 zoos and museums involved the environmental Club represented well sharing important information with those who showed up for the event thank you okay my report I just have one thing um every year US news world reports rates the 25,000 high schools in the country and this year I'm proud to say that rivell Regional High School their overall score was 93.5 out of 100 we rated number 11 in Bergen County we rated number 53 in the state and we rated 1,145 out of 25,000 in the country so I think that's pretty good that's pretty good I would agree and basically that's all I have okay me no ready for me now yes okay good evening again everyone uh just a couple of items to piggyback on what Melissa was talking about I I I took part in some of the mental health awareness week at the middle school was outstanding I wanted to she's not here tonight but Stephanie Hartman had a lot to do with helping us to coordinate that um um with um Danielle kase and I thought it was an excellent job I I have my mental health awareness bracelet on my rd1 um that one of the students made for me um and it was just a great atmosphere the the culminating day especially but throughout the entire week just hearing students talk about how they're feeling and their mental health and being able to openly talk about that was very refreshing and I know there was a lot of work that went into it um from Stephanie from Danielle and from many of the staff members of the middle school so I look forward to seeing what the high school will bring forward shortly um but it was very much um a lot of fun to be part of and very much worthwhile uh our next meeting is May 13th I've asked the robotics team to come in and do a quick little presentation for you so you can see um the great work that they've done this year and why they receed the accolades they have so we'll have that at our next meeting I also have Mr Delora coming in to do the AI presentation for you so we'll have a couple of items to present to you um just looking here I might have to clear some of this out for the robotics people they need a lot of room but I'll figure that out over the next couple weeks I might have to bring on Dr Houston to look at it to see where we can do it we might have to move it someplace else but uh we'll figure that out I want you to see it and I want to see it myself because I have not seen it except for on TV I mentioned last meeting that we're gearing up for our annual um standardized testing U Melissa was talking about that a little bit um that actually has begun in this this week with our science Testing being uh taking place at the middle school um May will be much busier as we approach May uh at the end of this week with AP testing as mosta mentioned at the high school at all of our njsla testing is grade seven 8 and nine and also science in grade 11 so a lot going on in the next month as it is here in Riverdale but in any public school in New Jersey uh this this week just to a reminder to the board members you're all invited of course we have our Honor Society inductions taking place on May 1st this is this Wednesday um in the courtyard of the uh high school here uh which I'm very excited to see I I actually saw it for the first time I I realized I had not been in the courtyard yet until the other day it's very nice it's very nice and we should use it more I think because it's it's very impressive I haven't actually been out there until a couple of days ago it was a nice day and I went out and we it was the uh bring your child to work day and we had some of the kids out there I went out to see them I said this is really nice we should use this more so ay plus to Riverdale on having that but we'll be using that area for our inductions for the many honor societies that we have here Rivero so I'm excited to see that board members are of course invited and any parents uh at home of our many inductees uh please you're welcome here as well we would love to see you what time is it it is at 6 o' there's uh kind of like uh get together and then the actual ceremony starts at 7 you decided to move it from the who came up with idea of moving into the cour just curiosity I I think no because i' I've never seen it done there before which is usually in the auditorium that's what I was asking but that's great since we started like they cleaned it up and we've used it for the prom I think they want to we've been trying to use it yeah so I think that I think it's a great option it's always been it's always been an underutilized I haven't said it's part of what makes riverdell better right that's what makes us better we have a courtyard all right that concludes my report Mr President okay committee reports budget and finance no meeting okay facilities okay community relations and Technology nothing to report at this time okay curriculum nothing new to report at this time okay policy and government I'm just going to tail them with everybody else nothing to rep there you go we do have meeting we have a policy coming up in June I think we'll have a meeting we do yeah okay thank you all okay at this point I'd like to move on all designated with asteris on the consent agenda do I have a motion I'll make a motion thank you do I have a second I'll second it thanks John any questions okay now yeah John yes Robert yes Anette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Claudia yes Allan yes okay uh resignation and retirements is recommended by the superintendant that the board accept with regret the resignation due to retirement of teacher of special education Morin ke effective June 30th 2024 do I have a motion I make a motion thank you I have a second I'll second it thanks John any questions John yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Claudia yes I hope she enjoys her time and yes uh it's recommended by the superintendent would accept with regret the resignation to retirement of teacher of English Brian Reich effective June 30th 20 24 I'll make the motion do I have a second I'll okay I'll second I'm watching the student John yes Robert yes Anette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Claudia yes I wish him well Allan yes 8 I uh okay 12 a it is recommended by the superintendent that the board approve the 2024 2025 board goals do I have a motion I'll make the motion than John thank you Doug any questions John yes Robert yes Anette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Claudia yes Alan yes a okay 13d is out 13g resolved to approve a school district final budget for the 2024 2025 school year for a submission to the executive County superintendent's office do I have a motion I'll make the motion and I I want to commend the uh Administration for getting through a very tough year putting a great agenda coming uh budget for us than second thank any questions he none John yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Allen yes dou yes Barbara yes Claudia yes Allan yes ADI okay 13h it is recommended by the super inant and board secretary that the board approved the schedule of tax levy payments for the 2024 2025 school year as follows River regge borrow total 18 Milli 6715 35 and ordell burrow 17,1 142,5 to I have a motion I'll make the motion thanks John I have a second second thanks St any questions John yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Claudia yes Allan yes ADI okay 13 L whereas the rivel regional School District Board of Education advertised for bids for the gymnasium flooring abatement project do I have a motion I I'll second thank you any questions John K yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Claudia yes Alan yes a I okay old business new business just one item under old business because Mr Pepe just reached out to me to tell me to correct me that the ceremony is actually in the auditorium but the reception is in the courtyard so you have a principal who's home watching the meeting he couldn't come here to watch it but I guess I'm sitting at home watch you got your answer in I've been trying to figure that out I swear to God in my wheels have been turning I'm like where where's everybody going 6:00 6:00 in I we never I don't remember ever having a reception before no we've had a reception yeah you probably would come from the city yeah for National yeah he probably would like coming from the city I guess I was only invited to the uh Auditorium and my family went today any other Ro business thank you nothing anything for forward discussion um I just have one thing I have we reached any um dates yet for the retreat that we had talked about I'm going to see Matt Lee at my meeting this week and I'm going to propose some ideas for him and bring that back to the board hopefully for our May meeting okay well before that but officially at our May meeting okay okay I'd like to open it up for public comments you guys all look stunned out there when we were reading something earlier phones came out you guys were all like oh shocking still in much he's a he's a Jet fan don't listen him okay okay hearing no comments from the public do I have to motion to adour I make that motion okay all in favor I e e