all right we'll call the meeting to order good evening everyone it is uh 7:32 p.m. this is the uh regularly scheduled meeting of the municipal lus Board of the burough River Edge uh for February 14 2024 this meeting of the municipal luse Board of the burough River Edge is being held remotely and recorded via Zoom du due to bur council chambers unavailability and is in compliance with provisions of the open public meeting act and Associated regulations notice of this remote meeting was published in the Bergen Record posted on the front doors of burrow Hall and posted on the Burrow's website the notice included the dial in and login information necessary for public participation and access to this meeting remotely a copy of the agenda for this meeting was made available on the Burrow's website near the posting of the meeting notice and included the dial in and login information during the public comment period of this meeting if you would like to make a public comment please press the raise hand button on Zoom or dial star9 on your telephone keypad to raise your hand the board will address You by name or or by the last four digits of your telephone number you may mute and unmute Yourself by pressing the microphone icon on Zoom or dialing star 6 on your telephone keypad you must state your name and address clearly prior to making a public comment with that I'll ask Miss steinley to call the RO please thank you Mr Mayor here Mr caslin here miss Boland here Mr merman here Mr feffer is excused tonight m Mr cig here Mr kigo here councilman glass here Mr Gibbons here and Mr bed is excused tonight okay and we have Mr Costa and Mr dekit as well thank you okay uh well first order of business I'll turn the virtual floor over to Mr Mayor to swearing Mr kigo thank you Mr castlin uh Ed uh if I'm not mistaken uh it is a class 4-1 uh member correct correct all right well we are so glad to welcome back um councilman Kino as citizen keno and he will be taking over Jim eran's uh seat um big big uh place to fill but I know councilman Kena will give it his utmost and we wish uh Jim as we did previously well as he moves on to bigger and better things Council um I'm sorry Mr Keno please raise your hand and repeat after me I state your name I Dario Kino do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance bear true faith in allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I state your name I darel Keno do solemnly swear solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as a class 4-1 member as a class 4- one member of the municipal land use Board of the municipal land use board to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God welcome back welcome back Dario thank you I missed you all I'm glad to be back let's get started fast U-turn okay let's uh let the record show uh Mr Barons is here as well our burough planner good evening sir our first item on the agenda uh now this evening is the approval of minutes for uh our meeting of the 24th of January H draft set of the minutes was circulated for the board's review prior to the meeting this evening I open it to the floor for comments or questions on those minutes Mr chairman Mr M I I reviewed the minutes and I uh recommend that they be accepted thank you sir any further questions or comments from the board being on I'll look for a motion uh to approve the minutes as presented motion to approve thank you Mr Craig is there a second second thank you Mr given we just do a Voice vote we can do a Voice vote Mr caslin Mr and Mr Keno were absent that meeting cor right so with with those two exceptions all in favor I any opposed all right minutes are approved thank you folks our next agenda item this evening is under memorializations uh the first resolution is for the property at 216 Lo terrorist block 1206 lot 17 a resolution granting uh variance relief draft of the resolution was circulated to the board prior to this evening's meeting uh for review and comment I open it to the board I did have um a few edits yes um they were sent earlier today but I'll just go over them on page four paragraph 8 there was a typo um instead of the word sealed in the second to last sentence it should have been scaled back and then on page eight uh yes on page eight paragraph 8 um I had to reward the sentence because I referenced a swimming pool which was from a a different application so uh the sentence the first sentence was changed that the applicant is permitted to construct pao's outdoor kitchen open air pergola in the rear yard of the property um as described in the plans and renderings submitted in the application as amended on the record and as set forth in this resolution and then the second s sentence is going to say the variances are expressly conditioned upon the following and then list all the conditions so those are the two edit okay thank you for that any further questions or comments from the board okay there being none I'll look for a motion to approve the minutes with the with the edits uh Miss steinley just referenced so many m Mr chairman thank Mr merman is there a second okay I think I have Mr Cay on a second all right I will do a roll call vote Mr Mayor yes Mr castlen I'm going to abstain I'm sorry you know what I I pa this uh yes okay this was I put yes I'm a yes yep okay um Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr Craig yes councilman glass yes and Mr Gibbons yes the motion passes and I only called those who were eligible to vote okay thank you for that our next item under memorializations this evening is for Zo mingwang property is 4 74 478 ker kak Road resolution granting site plan approval on application for a food handler license draft of the resolution was circulated uh prior to this evening's meeting Miss dyy I believe there are a few edits here as well yes there were on the first three pages so on the first page in the whereas Clause that has the applicant's address um I updated the address based on um Mr bar he gave me the correct address the attorney for the applicant it's 14307 Sanford Avenue not Central Avenue then on the second page I added under the list of app of documents submitted by the applicant under number three and four um I added the application number for the prior approval which was application 2013-03 and then on page three paragraph 8 there's a typo it says interior reservations but it should say interior renovation so that was fixed but if there are any other edits can incorporate any further comments or questions from the board on this resolution Mr chairman I'll make a motion we accept them as amended okay thank you Mr merman is there a second I'm moved thank you Miss bow I'll do a roll call and only call those eligible Mr Mayor yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr cray yes councilman glass yes Mr gibons yes okay the most passes okay thank you everyone moving along in our agenda we're going to proceed into completeness review the applicant is Peter and Grace Kim property is 536 Monroe Court this is block 702 Lot 12 the proposed one story Edition in patio in the rear yard with non-conforming side yard setback and rear yard setback and non-conforming improved lot coverage seeking variance relief uh Miss steinley yes thank you prior to this meeting I reviewed the proof submitted by the applicants and found them to be sufficient for the board to hear the application tonight okay thank you um I'm G to turn I believe Mr dekin is handling this one Mr Barons or is that this is one you're still handling um I'll defer to you it's I think it's an application we haven't heard previously and I'm just so used to being ready that it was was here Mr dekin I'll turn to you you're on mute sorry you're on mute um Mr dkin I'm sorry I'm sorry um yeah I haven't uh I haven't done the review um I'll refer to Mr Baron I don't have the plans on this either so uh I'll I'll chime in then so the the applicate I did do the um the zoning letter of denial and um so the application this evening is essentially to replace an existing we'll call it uh rear deck and covered uh porch area with a one-story addition so enclosing that um and so the application materials that were submitted include uh a site survey as well as architectural plans depicting the first floor layout and elevations so um it appears that um there's enough information for the board to proceed okay thank you Mr Barons Mr Costa Mr chairman I concur with Mr Barons and I don't know where Mr where I like to say councilman once a May or always a May or once a councilman always a councilman welcome back all right thank you uh any questions from the board on completeness okay there being none I'll look for a motion to uh deem this application complete so moved thank you Mr Gibbons is there a second second thank you Mr kigo miss dley when you're ready all right Mr Mayor yes Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr Craig yes Mr kigo yes councilman glass yes Mr Gibbons yes okay the motion tests okay moving along then into our next item on the agenda this evening is new business Peter and Grace Kim property is 536 Monroe Court this is block 702 lock 12 seeking a proposed one story addition and Patio in the rear yard non-conforming side yard setback and rear yard setback and non-conforming improved loot coverage seeking variance relief I believe the applicants I see the applicants are here and good evening hello how you doing good good do you have uh anyone appearing with you architect or attorney um no we don't today okay we spoke to the architect he thought it was simple enough to to review on our own okay I'm gonna turn to miss steinley and she'll swear you in all right if you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes all right and then please state your name spell your last names and provide your address for the record uh Peter Kim last name k Grace Kim last name k address 536 Monroe Court River New Jersey y all right okay thank you for that um would you for the benefit of the board uh kindly give us a description of the proposed Renovations you're looking to make to your home yep so so with the patio um right now we have a rear deck patio we're looking to enclose it the existing space um again we're not expanding outside of what's currently there it's just an outdoor patio that we want to enclose um and also there is going to be another patio uh to the side of it in the rear yard uh looking to just have something there um just having a little outdoor area in the backyard as well all right so I'm just going to jump in I think what would help and um I don't know if Mr Kim do you have the availability to share that your plans or do do you have them up like the PDFs I can do it if you don't don't no pressure um I don't have the PDF so what I'm GNA do I'm gonna show uh the plans one there's two sheets one at a time and maybe you could just walk the board through what we're going what's going on and and I could chime in is needed does that work yeah right just bear with me while I fire this up real quick all [Music] right all right okay we've got everybody so um we have the existing conditions right uh to the left where my uh M my cursor is um you can see obviously the deck which has a Pergo above it and as well as this sort of uh covered open uh porch area which again has a roof um to the right we have the site layout which I'll zoom in on so everyone can see the area in question we're talking about is this hatched area again where the covered porches and the deck and their plan is basically to enclose all this with a one story Edition right and add this add this patio over here of uh looks like 108 square feet um and I I'm sorry I'm taking over here I just might be more I'm all right um so and then we have the first floor plan right and so again this is the area in question that's sort of uh has the uh the hatching or the line weight around it and so um what is the plan for this area what do what do you want to use this area for uh it's just going to be a dining area um we're looking for more space so it's just going to be a dining area that we enclose okay and again because it's a a one-story Edition there's no changes to the second floor of the dwelling that's correct okay do you know how many bedrooms about you guys have upstairs uh we have five bedrooms upstairs okay all right um and these are the majority of the CH or these are really the changes that that you're seeking right okay right and so just to go to the the zoning chart um it's indicating that they're looking for three variances um so the the R1 Zone allows a maximum improved lock cover average of 35% they're showing 38.9% existing and proposed 40.4 4% I'm questioning these calculations and I'll explain because the existing building footprint is 1,744 square feet the driveway is about 600 square feet and we're adding 108 square feet and that gets you to about 32% and there's some other ancillary coverages and so Mr Kim I don't maybe you can help us out do you do you know if the architect added these Stepping Stones as part of the coverage he did yes okay so that then I I would just trust those calculation gets us to the 40% um so again we're talking about the addition uh which is existing coverage and really adding 108 square feet but then we have the the stepping stone area could you describe that area what what are the stepping stones are they sitting in dirt what what what exactly is going on yeah they're they're just pavers sitting in dirt right now so yeah all right um you might be able to see we might be able to see it here um I think the there's an image that kind of depicts what this is yes yep that's what they look like are you guys proposing those to remain that area um we are proposing but um if there's an option if we need to bring the coverage down we we can remove them um if we need to bring it down so you're willing that as a condition to remove those if the board sees necessary yes great thank you um I I think again based on my rough calculation that probably brings you guys below 35% but I think we can confirm that and then finally um the two additional variances pertain to the sidey setback uh where 7.5 feets required um the existing and proposed condition are both 7 feet um as well as the rear yard um proposed is 8.1 ft and so I'll just note that the site is the corner lot and that the 7 feet is to the property to the South and the 8 feet though not labeled is to the property to the we'll call it the West um which for them kind of functions like a sidey yard so um is there anything else to add I'll ask Mr cam did uh no summarize it okay that summarize it thank you all right um so I'll hand it over to the board if uh any board members have any questions I'll stop sharing also okay all right thanks Tom um why don't I go to Mr Costa first I um I don't know if you saw this today Tom or through the chair so Ed sent his calculations I don't know who prepared them the the deck or rather the Stepping Stones is 441 square feet so if they come out 441 and I believe the lot is 7452 so that throws you almost 6% reduction which gets you right around the 35% okay all right thanks I did not see that so thank you for confirming no problem so if that's the case um I guess the board would be tasked with determining if those Stepping Stones stay or go uh if it's an issue maybe it is maybe it is and then uh what would be left are the the rear and side yard setback variances okay and those those are both existing conditions correct well the the sidey yard uh would be continued again that's where you have the sort of the open porch there it would be a wall there um and then you'd have the deck is half of that addition which has a Pergola on it apparently right no no I'm at the side yard uh setback and and we are they're both existing non-conforming correct more or less just existing in a different state right so right but same dimensions right but um if I can through the chair just really quickly if the way I believe the the way the ordinance is written depending on where the address is when you have a corner lot excuse me you got to pick the address as the front and then the opposite obviously is the rear and the other one becomes the side so if they flipped Concord around as the address then you would meet the sidey yard which it's closer to now I don't remember when that was changed maybe Tom maybe you you remember that might have predated me it was always like that but that could be why it is like that yeah I don't know when the change occurred but your uh your analysis is accurate um and you know frankly a lot of these Corner lots are developed the way they are and so if you want to add anything you almost necessarily need a variance and that which doesn't necessarily justify this but as a matter of fact a lot of these Corner Lots don't have a depth a rear yard depth of 25 feet it's just the reality of that side of town okay Mr cray I'll let I'll turn to you if you have any further questions uh no other than just to confirm that the applicant would remove those paving stones to get down to 35% that would be I think I'd be in pretty good shape as what we we're seeing here okay thank you sir Miss Bolan uh same comment that if the Stepping Stones aren't going to be missed uh it would be great to be able to take them out okay thank you Mr Mayor yeah I just have um I have a question um I'm looking at the plans I see a family room I see a dining room um the testimony is that the new space will become the dining room what's going to happen to the old space the dining room so we um we when we moved in the house uh back in 2019 we came with one kid now we have three kids just had number three uh in November congratulations thank you um so that's kind of like the kids playing draft area right now or they do their homework um so it's it's kind of been taken over by the kids okay so you have a living room you have a family room you have a craft room and you're okay cool I I just didn't understand it um yeah no I I I agree with the comments that were made previously and I'm good okay thank you Mr Mayor uh Mr Keno um no I have no real comments you make I saw from the picture it looks like you've got a lot of pavers there on the side you may still need a couple of pavers so that on very rainy days or uh you know wet days you you're able to access your backyard but it sounds to me like you're you're removing a lot um or a lot of extra space was accounted for that didn't need to be so you're really at that 35% threshold so I've got no problem with what you're doing and wish you good luck okay thanks you sir Mr Gibbons uh no I don't I don't see any issues with it either um you know that that addition though it encroaches the back it does look like from the aerial that it's really encroaching the backyard of your neighbor so it's not like you're on top of someone else's house um by having that you know additional house as opposed to the the deck so um I don't have any issues with it okay thank you sir councilman glass hey Tom can you share again the survey or the site plan I've been a p for 40 years years but I'm going to ask a dumb question be bear with me while I get this up yes someone's gonna have to tell me if the north arrow is right no it's not that's my only comment or question it's a valid question if that architect were here we could yeah okay but uh I I think um I I would note if you know this moves forward that the plan should be revised to uh correct that thank you certainly looks like it's pointing South yeah I think you got a couple labeling issues out on the second page too okay thank you thank you Council mcass uh Mr merman yes um North Arrow um I looked at this I looked at that um and the survey North is 180 degrees out of whack um Mr cost tax maps and everything are correct and I would imagine that the surveyor will correct it is North Arrow if when necessary um I only have basically one qu question um the various side yard and rear yard variant as I can understand um the improved lot coverage I'd like to discuss that a little bit um I know some numbers have been kicked around and I know Mr cost's office issued um some revised um numbers if we leave the Stepping Stones there in place what would be the proposed percentage of La coverage I need a number would bring us to to 4.44% well it is a 44.4 if we remove the Stepping Stones um what would it be should bring us to around 35% 35 I did the calculation it's 34.5% if you remove all 441 square feet okay so those those are the two those are the two extremes the high and the low or the minimum and the max so um I will would ask the board what number uh would they like to consider in other words uh do you want to remove all the stepping stones or part of the Stepping Stones all right let let let me ask this Mr Kim Mrs Kim does it get very wet there on the side do you need the Stepping Stones to get into the back how much do you use the sidey yard because we would prefer that you remove everything I think I speak for everybody when we say you know we want as much uh uh you know the ability for the the ground to absorb as much water as possible but if you have a need for it tell us this way we understand what your position is yeah we well for the back for the rear we we don't use that space at all it's pretty much Dead Space um for the side there's a portion where we do put our garbage cans um that's pretty much all um space for two garbage cans is all we really need there so so so as long as so Mr merman would you be okay if we put language just not to exceed 35% yes I'd be okay I'd be fine um give Mr K the last chance could you live with that yes can live with that okay so 35 is the number okay um that that's that's um my only comments and um when the board is well you gotta go to the public we have to go we have to go to the public yeah all right thank you Mr merman I have the same same thoughts if you've already heard so no sense going through that again um at this time I will uh no further question from the board I'll entertain a motion to open to the public on this application open to the public thank you Mr CRA there a second second thank you Miss Bolan all in favor I any oppose any abstain all right at this time we are now open to the public for comments on this application only again this is the uh application for the Kim property 536 Monroe Court is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard on this application alone I don't see anyone you can raise your hand on Zoom or press star nine on your telephone if you're calling in but looks like everyone's on Zoom if you're interested in commenting raise your hand now nope it doesn't look like anyone all right we'll take that as as as a no comment from the public at this time I'll look for a motion please to close to the public no moved thank you Miss bowan there a second I think I got a second from Mr Craig all in favor hi hi any oppose any abstain okay we are now closed to the public on comments on this application any additional questions or comments from the board at this time on all right I I just pay chairman kin just it's a formality and it seems like sometimes it goes unstated um the applicants agreeing to remove the Stepping Stones just to State the obvious for the record what would be in place of the Stepping Stones I just want to get that you know make it clear that it's not going to be another impermeable surface stating the obvious but could you please just we have it on the rec yeah right now there's I mean if we move the Stepping Stones it's just going to be mud and grass it's we really don't use that area anyways so um you know it's just going to be try to grow grass on it if anything thank you okay thank you councilman all right if there's no further comments I will look to the board for a motion on the application please I'll be glad to offer one Mr chairman thank you Mr mman okay regarding the grace and Peter Kim residence 536 Maro Court River Edge um block 702 lot lot 12 um I'll make a motion at the L use board um well okay I I'll make a motion that the L use board Grant a side yard setback uh where 7.5 is required and the existing is seven um likewise the rear yard is required 25 fet the existing is 8.1 feet and that should be noted as an existing variance and we're recognizing and legalizing that um when we get to uh minimum light coverage that's fine there's no variance required there um regarding improv lot coverage the ordinance requires 30 35 feet 35% existing is 3899 and the applicant proposes to remove Stepping Stones so as not to exceed a 35% coverage which therefore would mean um no variance required if I read this correctly and that's it okay do we want also include councilman's uh recommendation that with the stones removed that that just not be substituted with anything imper impervious correct yes accepted okay and and that the applicant will provide the revised plans um with the correct um um Arrow yeah and then the usual boiler play comments from Mr Casa regarding soil movement and so on than thank you Mr can miss sty when you're ready Mr Mayor yes Mr kastyn yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr Craig yes yes Mr kigo yes councilman glass yes and Mr gibons yes all right the motion passes all right great congratulations best of luck with your project right thank you thank you have a great night all right moving along in our agenda the next item uh is old business uh first item there is Jenny castan Tam property is 429 Windsor Road Block 809 Lot 25 uh this has been an this is an application that was carried from a prior meeting of January 10th this application I believe is now being carried to a to the meeting of the board on February 28 2024 Miss steinley yes thank you uh the application for castan Tam 42 429 Windor road block 809 Lot 25 will be carried to the land use board meeting on February 28th 2024 if you're here to comment on that application um it won't be heard tonight it'll be carried to the February 28th meeting okay thank you our next item under old business is Banks and Dolan property is 126 Adams Avenue block 612 lot 13 application to construct additions to an existing dwelling and Associated site improvements uh believe the applicant is here good evening I believe I see uh Mr Callahan the architect and Mr MCL and the engineer Miss stying yes so just some background information this application appeared before the board at the meeting on January 24th and was carried on the record to a meeting at the end of March the applicants requested that the meeting the application be scheduled to a sooner um to tonight's meeting and they Ren noticed um I reviewed the proofs that they submitted and found them to be sufficient for the board to continue hearing the application tonight okay thank you very much and the applicants did submit revised plans that should have been that were distributed to to the board members okay thank you for that good evening folks evening good evening uh turn the floor to you if you could give us an update on the changes to plans that you submitted please yes I'll turn it over to Mr Callahan very briefly but I I just we we made some modifications we heard the board's feedback at the last meeting loud and clear and we made some modifications and I'll turn it over to Mr calan to go over those okay thank you and just to reiterate um all of the witnesses tonight were previously sworn and will continue to be under oath today understood great thank you can I share my screen yes um do I need to be made a co-host or something no I think you should be able to there's a green button at the bottom if not okay I got it now thank you there you go okay so I'm referencing plans that are dated January 30th 2024 uh are the revised uh floor plans I also uh have a revision bubble around around everything that was changed and on the A1 sheet I included a little summary of the revisions I'm glad to go over that with you now uh one of the things that we did was we moved the the two-car garage Edition we pulled it in and increased our side yard setback and we also pulled it away from the street more to to reduce or eliminate one of the variances which was a front yard setback for that garage structure so now that is now conforming at 30 ft um our previous side yard setback our previous application we were requesting a side yard setback of 9.5 ft and it is now uh 13 feet to that garage from the sidey yard uh that also increased the combined side yard setbacks from 136 to 17.1 we need 18 ft for the combined side yard so we're looking for .9 feet of relief for the combined sidey yard variants um we also reduced the covered porch the covered entry to uh well what is a conforming size for 5x7 35 square ft it's still by the nature of given where it is is it still is encroaching uh into the front yard setback um but that was another revision where we reduced the size of that area we also at the uh suggestion of the board added a patio in the back and because of the flow of the house and everything we had double doors out to a platform in the backyard previously and we thought rather than introduce more Hardscape the sort of the flow to the patio would be kind of through the mud room here so we eliminated a platform in steps that were previously in the rear yard and we also brought in the first floor Edition two feet so that the the kitchen and Island area was reduced two feet we kept the the second floor Master Suite above uh where it was on the previous application um that kind of summarizes the the changes uh all the any dimensions and numbers that were changed are uh again have a cloud around them um and I think maybe I'll uh hand it over to uh Mr mclen who can maybe speak about some of the coverages and some of the other uh engineering issues sure he you everybody let me just share my screen everybody can see that yeah so just to kind of reiterate what Mr Callahan talked about is um last time we were in front of you the setback here for the garage was 9 and 1/2 ft and now we pulled that in to 13.0 feet and you know that gives us a combined yard side setback variance of 17.1 where 18 is required but I just want to point out that that's only for this section here where the existing house is 4.1 so that 4.1 combined with the 13 is 17.1 all of our improvements are well within the setbacks we have 13 ft on the left side we have 12.4 feet where our addition is on the right for a combined of 25.4 so we're well within all the setbacks the only thing that puts us on that combined y sidey yard setback is just this little small piece here which is about 14 feet that's that's existing um last time we were in front of you we had a um building coverage of um 28.9% and with what Mr call and showed you were reduced we got that down to um 27.5% I just want to point out that um you know this this two foot overhang here which is 52 square feet we're counting that in our coverage where you know below that is a grass area so we we count it as coverage but the area covered by this second story can of lever you know it will be grass on the underside of that the impervious coverage um last time we were here was 39.7% and we got that down to uh 38.4% um as I I mentioned last time we're removing this existing uh detached garage that's 2.9 ft off the rear yard uh which is non-conforming it's supposed to be 4.0t so you know removal of this garage will remove that existing nonconformity um as far is I know there's there there's drainage concerns um and I may I'll just wait for questions but you know we are providing we're only the impervious coverage we're only increasing it by 254 Square ft over what current exists um and that's including this 52 square feet that we count in the coverage that's grass and you know we're providing um drainage for the entire for both for the additions in their entirety um so we are definitely um making the the situation at the site much better in terms of runoff um I'll leave it at that and I'll be happy to answer any questions okay thank you Mr Mall um Mr baren Sure good evening just to get uh I guess the full picture um Can someone confirm did the driveway width also get reduced it did um the proposed driveway width is is 20t I believe we were at 22 last time so the coverage on the driveway is down to 596 which uh is much less than what the the existing driveway is 8811 square feet and and and again just to be clear so the proposed is 20 feet wide that's proposed correct yes okay um could you Mr mclen just go back up to the zoning chart I just you know we talked about a number of variances I just want to reiterate what the current list of variances is I know you guys mentioned them but just in order if we could just tick them off real quick so we have I'll let you do it if you don't mind sure so uh the sidey yard combined is 17.1 or 18 feet is required the lot coverage is 27.5% where 25 is required and the improved lot coverage is 38.4% where 35% is required okay thank you and this might be a question for the architect I guess um and and thank you for that uh I guess the question just pertains to um the the floor plan um making sure the garage dimensions are you know adequate I think it has a depth of now 19 feet um I I don't have the plan in front of me but um it has a width of perhaps 21 interior feet and maybe someone could just finally answer what what's the decision to keep the can of lever on the second floor versus bumping the whole thing in obviously it's to um you know maintain the space in the master but is there uh I guess some other reason or some other explanation because I think the board last time had you know talked about you know looking to maximize any any reductions in coverage maybe the board's okay at this point with what's already been done but again just if someone can maybe explain sure so um you know we pulled it we pulled the first floor in the two feet we left the can lever as far as why we have we need that space up there I can let Mr Callahan answer it but um we were trying to eliminate some more coverage um I read through the code and I kind of determined after it was designed that we had to include that 52 square feet even though it was an overhang so um you know originally was designed to try and bump that 52 square feet off the coverage even though that area is grass or will be grass um you know it is an overhang and the way I interpret the code was that that would count towards the coverage thank you I have no further questions Mr chairman thank you Mr bar Mr Costa I think I'm there now um all right just if I can get this straight in in my head so the according to the architect I think the way is is 20 5 feet because it's 16 23 and two three so may me just clarify that yes that's correct okay and then obviously everything has to line up uh coming out of the kitchen into the mud room back to the patio I understand all of that but why would you elim why wouldn't you put that on the back of the house right off the kitchen just out of curiosity which uh PRI privacy with the neighbors and also sort of you know that seemed to be a nicer space for them to okay that's all yeah all right so privacy reasons got it and then basically going over the variances again and I think Tom addressed this so the existing the existing setback is 4.1 feet and then using that number 4.1 plus the 13 17.1 but if you add up now the the basically the new where you put everything it's 13 plus the 12.4 so 25.4 where 18 is required correct yes okay and then as far as the in order to reduce this just slightly more can you because I'm looking at it maybe you can't do it you can't shift this other than getting it that the board would have to Grant relief could you shift the garage closer to the street to eliminate more square footage on impervious or no it's the sh you know one of the thoughts behind that was there is a little bit of a slope there in the front yard and we were trying to get to the point where a car that's parked on the driveway is a little more level than if it were closer to the street okay yeah the the other point on that is if if you move it forward then and that becomes uh it it becomes part of the uh doesn't comply with the code as far as FR know I understand you would need it right you would need a and I think some of the complaints from the neighbors include front yard setback complaints so I think that's part of it as well okay understood right now you're at 20.7 and then if you went to maybe you'd have to be a little bit deeper than 20.7 just to have it work out but if you went to 25 you would pick up another five time 20 right I don't know if that really makes sense but you would reduce it a slightly more that's all other than that um as far as the drainage very quickly I read some of the letters that Ed sent this afternoon talked about drainage um again they'll have to do some soil testing to make sure that the soil can drain but basically we require dead storage so whatever they're do with a 3in storm which is a 100-year storm they need to meet that under dead storage requirements not under perc so they don't use percolation uh to compensate for any any water that's coming in that just needs to drain out if you use the DP rules within 72 hours so basically if a storm comes in it stays in the seepage pit in the stone voids in the stone and then it should be evacuated within 72 hours and that's what you got to prove um they're still proposing a thousand gallon pit anywhere in this town we don't I don't think we have 1,000 gallon pit in the entire town everything's either 500 shallower to keep it up top and that's what we we require in this in this case and then obvious I saw your recommendation in your letter and you know we're going to do the percolation test but you know regardless we'll change that 1,000 gallon steage pit to two 500 gallon steage pits I'm not even giving you the answers and and you're getting them right that's beautiful um and then the other the only other thing is again some of the neighbors I think they're on the corners um possibly you might need a swell or something to make sure that the water uh gets to the either the seepage pits or or uh put in something some sort of a drain if required to get back to the seepage pits and ultimately as an overflow to the street so it doesn't impact any of the joining properties is that okay and we can comply with that okay other than that Mr chairman that would be it okay thank you Mr CA no problem let me turn now to the board for questions and comments uh Miss Bolan start with you please I have I have no questions okay thank you very much Mr Gibbons uh just to clarify um so I know what we moved down from what was the what was the imper impervious coverage before not not currently but what was proposed the last time we all met 39.7 okay so we so we went down a a percent by subtracting a little bit on the kitchen subtracting a little bit left on the garage and then we were still at able to add the patio is that 39.7% to 38.4% by the reductions in the house and and the driveway and we also and that included and we added the patio so um with the those subtractions that addition uh we we're still able to come 1.3% and we reduced the size of the front porch as well correct okay I just wanted to just make sure I understood what was um reduced from last time um you know I appreciate you you know making those efforts to get within what we asked um you know and I and it's good that you do have the uh you know the backyard amenity which you may not need but you know I think as the mayor pointed out last time you know future Generations are looking for backyard spaces so um you know personally I think you did a good job reducing and uh and meeting our needs so I have no questions all right thank you thank you Mr Gibbons uh Mr Mayor I'd like to Echo what Mr Gibbons said thank you for uh the work that you did and for adding the patio so that future Generations would be coming back to the Lage board asking for the patio so thank you for the citizens and thank you for the T thank you thank you hey gon glass thank you um I like the new garage door guys looks great um I have a question for Mr Costa um I thought I saw on your recommendations um a caveat about depth to groundwater when the uh storm water detention pit is being put in correct what was it if they encounter groundwater if they're within basic basically the new rules if so to speak if this was a major development under the new DP guidelines or rules you need to be two feet above the high water table okay here's my question how are they going to know if they're two feet above when you take a test pit so when they do a soil test soil the condition of the soil can tell you there something called modeling you'll see evidence of groundwater possibly B Bas on that and if they're going to do it um they're coming into the right time of year to tell you where the high water the high water T so we're we're going to require them to test pit at least two feet below the planned bottom elevation of the pit correct okay and then I believe you said if groundwater's encountered at less than two feet above that elevation um changes will be necessary what what would those changes be there's there's different chambers out there now if if anybody goes up and down Route 17 if you go past Progressive brick you'll see these yellow um plastic they look like doghouses almost so the the typical one is I think it's a 720 maybe I can help me I think it's SE 720 they make a a shorter version which is the 310 so they get n basically the depth of them becomes smaller um you could come in if you almost like a septic field if you had to if the groundwater table is so high you could almost put down a stone bed with perforated pipe if it's that that's that's pretty much the top after that um you better put in pilings and then you're probably in Venice Italy so I mean that's okay okay I just want to understand that there is a feasible alternative thank you absolutely 1,00% thank you you're welcome okay uh Mr kigo uh thank you I uh earlier today I watched the entire video I became familiar with everything I read every piece of paper that was submitted uh and I want to say subject to whatever the neighbors are going to say uh what I saw was that you met everything or pretty much everything that this uh board asked of you so we appreciate the work that you did uh and I recognize all the changes that you made thank you thank you very much uh Mr Craig [Music] in Mike we're getting a lot of feedback from you again again yeah hold on hold on is that better marginally try try again no it's still there there's an [Music] echo is it it still happening it's a little better but it's it's do you have a new camera or somehow like two two method two microphones somehow possibly going no I asking that I can't hear you hey hey hey Mike I'm gonna maybe suggest maybe log off and try to log back on you got it got it I'll be back minute all right very app okay thanks m back in okay Mr merman yes I agree with the mayor that this applicant should be highly committed for working uh with the board's uh prior comments and um I think they did a good job okay thank you thank you for that all right any uh further questions from the board before we open to the public a motion to move to open to the public I will'll take a motion it's open to the public so moved thank you Mr G is there a second second thank you Miss Bolan all in favor I I any oppose any abstain at this time we're now open for public comment on this application alone again the application is Banks and Dolan the property is 126 126 Adams Avenue block 612 lot 13 if you're uh in the audience and wish to be heard please uh press the raise hand button on Zoom all right we do have someone already I'll allow you to talk Marne Becker please um state your name and address for the record and then you can make your public comment for Marne Becker M and I Becker and I'm at 125 tenev thank you okay good evening hi um I am the property that I guess on the layout is the lot number two I they the bank's property is right back of my property my concerns are a a couple of things just how close to the property line does the building go um secondly I do have a sight line towards the side of my yard to Adams Avenue will that now be completely blocked and then I'm just really curious about the two pine trees that are there and with all the work that will be done on the property if you'll be removing the pine trees because I'm just I'm just kind of curious if there's bad weather and everything um if those trees can come down may may I answer that question oh so first of all we don't have two pine trees we have one pine tree um and one side of that pine tree is actually dead so the pine tree we actually had somebody out um a professional to look at the tree the tree is dead and the tree for safety reasons has got to be removed that's the only pine tree that's on the property other tree that's close to your fence at the back it's not a pine tree and that tree will not be removed and and just for the record since Jim and I moved into that house in 2015 we have actually planted Seven Trees around our house so we're we're very Pro tree we're not into just cutting down trees well I think if you look at my yard I how many I think I've got like 10 so I I completely understand that and I'm glad that uh someone's been out to take care of the tree but um just addressing my other two concerns regarding uh how far back the property goes to the fence and sight lines sure I I can I can answer that so um the existing garage is only 2.9 feet from your property line um that's going to be removed the addition is going to be 29.9 feet from your property line where 25 ft is required so it'll be well within the allowable limits as far as your site distance from your house to Adams I I I can't answer that but there is 13 ft between the side yard between the sidey yard and the proposed Edition Where only8 Feet is required so if you depending on where your windows are um there there's 13 feet between the house and the property line which is more than it's required okay all right if you have any other questions now will be the chance oh the only other thing which I I just don't don't understand what's what's the drainage thing about so um the current the property does not have any drainage um the water that falls on the driveway the garage the porches the patios just runs off the property we're going to collect all the water from our our proposed additions and put it into what I show was a 10,000 gallon seage pit based on the engineer's recommendation we're going to change that to two 500 gallon seage bits um so that cols the water and the water permeates into the ground from there um reducing the overall runoff off the property okay is this considered gray water this is is is roof water is just is what falls from the sky when it rains it runs off your roof and goes down the gutters into cish pit is considered clean water okay I'm sorry my name is Elizabeth Becker I'm Mar Becker's sister I also live in the property okay and your address is 1251 AV correct okay all right you can State your comments or questions um Also regarding the seepage pit um is this going to be used as another form of watering plants the way some people collect the water off their roofs and whatnot or is this just something that will eventually percolate out and become runoff into the street so it's designed to catch all the water from the the roof of the additions and T you lay completely into the ground and we actually designed it with a factor of safety um this size addition using a 3-inch rainfall event which is the River Edge um code requires 20 uh 2156 gallons of capacity and we are providing 3,30 gallons so we have about a 50 45% uh margin of safety as well so it just collects the water and that water percolates into the ground there's um there won't be any um overflow for the for the 3-inch storm there no chance that it will back up into our backyard then um no it's it's not designed to um you know we do get storms that do exceed the the 3inch um storm if it does you know it would overflow towards the street um just looking at your property um your property is about 160 feet deep and your house is more towards the T Avenue side what's he say you there's a a large distance between where the seepage Pit's going to be and where um your house will be there'll be no negative impact towards your property no we were we weren't concerned specifically about it running into the house we were just concerned about the end of the yard becoming a mud pit if it does overflow right so if it does overflow it it'll it'll go towards the street not towards the rear that's what we wanted to find out thank you very much you're welcome thank you for your comments all right is there anyone else in the public who wishes to be heard on this application there are other members of the public present if you have a question or comment um please raise your hand now all right and I'll just ask that you unmute and then state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record I'm sorry we can't hear you name your add you're you have to M your other you I'm sorry sorry you have to mute your other account it looks like you have two accounts on Zoom so you have to mute your other one so you'll be able to talk all right hello yes so please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record uh my name is kazuo uh I reside got uh 678 bat Road River and and okay and you submitted a a written comment earlier as well yes I did all right than good evening hello yes do you have a question you can ask ask your question or make your comment yes yeah it's a kind of similar uh my concern is about the storm water because uh you know extended two garage uh may you know block the water passage especially you know uh any rainfall because rainfall can possibly come down from uh uh you know uh no north side you know properties uh tiny Avenue there are two uh two properties you know uh I think behind the Mr pank and those run of uh water going through the grass were sep through under the ground and coming down uh between his house and the my property and M uh uh my neighbor you know uh you know phis you know uh Vincent so if addition is extended for the West Side uh well I kind of feel it's kind of blocking like a you know Dam and uh uh the you know civil engineer uh explained that the uh I mean storm water control pit going to sip water out gradually into the ground but in case there's a I mean big storm major storm like 100 years storm or you know so many days consecutive rainy days uh if pit cannot overtake uh the excessive amount water uh I mean it can you know uh push the water to towards my property the Bas and the basement so another question is from the you know uh storm water control pit is the engineer uh considering uh hooking up some kind of c pipe or something to discharge water to you know Town s in case you know pit doesn't work I mean fail cannot take water so I'll just ask that you ask all of your questions at once and then we'll have the response okay one more thing related to this in case uh you know the background get so saturated wet uh Mr bank has a large you know what's called spruce tree or F tree uh which is 50 ft high and also I have a very Tall Pine Tree 50 fet I'm wondering how far from uh the you know uh uh the pit and in case Grand gets so saturated trees Roots Foundation can get uh very weak and sub to fall there's a 1% 2% risk and uh uh it can fall anywhere 360 Degrees you know so is that spruce tree is going to be cut or removed first of all that's is another question so may may I answer that I think we just hold on hold hold hold your hold your responses please um is that your your final question you have any we'd like to get all your C your questions on out first and then we'll have the applicant their professionals respond hello uh uh did the architect engineer study uh I did a shade study shade study and shade shade study shade and shadow shadow shadow yeah and also uh I want to see Landscaping plan uh with a you know Big Pine tree is going to be removed or you know impact to my PO tree you know pine tree how many feet away from the pit if pit doesn't work the ground going to be saturated and I mean trees going to uh you know very trees you know Roots going to be very weak and might fall it's dangerous and by the way this is my all my question I just want to you know engineer to make sure everything going to be done properly and since uh my neighbor F been sitting right next to me she's 9 years old she cannot use computer so she's sharing my computer yes I am Shar yeah yes my concern is sorry hold on please please State your full name and your address please for the my name is phis Besson I live at 674 bogert Road River Edge okay good evening good evening my major concern is drainage I know that a lot of people on the Block on Adams Avenue have water in their basement from time to time when there's a lot of water rainfall Etc um I don't know where the water is going to go from that pit is it going to be piped out to the street to the I have the sewer right on my corner I really would not like to have water in the basement or anywhere else on the property um so is that going to be addressed when it's built I'm sorry so just provide all of your comments or questions now and we'll have the applicant and their experts explain the answers okay well that's my major question okay that's that's it all right okay may may may I answer a question please with regard to the Pine Tree sure Christmas tree um so this question was actually already um addressed and answered with Miss Becker so that tree is dead on one side that tree has got to be removed it's dangerous um it's dead the tree is coming down whether we do the addition or the renovation or we don't that tree has got to come down okay um and we'll let uh your Architects and engineer respond accordingly to the other items that were raised sure I can address though so um the typical um rule of thumb for seepage pits is you know we do you want to be at least 10 feet from your house and 10 feet from the property line um we we are doing we are that's you know where we're putting them we're basically putting them where the old garage used to be um as far as a neighboring properties um let me just let me just reshare my screen again so I guess lot two which I addressed I I feel like I they're satisfied now and then it looks like lot four lot 15 here have have um are concerned and it's not like we're not putting our our seepage pits 10 feet off the property line and then their house is right here and then their house is s and a half feet off the property line you know and there's only 17 and a half feet from our seage pits to the basement if you look at their Lots I already explained about lot two this 165 ft deep and these lots are about 125 ft deep with the houses towards the front so the distance from our seepage pits to their houses I I just did it on Google Earth is you know approximately 80 feet so um you know these seepage pits are going to have zero effect on any water in their basements um as far as the question about the garage blocking um you know we're we're third our setback is 13 ft um it's only required to be seven and a half and um you know we will have a well between the property line and the garage so you know if if there ever is an overflow from the from the from on the roof leaders from a really bad storm um the water will flow between the property line and the garage and go and go to the street and just to summarize um you know the current property has uh is 35% impervious has zero drainage so when it rains you know all the water comes off the roofs the P the patios the driveways the garage and just and just just flows off the property um by you know instituting the seepage pits for these additions um the overall storm order is going to be less in um post construction than it will in pre-construction I hope that answers all the questions okay thank you anyone else in the public wishing to be heard on this application ra hit the raise hand button or doesn't look like it this is the last call this is okay nobody else all right thank you uh at this time I will look for a motion to close to the public for comments so moved thank you Mr giens there a second second thank you miss bowan all in favor I hi any oppos there being none we're now closed to the public for comment on this application um any further questions or comments from the board okay at this time I will look for a motion on the application please Mr chairman may I um offer a uh motion please proceed Mr merman okay regarding the banks and Dolan residents at 126 itams Avenue river lock 612 lot 13 um as far as variances I recommend that the uh land use board U consider for approval of the following variances and conditions that the front yard setback 30 ft being required the existing is is 20.7 feet and the applicant is proposing 15.7 feet which would be at the uh front porch regarding s yard setbacks uh minimum required is 7 and a half feet we do knowe that there is an existing 4.1 feet that will remain uh and that would require a variance um an existing variance likewise the other side yard setbacks uh again still has a minimum required 7.5 and the existing on the West Side currently is 33.5 the proposed would be 13.0 uh which meets the ordinance regarding combined side yard side yards required combined side yard s are 18t minimum um the proposed would be 17.1 and that's due to the 4.1 Port variance and it is recognized that that would only exists for a small portion of the dwelling lot coverage regarding uh lot coverage 25% being required um 18.3 is existing and the new proposed condition I believe is 27.5% improved lot coverage um required is 35% existing is 35% and the proposed is 38.4% which is a result of the revised plans and the efforts of the Apple um likewise um the condition approval would be that the applicant conform to Mr K's engineering comments particularly those um related to water and soil movement I believe that's it Mr chairman okay thank you Mr Murman is there a second second oops okay Miss bow thank you Miss styley when you're ready okay Mr Mayor yes Mr caslin I abstain Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr Craig yes councilman uh M Mr kigo yes to have it I'll have to break uh councilman glass yes and Mr given yes all right the motion passes okay thank you everyone congratulations congratulations congratulations thank you very much everybody thank you thank you you're welcome have a great night you too uh at this time I we have reached uh the end of our agenda if there any further questions comments on the board um I do have one thing uh Tom I don't want to put you on the spot but I don't know if you got any updates on uh annual report annual report um I I can confirm that the board will have it in in your hands prior to the next meeting okay annual report great all right anything further from the board Mr castling M Mr Mayor Mr chairman I'm just wondering what what is our status on the proposed language that um that I offered I thought we were going to have have a special meeting or looking to have a special meeting to discuss that language yes we were going to and uh I was I actually stopped in to see Ed on Friday and I missed him before he had left to get that uh on the agenda so all right just want to make sure that we get to that soon okay I I believe at the next meeting we have one application and an ordinance review Ed if I'm correct yeah but the ordinance review would be the Cannabis ordinance okay uh just to clarify that for the public record that's only if the council wishes to move ahead with that we are holding that space in case the C uh the uh Council chooses to do so And to clarify that further for the public uh the council will discuss whether it wishes to open an ordin for that and if the council does at the current at the meeting that is coming up then at the following meeting it would be moved for a first reading and if that happens then the space that the lenus board is holding open in its agenda would be the review and then if the luse board finds that it's acceptable according to the master plan then and only then would it return to the council for a second reading so just for the public edification on that okay so possibly at the next meeting we could discuss changes to the land use ordinance yeah we have enough time on the agenda to do that is that is that in relation to conversations we've had over the past couple of years about the the lot coverages and pools and things like that is that where we're going with that okay yeah we're we're looking to have um I think what happened was we had uh one or two meetings to discuss those topics and I think due to a variety of applications that took our time away from those exercises and those those uh those reviews um we need to pick them back up again um I know I um both uh Mr Murman and I had uh spoken with uh Mr Barons about dusting those things off and um you know I think he's going to be working on that um so once he's in position to to circulate something we can get uh an email out to look to schedule a uh a working session to have a further to further those conversations yeah we've been talking about those things for a couple years now so yeah hopefully we can get that going yeah I think with Dunkin Donuts and Johnson Avenue last year I think I'm not saying anyone's not doing just you know that we can get it going not not throwing anyone under any buses just that we can get that going nor I I mean the account this this body did with the dunk of donuts and with so many other D variances and difficult regular variances it's done extraordinary work the Town and the council and I I myself as mayor I'm very grateful for this body's diligence professionalism always but we have we have not forgotten about them they are on the list and we will we will we will pick those conversations back up and by the way 335 Johnson Avenue is coming back for another variance we'll have to deal with docar again okay Al righty anything else from the board I have a uh chairman kin I have a quick question um counc Ed's doing an awesome job thank you um of getting submitt to us and information from applicants and comments that we've received from people in the burrow Mike question however is does the board have a deadline for submittals of applications or other types of documentation um prior to meetings what's the timeline because I'm asking chairman Kasin because frequently I get a barrage of emails the day of our meetings and I'm wondering if applicants other folks are required to submit the any types of documentation a certain number of days before our meetings to give us ample time for aw so I'm gonna ask Miss steinley to address that I imagine there's there's there's a there's directions given as to application materials versus comments from from the public so I'll look to you for that yes so applicants when we have our initial public hearing on an application all the documents that they're relying on to present their application um we require them to be submitted 10 days before the public hearing um at times applicants will submit things shortly before the meeting that they're going to present as exhibits which we permit them to preent present exhibits at the meeting um but they sometimes will send them ahead of time to Ed just so the board can have them before the before the meeting actually starts um so that that sometimes occurs and then we do accept public comments written public comments for the remote public meetings um up to eight hours before the public hearing okay thank you okay anything further all right this time I'll look for a motion to close the meeting I think M Mr cray and Mr given on a second all in favor any oppos any abstain all right we stand adjourned at 9:03 pm thank you everyone have a great night night