okay so Jim you want to take the floor before we uh get things formally underway sure so I wanted to address the board tonight uh after 27 thrill packed years and I I do say there were some thrilling times uh uh in my time on the board I decided it's time to retire so uh in that regard um this will be my last meeting and I want to tell you all that I thoroughly uh enjoyed working with all of you uh I've seen some of you from the beginning grow to be wonderful members of our uh of committee um I'm proud to say that going back as far as Jimmy Kirk and then it was uh I believe it was mayor Watkins then mayor mus katola then mayor Monon and then mayor papalo uh I've been I was reup by all five different mayors going back into the I guess early 90s and uh I've really enjoyed my time here but I've taken on a new role as uh the newly elected vice president of the Bergen board of realtors and I've also taken on a role about a year and a half ago as you're all well aware as uh Grandpa so I decided to devote more time to those things for now and um and go out on top and and I've enjoyed working with all of you I don't know what else to say uh whenever I take my travels up and down kindak Road and I look at uh some of the things we've accomplished it's nothing short of um exhilarating and uh I can tell you I've heard from Mayors all up and down the kandat Cor say wanting to know how we do what we do and and how we get our building owners to take care of the buildings the way they we do and many of the towns are jealous of our board and I there's it's easy to figure out why because you guys are all always on point so again I've enjoyed working with you guys and occasionally I'm going to pop on and listen to you listen to you and and uh I appreciate all the support you've given me in the past as both a member and and your chairman for five years so on that note don't leave yet so Mr chairman could I have a point of personal privilege you may absolutely Mr Mayor so um before Jim goes away I want to on behalf of the burrow on behalf of myself and the council thank him for his years of uh selfless service Jim has done a tremendous tribute to the town and we'll have a proclamation for him set up very soon uh Jim you um you work hard you were the chairperson of this board uh for a number of years um and you uh were many times the memory with other members of the board and I wanted to make sure that I acknowledged you at this point and to publicly thank you for all you've done not just for this board but for the burrow of River Edge for the town for the people in so many ways I thank you mayor that's very very kind Mr chair go ahead Mr merman you beat me yeah uh Jim it's it's been great time working with you um lending assistance to you and I uh wish you a best wishes in your semi uh retirement to a new life think we've been together for a long time and uh I've thoroughly enjoyed your uh your counil and uh are uh occasionally occasional phone calls you're you're you're the always the guy that finds stuff that nobody else does and uh I'm sure the rest of the board recognizes that as well and working with you side by side as been a uh an eye openening and a and a great learning experience for me so thank you I thank you um I'll jump in next uh I wouldn't be on this board if it wasn't for you uh I wouldn't be involved with our Realtor board because of you um so I have a lot to thank you for and I owe a lot to you and um if you had told me you were doing this I would have talked to you out of it but uh you've been an asset to this board you're an asset to this town and uh you will will be sorely sorely missed here but thank you for all your your service and time to this board and this community right and you know I've known your mom for the better part of 30 years and uh in that time of course I've got to watch you grow up and I saw leadership in you from many years on and we work together of course in the same office I saw the drive that you had and and I said this is a guy that I got to get involved with our town and as you know as well I've been pushing you into the leadership area of uh of our board of directors of our real estate board as well uh I I I watched you grown into an amazing member of this uh uh committee and I know it's been a it's a daunting task to start out but you you've come so long you you I know that we're we're left in in in in really good hands with you being on the board so I appreciate your kind words trying appreciate it Jim well Jim we'll certainly miss your your wealth of experience and guidance along the way here and certainly your your ability to of empathy for for applicants while trying to maintain the balance of of of things as they are and the mission of the board and trying to achieve um you know our mission is which is to make sure the land use of of the town is is properly addressed and and it's no easy task and certainly you did it with with uh you know tremendous amount of say empathy and uh professionalism and um for that I certainly appreciate and having stepped into your shoes which were certainly large shoes to fill it was I appreciate the uh the guidance you had provide along the way so thank you for that and unless anybody else says anything further I going to suggest we call the meeting to or I'm going to uh I'm just going to not a matter of personal privilege Mr Kasten go ahead Mr Mayor um first of all I want to thank you and Miss Bolan for agreeing to be reappointed uh I am very very grateful you do a lot of great work for the town and I am greatly appreciative the fact that you were willing to take on another term I also want to thank uh Mr Esposito Gary Esposito for his years of service he he needed to drop out in December uh we will be replacing him soon and I also want to thank councilman Keno for the work he did and uh welcome councilman David glass however Jim um Jim was able to talk his replacement into taking the position that I was not I approached councilman kigo and asked him to take uh take back uh take a position on the board um he he at that time it was right uh right around end of December beginning of January and he he felt he really had too many commitments Jim called him back up and said hey you got to take over my position finished my two years and councilman Keno uh heated the second call which I'm grateful for and we will be appointing C uh Mr Keno no longer councilman Keno former councilman Keno to the board uh on the 22nd of uh January and then he will rejoin the board and I hope to have someone appointed to Mr s bazo's position at that time too uh it's a lot of work this this board Jim did it for 27 amazing years and I hope everyone can stay on for 27 years I wish that I wish that for everyone uh thank you Mr chairman thank you Jim thank you Eileen thank you councilman glass uh thank you uh uh Mr espito and uh councilman kigo uh for his service and now his return soon thank you okay Mr chairman being I see that you have a quorum I'm going to tap that at this point okay and again I'm GNA bid you all a good night and and again a grateful thank you for all your kind words and I I don't want to miss out on my good friend Ed alter what a terrific job he was did had did done as a as our aard secretary uh he he he was my right-hand man when I was the chairman and I know Chris feels the same way about him and I and I don't want to leave that unset because he's been nothing short of fantastic and uh I I've I've also built a nice friendship with him as well so you know you get some nice things out of being on these committees and that's one of them all right I'm not going to kill the time here I know cream papaya is anxious to get themselves going so I'll say good night and uh I'll see you soon soon I thank you for that Jim thanks hi Jim good night take care Jim Lisa you all said so I'm ready I'm ready all right let's uh let's get we'll get the show on the road uh call the meeting to order this is the meeting of the municipal land use Board of the burrow River Edge today is Wednesday January 10th 20 24 the time now is 7:41 p.m. this meeting of the municipal LS Board of burough River Edge is being held remotely and recorded via Zoom due to burough council chambers on availability and is in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act and Associated regulations notice of this remote meeting was published in the Bergen record on October 6 2022 posted on the front doors of burough Hall and posted on the Burrow's website the notice included the dial in and login information necessary for public participation and access to this meeting remotely copy of the agenda for the meeting was made available on the bur's website near the posting of the meeting notice and included the dial in and login information during the public comment period of this meeting if you would like to make a public comment please press the raise hand button on Zoom or dial star9 on your telephone keypad to raise your hand the board will address You by name or by the last four digits of your telephone number you may mute and unmute Yourself by pressing the microphone icon on Zoom or dialing star 6 on your telephone keypad you must state your name and address clearly prior to making a public comment with that I will ask Miss styly to call the role please thank you Mr Mayor here Mr castlin here miss Boland here Mr merman here Mr feffer here Mr cray here here councilman glass here Mr Gibbons here Mr bed here also present uh Mr Barons and Mr Flores from the engineering office okay thank you excuse me our first item on the agenda this evening is the approval of minutes uh from our December 13 2023 meeting uh draff set of the minutes was circulated to the board for review prior to this evening's meeting I open it up to the board for comments and or questions on the minutes uh as provided Mr chairman Mr merman um I have a comment on the minutes and it's basically a um a uh hanging sentence and I'll I'll go over it uh on the uh da be uh The Fifth Avenue the 390 fth Avenue if you read the first sent it reads out a draft of the resolution was circulated throughout the board four there's a blank there it should add the word review and then after it it should say Mr am I reading too fast okay should continue on mman has red resolution and finds it's acceptable and the meeting and recommends the mo makes a motion to approve uh the minutes ba b b basically um we we just got to complete that that whole whole item that's it okay anyone else I just had a couple of just really just uh just edits under under questions from the board uh one two three four five six seven eight lines down the statement uh the line begins removal but a replacement following The Hyphen uh he instead of differs that word should probably should be defers DF RS this is this is I'm sorry this is Page Six of of the minutes and on page seven just another minor typo just in under Paul Yun the uh uh penultimate line of the second paragraph there I think the word he should be the the elevation is 99.8 that's well I have if anyone else has any comments questions on the minutes okay if not I will look for a motion to approve the minutes with those few ads so moved thank you Mr given is there a second second second than Mr Cay all right for this meeting um Mr bed was absent and Mr glass um was not a member yet so we can do and all in favor okay so with those exceptions uh members of the board all in favor I any oppose any abstain okay thank you very much moving along in our agenda our next item this evening under memorializations is a resolution for the application of Daniel and Amanda Fitzpatrick property is 211 Valley Road Block 1103 lot 3 two resolution granting variance for maximum improved lock coverage draft of the resolution was circulated prior to this evening's meeting for review by the board open it to the board for comments and or questions Mr chairman I do have one edit I guess two on page two um under the second whereas Clause number four I wrote resolution number two 2005-09 but it should be 29 and I'm going to include the reference to the date of the resolution which is January 11 2006 and I'm also going to add the date to the bottom of page two under paragraph two um right next to the resolution number I'm going to add the date as well okay questions or comments on the board okay with those two changes Miss styley mentioned I will look for a motion to approve the resolution thank you Mr CRA is there a second second thank you all right I'll only call those eligible to vote Mr Mayor yes Mr kln yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr yes Mr cray yes yes and Mr Gibbons yes all right the motion passes okay thank you our next uh item on the agenda this evening is Paul Yun 82 Spring Valley Avenue block 208 Block 19 resolution granting variance for maximum prooved block coverage draft of the resolution was circulated prior to this evening's meeting to the board for review open it to the board for comments or questions on the draft resolution Mr chairman Mr merman I review this resolution also and I find it acceptable as written okay thank you sir any further comments from the board okay there being none I'll look to the board for a motion to approve the resolution as provided so moved Mr gens there a second second thank you call all right again I'll only call those eligible to vote Mr Mayor yes Mr klin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr cray yes yes Mr Gibbons yes all right the motion passes okay thank you very much uh next item under memorialization for this evening is the resolution establishing the annual meeting schedule for 2024 for the board uh there was a discussion of the meeting with a few revisions uh was back on our last meeting on December 13th and a draft of the resolution um with those changes reflected was circulated to the board prior to this evening I open it to the board for comments and or questions on uh the resolution if if I may Mr chairman um would you like to swear in all of the returning members so then we can do the vote on the new on the calendar for 2024 with Mr glass included sure we can we can move that around that probably makes sense we have a full compliment that's fine we do have a quorum now but might as well take care of that formality now okay so let's hold that that thought for the moment so I have um the mayor Mr castlin councilman glass um and and Miss Boland as being sworn in tonight um what I'll do is I can go through everyone individually or we can do it as a group I don't I know we've done it in the past as a group but it can be a little bit confusing whatever you you'd prefer like a group Works group works yeah there's just three of us so yeah we let's go with a group okay all right so if everyone can raise your right hand and then just say I I and repeat after me I state your name I I I do solemnly swear or affirm swear that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and perform all of the duties of the office of perform all the DU of the office luse board member board member for the mayor it'll be class one member for Mr coun and class two member for councilman glass it'll be class three member and from Miss Bolan it'll be class four member so all the duties of the office of State your class office class one and the of the buau of Riveredge Municipal land use board to the best of my ability the best and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will beith and allegiance to the same Al to the same and to the government established and to the government estblished in the United States in the United States states in and in this state St State under the authority of the people under theth all right thank you congratulations thank you thank you thank you okay now then so we got the uh swearing and taking care of Let's uh return to what uh we have our last memorialization for this evening which was the establishment of the schedule for the board's meetings for calendar year 2024 draft resolution was circulated to the board prior to the meeting comments or questions from the board on the draft resolution has provided okay there being none I'll look for a motion uh to approve the resolution so moved thank you Miss ban there a second thank you Mr Craig we can do all in fav Voice vote okay um with that all those in favor I any oppose any abstain all right thank you very much we're going to move now into the uh reorganization of the board for 2024 uh our first uh item under reorganization is the election of officers of the board and the first uh position is chair do I have a nomination for chair of the board I would nominate you Mr castan second anyone else not getting out of it apparently [Laughter] not all right well if there are no further nominations I'll look for a [Music] motion uh on the nomin n of myself and I can't I won't vote on it but I'll look for somebody to approve the nomination I'll make a a motion to approve or denominate uh Chris castlin as our chair for the 24 2024 calendar year I second second okay put Mr merman down at the second not me okay and we can do a voice vote on this one as well okay well I'll abstain all right all in favor I all right thank you all right thanks everyone we'll continue to to drive the uh the ship forward hopefully 2024 and with that uh my partner in in crime or not crime but the next uh position is vice chair of the board I'll open it for nominations or vice chair please I nominate Mr merman I'd second that all right anyone else for vice chair other than Mr merman all right miss steinley all right the second was is Mr Gibbons yes yes all right and all in favor I any okay mrman will abstain all right the motion passes all right our next position is board secretary may have a nomination please I nominate Mr Gibbons I second that all right anyone else for board secretary okay Miss dley all right we can do a voice vote so all in favor I I any opposed any abstain I'll obain thank you thank you all motion passes okay the next item on our reorganization agenda is the appointment of our professionals our first professional is board attorney um we have a resolution to reappoint uh clear jacobe alfer Jacobs LLC as the municipal L use board attorney for 2024 uh draft of the resolution was circulated to the board prior to this evening any questions comments on that okay I will look for a uh motion to approve reappointment of our board attorney for 2024 uh I would move to the uh to approve clearly giobi alfier Jacobs LLC as our board attorney okay is there a second second thank you spes do a Voice vote y That's fine okay all in favor any oppose any abstain okay thank you very much thank you very our next professional this for reappointment is the planner um we're looking at reappointing uh Burgess Associates as the board planner for 2024 draft resolution was circulated on this uh prior to the meeting and I open it to a motion to re reappoint Burgess Associates as our board planner thank Mr C is there a second second second I think I got Miss Bolan as a second all right all in favor I any oppos any abstain all right resolution passes thank you thank you all pleasure to be back thank you time and lastly uh we have our board engineer um we're looking to reappoint Costa Engineering Corporation as the board engineer for 2020 before draft resolution was circulated prior to this evening's meeting and I'll look for a motion on reappointment of cost engineering as our board engineer I'll motion to continue to appoint cost engineering as our engineer thank you Mr Gib is there a second second thank you Miss bowlan we'll do a Voice vote all in favor I any oppose any abstain all right thank you very much with that I think we've completed the reorganization portion of our meeting this evening congratulations to all those who were reappointed next on our agenda for this evening is completeness review uh the first item there is the is for 216 L your Terrace block 126 lot 17 uh this is an application for various improvements including a new pergola pavers patio and outdoor kitchen Stone areas seeking variance relief Miss styley yes thank you prior to the meeting I reviewed the proofs submitted by the applicant and found them to be sufficient for the board to have jurisdiction over the application tonight okay thank you very much uh Mr Baron yes from a completeness perspective as you said Mr chairman the the um application is for improvements uh to the rear yard which include a patio Pera and outdoor kitchen the applicant submitted a survey and a plan for those improvements so I believe that information is adequate for the board to proceed okay thank you Mr parents uh Mr Flores hi good evening everybody uh yes uh my office review the uh the site plans uh the survey plans and also the lay of denial from uh from Tom and we find sufficient for the board to hear uh the professionals on on this matter okay thank you sir uh any comments from the board questions on the completeness aspects of this application okay there being done I'll look for a motion on completeness please so move I think I've got a a motion for Mr Gibbons and a second from Mr Craig work all right I will do a roll call vote Mr Mayor yes Mr cin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr cig yes yes councilman glass yes Mr Gibbons yes and Mr besed yes and for the record Mr besed is seated to vote on the applications tonight okay thanks everyone our next application for completeness the applicant is Jenny castona Tam property is 429 Windsor Road Block 809 loot 25 the application relates to a proposed renovation for dwelling Patio Pool and driveway extension rebuild on an existing foundation and a twostory Edition seeking variant relief Miss styley yes thank you prior to the meeting I reviewed the proofs submitted by the applicant and found them to be sufficient for the board to hear the application tonight okay thank you Mr baren Sure from May completeness perspective um the application for additions to the existing dwelling as well as uh Pool and Patio in the rear and driveway expansion in the front um the applicant submitted a property survey of existing conditions and plan for the plans for those improvements which appear to be adequate for the application to proceed okay thank you and Mr Flores uh my office reviewed the uh this the side plan provided by um by Michael Kao AA Architects LCC and they provide sufficient information for the board to move forward with the application okay thank you questions or comments from the board on completeness okay I will look for a motion to deem this application complete so moved thank you m bowan there a second thank you Mr Craig all right I will do a roll call vote Mr Mayor yes Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes M Mr cig yes yes councilman glass yes Mr Gibbons yes sorry and Mr bed yes all right the motion passes okay thank you and our final application for completeness this evening is Green Papaya property is 110 Kinder KAC road block 1407 lot five this is a change in ownership of the Green Papaya restaurant requiring a site plan approval for a food handler's license Miss steinley yes thank you prior to this meeting I reviewed the proof submitted by the applicant and the applicant's attorney and found them to be sufficient um and complete for the board to hear the application tonight okay thank you Mr Barons yes I believe the application is simply for a change in ownership which involves a food handler's license I don't believe the applicant is proposing any site plan modifications um I I do have a few comments in that regard but from a completeness perspective um it looks like uh there's enough to proceed with this application okay thanks sir uh Mr Flores uh my office reviewed the existing condition s plans uh provided by uh Morgan engineering surveys uh like Tom said that it's a change of ownership and that the applicant doesn't seek to do any Improvement on the site okay thank you questions comments from the board on this application as far as completeness okay I'll look for a motion to deem the application complete please so moved thank you Miss Bolan and I think I've got a second for Mr Craig all right I will do roll call Mr Mayor yes Mr cin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr cray yes yes Mr Gibbons yes and councilman glass yes and Mr besed yes okay the motion passes okay thank you everyone we're gonna shift now into the new business section of our agenda for the evening uh first item is uh property is 216 ler Terrace block 1206 lot 17 uh various improvements are proposed including a new pergola pavers patio and outdoor kitchen Stone areas uh seeking variance relief I believe we have the applicant and attendance this evening good evening good evening hi I'll have to um swear you in so if you please raise your right hand and do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes and then please just state your name and address for um I'm going to withhold my name as my name is protected under Daniel's law from public record um so I'm requesting that I be um referred to as the homeowner um I think that that's sufficient for this application the buau does have the records um for if there were if there was an appeal of this application in the future the buau does have the record so if that came to it we would be able to we would have to provide that to them okay at this time I think that's that's acceptable any questions from the board on this okay everybody has made aware of this previously um that's fine so continue with uh swearing in do you have any professionals here with you today yes um I have Jeff Hower from Hower engineering okay and you'll be serving as the applicant's uh engineer I'm sorry I couldn't hear you yes okay so if you please raise your right hand do you swear affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes and then please state your name provide your business address for the record and then provide the board with some background on your experience and qualification sure uh Jeffrey Hower h u I'm with Hower engineering and add business address 1141 Greenwood Lake Turnpike in Ringwood New Jersey 07456 I the owner and principal of Houser Engineering I've been a licensed professional engineer since 2008 I earned my bachelor of engineering degree from Stevens's Institute of Technology in Hoboken um I've been a practicing civil engineer uh since before I was licensed and uh I'm also licensed in New York Pennsylvania and Maryland I've appeared for numerous boards uh in the capacity uh as a designer of uh various grading plans site plans storm water management plans okay and your license is current and in good standing in New Jersey yes have you have you appeared before us in the past uh Mr Hower I have not okay questions from the board as to Mr how's qualifications okay um then I'll turn to you Mr Hower and the applicant to if you would um as both of you if you would kindly provide a summary of the improvements that you're proposing to undertake and the um relief you're seeking from the board this evening uh sure I guess I'll start and um I'll let Jeff explain more of the technical aspects of it um but for us as homeowners uh we moved uh to River Edge a few years ago um and we don't have a backyard space currently um it's it's grass um we haven't once been able to actually enjoy the backyard um so we're we're really looking to have a space where uh you know our kids can go back back back into the backyard and enjoy the backyard we can enjoy the outdoor area um and you know in a nutshell um we're really home bodies and we stay home a lot but when we stay home we'd actually also like to go outside at the same time especially during the warmer months um so I'm I'm hoping that um we can get some relief here uh in order for us to um at least have a a space that we could enjoy um you know obviously a property value will probably go up for us um which I think is probably a good thing for the town too so um I'm hoping that um we can get through this okay so with that said uh the applicant hired us several months months ago uh and was actually looking to do quite an elaborate um Hardscape plan it included a pool um a lot of gravel areas a lot more patio um he actually engaged a a landscape architect to prepare this plan and we were brought on board to to seek a variant and and once we started doing the analysis we realized that uh he was ask he would be asking for a bit much so he scaled it back his project considerably uh prior versions of this that um the municipality has not seen um essentially had Hardscape across the entire backyard um we are seeking three variances tonight um one for maximum lot coverage one for maximum improved lot coverage and um and one for total coverage uh for for accessory building or an access structure um as it currently is there is an existing nonconformity for maximum lot coverage the R1 residential Zone allows for a 25% uh maximum lot coverage which would be uh 2,1 197.50 square feet as it currently is the existing house alone Falls within three and a half square feet of that Max coverage number and when you factor in some existing favers and and steps out the back of the property um the existing conditions exceed that 25% threshold it's actually 26% um the applicant intends to uh seek relief for a modest 10% increase over the existing which would have a 28.6% um coverage or 257.709 [Music] structure which is a pergola itself uh the pergola is approximately 15 by 17 it's an open air structure um it's not like it's a shed or detached garage but the ordinance only allows a maximum coverage of 150 square feet for an accessory structure and we're going to be at 236.50 by 17 perum um the rest of the Y Y is going to be regraded as lawn in the backyard we to offset this increase and improved coverage we've proposed some modest storm water management uh we're proposing to take a down spout from the from the property and install a lawn Inlet that will run to a recharge chamber surrounded by gravel now in our analysis uh we used a 10year storm which would be 1.9 5 Ines of rain over our impervious coverage I will acknowledge that Costa engineering said that it needs to be a 3-in rainfall over the coverage I just wanted to point out that uh in our analysis with the 1.95 Ines um we only needed um me we only needed 547 gallons of storage what we provided was for 988 gallons if we redo the calculations for the 3-in rainfall um we need 842 gallons of storage so the proposed 988 will satisfy that requirement without the need for any additional design revisions um overall the the the modest patio with the with the uh outdoor kitchen area on top of that patio and the the fairly modest hgle in the backyard um provides an outdoor living space for the owner to enjoy the backyard um the the increases in the coverage are are minimal overall in the big scheme of things um if it was not for the house as constructed essentially occupying the entirety of the U the maximum lock coverage uh it left very little room for any any uh Hardscape improvements or any accessory structures in the backyard so um you know as this property was originally developed with that size house just didn't leave a lot of room for for outdoor living and as as time's gone on especially on the heels of of covid people tend to uh stay home enjoy their outdoor living space a little bit more and this proposal allows for that okay thank you for that um I'm gonna turn first to uh to our planner Mr Barons sure good evening um thank you for that presentation I guess I'll ask either the applicant or the engineer in terms of the the pergola I don't believe we've received any details um can you please confirm the height of the pergola if you know it I'm sorry I could try to look it up right now um well the reason I we have an accessory sorry we have a that's all good we have we have a a maximum uh accessory Building height requirement of 12 feet so just to I mean you can acknowledge that and just say whatever you know if if the board approves this that you'd you know maintain uh that maximum height of the yeah the Height's only 8 feet 2 inches so yeah it's helpful to understand okay yep and that's at the highest point ex is that accurate okay okay and um I mean in some respects this is fairly straightforward but I guess just to hone in on some of the issues can you talk about um I guess which way the the backyard pitches too I think there's a stream in the I guess we'll call it the backyard is that accurate there is yes okay so does the backyard pitch toward that stream or does it pitch toward a neighbor okay I pches toward the stream very good you identified I I think I heard two of the three variances you mentioned I apologize if I didn't hear the third so we have the lock coverage variants improved lock coverage and there's also uh the burrow has a maximum accessory structure footprint of 150 square feet and the perula I believe is the requested variance relief and in total it seems that the total proposed coverage increase is 428 Square fet um correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that's what the plans indicate so um for the board's benefit and even the applicant this is a situation where um a new house was built I'll say maybe within the last three to five years um and the developer basically maxed out the footprint of the house and a double width driveway uh leaving no area in the rear for a rear amenity which would be typical otherwise in River Edge and so um you know here we are again I I I know we're going to address this you know at some point this year but um that's the current situation so I guess the question would be uh to the applicant you know have you looked at I I know the proposed improved lot coverage is 40% have you looked at any other ways of you know modifying this or is this kind of the where where you've landed in terms of what would be the minimum of what you would want to do right there yeah so just like um Jeff was saying um earlier originally before we moved to the town um we weren't aware of the coverage um ordinances so you know we just thought that you know we could try to go for a pool and really a really Grand backyard but you know um we actually went all the way up to the point where we we met with Ed alter who's been nothing but helpful and at that point Ed had suggested that we um confer with an attorney and when the attorney looked at the S plan he right away said that listen you have to redo this so we went back to the engineer we spent more money on re revising the plan and you know even with the landscape architect at in hindsight we probably didn't even need the landscape architect because the design now is so simple so even with that we we spent a bunch of money and you know up to this point we probably spent um almost eight8 to 10 grand so um you know we did compromise a lot um and we're obviously trying to do the right thing and we're trying to get a variance and we're trying to conform to you know what's um what's basically um you know normal in the town um so um I'm hoping that this this very modest uh addition to the house is going to get approved all right thank and my my final comments and question it looks like you already have uh six foot high fencing um are there any landscape improvements proposed anywhere around the like um I I guess uh you know sometimes a justification for a variance could be uh you know improvements to the property in the form of either Aesthetics I think you've offered that you're doing storm water management so I would just offer that if there's anything you wanted to offer to the board for consideration in terms of you know again benefits to the town to the neighborhood um sure um consideration yeah so as far as you know um landscaping and Aesthetics um I guess it depends on how much money we have left at the end of the day because you know those things are things that I think Can Can Happen um after hardscaping I think hardscaping is our priority right now um but we are really trying hard to see where we could um make landscape improvements and you know plant you know um plants and little bushes and and things of that sort we we do have identified on the plans some landscape areas with mulching beds that the plantings could go in there to the extent that they're there to hide the Patia the proposed patio the pergalo that's not really the intent it's just to beautify the backyard um but again the the the pergola itself is it's an open air structure it's not so much that a neighbor is going to be staring at a at a wall essentially they'll see through it um you know there is no roof it's just it's just boards placed more or less one to two feet on Center across uh some beams so but um there there there is some opportunity to do some plantings uh in the backyard I well I was back back and the front yard I was even thinking but um that's it for me for now Mr chairman okay thank you Mr baren uh Mr Flores uh good evening everybody again um I want to touch on the storm water management uh like like the applicant uh engineer mentioned yes we recommended to use a three in uh rainfall event and the propos in the proposed uh cish pip provides roughly like 988 gallons and if we use a three in rainstone he is actually he needs say like around 820 gallons so he have more than sufficient capacity you know with with the propos uh cish pit in in the backyard um another thing I want to toou uh in this area is that the ditch that is behind uh the house is the oak ditch and the bottle lately has been uh spending a lot of money trying to improve uh you know the uh the capacity of the oak dit and I'm not too concerned about the house having the cpage speed in that area because it's going to overflow into this each and ultimately going to go into the hackinson river um the only thing I will have one question for the engineer can you walk me through the grading in the backyard that's I just want because it's very hard for me to understand the uh existing grading and the proposed grading uh in the backyard I mean you can just point it out where you know where the 9 existing 97 counter 98 counter are in into the proposed one yes the the existing 97 Contour pretty much remains unchanged it it's along the back property line if if you're starting the uh northwest corner the 97 Contour is is crosses right over the rear property line kind of runs parallel of the the the property line and then um stays just inside the rear fence that's going to remain unchanged um we are going to slightly increase the grade um the existing 98 contor essentially cuts across the middle of the backyard from left to right we're just pushing it back slightly um so we'll be changing the grade less than a foot at the highest point back there uh to create a more level area more usable area but in general it's it's a very flat yard and when we're all done with this project it'll remain a very flat yard okay um all right so you're so so the so for for for the board CL clarification so the the new proposed grading uh is not altering the where the existing runoff is going it's going still going towards the I would say this the southwest corner so that's not going to change it's going to remain the same um the other comment I do have for you and the applicant is that the six foot B off fence is encroaching within the uh uh with the border right away and that's not within the property line so if a three falls down there and he breaks the fence the town is not going to be responsible to fix that fence so um and I don't know if the Bard will is gonna want you to move that fence back to the property line that I will leave that to the board but uh that's something that I they should be aware of that um other than that I have no other comments okay thank you Mr Flores uh I'm going to open it to comments or questions from the board U Miss Bolan if I may I'll start with you yes um my only comment is I I appreciate that the uh property owner worked with with the advice of of Mr atler we do feel strongly about the 40% um and as I know it was difficult as you explained that having the lot coverage already at 26% you didn't have a lot of leeway with a full driveway which we encourage um so I I don't have a problem with this uh proposed improvements for a rear yard patio um because of the fact that it's not over the 40% threshold that we as a board choose to go by hey thank you Miss bowan uh Mr feffer uh yes I uh was going to say something similar to miss Bolan um so I will just second what she said and uh and thank the applicant for being being flexible um and scaling back some of your earlier plans I I think that's beneficial to the community and I have no questions okay thank you sir uh Mr Craig yeah lot hey hey Mike we're getting a whole lot of feedback from you how's this how this better no I'm still getting it all right I I'll let you work on the technical side of things I'll I'll continue on Down the Line I'll come back to you okay okay uh Mr given um I I as Miss Bolan had said you know I do appreciate you're trying to um to scale this back but we do we are also looking at an oversized lot um that we're now overdeveloping um I'm I'm a little concerned I I you use the word modest but I do think this is a pretty good siiz patio um there is a patio underneath the person is that correct yes um you know so we are talking about adding um what is the number 400 square feet or 500 square feet of patio um this is an oversized lot and you know we're going to 40 on an oversized lot and a humongous house um so I am a little concerned about adding more coverage with a very large house um and going 40% um do you have any have you looked at any smaller versions of the patio SL pergola I don't think um it's really so much the pergola but more of the patio area um so if you can see um on the site plan where the um the um pavers that are adjacent to the back of the house it's not a large area um so the square um above that um is really more for just seating you know not much else I'm I'm just looking at we have an oversized property you know 75 by 100 is our typical lot and your, 1300 feet over that um I I personally think that's a lot of coverage for an oversized lot but isn't it dependent on the percentage of of the lot what we're talking about it is but we're cing more space so we're we're it's the the the law is 35% so you know we're asking to go over that on an oversized lot so on a typical lot if you were to go to 40 you're not covering as much as you are on an oversized lot so if you a smaller lot your 40% would not be as much of an impact on the town you know and the amount that we're covering so that's you know I do have a concern I would personally rather see those spaces smaller um I know 40 is our unoficial usual number on a normal siiz lot um you know but personally I think it's I think it's a bit much um and I think it it personally I think it could be scaled down to make it a little less coverage on an oversized lot okay thank you Mr GI Mr Craig let me come back to you uh how's that sound better better no I'm still getting Echo you have your phone and your computer going Mr cray yeah no no I'm justu compu the whole the whole night you've been echoing [Music] yeah speaker yeah Mr Craig do you have two like a desktop and a laptop open simultaneously no at all no I'm still hearing an echo why I suggest that Mr Craig you close all your devices and sign back in yeah [Music] yep okay okay let me let me move on then uh Mr Mayor yes I have to Echo Mr gibbons's uh concerns um uh 40% is not a number that we are obligated to in fact no number above 35 this is the South part of town that floods in a pretty regular basis we have serious flooding issues in town we've just spent several million dollars trying to address one of the problems in the middle of the Town um and I'm also concerned about and and we have to be concerned about your neighbors and the area so 40% on oversized lot uh is translates into a tremendous amount of um impervious lot coverage so I have a concern about that and I hope that you can redo that also um as the mayor of the town I have to say that the fence needs to be moved and has to be agreed to or I could not vote Yes um because um uh you have to stay your fence has to stay within the property line and I hope you might be able to accommodate that um as a change I think it's a beautiful Improvement I think it's be good for the town I'm just hoping that you can consider reducing it a little bit and uh by any way you see possible and of course um I hope you can agree uh to move the fence because uh the fence must stay on your property line Thank you thank you Mr Mayor Mr Craig I am back and you're not echoing welcome back I feel so much better [Laughter] now that I'll turn the floor to you Mr Craig questions comments okay thank you um I I I agree and generally with Mr Gibbons uh I'm a little concerned that we have an oversized lot and we are you know looking at at that 40% because uh and and I'll ask the uh the home homeowner um again the kind of the criteria for the allowing the variance is that either there was a public good you know there some improvement uh you know to the town in general or there's a hardship you know hardship obviously could be a small lot and a regularly shaped lot um but I don't think that's a condition here um I know you mentioned storm water uh you know retention being put in but uh that's really just to address the potential impact of the changes that you're proposing of having the 40% coverage so you're not there's not really an improvement there there's just you're creating a condition that you're addressing um so I guess I'd like to hear um either you know how you perceive the public good on this or what hardship we're trying to address um because without you know some some argument there it's it's I agreee with Mr Gibbons that at that size lot to go to 40% coverage gives me a little bit of hesitation uh sure um I mean I think being in an oversized lot um this we we purchased this home um we didn't you know the builders as you know Mr Hower was actually addressing earlier had built the house to the maximum coverage um so we were not left with any room to um have any Hardscape in the backyard um and the hardship is we don't have any uh space in the backyard currently to do anything um during the Summers I keep my barbecue or my grill in my garage and I have to roll it out to my driveway to to grow my food um so you know I I think that should be you know heavily considered um saying that I would say that the majority of River Edge has some sort of backyard area but within I mean that as I'm looking at this I'm trying to get a sense of the the the pergola space is 236 square feet so I'm assuming that's somewhere around 20 by 24 by 10 right something like that um that would be incredibly larger I would say more along the lines of 12 by 12 12 by 12 15 15 15 15 by 17 I think is what Mr Hower had mentioned earlier that's the yes or the perers or the pergola is is what you're talking about well I was asking about the pergola to start yeah pergola I believe Mr haard had said that um it's 15 by 17 r yes 15 by 17 and then the patio is how large I don't think it's much larger than that I think I'm going to have to defer to Mr Hower on the measurements it's 22 by 11 but of that patio part of it is occupied by the existing steps that come down which will be refurbished to be consistent with the style of the the patio Hardscape and of that there's an approximate 3 and A2 foot um counter space that serves as an outdoor kitchen right up against the uh the dwelling so of that really after you take out that counter space and you take out the uh the stairs the effective patio area there is roughly 15 15 by8 yeah I don't know why you take out the counter space that's part of the amenity yes I mean if it wasn't a built-in uh Hardscape feature would it be a grill or something of that sort what I'm saying is like usable patio space to be able to put um a a picnic table um a a a lounge an outdoor patio set of some sorts right and but you're using as two separate spaces I mean at the end of the day we're talking about a backyard amenity and you know you split it into two but when you add it all up you're up at you know 450 square feet it's it's large um and I guess I agree with Mr gimons I'd love to see some uh thought given to maybe bringing that down a little bit and getting that that uh improved lot coverage down below 40 um you know we we tend to move to that as a maximum when there is a standard or undersized lot or there's an IR regular size lot or there's some other hardship um you know we don't really have the hardship here um it's so you know I think I'd like to see some some PL given to that and and maybe some movement on it and I'm good okay thank you Mr Cay one glass I do have a question um Jason I thought I heard there was some discussion about what was being used for uh design storm I heard three Ines I heard is there some disagreement on what should be used for a design storm uh no what I um I was just going base on uh one the engineers our ler recommends to use three in storm which represent roughly 100e storm event and you know so right now we're getting like 100e storm like so often so but they provide calculations based on a 10year storm so instead of they using three inches they use one inches but even though even if they use three Ines they have the capacity to take that in in consideration okay okay how however they just the design the design is adequate for a 3in storm correct the design is adequate for the three year for the 100 Year storm yeah it says I'm not clear these these Chambers these storm water recharge Chambers are they actually recharge or are they retention no so what they do water goes in there and they will infiltrate into the soil and it will siage through the lowest point in this case will be the dish in the backyard so we expect drainage to occur into the soil with the river a few feet on the cor so that's so so so that's another comment in our lat uh in order to make sure that this is going to work they're supposed to provide some soil testing uh in order to make sure that the soil meets the minimum uh cpage standard rate of otherwise is it's not going to work so that's so that that testing and adequate results would be critical path to approval uh yes it will however let me point that out uh because you are so close to an open DH in the backyard so regardless of that even if even if the system fails it's going to overflow and it's going to go into the ditch and it's not going to affect anybody so at that point it's just more like if it's going to affect somebody it's not going to affect anybody so at this point even if it fails and overflows it's not going to affect anybody because it's GNA go into the ditch and then it's going to go into well well the drain the drainage inlets wouldn't allow for water to run into the chamber right water would seek the level right correct okay thank you and I just want to point out that in in that storm water design we we chose this chamber product because it's a shallower solution um with with the gravel underneath we only need we need less than four feet of of depth as opposed to perhaps a more traditional concrete dry well that would have equivalent capacity but might be six feet deep no I get it I understand that but you know the new regulations just came in and you got to be above two feet above you know Sy of ground water table so regardless of that you need to identify that and with the proximity of the ditch the ground water table in that area is a your high so that's why we put that comment on the letter uh so just so you take that in consideration as well okay Mr busty oh you're on mute mute you're on mute um see yeah uh no questions I I had to step out there for 10es sorry thank you sir uh Mr merman yes um I have a question for our planner um your your review letter comment number five referred to cooking um adjacent to the the building has that been resolved well uh not being the um construction official I don't know uh you know the building code requirements for let's say a grill against the house but the the assumption is that if the board approves uh the plan as proposed or some form of the plan as proposed The Next Step would be to get permits for this and the permits would require that they meet the building code so I mean I think the applicant is aware of that he suggested that there may be uh some materials that could be used so it so that this is practical the way it's proposed I don't have the answer to that is the question so is a question more for the applicant's information that he consider that okay very good um I also have a question for Coster engineering J Jason on your report um under miscellaneous comments uh Item B you you you have a sentence regarding fencing and reference a pool and then on the next sheet you you discuss the fence being on the property um when I review this it looks like Item B doesn't belong in there is that correct uh one second let me just dou check that for you the bottom ofage the cross to the appropriate line correct uh okay so that oh no no no that's part of the common B so it is part of the common B just it's just outline just it's just pointing that out that the existing fence on the property is encroaching within the pro within the bot right away which is part of the be that's not that's not what I say Item B re refers to existing fencing gates are to be upgraded to pool compliant and so on that that that doesn't apply in this case I I'm what I'm suggesting is that that should be deleted oh yeah I'm yeah okay I understand yes correct y yeah no no I understand yes that gonna be deleted it's gonna be revised yes because there is no PO prop there no proposal of any po obviously you guys can can smize that that was from a previous version when we did have a pool on this plan and it just the note accidentally was not changed to to okay so the one that applies is is U the fact that the existing fence half of it goes on BR property and yes correct I fully agree um that with the mayor and and good planning that the fence that was in that is currently within the borrow property must be removed to rece re my vote all right that's conditional I I other comment I have is I totally agree with the coverage and I totally agree with the point that Mr cray makes where I know you you're taking patio and perlara and have independent areas there's I see no reason why you can't combine those H to achieve less than 40% and I've been looking for you to do that also to obtain my vote um other than that the rest of my uh uh concerns have been covered about especially the excessive coverage uh up to 40% and with that I yield Mr chairman okay thank you Mr [Music] marman um at this time I think we're going to do we have anybody in the public Marina yes we do okay let's let's open to the public uh for comment on this application only um again just as a reminder the application we're hearing right now is 216 R your terce uh take a motion to openon public please on this application I move thank you Mr given is there a second second thank you miss bowan all in favor I you oppose the obain okay at this time we're now open to the public for comment on this application alone again this is 216 ler Terrace is there anybody in the public who wishes to be heard on this application it looks like one person did have their hand raised previously okay so if you can unmute yourself and please state your name and address for the record Alice hello can you hear me do they have to be brought in as a panelist perhaps um they should be able to speak so if you have your micro there we go connecting to audio all right please state your name and address for the record and then you can provide your comment I think she's having audio problems yeah I can't I can see her as a panel yeah it keeps saying connect they're connecting her audio now Alice can you hear us not hear you might suggest logging out and logging back in you could try to log out back in or call in with the [Music] number one of the phone numbers on the agenda and she dropped off but dropped off she if anyone else there's still four other members of the public if you're interested in commenting on this application you can press the raise hand button on Zoom or if you're calling in dial star9 there is one phone call listener I'm just trying to give her few seconds to dial back in here yeah yie be they haven't re returned yeah I'll give it one more minute and then we'll just we'll we'll carry forward is Ed still on no yeah Ed's here oh he's right there did this person reach out to you about commenting at all no okay I had nobody from the public reach out to me okay all right at this time um we need to proceed um if there's no further members in attendance no members of the public in attendance who wish to be heard on this application um I'll look to the board then for a motion to close to the public please no moved G thank you Mr given there a second second thank you Mr feffer all in favor any oppose any abstain okay at this time we now stand close to the public on this application um Mr Hower you and your and um the applicant um you've heard the comments um from the board um at this time I I want to make sure that before we proceed further if if there is any um interest that you have in um considering what the comments that have been presented are whether you um want to take an opportunity to reconsider um the application and what's being proposed here um in terms of scale and size and um or alternatively we can move on we can also pull the board as I think most of the board members have indicated their um positions and level of support for the application at the as as currently proposed but um rather than have you go go forward if if you feel that um you'd like to reconsider the project um and we then we can um Carry Your your application to another meeting give you that opportunity but I'll offer that to you um I just I just wanted to address the issue with the um the fence um I just wanted to state that um we just there was actually an existing chain link fence um before and um all we did was follow you know the same line of that channeling fence that was already there from the previous home that's understood um but it's still in the wrong place so that's that's the the outcome on on that unfortunately but um so so gentlemen I give you that um I offer that to you as an option this evening as I say if you'd like to go back reconsider the the scale and and come back with a with a a modified proposal based on what you've heard this evening um I I'll let you respond to that or if you want us we can certainly continue I want to talk about that you know the two separate spaces that were created in this backyard um and and they do serve a purpose um first and foremost coming out of the house with those existing stairs as it is that there's only about a 3 and 1/2t Landing space at the bottom botom of those steps and and that patio that's closest to the house we just carried that line straight across to create a space where he could do his outdoor cooking so the applicant doesn't have to wheel his um his grill out of his garage and cook in his driveway um it's not a tremendous amount of space right there and we did disconnect it on purpose to try to save on the impervious coverage you know in the different iteration are getting to this point uh it doesn't make a lot of sense to put a two or three foot strip between two Hardscape areas but we did that intentionally to try to stay under that Target of the 40% threshold so there there were a I mean there were a lot of uh decisions made here to achieve that that area that that 40% Target um it could have we could have easily connected that um The Patio could have expanded beyond the perola space um but it it was intentionally done that way to create two separate areas one where there can be some food prep and and another area where people could uh stay away from the grill and the Heat and the smoke and uh enjoy the outdoors during as a a normal barbecue functions um I just wanted to to point that out um it wasn't that he wants all these different areas um we arrived at that through our effort to get under that 40% threshold and cut it really to the minimum um there's not a lot of room once you get down those steps you're stepping right there basically off into to the lawn area um and the distance between the bottom of the steps and that pergola is only 5 feet so in terms of moving the pergola um to even you know closer to the house now you're getting into that that cooking area um there's there's just there's not a lot that can be done other than just making things smaller which really restricts uh what how he can enjoy this space um you know you you put a you put a picnic table out there that has eight chairs around it you're going to eat up uh you know 80% of that pergola area there's not much left after you factor all that in um and you factor in the columns with the pergola and all that so uh I I certainly understand and appreciate the the board's comments and concerns especially in light of what's transpired in the last 48 hours um but there there's we're talking about pavers here for the patio uh which they're still impervious there is a drainage component to it some some infiltrates down through some of the cracks um right now it's proposed as a concrete pad under the pergola but I'm sure the homeowner would be open to doing some type of pavers there as well if it satisfying but there's really just not that much room I mean if could we make it a foot shorter I I don't know if that would satisfy the board enough and achieve my uh my client's objective here so I don't want you to think he threw all this out there and just is ask at a long wish list there was initially a a very Grand wish list and unfortunately the average homeowner when they're purchasing properties they go look at spaces they think they can do certain things and then uh you know he he engaged a landscape architect spent a considerable amount of money preparing renderings and all this and then came to me um and that's when we raised some red flags and said we can propose this but I don't think it's going to happen and through that effort we whittel it down whittel it down whittel it down to to the plan you're looking at so I don't know if the applicant is able or willing to to reduce this further to the point that it would satisfy uh the board members or and and serve his needs as a homeowner but I I'll let uh the applicant uh make that decision I'm I'm really hoping um you know we can move forward um I obviously don't want to go through this again um this is a long time coming like I said we've moved in a couple of years ago um so you know what what conditions do the board members feel like we should we should uh um um you know come to to to get the approval I just I just like to know might might I make a suggestion um you know you mentioned obviously everyone wants to have backyard space and we get that and we want you to have backyard space um I I would suggest if the if the patio area is for cooking you you really don't need a patio underneath you to cook uh if it's a space for your grill and I don't know what else is in there if there's a sink or whatever um you don't need extra Hardscape outside of of that um so I would suggest you know basically eliminating the patio area around that cooking space and have your and have your pergola um I think for me that would you know basically cut this in half and make this more in line of what would be acceptable at 40% on a 7500 foot lot um you know and it still keeps your people away from the smoke of cooking gives you that distance gives you your space to put your table um you know if that's if that's the you know the idea if that's just your cooking area then you know you really don't need um 2 42 square feet to to cook in so that would be be my personal suggestion the the um cooking area or where the kitchen is adjacent to the house was really for purposes of having a grill that can be hooked up to the gas line that's actually right on the corner of uh of of the back of the house um and also the pav area right in front of the kitchen would be where we would put a dining table and under the purle would have been where we put just general seating um so that's that's the main reason for the design of the way that things fit in um yeah and the patio that patio also serves as a landing to the those steps which he currently does not have I I understand all that I think you have enough space to to sit and Grill without both patios personally I I think as you're looking at the design it really looks at like two different patios if we had just made a a you know just one square that's adjacent to the house maybe that probably would have looked a little different just as uh Mr Hower was saying the the reason that the design was that way is because we were trying to to to minimize as the impervious coverage and also to have the perola just by itself so if let's say I designed or we designed just one big square and you know looking at it we were actually it says concrete pad but we're we were talking with a contractor and we both agreed that everything should just be one piece instead of separate and it should just all be um you know pavers um so it it technically is one piece it's not it's not really two separate areas it's it's not that it's two areas it's the amount of space that you're covering and it's not that it's concrete it's it's impervious coverage so for me it doesn't matter that there are two spaces it's the it's the coverage it's the amount that we're covering the property so what coverage would be would you be comfortable with I I I just made my suggestion you know of eliminate the what is now the paer patio area and keep the perola and keep your and keep the kitchen the but so the kitchen's going to sit on grass no that area would be whatever whatever square footage that is eliminate the papers and keep the perola that would be my suggestion so keep keep the the patio where the kitchen is at and then not whatever square footage the actual kitchen takes up okay is impious is impervious coverage because it's okay it's counter it's Granite it's whatever it is eliminate those eliminate those pavers and keep the pergola and you have a place to sit you have a place to be away from the Sun have your table eat spend time with your family whatever underneath that perola I'm not speaking for anyone else on the board that's just my two cents okay Mr chairman yes Mr um I I can explain to the applicant the process of if we carry the application um and then they could come back if that's okay yeah I was going to suggest that because it it seems that I think that's probably the best alternative at this point um but please proceed so at this point you've heard what the board members have had to say the recommendations um you can review your notes with your engineer and if you'd like we can carry this application to the board's next meeting without you won't have to notice anyone else you won't have to publish the newspaper again um we'll just carry it on the record that'll give you a couple weeks for you to look over see if you can make any changes look over the engineers report to see if what you can respond to in that and then you can come back um if you're interested in that or if not you can go forward with the application tonight taking all everything what the board said um but if the board makes a decision on on the application tonight that's what's the decision is going to be stle can I just tell you that the next meeting has a full fact schedule as well uh we'd have to carry it again to the second meeting coming up okay that's what same same idea okay thank you so just to be clear if we allow the board to move forward and vote and if I get denied tonight you're saying that I have to go through this whole variance process again correct well if you got denied that would be the decision of of the board and you wouldn't be able to that would whatever design that was denied would be would not be able to come back before the board if you made changes that would be a different story but you'd have to go through the whole process okay um just give me one second and Mr chairman we do have the member of the public who raised their hand before is here we okay um well we have to we'll have to reop to to the public then but I don't want to distract yeah yeah appli him right now can I just have one second to confer with uh my Mr Mr Hower uh yeah before you do that though um I want to open to the public quickly um sure you have a motion to open to the public please moved thank you Mr C there a second second thank you m bowan all in favor I any oppose abstain okay we're now open to the public again just on this application uh it looks like Alice Malone you're back [Music] um please state your name and address for the record still cannot hear you you can type your question in the chat if you um still can't get your microphone to work it says connecting to audio but yeah all right there's some technical issues happening here that unfortunately we're not Alice Malone can you hear us we cannot hear you if you're if you're on your computer you can type type your comment into the chat function of Zoom still not connecting no all right um unfortunately we're gonna have to move on um I'll look for a motion to close to the public at this time so moved thank you m b there a second thank you Mr Craig all in favor I opposing abstained okay we're now closed to the public again for this application alone uh I'll come back to Mr Hower and the applicant um don't know if you've um made a a decision as to whether or not you're going to proceed or you're going to carry look like us to carry the application um I was um gonna ask if uh we would be a have a straw poll um that if we do reduce the 39% um would reduce the patio by 5T would the board likely be um favorable of that um so you'd like us to pull the board if if if a 39% coverage yeah so reducing it by five the patio by five feet if uh the board would be uh favorable to that idea because you know I we we really don't want want to have to go through this again well trying our best well just to just appreciate what we what what miss steinley explained to you before if we carry your application it does not mean you have to Ren notice the public it means you come back at the next available meeting to to be heard again okay there's no notice requirement that you don't have to submit anything else unless you amend your plans but if you go through the process this evening and the board makes a decision that's the decision that the the board renders and as to this application if you do make any changes you'll have to go back through the process again of Ren noticing and resubmitting plans so just to make sure you're clear on that I'm clear so that's why the decision isn't as easy as uh you know I guess um as I want it to be um and that's why I would suggest that you know if if you you probably better serve going back with your engineer and and considering what the feedback from the board has been this evening and no we we've certainly heard the feedback and I think it would be helpful if we understand how much we need to scale this back we we've had mixed uh feedback we've had several members seem favorable with the 40% we've had several that seemed said reduce it something so uh I agree I think the applicant is agreeing to do some type of reduction here we just want to know how far we have to reduce it um he he's willing to give a concession here to make it smaller um um you know if if if the board was able to vote on a conditional approval that it's reduced to 39% tonight that would be fantastic if not at least it would give us feedback that we can revise these plans and give something to you that uh you can look at we can feel good about when we come back in front of the board okay um we will pull the board in that case um let me start before we pull the board could I ask a question yes sir would 1% be equivalent to 87.8 square ft is that correct Mr Hower I believe so so 2% would be uh about 80 190 square feet yes and if you reduce it by 5T is that 5T by 11 that you're reducing it by which would not be 87 it would be 55 yeah it would be roughly five five to six feet by the 15 foot width is what I was looking at I thought the width oh so the small one the perola the pergola so it would be five and perhaps I could uh with the patio up against the house I still need that land at the bottom of the steps but perhaps I could shave back the other side of it uh parallel to the side property line a little bit to get that 1% redu I don't know this phone number I can look it up well thank you okay let me pull the board then if I can um Miss band I will start with you Mr chairman Mr faer I hate to do this to you can can we be clear on what we're being pulled on now because whether whether the board would be in support of of an application seeking instead of a 40% proposed uh maximum approved lock coverage whether 39% would be uh something that the board might vote in favor of and and do we have Clarity or agreement on how much square footage that would be believe we just Mr how I think that was the question Mr the mayor just asked Mr Hower yeah I'm not sure we had a clear number it's 87.9 square feet is 1% that's what we would reduce what yes yeah because the lot the lot size is 8,790 so 1% would be 87 it's roughly 88 ft thank you also Mr cast uh I would want to be pulled that this would include moving the fence within the property lines okay so to be clear this the poll question that we are putting to the board at this time is whether the you would find uh support for an application a 39% maximum approved lock coverage as well as a requirement to Rel loc at the existing fence at the rear property okay so let's start the polling um Miss Boland I start with you so um I was the first I started last time and I um I learn a lot from from my fellow board members and I I have a lot of respect for for a lot of their comments so I um I agree with a lot of what they said even though I know initially I was I mentioned the 40% but uh once again board members have uh put forward a lot of good comments so um I would like it reduced as well whether it's 38 or 39 um I would defer to the the rest of the board cand but I I agree I agree that it should be reduced at this point okay thank you Miss bowan uh I'm going to turn to Mr gibons uh I honestly I would prefer 100 feet whatever percentage number that is so at 1% 87.9 feet I would vote now okay uh Mr peffer uh I once again I'll I'll repeat what I said earlier that the I felt that the applicant was being uh flexible in scaling down its original plans and expectations and and now um he is uh scaling it down further uh so I would have to support that effort um recognizing that he's very confined in his options and uh you know I've said it before I'll keep saying it I really think we have to address this issue of of the uh overbuilding on these Lots but that's for a later date uh so I I would support the application with these modifications okay thanks sir Miss Mr Mayor I think I would prefer 88.5 I'm sorry um uh 30 38 but uh I I could live with 39 um and of course all all the expectations that uh of water management that Costa uh Associates might um deem appropriate okay thank you sir uh Council M Glass yeah I would support it with the change thank you okay Mr busty yeah I would be supported at the 39% and the other items mentioned uh Mr Craig I would probably grudgingly uh approve it at 39 I would do a little [Music] more I can't think of the right word but if as Mr Gib said if they C down to 100 feet that great um okay uh Mr merman yes um I agree with the mayor um the applicant is making an effort to reduce it um I I can live with the 39% and the fence uh definitely being removed from borrow property so I would say yes to that okay gentlemen you've heard the perspective of the board at this point how would you like to proceed you like us to move forward with with a decision on the application this evening or would you prefer to reconvene and for us to carry it to a later meeting sorry that question was for me yes sir sorry I I was kind of um my wife was talking to me sorry um I I think that's I think we'd have to agree with that I mean so you you would you would be You' be agreeable at a 39 reducing to 39% coverage I have no choice at with the fence moving and the and the storm yes I think we'd like a vote on the the uh request with the conditions that the the maximum improved lock coverage not exceed 39% and that the condition that um the applicant is agrees to relocate his fence in conformance with the the town's regulations on Fence location on Mr merman I thought you have your hand raised did you need you want to say something no I'm fine okay all right um I think um I just to interrupt um Jason has his hand raised and then Our member of the public was able to type in the comment I can just read it into the record okay um so Alice Malone stated my only concern is any impact on the ditch every year more and more of my side of the ditch is washing away this year again has been um The Rains this year the ground is very saturated and the sump works almost constantly so I think the concerns are about storm water and drain it okay thank you Mr tyy uh Mr Flores can I can I make just one comment um it's just a suggestion for the board um since everybody's agreeing that they can go with the 39% uh then the 1% is equal to roughly 87 88 let's let's run it off it's 88 square feet I suggest that the appli can take that square footage out of the perola so that way the variance on the uh accessory buildings gets rid of it which is also benefit so because if the if if the coverage for the uh accessory building is 100 100 150 square feet then the he is not going to require that variance anymore is that that is a good point um uh I'll leave that up to my applicant if he wants all 80 all 87.9 square feet removed from the Pergo that essentially shortens it up from the 17 foot width to a little over 11 be like 11 by 15 um that would eliminate If We Shrunk The pergola down because in theory we could have a pergola that's greater than the size of the patio um and still seek that variance but I'll leave that up to the applicant um would you I don't know if I don't know if you would be aable to a 13 by 133 pergola which would make it 169 square feet which is 19 square feet above the 150 yeah I I I think uh we'd prefer to have the condition reduce it to the 39% and we will comply but still continue to seek the variance for the uh larger pergola which doesn't really have an impact on runoff or storm order which is a legitimate concern in this area further comments questions from the board all right uh in that case I will look to the board for a motion on this application please okay Mr chairman regarding um 216 loer Terrace um River Edge um I'll make a motion that the land use Board of River Edge Grant the following um following variant hold on let me flip the page here that the maximum L coverage of 25 feet um be uh increased U now that's going to reduce that lot coverage will it not be reduced to it was 28.7 um that the maximum improve the maximum improved lck coverage um allowable being thir 35% will now be um increased to a maximum of 39% and that the accessory structure area um maximum normal is 1550 square feet and that the Apple can um request [Music] applicants fencing within the borrow within the borrow property be removed and relocated off the borrow property and that the applicant has agreed to that further the the applicant um here and resolve the uh comments um presented by Custer engineering I think I got most of it if not all of it I only had two other items um to also comply with the board planners um letter regarding those are already a standard condition to comply with the building code but I'll just put that in there to be specific and then also the compliance with the maximum height of the accessory structure accepted okay second thank you Mr Puffer stle when you're ready okay Mr Mayor yes Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr Craig yes councilman glass yes Mr gibons yes Mr bed yes okay the motion passes congratulations yes gentlemen congratulations yes thank thank you very much we we really appreciate all the board members and professionals working with us on this to uh get this done this evening thank you best of luck in your project thank you thank all right moving along our next agenda item for this evening under new business the applic is Jenny castan Tam property is 429 Windsor Road Block 809 Lot 25 application for proposed renovation to dwelling Patio Pool and driveway extension with a rebuild on an existing foundation and a two-story Edition seeking variants relief uh I believe we have the applicant here this evening good evening good evening do you have any uh professionals uh in attendance as well with you yes I'm here I'm the architect okay um Miss styley if you would do the formalities swearing in yes hello so if you whoever is going to be providing testimony please raise your right hand so do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay okay and the applicant if you could please just state your name and provide your address for the record sure Jenny CA and live at 429 wind the Road River Edge New Jersey thank you and then the architect um if you please state your name spell your last name provide your business address for the record and provide the board with your background experience lure Michael Capo capap 10:3 7 Route 46 suet G5 Clifton New Jersey um I obtained my bachelor's degree of architecture from the University of Notre Dame have been practicing in state of New Jersey New York Connecticut Pennsylvania and Florida for several years and I've testified in boards in all of those States and you're a licensed architect in the state of New Jersey yes and it's in good current standing thank you have you appeared before before Mr cppo a long time ago okay welcome back thank you any questions for uh Mr Capo his qualifications from the board okay uh if the applicant and uh the architect if you would kindly summarize uh the uh scope of your project that you're proposing and the relief that you're seeking from the board this evening sure um Mike why don't I start off and then I'll hand it over to you sure go for it okay um so uh I live here with my husband Alfredo cetta and we have two young kids who are in elementary school we bought this house uh around five years ago uh it is a three bedroom one bathroom one full bath and uh two half one one of the half is in a basement and unfinished basement you can imagine the the difficulty of getting ready with four people in the morning uh sometimes I do have my mother here to help care for the kids so that's sometimes five people sharing one bathroom um our rooms here are quite small with small closet we bought the house as is uh probably hasn't been touched since the 70s or 80s so this house might have worked back then but it is not working for a family of four right now in 2024 um so that being said I'll I'll let Mike go over the details of our plan thanks okay so what we intend on doing is keeping the existing foundation of the existing house and if you look on the site plan you'll see the gray shaded area which is going to indicate um the new addition which would be just a one story Edition however there will be a second floor Edition that will be built over the entire existing and new first floor Edition which is indicated by the cross-hatched area um in addition to the some slight improvements we're going to be removing um the walkway and stair in the front um expanding the driveway keeping an existing walkway that attaches to the driveway and extends towards the rear and proposing a new um paved pool a paved uh patio and and a new pool and there was a large existing piece of slate in the back that we will be removing that's approximately 260 square feet as far as the floor plans go zoom out here the basement additions are all going to be unexcavated so we're not it's not going to be an extension to the basement at all it's just going to be a curl space um the first floor addition is going to consist of of expanding the existing kitchen adding a pantry and mudroom a full bathroom and a bedroom and then reconfiguring the existing stairs in order to create a more open floor plan the second floor is entirely not it's a completely new second floor Edition um it's going to consist of two bedrooms an office full bath master bedroom suite with a master bathroom and a walk-in closet um exterior Improvement we're going to be replacing all of the siding all of the roofing um with horizontal siding on the majority of the house uh standing seam siding in in the EES and trim and um standing I'm sorry uh standing steam metal roofs above the in the eaves and above the front Porsche and that we're going to carry around the entire house with the same language with the board and Baton in the eaves and the horizontal siding on the sides and the front with a nice Stone base to just pull it all together let me get back to the zoom and that would con that concludes that presentation okay thank you I'm gonna turn first to uh Mr Baron please sure good evening um guess just a few comments and observations um one uh the first comment would just be um you know if the board approves this or some form of this when you submit for permits you would need to provide height calculations um in accordance with the Burrow's definition of height just to confirm that um the proposed uh dwelling in addition conformed to the maximum 30 foot height requirement that's spelled out the ordinance the height requirement should have been on drawing A2 elevation if I looked over that I apologize let's see all right well let's see so I guess the question would be if you calculated it in accordance with the ordinance meaning did you do it six feet from the corners of the building or just the spots at the corners I just did it at the corners right so okay so when you go again if this moves forward in this form or some form You' have to just provide that to the building department I don't think we need to that now but the the dwelling would have to comply with the maximum height requirement or you'd have to come back to the board um I I think what would help with the board and and if you were uh you know what observing the prior application um you know obviously the variance relief being sold or at least one of the variances pertains to coverage and I think what would help us understand the various components of this which include the pool patio driveway porch addition Etc is if you could somehow itemize or break this down and so we can understand the individual components um I suspect that you know the 45% may not be the number the board is comfortable with so again I think helping to understand what what the breakdown is gets us to gets the board to understand the big picture sure so start with the the P faed patio and pool in the back is 1,16 square feet Mr cap I sorry to interrupt you but if you want to share your screen if that's easier for you that's fine no problem there or if you want to just keep going the way you have that works too no I can share it everybody see it yes thank you okay so this is would be the new ped patio and pool which totals 1,16 square feet can you can you parse out the pool from that again I just want to be as specific as we can just to expedite this yeah pool 15 by 25 375 square feet for the pool so the patio would be 731 square feet the existing walkway is this little curved portion here that comes up and then back here is 143 square feet this is the existing driveway which is 402 square feet and this dotted area is the new driveway extension brought it to 18 feet wide and the driveway extension itself is8 square feet the way to get up to the front porch is right here so that gave us the opportunity to actually put a large planter across the entire front of the front porch the front porch is covered that comes in at 140 square feet and then you have the existing dwelling which is 101 square feet plus the Shaded area which is the addition of 372 square feet and then the pool the condensing unit and pool equipment slab at 40 so those are all the impervious areas all right thank you for that I'll just thought it's what's interesting about this is that the the actually the lot coverage or the building coverage is at 20% or 25% allow so it seems like what's driving the coverage in this case is a lot of the what I'll call you know non-structural components even though that that may not be an appropriate term but basically the the uh exterior improvements um why don't we touch it because there's a number variances involved why don't we touch on the side yard variants and and why the design ended up where you you have you know on the one hand we'll call it the left side of the east side of the house you have an existing setback of 4.7 feet you have a non-conforming setback to the west side or the right side that's 5.2 feet can you help us understand how you arrived at that yeah me go to the floor PLS BAS basically driven by this floor plan and the second floor plan the more I cut this down the smaller this bedroom got I wanted to make it a comfortable size which is typically about a 12 feet in this in this direction that would have governed it no matter what I did even if I made this this bathroom could have been made smaller but at that point it would still have been a side yard set pack and by the time you get in here and start calculating your distances between for chairs dining room tables couches living room this was an existing wall that I wanted to keep so basically this is all I really had to play with here for the addition right now it's right here where these these dotted lines are and it's a barely usable room right and and on the left side uh the encroachment is a one-story garage is that accurate this yeah on the on the uh the left the left of the East Side the the 4 point the non-conforming setback right there you go it's a on story garage okay and with respect to the lot Dimensions you have a lot width of what 60 feet okay so it it's non-conforming where 75 feets required and a minimum set bag of six feets required and at least on the right side uh you have five .2 so a difference of uh less than a foot um I'm just looking at my list of variances here let's see bear with me so we covered that then you have the existing walkway just encroaches um where it has about a zero foot set back to the uh easterly block line so um I I think again if you listen to the last application um you'll probably hear hear some comments about coverage but um that's it for me for now thank you okay thank you Mr baren Mr Flores Jason oh excuse me I'm sorry I was muted um okay so I wanted I wanted to see if the architect can through um the existing grading of the property where the existing grades are Thors the East the west or or the North uh for clarification of the board um we didn't obtain a grading plan but from just my measurements at the corners the front slopes down towards the left I don't know exactly how much I I I see as part of the application there is a uh survey plan yeah and I think they just gave me the grades at the corners because that's what I needed to in order to do the height calculation so again it slops very very little it slopes down towards the front on the left side the back is relatively flat but as far as the rest of the property goes I'm not really sure okay so that's something that that I think is uh a very uh good information to have because since you're adding a pool and you're adding a walkway around the pool we need to know how you planning to grade uh the walkway around the pool and the pool and to make sure you're not impacting your neighbors uh to the back or to the to the South or to the uh of the property so that information I is not depicted on the the site plan so if for any reason this gu approv is something that it should be considered to be added to it that the great a grent plan should be uh implemented okay also uh touching on storm warre management uh you have not proposed any storm warre management uh uh if you can see one of my comments is to implement the STW management as well and that's go with also with the grading plan um if the board decides to vote on this application tonight I will also make the recommendation that the STW management should be uh added as one of the conditions uh to be handled with my office um other than that I don't have any other okay thank you um going to turn to the board now for comments and questions on the application uh councilman glass I'll start with you sorry chairman bin um no questions at this time thank you okay thanks you sir uh Mr Mayor yes um in more of a comment um I I don't think that I could consider a 45.5% um improved loot coverage I think that needs to be great greatly reduced by a minimum of 5.5% or more I don't know how the rest of the board feels about this um I notice uh The sidey Yards you have a pre-existing 4.7 so I don't have an issue with that variance because it's pre-existing you went from 9.1 ft to 5.2 The zoning requirement I believe is 7.5 um your your argument is that U it would greatly reduce uh the size of the uh uh first four uh bedroom and bath and mudro I I guess I can probably live with that I I I because as I look at this if I'm correct uh the neighbor already has a vinyl fence uh somewhat off the property lines so um though the number is 5.2 The Distance actually to their vinyl fence is a little bit more I don't know about that um so uh these are my thoughts and I I I hope the applicant considers um some of these because uh 45.5 I I don't think I can vote for thank you okay thank you Mr Mayor uh Mr Cay yeah I uh the mayor you know basically stated the same concerns I would have um for what it's worth uh you know understanding wanting to to add the square footage to the house especially since you know every square foot you add on the first floor you're G to get on the second floor too and it gives you a lot of you know ability to to grow your your your living space uh the patio going from the house all the way around the pool looks like it might be a place you could you could examine to maybe try to bring that coverage uh percentage down because uh yeah I agree I mean you heard the last the last application that we just reviewed um went through a lot of work just to get from 40 down to 39 um I can't see any way to look at 45 and a half and and been saying that's okay okay thanks sir Mr butin yeah just to to Echo the comments of you know 45 uh .5% is you know way too high you know need to get it down you know at 40 or below okay thanks you sir Mr feffer sorry yeah I will just say ditto to the previous comments thank you thank you uh Miss Bolan uh yes I agree obviously everything that was discussed about from the last application um how strong the burrow the board feels about coverage um if there's any way that you can red can increase that um sidey yard setback as well 5.2 um a one-story garage on the other side really doesn't affect the neighbor as much as a full side of a house with Second Story and windows um it's I know you don't have a building coverage problem if you could maybe make up for you know take away on the side and extend it a little bit to the back and keep the same coverage um 5.2 is very close so if there's anything you can do with the side yard setback as well okay thank you Mr bow Mr Gibbons uh thank you yeah I'll certainly say the same things as everyone else you know the coverage is just way too much um and to reiterate what Miss Bolan said you know I'm looking at the the Google Maps here and and basically this extra 5 feet is going to be looking into your neighbor's backyard uh on on bogert um you know you're you're looking at a bedroom there and in a very large office on the second floor you know maybe those could be switched maybe an office could be on the first floor you know or you know or or just move where things are um that will make that your house and your house to your left and right seem very on top of each other um there is a reason we have Sid set back so um I would I would seriously look at get getting rid of that side setback issue on the right and rearranging or consider that you know what is now the small room downstairs is more of an office than a bedroom and upstairs being a bedroom or being an office upstairs um but bottom line 45% is just way too much just way too much that's it thank you okay thank you Mr giens Mr merman um one question for the architect um where is the location of your pool filters they're if you look on the site plan they're lined up towards the re right rear of the uh of the house so they R the run an impervious uh pavement yeah they're on okay then Nana Clos there are no sheds um what are you going to back wash to say that again on your pool filters where are you going to backwash to oh I haven't designed any of that yet well you better think about it when you do the drainage calculation if if you're approved yeah I want to see that going into the street sure um I obviously Echo the previous comments um regarding lot coverage improved lot coverage um there is no way you're going to be uh uh the board's going to look at 45 almost 46% you're you're going to have to go back and review your whole design and pull some of that out whether it be your front porch or you you you your Paving or even your driveway expansion um but I'm going to leave that to you as as far as the um side yard um my the mayor makes a very valid point where the the one the West Side yard the bogot side um there is quite a space to the neighbors fence which helps your cause I note that and I do note that the existing sidewalk um and I believe it's the one on the east side that's only six inches to the property line will we required to I think we we might consider a waiver under the current conditions for that but I think you have your work cut off where you're trying to get get way down beyond the uh 45 and a half percent and I don't think you're going to do it tonight thank you Mr merman um I won't go into I support all the comments that been made by the board this evening so um suffice to say um that would be my position on this as well um at this point I'm going to suggest we open to the public for comments and uh I look for motion to do so please so moved second I think I had a first Mr Gibbons and a second from Miss Bolan all in favor hi hi can stain okay at this time we're now open to the public for comments on this application only again this application relates to 429 Windsor Road is there anyone in the public that wishes to be heard on this application there are attendees but no one has raised their hand if you're interested press the raised hand button or dial star9 on your telephone keypad doesn't look like anyone I'm gonna go with you on that I agree um that being the case uh oh wait minute oh did you see yeah I saw Maran Kennelly okay so if you just unmute yourself and state your name and address for the record hi Mary Jan canelli 4 bogert Road River Edge New Jersey corner of bogert and Wayne thank you good evening good evening everyone um I would just like to agree with all the comments that have been mentioned by the board I'm here to support my other neighbors in the area and uh just like to see that we take a lot of time and consideration before anything moves forward on this situation thank you thank you for your comments uh is there anyone else in the public that wishes to be heard on this application only can raise your hand or star six on your telephone keypad okay um at this time I will look to the board for a motion to close to the public so moved thank you Miss bow is there a second thank you thank you Mr Cay all in favor I any abstain okay we're now closed to the public comments on this application um to the applicant and Mr cappo again you heard the considerations of the board and similarly with the prior application um I'm going to make the same offer to you this evening to um for us to consider carrying the application to allow you some time to go back and Rec consider the scope of your project and to um propose a modification to your project um and of course you you do have the option to to proceed if that's what you want us to do this evening as well but I would strongly encourage you to consider um having us carry this your application and going back and uh contemplating some modifications based on what you heard on the board this evening yeah I'm going to make a recommendation any that we do continue this and we because I'm confident we can get the uh coverage under the 40% and we can address that side sback issue also yeah Alfredo and I talked uh briefly and and we agree we hear what the board and the town is staying and we want to work with the town on this and uh hopefully come to a resolution that works for both of us um us as a family and the town uh we understand the coverage uh the concern there the concern about the side uh the side setback uh the only comment I will make real quick is uh you know just trying to accommodate my mom when she does help to make her more comfortable that's why we would like a a bedroom on the first floor and my office upstairs uh because I do work a lot from home uh but yes and then of course the engineer comments uh we will definitely keep that in mind so I think we're in agreement that we would like this um proposal to be heard at the next meeting okay we appreciate your comments I'm I'm GNA let Miss styley explain the the process for you okay thank you yes so we will consult we have our board secretary Ed alter here and he's the one who schedules all of our applications we'll carry this application on the record to the next available meeting Ed is saying I believe that's the February [Music] meeting February 14th February 14th um so we will carry this application on the record tonight to the February 14th meeting you won't have to Ren notice with the newspaper or with your neighbors we're just going to say make an announcement tonight um once the board approves the that the application will be carried um we'll make an announcement and that will be the notice and then there'll be a note in the agenda that this application will be heard on the 14th of February um Jenny I'm gonna actually be on vacation that day oh okay all right be well we can you can work out the schedule with with Mr alter separate time we don't have to do that this even so it can always be carried again um with if there's a schedule conflict so yeah next available date is the 28th of February I will with Ed on um finalizing the date thank you all right okay so should we we'll need a motion to carry yes please okay uh look to the board for a motion to carry the application for applicant is Jenny C to Tam property is 429 Windsor Road Block 809 Lot 2 5 um to carry this to the uh next available meeting for the board at a determined time with our board Clerk and the applicant so me Mr chairman thank you Mr merman I have a second second Mr feffer all in favor any oppose any abstain okay thank you m steinley all right so at this time the application for 429 Windor roadblock 809 Lot 25 for a proposed renovation to the dwelling Patio Pool and driveway extension will be carried on the record to February 14th 2024 um without further notice and if additional adjournments are required they will be coordinated with our board clerk at alter and will be posted on the agenda um I might be wrong but I'm looking at the um the document that I have it says lock 11 lot 350 but on the agenda it says block 809 Lot 25 does that matter to the motion it it is block 809 Lot 25 okay great okay oh well that's what it says on the on the survey is that correct on what it says on the tax record too okay just um just for the Architects note the block and lot on the on the architectural plans I think is incorrect yeah our our tax record say block 809 Lot 25 yeah the surve the survey has 80925 as well okay okay I'll rise okay thank you thank you folks thank you all right our final agenda item for this evening under new business is the Green Papaya property is 110 Kinder kamac road block I'm sorry block 1407 lot five this is a a change in ownership of the Green Papaya restaurant seeking site plan approval as required for a food handler's license I believe the applicant is in the audience this evening as well as the applicants professionals good evening folks good evening Mr chairman U Malcolm Blum BLM appearing for uh the applicant my address is 111 Kinder kak Road in riveridge okay and will your clients be testifying tonight Mr yes all right so if you please your we also have Miss bollock who's the who's the engineer who drew the s okay all those test I can swear everyone in before you do that my client is Mr we uh he has with him a mandarine interpreter if it should be necessary for anything to be interpreted Mr we does speak uh a fair amount of English but there's always the possibility he may need some interpretation okay thank you so if everyone who's going to be testifying please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do yes I do yes I do okay and then I'll have the applicant just State his name and address for the record Mr we yeah my name is y we last name we Wei and a is 11 Kow on River H New Jersey 07661 all right and The Interpreter if you just please provide your your name for the record as well okay uh last name p first name f a n g thank you thanks and uh um the engineer if you could please state your name provide your um business address and provide the board with your background and qualifications Donna Bullock b l l o c k 11 Central Avenue Island Heights New Jersey I uh graduated from New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark with a uh civil engineering degree I've been working in the civil engineering field now for approximately 35 years I acquired my PE license in 1999 um I ran my own engineering firm for 11 years um I currently work at Morgan engineering um I'm providing testimonies for um uh planning boards and zoning boards for site plans and subdivisions and plot plans and variances um and uh my license is active and current okay any questions from the board as to the engineers qualifications okay Mr Blum I'll turn the floor over to you well this is a e effort to get site plan approval pursuant to uh section 35-4 of the uh local ordinances now the only difference between the prior uh owner and the current owner is the change of ownership nothing has been changed nothing will be changed nothing is planned to be changed the building exterior will remain exactly the same the building interior will remain exactly the same and has so remained the number of tables in the restaurant is precisely the same as it was before the number of chairs the same the size of the kitchen uh is exactly the same uh and everything else within the interior of the building is remaining the same uh similarly the uh exterior the parking area uh there will be no change except anything that may be required by the board okay thank you sir uh Mr Barons yes so um my understanding is of the application is the same it's uh you know in many respects fairly straightforward um you know having reviewed the plan this does give us an opportunity just to review any uh conditions that that may need uh modification um I don't have many comments in this regard but just looking at the site plan initially um at the the Northerly end um believe there's a space where there's 14 parking spaces accounted for but they're not striped at least they're not striped on the plan so that that seems to be a simple modification Miss B could you just maybe comment on that are they supposed to be striped in that location or they haven't been striped for as far as I can tell many many years uh they actually they extra spots they've never really been used but on some stripe we certainly will comply well I I would in reality they're probably not used very of I mean I drive by that side all the time and they're I haven't seen them used for the restaurant let's say um so I would defer to the board um in that regard um the my my primary concern relates to I guess the dumpster area um which looking at various site photos and having having driven by there's at any given time there's anywhere from one to three dumpsters that are kind of just hanging out uh we'll say in or near the parking area and we do have a provision of the code that requires screening of uh dumpster dumpster areas you know to create an enclosure so I would suggest that as a a condition of approval or as a condition of this application um I don't know if the applicant has any comments for that certainly subject to the board's discretion um well I I I know that Mr we has already advised me and I can certainly advise you that if the board requires anything of that nature he will compl right one one rub to that which I just reminded myself is because your lot is basically surrounded on all sides by streets that almost everything is a front yard and so you know six foot fencing in a front yard would technically not be permitted but again I still think we I would recommend screening the dumpsters or locating them in an area where they can be screened would be my recommendation um and and to that point along the the issue of Aesthetics um it seems like it's been a while since this site has had any attention um and I would just offer that that you know maybe the applicant would consider or the landlord well well clarify for me Mr Bloom is the applicant the landlord or the owner of the property no no the applicant just owns the restaurant right so my my thought would be that that someone um you know looks at maybe doing some landscape improvements as this is just a very visible site in River Edge um and in in our you know what what you might consider a downtown area but but again it looks like it's been a long time since anyone's maybe you know at improving it in any meaningful way so those are the only comments I have I I would just welcome the applicant to River Edge otherwise and and wish them luck okay thank you Mr barns uh Mr Flores hey good evening um I will concur with Tom uh regarding the screening of the dumpsters uh since it's a visible side you know Kinder comak you have mainstream you have Elizabeth Street uh just to point it out also that yes those 14 16 uh parking spaces that are not striped should be a stripe uh for clarification uh and then uh the other thing which um I need to point it out that you know because uh you depicted on the S plan that there are roughly 35 parking spaces then you need uh to meet ADA compliance that put you that you need to Ada uh spaces to stripe so that's something that you know you should probably do in the front and since you have the the extra 14 SPAC in the back uh to be addressed what we can do oh I'm sorry I can address the Ada um if you like so what we're going to do is um this will be a a the only change to the site plan would be uh putting a second um Ada parking space next to the existing one the existing one is approximately 11 feet wide so that'll be the van accessible then we'll put a 5-ft loading stripe and then another 8ft space because we do need two spaces because we have more than 26 parking spaces so um we will do that in the front area um eliminating one of the existing parking spaces which will reduce it to 34 um which is still over the uh required um over the required um 24 spaces good uh that's that's the answer okay okay thank you uh I I have no other further comment on this uh it was my understanding that it's just in change of ownership uh and then that's it I I have no further comments okay thank Mr fores let me turn to the board now for comments questions I'm GNA start with Miss Bolan please I have no no comments okay thank you uh let me go to Mr busted um no comments at this time okay thank you uh Mr Mayor I was not able to check today um but I believe if you look at the um Google maps of uh December 2022 there was a uh there was a sign on the south side of the building is that sign still there the sign that says we are open you're talking about on the facing the railroad the sign was there previously but it was blown off last night by the wind so it's not so I I would I would ask that you comply with signage I don't believe that that's approved signage so I would I would ask that that not be put back up also if you look at the Grand Avenue again uh I wasn't able to drive by today I had looked at uh tried to but the one thing led to another there was a grand opening a couple other things not as an excuse for just just as by way of explanation uh it looks like the um the border between the roof and the wall has uh lost some of its green paint or its green vinyl um so also on that side I I don't know if it's still existing but the awning above the window uh from Grand Avenue is faded and I would I'd look to see maybe that could be replaced as well as the vent above is all rusted and it appears if it's still there it may not still be there uh that it might have already been repaired uh the uh that that this be corrected too yeah somebody I I don't think anybody was gonna say anything at that point Oh I thought I heard the sound in the background I apologize so um just basically it it is uh my wife loves the place she she loves food there um but the building is it could could be cleaned up a little bit and and hopefully that these these improvements uh could be considered also it appears that the fence uh on the Grand Avenue and U and the uh and Elizabeth uh uh is a bit worn and warped and and so that that that would need uh to be improved also or I I'd hope that that could be improved if the uh applicant to and and or uh the owner of the property could come to some sort of agreement about improving that um so that it looked a little bit nicer in town and I agree with the comments about uh the uh screenage of and that's all my comments thank you okay thank you um Mr gibons uh no I have no real comments just uh don't change the recipes food's great Mr Feer yeah I generally agree with uh everything that everyone has said um I don't feel strongly about you know I'm I'm concerned that we don't want to dump a lot of additional expenses uh on the applicant just as they're getting started with their new business um so I hesitate to say that I would support a lot of these changes as conditions for approval but they're all good recommendations they're all good suggestions um I would say that screening in the dumpsters is probably you know not just an aesthetic or cosmetic um Improvement but also probably for health and sanitation reasons it's probably a good idea to screen in the dumpsters um I I frankly don't think that the parking lot needs to be striped except for the handicap area is I've been to the restaurant many times I've had never had a problem parking there there's always been uh excess parking space uh particularly along the um northern edge of the parking area so I never really felt that there was a need for um more clearly designated parking spaces so you know I think they're all good recommendations but I would I would um vote to approve uh without making any of these a strict condition except where you know obviously compliance with signage codes and and other codes are are necessary and required thank you thank you Mr pepper uh councilman glass thank you no nothing other than obviously uh when entering the town from the south high profile high visibility so as everyone suggested um any aesthetic improvements would be most welcome thank you thank you Mr Craig he uh um I think Mr feffer kind of stated what my thoughts were pretty accurately I I don't want to put a ton of conditions on just transferring a license other than meet Cod requirements signage screening Etc the other the other things are asks and it would be wonderful to see okay thanks sir uh last but certainly not least Mr merman Mr um I would like uh Mr Bloom to as as the client representative to consider and the board to consider um a signage recommendation or proposal that that I'm been looking at um this building has Frontage on three sides Street Frontage on three sides right now you only have one sign um relative to your uh Green Papaya name on Kinder kak I think for you it would be very helpful um from a business standpoint um that you had a similar sign on the grand AMU sign which is the South which is the Southside um in L with that um I would like to see that um uh smoothie saw removed which apparent sounds like it self- removed uh in in the storm last night and the banner um that's in the front LW and also removed um I would like you to respond to that Mr Bloom well the the banner uh is not a permanent uh sign it's just a temporary sign if the board wants it removed uh the applicant will certainly uh comply but we would ask that that be allowed to stay at least for a while since they've just opened up well if I could chime in on on that issue um the Burl does allow temporary signs for uh grand openings and the like but there is a permit process for that so I would recommend uh making an application for any type of sign that you'd like to remain on the proc okay whatever the board requires we'll follow okay um he kind of makes business sense to get more exposure with your name um um I don't know how the board feels about that but that's that's my uh my uh my feeling um Mr chairman should we get a feeling from the board on that sure reservation a resolution if if necessary sure I'll open it to the members of the board for response to Mr merman's recommendation suggestion I agree Mr chairman I I think as long as the business is um in compliance with permits and codes uh we should leave it to their business discretion as to what signs they need and and um where where the signs should be located again as long as they're complying with the with the rules um you know it's their business they should have discretion on how to advertise it that's my feeling okay anyone else and just as a comment the applicant wasn't is requ didn't request a variance for a second wall sign um I'm not sure exactly what sign how many signs are existing wall signs but I wouldn't if they were asking for additional signage um they would have required they would have needed to notice for that and they they didn't ask for the additional signage so I don't think I think that's a little bit outside of the board's perview at this time yeah so so maybe that's something to pursue on an alternative path yeah to the permitting process all right so you said would require us a variance at this point well they didn't ask they didn't ask for that um relief so I don't so the board um doesn't H can't can't grant that relief at this time okay understand all right um but take it more more as a suggestion from Mr merman that you might want something to consider yes we certain certainly appreciate the the suggestion okay anything further Mr Murman uh um me well yes I have one other comment if we're going to be restriping the handicap uh spots and with the signage and everything you're going to have the striping machine there and 14 stripes White Stripes up on the uh North End is not going to break break the budget so um I'm I'm I recommend and I'm going to make a motion that those Northerly 14 spaces to be striped and I guess that's it okay uh I think I've if I I think I've covered everybody the board keeps moving around I apologize all right at this time uh I'm gonna move to I'm gon to look for a motion to open to the public for comment on this application only please I'm moved thank you Mr GI is there a second second thank you m bowan all in favor I and oppose and abstain okay at this time we're now open to the public for comments on this application alone again this is Green Papaya 110 Kinder kamak Road I see we have uh three people uh in attendance uh we have a a 2011 area code Mary and Kenley and Nancy marman if you wish to be heard on this application uh please uh push the raise hand button or star six if you're uh on your phone okay I'm going to presume that no one wishes to be heard on this application so at this time I'll look for a motion to close to the public please so moved thank you Miss bow there a second second thank you Mr given all in favor I any oppose any abstain okay we're now close to the public um any further comments or questions from the board on this application you okay I can run down just some of the items that we discussed um just to confirm with Mr Blom yeah I was that that's that's uh let's let's do that as a precursor to looking for a motion from the board okay I just wanted to confirm the applicant agrees to stripe the 14 spaces in the property and or in in the parking area and to provide striping for two Ada spaces um next to including one existing space and then one new Ada space for a total of two Ada spaces um to screen the the applicant agrees to screen the dumpster area or locate it in an area that can be screened um to work with the landlord to make landscaping or other aesthetic improvements um and to comply with the signage requirements of the buau ordinance including removal of the temporary sign uh or seeking we we age if the board requires those uh as far as the handicap spots we have to do that by law anyway so okay we certainly will comply with that and anything else that the board requires uh we will go along with okay that said um I'll look to uh the board for a motion on the application please so Mr chairman Mr merman I'll make the motion that uh regarding the green propi facility at 110 Kinder kamak road block 1407 lot five um Grant a food handlers license that the land use board Grant the F handle this license with the following issues that would and improvements that were just mentioned by the attorney okay thank you Mr M is there a second from the board please second thank you Mr Beer miss dley when you're ready all right Mr Mayor yes Mr caslin yes Miss Boland yes Mr feffer yes oh Mr merman yes Mr cray yes M councilman glass yes Mr Gibbons yes and Mr B yes okay the motion passes okay congratulations folks best of luck thank you Mr chairman and the me we appreciate your input and we will follow the board's requests thank you sir appreciate you coming in this evening good luck thank you thank you good night luck all right at this time we have nothing left to discuss but welcome back everyone to a New Year look forward to a another great year of working with you all Mr clyn may I may I uh under old business uh mention um address the idea of our issue about uh Builders over improving the property yes sir I think we have a a few items that uh require some attention that being one of them so I'm not looking for us to enter into debate or discussion um what I'm what I'm thinking of that we might think about and uh Marina if this this is not possible I'm wondering if we have the authority to recommend and the council has the authority to approve a change in the ordinance that might say something like this 5% if not 5% some percent 4% 6% of the improved loot coverage is reserved for rear or side patio deck and or pull a necessary apron would something like like that be something we could consider in the future Miss stimley so 5% of approved lot coverage is reserved for rear or side improvements that would include patio deck pool and or necessary aprons is that something we could consider at a future date I think that is something that we could consider um having this specific list of items that could be included um could possibly create issues but we can put some sort of catchall language in there um or other similar improvements things like that um I think that would help the applicants we saw today um and I'm not sure I'm not aware of any other towns that do it like quite like that but um just on initial review and having looked into it a bit in the past I haven't seen anything that would um prohibit River Edge from from taking that perspective um I don't know if Tom might have some other yeah I know of a town that allows a certain amount of coverage with a pool or without a pool okay so if they're not proposing a pool pool it's lower than if they're proposing a pool because everybody in this particular Town wants pools um so they save room for it for the next owner so having well wait wait having heard what Miss Bolan said Miss Miss dley said and since it's 10:30 um I recommend if I may that we um that we put it on the agenda for the future date as slyy have some more time to review the language um and all of us think about it um just and and I didn't mean to cut you off Ryan I just uh I'm just concerned that I I brought up something nobody expected it's 10:30 at night um but uh if if if the body is is open to discussing this language or some language like this that it be put on the agenda for the future but Ryan I cut you off I apologize I I I don't need to continue the conversation too long but just something to think about because I see this a lot in my industry and and and in looking at the one property's property description um of the listing when the person bought the home it says a backyard perfect for a pool and that's an agent selling a property by a builder that that covered the property 34.8% of the property so even if there's some sort of Education uh of when these Builders are building and when they're selling these properties of some sort of education for these um for these buyers because they have no clue and unfortunately most of the agents don't have a clue either and I do know of builders that are building properties and putting the patio in after they get the CO um you know so there's definitely people that are skirting the system and unfortunately we have homeowners that are purchasing properties that think they can put all this stuff in the backyard and they can't and they're either being misinformed or they're being lied to um and it's awful and I see see it all the time and it drives me absolutely crazy that's why I thought this language would be good because it would restrict what Builders were doing we need to do something because it's it's getting bad and every single property that's that's built is covered 34.9% a topic definitely for further discussion and consideration y so F just 30 more 30 more seconds just you're on the you're on the clock Mr just for applic different topic just for applications involving um food handlers license or any other type of issue that involves the health department if the board could just forward um their conclusions to the health department so because typically once site plan approval is granted the health department then takes over to do what they have to do from a lure standpoint and sometimes they don't um I guess uh get that the board has approved something or denied something so just if if we create a mechanism to make them aware after these types of approvals I think would help them is the the feedback that I've gotten so just wanted to offer that so maybe that's okay there's a process there I'm sure between um Ed's Ed's office you know once the resolutions are received back you know that that's something that that could be add to the process I would imagine so so for the site plans for food handlers license they need to also go to the health department Health Department okay okay Mr chairman Mr feffer forgive me for being annoying I apologize in advance I will I will just take 10 seconds to say I I I would I would really encourage us to set some sort of outside deadline to revisit the mayor's proposal because I would hate to see another year go by this issue doesn't doesn't get I'm gonna cut you off only because I think you're right but there are a few other things that that we were discussing um that in Prior meetings that you know we're going to have to revisit and I think there's some addition this being another issue to add to the list that we're gonna have to go back and uh refocus on as a board I think we got um we ended up getting a fair volume of applications that required our attention we obviously have a responsibility to address those so but there are other things that we need to go back on um you know that are affecting the town and um you know uh from a land use perspective that I think we do to consider and do you need to focus on and possibly come up with some um different processes if you will um but that's you know well taken um so with that more to follow on that you know certainly we'll come up with a schedule and topics of things that uh I know that we're being researched and we'll reconvene on those on those issues as we get into the new year now Mr chairman we might consider uh you might want to pull the the uh the board for whether or not we could have a special meeting to address these either in February March or April I was gon I was going to do that in an email just send around and we can do that to the extent we need to be you know formal you know on the record we can certainly do that but um I think we'll start putting that together possible work work session or something to that effect okay anyone else all right motion to close I'll look for a motion to close please so moved thank you Mr gibons is there a second I think Mr Feer was a second all in favor hi hi any oppose any abstain all right we stand adjourned at 10:37 pm thank you folks thank you welcome welcome aboard Mr glass good night good night everyone good night