okay good afternoon everybody um notice is hereby given that in accordance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 the laws of 1975 notice of this meeting has been sent to All School offices officially designated newspapers file with the township cleric and posted in the Board of Education Office 48 hours in advance of this meeting roll call please certainly Mrs assor here Mrs Austin here Mrs burkowitz here m M Pinelli here Mrs Sande here Mr White here Mr rosini I'm here salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice okay um with regard my report report tonight I really have not much to say it's just rainy out and um that's about it but rain is better than snow and um that's my weather report committee reports um buildings and grounds Mrs burkwitz I have nothing I have nothing for tonight just note our next meeting is June 11th okay communication and policies Mr White we had a uh committee meeting this evening there's um a number of policies that will be revised for the first reading uh on the agenda for next month uh also for communications just like to point out that the uh superintendent newsletters have a open rate I guess we'll call it of of uh 75% I just want to point that out I think that's great that uh parents and whoever else receives those emails are reading it and keeping up to date so that's it for for yeah that is good um curriculum and Technology Mrs sand day um no updates this evening our next meeting is scheduled for April okay thank you finance Mrs piny yes okay I just want to remind everyone um that the process to compile the 2425 fiscal school year budget began back in October of 2023 um we have an un audited fund balance our United Fund balance is $600,000 to be used in the 2425 budget as of uh 63023 our previous year's requirement to increase the maximum allowable undesignated fund balance from 2% to 4% do the P to the pandemic for the past two years ended the maximum allowable undesignated fund balance is back to 2% now um Governor Murphy gave his budget address on Tuesday February 27 7th and the public school state aid Figures were released to the districts on Thursday February 29th um and good news RI River veil's 2425 state aid uh was 1 million 394,000 SDA assessment which equals 1,344 14 $2 which is a net increase of 11 15,6 53 or an increase of 9.41% and this is the most state aid River veil has ever received um so I feel like we're going in the right direction because every year we keep saying that so let's hopefully we can keep going that way um new legislation was enacted with chapter 44 that stipulates any cost savings that the district realizes from year to year relating to major medical benefits must be used for tax levy relief so the district did not realize a cost savings this year therefore there was no reduction of the tax levy no reduction of the tax levy is required and we will discuss the budget in more depth later on in the meeting so good news okay thanks um with regard to negotiations just that um the teacher and secretary negotiations are ongoing um and with regard to Personnel Mrs Austin nothing than for report tonight okay please take note of the committee meeting schedule everybody and with regard to public comments and public comments on on agenda items only um again agenda items only the Rivervale board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of river and employees of the Rivervale School District to speak directly as board trustees in order to facilitate this communication res residents and employees are requested one to sign him before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of the Quorum and three to limit their remarks to no more than 5 minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to maintain the orderly conduct of meetings the board retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision in such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning an employee of the riverville public schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email um I'm going to open this meeting to public comments on agenda items only at approximately 708 p.m. is there anybody who would like to make a comment on agenda items okay seeing nobody who wants to make a comment I'm going to close it at approximately 7:08 and move on to Mrs sori's report the superintendent's report okay thank you good evening everyone I can't believe that actually we are already in the month of March the school year seems to be flying by and with the month of March comes parent teacher conferences you might have seen that all three principles recently sent home communication about conferences how to sign up for a time slot via the parent portal on Genesis I also sent out uh information about the value of parent teacher conference and the importance of them in my newsletter that just went out this week on the 1st um just a reminder that conferences will be held March 12th through the 14th also each school does have a night conference as well for those parents that might need that um just be sure to check your email uh for these communications and we hope you all take advantage of this important night or days I should say days and night thank you okay great um thank you and now moving on to U Mrs Zito's report board secretary report yes this is just a reminder that um your ethics your financial disclosures are due at the end of March so please if you need any help reach out to my office I'll be happy to help you but those are um due the end of March and then for anyone who needs to complete mandated mandated training please reach out and we'll help you sign up for that also um regarding the budget as Mrs Pinelli had said that we were so very happy to receive additional state aid we always cross our fingers hold our breath and cross our toes and we did receive additional um $115,000 in state aid so that's fantastic we will be presenting the finance committee will be meeting meeting next um meeting which is the 19th of March we will be finalizing the tentative budget which as you've heard me say is the technical budget the budget gets finalized at the public hearing and that would be May 7th but we have to submit a budget to the county office so that they can it's a portal I have to input all the information they have to review it we have to make sure all our eyes are dotted our tees are crossed and then the board can move forward um with with the budget so we will be presenting a tentative budget to the the full board on the 19th I will share some good news and say that um not only are we receiving more state aid but the assessments are coming in from the new development and 68 million doar is coming onto the books to help to spread the assessment out through the town which is phenomenal news typically from year to year you'll get about a million or 2 million so that should give you a range as to how much we are going to see help dilute the tax base does anybody have any questions on what I just said when would the taxpayers kind of see that now now okay it's for the 2024 fantastic news so the timing is such that while we're going to have to be making some decisions it's very helpful that this helps to offset our budget not only are we getting the additional state aid but it will help to offs offset our budget and we'll be presenting that to you at the next meeting does anybody have any other questions okay thank you and that's all I have for tonight okay um thank you um now we're going to move on to General resolutions G1 through G4 you have a motion please I'll make a motion second I'll second okay any questions or discussion anybody anything no roll call vote please certainly Mrs Austin yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mr White yes Mrs assor yes Mrs burkowitz yes Mrs Sande yes Mr rosini yes okay moving on to business resolutions B1 through B1 um is Will somebody move it please so moved second second I'll second and discussion questions I'll just point out with B9 that is um we're in need of another maintenance truck our salt truck is actually corroding it's going to be out of service we're not going to be able to use it so it was in the budget for purchase so we are invoking that um ability and we are going to be ordering a um pickup truck and believe it or not we've been looking for the past 3 years and as you may have guessed the supply is just not there so we're finally able to to get one okay thanks um and anything else I noticed in B10 we're all um getting set up for already the full Workshop so that's good thinking ahead mark your calendars okay all right you know it's funny it's close to mine too but not this year um anything else no okay a roll call vote please certainly Mrs Sande yes accept I'll abstain from B10 F certainly Mrs berwitz yes but I'll will abstain from b10c Mrs Austin yes but I'll abstain from B 10 B Mr White yes I'll abstain B 10 Mrs Pinelli yes and I'll abstain from 10 D Mrs assor yes and I'll stain from b1a and Mr rosini uh yes yes and abstain from Tenny okay I'm moving on to personal resol Personnel resolutions P1 through P10 um may I have a um and somebody move it please I'll make a motion I'll second okay and discussion questions I noticed P3 um I didn't see this before that Mrs Baker is leaving she's been here such a long time um and I know just well-liked by so many um so congratulations to her or good luck okay anything else okay roll call vote please certainly Mrs assor yes Mr White yes Mrs Austin yes Mrs Sande yes Mrs Pinelli yes Mrs burkowitz yes Mr rosini yes now with regard to General items if somebody wants to make a public comment with regard to a general item um the riverville board of education is committed to encouraging the citizens of riverville uh and employees of the riverville school district District to speak directly to board trustees in order to facilitate this communication residents and employees employees are requested one to sign them before speaking two to maintain an appropriate sense of the Quorum and three to limit the remarks to no more than five minutes the board will also take under advisement the written comments and opinions of non-residents that are submitted to the board secretary being mindful of its responsibility to maintain the orderly conduct of meetings the board retains the right to rule on such matters as the speaker's right to address the board as well as the appropriateness of the subject being presented the board's decision such matters is final the board also reminds all members of the public that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community informed by policy and law it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters nor can trustees comment on any current or pending litigation if a matter concerning the employee of the rville public schools is of Interest or concern to a resident the matter should be referred to the responsible building principal or the superintendent of schools by telephone letter or email now with regard to public comments on General items uh the meeting is open to the public at approximately 7:17 p.m. okay seeing no public comments the meeting uh with regard to public comments is closed at approximately 7:17 p.m. um old business anybody anything anybody wants to discuss with regard to Old business uh new business anything no no no okay are we going into Clos session no okay we're not going into Clos session so a motion to adjourn second okay anybody against the journey okay he was slow on his mic fingers okay all right that's it thank you every