I call to order the meeting of the mayor and Council of B of River Edge for March 11th 2024 regular meeting 7 PM I ask in a moment before we stand before the silent uh flag salute that we silently remember all those throughout the world who are suffering and alone especially the Aged and the elderly please turn ready salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right so statement of compliance with the open public meeting act this meeting complies with the open public meeting act by notification on January 11 2024 of this location date and time into the town news and to the record and by posting of the same on the municipal bulletin board and the burough website following notice of the same with the municipal clerk Madam clerk roll call please here here here all right um could I have a motion from um council president sorry excuse me mons Cohen and a second from Council mclan approval of minutes of the mayor and Council special meeting of February 5th 2024 so moved second all in favor please say I I any opposed any extensions hearing none it is unanimous I have a motion from uh councilwoman um malari and councilman Benson to open to the public on any item on the agenda so second all in favor please say I I okay any of you kids want to ask a question and if to Gerard if you have a question on for something on the agenda please raise your hand oh okay all right seeing none could I have a motion and second from the council president in the former council president so moved second all in favor please say I I okay okay uh we have a presentation uh which I skipped over accidentally I'm sorry uh James it's good to see you uh if you could James for the record please state your name and rooll in the burrow and then please offer your presentation hello everyone my name is I go by Jim and I'm the health officer for Mid Bergen Regional Health commission which conducts the public health inspections for the burough of River Edge and um our board Board of Board of Health our Riveredge um citizens and the Pres president is Patty courts uh so my presentation today thank you lazette for putting me on the agenda is um the land use board there's a in chapter 350 the site plan review article three uh letter e do do you guys have that have that pack that information was sent we do there's a highlighted portion in there where it's calling for a food handlers license and the food hand handler's license is causing confusion for the restaurants when they come in for their their permits and I'd like that language to be removed from from that that chapter in that article I'm not sure how it how it entered in there I'm sure there was some reason for it I I don't know why and I would just like to keep the the land use yes of course they could put whatever language they want if they require that that license but I I would rather have that that language removed and anything pertaining to retail food establishments and license kept within the the the board of health code so James um the luse board very much likes this language they very much wants to keep want to keep it what I could do is refer it with your comments to the luse board and they can consider your request and then it would come back to the council for consideration so if you could come up with a memo explaining why you believe that this is a new practice that we should U institute via ordinance change and they can then comment on it uh can also send questions to you and it can be reconsidered but uh it has been the tradition in River Edge that uh that with a A change in ownership or request for um food handling that it always goes to Land's board first okay so then uh let me make sure I understand so I'm going to write a letter to the land use board to remove uh I mean I'm okay with with everything on up and until the part where it says food handlers license and and that's the the part that um causes confusion for the restaurant owners and it also uh causes confusion in the health code too because there is such a thing as a food handler's license but there's also a thing called a food manager's license and so uh really it's it's a language um issue that I that I would like to address and so uh again I just need to make sure I know what I have to do so memo will go to the land use board re requesting why yeah so let me let me clarify this and and lazette and and John please feel uh free to chime in you'd write a memoral memo to the mayor and councel requesting that the lanyard board um consider the changes that you're suggesting or where those changes would occur in our ordinance and the justification for those changes as well as has any uh sort of uh enumeration of why uh this language is causing issues in your office thank you is that good Perfect all right well I'm glad you came uh is there anything else no I'm gonna stick around for a little bit okay oh please do please do thank you all right um here we go we're back to the agenda uh appointment and Personnel changes could I have a motion in moment from councilman Benson with a second from Council marari um I just said your name wrong apologize um to approve the salary increase for Pedro Perez laborer in the Department of Public Works for a probationary salary of Step One $4,950 is step two $ 49645 effective March 12 2024 approve the $500 stien for Scott AER Road for person in the burrow in Department of Public Works for retaining the acrt certification per the contract effective March 12th 2024 approve the $500 stien for Joel Joel Joel uh gooder Gutierrez Alonso tree trimmer in Department of Public Works for obtaining the acrt certification per the contract effect March 12 2024 approve the $500 stien for Kenneth morose tree trimmer in the Department of Public Works for obtaining an acrt certification for the contract effective March 12 2024 approved the $500 stip in for Benjamin Mullen labor and Department Public Work for attaining the acrt certification per contract effective March 12 2024 approve the $500 s for Eric Phillips tree trimber and Department of Public words for obtaining acrt certification per the contract effective March 12 2024 24 approve the 500 Sten for Eric Schulz equipment operator and Department of Public Works for obtaining the pesticide license for the contract effective March 12 2024 so move second before we go on uh Miss APPA could you please explain acrt for the Public's benefit um acrt certification being able to um do tree work climb up to a certain extent for trees so for to maintain bur trees and also this uh protects us with liabilities and workman compensation and disability claims right yes so we um we can't have somebody climbing the trees who's not acrt certified very good all in favor please say I I any oppose any exensions hearing none we'll move on we have a monthly reports land use board February 14th tax collector February 29th uh we have resolutions 24-12 through 2417 is there a question before we move and second M hearing none could I have a motion a second from any member of council to move 24-12 through 24-17 so moved second all in favor please say I could I have the uh uh Finance chair councilwoman kman move 24 - 108 one member of the finance committee seconded at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council of the Bureau of Riveredge County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on March 11 2024 be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the Bureau of rge approved the following expenditures current fund $ 74,7 4265 General Capital fund $ 6,472 197 Grant fund $2,161 41 Animal Control $128 40 trust other $3,454 42 developers escrow $1,675 Self Insurance trust $1,692 Recreation trust $527 36 so moved second all in favor please say I I I all right very good um we have nothing for discussion but we have some new business uh rivered Swim Club nixel request um Miss app APPA yes the swim club um requested that we issue a nixel message um stating that they're open for the season and that new members are welcome that's what was posted last year I went through the nixel our nixel account and see that only one message went out on June 30th and the request is can we use last year's information and have notice is sent out March 12th April 1st May 1st and May 15 um I could not give that authorization that has to come from the governing body like it did last year whether to give permission for this messaging and as well as the frequency that they pass so this would be something that we'd have to yearly approve we did not do that at the C die I don't think we should do it at the C die we should reconsider the request on a yearly basis and they should they should come to us and ask for it I would uh I I we we should discuss two questions one should we be doing this and two should we be doing it at this frequency I open it to the four how how many times they W it four times and last year we did it once and the year before we did it once and before that no we didn't do it at all last year the year before that so it's not been a practice that we have been uh that that it's not a past practice as past practice would be defined it was simply a practice we did once now we we have to see whether we wish to do it again and if so how many times how does Mixel work do we have to pay for every time that the message goes out or is it no we pay an annual fee for the membership so um limited messages or um it's a certain amount we never reached that limit though and uh if could decide to send it by email only or email and text Miel used for similar types of messaging from other departments um the only other type of this would fall as a community message we normally use nixel for road closures um you know police mainly or DPW if there's an issue with garbage pick up or recycling this would go out as a community message and the only other community message that we put up is for the farmers market so maybe we should clarify this for the Public's benefit too I think there are two or three types of Niel messages there's three types one is urgent um the other is a type of advisory like the road closure garbage pickup or vegetation pickup recycling pickup and then this um then this would go under as a community notification now also just for the public benefit and to uh to double check uh when you sign up for Nixels you can sign up for all three levels or just one or two of the levels correct as well as if you want email only text only or both okay so one other question if I may so the message Ione remember last last year was it just to announce when they opened or also about the membership and soliciting membership I looked up the message from last year it was that River EDM Club is open for the season you m members are always welcome to join email the business office and it had the link to the email would that be a solicitation issue and the from the borrow perspective is the is the swim club uh private or is it part of the Bor it's private it's private and but it's on burough property there's a lease it's a private we cover their insurance also um yeah that's what I thought it's like there are other towns that have be represented that have similar operations so it is a it is a it is a close question in terms of what you know you're expending you're going to expend what I'm hearing the the bur administrator say is that you're already going to expend that amount of money no matter what for your your normal burrow uses so it's not that there's going to be an additional cost incurred by the burrow for it so it would essentially be like a convenience that you're that you're allowing them to do it um so you could do you can do it the answer the question is can you do it yes you can but that's the that's the right question to ask whether or not we're giving something to someone for a for profit are they not they're not for profit though probably right I believe they are they they probably if they have not for profit status it makes it even it's even safer so any more questions just one more yeah I how how often does the farmers market send out messages I think it's just for weather emergencies right rain out days and smoked out days and and maybe like there one to announce the last one of the Season it wasn't every week was it no not not last year it just making announcement a couple of announcements and again weather and when we had that bars like weather with the smoke but remember the farmers market is a burrow not semi-private or private so I think uh if I could maybe frame the question I think that it it's not unreasonable for us to announce uh it once um if the council if the council was so inclined but I think multiple announcements um for a quasi private organization um I mean I and we may also wish to consider the question that we do for uh the um Farmers Market if there is some sort of closure that would not be weather related because say say the pool has cleaned out or something mhm we could also at this point uh make a decision about whether we'd be willing to send a community nixel but I I I I think we're not the burrow of River Edge is not should not it's my feeling b r should not be promoting a private or semi-private organization um we should be saying it's open if people would like to go that'd be great but I mean I don't want the pool to close but I I'm a little concerned about how this Associates us with their function and their success I think once or twice is okay so is that a motion and if so can you frame it okay um I would like to make a motion that we do two Open Season announcements for the rivered swim club and what about an emergency and also any emergency messages that are required due to closure being necessitated is there a second second it is now open for debate how do we feel about this do we wish to amend who prepares the messages who sent this out I would send it send it out and then in my absence um uh Jason has access and the police department have access to the Nix okay they do send emails when there's a closure for need of a cleaning the pool and all that that is through email directly to the members ah so I don't think that the nixel could should be used for that particular reason because they already have a mechanism to do that okay even for weather really you get messages right away the uh yeah notice so it's like the pool will be closed and then the weather opens up the pool is open but I have a motion to delete the uh the can I have a motion to a motion to amend to remove the language uh emergency Mixel so second second uh this is also open for debate but I don't think we have a debate on this right all in favor of amending the motion please say I I we're now back to the main motion as amended okay so uh uh we're the motion says that one to two nixel uh but I think I think now I'd like to the understanding would be that the language would be approved by uh Miss aella um and if she needed uh for for it to be uh for need needed to discuss it it would either go to myself or the Council of President um that's what I always presume whenever an announcement goes out uh is everyone comfortable with that all right so is there further debate or discussion about this all in favor please say I any oppose any exstension okay uh artificial Mound Memorial Southfield who is that I'm somebody from the little Le supposed to attend gentl uh please come forward um could I have a motion to open for this topic only to Tom Cook Mr cook second all in favor please say I I go ahead Tom excellent um we've made the request um to remove the mound which is currently on the Southfield at Memorial um so I think it's about four or five years ago they converted they um changed Southfield so it's convertible from a 4660 to a 5070 field so what that results in is two sets of bases also two pitching Mounds um the difficulty is with the pitching mounds and there being two rubbers four feet apart we can't properly um Pitch the mound as well as anytime we're using the 5070 distance on the field the pitchers are landing in the stanson of the 4660 Rubber and it becomes very unsafe um historically River Edge has had a limited number of teams participating at 5070 so through a lot of volunteer work and due diligence we've been able to maintain it um we now have uh three teams in River Edge that are playing at the 5070 um distance um so the repetitive moving back and forth um creates a a not only a safety concern but also uh amending to Little League regulation concern so our proposal is to um remove the the permanent Mound purchase an artificial Mound um that could be moved back and forth uh between the two distances okay and this has gone before the Little League board yes I'm uh current sitting president of the Little League board but I mean they voted on it yes and what was that vote unanimous or partial unanimous okay and when did that vote happen uh I'd have to look at my calendar it was a month ago okay we need we need a letter from you okay so that is part of the record if the council should approve this okay okay does this affect does the does anyone other than Little League use that field uh the the recreation the the town wreck uh little league program as well so it's it's the town wreck little league program as well as all of our uh travel programs that go through spring summer and fall season and are they all under the opice of your board yes they're all sanctioned through uh Riv Ed league so then the request is you guys are the only ones who use that field uh yes to the best of my knowledge okay so um so this would require Jason the DPW to come and remove the current we we are willing to do all of the work um to remove the current Mound and properly install the new artificial Mound with the varying distances okay so this would fall under our insurance correct and what what precautions do we need to take in regards to the changing of the mounts I think to do it safely they should do it the Little League um as a former vice president of the old League I can speak on this they should they should do it in conjunction with the DPW make sure that the DPW is there when they when they when they remove the dirt and they you know and they and they smooth it out and I assume this is going to be one of those like it's like the Tilted like it's like U it's got as on it yeah it's it's a it's a there there's various types of Mounds um we'll be purchasing a full-fledged uh 6ot Circle Mound um with the proper the proper height it's um fiberglass call foundation with the the turf over the top of it okay and I guess there's a certain way to ensure that it is uh tight to the ground so it doesn't move while while child is on it it has um uh us gripping surface under underneath almost like little think of it aslf um so we should talk to about this um yeah when we have the official letter just have AO look at it and if if he says it's okay contingent upon council's approval then um I would ask Joe to coordinate between p and ppw is that good um that is great yeah we um I mean there there's various towns I think ultap Pan actually does do this um there's more and more towns that are going in this direction just based from a safety perspective as well as a cost inance perspective yeah you understand that the reason I want our insurance agent to weigh in on this is because without it we we create a liability to the burrow absolutely okay um so could uh could I have a motion at second so it can be uh a topic discussed the uh the motion that that um Mr cook has uh made could I have a so moved in a second so second it is now open for debate does council have questions uh that they would like to pose if I may this is just my own edification my kids were not sports kids so I'm assuming the bigger field is for the for the the kids who are older and need a bigger field to play on yeah so traditional Little League fields um actually all the way through 12 you you can play on a 4660 field so that means pitchers mound is 46 feet bases are 60 UH 60 ft apart um more and more um predominantly in our travel programs and and area Club programs and teams that we play um offer a 5070 which is just 50 feet from home plate as the pitching mound 70 feet um are the base pass and that is to transition the kids from the Little League size field to the full size field which is 60 ft and 90 ft um so it's it's kind of a transitionary period the the rules change it becomes a little bit more like baseball um and it is first offered at 11U thank you may ask from more question yeah absolutely what happens Mr the M do you take it with you at after you've done playing or do you leave it there no we will we will leave it out there um and likely tarp it in between uh in between games or in between practices in and usage just to prolong the longevity of it okay is there an inground marker like for where you put the front of it like it's like where you set it up right yeah we will have um we'll have kind of the similar things that we have to put when we remove the bases um to move them back just a like a survey a little uh flat uh Spike yeah it's a spike in the ground with the with an indicator that basically says you know the back goes the front goes here the left side goes here and the right side goes there all right so it's been moved in seconded it's conditional upon uh two things one that are uh um what's eo's official title risk manager a risk manager uh approves it and second that uh when the work is actually done uh someone from DPW is there to oversee it to make sure that we're following all the safety uh and and leveling procedures that we need to follow to make sure that the burrow is not doesn't create a liability P pen pending approval um would there be the opportunity to discuss with Jason and his team to potentially um have them I think you should move ahead as if it's going to get approved okay and just wait until as uh our risk manager says it's okay because I believe he probably will but we still want to make sure that he has the opportunity to okay yeah we we're just kind of up up like from a timing perspective we need to get get ordered and and all of that kind of stuff and you'll let Jason know that this phone Call's coming yes and it's to be coordinated through Joe Joe will be the intermediate oh yes yes I can I'll definitely coordinate through Joe um and then as it relates to the letter that is needed um I would send that who it is that need email it to me I'll email to The Bu manager great and I should get an answer same day if not maybe one day okay make sure that your title is on it and the result of the vote and the date of the vote yep as well as if there's any uh if if you can scan or photocopy or whatever the actual device that you're going to be installing yeah I can I'll put uh some screenshots or a link to the to the actual page of of the company's website sounds great is that satisfactory excellent all those in favor please say I I any opposed any extensions hearing none soov great thank you guys all right take care com have a goodby like all right uh rubell softball plant sale yes this is a the annual request for the softball plant sale at company one it um Jim hook straight took it over from K cim and it's to know the company won Friday March 29th and March 30th um in anticipation of waiting to obtain Council approval I did ask for them to complete the hold harmness agreement and provide insurance and they did so so it's now just a matter of the governing body to decide whether to Grant authorization all right uh since this is a yearly thing could I have a motion and second then we can enter into debate and discussion so moved second you all right it's now open for debate and discussion is there any questions inquiring all those in favor please say I I all right that was great uh proposed amendment to Bur chapter 400- 21b turns yes our traffic of division our our Sergeant noted that there needs to be an addition and a modification to our B code with regards to leftand turns and so he provided the information to amend the no left turn where dunin donus is now been relocated and to add a restriction from Ackerson Street onto North B come back okay uh could I have a motion in second then we can discuss it so move second it is now for discussion is there inquiry discussion or debate so it will be just in that those Corners the one you said yes okay seemed reasonable to me since it used to be Duncan and he just wanted the wording change change to 101 Midland I think so so I could just ordinance for next meeting all in favor any oppos any extensions right very good all right outside Duty rate you have I know that I have um and as we're discussing the budget and I have a couple of departments looking at their Fe structure this is actually proactive from our police department and um in order to their request I reviewed it with the CFO the CFO recommended um increasing the rate with the range the police chief is also in favor with the range neither one of them mentioned a separate car fee um each municipality does it differently so I provided results from a survey that mad had conducted at my request so it's up to the governing body to discuss and provide Direction yeah this wouldn't be something we' approve because this would C the budget correct um no well the police request has no impact on the budget it's solely a user fee through the trust fund so this would be an ordinance change yes okay what is your recommendation um I recommend increasing the hourly fee for this year and then next year and put possibly a $25 car fee so that way the total price is comparable with you Mil for and what was there request New Milford is 175 an hour so we increase our fee from 135 to 145 this year with a $25 car fee and then $150 next year with a $25 car fee per hour correct the car fee is per hour yes it um well it's up to the governing B if you want a flat one or hourly what do you recommend um at the rate of the cost of cars and fixing them I recommend hour Finance chair Council M Coffman what are your thoughts um it makes sense to me it's not going to impact the Burrow's spending since it's outside Duty which the utilities would be paying and it should help us retain staff council president just one question what is the the car fee um well because when the police do traffic detail car a police car has to be there and it's idling and you know you're putting the idling time onto it engine hours yeah understood so just creates a trust fund to right right yeah I have no issues with this a question sure um is it is it competitive like do do towns compete to to have their cars like how how do how do they decide a car is going to be used in the police offices fir Bri that's a decision um of the police chief it would be not a newer car there cars moved down the line so it it is an older car that's moved so you have your your Patrol and then maybe offshoot it to the detective and then traffic is at the very end of the line before the car is just done for good in auction maybe let me rephrase the I think you were asking how does it get decided that we're going to do the outside Duty yeah so PSG would so yeah so what happens is whether it's a PSG violia um or some type of private contract that they reach out to the police department and say because of the work that they're doing they need um traffic detail to be done and then the police department would coordinate if no one takes the the job if there's nobody no officer available or willing to take the assignment then it's opened up to other municipalities and joining municipality don't have somebody then the Bergen County Sheriff um so you do need um a uniformed officer to direct traffic okay but it's okay I get it thank you all right then um so you're recommending that we increase this year to hourly rate of $70 with a $25 hourly rate of $70 per hour for the police officer and a $25 rate for the vehicle per hour well the the burrow rate is would be 145 and then 150 next year with a $25 an hour car fee what would be paid to the police officers 70 an hour or their overtime rate whichever is greater and that's what you're recommending yes it's similar to what other municipalities are doing can I have one member of council move this by saying so moved so moved can I have a second second we are now open to official debate is there debate can we are we good we're good absolutely this this is a this is a a very important morale piece for the for the police department I put my labor lawyer hat on for a second and all this is going on in a lot of towns right now where they're raising these rates because it's a yeah because I'm the labor attorney in New Milford right now uh and it's uh it's the um that we just raised the raid there because the the the police department came to the mayor and Council and said look we want to be competitive with the other municipalities um because this is a way that they make additional income on they you off duty all right any further debate or inquiry all in favor please say hi hi is there any old business um I have one more new business all right um our DPW director and speaking with our burough engineer had requested if the governing body can consider authorizing um the RO V surfacing amount that's in in the bud budget instead of we have our budget meeting next Saturday the 23rd but to draw up the specs and get ahead of other municipalities and try to secure the best contractor possible if the governing body would um consider the recommendation of the road resurfacing for this year that comes out to 797220 that includes construction engineering and police strongly recommend the council consider this could I have a motion if the council has risked to consider this so moved second okay it's open for debate inquiry comment I ask what is this how does this compared to like last year Well we did in um pave rols last year because of the PSG gas main project instead we use that money for curbs and Ada yeah in order to be able to go straight to the paving this year okay how much will cover become like in town W roads that's in your budget book but let me let me just say one of the things that we've done before I got on Council 13 years ago and we've maintained this as our practice is we do not as a political body as as political representatives of the people we do not get involved in what streets are going to be paved or why that is we keep the politics out of that that's decided if I'm not mistaken by our DPW superintendent and our Bor engineer yes based on the condition of the roads there certain roads that are grantable like Boger and Continental but the rest would be the burls responsibility and we're still um waiting to schedule a meeting with psng to see what roads they will pay because of the work they did last year so one question so that that was actually my question so we're talking about resurfacing streets that were not impacted by the pcng work um these are these are streets that were impacted if I'm going off of memory by pscg work but these are older streets that were on the list anyway any streets that um PS and had had touched that were paved in less than five years they have to completely pave it or if um like the gas lines aren't completely straight down the the middle if replacing a gas line crosses from one side of the street to the other then they have to do that curve to curve or if they don't do that they could give us the money to to do those streets but that's still something that um we haven't sat that with PNG with to discuss but these are known streets that are DPW director uh superintendent has identified that psng had done and enough time has passed for the restoration for the trench to settle now also I've had many conversations with our DPW superintendent Jason Malo about this and what what he is going to be doing in regards to this program is he will say to them okay you um say Street a b c and d were uh paved less than five years so you guys have to pay that entire Street okay or pay us to PVE it but let's say streets uh EFG and H were uh were older than 5 years and they don't have to pay half of it so what we might say to them is pave the whole street of enf and we'll pay pave g&h so that there is not a dry seam across the street which causes Road deterioration so that's so that's part of what's going on he's going to negotiate with them with those partial streets and have them do all of it and we would pay for the we would do the full of those partial streets um that uh that would work out so if there are four partial streets we would say to them do them as full streets and we'll take the two of them and the other two we would take so we we wouldn't be doing a replacement that has a limited life yeah you don't you wouldn't have that seam and everything done by one contractor one performance bond one maintenance Bond easier to keep track of so it's it's a more efficient and effective way of maintaining this the the town for residents any other questions or comment all in favor um we moved in seconded all in favor please say I I any opposed am State all right anything else with new no anything with old nope do we have any construction updates not at this time okay good um okay coming soon yes I knowu season coming could I have a motion and second to uh open to the public for any comment so move second all in favor please say I all right all right come on up please State your full name and your address yes unless you're a police officer and then you only need to state your name and I say that for the record thank you thank you my name is Margaret Burns I live at 236 Wheels Avenue I'm a 47-year resident of the town of Riveredge welcome Margaret thank you uh I was wondering what the status is of the uh Dispensary on um route four that is proposed so we give you two minutes to ask any questions or make any statements then we will answer after you step away okay that's that's my question and I would also like to state that if it were to be approved and go forward what uh thoughts and Provisions would you put into play so as not to have a third party that is looking to dispense come forward after you've approved that location and perhaps come into the community and want to use a store that's available a vacon store on Kinder kamak road to have another dispensary okay and anything else I would also say that in my own thoughts if this should go forward and someone is to attempt to come into Kinder kamac like say put something right across the street from the post office I would hope that you would not consider that very seriously before you decide to do anything and I am terribly concerned that in conjunction with a a cannabis dispensary the next thing down the line is uh tattoo par and I don't think that River Edge is a community that deserves a tattoo par I think we're better than that okay anything else that's it all right I'll ask you to return to your seat thank you uh Mr Shan thanks mayor so um the first uh issue I guess the question was what was the status of the dispensary the status right now is that the the mayor and Council has voted to uh rezone um the area where the travel agency was I for I forget the Liberty Travel was on Route four and that um I believe is now with the planning and uh zoning board right now for for their review and they approved it and they approved okay so so then so then it's been approved um and there at this point whoever wants to utilize that that site they need to apply through the state um they need to come to the bar Council for a letter of support that's the first thing that they would do uh assuming that the May Council reviews their application and is is in uh uh well hold on a second we it's on for second reading at oh sorry I apologize I apologize that's right it's it's on I forgot it hasn't gone through second reading so if the ordinance passes at the second reading once that's done then that area would be considered zoned and you would be permitted to have a retail cannabis establishment there and at this point you could address that that that would be the only place it cannot come to kinder but go ahead that was my next point which is that um the that will that's the only location in River Edge that anybody any retailer so there's only going to be one spot really where a license could be utilized because you have to apply to the state for the license but you have to have a lease or you have to own the property where you want to open your establishment so they they could never put one on Kinder Kack unless some future Council decided that they wanted to respa part of Kinder Kack I don't think that's ever going to happen no so so just to summarize it is illegal right now to have any of this five licenses or six five five licenses it has we've had an open public hearing on whether we should take just one license license five which is a retail license and make it available for only one use or one one store okay which means somebody else can't come in and say I want to be the second store it's illegal can't happen by both state statute and borrow ordinance based on State Statute if if the second reading is approved at next meeting then the opportunity not the not a grant the opportunity for a business that has a location to come to us and ask us to consider approving them and we look at their background their finances and everything else if we thought that this might again the key word is might be something then it would go they would get a letter of support and that would go to the state the state has whole series of Rec regulations and then it would go to the lanus board and the lanus board could vote it up or down and then does it come back to us for another vote it does comes back to us for another vote and if that is approved then they can go through then they have to go to the police department the fire department the building department and get everything done our chief of police police has veto power there okay uh or not veto power he has make absolute requirements but there is but one license in River Edge if it passes next week and once that license is used there are no more and they cannot sue us by constitutional uh Amendment the con state regulations and statute of the state so they can't force us to do it anywhere else and we've created what's called an overlay zone so it can only happen on the other side of rout four and it can't happen anywhere else and only one and only if they go through all those steps and in the ordinance that we are currently considering there are all sorts of way where they can forfeit the license and we can force them out shut them down timeline there's absolutely timelines is everything six months before they before anything happens really no oh oh you're talking about's no to all all the everything is in order Mr Lana said it would take one to two years but it may take nine month but he said don't quote me on it may take nine months may take seven could take three years there's a lot of layers of protection and supervision um and tattoo parlor what about the other the other stores that are are now vacant is there any move to we've kind of moved you out of it but again only one store only in that area if somebody has a license they can they can you know but there aren't other stores that it could happening it's only that area so the store would have to be vacant they'd have to get all right unless the council wants to do we want to just address the tattoo parlor question oh yeah yeah we we have uh we have a permitted use zoning law which means only those things that we permit can occur in River Edge we do not permit a tattoo bar and so can't happen in River Edge ever okay yeah it's a much uh it's a much more robust way some towns have uh a non-permitted use these things are not permitted but the problem is then maybe somebody comes up with something that doesn't fit our non-permitted use so we have long time ago under great legal advice like we're getting tonight um we adopted not we the the council at that time adopted a permitted use zoning and it doesn't it doesn't fit under our permitted uses is my understanding uh anyone else if you have a question Gerard just raise your hand and I will I speak doesn't look like it okay cool um could I have motion and second to close to the public so move all in favor please say I I uh are there any Council comments okay yes have that request for the website request for the hear something River volunteer Ambulance Service that they want oh oh yes okay so you want okay yes so uh thank you for for reminding me um so uh I had um a a dinner with the head of the uh president of the re volunteer ambulance and um I said how could you know the council support them and uh and he said it would be nice if we were to try to uh publicize uh their their service on our website so I think they're having um was it an adoption day I think have a pet adoption day and they have something else coming up no are they they're quasi private too right yeah the ambulance qu yeah I believe so r i you're volunteer it's like the fire department yes the same status as Fire Department yeah but the fire department has the fire mtic side and the um the club side but they re receive L yeah the ambulance does right yes yeah they want to have an open house yeah I think that I think uh I I don't think there'd be any objection right I have the wrong agenda yeah I'm sorry I apologize if that was on the agenda wrong one it's not it's not on the agenda just said to bring and you can also bring it under your new business okay so either one you didn't bring up the new business so was making sure you brought it up under Council comments okay yeah they wanted information about the 75th year anniversary and linking their website and the cat adoption event well I I think what we I don't think we need moo this because they have essentially the same status as the fire department so you know we we would we would grant them all the same Privileges and benefits um if they're looking for a nixel that would be something different but um we could do that too were they hoping to put an alert on is that what they wanted no that wasn't actually mentioned uh it was really more just for the for the open house you know the on the Bor the website on our website and a link to their sort of their website so why don't you make a motion that we also send out an Exel I and for for what like would the would they be having some emergency or something or like no no no to a community a community nixel okay so okay so I move uh to allow the river volunteer ulence service to use nixel uh to send out Community messages I have a second second it's open for debate is there debate hearing none so uh all all in favor I I any oppos any extension all right anything else I think that's it all right so um so councilman uh you need to go back to them and tell them that they they have our full support and they should coordinate everything through our business administration thank you man so anything else okay could I have a we are not returning to perform to perform any business or to make any motion so what I'm going to ask for in a minute is a Clos session resolution 24-19 and then when we adjourn we are adjourning for the evening and we will not be reopening till our next meeting which is a special meeting on the 13th okay which is a closed session um could I have a motion uh from any member of council for resolution 24-19 resolution to go into close session exclude the public attorney client privilege njsa 10 col 4-12 V7 open public meeting act procedures so moved second all in favor please say I I I'd like to have an uh motion and second to adjourn the public meeting some second all in favor please say I I thank you all good job we are closed