okay good evening everyone uh welcome to tonight's meeting notice is hereby given that in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 the laws of 1975 notice of this meeting has been sent to All School offices officially designated newspapers fil with the Township Clerk and posted in the Board of Education Office 48 hours in advance of this meeting roll call please certainly Mrs Austin here Mrs Pinelli here Mrs Sande here Mr White here Mrs assor here Mrs burkowitz here Mr rosini here Pledge of Allegiance IAD to flag United States of America to it stands Nation indivisible andice for all okay um so with regard to my report um again I there's not a whole lot to report school's been going along well um except for maybe an earthquake on Friday and the Sun going away for a moment yesterday but apart from that those are things we can't control and I think actually the eclipse worked out well educationally for our students and I was thinking about how an 8-year-old today will be 30 years old the next time this happens and and hopefully looking back on their experience in school and thinking you know how cool it was and it's very memorable so that was great and I think our teachers uh did a good job with it um apart from that we looking on to spring break on the 22nd um so we just want everybody to have a happy and healthy spring break and um I really don't have El anything else to say so I'm going to move on to the committee reports uh buildings and grounds Mrs Burk Woods I have nothing for tonight but just note that our next meeting is June 11 okay Communications and policies Mr White nothing to report tonight thank you okay curriculum and Technology Mrs Sande um yes we had a meeting tonight at six o'clock right previous to this meeting um we um had presentations on curriculum instruction assessment and also technology um we reviewed things done uh in this school year and looking forward to next school year um just want to appreciate um I wish they would they here but say publicly we appreciate all the work being done on Ela and math curriculum uh rewrites due to the new state standards and also all the tremendous amount of Technology work and new devices and new uh boards um in the elementary schools and looking forward to the future roll out as well okay um Finance Mrs Pinelli um just a reminder that May 7th um we will have our Mrs Zilo will present the budget um but that's it for tonight for me okay uh with regard to negotiations just that the negotiations with the uh teachers and U is ongoing and Personnel Mrs Austin nothing to report tonight okay please take note of the committee meeting schedule down below and I'm going to open the meeting now to public comments on agenda items only agenda items only so the riveral board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of riverville and employees of the riverville school district to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested one to sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of the Quorum and three to limit their remarks to no more than five minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to maintain the orderly conduct of meetings the board retains the right to rule in such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter is concerning an employee of the riverville Public Schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email with regard to agenda items only public comments um it's opened at approximately 710 p.m. okay is there anyone wants to make a comment on agenda items yeah sure it's over there okay all right are you anticipating making a comment on an agenda item you can just go ahead I just want to this is our first time obiously here so I don't know theay of the land just okay we move on and then we'll get to a point where we're going to have an opportunity to discuss or to make comments on non-agenda items so if you change your mind that'll be the next appropriate time so seeing that no one wants to make a public comment on agenda items at this time approximately Clos it approximately 7:10 p.m. again um and then I'm going to move on to the superintendent's report okay thank you good evening everyone first I do want to give a shout out actually to all of our students and our teachers they're gearing up to show off their skills this spring any of those who are in education know that spring is a very busy time for us uh we have music concerts coming up the Middle School play Elementary field days and that's just to name a few things that are on the horizon um be sure to tune in to your school level communication so you don't miss out on any of the details of these upcoming events on the academic front the students are taking the third round of linkit uh they're currently doing that last week and this week in May our students in grades 3 through 8 we'll take the New Jersey student learning assessment and in addition to our planned academic studies as our president was just saying Mother Nature certainly was busy in New Jersey we experienced a rare earthquake and caught a glimpse of a solar eclipse in just the past few days but both of these experiences brought with them some valuable lessons our fantastic teachers across the district seize the moment they turn these events into teachable moments and Spark some pretty incredible conversations and learning experiences that I got to witness as well firsthand when I was walking through the schools and lastly as um our president just said spring break is just around the corner and about two weeks away so I'm hoping that everyone gets some real well-deserved time to rest relax hang out with friends family and I wish everyone a great break and we'll see you back here after that uh thank you okay thank you um Mrs Zito board secretary's report yes uh good evening just two reminders for the board there are uh mandatory trainings that have been scheduled for some of you and also some of you still need to file your disclosures uh statements so if you need help with that reach out to me and I will be happy to help you also as I know it seems far away but in October is the New Jersey school board's Workshop the dates are the 21st through the 24th just to put it on your radar and um also just to bring the board up to speed we did start doing renovating three classrooms over in Woodside this March and we have started moving teachers in Woodside in preparation to do some additional work during the spring break so we are going to be busy busy busy and last but not least we I received an email from the county office just before this meeting that our budget our tentative technical budget has been approved approved so thank you all for your support and your input and then just have a great spring break and happy Passover to everybody okay thank you um moving on now to General resolutions G1 through G6 may I have a motion please I'll make a motion to approve uh second all second discussion okay just want to check one thing okay okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs Sande yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs assour yes Mr White yes Mr rosini yes okay moving on to business resolutions B1 through B9 um somebody move it please I'll move uh second I'll second and discussion okay anything no um roll call vote please certainly Mrs assor yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs burwitz yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs Sande yes Mr White yes Mr rosini yes okay moving on to the Personnel resolutions P1 through p12 uh may I have a motion please I'll move it second I'll second okay thank you and discussion um I'm just going to make a note on um that I see on the and I know uh that Mrs door uh is um leaving which is uh she's going to be missed and um it's just I just want to make a note of that anything else I just wish Mrs D all the best she was an amazing asset to whide so I just wanted to express all my best wishes to her likewise four children going through Woodside one who's currently there um I wish the best of luck yeah yes and and Mrs dor is is going to be uh staying home with her her baby and uh she has said that if she goes back into teaching that uh if there's an opportunity open she would love to love to be in in riverville but uh she will be missed I agree as well I told Natalie and she's like why and I go but wish best the luck okay anything else else anybody okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs Sandi yes Mrs Austin yes Mr White yes Mrs assur yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs burit yes Mr rosini yes okay moving on to public comments on General items again the riverville board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of riverville and employees of the riverville school district to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested one to sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of De Quorum and three to limit their remarks to no more than five minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to maintain the orderly conduct of meetings the board retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the riverville public schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email now um this is the opportunity for public comments and I'm opening at uh 7:17 no okay I think I have one okay please yeah just come step up you can sign in and then there's a little button you're going to want to hit on the microphone right up front my mouth is so big you [Music] guys oh come on can you hear me okay I am Kaa Kennedy Bernett my son is in his third year at Woodside and thus far we've had a great experience with the school and the uh staff and faculty one um areas for concern for me or maybe a question I should say is after the 3 years of him being there speaking to other parents and after the PTA meeting why are there no cafeterias in the river Veil District the board I should say 20 25 years ago when they did their first referendum um there were never any fully working kitchens in the elementary schools the kitchen in holdrum I believe was semi-working but there was a decision made that um it it just wasn't conducive for the school districts and I do know that the PTA does their fundraiser on the um delivery of the food so that is the best of my knowledge in terms of why um and it it would being in in Woodside you can see that there really is no space to put a working kitchen yes I did see that I did I I thought actually when we got the notification that they were going to be some um remodeling um going on I thought that that was going to be a part of it but clearly I'm wrong um I spoke like I said I spoke to the PTA and they also complained well didn't complain but they shared that a lot of the parents are complaining about the cost of lunches now that's not my gripe I just want to know like on days that it slipped my mind like on a Monday and I realized oh my God I forgot to order his lunch by the Sunday cut off that there was a fail safe so that he wouldn't starve you know if I wasn't able to get to him by his lunchtime because that's when they call you to let you know that hey your kid doesn't have lunch today and you know sometimes we're all human things do fall by the wayside so if I am not that perfect person that I think I am and I do not um order my son's lunch in an in time is there any fail safe so that he can eat yeah sure sure I can help you with that so yes um and yes don't beat yourself up we've all done it right it's fine and we have you know we do have some kids where you know that happens um so the lunch staff will call parents when they realize they don't have the lunch that's the first thing we'll never let anyone starve so there's a few things that some parents will do is either if it's conducive you can obviously bring it in and even if you miss the lunch period we make sure that kids will have time to eat whenever the parent can get there however we know not every parent can do that because they might be working they might not be home so there's a lot of local um restaurants that come into our schools a lot like the the um the country store thank you I was like the corner store the Country Store um they even um have tabs so parents don't have to go there and pay you can just put it on a tab and they will deliver it to the school and the parent can always pay the tab later so they do that so that there's a convenience factor there so if something like that happens you can so we're really flexible that way we have a a lot of local restaurants that will come and drop food off whereas some schools won't allow you know outside vendors to come in and disrupt but we will because we understand things things do happen we don't have the cafeteria so if you do forget lunch um we'll make sure that you know that they get it um for for sure and the front office staff is in the schools are pretty great too about making sure that even if they can't get in touch with a parent we have something on hand so that we can make sure the kid you know until we get in touch with someone they're not going to go hungry for the day okay yeah I appreciate that of course and thanks for coming I I've made more than my phone calls to Country Store by the way yeah we all have and uh and they really fast yeah and my kids are fussy too so that if they just want a buttered roll they'll deliver a buttered roll so um that's that's just that's just my two cents um any other comments okay all right seeing that there's no further comments um old business anybody I'm sorry I closed the to comments at 7:23 uh old business anybody new business I'm sorry um nothing terribly important just um through professional development the last couple weeks I just wanted to randomly make a note of how appreciative my wife and I are of all the teachers and staff um administrative uh offices and uh just wanted to say thank you and on note to uh all the staff in the district thank you that was nice thank you um any other new business nobody can top that okay um seeing that there's nothing else um moot we're not going into Clos session right so we're not going into Clos session so motion to end the meeting motion to adjourn I'll second okay anybody against that okay all right thank you everybody thank you thank you for your input e