meeting earlier tonight but that's about it um and I have nothing else to report regarding um Personnel please take note of the committee meeting schedule at the bottom of the page and we're going to go to public comments on agenda items only again this is on agenda items only the riverville board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of riverville and employees of the riverville school district to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested one to sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sensitive Quorum and three to limit their remarks to no more than five minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to Main Ain the orderly conduct of meetings the board retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the riverville public schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superint superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email um I'm going to move uh and um open the meeting to public comments uh and on agenda items only at approximately 7:05 p.m anybody want to make a comment on an agenda item okay seeing nobody who wants to do that I'm going to close it at approximately 7:05 p.m. and move to the super attendance report Mrs Sor all right thank you good evening everyone so similar to our president I do want to just formally thank uh a couple of different groups considering that Thanksgiving is right around the corner so I do just want to say that I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of leading this remarkable School District I want to express my deepest thanks to every individual who contributes to our shared mission to our incredible teachers and staff some are here tonight your dedication is the heartbeat of our schools creating an environment where students flourish your passion for education and the impact you make on our students is nothing short of remarkable so thank you to our board your unwavering support and guidance has been instrumental in steering our district towards success and to our administrative teams your tireless efforts ensure the smooth operation of our district working with such an exceptional team I reminded daily of how fortunate I am to lead this District everyone all staff your Collective efforts create an environment where Innovation growth and positive change are celebrated this Thanksgiving let's carry the spirit of gratitude into our work and continue making a difference I'm generally thankful for the opportunity to work here I wish everyone a restful and joyous Thanksgiving and I hope you are surrounded by friends and family thanks boy that was very nice thank you um and now we're going to move to Mrs zolo's Board secretary report please okay good even evening uh just as u a mention the board election was on November 7th the unofficial results are in the uh board agenda I have not received the official official results from the election clerk but we expect that they will not change number two as a reminder for those of you who attended the New Jersey school board's Workshop down in Atlantic City I need your receipts please for your tolls and if you um had a parking pass please turn that in to me at your earliest convenience also in your packet uh there is a request for changing committees if that's something that you would like to do if you would please fill those out get them back to my office so that um Mr rosini and Miss sori can review it and hopefully have committee Set uh early January also the district audit has been delayed again but we are set to schedule uh start on Monday the 27th and last but not least just an exciting piece that we have to share is that we will be opening bids for the Woodside renovation project on December 12th we had our walkth through last Thursday two vendors contractors showed up um a couple a number of people picked up bid packets so we will be opening that on the 12th and hopefully be awarding on the 19th of December at that meeting otherwise I hope everybody has a restful and wonderful and healthy Thanksgiving thank you okay thank you all right um moving on um to General resolutions G1 through G8 may I have a motion please I'll motion second I'll second and discussion anybody okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs Sande yes Mr White yes Mrs assour yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs Austin yes Mr rosini yes okay moving to business resolutions B1 through B15 um will anyone move it please make motion okay second I'll second okay thank you and um questions discussion uh just a quick question I'm happy to see that we have a bid for um the busing and I was just wondering um for the public sake when that might go into effect and actually start the bus the bus routs do we know that yet for uh I would say the winter sports at this point I I don't am not aware of any sports that are continuing through December but I am going to be speaking with the Middle School principal and absolutely for January okay that's great thank you okay anything else okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs Austin yes Mrs Sande Yes except for I'll abstain from b14 certainly Mrs assor yes but I'll abstain from B9 certainly Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs Pinelli um yes do I need to abstain from B9 yes okay Mr White yes Mr rosini yes okay and moving on to Personnel resolutions P1 through p7 um motion please I'll make the motion second please a second discussion questions comments anything no all right seeing uh nothing no questions discussion uh roll call vote please certainly Mr White yes Mrs Sande yes Mrs Pinelli yes m Mrs berwitz yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs assor yes Mr rosini yes and um now moving on to public comments on General items the Rivervale board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of riverv and employees of the riveral school district to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested one to sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of decorum and three to limit the remarks to no more than 5 minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to maintain the orderly condu of meetings the board retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the riverville public schools is of Interest or concerned to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email now I'm opening this to public comments on General items at approximately 7 14 is there anyone who wants to come up and make a comment no okay seeing no one who wants to come up and make a comment I'm going to close to public comments on General items but again it approximately 714 and old business or new business yes I wanted to um discuss with the Bor about live streaming um I've been thinking about it a lot and I went through all the YouTube videos that we have posted for the past year and um I was an advocate for live streaming during the covid time and I believe that was a really good we needed it we needed it for our community um but at this point I don't really see the need for it we spend about $3,000 a year um and now with the busing I feel like it's money that we could put towards something that is more beneficial for our students and for our community um I went through all the YouTube videos from this past year um sorry I have it in my notes um so we have about a thousand families in our district and the highest amount of people who watched one of our meetings was one of the May meetings this past May of 119 community members so we have a thousand people in our school district 10,000 community members um so it's we're not getting a large amount of people watching the videos um I feel that people if they want to come talk they know we're here they can come um they certainly email Mrs signori they email the board um and I feel like we've done a really good job since Mrs sori has been on board um with our Communications and being able to get word out to our community and so forth like that um so I just wanted to hear what other board members thoughts were on it and so do we know thank you for bringing this up um do we know if those numbers reflect how many people are watching live or if that's just the people who have viewed afterwards So currently we have um I don't have an opinion right now but I thank you I thank you for bringing it up uh because I haven't really thought about it but I will and uh hopefully we'll have I'm assuming we'll have another discussion about it but I don't want to just give you some or the board or the public for the one person who is watching um some some short short ended answer um but uh I'll give it some thought so I'm happy to share the numbers of each I have from each meeting from last year and the total number and I'm happy to share that with each of you individually no um could we continue for like the reports and everything yeah I think that's important that absolutely I meant to say that thanks Jamie um that yeah I think for like the reorg meeting the B budget presentation the reorg meeting um the the DAR Meeting those type of meetings I think we should still live stream because I think that's really important um to be live streamed because those are the meetings that most people do go back to watch um so absolutely thank you for bringing that up just a point I guess not necessary discussion but um maybe for future how this will relate to board policy if it needs to bring if is there policy or is this just something that we did is there contractual issues or etc etc I don't know I'm just several questions that I don't know if it's as simple as hey we're going to stop okay or you know if it is then great if it's not than so the impetus of this was that um the community wanted to have live streaming there is no board policy that mandates that you have live streaming so if the board chose to stop the live streaming that would be under your perview so just to uh would it be fair to say that what you're suggesting and I again I don't think I have an opinion yet either but what you're suggesting is to really not necessarily stop all um broadcasting but instead to broadcast the ones that or the the meetings that we have that are have something special whether it's curriculum or the budget or whatever and that the other ones perhaps anybody who want to know what happened would most likely be able to see that in the minutes and um if they had any follow-up questions certainly they could follow up with Mrs sori principal whoever um so that would be the total the total picture of what we're looking at yeah and I feel like that's sort of what's happening right now when people have a question about something they're emailing Mrs sori um in the board and so forth like that so I feel like we're already in that motion of doing that so so we wouldn't be completely eliminating complet El Focus broadcast the really important meetings like we said like I said the re meeting the budget meeting um the D meeting and if there's anything else that comes up that we think is really important um not that our other meetings are not important they absolutely are um but I just the meteor meetings yeah yeah the ones that are yeah thank you okay uh again I have no opinion right now but mror could you reach out to well what logistically is that going to work you know like if we have prescheduled meetings or is it or we maybe just no for the our employees that are running the meetings right I don't know if that's going to it's all or none or you know what I'm trying to say maybe come back with an answer for the next meeting yeah I I I'm kind of in your Camp I really haven't thought about it either so I'd have to think about it things right I'll think about the logistics think about um you know I can think about some positive and negatives I'll go back and take a look to see uh if and how they've been helpful or not helpful um yeah so I'll have to look into it too I'm also just sort of thinking about it as you guys are speaking about it [Music] so okay anything else anything I all [Laughter] right okay okay all right so um no no other no other new business um so can we have them we're going to go into closed session um we're not going to be coming back out we're not taking any further action uh is there a motion to enter into closed session motion to session second and uh thank you all right thanks everybody