e [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the flag salute I aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and Justice for [Music] All Stephanie John here Robert here Annette here Tracy Ellen here Doug Barbara here CIA here Allan here Jonah here Melissa yeah the jur Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Riverdale regional board of education has caused notice of this regular meeting to be publicized by having the date time in place sent to the record and the star lger newspapers the burough clerks and burough libraries as well as posting in the school district principal's offices faculty rooms and the board office according to New Jersey Public Law 2001 chapter 226 the smoking or use of any tobacco product is strictly prohibited anywhere in the public buildings or anywhere in school grounds including but not limited to the parking lots grassy areas and athletic fields violators will be subject to a fine not to exceed $100 the mission of Riverdale Regional School District is to provide a safe student centered environment in which each student is valued and respected to challenge each student to reach their potential to nurture every student's intellectual social physical and emotional growth to promote a healthy work ethic a passion for Learning and a respect for oneself and others to develop responsible citizens for our diverse community and an Ever Changing world to continue to involve our community in active partnership to provide all students the opportunity to achieve and exceed the New Jersey student learning standards thank you okay at this point I'd like to open it up to the public for agenda items only hearing student member report so this is the high school report congrats the whole cast and career of the drama club on their performance of Mean Girls last month congrats to the high school Key Club for placing first in their single service reward for bilingual story times competition last month the transition to high school meeting was last month and a big thanks to the students who assisted the families uh big congrats to Mr Wilson for getting picked as the Riverdale High School Bergen County teacher of the year uh he was picked by Committee of teachers administrators parents and board members the solar Clips happened last week and special thanks to the school for providing the clips classes so students can experience this thanks to the class of 2023 Project Graduation for donating new umbrellas for the tables in the oval and the English 11 field trip to Medieval Times was was a success last week thanks to the teachers for planning this fun experience for the students so some upcoming events good luck to the robotics team traveling to Houston this week to compete in the national competition and we have another Hawk day this Friday very excited to see what this one has to offer and for the Middle School uh congratulations to the rdms March Hawk Spotlight recipients they are as follows Dylan Leman will Rabinowitz uh Jenny Jong lilan benman Jaden faer Dean Quilla Kyrie Sakai Chen and Olivia wo these students were recommended by staff members for modeling examples of the positive behavior we often talk about rdms way to go Hawks in January over 200 rdms students participated in the American math competition top scores were earned by Ryan Lou Ian Lee Andrew Lee KET Shaha and Yola Yang uh both Ryan and Ian finish in the top 5% of all students who tested in the entire nation inspired by the book the red pencil the rivel 7th graders participated in a Dollar Mania fundraiser to fight for Education the goal was to raise money and awareness for children in India who don't have access to educational opportunities every dollar donated will make a big difference in giving these children the education they deserve students were encouraged to work together to maximize their impact this project allows students at rdms to come together as a community and contribute to a worthy cause building another FL floor of the Forefront School in India uh giving children access to education and finally congratulations to the rdms Odyssey of the Mind team who competed over the weekend at the Carterette at the um state championships they earned this opportunity by finishing first in their region earlier this year their dedication and effort led to an outstanding performance that truly represented riberto in a spectacular fashion shout out to advisers Miss loano and Miss W for their guidance and willingness to give up so much time to lead this talented group of students the members of the team are Ira adini Nicole blel um Audrey G Jang uh Serena Jung uh Jason Kang and Miranda Lee thank you okay president's report I just have one thing on here if you haven't done your self- evaluation please get it done in the next couple of weeks um if you have any questions you can email me and I'll tell you how to get into school boards to do it and Robert I think we can pass this year um you don't have to do it you get a pre pass for one year right superintendent's report thank you good evening everyone um so as you're probably aware marking period 4 has begun we're in the final quarter of the school year and and all my years in education people like to say you know you must be winding down it's the end of the school year but it's really the exact opposite it's a Sprint at the end of the school year once you hit April and certainly may and into June uh we have all these end of the year activities and culminating activities and honor societies and and all the rest uh coming up over the next couple of months so our principles and the advisers of our different clubs and different activities do a really good job I believe of keeping our public informed our students and our parents informed uh through our website and through uh social media blasts and Instagram and email blasts as well we do Endeavor to keep everyone inform but you may miss something somewhere so please reach out this is for more more for people at home uh please reach out to your principes your teachers your ad your students advisers um so that you don't miss anything because these are important items that come up at the end of the year and important events that we want everyone to be a part of we also fortunately or unfortunately gear up for State Testing in the month of May uh we have a lot of testing that goes on the njsla testing at several different grade levels uh and certainly all the AP testing we have a lot of AP testing that happens in our high school that also happens in May I'll have more information on on that probably our next meeting as we get a little bit closer to it as far as the timetable for that uh but there'll be a lot of information going out to students and to families on that as well and just a point of information uh a memo went out last week from me or letter I should say to the public just announcing that our two snow days or emergency days that we had remaining on the calendar will be made up on um May 24th and May 28th so we essentially attach them to the front end and the back end of the Memorial Day Weekend give everybody a nice long weekend from the 24th to the 28th that concludes my report thank you what about the teachers it's uh in the it's on the agenda oh okay I was going to do it there okay all right committee report budget and finance John no meeting since last time okay facilities and security I don't think they had a meeting uh community relations we haven't had a meeting but we have one scheduled for next month okay curriculum nothing to report this time okay and policy and governance um we've had a meeting a couple weeks ago and we have I don't think we have one coming up do we have one coming no but we probably will but we probably will right that's my guess before the summer time we'll have at least one more that's what I kind of thought but we do have um policies for second readings on tonight's agenda okay thank you okay um let's move uh on the consent agenda do I have a motion I'll make a motion do I have a second I'll second thank you any questions okay John yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Barbara yes Claudia yes Allan yes okay our first motion is B1 it is recommended by the superintendent that the board accept accept with regret the resignation due to retirement of teacher of English Linda mola makoka effective June 30th 2024 do I have a motion I'll I'll make that motion I'll second unfortunately okay thank you John John yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Barbara yes yes Foria yes and I wish Linda nothing but the best of luck she's an incredible teacher and will be missed Alan yes and I wish her all the luck in her retirement okay B2 it is recommended by the superintendent that the board accept with regret the resignation due to retirement of teacher of Science and Marie Whitaker effective June 30th 2024 do I have a motion I'll make that motion too okay second thank you John Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Allen yes Robert yes Claudia yes and another stunner of a a teacher that deserves a lot of accolades and I wish her well Alan yes and I wish her all the best I'll say a couple of things about Linda and about anamarie um I see them very often because my office is in the middle school so we we cross paths a lot especially anarie but also Linda as well um two teachers who I believe I'm only know them this year but I think they're teaching the same they way now as they probably did when they first started teaching they're very dedicated to what they do I had a conversation with anamarie the other day um she was showing me an article in uh Frontline magazine about something she was teaching about that I happen to be in her classroom in the beginning of the year I think it was about renewable resources and um I said well then you don't need to retire I said you're so Cutting Edge you should stay we I can pull I have the red pen I can cross it out on the agenda right now uh but they're both ready ready to retire and they're leaving on very good terms and feeling really good about their careers here at riverdell and both had so much to say to me personally and also in writing in their res in their retirement letters uh about what a pleasure and what what an honor it was to work in the riverdell public school so thank you to both of them thank you okay like to make a uh motion on second reading 11a it is recommended by the superintendent that the board approve the second reading of the following policy 5,000 series concussion management and the 6,000 series field trips I'll make that motion I have no problem okay I think we can put B with that because it it it it paired with okay is the regulation for the 5,000 to 6,000 series 11 A and B do I have a second thank you who first thank you okay and since it's a second reading like to open it up to the public hearing nothing um John yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Allen yes Barber yes Claudia yes Alan [Applause] yes okay 11 C is recommended by the superintendent that the board approved the selection of the following professional staff members as riverdell 2024 Bergen County teacher educational Services professional recognition program recipients an Marie Whitaker in the middle school and Jeffrey Williams in the high school Wilson Wilson Wilson it's a typo it's a typo oh you read it correctly but we had a typo in there okay I'll make the motion do I have a second I'll second John yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Barbara yes Floria yes and congratulations yes regarding lettery and the um recipients of the professional recognition program um just a thank you to the committee that that worked to bring this together as they met for about an hour and and really went over the candidates we had great candidates this year uh several from each building that we reviewed um and they could all have been easily the teacher of the year in their respective buildings so I appreciate the teachers um the members the rdea that came together uh the parents that we had on the committee as well and also our administrators for taking the time to put such a thoughtful process together uh and we have two very deserving recipients thank you you're welcome okay I'd like to bring over from the executive agenda 3-e appointments it is recommended by the superintendent that the board approve the appointment of the following volunteer assistant coaches for The 2024 spring athletic season Rick da and Nicholas pepone I'll make that motion second any discussion no okay John yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Owen yes Barbara yes Floria yes Allan yes okay that takes us to Old business I have I have a couple of them written down from last time there was a u gen presentation that was going to be done and it was going to be brought back to the board did that happen um we're meeting with the faculty first and then once we do that we're going to bring it to the board when are you targeting um to bring it to the board I'm going to guess the May meeting because I know we have budget in the next meeting so I'm going to hopefully have have that for you for the main meeting was it held already or not yet the the presentation itself no the presentation was not held no we had oh I'm sorry presentation to our committee was held yes was it good very good okay very informative and uh excellent nerve-wracking to be honest with you about the amount of information that that we got it's a little bit of information over which why we want to bring it out to our teachers and faculty meetings and then bring it to the board excellent all good stuff though thank you you're welcome any other old business new business okay board discussion anything I just want to bring up one thing for board discussion um we had talked two months ago about planning a summer retreat um I'd like to know if anybody has an opinion on that they would like to do it little bonding yeah I think so we should do it yeah what would be a good month July yeah we don't have an August meeting so right we don't meet in August so July would be the best month okay and would you like to do it during the week or on a on a Saturday I know nobody wants to do it really on a Saturday but probably during the week would be easier most people many people would if they're going away it's going to be on a weekend so okay um you throw out a couple of dates we'll we'll send it out to the board and um we'll go from there okay anything else all right open it up to public comments you're blocking the one [Laughter] person okay hearing I feel bad the kids just got on the camera and now we're [Laughter] done always next okay do I have a motion to I made that motion I have a second thank you John