call the meeting to order good evening everyone this is the meeting of the municipal land use board for the burough River Edge it is Wednesday May 8th 2024 the time now is 7:34 p.m. this meeting of the municipal luse Board of the burough River Edge is being held remotely and recorded via Zoom due to public due to burrow council chambers on availability and is in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act and Associated regulations notice of this remote meeting was published in the Bergen Record posted on the front doors of burrow Hall and posted on the br's website the notice included the dial in and login information necessary for public participation and access to this meeting remotely copy of the agenda for this meeting was made available on the buroughs website near the posting of the meeting notice and included the dial in and login information during the public comment period of this meeting if you would like to make a public comment please press the raised hand button on Zoom or dial star9 on your telephone keypad to raise your hand the board will address You by name or by the last four of your telephone number you may mute and unmute Yourself by pressing the microphone icon on Zoom or dialing star 6 on your telephone keypad you must state your name and address clearly prior to making a public comment and with that I will turn it to miss styley to call the r please thank you Mr Mayor is excused tonight Mr caslin here miss Boland here Mr merman here Mr faffer here Mr cray here uh Mr Keno here the councilman is excused tonight Mr Gibbons here and Mr bed here all right and also present Mr Barons and Mr Flores okay very good thank you our first item agenda excuse me agenda item this evening is under approval of minutes uh draft of the uh minutes from our meeting of April 10th 2024 was circulated prior to this evening's meeting for the board's review I open it to the board for comments or questions on the draft minutes Mr chairman Mr merman I reviewed the minutes and I find them uh acceptable and recommend them unless anybody else has a change or a comment recommend them for the board to um to accept the vote on I just have uh one housekeeping change Mr merman um okay and that is to correct councilman glass's name in a couple of places it's he's referred to as councilman Glassman oh okay yeah I think the first one shows up on page uh three and uh there's one other time I think in on page five I think there's also one on page one on the roll call on no he's correct on the roll call BL go right on he's okay there okay there is one uh under approval of the minutes um on the first page too and then I also um would would just ask that um Mr kigo be marked as just arriving at 8116 instead of excused on the first page that that being the uh comments um I'll recognize him and recommended the board uh approve them okay is there a second second second think I got Mr Craig and performance bance all uh I think everybody that's here is everybody here eligible to vote Mr Craig is not eligible so we'll take the second from or or Mr Miss Boland either sorry second second if you need one okay I think we got one Mr Gibbons we can do all in favor Miss Boling Mr cray and Mr besed were absent okay with those exceptions all in favor any Oppo any oppos any abstain other as noted okay that's our I I I'll make those changes tonight I don't know how that happened but like automatically went that never happened before I'm surprised okay bye all good thank you um uh we do not have minutes from our April 24th meeting at this time so we'll proceed on our next agenda item under memorializations uh we have the applicant Leon and Jennifer Chen property is 13 Kensington Road Block 814 laot two resolution granting site plan approval uh for I'm sorry we don't have that one either um no we have no we do I'm sorry we do sorry about that um okay a draft of that resolution was uh submitted for board the board's review prior to this evenings meeting open it to the board for comments or questions on that resolution Mr Mr chairman Mr M I've also reviewed this memorialization and I find it acceptable I do not see any comments or changes um okay we take that as a motion for you to approve correct okay thank you sir is there a second second thank you Mr Keno miss steinley when you're ready all right uh I'll only call those eligible Mr caslin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr cray yes Mr Keno yes and Mr Gibbons yes all right the motion passes okay thank you our second item under memorializations this evening the applicant is yuman kolov corov uh 606 Kinder kak Road block 617 lot 14 this is a resolution granting site plan approval on an application for a food handler's license a draft of the resolution was circulated prior to this evening's meeting for the board's review open it to the board for comment or questions Mr chairman likewise I reviewed this memorialization and I find it acceptable with no no changes okay now take that as a a motion to approve is there a second second thank you Mr Keno miss stying when you're ready okay thank you I'll only call those eligible Mr caslin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr cray yes Mr Keno yes Mr gibons yes okay the motion passes okay thank you all we're going to move on in our agenda this evening we're into completeness review we have an applicant uh Jack bertini addresses 831 ker kamak Road uh block 20 I'm sorry this is lot 9.02 uh Block in Block 206 uh this is an application uh seeking a d variance for change of use um Miss steinley yes thank you um prior to the meeting I reviewed the proof submitted by the applicant's attorney and found them to be sufficient for the board to hear the application tonight okay thank you for that Mr baren good evening um so in reviewing the application materials the application is primarily for a use case um they are proposing two additional parking spaces so so the applicant has supplied a an existing condition survey I guess what we'll call a site plan as well as architectural plans um So based on that it appears that the applicant has U fulfilled the requirements to proceed this evening okay um Mr Forest uh good evening yes uh our office review uh the architectural plan is SL uh s plan uh also the ler of non compliance from uh our planner and we find all those items sufficient for the applicant to proceed this evening okay thank you sir comments questions from the board okay I'm I'm Tom if I could ask you one question um I noticed that the survey and the plans the survey looks like it's a it's it's dated two years prior um are we comfortable that that survey is indicative of existing conditions today well um I think it's up to the applicant to you know testify that it accurately represents the property um I think by virtue of it being 2 years old doesn't necessarily concern me the question is whether or not it's accurate so I think that would be a question I don't Mr Barrett do you guys can you guys address that for yes there there have been no changes to the site um since the you know since the survey was prepared uh every Everything uh that is shown on the survey is there today nothing new has been added take exception nothing of a permanent nature I still take exception Mr merman yes that's not true Mr Barrett okay um then I'm not sure then what you're referring to Mr mer if you could tell me well first of all there's a whole front porch put on there it's not shown on your survey let's start with that I wasn't aware that you're not I was not existing it's if if I can address this the the front porch was existing it was just it was just repaired and refurbished I'm sorry believe we'll get into the testimony we have to get everyone sworn in well right so the question now is can the application be deemed complete um and I know obviously we have this issue of whether or not the survey is accurate or not um either we need the explanation now or the board has to you know de if if you want to swear Mr bertini and uh he's the applicant he's more familiar with the property certainly than I am uh and he can he can address that the issue that Mr Murman just raised all right why why don't we let's let's hold on that then let's let's let's let's get the application complete and then we can talk about conditions um I think that's probably the better way to go this point um any question further questions from the board on the as to the completeness of the application okay uh there being none I'll look for a motion to deem the application complete so moved thank you Mr GI thank you Mr peer all right um Mr caslin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes on complet this Mr feffer yes Mr cray yes Mr Keno yes Mr Gibbons yes Mr bti yes okay the motion passes okay uh let's move now on the agenda into new business the applicant is Jack bertini property is a31 Kinder kamak Road this is uh block 206 lot 9.02 application seeking a use variance uh for various improvements um good evening Mr Barrett good evening Mr chairman Thomas J Barett for the applicant um just briefly and we'll get right to uh Mr merman's issue uh I think everybody's familiar with the property used to be Walter parish awning maker uh who was there for a lifetime uh it's just north of the car club uh formerly coach Works where all the rolls-royces used to be um and it is uh as the application States application to convert the property into a two family use um there are no uh exterior improvements planned we'll address the issue of the porch in a minute um and you know the site is is as we find it uh there will be if the application is approved uh there will be Renovations uh completed on on the interior uh the application is also for permission to use the a portion of the existing basement for office space uh about one quarter of the basement would be office space about 200 square feet and the remainder for storage um Mr bertini is in the construction business and he'd be storing uh his tools uh materials there would be no exterior storage on the property that which is there now is going to be removed uh there will be no equipment stored on the property no construction equipment uh in the sense of vehicles I mean there will be saws Etc in the existing shed uh and Mr bertini will testify to all of this um so I think I think without further Ado I'd like to uh call on Mr patini uh his architect is present with him also Mr kufel and we also have our planner uh with us tonight um and uh well you know we'll save Mr Cardon for last as our planner uh but I'd like to start with uh Mr batini okay let's go ahead and get everybody sworn in Miss steinley when you're ready all right if you please raise your right hand we can swear everyone in who's going to be testifying um do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the truth and nothing but the truth I do I do all right and then Mr boutini you can state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record all good evening everybody um my name is Jack bertini b r t ni um my address is 677 East Drive orell New Jersey 0 7649 okay thank you and the your architect um we can just get everyone taken care of now okay my name is Stanley J kufel Jr I'm a registered architect uh my office is in ordale New Jersey uh and I've been a licensed architect for over 30 years and your license is current and in good standing yes it is any questions can you spell his last name please kuel any questions from the board as to Mr bertin's qualifications okay all right Mr Barrett uh do you want your planners here Mr Carden hello good evening my name is Aaron Carden um I'm a I'm a licensed planner a America member of the American Institute of certified planners and professional planner in the state of New Jersey since 2015 I've testified before multiple boards within the state in Warren 100 Sussex in Mars County this would be my first testimony before this board in Bergen County which I'm happy to add um my license is current and um I'm looking forward to um providing information on behalf the app thank you questions from the board on Mr carton's credentials okay all right bar please proceed thank you Mr chairman so Mr Martini tell us about the porch so um the porch was the porch the the existing porch um we refurbished to the exact extent um the existing porch was rotting and uh falling off of the house and so we reframed it where it needed to be reframed and then we sided it when we sided the house same so your so your testimony is though that the dimensions did not change the location did not change no it's it's as shown on the survey okay and um I don't know Mr Mur was there anything else that you thought was uh sure let's look at the survey map okay all right the uh brick planter with the paper enclosing it is gone it's not there the AC unit apparently is gone and there is a conrete walkway between the driveway and the house and I personally walked out the other day back there was Monday let's start with those and and that conf walkway extends across to the series of steps coming up I'm sorry you broke up as you were making that last comment I'm not sure what you said okay the new walkway along the driveway side um turns to the and connects to the concrete series of concrete steps that walkway coming up from Kim the so right there alone that is not the same as your survey okay my personal observation of [Music] walking well the the brick planter is gone yes that was we we took that down um the pavers there was a paver walkway that was just in disrepair there were pavers all over the place so we we paved it over with concrete and we did extend it to the the patio that's true the AC unit is there don't recall seeing it but it might be there okay we we put a little fence around it okay that's why I didn't see it and furthermore on on the rear the building you have a notation wood fence that wood fence is no longer there and that square appears to be solid concrete recently port and the walkway that I mentioned coming up along the driveway also um also hooked into or was attached to the uh the rear paring area somehow like it was hard to tell because it was uh totally um um covered with uh uh construction equipment and other items so Mr right there alone your survey does not represent the current conditions okay I I have I have nothing to disagree with there yes uh to start with the wood fence that was existing that was rotting and falling over so we took it down and we never replaced it with anything um the concrete patio is existing there were spots that we had to cut out and and patch and repair and repour um particularly along the west edge of it and the the concrete the P the concrete walkway does tie into that existing concrete patio yes well conclusion wise does your site plan does not represent the current conditions well well that may be true Mr mman I don't know uh in light of the fact that we're not seeking a coverage variance uh certainly a uh more current survey can be submitted to the board uh as a condition of approval uh so that the site would be accurately depicted uh but I don't think that any of the items that you pointed out would lead to an additional variance uh or be violative of our ordinance in any way uh I don't I don't think that's really true I I need I need an accurate site plan Mr bar right now the site PL FY is substandard and we need to also show a handicapped parking spot which it doesn't show um with the perent with the striping the signage and so forth you have a lot of work to do on outside plan Mr Barett regardless of what you say well I didn't see that comment anywhere Mr merman about the uh did I miss it the handicap spot you sure I don't see it I I didn't see that mr's comments or Mr uh Barons I mean if it's required obviously we'd have to do it I just I didn't see it anywhere well you have a commercial spot do you not if you have a commercial spot you should have a handicapped parking for the commercial portion all right again I'm just saying that the reviews that we received the reports we receiv received made no mention of that well I just mentioned it yes you did that's correct all right but how could we how could we put something on there that we didn't know was required until you just told us that's that's all I mean we'll be happy to do it okay but but again you can't tell us that you know that we we didn't put something on we didn't know we were supposed to we'll plead ignorance you know and it wasn't in the reports you if my if my if I my jam uh okay so the the coming of the you know of the ad uh uh parking space requirement wasn't included because we wanted to get testimony on the usage of of the basement like how is that going to be used in order to be able to see your compliant with so that we were waiting for a uh testimony on how is that going to be used how is that going to be the implementation in order to be able to address that properly uh and that's the reason why it wasn't included on the letter thank you okay okay no problem Mr chairman yes Mr pepper yeah just a point of procedure here um I'm just wondering if since Mr merman has raised certain um deficiencies in the survey the applicant has pretty much admitted that those deficiencies exist Mr uh Barrett has already said that the applicant is willing to provide an updated survey um and then this issue of the um handicap spot is subject to testimony about what the use of the premises will be just wondering if we can proceed with the application um go forward on it and if the board is inclined to approve the application it can be subject to all of those things it can be subject the approval can be subject to an updated survey and um if necessary or if required the additional handicap spot and and that way we can at least move forward on this and deal with any discrepancy or or problems that might show up later on I I don't necessarily disagree with your logic Mr feffer what I'm what I'm having difficulty dealing with here is the fact that you know we have an applicant that's submitted deficient materials and it's expecting action from this board and it results in inefficiencies uh you know you're asking us to approve you know conditions that off of documentation that's not indicative of the existing conditions and and that's and I've I've said what I'll say on that point and you know we have acknowledgement of that fact um that said I think I agree with you and we we can move forward and take testimony as to the use this evening but as to the property conditions I think and subject to the board's feelings I think we we hold action uh pending submission of corrected accurate drawings for us to review except the only thing I'll say on that is with the exception that the deficiencies that apparently exist and the survey don't necessarily affect the use of the property and that's that's what the application we don't we don't know that for a fact yet Mr feffer until we have the testimony it may come out that way but I I I hear your point Mr Keno yeah I just want to say that I think we have to be careful with precedence we set tonight and and in other meetings I would really like to have accurate documentation submitted to me so that when I review it and I form my questions and I have my opinions I'm basing it on accurate uh documentation so the fact that the documentation was inaccurate and was very quickly shown to be inaccurate that seems like something that could have been handled beforehand so as much as I want you know our applicants to proceed through the system quickly I don't want to bend over backwards by by agreeing to review it and then having to review subsequent documents down the line question fade from memory you're not quite sure what you're reviewing down the line and then things get lost in the shuffle I think we should always be provided the most accurate documents at the beginning uh and that's my basic you know thoughts on this thank you let me pull the rest of the board um feelings on on on this particular subject Miss band I agree with the uh arguments from uh both M Mr chigo and Mr mer uh Mr cra yeah I do as well particularly given that the applicants are professional in the construction industry and should understand the standards okay uh Mr given I would agree as well okay Mr busted yeah I concur also okay um so Mr Barrett I at this point what I'm going to suggest is this we've complete we've we've deemed the application complete uh I think it's in your client's best interest at this time that we carry this application go fix your drawings make sure they're accurate complete and submit a set for us to review that matches up current conditions and and perhaps if Mr Flores and Mr Kasa could provide us with criteria that they need to determine whether or not we need uh an ADA space that would be helpful rather than having to come back once again if that determination is made if they tell us the criteria we know whether or not we you know we're going to reach it or not I also want to add something can you also provide reference to the code where it's required to provide the uh the ada8 compliance space because I'm looking through the Z the code right now and I don't see what is being reference let me ask it Mr Flores what information do you need to do an analysis on on providing those comments to Mr brow as his client um okay so just in just just to calculate the number of parking spaces uh we need to know what the usage of the basement is going to be at you know it could be home occupation or professional occupation it could be like a professional use which is different requirement for the parking space okay based on that then uh I mean it's a state law that you know if you're in a commercial building 25 you're proposing under 25 parking spaces you need to have one 88 handicap space so that's where I come from so that's why I wanted to get testimony of the usage of the basement in order in order for us to be able to provide the correct uh comment on the Ada and the number of Paces required for the for the for the site okay so Mr Barrett let me suggest that you or your clients submit to to Mr Flores a description of what it is that their intended uses so that they can make if if I may Mr Cyn yes um could we have some testimony as to the proposed use tonight just so our professionals can be prepared to respond um with all the right information we could do that too that's f as well so Mr Barrett why don't we why don't we proceed let's at least get that testimony on the record and so we'll limit it Mr chairman just to the prosed use of the basement is that correct yes please all right Mr batini if you would be so kind as to tell the board what your plan is if if approved by the board for the use of the basement yes sure I I would like to just have some office space for myself just a printer a space to look over drawings um and that would be cordoned off in the in the Northwest portion of the basement um whereas the rest of the basement would just be used for storage so I understand the basement's approximately 800 square feet yes and so how much of it do you intend to use for your office roughly 200 square feet about a quarter of the basement so the remainder of the uh basement would be just storage space yes and what what would you store down there just my tools um all sorts of hand tools you know drills uh some skill saws um you know nothing nothing crazy no you know gas operated tools or anything um mostly just contractor's tools and would you have any employees there with you in the basement no and would you have any of your customers coming there for any purpose um no so how how do you how do you how do you deal with your customers oh my my customers are home buyers so I I deal with them through my realtor okay so the you're building a new home in other words yeah Renovations new homes Renovations so but so they wouldn't come to review the plans with you in your basement or anything or in the office no that generally all happens on site or at my realator office okay so you'd be you'd be the sole occupant yes is there anything else we could offer Mr Flores that would assist you uh that's all I needed thank you well if I could just add Mr bertin you to live at the property um yes okay so I I think you don't have to answer this now but I think there's maybe two ways of looking at this from from an application standpoint okay if you were to use the basement informally while you live there and put a desk down there that's one thing versus having a board sanctioned use that could be carried with the property in perpetuity meaning whether it's you or some other office tenant in the basement I think there's a distinction there um and maybe that's something for you to consider as it relates to again uh what you're actually asking for the board and and what you may be required to provide I'm not looking to create a loophole trust me I'm just saying if if if this is a temporary situation for you and there would be no future user of the basement no residential use no future office occupant that's one thing if you're plan is to keep the basement for occupancy and perpetuity again that's something different so I think you just may want to consider either alternative okay I'll definitely consider that thanks okay um any questions from the board regarding the proposed use Mr Keno just will will uh your business address be this uh property or do you have a different business address for the business no my my business address will be that property okay so you're going to be receiving mail and packages whatever you are for the business yes thank you okay um before we leave the Ed question um we we have with us this evening uh a representative from Riveredge uh ambulance Corps uh good evening could you just uh introduce yourself good evening uh my name isales I am captain of river volunteer Ambulance Service uh I I've been with the ambulance service for over seven years now responded to hundreds of calls in town okay and I think you you had reviewed the application cap and had a comment or two on the proposed drawings um as they were as they were shown I mean based on what you saw now thus far I mean we're going to get new drawings in so I just wanted to is there anything here you wanted to make the applicant aware of um in considering their their revisions to their drawings um I did review it I I am not an expert in uh building plans or architecture uh from what I how I understand it as long as building meets uh necessary codes there are no special requirements from ambulance perspective uh from practical purpose uh having responded to variety of houses and seeing very different conditions uh I know that we sometimes have to reach spaces which are hard to reach and sometimes if patient is not able to work we have to carry them out we use variety of equipment for that uh one of the tools which we use often is called stair chair which helps us safely to transport people on stairway I did notice spiral stairway in a drawing that would be a problem however I don't know if there is other access point to that area the regular stairs and even if that's a problem I don't know you know yeah we we deal with problems and we still safely take Patients Out okay thank you so Mr Barett just wanted to make you aware of that that comment I mean if and we'll have testimony to this Mr chairman um the the spiral staircase was there when the home was purchased uh it leads to an attic which is only used for storage so it will not be occupied uh and as a result and hope hopefully you'll never have to go there captain but if you did you wouldn't you wouldn't need to access the atct but we'll have testimony you know when we when we resume okay thank you sir um any further questions from the board um Miss styley do we have sorry Mr Mr chairman you were running down the board member list for comments were you not yes just for purposes of yes do you have further well I I have other points uh of discussion for the basement I have other points within the building that will probably require some alterations and Corrections of of uh of the drawings so um if you want to eventually get to that that's fine so if Mr Baris applicant's going to come back they only hopefully come back only once okay uh why for sake of efficiency um if you would why don't you go and provide those what your your comments are you you going to be down Al Lista or you asking me I was asking you okay let me make sure I thought you had a I thought you had a no I do I do all right I certainly do I'll give them to you uh as far as the basement's concerned it's very good for Mr bertini to say that he's only going to use it as he described right now um um however um as I believe Tom bars was pointing out that's good for today um and eventually uh this uh building will turn over and you will have a commercial property that um uh needs to uh re remain [Music] and uh you if you eliminate the commercial property what you've just created was you use the commercial property as a vehicle to get a two family uh dilling units in there and then it's going to disappear so what did you do you came in the back door um the commercial property should always be in my my uh estimation in my opinion commercial usage of that basement should always be there permanently of some kind and it should be so that 5 10 20 years from now it still could can have a commercial tenant um using that so you you need to do um you need to take that definitely into consideration while you're defeating your purpose today um as far as the rest of the basement is concern um yes there right now is no second means of egress out of that BAS number one number two there was a question about um the basement it does have it does have a uh a a single bathroom down there a h what we call a half bath and so I'm going to offer that um if you want me to go on with some of the other drawing changes I can quickly outline those um particularly um the if if you uh oh yeah that that rear the rear entry that's there now that is not not very clear on a drawing viewing it at out in the field it's an appendage to the building serves as a common Al Cove which stairs going to the basement and also uh separately within that Alpo stairs going to the first floor the DS do not depict that right now um that need to be corrected um the other one is if you um go to the second floor second floor second floor in the area uh if we need me we can point it out on a drawing I think it was drawing let's you if you pull up drawing A2 um Mr cuffle can you look at drawing a A2 of yours on can you look at your drawing a yes I'm looking at it right now sir oh okay all right you were very silent there um that that spir stare leads to an open law and off that LOF is also a closet that picture area has to be corrected because there is a passageway between the kitchen and the living room which you don't show and there's a return um on on that area over the Loft The Loft is not you don't show The Lost extension it's probably only I'm going to take a guess m 15 20 feet in in width and Returns the point being is you've got drawing corrections to make there you've got to remove we we're going to request that that um going to request that that fin there remove because it's only serving a u it's only serving a open Loft the open loft is is partially enclosed in an iron railing that should be adjusted with a gate so that it um that it can only be accessed as a as a a storage area likewise I think it would be practical that that open storage area be um be labeled such as open storage only not not for occupancy so that it becomes permanent in the building depart some of the major it I had and if you're going to correct your rings I would indicate you do that and that would be in addition to the site plan um previously discussed that's it in nutshell Mr chairman all right thank you Mr merman any further questions comments from the board okay Miss dley do we have uh anyone in the public we need there is a member of the public okay um let's open to the public just solely on the the discussions we've just had on on the proposed use all in favor I any oppose any abstain okay we're now open to the public solely for comment on the proposed use discussed for this application all right so if you would like to make a comment please raise your hand on Zoom or dial Star 9 on your telephone Noe doesn't look like they're interested okay I that be the case chairman what one let me put one addendum on there that I forgot hold hold on let's just take a motion to close to the Public Public okay I thought you do so moved thank you Mr thank you m Bing all in favor opposing abstain okay we're now close to the public uh Mr Murman I'll turn it back over to you okay one one further um point I noticed that there is no second means of egress from the second floor right now all you have is the main stare at coming up fr the front door there is no second uh egress I think the architect has to correct for that okay thank you that's it okay okay so Mr Barrett um turn back to you at this point I think you've heard you've got the comments and to do um so with uh if acceptable to you we'll we'll look to carry this this application to to a future meeting Miss steinley we need to if you do the formalities uh well Ed the next meeting is the 22nd uh that that agenda is filled so the next available meeting for this application would be June 12th what what is on for the 22nd I have two applications that night one has several Dev variances in it all right is it I can I can tell you because I have both of them okay one one is the food handlers for the uh Chinese takeout down the street from my office on the corner of Kinder kak and Bloomfield uh and the second one is the former quarter wig home um refurbishments and improvements to the pool house Etc U which it's a long story but part part of the properties in in the C1 Zone parts in the R1 Zone um due to m a mistake in drawing the uh lot lines when the tax map was drawn all right so but all of that'll be covered during the meeting yeah all right if you think Mr vett if you think you could handle it on the 22nd then I'll leave it up to you realistically I don't know how we do all three yet yeah I think that's that's asking a lot of Mr Barrett and there's some work I I mean I can do it but I don't think the T I don't think the time will allow it I mean we can see how much time we spent already yeah on this application and I think each application deserves you know all all the time that it needs to present itself to the board um I I'm sure that Mr patini would like to proceed but I I don't know how we can um you know with with the agenda being what it is already on on the uh is June is June 12th acceptable Mr June 12th I would have to confir I would have to confirm with my office I'm not available on June 12 it's a it's a holiday for me so um I'll have to conver with my office so unless unless M wants to do on June 12 I'm sure we could work our way around it I'm just saying I'm not I'm not personally gonna be available all right well maybe we can I can touch base with you tomorrow Aaron after you speak with Caroline yeah I'll talk to Caroline about it see see yeah see who might be available if necessary so what so when do we when when don't we say the 12th for now and if we if we have an issue then we'll you know I can get back to uh Ed or to Marina and uh and see what we can work out okay okay so we'll just do a motion to carry the application to the June 12th meeting okay I'll look for a motion on that please that moved thank you Mr Gibbons is there a second second thank you Mr Craig just you need a roll we can do a voice Vote or Voice vote okay all in favor any oppose any obain okay this application is carried to June 12th meeting or such other meeting as uh is agreed upon by Mr Barrett and Mr Alton uh Mr chairman just uh if you'd be so kind as to announce that that we will not be sending out additional notices St yes so um the application for 831 Kinder kamak Road LLC Jack bertini 831 Kinder KAC road block 206 lot 9.02 will be carried to the June 12th plan uh Landes board meeting without additional notice um and the applicant agrees to extend the time for the board to act corre yes I think that's within but'll just in case no problem okay all right thank you thank you Mr Barett all right we will regroup much appreciated okay that uh thank you that concludes our agenda for this evening unless anyone on else on the board has anything I'll I'll just just an update about the doning ordinance edits we did submit them to the council and or I sent them to the buau clerk and they'll be reviewed by the council okay great thanks for the update uh with that I will look for a motion to close the meeting close thank you Mr Craig was there a second second thank you can you go all in favor We Stand adjourn and close meeting is now closed at 8:24 p.m. all right Gooding