let's call the me to order time now is 7:31 p.m. good evening all it's Wednesday May 22nd 2024 this is the meeting of the municipal land use Board of the burough River Edge this meeting of the municipal land use Board of the burough River Edge is being held remotely and recorded via Zoom due to burough council chambers on availability and is in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act and Associated regulations notice of this meeting was published in the Bergen Record posted on the front doors of burrow Hall and posted on the Burrow's website the notice includes the dial in and login information necessary for public participation and access to this meeting remotely copy of the agenda for this meeting was made available on the buroughs website near the posting of the meeting notice and included the dial in and login information during the public comment period of this meeting if you would like to make a public comment please press the raise hand button on Zoom or dial star9 on your telephone keypad to raise your hand the board will address You by name or by the last four digits of your telephone number you may mute and unmute Yourself by pressing the microphone icon on Zoom or dialing star 6 on your telephone keypad you must state your name and address prior to making a public comment uh for the record as a matter of housekeeping we're going to impose a curfew this evening at 9:45 pm and with that I will ask Miss steinley to call the rooll please thank you Mr Mayor here Mr caslin here miss Boland here Mr merman here Mr feffer here Mr Craig here uh Mr Keno here councilman glass here Mr Gibbons here and Mr besed he's absent absent tonight okay and tonight we have Mr Zabo for Burgess our board planner um and Mr Costa is also here and Mr dekin our zoning official okay hello good evening all right our first item on the agenda this evening is under the approval of minutes we have draft minutes for our meeting of April 24th 2024 which was circulated prior to this evening's meeting for review of the board I open the floor to comment for questions on the draft minutes as Pro provided Mr chairman Mr Murman um I have one uh typo but um we need to correct it um on the April 24th minutes on page seven Lisa the first line reads Miss steinley swears in the landlord the as the managing partner for you have Handover reality the name of the realy is really Hannah h n n a did you get that H H an NA yeah that instead of Handover that's the name of the realy oh okay I'll change it that that's it that's all I have Mr chairman okay thank you Mr merman any other questions or comments on the board he there being none I'll look for a motion on the minutes please move to accept them as written thank Mr C is there a second second thank you miss bowan all in favor I any oppose any obain Mr feffer was absent Mr feffer was absent okay let the record reflect that next item under approval of minutes this evening is our minutes of our meeting from May 8th 2024 draft of the minutes was circulated to the board prior to this evening's meeting open it to the board for comments and questions Mr chairman okay sorry Mr M you can go ahead okay um one quick one on the um this is the May 8th minutes correct yes sir okay on the bertini application the address is shown as 8113 Kinder Kack it's really 85 51 kind the kamak 831 Mr merman all right well now let me just see well it's not what is the correct address I I have the correct address is 851 it's 8:31 okay well I don't have it in front of me but I'm 99% certain it's 8:31 okay um well right now now it's shown as 8:31 so it's got to be corrected either way right that's all so just we'll just reflect that that'll be corrected with the accurate address okay Miss stying and then on the first page Miss Boland is marked as excused but two is present okay okay with okay I'll make those changes okay any further comments questions from the board okay with those revisions I'll look for a motion to approve the minutes please so moved thank you Mr ban there a second second thank you Mr Feer Miss St anybody um the mayor Mr or the councilman um were they were absent that meeting excuse okay so with those exceptions uh all in favor I any oppose any abstain okay thanks very much next item on our agenda this evening we're going to move under completeness review first item is hang xang Inc property is 900 Kinder kak Road this is block 209 Lot 21 a proposed Chinese food takeout uh seeking site plan approval for a food handler's license uh Miss steinley thank you prior to the meeting I reviewed the proof submitted by the applicants attorney and found them to be sufficient for the board to have jurisdiction over the application tonight okay very good uh thank you for that um Mr Zabo there we go all right there we go my understanding is that this is a uh a change of use between tency but not change of use in terms of what's going to operate there it's going to be a Chinese takeout is that now it will be continuing that use my understanding is that there are no site improvements that are contemplated um all existing conditions are present will not change parking is located behind the building uh the only questions that we have is signage to ensure that they are going to replace the existing sign in a manner that is conforming uh I did take a look at the s itself I didn't see any um improvements or maintenance issues other than there's an exposed dumpster behind the building uh if there's an opportunity to screen that that would be recommended otherwise there's very little room for any other kinds of improvements or relocating of that facility okay anything from your perspective that would hold us up from uh deing this complete tonight no I do not I think there's adequate information to proceed okay okay thank you sir Mr Costa same thing Mr good evening everybody uh I would say yes I can proceed to a public hearing okay thank you sir questions or comments from the board on on completeness with this application okay I will uh look for a motion on deeming this application complete please so moved thank you Mr given there a second second I think I got Mr Cay before Miss Bolan okay Miss sty when you're ready Mr Mayor yes Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr peffer yes Mr cray yes Mr Keno yes councilman glass yes Mr gibons yes okay the motion passes okay thank you everyone our next item under completeness review this evening the applicant is Mark Molen property is 800 Summit Avenue this is block 206 lot 11 application seeing approval for proposed pool house pergola outdoor kitchen with existing garage guest Studio seeking a variety of variances uh missley yes thank you uh prior to this meeting I reviewed the proof submitted by the applicant's attorney and found them to be sufficient for the board to hear the application tonight okay thank you uh Mr Zeo there's some additional items that I think can be testified to by the applicant in terms of some of the improvements uh we have questions regarding lighting the possibility of landscaping Etc also some compliance issues with respect to some of the imperious coverage and accessory com combination of uses so that could also be testified to uh by the applicant in terms of their presentation okay otherwise no no issues from a completeness standpoint believe that there's sufficient information to at least proceed with the public hearing the the board can always request additional information as it deems necessary to make an informed decision on the application as it proceeds during the course of the public hearing okay thank you sir Mr Costa I concur Mr chairman I would say you could certainly go to a public hearing and then uh I think you're going to need some testimony on this there's a few questions as far as the adjacent building how that how that's going to perform if this is is approved and excuse me the sewer and a couple other items in there but that can certainly be for ad to testimony okay thank you sir okay questions from the board on completeness okay there being none I'll look for a motion to deem the application complete move thank you Mr Keno is our second second have Mr F by a hair miss styley when you're ready thank you Mr Mayor yes Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr peffer yep Mr cray yes Mr Keno yes councilman glass and Mr Gibbons yes the motion passes okay thank you all we're gonna move now into the new business section of our agenda this evening the first item is hang Zang and 900 Kinder kamak road lock 209 lock 21 this is a proposed Chinese food takeout seeking site plan approval for a food handler's license good evening Mr bar good evening Mr chairman members of the board um as you have heard from Mr Zabo uh there are no changes to the site uh being proposed uh it is simply the case of uh Mr Zang having purchased the business from the prior owner uh nevertheless because of our or of your ordinance uh site plan approval is required because Mr Zang needs to obtain a food handler's license um he is making some slight changes he's going to be replacing some of the equipment but in place it's going to be the same size as what's there because some of the equipment is old and doesn't function properly um as to the signage I've submitted uh the proposed sign and the actual boxes uh will need to be replaced because they're they're malfunctioning when it rains uh the lighting won't will not work so there's some kind of a short in there uh but it's the same size as currently exists both on the front and on the side uh if my arithmetic is correct I believe that each of the signs is 13.32 square feet the ordinance permits box signs to be the Principal one to be 18 square feet and if the property is on a corner the second sign can be 9 square feet uh those signs have existed for many many years um it's right down the street from my office and I I don't remember the place being without those signs but be that as it may uh I think that technically a variance would be required because the uh sign on the side street is 4.32 feet larger than is permitted however if we were to add the two signs together um whereas 27 square feet is permitted uh comes up to 26.6 four square feet so the total's okay it's just that they're not broken up the way the ordinance requires um the the applicant does uh plan on adding two tables of four uh in the event anybody would want to have their meal in in the uh in the store itself uh you you will hear from Mr Zang and he will tell you that uh you know basically um they anticipate the you know primary business is to take out as it has been for many years um and again I'll have him testify to this but you know deliveries will be by door Dash or one of those services that delivers food um and then we'll have we also have present with us tonight the uh landlords who are um Trustees of a trust that owns the property and that would be uh Danielle kakua and her brother David kakua uh and that they they're probably the ones best suited to address the uh the location of the dumpster as it may interfere with either parking or the other tenants but without further Ado I oh and we do have with us tonight also um Wen Ru Lynn who is a translator because uh Mr Zang is uh not speaks speaks a little English but uh purposes of the hearing we all thought it would be better if miss Lynn T translated for he's Al Mr Zang is also accompanied by his wife however Ming zing luu uh who may also testify so I would ask that the three of them be sworn in or and maybe the landlords as well all at once it's up to up to the board as they see fit to do that why don't we go ahead and get everybody sworn in that way in case you know we do need to defer to somebody we don't have to go through the formality later so miss steinley I'll ask you to do the honors please all right so everyone just needs to have their video on and there if you please raise your right hand I'll need the applicants to have their video on Mr Zang there we go so if you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yeah yes yes yes all right and for The Interpreter do you swear that the the interpretation that you give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes yes all right and then I'll just have to have everyone provide their name and address for the record oh m m Mr Z why don't you go first through miss Lynn if necessary name and address um m z can go first right M yes Mr Zan first okay name and address right name and address okay sorry are you in the same room right Echo yeah they are in the same room but is it would it be possible uh Mr Z and missl to share to share the one uh devic and this way Miss Lou could turn hers off and you wouldn't have the feedback okay [Music] okay need to turn your machine there we go very good all right um so Mr Zang uh during my introduction I indicated that the restaurant uh you're not proposing any changes to the restaurant other than to replace some of the equipment which isn't performing as it should be is that correct okay right correct okay and that um and that you'd like to add two tables of four in case people wanted to actually dine in the store is that correct correct and that you anticipate that most of your business will be take out uh and you'll also though offer a delivery through door Dash or one of the other food delivery services available is that correct correct okay she got it and how will you have your food products delivered to the premises um in other words what what type of a service is used to you know to obtain your food [Music] could you say it again let me explain I can explain no problem I I I believe that in our discussion yesterday when we discussed food deliveries you know products that that you know will be used in the cooking that uh Mr Zang you indicated that the deliveries take place by minivan is that correct oh correct and there are no large trucks that would be delivering to the premises is that correct correct okay and typically they would occur a couple of times a week around noon time um Wednesday and Friday at uh uh 12 12 p.m. uh okay Wednesday Friday um 12 p.m. usually thank you and that you anticipate that a garbage pickup will occur every Monday morning okay and that um and you how um how many employees do you anticipate having [Music] three okay and if they were to drive to to the location where would they Park they don't drive so they don't need the parking I'm I'm sorry uh the employee don't drive so they don't need the parking I understand okay and and and Mr Zang yourself where do you intend to park your vehicle they own vehicle will parking in the side of the street in order to leave room for customers and for the patrons of the other stores yeah correct correct thank you um I think I think a couple of the other questions um are better directed to the landlords so for the for the time being I'm I'm concluded uh with asking Mr Zang questions of of course he's going to remain uh and if the board Mr chairman however you wish to do it you know question him now or wait until I have the landlord's testify as to the couple of other items why don't you continue with the testimony Mr Barrett we'll take questions later on thank you Mr chairman um so Mr or Miss kusza um one of the questions raised by Mr cin his review letter is whether there are any parking agreements between the tenants with respect to the uh use of the space is in the rear of the property um so each of the tenants is instructed that parking is only for customers and that they're not to park in the parking lot so that's the agreement and that's what you know all the every the three the three contracts or three leases state that so they are not supposed to park there because there only about five spaces right in the back correct so we don't want we don't want them to be you know basically U making it tough and inconveniencing the customers it's parking is only for the customers of the of the the three buildings the three tenants I mean I'm sorry clients and and the board also uh and as did Mr Zabo um we're wondering about relocating the dumpster maybe you could speak to that issue you you know you the I believe the former Chinese restaurant also had a dumpster the dumpster yes the dumpster has been in that spot for the past 30 I don't even know how long it's been there as long as it's been a restaurant uh there really is not a place to relocate without blocking the stairs or blocking parking right the Dave I'm sorry to cut in Zang moved it so we have to put it back to where it was the original which which they're asking us to do the original spot is on corner of the staircase and Bloomfield a and that's should go back right right actually actually I think what what was being recommended was that it be located further away from Bloomfield Avenue so further into the property and I think you just testified that there's no room for it any any place further in on the property according to the site plan it says to be relocated there is you want to move it the B burrow wants to move it there's no place is asking if it's possible to move further if there's any place for it because then it would be very difficult for any of the patrons to get in and out that that dumpster dumpster needs to be there really early in the morning to pick it up and is there any way to screen the one side say the South Side between the dumpster and the street without without measuring the dumpster in the space it's hard to say um it's a pretty tight it's a pretty tight space I'm not sure if there's an alternate dumpster you know uh that would fit better um right now it's a small dumpster I really highly doubt there's a way of screening it in yeah it's pretty small I would I would AG I would agree that you know parking is probably the premium priority on the site uh looking at the images that I have um a detailed measurement I mean there's really not much room to move it I was thinking maybe the opposite corner but um that's up to the board it's not a major issue because it's not again not changing the current situation further questions Mr chairman okay thank you Mr Barrett um Mr zba why don't we uh if you have any further questions yeah I I have a concern um how many tables are there now none there m could you ask Mr Z that question okay okay so they said there's no any tables there and then they just want to add two says two tables pies how many how many how many how many seats are associated with those two tables yeah so they said one table four chairs so will be eight chairs total in total Okay the reason I raised this as a question for the board's consideration is that under the parking standards under your site plan uh ordinance 35025 there's a a a parking requirement associated with seats there are no tables and seats there now if you add eight tables eight eight seats at two and a half parking spaces per seat that impacts the parking calculation for the site the representation made to the board was we're going to occupy it as a Chinese takeout which is I I acknowledge it's the primary business but by adding the seats that changes the circumstances and now triggers a parking review based upon the ordinance requirements for tables and seats um and something that we need to resolve one way or another because there's already only five spaces there the other problem with that is that people stay longer and occupy the parking spaces longer when they eat in this a site Pro probably operated fine as a takeout exclusively but now we're adding another dimension to the to the use so I wanted to just throw that out there for the board's consideration chairman um also there needs to be a requirement for uh bathroom facilities if you're going to have uh indoor seating thank you Mr dekin any any further questions on from your perspective uh no I think they've been hit okay thank you sir um Mr Costa anything from you the only thing U Mr chairman I mean I'm going back many many many many moons ago years ago the uh this site grease traps and I believe if I remember correctly we made the uh the owners put in grease traps because we did have an issue on Bloomfield with that and actually the DP was actually involved in that many years ago when when John pasta was there um just to make sure that they're operational they're working again that'll go back to Steve I'm sure but that was a pretty big issue uh some years ago so I think if I may miss Lynn um if you'd ask Mr Zang does he uh are there grease traps currently on the premises and will they be and how will they be maintained um I'm sorry can you say it again really if you could add ask whether or not there are currently grease traps on the pre premises and how does he plan to maintain them I think he'll be familiar with what that is on it's called a grease trap it it catches it Rob if I'm correct it's in the sink right you know what I forget like I said it's a while go but I know I know it was an issue and I'm trying to I don't remember exactly what they installed but would a typ just so I know from my own know he doesn't know what the grease trap is that's more troubling let's say that so just say does he have one and does he maintain it that's all you need to ask him Mr chairman Mr chairman I I get the sense that the problem here and and I just I know a little bit about the language the problem here might be that there's not a direct trend translation for the word gree trap so if we can just rephrase it perhaps to to maybe describe what a grease trap is or a grease trap does and then I'm sure miss Lynn could translate that as opposed to trying to translate the word gree trap there may not be a direct translation for that Rob Rob would be more like a filter or is that um not very accurate either it's not accurate yeah oh okay can we can we just ask him if he knows because he's responded in English a couple times Mr Jang do you know what a gree trap is s so am I I'm not sure am I uh translate oh T there am my translator exactly correct uh about the Greece what do we all right let's make it I'll make it easy if it why don't we do if the board approves it just put if you can Marina just put something in the resolution that it would be subject to making sure it's there and making sure it's it's operation and maybe there landlord have any information on whether grease trap was there when they when the past tenant moved out was there any sort of inspection done you I think I think I don't honestly I don't have any because we you know like uh my our parents actually ran the we just inherited in the past two years taking over since my father passed a couple you know 18 years ago I don't know um anything about the that because we were younger um but maybe zang's sister Tina she speaks very well in English I see she just got on and she runs a restaurant maybe she can translate that she would have to be sworn at this point okay and I didn't give you my address too I don't know if you need it do you need yeah sorry we skipped over that but if you could give your address for the I'm 458 East Ridgewood Avenue pamis and my brother is 154 deont Lane in Somerset yeah that I'm wondering if oil uh might be easier I don't know if Greek you know when the translation maybe oil cooking oil or this is very simple it's so the grease doesn't go into our water system right so right so Mr J should know this I mean just every Kitchen in one of these so that can we just ask Mr Jang if he knows whether there is a system to prevent the grease from the cooking to go into the water supply right okay thank you um so I probably guess some uh they uh they told me they have a three sink each sink have the pipe like one meter so should be enough no no does it catch the grease before it goes into to the water supply uh chairman not the water might not be an accurate description SE clean it's a sewer if it goes into sewer cleanout it's a sewer it's not accurate but might help Mr Barrett would would you like to swear in U Mr zang's sister Tina please yes Tina if you could please unmute and just raise your right hand Tina is there [Music] so I'll swear you in if you please raise your right hand swear do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes okay good evening Tina have you heard the discussion the question is whether or not there are grease traps on the premises and we're having difficulty Translating that apparently do you are you familiar with what a grease trap is yeah I think so as far as I know um uh their restaurant still using the existing grease check which is under the basement okay so there is one there to your to your knowledge yeah uh let me talk to my brother uh yes uh they confirm for me the grease track to collect the restaurant oil it's under the basement that's operate the restaurant every day I'm I'm very familiar with a restaurant because I operate a restaurant for many years thank you all right and then also though at this point there's been a a concern raised that by adding the tables it's going to impact not only the parking but also then the requirement that there be restroom facilities for the public would he be willing to foro those tables at this time and just operate the business as it has been as a takeout business okay oh Cas I okay so uh M Tom they said um they can take away the tables but can they put the couple uh like uh chairs eight chairs there the when the customer come to pick out the delivery and they can sit down to we I I I don't think I don't think there's any objection to that um Mr Zabo would you have a comment on that or yeah and I and also I want to um add a comment because um as far as I know for the previous uh business owner China Garden um he used to put two tables and a chair uh on in the living room and which has no problem with the customer because their business is very slow usually they don't even use much so for my opinion it's not a problem for the uh customer traffic and the parking the city if the city so my opinion is this is not a big problem because previous owner China Garden he operate the restaurant this way for over almost like 20 years so I think this is I don't think this is the problem but if the town um not allow we us put a two tables this is no problem we can uh cooperate everything with the with the government with the town whatever they required per perhaps um I don't I don't know if the board would be willing to allow you know as an experiment to allow one table with four chairs and see if it has any negative impact on the site and if it does then that would be removed you know perhaps a test period of three months or something like that and if yeah they can they yeah they have no problem they can remove but uh they maybe it's a good idea and they can leave sun share for customer wiing area for the takeout orders M Mr chair yeah yeah Mr chairman members of the board um I I don't have a strong objection to chairs uh because PE people you know get there five minutes early they have to sit they wait I think a condition of approval could be u a restriction against table service and sitdown table service that the chairs are limited to simply waiting customers um I can't speak to the prior history of the of the T tables that that has been represented were there before I I can't uh represent that I don't know I'm just merely pointing out that there's an intensification with the tables associated with the parking as per your ordinance if the board feels that uh you would like to experiment with this the problem I have with that having done a lot of code enforcement in my past Municipal life uh monitoring that you know um yeah Mr dein will have to sit out there and then maybe or respond to complaint said it becomes almost an Enforcement issue My Philosophy has always been uses should be self-regulating U you know and so if the board determines that it's operated with tables and chairs and it's okay and if you have that knowledge and and and there's testimony to that effect and you accept it okay let's let's move on otherwise I'm really pointing out a technical application of the code because the representation of the board was we're not making any changes and then I hear the word adding tables and that sparked my interest and that's why I I related the ordinance so I just wanted to make the board aware of all the all the requirements and conditions so that you can make an informed decision Mr dkin uh again restroom requirement looking at some of the photos that they had presented um I think there's a um a restroom through uh the uh kitchen all the way to the rear uh of the of the building um and I don't know if that is adequate for uh for customers [Music] forck up chairman uh again I'm sorry um so during the zon rview this was to be a sort of TurnKey operation with no changes so it appears that they're making uh changes on some items so again then miss ly I think that it you know based on the questions and the comments that have been made it would be best to eliminate the tables at this time and yes they're allowed to have some chairs for their customers to sit waiting to take their order out that would be permitted so if you could just explain that to Mr Zang okay yes par I hate to this started with a grease trap we're up to a table it's supposed to be yeah I know I I I think we're getting so far off now we got a going between four people yeah no I know I'm trying to figure out a nice part to intervene here without offend this why I'm always the bad guy everywhere no no no you're not the bad guy here so so let me let me do this uh we need to hear from the board on this application so let me go around and hear from the board if I may Mr Cay I'm going to ask to start with you okay uh I guess I have a I I I I'm I walk by this building every day because I work my dog up that street up Bloomfield yeah and I see that dumpster and I've been looking at it every day for an awfully long time and it it's an eyesore it's right on the corner it's right visible for anybody coming up or down that street and I'd really like to hear if there would be some commitment to try to get some sort of screening around that because it's really it's really unattractive um and I can't imagine that there's some way to get that screened a little bit just to improve it as far as access into the lot the entire the entire uh lot is got is a is a huge curb cut so there shouldn't be any problem with traffic coming in or out of the uh the lot itself so I I think I'd like to hear uh whether there be some commitment to to addressing that um Mr and Miss kusza would you attempt to you know offence perhaps along this the Southside there um because obviously you need access to the you know dumpster to be picked up but it would just be on the one side so at least it wouldn't be visible you know still be visible if you're walking up the street unfortunately you'd see the front but you wouldn't see the side of it I I don't know how much more fully screened it could be than that yeah I I would say uh without knowing the dimensions that we were dealing with between the dumpster the side of the building and the edge of the fire escape or the the back metal you know that's a diamond plate or whatever you want to call it the metal you know uh you know fire escape or stairs I just I would say yes we can we would look to screen it I just don't know how much space we have with the existing dumpster or we have if we have to change the dumpster so that we can accommodate a screen but yes okay okay that's all I had good Mr faer thank you yeah I I would like to um take a stab at clarifying this table and chairs issue and I would do that by first um asking the applicant through the translator please um we just need a a direct answer if possible a a you know concise direct answer if there is a concern about having tables in the business because of government regulations is the applicant willing to not have tables in the establishment and only have chairs for the purpose of having customers wait for their order to be ready uh based on they told me before uh they agree okay they agree they say they just want some chair to uh be there the customer can come to wait and sit there wait but if can if the board can they hope they can have one table even like they can put the to go to God order the food on the table for customer come to pick up the table is for the food not totally the customer can sit down customer doesn't need to sit down so there would be one table simply to serve as sort of a counter where the food would be left yes and I presume the food would be in a bag yes okay so they take nobody would be nobody would be allowed to sit at the table and eat food is that right yes okay and and I want to make sure or I want to hear whether they understand the reason for this issue to come up or this question to come up is because once they start serving food in the restaurant it raises questions about parking and it also raises questions about bathroom access if they don't serve food in the restaurant and people cannot sit down and eat in the restaurant then we don't have those issues about parking and bathroom access do they understand that okay when uh for okay so they agree say they don't put the table for customers uh sit down to eat but they they want have a table to to put the food on like a w food to take out food on the table just for like a just say cter they're okay they agree with that so food would be left on the table in a bag for people to pick up the food and leave and leave the restaurant correct yes okay they agree with that yeah okay and Mr feffer I've seen that arrangement in in similar situations in other towns where there's a little table people come in grab the bag they prepay and they leave yeah Absol yeah sit down to eat don't to dining yeah okay I just wanted to clarify that I have no other questions thank you thank you Mr Miss B um just uh to back to the dumpster I'm I'm just wondering if you turned the dumpster um would you would it still be it doesn't look like it would extend any further than the where the is now and then you'd have room to put a fence up at least along Bloomfield that's that's my only comment okay we can look into that I'll have my brother look into it with myself where did my brother go you can look into that yeah my my only concern I I will definitely look into this I just don't know if it's it's on casters or if it R you know what I mean like if it would roll in and out and if you know if the the garbage truck will be able to get in and out but yes we'll look into that thank you Mr Mayor I agree with all the comments that have been offered so far about um the table being only used for placement not for eating I agree with the comments that have been made about the um fencing um also I don't think this has been mentioned um uh I have no problem with the signage as long as is a replacement fits in the same box so I'm good okay thank you sir um councilman I you know alignment with the mayor what the mayor just said Mr chairman I would like to say though that this has been very inefficient and I think there's a lack of clarity with respect to the communications and what i s would like to suggest and I I really don't want to the continuing this process to me is not efficient and again I think there's a lack of clarity so what I suggest is moving forward we Prov our concerns to Mr Barrett and instead of all this back and forth and translating that Mr Barrett um provides us with responses in a timely manner when he's repaired to and then we can make a decision on how to move forward continuing this process to me is very inefficient it's a waste it's not not a productive efficient use of our time as a board what issues in your mind are still open Council M GL sorry what issues are still open in your mind that haven't been addressed yet at this point you know what's the plan with the fencing what's the plan with the contain the waste container what exactly what what type of table where's the table going to be how many you know are they not going to be SE so they understand the implic what the regulations are you know what the concern is about how having a table affects the park you know the number of parking spaces is there a grease trap are they maintaining it is it functioning properly there's multiple things that I think we've touched on and I think they're all important but I don't know that we really have concrete answers that we can have confidence in I mean would you be comfortable well if as a condition to the approval that they have the grease trap inspected and deliver that report to Mr Costa for review yes okay and I think the testimony thus far has been that the table is not being used for food consumption but rather as a pickup area yeah I I just don't know if there's you know we're having clear communication and Crystal Clear understanding and I think you know that that that you know that obtaining that shouldn't be we shouldn't be burdened with that you know and I'd ask Mr Barett to make that happen I have I have no problem reiterating to the applicant um exactly what they are allowed to do and what they're not allowed to do and we've had miss Lynn translate that they understand that they cannot allow onsight consumption of the food and that the table is solely for purposes of acting as a counter uh to place the food for pickup uh but again I'll be happy to reiterate that to them and I'll be happy to work with the landlords to find a solution to have some kind of a screen on the Bloomfield Avenue side uh I I think I think I don't think anything other than one side can be utilized on that site there's just not enough room and and Mr Barrett with respect to the screening would you agree to have that that screening be approved by the board professionals the landlords working with the board professionals to determine the screening okay okay Council that that's very helpful thank you that that works for me thank you to make it okay I was gonna say otherwise the board can vote to prepare have Marina uh prepare a resolution but the resolution wouldn't be voted on until the next meeting you wouldn't lose time and it would be subject to them getting a sketch or something for the board to look at as far as the dumpster enclosure that would be one way to do it and that that would put their feet in the fire because if they don't do it the resolution doesn't get adopted and they don't go forward okay but it's up up to the board if you want to if you want to put those conditions in there okay duly noted uh let's continue I think we have uh Mr Keno um thank you Mr chairman I respectfully disagree with what uh councilman glass just said and I think Mr Barrett has been doing a very fine job tonight of asking the questions and getting the information out as far as the uh dumpster is concerned I have no problem with everything that the uh board has said tonight as far as the tables I got to ask everybody here does anybody really think that if we added two tables to allow some of our kids to drop by there after school and sit down and have an egg roll or some Chinese food with their friends uh you know for a half hour is this really gonna set you know some sort of crazy parking issue uh into motion are two tables going to result in people waiting outside this takeout place to eat in uh or are the tables really going to give an opportunity to people who work in the area who have an hour for lunch and perhaps don't want to sit in their office eating lunch every day maybe to just go and eat somewhere else uh I'm really not that concerned about two tables I understand that we have you know certain rules and regulations on our books but in the past we've had Riveredge we uh have had a little bit of a reputation of being a little tough on businesses here we have a new business who is coming into our town uh these people obviously want to be successful uh perhaps we do consider giving them a trial a three-month trial and I don't think Mr dekin has to sit out there every day to make sure that it's enforced if there happens to be a run if this happens to be the greatest restaurant ever uh and people will be sitting outside for three months you know hours at a time uh waiting and there's parking issues then you know we can revisit it at that point um certainly people will complain in this town uh at and rightfully whenever they have an issue at at at the drop of a hat we get the complaints the ccil gets the complaints the land use Board gets the complaints uh we hear it on the tarmat so I don't know I I I I would say let's give them an opportunity especially because having been in this town for nearly 40 years and having a tent like actually gone to that restaurant beforehand I know that there were tables there uh in in the past maybe they weren't allowed but there were tables there so I'll just throw that out of course uh if the board doesn't feel like it that's fine I understand the issues behind it but is this really something that we should be saying no to just off the cuff like this maybe we give the opportunity to show uh that it can work without really bothering everybody and and uh possibly provide a little more income for this family Who coming in thank you thank you Mr Keno Mr Gibbons uh thank you yeah I I mean I concur with basically what we've been hearing um you know I think the the the dumpster has been sitting in that spot for a very long time and you know I think looking at Google Earth and it certainly looks like there's room to to put something there um you know as per the table um you know I think part of the problem as what was brought up earlier is if you have in um in restaurant dining that you need to have bathrooms um and I'm not sure if they are equipped to supply that um so you know that would be you know another concern if we were to allow that you know allowing it on a trial basis you know who's who's going to say really if it's working or not um you know it's very difficult to you know to supervise um so I I would think that you know because of the space because of the parking concerns and because of the lack of bathrooms um that there shouldn't be tables in there although I know that there have been tables in there for probably 20 or 30 years um but it doesn't make that it was right at the time so um so again mostly agreeing with what we've heard already okay thank you sir uh Mr merman I'm going to start with the Hot Topic uh tables versus chairs versus uh edn the applicat submitted photos if you want to refer to the photos the first photo on top shows a nice counter that has a red on the bottom and I'll call it beige or yellow light yellow on top that counter looks sufficient to me to put orders that have been completed waiting for the um the person to pick it up so I think that kind of uh answers that question about having a separate table for orders ready and no yet I agree with Mr dekin fully that um if we add tables we U now have an issue of public restrooms and I going to uh favor his U his comments and observations Mr Chenango talks about egg rolls and children stepping stopping by that's fine if you just put a series of chairs maybe three three three or more chairs the children can come in um after school buy their egg roll sit in the chair and enjoy it so I think that's my uh outlook on the uh on the table chair situation and I'll summon up saying that there should be chairs only um as far as the dumpster is concerned I understand that and I would like to see it reworked uh however it works back there it's quite um it's quite important I'm going to hold up comments on a signage separately I also notice that U from a parking standpoint um I would like that parking area restripe to whatever configuration you finalize and I believe that it should not at this point have a handicap spot dedicated because I think between uh clients and uh so forth that the few spaces back there are important recognizing that are going to move on to Mr ker uh raised an issue about a tree along the back I would like the owner to address that and I'll read verbally uh what Mr CA said the applicant shall confirm whether there are any parking agreements with no not that one where's the tree here's the tree uh existing trees are located along the real light line the applicant shall address whether there will be any change in the existing site lighting um any kind of reference to what might be happened to that tree uh and so forth so if we can get something on that i' appreciate that what else do we have here dumpster going um degrees trap we could put into the resolution that's no problem umro parking I'm just looking at my notes Here Mr chairman um yeah that I think that's about what I have I think we should handle the signage in a separate topic so up for chairs no tables that's the big issue okay why don't you hit to your signage comments right now because I think we're at that stage um okay the applicant submitted a um the applicant submitted a I'll call it a rendering a a layout for a sign that measured roughly 16 square feet um I believe he wants to change uh one of the signs to that uh the applicant should address the signage as far as lighting is concerned and I'd like Mr Barett well I believe Mr Barrett stated that the existing sign on the other face of the building is slightly uh oversized um if you retain that sign box I have no problem and I believe Mr Barrett stated that combination of the areas of the two signs U was still within the permissible and I I can handle that little bit of wiggle room with with no problem but Mr Barett you want to address the lighting for the song uh M ly would you would you ask Mr Zang the lighting internal I believe is is the light Inside the Box behind the letters if you understand yes yes that's oh that's Tina Zang answering that yes it's internally lit as it currently is Mr M okay and what Replacements and new that you put in would would be the sameeh situation within just for the record okay um yeah um so yeah that's basically my comments Mr chairman I don't know if we need to um call the slight deviation that might occur there as a variance it doesn't appear so and that's it I'll yield back okay thank you sir uh let's open to the public for a comment at this time um I'll take a motion from the board to open to the public so moved thank you Mr given is there a second second thank you Mr CRA all in favor I I any oppos name stain this time we're now open to the public for comment on this application alone this again this is uh the application for hang Zang Inc at 900 KAC road if there's anybody who wishes to be heard on this application uh please raise your hand on Zoom or dial star six on your [Music] telephone I don't see anyone okay um there are members of the public present but nobody has their hand raised okay coup more seconds all right that being the case I'll look for a motion to close to the public they moved thank you Mr Gib is there a second second thank you M bow all in favor I oppos and abstain okay we're now closed to the public at this time um any further comments questions from the board on this application okay uh I'll just I just want uh clarify for the tables as far as I know uh my brother Mr Mr John a couple months ago he already had threw away all the tables and chairs for the that two table and H the previous uh business owner already been used for many years they already already through a week so right now in a restaurant uh they already uh been Remodel and it's almost done besides the menu part and the living room they just leave at is right now no table no chair nothing okay thank you welcome any further questions or comments on the board can I just I'm sorry can I clarify the tree question what do do you want us to remove trees uh I'm sorry the comment about the trees so in in our Engineers report there was mention of of a tree at the rear lot line um and whether that was on your property I guess I guess Mr Costa you you had raised the question as to what the status of that particular tree was I think that's what it is yes yeah two smaller I don't think there's any yeah I don't think there's any improvements I think that was testified this evening okay again chairman well they they just submitted a a survey so again you got to wait for the testimony to see if there's any improvements and if there are then they obviously have to submit addition drawings and I think that's what uh one of the board members said tonight if they don't have floor plans or something and then I think it goes back to Steve if you're G to sit there and eat and it goes back to the building code so I think that's the clarity in itself and again I think if anybody knows me my biggest peeve in the world is a dumpster behind any shopping center or retail facility so do your best and then if the board tests me with making sure you do your best and then you really better do your best but thank you that would be thank you okay if there are no further questions or comments from the board I'll look for a motion on the application Mr chairman as usual I'll try to start one okay but Mr bar can I just ask for a class A clarification you I suggested restriping a lot you did agree to that did you not yes okay thought I did I just want to make sure um so regarding this application is hang Zang Inc 900 Kinder kamak road block 209 Lot [Music] 21 uh the uh proposed Chinese food takeout site plan approving required for food handlers license for the burrow code um I'll make a motion that the um the board um Grant the food handlers license with the following conditions that the um dumpster situation be resolved and hopefully move to a less intrusive uh location towards the rear and possibly enclosed that um the that only chair be installed in the um public portion and no tables we allow that the um nine be as submitted and that the existing sign um box or the other sign be utilized both signs being internally lighted now what am I missing further um that the grease traps be subject to inspection uh by the building department for location in adequacy prior to the issuing of a certificate of occupany and I believe that's it Mr chairman unless I missed one item I parking lot restriping restriping in the parking lot correct and and does the board want to allow one table for just to put the the food my motion does my motion includes no tables and several chairs the counter is going to function as you're uh holding uh for completed orders so if I understand correctly we're prohibiting in store consumption of the food by patrons right only sitting at one of the chairs no tables so if a CH a child or [Music] or would that be inconsistent with our code according ments well as far as code requirements are concerned if you're going to have tables in there then according to Mr dekin you're going to have to have public bathrooms and according to Mr stable you're going to have to increase your parking Mr chairman I I think if if if we have chairs there the chairs are there the purpose for for our approval is just that for the pickup by customers who who placed orders and are waiting for their order to be filled whatever happens after that point is is not our purview so long as it's not being if it's not there's nothing there that's a facility for consumption of food on premises whether somebody decides to open their bag and eat it sitting there we have no control of that that's an Enforcement issue and that's not not our Pur Mr chairman Mr paer I just to add to that I and and really this is perhaps for Mr Barrett to confirm or or or dispute but my understanding is that the mere fact of eating food in the premises does not trigger the bathroom or the parking requirements it's whether there is table service in the in the uh premises so I I don't necessarily have a problem with the motion because it's the applicant has already said that they just they're willing to just have chairs there but I you know I want to clarify the seeming confusion about if somebody is sitting there eating an egg roll on a chair that's not going to trigger requirements that there be a bathroom access or or have any impact on the parking thank you all right let's so Mr merman just to recap your your motion Miss styley do would would you mind just for the so it was to approve with the conditions that the signage will be the same as current but just updated the same size internally lit the grease traps the sign size changes you got two the the signs are the same size as what they were are existing they're just replacing them is that true Mr Barett I thought the the other sign was bigger than the one that you submitted no no no what I said was that the both both signs are the same size that the the that according to the ordinance the second sign is only supposed to be 50% of the first one okay in this they're both the same size okay that's fine okay yeah I I I agree for that yes Miss Stanley that that's correct is okay they're both the same size and they both lit from the within yep okay then the next condition was that the the applicants will confirm that grease traps are existing and in working operation before the issuance of a CO um table service will be prohibited chairs will only be for waiting um screening of the dumpster will be provided and the applicant will work with the board professionals to confirm and the applicant or the landlords will restripe the property or parking lot um yes I I believe that was it now I got one further thing um we Mr Caster's um report notes that there are previous um um variances existing variances I should we just note that they exist um or just ignore there's no site changes so I don't think we need to go into those okay that's fine yeah I I I would agree with that they're not intensifying existing non-conforming conditions so I don't think you need to acknowledge it beyond what has been identified by Mr cost in this report very good okay I believe that was it m dley all right thank you okay that's the motion that's that's the motion that's been presented for approval is there a second second thank you Mr Feer all right Miss St when you're ready all right Mr Mayor yes Mr castlin yes Miss Boland yes Mr merman yes Mr feffer yes Mr cray yes yes Mr kigo yes Miss councilman glass yes Mr Gibbons yes all right the motion passes okay thank you everyone thank you congratulations best of luck to you thank you all thank you I appreciate it thank you okay thank you we're we're going to move now into the second item new business this evening it's applicant is Martin Molen properties 800 Summit Avenue this is Mr chairman point of order yes sir I believe this is a d variant so I believe councilman glass and I must withdraw yes you do and you you stole my thunder as I was about to let you go as soon as I finished reading the caption but seeing the hour Mr Mayor Mr councilman appreciate your time this evening since this thank you Mr C we wish you a good night thank you to everyone on um on the on the lus board appreciate it okay have a good night gentlemen I guy just came up on my screen I want to see okay um no this the first application I popped up so Mr merman if you would just mute yourself for one quick second there you go okay let's applicant is Martin Molen properties 800 Summit AB block 206 lot 11 application seeking approval for for proposed pool house pergola outdoor kitchen and an existing garage guest studio for a variety of variances good evening Mr Barrett Mr chairman can you release the jangs so they can go I don't think they realize they can go um yeah Mr Barrett if you want to they're welcome to stay but can so you you guys can leave uh and uh you know we we can we can talk uh at a different time okay thank you thank you for your help tonight Thank You by bye everyone thank you good night thank you bye good night night the wonderful world of Zoom Mr Barrett thank you Mr chairman um I believe that most of you are probably familiar with the property it was uh formerly owned by bud and Virginia quarter uh 800 Summit Avenue um sometimes known as edgecraft and I'm looking through my notes um in order to tell you that somewhere I made a copy of an article that I wanted to to tell you about anyway uh I think as we all know that the uh M quwe was known as was not known as but had a title of Master Garder U having proven her uh abilities in in the garden area that the uh Gardens of the property were um registered with the national Conservancy they Gardens were opened once a year uh for public viewing um and you know regrettably over the years due to deter deteriorating health and other reasons um the property itself began to deteriorate um the property was on the market for over two years before the Molin came along and um are now in the process of restoring it U hopefully to its former Grandeur um the property was the home was originally constructed uh around 19 20 um and it was purchased in the early 60s by uh FL Virginia cordway um they spent a lot of time restoring it uh has Terrace Gardens U and um some of the uh some of the coons were actually constructed by Bud quarter W himself uh the uh one of the things that I had forgotten was that bud led the fight to prevent the complete Paving of um Lincoln a um which is you know C part Cobblestone still um in fact you know in the winter they have to close it off when it snows um because it's too slippery to drive on um the there are 100 marble steps from the house down to the existing um pool house uh the um in this article I read uh the the steps were a backdrop for several moving featuring silent screen Star Legends such as Tom Mix and pearl white um that was an article that appeared in 2012 the uh as I said the Molin came along uh fell in love with the property it had been admired for many years by Mrs Molen and and her family her parents um and the opportunity came along where they were in a position to not only purchase it but to restore it um which is significant um at you know as I said that the property deteriorated over Mrs cord's latter years there and it finally ended up where pipes burst ceilings fell and um it it took the right people to come along and to purchase it um so the issue we have of issues um the property lies in two zones it's in an R1 Zone the the the um Western half of the not even half Western portion of the property is in R1 Zone and the eastern half is in a C1 zone now I think that what happened was when the tax map was drawn in 2001 a mistake was made a straight line was drawn along the properties uh north of Lincoln um and that line included 800 Summit um and that that the the tax map line um was then used to prepare the zoning map so that the quarter the 800 Summit was divided whereas the other properties were properly zoned those on KAC on you know on the east side uh the west side of KAC uh were properly Zone Z1 and the ones on Summit were R1 um had someone been familiar with that particular piece of property I believe uh if the tax map had been drawn correctly uh the zoning map would have been altered to allow the house to remain completely in the R1 Zone um because it's not in order to have the residential accessories of the pool housee Etc we need a use variant um and you know we're ready to have uh our planner testify as to the satisfaction of the criteria in order for you to be able to grant that varing uh we're dealing with a very unique property it is if not the largest residential lot in River Edge certainly one of the largest it's a little bit over an acre 43,000 some OD square feet it's 289 F feet deep uh from Summit down to uh the car club the car club that you approve um because that property is only 57 feet deep um the what else do I have that if if we look at this as as if if it were zoned entirely residential we would be looking for a coverage variance of 1 half of % um when finished the house the uh garage Studio the proposed pool house the pool itself um some of the statuary this the 100 marble steps that we spoke about the driveways Etc um would all equal 35 a. half% um we have a different criteria in the C1 Zone there you're allowed perious coverage of 80% um obviously we're nowhere near that so I think that um what I'd like to do um is call upon Mr Molen at this time to tell you what what it is that he's intending to do with the property and to lay the foundation for our architect after that and then ultimately for our planner to to wrap it all up to justify the requests that are being made tonight oh Mr and Mrs M okay so why don't we swear in everybody who we anticipate will be giving testimony and that way we have a covered thank you so missley you please raise your right hand do you SAR affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes yes I and Mr Molen could you start just state your name and address for the ref absolutely uh Martin Molin in 95 Jefferson Street we hawen New Jersey thank you and M H Renee Andrea aralo 95 Jefferson Street we hogen New Jersey and could you please spell your last name a r n Nancy a u d and David O thank you welcome so now that I've been mispronouncing your name all these months Mr mol would you tell us your your journey to date absolutely F first and foremost um I actually do want to tell you that I've never been part of a meeting such as this and it is amazing the kind of level of detail and the amount of work that I can see uh the team here and everyone else is putting in so thank you and thank you for welcoming us to to this particular meeting um about a year ago or so my wife came to me we were living here in we Haw and she said I think I found the dream house uh at the time our kids were nine and five they are now 10 and six and I said to myself you've never told me you found a dream home let's go see this thing and what he she showed me was the carcass of the most beautiful things that could exist yet when you looked inside um you would be shocked at the kind of unfortunate condition it was in um I kind of said hey we are fortunate enough to be able to to make some changes to this place this place is absolutely amazing and unique let's get to know the town a little bit let's get to know the school area let's get to know that and if we love all of it let's do it um she loved all of it I loved all of it we we we are not um part of the community yet we really look forward to being part of the community Andrea goes there almost every day to the to the construction site which is the main house at the moment speaking of that I think you know we want to build a home there to live there till the whenever um I want to be there till the end of my life Andor my family's uh entire let's call it run um we we love the area so we're building a home there that's going to give us 30 to 40 years uh in addition I've invited uh and parents to live with us they are on in a in a health condition that I think they need a lot of help and support and we're willing to give them that I want them to live with me I want them to feel very comfortable there so we're building really a new home inside of that beautiful facade that is there today the that that's been approved by the way I don't want to confuse anyone uh the application here is about the reality that the pool um is I don't know how many feet but it is a 100 steps to more downhill so if we're enjoying the pool as a family with friends with really acquaintances whomever towns people um going back up to the home because we forgot our plates and our utensils and just enjoying the pool is extremely difficult and it's all uphill uh particularly for her parents so I thought to myself this place has already been used residential for residential purposes there's a pool there we want to ensure that the landscape lends itself for my kids to play for guest's kids to play and we want the pool house this this application is about supporting um Gatherings and the use of my family to enjoy the ex existing home that we bought I hope that that summarizes it okay and of course if Andrea you want to say anything please go ahead you you said it well thank you thank you for the time uh and the offer to speak all right now the uh Mr C's office sent us a review letter which I will find um I just want to go over some of the points with you there were some questions that were raised and I'm sure the board has some so and and you know um Mr Warz will go into more detail as to the exact nature of the pool house but briefly what's what's going to be included there what did you ask him to include for you that's a question for me correct yes I'm sorry apologies no no it's okay so at the moment um we're building a structure that can support a essentially a gathering of individuals by the pool um and at the same time provide me with an opportunity to remain healthy and do some personal work with my computer so from the I think of it as from the right we're going to have an open kitchen moving into a um indoor dining area with an indoor TV space sort of a small space next to the dining area uh a gym and a room that I call the office or my office where I would simply sit there and answer emails much like I do today on the table of my living room so you're not gonna you're not gonna have any anybody you do business with come to your home or to or to the office is that correct no no no the office is uh it's just a name it's essentially a four walls where I get to sit and and write emails without the yelling of lots of children so similar to someone who uh as you said you were sitting at your dining room table normally so you're just moving the dining room table down there yeah in yeah yeah I don't provide any Professional Service or anything there wouldn't I would never have a client of or anything like that in that space okay and um the the the the renderings that were submitted show you know some outdoor dining as well as some lounge chairs and a question arose as to whether or not that area was going to be finished whether it was going to be you know brick papers or anything of that nature um what's the intent right there in that space yeah the intent is to have an outdoor space um I don't know if this matters at all we're we're Argentinian we like to be standing on grass and nature so uh there is no Paving there's nothing to be done there if anything it'll be a table on grass and chairs on grass okay and then the the property currently includes a um garage above which is a studio apartment uh how assuming the board approves it how would you use the studio apartment which by way of background to members of the board some of you may well be aware of this uh that was that was the residence of uh bud and Virginia's son Christopher uh for many years when he was staying at home um he didn't stay in in the in the house he stayed in the apartment and I mean I'm speculating uh that at one time it probably was used for the help back in the in the Heyday in the 20s and 30s uh you know it was a Carriage House and above it it had living quarters uh and in those days that's how that's how things were done um but in any event how do you intend to use the space from what I'm hearing from you I think similarly I think um it's about outof town guests of mine that are staying overnight um the the space is essentially another bedroom right from the home so if um if my brother from Florida over that's a really interesting space for for he and his wife to stay overnight you're not intending to to rent the space out oh no no no no it's so solely for personal use absolutely yeah everything in the home is going to be that way and and and to share with friends and family right okay um I think I think that for now let me just look at Mr uh the one one of the comments was uh the plan show and again Mr War has can address this as well but I know you're intimately familiar with the property there are stairs which currently go from behind the um the pool the existing pool house um down to the level of the upper story of what is now the car club um and you're going to be filling those in is that correct yes that's that would be the plan I'm certain not not an engineer of any kind but we will we will absolutely hire the the right people to to do that to fill that area in so that it becomes the perfect foundation for for this structure okay and and right now there's no um the the former direct connection from your property to the car club that's been sealed off is that correct that's right the uh the gentleman our neighbor um he sealed what was once a door that connected the car club to the very end of my property so he seal that off with gray brick that there's no longer a connection okay and and again from a historical perspective uh at the end of Bud cag's workday he would climb those stairs up to the house uh directly from you know what was called Coachworks I I'm sure how he stayed in great shape right and I'm sure many of you are familiar with that uh you know if you visited the property over the years and if and if you knew Bud um okay I think I think that you know we may have to come back to you on some of those but let's look Mr [Music] um are you uh any any outdoor lighting is going to be installed or what do you you have any plans on that at this point I don't think I've discussed or thought about outdoor lighting at the moment I would imagine there shouldn't be right the lighting is going to be inside of the structure um but has to be some lighting for nighttime walking right okay but none none of it'll spill out onto the the street or or impact the Neighbors in any way is that correct absolutely okay and I think um at this point and I had meant to do this at the beginning um if we could just uh Miss rer if we could just uh show the board the um zoning map and the tax map since my of Technology isn't adequate to do that okay so we see here the upper drawing is the tax map and you can see where you can see where it say I'm sorry I think there's just some feedback I think it's because uh she wasn't muted Caroline wasn't muted but now she is it seems okay so the um as I say the tax map shows lot 9.01 which is the car club uh being much larger than it really is um and this discrepancy was resolved back in 2012 to Mr Costa satisfaction and it resulted in the properties being properly assessed that's what led to the discussions at at no time was um was Lot 11 reconfigured in any way it's it's been that Dimension since at least 1939 uh because I have a deed uh from that date conveying the car club property to someone and showing its depth at 57 feet way back then you know 85 years ago um so that when so when the tax map was drawn the the straight line there that goes all the way out to Lincoln um that then was used to prepare the zoning map so if we could see that Mr Barrett I'm sorry we have to mark this as exhibit A1 yes thank you I'm gonna just label it as a lot line tax map exhibit and this was prepared by by who um miss it was prepared by my office T and M Associates and the date is just today's date uh yes that's correct okay all right and um I don't believe the planner was qualified so just we you were sworn but could you just provide the board with some background on your qualifications in lure uh sure happy to do so so Caroline Ryder uh with P&M Associates I'm the Planning Group manager there I've been a licensed planner since uh 1996 and a member of the American Institute of certified planners since 98 um for over 25 years I have been uh a planning consultant working um in municipalities generally speaking I presently serve as the buau Andor board planner um in the bers of Emerson idell hallworth and cluster as well as Oakland and Bergen County I'm a planning and affordable housing consultant Wayne Township in Bic County as well as the burough of Fanwood in uh Union County um there's more if you like it that's any any any questions from the board on this readers's qualifications okay thank you Mr Barrett all right thank you so I um we we'll get back to uh to this reader I just wanted the board to to to have a sense of the property and and what happened in you know 2001 when the tax map was drawn uh and as I say it it resulted in a the zoning map showing the same lines uh and I think that um you know had had someone looked at the properties uh this one being unique it's understandable why the LA line was drawn the way it was but if they had been familiar with the property they would have said well now the tax map goes here and then people who drew the zoning map would say the same thing it's it's all you know it's all residential property in any event um I think at this point we we'd like to call upon uh the architect um uh Mr angali and his associate Mr Warez to uh talk more about the improvements that are contemplated uh subject of course to the board's approval this is Salvador harez at 21 Chelsea Drive Oak Bridge new jerseys or Mr War gonna need you to turn your camera on please okay all right and I'll have to swear you in because you weren't on video before if you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right so 21 Chelsea Drive and what was the town Oak rdge New Jersey all right and could you provide the board with some background on your qualifications and lure sure I'm working go ahead so I think that I think that's Mr angali who because Mr harez works for Mr angali okay under his supervision all right will you please just spell your last name for us ju a r e z all right and your associate is he going to be testifying as well well actually Mr Warez is going to be testifying Mr angali who's currently muted but also under the name Warz he's standing you have to you have to unmute yourself I I see but will he be providing testimony I don't believe so Mr W I think you're providing all the testimony is that correct correct all right then that's fine you can just proceed Mr Warz with your qualifications uh yes so I've been uh working in architecture since uh 2008 and various types of uh uh projects and Retail residential Hospitality um and um yeah and are you a licensed professional architect in the state of New Jersey I am not Mr Barrett yes he's working under the supervision of Mr angali and I'm sorry if I I haven't been clear on that okay Mr is the then I need to have him all right I need to have him sworn in correct so if you please raise your right hand Sir Mr angali yes do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes all right and I need you to state your name spell your last name and provide your address for the record Julius first name middle initial j helli h n g l i Jr 27 pulla Road Hamilton New Jersey 08690 all right and could you provide the board with your qualifications license architect New Jersey Pennsylvania uh for over 30 years and it's current and good standing correct all right okay now that that's clear sorry about that I didn't wasn't understanding questions from the board on the architect's qualifications yes C C- 7441 thank you okay you can proceed Miss bar thank you all right Mr Wars if you could tell us what what's being proposed we're proposing to uh enlarge the the existing uh pool housee structure which is about 358 Square ft uh the new square footage is about 1886 so we're adding about five uh 1528 ft to the property um as Martin said uh the the pool house is you know located uh ways from the main house which is approximately 200 ft actually um the new po house structure will be 10625 ft wide by 17.75 ft deep which is uh the same uh depth as the existing uh pool house um and as far as uh the lighting proposed uh we're we're mainly going to be doing some path lighting to uh you know to light up the the paths when you know they're walking back to the main house from enjoying a night at the pool house um maybe some uh some exterior uh sconces but nothing um you know nothing something with a low light and uh warm light and obviously it'll be uh turned on off um at a at a typical normal hour [Music] um and I think that's it right I think uh Martin pretty much went through uh the the floor plan as far as what we're planning in terms of the spaces um the the kitchen I just wanted to point out is more it's an outdoor kitchen it won be part of the Interior Space it's going to be uh just covered by a Pergola structure with a retractable awning so that they can keep it open uh when it's good weather and uh you know uh close it if it's if the sun gets too to be too much um so we're not providing anything uh as far as cooking in the in the interior spaces just uh one restroom for them to use for when when guests are you know in the pool house or when Martin is working in his in the office all right and so currently uh that area is serviced with um water gas electricity and plumbing based on your observations is that correct correct yes the existing pool house has uh one restroom that um is currently tied in into the existing Source system there's water supply there um the the pool has a heater that also has a gas line connected to it and um I believe that's it and electric for the for the pool house as well okay um now for the moment uh it it's you know may sound a little convoluted but I do have to go back to Mr Mullan for a question I I think it will help the board as as they consider things and and the question is with respect to the water uh I understand You' had a conversation with um your neighbor the car club did you have that did you want me to go I I did yes um he stated that uh the water to the pool he believed came from his property and that was either anned or not working anymore so so you are going to have to then put in in a waterline to service that yes right and uh and in fact when you purchase the property you also uh it it it came with a three-foot easement um at the Northerly end of the car club property from your property out to kinder back road is that correct that is correct and that is that is for utility purposes yes it is if you need to tie in either the sewer or or the water or or whatever that's correct you do you do have that access uh for those for those Services okay the um back to to miss Suarez is there any um do any plan to change the grade uh that currently exists for the uh for the pool house no that's going to just remain the same correct okay um are there any um any plans to remove any of the trees that currently exist on the site I believe on the on the South Side there may be a um a a tree that needs to be removed uh in which case uh we would either uh you know re relocate it or plant any uh new trees if uh there's any requirement for anything like that in in order to screen it from uh from Lincoln correct because that would that would be in the area of the outdoor kitchen is that correct yes and so I'm sure that the moles want to retain their privacy so they would plant whatever's necessary there to to screen themselves from their anybody anybody walking by okay um and um back to the moles are there any changes planned to the existing pool no changes to the existing pool okay and any new walkways to the proposed pool house no new walkways okay and if necessary you you'll have a conversation with your neighbor with respect to the removal of the stairs in case it had any impact on his property yes absolutely I think that that conversation is a must and I think that coordination with the neighbor is imperative and must happen and his his property actually is about only two feet less than two feet from your property line uh based on the surveys that have been done and and the improvements there that is correct all right um right now you don't have any plan for any uh additional screening along Lincoln or along the Northerly property line um but you'll do whatever is necessary to uh maintain your privacy and to also you know to to Shield it from any neighbor um the the property to the north of you that's really the driveway for the uh for that property I believe is that correct based on your observations I think that sounds right um I also would add that it's not just about our privacy it's really about ensuring that let's call it the the entirety of Kinder kak Lincoln Summit um have no isour and things look and feel good thank you right I I don't currently have any further questions for either uh the applicant nor for U Mr Warez um and again I I don't know if the board wants to question them at this point or if we should move forward with the planner why don't we take this opportunity to ask some questions um actually let me start with uh Mr dekin if I might yes thank you um in regards to the uh to the pool house um there's a quite quite a bit of um you know um I'm going to say areas um and uh will this uh will this be used uh as any rentals for parties or weddings or things of that nature I I'll take that one um absolutely not uh zero rental zero income and it's all about enjoyment for family and friends okay very good thank you um the uh on the plans um sk01 P has existing pool um and then there's um some circles around that area is it a cover it says covered pool um is that a permanent covered pool is there a structure above it or what what actually is is there so it's a it's some existing uh columns uh around um I I believe most of them are decorative the ones that are um on the on the western side of the pool uh have I believe a a light pergola structure over them open pergola structure um and U you know it's part of the character of the house so the intent would be to try and uh retain them and restore them and have um you know the the front facade of the pool housee kind of uh integrate within the same uh language that the existing architecture has thank you um in regards to back to the uh the pool house um those areas uh there'll be no sleeping or bedroom areas that is correct no sleeping no veterans okay thank you uh in regards to the existing garage and apartment above um that will used be used for family and guests only yes sir Mr dekin only family and friends okay thank you um have you considered with the lot coverage uh being uh what it is uh doing uh some sort of permeable pavers uh for the drive way area in some areas I'm not sure how to answer that question I apologize maybe s or sure um I I think if that becomes an issue I don't think that they would be opposed to um uh integrating some type of permeable P system um to the to the driveway if it's required um but again I think that driveway is also so uh part of the uh the existing um you know the character of the house as well okay and we would want to retain that if possible okay very good um beautiful site uh you know I'm glad to see that someone is you know taking the uh taking the area on and keeping it as such uh I have no further questions okay thank you thank you Mr dukin uh Mr Z um no real questions I'll defer to the planner's testimony okay very good Mr CA I guess just I mean a couple of things obviously you're going to need a grading plan um you're going to need storm water management obviously but one thing and maybe just Clarity uh for Mr Warez you said that there's there's water there's gas there's sewer but then you went on to say that what Tom did was or someone did that you need to go through the neighbor's property through an easement out to kinder kamac do we know are we sure we're not sure we're not sure we have to find out um I have a vague recollection of a conversation that I had with Virginia um when she was selling the car club property to to Manny uh that she needed to retain easement because I don't know if the sanitary sewer from The Carriage House Studio I don't know if that goes out that way uh I don't know if the sewer you we have to find out right to be honest um where it goes we know it we know it exists we just don't know where it goes okay um so how how do we how do we find that out I guess how do we how do you get to that well I think I think that what what we can do if if we could um have that as a condition of any assuming the board is you know willing to Grant an approval have that as a condition that we have to satisfy you that those services are being properly provided or will be properly provided the only the only yeah I understand the only concern Manny is almost finished it looks like with his renovation right the idea that you're going to go through the property and it's it's it's it's the norly end I don't think there's anything up there it's the Northerly three feet for my recollection it was a wall along the norly 3 feet if I'm not mistaken no I I think the I think the wall divides the property and if it's a three-foot easement how do you train get easement I don't I don't think that's going to work is what I'm trying to get to okay um but again I I again I'm sure if the board wants to approve this obviously you're gonna have to submit construction drawings to the building department but I think it's necessary to figure out how you going to service everything that you're you're proposing to go in there and whether or not you got to go out to Lincoln whether you need to tear that up whether you're gonna if there is no sewer if it's cut off because of the adjacent property how do you how do you do this do you pump it up to Hill do you go out to to Lincoln well again I think that any anything that needs to get done would obviously come within the perview of your review um and of course the building department so again I don't think that it would preclude the board from acting we just have to find that solution we just we just right now we don't know what it is because the mes did not want to you know proceed those plans drawn up if if their wasn't going to be approved I'm trying to help you in another way because I don't know if you advertise from the adjacent lot so if you have to go through there wouldn't that come into you'd have to notice from that lot also so and if Mr Barrett has to if the plans have to change in order to accommodate utilities the applicant has to come back with different plans so right now we're under the assumption that the utilities are fine where they are and it's up to the applicant to confirm that if there if any approval is made they need to confirm that no matter what okay so Mr again graving storm water management um as far as the building itself being constructed the stairs the removal whether or not that's going to impact and again the architect can certainly chime in uh structurally and I know Mr merman is a structural engineer but the proximity of the two structures obviously at a professor you build a bridge the bridge falls down no partial credit so that's all so you need to look look at that to make sure you don't impact your neighor in that respect Mr wers you have any comments on that yeah I think we'll we're going to uh you know retain the services of a structural engineer to to have that properly done and uh you know we'll coordinate with the with the civil engineer as well as far as uh whatever the drainage requirements are going to be and if we need to add any kind of um you know um uh drainage for the for the footings or retention tanks or whatever it may be you know we we're willing to comply obviously but again it's up to the board whether they they need to see that now or whether they want to treat it through the soil movement application that would be it chairman thank you okay thank you Mr C uh let's uh take questions from the board let's start Mr Craig uh just two questions really one um the garage um and that's located with the uh with the sleeping quarters is there like kitchen facilities in that building as well or is it just like a bedroom and a bathroom or I mean what's what's the interior of that garage sure I'll take that one Mr Cay uh there is current Curr it's think of it as a studio apartment essentially because it does have a rundown kitchen there's definitely gas there um there is a full bathroom and some space to sleep uh there is no bed there at the moment but essentially I hope that answers your question yep okay and but even though it's got all that you said there's no no plans to ever rent that as a sever units of some second I'm not sure who ask this question to uh the drawing that's noted as sk1p is titled enlargement of existing pool house and outdoor kitchen Paving I thought I heard that there was not going to be any additional Paving is there is there Paving that's going to be added or expanded uh just whatever's under the uh what's it called the outdoor kitchen area where that would sit uh nothing p the the existing front facade of the pool house so I think the items that were in question were the outdoor dining uh the circular table that we were showing in an outdoor lounge seating area um so in those areas we weren't proposing any any new Paving okay so the new Paving is just the essentially the outdoor kitchen correct and then the expansion it's not really Paving just the coverage additional coverage from the expansion of the pool house okay okay that's all thank you thank you Mr Gray Miss Bolan you on mute Miss Bolan sorry about that okay U most of my questions have been discussed um only thing is looking at one of the the photos um that you submitted but where on page nine the existing garage um it almost looks like it's a used car lot are are you planning on doing any uh allowing any renting parking spaces or so so outstanding observation um Andrea's family uh is in and has been in the used car business for over 20 years so her father has used car dealerships in Route 46 and most recently has moved to Union City when he downsized moving to Union City I was just a little too nice and I said hey look if you need to park some cars in that area for a little while while I'm doing construction go ahead because I'll be doing construction probably for six to nine months so he's placed some cars there and on a daily basis um he may take away two and then another one a week later so absolutely not but you did see exactly what you saw okay so it wouldn't be done once you're finished you don't plan on using using ready right I already made that very clear to him okay great that's all I have okay thank you Miss ban Mr Gibbons uh I don't really have much to add um you know uh Beyond just I'm happy to see someone restoring this property um you know not turning it into something else it's a it's a beautiful property that deserves to be preserved um just one question really the so the existing pool house um is that as close to the property line as what is proposed yes okay so we're basically following that same line along the back property um because my question would be you know have you considered making it within making it compliant I understand it's a commercial property behind you but was there any consideration or any thought to um to putting it into compliance I for get what the number needed to be on the uh on the back set pack um I can answer that if you want you can from your perspective so my perspective is is is much more of a of a Layman I'm using the space perspective not an engineer or or any kind of architect so if you were to move forward let's say a foot and a half to even two feet to make it compliant Mr gav you would be encroaching very closely on the pool so the pool would probably have a two and a half or two foot clearance from the structure of the pool and that felt really tight that's all okay yeah we we did we did consider it though okay um and the the um the garage so that there's no real additions to that parcel right we're just I mean obviously you're going to make it nicer I'm sure inside uh but you're not making any bigger not making any uh wholesale changes to that structure correct that is correct no changes no wholesale improvements other than in indoor making it nice as you said okay all right I think that's all I have for now thank you okay thank you Mr giens Mr kigo thank you Mr chairman um I don't have much I'm thrilled that you're coming in I'm thrilled that this uh this property is being rehabbed and and you're bringing it back up to its uh uh former glory uh welcome to town here it's a terrific town thank you okay Mr can thank Mr feffer all my questions have been answered thank you it looks like a great project and you look like great neighbors so um I second what Mr chinigo said welcome to the town thank you sir very much okay thank you Mr peer Mr merman Mr chairman um I have a first of all little assignment for Mr Barrett um I would like to see prior to the board making a motion on this project that you submit a report from a licensed engineer regarding the existing retaining wall walls throughout the site that are in satisfactory structural condition that includes all your walls on the perimeter uh the interior you got some pretty Co interior walls there too uh so I would like to I'll give you your heads up now so you can get going on it um I have one thing for the architect if you look at your site plan and if I say that I have people down at your pool area or or your new Pavilion or expanded Pavilion if something happens um well that something happens in the way of aever um that they can't exit up the hill I want the architect to to look at an alternate means of access ESS rather um from that Pavilion area preferably out to the street um maybe you got to put a stair in there with something down to the sidewalk on Lincoln I want you to address that in the meantime and come back with some proposals and alternates including for sections um I can see um uh where this could be a potential life uh saving uh is issue from an architectural standpoint go Mr chairman at this point that's um my major uh comments um on on the site I think it's great I know this site I've visited it many times when it was in this uh highlight and and attended functions there I'm quite familiar with it including the uh the uh Studio area and so that's all I have uh for the architect tonight Mr chairman okay thank you Mr merman uh given the hour it's 9:51 we have a curfew in place 9:45 I think this is probably a good juncture to to um call it a night Mr bar I know rather than start the planner's questioning we uh that is acceptable to you carry this on to the continue this on to the next meeting to June 12th Mr chairman uh Mr alter I believe that's the case yes July June 12th I would say the next the next meeting we have another D variant of commercial property uh how about 626 June 26 that's also the the other d varant we carried from the last meeting miss styley the the June 12th meeting is that we we carried the the other application to June 12th or is there something new yes now we give you enough time to have plans redrawn if you need to be June 12th or 26th Mr Barrett well June 12th I have a commercial application that's a d variance um that might take quite a while we can fit you in but I don't know if we'll complete it the planning testimony yes right and we need so we we need to retain uh an engineer to give a report on the existing walls and then Mr Warz uh and Mr Hy need to design some alternate egress out to Lincoln is is my understanding so the 26 may be a better better yes I think so okay is that and um carollyn you available in the 26 I forget yes I I anticipate I would be available on the 26 as well and and Mr war that that'll give you enough time to come up with a design and after Consulting with the melanes as to some type of emergency egress out to to Lincoln yes okay Martin Renee yes Martin and Renee good yeah June 26 is a little bit of an issue because we won't be in the country but I think we will take the call at 400 a.m from Greece oh okay or whatever time at least you have a nice Sunrise going we need something Miss sttinley do we need anything M Mr Mr chairman Mr merman um for your June 26 meeting I'm going to be out of town so if Mr Barett can get those um assignments to me ahead of time I'll be glad to review but I won't be able I won't be available for the 26 meeting okay so just so I Mr M you want the retaining wall report and the other walls on the property and and the egress issue that's that's correct um and I just know yes I I'll be glad to look look at him ahead of time if you have yeah when are you leaving just so we know excuse me when are you leaving um I'm leaving uh on about the 20 2 2 23rd all right just yeah this way we'll know when we need yeah right and if you want I can pick them up at your office okay I can call you okay just sty do we have to any formalities just do a we'll do a motion to um to carry to the 26th okay um so if I could have a motion from the board to carry this application application being uh Martin Martin Molen uh 800 Summit Avenue block 206 lot 11 uh to the June 26th meeting of the board no move thank you Mr thank you Mr Craig can we do a Voice vote yeah all in favor any pose any obain all right so the formal notice is that this application for Martin mol 800 Summit AV block 206 lot 11 will be carried to the June 26th planning board meeting without further notice okay thank you Mr T thank you Mr Barrett thank you thank you Mr chairman members of the board everyone have a nice weekend you the same thanks thank have a great night everyone thank you hold on hold on hold on don't board members a Hol Mr merman you wanted the floor for a brief moment yes yes to the board the rest of the rest the rest of you can take off if You' like thank you Mr merman okay um board members we all know that where that the dunker donut site has been completed it's been open it's been uh operating and I'm sure most of you if not all of you have visited the site um I have on several occasions and the purpose of me visiting this site was to review uh and do a critique on particularly myself and some of our considerations how they worked out um and they seem to have done quite well I know Mr dasta had a huge headache with that war um but from a standpoint of the board members I think that your efforts have um turned out well you to be congratulated and um I want to be the first to say that I'm proud of what was accomplished and how you gave very good input and it seemed to have worked out quite well so uh fellow boy members I'm I'm proud of your efforts and I just wanted to state that because I believe in telling people when they did something good if you're going to tell people when they didn't do so well so once again you did a great job you'd be proud you did good for the community and and end of a statement right thank you Mr merman all right board members with that any further business from the board if not I will thank Mr Zabo for pin sheding for Mr Burns this evening and I will I will look for a motion to close the meeting I moved thank you Mr gibons Sir a second second I got Mr Cay all in favor any oppos andain We Stand adjourned at 9:58 pm thank you all have a great weekend enjoy take care good night good night