I call to order the meeting of the mayor and Council of burough of River Edge uh January 5th 2024 the senny die meeting I ask everyone to stand for a moment of Silent prayer let us keep in our hearts and our minds all those who are suffering throughout the world especially those hot spots in around the world as in Israel and Ukraine may we remember those folks in our hearts in our prayers if you could um focus your attention ready salute I thank you and please be seated statement of compliance with the open public meeting act this meeting complies with the open public meeting act by notification on December 19th 2023 Sunshine notice containing the location date and time and access information in the town news and the record by posting the same on the municipal bulletin board and the bough website V of the same with the municipal clerk Madame clerk roll call here here here here here here okay uh we're going to open to the public on any item of the agenda if a member of the public wishes to make a comment or ask a question about the agenda they may come forward State their name and address and ask their question or make their comment could I have a motion from any member of council so move and a second second it has been moved in second do all in favor please say I we're now open to the public is there any member of the public who would like to come forward and ask a question or make a comment seeing none could I have a motion to close to the public on the agenda all in favor please say I I all right well we have uh a couple of awards and proclamations that we're going to begin um and but before we do that uh I'd like to thank the Riveredge public library for allowing us to uh take over this space at this time we're going to continue to be in public from this point on even though B hole is under construction we're going to continue to have our meetings here uh until the burrow is repaired and we can return we have two wonderful proclamations uh to make one to our our bur former burough attorney Tom sarlo and one to our chief I'm going to begin uh with our former bur attorney he would have been here his name is Tom sarlo he served for about eight years I think late nine years and um he is leaving us because he's being made a judge and because he's being made a judge you can't come to any political events so even though he uh also is a councilman in um Lil faery um he can't even go to that so in his absence I'd like to read into this Proclamation into the record whereas Thomas a sarlo PC was appointed burough attorney for the bur of River Edge in January 2013 whereas Thomas S attended William Patterson University where he earned his degree in political science and went to attend his juror doctorate in law from the seatan hall law whereas Tom S resides in Lil Ferry and remains dedicated to his community as a councilman and coach of the League South hackensac baseball and soccer whereas Tom solo sets standards of excellence and dedication by being admitted to the American Trial Lawyers Association the Board of Governors from 2026 to present whereas Tom Sor continually expanded his professional achievements in mpal law whereas Tom Sor presented uh presence will be deeply missed by the governing body of the burough River Edge who have benefited from his knowledge and leadership in the face of challenges changing the state county and local governments have been presented pres president over the past 11 years now therefore be it resolved that I Thomas Papo mayor on behalf of the governing body the residents of the B River Edge do hereby extend our thanks and sincere appreciation to Tom Sol for his many years of dedicated and committed service to the B of River Edge and so in his absence I ask for a round of applause for his years of and our next item on the agenda is a plaque of presentation to our outgoing fire chief Greg K so I asked the chief to to come forward I'm going to stand over here so that everyone can see you and you're on the camera Chief Kitty uh this is you're finishing your second term as Chief correct correct and chief has done uh tremendous work in our town leading our volunteers and our volunteers are an amazing group we have an all volunteer fire department for those of you who may not know and um it takes hours and hours of commitment each week plus it takes six months of training um and they often are called out in the middle of the night or on holidays and our current chief and all the Chiefs in the past and all the Chiefs going forward have the responsibility of training organization and uh leadership at the time when we have incidents so um in recognition we have a plaque uh for chief gr Kitt uh fire Chief January 1st 2022 through December 31st 2023 given in grateful recognition for your dedication to the safety of all burough residents and for your leadership and commitment to serve in the River Edge Fire Department chief it was it was an honor and I'm humbled to lead this department the last two years I'm also honored to be chief schur's assistant chief uh he's now guiding our department and our volunteers do a lot we have about 60 members uh as the mayor said the training they have to go to fire School in Mawa to get their State Certified firew training two nights a week for almost seven months and you know it's that's somebody coming home from work driving up to Mawa two nights a week um and that course is about to get a little bit longer so it's quite a commitment for our volunteers to come out do the training keep up with the training they're in the firehouses every Tuesday night every Sunday mornings we've already have crews in conjunction with Chief under his guide we have Crews ready to stand by for tomorrow night and we're also keeping an eye on the storm for Tuesday night into Wednesday of next week so again it was my honor uh lifelong burough resident been around the firehouse since I was a little kid and I just want to thank the mayor and counsel for this plaque it's an hon to serve the burrow thank you I'm going to stay on this side of the Dez for a second um could I have a um we're we have a promotion and so could I ask uh Sergeant Jes zes to come forward you will be Lieutenant zines in a moment and can I have the chief and the captain and all the police department who are might be present feel free to come forward and family you want and we got to we got to do the resolution yeah so first the council is going to authorize the resolution so could I have a motion in second to authorize resolution 23- 338 authorize the promotion of Joseph zes to the position of police Lieutenant second and since this is a promotion I'm going to ask for a roll call council president C yes councilwoman M yes councilwoman absolutely councilwoman yes counc yes well this is wonderful and if we could squeeze in some more so you guys can be on the camera so uh it can we can have a record and uh very good what happened sorry are we still good so do you need some okay let me step out of the camera's view okay so um Sergeant zes you are now Lieutenant zes please repeat after me I state your name I subses do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I that I will bear true faith and Allegiance will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I state your name I Joseph Z do solemnly swear solemnly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as a lieutenant of the River Edge Police Department as a lieutenant of the River Edge Police Department to the best of my ability the best of my ability so help me God so help me God brother nice Chief I give you the floor you like to say a few words feel free to I just uh I'll thank my competition the other sergeant that didn't go for the position they uh putting their full faith and credit in me to uh go for the job um thank you to the chief for you know working with the mayor and Council to get through the process and thank you to you all for you you know making it happen and uh I appreciate it again same as uh alcoh fire chief C lifelong resident lived here my whole life um proud to be a member of this department and uh looking forward to continue raising my family here thank you well we have great confidence in you and in our entire police department and our chief and we're very very happy that you've taken on this position thank you thanks ma' okay um on the day with us right now is our new attorney Mr shanian and we're grateful to have him here and I want to recognize him um he's beginning with us tonight so um Chief did you want to say any few words before we left I'm good you sure all right all right uh so we need to close out the year and so we have a couple of pieces of business then we're going to have a brief intermission of like maybe one minute two minutes and then we're going to begin the reorganization meeting and the swearing in of our new council member and so could I have a motion in a second from Member uh from any member of council uh to the following appointment and Personnel changes approve a $55,000 stien for Angela jovis for purchasing assistant position effective January 1st 2024 approve the salary increase of Edwin alter for the lanus board tax collector clerk for an hourly rate of $24.95 to $30 effective January 1st 2024 approve the retirement of Lieutenant Joseph staros effective 20 uh December 31st 2023 approve the internship of Olivia scharner uh through December 31st 2024 an hourly rate of $15.75 approve the internship of Hayden Hernandez through December 31st 2024 at an hourly rate of $15.30 all in favor please say I okay we have a couple of items on the agendas any member of council wish to pull up any of the resolutions for 2023 through uh 339 through oh yes I'm sorry there are monthly reports on record available from the clerk's office Library board December 5th L use board November 8th L use uh board November 29th okay so does any member of council need to uh ask a question or pull out for a separate vote any of the resolutions 2020 I'm sorry 23- 339 through 23- 345 seeing none uh could I have a motion to approve resolution 23- 339 through 20 is it supposed to be that's right 23- 345 second all in favor please say I but I have the uh Finance shair re 23- 346 payment of bills at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council of the buau of River County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on January 5th 2024 be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the Bureau of river approve the following expenditures current fund $351,900 .11 Capital fund $ 55,1 3433 Grant fund 4, $487 trust other fund $100 payroll fund $17,574.13 comments all in favor please say I all right is any member of the public wish to make a comment statement or ask a question seeing none could I have a motion to close to the public so all in favor please say I all right are there any Council comments to close the year seeing none I move to adjourn the C die meeting I mean could I have a motion to move to say I mean so move all in favor please say I all right we are closed in just a minute we are going to move into the others um the report I just remind everybody the mics are still live closer to recording voice recording just as a safety you need to delete it delet it that's we'll find all right here we go okay something I call to order the meeting of the mayor and Council the burough River Edge reorganization meeting January 5th 2024 I ask everyone to rise again for a moment of Silent reflection um for our country for our nation for our state please address the flag ready salute States all right statement of compliance with the open public meeting act this meeting complies with the open public meeting act by notification via the December 19 2023 Sunshine notice containing the location date and time and access information to the town news and the record and by posting of the same on the municipal bulletin board and the burough website and filing notice of the same with the municipal clerk Madam clerk roll call please here here here here all right so I now dra our attention to the burough clerk to announce the election results serve full foure starting January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2027 receiving 1,828 votes and Canelo is duly reelected as a councilwoman to serve a full three-year term starting January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2026 receiving 1,751 votes and David glass was du elected as councilman to serve a full three-year term starting January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2026 receiving 1,743 votes with us are two distinguished members of our state we have assemblyman Tully and assembly woman Swain and I've asked assembly mully to uh issue the oath of office so assembly me thank you y okay okay I st your name I Thomas papalo solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I that I will bear true faith and Allegiance will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I state your name I Thomas papalo do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties as mayor perform all the duties as mayor of the burrow of River Edge of the burrow of River Edge to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me go congratulations okay uh s s and counc [Music] canella we got everybody else to stand up [Music] here holding any may I make a suggestion if you stand on the other side the camera will pick you up here we can look and and that way you'll be record picture okay okay I your name i Kin do solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the constit Constitution of the United States United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I state your name I andar Ina do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all the duties as councilwoman perform all the duties of councilwoman of the burrow of R River Edge of the burrow of River Edge to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations okay and I'm signing on this line you are signing as Witnesses okay David and family and then all right that's that looks good well I'm honored to be able to swear and our new council person David and dar and I did a great job I think of campaigning but now we have the hard work ahead of us it's the governing part and I know that David going to do a great job and we're thrilled to have him so thank you raise your right hand repeat after me I state your name I David glass do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the god government established in the United States to the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I state your name I David glass do solemnly swear do solemly swear that I have that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as councilman of the burrow of River Edge as councilman of the burrow of river to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God conr any sign yeah all right I now invite um the counc conseller will come out David stay right here I invite the assembly um man and woman to come forward and we come over here not used to sobly women Swain uh and uh assembly Tully work with Senator Lana and the three of them have done tremendous amount for B rge including recently a $900,000 non-matching grant for our infrastructure repairs and for our Parks but when we needed them during Hurricane Sandy and other weather related issues and we need needed some muscle from the state to help us out they were there when we were looking for a little bit more support from pscg they were there and they made it possible for riverid to get back up on its feet and whenever we have to call upon them they answer their phone on the first Rank and so we are honored and delighted to have them here with us today thank you and it's our pleasure to be here these are the wonderful events that take place as part of government you know bringing the people together and Chris and I had the Good Fortune to campaign with all of you and I got to say your mayor is quite the Walker and knows everyone in town we learned quite a bit thank and it's really it's a beautiful town it's I I really I have to say I I love being here so um from District 38 from the state we bring you large proclamations and um our first one here this is for you mayor papao and and councilwoman thank you and David yes want to make sure the right one so um we're just we're thrilled to be here and to you know have the honor of witnessing you reelected elected River Edge is very fortunate to have you as their team thank you and D we're just so honored to not only continue working together but honored to share the boutot with you and especially in nights like this not only were you elected but andir and mayor you were uh reelected so that shows that not only did you run our promises but Promises Kept and David you're going to make an excellent addition to this Council Riv is a wonderful town know that our office for Senator Joana as someone s to myself our do is always open you know that know that all the residents here know that everyone on video hopefully knows that and uh we're just so happy uh for you congratulations to you and good luck on 2024 to everybody happy New Year everybody thank take a picture so all together just put this down for a second I also wanted to say congrat ulations to your Chief and also the the police promotions that's always a wonderful event in a town to to see that and bring that Community all together thank you congratulations all right so we'll just stand here CH back in the background and watch your step this one may go you all right just hold like this good all right thank you we're leave these here for now I guess I know you have other places to be at and celebrate we're off a where you see you soon I'm St to I love that that's great each yes all right are we ready so at this point I turn to our burrow clerk would you please um roll call of the new mayor and Council councilwoman C here councilwoman here councilwoman canella herec woman Mal here coun Benson here coun glass here mayor Papo here I ask now for a uh name to be put forth for our new council president for 2024 I'd like to put forward Lisa councilwoman Lisa montisano Cohen and are you putting that forward as a motion yes I is there any other motion or any other name hearing none I ask for a second second it's been moved in seconded all in favor please say I I congratulations we also want to thank our outgoing council president uh Michelle Kaufman for all the work she's done and um I know that we have great things ahead of us thank you very much councilwoman monan Cohen all right we have a special um Proclamation or uh presentation to be made so I call forth former councilwoman Ellen B so I have to say for all of the years I enjoyed being I'm gonna ask you to do it from there I don't want to so for all of the years I've enjoyed being on um that side of the table this has been a very pleasurable experience I have to say and I'm so pleased you're G to be back in person I think that's terrific that's Terri so um I'm before I begin my weo presentation I just want to congratulate councilman David Blass I couldn't think of a better person to be joining this Council we've known each other for 20 years and um I'm so thrilled I know you're going to be make a great addition congratulations so much congratulations so um I'm here tonight actually I didn't know you were going to be council president so I don't have a certificate for you but I'm going to congratulate you here to now you come up so I'm here as a founding member and board member of women Empower Democratic organization of Burton County what we affectionately call we do our mission that we began about seven eight years ago under the leadership of Deputy Mayor Christina katron in Fair laon um was to build an organization that would Empower mentor and support um both emotionally and financially women in Bergen County Democrats who wanted to get involved in the political process and take a seat at the political table whatever that looked like for them whether it was running for office whether it was being Municipal chair whether it was serving on a committee or a commission um being a campaign helper whatever that was and we have grown to an organization that donates um tens of thousands of dollars annually to these candidates um and we have a full mentorship program that we're very proud of so it's my distinct honor as I look around this table and see all of these elected women who I was lucky enough to serve with to recognize councilwoman canella tonight for her reelection on behalf of Leo and give her this certificate of achievement and also a wonderful choice in council president Lisa mat get and um I know we have other we Doo members on the de so maybe they want to join us for a photo and would you takea thank you mayor congratulations to you as well you so much couldn't made a better choice appreciate it thank you for your time all right well we're moving right along um so let's just um take a moment okay could I have a motion from every member of council to open the public on any item on the agenda for the reorganization meeting second all in favor please say I I does any member of the public wish to ask a question or make a comment is there any anyone online who would like to ask a question if there's anyone online who would like to ask a question just raise your hand and I'll allow you to speak does not look like it could I have a motion to close to the public on the agenda second all in favor please say I I okay um so John I think I could just re uh read the title without reading all the details correct very good very good um so um we're going to I'm going to ask for a motion of recognition to the different items that are on the agenda so uh could I have a motion and a second to the aon's appointments to various committees commissions and Boards item number 11 a through J someone second all in favor please say I I okay do I need to read the mayor's appointments or can I just that high title to do high title I want to read them this a discretionary really all right so we will read them into the record uh in a moment could I have a motion and second to the mayor's appointments uh the mayor appoints Chris castlin and Laura hofra alternate one for three years through 20 20 I'm sorry December 31st 2026 to the Environmental Protection committee effective January 1st 2024 the mayor appoints Caitlyn nips to as student representative for term from uh 1124 through 8 3124 reappoints Jim hofr from for the alternate two to the full member to fill the unexpired turn of Mary Donahue through 12 3125 to the historic prevention commission effective January 1st 2024 the mayor appoints Chris castlin as a class two for the threee year term through 12 3126 Ellen Bolan as a class 45 uh for four-year term through 20 12 3127 to the lanus sport effective January 1st 2024 the mayor appoints Lieutenant Joseph zines as chair reappoints Kathleen castlin Chris Christina Evers Claudia O'Neal Elizabeth odine arene fi lady Shirley officer Bron presend um pendor Terry OA Ern Kim Stephanie Hartman Randy O'Neal Tara noow Janelle Blake for one-year terms through 1231 2024 to the municipal alliance against alcohol and drugs effective January 1st 2024 the mayor appoints Elizabeth Stewart and pretty wall alternate two for a 5-year term through 12312 to the shade tree commission effective January 1st 2024 got a motion a second so move second all in favor please say I I okay Personnel changes could I have a motion and second after reading into the record the following approve the appointment of Eric James assistant principal as the Riveredge Board of Education rep for one-year term through 12312 the reappointment of Dar OK Conor Frey dwall Kate Murray and Stephen shalet as the chair as chair for two-year term through 12312 to the cultural Affairs advisory committee effective January 1st 2024 approve the reappointment of Teresa Esposito Citizen and Jane daily Health Department for oneye term uh through 1231 2024 to the Farmers Market Committee effect of January 1st 2024 approve the appointments of the following officers for the River Edge fire department for the year 2024 2025 chief of the department Robert stosberg assistant chief Greg kid deputy chief Eric Schulz Captain company number one John Maly Jud Jr Captain Company 2 William Sanders first lieutenant John Fel first lieutenant company and that was company number one uh first lieutenant I believe right company that was company number two I apologize uh Ben silver second Lieutenant Company Number One Jim Carrol second Lieutenant company number one Seth Hunter uh effective January 1st 2024 approve the reappointment of Alan Silverman William Drew Peter diveris and Ralph uh Leonardi to the fire prevention Bureau for one-year terms effective January 1st 2024 excuse me approve the appointment of Elizabeth Brown as school board representative for a one-year term through 12 3124 and Karen glass as a resident member for a two-year term of 12312 the reappointment of Maryanne comar recck and Marie Papo chair for two-year terms to the Green Team effective January 1st 2024 approve the reappointment of Mary Claire Smith for a three-year term through 12 3126 to the Board of Health effective January 1st 2024 approve the reappointment of Julie rabanos Raben whisk for five-year term through 12312 Melissa borach for as mayor representative for one-year term Christina Warren for a as the superintendent school representative for one-year term through 12312 to the library board trustees effective January 1st 2024 approve the reappointment of Steve Baxter Maryann colore and Lissa armental for three-year terms through 12 3126 Kate imken alternate two for two-year term through 12312 to the direct commission effective January 1st 2024 approve the reappointment of Jason molo as safety delegate and James fororo as alterate for year 2024 effective January 1 2021 can I make one comment sure anyone who's related to any of the people that are on the list because I saw some last names that I recognize um may want to recuse from the vote for that particular appointment so what I'm going to ask in Council to do is move in second and then all in favor you'll say I but abstain from okay and you'll abstain from a specific um appointment cor all right do I have a motion in second all in favor please say I I are there any abstentions I abstain from Steve shallot for chair of the cultural Affairs committee I abstain from the appointment of Karen glass okay and are there any others that one well I I don't vote no right fair enough um so we need to administer oath of office to all appointees are there any appointees here we will administer please come forward and and there's Jim straight one second he's he's online and if you could all stand over there and Jim if you're online uh you can open your mic working on it and you can come a little bit forward maybe congregate right Miss are here that would be good all right your moment on tell standing all right and we have everybody I think we do okay so the way it's going to go is I'm gonna say I and you say your name you're all going to say I and state say your name and then I'm going to read through and you're going to repeat after me but when we get to the second stanza um they're going to come I'm going to say perform all the duties as a member of the blank and of the member of the and then I'm gonna leave I'm gonna pause and you're G to say as a member of the chry commission or whatever it might be okay uh and and your role if there's a special role so you might say as chair of the Shad commission or since Shad commission is not here tonight that's why I'm using that one as a example okay are we good yes great please raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name straight do solemnly swear do swear that I will support the Constitution that I support the conit of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constition of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will true faith and aliance to the same to and to the government and to the established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of I state your name do solemnly swear do swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties this the part where we get tricky as a member of the of the Environmental Protection Commission all right well done to the best of my ability abil so help me God congratulations oh I didn't does everyone want to stand for a picture or well I really really like that if we could we maybe together just take a quick shot all right everybody come back over here if you don't mind I'm gonna crowd in you guys here and can I have the council in the background our volunteers are what makes the town the town everybody a little bit just forward Volunteers in the front and the coun behind you well all right all right here we go all right you might want to turn to the side that makes a little bit easier for people to be seing you're welcome Jim Laur thank you for uh attending and appreciate your [Laughter] service okay cool all right we have a little bit more business to do um if you can't stay that's okay this is uh just ordinances and resolutions pretty much okay okay so we have uh it number 16 we have one ordinance okay um could I have a motion um motion that follows to be in I'm just G to read this okay um oh I see motion that the following ordinance be introduced and passed on the first reading and setting January 22nd 2024 at 7.m or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard as the date and time and um Daye and time both the River Edge Library as the place and zoom as the virtual platform for the following ordinance to be heard uh hearing on the said ordinance ordinance 24-1 an ordinance to fix the salary wages and compensation of the officers and employees of the burough River Edge in the county of Bergen and the state of New Jersey for year 2024 could I have a motion and a second they moved second all right I turn to our uh Bor administrator Miss UHA if you could just please give a brief synopsis of what this ordinance is attempting to achieve yes establishes the salary ranges of the employees who are not an officers who are not in a collective bargaining unit for the year um and it's just the range it's not the actual salary there would be a resolution for the employee salary at the next meeting very good so um this is not open to the public because it's our first reading we've had a motion and second roll call please yesc president yesc yes Larry yes counc Benson yes coun yes all right so now we have resolutions 24-1 through 24- 59 is there any member of council wishes to ask a question make a comment or pull out for a separate vote any of the resolutions hearing none could I have a motion to move uh resolution 24-1 through 24- 59 Moes all in favor please say I I I very good okay could I have a motion and second to open the public for any comments or questions so move second all in favor please say I I I all right we are now open to the public is there anyone online or anyone here who wishes to ask a question or make a comment very good could I have a motion and second to close to the public so second all in favor please say I I are there any Council comments councilwoman canella um I would just like to congratulate our new council president um uh Mont Santa Cen and thank um our former council president Michelle Kaufman for all of the work that she did for the last two years I'd also congratulate um uh our mayor um again um Papo and um David glass as our new councilwoman councilman and also congratulate uh Lieutenant zdes for um uh his promotion as well as all of the newly appoint uh appointees to various um committees and say thank you to my sister for coming from Pennsylvania for the ceremony and mother-in-law for being here from Ireland and my family the new position so and a special thank you to we do and Ellen B uh we do did so much for our campaign this year and I just want to give a special shout out to them thank you you're welcome I think everyone would agree here here here here here here and I would like to congratulate councilwoman conseller for her win second term doing a great job and we are grateful and blessed to have you on the council and to be a servant of the Town any other member of council wish to offer a comment I just want to thank my council members for nominating me for this uh role and I look forward to a productive successful year with everyone congratulations mayor congratulations IND and welcome David to the Das and Welcome to our new Mor attorney TR fire tonight so welcome yes here here to welcoming our new attorney John we really appreciate you coming and stepping in um we we uh we look forward to many many years together my honor excellent any other comments all right could I have a motion to adjourn I'm gonna take that as Mo second all favor please say I I all right any abion any no good we need to take a picture together yes so we have a banner shot thank you all for coming John thank you so much for being part of our town I appreciate it I appre J and I look forward to working with everybody oh great