good evening everyone it is 7:32 pm on December the 13 2023 this is the regularly schedule meeting of the municipal luse Board of the burough River Edge this meeting of the municipal luse Board of the burough River Edge is being held remotely and recorded via Zoom due to burough council chambers unavailability and is in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act and Associated regulations notice that this remote meeting was published in the Bergen record on October 6 2022 posted on the front doors of burrow Hall and posted on the burough website the notice included the dial in and login information necessary for public participation and access to this meeting remotely copy of the agenda for the meeting was made available on the Burrow's website near the posting of the meeting notice and included the dial in and login information during the public comment period of this meeting if you'd like to make a public comment please press the raise hand button on Zoom or dial star9 on your telephone keypad to raise your hand the board will address You by name or by the last four digits of your telephone number you may mute and unmute Yourself by pressing the microphone icon on Zoom or dialing star six on your telephone keypad you must state your name and address clearly prior to making a public comment with that I'll ask Miss styley to call a rooll thank you Mr Mayor here Mr klin here miss Boland here Mr merman here Mr feffer here Mr Craig here Mr kellian here councilman kigo here Mr Gibbons here and Mr Esposito and Mr bed are excused they are excused okay also uh Mr Barons and Mr Coster are also here great all right thank you uh our first agenda item for this evening is the approval of minutes uh we're move right into that uh we have a draft set of minutes from our meeting of November 8 2023 was circulated to the board prior to this evening's meeting for review and comment I'll open it to the board for any comments on the November 8th minutes Mr chairman Mr merman I've reviewed my copy of the minutes and I find them acceptable I didn't see any uh changes uh I reviewed it I I recommend it for acceptance I I have uh just one typo on page eight with a reference to 15 or 15,000 gallons probably be 1500 I think there's just an extra zero on there oh third line from the bottom of page eight so if anybody else has anything okay with uh that one modification I'll look for a motion on the minutes please move to accept motions as thank you Mr Craig is there a second second I'll second I think Miss Bolan beat Mr AR Kellan thank you very much I digress to miss Bolan we do a voice V yes we can do a voice only Mr feffer was absent that okay so with with the with the exception of Mr feffer all in favor any opposed okay very good thank you um anyone else other than Mr Beer abstaining I don't think there is but okay our next item on the agenda this evening under approval of minutes we have a draft set of minutes from our November 29th meeting was circulated for review of comments of the board prior this evening I open it to the board for any comments on those Mr chairman likewise I review these minutes and find them acceptable okay thank you Mr merman anyone else on the board comments questions on the draft minutes for our meeting on the 29th okay there being none I'll look for a motion on the minutes please so moved thank you m second I think I got Mr Kellan on a second there you do okay thank you sir uh with the exception again is there anybody who's this was um only Mr Gibbons was absent Mr given okay so with the exception of Mr given uh all in favor any opposed any abstain Mr given okay thank you very much our next item this evening for discussion uh is the calendar for the board's meetings for uh calendar year 2024 um believe our um at alter had circulated a calendar for review um I think the only item I noted on there was the November 27th meeting being the day before Thanksgiving um which might pose a a scheduling issue um we certainly can leave it on there for now and see how things work out but I don't know if anybody has any thoughts on that or any other any of the other dates that have been uh proposed Mr chair I would think that's a tough day to do anything and I know personally I'd be tra Mr gens I think we're having some audio there's another um profile with your name up there I was having trouble with my hold on got it Ryan you have to cancel both the mic and the speaker on the second item okay all right so it sound like M I think Mr given had that also indicated that thought that day may be challenging so um might I recommend we we do that month we do the 6th and the 20th instead of the 13th and the 27th I think that's a that's a a good solution any other thoughts okay um Ed if we can um contemplate revising those dates and I we'll take action I think to approve the uh I think there's a uh okay so I'm going to officially make it November 6th and November 20th and I'll send that to the mayor and Council that' be great okay and just to confirm we have only one meeting in December which is the 11th correct that's correct okay right we can um take a motion to we can either vote on it today um to memorialize the dates or at the the reorg meeting we've done it both I looked in the past and we've done it both ways so whatever you're comfortable with uh we can wait till the reorg meeting okay all right okay thank you for that uh moving along in our agenda the next uh item this evening for memorializations uh the first item there under is uh ketta Investments LLC property was 298 Taft Road this is block 1108 lot 28 uh we have a resolution for us accepting the withdrawal and dismissal of the application without prejudice uh draft of the resolution was circulated this earlier for review any comments or questions from the board Mr chairman Mr merman likewise I have reviewed this and U I find it um acceptable thanks sir any further comments questions on the resolution for credit Investments okay there being none I will look for a motion uh to approve the resolution move thank you Mr C is there a second second thank you Miss ban we can do an all in favor for this one you want to do a voice on this one too that's fine very good all right uh I think is there anyone not uh everybody's eligible I think on this um yeah Mr feffer wasn't at the hearing but we never we didn't take action at that meeting so he can vote on the withdraw okay all right uh that being the case um all in favor for the approval of the resolution or Cora Investments all right hi hi hi any oppose any abstain okay there being none resolution is approved our next resolution this evening is for uh dabd Joe and Deborah property is 39 5th Avenue block 906 lot 39 uh the resolution granting a variance for maximum improved block coverage draft of the resolution was circulated for review prior to the meeting and I'll open it to the board for comments or questions on the draft resolution Mr chairman likewise I reviewed this one up at dby up on Fifth Avenue that was the one with the swimming pool we spent quite a bit of time um I find uh the uh resolution presented acceptable okay thank you Mr merman any other comments questions from the board okay with that I'll look for a motion on this resolution please so moved thank you Mr given there a second second thank you Mr CRA all right I'll go through this one good M Mr Mayor yes Mr kaslin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes um Mr feffer was absent that meeting um Mr cray yes Mr aelan yes councilman kigo yes and Mr Gibbons yes all right the motion passes okay our next H resolution is for quangong Lee property is 750 Center Avenue block 410 lot four resolution granting a variance from Maximum improved lot coverage uh draft of the resolution was circulated prior the meeting opening to the board for comments or questions Mr chairman I I reviewed this um resolution and I had a discussion today with the with Marina and I'll let her carry forth on the revisions yes there were a couple revisions on page six paragraph 22 um where we describe the motion I also included a description of the some of the conditions including the installation of patio screening removing the shrub SL Bush on the corner of the property and complying with the burough Engineers comments um among other items and then let's see on page eight paragraph 8 I wrote the incorrect um improved lot coverage number it should be 39.2% instead of 363 so that's fixed and then on page nine under the conditions I included um as a sub paragraph G the applicant shall remove the existing shrub bush at the corner of the property near River Street near the River Street and Center Avenue intersection that was marked on the plans but just wanted to make sure that was recorded as well so those are all the revisions and I reviewed with Mr Barrett and he was fine with them as well okay great um questions from the board comments okay with the with those modifications being considered I'll look for a motion to approve the resolution Mo thank you Mr Craig there a second second thank you Mr Gibbons oh Mr Gibbons was absent that at the last meeting at the last me not at that one for for Le 29 yeah you were absent you were um I thought we sorry my apologies no problem second thank B so I'll only call those eligible um Mr Mayor yes Mr clyn yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr cray yes Mr Kellan yes councilman kigo yes motion passes okay thank you I'm moving right along next resolution for approval this evening is for Katherine and nicholus Sartori excuse me 131 Kensington Road Block 815 lot two resolution granting a variance for maximum improve loot coverage draft the resolution was circulated for review prior to the meeting this evening and I'll open it to the board for comments or questions okay once again Mr chairman I review this resolution and and uh I think it's written uh without any comments from me and I recommended uh for approval okay thank Mr merman any other comments on the board okay I will look for a motion to approve the resolution so moved spok second thank Mr AR Kellan all right Mr Mayor yes sorry Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr cray yes Mr AR Kellan yes councilman kigo yes the motion passes okay thank you last but not least under memorializations Andrew IP property is 929 Summit Avenue block 202 lot two resolution granting variance for maximum improved lot coverage draft the resolution was circulated for review prior of the meeting this evening open it for comments or questions Mr chairman Mr mer I I review this resolution and had a discussion with Marina and she'll direct you for the revisions that were made okay all right so for this resolution on page five paragraph 20 um which continues from the previous page at the end of The Last Sentence I'm including um language regarding installing landscaping and screening to Shield the patio um that was discussed at the meeting but I neglected to include that um on Page Six I had in paragraph 28 just removing the citation to 70 C1 because that didn't apply to this application and then on page eight S I added a sub paragraph F to the list of conditions um to include the the landscaping and screening of the patio and those were my only edits for that one okay thank you um with those edits in mind I'll look to for resolution to approve the resolution motion to approve resolution excuse me so moved thank you m b there a second second thank Mr Craig be Mr Aran all right lightning F Mr May yes Mr castlen yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr Craig yes Mr AR Kellan yes and councilman Kena all right the motion passes okay thank you now we're going to move into our next category this evening which is completeness review the first application this evening is for Daniel and Amanda Fitzpatrick property is 211 Valley Road lock 1103 lot 32 this is an application for approval of additions and alterations to an existing single family residence with a proposed new Second Story and front porch editions and seeking uh relief for front yard setback lock coverage maximum approved lock coverage variance relief uh Miss steinley yes thank you prior to this meeting I reviewed the proofs submitted by the applicant and found them to be sufficient for the board to have jurisdiction and hear the application tonight okay thank you Mr Barons good evening um in terms of completeness I reviewed the application materials which included architectural plans uh site plan and existing property survey all of which appear to be accurate and uh properly depict uh the proposed Improvement so I think the board can determine the application is complete okay thank you sir comments questions from the board on completeness this application okay I would look to the board for a motion uh to deem this application complete I moved thank you Mr Gib is there a second second thank you Miss Bowman okay Mr May May yes M Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr Craig yes Mr AR kelian yes councilman kigo yes Mr Gibbons yes all right the motion passes okay thank you uh second application the see for completeness review is Paul Yun property is 82 Spring Valley Avenue block 208 Lot 19 uh the proposal is to develop a rear deck addition uh resulting in an increase of the properties improved lock coverage to a non-conforming 39.3% seeking variance relief uh Miss steinley yes thank you um prior to this meeting I reviewed the proof submitted by the applicant and found them to be sufficient for the board to have jurisdiction to hear the application tonight okay thank you Mr Barons yes and I've reviewed the um application materials again this is for a rear deck application fairly straightforward which includes the property survey and proposed deck plan I'll note that the coverages uh on the proposed plan um don't include the discount that the borrow has in its ordinance of coverage which basically States if you have a detached uh Garage in the rear yard that you discount the driveway coverage from the front of the house to the front of the garage so that may be where you notice a disparity between the coverages shown on the plan versus um I think my letter of denial and also Mr uh Costa's firm's report so just as a point of clarification but otherwise um the application uh seems to be in order to proceed this evening okay thank you sir uh questions from the board on completeness of this application okay I'll look to for a motion to de this application complete no moved thank you Mr Cay there a second second thank you m b Mr Mayor yes Mr klin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr cray yes Mr Kellan yes councilman kigo yes Mr gibons yes okay the motion passes great thank you all we're going to move on now into the new business portion of the agenda uh first item for consideration is the application of Daniel and Amanda Fitzpatrick properties 211 Valley Road Block 1103 lot 32 application uh seeking the variance relief for front yard setback lock coverage and maximum improved lock coverage for uh additions to to a single family of presidents um I think we've got uh looks like we have the applicant here as well as uh the applicants architect that's correct Mr Bruno good evening good evening gonna ask uh Miss styley to uh I'll have everyone sworn in if you right hands do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do yes I do all right and I'll go through the applicants first just state your name provide your last name and address for the record and then Mr Bruno will go through your qualifications as well I'm Daniel Fitzpatrick and we live at 211 Valley Road in River Edge and Amanda Fitzpatrick 211 Valley Road in River Edge and Mr Bruno Joseph J Bruno 29 Pascal Back Road Park Ridge New Jersey and could you provide your Bo the board with some background on your qualifications I know you're before us a couple weeks ago but just for be happy to I earned my bachelor of architecture degree from the School of Architecture at New Jersey Institute of Technology in 1983 um and I was uh licensed as an architect in New Jersey in 1988 um and I I'm also licensed in New York I did and I served on the Zoning Board in East Rutherford for I believe that was a long time ago but it was I believe it was four years and I served as the chair as the vice chairman for two years and I've um testified extensively as an expert witness before planning boards and zoning boards throughout New Jersey and also New York you any questions from the board on Mr Bruno's qualifications okay welcome welome back Mr Bruno turn the floor what are you than good to be here uh Mr Fitzpatrick would like to start off and then I can fill in the color on on the details of the project yeah hi um so just to give you a little bit of background on Amanda and I and our family we moved to River Edge in 2014 um with our five-month-old crey identical twins uh we had been living in a two-bedroom apartment in East Rutherford which we thought would be big enough for us to start our family uh but being blessed with two kids at once uh who came home with you know oxygen tanks and heart monitors we quickly realized that we needed to find a home um when we moved to River Edge which was at the top of our list I'm a commuter to New York City my wife is an educator in Bergen County and grew up in Bergen County uh the reputation of River Edge preceded itself with the school systems the community um and we've found all of that to be true you know we've had a wonderful nine years here we fell in love with the town um you know we've both volunteered in different activities to wreck sports or you know putting on events through the junior Women's Club um so the love for the town was there and then we went and had another child so our family of four went to a family of of five and our three-bedroom home as they've gotten older the twins are nine and my little guy six now has just proved to be uh you know something that we're going to be outgrowing any second now and we'd love for this to be our forever home you know we want to grow old here we want our kids to go to the high school we want them to come back with their kids as we grow old um so we thought the best way to do that was to create more space with the home that we're currently in uh we love our neighbors the neighborhood the community and uh we're hoping that this is the solution that helps us do that I'll turn it over to Joe to okay can everyone see see my screen were they drawing up on the screen I was seeing a blank right now it just says you've started sharing your screen but nothing oh let's see it's say I'm I'm sharing I don't see it either yeah if you I can't i' have to select the actual there you have it now yeah yeah we may need to zoom in a little bit it's sure okay so um I'll give the over I I'll give the um the board uh the overall on the variances required and then I will zoom in on the the the floor plans to describe what we're what we're proposing um we need three variances as as as indicated on my my drawing as well as Mr Baron's report and Mr and Mr ca's report um we require our variant for uh lot coverage or build building coverage 25% is pered committed we are presently at 27.1% we are proposing uh to be at 30% should the project be approved uh improved loot coverage or imperious coverage as it's sometimes called permitted is 35% we are existing at 45.3% and the original proposal was for 46.8% and I'll U I'll explain that in a moment and then the front yard setback permit is 30 ft uh we are at 26.3 feet we're proposing 24.3 feet to the to the front edge of the of of the proposed porch now Mr Mrs Fitzpatrick had originally were planning on on keeping the existing swimming pool above ground pool and the portion of the deck that Services it um in the last week or so they decided that they wanted to eliminate that so by doing in so doing we would be reducing the the um um the proposed um improved lot coverage from 46.8% to 39.4% which is actually even less than what is there at present day which is 45.3 but as part of that they they recognize that they need to be a little bit more um uh they they need to look forward into the future with the kids and widen the driveway so to widen the driveway um to 18 feet which is within which is in the municipal um allowances and we would be at least two feet away from the property line which again is is within the um the requirement um we would be at 3,150 Square fet as um improved loot coverage and that translates to 42% so um although um we're above what is permitted which is 35% we are um we are less than at 42% we are less than the present 45.3% so that is um that is one benefit where we're um even though we're asking for a variance on the improved lot coverage we're we're decreasing um that which exists now the uh proposal for the actual construction is as follows right now there's a small vestibule in front of the house where the front door there's a living room kitchen and family room here one car garage and then there are three three bedrooms so what we're proposing to do is to open up the floor plan and where this hatching is this is an Al Cove within the existing um open wood deck we would enclose it to allow the kitchen and living space to be expanded and to have more of an open floor plan then the two the the master bedroom and the one bedroom at the um that's located at the northeast corner would remain the other bedroom would be converted to both a mudroom and a laundry so we would be able to um accommodate those functions on the first floor and then this hatched area that you see here in in the front would be a small covered porch to um and I'll go through the elevations in a moment but that would um provide some some cover at the entrance which presently does not exist as well as add some aesthetic uh aesthetic B uh benefit to the um to the front facade um and then at the second floor I'll just toggle to that for a moment at the second floor we would then create three three bedrooms plus a um a shared bath for the uh for for the kids then the um front or East Elevation would look like so this is the covered front porch the second floor Edition and then the the facade would be would would be updated with new with with new new siding Stone and and Roofing um then the the rear would look like so again we would do new new siding and and Roofing throughout um now the um the benefit to this would be that at present the uh storm water is not is not what I would call controlled right now the uh rain water downspouts in front of the house are um drained underground to the street and exit through through the curb so that that poses a potential for for freezing in the winter time and the um the rainwater downspouts in the in in rear spill out onto the grade so the U if the project were to be approved the Fitzpatrick's would would hire a civil engineer New Jersey licensed civil engineer to um design a stor on underground storm water management system that would cover not only the proposed new areas but the existing roof as well so that coupled with a reduction in the um in in the overall improved lot lot coverage would uh would create a much improved drainage situation not only for the property itself but um but for the surrounding properties that that may be affected during a um a severe rain event and I'd like to um be happy to answer any questions or comments that the board may may have at the present time okay I'm going to first turn to uh our planner Mr baren Sure good evening uh thank you for that overview uh Mr Fitzpatrick and Mr Bruno um I guess just as a point of clarification for the board uh the property did receive prior variance approval from what was then the Zoning Board in 2011 which um approv the existing deck configuration and pool and so I guess a question for Mr Bruno just looking at the plan The Proposal is to remove obviously the pool and the deck which is immediately to the left yes that is correct but to maintain the other portion of the deck yes okay just just for sake of clarity and there is a shed on the property also that would re remain as well right okay just again for the record as a point of clarification so um I mean as I think Mr Bruno uh factually stated the issues um you have an existing dwelling they're removing what they're removing and uh proposing to widen the deck by 18 ft which is to me about the minimum functional width you could have for uh you know to stack two cars side by side um the the Second Story addition is over part of the house it's not the full house um so again there are the three variances there's the front yard setback which is um 24.3 ft which is to the porch which is you know uh not the entirety of the frontage or the the front facade but what you see up on the screen the house already has an existing non-conforming uh setback of 26.3 feet um and then the coverages are um what they are Mr Bruno you said the lock coverage will be increased that's a function of what the porch and and uh the porch and that um the infill and that that um that U shape a a spot on the existing deck so the um the the well although the this addition contributes to to the to the building coverage it does not contribute to the improved lot coverage right so um I mean in terms of the the criteria and how big is how big is the lot Mr Bruno do you know the the lot is 7500 square feet okay so it's sort of the the minimum standard lot size correct again it's a developed lot um we've heard the applicant's uh proposal to prove it I think you know in terms of the porch it seems to be uh you know an aesthetically uh pleasing feature and enhancement potentially for the neighborhood um which you know again is only a portion of the front of the house and then there the coverage issues but um you know again I think we have to look at this as a a context specific situation where prior relief was granted and there's an opportunity to reduce it by some amount and you know obviously it's up to the board what the appropriate amount will be so um I'll turn it over to you Mr chairman okay thank you Mr baren uh Mr Costa good evening uh Mr chairman members of the board um Bas uh basically based on the testimony the only thing I would say is if the board does approve it obviously we need a new plan to show exactly what the board is approving and then the only question I had and maybe this goes back to Tom if the if a previous approved uh 45.3% coverage if they reduce it to 42 I believe I heard the testimony 42 and change would they even need a variance for that I I think technically um I I understand your point um maybe we'll ask for for illegal interpretation but I think technically because the it's not simply a removal but sort of a replacement um yeah I I would agree that we would want to update the record to reflect the variance for um what is being reduced right yeah and then I again if you're going to amend I guess you need to amend the application Mr Bruno or or the Fitzpatrick's just obviously to change it Marina right because obviously I don't want to get into the notice but the notice would be well the notice was for the larger amount so if they less that's fine yeah okay that would be it and then again Mr chairman they talked about drainage obviously they're going to have to they could do that through the Sor moving permit um and again it would be requirement at that point or it's a requirement if you guys put it on tonight and they would have to do that okay all right thank you m I'm going to open to the board board for questions Miss Boland I'll start with you up you're on mute Miss Boland wow I was really talking away um sorry about that I um I was just saying that the fact that it's a reduction in coverage and what they're increasing are two things that we encourage a front porch uh and an 18 foot wide driveway I don't really have a problem with with this coverage request okay thank you Miss Bolan uh Mr Craig yeah just so I'm clear because I think I missed part of the explanation you said you're G to remove the wood deck now I know that there's the small square area where the kitchen's going to be obviously that's going to be kitchen now which part of the uh existing deck is going to remain and what's going to go the um the ex the um this rectangular portion of the existing deck will will remain and this portion of the deck that's immediately to the left of the swimming pool will be re removed so I'll just draw an X through I'll draw an X through the um through the P okay something's not working here an X through the portion of the deck that will be be removed as well as a swimming pool the balance of the deck is going to remain yeah I was going to suggest the deck got smaller so you beat me to it so no that's all I want to know thank you okay so I'm sorry couldn't hear that no I said I'm I'm I'm fine thank you oh thank you uh Mr Aran uh Miss Bolan basically uh echoed what I was about to say so I'm I'm good at this point okay uh Mr Gibbons I'll concur Miss ban said said it clearly um you know we're reducing things and you know it seems to be a modest improvements of the property and uh in line with what uh we look for in town so I don't have any issues okay thank Sir Mr Mayor I concur okay Mr councilman um yeah I I Concur and I I just want to point out I really appreciate the Fitzpatrick's and Mr Bruno they they touched upon all the things that we always talk about so they came prepared and they knew uh that we would be asking them those questions and and the reduction is a great thing and it looks beautiful so good luck I I appreciate what you did thank you so much thank you okay thank you Mr feffer no questions all right thank you sir uh I think Mr merman I believe you are I think I've got you as the okay um Mr Bruno you submitted some photographs with your application um do you care at this point to discuss those I would be happy to let me just get to I think I can share them yes okay okay can you see them I have the copy yep okay so F so photograph number one is the east or the front elevation of the subject residence so you can see it's one story this um in the center here is the entrance so the porch would be would be constructed to the front of this th this existing foyer and then go to the left um photograph number two is the west or the rear elevation view of the subject residence um you'll see the chimney and the fireplace it's in the family room the um proposed uh re the proposed firsto expansion will be in this recess to the left of the um of the um the family room photograph number three is the west or rear elevation view of the subject residence and the um the proposed expansion at the first floor is behind where this Blue Umbrella is uh photograph number four is the west or the front elevation view of the residence located at 212 Valley Road which is essentially across the street um I I'd like to to specifically note that um that the uh proposed uh Fitzpatrick residence will be um will be you know uh will be S significantly smaller in in scale than the house across the street so despite the variances requested will fit in nicely with the neighborhood um photograph number five is the east or the front elevation view or the residence located at 207 Valley number six is the west or the front elevation view of the residence located at 206 Valley and the um photograph seven is the east or front elevation view of the residence located at 215 Valley and you can see that that this this house has got a very nice front porch as well so um the um the the proposal that we're putting forth is um is definitely in keeping not only with the the scale but the character of the neighborhood um more in keeping with the architecture of photograph number seven of course but um but you get the idea we're we're not trying to be um to be anything that we can't be and the um and I think that the um The Proposal is properly scaled for for the neighborhood and I just want to say those are Halloween decorations on the front Laine it's not like trash or anything like that and the bushes yeah and we will do new new landscaping that's a must okay um Mr Bruno um I have a a clarification on your drawing when you when you put up your drawing um sheet one of two it was very dark and I I I couldn't I couldn't really see it closely so I just want you to clarify something when I when I look at sheet one um the master bedroom area um the there there's two blanks on on the drawing I'm looking at I'm assuming that one's the bath and another's the closet is that correct oh yes yeah I apologize that the um the first Circle that I'm going to draw is where is where the uh is where where the bathroom is okay and then right the second one is the closet yes okay all right all right um I I only bring that up because we had a a prior application where um we had some problems uh okay now that's great um I want I just quickly want to um talk about the site and I'm first of all must Echo um the comments of the other board members and congratulate you for um removing the pool and the uh part of the decking associated with it because the way the original uh site plan looked um quite frankly um it was a poster trial for over usage of land and I want to congratulate you for correcting that um and yes and I wish we could have more of this um I think let me just make sure I think that's the only questions I had um and comments I when we get to the motion area um I I'm going to need a little help here because we we made some changes the uh I guess I have a question for Mr Costa um you're still going to um re request the uh drainage calculation um and so forth you are okay all right all right so that's that's great so we're going to make sure that that goes underground or whatever um and you're still I guess Mr Bruner you I still believe that you were going to confirm the building height is that is that my yeah the building height is uh the building height is indicated at um 27 feet 8 Ines which is which I measured from the the low point and um what will happen once the um once the um the engineered site plan is um is prepared um we will then be able to to set the Ridge and and ensure that the that the ridge line will be in accordance with the municipal ordinance and T and typically what I do is a fail safe because we could put anything we want on the drawing and sometimes the guys in the field don't uh don't pay too close attention what I typically do on my documents is to um is to have the is to give instructions to the contractor to to set the ridge beam um and prior to to to installing all of the roof Rafters um he has to have the um the surveyor come out and verify that the ridge complies with the with with the height uh before uh completing the um framing of the roof all right um so basically you're saying you're gonna comply with Mr Casa's request in every way okay um I think that sums up my questions and concerns and happiness uh for re the reduction um I quickly would want well have before I make a motion uh I I I want to review this with you folks right now I have a front yard setback hold that hold that thought Mr M oh yes yes okay yep y we gotta go public all right yep guess I'm too anxious it's okay I'm I'm I'm with you I I I have no questions I would I would Echo the sentiments you've already heard from the board members I I think you've done a very um it's apparent you've done your homework on this and we' worked hard to make make this application um address a lot of the things that we're caring not the least of which is is is Storm waterer management so um that's that's that's duly noted so we appreciate that um at this time I'm going to uh look for a motion to open uh to the public for comments and questions on this application only so moved thank you Mr GI have second second thank you Mr Craig all in favor I any oppose any abstain okay at this time we're now open to the public for comments um on this application only again this is the Fitzpatrick application um Mar I don't if we have I think it it's one attendee we just have um it's Mr Flores from Mr cost's office oh okay okay I don't think he has any questions hopefully we'll uh we'll make that uh make that assumption all right with that I'll look for a motion please to close to the public I moved thank Mr given second second okay Mr CRA thank you all in favor I any oppose name stay at this time we are now closed to the public and I will now to the board for a uh if there are no further comments or questions I'll look to the board for a motion on the application please okay Mr chairman as usual I'll try to um Kick this off um there's been some changes so let me confirm him before I put him in a motion uh right now I see the uh front porch uh set back for the new porch uh is going to change that uh set back from uh set back from 30 foot required to 24.3 feet I percent yeah Fe correct is it that's that's right is it not okay 24.3 24 okay good um the umove lot coverage um you're proposing I believe 39.4 if I heard correctly no sir that um that was before the expansion of the driveway so we would be at 42% 42% okay right the original request was 46.8 so we reduced the request from 46.8 to 42 to 42 all right and um I would also note in in that um when I make that motion that item will also refer to the previous soning board uh approval of January 11 2006 which was uh 41.7 so you're you're slightly above that which is great well the um I I justess like to um to note that um that um that uh application I think was not very was not accurate because the um because based on based on what I took from from the U my own field measurements as well as the survey that the that the fitzpatricks had done it was actually 45.3 as existing so in in any event um you know we're we're at 42 so I I unfortunately that number was uh voted on and approved a matter of record okay yeah yeah so I yeah I I can't answer to it so yeah so I'm gonna refer to that right okay it's it's it's car whether it was correct or not um so be it okay thank you now um there was some discussion when you widen a driveway um there was going to be a change of of some kind I didn't quite catch that can somebody um Can somebody in for me on that the driveway will be 18 feet in width but and will maintain the uh at least two feet set back from the property lines in accordance with the burrow code okay um and I think they were going to tie the the drainage into a new uh drainage system way it is now okay that comes under Mr car review of of the storm water okay so am I am I looking at that there's really only um um three three three items here okay is that correct only three items corre the the front yard set back the uh re the improved coverage and the and the the driveway uh withd in in the the lot coverage variance of 30% too the lot coverage is greater than 35 the lot coverage is greater than 25 it's going to be 30 oh okay what coverage now now 30 you said 35 correct all right from 25 okay to 30 all right um so let me give this a shot um I'll make a motion that the that the land boost land use board um approve the following um for the Fitzpatrick residence located at 211 Valley Road Block 1103 L 32 and that's the following Rel be granted that the front yard setback uh for the proposed new porch um be 24.3 feet um versus the required of 30 feet that the lot um coverage will increase from 25% to uh a new proposed 35% I think we just said 30 30% 30 30 to 30 okay all right and that the improved lot coverage um proposed for the new uh plan layout will re re reduce um to uh 42.0% and it is noted that a um prior Zoning Board of adjustment uh approval for impervious lack coverage that was a approved on January 11 2006 um approved a coverage of 41.7 versus the 42 that's being requested presently and likewise uh the new Revis site plan will show an 18 foot driveway width with a two foot offset from the property line I think that's it unless I miss something and just remove of the pool and the deck well yeah likewise yeah all right like likewise we know knowe that that a at the pool and a journey deck uh new site plan will be showing that layout out and the other item is that the applicant agrees to conform to Mr C's uh officer comments um particularly are relating to storm management storm water management and the building height I think hopefully that's it that's all I had I believe it is okay I'm good so with that on that motion I'll look for a second please thank you thank you Mr Craig M steinley when you're ready okay Mr Mayor yes Mr castlen yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr cray yes Mr AR Kellan yes councilman kigo yes Mr gibons yes motion passes wonderful congratul conratulations well thank you very much now just as a point of clarification I will um revise my drawings to um to reflect what was uh discussed this evening and I'll send it to Mr alter for for distribution so that uh when when the resolution is drafted uh there there are no um uh there's nothing that's to chance you know ter of accuracy um thank and I could have that I could send that after the weekend if that's okay that' be that works very good thank you very much thank you thank you congratulations good luck congratulations folks okay good night good night good night moving along in our agenda our next item under new business is the application of Paul Yun property is 82 Spring Valley Avenue block 208 Lot 19 uh this is an application for installation of a proposed deck which would result in an increase in the improved lock coverage requiring variance relief uh I believe Mr Yun is here this evening I see him in the audience good evening sir good evening how's it going going all right I'm gonna ask our board attorney to swear you in all right if you do you have anyone else here with you today yes I have Mr youo n who's my architect okay I'll swear you both then if you please raise your right hands do you swear for confirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right Mr Yun please state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record and then we'll go through the your architect's qualifications as well sure my name is Paul Yun I live at 82 Spring Valley Avenue re Riv New Jersey all right thank you and then could you provide um your qualifications and your business address for the record um Mr Yun hi um this is y and I'm an engineer um for this Eng okay um yeah I I represent online engineering company located at 21 Grand Avenue P Park New Jersey um to qualify myself um I obtained my license in 2019 in New York and in 2023 in New Jersey by ComEd so I'm a professional engineer for um I'm a SI civil engineer and your license is current and in good standing yes okay chairman M chairman got a question before we proceed um I'm assuming we have enough for a quum if I do not participate in thisor we have a quorum if I if I do not participate in this application correct yes oh because even though I'm not the The Zone required for notification uh it's on my block it's about 400 feet away and I feel more comfortable not um participating recusing myself in this case okay that's fine Fair Fair Point um all right I think that's the only other matter on the board but or on the agenda but if you want to stay on I'll just ask that you just turn off your your camera and stay muted for the remainder be fine okay uh any questions uh for from the board on Mr Nom's qualifications okay uh with that I'll turn back to Mr Yun uh for the benefit of the board please if you would just uh give a description of the um uh work that you're seeing work that you are contemplating to your property for which you're looking for variance relief from the board sure um just want to thank you everybody here I know individually you guys are all busy and I can only imagine how hard it is to get everyone together so I really do appreciate your time and your efforts here um I moved to River Edge back in May 2022 so I had the benefit of living of in my current house which is a new construction existing Foundation um for two summers I have the the space in the backyard is pretty big but um for reasons that be I I moved here with my Tyler who's now three years old and my wife um and the space is not exactly usable which I I'll go into detail more but we are as asking for improved lot coverage of 39.3% versus the required of 35% and I'm looking to put a rear deck in the in the back and um just TR of show a I'll save show you like a picture this is not the actual drawing but kind of gives you a sense of what I'm trying to do here um basically if you can see my screen it's kind of like a rectangle here which is will be 19 by 18 feet and um Mr Yun was this provided to the board in the application documents no no I'm just trying to give a example of how how it kind of look I can visually it's kind of um just kind of show people how what I'm kind of envisioning okay I'm gonna have to just Mark the picture as an exhibit okay sure so this will be exhibit A1 sure and could you just describe what the picture is yes this is a a rear deck that I found online that kind of gave me the inspiration for what we're trying to do here so in the back it will be 19 19 feet by 18 feet but they won't be this corner this will be a filled-in corner here um and can the the thing that's kind of different I want to put like this 6x8 uh rectangle that's adjacent to one of the corners but this this will be on the other side actually but um that's kind of like the inspiration I had so that's kind of how it would look um roughly speaking um so that's the kind of the deck that I want to put in and um the materials will be a composite deck boards in the color of coconut husk which is akin to a sandalwood or or light wood color if you will um the white I will have white vinyl postings and black railings so um I I believe aesthetically will be an appealing structure um and um to my my knowledge there have been no prior approvals for improvements that are existing non-conformities and going to address some of the the hardships um my my lot is a substandard lot as 6,500 square feet when U minor standing is the standard and river is 7500 square feet so I have a substandard lot um the property is slightly sloped in different areas and so again I have a three-year-old who's very active a three-year boy is very active and the sloping you can trip if you run around in the you could trip a lot uh as I have done so that's why we don't use the backyard a lot um and like I said it's a existing Foundation new construction so there's a lot of rocks I've actually filled two bags of of heavy duty um construction bags of of rocks and they keep on coming back when I guess when it rains so there's a lot of rocks that also make it dangerous and um the rear entry has a um let me just show you this is how what it looks like right now it's pretty steep this um rear entry so um I want to replace this with the rear deck that I I had mentioned um I don't know I'll just I'm sorry to interrupt again this this photo um was this submitted with the with the application all right so I'll mark this as exhibit A2 photo of rear steps and did you take this photo yes I did um and do you know the date today I just took it today before this meeting okay um all right and then whatever any of the exhibit documents can you just send to Mr alter on email so then I'll have them okay thank you we'll do it so as you can imagine this is pretty steep and having a three-year-old trying to run off this would be um a little worrisome so we don't really use the in the past two summers that I I told you that I've been here we probably gone out um less than 10 times because it's not that suitable for a lot little kids so um basically for those reasons I want to build a deck in the back to make it more usable space and as you know in River Edge there are many decks as I'm sure you guys have approved AIS for that but it's a standard feature which I'm also asking for for my property and it will make a better use for of the backyard for my family and especially my child and U for what it's worth I my understanding is that this town and the board are concerned with non uh imperious coverage um but under the deck would have spacing between it so that there could water and rainfall that comes through and under the deck I'm not going to put any concrete it's just going to be either gravel or soil so you know it won't be impervious um for that whatever that's worth so that's pretty much what my first request is from my standpoint and hopefully I addressed all the general comments and my architect Mr yuno will address any of the engineering comments um yeah I'll take this over and share my screen um okay um let me know if you can see my screen yes yes yes okay so this is existing survey um taken from surveyor um dated May 4 uh 2022 basically the scope of work will include removing these stepping stones and uh existing stairs and construct a new wot deck um um that will be 19 by 18 and as you can see the existing um the elevation at the bottom of the grade is 99.8 and we're kind of elevating to match the flow finish to on first floor so this deck will be um basically elevated deck so that we are not going to remove or excavate any soils or disturb any existing grade um around the propose de and um and the the tech will require one variance um for the improve improve improved lot coverage by um 39.3 which is like less than 5% of the um the the maximum coverage and um I'd like to mention again that this slot is under sized by 8,000 square ft and this will impact negatively on um our input lot coverage so that um we can we have to go through the variances um and there will be no lighting or Landscaping proposed along with this deck and there will be no interfere or affect any existing utilities underneath and um um and um yeah that that's all I have for now and I'll take your um questions if you have any okay thank you Mr I'm gonna turn to uh our planner Mr Barons good evening um so just to be clear I think the plan that's shown on the screen is an update from right the current plan all so see may need to mark that as a exhibit first of all will be exhibit A3 and what's the date on um this is dated December 7th and this was forwarded to the town on December 7 as well okay and it appears to address that that discount of the driveway coverage between the front of the house to the garage which seems to then correctly provide the improved uh proposed improved lock coverage calculation of 39.3% so I I generally agree with uh the calculations that are being shown the plan appears to be accurate I guess one question would be um that sort of corner feature that you have is that intended to have a Pergola on it um as shown in the um I guess that architectual rendering we saw earlier no it wasn't um no Pera there that again that was just more of the inspiration for what I was going for but okay thanks for clarifying um undiz lot um it currently does not have a rear yard amenity feature in the form of a deck or patio currently the the coverage is conforming at 33.2% and U it appears that the deck is a proposed total of 365 square feet again uh it's about 18 feet by 19 ft and that's that's uh the request on the table okay thank you Mr bar uh Mr Costa Mr chairman the only thing um with this I believe a seepage pit was put in backyard so the question is where that seage pit is that if it is that the uh the footings for the deck would not impact the uh the drainage system that exists and I think Mr Yun test ified that he would put perious material underneath the deck which is fine if it's going to be gravel put a certain amount of gravel underneath and you wouldn't have to do anything else with storm War management as long as he's not going to change the grade or anything or impact any of the the neighbors to the to the east okay thank you Mr Costa you're welcome I'm GNA open it to the board um questions uh Mr Mayor start with you so if I understand it right there's at this point with the revised um the with the revised drawings that are currently up there's only one variance required and that is the variance of approved loot coverage is that correct yeah that is correct okay and that it would be uh an improved lot coverage of 39.3% on an undersized lock correct correct and if you calculate um when I calculate uh the lot size compared to our standard size it's about 87% or 133% smaller than our standard lot and if you calculate um that would be 80 that would be 87% of actual and when you take the 39% and uh multiply it by 87% you get uh an improved lck coverage on a standard lot which would be 34.7 I think that this is a reasonable request on undersized lot that uh does come in at 39.3 but when you uh discount for the size it really comes within 4.7 I think there'll be an improvement in the neighborhood and so I have no issues thank you Mr Mayor uh Mr cman um I think the mayor said it all no issues thank you okay um miss bowan you may be muted okay I have uh no questions and I also agree with the mayor okay thank you Mr AR Kellan I'm good it's it's another one of those issues where the Builder maxes out the the building and and then leaves the the owner stuck coming to us but uh I think what he's asking for is very fair under the circumstances and the fact that uh he's not going to put concrete underneath uh it's really not a true impervious coverage so I'm good okay thank you sir uh Mr feffer no questions thank you thank you Mr Gibbons no as everyone said this seems very reasonable with uh with the cumstances so no no problems okay thank you Mr merman I uh I have one additional comment when I look at Mr ca's report he says that the build existing building height is 31.4 feet um how don't and this is this obviously is uh is over the the allow 30 how do we handle this well I I think the history of the development as Mr Yun stated was that there was a I guess there's really an alteration back in 2022 and I believe the original component of the house which is sort of we'll call the left side of the house which is oriented in a north south orientation I believe that was the original part of the house that actually remained and then what was to the right of the house was the addition which had a slightly lower uh roof Ridge elevation so my understanding is that it's very likely an existing non-conforming situation and that the addition that occurred in 2022 was conforming I mean that's my understanding of the situation all right do uh I guess my question to you is do we do we acknowledge this in any sense in our resolution well as an existing non-conforming condition correct I I don't I mean the applicant's not necessarily requesting relief from it um I I think it could be acknowledged that the plan as represented is was approved by the board and that you know the board is tasked or you know focused on the the coverage element of the application um if I could chiman um I would agree that we would just acknowledge that it's an existing non-conforming condition but not um ratify that condition because we're just focused on the deck okay okay very good okay thank you Mr I guess I guess that basically we just have one variance yes correct that's what yes correct okay very good so I'll wait for you to go to public that's the only comment I have okay thank you sir um I have no comments as well so at this point I am going to look to the board for a motion open to the public on this application so moved thank you Mr given there a second second thank you Miss Bolan all in favor I I oppose Iain okay at this time we're now open to the public for comment on this application only um I don't think we have anybody who's shown up in the few minutes since we were last open nope I don't see anyone okay in that case I will look to the board for motion to close to the public I moved thank you Mr Givens have a second second thank you Miss Bolan all in favor I hi name po name St okay we're now close to the public for comment on this application at this time I will look to the board unless there are any further questions or comments I will look to the board for a motion on this application um Mr chairman as usual I'll I'll make the motion for starters okay um I'll make I'll make a motion that the uh land use board or the River Edge uh regarding the the UN application at 82 Spring Valley Avenue block 208 lot 32 um he granted a variance for improved lot coverage uh of 39.3% as versus the 35 U required normal standard further that the board recognizes and and recognizes that there is a nonex nonconforming existing height condition and this apparently is a result of various grade changes or what have you over um the history of this site and that the applicant um adhere to all the conditions and comments uh present by CER engineering report I think that's it Mr chairman okay I think that any I'll look for a second on uh the motion please second thank you Miss bowan Miss St when you're ready okay Mr Mayor yes Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr AR kellian yes councilman kigo yes Mr Gibbons yes okay the motion passes okay do we do we need should we also reflect for the record that Mr Craig recused himself yes with with the recusal from Mr CRA okay very good congratulations Mr Yun congratulations thank you again thank you everybody for your time I really appreciate it quite welcome um Mr Cay if you're still there you're you're welcome to come back I think the morrow of the story is put an application and do it right before the holidays everybody's happy very true um one one last item before uh before we break us this is our last meeting of the of the year um I would like to uh offer thanks for uh councilman Keno's service to this board over the past several years and uh we appreciate your efforts and and helping us uh navigate through the various issues that we've encountered and uh with uh with that we uh also welcome uh his replacement was councilman David glass good evening sir thanks Chris happy to be here looking forward to working with you guys we're looking forward to having you as as well so unless anyone has anything further I will look for a motion to adjourn Mr chairman before you do I just wanted to thank everybody uh this this uh board is just terrific uh it's really been one of the best experiences of being a councilman being able to sit here and uh listen to you all and and learn from you all uh uh we've got some members with some great experience and and they continue to give of themselves I recognize how important that is to our town uh and I just want to thank you all for what you do for this town thank you Mr chairman Mr Eric Kellen so I I I do want to thank councilman Keno as well uh he's been uh very focused and and a a great panel member uh he's also been a wonderful councilman uh I watched the secretly watch the meetings when you guys aren't don't know it uh and I've enjoyed both him as a member and also as a as a as a friend so uh you'll be greatly missed Dario here here all right Mr chairman Mr merman um I'd like to uh thank Mr Chango for councilman for his service um I feel on some of the same positions that he does particularly the the overdevelopment of some of these properties um especially uh the 41% issue and so forth um I want to be I want to just say i' been happy working and glad working with you and enjoyed your outlooks the feeling is mutual thank you thank you all right if there's nothing think think Mr alter is is raising a hand so yes um I'd also like to thank the councilman for his service he brought a unique perspective to our panel and he was always very responsive as far as I was concerned uh just to let everybody know our next meeting is the reorg meeting on January 10th everybody have a merry Christmas and a happy holiday yeah right I just want to conclude by again thanking councilman Keno for his wisdom for his dedication for his uh constant service to the B Bridge the luse board and um he will be missed thank you all thank you means a lot all right any if nothing further at this point I'll look to a motion to adjourn thank you Mr CRA for a second think I have Mr Aran all in favor I all and Happy uh Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everybody here Merry Christmas happy holiday Merry Christmas happy holidays mer christas thank you everyone we stay adjourned 8:58 PM all the best bye Happy New Year