okay uh notice is hereby given that an accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 the laws of 1975 notice of this meeting has been sent to All School offices officially designated newspapers filed the Township Clerk and posted in the Board of Education Office 48 hours in advance of this meeting roll call vote please certainly Mrs assor here Mrs Austin here Mrs burkowitz here Mrs Pinelli here Mrs Sande here Mr White here Mr rosini uh here flag salute Al to the flag of the United States of America and to stands indivisible andice for all um uh with regard to my report I have really nothing to go into the summmer project I think has been going along well but I'm sure we hear more about that um and um apart from that I hope everybody's just having a good summer and um I'll move on to the committee reports buildings and grounds Mrs burwitz I'll just reiterate what you just said the the build the uh building that is going on this summer is going along smoothly and um that's all I have to report for now okay great uh Communications and policies Mr White no report thank you uh curriculum and talk technology Mrs Sande nothing to report today okay thank you uh Finance Mrs Pinelli nothing to report today uh with regard to negotiations I don't have any updates there's the uh teachers contract has been settled that's about it um well the rvea teachers and secretaries uh with regard to Personnel Mrs Austin nothing to report today okay uh please take a note of the committee meeting schedules down below uh with regard to public comments on agenda items only um I'm going to open the meeting without reading the uh preamble to public comments at approximately uh 9 33 and since there's nobody here I'm going to close it to public comments at 9:33 and move on to the superintendent's report okay thank you good morning everyone I hope everyone's enjoying their summer finding some time to relax and recharge it's certainly been a busy summer for us we have a lot of projects going on as you know all three of our schools have construction with Woodside having total total Renovations similar to what robers and holdrum received in the previous Summers we're going to have an article uh that goes out in I think it's the September issue in the Rivervale magazine which will highlight some of our Construction projects and then additionally I want to put together a a mailer like some type of flyer that will get sent out to all of our residents probably late fall maybe you know maybe november-ish December when we're done which sort of Recaps all three schools and the projects we've done over the last few years and thanking the community for all of their support that we've done so I'll keep you guys posted on some of that stuff um in the world of Education principles have been super busy as well um we actually have hrum and Woodside staffed upstairs here this summer because of construction which actually has been nice for collaboration so they've been busy doing uh finalizing class placements creating student schedules and also we've been talking a lot about implementing all the board goals that we discussed in May and the structures we're building around that so that we have success with reaching those goals um and making sure that we're set up for a meaningful year and uh August is really right around the corner so enjoy the remaining days of Summer and uh we will be back for opening day before you know it that's all I have thanks okay thank you um board secretary's report please yes good morning uh just a couple of things as you know fiscal year ended in June so the business office is in the process of closing down that year I don't have a date as to when the audit will start most likely in the fall um so we're closing that down and also getting ready ready for the new school year with new orders and um even though we're doing construction we are doing some projects in the other buildings we had Camp have some fun at robers that's winding down I believe today so that was a success and just as a reminder if you did not see Bergen County School boards Association sent out a list of workshops they are some of them are high hybrid and some of them are in person so I will have everybody approved at the August meeting and then you just need to make sure that you let us know if you're going to attend and we'll register you so that's coming up also a reminder the school board's conference is in October I am going to start in August really trying to finetune who would like to go and when it's uh October 21st I'll send that out that information out again and um also other than that just have a good rest of the summer and thank you okay thank you um now moving on to General resolutions G1 through G9 may I have a motion please I'll make a motion a motion okay second please I'll second discussion questions anything no okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs Austin yes Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs assor yes Mrs Sande yes but I'll obain from G2 certainly Mrs Pinelli yes Mr White yes Mr osini yes okay I'm moving on to business resolutions B1 through B16 may I have a motion please I'll move it second please I'll second okay discussion questions I actually have a question um about B12 and B13 looks like we've got some grants yeah yes these are actually the federal grants that we typically receive they are um it's the SR Grant so we typically because we we have tried it we tried it last year to apply for the title one Grant unfortunately there are so many restrictions in terms of how we can spend the money that we have to end up refusing it we can't supplant so that's that's the challenge and we did try last year to accept the funds and it kept getting rejected at the county level because what we were trying to do didn't match so that is the reason why we reject that piece of it and then um we use this money for the regional curriculum office so that's for that top one the idea Grant that we typically get is restricted for special education it's for um we typically use it for out of District tuition as you can see and that offsets um that so that's that's the other grant that we received I mean I think it's great that we got extra money so these grants is terrific um anything else just want to comment I'm happy to see b14 with the school related busing for next year had to say it was touch and go we we we did have to contact the company many many many many times so yes here it is once you pass this they're locked in yeah that's great um anything else okay roll call vote please certainly Mr White yes Mrs Sande yes but abstain from B16 SIR certainly Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs burwitz yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs assor yes Mr rosini yes moving on to personal resolutions P1 through p19 will somebody please move it or move in I'll move it second please I'll second okay anything okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs burwitz yes Mrs Sande yes Mrs Austin yes Mr White yes Mrs assor yes Mr rosini yes um moving on to public comments General items again I'm going to dispense with the reading since there's nobody in the audience who can make a comment I will open it up anyway just in case at approximately 9:41 and close it at 9:41 and um old business anybody new business okay I know we're going into close session we will not be coming out or not taking any further business so motion to adjourn oh I'm sorry we're going to close session sorry okay that's it