okay good evening everybody notice is hereby given that in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 the laws of 1975 notice of this meeting has been sent to All School offices officially designated newspapers file with the Township Clerk and posted in the Board of Education Office 48 hours in advance of this meeting roll call please certainly Mrs assor here Mrs Austin here Mrs burkowitz here Mrs penser Pinelli here Mrs Sande here Mr White here Mr rosini here like salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay um with regard to my report I just hope that everybody had a very nice Memorial Day weekend um again I just wanted just did the flag salute and again I want to stress the importance of Memorial Day and and thank everybody who's had anybody relatives friends anyone who served and who's helped uh this country um and I guess that's all part of Memorial Day and um apart from that again I hope everybody had a good weekend a good safe weekend um and I have nothing else to say to say committee reports buildings and grounds Mrs burkwitz um nothing much to report other than just a reminder that after the last day of school for the students Woodside is getting the nitty-gritty done and it'll be a fun summer of work over there that is it okay Communications and policies Mr White nothing to report this evening curriculum and Technology Mrs Sande no updates Finance Mrs Pinelli nothing for tonight um with regard to negotiations um I don't have anything to report tonight um and Personnel Mrs Austin nothing to report tonight okay thank you okay now with regard to public comments on agenda items only um this is regard to agenda item items only the Rivervale board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of Rivervale and employees of the Rivervale School District to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees are requested one to sign in before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of theorum and three to limit their remarks to no more than five minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to maintain the orderly conduct of meetings the board retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the Ral Public Schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email I'm going to open it to public comments on agenda items only at approximately 7:03 p.m. seeing no one who wants to make a public comment on the agenda items I'm closing it at 7:03 p.m. and I'm moving to Mrs senori the superintendent's report okay thank you very much good evening everyone first little housekeeping I just want to bring to the board and Public's attention that the school performance reports were released uh back in April and they were posted on the district's website as well last month I sent information regarding uh the performance reports in a previous Friday email to the board um the information in this in these reports it's nothing new um the reports are actually based on the district assessment report which was presented uh with great detail by Kim dling back in October it's all based off of last year's njsla um if you are interested in a recap of where we stand as far as District uh State assessments I would suggest to view the October board meeting where you can see a lot of this information in more detail than just reading the district performance reports but those are out and have been posted on our website uh last month now on to other stuff I cannot believe we only have 16 full days left for students no some of those are half days so 16 days with students we've accomplished a lot this year we set our goals really high and we're already beginning to prepare for next school year obviously we saw a lot of that earlier tonight in our board when we started setting goals for next year um but this year we expanded our efforts to differentiate by Inc increasing our datadriven instructional periods you heard us talk about that earlier this evening we develop units of study for ELA and math uh Kim ding reported earlier over 90 units were written um that was with a help of our teachers some that are sitting in our audience today that helped with that process we revamped sixth grade science curriculum we added a tiered support at hrum this year and and that is to name just a few things that we uh were able to accomplish this year we are near completion of ham Middle School's Renovations uh we have some the new rooftop units for air condition being installed this summer we started on woodside's Renovations this past spring and as um Mrs burkowitz said we will be giving Woodside a complete overhaul the moment school closes uh we look forward to the total Renovations and like Mrs iolo said all three schools are going to be touched this summer so it is a very busy and maybe our largest construction summer yet so we are looking forward to the fall uh but it will all be worth it and please make sure to check out the June District newsletter uh it is packed this Edition before we go into the summer it has a recap of this school year it has lot of different Student Activities that are highlighted and I included a special section called looking ahead that will give the community and our staff a sneak peek at some of upcoming uh initiatives for next year uh June 1st does fall on a Saturday so I will send it out Monday June 3r but I do like to stay pretty tight to my timelines um and I just hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend and thanks very much that's all I have thank you I'm glad you told me it's not till June 3rd because I'd be looking on June 1st waiting and waiting so now I know thank you June third everybody um looking forward to it board secretary's report Mrs Zolo yes just I hope everybody had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and just as an FYI in your packet is the information regarding the rvea end of the year dinner which everyone is invited to and that is all I have for tonight great thank you um moving on to General resolutions G1 through G7 may I have a motion please no motion second please second discussion questions yes G7 how how many how how much longer are we going to have to have a uh return to Safe plan I don't know it was supposed to be done we weren't even supposed to do it this year and then they extended it so they have not given us an update but we get these things called round taes from the county which gives you everything that's due and uh keep hoping it's going to be on there that it's over but uh we have not been told yet so other than having this plan by the way is there any funding that we have to do as a result of this okay good um okay any other questions nope or comments roll call vote please certainly Mrs Austin yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mr White yes Mrs assor yes Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs Sande yes Mr rosini yes okay moving on business resolutions B1 through B16 may I have a motion please I'll move it okay second please I'll second and discussion questions no okay roll call vote please certainly Mr White yes Mrs pelli yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs Sande yes Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs assor yes Mr rosini yes and moving on to Personnel resolutions P1 through p12 May I have a motion please I'll move it second please okay discussion questions I just want to bring to the board's attention uh resolution p7 very exciting to be welcoming some new staff for next year okay terrific anything else okay um roll call vote please certainly Mrs assor yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs burwitz yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs Sande yes Mr White yes Mr rosini yes um now I'm going to open the floor to public comments on General items um earlier today earlier in the meeting I read uh certain guidelines for that without repeating them is there anyone who wants to make a public comment okay on General items okay I'm I opened it at 7-Eleven and I closed it at 7-Eleven okay old business please I guess I have old business okay um I wanted to bring up the whole air conditioning policy idea again um to bring it to our attention try to I know we have the environmental and the air quality and I was hoping that we could come together to make a air conditioning policy um as a board that goes with our school district and I know air iing is new for us and so it would be great to brainstorm what we think is appropriate financially and also what's appropriate for the children as well so I just want to bring that back up and see what everyone's thoughts are okay um so in terms of that I one of the things that I've I've thought about I mean looking at the policies uh um and I've read them over they seem you know adequate at this point and I think one of the things that I was thinking is that we would need a little bit more data to finally figure out or help us understand exactly what um refinements our policies would need if any um given the fact that we don't have any all three schools online yet who where we can actually call this data um I was you know thinking that the policy committee would sit down uh at their meeting and and work it out and then bring that to the board as we usually do that's my thoughts just to reiterate what Mr Rini said definitely worth a discussion um but my biggest approaching new policies we don't even have all the schools online yet and to have a proper uh estimate unfortunately I think the biggest concern at least for me and maybe other board members is is the ultimate cost of maintenance um gas and electric bills you know who knows what it's going to be um comfort level for teachers when the uh all three schools are fully operational woodside's not even operational yet so um hopefully everything goes well this summer and come September all three schools will be online and I've started jotting down a few very basic questions that I hope uh Mrs signori and mrso can help me with next year to gather some of that data so we can approach that as a committee at our next meeting on October 15th um and I think that's a actual perfect time where we could have a good four or five weeks of everything operational um you can get info from um Mr Tracy as as well as both of you and and we can uh have a discussion October 15th on where we should go if if anywhere with with the current policies that we have that's my stance as the chairperson for the policy committee by the way just to add to that I think it's terrific that you brought it to the board and I think it's an an appropriate discussion and I think we all should be discussing it um especially because it's something new brand new just like he said to the district so because it's new um it's something absolutely we should explore um and I think it's again I just think it's terrific that you brought it to the board what are your thoughts yeah um yes I agree oh sorry that was so loud um I agree we don't know the cost of it and I I September will be running hopefully running September and we could gather the data of the cost of running it as well I did share some grants um that we could technically try to apply for um environmentally to help offset the cost of it so I'd like to look into that as well with the board um and I'm happy to share that information um that my school district did go through to get the grants and now basically they don't pay for the air conditioning because all the money that they got from the grant is solar P panels on the ceiling on the roofs which helps the cost as well so it's just other options to look into to help with us financially and creative thinking outside the box and hopefully we can do that too as a member of the policy committee as well I would be looking forward to a discussion as well in the fall about it um and I'd be curious for that meeting in advance that meeting knowing straw estimate do they have anything out there any policy guidance on air conditioning I haven't seen a lot of policies I haven't done a thorough investigation but I looked at a few other schools and I haven't seen a lot out there um so I'd be curious if St Esme has anything um for our discussion in October well I I would also just thank you for sending that information from your school district over I just want to clarify that one of the items that your school district participates in is an EIP and for the board's knowledge it's an energy savings Improvement plan it is a funding financing restructuring so what that program does is it looks at your current system IT projects when you do upgrades what savings you will get and it allows you to borrow again against those savings it is not a rebate it is not an incentive so they are borrowing against that we looked into that but for our district it was more cost effective because we ended up going out for a referendum which we get 38% back from the state so we are getting money so that just to make that clear in terms of solar panels again it's something that we've looked into in the past we couldn't do it because our roofs were not structurally sound to carry it it might be something that we look forward into the future with and also there were some rebates that your District got from the clean energy program we have gotten some of those as well but it's not a consistent Revenue stream to offset air conditioning just to be clear no comments no um okay anything else any [Music] other new business new business no okay I think we are going to go into Clos session are we or not I don't have for no I don't have anything for Clos session well I I can I I can think of something all by if you guys want to go into Clos session I'll think of something but since we really don't have anything um then we're not going to Clos session um so uh motion to end the meeting anybody second I'll second okay thank you have a good night everybody