Education meeting to order um roll call please M here miss Crespo here Mr elisandro here Mr Cohen Mr Langley Mr Sim here miss Kang here uh let's all rise for the flag salute [Music] I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all um Miss Brown could you read the mission statement for us tonight happily the Riveredge school district is a partnership of students parents staff and community members we are dedicated to providing a supportive environment in which all students can reach their maximum academic potential while developing as responsible citizens who respect individuality our goals will be achieved because curriculum and instruction are aligned with the New Jersey student learning standards all decisions reflect the academic social emotional and physical needs of prek to sixth grade students cooperation and ongoing communication exists between the school district and the community school administrator administrators and the Board of Education work together to assess and adjust procedures in response to new mandates and the changing needs of the community thank you puring to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting its date time and place have been delivered to the post office the municipal building the record and posted on the district website at least 48 hours prior to the time of this meeting thank you at this time I open it up to public comments on agenda items only um as a reminder their first and foremost please remember that we aim to maintain a level of decorum in our board meetings and we expect everyone to be kind and model the type of behavior that we are teaching our students each speaker should be courteous and direct comments to the board president and not individual board members and as per policy 1120 of participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his or her name residence and group affiliation if Appo and to maintain fairness each speaker will have three minutes to speak so at this time I open it up for public comments on agenda items only seeing that there are none we will move on to reports Dr Murphy your last report thank you good evening everyone e thank you uh moving on to board secretary rep many thanks to Dr Murphy for um isn't even on I'm going to do it over [Laughter] again what it on go ahead take two take two would you like to go again no um thank you for approving my attendance at NJ asbo annual conference where I attended purchasing update with James shup uh family medical leave update pension update School Safety and Security year in review and I met with the acting Commissioner of Education Kevin deer for some additional updates which was is always an enjoyable conference and there's a lot to learn and and stay AB breast of um on the agenda tonight there's a number of reorganization items including approving various Professional Services The Physician the attorney the architect um different position's right to know school safety specialist um item D1 is you've already remember that you've approved the budget but now we're approving a final budget uh with a revised state aid of $232,000 in it and that has to go to the county office um the certified resolution for approving that um D2 is approving myself as qualified purchasing agent um I'm able to keep that with continuing education credits uh d8 is the approval of surplus funds to capital reserve as you know um our budgets stand on their own so each year um we have no way to put money into capital reserve unless there's additional monies left over so uh we appropriate we appropriate $500,000 of that into the coming Year's budget and anything other than that um goes into our capital reserve account so we're having boilers done and roof project that's already started over at Roosevelt um so that's to replenish that money we need to have monies left over in our budget current budget years um d10 is the approval of the esa Grant funds those are the title funds that we do use for the public and the non-public entities um in our town which would be the yiva and St Peters uh D16 is the shared service agreement um with the town for the slo3 officers this would be the second year that we're entering into this agreement D20 is Ida approval and acceptance to submit the grant um item i1 is the approval of the Region 5 budget that was voted on with the superintendent Council for region five item I 10 is to resend the lease in ordell for Region 5 and item i1 is to approve the lease with the arch dasis for St theres and Cresco where the offices are moving and the new program is starting um I think that's it there any questions right thank you thank you uh moving on to the president's report um I just want to say thank you to Dr Murphy it has been a pleasure working with you the last four months um it's been a whirlwind of a year um but I think and you came right when budget budget season came um so we're just so thankful for um just your um ability to really communicate to the board to the community and just sharing your knowledge and experience with us um I think that we've we're ending the school year on such a positive no and we're excited for our new superintendent to come in and um I just want to say thank you thank you um we are trying to reschedule our board retreat um I do I I was originally thinking or July 18th which most of us are available in the evening um Mr Sim you had mentioned that's not a possibility for you yeah July 18 yeah Ian if I to change it I to make okay um so I July 18th I think is the date that most of us since it's the summer it's hard to get everyone together so um at that me at that Retreat we'll um begin working and thinking about our um goals um so I will send you a link to begin our board self- evaluation so if you can finish that um I'll I'll probably a week or a week before that date um I'll send you the link and the the date so that we can have that ready for the board retreat um that's it from me any questions okay moving on to committee reports uh Miss delandre will report on curriculum and instruction so the curriculum and instruction uh committee met on June 11th from 4 to 5 participants included Dr Murphy Miss Moran um Miss Kang and myself Miss Moran delivered a language arts curriculum presentation including a three-year revision plan to the ELA curriculum which began this past school year topics included new revisions to the current curriculum guide in reading and writing K through six some important areas uh noted were K to one K and one will be receiving new decodable books the removal of teachers College reading assessment revised Ela writing curriculum for K to3 revised reading curriculum for K to 6 revised writing assessments for grades 4 through six dibles will be the primary assessment in grades K through six uh collaboration with ell and riverdell curriculum teams will continue professional development for teachers will be with the Consultants that we have uh board members shared concerns with fourth and fifth grade piloting a new math program and changes happening in language arts uh all concerns and questions were addressed by Miss Moran and Dr Murphy there will be several curriculum writing meetings over the summer following the presentation uh questions and concerns were exchanged and answered once the revision for the curriculum is completed it will be be posted on the school website that's it any questions okay uh tonight I will report on the finance and Facilities uh meeting for Mr Langley so uh finance and Facilities met uh this past Monday uh Dr Murphy and Miss palatana was present along with myself Mr Langley and Miss Crespo um we reviewed the summer projects that are happening uh already um so I know here at the the back of NBC the back steps are being redone the playground has been ordered for Cherry Hill here and then um classroom flooring is being uh done I believe you said one per school at this point because of the abatement do one per school but we're also looking at doing see if we can get some more in over the summer so so Mr paano and Mr CA are going to re uh examine and assess uh what's possible um um in terms of the classroom flooring um we also briefly discussed the budget that's on the agenda tonight um where the additional monies will be going into um teacher supplies and the technology um there was a contractual matter discussed region five budget um which we are approving tonight is on the agenda the operation aspect the Region 5 rental which Miss napalitano mentioned um and then the region five statens um that are tied to the new program that's Pro uh that's opening up in region five um this fall um and then the CD do you want to Mr paano can you share a little bit about the CD so we had uh put um some of the monies that we had in cap Reserve $4 million in uh a CD a jumbo CD um and received for 30 days and had about 13 $1,000 worth of Interest it drew so um we'll need part of that money to pay for the boilers that are being finish now but probably the additional 2 million we can reinvest for another 60 days um at a similar return so we work in conjunction with Columbia Bank so um because that we want to make that money work for us instead of just sitting in the bank but we need it available to us to finish the project so so thank you for doing that I ex like you know anywhere we can find just a little bit helps um so uh there's no committee meetings over the summer so the next meeting will be in September oh I forgot to say um any questions when is the uh lease transfer happening like when when would the employees at the old office be moving to the newal facility region sorry August 1st I think yes okay okay um that's it for committees uh so we'll move on to motions to be acted upon can I get a motion for B1 through 30 the reorganization uh items second second any questions or comments Ms roll call please Miss Brown yes Miss Crespo yes Miss delandro yes Mr sim yes and Miss Kang yes can I get a motion for C1 through 4 move to approve C1 through four is stated second any questions or comments roll call please Miss Brown yes Miss yes Mr alesandro yes Mr sim yes and Miss Kang yes can I get a motion for F1 through 20 move to approve F1 through 20 as stated second any questions or comments roll call please Miss Brown yes M Crespo yes Mr alesandro yes Mr sim yes and Miss Kang yes uh can I get a motion for G1 through 34 move to approve items G1 through 34 as stated Mr s second any questions or comments uh roll call uh roll call please Miss Brown yes Miss Crespo yes Mr alesandro yes Mr sim yes and Miss Kang yes can I get a motion for one H1 through five so moved second any questions or comments roll call please Miss Brown yes Miss Crespo yes Mr delandro yes Mr sim yes and Miss Kang yes can I get a motion for i1 through 23 move to approve i1 through uh i23 as stated second any questions or comments okay roll call please Miss Brown yes Miss Crespo yes M alesandro yes Mr sim yes and Miss Kang yes is there any old or new business that the board wishes to bring up just want to say thank you Dr Murphy thank you big thank you thank you you'll be missed okay um so at this time we'll move on to the second part of our um public comment time and again just as a reminder please remember that we aim to maintain a level of decorum in our board meetings and we expect everyone to be kind and model the type of behavior that we're teaching our students each speaker should be courteous and direct comments to the board president not individual board members and as for policy 1120 a participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface comments by an announcement of his or her name residents and group affiliation if equable um and to maintain fairness each speaker will have three minutes to speak so I open it up to the public okay seeing that there are no comments motion to adjourn move to Second roll call please yes not my turn Miss Brown yes Miss Crespo yes Mr delandro yes Mr sim yes and Miss Kang yes thank you everyone we'll be back July 24 24th thank you