e [Music] [Music] oh m [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands na indivisible justice for all please remain standing for one moment absolutely the district suffered a great loss in the last week and that is of um our Administrative Assistant from the main office Mrs debie po uh passed away after 45 years of service in our district I just wanted to take a moment of silence to recognize her service to the district and recognize the person that she was she no doubt touched many lives both here on the board in our audience here and and and many students and staff members and parents and families over the course of over 45 years Debbie hook [Music] yes Tracy Allen [Music] here Barbara here CIA here Alan here that was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies of which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the visions of this act the Riverdale regional board of education has caused notice of this regular meeting to be publicized by having the date time in place sent to the record record the star lger newspapers burough clerks and burough libraries as well as posting in the school district principal offices faculty rooms and the board office according to New Jersey Public Law 2001 chapter 226 the smoking or use of any tobacco product is strictly prohibited anywhere in the public school buildings or anywhere in school grounds including but not limited to the parking lots grassy areas and athletic fields violators will be subject to fine not to exceed $100 thank you I'll read the mission statement the mission of the ridel Regional School District is to provide a safe student centered environment in which each student is valued and respected to challenge each student to reach their potential to nurture every student's intellectual social physical and emotional growth to promotee a healthy work ethic a passion for Learning and a respect for oneself and others to develop responsible citizens for our diverse community and an Ever Changing world to continue to involve our community in an active partnership to provide all students the opportunity to achieve and exceed the New Jersey student learning standards at this time I'd like to open it up to the public for agenda items so hearing nothing um okay there's no presentation no student member report tonight students go straight to the president's report um I have very little except I want to wish everybody a great summer um I have the forms here from Trudy for those of you that are uh reupping for the Board of Ed so don't forget to leave with one and um I'm happy to report the friends of riverdell sclf outing is completely sold out for the first time in fact we're turning people away at the moment so you know you can come dinner you can come for dinner come for dinner if you want coming for dinner Tracy joining us for dinner I've never been maybe I would it's F it's aot fun and the date again what is the date again Monday the 24th thank you and dinner is 5:30 I believe it's actually it's kind of cute okay superintendent report okay thank you Mr President uh just a couple of reminders for you obviously this is the the culmination of our school year this week with our two graduations the middle school and the high school both happening on Thursday Middle School graduation is at 1:30 on the High School Stadium Field and the high school graduation is at 5:00 p.m. on the same at the same location uh no rain in the forecast but we very warm as you've probably noticed um checking the the last couple of days we're expecting 95 plus de temperature and uh some oppressive humidity so we working with the building principal and our and our uh staff here to figure out the best ways we can to keep people as cool as possible and move our C ceremony along along and give our students The Experience they deserve um so more on that as we get closer to it I'm very happy to report that our senior scholarship night which took place about two weeks ago uh we gave out over 80 Awards totaling over $90,000 I just received that total today so I wanted to just say publicly thank you to the generosity or for the generosity of all of our donors um here in the riverdell community uh it does not go unnoticed it's uh certainly appreciated by our seniors and everyone here president present our interact Club Mrs S Miss Sagle reached out to me today just to let me know um and ask me to share with the board that um this is a very active Club as you know in our high school they have actually compiled over 3,800 hours of service to our community just in the last year uh she was doing a l of her totals I guess over the last couple of days um and I want to just publicly thank her for her work with that group and also the the many students she has involved and the for the many service hours that they've provided to the people in our community um and just on a personal note thank you all for such a fantastic first year as superintendent because July 1 it's year two for me and our next meeting is my year too so um I appreciate all the assistance along the way and for me at least it's been a great year thank you and thank you okay at this point I'd like to move that all items designated with an asate be part of a consent agenda and approved do I have a motion make a motion second thank you any questions yeah I'm just noticing um I won't call it an issue maybe a discrepancy on the list so it appears you're only taking one day for Russ Shana which I'm not saying is a yay or n this is for custodians I apologize I was I'm like just looking through and I'm like why is that the second okay mind I read that okay Stony yes Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Allen yes Barbara yes Claudia what am i v consent consent we didn't we didn't bring anything forward yet I was like wait yes sorry Alan yes we are just not on top of our game today the end of the school year oh my God see we had if we had heat I'd be better I'm like Shing my brain sh down okay um I'd like to make a motion on 13d the superintendent at the request of the board secretary recommends that the board accept light am transfers and the adjustments is listed in the financial report for the month ending May 2024 do I have a motion I'll make that motion thank you why not I know I know what I'm voting on I know what I'm voting on do I have a second second thank you any questions I apologize because clearly I'm not paying attention maybe I need new reading glasses um on what we just voted on I need I just need a slight alteration I was not here for the April 29th meeting so if I could just abstain from those minutes that would be really great we're usually not this [Laughter] bad we did not I try to let Al know I feel like we should start over right got redo the line items voting on the line items yes okay Robert yes Anette yes Tracy alen yep [Music] bar I'm sorry yes yes Alan yes I'm say at this point if I'm speaking out of turn just tell me in 11 years as a superintendent my wife has never come to a I I don't want her to think that this is what I do every other Monday night it's usually not like this just so she should know that you're having a good [Laughter] time my bad let's go back to the committee reports I skipped over so off by the students not being here there's a rhy now we're out of it thank you that um budget and finance we had nothing tonight uh facility pleas Doug's not here no nothing community relations and Technology nothing nothing good back to these reports yes we do and and we did meet and uh Mr Laura shared with us uh he is currently as always updating the curriculum scope and sequence fiveyear plan is in place he's attempting to be proactive with courses that are always evolving he's Incorporated portrait of a graduate gold and they were integrated into all new curriculum uh in a constant state of evaluating uh classes and uh making sure that our incoming students have balanced opportunities thank you policy so we did also me tonight um Dr alra went over the stress SMA transition currently right now stress um stress smme has our has our um Poli policies thank you I'm really losing it tonight I apologize um and uh they're currently working on formatting them the only thing that's going to be made currently is code changes and uh related to statutes of course um we did have a couple of questions just about code cleanup and our own homegrown um policies that we've written um they will not change except for citations when necessary um we also discussed um when they come back to us it's going to come back to us like the full kitten Kaboodle like the whole process it's coming all at once so we were talking about possibly like you know just like looking through them before like we go ahead and agree to like a whole policy manual um and then the other thing we talked a little bit about is just some things that are just like the riverdell way that really aren't um policies and they're not regulations it's just the way we've been doing things over the course of the years that it just becomes expected and how um we possibly shouldn't be doing that so um more to come on that and um that's about it it's going to take until like at least September oh midall midall midall midall so yeah closer to the new year I would think yeah so and that's it thank you yeah okay at this point I'd like to move everything on the executive agenda on tonight there were some resignations of staff there were some appointments to work extra hours and there were some salary adjustments do I have a motion thank you I have a second thank you any questions thanks Stephanie Yes except I will recuse myself from the therapeutic counselor as I work for an agency that she previously had a long tenure act Robert yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Barbara yes Claudia yes to everything except for the therapeutic counselor because she and I work together together in a past um employer Alan yes okay old business new business all right so I kind of got involved through Dr Alro helping um with a Boy Scout um going for his Eagle project and I just have to say it was the cutest thing um the project was over in our Courtyard is the garden it's a garden over there and um this young gentleman ripped out all the Shrubbery and everything and then they replanted new stuff um and you know with Scouts you have kids that are like in sixth seventh grade so um there were a bunch of like little Scouts there as I'm calling them the little Scouts and um they kept looking over because who comes on Saturday to this event but Dr Al but not just to stand stand there and say great job or whatever D abro in there with like Colin Z whacking away at stuff pulling up stuff and one of the kids is like he looks familiar and one of the other so so one of the boys is like yeah I think he's like isn't he like off in those like offices at the end so it kind of came back to the older Scout like the boy that was doing his Eagle project he goes That's our superintendent and so Dr Alro leaves because you know his like he put in his hours of time and everything so um and it was so cute cuz they were like that's so cool that our superintendant like like played in the dirt like they thought that was like the best thing in the world they were so proud of him um and I just wanted to share that with everybody because I thought it was very cute before you give me too much credit it was when I saw one of our students pick up an ax and try to use it that I said I have to get involved here just I'll take care of that piece myself and I'll chop up the stump but yeah it it's great if you want to take a look before you leave tonight it's finished looks really good so thank you next time stay home you might be right um Stephanie last Thursday no last Wednesday last Wednesday um as a uh conversation pre-prom um the the River Edge Municipal Alliance uh invited or helped to invite and host um a presentation to um the seniors um by a former student um kind of talking about the perspective of um losing friends uh to um drug overdose um and um it was this uh person's first time speaking in front of an audience um and thankfully they they they had a a human support with them um who also could share from the experience and um I think the two gentlemen gave a a a a very raw and fresh um perspective to the young people that um that really I I think will make most people think um if nothing else uh think um for for situations they may be in with people that they know or situations they might find themselves in so um we we greatly appreciate because uh I I made the ask and and Claud and I you know really um encouraged but it's not easy to have that kind of conversation and certainly not easy to have it in in the backyard where you grew up in um and so we um we truly appreciate that um this person came and was so honest and and and shared very welled yes yeah he was he was greatly perceived a lot of the students came out afterwards and said you know it's easy to see somebody stand there and tell you not to do this and don't do that and oh you know I did it and you get around it or whatever the case may be it's kind of nice just to hear somebody that has been in like you say our own backyard um and kind of gives it to you in the real perspective so they were quite happy the results okay we a safe right safe as a news board member on June 4th Dr Alro set up a tour for me for the middle school and the high school and I walked around for about an hour at each building with student ambassadors that really just stood and talked and had a great time shared a lot of great things and I learned at the middle school the theater production class is their favorite class and the a number one teacher in the district according to the students and at the high school it's the TV production class so kudos to all the Educators at both buildings and um I hear the meat Dr Alro at the middle school is either crunchy or mushy so whatever you can do about that Dr Al BR we went somewhere in between I guess how about we just go vegan yes Simple Solution well to be honest I've never seen anybody eat much meat it's usually fries with a piece of pizza right on top of it that's usually what I see every day anything for board discussion all right at this time I'd like to open it up public comments no public comments so do I have a motion I'll make that motion all in favor I thank you have a great summer um when are we July July 17th right July yeah July 17 right and not because you e e e e e e e e e e e