call for ordin meeting the mayor and council at B River Edge June 24th 2024 7M regular meeting at the Riveredge Public Library 685 Elm Avenue I ask for a moment of Silent reflection uh for all those that we love who might be ill or might be dying of U any illness especially and including uh ALS Bry salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all statement of compliance with the open public meeting act this meeting complies with the open public meeting act by notification on January 11 24 of this location Jon time to the town news and the record and by posting of the same on the municipal bulletin board and the burrow website and following notice of the same with the municipal clerk Madam clerk roll call please here prior notice counc here counc here Council Benson here counc glass is AB with prior notice mayor Papo here okay we uh we have uh approval of the minutes could I have a motion from councilman canella and a second from uh councilman Benson after I read um them into the record and then if any council member needs to uh uh recuse themselves um um they can do so during the vote approval of the minutes of the mayor and Council regular meeting and close session of May 30th 2024 approval of minutes of the mayor and Council regular session of June 10th 2024 so move second all please say I I I any abstentions yes I accuse myself from the meeting uh minutes of the meeting of May 30th very good any others all right so um item number six is proclamations and awards so the first one up is we have the storm drain art Conant contest certificates could I have uh the adults who were involved with this wonderful activity to come forward as well as all those who would be receiving certificates tonight yes yep all right so come on up okay yeah we'll do it together yeah we'll do it together all right hi oh you need to come this way I know because the camera can only cover you up to right here so you guys have to be this way this way this way little bit more just about just about and you can stand side by side let me see we get everybody in we do y great here we go okay can I just do a quick yes if you introduce yourself to the public uh and to the uh to the record and introduce yourself what happens and why we have such great artists among us today great so my name is Patty Amberg I'm a River Edge resident I am also the co-chair of the River Edge Environmental Protection commission we work together with the green team in town um and this is our fourth annual storm water education and art contest right I'm sure I don't want to put anybody on the spot so what we do is we have the wed Ambassador we are in region five for that um a lovely lady named cat he comes to both Roosevelt and Cherry Hill to the fifth grade students and explains to them um what storm water is what runoff is why we don't want to um pollute too much because it all ends up down that drain and where does that drain all end up to the ocean right it goes into the rivers that ends up in our oceans so we're all affected by anything that gets dropped in so that's the education piece um and then we ask the students um to do basically an art contest what they would if you're not familiar with it we have six storm water drains in Riveredge that are currently painted there's two right out here at the crosswalk by the park um there's one by Roosevelt on Summit there's one also by Roosevelt on Continental there's one up on Fifth Avenue kind of right as you get into the high school and there's one at Cherry Hill right in the playground area right at that black top if you're Cherry Hill spoons so this will be storm drain number seven and eight for our town um I think it's a great program uh we're one of I think that I know of the only town around North Jersey that actually does this I think it's a great visual for people and I think for students it's a great piece of Education that hopefully you take with you not only till next year but all the way straight through your en entire adulthood okay because it is important that what we put down there is hopefully just leaves and water right okay so I'm not going to hold you up so we had great participation um we have winners One winner from Cherry Hill and one from Roosevelt um the Cherry Hill winner is Alexis Wong and the Roosevelt winner is mateline Doss we have um I think it was seven entrances from Cherry Hill and nine from Roseville okay the artwork is fabulous that's why I really wanted to make sure that they had it here with them today um we would like to somehow display it it's very difficult to decide which two to paint because they all have great messages um they all have wonderful varying artwork um maybe we can leave them or pass them around so everybody can so the mayor council can take a quick flip through them um but congratulations to everybody and thanks for participating what do is really very important is very very important you guys know did you remember last year year before year before that there were Lakes resorts in New Jersey uh Lake towns that had to close their Lakes because of storm drain runoff um things that they were allowing on their lawns in the general area and the water from those towns doesn't go to the river to the lake ocean it goes straight into their Lakes and their Lakes became toxic um so there's a very real environmental concern there's a very real social concern and there's also a very real economic concern because those towns lost tremendous amounts of funds so it really incorporates all of our concerns so I'm going to call you up you're going to help me pronounce yes and we're going to and you so you can uh why don't you put um so so not everybody is in attendance tonight um I believe there might be some people out on um the zoom so I'm not sure if anybody's popping in no not yet okay so no all right I had a few that thought they would okay so that's good okay okay okay so um so you guys can put your Awards down right now yep put them there go ahead and that way your hands will be free to accept these Awards go teacher thank you all right but I have um oh so let me read what this certificate says it says uh certificate of award the mayor and the councel of the B riverge are proud to present this certificate of award to and I'll say your name your school and express their congratulations on being chosen uh winner or runner up of the storm drain art art contest and it has the has the uh council president Lisa monan Cohen councilman Barry Benson councilman David glass councilwoman Michelle Kaufman councilwoman andir canella councilwoman caana malari and then my signature mayor Tom papin okay all right could I have first Ella Whit Ella congratulations and we're going to leave it open for now so your parents can a picture of a second okay Em opr I'm opr she's not here but we're gonna we're gonna give that to you will okay and then we have tazba Omar also is not here Addison Kim um Mar clay Solomon Mar clay Solomon okay so we'll H hope I don't believe she's here Zoe Zoe all right round okay unim I think a lot of great art mine dos all right yes oh she was really that's very good um every y every W okay uh Lucy Rogers and family raw raw okay uh Catherine rash of Applause uh think she's here okay uh am go you have only one left Alexis Wong Alexis wi all right now um if I could have a parents if you'd like to come up and take pictures any in the apartment girls want to come on over here yeah uh and stand in front of me because I'm called here we go all right well we'll have you just in case your parents want to take picture all right everybody right here about yeah all right thank you you're welcome girls great job all right there we go um now uh we're going to do uh we're going to I don't think we're ready for the um for the uh Sports uh which was the U sofball the Regal uh so we're gonna instead move uh to miss uh to Gold Award project come on up and without objection this would be a new business without objection we're going to move to a girl style Gold Award project got and you sit and say your name uh and address full name okay and tell the council what you're what you're thinking about to it go ahead yeah okay my name is a tho I live on 107 Valley Road ref and my gold of War project aims to reduce plastic bottle waste within this community so some statistics that I found were 86% of plastic bottles end up as trash or litter only in the United States and 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions come comes from the manufacturing of these bottles so by bringing awareness and even if only one person uses a usable bottle around 156 plastic bottles can be saved from ending up in the world's oceans so my gold War project aims to bring awareness and promote the idea of using reusable bottles which are actually even cheaper and it really convenient because you always have a reusable bottle around to refill so that's my gold ofart project thank you you're welcome you may want to um Miss Apel if you could uh get her in contact with the Green Team and the environmental and they might have some ideas on how to help you promote which would be really good and right there you have uh a leader and you can go talk to her right now pat p P's last name is alberg sorry Patty that's so you may want to go talk to her and see how you can work with her to achieve the goals of your Gold Award project which is the Girl Scout version of the of the um Eagle Scout um so because not everybody knows that and that's good to know and we we congratulate you and commend you all right so uh I think what we're doing is we're waiting uh for a little while longer for um the um uh Athletics girls 314 te right okay so we're going to do that so um what I'd like to do um is we have our CFO with us um and Chris uh without objection uh that was going he was going to come up under new business so so uh if there is no objection uh new business right yes 13B determination Awards uh certificate $9 million Bond anticipar note so if there's no objections from the council I'd like to move uh to our CFA is there any objection hearing none it is so moved Chris uh yes yes that's oh you can look at it pass and then uh hopefully uh we'll have our um Regal Team ready and we will go to them if not we'll move on until they're ready uh go ahead Chris if you could uh explain to us uh the concern and to the public and what we're trying to do or achieve with uh the ban which is uh Bond anticipation note correct thanks mayor yeah that's correct uh this should actually be very quick this is more of just a uh reporting requirement we're required to report to the government body and it and it uh is read into the minutes that we did have a ban sale which as you mentioned is a bond anticipation note we sold 9 million uh dollars um on June 20th the rate that we were uh you know so this goes out to bid uh we got two biders the winning rate was 3.85 64 that's a net interest cost um all along we've been projecting in the 4% ballpark so this is slightly better than what our projections were but but within range uh the second bidder was 41092 so they were pretty pretty close it's a reflection of what the market is um but that's really all that that it is to report um it was awarded to bny melon capital markets total of $9 million and um it will mature on June 18th of 2025 good so for the Public's benefit explain um some of the things that we will be funding if you could if not miss Abella might be to help you with this and also that we only fund when we need to so if something is capital budget and we don't need to fund it we don't go out and then when we do go out we'll first go out for a band instead of a permanent Bond and a banned is a one-year note essentially correct that's correct and to your point the last time uh this was in front of the uh the council was in 2019 so we haven't sold any debt uh in in almost five years now so um this is something that's new for for some of you on on the council um we only sell notes as needed um you know we had some large projects that were awarded over the last couple of years um since 2019 we've authorized about 19 million or so in debt for various projects most notably you know what's going on with burough hall right now we had a couple of large um improvements with uh drainage um we had all of our road improvements and this is all this is all of the um all the items that were outside of the of the grants that we were awarded right so you know whether it was Cash matches or just projects that were not included in uh in Grant Awards uh it's the amount that we're funding so effectively what this $9 million is doing is paying us back for the amount that we've already paid for some of these projects um we have a very healthy fund balance um and we've been able to absorb um all of the expenses for the last four or five years and uh we're at the point now where we're going to finance it on a short-term basis and then um you know as as the as we find it necessary and and as we watch the market we'll permanently Finance uh this is along with any other projects that we have outstanding when it best fits uh our our budget and our anization schedules excellent excellent now Liz that um just for the Public's benefit some of the other things that we're paying for are uh police vehicles uh which only have a minimum life that were within this five years of the capital budget and there were fire equipment that we had to pay for Scot packs so that our firefighters will have safe oxygen when they enter a building uh improvements to our Parks uh all of the uh all of the paving of our roads that were not covered by grants uh repairs to storm drain uh which occur from time to time sewage from time to time emergency repair of the um of the uh SLO what Valley Road Valley Road yeah um and that was the the uh wall began to collapse and the bridge was placed in Jeopardy so um all of these and essentially uh it's less than $2 million in capital costs uh a year for the last five years um more or less because like our bogot road that's covered by the New Jersey Department of Transportation um our Parks through the open space Municipal um Park Improvement Grant um otherwise everything else it was for infrastructure that needed replacement or repair and I believe and it also included some trucks for the DPW yes and and uh so all these things to make sure that the town is ready to uh to respond to whatever need that comes up for the for Public Safety and public infrastructure okay Council any questions for our CFO I have one question mayor sure hi uh Chris thanks again for everything that you're doing I just had a quick question how did that how did the interest rate that we were offered uh compared to other some of the other towns and just curious that maybe you you're aware of or you deal with so yeah that's a great question question you know it's it's it's a very tight market right now um it's it's it's an interesting scenario where you know 4% is what you're getting everywhere plus or minus maybe 30 basis points um you know I had four note sales in the past three or four weeks that were all right in the same range um it's the same biders uh it's large Banks large you know in the Capital Market they have the they have the um the debt sold before they even make the bids so um you know and they're not making very much money on it and uh so it's it's it's 4% plus or minus about 30 basis points is is really what you're what you're seeing in the market uh Riveredge has an excellent rating uh we're double A plus uh so you know we're lower than 4% um it's actually this is one of the better uh rated towns that I work for so uh it's it was it was on the lower end of of um of what I've been seeing over the past couple of weeks thank you and I actually just want to give kudos to those on the council who've been here for a while to get that doublea plus rating uh thank you for that well appreciate that we have we have one of the most conservative and responsible um Finance policies of any municipality uh in the state actually and that's uh very much uh thanks to uh uh former councilman uh um um veto aquaa who is pass on uh former mayor Ed Minon and uh former councilman um uh alfons balone who uh were part of our finance committee we we have different members of our finance committee now we always have a finance committee of about three members who uh came back and said listen we want to tighten up our policies we've always been responsible but we want to uh we want to put it into an ordinance which is essentially a local law and um so you know um and I was on the council at the time and we we approved it unanimously because it was a it was a great action to take and so uh our doublea plus rating that's it the only thing I think Chris higher than us is a triaa rating that's right and you don't you don't very frequently see small towns with a AAA just because of what they call catastrophic loss and you know you're you have you're such a small town that with catastrophic loss it's um it you know it would more than the amount of money that you'd be able to reserve uh but it's it's not impossible and and we'll certainly work towards that but yeah you're you're one rung from the top but uh you know then what I I think we could say is that based on our size we've already gotten to the gold standard I would I would uh I would say that we are we are definitely up there yes cool I like that a lot um all right um so Chris just stay for a second um where is is Regal ready Regal's not ready so uh we're going to open to the public any item of agenda they might ask a question you would not answer it when they ask it but when we close they would uh they could then we could then posee that question to you could I have a motion uh and a second from uh councilwoman canella and a second from councilwoman claudiana to open to the public on any item on the agenda so move second all in favor please say I I any member of the public would like to ask a question make a comment on any item on the agenda this certainly is an item on the agenda but anything else and raise your hand online if you'd like to yeah come on up you have to come up say your full name and address and you can make a comment or ask a question no it's okay it's I'm glad you did yeah um so my name is um Edward Kim my um home address is 337 continent Avenue yeah right um so my question is um actually going back to that 9 million $9 million Bond offering we just thank you so much for the the hard work that all the councilman and the CFO has done on this thank you so much for that um just wanted to know is there going to be like a um information or like a breakdown of you know how that 9 million is going to be spent um um like the item by item information anywhere available online take a look yeah we're going to answer that after we give everybody else a chance do you want to have a followup question because we don't answer as we go we take all the questions close to the public and then we answer and the only reason I cut you off or if I did I didn't mean to uh is to make sure that if you had a follow question you had that opportunity no I don't that that was the only question I had so we understand we're good all right we'll answer that in a minute there unless there's uh if there's anybody else okay Mr Kim thank you thank you anybody else but I have a motion and second by the any member of the council to close the public second all in favor please say I I okay um was that would that be you or Chris to answer that question um either one of us I could start and then Chris could fill in what I may have left out the 9 million funds three Bond ordinances uh they're multi-purpose Bond Wares so it covers a multitude of items as the mayor described infrastructure and equipment and um it was the one multi-purpose Bond ordinance from 2021 and the two from 2022 um there was the regular multi-purpose one and then there was a supplemental one to cover an emergency for for heast drainage Valley Road um wall repair and the burrow Hall project if you would like copies of of those ordinances you just reach out to the burough Clerk and file um an Oprah request and it would outline all the different projects and the cost of their and Oprah stands for Opa public record act oh it's on the website too Chris go ahead yeah that I was I was she answered it perfectly um it's it's those three ordinances um you know you summarized it earlier with it's you know police equipment Fire Equipment road infrastructure improvements to buildings and grounds Parks Etc um but uh the only the only thing that I would add is uh this is actually money that was already spent these projects are almost entirely completed um for the most part so we're actually just paying ourselves back for money that was fronted from a different fund right and that will allow us to advertise that right so because of because of the very conservative policies that the mayor referenced before we had the cash on hand to be able to support the projects as as our amortization schedules make room for future debt payments we will amortise uh the debt long term so that the uh the residents are paying it back over the useful life of the actual projects and the equipment that we purchased uh so once that happens you'll be you'll be paying uh the debt in the budget rather than utilizing our uh cash reserves to fund the projects so the short term payment is is just uh replenishing our our our Surplus balances which will be used for future projects before we permanently Finance them but the list of projects uh you know as as Lis mentioned are are written in the ordinances and uh are available now to explain amortization uh which I'm sure everybody's familiar with but just to from a municipal uh point of view uh these these projects will benefit the public over a 30-year period so first we go to a band which is a bonded anticipation note so that we replenish our cash supplies then we'll go Chris correct me if I'm wrong then we'll go out for a 30-year Bond and that way uh and that will be paid off through the budget so that every generation of um of homeowner uh resident will pay a small portion of that so that it's not the current group to pay for everything and then 29 years of individuals living in the town not having to pay for it so it's the fairest system and it's essentially what all towns do all through the United States Chris did I get that essentially correct yeah the only the only um the only change that I would make is is that the term of the bond would be based on the useful life of the projects so as you mentioned before there are certain items you know like police vehicles that have a lower useful life um there are items like burrow building that have a very long useful life so you end up with a blended useful life uh of those projects and that's determined at the time of the sizing of the bonds but your your your point is the same it's that's exactly what we're doing uh already closed um yeah I've done this before but you can come talk to us afterwards and we'll explain but we will also open again later on in the meeting and you can ask again all right so um okay so uh Chris thank you for coming uh we're good and have a great evening my pleasure you too thank you Chris excellent job excellent job all right uh we're going to move on there are monthly reports the lanus board uh has a report from May 22nd 2024 we now go to our ordinances we have two ordinances and since this is first reading we'll move them together and we'll have a vote by acclamation uh could I have a motion from in a moment from councilman Benson and a second from um councilwoman Kaufman uh after I read into the record both uh ordinances motion that the following ordinances be introduced and passed on first reading and set July 8th 2024 at 7.m or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard is the date and time and the River Edge Library as the place and zoom as a virtual platform for hearing on said ordinances there are two ordinance 24-17 and ordinance amending and supplementing section 400- 17.2 of chapter 400 vehicles and traffic of the revised General ordinance of the burrow River Edge respecting uh respecting parking within the Grove Street commercial parking lot an ordinance 24-18 an ordinance to amend chapter 206 of the revised General ordinance of the bur red entitled peas as an ordinance uh as as amended by the ordinance number 24-16 respecting parking fees for the Grove Street commercial parking lot um could I have a motion in second so move second it's been moved in second Miss appella if you could explain to the public what we're hoping to achieve through ordinances 24-17 and 24-18 yes um these ordinances would allow uh for residential parking in the glove Street commercial parking lot it was it came from a request of a resident and was vetted by the police department and um so this ordinance would allow three parking spaces in that parking lot and it also establishes the feed for the residential um parking sticker any member of council wish to ask a question enter into debate or make a comment hearing none all in favor uh please say I I any opposed any extensions hearing none it is unanimous for those present okay we go to our second reading and hearing on ordinance this will be a uh poll vote uh could I have councilwoman um malari and councilwoman uh Canela move and second to open to the public after I finish reading into the record following ordinance published here within was first read by title only on June 10th 2024 posted on bulletin board outside of the clerk's office ordinance 24-15 an ordinance amending the uh sub um sorry amending and supplementing the revised General ordinance of the burough of River Edge chapter 400 vehicles and traffic uh and we're going to open to the public for ordinance 24-16 an ordinance to amend chapter 206 of the revised General ordinance of the burough River Edge entitled fees Soo second okay all in favor of opening to the public on these ordinances I I any opposed any exstension okay those who are online as well as those who are present it oh I'm sorry before we do that uh Miss appella if you could explain what we hope to achieve with ordinance 2415 and 2416 yes 24:15 would allow um nonresident commuters to park in the River Edge Road train station parking lot and 2416 establishes the the feed for those non-resident commuters all right very good now we're open to the public any member of public present or remotely uh please raise your hand and you will have an opportunity to uh comment to ask a question on these ordinances only don't see any all right uh could the other two council members uh could I have a motion in second to close the public second all in favor please say I I I okay now we need to move them for adoption separately so could I have a motion from Council woman canella and a second from councilwoman uh Kaufman for ordinance 24-15 an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinance of the burough River Edge chapter 400 vehicles and traffic so move second it is open for debate is there debate commentary inquiry Madam clerk roll call please yes counc yes councilwoman Larry yes Council Benson yes okay a moment could I have councilman Benson and councilwoman uh malari um move and second ordinance 24-16 and ordinance to amend chapter 206 of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of River Edge entitled fees so move second okay uh it is open for debate inquiry comment hearing none roll call please yeah yes councilwoman G yes councilwoman Larry yes Council Bon yes okay we're up to resolutions item number 112 24-22 through 24-19 uh is there any member of council who would like to ask a question um pull out for a separate vote any of the resolutions we are currently considering uh with the exception of payment of bills which we always do separately mayor I just have a question about 24210 go ahead um just what is that uh a point bur representative to the Community Development Regional committee yes since we received funding from the Community Development block grant the federal fund for HUD um right now that project started uh on Oxford and ruter and Kinder kak it helps fund improvements in our census track and as part of going through the application the Grant application process um there has to be burrow representatives to the committee and we uh attend the the reorganization meeting and we attend the funding allocation meeting because if you do not attend the municipal does not receive money okay and how how many meetings are held with regards to that only two just to read just a reorg and the allocation okay thank you any other question for any other resolution okay could uh councilwoman uh malari could you move and councilman Benson can you second resolutions 24-22 through 24- 219 some second um it is open for debate is there debate hearing none all in favor please say I I uh councilwoman Kaufman if you could move 24- to20 and if a member of the finance committee second it when you're done reading it into the record payment of bills at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council of The Bu of River County of fergon state of New Jersey held on June 24 2024 be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the buau of river approve the following expenditures current fund $35,200 $ 26,7 47 Grant fund $1,400 $ 5125 trust other $29548 developers escrow $400 Recreation trust $2,845 39 so moved excellent second second it's been moved and seconded uh all in favor please say I I any opposed any exstension okay we have New Jersey fireman's associating so Association uh we're up to new business I apologize item number 13 uh we've done 13B we're now up to 13A New Jersey Firemen's Association clothing collection bin this comes to us uh from one of our Riveredge uh fire officers uh Michael schlosberg he's also the president of River Edge fire department company number one uh he I will read into record a letter that he sent on June 20th um mayor papao River Edge Council members I apologize I am not able to formally make my request in person due to our prior engagement this evening I thankful for your consideration I am writing this note to formally request permission on behalf of the River Edge fire department to locate a clothing collection bin against a retaining War at 10 River Edge Road in the train parking lot the organization that collects clothes and properly maintains the B is the New York New Jersey Firemen's Association in this year alone the organization donated over $4,000 in scholarships provided to several riverdell students the bin serves as a great way for people to dispose of old clothes and this is also how the Firemen's Association raises their money lastly in the event of a fire in the community the Firemen's Association will make a direct donations to the families affected this is happened on fires in our town uh Town's history when we had a bin on behalf of New York New Jersey firman Association this happens only if we have been from the association in town this location specifically at 10 River Edge Road is being requested due to a prior consultation with Jason molo DPW superintendent after discussion with d Jason he advised The Next Step would be to gain permission from the Town Council I would also like uh to also just comment on how responsive and great Jason uh is anytime I have requested any assistance thank you for your time and consideration of my request I am hopeful of gaining your approval in this evening um thanks again for your support Robert schurg president Riveredge fire department company number one um okay so that's the request um so I open it to the council for consideration I do uh share I do endorse this request uh any questions comments or thoughts and if the council is so inclined uh after that those uh that brief discussion or lengthy discussion Council if one member of council could move it and second MERS of council could second it we could then put it to a vote so first discussion or debate so about that I I just want to say great idea second okay it's been mov to Second it's open for further debate or discussion H all right all in favor please say I any opposed any obss all right well that was very well done okay is there any old business okay uh we're going to open to the public for any comments could I have a motion second from any member of council to open the public for any question comment or uh inquiry question uh all in favor please say I I okay so anyone uh remotely any one in present please raise your hand either electronically one Regal person here really sure well we're going to get to that you know or we'll postpone if we need to uh any comments uh from the public seeing none could I have motion second to close the public move second all in favor please uh we can do something else to stall one last thing we could do are there any uh are there any Council comments yes mayor I have some comments excellent Council and I'll stole here I guess I just actually I just wanted to give a shout out to our fire department and the incredible work that Chief schurg and his leadership team and the volunteer fire fire is Du for our town I last week I went to two different um events I suppose one of them was a feedback session after work at the firehouse of company one feedback on a recent buyer call they had and it was really amazing they had some very senior uh uh dign dignitaries from the county and other towns attending there and everyone was giving feedback on how they handled that fire and the chief himself was talking about you know these were the things I did really well here were some things I could have improved on so just a fantastic meeting and then I also on Sunday morning I went down and spent time with the chief his leadership team and volunteers and we went around Newbridge Landing to plan out what would happen if there was a fire how would they fight it where would the trucks be Park where are the hydrants how would you get up on the roof where you know it was just an amazing uh meeting on a Sunday morning so I just give a shout out to our volunteers of all the work that they do and I encourage our Town's people to stop in and shake a hand of volunteer fire uh uh fire men or women um and thank yes we do have female firefighters yes and they are outstanding yep so um anyhow should I keep going May or uh I think we're good okay any other comments before we close Council comments I just want to remind every fourth of July is coming up on Thursday U and we won't have a council meeting before then but uh posters are all up so hope that hopefully everybody will be in attend good and it's it's a fun parade and the recck then has a great program in the park which runs for several hours and there's food and the fire department comes and they uh they do wet they set up their hoses as well as give tours of the equipment so that is great are we I think we're good right all right very very good so we have uh we have our Regal 34 softball team certificates so um I'm going to kind of need the uh certificate that we're going to be handing out and then I'm going to call all the players up and and the coaches and um we will um so um and we will recognize so we have a certificate of recognition the mayor and Council the bur Riveredge are PL proud to present this certificate too and your names will be on it in recognition of the River Edge Girls Athletic League 314 for winning the kindri KAC Softball League Division Championship and congratulating them for an excellent season and the uh certificate says council president Lisa monsan Cohen councilman Barry Benson councilman David glass councilwoman Michelle Kaufman councilwoman indir canella and councilwoman claudiana malari and then my signature Thomas Papo mayor of Ren so could I have everyone come and stand over here coaches to all right any and I for to have the coaches over here with me you help me pronounce the names amongst other things all right and we wna want to get kind of over a little bit and we want to bring the girls over girls I need for you to move a little bit more this way look at the camera if you do not see yourself on the camera you are not close there we go there we go great all right girls this is uh so coaches tell us you know what went into the season and uh and uh you know talk a little bit about uh the girls achievement yeah uh so our first game we had a loss and it was you know it came we had and ultimately at the end of the season we ended with one loss and we were ended up being 111 and one so had the first three games we had a loss we came back one and then tied and from there our team started growing uh with their abilities playing as a team and coming together and honestly I told them each one of them had something to do especially when we went into the playoffs to get us to win out of 52 teams and I was very proud of them because uh from putting his team together and seeing him grow become a team and bond uh if it wasn't for that we would have never got to where we were so they grew into a team and uh each one of them did something throughout the year especially towards the end to uh win excellent outstanding congratulations any of the other coaches want to say a few words not if your all right great so we have certificates for both the coaches and the students and they're not in any particular order so if it's okay we're going to hand them out in the order that they're in is that all right everybody so we start first with uh coach Betsy Gman uh coach Jolie uh how do I say the last name May jie uh coach Michelle gild Gilda [Music] sorry right and Coach Jesse richens he's not here I'll take it all right excellent and coach Chris all right girls very exciting now if the person isn't here we're still GNA applo for them right and we'll just give it to the co one of the coaches and they'll um and they'll hand it off uh ASA are you here yes hold it like this for a minute for Han Demona she's not here all right Gabriella separate that from the previous one okay let me actually see if I can okay Mar Mara richin Grace [Music] Li Payton Elena Elena all right paig okay here we go great Sasha Sasha Scarlet congratul there you go okay Savannah ready to play jul conat and uh Buy's not with us right now all right so [Music] around got come up and if we could now have all of you parents if You' like to take pictures come on over here and we're g to move everyone girls we're gonna kind of organize you a little bit girls I want you to face me and right here right here right here and can I have one over here one over here fourth gr and then come forward people who are height concerned uh in the front Okay and then coaches behind Okay and we can all right everybody smile big smile hold your certificates up but don't cover your faces because all right all right here we go all right now stay here for one more second we ask every oh go ahead thank you all right we asked the parents to step out of the way so the people remotely can see them before weas what you took all right here we go here we go again all right all right one more time everybody big smiles don't cover your faces with your certificates right all right all right and stay here for a second and if the parents by the way and uh oh hold on hold on stay right there stay right there all thank you for coming yes um when we had when we had open to the public that was your talk but hold on you didn't realize could I have uh my special request could I have a motion to open the public one more time all in favor please say I Michelle first full name and address I just want to say yeah full name and address 193 Wayne Avenue um I just want to say that I want to thank the DPW all the help that they give me beautific wouldn't beic well for the Public's benefit you are the chair of the beautification committee very good and you have been the chair of the beautification committee for twoo long well more than five years oh gosh yes and um they just really helped whenever I I I ask Chris leishman can you do this can you do this is this possible I never get a know so Chris is one of our foremen Chris is one of the foremen um Dan Woody Mark and Matt both helped this past week at Cherry Blossom Park we um we redid a whole section of the park I want to invite everybody there there's so many things blooming right now um and I just want to acknowledge them excellent they're they're so good like I said they never say no that's wonderful thank you you're welcome so thank you for special have motion and second can close to the public second all in favor please say I I okay is there any other business before this body hearing none could I have a motion in second to adjourn the meeting second all in favor please say I I excellent job tonight everyone